American Royalty 1: Coming Of AgeChapter 18: Homecoming—Meredith free porn video

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The weekend was not what Meredith had hoped for. She thought she would meet Liam at the Rathskeller and have a nice night out. They would have a romantic walk back to campus and she would drive them out to Buxton House. With luck, they would get there after everyone had gone to bed and she would have a chance to slip into the spare room with Liam for a while. Maybe a long while.

But then the strikers had pulled her off the street and held her hostage. For a few minutes. Then Liam had burst in and nobly offered himself in exchange for her. The idiot! Didn’t he know a royal was worth any number of servants? No. Of course not. To Liam, all people were worth the same. That was what made him royal. If he had taken any other course of action, it would not have been noble.

She had put him in this situation. She should have been more careful.

Then he sent word that he needed his suit. It wasn’t worded the way Liam would have done even a week ago. A week ago, he would have told Erich he needed clothes for negotiations. Instead, he itemized exactly what he wanted. Suit, shirt, tie, and shoes. Liam was showing he had the situation under control and was making the decisions.

He was acting like a royal.

The ringing of her phone startled Meredith so much she froze in place wondering if this was Liam calling her. Foolish. The phone rang again and she rushed to answer it.

“Hello. This is Meredith Sauvage. How may I help you?”

“Very nice, Meredith. It’s Regina. I’m planning a party and I could use your assistance.”

“A party? Now?”

“Yes. We’ll need to celebrate Liam’s victory.”

“You’ve heard? Has he won?”

“Dear Meredith, you don’t understand how this works. Everyone wins.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Meredith did not understand. This was a layer of royalty she had not been exposed to.

“Now, let’s have the party on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. That will give things a chance to settle down. It will be a somewhat larger party than Liam’s birthday, so we’ll serve food from the buffet.”

“I’ll coordinate it with cook, ma’am.”

“I’d like you to help with the invitations since all the important guests are people you know.”


“Yes. Your classmates and their parents. Peggy Anne and Karen with their parents, of course. Lonnie and his sweetheart. Let’s make sure both of their parents are invited. Miss Ritter’s mother has been very influential in getting the sides together.”

“Yes, of course. Should I assume you would also like Mr. Winzar to attend?”

“Oh! What a wonderful suggestion. I see you are understanding the process. Please indicate a plus one and his parents if they happen to be in town. Now, who else?”

“Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of course.”

“Yes. And don’t forget your parents, dear.”

“Thank you, ma’am. And Richard and Donnie’s parents. They’ll need to get leave in order to travel home.”

“I leave the rest to you, Meredith. I, and the university, will understand if you don’t make it to classes this week. I don’t think we’ll send Liam back to Elenchus just now.”

“I’ll do my best, madam.”

“I have always believed you would.”

Meredith collapsed in her desk chair. She had been given a task by the matriarch. Perhaps it was nothing more than busywork to keep her active but it was work from the matriarch. She needed to get used to this. One day it would be Liam.

“Mr. Winzar, it is Miss Sauvage calling.”

“A delight, Miss Sauvage. How may I help you this afternoon?”

“The call is a simple thank you for the part you played in ending the strike. I’m sure Mr. Cyning will want to express his thanks personally.”

“I could see what he was doing from a mile away. When that reporter called it was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud. It was well-played. Is it over yet?”

“They are still in negotiations, which I am told is a good sign. There will be a formal invitation, of course, but Mr. Cyning is planning a bit of a holiday party in celebration and would like to entertain you and a guest on Saturday after Thanksgiving. He extends this invitation as well to your parents, should they happen to be visiting for the holiday.”

“Ah. As it happens, my parents will be here. Would you mind terribly addressing the invitation to them at my address.”

“I will be delighted. Oh, and Mr. Winzar, I assume you have good information sources but we believe in sharing the news we hear if we deem it important. As you know, Mr. Cyning will join us at the university in January.”


“I have recently been informed that Miss Elizabeth Kendrick will also begin at mid-term.”

“Ah, yes. So, the gathering of the eligible royals has begun. Well, perhaps I’ll be lucky this time and discover she’s a lesbian.”

“I beg your pardon, sir?”

“As you will discover soon enough, Miss Sauvage, my predilection is toward my own gender. It would be convenient to have a wife who also had that predilection. I’m sure we could still manage a conception, but we wouldn’t need to depend on each other for recreation.”

“I will keep my eyes open for someone who might fill the position. Please feel free to bring a guest of either gender to the party. No one will object.”

“Thank you. Good day, Miss Sauvage.”

“Good day, Mr. Winzar.”

The News

“Miss Sauvage. Miss Sauvage.” Lupe knocked insistently on Meredith’s door. She needed to tell the poor woman that if the door is unlocked, she may come in as needed. Meredith opened the door.

“What is it, Lupe?”

