Cletus Tucker 4 Chapter 4
- 3 years ago
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Colorado Territory, June, 1872
The aftermath of a hard fought battle is as hard on the winners as it is on the losers. It was at least an hour before anybody within the fort was able to move about. The women and children recovered first simply because they had expended the least physical effort. The children were hungry, so the women started preparing a meal. Nobody knew whether it was lunch or supper, it was just time to eat.
The aroma of cooking food revived the men who were able to respond to any stimulus. There were no unwounded men within the fort. Everybody had scratches, scrapes, and cuts, if he had no worse wound. Fortunately for the Cheyenne, there were no serious injuries; all men with those had died already. About 40 percent of the Cheyenne fighters had been killed, but the remainder had gotten off lightly. It was obvious to everybody that there was no way that the Cheyenne could cope with so many dead men and horses at the fort.
The only practical solution was to remove the dead Cheyenne warriors from the pile and have a decent funeral for them. Then, just walk away from the rest. It would be easier to move the village than to remove the dead Utes and the dead horses.
Cletus asked the people to gather around the cooking fires so that he could count the survivors. Once they had gathered and the women could see who had been killed, there was a great wailing and crying among all the women. Even those who had not lost her man was mourning in sympathy with the widows. It was obvious that this was going to last for hours, maybe through the night, so Cletus and the other men moved off a little ways and lay down to try to sleep.
The next morning, the worst of the public mourning was over. After everybody had eaten a breakfast, the men began pulling the dead Cheyenne from the combat area. It took most of the day, but finally the last of the dead had been recovered and the women had started preparing the bodies for the funerals.
The men rested a bit, and then Cletus asked them to go through the battle field and recover the weapons, both Cheyenne and Ute. The warriors should feel free to keep anything else they found and wanted, but it was very important to the living members of the tribe that all of the weapons be recovered and stacked together for inspection and salvage. Cletus told them that every man was going to get a repeating rifle from the battle, so there was no need to grab one as loot. Cletus expected to recover enough Henry rifles for every warrior to get one, but he didn't say anything in case he was wrong.
The rest of the day and most of the next were spent in recovering weapons and ammunition and stacking them in one place. Mountains of other loot were recovered so that there were plenty of trophies for everybody. Cletus inspected every rifle and assigned it to one of three stacks: usable Henrys, usable Spencers, unusable rifles of any type. When Cletus and his helpers were finished, there were 52 Henrys and 93 Spencers in good condition. Cletus made sure that the 40 surviving warriors got a Henry and a Spencer and ammunition for each. The 12 remaining Henrys and 53 remaining Spencers were saved for storage against future need.
Two days later, travois were rigged and the whole tribe moved a few miles away—far enough to escape the stench of the decaying bodies.
Life returned to pretty much the routine it had before the preparations for the raid. However, Cletus noticed a subtle change in attitude among the Cheyenne. Though nobody said anything, Cletus suspected that many people subconsciously blamed him for the raid and the subsequent deaths of so many of the warriors.
Early in September, Laughing-Eyes sent Cletus to fetch the midwife; the time was near. Now that he was an experienced hand in this father business, Cletus fetched the woman and got the Hell out of the way. A few hours later, Cletus was called back and presented with a son. Laughing-Eyes wanted to give the new son two names, one Cheyenne and one English. She had chosen Roaring-Bear for his Cheyenne name, but wanted Cletus to pick an English name for him. Cletus thought for a while and selected Roland. He had no particular reason; he just liked the sound of the name. Thus Roaring-Bear/Roland was presented to the world.
Laughing-Eyes recovered quickly and was back to her wifely "duties" in short order. While she was occupied with their new son, fall buffalo hunting season came and went, so Cletus missed that to be with his wife. The Cheyenne thought that this was a peculiar attitude for a man to take and just added it to Cletus' list of oddities.
When they returned from the hunt, the women built the winter lodge that Laughing-Eyes would normally have built. There was nothing special about this; they would have done it for any woman in a similar situation.
That winter was pretty much normal with not much need for Cletus to provide food for the village. Now that every man had a repeating rifle, they were all capable of providing an adequate food supply for their lodges. This resulted in even greater alienation for Cletus. By the time spring rolled around, Cletus was a nonentity in the village. At first, Cletus ignored the treatment, but it finally began to nag at him, until he could take it no longer.
Laughing-Eyes, too, had noticed the change in attitude by the Cheyenne and was at a loss as to how to counter it. She sympathized with Cletus' unhappiness and had come to love him so much that it hurt her just as much as it did him. They discussed what they could do to regain Cletus' status among the Cheyenne, and finally decided that there was nothing that could be done. Laughing-Eyes suggested it first, but Cletus knew that she was right—they had to leave the village, maybe the whole Cheyenne nation.
They discussed the proper way to handle the crisis and agreed on their action. Cletus went to the chiefs' council and said that they were leaving. He wanted to take his two horses and one pack animal, plus one of the Henry rifles. They would leave most of their other goods for distribution among the tribe. Cletus said that he expected to leave within ten days.
