The Way Of The War Part 3 free porn video

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After breakfast I went back to my room, the others had an assigned place to go. I took a cup of coffee and sat at the table and waited. Twenty minutes went by and LT Sanders stuck his head in the door and said come with me.

At the end of the hallway there were two doors to enter the T part of the building. We entered the left hand door. There were cubicles in this room I was directed to cubicle “C” I entered and LT Sanders told me to sit down at the table. He went to the other side and sat facing me. He picked up a deck of cards. He told me to concentrate he would hold up a card and I was to tell him what I saw.

He held up a card facing away from me … I thought and said King of Clubs. He made a note on a piece of paper then turned over the card I was right all morning long we did this... I was correct every time. Each time it felt like someone was telling me what to say. It also felt like I was telling someone else other than LT Sanders.

When I entered I was met by three women. For a moment I did not recognize them then the oldest smiled ...Dotty. Could it be ...Carol and Louise... wow my first titties. They grabbed me and led me to a table and sat me down Carol and Louise filled trays for each of us. We talked over old times and caught up on the years apart.

Then naturally we finally circled back to the present and why we were here. Dotty explained...Remember the odd things that happened to you in school? I nodded my head. You and I both caused them to happen... You thought of or desired something and I caused it to happen instantly.

“I don't understand”
“ Remember you were curious was Norma wearing panties or not... Suddenly her dress flew up showing her pink panties, I did that”

“Well what about Carol and Louise.”

“It takes a bit more practice but they are conduits. Think of what you have been doing all morning. Carol was looking at the card she sent it to Louise. Louise sent it to me and I sent it on to you.” “ But with out you it is only hit or miss with us. You are the catalyst”

“They have been waiting for years for you to grow up. But with the war they couldn't wait you are needed” “After a bit more training you will be sent all over the world to establish our distances.” “The hope is that you could be dropped let's say in Germany and instantly transmit info to here.” “And the reverse is true if you needed something to happen all you have to do is think it and my mind would make it happen in those cases you control my mind.”

“In other words if I wanted the lady at the next table's tits to pop out all I would have to do is think it.”
She said yes and the surprised girls tits burst in to view. She looked around and saw me smiling and shot me the finger. Day after day week after week we worked and trained and each day at 1500 I would be taken to another building, a gym where I was being trained for unarmed combat. At 1600 it was weapons training Oddly enough I was good at both. Also an hour a day was language, I learned quickly with Dotty' s help She imprinted my Brain.

One evening in December I entered my room to find a dress uniform and a note to be up and dressed by 0630. Now if that ain't great, never enlisted and now I am going to be impersonating an Army 2nd LT, I think that is a crime.

At 0530 my head went 'Ping' I got up did my bathroom thing and got dressed with 5 minutes to spare. Capt. Jonas opened the door and waved me into the hall he handed me a wallet with ID Card, Drivers license and pictures of my family and over a hundred dollars in the bill holder. Then he handed me my orders and train tickets. I had a berth and the 1st stop was Dallas to change trains then it was on to Florida. There the next stage of my journey would unfold.

We got into the car awaiting us out front. I got into the back and was pleasantly surprised to see Carol and Louise already inside. Capt. Jonas got in to the front. When we arrived at the main gate each of us had to show our ID and the guard collected a copy of our orders I saw him fold them and slip them into an envelope.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the Train station Capt Jonas saw us off and told me that Dotty would send each of us the name of our contact then we were to compare. He handed me a briefcase and informed me that our travel bags were in our berth. It was Car 'L' Berth 11 Carol and Louise were in berth 12. After we got aboard we found that 11 & 12 was divided by a fold up door which during the day could be folded up to make a sitting room.

Louise told me I needed to check in with Dotty, I cast my mind back to base and checked in so to speak. Our gift was weird. My mind being the catalyst could not be listened in on unless I was in danger. And like now Louise had to receive from Dotty until I made contact. Louise and Carol were receivers. Only in the time of danger and with Dotty' s help could they project.

