The Mile High Club
- 2 years ago
- 37
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I was onboard flight United Air 678 from Sydney to Los Angeles. I was sitting in the economy class cabin. The flight was full; there was no room to breathe, let alone move. My seat was at the rear end of the plane at a window of a three-seat section. I felt claustrophobic and was not looking forward to the fourteen-hour nonstop flight. I always requested the aisle seat but this flight was so overbooked I had to take what I was given.
Sitting two seats from me on the aisle was Jenny, a girl I knew at college, who now was a sales rep for a new line of performance compression sportswear. I was never friendly with her at college. My friends and I thought of her as a blonde bimbo. I felt bad for all the bitchy things I said about her, as she was so friendly on the flight.
I placed my bags in the overhead locker and then sat down with my new novel. I was wearing an old pair of faded jeans and an old blue t-shirt.
As I opened my book a guy squeezed past Jenny to take the seat between us.
"Hi, I am David, Jenny's my girlfriend." He introduced himself
He was quite good-looking, tall with dark hair, olive skin, and a sexy smile, and quite well-toned, but probably five years younger than I.
"Calm down, Rachel, get hold of your hormones. He is too young and he is taken! "I told myself.
David's attention turned to Jenny who was dressed in a white skirt far too short and a black halter-style top which was cut quite low. Her breasts were oozing out of the top and the skirt rode high up her thighs. It was good she was wearing black tights underneath her skirt.
"Rachel, stop being a bitch. She obviously wants to be noticed and it's working. If you want attention, you also need to show off a bit more."
My inner voice was bugging me so I started to read the book, hoping it would shut my mind out.
"Drinks, anything I can get you?" the stewardess offered Jenny and David, who were now joking and talking like they were the best of friends.
"Yes, I will have a glass of red wine" Jenny replied.
"I will have a beer." David requested.
"What would you like?" the stewardess asked, looking over at me.
"I will also have wine, please,." I answered.
I hated flying. I always got so anxious. I would drink myself to sleep and then awaken in time to land in LA. I had just had a sip of the wine when David got up to go to the toilet. When he returned, he climbed over Jenny's legs but while holding onto the seat in front he lost his balance and he fell right onto my food tray, knocking his beer and my wine all over both of us.
"I am so sorry!" he apologised as he climbed back up to assess the damage he had caused in his fall.
The wine had spilled right across my jeans, and all over his pants.
I was angry and uncomfortable, but I had to be polite.
"It's an accident. Don't worry!" I said, trying to do the right thing but knowing I was lying.
We had only just started the flight with another twelve hours to go and I was now wearing soaking wet pants.
"Hey, guys. I have some pants you can wear. It's gear I am taking to the sports trade exhibition in the US," Jenny offered, looking sympathetically at the wine all over my jeans.
"Have you ever worn compression tights before?" Jenny continued.
"Look at what I have on. These are them." Jenny spoke as she lifted up her skirt to show off her shiny black tights.
"Luckily I have an absolutely brand new pair in my bag and it's better than sitting in wet pants for the next 12 hours," Jenny offered as she stood up and retrieved her bag from the overhead locker, opening the zipper and handing me a plastic bag.
"Go and put them on. I know they are skin-tight, but nobody is really going to see you here. I wear them for running all the time, besides they are good for DVT prevention on flights too," Jenny went on as she smiled.
I took the bag from Jenny and was about to go to the toilet to try them on when I read the XL on the size chart on the box.
"These are extra large, they will be far too big for me, but thank you anyway for thinking of me," I said to Jenny, handing her back the plastic bag.
"You are right. These would be too large for you, but they would fit you, David, and they are unisex. You cannot stay in soaking wet pants. You should put them on!" Jenny continued.
"I am not putting on such tight pants. Forget it!" David resisted Jenny's offer.
"You cannot sit in the wet clothes. Many guys wear them for sports and nobody will even notice you wearing them. Go on, put them on and don't be so bloody stubborn!" Jenny insisted.
"You cannot stay like that, Rachel. I don't have another pair with me, but you are soaked and I don't need the pair I have on now, and they are a small size, so I will go with David to put on his pair and I will take mine off for you to wear."
Jenny would not let David refuse her offer, so the two of them got up and went to the bathroom.
A few minutes later, David returned to his seat.
As David was shuffling into his seat, I turned to face him and found myself staring at his body in the tights. I couldn't take my lusty eyes off his round butt and then when he sat down I glared down at his package wrapped tightly by the skin-tight spandex, which nicely outlined his bulge.
