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Chapter 1

Amy stood, as she had so many times in the past year, tearfully naked and trembling, her arms wrapped behind her neck, awaiting whatever punishment her ?parents? would decide to bestow. Her situation was probably unlike 99 percent of the other kids in the world. These weren’t really her parents. The woman sitting on the couch glaring at her was her dead father’s second wife and the man happily ensconced in his easy chair, scowling at her as his eyes roamed over her nubile body, was her step-mother’s third husband, who had married her only weeks after Amy’s father had died. And to tie the package up into a neat little ball, sitting next to his mother, gloating with an insipid smile, was her step-mother’s 14-year-old son, Robby.

Amy was an attractive girl, and many of the boys at school had tried to get a date with her, but she had never been allowed to mingle with other kids in school, with the threat of a beating if she disobeyed. As often as she was punished, as it was, she didn’t dare disobey orders. She was a bit thin for her age, partially due to the frequent number of times she had been denied one meal or another, as additional punishment to any spanking or whipping she received. Her nubile body stood out even more when she was naked because she was so seldom out in the sun, and her skin was almost alabaster in the harsh light from the ceiling light above her. In spite of all this, her hips had a nice turn to them and her breasts, though small and still growing, stood out from her chest, partially because she had unusually large pink nipples for her breast size.   

Amy had turned 16 in August, shortly before she found out that her ?parents? had decided that she would no longer be going to high school, that she would be ‘home-schooled’, instead. Robby continued to go to middle school, while Amy’s home-schooling had, so far, consisted of learning to cook, clean the house, make the beds, and generally perform anything the three of them decided needed to be done around the house.

So far, Robby had, fortunately, been forbidden to punish, fondle or touch her, except for an occasional poke or grab when no one was looking. That all changed one afternoon in the fall, after Robby had returned from school and Amy had completed her housework for the time being. Robby was passing through the dining room, and, seeing Amy leaning over the table, ran his hand between Amy’s legs when they were alone. Amy, thinking to put such actions to rest in a hurry, yelled ?Stop that!? They were immediately called into the living room by Susan, her step-mother and asked what had happened. Amy, desiring to get her step-brother in trouble smugly pointed out that Robby had run his fingers under her panties.

Susan, instead of admonishing Robby, ordered Amy to remove her panties. Shocked, Amy stood tall and asked why.  Susan abruptly leapt to her feet and slapped Amy across the face sufficiently hard to cause tears to well up in her eyes.  She drew back her hand to repeat the slap, if necessary.

?When I give you an order, you don’t question me, do you understand??

?Yyyesss, Ma’am. But I don’t understand why I have to??

SLAP!  ?Don’t ask why, girl. Just for that, remove every stitch. It’s time we decided where you stand around here. You’re on the bottom rung, and, if you don’t start obeying orders that rung is gonna sink down faster and faster. Now, strip!?

Amy’s eyes searched her step-father Guy’s eyes for assistance, only to find a leering grin peering back at her.  Slowly she began to remove her blouse, taking almost ten seconds to remove each button from its button-hole.

?If those clothes aren’t totally off in thirty seconds, you’re in for a lot worse than I’d planned, Missy!?

The tears were now streaming down Amy’s face, as she raced to finish disrobing. Robby, chortling, sat on the couch to watch as the naked girl finally removed her socks and crouched with her hands appropriately covering her crotch and breasts.

?Stand tall, girl and put your hands behind your back!?

Totally embarrassed , Amy obediently slid her hands back behind her, still crouching slightly trying to slip one leg before the other in order to keep her slightly haired crotch hidden.

?I said, stand tall, Amy. You’re just adding to your punishment by trying to avoid my instructions.?

Suddenly Guy’s voice boomed out as he leaned forward for a better look.  ?Wait a minute, Doll. Before you start punishing her, I need to take a look. Move over here, girl.?

Amy hesitantly stepped forward a few steps, still a number of feet from Guy’s beckoning finger. ?I said get over here, you stupid twat.? Amy had seen the word on a piece of paper at school and knew what it meant, but no one had ever said it out loud in her presence. She finally moved over to stand next to Guy.

She was suddenly astonished to feel his fingers running roughly between her legs. She closed her eyes in shame, as the tears raced down her face. Guy’s hand slid back and forth over her lightly hair-covered slit, seductively inserting his finger between her budding labia as his hand moved insistently over her previously unviolated sex. As he continued to fondle and slide his enquiring fingers over her vagina, he finally spoke.

?This twat’s got way too much hair on it. From now on, girl, I want you to shave it every couple of days and we’ll have surprise inspections now and then to make sure you do. Robby, after she gets her punishment, I want you to take her upstairs and shave every hair off this cunt.?

Robby’s eyes lit up as though he’d just been given the keys to the kingdom, and he tried to deepen his voice as he responded.

?Sure thing, Dad!?

?Now get back over there so your Mom can teach you how to behave.?

Amy slowly stepped back to face Susan, and, forgetting her previous instructions, placed both hands over her budding sex.

Like a striking snake, Susan’s hand shot forward to slap Amy’s face, this time hard enough to turn the young girl’s head far to the right.

?Hands away from your cunt, cunt! If I have to tell you again, I’ll tie them behind your back! ... And stand up straight.?  

Amy finally pulled herself up to her full height, now forced to bring her leg back even with the other, thus presenting her near-naked vaginal slit to the eager eyes of her ‘step-brother’.

?Now then, show me what Robby supposedly did to you.?

?Ssshoww you??


?NNNoo Ma’am, but I don’t know what you want me to do.?

?Robby, get up and show me what she thinks you did.? Delighted, Robby jumped up and ran to stand behind Amy.

?Well, Mom, she was standing, leaning with her elbows on the table, reading a magazine. I was passing by and patted her on the back, like this, only she had her legs spread much wider.?

?Spread your legs, girl. And then?.?