They discovered this when they were still in high school and a football player did not want to take no for an answer and tried to rape Carol. She screamed in her mind for Louise and Dotty. They responded with a projection that threw the football player thru the drivers side window( still rolled up ) and slammed him to the ground breaking his right arm and severely bruising 60% of his body. Carol walked away leaving him on the ground. Louise told her date where to go to pick up Carol. The football player never told anyone what had happened.

I don't understand how mine works if I was in a fight of my own making Dotty would be passive even if I was getting my butt beat. But if the fight was an endangerment to me or the mission she would react to my thoughts

Another thing I was curious about was if I got physical with Louise And Carol and they did not contact Dotty.... Would Dotty Know? This was an overnight ride to Dallas, may be we could found out.

In with our tickets was a meal voucher. Since we left so early breakfast seemed like a good idea. We made our way to the dining car and the waiter seated us and handed us a menu. Across the aisle was a heavy set man with an angry cast to his face, sitting with a young pale woman. She looked to be badly browbeaten.

She reached for her napkin not realizing that her water glass was on its edge. As she picked up the napkin it caused the water to slosh out of the glass. The uncouth fat man reached across and slapped the young woman. With out thinking I leaned over and backhanded him hard enough to leave red fingermarks and make his lip bleed. The conductor had stepped in the door just before the man had slapped the young woman.

The fat man stood up and yelled you Son of a Bitch and pulled a gun out of his waistcoat My mind flashed Dotty...he dropped the gun and grabbed his chest and fell to the floor. The Conductor checked the man over and said he was dead Heart attack. He turned to the young woman and ask if that was her Father.

She answered no he was a friend of her aunt and had graciously offered to escort her to her Mothers house in Ft Worth. He had already tried to take advantage of her. And told her he would succeed or beat her senseless. That was the second time he had struck her.

The Conductor called for a couple of porters and removed the carcass to his berth. The young lady could not go back to the berth with the body there so we asked her to join us while we ate then she could join us in our sitting room until the body was removed from the train and the berth cleaned up.

We introduced ourselves and found out her name was Amy and she was 16. Just a year younger than me but I felt older...much older. Maybe it is the uniform. I called the Conductor and asked if their was a berth available in our car. Since Amy was a minor she needed to be looked after. There was one available berth 14, she spent the day in our sitting room and we escorted her to her berth when she was ready for bed.

Amy told us her Story, how after her Father died they lost their home and had to move in with their aunt. Six months Later a cousin of her Father had offered her Mother a position as a Asst, Manager in their Boutique in Fort Worth. Her mother had traveled there alone to begin the job and to save enough money for Amy's ticket... it had taken another four months to find a house and save the money. .

Mr. Simonton an acquaintance had mention that he had to make a trip to Dallas and offered to escort Amy that far. Almost immediately he began putting his hands on her. She was afraid to tell anyone. After telling him to leave her alone he slapped her then he had hit her in the stomach and threatened her. At breakfast was the first time he had hit her in public.

I began closing the folding wall while the porter began making down our beds. When the porter left Carol said are you really going to leave the wall closed … I thought about it then said for now it stays closed.

The next morning the wall opened up and Carol says rise and shine. Get dressed , Louise is on the way to wake Amy. I went into the bathroom for my ablutions and dressing.. I was ready for breakfast. And the girls were ready for me. I stepped out and the girls grabbed me and said lets go eat.

The highlight of the rest of the train ride to Dallas was the meals. The evening meal began at 1700. After the meal we had just enough time to gather our things together. We arrived at 1830, we left the train and stayed with Amy until her mother arrived. Then we explained what had happened leaving out that she was almost raped by her Aunts friend..

Our connecting train didn't leave til 2015, we decided to wait in the Canteen. As we neared the Canteen we noticed an Army SGT looking over the people it was obvious he was looking for someone. Then his eyes locked with mine and he gave a sigh of relief. He saluted and asked LT Lincoln?

I returned the salute and acknowledged that I was LT Lincoln. He handed me an envelope and said change in orders Sir. Your Tickets and orders are in here indicating the envelope. Your train is being held on track 5. You can read your orders once you are aboard.. LT Louise Green you get off here I am to take you to the base. LT Carol Green you are to continue with Mr. Lincoln.

