DanicaPart 12C free porn video

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When Danica regained consciousness, she could see the faint light of dawn filtering through the partially open doorway of the tent. She rose groggily to her hands and knees, her muscles protesting every movement.

She managed to rise to her feet, and found that she felt stiff, but well. She touched her face and scowled when she felt the pattern of the stiff canvas floor's weave imprinted in her cheek.

After taking a few minutes to wake up and drink down a healing potion, Danica felt much better. She walked to the bed and felt the effect of the Cooling Comfort spell as she passed through the spell's boundary. A desert magician had developed the spell to cool his rooms, and the magic lasted for a long time. Goose bumps rose on Danica's skin when she passed the invisible boundary of the spell's effect.

Danica checked Nicholas and smiled when she felt no evidence of fever. His warrior instincts awakened despite his injury, because his eyes snapped open almost immediately from her touch.

"Danica," he said with a smile, and then shivered. "Damn me, but it's cold," he exclaimed and wrapped his arms around him. At almost the same moment, he noticed he was stark naked, and quickly jerked some of the bedclothes up over his body.

"Sorry — you had a fever. Those bastards had poison on their weapons. I put you in the tub to help break the fever." Danica banished the Cooling Comfort spell, which was anything but comfortable in the cooler morning air.

Nicholas pulled the covers higher and looked around. "Where are we?"

"About ten feet from where we were when you lost consciousness," Danica replied.

"How... Where did all this come from?" Nicholas asked with a look of confusion.

Danica made a show of wiggling her fingers like a street magician. "Magic, silly."

Nicholas laughed and then winced as pain shot through him. "I do not believe I'm quite fully recovered," he said through clenched teeth.

"I still need to get you to a healer — or get one here. All the magic I have at my disposal is only going to delay things. I don't have the power here to heal all your hurts."

"I'm alive. That's good enough for me at the moment — a definite improvement over any prospects I would have faced, were it not for the luck of you being nearby when I was attacked. Thank you Danica."

Danica smiled and went to fill a pitcher with water. Nicholas gladly drank the water and another healing potion. Danica decided that she felt fit again after moving around for a few minutes.

"I'm going to go get you a healer. I'm still afraid to try to teleport you, but I'm sure I can find some stout cleric that will endure well enough. I'll put a shield over the tent to protect you. I shouldn't be long."

Nicholas nodded, "Thank you again."

"Thank me when you're fit. You're not out of danger yet. I'll be back as quickly as possible, but speak my name while holding this in your left hand and I'll know I need to return immediately." Danica placed a small charm shaped like a rose into Nicholas' hand. Once again, she wondered what had possessed her to craft her charms in the shape of a rose — Zoraster's slave name for her.

"I understand," Nicholas responded.

Danica nodded and walked outside the tent. Before she left, she gathered up all the men's weapons and directed an intense jet of magical flame at them to burn away all the poison from them, along with most of the swords' temper.

She then shooed away the creatures crawling over the bodies of the two dead men and used magic to excavate a shallow grave. After burying the two bandits, Danica called upon her magic and teleported back to the fringes of town.

Danica hurried through town to where she knew a large concentration of temples was. Most of the temples were still closed tight, due to the early hour. She didn't feel like waiting to gain entry, so when she saw the doors to a Heraklan Temple standing open and people moving through, Danica made her decision and went inside.

Danica scanned the rooms and chambers along the hall, looking for the colors of a cleric strong enough to call upon the power necessary to heal Nicholas completely. Fortunately, Danica knew the vestiges of the Heraklans better than any other sects.

She soon found what she was looking for, though the robes were not on the cleric, but instead laying on the floor in front of him.

He was well into his cups even at this early hour, with a young nude woman pleasuring him orally. Danica walked into the room just in time to hear the Heraklan groan in pleasure and the young woman moan with delight as his warm cum filled her mouth.

Danica waited until the man's eyes opened and the young woman let his cock escape her mouth with a last slow suck. The cleric's eyes opened wide when he saw Danica standing not two feet away.

The young woman turned around, and Danica felt a flare of desire run through her when she saw the woman's firm, perky breasts and the Cleric's nice sized cock. The woman licked her lips, cum still coating her tongue, and walked past Danica out of the room with a smile — and a blatant glance at Danica's breasts.