?Then she said, ‘don’t you rub my pussy like that. Stop that!’ and I didn’t know what she was talking about.?

?What did you think she meant, Robby??

?I thought she was accusing me of rubbing my hand across her slit, like this, like Dad just did.? Robby, deliberately, smiling like the Cheshire cat, moved his hand behind Amy’s back and ran his fingers underneath, back and forth over Amy’s pouty fat labia. Amy jerked up in surprise but could tell from the glare on Susan’s face that she had best not take any action.

?But all you did was pat her on the back, right??

?That’s right, Mom?

?NNnnooo, he’s lying.?

?Having heard you lie over and over again, I’m inclined to think you’re the one who’s lying, you little slut. I know you’re not fond of Robby, and you were hoping to get him in trouble. Well, you’re the one in trouble now! Climb on that coffee table on your hands and knees. Robby take your belt off and hand it to me. This little girl is about to get the beating of her life.?

Amy looked at Susan in startled amazement, standing as she had, legs still wide apart, feeling even more naked after Robby’s swipe at her love-cleft. This changed quickly, as Susan moved over to grab the teen’s arm and yank her over to the coffee table, forcing her down onto her elbows and knees. Poor Amy, even with the tears dripping off her face onto the coffee table, looked like the lascivious slut she was being accused of being, with her butt sticking lewdly up in the air and her nicely developing titties dangling and twitching before the eyes of her tormentors.  

?Now stick that ass way up in the air. Make a good target for me.?

The sobbing teen-ager made a half-hearted attempt to raise her buttocks up a little higher.

?I said raise that ass, girl.?  She followed her remark with three rapid hard smacks across the fleshy expanse of bare ass-cheeks. With a slight scream, Amy raised her hips a bit higher in the air. Robby handed his belt to his Mom and thus began a ten minute exhibition of violent and painful whipping of leather meeting Amy’s sensitive butt flesh.

Swish, SMACK!

Swish, SMACK!

The first few times the strap struck Amy’s flesh, she was able to muffle her outbursts, keeping her mouth shut so that the sounds came out as little squeaks, emanating from her nose. But, as the blows became harder and began hitting the same area over and over again, Amy’s resolve to suffer in silence started to turn to screams and unheeded pleas for mercy.

?OOOOHHHHHH< GGGGodddd, please, it hurrrrts.  PPPPLllease, nooooo moooore!?

Susan was in no mood to relent, however, and, as she saw the belt leaving red stripes across most of Amy’s tormented buttocks, her sadistic nature became inflamed. Soon the belt was moving up and down her victim’s thighs and back up to scourge the already crimson cheeks of her behind. White stripes of raised flesh began to appear here and there as Susan neared her fiftieth strike.

As anxious as Guy and Robby were to watch the effects of the belt smashing over Amy’s tortured flesh, their eyes kept returning to Amy’s undulating breasts, which twisted and spun salaciously on her chest. Her reasonably well-developed nipples danced about as if inviting the males to latch onto them for a healthy suck.

After she had made contact between the belt and Amy’s now battered backside nearly sixty times, Susan’s arm began to weary, and she dropped the belt and sat in her recliner chair with a vigorous sigh. Amy wanted so badly to rub her aching buttocks, but knew from past experience that she was not allowed to do so until given permission. To compensate slightly, she began rocking back and forth, which only set her hanging boobs to dancing more lasciviously than before.

After over a minute of her gyrating unintentionally seductive rocking, Guy finally ordered Robby to take Amy upstairs to have her slit shaved. Delighted, Robby jumped to his feet, and, grabbing Amy’s arm pulled her off the table, coaxing her upstairs. Amy, who might normally have tried to balk at what the indignation of having her younger ?brother? perform such an intimate act on her person docilely allowed herself to be escorted up the stairs.

As they left the room, Guy and Susan smiled to each other as though they had just broken the record for the four minute mile. Guy’s trousers had a definite lump in the crotch area, and they both knew they had an evening of unbridled sex awaiting them in the privacy of their bedroom.

Chapter 2

As he pushed the naked weeping Amy up the stairs, Robby could not get over his new-found luck. Up to now he had been forbidden to touch his ‘sister’ in any way sexual, and now he was being ordered to take her upstairs to shave her pussy. Life was definitely improving!

He pushed Amy into his bedroom, which had an adjoining bath and ordered her to lie on his king-size bed. He hurried to get his razor, which he had not used yet, due to the lack of hair growth on his face, a warm cup of water, the can of shaving cream, a wet washcloth and a towel. When he returned to the bedroom, he ordered Amy to lift her legs above her and grasp them with her hands behind the knees. When she had done so, he stood for a moment looking down at the gash that appeared between her legs.

?Spread ‘em!? With a quiet sob, Amy proceeded to separate her legs, until she could barely still grasp them. The sight before Robby’s eyes was the closest thing to Nirvana he’d ever seen. Amy’s pudgy outer lips had separated enough that he could now see her inner lips, which in their immaturity stayed closely together, and he was looking at the whole shebang from her little pink rosebud all the way up to the top of the slit. WOW!

Robby knelt on the floor close to the bed, so that his face was only half a foot from the object of his affection. A slight sweet smell wafted up from her open cleft. Robby swept the damp cloth over the area, and Amy sighed as the warmth covered her most private area. Soon she felt the cream being applied, and it, too, made her shiver slightly, as she felt Robby’s hand rubbing the cream into her skin. She was pleasantly, if embarrassedly surprised to notice that he took a long time applying the white wetness all over her vaginal area, covering places that were totally hairless. He even had the nerve to dab a bit into her asshole and even her little peehole.

After several minutes, eyes closed tightly to avoid having to look at Robby’s wandering vulpine stare at her open cunny, she finally felt the razor being drawn down across her skin. She was amazed at his gentleness, and the feel of the razor gently scraping away her hair caused her to break out in goose-pimples. She could feel his fingers separating the folds of her vaginal lips in order to make sure he had caught every little tentacle. She was being lulled into a sense of ease that she hadn’t believed possible, when he began his ministrations. She had the feeling that some of the touching and parting of her labia was more investigative than necessary, but his gentleness convinced her that his intent was not to hurt her.