He rushed us to Track 5 , we said our quick goodbyes as the Conductor rushed us aboard our train. He directed us to a 1st Class berth in the last Pullman car before the Caboose, and told us this was all that was available. The trip would take 2 weeks and there was a 24 hour layover in St Louis.

The whole train would be shuttled to a side track while a military train came through. And no he didn't know why they were being held up for 24 hours. Except for the change in Engines.

When the Conductor departed I opened the envelope and pulled out our orders. We were directed to proceed on this train to Washington DC . LT Carol Green would report to Major General Whitcomb at Fort McNair Army Base for further assignment.

2nd LT Chad Lincoln was to report to Personnel Office Fort McNair Army Base for transportation to Jump School. “WHOA I think they are rushing things...'Jump School'! “ “Well Carol we have 2 weeks and did you notice our berth only has one bed”

I stood up and looked out the door the hall was clear. I looked at Carol but spoke to Dotty. “Dotty what is going on.” Carol looked blank for a moment then began to relay from Dotty.

' There has been a leak about us, be careful, the word is an axis agent is looking for you and has orders to kill you. He supposedly is looking for a man traveling with 2 women. Louise will be on the way to a buffer base and will move on later. Carol is your conduit until further notice. The layover at St. Louis is only a feint , Some time during the lay over you will be replaced by two look alikes. You and Carol will be taken off the train in civilian clothes and will have alternative transportation. '

The porter knocked on our door to make down the bed, When he was finished and left, Carol came out of the bathroom bare ass naked. My mouth dropped open I was so stunned I almost bit my tongue. I did a double take and saw what she had in her hand... a condom

Carol said, “I know you have a warped sense of sex from home and school and although you have had a way, We are betting you are still a virgin, well I intend to find out.” We moved together in a chaste kiss at least that is how it began. The kiss became deeper as our tongues flicked back and forth, my hands were moving over the soft skin of her back as I pulled her to me.

But that wasn't satisfying, shirt, shirt is in the way I began to remove my shirt. When I heard a Knock , Knock from the compartment door. Carol grabbed her bra and panties and went back into the bathroom. I opened the door... There stood a couple who could have passed for our twins, wearing robes. I looked over my shoulder and beseechingly said Carol. Carol came out of the bathroom in a matching robe. “What!”

The man who looked like me said let us in quick. After they were in and the door closed he began to speak. They are trying to cover all bases, the two of you will leave this room wearing nothing but robes and underwear. You will enter the Caboose, there you will find new clothes, civilian, in suitcases, new wallets and documents in a brief case. Your new orders are also in the brief case but it is imperative you verify them... I was told you knew how to do this. We both nodded.

I stripped to my skivvies and noticed the Carol look alike giving me and admiring glance. I now stood 6' 3” tall and weighed in at 210 lbs... all muscle. I put on my robe and Carol and I left the compartment.

I looked around the hall insuring it was clear before entering the Caboose. Upon entering we both were shocked at the opulence of the Caboose. We later learned it was owned by a noted billionaire.. it was on loan. Both of our eyes were drawn to the round bed with plush Duvet on top of it. Some how we knew it would not get used as we wanted to use it.

I opened the Brief case I pulled out the wallet and Carol the clutch purse. We both checked the contents. I was now Samuel P Chase, hm mm a familiar sounding name I opened the bill compartment and was surprised to see in excess of $3000. I noticed Carol had discovered an equally large stash.

We introduced our selves … I said, “ Hi I’m Sam. Sam Chase.” She said, “G lad to meet you I am Sara, Sara White.” We shook hands and giggled.

“Dotty Explain!” Carol's face went blank. ' Some where before dawn the train will enter the siding it will stop for the Oiler to throw the switch. There is a railroad work truck following behind the train. Once the train stops you will drop off the train and board the truck. The truck will back to the last crossing where it will leave the tracks and proceed to Lambert field. You will board a C-124 which will fly you direct to Langley Field in Virginia. You will be met there and given new orders. ...Take care...'

I looked at the clothes in the suit case made me feel almost at home. A pair of jeans a white tee shirt and a long sleeve chambray shirt. For outerwear there was a insulated gaberdine jacket. Carol had stylish women' s slacks and a blouse with a nice comfortable jacket. We laid out the clothes and packed everything we had in the brief case and suitcases.