I knew I should not feast my eyes on someone else's boyfriend, but then he was a good-looking male, wearing body-hugging clothes and he was only inches away from me. David was sitting back down in his seat. I turned to face him and found myself staring at his body in the blue tights. I couldn't take my eyes off him. My hormones had possessed me.
"Rachel, these are for you to put on!" Jenny spoke as she returned to her seat lifting up a loose pair of black tights up in the air for me to take.
I hope she didn't notice me ogling her boyfriend, I thought to myself.
I took the tights, climbed over David's legs and went to the toilet to change. My pants were really wet to the bone. I stripped out of my wet pants. My undies were also soaked, too, so I took them off and I sat on the toilet seat and rolled the tights up my leg and over my hips.
They were tight, really super-tight spandex leggings in black with a blue stripe down the side.
I looked at myself in the mirror. Not quite the attire for a flight but better to be dry. The material covered me like a second skin, showing every curve and dimple. It had a high inseam pulling tightly into my butt. I looked in the mirror and it did little for the imagination. It traced around my butt and showed every curve. You could see my hip bones and my stomach as the V verged down to my legs. It outlined my mound and even formed a slit in my vaginal lips. I felt like a slut wearing these. They would get so much attention. I would have to walk quickly back to my seat so as not to be seen parading in this. I never had my undies on so I had not planned on returning this to Jenny. I would buy it from her and keep it. I left the toilet cubicle and went back to my seat.
"Wow, you look good in those- maybe you can model them for us at the exhibition!" Jenny exclaimed.
"Thank you for this, at least I don't have to wear uncomfortable wet clothes"
As I climbed over David's legs to get back to my seat, I noticed him looking at my crotch. Any guy would have been looking at a woman dressed in such tight clothes that are pulling into every crevice. I felt like I was wearing a magnet, attracting looks. The soft stretch material was actually pulling into my pussy and I wanted to pull the material out but avoided doing so in case it drew more attention.
As I sat down on my seat and put my seatbelt on again, I realised that I was turned on by the attention. It must have been a month since I last had sex. Maybe I was frustrated, or was I becoming a nymphomaniac?
I took my book out of the storage in front and I forced myself to read my book, but every once in a while I would glance over at my neighbour and look at his groin. The shiny tight material stretched itself over his bulging manhood like a wrapper. I could make out his penis, his balls and even the ridge on the head at the end of his big penis.
“When did I become such a dirty perv? Rachael, stop being like this. Act like a young lady, not a rampaging slut!” I was talking to myself in my head.
I just couldn't focus so I turned on the movies. It was already in the middle of the movie but I watched it anyway.
There was this couple at a party- a luncheon with everyone dressed formally. There were tables laden with food and a dance floor, on which many people were dancing. This couple was having a tiff and they were not talking to each other. The guy was getting upset that his girlfriend was ignoring him and he lifted his hand to put on her shoulders as he seriously spoke to her. She was in a mood and in rejection to his efforts she pulled away ferociously, but in doing so, his hand got caught on her blouse, and the buttons tying it together came off, splitting the blouse wide open and exposing her naked breasts. She was so steamed up with anger as she turned away from him that she couldn't be bothered to pull her shirt closed. She continued walking through the crowd of dancers with her pert breasts revealed to all. Everyone was glancing over at her, but she continued in her stride. She was usually the quiet, shy type but was so consumed by the fire within that she just continued her way with wild and carefree exhibitionism. To demonstrate that she was proud and didn't care about what anyone thought as they looked on, she pulled her shoulders back proudly, allowed her blouse to fall further down her shoulders and continued pushing her way through the crowd. Her nipples crowned her small breasts with erections. Her facial expression was one that clearly sent out the message that "If you want to look at me you can, in fact, please do as I don't care!" This couple left the party and climbed into a white limousine. As they sat down in the car, they both realised that their boiling anger had transformed into an intense wave of animalistic lust. They were horny and desperate for a good fuck. Another lady from the party, dressed in a long black dress, climbed into the back seat of the limousine with them. The couple ignored this woman sitting also in the back seat right next to them. As the limo pulled off for the sixty-minute drive back to Rio, she climbed on top of her boyfriend, facing him. She shuffled around as she pulled her panties off her legs and he opened his fly. She then sat down on his hard cock facing him and they fucked in the car right next to this lady. They didn't care and just went with the flow indulging their urges. She still had her dress on, which covered their torsos from view. The guy ignored the company and he pinched at her nipples as she closed her eyes and he held her tightly as she continued bouncing up and down his cock.
