Brolly Dolly Part 2 free porn video

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Brolly Dolly Part 2 © Elaine 2021 This story was inspired from watching girls on the grids at Motorsports events and who are employed as eye candy in amongst all the high technology and high-octane world. Have you ever noticed that on the motor racing grids, it is usually the men who race and it's the glamorous ladies usually holding up the umbrellas to shield the riders or drivers from the sun or the rain? Just what would it be like for a boy to be suddenly exposed to that typical female role? Could he cope and just what would his reaction be particularly as he has to look and act like a girl. This story is set at initially over the weekend of a British Superbike Motor Cycle Racing event at Donington Park in Leicestershire several years ago. It's best to read the first part of the story first. Note that the first two chapters (7 and 8) have been edited a little and hence why they have been included again here. Chapter 7 - Day 6 - Released from hospital (Tuesday) Happily, I gave the nurse the news the next morning that I was feeling much better and had slept well. She announced that once the doctors had done their morning rounds of the ward I'd probably get the all clear to go home. "Can I get changed back into my clothes then?" I asked. "Not just yet," she replied. "The doctors won't be too long now, so please be patient." Around five minutes later and the pretty Doctor Smith returned with the results of my blood tests and another tray of syringes and vials. "Good morning Doctor Smith," I replied happily thinking I wouldn't be seeing her again. "Ah good you're still here," she replied. "I've got the results of your blood tests and it shows that you are a bit anaemic and obviously very low on oestrogen, so I can give you some pills or a shot or two to boost them." "It's ok really," I replied looking to avoid any more shots or pills. "My own doctor can surely deal with that." "Well yes but it won't do any harm to start your dysphoria treatment now so please roll over onto your side," she ordered without listening to my protests. I groaned at her and was annoyed that she was going to do this but looking like I did I could hardly argue against her that I shouldn't have them. As she injected into my ass, she said my blood cell count was also well below normal and she gave me a small bottle containing some pills. "Maybe that explains why I'm always feeling tired these days," I said as I opened the bottle to look at what I assumed were female hormone pills. "I've given you an intra muscular dose of both an anti-androgen and oestrogen," she said wiping the injection site in my ass. "You've done what? I thought you were giving me a shot because of my anaemia. What's an anti- androgen?" I asked not understanding what was going on. "That injection will inhibit the production of your testosterone for a few weeks and it will allow the oestrogen shot to work better," she said removing her latex gloves. "Your doctor at home can monitor your blood and hormone levels now. I'll write to them to say I've started your HRT treatment here. I'll be back with the letter that you should hand into your local medical centre back home." "Thanks, but what's HRT?" I replied but in truth I already really hated her overzealous attention to detail. "Oh, sorry HRT stands for hormone replacement therapy. Make an appointment when you get home to continue your HRT," she continued. "I will," I replied wondering what effect those hormone injections she'd given me would have over the next month. After she left to write her letter to my doctor, the ward round began and after they'd removed the tight neck collar and I reported a lot less pain in my neck I was told I could go home. Happy with the news, I got changed into Marcy's normal girlie outfit that I'd worn the day before and with a fully charged phone battery I eagerly called her to say I was being discharged. "That's great," she said, and she asked, "Do you have any money left?" "Yes why?" I asked. "I still have the forty pounds that you gave me." "When you get outside, grab a bus or a taxi to the train station and get the next train north. I'll meet you at the station and bring you back here." So reluctantly and annoyingly, I did as she asked and was soon on a train speeding north reluctantly also carrying the letter the hospital doctor had given me. Everyone I met seemed to treat me as if I was a real girl. I was called Miss by everyone I met, including the conductor when he asked for my ticket on the train. The train was unfortunately delayed by a few hours because of a break down ahead and I missed my connection, so it was eventually nearly 5pm when I finally arrived into the station near where Marcy lived. Fortunately, Marcy was still there waiting to greet me after I kept her posted on my progress north and we hugged a tender hello on the platform which I enjoyed. On the way back to her apartment, I told her of my growing predicament as Lara. "You need to help me get out of this situation Marcy," I pleaded. "I've already had an unwanted injection of female hormones today and the hospital has written this letter for me to give to my family doctor. He's a close friend of my mother and he might tell her." "Right so let's get you back to being Larry right away. The deception should end now I agree," She decided. However, I was completely exhausted when we entered the apartment and I flopped down onto the sofa just like a rag doll. Despite the small collar still uncomfortably fitted around my neck, I was instantly asleep, so Marcy pulled me up and dragged me through to her spare room and helped me into her bed. Thinking about it now, I think the sheer mental energy required to be Lara had been just too much. Chapter 8 - Day 7 - At Marcy's (Wednesday) I woke up at around 8am the next morning with my left eye stuck closed, as I hadn't removed the eye make-up and mascara I'd applied the day before. I desperately needed to pee and so went to the toilet. I eagerly washed my face after using some of Marcy's makeup remover. I found a bottle of acetone nail polish remover in the bathroom and tried to remove the nail polish, but it just wouldn't come off. My nails were still long and those still had to come off too. After that frustration, I went through to wake up Marcy and found that she wasn't in bed or even in the apartment. I soon discovered that she'd gone off to work from reading the note that she'd left on the kitchen table. I was really annoyed that she hadn't had the heart to wake me. Her note said that she would try and get home during her lunch break if the salon wasn't busy or she'd get home by four. Until then I was just to make myself at home until she got back. Well I decided that somehow, I had to get back to normal by myself so went back to the bathroom and first took a long hot shower. I washed my still blonde hair, I shaved the thin fuzz growth from my face using one of her disposable razors and tied my hair into a ponytail. My plucked and arched eyebrows still stared back at me making me look more like a girl even without the make-up. I also had the stupid breast forms still stuck on my chest and I tried to prise them off, but they were still stuck fast to my skin. "Shit!" I shouted in frustration, so I called Marcy just before noon to ask if she was coming home as I needed her help to get the false breasts off. "Sorry it's really super crazy here right now so it's likely I won't be back until nearer six tonight," she replied much to my annoyance. "How the fuck do I get these breast forms off?" I asked. "You'll need the solvent," she exclaimed. "Right so where is it?" I demanded. "Sorry it's in the boot of my car Larry," she said instantly regretting it. "Marcy I really need to get these stupid things off my chest, my hair cut and dyed back to normal and these false nails off my fingers," I said exasperated with frustration. I slammed the phone down on her and seconds later, the doorbell rang. Since I was naked I reluctantly had to grab Marcy's pink fluffy dressing gown and through the peephole saw, it was a parcel delivery for her. Reluctantly I opened the door and he asked if I was Marcy and when I nodded, he handed me the device pad to sign for the package. He gave me the parcel after I signed clumsily with my long nails using the stylus. From the size of the box, I could tell it was probably another pair of high heeled shoes for Marcy. I put the box on her bed and went to look for my own clothes. I found my own bag behind the sofa and put on my team T-shirt, but the false breasts still attached to my chest meant it didn't fit properly. So, I could only slip on my usual briefs and put on my own jeans again. It was only when I tried to put on a pair of socks that I noticed my toenails were still painted. "Damn you Marcy." I said out loud to myself as I looked for one of her tops as using my T shirt looked hopeless. Finally dressed for warmth and comfort if nothing else, I realised I was quite hungry, so I went into the kitchen to find something to eat. I found a packet of cornflakes but there was only a splash of milk left in the bottle. I found a banana but that was overripe and then I saw that she had plenty of eggs. I cracked some into a bowl, mixed some up with salt and pepper to make an omelette. My hunger sated I went through to my bag and pulled out my trainers and put them on. I called my mum and told her I was staying with Marcy for the time being until I felt better. When she suggested that she should come and get me, I lied a little and told her that Marcy and I had started dating. I also called my office and told them that I'd been involved in a car crash the day before and had suffered a whiplash injury to my neck. I told my boss that I'd been in hospital overnight following the crash but that I was already feeling better. Somewhat relieved he told me to get well and sympathised. So, I sat down in the old armchair in Marcy's living room and waited on her to get home by watching television. It was nearly 7pm by the time she arrived back carrying a Chinese takeaway for our supper. "Lara I'm home!" she called out as she walked down the hall seemingly recovered from her sore ankle. "In here," I replied from the living room and I got up to see her walk without a limp into the kitchen. She laid the bags of food onto the kitchen table and then put some of the food containers into the microwave to heat them up again. "I'm glad you're here," I said watching her move around but not even limping slightly. "Poor you," she said approaching me and kissing me on the head. "Are you feeling any better?" "I actually feel fine now. I just want to get my old Larry life back together again," I replied. At that moment my mobile phone bleeped for an incoming call. I looked at it and not recognising the number I let it be. However, they called again and when I answered the call it turned out to be Jake the photographer who'd taken a strong interest in me during the photo shoot at the circuit two days earlier. "Hi Lara, I'm really pleased to tell you that I've had a lot of interest in your photos since Sunday. The organisers are pleased that you were out representing the trans community at their event and they've asked me if I can do another photo shoot of you in your Brolly Dolly outfit and in normal clothes and race surroundings for the next race programme," he said. "I'd also like to take some pictures of you with Brent and his race bike. How does tomorrow afternoon sound?" "Dear God," I replied out loud. "Hold on!" To which Marcy queried, "What's wrong?" "I've just been asked to do a photo shoot by a photographer I met at Donington," I replied. "He wants me to pose with Brent and his bike." "Oh, that's just amazing. You'll have to do it Lara," she said. "It'll be wonderful publicity for the team." Instead of agreeing with her, I told him, "Let me think about it." However, Marcy had other ideas and grabbed the phone of out my hand and spoke to him about meeting up. Before long she had a smug look on her face having agreed a place and time to meet up the next afternoon as she knew Brent would jump at the chance of the free publicity. We'd meet Jake at Oulton Park at around 2pm the next day. "Why the hell did you do that?" I demanded angrily snatching my now silent phone back from her. "Because it was necessary. The team will feature strongly in the next programme and it's really too good an opportunity to miss," she explained as she called Brent to tell him the news and arrange everything. Brent was still sore from the operation on his collarbone but agreed with her that it was the right thing to do, even if he might have to miss the next races at Cadwell Park the following weekend because of his injury. "So, it looks like you'll need to be Lara for just a little bit longer," said Marcy dishing out hot Chinese food onto my plate. "When is this nightmare ever going to end?" I cried almost throwing my plate against the microwave in anger. "Hopefully by this time tomorrow night," she said giving me a little hope but no immediate relief. "When have I heard that kind of talk before?" I asked in disbelief. "Shush now sit and eat your dinner," she ordered as she then proceeded to call Joe and Eddie and tell them of the photo shoot. Then suddenly there was a knock at the door. Marcy went to answer it and it turned out to be my brother Geoff who'd called round to see me as he lived nearby. "Is Larry here?" he asked as she opened the door. "Well no not really. He's just gone out," she lied keeping the door security chain on. "So, did he say where he was going?" Geoff asked still outside the door. "He went to the convenience store to get some food," lied Marcy as all the time I hid in the bedroom behind the door dreading that he should see me. "It's just that I got a call from our Mum and she's a bit worried as he told her he'd been in a car crash yesterday." "Yes, we were both in the same car," explained Marcy. "We both have whiplash though his was worse than mine. He was kept in for tests and observation but he's feeling better now." "Oh, that's a relief then," Geoff replied. "Do you mind if I wait for him inside?" "Well I was due to have a hot bath," replied Marcy trying to make it clear that he wasn't welcome to stay. "He could also be gone for some time. I know he was going to make a Thai curry and was off to look for specific ingredients like lemon grass and ginger." "Right ok," said Geoff turning reluctantly to leave. "Thanks anyway." However, Geoff then decided to call me on my mobile phone outside Marcy's main door. Standing outside he could easily hear my mobile phone ringing from inside the apartment and so he knocked urgently on the door again. Marcy was still beside the door when he knocked. Before she opened the door, she told me to leave my phone on the hall table. I then went back to the bedroom again as I couldn't let him see me like this. "Oh, it's you again," Marcy said on opening the door after he knocked again. This time the door chain broke as Geoff barged past her and into the apartment announcing, "I heard Larry's phone ring in here so where is it?" "You mean this phone?" she asked holding up my phone. "Right so where is its owner?" he demanded. "Out like I told you," said Marcy opening the front door wider so he would take the hint and leave. "I don't believe you. For some reason something isn't right," he said and walked further into the apartment. He checked both the living room and then the