My Pretty Dolly free porn video

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All standard disclaimers apply and this story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use, strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. This is a short forced baby story. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. Constructive comments are welcome at [email protected]. My Pretty Dolly By Cheryl Lynn Allen Finch was covered in mud and slime from the lake. His cousin Bertha Lou had shoved him off the wharf into the shallow muddy water. Now she was standing above him laughing her fat ass off. His hatred of his older cousin was at a boiling point but helpless to act on it. She was two years older, bigger, stronger and just plain mean. All his life she had picked on him and got him into trouble. He was justifiably terrified of her as neither his mother nor Aunt would stand by him. They would tell him that he was the man and should stand up for himself. If he let a mere girl take advantage then it was his own fault, they would declare. He couldn't help it if he was small for his age or that he was delicate. He was a premature baby and sickly until he turned thirteen. As a teenager he was healthy but didn't develop into a rugged masculine image. Even his school friends called him "baby face" as he couldn't grow facial hair even if his life depended on it. He did his best trying to be manly. He let his hair grown down to his shoulders, keeping it in a low pony tail. He wore baggy jeans with the tops of his boxers showing. He had a rambling shuffle walk and emulated the hard rock life style. However with his small frame and baby face, it was a style he couldn't pull off successfully. Now here he was up to his waist in cold water looking up at his laughing cousin. He knew all he could do was shout obscenities back up at her as he headed to the shore. Both his mother and Aunt were gone to the city for the day and would be no help in any case. "Why the fuck did mom have to bring me here with her for the summer? I could have stayed with Chucky but no, I had to come up here to the fuckin lake," he fumed as he reached the shore. Allen was in the shower, steam filling the small bathroom as he washed the filth of the lake off. He seldom washed his hair but it was covered in foaming bubbles, his eyes squeezed shut. Suddenly the shower curtain was pulled aside and jerking back hit his head on the tile. The next thing he knew was seeing Bertha Lou standing above him laughing with yellow rubber gloves balled into fists on her hips. "Okay baby face, finish up in there then I'll help you get dressed," she said turning the water back on. "Get the fuck outta here you fuckin bitch!" he shouted in defiance and embarrassment. "What am I doing sitting on the floor? Shit! My head hurts and that bitch is staring at me," he thought covering his groin. To his surprise and utter humiliation, she reached down, grabbed his balls and squeezed. He screamed and tried to swat her hand away but she squeezed all the harder. Tears and soap filled his eyes as he was engulfed in pain. "I said finish up," she said releasing her grip and pulling the shower curtain closed. It took Allen a few minutes to get himself back together before he stepped back under the shower. He wasn't sure what hurt the most, his head where he banged it on the tile or his poor nuts. "I'll get that fuckin bit....," he mumbled then saw the hair accumulating on the tub floor. "What the hell?" he thought. "What the fuck did you do to me!" he screamed seeing that his body hair was going down the drain. "Oh just a little depilatory to get rid of that nasty body hair. You have two minutes to finish up or I'm going to pull that tiny dick of yours out by the roots," she replied. "Mom's gonna be pissed when I tell her what you've done," he answered. "Like when has she ever taken up for your candy ass before?" she shouted back. "Now get out of that shower before I get really angry." ## Allen had never been as embarrassed in his life as he sat on the sofa. Bertha Lou had really done a number on him. She had pulled him from the shower and using a hairbrush, spanked him until his hinny was beet red. Then she dragged him screaming into her room and sat him at her vanity. He was forced to sit there, naked as the day he was born. With his hands covering his privates, she massaged setting gel into his hair then put it in plastic rollers. Covering his tightly rolled hair with a lavender hairnet, she jerked him from the stool. "This is going to be so much fun!" she exclaimed leading him over to her bed. "Nooooooooooo!" he screamed seeing what was on the bed and trying to break free of her iron grip. "Do you need another spanking?" she yelled using her free hand to swat his naked rump. "Noooo, please don't do this," he begged fresh tears bursting from red rimmed eyes. Another sharp slap to his upper thigh and Allen gave up. She was too strong and he could do nothing. With quivering lip and a steady flow of tears he let her dress him. What she did, he would never be able to live down as he heard the front door open. His mother and Aunt were finally home. Bertha Lou had obviously planned this for some time and now he would be totally mortified. "Ohhhhmyyyyyygawdddd," he heard as the two women entered the living room. The sound of bags hitting the floor as he heard, "Allen! Is that you?" Francine and Edna stood in total shock and amazement seeing Allen on the sofa. He was wearing an emerald green satin tiered little girl's party dress with white lace frills on the hems and cute bows at the puff sleeves. The pink plastic panties with white ruffled lace at the cuffs was clearly visible under several stiff white net petticoats. It was obvious that he was wearing a bulky diaper under the panties. Vivid pink ball mittens were attached to his hands and pink booties on his feet. His hair was in tight varnished curls and a