“Mr. Cyning called Erich to come and get him. The negotiations are finished. He said Mr. Ferguson is calling the press to meet at the picket line. You may want to watch the news.”

“Watch? Indeed! I need to impress upon Mr. Cyning who his personal assistant is. I suppose Erich has left already.”

“Yes, Miss. Mr. Cyning’s parents have gathered in the lounge to watch the conference and invite you to watch as well.”

“I ... I’ll join them at once.”

Liam was as comfortable to Meredith as a well-fitting glove. His grandmother was charming and always welcoming. His parents, however, seemed very conscious of their station and a bit standoffish. She didn’t think they actively disliked her, but they still made her nervous. She hurried to the lounge. Grandmother Cyning was also just arriving.

“Mother! Just in time. They’ve just broken into regular programming. Meredith. Please fix yourself a drink. Mother, the usual?”

“I can get my own. Don’t disturb anyone to wait on me.”

“Brian is behind the bar already, Mother. He can as well mix your drink.” Brian, in fact, rushed up to Regina with a martini and presented it to her.

“Thank you, Brian.”

“My pleasure, Mrs. Cyning.”

Meredith had just reached the bar when Brian returned. He sent her to the front of the bar.

“No matter what the boss says, Miss Sauvage, when I am tending bar, I fix drinks for everyone. What can I make you?”

“I’d almost join in the martinis but I think I’d better stick to non-alcoholic beverages. A tonic and lemon?”

“You’re an easy one to mix for. Oh, look. The people are getting in front of the microphones.” He finished pouring her drink and deftly twisted a lime wedge into the glass. Then both moved closer to the television. Several other staff members stuck heads in the door and lined up against the walls.

“This has been a very long day. Of course, for some of you gathered here it has been much longer. Your dedication is noted.” Ferguson had been the first to step up to the microphones and was trying to put everyone at ease. Most of the audience was striking employees. “I am happy to say, however, that after hours of bargaining, we have arrived at a solution I believe will please both the workers and the shareholders. Mr. Peters and I have signed a new employment contract on behalf of all employees. Yes. You have heard me right. We live in a world ruled by contracts, yet it strikes me as strange that in our closest relationship—that of employer and employee—we have never put pen to paper to formalize our relationship. This contract spells out the currently agreed terms as well as steps forward that will enable us to keep pace with the economy and make sure our workers are fairly compensated as times change. With this contract in place, we hope to never see a strike again. Of course, both the union and the shareholders must ratify this contract, but I am confident you will all find it more than acceptable.” There was applause, though the workers seemed a bit hesitant. “I would like your own spokesperson to address you at this time. Mr. Randy Peters.”

Meredith recognized the man from her brief time in captivity. He seemed like a fair enough man who was truly appalled that his fellow-workers would kidnap someone off the street to hold as hostage. She felt he might have sent her home regardless of Liam showing up.

“Hi, guys. I guess you heard from Mr. Ferguson that we settled. We agreed not to talk about the specific terms in front of the cameras but I can tell you that Mr. Ferguson has very fairly agreed to terms as good or better than we asked originally. I believe this means good things for our working relationship in the future and that we can once again take great pride in the shoes that we produce and the company for which we work. As your representative, I have signed the contract on your behalf. That means we all go to work in the morning and vote to ratify it.” At Randy’s announcement, the workers let out a genuine cheer and applauded. Ferguson stepped back to the microphones and placed a hand on Randy’s shoulder.

“Please understand that at such short notice we cannot provide printed copies of the contract at this time. Typewritten copies have been provided for the press and in the morning, I am assured there will be copies available for all employees at the door. Your representative and negotiator have represented you well. I’m happy to say we worked as a team. I will also say that Mr. Cyning, falsely reported as being a hostage, has been a welcome guest of both the workers and of Covington Shoes. He plans to return to his home now. Now go home and get some rest. Be fresh when you clock in tomorrow morning.”

There was more applause and cheering as the reporters tried in vain to ask questions. Ferguson, Randy, and Liam all turned their backs on the cameras and worked their way around to the gate where Erich was waiting for Liam.

“So, Liam succeeded in talking some sense into those strikers. Fergie seems happy and the workers pleased with a contract they don’t even know the terms of yet.” Thomas and Lydia laughed and toasted each other. Regina smiled and turned to Meredith.

“We are having dinner in the dining room this evening. You and Erich will also attend. Please stay here in the lounge for hors d’oeuvres and refresh your drink.”

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you. I was hoping I could greet Liam when he arrived back.”

“Perhaps not in the fashion you were hoping, but you will be with the family.”

Thomas took a call in the study and returned shortly to the lounge.

“Fergie says Liam acquitted himself well today. He sounded almost as proud of the boy as I am. Did anyone notice, by the way, that he was wearing a suit and tie? They looked new. You don’t suppose he went out shopping while he was held hostage, do you?” Lydia laughed at her husband’s lightheartedness. They turned to Meredith. “Do you know anything about the suit?”