We lay down and took a nap not knowing when the next chance of rest would be. The train continued to race down the tracks it had had a clear track all the way to the siding no other stops at all. We rested comfortably till the train whistle sounded off … I looked at my pocket watch it was 0430 I woke Carol and we began to dress. The Caboose was fully stocked . I made us a pot of coffee while Carol cooked us bacon and eggs.

We were just finishing breakfast when the train whistle sounded off again ..this 2 longs 2 shorts
That was our signal that the train was slowing preparing to stop. We took our baggage to the back deck. A tiny pin prick of light flashed from behind. I took out my pen light and returned the flash. I moved down the steps on the right Carol did the same on the left

The train continued to slow , then the noise from each car as the brakes were applied … just before the complete stop we both stepped down with bags in hand. Seconds later the train shuddered and began to move into the siding.

We walked slowly back to the bulk of the truck barely visible in this predawn light. We reached the truck and opened the back door to the truck no interior light came on. Slowly the truck began to back away going faster and faster till it was traveling about forty mph in reverse. Fifteen minutes later we reached the crossing and the truck pulled off the rails. The driver got out and raised the wheels that made it possible to stay on the tracks.

It was an hours drive to Lambert Field , we stopped at the guard shack and the driver produced papers that got us right in the gate. Another 15 minutes and the truck pulled on to the Tarmac and up to a Large Cargo plane that was loading. The driver stopped the truck and said good luck, the only words he had spoke the entire trip. A Master Sergeant asked for our ID's which we showed him and he escorted us to plane and introduced us to the Cargo Master.

There were no seats for passengers except fold down canvass benches … not very comfortable at all. But when we took off we found that they slept quite well. It was a boring trip to Langley but a lot faster than the train. They at least fed us sandwichs so we didn't starve

There was nothing spectacular about our arrival at Langley. We deplaned to be met by a 2nd LT. He saluted and said welcome to Langley Major. 'Major' What the... Here I have been promoted and I still haven't been enlisted as yet. There was a Cpl standing near the LT. He stepped forward and saluted and said LT White if you will come with me we still have a long trip ahead of us.”

Carol asked, “Where are we Going?”
“ D C “
Carol gave me a hug and said , “We will keep in touch.” then she got in the Staff car and they departed. Well at least she rated a staff car I thought all I got was a Jeep...and I got in. The driver drove across the tarmac to a Cessna two seat trainer. Standing was a pilot holding an extra flight suit.

The LT made sure I had all documentation because if it didn't fit in my pockets it wasn't going. He said I would be re-outfitted... again... when I arrived. I asked where was I going . He looked at me an shrugged. I got into the jumpsuit and into the plane put on the helmet ( Leather ) rigged with radio so we could talk to each other.

It was really a pleasant trip, he as an instructor did what he does best... he instructed. By the time we reached our destination I was a pretty good pilot... as long as I didn't have to take off or land. We had to refuel more than once so I guess I could have tried that also but didn't...Something about he didn't want to kill me before he delivered me. Though he did talk me thru them both.

He took over the plane for the last time, we made our approach and landed... He said, Welcome to Fort Lewis GA. I deplaned and was met by a Cpl he saluted and echoed the Pilot Welcome to Fort Lewis. We got into his jeep and he took me to the BOQ ( bachelor officers quarters) “Your Suitcase has been delivered you are in room 7 as soon as you get changed I will take you to check in.”

As I entered a Major came out the door he stopped stuck out his hand and introduced him self as Major Thomas 'Thom' Piper Canadian Airborne. Instructor. I hardly knew what to do or say seems like my name and rank had been changing so often. I took a stab at it Major Samuel Chase as yet unattached. I just arrived.

