Cletus Tucker 4 Chapter 5
- 3 years ago
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Missouri, late August, 1866
Chloe and Cletus dragged out of bed a little stiffly the next morning. Chloe was walking a little bowlegged and Cletus ached in muscles he didn't know he had. Chloe grinned and said, "Cletus, I didn't know a man could have so much stamina. I wish I had met you years ago!"
A little embarrassed, Cletus answered, "You showed me things I never even heard of. I never would have wanted to stop, but I just got too tired."
With a mock frown, Chloe said, "Now you stop trying to butter me up! We need to get started on breakfast. I'll fix you something while you do your necessaries."
Chloe was not that good of a cook, but she made up for a lack of skill with her enthusiasm. Cletus gratefully ate everything she fixed and left her to see Hal and Jeff about scouting the route. The next few days should be an easy route and Jeff hoped to make up some of their lost time. When Cletus returned from his scouting, he reported that there should be no problems and they should reach the next town late that afternoon.
A few minutes after they came into sight of the little town, they were met by four men, one of whom was wearing a badge. Apparently he was the town marshal and the spokesman for the group. Without getting off his horse, he said, "We see you got some niggers in your train. We don't want no niggers in our county. You get rid of them right now, or we will!"
Jeff was incensed at his this and replied, "Who the Hell do you think you are giving us orders like that? We don't give a damn what you want or don't want! Those "niggers" are members of our train and we'll protect them if we have to! We're just passing through and we'll be gone tomorrow. You just mind your own business and we'll mind ours!" With that, Jeff spat on the ground in front of the man's horse and stomped away.
The four intruders glowered at Jeff and the rest of the train and left. Jeff called to Cletus and said, "I'm a little worried for you and Chloe. We'll have to mount an extra guard, tonight."
Cletus thanked him and went to talk to Chloe.
"Chloe, there's trouble brewing. These townspeople hate us and the Mormons don't really like us. We may have a fight on our hands, so you stick close to me."
"I'll be all right, Cletus. I know that you will take care of me."
"Chloe, can you use a gun?"
"No, I don't know how."
"We'll fix that right now. Come with me." They went to find Hal and Jeff to tell them that the gun shots they were about to hear were practice and not to worry about them.
Cletus led Chloe away from the camp to a deserted meadow. He handed her one of his Army Brass pistols and told her to hold it in both hands. He showed her how to cock and fire the pistol without jerking the trigger. He had her empty the gun while aiming at a tree about 30 feet away. She actually hit the tree with one of the four shots. He then handed her the Derringer from his boot and had her try that. She did better with the Derringer, she hit the tree with both shots.
Cletus decided that the Army Brass was just too heavy for her to manage, but she seemed to take to the Derringer. He reloaded the Derringer for her and had her shoot a few more times. Cletus thought that she was not going to get much better with the Derringer without a lot more practice, more than they had time for before dark. Besides, the Derringer was really intended to be a very close-range weapon and even 30 feet was pushing it for accurate hits. Cletus told Chloe to keep the Derringer and to wear it whenever she had enough clothes on to have a pocket for it. Otherwise, she should keep it in easy reach.
Hal posted extra guards that night. Since he had become the regular scout, Cletus had been excused from regular guard duty. This night, though, Hal asked Cletus to take a regular turn and Cletus agreed.
Cletus and Chloe went to bed at the normal time, but they were both too wound up to want more than companionship. The lay in each other's arms and exchanged a occasional kiss, but mostly they listened to the noises coming in from the night. Eventually they drifted off to sleep, but that didn't last long. There was a pounding on the side of the wagon and Hal was calling for Cletus to wake up.
Cletus snapped awake instantly and knew something was wrong. He heard loud singing coming from outside the camp and this was the wrong time for his stint at guard duty. He answered Hal that he was coming and quickly dressed. He shook Chloe awake and bid her dress, too.
Hal was waiting for Cletus at the rear of the wagon. He pointed toward a blaze of light in the otherwise dark night; there was no moon tonight. The singing was coming from the region of light. Hal asked Cletus to take a look and report back.