“If I am not mistaken, that is the suit Liam acquired just before school started. Perhaps he has not had an opportunity to wear it before now.”

“Of course.” Lydia toasted her husband again. “No doubt when the news of the meeting came out, his valet convinced the strikers to let him change. That would be just like Erich. Always thinking ahead.” Meredith just nodded her head.

“You must remember, dear, that you are dealing with merchants here.” Regina took Meredith by the elbow and led her back to the bar. “Have an appetizer, Meredith. You needn’t be nervous. As I was saying, the merchants place a price tag on everything and have determined the exact value of Erich as their son’s valet and you as his personal assistant. Apparently, Mr. Ferguson did not explain the extent of Liam’s involvement. I think we can safely say, they will stay in divine ignorance until he does.”

The four continued to chat as either Thomas or Lydia was continually called out of the room to talk to an associate or friend calling to congratulate them on Liam’s release. To a one, they considered the release to be the accomplishment of Thomas and Lydia. Lupe came into the room and whispered to Brian before rushing out again. Brian rang a small bell on the bar.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am informed that Master Liam has just arrived.”

Everyone moved to the hallway and awaited Liam’s entrance. Meredith snickered to herself, thinking Liam might well come in from the garage with Erich. It seemed Regina understood exactly what she was saying.

“No matter how much he would wish it, Liam will not disappoint his parents on his return home. Erich won’t let him. He will come in ... just ... about ... now.” The old woman proved psychic as Liam opened the door and the four applauded his entry.

“My son, the survivor, the conqueror, and the young royal of our family.” Thomas made a rare display of embracing his son and turning him directly to his mother for like treatment. As soon as he was free, Liam embraced his grandmother and then turned to face Meredith. She flowed into his open arms for a warm embrace but whispered as she did.

“Only a hug, Liam. Don’t be inappropriate.” He released her and they all went back to the lounge. Erich arrived from the kitchen at the same time and quietly blended in. Meredith saw, however, that he was merely a step behind Regina. She assumed a similar position behind Liam as he told of his adventure.

“It was a bit chill at night. I mean, it is November. But Erich delivered my ski jacket and stocking cap. It wasn’t so bad then.” Liam explained what the conditions were in the camp.

“On the ground? You slept on the ground?”

“It was like going camping, Mother. We had a nice campfire that was fed throughout the night and I shared the same conditions as the workers. It was that, in part, that allowed me to win their trust and let me guide them.”

“Fergie was pleased. He said you did well and that is a good enough recommendation for me. He said, and I quote, ‘I wish he were a merchant. But, of course, he could no longer be royal then.’ We had a good laugh at that.” Thomas was on his third martini as far as Meredith had observed. He may have started much earlier.

Dinner was peaceable. Liam’s father continued to laud praises on his son but it was obvious that he didn’t really know what Liam’s role had been. And that he was becoming quite drunk. Finally, Regina saw fit to intervene.

“Lydia, we are obviously all exhausted. Poor Liam is nearly asleep in his chair. Why don’t you and Thomas go to your suite for a nightcap and let the rest of us retire as well.”

“Yes, Mother Cyning. I believe that is a good idea.” Thomas stood shakily and Brian moved in at once to help support him as they moved to their suite.

“You’ve seen your father in a rare condition. He was truly very concerned about you, Liam. Let us say he over-celebrated.”

“Indeed, Grandmother. I hope he is fully recovered tomorrow. Oh, my. I suppose I need to get some sleep so I can get back to school tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about that. I believe that after your adventure, you should stay here for the week. And next week is a holiday, so let’s just say we are starting yours early. We have a lot of holiday planning to do.”

“Thank you, Grandmother.”

“You do look very handsome in that suit, by the by. Excellent taste. Goodnight, Liam. Goodnight, Meredith. Erich, would you escort me to my chamber?”

“Certainly, madam.”

“Goodnight, Grandmother. Sleep well.”


Liam and Meredith strolled into the lounge. Of course, the dishes were being cleared from the dining room and there were staff around, so they restrained themselves, merely sitting side-by-side on a loveseat holding hands and talking softly. Brian approached them with a tray.

“Cook fixed your favorite baked brie, Master Liam. He said it seemed a shame that everyone had left the table before cheese and coffee. May I pour for you?”

“Thank you, Brian. Please tell cook thank you from me as well. We do like his baked brie.” Liam leaned forward and handed a cup of hot coffee to Meredith. They each took a sip and as soon as they saw the room was empty, set down their cups and embraced in a long and loving kiss. “I know we should eat the brie, but all I want to do is feast on your lips.”

“Oh, Liam, I was so worried about you. Please, don’t ever offer yourself in trade for me again. I couldn’t have lived if anything bad had happened to you.”

“I understand your feeling, darling. But I’ve suddenly come to understand what royals do.”

