Boy To Princess Part 5 - First Meeting free porn video

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Boy to Princess Part 5 - First Meeting By Jennifer Allison It has been two weeks since I found out I was heir to the throne of my country - and to the curse that went with it. I call it a curse. But it was just Mother Nature's way of selecting a new ruler to my country. I change sex every twenty-four hours. One day I am Dean, the next I am Jennifer. Since I am still sixteen, I still have to attend High school; I do so in both forms. Also, since we don't want the world to know of my said curse, only Mr. Cervantes the school's principal knows my secret. So today, I had to take the same test I had taken the day before in Ancient History. The instructor did changes a few questions, but not many. So to make sure nothing looked out the ordinary, I missed a couple questions on purpose. It wasn't that hard. The day before I guessed on these same questions. All I did was make another guess. Today I am making my first trip out of the country. Within 24 hours of finding out who I was and what the curse entailed. , I realized I would need professional help. Especially in the Sexual Identity field. So one of my first orders to the Prime Minister, who I will refer to as the PM. "Find someone to help me." As with most politicians, he assigned the job to someone else. Dr. Withers 'Noted historian who found out how Mother Nature would select the new ruler when to the old blood line ran out.' was given the job. Today, the two of us are going to meet with this Dr. Abrams. Dr. Withers explained to me why I had to travel all the way to the USA, to see this Dr. Abrams. "Dr. Abrams is under house arrest and they had pulled her passport. She has been court ordered to reveal a patient/doctor confidence. And she has refused to. For her troubles, she has spent a week in jail on a contempt of court charge. Her lawyers had her released on house arrest until the US Supreme Court decides her case." "Will she be able to see me?" I asked. "Yes, she sees patients during the wait," replied the Dr. "What about Security, someone might be bugging her house to get information on that other case. If they hear about me, they will feel like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." "Not with this little gizmo," answered Dr. Withers holding out something. "This will cause so much inference that anyone listening will have an ear ache for a week. It will also erase anything on the tape." When I found out what US city I would be going to: New York City. I started making other plans. Shopping! That was one of the many things I find that I feel different about when I am in my feminine form. If I had been Dean, I would have to want to see either a baseball, football or basketball game which ever one was in season. Since I was Jennifer at the time I was told, the first word came to mind was SHOPPING! We left Saturday morning, Dr. Withers and myself. I asked, "What about my passport? Won't I need one?" Dr. Withers then handed me one. To my surprise, when I opened it, it read. "Diplomat Immunity". "There has to be a mistake here," I announced. "I am no diplomat." "No you are not. You are heir to our throne. That gives you the right to that passport." With a smile, he asked, "I wonder what your answer to the custom agent will be when they search your luggage and find both your male and female clothing in them." I jokingly replied. "They would have figured that I would fit right in." The flight was long and tiresome. We did have to sit in the customs office while my immunity was checked out. I could see why, from the strange look on the agents face when a sixteen year-old has a diplomatic immunity passport shows up. I had another question for Dr. Withers when he had the taxi driver drop us off at the Waldorf Astoria. "Don't you think this will raise some eyebrows, with me spending all this money?" "We are staying here cause of me not you," was his reply. He then explained why, "Ten years or so back I helped clear the family history of the present owner. As a reward, once a year for the rest of my life, I can use the hotel for free for as long as I want. Since I haven't used this reward for three years, I asked if I could bring a friend." "When is my appointment with Dr. Abrams?" I asked. "Monday. That means tomorrow we can go shopping," was his reply. "We???" I asked "Yes! We." I was sorely disappointed with the word ?we?. I knew it was for my own good. You can figure. How much trouble a sixteen year-old girl could get into with an unlimited credit card in New York City. As a joke, I asked. "I wonder how much will it cost for me to buy Bloomingdale's." I just got a glare in return. "I was just kidding," I told him. "I?m looking for just one outfit." Let?s say that shopping the next day was a blast. Bloomingdale's was fun, but there was just one slight problem. After trying on at least fifteen outfits. I decided they just didn't have the one I wanted. By this time, Dr. Withers patience had grown almost non existent. When he asked, "Jennifer have you found the right dress yet?" I can't describe the look on his face, when I announced. "No, we have to go some place else." I had read about another place on the internet. "I want to go there." I told him. All he did was rolled his eyes up in his head and say to himself, "WHY ME!" At the next place, I found the exact dress I wanted. This made Dr. Withers happy. But I soon turned this happiness into sour grapes when I told him, "we need to go back to Bloomingdale's, I need just the right shoes and I saw them at Bloomingdale's." I could tell he hadn't done much shopping with a woman, when he asked. "Couldn't you have brought the shoes while we were there?" I answered him. "I couldn't pick out the shoes until I knew the color of my dress." When we arrived back at our rooms, Dr. Withers announced. "I am going to bed; you are on your own. You can call room service for supper, but I don't want you to leave your room." The next morning, we arrived at Dr. Abrams? apartment, which she was using