Cletus took off at a run in that direction. When he arrived, he found a large mob dressed in white robes and pointed hoods. One of the hooded people was orating about the heathen Mormons and the niggers that were sheltering in the camp nearby. The speaker went on to shout that all should be killed, for they were an affront to God. The orator went on about how these pagans would corrupt the fair land of Missouri just by standing on it. It was the duty of those gathered here to purify the town by removing this blight.
Cletus decided that he had seen enough and ran back to Hal to report. Hal found Jeff and had Cletus repeat his observations. Jeff ordered an immediate preparation to defend the wagon train.
Hal ordered the wagons to be arranged in a circle with the horses and other stock moved inside. Hal told the guards and Mormon men to get ready to defend themselves against a mob. Hal scattered the defenders around the circled wagons and had the women and children moved to stay with the stock. He ordered Chloe to join them, even though some of the women objected. Hal ordered those women to shut up and to do as they were told.
This defensive arrangement produced a circle about 140 feet in diameter with a defender behind each wagon and a mobile reserve of 10 men to reinforce trouble spots. Unfortunately, the least reliable men had to be put in the reserve, but there was no safe way around that. Hal commanded the defense, with Jeff leading the reserve.
Cletus thought that there were 45 to 50 people in the mob, so the wagon train defenders were outnumbered. Furthermore, the weaker defenders might easily run from a determined attack, so they needed to find some way to distract the mob. Cletus went to find Hal to propose a plan.
Hal agreed to Cletus' plan and sent him off to implement it. Cletus found Chloe and told her that he would be gone for a while and she should look to Hal for guidance if there was trouble. Chloe had her Derringer, so she was not completely helpless.
Cletus sneaked out of the camp and circled around the mob. He approached the town about one-fourth of the way around the town's edge from the mob in order to reduce his chance of being seen. He then worked his way forward so that he could see and hear everything that happened at the wagons. Cletus settled down to wait.
He didn't have to wait long. The mob surged toward the wagons and shots rang out. Cletus couldn't tell who did the shooting, but it made no difference. At the first shot he heard, Cletus ran to a refuse pile and set it on fire. He used this fire to light objects which he threw at haystacks, sheds, and barns. He didn't try to start fires in any of the houses, since he didn't want to hurt innocent children (he figured that the women were just a guilty as the men). Cletus started as many fires as he could in a few minutes, and then ran toward the mob yelling, "Fire! Fire! The town is burning!" Someone in the mob turned to look, and that was all it took to distract the entire mob. They rushed toward the town to extinguish the fires.
There was no more trouble that night, but Hal kept the alert going, anyway. The next morning, they wagon train had breakfast and left as soon as there was enough light.
Cletus left on his usual survey of the proposed route and made it back by noon. He and Chloe retired to their wagon for their afternoon nap. The driver was getting used to them sleeping while he drove. That night, after supper, they made torrid love. This was the pattern for their lives for the next few weeks.
The wagon train had picked up a little speed as the people used up some of their heavier supplies, such as the canned goods. They were getting close to Kansas City and the route got safer and more well traveled. They were beginning to see other travelers and having to share camp sites. This would have made things a bit more difficult for Cletus and Chloe were it not for Jeff's efforts. The nearer they got to Kansas City, the more harassment they got because of their skin color.
Finally, Cletus had a heart-to-heart talk with Jeff and Hal. Cletus complained that, if the harassment got much worse, he was going to shoot somebody! Jeff and Hal admitted that the prospects for improvement were not good. The more people they saw, the more likely they were to run into rabid KKK'ers. Cletus asked if it wasn't best if he and Chloe just left the train before something bad happened. Jeff and Hal both said that they would be sorry to see Cletus leave, but there wasn't anything else they could recommend.
The next morning, Cletus took a horse from the extra stock for Chloe to ride. He exchanged the horse and tack for his pay as a guard. Cletus loaded his pack horse and he and Chloe left the train. Jeff and Hal were the only ones to see them off.
Cletus moved them as fast as he could through the rest of Missouri and into Kansas. They did have an argument with a couple of Jayhawkers which had an interesting result. They got the drop on Cletus by appearing from opposite sides of the road at the same time. He was concerned for Chloe's health if there was any shooting, so he was slow to draw. The two White men ignored Chloe and concentrated on Cletus. They proceeded to demand his money as a "toll" to enter Kansas. Cletus started to reach for his money belt when there were two closely spaced gun shots. Cletus looked up to see two men lying on the ground and a very angry Chloe holding a smoking Derringer. "How dare they try to steal from us!" she snarled. Never again did Cletus worry about Chloe taking care of herself!