kitchen before Marcy checked his advance towards her bedroom. "Where the hell do you think you're going? Who the hell do you think you are?" She asked angrily. "I'm looking for my brother and I'm asking you nicely to step aside," he demanded. "This is my home and you can't come waltzing in here without permission." said an indignant Marcy. "Where is he then?" Geoff said trying the bathroom door handle and finding it locked on the inside. "Are you in there Larry?" He demanded. "No Larry isn't here right now," I replied in as high a pitched voice as I could muster. I also decided that if I was going to be caught out I might as well go the whole hog with my appearance. So, I had quickly put on some of Marcy's lip gloss, some mascara, pulled out my ponytail and back brushed my hair. "Funny," said Geoff recognising my voice despite the falsetto. "Mum's worried about you and she sent me to check on you." "She needn't worry," I replied normally. "You can tell her I'm fine." "Come out and tell me that to my face," he demanded. "Look get the hell out of my flat before I call the cops," said Marcy obviously recognising the poor situation I was in. "Not until he comes out!" he screamed at her. "OK," I replied. "You are not going to like what you see though." "Why is that? Are you dressed as a girl or as a clown?" he asked calming down as he heard the bolt click inside the door. "How did you guess?" I asked finally unlocking and then opening the door. "Happy now?" "Dear God. What in God's name are you wearing?" He asked. "Why don't you think I suit it?" I replied. "No, you fairy! I don't think you suit it!" he retorted. "Why are you dressed up like this? Are you a tranny?" "Look it's a long story but I honestly only did it to help out Brent's racing team. Thanks to Marcy here I made a good-looking girl over last weekend at Donington. So much so I was the team Brolly Dolly on the grid." "I watched the races on television and I thought the grid girl was familiar looking," he claimed. "You are a complete idiot! Also, that might have been a few days ago but it certainly doesn't explain why you're still wearing make-up, girl's clothes and have breasts." "Well Marcy injured her ankle and I took her place as there was no one else. Now it seems that there's an important team photo session tomorrow and after it then I can go back to being Larry again," I explained. "No, I don't think so Larry. The joke's over," he replied. "Now go get your stuff and I'll take you home." "No!" I replied. "I'm staying here tonight. Besides I'm not going home looking like this!" "You heard him," interrupted Marcy to Geoff. "Now get out of my fucking apartment!" "All right but you haven't heard the last of this," he said threatening her and to me he just called out, "You're a mad fucker." He left angrily slamming the door behind him. "Oh hell," I said very upset. "Now I'm for it!" "Don't worry he's just being a jerk," she replied giving me a cuddle. "Maybe he is but the cat is out of the bag now regarding my family. It's going to be a nightmare trying to explain all this away." "I think that they'll eventually get used to the idea," she replied just as my phone started ringing again. This time it was my mother. "Larry what's going on? Geoff just told me he's seen you and you were made up and dressed as a girl. That you've been on TV at the weekend as Brent's brolly girl on the grid too," she fired. "Look it's a long story but I was asked to help the team as Marcy was suffering from a sprained ankle and she couldn't do it." I started to explain. "Larry you should have said no to them and that whole crazy idea. You're not gay are you like your crazy dad?" "No Mum, I'm not gay! Marcy asked me to do this!" I complained. "Well if you are parading about in women's clothing and dressing up as Geoff says, you can stay away from here," she replied not really listening. "I hope to God you're not a sissy like your dad!" "But Mum," I said only for the phone to go dead. "Dear God, she hung up on me. She says I can't go home until I stop parading about in female clothing." "I'm sorry," said Marcy. "I never realised that she'd act like that." "Well she said that my dad was gay and a sissy," I replied still feeling shocked. "She never really told me why she kicked him out of the house when I was little. She's obviously very resentful about that and obviously doesn't want me to be the same way." "We'll sort it out," Marcy promised. "I don't see how," I replied. "She was very angry. You better help me change how I look now." "After tomorrow I will," she said annoying me. "But Marcy you promised to reverse everything after the last race at Donington and here I am still cross dressed." "Look stop whining. If you were a real man you would have told me to get stuffed like Eddie and Joe would have done. Instead you put up no fight and allowed me to do what I liked to you. Now some days later not only have you done nothing about it to change yourself, I honestly think you like it regardless of what you say. It's like it has given you an excuse to come out as the tranny you really are. Am I right?" "Oh, that's very unkind of you. You threatened me with expulsion from the team if I didn't cooperate with your crazy scheme besides Joe and Eddie would have looked ridiculous dressed up the way I was." I replied. "Will you please get me out of this now?" "No." she replied moving to the kitchen. "Why not?" I asked. "Because deep down you're transgender and I think you just need to admit it to yourself." "Marcy please help me," I replied as tears started falling. "There, there Lara," she embraced me and kissed my head. "I sorry to be cruel to you but it's honestly for your own good that you admit it to yourself who and what you are now." "Well it looks like I'm well and truly screwed then," I replied as I shook my head in disbelief. Just then there was another knock at the door. "I bet it's my brother again," I said as she got up to see who it was. She returned a minute later and asked me to go with her. "It's the police and they want to speak to you." "The police? Why in heavens name?" I asked getting up to speaking to them. "Hello," I said to the tall policeman standing in the doorway. "What can I do for you?" "Are you Larry Tulloch?" he asked screwing up his face. "Yes," I replied. "We've had a telephone call from your brother Geoffrey and he claims that you are being coerced into wearing female clothes by this woman," he said. "No I'm not," I replied. "He is just causing trouble and dare I say wasting police time." "So you are wearing female clothing of your own free will?" "Yes absolutely," I replied looking at Marcy. "Please tell my brother not to make false accusations." "Thank you we will," he replied. "Good night and sorry to have troubled you." After the door closed Marcy spoke, "you could easily have put a stop to being Lara right there and then." "And get you into trouble?" I asked. "Well we did kind of blackmail you a bit into being the team Brolly Dolly," she said. "Maybe so. It isn't enough to get you into trouble with the law," I replied. "Thanks Lara," she replied giving a hug and kiss on the cheek. Chapter 9 - Day 8 - With Marcy at the salon (Thursday) I woke up around 6am the next morning in Marcy's bed feeling weird but with her arms wrapped around me. She was still fast asleep, so I gently extricated myself out of her arms and headed urgently towards the toilet. My neck was still a little tender, but my head was throbbing following the half bottle of wine I'd consumed with Marcy the night before. So, I searched through her bathroom cabinet and found some paracetamol pills in amongst the boxes of tampons and sanitary towels. After I closed the door as the sanitary products were threatening to spill out, I looked in the mirror at my eyebrows with their still feminine arched appearance. At least my hair was almost back to normal as she'd removed the hair pieces, though it needed a cut and to be coloured back to brown. Then I remembered my angry confrontation with my brother the night before. Normally I would try to appease his typical aggression by doing as he wanted, but at that moment I wasn't going to do his bidding regardless of what he wanted. I'd enjoyed the lovemaking night of passion with Marcy and she'd offered to let me stay with her as long as I needed. The problem with that was I'd have to attend the photo session that afternoon to help publicise Brent's team draped over his bike now no doubt. In the kitchen, I poured a small glass of milk and downed the last two pills in the packet hoping that they would work quickly as usual on my throbbing head. I walked back through to the bedroom noticing every bounce of my two floppy unsupported silicone breast forms that were still stuck on my chest. I got back into the warm bed and lay down beside the still sleeping Marcy. I woke again about two hours later when she nudged me awake. "Come on wake up sleepy head," she said. Then she leaned forward and kissed me tenderly on the lips. "You seem to be in a good mood," I said after a good yawn and stretch. "Yes, I'm in a great mood now but we have to get you ready for your photo shoot today," she said. "I really enjoyed our little lovemaking session last night." "Oh yes," I replied. "Which part?" "Oh, definitely the part where you went down on me. That oral sex was the best I've ever had," she replied. "And the sex we had later?" "Well let's just say it was nice," she replied. "Just nice?" I asked disappointed. "Yes, it's not that I didn't enjoy it, but I've had bigger endowed guys," she replied referring to my small size and my sudden inability to remain hard. "You're much better at giving oral than anyone I've met though." "Thanks that's a great consolation," I replied remembering my inability and frustration at staying hard for very long which seemed strange. "Come on let's get moving first to the salon where I need to work my magic on you and then to the photo session," she ordered. "Oh, come on Marcy I thought we'd agreed last night that I didn't need to do it," I queried. "Well, unfortunately for you I got a text this morning from Brent and he's said he'll be going to Oulton Park for the shoot and your photographer friend Jake will be there so the least we can do is be there too," she said. "I can't face another photograph session looking like this," I replied feeling decidedly unhappy. "I feel very nervous." "I've an answer to that," she said. She got up and walked to the bathroom. She came back a few minutes later and offered me a couple of pills. "What are they?" I asked. "Just something to calm your nerves," she replied. "A tranquilizer? No thanks," I said giving them back. "Look it's just Valium," she said as if that made it ok to take them. "They will calm your nerves. Trust me." "I've heard bad things about them. About people becoming addicted to them," I replied declining again. "I took them after the breakup of my relationship with Brad Smith and they helped me," She replied. "You dated Brad? I didn't know you were going out with him," I said referring to the former bike racing champion who now ran his own racing team. "Yes, I was pretty upset when I caught him cheating on me late last year with the sister of one of his riders," she explained. At that moment I felt sorry for her and I pretended to take the pills she handed me washed down with water. "I still can't go to the photo shoot looking like this," I said sitting at the edge of the bed. "No, you can't but that's going to be easily fixed; we'll go to my salon first and give you a complete make-over," she said. "Not even your own mother will recognise you!" "Yes, and look what happened last time?" I complained. "Stop whining and let's get moving," she replied. "I put a pair of my stretch jeans on the chair along with a blouse and a pair of my pink trainers. There are a pair of white panties, white spandex, a bra and white trainer socks too." So, after a slow breakfast of cereal and milk for me and some toast and coffee for Marcy, we set out at great speed across town for her beauty salon. As she drove she talked, "I thought perhaps you could help me out at the salon for a bit until we need to get you ready for the photoshoot." When she parked up her battered little car we got out and walked in the back door to the salon with me looking as normal as possible. I'd put on one of my warm hoodies with the hood up in combination with the jeans and trainers as my protest not to wear her pink trainers had fallen on deaf ears. All the stuff I'd be wearing was in a small bag I carried. I put the bag down in the staff room and she put me to work unpacking boxes of hair treatment that had arrived the day before into one of the big storage cupboards. There were about a dozen large boxes to open and unpack. With that done, she asked me to make sure that there were full bottles of shampoo and conditioner at each hair washing station. On opening the salon there were another couple of girls working and as one opened the door, a couple of elderly ladies walked in for the first appointments of the day. As I watched them enter, Marcy whispered in my ear. "The one on the right is Louise. She's been coming here for years for her beauty treatments. She also happens to be a post op transsexual." "I'd never have realised," I replied. "You would if you heard her talk. She still talks like the mill worker she used to be but otherwise carries herself and has convincing looks and style," Marcy added. "Come on let's get started on your look for today now." So, Marcy concentrated on me after dealing with a couple of business phone calls. I also called my boss to give him an update on my whiplash injury and he gave me a shock in response. "Your brother Geoff called me and told me what's been going on," he said. "Since it appears you have been lying to me. I'll have no alternative but to let you go." "Let me go? What did he tell you?" I asked feeling extremely annoyed. "He told me you dress as a woman now," he said. "He also said that you are being coerced into dressing as a woman. Well since that's the case I'll give you pay up until the end of the month. You can look for a job elsewhere." "But Mr Parks," I replied. "It's not true." "It's perfectly true. One of my staff noticed you on the grid on last Sunday's television broadcast and you were dressed as a brolly dolly. So the fact that you deny it when it true is enough to make you fire you. I need honest people to work for me and clearly you are not," he said. The phone went dead. I told Marcy. "I've just been fired thanks to my dear old brother." "What? How?" she asked. "My brother called my boss and told him what I've been doing. He was always looking for an excuse to fire me and I guess I just gave him one," I replied stunned. "It's no matter Lara, you can come and work for me until your modelling career takes off," she said. "In the mean time we need to get you ready for this afternoon." "Can you get me a glass of water please?" I asked. She obliged me and when she wasn't looking I slipped the Valium pills into my mouth and washed them down. So Marcy led me into the back of the salon and had me sit in a stylist chair. The Valium had an almost instant effect on me as I relaxed and closed my eyes as she talked. The Valium was certainly making me feel tranquil. My hair was brushed and then she washed it. "You have really soft fine hair," she said as she started to massage my scalp with her long nails. "Yes, my mum said the same when she used to wash it when I was little. I'm really enjoying