Soon he must have believed he’d achieved his goal, because she felt the damp warm washcloth being swiped gently over the area. Again, he parted her lips widely and wiped down the area between, spending far more time than was necessary to catch any remaining foam, but Amy would have been happy for him to continue for much longer than he did.

Suddenly her eyes shot open and her head raised up to look down her body at Robby’s bobbing head.

Good God! He was licking up and down her slit. Oh, my God. This was the most delicious feeling she had ever experienced. Chills began to run up and down her back, and soon her whole body was trembling, and she was moaning out loud. She was tempted to grab his head between her hands to lead his tongue to the most sensuous areas, but she decided he was doing well without her help. Her moans increased in volume, as he concentrated for almost a minute on the perineum area, but when his tongue finally moved up her crack to concentrate on the little button at the top, the moans turned very vocal.

?OOOOHHHHHH, GGGGoddd, yesssssss! OHHHH, PLLLLEEEAAASSSSE, Right therrrreeeee, yeeeesssss! AAAAAHHHHHhhhhh, GGGGoooooDDDDD!?

As he continued in the same spot and her little nodule grew in size and sensitivity, Amy began to swoon into her first climax. She had diddled herself at least once a week for the last three or four years, but nothing in her life had ever even approached the feelings that coursed through her slender body at this moment. She had to suppress her moans and groans, fearing that it would draw one of her ?parents,? but she couldn’t hold off the electricity that ran up and down her pussy as Robby’s tongue continued to produce its magic.

She had no sooner completed her first cum, than the second started racing through her body. This one rocked her even more than the first, and she couldn’t believe any feelings could top the ones that were sweeping up and down her spine. The second climax soon ended but Robby continued and Amy slid into her third earthshaking ecstasy. She had even reached the point where she felt so exhausted and complete that she wanted to ask him to stop, but she was afraid to.

Robby solved her problem for her as he pulled himself to his feet and began removing his clothes. Amy was terrified that she was about to lose her virginity, until, totally naked, Robby began to climb on the bed and slide his body up over hers, past her crotch, past her stomach, past her breasts, until his semi-erect penis was even with her mouth.

?Your turn, now, Baby. Open that yap nice and wide!?

Though she’d seen pictures and dirty sketches of male genitalia before, she had never seen one for real, especially directly in front of her face. Although Robby’s prick was probably only four or so inches long in its semi-hard state, as it hovered above her mouth, it looked huge to Amy. Reluctantly she opened her mouth several inches wide, enough for Robby to slip the head between her teeth.

?No teeth, Baby! Just relax and let me get it in there.?

When she opened it a bit wider, Robby slipped his penis in until her lips were rubbing against his sparse pubic hair. For a moment, Amy thought how unfair that she was now bare as a six-year-old down there, and Robby had his pubic hair still intact, scant as it was. The thought was a fleeting one, however, as she was forced to begin concentrating on the growing piece of flesh and sinew that was pushing itself toward the back of her mouth. She could feel the girth and length extending, as he began to raise and lower his hips to slide his penis in and out of her mouth. This was beginning to produce an excess of spittle. In and out his slobbery appendage pushed itself, and, as its size eventually reached his full six inches of length, Amy began to feel the tip touching the top of her throat, and she began to gag slightly. As his fervor grew the forcefulness of his thrusts became more and more painful, and soon each lunge forward was causing Amy to cough and gurgle.

?I might have known! Like mother, like daughter!?

Both teen-agers heads swept over to the doorway, eyes wide in surprise, as they spotted Susan standing there, hands on hips, with an evil smirk on her face. In the process Robby’s prick flew out of Amy’s mouth, and much of the spittle from her mouth flew out onto the bed. Both teens looked afraid and guilt-ridden, as they watched Susan enter the room and stand next to the bed.

?You have no guilt, do you, Chickie, seducing a boy two years younger than you. Just like your mother! Guy has told me about all the times you were in school, and she’d run around the house naked, trying to convince him to fuck her or go down on her. And the m?nage a trois she arranged with the woman down the street, and the time Guy came home to find your Mom nude in the living room entertaining three naked young boys. Oh, yeah, you two’re a peach and a pair.?

?NNnnnooo, I?..? ?Don’t try to give me excuses, slut. I seen you myself sucking away at my boy, enjoying every minute. Well, you’ve just earned yourself another punishment. I don’t know what it’ll be, because your butt’s so red and purple right now, we’ll have to find some other way to make you suffer. I’ll teach you to seduce my boy. Now, get downstairs! Robby, you get dressed and come down and watch Miss Tramp get hers. UP!?

Robby hurried to jump off his prone victim, and, as he began struggling to pull his Jockey shorts up over his still semi-rigid prick, a petrified Amy slid off the bed and, naked, crept out of Robby’s room and rushed to get downstairs, hoping not to incur any greater punishment for tardiness.

Susan followed Amy closely, arriving in the living room in time to grab Amy by the arm and push her forward until she stood in from of Guy, who sat grinning on the couch.

?Well, our little slut returns. Looks like Robby did a decent job shaving her pussy.?

?Yeah, but I caught her sucking away at his prick. Apparently she enticed him into it. Poor kid! She’s a real bitch, this one. Tempting a young kid like that into letting her suck him off. Shameless!?

?No, I?.?

SLAP! Susan’s hand caught Amy’s face right on the cheek.

?Nobody asked for your excuses, Bitch. Shut up!?

Guy’s hand reached forward to grope Amy’s naked crotch, just as Robby arrived to watch Amy’s degradation. As Guy’s hand slid over the bare skin, his fingers began to delve and dip between the lips of her pussy. Soon his fingers were sliding back and forth over her inner lips, giving Amy funny feelings, in spite of her humiliation and desire not to react.

