By Geneva
Edward is offered a chance for a transformation by a wealthy businessman
in return for future help in a revenge scheme. He finds its course gets
increasingly repugnant.
The background of this story is that of my two earlier stories
'Plaything' and 'Remodelled', but written from the point of view of the
character Edward/Edith.
It looked like just another weekend ahead for me but, as I tidied off my
office desk, I heard the others discussing their plans. Dale, one of my
longer-time friends in the company, dropped by my cubicle. "So Ed, what
you got planned for the weekend?"
I thought he was just being sociable as he knew that I usually didn't
have much on at all. Saturdays were usually taken up with mundane
chores. Maybe I'd take in a movie at night. Sundays were the loneliest.
Most times I was bored but a cycling club was a useful diversion.
"Say, Ed, we're having some friends over on Sunday afternoon for a
barbecue. You want to come?"
That would be a real change from my usual Sundays! "Sure, Dale. But I
wouldn't be in the way, would I?"
He made face at me. "Look Ed, if you were I wouldn't have asked you!
There will be some folks you haven't met and anyway the kids would like
to see you."
That was something to look forward to. I often spent time with Dale's
kids playing some of their games. Still, I would have to make sure I
spent time with the adults too, to at least show Marion, that was Dale's
wife, that I was making an effort. Often, she had invited some young
single women, attempts at matchmaking. I'd speak to the girls, politely
and friendly, but it was a sham. I liked them as such, but not to go on
dates with them.
After work I went out with the crew from the office for drinks for an
hour or so at a nearby pub. As the others gradually left to go home Dale
looked at his watch, stood up and stretched. "Well, I'd better be on my
way too. So, see you Sunday? About four, okay?"
The pub was not too far from my apartment and it was a fine day so I
walked home. On the way, just as I passed another pub, a group of four
girls spilled out onto the sidewalk. They were laughing and giggling,
clutching each other and obviously having a good time. They were all
young and wearing a variety of smart skirted office outfits, their high
heels clicking on the concrete sidewalk.
As they walked along in front of me. I got a chance to enjoy how they
They were alive and vivacious, all enjoying life. When they stopped for
another collective laugh by the side of one's car, they took up most of
the sidewalk, and I had to sidle past them, giving a slightly apologetic
smile. One of them returned a big open-mouthed smile, her even white
teeth showing in her red lips. She was pretty and slim, her outfit
showing off a nice bust and broad hips. Her shiny chestnut- colored hair
hung to her shoulders and I got a whiff of her perfume. Her appearance
made me aware of my dull colored business attire, now a bit rumpled.
Back at home. I changed into jeans and a T-shirt, but my thoughts kept
returning to that girl and I knew that I was envious of her appearance
and her joy in life, yes, and her female sexuality.
I had often wondered what it would have been like if I had been born
female. From an early age I had gradually become aware that I envied
girls. I played with other boys well enough, but I never enjoyed the
rough-and-tumble to the same extent. Girls seemed to have more intimate
fun and I envied them their pretty clothes and the way they were able
prettify themselves.
Sometimes, just like tonight, I found myself looking a little enviously
at girls, singly or in groups. I thought of a girl's experiences growing
up, wearing pretty dresses, playing with dolls and other girls'
activities, later, as they matured, wearing bras, nylon stockings and
more sophisticated dresses and high heels. A girl would want to be
pretty and take care of her appearance.
I wondered what it would be like to have been born into a female body
and, as I matured, have a curved figure and more intimate parts, to have
breasts. I would experience my different body's demands and monthly
If I had a female body I would have ptertty dresses that clung to my
figure, my gait maybe slightly restricted by a tight skirt, my legs
sheathed in fine stockings and my high heels clicking on a wooden floor.
How would it be to daily hook up a bra to hold my breasts, slip on
pretty panties or wriggle into a girdle and hook up stockings.
I would have different emotions. There would be a much different
interaction with my family, my mother especially, and with other girls.
All of those unreachable things intrigued me but I often fantasized
about them.
I had often watched how women moved their bodies such as the sway of
their hips and the slight bounce of their breasts and their little
mannerisms, such as tossing their hair, waving their hands in
conversation, crossing their legs demurely while sitting.
Then, if I were a woman I supposed I would be attracted to men. I had
noticed how women's behavior changed in the presence of men. If I were a
pretty woman I would have to face men being attracted to me. I wondered
what it would be like to lie with a man and have him make love to me. I
imagined myself on my back, my widely parted legs raised, my head back,
while he penetrated me and ruthlessly pushed me to ecstasy.
Sadly, embarrassed with my thoughts, I pushed them to the back of my
mind. I'd never be able to live fully as a woman. It would be too
difficult, and futile too. There was the difficulty of breaking with my
past life and establishing a new identity. Even with extensive surgery
and hormone treatment I might be able to live as a female, but the
ultimate female experience, to bear children, would be beyond me.
Despite these feelings, or perhaps because of them, I had immersed
myself fully in a busy and demanding career, but they never went away.
They lessened a little, but sometimes intruded into my subconscious as a
welcome escape from the real world. This time, seeing these girls, they
had suddenly come back in full force, leaving me depressed.
Before turning in I decided to have a shower. I toweled myself off and
looked critically at myself in the mirror. I looked sadly at my male
body and shook my head. I thought back to the girls and bit my lip. I
had a man's body and I had to accept that.
In addition to the usual crowd at Dale's, there were two other couples.
Dale said he had been working on a sub-contract for the Vanderveld
Corporation with our company and two of its staff, with their wives, had
been invited along. I was impressed. The Vanderveld Corporation was
huge, influential and multinational.
I got to speaking with Ray, one of the Vanderveld contingent. His wife
was Hannah. When Ray went to get more drinks, I found myself talking to
Hannah. She also worked at the Vanderveld Corporation but in a different
department than Ray. She was friendly and open and I soon found myself
talking easily to her and telling her about my work and myself.
"I'm surprised you aren't over there with these guys," she said.
"Oh, they're just talking about sports. I'm not that interested. I'd
rather talk to you."
"No girlfriend?" she asked suddenly. With another person it could have
been rude but from her it sounded natural and I just shrugged. I
wondered if she had suspected my secret but I just shook my head and
mumbled something about being too busy.
She raised her eyebrows and I blushed slightly. She put her hand
reassuringly on my arm." Well Edward, I hope it all works for you."
Later, after we had eaten, I found myself talking to Hannah again. By
that time I had had more drinks and maybe they had loosened my tongue.
Also, she was easy to talk to and not judgemental. I started talking
about myself and confided in her how I had often wondered how my life
would have gone if I had been born female. What would I have been doing?
Where would I have found myself?
"I'm not sure how to explain this. Sure, I like girls, and I'm certainly
not attracted to men, but there is just something about girls."
Hannah raised her eyebrows. "Oh?"