This movie was called Wild Orchid and was one of the most erotic movie scenes I had ever watched. It played to one of my fantasies -- an accidental act of public nudity. I was turned on by it and I felt my pussy well up as it throbbed with tension and a tightness that needed urgent touching to release.
I was wound up like a toy that reared to go and my frustration was getting the better of me. I folded my legs over each other, the exact opposite to my deep desire at the time which was to open my thighs wide and flick my finger against my clit and self-pleasure myself until I had released.
I looked over at David. He was sleeping. I looked over at Jenny. She was also sleeping. I felt safe to ogle at David now. His blanket had fallen down and I had a clear view of his cock straining against the tights. I looked carefully to check I was not imagining things. His cock was rock-hard. I continued to look at him and then, to my amazement, his cock started to jump. The tights were perfect. I could make out the entire penis. I could see a vein run along the bulging length of his penis. I watched on, enjoying this eye candy and then, to my surprise, his cock jumped again. This time it continued jumping and twitching up and down a few times. I then noticed white cum oozing out of his tights until his whole groin area was wet.
Amazingly, David was still sleeping on the chair beside me and not aware of what had just happened. Meanwhile, I was feeling hot and horny between my legs. I realised that David must have had an erotic or wet dream. I was now so turned on I couldn't think straight.
I felt an intense burning in my crotch. As I straightened myself on my seat I looked down at my crotch. The spandex had pulled right into my slit and my vaginal folds on both sides stuck outwards. This was more than skin-tight. The spandex wedged itself into me. I looked at the others to check that they were sleeping. I slid my hands down my legs on top of the smooth stretchy fabric. As my hand trailed down to my inner thigh I felt the dampness between my legs. I so much wanted to touch myself right then and there. The pangs of tension were rupturing through me. I needed to be satisfied and I needed intense pleasuring.
I pulled my blanket over me. I bent my knees and held them up with my feet grounded at the end of the seat. I then slid my hand under my knee and slowly twitched my middle index finger and ran it up and down those swollen folds in the middle of my pussy, intensifying the downward pressure as I reached my swollen and excited clitoral hood, where I rubbed it in tiny circles. I was doing all this over the tights, but I yearned to feel my flesh. I pulled the tights outward at the waist to create access for a finger to find its way into my wet core, or even to touch my clit, but the tights were too tight to allow good access. I needed to take them off.
David awoke. He looked around, looking dazed and confused. I quickly stopped masturbating. I noticed him look around at his groin as he sat up in his seat. He realised that he had cum all over himself and he very quickly stood up, pulled the blanket over himself, climbed up over Jenny to go to the toilet.
I had a clearing to get to the privacy of a toilet cubicle myself, so I quickly unfolded my legs, got up and climbed over a still-sleeping Jenny and made my way into the aisle.
As I moved a few paces behind David, the food trolley arrived. He had to back up to let it though. In doing so, he collided with me. I felt his butt collide with my stomach. The physical contact was like adding oil to the fire. He turned around and faced me as the trolley moved past us. I have no idea why I took the risk, but I did.
"Hey, did you have a nice dream?" I asked him, gazing purposefully down at his wet crotch.
"Actually, yes and it was all about you, believe it or not!" he answered.
I was not sure if he was having me on or serious.
"Yes, it started with you bending downwards and me watching your luscious ass in those tights. I proceeded to do things to you and you responded in kind and yada-yada, if you know what I mean," he went on.
"So yada yada and you had a wet dream," I teased him.
David went red in the face as he answered, "Well, I suppose so"
Not sure where I was going with this conversation--or should I put it, sexual flirtation--but I added a few words "Well, you are not the only one horny around here!"
I suddenly wished I had not said this.
He smiled at me and then, as the trolley had passed us by, he proceeded to the toilet.
"Well now that you have discovered my little secret, I need to get changed quickly," he remarked.
I followed him toward the toilets. I had my own cunning plan once I got a bit of privacy.
We arrived at the toilets and they all had the red light on, indicating that they were occupied.
"Maybe the tights are affecting our hormone levels," I suggested.
"Look, it does outline one's figure like a second skin. It’s like being naked but not being naked because one is covered up," he went on.
"Just look at it," David pointed to his groin which was tightly encased in the taut spandex material.