Colorado Territory, September, 1871 It was time for the big fall buffalo hunt. Cletus was looking forward to this, since he had missed out on the Yankton hunt. He had talked to Howling-Wolf, the leader of the hunt, about having Cletus shoot a number of animals with his Henry. Cletus proposed that he and one other man sneak up on the buffalo herd and Cletus would shoot those animals picked out by his spotter. As an experiment, they would kill up to 10 animals. Howling-Wolf agreed. On the...
Cletus drew the job of riding drag that day. He agreed that this was the best place for him, since he had no idea of the territory, except that there were hills and trees everywhere you looked. His job was mostly guarding the spare horses and mules, but he needed to keep a lookout for thieves and bandits who might attack the rear-most wagons of the train. There were 22 wagons in the train, 20 with people and their goods and 2 with general supplies and stuff belonging to the guards. The...
Colorado Territory, December, 1870 "How the shit did I ever get myself into weather like this? One day it's warm enough for shirtsleeves and the next it's cold enough for an overcoat. I don't mind one or the other, but this changing back and forth really gets to me! I think I'll duck into that gun shop to warm up. If I get any misery about being in the store, I'll make like I want to buy something. "Would you look at that. A pistol that uses the same ammunition as my Henry. And I can...
Missouri, late August, 1866 The wagon train was a little closer to Kansas City, but Cletus still doubted that they could make it to Nebraska before the weather got too cold to travel. He had seen snow, but he still thought people were teasing him when they talked about big snow drifts and a snow fall as much as 12-inches in one day. He had to see it to believe it. He wouldn't worry about it until then. Cletus was still acting as scout for the wagon train, and the guards were beginning to...
New Mexico Territory, April, 1876 Cattle rustling was getting to be a real problem. Cletus found himself and his Mexican vaqueros permanently assigned to riding patrol around the ranch. All of Cletus' men were bachelors so the long intervals away from the main ranch complex were not a burden. Some of the other patrols started having trouble when the married men were kept away from their wives for a long time. Finally, the foreman resorted to assigning only bachelors to the job of riding...
New Mexico Territory, September, 1876 Word of Custer's defeat at The Battle of The Little Big Horn swept the country. In most ways, it was more important, psychologically, to the Indians than to the Whites. The battle encouraged the Indians to fight and this proved very troublesome for all of the ranchers and townspeople west of the Mississippi River. With the buffalo practically gone in many areas, the Indians turned to the cattle ranches as a substitute. Most of the trouble with the...
New Mexico Territory, September, 1877 Cletus rode into Las Cruces with one thing on his mind: to find Ellie and Roland. As he rode down the street, all he could think of was the joy of seeing them again. He rode into the courtyard of the house and spotted Roland playing with some other children; of course, Roland did not recognize Cletus. That was OK, Cletus didn't expect to be remembered by such a young child. There was Ellie, carrying a basket in from the garden. Cletus called to her and...
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I'm telling mom - PT 3Are you fucking your da(u)ghter John?Carroll, what kind of question is that?It's OK John. I just want to know, are you fucking your da(u)ghter?Yes Carroll we fucked a few times at the beach.I'm glad to hear you say that. My father worked a lot he was never home. Long story short my br(o)ther would fuck me and my mother. That's the reason my husband left me. It got to the point where he couldn't take knowing my br(o)ther was the first to take my virginity, he was the first...
"Ponkert, look! There--by the roadside--a rose!" Elf's excited words drew him from his idle thoughts of the events that transpired since his emergency landing on this strange planet. Tugging his loyal Richard, the cowardly mankil, to a halt, the Earthman watched as the girl slid from the back of her mount and trotted toward the deep red bloom. He smiled to himself, remembering the weapons demonstration Tomar had provided the morning following their night of wenching in the Hortian...
We are meeting at the premier Inn for a meal at 6:45 The table in the alcove is booked and the hotel room is booked You and Julie sit well into the alcove and I sit on the end and once you have chosen from the menu I go to order. Julie is dressed in a white blouse, black skirt, white bra, white panties and white suspender belt with black stockings We have had sex every morning and every evening for a week and she has squirted each time and she has not had a bath for a week She...