“Let us not disappoint cook. We must have some cheese.” Liam cut wedges from the pastry covered cheese and served Meredith, then himself. Cook was right, Meredith thought. Liam certainly loves this dish. “Now tell me what your epiphany was.”

“When I was first told I was royal and found out about all the different classes, I thought what a waste. Every other class has a function. Yet royals don’t produce anything. We seemed like a remnant of some bygone era that no one really needed any longer. But now I think I see what Grandmother was telling me about royals leading. I was able to lead the workers to a reasonable ask from the company. I was able to lead Mr. Ferguson to see how our asks would benefit him in the long run. I negotiated a settlement between them and an employment contract.”

“You? Liam, do you mean... ?”

“Yes. Fergie was a bit surprised when I sat opposite him at the table but he soon warmed to the idea, basically challenging me to a battle of wills.”

“That ... And the workers let you represent them?”

“Yes. Isn’t that amazing?”

“That is perhaps less amazing than that you negotiated for them but not by much.” They laughed, ate more cheese, and stole kisses between sips of coffee.

“Liam, are you ready for our night to end?” Meredith’s whisper would not have carried past Liam’s ears for all that there were no others around as they walked up the stairs.

“Not at all, darling. Shall we go to the room past mine?”

“No. Liam, in your study, there is a door.”

“Of course. I use it to enter the room.”

“Not that door. On the opposite wall.”

“That wall has my bookcases.” Meredith moaned. “Do you mean there is a door behind my bookcase?” Liam had lived here all his life and didn’t know about the door. “Does it connect?”

“Our studies. But if you have a bookcase in front of it, it is of no use to us.”

“I’ll move it. I need to change out of my suit and then I’ll start unloading the books and move the shelf.”

“My darling, that would take forever tonight. Take me instead to the room that will become your sitting room.”

They looked around carefully before hurrying down the hall to the door past Liam’s bedroom. Once inside the couple did not hesitate to kiss and caress each other. When they finally pulled themselves away from each other, they were both rather a frazzled mess. Liam’s shirt hung open, his jacket flung on the floor. Meredith’s blouse gapped open and her bra was unfastened.

“If we had more comfortable furnishings, this might go further, my love. But not here on the floor.” She tucked her blouse in and pulled it shut, going to the door. “If there is no one in the hall, I will hurry to my room.” She peeked out and as she suspected, the hall was dark and empty. “Goodnight, my love.” She rushed out of the room and to her own, leaving Liam to decide his own way to his room.

When Meredith arose in the morning, she went straight to work. Each invitation needed to be written in her best hand. She was sure other classes simply typed invitations or didn’t bother with them at all and simply used the telephone. That was not the case with the Cyning household. She clearly remembered the invitation she had received to Liam’s sixteenth birthday party. She had opened it with anticipation and thrilled to the contents. She was certain it was penned in Regina Cyning’s own hand. It was one of her most treasured possessions.

She called the kitchen and had breakfast delivered to her study. As she ate and drank her coffee, she perused the guestlist and added the names of Randy and Sally Peters. Liam had spoken so highly of them that she couldn’t help but think they were special and should be included on this list. Thinking she might spice things up a bit, she added the name of her former roommate, Hana Ito plus one.

All the time she was working, she kept hearing sounds on the other side of the door. Liam had not called her this morning, even to invite her to breakfast. Meredith wrote invitations and addressed envelopes all morning.

At half past twelve, her phone rang.

“Meredith, my dear, will you have lunch with me? I’m afraid I’ve been so busy this morning that I have neglected you. Please forgive me and join me for the midday repast.”

“Liam, you are so formal. Of course I will join you. Shall I meet you in the hall?”

“I need to wash and put on a clean shirt first. I’ll knock at your door as soon as I’m ready. Until then, my dear.”

“Yes, Liam.”

Meredith hung up the phone and went to her dressing room/bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted her makeup and hair slightly. Then she decided to change blouses. After all, Liam was putting on a clean shirt. She studied herself critically, surprised at how anxious she was to please him. A few moments later, a light knock on her door brought her to attention and she opened it to find Liam. He was casually dressed in slacks and a polo shirt. She fully approved and took his arm as they went to the kitchen nook where cook was setting out bowls of soup.

“Thank you for letting me get so much work done this morning. I had a lengthy phone call with the contractor working on our condos. It seems some people need to have approval of every decision. Yes, the marble tile is fine. Yes, both units should have kitchens. Yes, yes, yes. He could make the decisions himself.”

“You don’t suppose the agent told him my name.”

“That would explain a lot. I suggest that tomorrow we pay a surprise visit to inspect the property. How would that be?”

“As long as we don’t give the poor man and his crew heart attacks.” They laughed at the thought of surprising the construction workers. They would wear blue jeans and chambray shirts. “Actually, that’s what I’ve been wearing all morning long. I unloaded the bookshelves and started work at clearing the door. You see the shelves run the entire length of the wall, completely concealing the door. I’m afraid I shall have to ask Erich to provide assistance this afternoon.”