"Excuse the dark blue wet area, but look at me," he pointed to himself.
I looked at his package. His penis was slightly bent sideways and his balls protruded outward. Two full sexy testicles full of cum, I imagined to myself.
"And even you-- look how it exposes you." David drew his attention to me.
We both looked down at my crotch. I suddenly felt uncomfortable with his focus on my pussy. A clear cleft showed where the spandex was pulling into my labia. I think they call it a camel-toe. I hoped the dampness I was feeling would not show through.
"Can I help you stretch it out? I am sure that's uncomfortable," David teased me, smiling.
All this attention only heightened my rampant hormone levels. I was hot down there. I felt like I had buried the lava from a burning volcano, wanting to erupt.
"And just look at your ass -- there is nothing better than women in spandex. I love the outline of the g-string sticking through." David turned his head around to look over at my butt.
"Hey, I can't see your g-string!" he commented.
"That's because I don't have one on. I never wear undies under tights." I answered
"Wow! That's so naughty," he replied as he daringly put a hand on my one butt cheek and massaged my glutes.
I didn't back away. I let him slowly caress my butt. His fingers started to go into my butt crack as his palm held tightly onto my round butt cheek. I was so turned on I just wanted to tear the tights off and fuck him right then and there.
A toilet became vacant.
Before he could proceed to enter the cubicle, I pushed ahead.
I stood in the doorway and suggested, "Should we continue in here?"
David entered as we negotiated the small space for two adults.
I sat down on the toilet seat, while he stood in front of me. With my two hands, I reached around his butt. I placed my hands on his round butt cheeks and held them. They were so sexy to feel. I peeled his tights down his thighs. I stopped pulling the tight material at his knees when his cock was in full view. He had dark pubic hair and his penis was still flimsy but getting harder-- almost standing at half-mast. His penis was at eye level. I was fixated on his large hairy balls hanging like royalty. I had the urge to grab them and hold his manhood between my fingers.
With my left hand, I cupped his balls and with my right hand, I clenched his penis as I arched forward over the toilet seat. I puckered my lips and I took it into my mouth. It quickly grew into a full hard-on. I tasted the remnants of his cum from his wet dream. I didn't mind the taste. I found it sexy, really sexy and very erotic and arousing. I licked strokes up and down the head of his penis, twirling my tongue around the circumference of the ridge where he was circumcised.
His penis was bulging out like a thick, strong pole of flesh and it stretched up high with a slight kink to the right. It was full of blood now, reddening and its veins protruding down its length. I pouted my lips as I went up and down its length like a piston engine. David put his hand up my shirt. As I felt his hand brush up against my voluptuous breast my body squirmed again. I clenched my pelvic muscles in response, sucking my breath inward as I gasped for breath. I was revved up and ready to jump his bones. His fingers clenched around my nipples and he pulled at them. It sent lightning bolts down through my body, touching every nerve and switching on all my circuits to full capacity.
I opened my legs wide. It was involuntary. It was nature forcing my pussy lips open to take in some manhood and make way for testosterone-rich balls to squirt their thick white cum deep inside my cunt. I was soaking and oozing fluids through my tights. My pussy was now well past the damp stage. David was moaning as I kept my pace, going up and down on him. I felt his hands holding my hair as I came up to catch my breath.
I stood up and pulled my shirt off over my head. He put his lips around my nipple and sucked it tightly as I stretched my neck backward. He put his hand against my pussy and drew lines with his index finger up and down my pussy, pushing into the wedge formed in my tights, along my slit and in between my fleshy folds. His finger traced up and down the outside of my tights, teasing me into a tensed-up frenzy. I so wanted him inside me. His finger nudged against my throbbing and swollen red and hot clit. As he touched it, I could hold back no more. I had to get rid of the barrier between us. It was time for flesh against flesh. I put my hands on my hips and pulled my tights off my legs. He now had free access to sensually explore my body.
He kneeled down and he took my clit into his mouth and he massaged it, caressed it, bit on it gently with his lips as his tongue danced the tango with it until I could no longer hold it in. My pussy and all its nerve endings were tensed up like a wound-up spring. I was rocking my pelvic floor, gyrating it and swinging my torso up and down into his face when I clenched all my facial muscles and arched backward and I let out a loud squeal. I felt like I needed to urinate but I pushed the sensation outward and I went with it. My pussy ejaculated for the first time. It squirted clear fluid out it. My body vibrated in violent yet pleasurable and satisfying spasms of relief. My whole pussy was contracting quickly and out of control while more and more fluid pushed it way out in a stream as if I was urinating. All this liquid was landing on David.