large emerald green satin ribbon pinned to the back of his head. His face had been powdered, bright red rouge on his cheeks with long black false eyelashes. A large pacifier was in his mouth held in place by a pink satin ribbon. In his lap was a Betsy Wetsy doll and a small baby bottle. "What is the meaning of this?" his mother, Francine, demanded as Edna began giggling uncontrollably. Bertha Lou entered from the kitchen holding a real baby bottle filled with formula. "Oh, hi Aunty Francine. We didn't expect you back so soon. We were just playing that's all. Honest, Allen just loves to play at being my real baby doll. Why he even demands that I feed him his by-by and pees his di-dee when he finishes," she said walking over to the sofa and sitting down next to him. As the two women stood staring in incomprehension and shock, Bertha Lou quickly removed his pacifier. Before he could shout, she forced the nipple into his mouth and grabbed the back of his neck forcibly. Digging her sharp finger nails painfully into his neck whispered, "Suck it or you'll really be sorry." "Well I never," his mother said picking up the bags she had dropped. "Come on Francine, let the children play," Edna giggled picking up her bags and headed to her room. Francine glared at her son and with a "Harrumph," followed her sister. As soon as the nipple plunged between his lips Allen tried to bat it away and yell out his denials. No matter how he struggled, the satin mittens were totally ineffective. Bertha Lou had a tight grip on the back of his neck and to the women, it looked like he was just trying to grip the bottle. With the women gone, Bertha Lou removed the bottle exposing Allen's bright cherry red painted lips. With the free hand she reached under his crinolines and grasped his groin in talon claws. "You drink all your formula then pee your diapers like I said or I swear you'll regret it," she snarled squeezing his balls. "They won't be around all the time to protect you and we're miles from the nearest neighbor. Just remember that!" Hearing the women returning, she grabbed the bottle and jammed it back into his mouth. "I want to hear you goo-gooing as you finish your bottle," she whispered harshly. His mother gave him a snort of disapproval as she walked by heading for the kitchen. If she had bothered, she would have seen the stalk terror that filled his eyes. Instead she shook her head, mumbled something under her breath and kept walking. Aunt Edna just giggled as she went past muttering, "What a sissy." Allen could hear pots and pans banging loudly from the kitchen. He guessed correctly that his mother was really mad. "Edna, I know Allen is frail for his age but.....but let Bertha Lou do that! Oh my gawd!" she wailed. "Francine get a grip dear. I think he looked just precious. You can't believe my darling Bertha Lou could really force him to do that, do you? Why from the way it looked to me, he wasn't putting up much of a fight. I know they haven't ever gotten along but seriously, if I were a boy, I'd have fought tooth and nails. Did it look like he put up any fight? I think she was telling us the truth. Maybe he likes being treated like a big baby. Getting caught by us was embarrassing I'm sure but...but maybe it's good that their play time is out in the open." "Edna what would I do without you? It's been so hard since...since HE left with that whore. Now this! I'm at my whit's end. What am I gonna do?" she wailed throwing her arms around her sister sobbing. "Well for the time being let's see what happens. We don't know that Bertha Lou is forcing him or if he's a willing participant. I'm sure by the time dinner is over we'll know the truth. I think we could both use a glass of chilled wine about now," she comforted patting her sister on the back. ## As the two women were in the kitchen preparing supper, Bertha Lou had her fingers clamped into Allen's groin. It wasn't the iron like grip she had used earlier because of the plastic panties and diaper. However it was hard enough to get Allen's full attention. "Listen up," she whispered harshly. "You don't act like you're enjoying being my little dress up dolly and I swear you'll live to regret it. You can go crying to your mommy but it's your word against mine. You know it will only be a matter of time when we're left alone again. So, if you want to keep those little bits." She paused long enough to punch him in the groin making his eye's bulge in pain. "Then you will act like you're having the time of your life. Now finish your bottle and you had better pee your diaper. All I want to hear coming out of that mouth of yours is baby talk. Understand!" she demanded giving his crotch another punch. "Please Bertha Lou don't hit me there anymore. I.....I'll do it, just don't hurt me anymore," he replied when she removed the bottle. Allen was frantic and terrified but his cousin was in complete control. His poor groin was in pain. He also knew she was probably right about what would happen if he complained to his mother. Yeah, she would stop all this nonsense but only until they went out again. Then Bertha Lou would really beat him up or worse. She definitely knew where to hurt a guy the most. All he could do was hope that this was a onetime thing. Lowering his head in shame began softly sniffling and sucked on the bottle. "Oh my baby dolly is crying. You poor baby are those tears of happiness? They sure look like it to me. Now I want you to tell me how much you just love being my baby dolly," she said gripping his groin tighter. "Yes, I really want to be your baby dolly," he gasped. "Now that didn't sound very enthusiastic baby. Say it again and make it sound just like it was the bestest thing ever," she snarled then seeing Francine entering the doorway whispered, "Make it convincing and while you do, bounce up and down clapping your hands together." Blushing as pink as his panties, Allen bounced and clapped while