"What might I do for you, Daughter?" The cleric asked, his tone revealing what he hoped she wanted.

"Are those your robes?" Danica asked, pointing at the robes on the floor.

"Yes," he replied. He started to say something more, but Danica cut him off.

"Good — get them on. Your healing powers are needed to save a noble man's life."

The cleric quickly rose to pull on his robes. Danica shook her head at the dichotomy of Heraklans. Debauched as they seemed; they were to a man — or woman — deeply dedicated to their fellow man.

The cleric hopped, trying to pull on his shoes and said, "Lead on. Let us not waste time."

"Hold on," Danica countered. "He is far away. We'll ride the wings of magic."

The cleric groaned. "Teleporting — I hate teleporting. It's unnatural I tell you." He then sighed and said, "Bah — let's go," and reached out his hand for Danica's.

Danica chuckled and thought, For someone who hates teleporting, he certainly knows exactly what he needs to do for me to carry him with me in the spell's power. A few magical words later, she and the cleric vanished from the temple.

They appeared in the wood just outside the magical tent, and quickly went inside. The Heraklan called upon his god, restoring Nicholas to full health.

Nicholas sat up and stretched a bit, finding the pain of the wound gone — and even the stiffness from lying in the bed.

"I thank you, Sir. If I can locate my horse, I will surely come make a donation at your temple," Nicholas said.

The Heraklan nodded his head reverently, though his stumble immediately afterward made the action seem a bit comical. It never failed to amuse Danica how Heraklans could be so strong in their magic and effective in battle when they were so drunk that they could barely function, unless called upon for those two things.

"I thank you as well, Heraklan. I'll surely be making a donation to the temple too," Danica said.

The Heraklan smiled wide and looked at Danica with a mixture of hope and lust.

Danica laughed and said, "I don't think that will be involved in my donation."

The Heraklan's face fell for a moment, but he laughed immediately afterward and clapped Nicholas on the back, preparing to take his leave.

"One moment, and I will return you to your temple," Danica said.

The Heraklan waved her off. "I recognize this spot. We are not so far from the city and my temple. It has been too long since I have been out in the world. I will walk home, and take the opportunity to spread word of my god, as I journey back to my temple."

Danica laughed, thinking that the man likely intended to find every drop of alcohol and willing woman between here and there. As she thought about it more, she realized that actually was spreading the doctrine of Heraklan.

The Heraklan left with a nod and a smile, and Danica turned back to Nicholas. He sniffed the air and crinkled his nose. "Is that me?" He asked with disgust.

"You were sweating out a fever. If you'd like to bathe, feel free," Danica suggested.

Nicholas blushed. Danica laughed, gestured toward the tub, and then opened the door of the tent and walked outside.

A few moments later, Nicholas' head poked out of the tent door. "How does it work?" Nicholas asked — somewhat sheepishly.

"The red symbol will cause hot water to flow into the tub. The blue symbol — cold. Just use them both to get the temperature you wish," Danica explained.

Nicholas nodded and pulled his head back inside the tent. Danica heard a soft gurgle of water and knew that Jonathon had managed to get the tub started filling.

Danica bit her bottom lip gently, and then smiled as she turned toward the tent. She softly spoke the words of a clairvoyance spell. "Oh my," Danica gasped as she watched Jonathon bend over the tub to test the temperature of the water. Another, somewhat louder, gasp burst from Danica when Jonathon swung his leg over the tub to climb in, and she got another good look at his muscular form and his gorgeous cock.

Danica shivered and pressed her hand against the fabric of her pants between her legs. She couldn't see much now because of the tub, so she turned to look around the area while Nicholas bathed. She knew his horse would likely be difficult to find. If she could find something — even a hair from the animal — she could use her magic to locate it.

She searched around the area and found a small satchel off in the underbrush. Opening it, Danica discovered a horse brush inside. She carefully picked out a hair stuck in its bristles and cast her spell over a forked stick she picked up.

When she completed the spell, Danica could feel the end of the stick tugging her toward the opposite edge of the woods from where she had entered.

Danica smiled and sat the stick down on a stump near the tent. The end spun around to point toward the horse when she let go of it. A breeze blew in and offered Danica a pointed reminder that she too needed a bath from being out in the summer heat.