David stood up and he grabbed my butt, holding me up as he pulled me onto his hard cock. I kept my balance by anchoring my feet on the toilet seat as he drove his cock deep into my pussy and then out and in again and again. I was floating in a state of orgasmic bliss. Each wave took me with it for a ride of deep pleasure. Each time I felt his cock touch my innards and make contact with my g-spot it sent electric pulses throughout my body. I was like a live wire, sparking from every atom.
We were moaning in unison. Our bodies were soaked with sweat from all the intense body movements. We were both out of breath from all our deep breathing. I felt that final push as it went deep into me. At the same time, he drove a finger right deep into my ass as he held my butt cheeks and bounced me up and down. This was enough to once again push me over the edge and give me an extraordinary orgasm. It was a different feeling to vaginal penetration but it hit on virgin, untouched nerves within my anus that felt like live wires. I let out such a loud and high-pitched moan I was worried it would be heard by the passengers sitting outside the cubicle.
He was fucking me hard and fast now, his fingers still pressing deeply in my butt and touching erotic zones I never knew existed. It was like I was being stimulated from every possible direction and all at once
I had never talked dirty before while having sex. I had always considered this taboo, but this was such free, open, crazy sex and the moment felt so right that without restraint and a care in the world, I allowed my raw, instinctual, animalistic nature to take the reins as I shut my mind to all my inhibitions.
"Please fuck me hard! I want your hard cock deep inside my pussy. Ram it in hard. yes, fuck it, fuck it harder, yes put it there. Ooh ooh!!!" I shouted between my moans.
“Mmmm it feels so good, more, please deeper, fuck me!" I continued.
"I want your full balls to explode and shoot your hot boiling cum all over my body and into my mouth. I want to taste it!" I went on.
This turned him on more and his thrusts got faster and harder. He was dripping sweat all over me and onto the floor. His face was as red as a beetroot. His face displayed such intensity it looked as if it would crack.
The final thrust came. He took a deep breath, held it in and then he pulled his cock from my soaked pussy. His cock pulsated and throbbed and jumped as he moaned loudly again and again in unison with the rhythm. He shot a stream of white sticky cum into the air several times. I felt a blob land on my tits, another one in my dark pubic hair, and another on my arm. Then, just when we thought it was over, it jumped again and it shot cum high up, landing on the mirror beside us. A last spurt of cum shot up like a rocket and landed on my face. I looked into the mirror and saw white gooey sperm dripping down my chin.
We were both sweated out and wasted. He rubbed his cum into my tits as I wiped my chin and arm clean. We both smiled at each other with a glint in our eyes that needed no word to be spoken.
"I think we have just joined the mile-high club!" was all I could muster as I caught my breath in a laugh.
David laughed in response.
David got dressed, this time into his now-dry jeans. He opened the toilet door and went out first. I quickly locked it again behind him. I stayed a few more minutes as I wiped the sweat off my body and the cum out of my pubic region. I put my shirt back on and then put on my pair of tights. When I through, the coast was clear. I exited and walked back quickly to my seat.
Jenny was now awake and reading the in-flight magazine. David was sitting in his seat, drinking an orange juice.
"Are you okay, Rachel? You must have slept on your side of your face. Your chin looks so red?" she asked me.
"I am fine. I hate flying, so I had to run to the toilet to bring up," I lied, feeling a little guilty for what had transpired.
"Poor thing," she replied.
I sat back in my seat as David and Jenny spoke in the background. I was tired but I felt that blissful, relaxed, softened and satisfied feeling.
"Hey Rachel, I am sorry but I will need those tights back. They are my only pair and I have to wear them to the exhibition," Jenny requested.
"Jen, of course. I will have them washed at my hotel and I will bring them over to you straight afterward," I replied.
"No, you don't need to do that, my first appearance at the exhibition is an hour after landing so I will take them as they are. You really don't need to worry about cleaning them. It’s not like you have run a mile and sweated in them" Jenny said innocently.
I felt bad. The tights had been soaked with my juices.
I got up, fetched my jeans form the overhead locker and went back to the toilet to change.
I took off the tights. I tried to wash it around the groin area. I lifted them up to my nose and I smelt a strong, salty aroma. I took out my perfume and I sprayed the tights lightly. Little did she know what I had got up to with her boyfriend and now she would have to wear the tights that were soaked with my pussy juices-- all extracted by her boyfriend.