saying, "Oh Bertha Lou...I just luv being your little dolly." She pinched his inner thigh, whispering, "More." "I.....I luv....luv this...this sooo much..wh...when we play," he added as he saw his mother enter the room. Before he could say anymore Bertha Lou put the nipple back into his mouth. "I like it too baby. Now that your mummy knows we can play this game all the time. We won't have to keep our play time secret anymore," she said. Then pretending she had just noticed Francine added, "Auntie, please don't be mad. We were just play acting and having fun. Alicia just loves being my baby dolly." "Alicia?" Francine asked surprised at what she had just heard her son say and Bertha Lou's response. "Yes, that's what my dolly wants to be called. Don't you think it's a cute name for my pretty dolly?" she answered. "Well I never.....if I didn't see this with my own two eyes...," she said turning on her heels and walking back into the kitchen. "Alright Bertha Lou you have destroyed my life already. I hope you're satisfied now, so please stop all this and let me be. Haven't you done enough?" Allen said popping the bottle out of his mouth. "Oh no Alicia. Not after you told your mother how much you luv playing our little game. Finish your bottle and pee your diaper and....and I might let you go," she said with a broad smile. "This stuff tastes awful. It's got my stomach churning. Please, no more. I'll pee but this is it. No more, you promise?" he begged. "We'll see but you had better soak that diaper," she responded pushing the nipple back into his mouth. Allen finally finished his bottle then after a few minutes squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to pee. As the hot wetness filled the diaper he actually sighed. For a split second it had actually felt good then realizing what he had done began crying. "It's alright baby to wet your di-des," Bertha Lou said hugging and patting him on the back. He was surprised just as she was when he let out a loud belch. Unfortunately Edna had walked in moments before. "Did I hear her say he wet his diapers? Oh my listen to that belch. Just like a baby. It certainly doesn't look like she's forcing him. Allen has always been immature for his age but this..well let's see how this plays out," she thought then said, "Bertha Lou did I hear you say that Allen just wet his diapers?" "Oh mom he likes to be called Alicia when we play dollies and...yes..Alicia wet her diaper," she replied smiling broadly. "Well...go change All...err..Alicia's diaper then come get your dinner. Suppers ready," Edna said still a bit overwhelmed by what she had witnessed. "It's okay mom, Alicia won't mind wet diapers while we eat. He..I mean she does it all the time. I'll change her after we eat. I'm starved," Bertha Lou piped up. "Francine you'll never believe what I just saw. Allen actually wet his diapers and he wasn't fussing. I think he's really into being Bertha Lou's play thing. They're coming to the table now with him still in those wet diapers can you believe. Bertha Lou said he didn't mind being in soggy ones," she said entering the kitchen. "Ooohhhmyyygawd, you can't be serious. I'll check him as soon as they get here," Francine replied shocked. "Alright Alicia, when we get into the kitchen you better keep a happy face or tomorrow you'll be very sorry. If they think you're not having fun, I will be really mad," Bertha Lou said stuffing the pacifier back into Allen's mouth. His diaper soaked and becoming very uncomfortable he followed his cousin into the kitchen. He didn't realize how loudly he was sucking on the pacifier. Loud enough for the two adults to hear as he slid into his seat. The only other sound to be heard was the scraping of his chair. Allen blushed seeing the others in the room staring at him. Both adults had looks of wonder and arched brows while his cousin was smiling broadly. With the pacifier tied in place he couldn't say anything in his defense. His nerves already stretched taunt, he sucked even harder on it. When his mother stuck two fingers down into his diaper, could have died of embarrassment. "He's soaked," Francine said in disbelief then went to her seat. The look of disappointment on her face was clear. Normally Bertha Lou sat across from him at the table but she sat next to him. To his surprise she tied a hand towel around his neck creating a bib. "This is one of our favorite things," Bertha Lou explained. "Alicia just loves it when I cut up her food into teeny tiny pieces and feed her. Sometimes she's a bit messy so I use the towel as a bib to keep her dresses all nice and clean." She stood behind him as she leaned over and cut his food into very small pieces. "Make a nice mess of your bib or I'll stab my fork into your balls," she hissed softly. Taking her seat next to him she began spoon feeding Allen. As instructed he managed to spit up about a third of his dinner. Throughout the entire meal not a word was said. The adults just looked on in amazement and disbelief while Bertha Lou was having a ball. She was getting a sexual rush like never before dominating her cousin. Allen's submission and behavior seemed to be convincing the adults that it was something he loved doing. The feelings of power and control were as good as actual sex for Bertha Lou. Finished eating wasn't any better for Allen. His cousin had retrieved the Betsy Wetsy doll and put it in his lap. "Alicia go on and play with your dolly while I help Aunty and mom clean up. I'll change your die-de when I've finished," she said. It took all of Allen's will power not to cry. Crying would only make things worse. Later, taking him by the hand led him into her room. She left the pacifier tied in place along with his satin ball mittens while she stripped off his clothing. By this point he couldn't stop the tears from flowing or the strength to fight her. In her attached bathroom she had him step into the tub where she removed his plastic