Anniversary DelightsChapter 14: After Lunch free porn video

The Emir allowed three hours to elapse before starting the afternoon session and the first two to perform were Lama and Fadila. They worked better together, and the Emir guessed that they had had some hurried advice from their sponsors' eunuchs during the break.
Lama used her somewhat sagging breasts to roll his prick between her breasts to good effect, which was different and pleasing. While she was sucking his prick she hummed a tune he didn't recognise, but the vibrations were exciting. Fadila also used her elegant movements to good effect when she moved around him and her pose as she offered a breast to be sucked were a delight to see. Lama, wisely, did not offer a breast to him, apparently judging that the sag might put him off a little. Neither girl was much roused by his fingering, but that was not, he thought, such a bad thing.
He awarded Lama ten and Fadila nine, because she had taken the lesser part of what was, all in all, a pleasant session which he certainly would not be averse to repeating later.
More refreshments followed and then it was the turn of Azia and Thania to show their skills. Azia lost a point right at the start when she stood in her "little girl" pose with her thumb in her mouth. The Emir thought this was taking her play-acting a little too far and she was quickly down into a proper obeisance when he glared at her.
The two women worked well together, but the thought of having a concubine who played at being a child all the time was too much so he gave Azia only seven. Deciding that on balance he rather fancied fucking Thania, he awarded her the full ten marks, putting her into the semi-final.
When the two contestants had returned to the dais, all eight were shepherded out and returned to the Emerald Palace, and the onlookers prepared to leave after being told that the semi-finalists would not be announced until the following day.
Prince Habib indicated that he would like a word with the Emir, so they both went through to the sitting room where champagne was poured. The Emir was somewhat mollified that the Prince accepted it without demur, rather than standing on ceremony in what was, after all, a Moslem country where alcoholic beverages were officially illegal. After half an hour discussing all manner of trivialities, the Prince finally got to the point of the meeting.
"The woman who sits with the honoured guests, who is she?" he asked.
"The Countess of Bargoed, Dowager Princess Zubeydeh, my mother, is here as an invited special guest with her husband, the Earl of Bargoed who is representing Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II," replied the Emir.

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