Note: 'The date was December 15 1940 the next day the 16 the 98th Field Artillery Battalion was formed Later in the war it was converted from Artillery to light infantry and would become the 6th Ranger division and would lead the invasion of the Philippines'


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The Tides Of War Pt 105

David grew stronger and began to ride around the crater on Zeus. He met up with Martin one day out in the Crater at one off the cattle paddocks. Martin was inspecting some cattle inside off it. ‘Good day Martin, I’ve not seen them before have I?’ Martin spun round smiling, ‘Hello David, of course I haven’t told you have I’ he replied, ‘I brought them from England. Part of my father’s bequeathed, their French Limousine cattle, he left me a bull and six cows. Their hardy cattle with a good...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 17

CIVIL WAR 1861 TO 1875 The opening salvos of the American Civil War sounded no less ominous to the American Indian Tribes than it did to the men who were destined to fight for the Union or the Confederacy. Tens of thousands of Indian warriors served on both sides of the American Civil War for reasons related more to their own Tribal concerns than in similar beliefs in tune with one side or the other. Some of the Indian tribes were economically dependent on the practice of slaveholding and...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 15

The War of 1812 This chapter is devoted to a very short and nasty war which lasted only two years and eight months that involved many of the American Indian Tribes despite their past experiences which should have warned them about not getting involved in wars that could only hurt their own cause of retaining their tribal lands. If one were to search for the primary singular cause of the War of 1812 the only possible reason would be that the British Empire was still smarting from the defeat...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 Chapter 1 DwarfQueens Reward

Book 5: The Vault's Treasure Chapter One: Dwarf-Queen's Reward By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Minx – The Free City of Rartha I padded through the bustling crowd in the market square, my small cutpurse dagger tucked into my palm. It was a ring dagger. Instead of a hilt there was a circle of metal I slipped my pointer finger through. With a flick, I could spin the blade around my finger, slice a purse open, gather the coins with my other...

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War A Love Story Part 3

In 1941 Russia comprised a fifth of the worlds land surface, but its main cities and industrial centres all lay to the west of the Volga, and it was this portion of the world Hitler hungered to take during the summer. During a ferocious German invasion the mass of the Red Army was quickly knocked to pieces in a series of colossal annihilation battles which cost it a million casualties, and by September four million more Soviet troops were slowly starving to death in miserable captivity....

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War For A Rose 1455

The man was bleeding heavily from his thigh. The arrow had seared and torn through the chainmail that was wrapped around his leg. Blood had begun to seep through the inter-linked chainmails and into the grass as the man fought with all his strength, dragging the injured limb along as he made his way into the nearby forestry. "Just a bit further, before I get caught by these Yorkist dogs!" The man shouted in a final effort to motivate himself. If he was caught he would be tortured until he told...

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War A Love Story Part 2

Fr?ulein Dietz was inconsolable for days about the fire that had gutted the library, but no look of suspicion settled on Willy Fr?hlich. The cause was clear, she said. The electrical wiring in the building had not been renewed since it was installed at the turn of the century, and it was just one more reason why it was so important to have everything at Ravenskopf renovated. With no more of Professor Dietz's notes to write up, Willy was assigned as Celina's personal assistant and s...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 16

THE PERIOD POST-WAR OF 1812 TO BEGINNING OF THE CIVIL WAR IN 1861 This chapter will be primarily focused on the Seminole Wars which were also known as the "Florida Wars". The rise of the Seminole Indian Tribe took place over a period of almost two hundred years and was greatly influenced by the encroachment of the European settlers into the area now known as Florida. The Seminoles were comprised of a number of remnants of other Indian Tribes that had escaped from the ravages of European...

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Andersonville 18 Love and War

There I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...

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The Tides Of War Pt 10

Chapter 37 The Crater settled into a routine, the months passed into years. Susan gave birth to a son christened Guy Ramage. Martin and Jill had a daughter the same year, Barbara. Sulkie and Tana had foals, and Zeus was trained to the saddle. By the start of 1899 there were over 260 horses and foals out in the crater, and over 300 cattle and calves. People from the surrounding area would come to buy horses or cattle, mainly the Jersey’s for their own dairy needs. Susan had started a...

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Winter War Legend of the Snow Fox

In a move that has shocked the political world at large; the governments of Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have concluded and signed a treaty of mutual non-aggression. The released statements of many world leaders has ranged across the spectrum, from ones of rejoicing that the prospects of another great war in Europe has been avoided, to others who unofficially are seeking more information or are involved in a series of ‘intense discussions’ with allied...