pants and diaper. As she washed off his groin and butt Allen couldn't help it as his cock became erect. "Eweee, that's gross," she exclaimed then reached out and grabbed it. She pulled him into her making him wince in pain. "I can't believe you got a hard on from your cousin washing you. That's just plain sick and perverted. You're a little sick-o that's what you are.....unless....unless it's cause you get excited from wearing diapers and being my little dolly-wolly? Come on, tell me which is it. You get a stiffy cause you want to do me or cause you love wearing diapers and being my dolly? Answer me or I'll pull this little thing right off," she hissed. She certainly didn't have the least iota of sex appeal to him but there was no hiding his erection. Making matters worse it was getting stiffer as she held it in her warm hand. Only muffled groans and moans escaped as the pacifier muffled any intelligent speech. He could only shake his head, "no" as the tears flooded down his cheeks. "Can't be me cause I know you're a faggot queer. Must be your love of your diapers," she snarled letting him go. His mortification didn't end as his penis bobbed up and down as she powdered his groin. It was still erect when she put another adult diaper on him along with a thick soaker pad. She pulled his pink plastic panties back up and snapped the waist band in place. "You still have that stiffie and I'm sure it adores being trapped in its comfy di-des. Well just don't stand there, start rubbing it. Go on or does your perverted mind want me to do it for you? Maybe you want my hairbrush to add some encouragement," she demanded picking up the brush. Allen laid back on the bed with his legs slightly spread and began rubbing his crotch. Bertha Lou looked on excitedly as the plastic panties crinkled loudly. "Come on make nice little squirties for me. You can do it. Come on or mommy will spank," she encouraged. With a gasp he did exactly that. Bertha Lou could tell by the flush on his face that he had indeed shot his load. To make sure she patted him on the crotch feeling the soft penis beneath. "That's a good baby. I knew you just loved wearing diapers and that proves it," she cooed. "That's all your little pinnie is good for anyway. It's too small to ever please a woman. Now let's get you dressed for nightie-night." She wasn't finished with him by a long shot. First she braided his long hair into pig tails tied off with red satin ribbons. Then she put a white satin training bra around his chest. A bright shimmering scarlet shortie nightie with scooped neck and ruffled hem quickly followed. The hem of his nightie left most of his diapered ass revealed. For foot wear she put a pair of pink furry slippers on his feet. The outline of his bra could be seen through the thin nightie as she led him out of the room. "Come on, you have to say nightie-night to your momma and Auntie Edna. Then I'll take you back to your room so you can watch that Barbie movie I got for you till bed time. I'm sure you'll just love jerking off in your diapers watching it," she said dragging him from the room. "Now when we get there, you better sound convincing when you tell them you want to watch your favorite Barbie movie," she said pinching his upper thigh. Saying goodnight was horrible enough but having to sit on the side of his bed rubbing furiously between his legs while watching the movie mortifying. Bertha Lou kept encouraging him with swats of the brush to his thighs. She wasn't happy until he managed to ejaculate twice to his undying shame. Before she let him go to sleep, she made him drink another bottle of formula this one laced with both diuretic and laxative. Back in the den Bertha Lou told the adults all about the wonderful play time they engaged in while they were gone. "Oh yes momma, Alicia and I always play like this when you go out. She just loves wearing her pretty green dress and diapers. The dress? I got it on the internet. Alicia even paid for it, she wanted it so bad. I thought it was kind of silly at first but I decided to play along. When we play Alicia is so much calmer and we don't fight at all. It's really a shame that all we have is that one dress though and that old doll of mine. Now that you know what we do, Alicia begged me to ask if we could play all the time now. Maybe get some more cute dresses, dollies and things to make his play time more fun. I really need to get more diapers and plastic panties if you'll let us play all the time." Francine was disturbed at Bertha Lou's revelations about her son but she did sound convincing. What he was doing was so bazaar that it made her very uncomfortable; yet, he did seem happy. Despite that, she knew she had to put a stop to it. Such behavior just wasn't acceptable. She was about to say as much when her sister said, "I think he looked precious. Francine, I think we should let the children play their little game. There's really no harm in it. I don't know about you but I'm sick and tired of their constant in fighting. If playing the dolly for the summer stops all that I like it." She had to agree about the constant fighting but wasn't totally convinced. "I'll stop by on my way to bed and ask him myself," she thought. "Alright, I'll go along with this but only after I talk to Allen," she said. Much later after he had finally fallen into a troubled sleep his mother came into his room. She could smell what he had done in his diaper as she reached the bed. "Oh my, he pooped! He actually pooped his diapers. What am I gonna do? I don't think I can handle this. I actually thought this was some kind of joke but smelly diapers are no joking matter. If he likes wearing diapers then diapers it will be just as long as I don't have to change them," she thought turning away. She saw the Barbie DVD sitting on his bedside table, muttered, "If he likes that sort of thing and diapers, then maybe an overdose will cure him of such nonsense."