Danica turned back to the tent. The clairvoyance spell remaining active testified to her ever-increasing magical strength, since she had not concentrated upon the magic for several minutes. Nicholas was climbing from the tub, and Danica watched with great desire as he dried and dressed. She banished the clairvoyance spell as Nicholas drew near the tent door, turning to face her enchanted stick.

Nicholas wiggled his finger through the hole in the back of his armor and clothing, a reminder of the sword penetrating through to his flesh. "If I could find my horse, I have more clothing in my saddlebags. The armor, I fear, is a loss."

"I believe I can help with the horse," Danica revealed and picked up the satchel. "This is yours, isn't it?"

"Yes, I tossed it aside when the bandits attacked so it wouldn't bind up my sword arm," Nicholas replied.

"There was a horse brush inside. If the hair in it is from your horse, this stick I've enchanted will lead us to him," Danica said and gave the stick a push where it rested on the stump. The point of the stick spun back to point toward the horse again.

"It would be from my horse, as it has been used on no other. It is lucky for me I was rushed when I left on this journey, and ended up putting that brush in my satchel instead of in my saddlebags where it would normally be. Again, I am in your debt," Nicholas said with a wide smile. "You know, I have always generally mistrusted magic and those who use it. I believe I will have to revise that opinion now."

Danica laughed. "First — I need a bath too. I can't even stand to be around myself."

Nicholas nodded, then walked over and bent down to pick up his sword where it lay in the undergrowth. "I need to clean my sword so it doesn't rust anyway."

Danica thought, I'd like to polish your sword for you, and smiled a crooked smile. She then went inside the tent and pulled off her clothes. Danica filled the tub and sank into it with a sigh of relief. As she washed, thoughts of Nicholas' body floated through her head. Not long after, she bit her lip to keep from crying out as she masturbated in the warm water.

Danica started to climb out of the tub, but smiled her crooked smile again as a thought occurred to her. She cast another clairvoyance spell, and saw that Nicholas sat cross-legged on the ground facing the tent, carefully examining his sword.

Danica banished the clairvoyance spell and cast a different spell. She carefully controlled the effect of the transparency spell so that it worked gradually on the walls of the tent.

Once Danica could see Nicholas as a hazy outline through the walls of the tent, she let out a sigh loud enough for him to hear and stood up in the tub. The transparency spell continued its work as Danica wrung water from the ends of her hair.

When she looked back, the spell had nearly finished its work. The tent was almost invisible to the eye now, and Nicholas was looking with a wide-eyed stare at Danica's naked and dripping body.

Danica laughed and said, "I believe the magic of my tent is fading a bit."

Nicholas snapped out of his trance and quickly turned his head away. Danica laughed again, then dried and dressed in clean clothing.

Danica stepped outside the tent, closing the door that was only a hazy outline due to her spell and said, "Do you have everything from inside?"

Nicholas was blushing still when he replied, "Yes, I have all my things."

Danica laughed and spoke the words that transformed the tent back into its small traveling form.

"I apologize Danica. I did not mean to be so crass as to stare."

Danica waved a hand in a dismissive gesture. "I've seen you. Let's just call it an even trade," she said with a smile and a twitch of her eyebrows. "Now let's go find your horse."

It took a couple of hours for the pair to find the horse. The animal had not really wandered far, but the trails through the wood did not all cross each other, and following the lead of Danica's enchanted stick in a straight line through the undergrowth proved impossible.

Nicholas expressed relief when he found all his belongings intact. The horse appeared glad to have been found as well. Nicholas pulled clean clothing from his saddlebags, and Danica reluctantly looked away as he changed.

"I must thank you again. Though I am running late in my journey, I am still alive and equipped for it, thanks to you."

Danica turned around to face him again. "It's what anyone with any sense of right would have done."

"I doubt there are very many who could have done half of what you have done. I wish there was a way to repay you — and what's more — I wish I could persuade you to come with me on my mission," he said with a laugh.

You could repay me by filling me up with that gorgeous cock — right here in the middle of the trail — right now, Danica thought. "What is your mission?" She asked instead.

"Some old friends of my family live a short distance beyond the woods, and something steals their animals in the night. They asked me for assistance in finding out what is happening, and to stop it," Nicholas explained.

"I might be able to be persuaded to come with you. I was heading that direction anyway," Danica coyly suggested.

"I would welcome the company — especially yours — for as long as you wish to travel with me," Nicholas said with a little bow.