"Yes, they keep fresh and clean, more so than men. They want to be
attractive. I know they choose nice clothing but it seems to me that a
lot of it is the joy of just being girls, enjoying life, friends, yes,
their own bodies and having pride in them.
She laughed. "I never thought of things that way." She gave me an amused
I blushed. "I'm sorry. Yes, I'm imagining things."
But she took a long draw on her cigarette. "Oh, maybe not. I must say I
like putting on new outfits or shoes, going to the hairdresser, a
manicurist or putting on fresh make up." She gave a sly smile. "Smart
clothing, even new lingerie like a lacy slip or panties. Or..." She was
looking at me, a faint smile in her eyes, playing with me. "....a new
push-up bra, sheer stockings and so on."
The thought of the smooth shiny garments that women used to shape their
figures, came into my mind and I had a more than a faint blush. I had
wondered how it would be to be a woman and experience all of these
things but I dared not tell her that.
She smiled at me. "Of course, Edward, it's not all fun. Women have to
take into account men having the most power. And then, when they're
dressing and selecting clothes, they spend at least five times as long
as men. Even shopping for them to get the right look. People judge women
on their appearance.
"You shave every day. It takes what, five minutes? Women shave much more
of their bodies. Maybe not every day, but it still takes a good time".
She grinned. "And then, did you think about the monthlies. I can tell
you these are no fun. And yes, and what about having kids? Nine months
seeing our bodies swell and distort, followed by a good few hours of
extreme pain when we birth them! Then raising kids. I've had three.
Breast feeding and countless diapers. Yes, men help with rearing too but
still, most falls to the woman."
She caught my arm. "Sorry, Edward, I hope I haven't embarrassed you.
Yes, kids are a lot of work, but it's fulfilling too. Anyhow, we'd
better join the others. Nice talking to you, Edward!" She gave me a
sudden peck on the cheek.
Actually her comments did not put me off. Her life just sounded more
intense and satisfying.
Later, just as we were leaving, Ray caught my arm and took me aside.
"Look Edward, you're an accountant. I think the Vanderveld Corporation
could use a person like you. Here's my card. I'll call you in a week or
so. Think about it." Hannah was watching us, a faint smile on her face.
I was surprised, but very pleased too as I knew I was a more than
competent accountant. Earlier I had noticed Hannah talking to Ray and
occasionally glancing over to me. I must have made a good impression.
The Vanderveld Corporation would give me a real chance to go places.
I heard no more about it until about a week later I had a call from Ray.
"Say Edward, I've been told there is a vacancy for an accountant in the
Vanderveld Corporation and in Hannah's department and I thought of you.
You should apply!"
I asked him more about the job and found it paid better than I was
getting. I reasoned that even if I found the Vanderveld Corporation not
to my liking, the experience and prestige would look good on my resume.
And if I did like it I was confident enough in my own abilities to go
well up the corporate ladder.
So I was delighted when I got the job after just one interview. It was
the same office as Hannah and I found myself often having lunch with
her. After about a month there she asked again about my personal life
and I told her nothing had changed. If anything, my personal
restlessness was even stronger. She had a shrewd look in her eye but I
did not think any more about it.
A week later my supervisor called me in to her office. "Hi Ed, look,
I've had a call from the big boss, that's Ephraim Vanderveld himself. He
wants to see you." She raised her eyebrows as if to ask what it was
about but I was as mystified as she was. I shrugged and made my way up
to the executive floor.
Ephraim Vanderveld was sitting at his desk, an enormous rosewood
construction, when I was shown in. I recognized him easily from the
portraits that hung in just about every room in the corporation
building. He looked up at me. "Thank's for coming in, Edward."
He actually rose and I shook his outstretched hand. I was his employee.
Like I had any choice about seeing him! He had used my first name and
seemed in a good mood, although with a calculating look, and he fixed
his pale blue eyes on me. " Edward, I haven't met you before but I
understand you've been with my corporation just a month or so now? You
happy here, Edward?"
I flinched internally. Had I messed up something? Was I going to get a
tongue lashing?
He must have read my thoughts. "Look Edward, you can relax. I get good
reports about you, but I have something I want to ask you, a proposal to
put forward to you.
Actually, I've had my eye on you. It was information from your friend
Hannah. I had asked her to look out for someone like you who might have
something that I can use, and be to your benefit too. She thought you
might be suitable so I made sure you were offered a job with my
corporation. She's been watching you and I've had people making
enquiries on you over the past weeks."
I frowned. This looked like a plan to use me and I did not like the idea
of someone checking up on me, especially as I had bared my soul to
Hannah. Yet, as my employer, I suppose he would want to know about me.
He shook his head. "Look, to get to the point, I've been enquiring about
your personal life. I know you are not overtly gay, but I've been told
that, to put it bluntly, you would like to experience being a woman."
That blabbing woman! I felt my face redden and I began to rise, but he
gestured to me to keep seated.
"Look, Edward, I am not condemning you. In fact I want use that. Edward,
if you were given the chance to work for me, but as a woman, complete in
every way, would you do so?"
I was still angry. "As a woman? That's impossible! I can't be a complete
woman. Look at me!" I gestured downwards. "I have man's body! And I
don't appreciate you messing about with me!"
He gestured at me to sit down. "Edward, Edward, just keep calm. But just
suppose you could. Imagine it!"
I thought about some of my fantasies. Unsure, I did not know what to
say. After several seconds I blurted out. "Yes, I would," but I started
to blush.
His voice was reassuring. "Then maybe we can work together. Edward, I
have many resources. I've travelled extensively. I've found many things
and one of them was a certain little book that has remarkable
properties." He hesitated. "I want to try something that will make you
into a woman. In fact it would be a test. You'd be a guinea pig but I
think I can make you into a woman. In all ways! From what I know of you
I believe that is something that you want.
"In return, then, the test being successful, I'd require your further
help in a very personal matter." He shook his head. "No, not any sexual
way. I am happily married. Twice!
I had heard rumors that Vanderveld had two women in his life, one for
the Orient, one for Europe and the Americas.
"No, it will be to take revenge on an old ....acquaintance who...
frankly, has demeaned and insulted me and some of my family too. In
fact, the thought of his behavior and attitude still galls me. I want
your help in making him into a woman as a start to humiliating him."
I sat back, shocked.
"But first, you will be wondering how I would make you into a woman.
That old book I mentioned, where I got it needn't concern you, but it
has magic spells."
I wondered if I was hearing right. Here was the head of one of the
country's biggest corporations and he was telling me about magic! Was he
playing with me? It must have shown in my face.
"Edward, you are rightly skeptical but I assure you, this book has a
number of spells or incantations. I have tested most of them and they do
work! But I have not tested one that will supposedly make a man into a
woman, a beautiful woman too. In fact all men who hear it supposedly
become women. I want to make sure it really works. If it's successful I
will use it on my old enemy to change him into a woman. Then you'd help
train and discipline her, using your own experiences in your change.