“You must have an impressive book collection.”

“There are several hundred volumes but I’m afraid I’m a bit of a packrat. I have every book I’ve touched since a toddler. Can’t bear to give them up. I’ve thought, ‘Someday, I’ll pass this on to my son.’ I know it sounds ridiculous. Styles and tastes in literature will have changed so much by then.”

“As long as you are sure to give him your volumes of the Brontës and Austen. They certainly helped you understand how to love a woman.”

“I feel I am still only beginning. There is so much to learn about you.”

“I have a long time to teach you.”

“I’m afraid I will not be finished with the shelves today. Would you like to go out this evening?”

“Since our date last weekend was so rudely interrupted, I think it could be arranged.”

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Chapter 18: Homecoming—Meredith Videos

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 11 Professionalmdashan Interlude

“Having a will is important for everyone, not only those who own a lot of property. Without a will, anything the deceased owned will be managed by the state and after taxes and fees will revert to the next of kin. If no next of kin can be found, it will revert to the state. But avoiding probate is an inadequate reason to have a will. Think of your family and loved ones. In times of great stress, like the death of a loved one, family members tend to focus on small things they think they can...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 19 Tradesmanmdashan Interlude

John Sturdivant took his work seriously. He had first been a carpenter but found he was interested in other aspects of the home building industry. He learned plumbing. He learned electrical installation. He’d even worked for a while on a concrete crew pouring foundations. He knew how a house was and should be put together. His contracting license had been secured years ago. “What do you think, boss?” They were cleaning up at the end of the workday and the boys often talked about the day’s...

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The Price of Royalty

The Price of Loyalty A few words at the start: R__, a member of the support group, inspired my story Sweet Confusions with an offhand comment about a leather jacket. She later told me that my first story included a lot of her fantasies and asked that I write a special one for her as a birthday present. This is that story. Chapter 1: The two men looked across the table at each other. One, older and better dressed was composed, the other, younger, in his early...

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AmericanMan At War

American-Man At War By Paul G. Jutras "1,2, 3, 4...." Christine said as she stood in gold three inch pumps and a backless evening gown with spaghetti straps. With the clicking of drumsticks the band prepared to join in. Soto began to played the guitar in his usual leather jacket, pants and boots and red tee shirt. Mark played the drums, Luke the keyboard in their yellow and red striped coveralls, and Starshine the tambourine in her purple blouse, leopard print mini skirt...

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American Girl In Bangkok

American Girl in Bangkok By Tiffany Parker The following story is a work of fiction and is copyright property of the author. Please don't repost it without permission. But most importantly, I hope you enjoy reading it. Chapter 1 Kaylee impatiently bided time while sitting in the middle seat in coach on the long trans-pacific flight. She was excited about her trip to Bangkok that would complete her journey and provide her the gender affirmation surgery she desperately...

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American Husband Takes the Veil in Saudi

Opportunities for foreign assignments with large, American owned companies can be very lucrative. In some cases, expatriates can earn up to three times their normal salary, while at the same time having housing and food provided for free. My wife and I recently got such an opportunity to go to Saudi Arabia for two years, and it came at a perfect time in our lives.My name is Alan, and my wife, Karen, and I were forty-two years old at the time. Our two kids were in college and living away from...

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American Ladyboy

American Ladyboy By Cassandra Morgan No matter where in the world you are, no matter languages are being spoken around you, calculus is boring, it seems they teach the subject so people will know how to torture spies. And so, half a globe away, Benjy Hawkins sat in his math class with his head resting on his arms, which were folded over his desk. The teacher droned on, his lilting accent punctuating his speech. The subject, and the speech, was more than Benjy could bear on a...

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AmericanMan Returns

American-Man Returns by Paul G Jutras The high desert winds kicked up as the hovering cruise ship sailed over the endless sands. Inside the ball room, Christine Jackmarr and her band rocked on with music from before World War Three. Once Christine was merely Chris Jackmarr. A normal teenage boy with dreams of being a rock star. Then one Halloween, a cosmic time loop resulted in the death of his old body and the reincarnation of his soul in his own relative of the year...

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american slut in Paris revised

There was a small family resturant down the street from the hotel we were staying at. A nice place, the main thing that stuck in my mind was all the blue tile on the walls and floor. A little while after we began our meal, I decided to go grab a smoke and draw, maybe wander around a little. I am what you would call a considerate smoker and chose to light up outside, being it was daylight my mother figured I couldn't get into too much trouble by wandering. I walked out to the...