"Let's go then."

They mounted the horse, Danica sliding in behind Nicholas and enjoying having her arms wrapped around his waist. She wished he were mounting her instead of the horse, but she made the best of the situation by pressing her breasts against his back and letting her hands brush against the object of her desire whenever a jostle provided cover to make the touch appear innocent.

In less than a quarter of an hour, they exited the wood. About the same amount of time passed in the ride to the farmstead of Nicholas' family friends.

Nicholas told the story of the attack and his rescue by Danica. After the story, Danica said that she would help Nicholas solve the problem of the family's disappearing animals.

The man of the house explained that the thefts only happened at night — never more than one animal at a time. If anyone was awake in the house or outside watching, nothing happened. Nothing larger than a sheep had disappeared. Whatever was taking the animals did not want the larger animals like the horses and cows.

Other farmsteads had the same problem, but whatever was out there apparently favored their livestock over that of the neighbors. The whole family was exhausted from taking turns patrolling the farm, and whenever one of them fell asleep on watch, another animal would disappear.

"It seems we must wait until nightfall and find some way to hide ourselves from the culprit's view," Nicholas said.

Danica smiled and said, "I believe I can take care of that."

Nicholas and Danica joined in the chores of the farm throughout the day, giving the family some much-needed rest at the end of the day because they completed the chores early. They ate a wonderful home cooked meal as night slowly closed in upon them.

"All of you get some rest. Danica and I will take the watch this night. Perhaps, if fortune is with us, it will be the last night it is necessary." Nicholas and Danica then exited the farmhouse walked toward the barns and pens for the animals.

Danica retrieved a Ring of Hunters from her bag of holding. The ring's magic made the wearer invisible, and masked their scent as well. The ring also dampened sounds made by the wearer — except for speech. So long as Nicholas kept quiet while he wore the ring, few beings would notice him. Danica planned to cast spells that would duplicate the ring's effects to provide her own cover.

"Remember, you're not going to be able to even see yourself while you have the ring on. You won't be able to see me either once I cast my spells. The ring's magic will be broken if you take any action like attacking or trying to grab another creature. Otherwise, you're free to do anything without the magic failing," Danica explained.

"I understand," Nicholas said and put on the ring. "This is disconcerting," he muttered once he vanished from view.

"You get used to it in time. If you want to deactivate the ring's magic, just think about the ring and think off, stop, quit — or something to that effect. Now, I need to cast my spells so I don't give us away. Then we'll settle in."

Danica cast her spells, and immediately slipped into the second sight. Danica had discovered over time that if she concentrated hard enough on the second sight and looked at the outer edges of her vision, she could often detect faint glimmerings of even invisibility spells, which were masked from the second sight as well as normal vision. She easily found Nicholas within arms reach and smiled a crooked smile.

She started to pretend to bump into Nicholas, her plan to press her breasts hard against his chest and get a good feel of his cock. At the last second, she realized that doing so intentionally would constitute an attack by the way the spells worked, and would break the magic.

Danica sighed and sat down on a mossy spot nearby, finding it fairly comfortable. She spoke to let Nicholas know where she was, and he followed the sound of her voice to sit down near her.

"We shouldn't speak any more. Whatever it is out there is pretty observant. Let's just keep quiet and see if we can catch this thing," Danica suggested.

Danica could almost hear Nicholas nodding. When she chuckled, he did as well and said, "Okay — you knew I was nodding my head didn't you?"

"Yes," Danica answered and chuckled again.

They then settled in to wait out the night. The air was cool — perfectly comfortable — though the mossy ground felt less comfortable by the moment. Shifting a bit now and then kept the improvised seat from feeling too intolerable.

Danica fought off both a yawn and a sigh near midnight — if her sense of time was correct. They had neither seen nor heard anything since they settled in. Danica lay back quietly on the moss and her mind drifted a bit, conjuring up images of what she wanted to do to Nicholas.

Her hand strayed toward her sex, but thoughts about where she was caused her to pause. Then she smiled as she remembered that nobody could see her anyway. She unbuttoned the top button of her pants and slid her hand inside to caress her folds as she continued to daydream.

After a few minutes, Danica had to stop. She was growing too aroused, and that wasn't going to help her keep quiet. She mentally growled and sat back up. Just then, she thought she heard a faint sound.