Would you be willing to help me?"
"What!" Surely that would be illegal?"
"So what!" He didn't show any concern or worry at all.
His offer was overwhelming. I had to think about the ramifications. I'd
be helping on something that was downright immoral as well as illegal,
yet it was an opportunity that I would never have again. "I don't know.
I mean, that would be a drastic change on my body. What if I died?"
"Edward, I can't say. But I would settle some compensation on your
family. You're not married, but I would give compensation to your sister
and brother. You have a nephew you are fond of. I'd put him through
I gave a cynical smile. "Not that it would do me any good." I emphasized
"Edward. I'll let you think about that. I'll get you back here in a week
and you can let me know. Oh yes, your decision will in no way affect
your employment here. Your supervisor tells me she is happy with your
My head almost reeling, I stumbled out the door and eventually found
myself back at my desk. I tried to concentrate back on my work but I was
in a daze for the rest of the day. That night, when I was finally able
to sit back and think about it more rationally, the offer became more
appealing. A number of questions came to mind over the next days. Being
organized I wrote them down and arranged to see Vanderveld again.
"So, Edward, you like my offer?"
"Maybe, but I've thought of a number of things. First, if I became a
woman, I'd need all sorts of new documentation. Yes, I know I could do
this legally, but it would leave a paper trail."
"You may not be aware of it, Edward, but I have many resources and much
influence. So, as for getting things changed, that's actually fairly
trivial. You're right that there may be a paper trail and that concerns
me too." His voice lowered. "I don't want any questions to get back to
me. So the book must remain secret. I need your word on that. Do I have
"Yes, I give you my word, but there's more. I've lived as a man. I've
never tried cross-dressing or anything like that. I've never dared to.
I've never made advances to another man. So, even if I got a woman's
body, I'd need lots of help, getting used to my new life, such as
clothing and behavior. I'm not under any illusion that I could do these
"Good thinking! But I have a sister, Louise. She's aware of my plans and
will help you."
"Yes, your plans. You can easily hide what you intend to do to me. But
you said you want my help making another man into a woman? That would
need a lot of privacy."
"Yes, I have an island off the coast. By the time I have finalized my
plans, you will be well used to your new body, I hope. That person will
spend most of her subsequent life there, except when I let her off. I
intend to keep her as a kind of slave, or a possession. If she is a
beautiful woman like the spell says, I will show her off, like trained
pet dog or so. I want to humiliate her."
I did not like the idea of changing anyone against their will and
enslaving them but, I am ashamed to admit it now, at that point I only
thought of myself. It would be an unimaginable chance for me! He had
said I would become a beautiful woman! It could be a new beginning for
me, a new reality, one that I had longed for. I could not miss this
chance. To my shame I gave little thought to the victim, or 'subject' as
Vanderveld had termed the individual. Such a cold description! And I was
to help him!
I looked at him. "Then I'm willing to help you."
"Excellent! Then Edward, you need to wind up your affairs over the next
few weeks. Cut all ties with relatives and friends. I'll fix it with the
people in your office."
I gulped. I had committed myself. I wondered if I would be whisked off
someplace when I had my affairs tidied up. I telephoned any friends like
Glen and said I was going on a trip to the East Coast and I didn't know
when I would be back. I sold my apartment and car and cleared out my
bank account. Vanderveld said I could start again under my new name.
When the date finally came Vanderveld actually picked me up at the
office. We drove to the docks to a waiting boat. I did not feel
talkative. My stomach was churning, as much as the foaming white water
behind the boat, I thought cynically.
It took about ninety minutes until the boat drew up at a dock on a small
island. Part of the island was almost bare granite rock, but at the
south end there was a large house set among a grove of Douglas firs. The
style of the house fitted into the landscape, but as we got nearer, I
saw that it was brand new, or at least extensively renovated. The
architect or renovators had done a good job.
A woman who looked as if she was in her late twenties was waiting at the
front door. Vanderveld embraced her and then introduced us. "Edward,
this is my sister Louise. She knows all about you and my plans."
Louise was a fairly attractive woman. In her fair features and light
brown hair I could see a resemblance to her brother. She had a pleasant
face, although she was no beauty. She was casually dressed in tan slacks
and a white shirt, with an expensive looking patterned woolen jacket
protecting her against the cool wind off the sea. She wore a string of
pearls at her throat and pearl earrings, but had no makeup.
She had prepared a lunch for us. I was on edge but all they talked about
was their family, the corporation and everything except the plans and
this strange book. All the time I was getting more and more nervous.
Even the small amount of food I had eaten lay in my stomach.
It turned out that Louise was married. She explained that her husband
Jeff was an exploration geologist and off somewhere in South America
looking for some mineral that I had never heard of.
Then, almost as if with some hidden signal, both turned to me. "Right,
Edward, I think it is time we started," Vanderveld said. "Louise knows
all about my plans. In fact she's the one who'll look after you when
you've heard the spell " He gave a faint smile. " I'll not be within
earshot, of course. I've no idea what'll happen or how long it will
take, but Louise will be with you all the time. We'll helicopter the
company doctor in too, if necessary.So, are you ready?"
I nodded my head and licked my suddenly dry lips.
"Let's go through here," said Louise." I was led into a bedroom. Its
centerpiece was a large bed with a pink cover. There was a dressing
table and two chests. An attached room held a shower, toilet and a
washbasin. The room was pleasantly warm. "This is where you will try out
the spell and, all going well, you can use it for your own. After that,
we will use it for the main test."
Louise was buttoning up a white laboratory style coat. "So, Edward,
let's get started. Do you want to shower first? You can get undressed.
Here's a hospital gown you can wear."
I had given permission to be changed into a woman but still I did not
like the idea of her seeing my exposed male body and I went into the
bathroom to remove my clothes and pull on the gown. For some reason I
folded my clothes tidily.
"Edward, maybe if you lay on the bed?" Louise suggested. I did so, still
holding the gown closed.
Vanderveld even shook my hand. "I want to thank you, Edward. Be sure
that I will be grateful for your help." With no further ado he turned
leaving Louise and me alone.
"Better lie back." She gently pushed me back onto the bed and opened a
small bag. From it she pulled a small disreputable looking book and
opened it. The book really was quite small, with a stained, scuffed,
brownish-yellow cover.
"Not much to look at, is it! Now Edward, you're sure about this?"
I gulped and nodded. "Yes," I said through a dry throat.
"Then Edward, all you have to do is lie back while I read something.
I've had a look at it. There are German words that explain the spell,
but the words of the supposed spell itself are a mystery and I don't
recognize the sounds, but Ephraim says they should work." She gave a
nervous laugh. "If it's any consolation, I'm as nervous as you."