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American As

Last winter, during a January marked by both voluntary and involuntary shutdowns of Washington, DC, I went to a large room at 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan to swear allegiance to a government that at the time was having trouble staying open for business. With about fifty other people from a broad swath around the globe, I walked in a citizen of another place and walked out an American. There were several Chinese people like myself in the group, but I was the only Canadian. We all came...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 6 Gunner

I knew now, knew without the slightest doubt, what my subconscious had been trying to tell me. The Oasis aftermath. The Gunthers. Or the Meriwethers. Or maybe both. Almost certainly Gunner. I had been the instigator of the Gunthers’ downfall. Was probably the symbol. Hated symbol. And the Gunther collapse was tied directly to the arrests of David and Charles Meriwether. The Buckshot Video was similar to the FaceTime video I’d saved on my laptop. When Greta Gunther blew the head off one of...

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American Muslims Pt 06

Note to Reader: The following tale is centred on the Al-Nablusi family, who are Palestinian-Americans, and it follows them on a journey through love, sex, spirituality, tradition versus modernity. The father Faris Al-Nablusi, whose family originate from Nablus in the West Bank but he was born in Haifa, is a professor of Cognitive and Neuroscience at Berkeley and has been granted tenure. His wife Samira Hamoudi, who is from Nazareth, and is a lecturer of comparative literature at Berkeley- they...

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“Erin, there’s nothing wrong with meeting females on the party-line. In fact, that’s how most of the lesbians here in Philly stay connected. Look, I’ll call and you can just listen.” “Aight B, but I can’t guarantee a damn thang.”… Before Erin knew it she had been on the party-line for two whole hours, holding serious conversation with at least ten different girls. It was amusing to her that the girls could create so many different names like ‘Hot Tamali, Sexxxy Tail, and Peanut...

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Black Royalty in the Zulu Empire

The Region of Botswana, South Africa, circa 1211 A.D. The sun rose over the beautiful City of Dumazile, crown jewel of the Zulu people. Andile Bafana lay in his bed, feeling a tiredness that had nothing to do with the mercilessness of the Southern African sun that was high in the sky. The six-foot-three, ebony-skinned young man finally got up. As the son of King Fundani, Warrior Chief of the Zulu people and the grandson of Zulu Emperor Gabangaye, he had certain expectations he had to meet....

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Tape SlavesChapter 18 The Royalty

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask rather what you can do for your country." JOHN F KENNEDY "I am the state." LOUIS XIV OF FRANCE Gina moved into the doctor's house. The next day, he took her into his study. "Watch this." He stood facing a wall and spoke a few words in a language Gina couldn't recognize. The wall slid open revealing a secret passage. "That was Arabic for 'Open Sesame!' I love that phrase. You'll need to set up a password for your voice pattern,...

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American Stream Girl

“So it just switches on at midnight, and then it just starts? They see you do everything?” Nicole asked. Then her voice dropped. “Everything…”“That’s the deal,” I said. “One year, but with what they are paying... No more slow nights or stripping. It’s enough money that we’ll be set. Of course, I think I’ll still keep going, but…”“But, Rachel…”She cupped her voice into a whisper, leaning closer in bed.“Like, they see you going-”“I’m just not gonna think about that,” I said, putting up the mental...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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American Desi 8211 Salt Lake City

A couple of summers before I turned fifty, I was touring the American West by car. On a warm August day, I found myself in Salt Lake City. Having visiting local museums – a favorite hobby of mine – I decided it was time to leave. Next destination: Las Vegas. The drive from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas traces a stunning array of American vistas. Even though by continent-sized American distances, the drive is a modest mere 5 hours, the sheer variety of terrain along the way, however, is simply...

Gay Male
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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 12

My cell rang. FaceTime request. Birdy Cummings. Odd, she was supposed to call me on one of my burner phones. A specific one. Before I answered, I connected the phone to my MacBook. Hurriedly, and I was glad I’d practiced the drill, I completed the 11 steps necessary to be able to record the call on my laptop. “Hello.” “Winter! I’m so sorry! Run!” Birdy with a shotgun jammed to her chin. Silence for a moment, then Birdy screamed, an anguished, almost inhuman shriek. Something was being done...

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American love to our Canadian guy

I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Cancun, the land of sin, sex and getting wasted. College years and 4 of us girls decided to go have a wild time in Mexico. All of us are pretty girls and we knew we will have no problem getting hot guys to fuck. And we were all open to having fun of all kinds, together or individually. We rented 2 rooms facing the pool with balconies that connected. We all had...

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American Geisha 2

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. American Geisha 2 By Paul G Jutras John and Sarah were American citizens, who had to move to Japan when the business that John worked for relocated his job there. The two waited at the airport for their son to arrive on the morning plane and join them. "Where is he?" John said, looking at his watch. "The plane should have landed by now." "They're...

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American Pie Got Me Laid

Hi All horny guys and gals…my name is Raj male 24 indore..thank you for your responses to my previous story ” unforgettable 15 days” for those who haven’t read it. is the link ..send me your responses on my mail id … coming back to todays story…its about my desire to make love with an elderly women…….I love elderly women i find them very sexy…my ex was 4 years elder to me and it was awesome making love to...

