DanicaPart 12C free porn video

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When Danica regained consciousness, she could see the faint light of dawn filtering through the partially open doorway of the tent. She rose groggily to her hands and knees, her muscles protesting every movement.

She managed to rise to her feet, and found that she felt stiff, but well. She touched her face and scowled when she felt the pattern of the stiff canvas floor's weave imprinted in her cheek.

After taking a few minutes to wake up and drink down a healing potion, Danica felt much better. She walked to the bed and felt the effect of the Cooling Comfort spell as she passed through the spell's boundary. A desert magician had developed the spell to cool his rooms, and the magic lasted for a long time. Goose bumps rose on Danica's skin when she passed the invisible boundary of the spell's effect.

Danica checked Nicholas and smiled when she felt no evidence of fever. His warrior instincts awakened despite his injury, because his eyes snapped open almost immediately from her touch.

"Danica," he said with a smile, and then shivered. "Damn me, but it's cold," he exclaimed and wrapped his arms around him. At almost the same moment, he noticed he was stark naked, and quickly jerked some of the bedclothes up over his body.

"Sorry — you had a fever. Those bastards had poison on their weapons. I put you in the tub to help break the fever." Danica banished the Cooling Comfort spell, which was anything but comfortable in the cooler morning air.

Nicholas pulled the covers higher and looked around. "Where are we?"

"About ten feet from where we were when you lost consciousness," Danica replied.

"How... Where did all this come from?" Nicholas asked with a look of confusion.

Danica made a show of wiggling her fingers like a street magician. "Magic, silly."

Nicholas laughed and then winced as pain shot through him. "I do not believe I'm quite fully recovered," he said through clenched teeth.

"I still need to get you to a healer — or get one here. All the magic I have at my disposal is only going to delay things. I don't have the power here to heal all your hurts."

"I'm alive. That's good enough for me at the moment — a definite improvement over any prospects I would have faced, were it not for the luck of you being nearby when I was attacked. Thank you Danica."

Danica smiled and went to fill a pitcher with water. Nicholas gladly drank the water and another healing potion. Danica decided that she felt fit again after moving around for a few minutes.

"I'm going to go get you a healer. I'm still afraid to try to teleport you, but I'm sure I can find some stout cleric that will endure well enough. I'll put a shield over the tent to protect you. I shouldn't be long."

Nicholas nodded, "Thank you again."

"Thank me when you're fit. You're not out of danger yet. I'll be back as quickly as possible, but speak my name while holding this in your left hand and I'll know I need to return immediately." Danica placed a small charm shaped like a rose into Nicholas' hand. Once again, she wondered what had possessed her to craft her charms in the shape of a rose — Zoraster's slave name for her.

"I understand," Nicholas responded.

Danica nodded and walked outside the tent. Before she left, she gathered up all the men's weapons and directed an intense jet of magical flame at them to burn away all the poison from them, along with most of the swords' temper.

She then shooed away the creatures crawling over the bodies of the two dead men and used magic to excavate a shallow grave. After burying the two bandits, Danica called upon her magic and teleported back to the fringes of town.

Danica hurried through town to where she knew a large concentration of temples was. Most of the temples were still closed tight, due to the early hour. She didn't feel like waiting to gain entry, so when she saw the doors to a Heraklan Temple standing open and people moving through, Danica made her decision and went inside.

Danica scanned the rooms and chambers along the hall, looking for the colors of a cleric strong enough to call upon the power necessary to heal Nicholas completely. Fortunately, Danica knew the vestiges of the Heraklans better than any other sects.

She soon found what she was looking for, though the robes were not on the cleric, but instead laying on the floor in front of him.

He was well into his cups even at this early hour, with a young nude woman pleasuring him orally. Danica walked into the room just in time to hear the Heraklan groan in pleasure and the young woman moan with delight as his warm cum filled her mouth.

Danica waited until the man's eyes opened and the young woman let his cock escape her mouth with a last slow suck. The cleric's eyes opened wide when he saw Danica standing not two feet away.

The young woman turned around, and Danica felt a flare of desire run through her when she saw the woman's firm, perky breasts and the Cleric's nice sized cock. The woman licked her lips, cum still coating her tongue, and walked past Danica out of the room with a smile — and a blatant glance at Danica's breasts.