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This is my first erotic story, please be kind. ;) I cannot claim that I came up with the method of transformation. You should thank Jennifer GH as her 'Just a simple doodle' is what inspired me to write the following. I did try to contact her, without luck. Should she see this or if you know her I would really love to hear feedback from the author of the original work. Swiped Disclaimer: If you are under the age of legal consent from where you are connecting then you should not be...

4 years ago
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Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink: Mum and Dad had been listening to us argue and Dad finally interrupted us. "I'll tell you what," he said. "If your Mum has no objections we can settle this argument once and for all!" Mum looked at Dad and smiled. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking Edward?" she asked. "If Riley can take a holiday as Kate, why not let Philippa take a holiday as Phil!" "Sounds like a plan to me!" said Philippa. "I want to know what it feels like to be so inferior that you can...

4 years ago
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Pretty blonde wife comes to visit her sister

My wife and I came to St Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands for our twentieth wedding anniversary and enjoyed it so much, we decided to stay. I found a lucrative job selling condos on the Island while my wife took her money from her retirement program to open up a jewelry store selling locally-made Caribbean items. My wife’s younger sister, Miriam, and her husband, Maurice, talked about coming to visit us but we didn’t think they were very serious about doing so. I had just dropped my...

3 years ago
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Pretty In Pink

Pretty In Pink... A subsidiary of SRS By Anon Allsop She was eighteen and simply gorgeous. I worshipped the ground she walked on. I remember when she was about fifteen and sort of plain looking, I was only sixteen then. I loved everything about my big sister from her sweet disposition down to her beautifully sculpted body. I had been snooping around in my sisters room a few days ago and came across a bag from the mall with a few "interesting" items in it. Such as clothes, makeup,...

3 years ago
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Pretty Boy

Pretty Boy By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Too Pretty What do you do when you're a boy and your genes made you pretty? Not handsome. Not boyishly cute. Pretty. It wasn't bad when I was a small boy. My mother would dress me androgynously and everyone would compliment her on her beautiful daughter. Sometimes Mama would correct people. Mostly she wouldn't. When I was old enough to know what was happening, I was very embarrassed. I was a boy, after all. And I wanted to be a...

3 years ago
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Pretty Edith

PRETTY EDITH By Geneva Edward is offered a chance for a transformation by a wealthy businessman in return for future help in a revenge scheme. He finds its course gets increasingly repugnant. The background of this story is that of my two earlier stories 'Plaything' and 'Remodelled', but written from the point of view of the character Edward/Edith. START It looked like just another weekend ahead for me but, as I tidied off my office desk, I heard the others discussing their...

3 years ago
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Pretty Pretty Princess Johna the Dragon Slayer

Princess Johna's faithful unicorn steed, Sparkle, teleported into the Dragon's den right behind the owner's unwilling guest. He used his horn to cut the ropes which were bidding his rider's hands. As Sir Dragon was preparing to react to his uninvited guest; the damsel, who was no longer in distress, jumped on the back of her faithful companion and got the lance from the side of the saddle. Princess Johna, the pretty pretty dragon slayer, said, as she was riding her charging unicorn...

3 years ago
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Pretty as a Picture

Pretty as a Picture By Cassandra Morgan Sometimes, all it takes is a photograph to put one's life into focus. I have lived as long now as I had before I saw the photo, but I have never forgotten it. I was a junior in high school at the time, one of those background students you barely noticed. I was an inconsequential football player for Forbes High School in a town called Smiths Station, Alabama, a quiet town just outside of Auburn. I was Ryan Sutton, but no could tell you that...

4 years ago
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Pretty Bitch for Brian

In truth, his entire existence was patently unremarkable. He was a thirty four year old, single, social awkward night watchman who still lived in the small, cheap apartment he had moved into eleven years before. He was not, however, a man without a desire for more. Throughout his life, he had tried to turn himself into the man he wanted to be. He had sought better jobs but, his shyness made him beyond horrible in interviews. Likewise, he tried frequently to find a woman but, with...

2 years ago
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Summary: Sean doesn't know much, being a virgin and all, but he knows one thing: that first time should be at least pretty perfect, with butterflies in his stomach and love at first sight. This is the reason why he doesn't want to just hook up and have sex, by frequenting gay bars, as his close friend suggests. When a sexy dangerous good-for-nothing punk lands in his bed, is not for sex, though, and he has no hopes that he could score with Max, who seems to be light years apart from everything...