A moment later, she heard it again. To Danica, it sounded like something creeping toward them — nearby. Danica quietly stood up and moved closer to the barn housing most of the smaller animals. About ten feet from the barn, Danica saw something illuminated in the moonlight. Something crept around the edge of the barn.

Same as Danica
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Although i still went to work each day dressed in my male clothes, Kelly's control of me began to affect my behaviour and attitude, particularly towards the girls in the office. None of them noticed or at least mentioned the subtle changes in my appearance but gradually I began to be included more and more in their conversations as their attitude to me changed. When a problem arose on one of their projects they would drop into my cubicle to discuss it and work it out, rather than just...

3 years ago
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The CatalystChapter 21 Work Jack Hoff

When the alarm went off, I hurried to the bathroom, then, put on a pot of coffee before taking a shower. (Which Mary and I really needed!) By the time I got back to my room everyone was up and padding around. Mary and I took the time to enjoy a thorough shower together. We love doing it, and it just seemed more expeditious than taking solo showers. Looking into the closet, I realized I had no idea what I should wear for the first day on the job. I wondered if a suit would be appropriate,...

3 years ago
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Managing Marys Mother

"I hope she likes you!" Mary says for the dozenth time as you drive up the winding drive way to your new girlfriend's mother's McMansion. "I'm sure she will, Mary," you assure the adorable blond communications major, patting her on her sculpted inner thigh, easily accessible since you encouraged her to always wear miniskirts. Mary giggles nervously. "You don't know mother!" Mary says. "She hasn't approved of ANY of my boyfriends EVER! I don't think she's ever approved of any MAN! I mean, she's...

Mind Control
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Mick and KeriChapter 40 Mick and Keri Go Back To The Start

When we woke in the morning, my morning wood was just hard enough. Keri was sleeping on her back with her legs spread, so I took out the lube from the bed stand and I lube myself up really well. I slowly moved between Keri’s legs and set my cock right at her opening and smoothly pushed my cock into her. I quietly lay on top of her, kissing her back and neck, waiting for her to wake up. As I waited, I enjoyed the smell of her hair and the feeling of her tits against my chest. Her skin was so...

2 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 23 Nathaniel

Nate’s smile fell, his hands clasping into fists at his side. “Maker take me, we had him. If I wasn’t such a blighted idiot...” Leliana turned to him, her smile sympathetic. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known—” “You did.” Nate sighed. “I’ll bet you all did. And I’ve just ruined any hope of pinning this on Esmerelle.” “He wouldn’t have talked.” The Antivan seemed completely confident in his assessment. “I know the type. Anyone willing to poison themselves to avoid capture...

3 years ago
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Office AffairsChapter 4

As mentioned before, Lucian road-tested Chantal's sister Denise LaSalle later that week, after they had finished the last stage of moving into Violet's place. It would take several phases, given the complexity of the whole thing. There was so much that had to be done, but for now, he relaxed and enjoyed Denise's sweet pussy, which felt hot, slick, and sticky from his previous load. Yes, he had given her his seed and continued fucking her afterward for a little bit. He just couldn't get...

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Yes I like Korean Girls

My work is very interesting, to say the least. I am one of a handful of risk consultants working for the insurance industry. My tag line is simple: “If it is insurable, I can risk assess it.” I have visited everything from hotels to manufacturing plants, churches and schools, wrecker companies, entertainment venues to construction companies. I have met with Fortune 500 company executives and the small “mom and pop” operations. Recently, I was assigned a batch of small bars to visit. One of the...

3 years ago
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The Kinky Birthday Surprise Phase 3

As Ann lay on top of Will, he started to laugh, causing her to raise up on her hands and look quizzically down at him.“What's so funny Will?” Taking a deep breath, he said, “First time I ever had anyone with a dick laying on top of me.”It was then that Ann realized she still had the strap-on attached to her body. She rolled off Will and sat up, unfastened it, and droped it to the floor.Flopping back down on him, Ann asked, “Better, sweetie?”“Much better,” he replied and held her tight. “Now I...

3 years ago
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The next time

It had been a while since we last seen our friend. One day he came over.. we had been talking about how hot pur last time was.. the more we talked about it the more we all became horny! she went to the restroom an when she came back she was only in her panties.. she sat between us an asked who wanred to taste her wet lillte pussy.. we took turns eating and fingering her wet cunt.. she was moaning an wimpering an loven it.. she pulled my cock out and started sucking it while he ate her.. we...