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American love to our Canadian guy

I like to write short quick story to the point. Hard or wet factor is the only thing I am aiming for. This is not a PhD dissertation. Cancun, the land of sin, sex and getting wasted. College years and 4 of us girls decided to go have a wild time in Mexico. All of us are pretty girls and we knew we will have no problem getting hot guys to fuck. And we were all open to having fun of all kinds, together or individually. We rented 2 rooms facing the pool with balconies that connected. We all had...

Group Sex
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American Dad

In this story you will choose a member of the Smith family and embark on adventures exploring sexual situations. Also I assume people writing in here have at least watched some American Dad so any references will be appreciated. This is the world of American Dad but through a hyper sexualized lens where the Smiths are all intense sexual deviants. The characters core personalities are mostly the same but to fix a hyper sexualized narrative. All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.

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American Dad Pulling Double Booty Redone

Disclaimer: I do not in any shape or form own American Dad, it rightfully belongs to Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker, and Matt Weitzman. American Dad! Pulling Double Booty By Dark Dragen. Stan Smith was in his car with his daughter Hayley going to a hotel for the weekend, and he was anxious about this. Now you would wonder why a man who works for the C.I.A would be anxious about taking his daughter on a weekend trip for. Well to understand this, you have to go back a month or so at the start...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 2 New Business

In order to come up with the down to buy BaBoomz, (hey, up with the down!) Vanessa and I have to divest ourselves of our shares in four American solar panel distributors. In sub-Saharan Africa. But it had become time to sell anyway. Gertie explained the evolving situation to us over drinks at BEAR’s on Broadway, “The fucking Chinese are everywhere. They finally started manufacturing their panels in Africa. So it was just a natural extension for them to move into distribution.” Louie-Louie...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 10

I was vaguely aware of a tearful Vanessa hugging me, whispering, “Sorry, so sorry.” My screams had brought Walker and Pilar racing into the kitchen. They must have been terrified. First by my wailing shrieks, then the sight of Vanessa and me sobbing. I was dimly aware of sirens all around us. The Wrigley is only a couple of blocks north of Union Station and there was pandemonium all around us. Horns were blaring; we could hear the sounds of cars crashing into each other as panicked drivers...

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American Pickers Peggy

His name is Pretty Boy, that’s been his nickname since he was 13, given to him by his still best friend Tom. Now at 35 Pretty Boy is what some would call a serial rapist. He prefers to call himself a purveyor of women. With an entourage of 3 guys and 1 woman his ego is constantly being nourished as they worship him and share in his unbelievable talents. Pretty Boy’s real name is Nate and what most people don’t know is that he is evil; pure, unadulterated evil. With his movie star...

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American dad parody fucking mom and Haley

Introduction: This is a sex parody to the show American Dad, where Steve winds up fucking his sister Haley, and his MILF of a mother Francine. (How it started) It was a quite day in the Smiths house due to the down pour of rain outside. Steve was playing video games, when he felt a surprising urge to jerk off. So Steve closed the door, whipped out a big tit Asians magazine, and got to business. Steve was in a deep jerk off session, and was about to climax. Steve started speeding up, when...

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American Roulette

The lights on the stage lowered and a figure emerged from the right side of the stage. The lights then shone brightly when the figure--a woman--reached the middle of the stage. She was sharply dressed in a suit and tie. The rest of the stage was colorfully decorated with props and items to be used during the contest. Seats for the live audience formed a semicircle around the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen!” the announcer spoke, her voice amplified around the auditorium. “Welcome to this week’s...

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American Maid

American Maid. Here is a tale that was inspired by chance. No I am not doing the tale to that Country & Western hit or that Cartoon character from Fox T. V. ' s show The Tick. Peace Belle. I just got back to my office from a meeting with the Wellman Clinic's Board of Directors. The Wellman Clinic is a top notch clinic that deals with sexual abuse. I am Belle Starr. I am the Director of Special Operations for the Wellman Clinic. In my office was Jose Cuervo sitting on my desk...

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American young mans Christmas gift to hot sexy aunty

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read . Velamma had volunteered to help Steve, an American to collect donations for an NGO. She was wearing tight jeans and a top that showed her sexy curves. Steve selected a random house and knocked on the door while Velamma watched. Since no one was answering the door, Steve decided to peak through one of the windows on the backside of the house. But Steve was awestruck when he saw something that we never...

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American CousinChapter 4 Discovered

Wednesday dawned in a quiet Grey blanket. James awoke slowly, longing for a little more sleep. He hugged the pillow to him and closed his eyes against the light. His hand on the plump pillow reminded him of his hostess; the lovely, round, soft, firm bosomy Valerie. Suddenly he was wide-awake. The events of the previous night sprang into his consciousness along with the thought of her panties left crumpled and loaded with his cum on the sink. He recalled the sound of Gerald's moans as she...