the feeling of you washing my hair," I replied. The rest of the session went in a blur as she did her magic on me. I must have dozed off too for when I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror I had long hair cascading over my shoulders and down my back. That woke me up with a start. "Where did you get the blonde wig?" "It's not a wig Lara. It's hair extensions made of real hair that I've glued to your own hair then it's been coloured and styled," she replied. "You're kidding me, right?" "Do I look like I'm kidding? Try pulling on it if you don't believe me," she replied and then she pulled it for me. "Ouch," I said feeling the tug on my scalp. "Marcy what gives? Why these hair extensions?" "They make your own hair much easier to style," she replied. "Plus, we really need to create a good impression today." She weaved her magic on my hair a bit more, so it looked even more feminine with waves and cascades framing my face. "Now for your make-up," she said bringing her box of make-up closer. "Lie back and I'll do give you a close shave first." Then after the shave she spotted all over my face with dabs of cream matte foundation cream. Then she blended it into my skin using a cosmetic sponge. She applied various powders and shading to my face and it was already beginning to get difficult to recognise myself. I often wondered why I was so relaxed and comfortable with what she was doing until she told me. "Those Valium are having a good calming effect on you," she said. "You are not so tense." I just shrugged not really caring somehow. Then she started on my eyes by applying some dark brown shadow, eyeliner, mascara and not overly long false eyelashes. She outlined my thin eyebrows with a dark eyebrow pencil so I had very feminine neat looking brows. My lips were lined with a lip pencil and filled in with a dark red lipstick. Lastly, she asked me to close my eyes and sprayed my face to keep the make-up in place. So, after she was done, she asked the girl who normally ran the nail bar to do my manicure. Her name was Gail and she was very nice. She removed all the stuff I had on my nails much to my relief. She quickly had my nails back to natural. That done though, Marcy came over and told her how to do my nails. Gail expertly glued small pieces of glass fibre onto my nails so that they extended a good bit past my fingertips. "Not too long please," I said to her, but she was clearly going to do what Marcy had asked. In about 15 minutes she had expertly applied the clear nail gel to all my fingers and my talons were even longer than before much to my consternation. "I said not that long please," I repeated. "Oh, I'm not finished yet. I still have to shape them and smooth them. At most your nails will be about be about a quarter of an inch longer," she replied. I didn't think to query her comment as I thought that sounded reasonable and manageable. However, what I didn't realise was that she meant that my new nails would be quarter of an inch longer they'd been before. I was sporting sculptured nails which I reckoned were half an inch long. With them all shaped and smoothed off she applied a dark pink polish which she set using a UV lamp for a couple of minutes. Another coat of the pink and a final clear coat followed with my fingers put under the lamp each time. "I thought you said they would be only a quarter of an inch long?" I queried. "You misheard me," she replied putting away her tools after giving my nails and fingers on each hand a final rub. "I must have done as these are not a quarter of an inch long," I replied sarcastically. With that she got up and went to deal with another customer. I stared at my fingers in disbelief as before I had long nails, now I had talons any bird of prey would be happy to own. That done, Marcy ushered me into the back of the salon and ordered me to strip off. There she checked my breast forms and found that they were fine and still well attached. She'd been quickly shopping next door while I was getting my nails done and had picked out a lacy bra and panty set for me to put on. Then there was a nice new pair of dark brown panty hose, a knee length navy blue skirt, my white blouse and lastly a pair of black 4" spike heels. "I was going to get you some extra padding for your hips but all I could find was this plastic padding material from one of the supply boxes which will need to do instead," she said still showing her transformation skills. After I'd pulled down the Spandex my squashed meat and two veg dropped down into their normal position again. "Do you know how to tuck?" she asked. I replied, "No." She pushed my soft cock between my legs and kept it there using wide strips of surgical tape. "How do I pee?" I asked her. "Sit down like any other woman does," she said admiring my smooth crotch. Then inserted the padding on either side of my hips attaching it with more tape. As we pulled the Spandex up again, the padding was held securely in place. Then we worked the pantyhose up each leg and over the Spandex. "You have good looking hips now and no bulge," she said. The blouse was next and then she pulled the skirt up over my new hips and pulled the zip closed. "There now you have a gorgeous hourglass figure Lara." She found the matching jacket to the skirt and helped me put it on. Lastly, I was told to put on the black stilettos which she'd just bought from eBay that I'd signed for yesterday. "You are good to go I think," she said after she asked me to twirl round. "Try walking towards the mirror and back a few times." I did and saw that I rolled my hips just like any woman would. I went up close to the mirror and stared at my face and wondered where Larry was inside all that the make-up and hair she'd applied. "There's just one more thing you need and its some jewellery and earrings. Fortunately, there is an accessories shop along the street from here, so we'll grab some sandwiches for lunch and then take a look." "You're surely not expecting me to go out the front door into the street, are you?" I said with a big heartfelt plea in my voice. "Yes of course. You'll manage just fine Lara," she replied. "Have some confidence in yourself for pities sake." "I'll try," I replied. I'd no idea where any courage would come from. "Come on then," she said handing me a small shoulder bag. "What's this for?" "Well neither the jacket nor the skirt has any pockets and you need to put your wallet somewhere," she explained. So, carrying the bag, we walked out and the girls gave us a friendly wave as the door closed. We had to buy them some food and drinks too which we did first. Marcy carried the shopping bag into which everything was placed and then we walked to the shop two doors down where she showed me some cheap jewellery that she thought would look good. When we got back into the salon, we shared out the food and the girls watched as Marcy put my new earrings into my pierced earlobes. I had one large hoop earring and a smaller one inserted into each of my lobes. "There now girls what do you think of our new miss now?" She asked. "Honestly now?" "Honestly she looks very pretty in that style," said Gail. "She's going to turn the heads of men looking like that for sure." "Dear God," I muttered. "You know what would be worth doing though," volunteered Abby. "What?" asked Marcy. "Lip fillers! They would make her lips fuller and her face even more feminine," Abby said stunning me. "Wait! No wait that's a step way too far," I pleaded. "Thanks all the same but no." "It's no big deal girl! Since I did the course we do them all the time here," said Abby. "It only takes 45 minutes or so. I put a numbing agent onto your lips, so you won't feel a thing." "That's not what's worrying me," I declared. "You're right Abby, Lara's lips are quite thin despite my efforts with the lipstick she's wearing," declared Marcy going to the cupboard to get the supplies that were needed. "Here numb up her lips and let's do it!" "What about me? Don't I get a say in this?" "Ok girls who thinks that this should go ahead?" Marcy asked and they all stuck up a hand. "Outvoted Lara," she declared. "Sit in the chair here and let Abby work her usual skill and magic." I reluctantly sat in the chair feeling spineless. Abby removed my lipstick and then used an anaesthetic cream which would take about ten minutes to completely numb my lips. After the time was up, she expertly put on some rubber gloves, took a syringe with a fine needle and added some liquid from a bottle that contained hyaluronic acid lip fillers. She showed me that the needle was quite fine and then she had me lean back to look up at the ceiling. I shut my eyes tight as I hate needles. So, she started her injections on my top lip moving from left to right injecting and then moving on a bit more. She returned doing the same on my lower lip. Fortunately, I didn't feel any pain but there were small traces of blood from the injection sites. She applied a little antiseptic lotion to my lips and wiped. My lips were numb, but I felt that they were puffed up a bit too much. She handed me a mirror and I couldn't believe how they looked. They were all puffed up and changed the look of my face. I had trout lips. I had lips that a porn star would be proud of having. "We'd better get moving," said Marcy pulling me back into reality. "Eddie and Brent will be waiting at the track so come on it's time to go." Chapter 10 - Day 8 - At Oulton Park for the photo session (Thursday) I wondered what else could go wrong as we drove to Oulton Park for the photoshoot. I sat in the front passenger seat of Marcy's little hatchback heavily made up with my hair cascading down my back and over my shoulders. I could feel the long false eyelashes on my eyelids each time I blinked, and I wore an antiseptic coating on my now puffed up lips that made them shine. I could feel the large earrings dangling down my neck and pulling on my earlobes. "You know Lara you do look gorgeous as a girl," she said as we headed ever closer to the venue. "You really do look wonderful with your face and hair all done up. You should consider taking this up full time. No one would or could take you for a guy." "No, I still want to get my old life back, thanks very much," I replied. "Do you know everything seems to have gone completely wrong since you hurt your ankle at Donington?" "Yes, in what way?" she asked wholly concentrating on her driving. She was in a hurry as we were running late, so she sped through a village way above the speed limit. "You should slow down a bit, that was a thirty-speed limit back there," I replied as she put her foot down again after we cleared the village. "After you injured your ankle, Brent broke his collarbone and then there was my whiplash. Then the race truck went bang in a big way while this car was damaged. Then Brent's race bike was battered when it hit the tyre barrier hard." "Yes, now you come to mention it, you're right," replied Marcy. "However, my ankle is better and your whiplash is not as bad now." "Then my brother came around and gave me dog's abuse. My mother has told me to stay away so I mean where will it all end?" I asked. "Things can only get better Lara. Wait and see," she replied optimistically. However, she failed to spot the speed camera hidden behind some hedges and it flashed twice as we went through another 30mph village at 45mph. "I don't believe it! I've just been flashed by a speed camera," she cried annoyed. "I noticed. I did tell you to slow down through the villages along this road," I replied. "Damn!" she said angrily. "That's a 60 quid fine and 3 penalty points on my licence and it's just not what I need right now." "Hopefully you'll drive slower through the rest of the villages now," I replied feeling the tight underwear Spandex cutting into my thigh and waist a little more, but it was doing a great job of flattening my cock and balls. "God this underwear is really tight Marcy," I added changing the subject. "It's meant to be Lara. We don't need any unsightly bulges on show now do we?" she replied. "No, I guess not. It's just that my meat and two veg are beginning to complain," I replied. "Plus, I really need to pee pretty badly." "How badly?" she asked. "We only have another 10 minutes to go and we're there." "Ok I'll try and hold it until then," I replied though it was proving impossible to forget that my bladder needed urgently emptying. We rolled up at the circuit gate and were admitted inside when we showed our British Superbike team ID and explained why we were there. "Enjoy your stay then ladies," said the friendly gateman who then opened the gate for us to drive through. Marcy knew where to go, and we headed over a bridge crossing the race circuit before arriving at the paddock entrance. With only a couple of teams around testing, the paddock was almost empty, so spotting Brent's truck was pretty easy. We parked beside it and announced our arrival to Eddie who was busy polishing the bike. I rushed off to the lady's toilet as fast as my heels would allow me to move. When I got back around 5 minutes later, Brent turned up at the same time to greet us "Hi girls," said Brent. I almost looked around to see who the other girl was and then realised he meant me. We couldn't hug him as he was still sore from his collarbone, but he wrapped his good arm around me and then his sister. "Thanks for coming and I must say how gorgeous you both look. Don't they Eddie?" Eddie nodded a yes. "Thanks Brent," Marcy replied. I stayed silent. "Any sign of the photographer yet?" Marcy asked. "Yes he's here," Brent replied. "He's in the pit lane setting up his camera and lights. I'll show you." "Well it's why we're here so let's go," Marcy said. So, we all walked through a door into the pit garage beyond to emerge into the pit lane beside the track. We spotted a camera sitting on a tripod. "There he is," Marcy pointed at the camera. "That's him," I replied as I spotted him emerging from another pit garage. He then walked towards us to greet us and me in particular. I introduced everyone and on shaking hands he said that his plans were simply to get pictures of Brent and me together with the bike in the pit lane and out on the grid. "You look really gorgeous, but we'll need you in your Lycra suit again Lara," Jake said. "Did you bring it with you?" "Yes, we brought it," Marcy replied. "Good. You can change in my small hired motorhome behind the garage," he said. "I must say you're looking even better than you did last Sunday and you looked stunning then. When we get done with the pictures, I have another proposition for you to consider. Unlike today, this proposition would pay you very well Lara." "What is it exactly? Your proposition I mean?" I asked curiously. "We will talk about it later and time is pressing on us right now as the clouds are gathering," he replied referring to the weather and ushered us out of the back of the garage towards his modest motorhome. "See you soon. Come right back when you've changed." Once inside the motorhome, I set about removing my clothes while Marcy pulled out the Lycra costume for me to wear. "I wonder what the hell he wants," I asked. "God knows," she replied pulling out the same killer stilettos I'd worn a few days earlier at Donington. "Let's worry about it later." "Yes, let's just get what we came for over with," I agreed. Apart from the Spandex which remained, I began pulling on the Lycra outfit and Marcy helped me with it and she even unclipped my bra. I put my arms in the sleeves and she zipped it up at the rear. I looked down