3 years ago
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Ladies group picnic

My neighbors wife asked me to drive her to her ladies group meeting on a Thursday afternoon at a local parkway. She and her husband (48/52 respectively)are good people who’ve been known to throw some lively parties in our neighborhood. They only had one car available as her husband drove to work and her car was in the shop. I am on disability so I agreed to drive her. I picked her(Jeanie)up at around 12:30 p.m. and we set out for her picnic. Jeanie is a drop-dead gorgeous long-haired redhead,...

2 years ago
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My first black man

Started of as a pretty tame drinking night. I went to Liverpool for a few days to visit a mate in uni. I decided to get a hotel and chill away from home. Met up with my mate a few times and had a few drinks over the weekend but as per usual she kept cock blocking me.Anyway I was in my room swiping on tinder. I had a few matches that were ok but they all wanted me to go to their place. It was quite late by the time I finally agree to go into the city and meet a guy for some drinks.I got a sexy...

4 years ago
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The Reunion

So, I got home a little early from work. I opened the door to some faint moaning.Ok, so here is where you say to yourself. I’ve read this a million times. Well, this is different, and this is true. I couldn’t make up shit like this.Anyway, I walked upstairs to find… nothing. Hmm, and I thought they always went upstairs. So downstairs we go. I heard it again. Softly. I looked out the back slider, and I couldn’t believe what I saw.My wife was naked. Lying on a lounge chair. With both legs spread...

Wife Lovers
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Cardiac Arrest

Part One of Cardiac Arrest, the love story of a man torn between his girlfriend and his best friend. John’s girlfriend had decided that sex was no longer important in their relationship. It was a relationship that had become all about cuddling and his girlfriend falling asleep, leaving him horny, lonely and disappointed night after night. His advances weren’t welcome. Any questions about how they could relight her fire, or make it easier were swept away with, ‘It’s me.’ This went on for days,...

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The Seventh SensePart 1

Editorial comment The information presented in this book is a compilation of court documents, obtained by judicial order during legal processes, as well as interviews of the participants who would give them. The intent of this book is to reveal to the public the kind of details that would quell rumors and fake news surrounding Bobby Wilson and the controversy that currently whirls around him. The government has gone to extreme lengths to attempt to subvert his legal rights, and the public is...

2 years ago
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Hotel Meeting

What could be more normal, two people checking into a hotel? Only the slight exchange of looks between us. I get the card key and you get up from the comfy chair, rolling your case towards the lift. It’s early afternoon, we're both dressed for work... and play. I press the button for the lift. We almost can’t look at each other, no words yet. It takes an age to come; finally the doors open. Empty. Room 1917... 19th floor. I hit the button, the doors close. I see the fire in your eyes and drop...

Quickie Sex
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Tamil Nadu Summer Special

Hi everyone, after long time i am posting a story here. I am ragu 22 years champ, always available for ladies and girls. Please feedback at . This is the story happened few weeks before, i am invited for a reunion by my cousins at coimbatore, we are 7 members including me, the name of the persons are not necessary as they are not parted in incident. It is real one and hence it should be slow on pace. It was remote village near pollachi,the whole house of my uncle is arranged for us. Only one...

3 years ago
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The Eternal Summer of Summer Part 1

George was not a romantic in any sense of the word. He'd never been very interested in girls, or relationships, or sex. He was content wasting away in his studies and spending the weekends alone listening to music. Until high school, he never really paid attention to the thought of women. He'd dated once, briefly, but found himself disinterested in continuing it as he felt he wasn't doing much for him. This all changed when he met a girl. He had met her twice prior, but they had not gotten to...

First Time
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Beastly passion ch1

Dallas, Texas….Date –Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its perils. Gang members, robbers and rapists prowl these late night streets. But tonight only he stirs. No hookers on the streets on a night like tonight. They all believe in what she is about to know first hand. Its not just an urban legend it is reality. He moves with silence and determination. He can smell her. Not her 200 dollar bottle of perfume, but her....

3 years ago
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Love 8211 A New Beginning

So for the First time in the history of Indian Sex Stories two authors join together and bring you a series. Get ready to enjoy yourselves. “Ahh Rajeev sweetheart let me write please, I promise to make this up to you as soon as I finish the exam” whispered Naina to Rajeev who had finished his last semester paper and submitted it already, both Naina and Rajeev were sitting in the last seat together, the invigilator could just not see what they were doing below the desk, he was actually moving...