"What might I do for you, Daughter?" The cleric asked, his tone revealing what he hoped she wanted.

"Are those your robes?" Danica asked, pointing at the robes on the floor.

"Yes," he replied. He started to say something more, but Danica cut him off.

"Good — get them on. Your healing powers are needed to save a noble man's life."

The cleric quickly rose to pull on his robes. Danica shook her head at the dichotomy of Heraklans. Debauched as they seemed; they were to a man — or woman — deeply dedicated to their fellow man.

The cleric hopped, trying to pull on his shoes and said, "Lead on. Let us not waste time."

"Hold on," Danica countered. "He is far away. We'll ride the wings of magic."

The cleric groaned. "Teleporting — I hate teleporting. It's unnatural I tell you." He then sighed and said, "Bah — let's go," and reached out his hand for Danica's.

Danica chuckled and thought, For someone who hates teleporting, he certainly knows exactly what he needs to do for me to carry him with me in the spell's power. A few magical words later, she and the cleric vanished from the temple.

They appeared in the wood just outside the magical tent, and quickly went inside. The Heraklan called upon his god, restoring Nicholas to full health.

Nicholas sat up and stretched a bit, finding the pain of the wound gone — and even the stiffness from lying in the bed.

"I thank you, Sir. If I can locate my horse, I will surely come make a donation at your temple," Nicholas said.

The Heraklan nodded his head reverently, though his stumble immediately afterward made the action seem a bit comical. It never failed to amuse Danica how Heraklans could be so strong in their magic and effective in battle when they were so drunk that they could barely function, unless called upon for those two things.

"I thank you as well, Heraklan. I'll surely be making a donation to the temple too," Danica said.

The Heraklan smiled wide and looked at Danica with a mixture of hope and lust.

Danica laughed and said, "I don't think that will be involved in my donation."

The Heraklan's face fell for a moment, but he laughed immediately afterward and clapped Nicholas on the back, preparing to take his leave.

"One moment, and I will return you to your temple," Danica said.

The Heraklan waved her off. "I recognize this spot. We are not so far from the city and my temple. It has been too long since I have been out in the world. I will walk home, and take the opportunity to spread word of my god, as I journey back to my temple."

Danica laughed, thinking that the man likely intended to find every drop of alcohol and willing woman between here and there. As she thought about it more, she realized that actually was spreading the doctrine of Heraklan.

The Heraklan left with a nod and a smile, and Danica turned back to Nicholas. He sniffed the air and crinkled his nose. "Is that me?" He asked with disgust.

"You were sweating out a fever. If you'd like to bathe, feel free," Danica suggested.

Nicholas blushed. Danica laughed, gestured toward the tub, and then opened the door of the tent and walked outside.

A few moments later, Nicholas' head poked out of the tent door. "How does it work?" Nicholas asked — somewhat sheepishly.

"The red symbol will cause hot water to flow into the tub. The blue symbol — cold. Just use them both to get the temperature you wish," Danica explained.

Nicholas nodded and pulled his head back inside the tent. Danica heard a soft gurgle of water and knew that Jonathon had managed to get the tub started filling.

Danica bit her bottom lip gently, and then smiled as she turned toward the tent. She softly spoke the words of a clairvoyance spell. "Oh my," Danica gasped as she watched Jonathon bend over the tub to test the temperature of the water. Another, somewhat louder, gasp burst from Danica when Jonathon swung his leg over the tub to climb in, and she got another good look at his muscular form and his gorgeous cock.

Danica shivered and pressed her hand against the fabric of her pants between her legs. She couldn't see much now because of the tub, so she turned to look around the area while Nicholas bathed. She knew his horse would likely be difficult to find. If she could find something — even a hair from the animal — she could use her magic to locate it.

She searched around the area and found a small satchel off in the underbrush. Opening it, Danica discovered a horse brush inside. She carefully picked out a hair stuck in its bristles and cast her spell over a forked stick she picked up.

When she completed the spell, Danica could feel the end of the stick tugging her toward the opposite edge of the woods from where she had entered.

Danica smiled and sat the stick down on a stump near the tent. The end spun around to point toward the horse when she let go of it. A breeze blew in and offered Danica a pointed reminder that she too needed a bath from being out in the summer heat.