1. The Elements It's quite extraordinary, the places you fall in lust. I was quite happily juggling some chemicals in the first lab in the second year of my degree course, when I noticed this woman. Why, I don't know. She sort of simply came to my attention. There was nothing spectacular about her - pretty rather than beautiful, maybe a bit taller than average, and not looking particularly good in those awful plastic glasses you have to wear to keep stuff out of your eyes. She didn't even...
This encounter happened between my very sexy neighbor, Geetha; I was staying in Chennai doing my pg and was staying in a rented house, which was on the 3rd floor with a terrace next to it. I was the only bachelor boy (age 22) there and our building had families from all sects, Rajasthan, Tamil, Kannada, etc, Geetha (age 28) was a Bengali from Calcutta and her husband was a scientist for a space research organization. They were 4 in their family, her mother in law, son, she and hubby. Her mother...
I’ve found an editor at long last, and I am so sure we are a good fit. I welcome curiousss on board. This is the first story he has edited, and I can tell how much more readable, how much smoother the story goes with his apt hand applied. I do want to say that after receiving his final edited version, I still tinkered a little with the story. So, if you find anomalies they can be attributed to me. Thanks to curiousss for his time and effort. ——————————————– Those damned Rockies! They do it...
July 1st, Billy Bob called. "We have some strangers sniffing around town. I get the feeling they are looking for you. The town clerk told me they were in looking for records in your name. Would it be possible for you to come down and see what they want?" "How many are there?" "There are four altogether. One older guy and three college-age kids. Two girls and a boy. They ate in Daisy's diner yesterday and she saw they had a topographical map laid out on the table. Daisy overheard them...
You belong to me. I own you. I control you. You will surrender your body, your mind, your soul, to me. You will submit to my every need, want and desire. You will only need, want and desire what I tell you to. You are mine, and only mine. You will only submit to me. Do you understand? Yes. Yes? Yes…master. Very good. Tell me again, what will you do? Submit. I will submit to you, to your requests. To my demands. To your demands. To your desires. And what are my desires? To control me. To take me...
FetishMy name is Brian. My history with nylon fetish is starting from c***dhood.Those times, I was not really aware about sexuality, didn't know about sex and couldn't understand why i get boner.No internet, smart phone nothing. Everything started when we went to our cousins house to visit. I was playing with my cousin John hide and seek. So i decided to hide inside of the wardrobe in my aunts bedroom. Well, i found a couple of pantyhose on the floor. I had an idea that if i put it on my head to...
I was stunned by the events that had just took place. My Mother actually promised me that she was going to look after every sexual urge I ever had. Word for word, said she was going to be my slut. "Wow, now what the hell do I do next?" I pondered.Considering that I have been over sexed since puberty and the fantasy's and sexual desires I have are some what off the wall, how do I get her to play along with every thing I want to do to her? "How am I going to approach this with out scaring her...
IncestThe Class Project By Janice Dreamer Chapter 11 Robyn opened the front door as quietly as possible. She tiptoed toward her room trying not to wake her roommates. She was feeling giddy. And smug as the cat that ate the canary. She reeked of sex. Her skin glowed with a soft flush. A damp curl had escaped her loose ponytail and lay against her left cheek. She was dressed in the same jeans and sweater she'd worn yesterday but was carrying her shoes. Jim's bedroom door opened. He...
I sat at my computer a while longer, mindlessly surfing a few of my favorite sites, trying to put Bill's memo and my conversation with Susan behind me. It was just the latest in a long string of Beth's antics, and this time I was the one who'd gotten stung. A quick glance at the corner of my screen told me the time was nearly five. I could suggest Mike and I go out to dinner, but I really didn't feel like going anywhere,. I shut down and headed for the kitchen, where I took out my anger...
I am a good k**, senor in highschool, dark brown hair, long for a guy, and in shape but not super athletic. It was about mid-way throgh our year when I finally started talking to this girl I had been eyeing all year. She was perfect, pretty, funny, always interesting, easy to talk to, laughed at all my jokes, and we had a lot of fun. She had long dark brown hair, eyes I could stare into forever, beautiful body, nice ass and medium sized boobs. I finally asked her out, and she said yes, and for...