Amid the polite protestations of sorrow that Cletus was leaving, there was an undercurrent of relief. Cletus had become a burr under the saddle of conventional thinking and behavior, and they would be happy to see him go. If pressed, they would acknowledge the good things that Cletus had done for them, but he was just too much of an irritant to be comfortable around. Like most people, the Cheyenne just didn't want to admit that they were living in an outdated style and needed to change. Only the children would be truly sorry to see Cletus leave; they enjoyed the novelty he introduced.
Colorado Territory, May, 1873
Cletus, Ellie, and Roland left without a single well-wisher to see them off. Cletus had Ellie mounted on the second horse and riding beside him as they left the Cheyenne. Many of the Cheyenne, both male and female, were shocked to see Ellie riding and not walking; this was just another example of Cletus' strangeness. Ellie had Roland slung on her back in typical Indian fashion; that was her only concession to convention.
Ellie was sad to be leaving the only life she could remember, but she was too much in love with Cletus to regret her choice. Cletus felt the same way about her and Roland—he would not go anywhere without them! Cletus insisted that she ride at his side and not behind him. He also insisted that they now speak only English. He wanted her to shed her Indian habits as soon as possible, since she would now have to live another way.
They had no particular destination in mind and the weather was wonderful. They wandered north because the game happened to be more plentiful in that direction. On the way, Cletus turned Ellie into a passable shooter with the Henry, such that he was confident enough to leave her and Roland while he hunted.
They were riding in the general direction of Fort Laramie one day when they heard the sound of gun fire. For a moment, Cletus was undecided about what to do with Ellie and Roland. Then he decided, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't." They cautiously rode toward the sound of the battle, not quite knowing what to expect. They eventually came upon a detachment of soldiers under attack by a band of Indians. Cletus directed Ellie to hide in a lava tube while he investigated.
Upon closer inspection, Cletus saw that the Indians were Utes, so that he had no compunction about helping the soldiers. The Utes were foolishly riding around a detachment of dismounted dragoons. They could easily have overcome the soldiers if they had simply mounted a full charge right at the defenders, but it was more fun fighting the way they were. The battle must have been going on for a while, because there were dead soldiers and Indians lying about. Cletus saw 8 soldiers, a sergeant, and an officer fighting 15 Utes.
Cletus found a convenient sink-hole to use for shelter and began shooting at the Utes. The Utes had Henrys and the soldiers had Spencers, so the armament was well enough balanced that the soldiers were holding their own in the battle, but Cletus' flanking maneuver tipped the balance in favor of the Army. By the time Cletus had dropped 4 Utes and the Army had accounted for 5 more, the Utes decided that "the game was not worth the candle" and broke off the fight. They picked up their dead and left.
Colorado Territory, September, 1871 It was time for the big fall buffalo hunt. Cletus was looking forward to this, since he had missed out on the Yankton hunt. He had talked to Howling-Wolf, the leader of the hunt, about having Cletus shoot a number of animals with his Henry. Cletus proposed that he and one other man sneak up on the buffalo herd and Cletus would shoot those animals picked out by his spotter. As an experiment, they would kill up to 10 animals. Howling-Wolf agreed. On the...
Cletus drew the job of riding drag that day. He agreed that this was the best place for him, since he had no idea of the territory, except that there were hills and trees everywhere you looked. His job was mostly guarding the spare horses and mules, but he needed to keep a lookout for thieves and bandits who might attack the rear-most wagons of the train. There were 22 wagons in the train, 20 with people and their goods and 2 with general supplies and stuff belonging to the guards. The...
Colorado Territory, December, 1870 "How the shit did I ever get myself into weather like this? One day it's warm enough for shirtsleeves and the next it's cold enough for an overcoat. I don't mind one or the other, but this changing back and forth really gets to me! I think I'll duck into that gun shop to warm up. If I get any misery about being in the store, I'll make like I want to buy something. "Would you look at that. A pistol that uses the same ammunition as my Henry. And I can...
Missouri, late August, 1866 The wagon train was a little closer to Kansas City, but Cletus still doubted that they could make it to Nebraska before the weather got too cold to travel. He had seen snow, but he still thought people were teasing him when they talked about big snow drifts and a snow fall as much as 12-inches in one day. He had to see it to believe it. He wouldn't worry about it until then. Cletus was still acting as scout for the wagon train, and the guards were beginning to...
New Mexico Territory, April, 1876 Cattle rustling was getting to be a real problem. Cletus found himself and his Mexican vaqueros permanently assigned to riding patrol around the ranch. All of Cletus' men were bachelors so the long intervals away from the main ranch complex were not a burden. Some of the other patrols started having trouble when the married men were kept away from their wives for a long time. Finally, the foreman resorted to assigning only bachelors to the job of riding...