Danica turned back to the tent. The clairvoyance spell remaining active testified to her ever-increasing magical strength, since she had not concentrated upon the magic for several minutes. Nicholas was climbing from the tub, and Danica watched with great desire as he dried and dressed. She banished the clairvoyance spell as Nicholas drew near the tent door, turning to face her enchanted stick.

Nicholas wiggled his finger through the hole in the back of his armor and clothing, a reminder of the sword penetrating through to his flesh. "If I could find my horse, I have more clothing in my saddlebags. The armor, I fear, is a loss."

"I believe I can help with the horse," Danica revealed and picked up the satchel. "This is yours, isn't it?"

"Yes, I tossed it aside when the bandits attacked so it wouldn't bind up my sword arm," Nicholas replied.

"There was a horse brush inside. If the hair in it is from your horse, this stick I've enchanted will lead us to him," Danica said and gave the stick a push where it rested on the stump. The point of the stick spun back to point toward the horse again.

"It would be from my horse, as it has been used on no other. It is lucky for me I was rushed when I left on this journey, and ended up putting that brush in my satchel instead of in my saddlebags where it would normally be. Again, I am in your debt," Nicholas said with a wide smile. "You know, I have always generally mistrusted magic and those who use it. I believe I will have to revise that opinion now."

Danica laughed. "First — I need a bath too. I can't even stand to be around myself."

Nicholas nodded, then walked over and bent down to pick up his sword where it lay in the undergrowth. "I need to clean my sword so it doesn't rust anyway."

Danica thought, I'd like to polish your sword for you, and smiled a crooked smile. She then went inside the tent and pulled off her clothes. Danica filled the tub and sank into it with a sigh of relief. As she washed, thoughts of Nicholas' body floated through her head. Not long after, she bit her lip to keep from crying out as she masturbated in the warm water.

Danica started to climb out of the tub, but smiled her crooked smile again as a thought occurred to her. She cast another clairvoyance spell, and saw that Nicholas sat cross-legged on the ground facing the tent, carefully examining his sword.

Danica banished the clairvoyance spell and cast a different spell. She carefully controlled the effect of the transparency spell so that it worked gradually on the walls of the tent.

Once Danica could see Nicholas as a hazy outline through the walls of the tent, she let out a sigh loud enough for him to hear and stood up in the tub. The transparency spell continued its work as Danica wrung water from the ends of her hair.

When she looked back, the spell had nearly finished its work. The tent was almost invisible to the eye now, and Nicholas was looking with a wide-eyed stare at Danica's naked and dripping body.

Danica laughed and said, "I believe the magic of my tent is fading a bit."

Nicholas snapped out of his trance and quickly turned his head away. Danica laughed again, then dried and dressed in clean clothing.

Danica stepped outside the tent, closing the door that was only a hazy outline due to her spell and said, "Do you have everything from inside?"

Nicholas was blushing still when he replied, "Yes, I have all my things."

Danica laughed and spoke the words that transformed the tent back into its small traveling form.

"I apologize Danica. I did not mean to be so crass as to stare."

Danica waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. "I've seen you. Let's just call it an even trade," she said with a smile and a twitch of her eyebrows. "Now let's go find your horse."

It took a couple of hours for the pair to find the horse. The animal had not really wandered far, but the trails through the wood did not all cross each other, and following the lead of Danica's enchanted stick in a straight line through the undergrowth proved impossible.

Nicholas expressed relief when he found all his belongings intact. The horse appeared glad to have been found as well. Nicholas pulled clean clothing from his saddlebags, and Danica reluctantly looked away as he changed.

"I must thank you again. Though I am running late in my journey, I am still alive and equipped for it, thanks to you."

Danica turned around to face him again. "It's what anyone with any sense of right would have done."

"I doubt there are very many who could have done half of what you have done. I wish there was a way to repay you — and what's more — I wish I could persuade you to come with me on my mission," he said with a laugh.

You could repay me by filling me up with that gorgeous cock — right here in the middle of the trail — right now, Danica thought. "What is your mission?" She asked instead.

"Some old friends of my family live a short distance beyond the woods, and something steals their animals in the night. They asked me for assistance in finding out what is happening, and to stop it," Nicholas explained.