?Well, she’s sure not her Mother’s own, I’ll say that. Her Mom was the biggest prude I ever met. It was everything I could do to get her to swallow my cum. I had to spank hera couple of times before she’d start walking around the house naked. And the time I set up a threesome with a woman down the street, I had to threaten her with raping Amy, when she got home from school, before she’d go along with that. And the time I brought a few young boys in to have sex with her! I had to whale the tar out of her before she’d finally lie on the floor naked and suck off the three of ‘em. Not at all like this sexy little wench.?

By now his hand had been tickling and stroking Amy’s vagina, to the point that, in spite of herself, her desires had begun to bring on little pants. Guy was pleased with the way his manipulations were affecting her and began concentrating on her little clit.

Susan, noticing Amy’s reactions, decided to bring her satisfaction to an end.

?Well, she’s got to be punished. We can’t have her teaching my boy all these nasty things.?

?Did she finally bring him off when you caught ‘em, Susie.?

?Nope. He was drivin’ like crazy, but he hadn’t spurted.?

?Well, Hell, then we gotta let her finish, or he’ll end up with blue balls. Take down your pants, boy, and sit on that chair. Now that she’s started you sinnin’, she might as well finish it.?

Robby was only too glad to accede and immediately drew down his pants and Jockeys and ran to the chair and sat, as his penis began to expand. Susan pushed Amy over toward the chair and pulling down on her arm, forced her to a kneeling position.

As Amy’s tears began to flow again, Susan pushed her head toward the impending growing boner and hissed for Amy to open her mouth and get busy. Amy’s lips accordingly slid forward and slipped over the head of Robby’s prick, as he leaned back and let out a sigh. Soon, with the encouragement of Susan’s hand on the back of her head, Amy was swishing her tongue over the bulk of Robby’s hardened sex. Susan took her hand away and Amy knew enough to continue sucking away. Robby’s sighs began to forecast the fact that he was near his culmination. More to get the chore over with than anything else, Amy’s head began a rapid up and down motion, as her saliva began to stream down onto Robby’s balls. She could tell he was near the end, when his scrotum began to tighten up and his sighs became heavy moans.

Suddenly he began to spurt gobs of his essence into her mouth, and it was all she could do to swallow it before it gushed through her lips. She knew her ‘parents’ wouldn’t approve of that! As much as she hated the taste of the gooey stuff, she forced herself to swallow and swallow. Finally the last small gush erupted, and, with a sigh, she took her last gulp. She let the withering rod decrease in size, continuing to suck away for close to a minute before Susan grabbed a tuft of the hair on the back of her head and pulled her head back.

Looking over to Guy, she smiled with a wicked grin and said, ?Now it’s time to punish little Miss Slut for inveigling my little boy into her dirty ways. What do you think we should do, Daddy??

?Well, her ass is still blood red. I’m afraid she’ll start bleeding all over if we whip her again, so it probably ought to be some other area on her body.?

Chapter 3

Robby reached down and grabbed both of Amy’s nipples, saying, ?She’s got such nice long nipples. I think we should punish them!?

Amy’s response, still being held by her hair, neck twisted back against Susan’s leg was little more than a pitiful ?UUUnnnhhhh!,? which Susan took as an affirmative.

?A wonderful idea, Son! Go get me my spool of that thin nylon thread, Honey. I know just what we’ll do!?

When Robby returned with the thread, Susan yanked Amy up onto her feet by the hair until the crying girl was facing her. As Robby held the spool loosely in his palm, Susan began wrapping the thread around one of Amy’s pink protuberances. Starting at the tip of the nipple she began winding and winding as tightly as she could toward the base of the nipple.

Round and round the thread twisted, getting tighter and tighter, squeezing the pink knob tighter and tighter as it went. At first Amy’s response consisted of little mews and moans, but, as it got tighter and tighter, she began to plead.


Susan grinned as she came to the base of the first nipple. It had been squeezed so hard, it was a good quarter inch longer than it had been at first, and half the width. Susan tied it off at the base and began the same painful procedure on the other nipple.

At one point Amy’s pain became great enough, that, without thinking, her hand lifted to her breast as if to protect it. Susan slapped Amy’s hand away with a powerful smack, enough to let the girl know that any attempt to defend herself would be dealt with harshly. By the time she finished wrapping and had tied off the second knot, Amy’s pink nipples were totally covered by the threads except for the very tip of each nubbin. Tears were coursing down Amy’s cheeks, and her fists were clenched tightly to try to withstand some of the torment emanating from her tortured breasts. Susan sent Robby for some masking tape and had Amy place her hands behind her back, so that he could wrap her wrists tightly.

?Now then, bad girl, get down on your knees and lean forward. Robby, go get me two small cans of peas from the kitchen. Amy couldn’t imagine what more pain Susan could possibly administer, but she reluctantly obeyed and sank to her knees, stretching forth as best she could with her arms tied behind her.

When Robby returned with the two small cans, Susan took one and wound the thread around the middle of it and tied it off, leaving a string about a foot and a half or so at the end. Performing the same act on the other can, she then lay down on her side and reached for one of Amy’s hanging breasts. Amy suddenly realized what was coming next and began begging again.

?NNNNOOOOOO, PPPLLLeeaaassseee. ENoooough!?

But it wasn’t enough for Susan, who began tying the loose end of the thread to the middle of one of Amy’s distended nipples. When she’d finished tying off the first, she moved over to the other wrapped nipple and tied off the other can to it.

Rising with a satisfied sigh, Susan ordered Amy to stand up. Amy, tears streaming, looked up at Susan and shook her head with a mournful whimper. Susan kicked lightly at Amy’s right breast, sufficiently hard to cause a screech from her hapless victim, who finally began to push herself up. Her cries became even more pitiful, as she raised herself far enough up to finally feel the weight of the cans pulling against her fettered nips. By the time she had finally managed to stand on both feet, the cans had pulled her nipples straight down. The metal in the two cans were clanking against each other, and brushing lightly against Amy’s bare pubic mound. The weight seemed unbearable to Amy.