as her office. After the introductions, Dr. Abrams asked, "Dean, why did you go to all this trouble to see me? There are at least twenty doctors living in your area of Europe I could have recommended." "I wanted to see the best, and you are one of the top three in the world," I told her. "I was in the top three. That is what this court case has done to me. At least seventy percent of my patients have changed doctors." "It is because of your court case that I decided to come and see you," I told her. "I want a doctor who would rather go to jail than reveal what I tell them." "I guess I am that person," said Dr. Abrams, who then asked. "How can I help you?" "I will need your help with my sexual identity for the next five years," I told her. Shaking her head Dr. Abrams had to ask, "why just five years?" She also remember to ask, "why all secrecy?" "In five years, I will have to decide to be a man or a woman. To answer your other question, it's because of who I am." Dr. Abrams then bent down and whispered into my ear. "If someone is forcing you to become a woman, please tell me and I can help you get away." "It's nothing like that," I told her. "Please tell me what your problem is?" she asked. "It is kind a hard to say," I tried to say more. "Don't worry about me hearing it. I have heard them all," She told me. "I bet you haven't heard this one." I pause for a moment. "I change sex every night at midnight. To answer your next question, it has been going on for the last sixteen days." She sat there open mouthed trying to comprehend what I had just said. Then she started to shake her head no. Finally finding her voice, she asked, "You have to be kidding. I have never heard of such a thing." "Then I guess I am the first," I told her. "Who told you that you switch sexes?" she asked. "I wasn't told, until it happened. It happened the night of my sixteenth birthday and every day since." "If you are telling the truth, your case is the first in recorded history," she told me. "You aren't up on your history. It also happens over a thousand years ago," I told her. "How do you know?" she asked. "It happened to an ancestor of mine," I replied. "It's Mother?s Nature way of making the choice." "Please explain this; you said something about Mother Nature making a choice?" she asked. "You know where I am from?" After she nodded her head, I continued. "Mother Nature has selected me to be the next ruler of my country." All Dr. Abrams could do was stare with a big question mark on her face; so I continued. ?Dr. Withers - the leading historian in my country - found, buried deep in the archives, how Mother Nature supplies the new ruler, when the ruling bloodline runs out. A month after the death of the bloodline, a person will change sex on their sixteenth birthday, and then continue to change sex every day afterwards. I was that sixteen- year-old." Finally finding her voice, "I remember a Press conference two weeks ago by your PM announcing the finding of an heir." "Cause of the sex changing, it was decided to keep my identity a secret," I told her. "Right now, I don't think there are twenty people who know the truth." I could still see the look of disbelief in her eyes, so I asked, "would you like to meet Jennifer?" "Jennifer, is that what you call your feminine side?" she asked. "Yes I would." "Yes it is." I replied. "Do you have a room where is only one way out of and where there is enough for me to lay down in?" Thinking it over a moment, she then said. "I have a walk in closet that will meet your needs." As I got ready to leave, Dr Abram asked. "What are you doing? Going to setup this charade?" "This isn't a charade or a bad joke someone is trying to pull on you. I didn't plan on being here at midnight, I will need Jennifer's clothes," I then told her, "to help you make up your mind. I will submit to a physical exam upon my return." As I walked out the door, I reminded her. "Remove everything out of the closet. I want nothing in there that you might think could help me." At eleven that night, Dr. Withers and I arrived back at Dr. Abrams. After the introductions, I was asked, "Are you ready for the exam?" I then went into an examination room, where I disrobed. Dr. Abrams proceeded to give me physical, including the part, turn your head and cough. The last thing she asked me to do was little bit out of the ordinary. "Dean, I want you to get a hard-on," she told me. She then told me why. "This is the one thing that can't be faked." As I finished the last required item of the exam an alarm clock went off. Dr. Abrams then announced that it was fifteen minutes to midnight. I found the doctor had made it as difficult as possible. When we arrived at her walk in closet, the area I was supposed to lay in was just barely large enough for me to lay down and inch myself into it. I then told her. "Lock the door so that I can't get out." So there I waited. As the Dr. Abrams' grandfather clock chimed midnight o'clock. I felt the itching start. Ten minutes or so later, the itching stopped. I then told Dr. Abrams to let me out. Dr. Abrams stood there open mouthed for at least three minutes after I exited the closet. Finding her voice, "Dean, is that you?" "I am Jennifer, Dean is my male side," I told her. Then I reminded her. "Now I want you to give this body a physical exam." Dr. Abrams soon found out that I didn't just change sexes, I also made other changes. Dean stands six foot two at one hundred and seventy-five pounds, whereas Jennifer is five foot eight and one hundred and twenty-five pounds. This time the exam included a pelvic exam. At the end of the exam, I asked Dr. Abrams. "Is there any question in your mind that I can do what I said I could do?" Looking at the charts, all Dr. Abrams could say was, "no question." I then asked the sixty-four dollar question. "Will you help me?" "I will help you," was her reply. Seeing that my jetlag was catching up with me, Dr. Abrams offered. "Jennifer, won't you spend the night? I have no one coming in tomorrow, so we can all day together. I have room for both of you." End of part 5