"I might be able to be persuaded to come with you. I was heading that direction anyway," Danica coyly suggested.

"I would welcome the company — especially yours — for as long as you wish to travel with me," Nicholas said with a little bow.

"Let's go then."

They mounted the horse, Danica sliding in behind Nicholas and enjoying having her arms wrapped around his waist. She wished he were mounting her instead of the horse, but she made the best of the situation by pressing her breasts against his back and letting her hands brush against the object of her desire whenever a jostle provided cover to make the touch appear innocent.

In less than a quarter of an hour, they exited the wood. About the same amount of time passed in the ride to the farmstead of Nicholas' family friends.

Nicholas told the story of the attack and his rescue by Danica. After the story, Danica said that she would help Nicholas solve the problem of the family's disappearing animals.

The man of the house explained that the thefts only happened at night — never more than one animal at a time. If anyone was awake in the house or outside watching, nothing happened. Nothing larger than a sheep had disappeared. Whatever was taking the animals did not want the larger animals like the horses and cows.

Other farmsteads had the same problem, but whatever was out there apparently favored their livestock over that of the neighbors. The whole family was exhausted from taking turns patrolling the farm, and whenever one of them fell asleep on watch, another animal would disappear.

"It seems we must wait until nightfall and find some way to hide ourselves from the culprit's view," Nicholas said.

Danica smiled and said, "I believe I can take care of that."

Nicholas and Danica joined in the chores of the farm throughout the day, giving the family some much-needed rest at the end of the day because they completed the chores early. They ate a wonderful home cooked meal as night slowly closed in upon them.

"All of you get some rest. Danica and I will take the watch this night. Perhaps, if fortune is with us, it will be the last night it is necessary." Nicholas and Danica then exited the farmhouse walked toward the barns and pens for the animals.

Danica retrieved a Ring of Hunters from her bag of holding. The ring's magic made the wearer invisible, and masked their scent as well. The ring also dampened sounds made by the wearer — except for speech. So long as Nicholas kept quiet while he wore the ring, few beings would notice him. Danica planned to cast spells that would duplicate the ring's effects to provide her own cover.

"Remember, you're not going to be able to even see yourself while you have the ring on. You won't be able to see me either once I cast my spells. The ring's magic will be broken if you take any action like attacking or trying to grab another creature. Otherwise, you're free to do anything without the magic failing," Danica explained.

"I understand," Nicholas said and put on the ring. "This is disconcerting," he muttered once he vanished from view.

"You get used to it in time. If you want to deactivate the ring's magic, just think about the ring and think off, stop, quit — or something to that effect. Now, I need to cast my spells so I don't give us away. Then we'll settle in."

Danica cast her spells, and immediately slipped into the second sight. Danica had discovered over time that if she concentrated hard enough on the second sight and looked at the outer edges of her vision, she could often detect faint glimmerings of even invisibility spells, which were masked from the second sight as well as normal vision. She easily found Nicholas within arms reach and smiled a crooked smile.

She started to pretend to bump into Nicholas, her plan to press her breasts hard against his chest and get a good feel of his cock. At the last second, she realized that doing so intentionally would constitute an attack by the way the spells worked, and would break the magic.

Danica sighed and sat down on a mossy spot nearby, finding it fairly comfortable. She spoke to let Nicholas know where she was, and he followed the sound of her voice to sit down near her.

"We shouldn't speak any more. Whatever it is out there is pretty observant. Let's just keep quiet and see if we can catch this thing," Danica suggested.

Danica could almost hear Nicholas nodding. When she chuckled, he did as well and said, "Okay — you knew I was nodding my head didn't you?"

"Yes," Danica answered and chuckled again.

They then settled in to wait out the night. The air was cool — perfectly comfortable — though the mossy ground felt less comfortable by the moment. Shifting a bit now and then kept the improvised seat from feeling too intolerable.

Danica fought off both a yawn and a sigh near midnight — if her sense of time was correct. They had neither seen nor heard anything since they settled in. Danica lay back quietly on the moss and her mind drifted a bit, conjuring up images of what she wanted to do to Nicholas.

Her hand strayed toward her sex, but thoughts about where she was caused her to pause. Then she smiled as she remembered that nobody could see her anyway. She unbuttoned the top button of her pants and slid her hand inside to caress her folds as she continued to daydream.