?Now then, I want you to lean forward and begin swinging those cans from side to side. Amy pitifully begged once again for mercy. Susan’s answer was a quick noisy slap to the face. A dejected Amy began swinging the cans back and forth from side to side in front of her, eliciting an agonizing groan with each swing, to the delight of her three onlookers. She continued to swing the cans for well over a minute, until Susan finally told her she could stop.

She stood there with dribbles of phlegm dripping from her chin for several minutes without anyone saying a word. Amy finally asked if she could go to her room.

?Of course not, silly. I know you’d go rest those cans on your desk as soon as you got there. No, you have a half hour more of punishment before we take those threads off, so you can just go stand over there against the wall, while we watch tv for a while. I want that back straight up against the wall, you hear? No cheating!?

As she slowly stepped to the wall and placed her upper back against the wall, as best she could with her hands tied behind her, the others turned the television back on and sat back to watch a comedy rerun. Each of them found it hard to concentrate on the program, though, as their eyes kept moving over to watch the weeping girl struggling to keep her back against the wall, and the weight of the cans became more and more cumbersome and painful.           

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The Awakening of Amy

Chapter 1Amy had just finished a lovely meal after an evening out with a few of her work colleagues. She was in her late 20's, around 5'6" tall with long brown hair and curves in all the right places and was wearing a white top, black slacks and a light grey leather jacket. She had parked up in the opposite direction to her friends so when they left the restaurant she said goodbye to them and started the short walk back to her car alone. Even though it was around 9 pm and just starting to get...

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               During my second year of college I moved into a group living situation, muchlike a dorm, but without big brother looking over your shoulder all thetime.  Well, after about a month, one of the girls there caught my eye.  Itwas a co-ed place, so there was a lot of fucking going on, with everyoneseeming to be fucking everyone else, hooking up, breaking up, and all that,playing the game for all it was worth.  I hadn't gotten involved in any ofthat yet, both from a lack of...

2 years ago
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Amy Dear Amy

Author's Note. If your looking for a story with sexual activity in it, this is not the one for you. This is not an Adult story. It is a Sci-Fi with a Transgender nature I would be appreciate your comments on this story and also any suggestions for future story plots. Donna Allyson McCleod; Email via: donna- [email protected] Amy dear Amy By: Donna-Allyson McCleod Chapter 1 The accident had shaken up the community. Not that accidents had not happened before in...

4 years ago
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Wish Shift A Woman Named Amy

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-Three A Woman Named Amy Year 1 A.S. Day 170 Amy had a busy day. They had left the camp earlier this morning and gotten on the road to go home. The other ladies there had gathered around her before they left, to pray the Lord strengthen her and her husband, as they ventured out into the world of the tribulation. It would not truly be safe for the Lord's people yet, but it had to be done. While she and her sisters in faith prayed, Joshua had gathered with...

2 years ago
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Smelling Amy

Bystanders identified the man they observed having sex with the warm female corpse lying in the alley. He didn't kill her but he was eventually indicted, found guilty and sentenced to twenty five to life for her death. It seemed like an apt sentences, for what he did to the unidentified body seemed equally as gross as killing her. Sarah threw the novel down on the night stand in dissgust. She was sick and tired of reading shtty best sellers, books with no redeeming value whatsoever ... novels...

3 years ago
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My Week of Sex with Amy

It was 1990, and I had been at my company for about a month when I discovered email. I finally got my own computer and a 286 at that. This was pre-Windows days but it came with a GUI interface and was connected, not to the Internet (that had been invented but was not yet a widespread phenomenon) but to a popular service provider. There was an email program as part of the GUI, and very soon I learned how to use it and emailed many people around the company, who like me were getting their own 286...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Rob and Amy

The gate clicked closed behind me and I started walking toward my sister's car. I took a deep breath. The air where I was walking was the same air that was on the other side of the wall, but some how it smelled fresher and sweeter. Marci gave me a hug and said: "Before I take you home is there anything you want to do? Any place in particular you want to go?" "Yeah. I guess there is. I'd love to have a cold beer." "You got it. Bud's Bar do it for you?" "You bet." As we drove away...

3 years ago
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dr who clara and amy

The Doctor had said to stay in the TARDIS, and for once neither Clara nor Amy had objected. He had intended to bring the two of them along for a casual visit to the famed Planet of the Ood and its breathtaking snow-peaked landscapes, but as usual, he had quickly detected danger among the tentacled aliens and had run out of the TARDIS to save the day. For the entire journey, Amy had been standing on the glass floor of the TARDIS, and Clara, feigning an interest in the Doctor’s tinkering under...

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dr who clara and amy

The Doctor had said to stay in the TARDIS, and for once neither Clara nor Amy had objected. He had intended to bring the two of them along for a casual visit to the famed Planet of the Ood and its breathtaking snow-peaked landscapes, but as usual, he had quickly detected danger among the tentacled aliens and had run out of the TARDIS to save the day. For the entire journey, Amy had been standing on the glass floor of the TARDIS, and Clara, feigning an interest in the Doctor's tinkering under...

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Time with Aunt Amy

I gawked when came out onto the decking. I was sitting half-reclined on one of the loungers next to the pool. It was shady under the big parasol shade but I still had sunglasses on. And I was grateful to have them because at least they gave me some cover to mask my surprise and delight at seeing my ripe, voluptuous Aunt Amy in the two-piece swimsuit.“I hope you don’t mind,” she said from behind her own huge sunglasses, “but it’s too hot to wear mush else.”I gulped down against the inappropriate...