3 years ago
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There is No Life Like a Farmers Life

"I'm sorry Daddy" she breathed as she tipped her head back of the head rest "For what?" I asked " For not being more of help when i comes to Benny". Benny was the big prize bull i had been raising for a few years now if anything he was going to bring us some revenue to at least put a meal on the table "No need to be sorry sweetheart he is a big bull and i don't want you getting hurt" " I Still feel like i could been more help watering him" " Its not a big deal darlin,...

1 year ago
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The Slave Speaks Chapter 1

EVERYTHING IN THIS STORY IS PURELY FICTION. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO reality IS COINCIDENTAL. I opened my eyes but quickly closed them. It was bright. It brought on much confusion when I realized I was not in my dimly-lit apartment. "Oh, she's awake." I heard someone murmur dissatisfiedly. "Hush, Liz. I know she's not what you wanted, but--" she cut off when I sat up. "What's going on?" I asked, confused. The two women looked at each other. One was tall and slim, but not skinny. Her green eyes...

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My Bike Ride Now A Pleasure Ride

Hi this is Krish, age 25 working in an MNC in chennai. I am 6 feet tall, look good. Your reviews are welcome at I travel in my bike which is about 25km to office. I’m very social, talk to many people, I play I go to gym in my office . One day I was playing snooker with a group of 4 people 1 female in that ,we were making fun and we all become good friends, couple of times we had lunch together. A lady named Kavi priya become good friend with me. I normally leave office late hours, I...

4 years ago
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Next Gig

Copyright© 2002-2003 There's an oversexed lady named Whyte Who insists on a dozen a night. A fellow named Cheddar Had the brashness to wed her- His chance of survival is slight. The chaos of human flesh was ignored. A few waves of the hand that caused more screams and calls seemed to satisfy the mob's urge for him, if only for a second. Shrill female voices yelled out begging to be with him, promising him anything. A few faces were able to press into the half-open limo door, but...

3 years ago
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The pool party

It was almost the end of school. Just ten minutes left until I would be done with school for the rest of my life. It felt good to have finally finished. I was talking to one of my friends when I got a text from my friend John. He asked me if I wanted to come over later for a pool party. I said sure! I drove home and went inside. I grabbed my bathing suit and some sun screen. I went out to my car and started to drive to his house. As I was pulling into his house I got another text. He told me...

4 years ago
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En Kanavan Suuthil Oothan

Enaku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukirathu, iru aan pasangalum suga prasavathil thaan piranthaargal. Ippozhuthu en vayathu 32 aagugirathu, ippozhuthu ellam en kanavan enudan udal uravu seivathe kidaiyaathu. Athu en endraal pundai perithaaga irupathaal avaruku irukam sariyaaga patha matingirathu. Aanalum ennai santhoshap padutha vaarathirku oru muraiyaavathu ennai oothu viduvaar. Aanal avar maanathil sunniyil pothumaana irukam pathathathaal naan en kuthiyil kanju vantha udan avarin...

2 years ago
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PornstarPlatinum Sexy Vanessa Interracial Mouth Fucking

Hi all, I’m so hot & excited waiting here for the sexy guy. You like this sexy outfit I have on? I got all dressed up for him & for you too of course! I’m back here in Cali & it’s my first day here, so I’m really in need of some hot black cock! I really want to suck this dick that coming here! When he finally gets here he is going to fuck my mouth real good! Oh there you are, look at you, you’re already hard, I want to choke on that dick of yours!...

2 years ago
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Birthday Present

It was early in the morning one day after my birthday. I was at my ex boyfriend front door and his phone was ringing and I could hear it through the door. Hi what is it? He replied sleepily will you open the door? Suddenly the call ended and I heard footsteps and the sound of keys. The lock clicked and the big wooden door opened. What are you doing here? He asked with a big smile on his face. It was my birthday yesterday. Don’t you remember? You promised me a present if I came. I said it just...