After a few minutes, Danica had to stop. She was growing too aroused, and that wasn't going to help her keep quiet. She mentally growled and sat back up. Just then, she thought she heard a faint sound.

A moment later, she heard it again. To Danica, it sounded like something creeping toward them — nearby. Danica quietly stood up and moved closer to the barn housing most of the smaller animals. About ten feet from the barn, Danica saw something illuminated in the moonlight. Something crept around the edge of the barn.

Same as Danica
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Family values

It was early morning on a Monday and you were lying in bed. The sun had not long risen and the first signs of life were begining to stir outside. Lying there, you think back along the events in your life. The relationships you had in the past. The birth of your daughters. Your father's passing. Your wife's disappearance. You roll over in your bed adjusting your pillows and kicking the quilt off a little to let your skin breath. You spot the family picture on your bed side table. Taken only a...

2 years ago
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nadia877 takes a detour

"Damned Construction", Nadia thought as her GPS directed her to turn off the expressway. She already had a long day at work, as the project she left work a good four hours later than usual. The sun already set, and Nadia was looking forward to a quiet evening alone with a book and a long soak in the bathtub. She was so focused on dreaming about this evening of peace and quiet that she had obediently followed her phone's instruction to take the exit to get around the worst of the ongoing...

3 years ago
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Going on Display

       It is the same as I have been telling you the last few times – I am your master and you my slave.  Although you are just one young girl of my large harem (for I have made my career out of raising you slaves as whores for amusement as well as livelihood) you have a special position – you are my favorite, and I keep you for myself exclusively.  You share my bed nightly and I only allow you to couple with other men on very special occasions – for visiting kings and the like – and always I...

3 years ago
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Satisfied Horny Divorced Hotty

For those who have read my previous Indian sex stories, this happened few months after I broke up with my college gf. The heroine of this story is anshima who just got separated from her husband and moved to my city to start a new life. If any ladies want to have secret relationships and awesome sex then mail me at We were having a Christmas celebration on a Saturday and I got a call from my friend anil on a Friday asking for a favor. He explained to me of anshima, how she got separated from...

3 years ago
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Sarah Down and Dirty with the Dog

Sarah said “I feel very, very, very kinky tonight. I want some really wild sex, dirtier than ever before. We should have planned ahead and got a bunch of your mates to come over. I want you to tie me up and fuck me and we’ll see where we go from there.” I took her into the front room where there was a seat, without arms or a back, which I had bought, just for this purpose. It was wonderfully shaped and we would attach Velcro restraint straps and tie her hands and ankles to it so she was bent...

2 years ago
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Average Life TurnedWetChapter 5

Kim came home a little after five; Rob had made some Carpaccio and some pasta with freshly made pasta sauce and salad on the side. Lovely glass of wine slightly chilled. He had prepared a dining table outside by the pool, the sun was still shining but he had lighted some outdoor candles for a bit of extra light just in case the sun would decide to call it quits and drop down behind the hills while Kim and Rob were still enjoying the lovely evening. As soon as Kim entered the house, dropped...

4 years ago
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Marketing Trends and Wrinkles

As Olga entered her first month being a partner in Gorilla repopulation, Bursa took over the duties of injecting and monitoring the subjects as they entered phase I of transitioning. She was so decrepit and just ugly, even the Professors referred to her as, "that crotchety old bitch." Never in the history of Sunrise Research was there such a person with an ugly disconcerting regard for human beings in general. Yet with all her ugliness about her disposition and self, she had some interesting...

1 year ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 21 Harry Medical and Gayle

It was time for "Harry Day". Elaine and Kim had encouraged Charlie Owens, Bob's son, who was fascinated with photography, to organize the other interested children. Kim opened it, "Fellow Sa'arm fighters, there are some damned useful and obscure skills that I hope you can learn. Harry was there for the creation of the development of imagery intelligence. His insights on the history and their use in the broader intelligence context, are going to be jewels." Elaine took over; the two had...