Despite the warmth of the room I felt a chill of apprehension as she
carefully held the book up and peering at it, began to sound out various
words. The sound combinations were completely alien.
"You've no idea where the book came from?" I asked when she had
finished. It had not taken long even though she had sounded out some
words carefully.
"Not at all, and the sounds are like nothing I've ever heard. Maybe
Ephraim can take it to a linguist at some time and see if he can get any
more information."
I don't know what I was expecting, but by the time she closed the book
and put it back into her clothing nothing had happened.
"It's not working?" I asked.
She shook her head. "I've absolutely no idea. Lets' just wait a minute
or two."
She gave me a strained smile, no doubt attempting to give us both
confidence. "You have a lot of guts to try this," she said. " Changing
to a woman? I somehow think the journey ahead will not be easy, but if
it helps you..."
She was watching me closely. I was trembling with apprehension but
nothing seemed to be happening.
"How long have you wanted to become a woman?" she asked.
Hesitatingly, I started to tell her about myself, feeling more and more
let down. I had been watching a clock and even after five minutes
nothing had happened. The spell had done nothing!
"Yes, for a man to become a woman may have its pros and cons, depending
on many things, not all under her control. I'm happy as a woman, I'm
married and I love my husband but still, I sometimes resent men and
their attitudes."
I was thinking of what Hannah had said when I had a sudden shiver, then
another. "I'm cold," I said.
"Better put this robe round you." She looked at me, disappointment in
her eyes.
"Ah well, it looks as if this spell doesn't work. Ephraim will be
annoyed. I suppose you will feel let down."
At that I gave another shiver, more violent, and she herself shivered
almost simultaneously.
"It can't be cold in here," she frowned. Then her jaw dropped. "My God,
maybe this is the spell beginning to work!"
I shivered yet again, quite violently and then again. Louise was holding
her arms about her chest too. I cried out at an especially violent
shake. I heard an alarmed cry and then blackness took me.
Much later, I awoke, my body aching. I groaned slightly, and immediately
my face was wiped and I felt a hand at my back, lifting my head slightly
and a cup of water at my lips . I could barely control my lips and much
dribbled down my chin and neck. I tried to speak, but only managed a
faint gasp.
Barely awake. I could not understand or remember anything at first, yet
in my mind there was something important that concerned me. I tried to
get up, but I was held by someone's arm. I clutched at it and struggled
to rise. A cool cloth was wiping my face and eyes. I managed to pry my
eyes open, dazzled at the sudden light and saw Louise looking at me in
"How do you feel?" I heard but I could barely croak an answer. "I ....
I.. feel aw...ful ... What ... happen..ed?"
"Just take it easy. It's the result of the spell. You've been
unconscious almost two days."
Louise's face, somehow subtly changed, came into view. "Yes, Ephraim
didn't expect this. He says that none of the other spells he tried took
so long to be effective or had such severe effects. I suppose that such
a drastic reconstruction of a person's whole body is bound to be
"What? What's been going on? My voice was getting stronger but even
through its hoarseness it sounded different.
"Don't you remember? I read you a magical spell that would make you into
a woman?"
The memories came flooding back, Vanderveld's offer and the spell. "Did
it work?" I gasped.
"Yes, after a fashion."
I wondered what she meant but I was too distracted by my throbbing
headache to ask. "Ohh, my head hurts," I complained. In fact I was
aching all over. As I rubbed my forehead I peered at my hands. They
looked smaller somehow. I rubbed at my chin, but I frowned. Despite the
stubble it was different somehow. Something had changed. Puzzled, I
looked at my arms, they were smoother and slimmer.
The realization about what she had said hit me, about turning me into a
woman. I tried to raise myself but almost before I could sit up. I
realized too that I was naked. I had been wearing a smock but someone
had removed it. I caught my breath when I looked down. In my view were
two female breasts, pretty, but covered in curly hair.
Gasping at the sight and ignoring my aching muscles I forced myself to
sit up. I opened my legs fully and looked down. It was all missing! I
was speechless as the awareness flooded my brain. The spell had actually
worked! Almost unable to believe it, I slid my hand down past a patch of
dark blonde pubic hair, but there was nothing else below, at least
anything projecting. My penis and scrotum were missing! Instead, further
down, I felt only a set of sensitive ridges of flesh, then a moist
I struggled out of bed, bent and looked down. I finally got my voice,
little whimpers in what I knew was a female voice. Louise wrapped her
arms round me.
"It's all gone! I'm a woman!" I gasped.
Louise sighed. "Well, isn?t that what you wanted? Now you have it!"
"No, I don't mean that, it just that it's so sudden."
"I suppose it is! All right, now that you're up, what now. Do you want
to shower, or just rest for a bit? A more water, tea or coffee, juice?"
I felt nauseous at the idea of tea or coffee but I was thirsty, "I'll
have some juice."
"All right, just sit there." Actually I was in no condition to go
anywhere. I just sat and stared down at my new body. The projecting
breasts were pretty and shapely, despite the straggly hairs. I touched
one, then the other. They were soft, but firm too. I ran my fingers
round the nipple area, feeling the sensitive flesh. I noticed coarse
hairs still on my arms and legs. I sighed. I supposed I would have to
wax or shave these.
I opened my legs, shaking my head in wonder as I felt the small, but
immensely sensitive nub of a clitoris, and still further down, the
delicate soft lips of a vulva.
"You happy with what you've got?"
I looked up to see Louise there with some orange juice. "Thanks,
Louise." I sipped it then tried to gulp it down. "Yes, very much so!"
"Better take it easy. Drink it slowly. You want another glass?"
"Yes." I croaked. Even after another my throat still felt furry, and my
voice was hoarse, but I could talk better. "So the spell has worked? I
hoped it would be easier than this."
Louise drew in her breath "Ye-es, it's worked, but only in a way." She
sighed. "In fact, to be honest, Edward, you look terrible. But first,
I'll wipe your face." She bathed my eyes with a cloth. "Come on. Can you
sit up fully?"
"Something's wrong, isn't it? What's wrong with me?"
"Edward, I'm sorry, but you look awful, like a freak. You've shrunk.
You've a woman's body and face right enough. You have a nice figure, and
even a woman's voice, but you've still got a lot of male hair on your
body and face. Do you want a mirror? I warn you, you're not a pretty
I grasped the mirror in unsteady hands and stared at the sight. True, I
was looking at a woman's face, her head set on a long elegant neck, but,
close shaven as I had been, her upper lip and chin were prickly with
dark blonde hair. Her eyes were ringed by dark circles; her hair was
straggly and short. Her shoulders were slim and graceful, but the chest
below had short curly male chest hair round and on her breasts. I cried
out in horror. The image looked dreadful! I had hoped I would I would be
an attractive woman. Now I was a freak.