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AMY BETRAYED AMY BETRAYED ?So you come up on Saturday evening and release me??  Amy was about to undergo her first self bondage in a fashion that she would not be able to release herself, and would need help to get free. Her friend Sheila had agreed to come to where Amy would be, and release her, Amy started the car that Saturday morning, wearing a short skirt, and a top, no underwear and no bra. Neither of these were going to be needed for the rest of the day, as in fact, nor were the...

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'The little bastard!'Amy snuck one hand across his mouth, the other under the waistband of his jeans, and jerked him backward from the cracked open door he'd been peering through. Tim jumped with shock and tripped over his feet because Amy pulled him so hard. Still, she managed to keep him upright, and stifle the grunt of surprise he made, as she bundled him through the adjoining door into his own bedroom."What on earth do you think you're doing, Tim?" She asked in an angry whisper as she...

4 years ago
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Nemesis Amy

When I married Amy, I didn't really know what I was letting myself in for. I didn't realise I was virtually marrying her sister Jill as well. Well, that's what it felt like. You see, when I first met Amy, Jill's husband Ron was on a company posting in Singapore. Ron works for some bank in the city and they had sent him out there for a few years. Apparently he was in for a big promotion when he returned. Jillian had gone with him, of course, so when I met Amy and fell in love with her, I...

2 years ago
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Smile For The Camera Story 2 AMY

Nine weeks had passed since Spencer had made the audition film with Kate and she had started her 90-day program with the directors of Zander Corporation. He had seen her in the office a couple of times at a distance, but they hadn’t spoken. Once he had considered going to her office just to see how she was doing, but changed his mind deciding that it would be best to avoid her until her Zander contract was completed. He had made twenty or more audition films for Zander since he had been hired,...

Straight Sex
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Smile For The Camera Story 2 AMY

Nine weeks had passed since Spencer had made the audition film with Kate and she had started her 90-day program with the directors of Zander Corporation. He had seen her in the office a couple of times at a distance, but they hadn’t spoken. Once he had considered going to her office just to see how she was doing, but changed his mind deciding that it would be best to avoid her until her Zander contract was completed. He had made twenty or more audition films for Zander since he had been hired,...

4 years ago
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Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 with Amy

Middle school classmate Jennifer part 2 (with Amy)To recap part 1, Jennifer invited me over to her parents house and I masturbated infront or her in the pool, and then took her virginity shortly after in the backyard.After eating pizza and Jennifer suggesting I spend the weekend over at her parents empty house, she asked "should I call Amy to come over? I know she wants to have sex with you to". Amy and I sat next to each other in science class and she was a stunner. Amy had dirty blonde hair,...

3 years ago
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Judging Amy

Judging Amy Everyone was glad Amy was coming, everyone except me that was. It wasn’t that I hated my younger sister’s best friend, just that I was always unsettled around her. But, here I was, facing Amy’s company for two whole days before my sister flew in from Atlanta and my girlfriend headed off to Las Vegas for a girls’ weekend. Being alone with Amy for nearly two days did not fill me with enthusiasm. “You should take Amy out to dinner tonight, take her into the city.” Carrie urged me as I...

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When I first met Amy she was just 16 in high school with me. At that time she was only 5' 2" and weighed less than 100 lbs. Her tits were flat fried eggs and her butt was cute and small. She has red hair and lots of freckles with green eyes. I could tell the first time I met her that she really fell for me and we became a couple right away. We ended up taking each other's virginity about three months after we met. Amy never had sex with another man before me and never wanted to. When she hit 18...

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Seducing Amy

Here is the story of how I seduced my beautiful blonde friend, Amy. We were both eighteen at the time, and in our first year at college. It was the start of my first proper lesbian relationship and my second relationship involving BDSM. This all happened a few years ago, but thankfully I wrote detailed diaries about what happened at the time.In retrospect, there is a lot that still makes me smile, and a few things that I regret... but let's leave that aside for now. Why don't we start at the...

2 years ago
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Auntie Claire and Amy

Auntie Claire and Amy’s massageClaire woke knowing today was the anniversary of when her husband left her and she was going to go out and treat herself and that meant another pair of shoes. She dressed as she always did which was smart and elegant with stockings and a pair of high heel shoes, although as she was now in her mid-fifties the heels were just a little bit shorter than they used to be. She still liked to hear the clip clop of the heels on the ground and knowing that many men and...

2 years ago
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Changing Amy

I didn’t know where I was or who I was with. Then it hit me. I was interrogated, raped, then now cuffed naked on a lonely table. What the fuck happened? One day I was boring Amy, thinking she was going through a phrase. But then, everything changed after I received a package. Before any horrible thing happened, a month ago before any of this shit. I began to change and I regretted it. “Derek we need to talk.” I said while cleaning the dishes. Derek glare with a smile on his face. Derek...

3 years ago
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Changing Amy

Introduction: This is my first time writing a erotic story. Please tell me if its good and critic the writing please. More chapters will come soon. Enjoy the story Chapter 1 I didnt know where I was or who I was with. Then it hit me. I was interrogated, raped, then now cuffed naked on a lonely table. What the fuck happened? One day I was boring Amy, thinking she was going through a phrase. But then, everything changed after I received a package. Before any horrible thing happened, a month ago...

4 years ago
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Helping Amy

My doctor and my wife were both nagging me about stimulating my mind since I retired at 52. "Your brain is going to turn into mush!" was my wife's favorite barb. "Volunteer,” she said. Not having any grandkids of my own, I decided to help out at the neighborhood school near my home. I went into the office and told the volunteer coordinator of my thirty-seven years of service back in the Galveston Independent School District and even though it was not classroom related, I still knew my way...

Straight Sex
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My kid sister Amy

My k** sisterMy name is Allen I'm 17 and this about my k** sister Amy she is 16 our sexual relationship started when I was a junior in high school . We share a bathroom and it's not uncommon to see her in just her bra and panties , but lately she leaves her door slightly open and she walks around her room naked at first I thought she might have accidentally not closed the door completely so I closed the door to protect her privacy . I could not shake the vision of her naked so I ran to my room...