4 years ago
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One I tweeked

We don't talk at first, seemingly struck dumb by what just happened. But you reach over and hold my hand, and it's the sweetest thing you could have done for me. I kiss it gently, and you reward me with a smile.My mind is filled with possibilities.... We turn on to a dirt road, and you drive quickly, raising a cloud of dust. Past plenty of trees, an open field or two, but no houses. I wonder if you know what you're doing.You do. You stop without warning. Pulling a blanket from the back seat, we...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 137 Happy Birthday to Me

Dad got his own full version of everything that happened at Trudy’s today as soon as he got home. I gave up on mom having time to fix dinner so I used my phone to dig up what everyone liked on their pizzas and how much they normally ate. I didn’t even need to put the payment details into the pizza ordering app, it was already there when I placed the order. Nelly asked me when we normally ate because she has been starving for hours. I got a big kiss on the cheek and a hug when I told her pizza...

2 years ago
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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...

3 years ago
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Dick or Tits

I was sitting thinking about how hot my new roommate is. I met Josh last night at the bar, and didn't know that he was to be my new roommate. Kim had said that she thought we needed another person to share the rent. I agreed, but had no idea who she wanted to bring in. I was quite amaized when she brought Josh in this morning to move in. I was expecting one of her girlfriends, which would be fine with me. Kim and I have been having hot sex for the past year, and I thought a new roommate would...

2 years ago
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french sm game

I apologized for English: traction googleThe first blog for me.I will not tell you now my various sexual games that I play only what I do now.You like to learn to know me if I continued my blogs, but in short, almost no practices are not allowed and I try and pushed back even further my fantasy (which is often at the stage of fantasy).All this to tell what I'm doing now and especially for your comments and suggestions.So, here is my perversion of the moment:I am currently writing the testicles...

3 years ago
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My ex couldnt get enough from sucking my cock

This is a true story from a few years ago. I am not proud to have cheated on my girlfriend at the time, but this experience was something I will never forget. At the time I was a 24 year old graduate student with an athletic build from playing soccer and working out often Focused on my thesis, I rarely had time to socialize like I used to and my girlfriend at the time would routinely complain she didn’t see me enough. When we did see each other, we would spend the night making dinner, watching...

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Hippolyte and JaneChapter 12

Author’s note: [ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. Unfortunately, the rest of the women began to shoot somewhat willy-nilly, and, as could be expected, they did not hit anything in the process. Well, they did hit the ground, some defenseless trees, and the sides of a couple of wagons. The men at arms were riding horses, and they turned to escape as soon as the first shooting started. Janos shouted at the women, and Agathon joined in, for them to stop shooting. Some did, but a couple had...

3 years ago
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Every now and then in the summer, rather than go to the local beach near the city I’ll hop in my car and drive the hundred kilometres or so over the mountains and spend the day on the beach of a large lake by a small out-of-the-way village. It’s just a change of pace. Something that, for all of us, is occasionally needed in life to help recharge the batteries. There are a few small beaches, all of them sandy, near the village and unless it’s a long weekend they’re usually pretty empty and this...

3 years ago
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Patricia a les golfes Patricia in the dormer

Trial version This document was generated by Trial version of ABC Amber Text Converter program A les Golfes........2 Primer Dia........2 Segon Dia........17 Tercer Dia........21 Quart Dia........22 Cinqu? Dia........24 Sis?, Set?, Vuit?  Dia........39 Nov?  i Des? Dia........41 Onz?  Dia........42 Dotz?  Dia........46 Tretz? Dia........47Calendari DATA 16 Setembre a 28 Setembre

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kylie Quinn Soapy Strokes

Kylie Quinn hears her step brother taking a shower and she’s way too horny to resist the urge to spy on him. She’s always thought he was sexy, and since the parents are out of the house, now is the perfect time to bring her fantasy to life. She masturbates while watching him shower and then she jumps in with him. At first, he’s nervous because he doesn’t want to get caught. Kylie strokes his dick and gives him an amazing handjob while telling him that their parents are...

2 years ago
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In The Spirit

Jackson soaked in the energy of the party, smiling, sitting quietly on a stool by the bar in the dining room. She watched birthday girl Vanessa, surrounded by friends and family, open gifts in her living room. She watched Vanessa beam as her hands tore through gold wrapping paper, then squeal once she revealed a model of a blue British police box. Something from a TV show she loved. Vanessa thanked her boyfriend Jeff sitting beside her on a large, crowded sectional with a long kiss, and her...