and could see the outline of nipples on the Lycra. She brushed and styled my hair and then checked my makeup. She applied a fresh coat of antiseptic cream in lieu of lipstick to my newly puffed up lips. I put on the outfit's 6" heels and stood up in them quite easily while she helped with the warm team paddock jacket. "You are standing nicely in those shoes now. So, practice does make perfect," she said. "They actually fit better than the black pair I wore here," I replied. Within ten minutes I was ready to face the camera all thanks to Marcy's help. "How do I look?" I asked her. "Sensational," she replied. "That good eh?" I asked. "More than good. No one would know you were ever a guy called Larry so please don't worry," she replied giving me air kisses. "You look just incredible as Lara. Just be confident!" So, we headed out of the door with me using the furled up umbrella as a walking stick initially as I quickly got used to the 6" platform soled heels I now wore. "Remember its heel then toe, Lara heel toe," Marcy advised as she saw me walking badly towards the pit garage. "Oh yes I was forgetting," I replied and then confidently I headed for the pit garage door. We walked into the garage and saw that Brent and Eddie had set up the bike in the pit lane and it was sitting on its axle stand waiting in the sunshine. After a few pictures in the pit lane, the bike was moved onto the grid and we posed together with Brent sitting on the bike and me holding the brolly beside him. The sun was still out but Jake was using a lot of extra lights and a fill in flashgun. I tried to keep smiling and show some teeth through my puffed-up lips. At the same time, I was trying to relieve the stress in my feet and ankles which was beginning to build up. Jake tried a whole variety of shots with our positions reversed with me sitting on the bike while Brent painfully held the brolly up over our heads courtesy of his collarbone injury. There were pictures of us standing together and in isolation while Marcy organised a team photo of the four of us beside the bike. All in all, Jake must have taken more than a hundred pictures as he called that he was finished and was more than satisfied with the pictures he'd taken. Just as we were walking back to the motorhome to get changed Jake shouted, "Lara!" I turned around and he snapped me again smiling at him looking totally relaxed. "Excellent," he cried as I walked out of the garage back towards the motor home. After around twenty minutes, I was changed back into my skirt and jacket when Jake knocked on the door and asked if he could come in. Marcy let him in and he sat down opposite me to talk. Marcy offered him and me a cup of tea as he thanked us for coming to the shoot today. "It was good fun," I said. "Anything to help the team with a little publicity." "Talking of publicity," he said getting serious. "I've been asked to take pictures for a leading manufacturer of motorbike helmets and I was wondering if you might be interested in coming to my studio in London for another photo session? We could use Brent's race bike as a prop for the shoot so that would be more good publicity for the team too. The budget for the shoot is around thirty thousand so I thought maybe we could try and emulate something that happened in an advertising campaign from around 40 years ago." "What would that be?" I asked becoming very curious. "Have you ever heard of a model called Tula?" he asked. "No, I can't say I have," I replied and then looking at Marcy, she shook her head no. "Tula was a famous male to female transsexual who had a cameo appearance in a Bond movie with Roger Moore, but she also had appeared in a lot of advertisement campaigns because of her stunning good looks. Then she was outed by a journalist and lost out big time. One campaign she was in during the mid-seventies was for a motorcycle helmet manufacturer and she posed wearing their helmets with a bike, a sidecar racing outfit and on her own," he explained. "So?" I asked. "So, my idea is this. When Tula posed for those photos she wasn't out as a transsexual. She posed and was completely accepted as a normal female model. By the time of those photoshoots and the Bond movie, she'd had a boob job and had her sex change surgery, so her body looked perfectly natural. The reason we know that is because she didn't wear anything more than body paint to make it look like she was wearing race leathers," he explained. "She was completely nude then? I doubt I could do that," I replied. "I'm not a post-operative transsexual like Tula and I don't have real breasts. I've only just started doing this." "Well what I'm proposing is that instead of being incognito like Tula, everyone would know that you were transgender from the very outset. What do you think?" he asked. "Lara doesn't have real boobs though. Those are breast forms that are stuck to her chest for now," added Marcy. "Oh, I didn't realise that," Jake said. "Are you intending to get breast implants done?" Before I could reply, Marcy eagerly spoke on my behalf, "Yes Lara will probably need to get some breast implant surgery done at some point." "I see," said Jake then he joked. "The shoot isn't scheduled for another couple of weeks. How about we use some of the shoot budget to pay for a boob job for Lara? They don't cost more than 5 grand do they?" "You're not serious Jake," I exclaimed. "Personally I'd jump at the chance of a free boob job if I didn't have these bad boys already," Marcy replied referring to her own ample sized breasts. "Have you had implants done Marcy?" I asked wondering as I hadn't noticed any scars on her body. "Yes Lara, I had them done about five years ago. A plastic surgeon I know gave me D cup boobs for about four thousand. Obviously, they'll cost a bit more now," she explained. "Do you think this plastic surgeon could do the same for Lara?" Jake asked. "I can call him now and find out if you like?" she offered. "That would be great if you could," Jake replied. So, Marcy retrieved her phone and called him. "Hello Doctor Jones? It's Marcy here. I was wondering do you still do breast augmentation surgery? You do? That's great. How much does it cost normally now? OK 5 thousand. I have a transgender friend who's looking to have her boobs done. When is the earliest you could you fit her in for a consultation? Tomorrow at 3:30 at your office in Manchester. Good thank you so much. Can we see you then? Fantastic we'll see you tomorrow." "Wow you don't hang about Marcy," Jake replied. "Let me know how that goes." "He might be able to see Lara tomorrow but then he might not be able to do the surgery for another couple of months. At least we'll find out tomorrow," she explained. "Marcy....," I tried to interrupt but Jake spoke over me. "Well I'd really like her to model for me on this and on a few other items now that transgenderism is becoming more mainstream and isn't seen as being taboo any longer," Jake explained. "I don't know anyone else who would be perfect for this helmet assignment so what do you say?" "No! I don't think so," I replied. Marcy butted in again and countered my negativity, "Yes that sounds good. How much could Lara earn as a model?" "Oh, a lot believe me," Jake replied. "Like I said she is stunningly good looking and could certainly command a thousand pounds a day working for the right agencies." "My God really? I only get a thousand a month with overtime now," I replied incredulous at the amount of money on offer if I got breasts implants. "That's a lot of money." "It sure is and even if you got a couple of commissions a month, you'd still earn a lot more than your present salary," he said stating the obvious. "I'll need to think about this," I replied. The thought of earning a lot of money appealed but the downside was I'd need to earn it being someone I wasn't. "There's nothing to think about Lara! It's way too good an offer for you to pass up," said Marcy. "Marcy let me think about it some more please," I replied. "I don't want to be rushed into this." "You're quite right Lara," said Jake generously. "I can put the shoot back a week at most if that gives you some time to decide. After that I'd really need to book someone else though my preference is to use you because you do look so good," Jake offered. "Thanks," I replied feeling relieved. "It does need some careful thought." "Give me your email address and I'll send you a contract offer to read over," he said so I wrote it and my mobile phone number down on a notepad beside me. Fortunately, it was an email account where I hadn't used my first name. "That's great," he said. "I'll be in touch later by email and I'll send you some pictures from today." "Thanks for today," I replied. "It was great fun to do it and the team could really use the extra publicity." "I bet it could. I've found that all publicity helps good or bad. It gets you in the public eye. I heard that Brent was very unlucky last Sunday to get punted off, so hopefully this will encourage him to do more," he replied. "Oh, he doesn't need any encouragement to race motorbikes," replied Marcy laughing. "It's all he thinks and talks about. I bet he even dreams about winning grand prix." Jake laughed. "That does sound familiar. I get like that at times with my photography." After another 30 minutes or so, I reluctantly agreed that I would go to the consultation with the surgeon the next day and report back on what he said. We stepped out and collected Brent from the garage who was still talking bike set up with Eddie. With me sitting in the back of the car and Brent sitting in the front because of his still injured shoulder, we set off back, leaving Eddie to drive the truck with the race bike back to the workshop. In the past, l'd have gone back with Eddie but now I just wanted to get back to Marcy's place and relax. I was feeling quite tired and was very glad the shoot had gone well but I was also feeling confused about being compared to a post op transsexual called Tula or Caroline Cossey. Later that night I did some research on her and couldn't from what I could see easily compare myself to her and her struggles. I eventually ordered her book off Amazon and read it in a day a few weeks later. I'd never been the macho kind of guy who would do risky things. I'd hated playing the rough and tumble games like rugby when I was younger. I was probably the kind who would be scared if he saw a spider crawl across his bed. However, none of that meant that I'd ever had a strong overwhelming desire to suddenly become a woman. At the same time, I was really enjoying all the attention I was getting as Lara. Before the weekend I was boring and dependable Larry, while now I was turning heads as Lara. So much so I was being offered the possibility of a modelling contract and goodness knows what else. It was all very confusing as I also just wanted my plain old life back, but I really liked the exciting life that being Lara had suddenly offered. After a few minutes of silence in the car home, I asked Brent how he was feeling. "I'm still a bit bruised, stiff and sore," he replied. "I can imagine you must be," I returned. "How about you Lara?" he asked. "It looks like you are really embracing this new role now." "Well your sister is a powerful persuader. However, I'm still feeling quite confused about it right now," I admitted. "What will you do about Jake's offer?" he asked. Marcy interrupted again. "Lara would be mad not to take it. It's much too big an opportunity to pass up." "We'll see," I replied. "I need to see the small print of any contract first." "That's very sensible," Brent said agreeing with me. "This being a girl is a lot of work at times," I laughed. "Hair, makeup, jewellery, clothes, shoes and nails all are new and strange to deal with." Marcy laughed though, "It's not that big a problem, half the population manage it especially when you know what you're doing. It's not that it's a lot of work it's just strange to you." She then changed the subject by saying her car needed fuel as we passed a sign indicating that services were just half a mile ahead. So, she pulled into the service station and stopped opposite the pump. She got out and started to fill up the tank while I headed towards the shop hoping to find a toilet. I found the toilets and saw that there were one for men, one for women and in the centre a disabled toilet so I tried that middle door first only to find it was occupied. Seeing that I looked like a woman, I had little alternative but to push on the women's door and enter. There was a woman and a little girl that could have been her daughter standing waiting on a cubicle to become vacant, so I reluctantly stood beside them with my arms folded under my fake breasts waiting too thinking I'd never had this problem in the gents before. After 5 minutes, a grey haired woman emerged from a cubicle and the woman allowed her daughter to go in first as she seemed to be the most distressed. "It's always the same in the lady's toilets. Never enough cubicles," she said in passing to me. "Are you going far?" I asked changing the subject. "Not too far now, we are heading to North Wales for a week's holiday. How about you?" "Oh, heading home after a photo shoot today at Oulton Park," I replied trying to keep my voice soft and airy. "How wonderful, I must say that you do look very attractive so I'm not surprised that you are a model," she said stunning me with that kind of comment. "It does sound like fun, though it's probably a bit sexist." "I hadn't thought of it that way," I replied. "It was just a modelling job which is possibly leading to a major advertising campaign." "It sounds exciting and marvellous," she replied but I could tell her mind was only really interested on her full bladder and when the other cubicle became vacant she instantly rushed to take it. I could hear her inside pulling down her pantyhose and panties followed by her peeing into the bowl which made me smile because I'd shortly be doing the same thing. When she came out, I eagerly took her place and gratefully started to pull my underwear down. I sat down on the seat and realised it wasn't as warm as I'd expected it to be which meant she'd not sat down but probably squatted above it. Something else I'd have to learn about being a woman I decided. My bladder emptied, I got up and before I flushed, I saw a used unflushed tampon staring back at me in the bowl water. I pulled up my panties, Spandex, the padding and lastly my pantyhose. Then I smoothed my skirt down into place and walked out to find a queue of three women waiting, so I quickly apologised for taking so long. I washed my hands, looked at my face in the mirror and trying to look as natural as possible I played with my long hair with my fingers and then fumbling in my bag reapplied my antiseptic lotion to my puffed-up lips. I wondered just how I was going to explain them to anyone I knew before as Larry. Maybe I'd just have to tell them that I was transgendered after all just to explain it away. If I told anyone who asked that I was bullied into it by Marcy at her salon would that go down better or not? Probably not. I figured neither would go down well as I walked out towards the shopping area. My biggest problem was remembering to walk like a woman as I really didn't want to be seen as a man in a skirt and heels. I wanted to be seen to be as natural as possible, as it could clearly lead to a confrontation despite the more enlightened times. I bought three choc ices in the shop and then remembering my heel and toe walked