3 years ago
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Pretty by Vickie Tern i. "Oh, I love this one -- just look here! This is it! Exquisite lace edging and a low bodice, lots of lift -- and look how discreetly the underwire is set in. It's almost invisible, yet it'll provide you all the support any girl'll ever need. This bra will absolutely make the most of your little boobies. Though come to think of it they aren't so...

4 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Part 2

Pretty in Pink Part 2: "Edwina," Mum said to Dad, "if you're going to wear such a feminine dress you'll need some to borrow some lacey lingerie from your sister to go with it!" Mum went over to Aunt Charlotte's dresser and began to pick out some lingerie. "Let's see," she said laughing, "you'll need this, and this, and of course these, and definitely this!" Mum laid lingerie which matched the colour of Dad's dress on the bed. There was a camisole with lace trim, a short half slip...

3 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Part 8

Pretty in Pink Part 8: One day Mrs. Walsh, a friend of our family stopped by to visit. Martin, her son was my age and in Philippa and my class at school. We knew each other but he was really Philippa's friend. Mrs. Walsh said that Martin seemed to be getting along well in School and asked how I was doing. I told her I thought it was fun except for sewing class. "Yeah," I said, "I need to find another girl to help me finish this dress before I fail this class!" Mrs. Walsh...

4 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Part 7

Pretty in Pink Part 7: It was really hard for me to forget about the disco, but let's just say that Tony found out I wasn't a natural woman but because of his machismo, he agreed not to out me as long as I agreed not to tell people we had dated. When I returned to school on Monday I saw the announcement I had been waiting for, cheerleader tryouts were being held today! I felt as though I just had to be a cheerleader, they had such a pretty purple and black uniforms. I could...

4 years ago
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Pretty Suburban Soccer MomPart 2

In the part of the big city, where the old neighborhoods have decayed, is a house that is owned by a group of men who use it for their hobby. It's not a nice hobby but these men are not nice. They know they're not nice. They enjoy being not nice. They're good looking men who dress well. They have money and respectable jobs and more than one pretty housewife and mother has returned the flirting smile of any one of these men as they push their carts down the aisles of a supermarket or be...

2 years ago
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Pretty Girl Pet Part One

I've always much preferred being with a man because let’s face it, I love cock. However the beauty of women has always captured me. I can’t help but admire their beauty. I've fooled around with girls in the past but I haven’t ever let myself go all the way before. I think it’s time I let myself find a pretty girl pet.  My last relationship was with a submissive man, who allowed me to do as I please. I think it’s time I find a pretty girl pet to do the same. I joined a site for BDSM Lifestyle...

3 years ago
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Pretty Kitty Boo

Author's Notes: I want to give thanks to my editor. She has made this story easy to read. It was the beginning of October and that meant one of the days which Dean Drabek hated the most was coming up, Halloween. He despised that day, along with the day before Thanksgiving, New Year's Eve, and St Patrick Day, for all the same reason; they were amateur night. He loathed the thought of going out on those nights. He knew he had to for his girlfriend, Heather Van Slyke, would want...

4 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Part 3

Pretty in Pink Part 3: When we arrived Philippa and I began to unpack. After we were done Philippa asked me about my last holiday with Aunt Charlotte. She wanted to know all about how I felt wearing my swimming costume outside, if I ever thought of wearing a bikini then, and what it was like when I kissed Dave for the first time. "Slow down Philippa," I said, "give me a chance to answer!" I was a little afraid when I first wore my swimming costume outside I told her, and it left...

4 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Part 4

Pretty in Pink 4: The next morning we had breakfast and began to get ready for the beach. I put on my pink bikini and Philippa wore her blue one. Mum was wearing a sexy shiny black swimming costume and Aunt Edwina put on the pink costume she bought yesterday. It looked great on her but she still needed to do something about her lack of a bustline! "What am I going to do about this Lorelei?" Aunt Edwina said to Mum pulling at the top of her costume. "I can't wear a padded bra under...

2 years ago
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Pretty Wives Lane

She left a note on my desk. It read: 17 Pretty Wolves Lane, Fillston, and a brief direction to get there. That “she” is Mandy, Amanda Bess to be precise. We had been in the same company for about three years by now but not in the same department. Come to think of it, we’d never had a real conversation outside of the “project”, when both of us were among a handful of employees, as models, in the company’s product catalog last year. That was almost six months ago, somehow she had learned out...

3 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Part 6

Pretty in Pink Part 6: The next morning Mum and Aunt Edwina were waiting in the kitchen when we awoke. Mum was wearing a white neglig?e and sheer robe with pink fur edges and Aunt Edwina was wearing her sheer robe and pink neglig?e.. "Morning ladies," said Aunt Edwina, "That was quite a night last night wasn't it?" Philippa smiled at Aunt Edwina and said, "Great, but do you think I should do a pregnancy test, Aunt Edwina?" Aunt Edwina smiled and said, "Well you said he was wearing a...