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The War of 2020

The summer air swept clouds of thick black smoke through the grassy hills. In West Virginia, the air was hot and polluted enough already. His eyes stung, watering as he turned away from the fire. Pulling out a bandana, he spit before covering his mouth. Another crop was lost to rival looters, the third one this week. They'd taken as much corn and soy as they could before setting the bare fields ablaze. We have been at War for over 5 years now, with no signs of it ending anytime soon. He had...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 18

1875 TO 1885 The primary focus of this chapter will be the famous "Battle of the Little Bighorn" or perhaps better known as "Custer's Last Stand". This battle is probably the most studied confrontation between the American Indian Tribes and the European settlers of the New World. It comes at a time that is almost at the very end of our 400 year timeline and the handwriting is already on the wall about the outcome to the conflict between the American Indian Tribes and the European...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 10

THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS 1763 The Final Battle of Detroit and Defeat of Chief Pontiac (Author's Note) Before starting this final chapter of the segment of Part II that relates to the French and Indian Wars, I wanted to clarify some of the confusion about the Treaty of Paris 1763 which formally ended the French and Indian Wars. The first source of confusion is that there were two Treaties of Paris. The first one was called the Treaty of Paris 1763 and it formally ended the French and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 53 War is Hell

January 30, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “There goes the luckiest man in Iraq,” General Norman Schwarzkopf said as he played a video of a laser-guided bomb destroying a bridge just after a vehicle had crossed it. “Damn!” Elyse exclaimed. “Those videos are amazing, but it’s making this war too much like a damned video game,” I groused. “The damned country is already too ‘gung ho’ for this war as it is.” “But you want us to win, Snuggle Bear.” “Once it started, my only concern is our men and...

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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...

Oral Sex
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The 400 Year WarChapter 5 The English Colonies

-Chapters five and six will deal with the period of struggle between the American Indian Tribes and the European Settlers in the geographic confines of the thirteen original colonies during the period of their establishment beginning in the 1600s and up until the start of the French and Indian Wars in the mid-1700s. In the order of their establishment, the English settlements were: (1607) Virginia was the first colony established in the new American Colonies. It was founded by John Smith...

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War For A Rose 1459

Four years had passed since St. Albans, and the small battle there between the House of York and House Lancaster on 22nd May 1455, where the Yorkists triumphed over the Lancaster army based there and captured King Henry VI in the battle. Bartand and Lady Lott "Pixie" had evaded Yorkist forces and safely made it back to Lancaster controlled lands.There they made their goodbyes, hoping and intending to meet once more when Mason thought it the time to partner them both together for an...

Love Stories
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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World War Campaign for BeslandChapter 6

A country can win every battle, but lose the war. One would think that when that happens, there is also a country that has lost every battle while still winning the war, but that isn’t actually the case. When a losing army pulls out, the victors may celebrate the moment, but the real work has only begun. One has to rebuild what had been destroyed, and there is always destruction. In the modern context of war, winning and losing is a rather uncertain concept. Has the mission been...

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The Way of WarChapter 38

Over the next six weeks Shaun was assisting Aunt Vicky and learning the administration of The Crater and animal reserve. He and Sharon had driven to Nairobi for him to inspect the processing plants there and for Sharon to have some clothes made and also select some furnishings for the home. The war was continuing with advances in Italy and everyone was speculating when the invasion of Europe would begin. Sharon had begun teaching some of the classes in the Crater’s school, the children...

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War A Love Story Part 4

"Looking at the moon?" Tom Soames did his best to ignore Michel, his pick-up for that night, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed. The small room was stuffy after their earlier heated encounter, and he stayed in the chair near his workbench, fiddling with electrical components and contentedly gazing out of the window. "No, the moon isn't up yet, its still daylight outside," he replied, "I'm just thinking. I have things to do. Plans to make." "Are you thinking of that girl you...