I tried to stop crying. "Oh God, what a mess. I thought the spell was
supposed to make me into a beautiful woman." Looking like this there was
no way I could pass myself off as a woman, or at least an attractive
Louise comforted me until I managed to get control of myself. "How long
was I unconscious, Louise?"
"About a day and a half. It was absolutely awful to watch." She shook
her head. "I was very worried. You fwere shivering violently then you
fell unconscious, and then it was as if your body started shaking from
end to end. You began to shrink and your proportions started to change.
Your shoulders and waist kept getting narrower while your hips were
swelled out. Your penis and scrotum shriveled until they just seemed to
disappear into your body. You were almost flat then the flesh down there
split into the labia. Your chest had been flat, until the nipples then
the whole breasts started to swell on it. But you're just too hairy!
"But you know, Edward, the spell hasn't just affected you. Look at me! I
first got a tingly shivery feeling, then I felt faint and I had to sit
down, but it didn't last nearly as long as you, only a few minutes. The
spell has changed me too! Look at me!" She held her hands under her
breasts. "My bust is fuller and higher. I've had to adjust my bra and my
waist is a bit slimmer. I think my face is even changed too."
It was as she had said. Her nose was smaller, her cheekbones were higher
and her lips fuller. Even her figure looked different. "Yes, you're
right. You're very pretty." I looked in the mirror at my own face again
just feeling sick. "But I'm not." I shuddered. "I wonder what I can do
now? Does your brother know about this?"
"He was watching us as we underwent the changes, but he had to leave.
I've phoned to tell him you're awake."
She looked me up and down. "Edward, maybe you should wait a day or two
to see what happens. You've more body hair than you should, but if all
else fails you can try some waxing or plucking." Idly she plucked a hair
from my chest. I barely felt it.
She frowned and pulled another, then yet another. "Look! They're just
about falling out." She grabbed handfuls, pulled, ignoring my yelps, and
about half came off each time. "Well, that's a start. That's great!
Maybe we'll try more later, but first, Edward, you're smelly. I sponged
you down once, but you badly need a shower. Do you want me to help you?
Get rid of that stale smell? Then you can get dressed too. I got you
some basic women's clothing. Oh yes, shampoo your hair too!"
She supported me as I lurched to the shower. I felt awkward in the
female body and I must have lost about six inches in height.
Still feeling sick over my hairiness I stood under the shower and rubbed
my arms with the soap. I noticed some hair stripping off. It was the
same with my legs. In growing amazement and delight I rubbed hard until
it had all come off. My chest needed more care with the sensitive
breasts but all of the male hair there finally pulled out.
Even better, when I drew my hand over my chin and upper lip I saw tiny
hairs on it. I rubbed more vigorously with a cloth and I saw it was
covered with tiny particles of dark blonde hair . "Louise," I cried.
"All the hair on my face and, and the stuff on my arms and legs is
falling out."
"Oh, that's a relief. What about your head? I hope you're not bald!"
I felt at my hair, dreading that I might be losing it but to my relief
that hair was firmly attached. "No, that's okay!" Excited, I rushed out
of the shower, almost knocking her over.
"All right, control yourself. Sit down!" She examined me up and down,
growing satisfaction on her face. "Well, you're all red with the rubbing
but that's much better. And what about down there?"
Anticipating some stinging, I reluctantly parted my legs and let her
pull at the pubic hair. Some stripped off easily, but most just stayed
there and I was left with a smaller oval patch.
Louise grinned. "Yes, quite a luxurious bush you've ended up with! Look
at yourself in the big mirror now." There was no longer any doubt about
my female appearance, except that I looked worn out. I sat back on the
bed, relief flooding over me.
"Let me see your face," Louise asked. She held my face close to a light
carefully examined me. "Yes, that looks better too. You looked a bit
blotchy before but that's fading too. I bet you'll get a nice
complexion. Ephraim will be pleased."
"This is great!" My mood was much better than just an hour previously.
"All right, but you still look tired. You should get some more rest. But
I have something for you, a present to begin your new life."
She handed me a bag. When I felt inside I touched a slippery material.
Mystified, I pulled out a long white nylon nightdress.
I blushed. "Oh, Louise, thank you!" It was sleeveless with thin straps
and lace at the bust and hem.
"So, put it on! It goes on over your head."
It easily slid down my body and down my legs. As the semisheer material
skimmed my body it was unbelievably sensual. I saw my nipples sticking
Louise pointed and laughed. "Parts of you obviously like it. Now..." She
took my hand and led me to the bed. "Time for more beauty sleep. Just
lie there and have another rest."
I must have been still exhausted, as I remember nothing until waking up
again. I was puzzled at first with the fine smooth clothing on me until
I remembered the nightdress. I felt at my chest through the lacy top to
the two soft mounds of my new breasts. They felt just as wonderful as
they had before did, soft, yet firm. I pressed the nipples between my
thumb and forefinger, making pleasurable little twinges.
I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up. I was still a little
unsteady but Louise was ready holding out a white fluffy dressing gown.
"Did you realize, you've slept another eight hours? It's morning! My,
you do look better look much better! Another snack? But you'd better pee
I did as she said, but by this time I was ravenous and put away a bowl
of cereal and three slices of toast. "Oh, that feels good," I said. I
leaned back in the chair. "So what's next?"
"I think we'll wait a day just to be sure you are strong enough, as
there's a lot ahead of you. You'll need a full outfit of new clothes,
accessories and toiletries to start with. Yes, makeup too. Ephraim will
be paying for it. Oh yes, he called earlier to say he'd be here today to
check on you." She ran her fingers through my hair. "And we'd better get
you to a hairdresser to do something with your hair. It looks terrible."
I had had another shower and washed my hair and was sitting with Louise
when we were interrupted by the entrance of Vanderveld. He stopped at
the door, almost in shock, staring at us, then he smiled. "Edward? You
look great. Louise has been letting me know how you were doing." He
stared at me, looking increasingly pleased. "I must say I was worried at
first but the spell has obviously worked. I hope it wasn't too rough on
"Well...." said Louise. "I told you she had a rough time but she's
recovered very well. She'll be even better when she's got some proper
clothes and has tidied herself up. She's become an attractive woman. Her
complexion has changed too. Mine too, Ephraim. Did you notice?" She
rubbed her own cheeks. "The spell obviously helps women too." She gave a
happy grin. "Yes, many women would kill for looks like ours."
I looked closely in the mirror. My skin was now unlined, as smooth as
fine china. Altogether my features were rounder, yet finer. In wonder I
ran my fingertips over my cheeks. They felt very soft.
I was absolutely delighted and relieved how things had turned out. " Oh,
Mr. Vanderveld, thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?"
"Well, Edward, you remember what we discussed? So are you going to carry
on with my plan, or have you changed your mind?"
"Not at all! Yes, I am ready to help you!"
Louise broke in. "Well, before you get going on that, we'd better get
you some clothes. Are you prepared for that? Wearing women's clothes?"