across the station forecourt towards the car with my stilettos clicking loudly. Marcy was in the car ready to go but Brent was missing. I handed her the choc ice and put Brent's on his empty seat. "He's gone into the shop to get some painkillers," she said. "His shoulder is still giving him some pain." "Poor guy I can't imagine the pain," I replied. "I'd be laid up for a month if I had his injury." "Yes, he's a tough cookie," she said opening up the wrapper on her ice cream. There was a toot behind us as someone wanted fuel from the pump we were sat beside, so she inched forward to clear space and we waited on Brent to come out. We were soon back on our way when he emerged, and he was pleased to see the ice cream waiting for him. "Thanks Lara," he said opening the wrapper. "You're welcome," I replied. Chapter 11 - Day 8 - At Marcy's that evening (Thursday) When we arrived back, I helped Marcy to make supper for all three of us. We had a nice dinner and then Marcy drove Brent back over to his house. While they were away, I opened her laptop and accessed my email to find a nice big email from Jake. He had thoughtfully attached some images from that afternoon and more importantly details of the helmet advertising project. I looked at all the images expanded up of my face and couldn't see Larry staring back at me in any of them. It was a stunning long-haired blonde called Lara smiling in all the pictures. Then I read the details on the project and it had been decided by the client that the campaign would feature a transgender woman and a genetic woman. Their nude bodies would be painted so it would appear that they were both wearing full racing leathers just like Brent's racing suit. It went onto say that genitals would remain covered or hidden in the pictures but that breasts would be shown albeit painted over. There would be pictures of the models sitting on a motorbike, a racing bike, a sidecar, and close up pictures. Among the other projects he listed, were some for a vodka company, cheese spread and a house cleaning product range. At the bottom of his email, Jake recommended that I should have breast implants done as false silicone breasts probably wouldn't take the paints they were going to use to simulate the racing suit. I hefted one of my false breast forms in my hand and it flopped around without much weight. He went onto say that he was prepared to help financially with the operation if I wanted to get involved in the projects. As a sweetener he said that they would like to use Brent's racing bike in the shots. My jaw dropped when I read it. I couldn't believe that I was being considered as part of the project. He truly believed or wanted to believe I was a full-blown transgender woman. I supposed that we hadn't given him any other evidence but to believe it. When Marcy returned home she looked at the email with a huge grin on her face happy that Brent was going to get some more publicity and written confirmation that I was being considered for the modelling projects. "You'd be mad to pass this up Lara," she said. "You could become very wealthy. I think we need you to see your own family doctor too about this. They will give you the referrals you need to get the treatment started." "My doctor's surgery is about 25 miles away. It takes weeks to get an appointment if it's not urgent," I explained. "It might still be an idea trying to get one all the same," she replied. "I'll give them a call in the morning, it's too late now," I said. Chapter 12 - Day 9 - At the plastic surgeon (Friday) After a long time lying wide awake not helped by Marcy's little noises she'd make every so often as she slept, I resolved that after thinking about it I really didn't want to go to the Doctor's appointment later that day. That decided I rolled over and fell asleep eventually at around 2:30am. It was Marcy who woke me around 5 hours later with a passionate kiss on the lips. My puffed-up lips that I would have for at least six months or more. "Come on lazy bones, time rise and shine," she said leaping on top of me as I lay on my back opening an eye. However, before I could move she'd straddled my body pinning my arms to the bed with her legs. "Hey what gives?" I asked. "You darling you give," she declared inching up some more. "You get to lick my pussy, so you give. So, eat me out!" She parked her shaven pussy onto my face and my mouth so it felt like I was being smothered by her vulva. She ground herself onto my face as I struggled to lick her opening. It didn't take long for her to cum and when she did she shuddered violently and collapsed on top of me absolutely spent. When she came too she declared, "Oh God that was wonderful. You really know how to give me pleasure." Then she got up after kissing me on the face and mouth to do her toilet. When she got back she swatted my ass. "Your turn to get moving, we have a beauty salon to open. Our public will be waiting!" "Do I really need to go with you?" I replied. "Yes, because we'll be going straight from there to your appointment this afternoon," she replied. "No, I don't want to see him," I answered truthfully. "I've decided I still want to get my old life back." It seemed that Marcy was ready for my negativity because she struck a chord with this comment. "Why don't you just admit it to yourself that you really are transgendered? You are also quite submissive too." "I just can't do it," I replied. "I've never had a strong desire to wear women's clothing before now." "That was then, this is now though, and you really just need to admit to yourself that you really enjoy being Lara much more than being Larry." "Why should I?" I asked. "Because as Larry you'll never really amount to very much, a dead-end job, the team gofer, a safe mundane existence while as Lara you could become quite famous and very wealthy." "Well there is some truth to what you say," I admitted unhappily to both her and me. "Yes finally. Also, you need someone you can trust to help you make the important decisions as you seem incapable of doing them yourself. And that Lara is me. So, I've decided we're going to see Doctor Jones later this afternoon. In meantime let's get dressed and get ready to go. We need to be out of here in thirty minutes." At the salon I called my family doctor and was surprised when they gave me an appointment on Monday the following week. I was given a few jobs to do helping the other girls by getting those supplies they needed and tidying up the floor area of hair that had been cut. It was nice to be able to sit down at 10 and take the weight off my feet after rushing about all morning. During our break, Marcy suggested that I should also start hair removal treatment and the salon had the electrolysis equipment available. "I don't have much hair though," I replied. "That's great because soon you'll have none," she laughed. With that Jenny led me over to a reclining chair and had me sit down while she worked on the hairs she found on my torso. She zapped hundreds over the space of an hour or so. "We'll need you to let your beard grow and treat the facial areas next week," Marcy said evidently pleased that more feminisation progress was being made. It was a two hour drive south to Manchester in Marcy's little hatchback and we left at 1pm just after lunch. We chatted constantly on the way. "What implant size do you think will be appropriate?" I asked feeling anxious. "We should really rely on what the doctor says Lara," she cautioned. "All right. I just hope he doesn't suggest something too big," I replied obviously concerned. "These breast forms seem to be too big." "I disagree they seem right for your torso. You have slightly wider shoulders than a normal woman, so they need to be slightly bigger," she replied. "Do you think he'll be able to do them soon," I asked. I was in two minds about getting them done and if it was going to be a long way off I wouldn't really mind. "We won't really know until we get there and see what dates are open," she continued. "I guess so," I replied. She changed the subject to help take my mind off the appointment visit. "I doubt that Brent will be able to race in the next round at Cadwell Park as he's still feeling sore today." "Yes, it was probably too much for him to be even at the photo shoot yesterday," I said giving my opinion. "He was feeling pretty rough last night when I took him home, so he went off to bed early," she said. We listened to the radio for a bit then we made idle chat about Jilly and Ian Wilson who I'd met at Donington. Jake was mentioned a few times too. "Do you think he can be trusted?" I asked referring to Jake. "Yes, he seems very keen to use you in a lot of his schemes. Perhaps he fancies his chances with you," she said looking over at me and my worried face. "Do you really think so?" I asked. "I don't see why not. A lot of men are attracted to transsexuals. They are probably a little gay but can't go with an outwardly male partner, so they like men who make very passable women. He could be one of those," she said as though she'd researched it. "Well I don't fancy him," I replied. "In fact, I don't think I'd want to be with a man sexually." "Maybe your attitude will change when you take more female hormones," she said which made me remember the letter I'd been given. "I've just remembered something. The hospital doctor gave me a letter for my family doctor and I still have it here in my bag," I announced and pulled it out. "What does it say?" she asked. "I don't know as it's sealed shut," I replied showing her the hand- written address on it. "I think you should open it up," she said. "Obviously you have a right to know what she wrote plus I've very curious to see what it says." I slipped one of my long nails under the envelope flap and sliced it open. I pulled out the letter and started reading it. "Well what does it say?" she asked impatiently. "OK I'll read it out to you," I replied. Dear Doctor Williams I'm writing this letter to you because I was involved in the treatment of a patient of yours. Larry Tulloch was admitted to the hospital here in Derby on Monday suffering from whiplash as a result of a fairly minor RTA (road traffic accident). He was kept in overnight for observation and released the next day. We expect that he will make a full recovery in due course and advice was given on what he should do to aid recovery. However, it was how he was dressed when the accident occurred that is the main reason for this letter. He was presenting himself as a young woman including make-up and female dress. He was wearing false breasts and when questioned on the reasons he readily admitted that he was transgendered and had held long ambitions to change his gender. After a series of conversations with him it became obvious to me that he was telling the truth. With his agreement, I administered a starter injection of oestradiol and a testosterone blocker. It is my considered opinion that he should be referred to a psychiatrist for further appraisal, assessment and hormone treatment followed by surgery. Yours sincerely Alison Stroud "Dear God, she wrote that?" Marcy asked. "Yes, it's here in black and white and she's signed it," I replied. "It confirms what I suspected then that you're a transsexual and it should help the plastic surgeon know that you are too." We arrived on time and were quickly shown into the doctor's office and he entered a minute later. He greeted us in a friendly way. "I'm Doctor Robert Jones and I remember you Marcy," he started after he sat down and then looking at me. "And you my dear?" "My name is Lara, Lara Tulloch," I replied. Marcy as usual took control. "She's recently been diagnosed as transgendered at Derby Royal Infirmary and is keen to have breast augmentation to start off her transition from male to female," said Marcy as I felt a bit too overwhelmed to speak. She then unprompted took the letter from my bag and handed it to him. He quickly read it and nodded. "So, after reading the letter you are at the beginning of your transition and want to speed things up a bit. I can understand that impatience," he replied. "We regularly do breast augmentation for male to female transsexuals here, so we could do one for you." "Thanks," I replied simply. "Female hormones will give you some development eventually, but a pair of implants will certainly help matters. Can you open up your blouse please?" I did as he asked, and he continued, "I see you are using breast forms and they won't look as good as implants. Those are also a bit on the big side for your build, so I'd recommend implants that would give you a C cup size. When the hormones kick in you'll almost certainly go up to D or DD cup size eventually." "When can you do the surgery?" asked Marcy impatiently. "Just let me look at my diary. Normally it would be a month before you can be seen, however I have had a cancellation, so how about a week today but at 10am? My cancellation has contracted influenza," he explained. "We'll take it then," enthused Marcy while I gulped, "yes." "Good then I'll see you next Friday morning at 10am." He pencilled my name into his diary. We drove back, and I picked her brains regarding the breast implant surgery. I wanted to know what it had been like. "The post-surgical pain which lasted for a few days was intense pressure on my chest, but it soon wore off," she explained. "Was it worth it?" I asked. "Yes, I'm glad I had them done. I was just a small B cup before," she confirmed. I knew from experience and knowledge that she had an ample D cup bosom now. "Will you finally admit you're transgendered now?" She asked a little later as we drove home. "Well I seem to be more at ease now with the idea that I am," I replied. "It's a life changer so you need to be absolutely sure," she said stating the obvious. "Will you go through with it?" "Yes, I will go through with it. I just need to get my mind used to the idea I won't be Larry ever again. It's like the decision has to be made," I replied after a short pause to consider my reply. "Tomorrow you can come with me to the salon again but don't shave your face as usual. I'll use my laser hair removal device to zap your facial hairs," she advised. "Oh, is it any good?" I asked. "Yes after a few treatments you won't need to shave again as the laser zaps your hair follicles," she replied. "Your body hair is dark, so it will be quicker than electrolysis." When we got back to the apartment, I checked my emails and Jake had flooded my inbox with more pictures from the shoot and information on the other product advertising he was involved with. I replied and thanked him for the pictures and nonchalantly mentioned that I would be getting my boob job in a week's time in Manchester. He wrote back half an hour later saying that was great news and that he would organise the shoot for a week later in London. He asked me if that was enough time to recover and I told him that I hoped it would be. He also asked me to send him the bill for the surgery. Marcy was obviously delighted that I'd been chosen but said that it was just the beginning of my life as Lara. Chapter 13 - Day 10 - Hair removal (Saturday) The next day I went with Marcy to the salon again but this time it was all about my hair removal. She applied wax to my legs and arms which hurt like hell but then she gave me more electrolysis to deal with my already sparse facial hair. I could feel her plucking and pulling out each hair one by one. She spent a couple of hours on both sides of my face before she was satisfied. She also tidied up both my