3 years ago
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“Close your eyes.”Jamie obeyed, fiddling with one of the silk bows at his waist. The tiles were cool through his knee-high socks, making him wish he hadn’t removed his shoes as he listened to the approaching glock, glock of Sunil’s Mary Janes on the dining room tiles. There was a rustle as the skirt of his boyfriend’s cornflower blue dress met his complementary pastel pink one—a gift that morning, so cute it would have displaced his grandmother’s cheongsam as the outfit for his twenty-fifth...

3 years ago
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Pretty Trim

I've had a secret basically my entire life. A deep, dark secret. One that's mortified me, even as I've indulged in it. In my deepest, darkest personal thoughts--my most private world. I say my entire life, because I of course don't remember the first couple years--the time in my life when I was an only child. In the family album is a snapshot of me, nowhere near three, staring into the camera while standing beside Abigail's crib. There's a first shot--way out of focus --where I'm bent...

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Pretty Liars Pants on FireChapter 2

The pretty little liar showed up in front of the motel as ordered. “A” was convinced Aria was a smart ass and the most conceded pretty little liar. It all started several years ago when Aria did the dastardly deed. “A” had blackmailed her and the other members of the pretty liars Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily were all in the crosshairs daily paying the price. Aria realized her past had finally caught up with her. She sat stunned. The Pretty Little Liar wanted to protest “A’s” meet at the...

1 year ago
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Pretty party drinks

I love a party drinks all kinds mango peach sangaria , watermelon margarita , vampire kiss martini , they are so pretty in a pretty glass so devine to look at so great to taste, fun little party drinks , strawberry margarita put a slice of lime or fruit its a party in a glass , so fun to drink so pretty to look at its a party in a glass. Your very own private party make a pretty drink slice of apple or a lemon wedge or an olive and you have a party in a glass . pretty party drinks sitting on a...

Erotic Poetry
2 years ago
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Pretty Panties1

"Daddy! Open the freaking door! I'm getting soaked!" James' 18-year-old daughter, Dawn yelled from the front porch. "Hurry up! I forgot my key!" James rushed to the door and in his haste; he flung it open with more force than necessary. It banged against the side of the house and before he could reel it back in, their Saint Bernard, Max, bounded into the kitchen. "Dad!" Dawn shrieked in annoyance as she ran inside after the rain-soaked dog. "Shit! Sorry, I didn't mean to...

2 years ago
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Pretty Panties

Introduction: A horny father masturbates with his daughters panties James was in the kitchen when he heard his dog barking in the front yard. It was a faint sound compared to the pouring rain that pelted the roof and the wind that whipped the windows. According to the forecast, it was supposed to be a warm and sunny day but by noon, storm clouds had blanketed the sky and unleashed a wild torrent of thunder, lightning and freezing cold rain. Daddy! Open the freaking door! Im getting soaked!...

4 years ago
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Pretty Girl Pet Part Two

It’s been six months since Ella has become my temp sub, andshe’s learning quickly. I've been training her in a lot of the areas she didn't know about. She follows orders to the T and doesn't get to cheeky. Of course she is by no means perfect, but she’s learning.  We started off seeing each other a few times a month, now it’s as often as we can. She doesn't know it yet, but this weekend I’m going to ask her to be my live in weekend pet. This means she’ll come stay with me all weekend long. We...

2 years ago
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Pretty Perfect

Sean had seen them many times. Whenever he was on his way back from the nursing school, through the park, he saw them there. They were usually killing time, making fun of all the people happen to pass by, like they had not a single worry in the world. Baggy clothes, spiky hair, and way too much attitude. He hated guys like those. They were just a bunch of punks, trying to act and look cool, when they were good for nothing. He hated passing by them. They always made fun of his glasses, or his...

3 years ago
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Pretty CAPableChapter 6 Loyalty

Calix woke to a stunning pain across his left cheek. The pain didn't appear to be anything new. Everything about him was pain right now. His right arm felt as if razors were cutting into it; his left just throbbed, getting itself into the act. There was something wrong with his face – something beyond whatever had just struck him; he could literally feel how swollen it was and he wasn't sure it wasn't going to just pop. A throbbing pain in his left leg down near the ankle reminded him...

3 years ago
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Pretty CAPableChapter 8 Into The Fire

Calix looked around as he materialized from the transporter. Major McTavish appeared to be as good as his word; he'd indicated he was going to send Calix to the alley just around the corner from where the motorcycle was parked and it appeared that's where he'd dropped him. At least, it was some alley, somewhere; Calix couldn't be sure it was the right one – one alley looked pretty much like any other. The new armor was ... well, impressive didn't seem to cover it. His old armor had...