"Yes, I guess so."
"Then let's see!" She looked at a calendar. "Actually maybe tomorrow. We
can go over to the mainland and hit one of the main shopping areas.
You'll need several complete outfits, of course, and all the
accessories. So we will be two days at least. I'll book a hotel room for
some days so we are not running back and forward to the island.
"Maybe you'd better think about what kind of stuff you want to wear.
You'll definitely need to get some decent bras and panties. But then you
have to decide how formally you want to dress, whether you want mainly
skirts and dresses or just slacks and jeans and casual stuff. " She gave
me a mischievous look. "Then if you wear skirts or dresses you'll need
pantyhose or stockings and if stockings, then you'll need a girdle or
garter belt to hold them up." She gave a mischievous grin. "We're not
embarrassing you, are we, Ephraim?"
Vanderveld gave a half smile. "Yes, this person I want to try the spell
on, she is to be absolutely immersed in a female life so that she
completely loses her identity. So I want her to be in skirts and
dresses, stockings all the time. In fact I have rather controlling
underwear in mind for her, I mean firm girdles. So maybe you should get
the experience of girdles and stockings too. Do you mind?"
I thought back to my talk with Hannah and I gulped. "I'm not sure."
"Well, think about it," said Louise. "Myself, I usually wear slacks or
jeans around the house. If I want to be more dressy I'll put on a skirt
with pantyhose."
Vanderveld looked me over again. "Let me say again, I am pleased with
the result. Now, Edward, you've an important decision to make. I'm going
to arrange some documentation for you, a driver's license, some credit
cars, and a passport. Obviously we can't call you Edward. Have you
thought of a girl's name for yourself? II thought you could keep the
same surname."
"I've always thought I liked Edith." That was the name I had imagined
myself under when I fantasized about being a woman.
"Then Edith it shall be. I'll get that fixed up for you. But I'll leave
you now. I have urgent business to attend to. I'll be in contact with
you." Vanderveld gave us a curt nod and went out.
"Hmm, I thought he would stick around more," said Louise. "Anyhow,
tomorrow, we should get going over to the city. I'll warn the boatman
that we'll be leaving early. " She opened a drawer. "In the meantime I
had got you some woman's clothing to get started. You can hardly go to
these stores in your men's clothing. The fit may not be the best but it
will do. I guessed at the sizes. First, here are some cotton panties."
I slid them on, feeling the soft fabric close against my skin.
"Now a bra. I got you a cheap cotton one. Hold out your arms." She slid
the bra onto my arms and pushed the straps up to my shoulders. "Lean
forward a bit." I did so and she hooked it at the back. I felt the
slight tension round my chest. " I'll adjust the straps." When she was
done the slight lift of the cups below my breasts felt confining, but it
was not uncomfortable.
"That'll do for a bit. So, first time in a bra and panties? Feel okay?"
She grinned.
I blushed. "I don't know. How's it supposed to feel? I've never cross -
dressed. The bra feels a little tight, but it feels good."
"Hold your arms up." Louise ran her fingers over the bra. "It's not too
bad." She smiled. "Yeah, you've really had nothing to compare with it. I
don't think it's too bad a fit but you can get properly fitted when
we're shopping. By the way, you should get use to putting it on
She lifted a packet. "I got you some pantyhose. This is a medium size
and stretchy so they should be okay, but let me see your feet."
She examined my toes and heels. "Just a bit rough! Yes, another thing
that you'll have to pay attention to. You'll need soft smooth feet if
you want to wear stockings or pantyhose. Come through to the bathroom
and I'll smooth them off."
It took a few minutes before she was satisfied with my feet. She pulled
the pantyhose from their packet and bunched both legs. "Point your feet!
She slipped each into a leg "Now pull them up carefully, smooth as you
go. You'll need to keep your nails smooth but if your nails are rough
use your knuckles and pull them on slowly and carefully or they'll rip."
I gradually eased them to my thighs. The material felt fine and
clinging. "Now, over your hips and pull them up to your waist." The
pantyhose felt cool and smooth on my legs. I looked at myself in the
mirror. I saw a pretty girl in her bra and pantyhose. I thought she
looked as pretty as other girls I had seen and I was please that it was
now my own reflection.
"Some women don't wear them but I got you a slip too." She held out an
off white nylon slip for me and slid it over my head. The material felt
really smooth on my body. The lacy hem came to just above my knees. " I
got you a fairly simple dress". She handed me a gold colored dress. "It
zips up at the back. It will do you for a start. But, before you try it
on, we should try some makeup on you."
She examined my face in the light tilting it this way and that. "Yes,
quite nice. Hard to believe you were once a man! Sit down at this
dressing table and I'll comb your hair." The first few minutes were
unpleasant. My hair was knotty and tangled and I yelped a few times
before she was satisfied.
"That's better. Now next, you don't really need a lot, but you'll need
some makeup when you go out, just like other women. Sit here and I'll
get some of my own stuff." Feeling pleased with myself I waited until
she returned with a handful of jars, boxes and tubes.
"A little makeup will still be a nice added touch. Girls often put on
most of their makeup before they put on their dresses, just so they
don't spill powder or get lipstick on them. All right, to get started,
I'll use this cream to clean your face." She wiped it off. "Now the next
step is ..." She applied a light powder. "This evens out your
complexion. Now, for highlights, a little blusher on your cheeks."
I was watching in the mirror. She had said I was pretty but even so the
makeup seemed to transform me.
"Last, I'll put on some lipstick. This is a deep pink. It will suit your
complexion but as you get more used to it you can try out different
colours. Purse your lips." I did so and she carefully wiped the lipstick
on them. "Make sure it follows your lip line. Now, rub your lips
together, like this." The lipstick felt slightly sticky, but its faint
scent was pleasant. "You can get your own cosmetics at some time.
There's a dressing table in your room and I'm sure you'll become
familiar with it. So how's that?"
I was awestruck to see I had been transformed into a stunning beauty,
that is, except for my hair. It had seemed fairly long when I was a man.
Now it was much too short and severe for the lovely face that looked
back at me.
"Not bad at all! You'll have no trouble passing as a girl, as far as
your appearance, anyway."
"What about my hair?"
"Oh, that'll grow. You can get a short style or we can even a get you a
wig if you want."
She took my hands and looked at me. "Now, some girl to girl talk. You've
become as a woman. Even though it's what you wanted, your mind will have
to get used to the changes in your body. In time I suppose you'll start
to feel and think as a woman and have her emotions, like attraction to
men! Men will be attracted to a good looking girl like you, so you'd
better to learn how to handle their attention, yes and your own
reactions." She grinned. "It's flattering and it's what a woman wants
usually, but some men's attention can be unwelcome. You'll have to learn
how to deflect their attention so they still feel good.