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Exposing Amy

This all started one day when my wife was sat on a bar stool. We were having lunch in a pub and my wife Amy decided she needed to go to the toilet. As she spun around her dress seemed to catch and as she lowered herself from the stool her dress rose up her thighs. The lads sat down across from us had a clear view up her skirt and they can't but have seen her panties. This innocuous incident changed our lives. Amy was really seriously embarrassed, and anyone else would have thought that she was...

2 years ago
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Amy reached from beneath the sheets and groped around clumsily for her alarm clock as it beeped cheerily on her bedside table and knocked it to the floor. As her hand slid from the nightstand, following the clock to its doom, she let her arm hang lazily from the side of the bed. As she slowly rolled over onto her stomach she felt something squashing against her upper thighs. Something hard. Warm and damp, it pressed against her skin, bunching her panties to one side and making...

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Tori and Amy

It had been several weeks since I fucked my cute 18 year old neighbor, Tori, in my jacuzzi tub.   This particular afternoon, I was on the patio relaxing in the tub with my eyes closed while mentally reliving the wonderful experience of burying my hard cock deep into that tight teenage cunt when I heard “Hi, Mr. Mac!”.   Startled, I sat up straight and turned my head to see little Tori standing there along with a tall, cute blonde who was smiling shyly and cupping her hands.   Tori said “Mr....

First Time
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My Sisters Hot Friends Amy

I grew up in a big family, as the oldest of 4 I was always being annoyed one of my younger sibling. My sister Becky is 2 years my junior, but as I got older I found her less annoying as her friends started to get hotter. By the time she was 16 I was 18 and some of her friends were just stunning- all heights and shapes but every night I would lie in bed thinking of one (or more) of them. I used to trawl their Facebooks and MySpaces to find pictures of them, especially in the summer when the...

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Middle school classmate Jennifer part 4 with Amy

Middle school classmate Jennifer part 4 (with Amy)To recap part 1 through 3, Jennifer and I were paired up for a class project. She invited me over after some strong flirting and I masturbated infront of her while Jennifer stood naked in the pool. A little while later I took Jennifer's virginity in her parents backyard, and we ordered pizza. Jennifer called Amy, who I sat next to in my science class to come over. We had a threesome the same night all caught on VHS tape.After I fucked Jennifer...

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Driving Amy

Impatience drove his tapping on the steering wheel, the blue hue from the digital clock glowered back at him. He’d been here at least half-an-hour and ran the engine again to stay warm. “Come on Laura, where are you?” With a jolt of surprise, she arrived without him noticing. The cutting chill of December air and the scent of perfume filled the car. Slumping into the front seat, the door slammed shut. The cloying tackiness of Laura’s lipstick left a small smudge on Nathan’s cheek. “Hi...

Group Sex
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I didn't say a word when I saw her outfit, if that term could even be applied to what she was wearing tonight. Charlie and John came into the kitchen behind me—I caught the quick smirk that passed over their faces when they saw her."Guys go in and get a seat. You know how to work the remote, right?"They both nodded, and I watched them walk out towards the living room. "I thought we talked about this?" I said, glaring at Amy from behind. "What?' she answered smartly, not even turning around to...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 14 Party and Amy

Amy watched from her sensors as her Admiral and his friends had their party. On the screen, her image wandered through the party chatting with her friends. The hours go by as off duty crew came in and had a dinner of the strange foods she has never tried. She vowed that Ken would share them with her one day. Over in a small meadow, some of the many kids played a game she'd had to look up. It was called baseball. Some others played volleyball. Going over the reports, she saw her shuttles...

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I turned around when I heard a little cough behind me. My sister Amy, stood there with a big grin on her face. "Hey, do you work all the time? I went by your house and Ellen said you were still working. I came by to see if you had your secretary bent over the desk or something." "You just missed it. She's a hot little Latino and demands it twice a day at least." Sis and I kidded each other a lot about our love lives. I was happily married. Sis and I had always discussed our dating and...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 15 Amy

I stood between Anna and Penny, as everyone boarded the coach. They were still discussing the party while I was scanning the area for problems. "So far, so good," I thought. Kip suddenly appeared, speaking to Penny and Anna. "All clear," he reported. "Okay, Michael. We've got it. If you'll get onboard now, we can get going," Penny said. "Nicky? Could I meet with you and Vickie for a minute?" I thought to them as I took a seat near the center of the coach. As before, the adults...

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Middle school classmate Jennifer part 3 with Amy

Middle school classmate Jennifer part 3 (with Amy) To recap part 1 and 2, I masturbated infront of Jennifer naked in the pool and took her virginity in her parents backyard. Jennifer called Amy, she came over and I fucked Amy infront of drunk Jennifer while she masturbated next to us, capturing it on a VHS camcorder.After Jennifer ate my cum off of Amy's back and licked it all up off of her fingers infront of the camera, she realized we had a hour left on the tape to record on. She asked Amy...

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Teaching Amy

Those of you that read my stuff (thanks) know how my wife Kat works on married women most with k**s all who have never had sex with a women before, well now and again something happens that is just too good not to tell others about like this. Tuesday moring 7am Steve Kummings leaves for work his wife Helen is in bed still alsleep and my wife slips under the sheets kissing and licking her way to Helen's 42year old light brown cunt as she does Helen moans and subconshionly spareds her legs...

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Amy 33 Beach Blanket Amy

Amy 33: Beach Blanket Amy! Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We Play Hour by Hour Heidi Fleegleman, my mortal enemy, wasn't too pleased to see my little Japanese ass in her personal, private swimming pool, the Gulf of Mexico. But there I was with my black hair blowing all...