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 3 A Whisper From The Past

Pilar is tireless, gotta give her that. She entered Hobo in a couple of sheepdog contests mainly as a lark. And because her beloved border collie would enjoy it, love being outdoors, running, jumping, herding. Turns out he’s good at it. And Pilar must be too. Although it’s harder to tell with the handler. But between them, they started finishing in the money. Well, taking home a ribbon anyway. So Pilar applied herself. Talked with other trainers, owners, breeders. Studied countless videos....

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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 16 Goodbye Party

American Snapshot: In Montana it is illegal to guide sheep onto a railroad track with the intent of damaging the train. Vanessa and I agreed to bring Walker and Pilar back home. We couldn’t hide them forever, although Rebecca Montgomery was enjoying their company enormously. But school. Friends. Life. An FBI agent was still posted in the Wrigley lobby. Gunther wouldn’t be able to board the elevator even if he were foolish enough, or desperate enough, to return for another try. Nor would...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 5

My informal group -- the Winter Irregulars -- expanded. By one. Improbably, she’s now the youngest of my freelancers. Highly recommended by the former title holder, Buster Fagin. At 12 he’s four years older than his newest recruit, a chubby redhead named Betty Jane (“Call me BJ”) Kowalski. Since I’m so concerned with Age of Consent laws, how about Child Labor laws? I can explain, Officer. She doesn’t actually work for me; I’m just a one-woman outfit. Sure I slip them a few bucks from time...

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American Tapestry Winter JenningsChapter 7

Walker: “Women like silent men.” Pilar: “They think they’re listening.” Bear’s frustration was growing. Understandably so. The love of his life, Barry Hopkins, was not only being blackmailed, his life had been threatened. Everyone -- Daddy, Hank Morristown, Bear -- believed that the laser beam centered on Barry’s chest was an absolute threat. Menacing. Bear pulled me aside, “Five minutes, Winter. Five minutes.” Time alone with Mr. Laser. “If I can. Promise.” Illegal to turn Bear loose...

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Coming Back for Homecoming

“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 130 Homecoming

Every day after school the next week, we had basketball tryouts. There must have been fifty of us because Coach Hancock and Coach Mitchell were picking both the varsity and JV teams. Every guy in the school seemed to be there to try out. They ran drills. They ran dribbling practice. They ran shooting skills. They ran layups. They ran rebounds. Mostly, they ran us. I don't think I'd ever run so much. Fortunately, I'd biked a lot. My legs and lungs were strong. Whitney told me I had to do...

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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

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Second Comings III The Mask of Anar

(Note: this is Part III of the Second Coming series. Part I was released last December, Part II a few days ago, confusingly titled Second Comings – Sex Type Thing. This current posting is Part III, and they should be read in order for the tale to make much sense. Thanks to ‘rightbank’ for pointing this out!) Second Comings III: The Mask of Anarchy May Justin Lake sat behind Sharon Hastings as she drove towards Boston on the Mass Pike, Jordan Secord sat beside Hastings, looking out the...

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American slut the beginning

I was still developing as I was a late bloomer, I didn't get my period until I was 14, thus I was pretty small, youthfulish features, small breasts. Which I know now that many people didn't mind the naturally innocent appeal I held. Jill and myself had recently begun to 'explore eachother.' We had setup for her to spend the weekend at my house for more playtime, my parents were going to a concert on Friday evening, had a holiday party on Saturday, and church on Sunday, thus we knew...

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American Slut goes gambling

My boyfriend, Bob, and his friend, Jeff, always threw poker parties on the weekends with some of their guy friends. Girlfriends were almost always required to stay at home, being it was supposed to be a guys night out. Being the rule about females at the party, I was completely shocked when Bob asked me to tag along to a poker event. He knew that my parents were both headed out of the country for Missonary work with their church, leaving myself and brother in the care of my aunt. I still...

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USAmericana Hot Topics

What I'd not expected was a curvaceous, corseted, gorgeous goth to be bouncing up and down on my cock while moaning in delight. Perhaps I should explain. There'd been a number of changes at the mall, most of which involved invoking the various 'unmasked gods' that had taken charge of 'USAmerican' culture over the last few years (there'd been a 'Paradigm Shift' or something like that, so they'd apparently decided it was time to come out into the world). Wealth, god of wealth and...

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its late on a wednesday evening and i'm veggitating in front of the tv when my phone rings. its you, saying you're in germany and on your way home. you say you're landing in MA as a diversion for bad weather and, knowing i live in the state, am i close to the base where you're landing? i say 'yeah, it's a few miles away. why? do you need a ride when you land?' you say you dont wanna impose, but yes, you'd like to see me and if it's ok, will i pick you up? 'sure baby, no...

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