New Mexico Territory, September, 1876 Word of Custer's defeat at The Battle of The Little Big Horn swept the country. In most ways, it was more important, psychologically, to the Indians than to the Whites. The battle encouraged the Indians to fight and this proved very troublesome for all of the ranchers and townspeople west of the Mississippi River. With the buffalo practically gone in many areas, the Indians turned to the cattle ranches as a substitute. Most of the trouble with the...
New Mexico Territory, September, 1877 Cletus rode into Las Cruces with one thing on his mind: to find Ellie and Roland. As he rode down the street, all he could think of was the joy of seeing them again. He rode into the courtyard of the house and spotted Roland playing with some other children; of course, Roland did not recognize Cletus. That was OK, Cletus didn't expect to be remembered by such a young child. There was Ellie, carrying a basket in from the garden. Cletus called to her and...
Colorado Territory, June, 1872 Cletus asked the chiefs' council to call everybody together for a pep talk. "By now you all know that the Utes are very near. Tomorrow, we will have to begin moving into the fort. You have been calling it 'Fort Cletus, ' but I would like to call it 'Fort Defiance, ' because it is proof that nobody can push us around! Will you join me in changing the name?" After the cheering had died down, Cletus went on, "We are greatly outnumbered, but we can win if...
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October 5th, 1995, 6:30 PM CT, Chart House Tower of The Americas, San Antonio, TX The restaurant was amazing, one of those revolving restaurants in a tall tower, 700 feet off the ground. They could see the entire city, and the view was absolutely spectacular. The prices were high, but it didn’t matter. George had money, and Amtrak was picking up $100 worth of the tab. Money was for spending, life was for enjoying, and enjoying life was for sharing with friends. “This is amazing,” Jill said,...
Sophia was irresistible. I knew it was wrong for me to even think about her that way. She was only 17, although her cleavage might have suggested otherwise. Her long flowing dark hair, aqua blue eyes and curves proved she was true to her name; a goddess indeed. I could not possibly mean anything to a human being of such perfection. I couldn’t help myself from sneaking glances at her while in class. She’d caught me just staring, awed by her, more than once. The other men on the faculty...
First TimeTanda looked up and saw one of the priests of Galzar Wolf's Head standing in the entrance to her office. "Please, Tanda Havra, may I have a word with you?" She shrugged. "You'd do better talking to the Duke." He shook his head, contradicting her. "I wasn't hoping for understanding, just someone who would listen. The Duke might do something unfortunate and that wouldn't do at all. Please, I want you to hear what I have to say. It isn't important whether or not you agree, but that...
Well well, what a lovely young lady teacher who is always looking out for her students. And what we mean by that is she is always looking out for students who could watch her while she downs a cock in a hallway or closet at school. She has to be careful while at school so that the other students do not happen to catch her with her panties down bent over taking a cock from behind. She is a horny little slut of a teacher who can not resist cock that has just turned eighteen years old. She has the...
xmoviesforyou"Stuart, what in the hell has gotten in to you? Kidnapping a little girl ... are you insane. There are men all over this city looking for you to finish what that guy started." "Coach, I need your help. I need a place to stay for tonight. I can't go to my place. They are waiting for me there." "I don't know Stuart. That could be really bad." "It wasn't a little girl, Coach, it was Stephanie Adams. Please let me come over and stay there tonight. I'll tell you all about...
Miram was a large black single lady and maid to a rich white lady and her two daughters for almost five years now. They treated her as nothing but a domestic servant. Get this, clean this, do this. She hadn’t even had a pay raise in the whole time, and when she tried to bring it up, all Jennifer would tell her is she was lucky to have a job these days. If she weren’t alone, she would have quit earlier; however, it was hard for an older black lady, especially on the chubby side to get a job. It...
Sarah and I hadn’t had sex since James became our ‘Master’. I take my pleasure from the degradation. I get to watch them quietly. I get to clean them when commanded. I must talk and dress up like a sissy whenever James was over. It’s my role now and I’m cool with it. James has a great cock and I feel privileged to be able to service his massive cock and eat his cum from Sarah’s pussy. I especially love it when they use my man-pussy. The ultimate is when Sarah uses her strapon and...
Reddit KPopFap, aka r/KPOPFAP! Where are all my K-pop fans at? Let me tell you a few things about that music genre. I might not like the music all that much, but damn to I love the singers. Now, here’s the thing, I know some of the singers are barely legal and all that, but to be honest with you, as long as they’re 18, I’d have sex with all of them. I don’t think that there’s a single babe out there in the K-pop industry that I wouldn’t want to have sex with. And I’m pretty sure you feel the...
Reddit NSFW ListWe awoke to find ourselves in a rocky desert. The machine had landed, if that is the right term, against a large rock and tipped sideways. I helped pull the others from the machine and climbed to the mouth of the canyon to see where we were. From the canyon, I looked down on a small village. We had done it. I could tell that this was Hole-in-the-Wall. I turned to the group and said, "This is it. That town must be Fry. We've done it!" We pulled our costumes out of our 20th century gym...