"Now, some shoes for you." She pulled out a shoe box. "I also got you a
pair of flat shoes to begin with. As you get used to things you should
get some dressier shoes with higher heels. They do wonders for a girl's
self-esteem. Anyway, one thing at a time!" I slipped on the tan shoes.
They fit well but were much smaller and lighter than my men's shoes. Of
course, my feet were much smaller too.
"Where are we? All right, this is the dress I got you. It will be fine
for shopping It slips over your head."
This was my first proper dress. I held up my arms to let it fall around
me. It came to just above my knees.
"Stand still and I'll do up the zip." I heard the hiss of the zipper and
suddenly it was close around my waist and bust. When I looked down I
thought my bust stood out nicely.
"Smooth it over your hips." I did so. It was just slightly loose over my
hips and slid easily over the smooth nylon of my slip.
She stood back and surveyed me. "Good enough to start with. You'll have
to get used to wearing skirts and dresses so walk up and down the room
here and we'll get your posture right. Get you walking elegantly. The
first thing is to stand straight." For a whole hour she had me walk up
and down in the room. It was strange feeling the unfamiliar flow of the
dress around my female hips and thighs. She followed with practice
sitting and rising, from a chair, then up from the low sofa.
"Some advice. If you are wearing a loose skirt, make sure you are
sitting on it so you don't end up sitting only on your stockings. Also,
the most elegant way is to keep your knees together and cross your legs
at the ankle. You can cross them at the knees, but it's not as elegant
and if you are wearing a short skirt it will show off more of your legs.
If you're not careful you may end up showing some off more than you want
"If you do decide to wear stockings you'll have to get used to the tug
of your garters, yeah, and make sure they don't show either." She
stretched and yawned. "Anyway, enough for tonight. Sit down and we can
have some wine. We'll get off tomorrow."
We sat and chatted for a bit but soon I was yawning too. Louise patted
my arm. "Off to bed with you."
In my room I undressed and washed my face, thrilled with the way things
were turning out. I pulled my nightie over my head. It's hem rubbed
against my ankles. The dark circles of my areolas showed through the
semi sheer fabric and I felt very feminine. I must have fallen asleep
Actually Louise had to wake me up the next morning. "Better get up!
We've a lot to do. There's coffee and muffins for breakfast." When we
had cleared the dishes she shooed me to the shower and when I got out
she had laid out clothes for me. "We'll be going soon." She looked out
the window. "I'm not sure what the weather is doing. Take this light
raincoat. If it brightens up you can leave it in the boat. You'll be
getting one of your own anyway. Oh yes, I've booked a hotel room for the
night to save us coming back here. We've a lot of shopping to do."
"You ready then? We'll get down to the jetty."
We were out the door and almost at the boat when I had a sudden attack
of nerves. A slight breeze was blowing up my skirt. "I feel exposed," I
complained. Louise saw me hesitating, and laughed. "You'll get used to
it and don't worry about your appearance, Edith. Anyone seeing you will
have no idea that you are anything other than a woman, and an attractive
one at that."
The boatman was called Hank. He barely glanced at us as we climbed on
"Hank's job is to run the boat back and forward to the mainland. Other
than that he spends hours fishing. I'm not sure if he even notices us.
He's can keep secrets, " explained Louise.
At the mainland Louise called a taxi to take us to one of the stores on
her list. "All right, another lesson," she said, when we were in the
cab. "Take your time when getting into a car. When you're wearing a
skirt, especially if it is a tight one, the best way to get into the car
seat is to back in, slide your butt onto the seat first and then swing
your legs round."
The taxi soon stopped in a side street. From the samples in the window
of a boutique I saw it was alingerie store. "That's us here. I often use
this store. Now, remember, you're just a normal girl. Yes, a pretty one.
Now, out we get! Keep your head high and walk straight." I blushed and,
taking a deep breath, eased myself out of the car. "Head up," Louise
Once inside the boutique, she lightly held my arm. "Now first, we need
to get you some bras as a basis for the rest of your clothes and your
own comfort." An assistant soon pounced on us and after a half hour I
owned several styles and was wearing one. It fit better than the one
Louise had loaned me. "All right, that's a start. Now, next, a big
decision for you, what do you want to wear, pantyhose or stockings?" She
gave a wide smile. "If it's a special occasion when I'm out with Jeff
I'll put on stockings with a garter belt! He likes that!"
I thought about what she had said about a garter belt or girdle for my
stockings but I hesitated. "Let me think about it."
"Well, we don't have all day but while you're thinking about it, we
better not waste time. Next, with me tailing behind, she quickly
rummaged through some other racks pulling out two housecoats, three
nightdresses in different colors, several packets of panties, and
several slips.
By that time I was feeling hungry and when Louise suggested lunch at a
caf? I was more than happy. An accompanying glass of wine went down very
well. Louise had arranged for the purchases to be delivered to the hotel
she had booked.
She grinned at me. "Ready for another go at it? This time we 'll look at
some dresses and skirts for you so you now have to decide on a girdle or
not with close fitting dresses or skirts. Even with a nice figure like
your's, a girdle will affect how they fit,
My mind was made up. I had always envied women in how they were able to
shape their figures with form-fitting garments. Besides, if I was
supposed to make sure that Vanderveld's intended victim wore a girdle
I'd need some experience myself. "All right, yes, I'd like to get some
She nodded. "All right. Let's get to it." We headed to another
department store just down the street and she led me straight towards
the hosiery department. "You'll need stockings for the girdle," she
explained, as she checked the racks. "I got you some medium weight ones.
They'll do for most purposes. If you do decide to wear stockings a lot,
you can get some sheerer ones later. We'll get some pantyhose too." That
accomplished, it was back to the boutique. Louise nudged me. "All right,
you get to do the asking this time. Tell her what you want. Go on!"
I gasped and trembled but before I could properly react the same
assistant was on us. She looked surprised at seeing us again but asked
if she could help us. I took a deep breath. "I'd like to get some
underwear, please, some girdles."
"Certainly ma'am. Any style you're after?"
I had no idea but fortunately Louise broke in. "Just a couple of
everyday girdles. She's got a nice figure so not too controlling. She
should be fitted." The assistant raised her eyebrows at Louise's
comments, but "then would you come this way, please?" she said, leading
us to a fitting room.
In fact it took almost an hour before we were out of the department with
the purchases. I had got three girdles and Louise had suggested I wear
one of them, a pull-on style, as skirts and dresses were next on our
As we walked down the stairs from the lingerie department she stopped
and eyed me up and down.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"Oh, how are you finding the girdle? Is it like you thought it would
Maybe my hips felt a bit confined and I had to take smaller steps than
usual but I actually liked the protective feeling of the girdle with the
constantly changing little tugs of the garters on my stockings. The
assistant had gartered my stockings very tightly. Also, I liked feel of
the stockings on my legs, the tautness contrasting with the bare part of
my thighs between the stocking top and the hem of my girdle. I felt very
feminine. "I like it," I replied.