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The Assistant

'He's perfect" I think as I watch him walk by;and he is, perfection. From his shoulder length, dark hair, to his beautiful brown eyes. His handsome face, his lovely hands. I wonder what it would be like to feel those hands touching me, to feel his lips kiss me all over. I shiver a little and feel a twinge between my thighs, from seeing him, from thinking about him. My name is Alexis and I'll call him Mr. Perfection. I am one of the few assistants that he has, but I'd rather do much more than...

Straight Sex
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Celebrity in Jeapordy

Well I am taking your clothes off because your hot said Elaine. Fair enough said Calvin. Do me in the but said Elaine. What said Calvin? Do me in the poop shoot said Elaine. I like getting butt fucked she said plainly. You do? Calvin asked. Oh yes it really turns on men I think. Okay whatever you say said Calvin, you are my idol and all. Elaine lifted her black business skirt and bent over so she was in the doggy style position kneeling on the elevator floor. Calvin saw her nice white...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed My Hot Mom

Hello ISS readers, I am Craig and I am back with a mother true incident which happened between me and my hot mom. Let me now say about my mom. My mom is a very sexy lady having big boobs and a tight ass. She has been my fascination and I have been very longing to fuck her. And my wish came true this January. My dad was out on a business trip and I was living with my mom alone in my house. One day, when I was away at college. My mom told me that she would be at her boss’s farmhouse making a...

3 years ago
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Purchasing some sexy outfits to surprise Victor

Home alone again and wishing to purchase some sexy lingerie outfit to receive my beloved hubby when he would come back from his trip…As soon as I entered the lingerie shop at the mall, a very attractive mature woman approached me. She greeted me with a warm welcome to her shop and enquired how she could help me.I was very impressed with the attractive and sexy way she looked.That beautiful mature lady was the owner. Her name was Ursula and she looked to be in her mid-fifties. She was very...

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PornHub Amateur

If you watch free porn on the internet (and, honestly, who the fuck doesn’t?), chances are you have jerked it to a video from Porn Hub before. It is my personal go-to tube of choice. You just can’t beat it [ha] in terms of variety and amount of content. Red Tube comes close, sure, but I think Red Tube is a little limited in its offerings. There is one aspect of Porn Hub that I think blows every other tube site out of the water: its enormous (and ever-growing) collection of user-uploaded,...

Amateur Porn Sites
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ThisGirlSucks Angel Smalls Dick Suckin Devil

Her name might be Angel, but when she senses a hard cock in her area she turns into a sinner real quick. Just the though of pulsating man meat makes Angel wet, and she will do anything to keep it in her mouth for all of eternity. She does it all from gag on the head with her black hole of a throat to nearly sucking your balls clean off with those vacuum like lips she has. Dont be scared to get a bit rough with her either. Even when her eyes roll into the back of her head, give her more until...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 18

[West Georgia] The rest of our trip was fairly quick and without incident. We dropped off Uncle Jack. We drove up to our house and found Ed's truck outside and the front door open. That wasn't good. Dad, Shirley and I went in with drawn pistols. In the living room, Mom was tied to a chair with a welt on the side of her head. I could hear rhythmic grunting from the guest room. Shirley went to Mom and started to untie her. Dad and I stealthily went down the hall to the guest room. Ed and...

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CHAPTER 61: JULI GETS HER DOG AND MOM GETS AN OFFERCarlos followed up a few days after Nikki and Joe left to again seek to have Mom come to the island for a visit. He wanted to confirm that she still wanted to come, which she did. She expressed her excitement and I felt it was genuine. He said the company jet would be in the States on its way back after delivering some customers. If she was available the following Tuesday, she could come down on it. He then was hoping to bring her back on the...

3 years ago
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The Crush Part 3

“Emma get down here now!” I heard my father yell up the stairs to my room. I quickly jumped from my desk and went down the stairs to see my father with Mr. Jenson in the living room; it sent panic through me until my father explained. “What’s this I hear you are failing math? I told you if you don’t bring your grades up by the end of the semester you aren’t going anywhere this summer.” “B...but I thought I was passing!” I argued and looked at Mr. Jenson. Mr. Jenson quickly turned...