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Princess of Castile chapter 9

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 9: The Princess's banquet Victor had gone shopping to find himself an outfit to wear for his meeting with the Empress herself. It would have to be the best to have him look good for the Empress. Victor had no problem shopping at women's apparel stores. He had shopped at women's stores a lot and had a very extensive collection of women's apparel he wore daily. He went to a high-end store that specialized in women apparel. Some women...

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Im a sissy princess

Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful princess, who loved to dress up and wear her pretty gowns and pink frilly panties and prance around like a sissy girl. But the princess had to hide who she was, and dress in her guys clothes, and the thought of no one knowing who she really was, and that under the frilly panties was a big, solid cock, made her very excited. But she lived alone, and had no one to keep her in control and she would be very naughty, touching herself and making her...

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Rescuing a Princess

Rescuing A Princess? Author's Notes by Bill Hart I've been working on this story on and off since October 1996. The inspiration for this story originates with a cartoon posted by Mike Allegretto to one of the pictures' groups at that time. If you're familiar with the cartoon or the site, then I'm sure you'll be able to guess at least one of the transforms in the story. When I first sat down to write this story, I didn't expect it would be very long, but it took on its own...

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The naughty Princess

It was night in the kingdom of Alltaria. High in the tower of theking’s castle in Tomlin, 18 year old princess Mira could not findsleep. Her young body had awakened to desires new, forbiddenbut exquisite in it’s longing. Many a night she would lie awakenow and remember the strange spectacle she had seen on amorning only a few weeks ago. Vividly she can still recall thesounds that drew her attention to the store room of her tower.Short, sharp yelps of a woman and a regular muffled slappingnoise....

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Princess LeiaJabbas Slave

PRINCESS LEIA: SLAVE TO THE DARK SIDE ?????????? PRINCESS LEIA: SLAVE TO THE DARK SIDE ????????????????????????????? ????????????????? By ????????????????????? ????????????? ???Bookmanwhb  Princess Leia screamed as the pain in her head increased. She tried to fight the drugs racing through her body but the darkness spreading through her mind seemed to block all her attempts. The young princess could feel Vader inside her head, trying to force her talk. The rebel leader used all her...

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Royal Duties Princess TG Preg

Royal Duties Act 1: New Life Peter Arrend gasped when he saw the old tome. He had always been an enthusiast for older things - he was a historian, after all - and so visiting garage sales was a frequent weekend hobby of his. He had been told he even projected the air of someone who went to garage sales, and he sort of knew what people meant by that. He had quite the professorly look about him, despite only being in his early forties, likely due to his slightly peppered hair and...

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Princess by Princess Pantyboy This is paradise, a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages. Yes life is simple after a nice stroll on the beach and now chilling with my favorite drink, especially...

2 years ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 15

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 15 Princess Alejandra had almost fully recovered from her wounds during the battle. She was still weak and having trouble standing in her bedroom this morning. The window was open and the golden morning rays from the sun lit the room. She had spent the past few days meeting the women in charge of the most powerful noble families in the empire. The powerful noble women in charge of their families. It had been a busy week with her...

1 year ago
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Princess Lien

Chapter I - Princess Lien's Breakfast treat Princess Lien yawned and thought is she bored or still waking up. She lay in her four poster bed, on a mattress made from duck feathers, covered with black silk sheets, with matching pillows. From each corner of the top of the bed were hung black drapes tied to the bed posts with black rope She looked out the window to try and judge what time of day it was. Soon breakfast would be arriving. She sat up in bed, stretched and revealed she was wearing a...