eyebrows taking vast numbers of hairs away from both. I felt like a plucked chicken as I relaxed in the staff room after that marathon session. "That's more than enough for today," she said switching off the magnifier light and the machine she'd used. "Thank God for that," I replied. "You were good though," she said. "You only made one or two yelps with the waxing." "Well I think you would have done too," I replied. "It was bloody sore, and I wasn't expecting it to be quite that painful." "Yes, it can make your eye's water," she laughed. "Talking of eyes. I think I should also give you some eyelash extensions today." "What are they?" I asked. "They are individual long eyelash hairs that are glued to your existing eyelashes, so you won't need to apply so much mascara or wear false eyelashes. I had mine done by Gail and they're great. See?" "Yes I see. I always wondered why your eyelashes were so thick and long. I'm conscious I'm taking you away from your other customers," I replied. "Perhaps another time?" "Don't be silly. It only takes a couple of hours and the results will be so worth it," she replied undeterred. So instead of taking hair away she was adding it. When she was done I had long feathery looking black eyelashes. "Goodness me these will take some getting used to," I said as I fluttered them to show the effect. "You look very pretty," said Marcy. "We have a couple of hours left here so why don't you get busy and give the girl's a hand to tidy up?" "Gladly," I replied. "I'm feeling guilty that I took up so much of your time." "Don't worry about it," Marcy replied. Thankfully I was wearing a pair of dark leggings over my spandex and a stretch top while on my feet I wore her comfortable pink trainers instead of the painful heels. Marcy gave me a few jobs to do in the salon and those done I sat and had a coffee as the other girls coped with the large numbers of people who wanted beauty treatments before they went to enjoy their Saturday nights out. Brent called us around 4pm and wondered if Marcy could take him to a club race meeting the next day at Croft in Yorkshire. Marcy volunteered to take him there but told him he'd need to make his own way home. She told him that she didn't want to waste her day off and she asked if I wanted to go with them too. I agreed but asked if she could take me home to collect some things I needed, and she nodded, "yes but only after we've dropped off Brent." I really needed a day off to recharge my batteries again, but Sunday was going to be the best time to go. My mother was most likely working, so I'd be able to grab stuff easily and fill Marcy's car. Chapter 14 - Day 11 (Sunday) Going home We left at around 9am and dropped Brent off at the circuit about 90 minutes later. He'd been able to arrange a lift home for later, so we were free to drive back towards my mother's house to pick up my things. We chatted as Marcy drove us back over the M62 towards my old home. Sure, enough my mother was out working, however I still nervously put my key in the lock and let us both inside. "Which is your room?" she asked as I looked at the large collection of mail that had piled up by the door in my absence. "It's upstairs on the right," I replied. Stuffing all the mail into the large rucksack I'd brought, I followed her upstairs and my room looked just as I had left it some 10 days earlier. I lifted a carpet and then opened a hidden floor board to reveal a small tin box. When I opened the box I was relieved to find my cash reserve was still there. "How much have you got in there?" she asked curiously. "Around 5 grand," I replied. "Well that will certainly come in handy as you'll need your own wardrobe," she replied as I stuffed the box with the fifty pound notes into my bag. She started to look through my wardrobe and pulled out a few good cotton sweaters, T shirts and a few pairs of pants. "Let's take those for now and some trainers." With me busy filling the rucksack I'd brought, and the wardrobe looking empty she spotted a large plastic bag at the back which she pulled out. "Oh, look what I found," she said tipping it onto the bed. "I'd forgotten about that," I lied staring at the bed in disbelief as she went through my secret stash of female clothing. "Well that helps to confirm things doesn't it Lara?" She asked. "There's pantyhose, female underwear, some lingerie, a couple of skirts, some dresses and even a wig on a foam head." "Yes, so I used to dress up in secret," I reluctantly admitted unable to deny the evidence. She laughed, "So despite all your denials and protests you're really a closet tranny after all." "Yes, all right but there is a big difference between a bit of crossdressing in private and standing in front of the television cameras at Donington Park," I replied back at her. "Well you can safely come out of the closet now, though can't you?" she asked. "I mean you don't have to do it in secret anymore and in fact you already have several times. I think you need to be honest with yourself at least that this is who you are. And having experienced it at first hand you're really excited by it all." "All right you win Marcy," I conceded. "I think you should let yourself go and be who you want to be," she said still stuffing stuff into my rucksack. "I often unsure who I should be though," I replied. "There's a big difference between putting on female clothes now and again in a bedroom and wearing them full time because I don't have any choice. I don't know if I can easily handle that." "It's no big deal," she countered, "Besides you're clearly going to be more successful as Lara than you ever were with being Larry." "May be your right," I replied. "Come on let's get out of here and take your stuff with us," she said heading for the doorway. "Yes my Mum won't be away that much longer," I replied. "She works in a supermarket in the town centre and so she should be back by 1pm." "Yikes it's 12:30 now so let's beat it," she said checking her watch. So we hefted the bags downstairs and into the back of Marcy's car. I locked up grateful that I'd not been seen by my mother. However, the neighbours across the street had seen us and wondered what was going on. The Gerry the husband came running over towards the car and knocked on my window. "What's going on? What were you doing in Mrs Tulloch's house?" he asked obviously not recognising me. I rolled down my window. "Sorry Gerry I was retrieving some things belonging to me. You probably won't recognise me but I'm her youngest child and I'm leaving to stay somewhere else." "Her youngest was a bloke," he declared. "Well I used to be but as you can see I'm not anymore," I replied. Marcy smiled at my comment. "My God," was all he could say. "You're a tranny?" "Obviously yes," I replied. "Now if you'll excuse us we'll just leave." "Yes of course," he said moving back over the road towards his house. He shouted, "Good luck!" as we drove away. "He was always a good friend to my Mum so I bet he tells her that I've paid a visit," I said as we drove onto the road back towards Marcy's place. "That's a sure thing," she replied. About 45 minutes later we were sitting on the spare room bed looking at everything we'd taken with us. I went and put all my clothing stash and my male clothes in the empty chest of drawers. I put the wig and foam head on top and then gave Marcy some money towards the room. We'd agreed 100 pounds a week was a good amount for the room but as she said you probably won't be sleeping in it very much. In fact I didn't sleep in it all the time I stayed there. Around 5pm Brent dropped by and sat down exhausted on the sofa. However, he was still aware that I looked more feminine than ever so asked "What gives with Larry still dressed as a girl? Why is he still living here?" "Dear brother it seems that Larry or should we say Lara here is a transgendered person after all," said Marcy. He looked at me and I nodded a yes. "Lara has cross-dressed in private before and has as you can see made a big change to her appearance," explained Marcy. "Despite all the protests that she made at Donington. All the time she was secretly enjoying it all. We just gave her the shove she needed to see her potential. So it's not Larry any more is it?" "No it's Lara now," I replied. "Wow," said Brent. "Wait till Joe and Eddie here this." "There's no need," said Marcy. "I already told them." "What did they say?" Brent asked. Reading her phone messages, she said. "Joe was stunned but not surprised while Eddie was happy if Lara is happy." "Sounds fair from them," replied Brent. "What's for eating? I'm starving." "Fish and chips if you can wait until I get them from the chip shop," Marcy said taking out a 20 pound note from her purse. "Perfect," he said. "Here's my contribution. Get us a nice bottle of white wine too." So Marcy went out to get the food and wine, while I got three plates and cutlery ready on the table. She wasn't gone long but it was enough time for Brent to thank me for the efforts I'd made getting publicity for his team. "It's all good," I replied. "It's probably me that should be thanking you for making me see what a fool I've been not doing this sooner. I've been in denial about it since I was about 10 years old." "Why what happened then?" he asked. "My mother caught me dressed in my twin sister's clothes after school one day," I replied. "She warned me never to do it again." "And here you are, dressed rather sexily too," he said. "It all depends on what you feel," I replied. "It is beginning to feel normal to be like this." "I guess it must do," he replied. "I heard they want to use my bike for an advertising campaign for helmets. See if you can get them to send me a few in my size. I will need a new one after last weekend and they are not cheap." "I'll see what I can do," I replied. At that moment Marcy returned with the fish and chips. We shared a portion while Brent had a portion on his own. The meal finished Marcy drove him home. Chapter 15 - Day 12 (Monday) At the doctors Marcy was good enough to give me a lift to the station so that I could make the trip to my doctor's surgery for my mid-morning appointment. I'd dressed as I had the day before and presented in as feminine a way as possible to everyone I met. "Ah good morning Ms Tulloch to see Doctor Williams," I said to the receptionist. "Please go to the second waiting room and wait to be called," she replied unconcerned about the change in my title. "Thanks," I replied and walked easily over the tiled floor towards the room and sat down. I crossed my legs relishing the feel of the sheer pantyhose I was wearing over my hairless legs. Thankfully I had worn sensible shoes and I was comfortable waiting. Fortunately, the waiting room was empty and I picked up an old magazine to read. Then I'd no sooner started reading an article on cooking when my name was called. "I better give you this letter," I said as I sat down. The doctor opened the letter and quickly read it. "I see what the problem is, how can I help you today?" he asked. "Well I would like to start my transition into a woman and will obviously need to see someone about that," I replied. "I will also need a hormones prescription too at some point." "We can get that sorted out for you almost immediately," he replied taking out a pad for my prescription. "I'll also arrange for you to see the psychiatrist at the local hospital." "Thanks that's very good of you," I replied as he telephoned the hospital. "Hello Jack, how are you today? Good, good I would like to refer a patient of mine to you Jack. She's suffering from Gender Dysphoria but obviously we'll need your expert diagnosis before she begins hormones. There was a diagnosis from a doctor at Derby Royal Infirmary and is mentioned in a letter to me and my patient is dressed as a young woman right now." By the sounds of things, I wouldn't be getting the prescription until after my meeting with this psychiatrist. That sounded fair enough to me. Better to be safe than sorry. He put the phone to his chest after a small amount of social chat between them. "Right my colleague can see you this afternoon at 2pm today would you be able to attend then?" Doctor Williams asked. I nodded 'yes.' He then told the doctor on the phone that I could attend then. After the call, he said, "You do look like a clear cut case to me but we better wait until Doctor Summers see you first. If you are who you claim to be then come back later and pick up this prescription for female hormones from reception. Is there anything else worrying you?" "No not really," I replied. "Oh yes what about blood tests after I take them?" "We'll arrange for those don't worry," he said in his usual charming manner. "Thank you Doctor," I said and rose to leave. He followed me out to call his next patient. I telephoned Marcy to tell her the news that I need a hospital appointment with a psychiatrist. "That makes sense Lara," she said. "Just take a taxi over to the hospital." "I fancy a walk so I'll go into town and then over to the hospital," I replied. "See you later," she said getting back to work no doubt on some old lady's perm. Chapter 16 - Day 12 (Monday) At the hospital Needless to say I arrived in good time for my appointment with Doctor Summers who had agreed to see me at 2pm. I won't bore you with the gory details except to say that he was satisfied that I was suffering from gender dysphoria. He quizzed me on my early years and my cross dressing so I told him about the last few days and what I was now doing about it. He told me that I had a very positive frame of mind that he liked. He was particularly interested in the fact that I had a possible modelling career lined up if things went well. Obviously I didn't tell him about my impending breast enhancement surgery and he didn't ask. After around 90 minutes of chatting about my past and future he agreed to call Doctor Williams about releasing my hormone prescription. That scared me and excited me at the same time. So rather than walk back to collect it I took a taxi instead. It was waiting for me as promised. I walked back to the railway station via the pharmacy next door to collect my pills. As I sat on the train I examined the contents of the bag I'd been given and it contained androgen blockers, progesterone and female hormone pills. I gulped looking at the pills in their bottles and packets and wondered what they would do to me. "Only one way to find out," I said out loud to myself and swigged two of each pill down with my bottle of water that I'd bought at the station vending machine. It said that I had to take them morning and night but I figured I would start off on a positive note and take two. When I got back to Marcy's I was pleased to see her. I showed her my medication and said, "It looks like I'm transitioning from male to female now." "Wow that is serious," she admitted. "They don't give those pills out willy nilly. You must have convinced someone that you seriously want this." "It seems like it's three doctors so far, four if you count your plastic surgeon on Friday," I said. "Do you still want to go through with it on Friday?" she asked. "That seems a very big step too." "I've been thinking about it a lot," I replied. "I'm not very happy about having surgery but it seems impossible to be a model without it. I'll need a new job soon as my savings won't last forever." "You can always work for me," she said. "In fact you can work for me all week until I take you to the clinic Friday." "It's a deal," I replied. To be continued comments please to [email protected]