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All in Time part four

Samantha gaped up at Diondre, her eyes trying to focus while her body trembled beneath him. ‘Did we just…?’ Her mind raced, heart pounding in her chest as she allowed her hands to fall from his shoulders, dropping limply onto the bed. She licked her lips, eyes wide as she stared. Her cheeks were pink, and Diondre held himself in check, curbing the desire to lean down and again take her lips with his. “I should-” Samantha stopped herself, biting her swollen lower lip when she realized that those...

First Time
2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 05Chapter 2

[Janice] We watched as two wagons pulled by horses came toward us with people waving excitedly. We stood with hands hanging loosely at our sides until they came close. We waved back as they came close. They pulled up about fifty feet from us and piled out. Two men and two women approached us slowly and with a little care. I noticed one of the men eying me a little harder than really appropriate. Bennie saw that and gave him "the look." He moved his gaze away from me. The other three...

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SheWillCheat Aidra Fox Adira Allure Adira Allure fucks her therapist in front of her cuckold husband

Adira and Marcelo are going to see a therapist to help with their failing marriage. When they arrive the smoking hot therapist Aidra Fox asks Adira if she can step into the other room for a private conversation. After a little bit Marcelo hears some strange noises and decides to go check but he finds the therapist’s tongue deep in his wife’s pussy. Marcelo is told to shut up and watch as the therapist shows Adira a good time a lets her release her frustrations with some hot lesbian...

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angel buxoms nite with mr super cock by me from a

My huge stud Mr. Supercock held me by my little hand and led me into his private elevator to take me up to his private residence leading me over to a seat ,sort of like a throan sitting down in it he lifted me onto his lap and was squeezing my huge tits through my sexy new bra ,"Fuckin huge tits you have my little slut as he mauled them with one hand his other went for my tinny throbbing clitty his big strong fingers engulfed my entire clitty/cock the second he touched me I came a huge gush of...

2 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 9

Dr. Hawthorne stood transfixed at the spectacular events taking place in front of him. He'd witnessed many kinds of couplings before as a doctor, but never one like this. He'd heard of hermaphorites before, as had many a medical man, but he'd never actually met with one. This was totally amazing, and here he was, witnessing the event and enjoying it all. "Well, Doc, do you think it was worth it?" asked James. "Damn right it's worth it," came the reply. "Did you remember to bring...

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No FutureChapter 68 Ivory Towers

Sally 2091 Sally had a great deal to be satisfied about even though she wasn't the kind of person to take good fortune for granted. She was blessed with relatively affluent parents who loved and cherished her. She was similarly blessed with the intellectual ability to secure a place on a postgraduate course at Oxford, one of England's two greatest universities and one which still ranked moderately highly in the world. She was a talented sportswoman, a girl with an extensive social network...

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The Plumber Calls

Paul is a happy go-lucky Plumber with no job too big, no job too small. He is fixing an old lady’s rusty old soap covered taps, which from the look of things had been dripping for months. He receives a call on his mobile. It’s a distraught woman crying and sobbing down the phone. She has a burst pipe and water is going everywhere. “Now, try and be calm. Are you able to turn the water off?” he said, explaining where she should find the stopcock to isolate the water. “Yes,” she replies, “I...

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BabymakerChapter 16

I saw a bright light. Blinding. I couldn't even open my eyes, I had to squint and blink a whole bunch of times. My toes itched. Fuck. Pam shot me! A tunnel of light. Was that heaven? I wanted to call Molly first, just to say goodbye. I wanted a peanut butter sandwich too. What? Did they have fluorescent lights in heaven? "Trent? Oh my God! You're awake!" I turned my head and saw my mom. She looked tired, like she'd just woken up, but she was smiling too, as if she'd never smiled...

4 years ago
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My First Sexperience With Maami 8211 Part 3 Seductive Maami

Next day was routine. Maami woke up a little late and informed mama that she will bring lunch to shop later. We left for the shop. It was a very difficult day for me as I could not concentrate on any work. The visuals of maami stroking my dick, the hot feeling of squeezing her boobs were still playing in my mind. I wanted to again feel the sensual touch of her fingers on my dick and the joy of eruption from my dick I had. I turned very hot just thinking about it. Mama noticed that I was not...


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