1 year ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 12

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 12 Natalia's appearance as he stood before John on the runway as they prepared to board a smaller plane, shocked John right to his very core. Standing in front of him was the formerly very homophobic and sexist man that had mocked him in the past for buying his own dress and choosing to present himself as female. Now, there was very little masculinity left in this man. Natalia stood before John wearing a woman's military dress uniform...

2 years ago
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The Son of Lust Chapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Chapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...

2 years ago
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The Princess and the Curse of Sodomy

It was becoming known to the staff of the High Palace of Amrose not to investigate the grunts and groans that came from the cellars of the palace. No maid or footman wanted to come across the sight of the Prince Gonlon, naked and rutting against the servant girl. And especially the day before his marriage to a fair beauty from across the sea. Instead, they avoided the part of the cellar where the groaning was coming from and carried on with their business. If they had gone to look after the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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RedTails The Paddled Princess Chapter 3

RedTails : ReckoningsThe Paddled PrincessByScarletdownChapter III: An Awakening"Oh come on, Princess," Kennewick whined, "have a heart. I mean, I don't mind you making me wearing the girls' uniform to school, but this is going too far. What will the other boys think when they see me dressed in that?" He nodded his head towards his sister. Katella was sitting daintily on Amalie's bed, brushing her silky mane.She arose to her feet, set the brush down, and smiled at her brother, "What will the...

First Time
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Slave for my Princess

So slave, I bet you’ve been looking forward to this day haven’t you, after all, it’s been a whole week since I last released you hasn’t it?”“Yes Princess.”“And have you followed my instructions about not allowing yourself to cum during that time slave?”“100% Princess.”She smiled and allowed her hand to gently slide across my stomach, towards my hard, aching cock.“Good slave, you look so gorgeous tied down like this, I could almost forget myself and…” her voice trailed off and my cock twitched...

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The Princess Has Come of Age

As its title, The Princess Comes of Age, suggests, this Black Widows Production, a 47-minute animated hentai film, is a bildungsroman, or coming-of-age story, that depicts, in quite graphic detail, the protagonist's maturation. In this case, her maturation is neither moral nor emotional. It is not even physical--although she is young nubile (both in the literal and the figurative senses of meaning), she has, quite obviously, already experienced adolescence. Although she does not seem...

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Princess The Pauper

This is just a quick little ditty that I thought someone might get a kick out of… not to be taken too seriously. ***** Sweetest Princess Juniper, You have stolen my heart, my sweet cherry pie. I love you more than anything in this world. I would give you the stars in the sky. You will taste so good when we finally are together. Love always, Periwinkle ‘He’s so dreamy,’ cooed Princess Juniper, clutching the letter to her substantial bosom. The lovely young princess had long golden hair,...

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She Ra Prisoner Of The Princess

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? SHE RA ? PRISONER OF THE PRINCESS By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] She Ra is a Conan the Barbarian type character based on the popular animated series, Masters of the Universe.  Synopsis: She Ra (character from He Man) is on the trail of an evil princess, who had imprisoned her own father and took over the kingdom herself. She Ra...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 17 Naughty Princessrsquos Buzzing Ecstasy

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I held the leash to my newest pet. Princess Naryu knelt between my dragon-mother’s thighs. A big smile spread on Mother’s...

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The Princess Backpack Diaries

October is breast cancer awareness month. With that noble cause in mind I invite you to come along on this whimsical journey during which you will learn how two very lucky guys discover the true magic only Princess Diaries backpacks can possess. The Princess Backpack Diaries By: Simonne Danielle [email protected] © 2010 All Rights Reserved "Now here's a story that ought to put every guy's sense of masculinity to the ultimate test," anchor woman Alycia...

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How I Met My Princess 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am dr..Madhura an ayurvedic doctor and I am 34 years old. This an attempt to share my real life experience with my fellow lesbian or bisexual women. I am not a good writer kindly excuse me for any mistakes.I have visited this site quite a few times and I wanted to share my story. But couldn’t do it for some reasons. Now I am here to share a tale of passionate love with my princess. After my marriage, I and my husband moved to Dubai. We stayed there for 4 years in these four years I wasn’t...

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Princess and the Pauper 2

The Princess and the Pauper: Chapter 2 It had been less than two hours in the castle from being a street beggar and I have had to dress as a fancy boy, then next as a lady messenger. In addition, I still have not been feed anything. I followed the ladies like a good servant. They lead me back toward Princess Katherine's apartments. Once there I stopped at her door. I knew that it was not correct etiquette for a male to enter a female's apartment. My father had taught me...

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