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Dolly Part 9

Amanda and Peter walked home in silence, Peter still tingling from his unfulfilled arousal, her thong in his pocket, clutched tightly in his hand. Whilst Amanda, her brain a confused mess of humiliating embarrassment, yet with a stupidly demanding buzzing still between her legs and very aware that she was naked beneath her miniscule miniskirt. It didn't take them long to get home where they both quietly excused themselves to their particular bedrooms. Amanda couldn't help...

2 years ago
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Dolly Part 3

Next morning, it was midweek already and she hadn't slept that well, her mind mixed between the horror in the canteen and the opportunity for her son with his prospective job. The undies match was already a little more difficult today, she could see that she would have to do a midweek wash at this rate, but today she had to go with what was there regardless of the fact that it was more difficult to get the colours to merge with her blouse and skirt. She tried on the second black blouse...

3 years ago
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Dolly Part 1

Dolly - Part 1 She was an introverted and shy single parent and her son had come about as a result of her shyness. She had been unable to say no to her mother's friend, an older man, who had teased her since she was a small child until she had finally succumbed to his continual sexual attention. She was his special little girl for 5 years before finally falling pregnant at the age of 15. The last 16 years had been a blur which she would prefer to forget and here she was now at the age...

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Dolly aur Didi

Soni 22 saalon ki thia aur uska chota bhai sonu us se 5 saal chota yaane 17 saalon ka tha. Soni ek bahut hi khoobsurat aur milansaar ladki thi. Woh sabse prem ka vyavhaar karti. Logon ki peeda usko ek aankh nahi bhaati thi. Uski ek kutti thi jo ab jawaan ho chuki thi aur jawaani ke naaye naaye andaaz seekh rahi thi uska naam tha dolly. Dolly ko soni ne apni aunty ke yahaan se jab woh paida hoyi thi tab laaya tha.soni dolly ko bahut pyaar karti thi aur usko apne hi saath sulaati thi. Pichle dino...

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Annie and Dolly

Dolly pushed Annie on the shoulders, causing it to lay down on the bed with his back, and was now able to kiss her nipples. Having a tongue tip around the circumference of each nipple, she first swallowed and gently sucked the lips first one, then another. Dolly slightly biting their hands and crumpling the entire breast. Annie already furiously rubbing your Clit, causing her pussy softly smacking their lips.Opening his eyes, Annie saw his face chest Dolly. She also began to lick and suck. Her...

3 years ago
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From Donny To Dolly

From Donny To Dolly by Throne First Donny had an argument with his girlfriend Tess. He stormed out of the apartment they shared and went for a coffee. He hoped she would be over the upset he had caused, by the time he got back, so he could get some afternoon delight. On his way home he ran into her friend Merlina, the oddball who insisted she was some kind of a witch. Tess had just phoned her and poured out her heart. Merlina had never approved of Donny to begin with. She stayed...

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Dolly Part Two

DollyPart TwoBy theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.Dolly had two sisters. They were as different as could be. No one that did not know them would never connect them as being family. Dorothy was rather large framed and stable, she had married a nice man and a true outdoorsman. He had leased public land that had lots of Salal Brush and harvested it selling it to...

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When Dolly Catches Me With My Bhabhi And Then On

Hi everyone, this is ilrumjack again with another of my episodes. Hope you have read my earlier story about how my bhabhi had seduced me and we ended up having sex. This episode was about some months after I had begun to have regular sex with my bhabhi. I will talk a little about the set up for this story. My bhabhi used to live at my place as my parents were posted abroad. She was staying at my place so that she could take care of me in my parents’ absence. She has two kids and my cousin (my...

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My Pretty Dolly Part 2

This is a force feminized baby story and not for the sweet/sentimental reader. All standard disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. Part 1 should be read first. Constructive comments appreciated at [email protected]. My Pretty Dolly Part 2 By Cheryl Lynn Allen rolled over coming fully awake as he felt the cold icky mess covering his groin shift. The smell was making him nauseous...

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Dolly Part 4

WARNING this is part four of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the reviews and feedback. I again hope to have next part up within two weeks. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the...

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Dolly Part Six

WARNING this is part six of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. I hope to have part seven up with less of a break than between parts five and six ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh...

4 years ago
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Sweet sister Dolly

My name is bobby, I am 21 yrs old and my younger sister dolly is 19 years old. She is 5’6″ with very good figure. She have breast of 32 and waist 27 bat garmiyo ke din ki hai,mai dolly ko pahle aisi nazro se nahi dekhta tha,ek bar maine us kapde change karte samay dekha aur uske bad kisi ur ladki ko dekhne ka man nahi karta.karib ek mahina pahle humare yanha kafi sare guest aaye the to hum sabhi log ek hi hall me soye mai rat e kafi late ghar aaya,sabhi log so chuke the mai b dolly ke as so...

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Dolly Part Seven

WARNING this is part seven of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms Lawrence got immense enjoyment manhandling Daniel into pink tights, an overly flouncy...

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Dolly Part One

Dolly Part Oneby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1965 and I was going through a divorce. My wife had become a party girl and was spending more money than I could bring into the house. That is what brought on the divorce. I could not stop her spending habits. Dolly was one of my favorites. I still think about her after 1969. We met at church...

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Dolly Part 3

WARNING this is part three of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the response it blew me away again. People seemed ok with the short instalment plan so I will go on with that. I hope to have next part up within two weeks. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the...

4 years ago
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Meri Darling Dolly Aunty

Hi mera naam keshav hai , 6feet tall handsome ladka hu abhi graduation final year mai hu from Hyderabad , lamba aur exercise yoga ke wajah se mai aur mera Lund healthy aur fit hai 6ft ka mai 7inches ka woh ! Meri kahaani kaafi softcore aur slow hai taaki aapko har pal ka mazza aur anand mile , patience rakhiye enjoy karoge/karogi ! Yeh story meri dolly aunty ki hai Jo mere ghar ke paas rehti hai dolly ki ek badi shaadi shuda beti thi aur ek mujh se chota beta , woh 35-26-36 wali badi kaamuk aur...

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Dolly Part Two

WARNING this is part two of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. Thanks so much for the response to part one, this is a short update I intend to release brief updates roughly weekly but if people prefer I am happy to release longer instalments but less often. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very...

3 years ago
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Dolly Part Five

The handful of society bimbos in cosmetology class had no urgent work. Cosmetology was a joke subject and mostly an unsupervised gossip session. The girls had put on enough makeup to last most women a lifetime. However, they were excited to grill their new sissy classmate and 'help' show him the ropes. "Hi cutie I didn't know much about you but some people shared with me your emotional Facebook coming out and it touched my heart. I can't imagine how hard it has been for you pretending...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Dolly

All standard disclaimers apply and this story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use, strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. This is a short forced baby story. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. Constructive comments are welcome at [email protected]. My Pretty Dolly By Cheryl Lynn Allen Finch was covered in mud and slime from the lake. His cousin Bertha Lou had shoved him off the wharf into the shallow muddy water. Now she was...

2 years ago
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Dolly Part Three

Dolly Part Threeby theduck1930This story is true. It really happened and was one of the best times of my life. The names and places have been changed to protect the innocent if there are any.My wife and I decided to build a log house so we bought some acreage out in a very wooded area that had a nice pond on it. There was a hill on one side that was perfect to build on. It just needed some minor excavating and we’d have a nice view of the Olympic Mountain Range. But where the property is...