4 years ago
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Stacy and Julian Mccormack

Stacy McCormack and I have been married for the past eighteen years; I'm Julian McCormack. We'd been boyfriend-girlfriend, or fiancés for an aggregate of six years before that, if you count high school, and I do. And, yes, that makes our common age thirty-eight if you're figuring. Stacy back then, when we were freshmen, was a dolly as far as I'm concerned. Five-nine, slender, silky brunette hair, and an hourglass figure even at her then age of fourteen. She has filled out a little since...

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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 4

I soon had Miss Swifty up to speed back on the four lane, Illinois Route 66. I didn't even get my wake up cup of coffee! But I knew about a place a half hour down the road where I wanted to get something to eat. But first, after studying my pre-trip planning notes, I just had to stop at a little place just a few miles out of Bloomington. That place was Funk's Grove. Funk's Grove has a fascinating history, dating back to its founding in 1824 as a farm amidst a natural maple grove by a...

3 years ago
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Pokemon Ashs bangs em all

As they walked through the forest Ash stared at her ass. With every step she took Misty wiggled her sexy little ass before him. He couldn't stop thinking about the redheads sexy ass. And he knew he wasn't the only one thinking like that. Brock walked next to him also staring at the girl with the provocatingly short clothes. Tonight would be the night, tonight he would mount that little slut. As night had settled Ash looked through the slit of his tent seeing that Misty had already shut off her...

4 years ago
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First Time in the ASS Gay

It was a late Monday night, and I was reminiscing of the last few day. I had just spent the whole weekend with my girlfriend, and it was an adventure of uninhibited sex of a magnitude I have never experienced with another girl. My girlfriend and I love to play with toys, and we have an 8" thick black dildo that she loves me to fuck her pussy with, while I am pounding her thick ass. It drives her fucking nuts. Well this past Saturday, when I removed the black monster from her pussy, which was...

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Three of Us

In the summer of 1946 I was working at a music store in Milwaukee where I had graduated from high school in ’41. I’d reestablished contact with two old friends from school days, Lloyd and Janice F., who had got married about a year ater graduation. We got together quite regularly after I came back to town and went pub crawling; sometimes I would bring a date along but often as not just the three of us would go out on the town. I thought I knew them pretty well, but one night I got...

2 years ago
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Seduction Of A Conservative Sexy Hosuewife

By : Raj_khanna28 I am Raj, a happily married man of 32 years age having one child and have a very strong sex drive. After reading so many stories on ISS, I felt that I should share my sexperience which I had long ago, at the age of 26. That time I was in Mumbai, staying with my uncle at Andheri, for getting a certificate in A/c and Refrigeration through a institute from Dadar, After passing out of a diploma course. Now, I will come to the point. I met a gentleman of age 37 yrs called...

3 years ago
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me being a pet

As you all know i am a bitch of my mistress "sissychick".This incident happen recently during my training of being a little slut. So i was sitting right next to my mistress bed, like a loyal dog, still having anal plug inside my ass and my dog collar. It was the mark of me being my mistress slave. My legs were folded right underneath my ass, the floor was cold and i was all naked. My mistress was tired from fucking by 3 of her lovers all day, she was sleeping still having cum all over her. ...

3 years ago
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Flight of Sin

My wife, Linda, has an import furniture business and we maintain a home in Halifax. She found you when you were only 2 and we have raised you. You are now 14 and blooming into a beautiful young girl. Linda is still in Halifax but I am taking you home to the US since school starts in 2 days. You are very smart and you like to travel with me alone because I let you read adult level books. You are reading and I am thinking about you. Linda and I fight a lot lately. She is too...

2 years ago
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The Guitar Player

He pushed his guitar out of the way and leaned over to kiss me as I sat on his bed. I pulled him to me, deepening our kiss, my tongue seeking entrance to his mouth. He pulled away just long enough to discard the guitar. He kissed me again and traced my curves with his fingertips, stopping at the hem of my sweater, then he slid his hands underneath. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes as I pulled the sweater over my head and dropped it on his bedroom floor. He looked at me, his “Blanca”:...

2 years ago
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TandraChapter 73

Admiral Soduk felt good now. His flotilla was finally on the move. There were now four battleships though one of them had recurring propulsion problems. Thirteen empty troop carriers for slaves or food animals were protected by six heavy destroyers and two of the lighter variety. His flagship, eight other heavy cruisers and a few dozen smaller ships accompanied him. The idea was to go from one system then to another dropping off a garrisons and sending some of the troop carriers home to...

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