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Chapter I Amy

Introduction: This story is purely fiction. Any similarity to any persons or circumstances is coincidental Chapter I The summer when I was eleven, Amy came to stay with us for a month. This was not the first time she had stayed with us in the summer, of course. Amy was my cousin, the daughter of my fathers twin brother, and until we were six years old, lived next door to me. We were only two weeks apart in age, but because our birth dates came at just the wrong time, she was a year ahead of me...

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Chapter I Amy

Introduction: I am republishing this chapter, since there seems to be some problem with the first on I posted. I can find and read it just fine, but it seems others cannot. This is the first chapter, which ends where Chapter II — Mark picks up. The summer when I was eleven, Amy came to stay with us for a month. This was not the first time she had stayed with us in the summer, of course. Amy was my cousin, the daughter of my fathers twin brother, and until we were six years old, lived next door...

1 year ago
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More Adventures with Amy

I woke up a bit dazed, then almost immediately remembered the night before and buried my head under the pillow. Reverberating in my head was the realization I had sucked a cock. I felt Amy's hand run down my naked back. "Good morning, lover," she said. She moved closer and slid one leg over my thigh and I felt the warmth of her bald pussy against my butt. "That was so wild, last night," she cooed. I moaned and wrapped the pillow tighter around my head. "What's the matter, Andy? Having...

1 year ago
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Saving Amy

SAVING AMY As Eric came awake, he realised several things almost simultaneously - and none of them good. He was naked. He was chained upright, against a cold stone wall in what seemed to be some kind of cell. There was something stuck in his bottom. And he had not the faintest idea of how he'd got here, or where he'd been before this. A groan of terror and incomprehension forced its way out of his throat. The answering moan from away to his right told him something else. He was not...

4 years ago
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Deconstructing amy

Deconstructing amyAuthor’s note: It’s been a while since my last story. This mainly due to the fact that I am now very happily married to my biggest fan and thus have practically no time to write for the library anymore. Since I keep getting applications from potential online slaves  though, I decided to write this one as a blueprint. I have neither the time nor ambition to take on any online slaves, but if you are determined to be my slave, feel free to follow amy’s path.It was late in the...

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A Amy

You are the first person to read this and this is the first thing I've ever written *Warning*In case this is ever a piece of evidence - just let me formally state for the record. This story is strictly meant for viewing by consenting adults in an environment in which all others do not have access. If you are offended in any way, to any degree, by any aspects of forced sex, rape, nudity, skipping church once a month or anything involving fantasy, things the devil is said to have done, or...

2 years ago
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House in the Woods Amy

Copyright© 2004 "Damnit girl! Watch what you're doing!" I wasn't normally this harsh with waitresses, but then, I didn't normally get hot coffee poured in my lap! "Oh! I'm sorry, Sir!" the auburn-haired young lady cried. Something in the way she said it... or maybe it was her posture... Whatever triggered it, I was beginning to get a feeling about this young lady. 'Let's just see... !' I told myself. There weren't many people in the cafe, and none nearby, so I quickly...

3 years ago
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Sharon Amy

Chapter 1 Awww that feels so good Mistress Amy Sharon moaned as Amy fucked her ass & cunt with nine & ten inch cucumbers . Amy had brought her home about 25 minutes earlier & after have a glass of wine each , Amy was now fuckin her new momma bitch with the veggies . Once Sharon reached orgasmic bliss , Amy sat on the stacked old hags face , Sharon had 40d natural slightly saggy tits , which she slapped while Sharon ate cunt . Sharon was an expert pussy licker , often she would lick pussy...

1 year ago
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My Crazy Life 2 Amy

Swinging is not an activity for all people. By definition, it is a couple’s activity, and it requires a couple that is strong in their commitment to each other and open to new experiences. Here is the story of how my wife and I got started.My wife might say that she and I had been more or less happily married for fifteen years when we decided to explore. I am the story-teller, and I am very certain the story started long before that.Before we got married, my wife was a player. She might not see...

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Sylvia meets Janet and Amy

I wasn't at all sure I was going to let myself get DP'd again, but when I finally did, Janet was on her hands and knees beside me, kissing me, getting DP'd herself.There was a lot of coke at this party. I don't think I ever saw people using it like they were here. I don't know who paid for it, but there was a lot, and everybody could share. People got so high, and in this place, with all this sex everywhere, people wanted to fuck, and fuck and fuck. I was wondering if the parties I was going to...

3 years ago
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Triptych InterviewsAmy

Saturday, August 6 (After Chapter 6 of Triptych) AMY: Hi. I'm Amy. aroslav: Welcome, Amy. Thanks for participating in our interviews. AMY: Sure. What's this all about? aroslav: We'd like to get to know all the people who are important in Tony's life. AMY: You think I'm important in his life? I'd rather be important in, say, Melody's life, if you know what I mean. aroslav: I know, but we'll talk about that a little later. I'd like to start with basic information, if you don't...

2 years ago
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A Shy Guys Notebook Part one Meeting Amy

James had always been extremely awkward in social situations. Being painfully shy, he struggled to keep conversations going with anyone. At the age of eighteen, he was in his final year of sixth form (further education in England) and he knew that in a few months he would be venturing out into the big, scary world of university life. He was quite average in most aspects of his life. He wasn’t too tall or too short and not too overweight, but not exactly the poster boy for physical health. He...

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Turned by Alan and Amy

This is a harrowing tale for me but one I need to set down for my own sanity. It is a true account of how I switched from being a hetro male to a lustful bisexual.I started to use Cam Zap and Omegle a few months ago and was astonished at some of the poor experiences on there. I started to weary of the routines of it all and there was never any sign of women on there. I don’t know how it happened but one day I started texting a guy on there and next thing my shorts were down and he was...

2 years ago
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Amy 3 Little Orphan Amy

Amy 3: Little Orphan Amy! by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Liz Phair's Second Album I still had no real identity, but once we got back from Florida, Mrs. Komori immediately started building a fake one for me. The idea was that as soon as Mrs. Komori could swing it, Amy Komori would...

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