4 years ago
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Dolly From Another Planet

Dolly From Another Planet By Kim Babes Meet the characters: Jenny -- Almost 6 years old, blonde hair with ponytails, blue eyes, the perfect little girl. Pete Johnson - Skinny, dark hair - think of the nerdish guy from the TV show "Yes, dear". Grandma Thift - In her eighties, very feeble and in love with her granddaughter. Jenny's parents - Mid thirties, attractive, and both fit. Roberta - The computer. Thoughtful, resourceful, but has a mind of her own on what's best...

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Death Row for Dolly

The echoes of the retreating footsteps of the female guards made Dolly Madison feel isolated and alone. The fact that she was the only female prisoner on death row made her sort of unique in a way that she totally hated. It was one thing to be ogled when part of her ass was sticking out and guys had their tongues hanging out. It was quite another when the press were lining up to watch her last dying breath when they gave her the injections of poison into her main arteries like a sick bitch...

1 year ago
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WARNING this is part one of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. I am a complete novice author who has loved forced feminization for years, Cheryl Lynn is by far my biggest inspiration and influence but I also love Kate, Alice Trail and have borrowed ideas from them and other...

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Dolly Part Eight

WARNING this is part eight of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel regained full consciousness lying on a rubber sheeted hospital bed, the overhead...

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My Pretty Dolly Part 3

The final chapter based on reader comments. All the usual and customary disclaimers apply. Maybe downloaded for personal use only. Any other use by author's permission only. Rated X and not for the sweet/sentimental reader although Allen is free to be himself in the end. Comments can be sent to [email protected]. My Pretty Dolly Part 3 By Cheryl Lynn Brian was in his late fifties and lived on a two hundred acre farm/dairy. He never married, kept to himself and had a...

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Dreams With Dolly Comes True 8211 Part I

At this portal I would share few erotic experiences. Presently I am a s/w consultant in an MNC located in a metro. The seeds of this incest were sown 6 years back when my elder brother got married. The girl was chubby at that time, pure white big eyes and everything on the bigger side. The relatives of girl said she was like a doll when young hence they named her Dolly. Well now she wasn’t a doll but surely a chubby like a barbie stuffed around busts and buttocks. I was studying in school at...

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Big Beautiful DollyChapter 3

Strangely, Dolly started to lose weight because her obsession with the sexual sessions caused her to miss a lot of her “feedings” and she started to consider the thought of food was not as demanding as before. In fact, she would rather have a strange cock in her mouth than a hot dog or a hamburger like she did before. Soon, she was in need of a new wardrobe because her old clothes hung on her body like a tent making her look like a clown in training. The first thing to go was her familiar...

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Mere padosh ki ladki Dolly

Hi dosto kese ho, i am sam from gujrat ahmedabad.Meri ek kaha ni jo aap logo ne padhi hogi chat pe 4 sal ka p[yaar bad mai hum mile ye kahani meri paheli kahani thi ye aaj dusri kahani likh raha hu mai .Ye kahani mere padosh me rahene wali dolly name ki ladki ki hai .Meri age 25 ki hai or mai sadi suda hu dikhne me smart handsome hu koi bhi ladki muje ek bar dekh le to dusri bar dekhti hi hai .Meri sadi hue 1 sal ho gaya hai .Ok dosto ab mai bore nahi karuga mager aap logo ko yakin karna padega...

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Big Beautiful DollyChapter 2

Dolly's little interlude with Mister Johnson in the fitting room was fresh in her memory when she woke up the next morning. She even looked in the mirror and made faces with her mouth opened wide like he was pushing his business inside her lips and tickling her tongue like a dirty old man with a yen for young girls even if they were a bit overweight. She had learned a long time ago that boys lost all their sense of proportion about girl's figures when it came to having their long thick...

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Dolly Steps Into The Corporate World 8211 Part 1

Hello, everyone, my name is Sneha. But you all can call me Dolly as I like it so much. I am 24 years married woman working in an MNC located in Hyderabad, India. This is my first story in online sharing platforms. So please pardon me for any mistakes. Any suggestions or remarks will be gladly welcome. Coming to the story. This happened just 3 months after I turned 19 years of age. I was a major then which meant I can marry or I can have sex. (I am talking in liaison with legality and official...

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Dolly part 3

The next morning I woke to the smell of coffee. I could hear Mummy downstairs. I got out of bed and read the instructions about using the epilator. Then I carefully used it. It was surprising that it found a few hairs that I hadn't noticed. There was a little prickling sensation as each hair was removed. Each time, it felt as if the epilator was removing a bit of my maleness. This was quite a pleasing idea, but I realised that it would be rather painful if the epilator was able to grab a...

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Kelly Girl Chapter 10 Pretty Dolly

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel, Bashful, and everyone else thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 10 "Pretty Dolly" By Wanda Cunningham Pete grinned at...

1 year ago
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Dreams With Dolly Bhabhi Comes True 8211 Part 2

So Dolly bhabhi had come to stay with me in the metro city, with her 2 siblings ( 5 yr old Amit and 1 year old baby who is feeding on her milk ). She willingly leaves behind bhaiya, who gets caught in professional commitments. After a good dinner we slept on the 2 mattresses on floor and gasping at her body in the semi dark room I dozed off, while she and her kid remained in that pose….. Next morning I woke up at around 8 oclock. I found Amit and the kid beside me and Bhabhi was in the...

4 years ago
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The Real Sex With Dolly Bhabhi

Hi friends. This is Rahul(age-22+) from Hyderabad.I had completed b.Tech from odisha.And now continuing my job in Hyderabad.I am good looking with average body.My dick size 6.1″,which is enough to satisfy a girl or woman.And for satisfaction of girls or mature women I believe in maximum blowjob to give pleasure. And basically I love mature women and girls too.Now coming to story. Uss tym ki baat hey jab me 18 years ka tha.Just 12th exam diya tha.School chhuti thi.N garmi ka ta tym tha.To me roj...

2 years ago
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Dolly part 2

My heart was pounding as I walked to her front door. I rang the doorbell. The door opened. She looked at me questioningly. I handed her the pack of depilatory cream. She weighed it in her hand. She didn't need to look at the tube inside. It was obviously much lighter than when she had given it to me. A big smile lit up her face. "Come into the doll's house," she giggled. I stepped into the hallway and she closed the front door. "Let's go upstairs," she said. Once in the bedroom she...

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Cleaning Lady Dolly

A few months ago I slept late one morning and came downstairs to find my cleaner Dolly, who is a petty little forty something, already at work in the kitchen sink.After exchanging the usual small talk I lent over to get coffee mugs from the top cupboard and was surprised as I was sure she was gently pressing her butt into my crotch. Not sure if my imagination was running wild or what I pressed gently back and got an immediate reaction as she ground her firm little arse in against me.Dolly was...

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Dolly Part Ten

WARNING this is part ten of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. I Hope to get back into the rhythm of regular instalments, we need more forced femme authors people like Throne and Cheryl Lynn are such an inspiration. This section was not edited by my hero Cheryl...

4 years ago
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Tales From the Dolly Shoppe Randi Reporter

Miranda Sutton watched the comings and goings at the little store as the late-afternoon shoppers thinned out. The only person working at The Dolly Shoppe was a man who looked like a young Pat Sajak. His nametag said "Bob," and he managed to look busy with mundane paperwork when no customers were in evidence. The display models around the store didn't move, but the one time Bob had been in the back long enough for her to dare touching one, it had been suspiciously warm to the touch. Miranda...

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Dolly part 4

I set off in good time to arrive at Mummy's house at the appointed hour. Under my male clothes I was of course wearing my favourite pair of silky pink knickers, suspender-belt, stockings and my teen bra. I was carrying a bag with a nightie, some knickers, my shoes and my full cup bra. It was a little early when I arrived so I walked past. There was a ladies underwear store just along the street. My eye was caught by a display of pretty knickers. I stopped and checked my watch. A few more...

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Dollys kidnap

When I was 16 I lived in a house with around 10 people mostly couples including me and my girlfriend at the time. the house was pretty big it at one time was two apartments .my bedroom was the upstairs living room. I had plenty of cash so I let all of my friends stay but I was always jealous of their hot girlfriends cause mine although trustable and a good at cooking was bad in the sack and kinda plain looking but my friends were lucky. Plus me  being a good guy I never cheated. bob had dolly...

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Pete and Amy Part 32 Little Dolly Lexa February 10th 2017

Note: This is Part 2 of my third time hanging out with Pete and Amy for intimate fun. We’ve had lunch several times since we met in mid-January, but our schedules have only allowed us to hang out for sexual reasons twice since I met them at the bar. This original plan for this night was entirely different and started out that way but during a break in the action, I was given an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I’d been interested in Dollification for quite some time but every time I met...

1 year ago
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Dolly The Ultimate Woman

Hi friends. This is raj 29 yr old from Mumbai. I am working for a reputed construction company. We sometimes have to travel a lot due to our job related work. I am sometimes here and sometime in other city. My most work is in Bangalore after Mumbai. And this hot sex experience is also coming from one woman; whose roots were in Bangalore only. Let me introduce you the actress of this sex game. Her name is Dolly. Her vital Statics are 36D 34 36. So you can understand how busty and hot she would...

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"No!" Sam shook his head. "I am NOT going to play with you! I'm just here to watch you. Now, go to your room, and do something there. I'm gonna put on a movie and watch it in the living room. Let me know when you want to eat, and I'll make something for you then." "But can you play, please, just for a little bit?" "Sorry- no..." Sam watched as his niece Amanda walked back to her room, disappearing around the corner with a dejected look on her face. Something important had come up,...

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Tales From the Dolly Shoppe the Perfect Gift

Sylvia walked out of the toy store with a frustrated frown. Her friend, Clay, already had all the female action figures she'd been able to find, and this was the fifth mall she'd tried. Marvel, DC, anime, video games, obscure TV show tie-ins; if it existed and had action figures to go with it, chances were he had it. He even had a small display of gifts others had given him which he used to illustrate the difference between dolls and action figures. "Excuse me, is something the matter?"...

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Dolly part 5

Mummy got up from the settee and went to answer the door. Alice and I exchange worried glances. Who could this be? But despite our concerns, our cock remained rock-hard. The Viagra was doing its job. A few moments later Mummy came back into the room, carrying some pizza boxes. "The pizzas have arrived," she said. We breathed again. Our relief was short-lived. Because two girls now entered the room. They were smiling broadly at the sight of us - two dollies with tent-poles in their...

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Dolly part 8

As soon as the door had closed behind us, Helen spoke. "Right, girls. Frocks off. Show us your knickers." We dollies looked at each other a little nervously, but the two real girls started removing their dresses, so we did so too, helping each other with back zips where necessary. We laid our dresses carefully on the bed, so as not to get creases in them. I wasn't really surprised to see that we dollies all had matching knickers, each pair clearly containing the outline of a little...

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Dolly part 7

The card showed that the package was addressed to Miss Didi Willis. What could it be that needed a signature? Although I did buy clothes and some "other" items by mail order, these were bought under my own name - ie the name on my credit card. And normally, if I wasn't in they were left in the porch or sometimes with a neighbour. So on the Saturday morning I went along to the post office with my new security badge. I signed for the package - by this time I had been accustomed to signing...

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Sex For Experience With Dolly

Mera naam abhishek hai aur mein lucknow ka rehne walaa hu meri girl friend ka naam dolli hai. Vo moti hai aur uska fir 36 38 36 hai … Over to story Mein ek ladki se pyar krta tha vo mere saath collage me padhti thi. Mein usse shaadi krna chahata tha lekin uske ghar walo ne uski shaadi krwa di aur mein bahut adas ho gya. Uski ek frnd thi jo mujhe bahut chahati thi vo aksar mujhe call krti thi aur mujhse bahut baat keri thi mein bhi normally baat krta tha. Ek din mera ek frnd mere ghar aaya aur...

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