"Oh well!" and she shrugged.
We started again at more shopping and I lost count of the number of the
other departments we visited, but I ended up with an enormous pile of
clothes, even a hat. That needed yet another delivery to our hotel.
However, after several hours of this I was exhausted. I had been in and
out of fitting rooms so much that I was beginning to feel dizzy. "Aren't
we finished yet?" I complained.
Louise shook her head. "We have the basics. As you develop your own
style and taste you'll have to do a lot more shopping yourself, but I
think that's enough for the day. Ready to get back to the hotel?"
Once again we had laden bags to take to the hotel. Our purchases were
piling up but I was more or less outfitted and accessorized to Louise's
approval. I was glad Louise had said Vanderveld would be paying for
We ate dinner at the hotel dining room. I had, with Louise's advice, put
on a smart red dress. I felt very pleased with myself but she looked at
my shoes and shook her head. "You need your own shoes, and much dressier
than these. So that's first on tomorrow's list."
So, next day it was the shoe department for more shoes, two other flat
pairs, three pairs with heels, and a pair of dressy sandals. Next we had
to find some matching purses. By this time I was completely exhausted
with the whole business and I just wanted to rest. Louise looked at me
in exasperation and insisted holding several purses against my new coat
and shoes before she had made up her mind. The sales assistant looked at
me curiously but I was past caring. I thought that by this time we would
be finally finished, but I had forgotten the cosmetics department and
its makeup supplies.
We were barely back in the hotel room when Louise flopped into a chair.
"It's nice to put my feet up," she groaned. "This is hard work! We can
go out for dinner later but lets relax for a bit."
I actually had a nap in my underwear then made myself up and dressed
under her supervision. I wore my nice new shoes, with a modestly high
heel. She was right. I looked much better.
After dinner we went back to the room. I undressed and put on one of my
new nightdresses with a filmy peignoir. Louise did the same and we
relaxed chatting, over a bottle of wine.
"So, back to the island today?" I asked her at breakfast the next
"Yes, but first, we have to get you made up and a decent haircut. By the
way I hope you are taking all of this in as it will be your turn for
this acquaintance, as Ephraim calls it."
"I'm puzzled. Why didn't he just get you to do all of this?"
"Well, you see, he wasn't sure about the spell! He wanted to test it
first. You were the guinea pig! Also, Jeff is off in the wilds of South
America at present, but when he returns I want to be with him so I won't
be able to spare the time. Mind you, this person, I have my own score to
settle with him, so I'll be helping as much as I can."
I drew in my breath. I had been a guinea pig. I wondered what would have
happened if the spell had not worked properly.
"Then also, Ephraim has been doing you a big favor, wouldn't you say? So
you owe him big time.
"Oh yes, another thing for today, have you thought about jewelry? A
watch, at least a bracelet and a necklace. Maybe some dressy rings?
Then, have you thought if you want to wear earrings? If so, you'd be
better to get your ears pierced. That can be done when you get your
My hands went to my ears. "Uh, does it hurt?"
"Oh, it's over before you think about it. Your earlobes are tender for a
day or so afterwards but that's all. This subject Ephraim has in mind,
when he's changed, is to get multiple piercings."
I shivered. I was afraid to ask what she meant.
We finally got back to the island the next afternoon after a visit to a
hairdresser and then lunch at a restaurant. Even with Hank helping us it
took three trips to bring all my purchases from the boat. "That's a lot
of money your brother is paying for all of this," I commented.
Louise waved her hand. "Ah, he's rich enough! Besides, this will be
practice when his victim is outfitted with woman's clothing."
At the hairdresser's salon I had felt embarrassed when her eyebrows went
up at my short hair but after some comments she started work and I ended
with a gamin like style. Back on the island I checked my new appearance,
turning my head this way and that in a mirror and compared it to models
in women's magazines. II thought it looked stylish and definitely an
improvement but I thought I would let my hair grow so that I could put
it up or have it over my shoulders as the occasion demanded.
Also, I was trying to keep from rubbing my ears, now fitted with two
small golden rings. I had my ears pierced at the same time. I decided
that when I got used to earrings, I would try some fancier styles.
I was tired out and sat down heavily in a chair, but Louise gave me a
grin. "Uh uh! No rest until this is all put away." That took us another
hour and I was about dropping at the end. "I need bed," I yawned.
"Come on, I'll unzip you." She slid down the zipper on the back of my
dress and helped me undress. She handed me some cream and tissue.
"First, you should remove your makeup, unless you want it all over the
bed sheets."
I grumbled a bit but I would have to get used to these rituals.
Getting a supply of clothes and accessories was a major step, but in
fact it would take many more weeks to get used to my new life. There
were many things I had to learn. Some I managed by myself, but I needed
help with others and Louise was a great support. She was continually
In the days after, when I had developed a better idea of what styles
suited me I went back to the mainland and visited several boutiques that
Louise recommended. The staff in these worked wonders and I ended up
with many very flattering outfits. I felt very glamorous.
I also needed to see a beauty consultant. I was still nervous about
going out so Louise had me contact a beauty salon to explain what I
wanted and made an appointment
She decided my face needed more attention. My eyebrows especially were
too thick!
So, I had totally taken to a new life, courtesy of Ephraim. I was very
happy with it and I was happy to show off my new outfits when he paid us
another visit.
He gave me an approving look. "You look good, Edith! And here are some
things for you." He passed me a driver's license, some credit cards and
even a passport, all in my name with my new photograph. "Now, I'll give
you an update. My enemy is called James. I'll meet with him, drug him
and then, you Edith, will read the spell to him. When he is changed to a
woman he, or perhaps I should say 'she', she will be brought here to the
island where you both will train her to my instructions. I don't care
how severe you are with her. Humiliation will be good.
He grimaced. "Unfortunately, there has been a holdup. Some business
matters need my full attention so it can't be done rightaway."
He looked me over again. "So Edith, how are you finding the change? No
second thoughts."
"I'm delighted, but still, it's strange. Yes, I love my new body and the
clothes, but I'm actually getting a little bored."
"I wondered about that, Edith. So, would you be willing to come back and
work at the corporation until my plans are ready? I have some jobs I
think you could look after."
He was actually offering me a chance for another phase in my life. "Yes,
Mr. Vanderveld, I'll be glad to work with you. I really owe you for what
you have done for me."
He nodded. "So Edith, next Monday morning? You should present yourself
at the company headquarters on the mainland, about ten. Ask for me and
you'll be brought to my office. I'll show you around and then outline
your work to you."
On Monday morning I stood outside the HQ of the Vanderveld Corporation
and took a deep breath. My heart was pounding. Nervously once more I ran
my fingers over my hair and smoothed the skirt of my newly purchased
gray business suit over my hi