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World War Campaign for BeslandChapter 2

During a rather dull cocktail party in Inra, Ambassador Julliard took a sip of his tonic water while listening to Ambassador Lorenz, the representative from Espa, vent concerning the demands the Jade Empire was making upon it. Espa, like his country of Franka, was not going to surrender to the Jade Empire. Ambassador Lorenz said, “That whole affair in Engle is a disgrace. King Leopold shouldn’t have surrendered. Engle has lost all credibility as a world power.” “Let’s not be too hasty in...

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Aishwarya8217s Pre marital adventures

The former Miss World, Aishwarya Rai acted both in Hindi and Tamil films and soon became a famous actress in Tamil movies. Her captivating eyes and her smile earned her millions of fans all over India. Her looks are devastating and she has a very hot body to trot. She is a bisexual woman like most of the Indian actresses and loved woman with big butts. A grand music ceremony called the Star Night was organized in Singapore and Aishwarya Rai along with many other Tamil movie personals took...

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Going to WarChapter 3 Orders to War

July 21, 1994 Colonel Naff stood atop a building watching the action below. The first battalion had just jumped into a fake urban area used in making a television show. The set was complete with buildings, although they were just shells. They were now in the process of taking control of the area. One of the problems facing paratroopers is that when they jump into a war zone they are doing so with limited supplies. There isn’t a convoy of supply trucks lumbering along behind them with heavy...

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Waylaid by Highwaymen

Miss Emily Maitland and companion Jane Flanders were on their way to Derby. Miss Maitland a spirited and largely uneducated girl, daughter of a self made man from the lower orders had been to York to “See the Minster.” They had stopped at my parents house en route as Miss Flanders professed to know my sister from their time at the girls school though my dear sister could not place her at all. Father was delighted. Miss Maitland’s father was very wealthy by all accounts and had but three...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 9 The War College Fiasco

The estate was an impressive, imposing, and surprisingly large underground complex that filled a huge cavern, with a dim looking pseudo-sun in the centre. The cavern was so large Jason was sure the whole of Manhattan Island could fit in it with ease. They walked along the stone path that was lined with grey/brown foliage none of which Jason could recognize. The plants looked like a cactus with thick oddly shaped leaves and a conical stem that was about two feet tall. There were trees that...

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Aella and the Greek War against the Romans

Aella held the bow and arrow in her hand steadily. She knew these forests better than anyone else because of her time fighting the Macedonians, and now she lay in wait in the thick underbrush as the night hid her slim figure in its darkness. “General Aella,” Stavros, her advisor, had said to her earlier in the day. “Everything is ready now. The men have been briefed, and your spies have returned confirming the news you had received last week. There will be an attack tonight, and we will be...

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Witch Chronicles 008 Prelude to War

The previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH CHRONICLES 006 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 WITCH CHRONICLES 007 - Dark Beginnings WITCH CHRONICLES 008 - Prelude to War Now,...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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War Games

Dear Caroline, We miss you here a lot. It'll be funny going back to school without you. I mean, you were still here a year ago and then you were gone. Thank you for your letter. I'm glad you like where you're living. Okay, now I have to tell you something incredible, but you have to promise to believe me. It's all true, okay? Then when you're done you'd better throw this letter away. Tear it up first though. Here goes. Well, you know how boring things get by the end of the summer and...

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Civil War in MiseraChapter 2 Dining In a Rebel Camp

May 27, 1993 Dr. Wilfred Tanguma did not look like a professor of history bundled up in heavy winter clothes. He was sitting on a folding chair that was half buried in the snow facing a half barrel in which a small fire burned. He was leaning forward with his hands over the flame trying to keep warm. It was bitterly cold. His childhood friend, Bertulfo ‘Bert’ Venzor, was seated next to him in much the same position. He had just delivered some very bad news. Bert said, “I don’t like it....

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Techno CultivatorChapter 44 War of the Worlds

The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction. The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even...

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The War to End All WorldsChapter 4

The dark shape that filled the far end of the only complete conference room on the pirate skyship oozed dread. Malevolence seemed to seep from every single pore of the shadowy form, and the darkness that filled the conference room, cast by harsh electric lights that were hung from the ceiling and walls by copper wires and cheap adhesive tape, was filled with evil. The man seated across from the dark shape seemed to be utterly unimpressed – an impressive feat for someone who appeared to be...

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