4 years ago
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Pretty Baby Ch 01

The journey begins. Part One: From Innocence Born The summer between high school graduation and my first semester of college, I took a job in the mall at a casual-dining restaurant. I had never waited tables before, but caught on pretty quickly. I had always been friendly and a little outgoing, and even though I had rarely spent too much time around guys (I attended an all-girl Catholic high school), I wasn’t too awkward at flirting and got better as time went on. Being young, blonde, pretty...

4 years ago
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Pretty Petite Stephany

She was really very attractive and even though she didn’t feel that way, her innocence was alluring, and that sexy smile, made me smile too. I had been attracted to her since I first saw her and her outgoing personality was probably the main reason, and now that she was in my class, I was even more attracted to her. She had a sexy look and a really friendly demeanor, but I really needed to be careful. Like I said, Stephany was dark skinned, which was very attractive to me but it was obvious...

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Pretty Petite Latina

Stephany was a very young, petite and skinny, dark complected Latina, with brunette hair, and even though she was 18 years old, she was flat-chested, but did seem to have a little something there. She had a great little figure and even though she had skinny little legs, she really had a nice firm little butt. She was really very attractive and even though she didn’t feel that way, her innocence was alluring, and that sexy smile, made me smile too. I had been attracted to her since I first saw...

2 years ago
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Pretty Feet

I stood in front of the salon with the Groupon printout in my hand. I held it like an award I had won and was proud to have. It was a pick-me-up gift from my mother for when I got my next interview or two. That was why I was here, to get my nails done for an interview I had the next day. I wanted to get my hair done, but – well, my budget wasn't going to handle that, no matter what. As it was, I had lost my cell phone, land-line, internet, and I was barely keeping the rent paid and the lights...

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Pretty Baby Ch 04

Part Four: Back In The Groove I was still a little sore the following morning after the gang-bang. There were faint bruises on my inner thighs and knees, and my hips hurt from being spread open for so long. Bu the discomfort would fade, I knew. As I hoped my heartache over Gary would. Julie came over that afternoon, bringing sweet and sour chicken and Diet Coke. I hugged her at the door, thanking her for her friendship. We sat on the floor and ate in silence for a while. I could sense that...

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Pretty Baby Ch 05

(Author’s Note: This installment contains some very graphic and painful imagery that may be offensive to some readers. Such events depicted are not intended to excite or arouse, rather, they further the plot of the story) Part Five: Betrayal and Retribution I was still in a daze after coming back from Lake Tahoe. Making love with Erin and Ross had been the most incredible erotic experience of my life. I only had to close my eyes, and I felt like I was back at that little villa, tasting them...

4 years ago
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Pretty Tiny Tits And Pissing

Pretty, Tiny Tits, And Pissing My daughter was having one of her infamous sleepovers. She knew that I didn’t mind if she and her girlfriends had a little to drink. However, it was escalating. They were drinking more and more and it had gone from just three girls to seven girls. My daughter was fourteen but she had thirteen-year-old and fifteen-year-old friends. One girl was even sixteen. They spent the whole weekend and they never went home drunk so I figured what to hell. That all...

4 years ago
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Pretty Wife Shows

My pretty wife joined me in the hotel lounge for drinks. She was wearing a stunning Little Black Dress, very short with her hard nipples clearly visible through the sheer top of the dress. Obviously, it was going to be an interesting night in Vegas! Braless, no less! She had many admirers, with her short dress hiked up, setting at a high-top table. After more than a couple cocktails, she said she was ready to head to the dance club.We slid into a taxi, and were off to the club. I couldn't help...

2 years ago
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Pretty Girl Pet Part Four

It’s been a year that I met my Pretty Girl Pet. She walked into my life at the perfect timing. I couldn't ask for a better pet.  Our one year anniversary is this weekend and we've decided to go on holiday. We've decided that a trip to California would be fun. There is so much to do there! What Ella doesn't know is that when we’re on holiday I’m going to ask her to officially move in with me. We've not even talked about it; it'll be a complete surprise to her. Everything seems to be falling into...

3 years ago
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Pretty Little Thing

Pretty Little Thing By Lynn LeFey "What the HELL are these?" Angela asks me. I blink. I don't have an answer. At least, not one she would want to hear. She holds up a pair of pink panties. I can see the look on her face. I know what she's thinking. She thinks I'm cheating on her. Nothing could be farther from the truth. They're mine, of course, and I don't know how to tell her that the man she loves has a... feminine side. "I don't know. I guess they...

2 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Plastic 3

Pretty In Pink Plastic Part 3 By Deewet 2008 Glenn smiled. Pink was surely his color, a color he liked to see me dressed in for him. I felt weird after the orgasm, probably because it was my first one in front of anyone. My body felt numb, a strange lightness and I wasn't so freaked out about what was happening to me. A strange feeling of security washed over me as she snapped me up in the pink plastic pants. "Put her in the crib while I get my little darling ready." Glenn...

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