I got dressed in my jeans which were sort of dry. The plane landed and Jenny changed into the tights at the airport to make her way quickly through to the sportswear exhibition. I never saw David again. He tried to call me a few times, but the guilt prevented me from responding.
These sorts of experiences only present themselves a few times, so you got to get the best out of life and seize the day, as they say.
Carpe Diem!
The Mile High ClubBy Desired Pleasures ©2018Tiffany came to Las Vegas to tie up some affairs. She had left the k**s with her sister down in Hawaii. She was sitting all alone at the airport. As she looked around she caught a guy looking at her and she quickly turned away smiling. Tiffany comes from a small country town in on the Big Island of Hawaii so needless to say she was very shy. The announcement called for the boarding of her plane. As they boarded the plane, she noticed he was sitting...
Author's note: Hank and William's fourth case. Sorry this one took so long. Things have gotten a bit crazy since the new years. I might disappear again for a month or so after this one. Don't worry though, I don't intend to give up writing anytime soon. The Mile High Club by Hazel M "Ooh!" Mickey grunted, "Yeah baby, that's it." "Uhh, ooh, mmm," moaned the girl as his penis thrust into her vagina. She was on all fours. She was the best Mickey had ever had....
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Helen was at work feeling really excited about her forthcoming holiday to Tenerife with her husband James, they were due to get the train to the Airport tonight for the 21.30 flight. Her primary concern at the moment was what sexy outfit to wear for the outward journey she had already decided to wear her knee length black boots to allow her to wear both a sexy short skirt and her flight socks. Helen decided to go back to basics and wear the first underwear that James had got her 11 years ago...
On a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Los Angeles, Ryan happened to catch a near-empty 747. He was flying first class and with only four passengers in their section, there were four crew members to spoil them. Ryan was tired and still a little hung over from the night before, having smoked a few joints and consumed a good quantity of fabulous German wine. Ryan had deliberately chosen the window seat in the first row so he could put his feet on his briefcase, against the bulkhead, once they...
Quickie SexVirgin on the mile high club! I cleared passport control and went through the slow process of having my hand luggage checked before walking into the hustle and bustle of the Heathrow airport departure lounge. I stood there for a second, looking around at the multitude of shops and rest aurant’ s through the swarm of busy people as they passed the time while waiting for there flights to be called. Not one for shopping, and not at all hungry, the obvious choice for me was the nearest bar! I saw...
Stay the course: part four: Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club Please read the previous chapters to this story, it helps for the story line. My eyes widened and my hands shot to my collar wondering what had given it away. I felt my face a deep red when I realised that in my playing with it I had turned it right around so that the ring for my leash and the lock was visible. I just stared at Robert at a loss for words. Robert was still smiling at me then he whispered, “It’s ok Taatiana, I...
The day started out like any other. I got my flight briefing the night before and fuel calculations with winds and weather aloft as well as any catering requirements specific to the flight. From Van Nuys to Seattle was about 2-1/2 hours of flight time. Two female passengers are listed on the manifest. Catering was for champagne, fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate. Given the short distance and the fact that it was only two passengers seemed like a fairly reasonable request. In my...
Group SexThe Grandmother’s Club Where do I begin? Well my parents were childhood sweethearts. They lived right next door to one another the whole time that they were growing up. To this very day my two grandmothers live side by side in separate houses. They are both widowed and they have combined their backyards into one big yard. Mom and Dad said that their mothers had gone to a lawyer and entered into a partnership, which gave them almost the same rights as being a married couple. Mom and...
This is a true story it happened in 1978 on a red eye flight to Los Angeles, Ca. from new York City, NY. I met a young lady who had two c***dren with her so she had seats at the back of the plane. I was on stand by so I had to take what ever the airline gave me so I ended up in the tail of the airplane with this young lady and her two (2) c***dren. She was a very good looking lady with very fine legs beautiful hips (36′) a very small waist (24′) and a pair of great tits (36C) she was dressed in...
This is a true story it happened in 1978 on a red eye flight to Los Angeles, Ca. from new York City, NY. I met a young lady who had two c***dren with her so she had seats at the back of the plane. I was on stand by so I had to take what ever the airline gave me so I ended up in the tail of the airplane with this young lady and her two (2) c***dren. She was a very good looking lady with very fine legs beautiful hips (36") a very small waist (24") and a pair of great tits (36C) she was dressed in...
Hi my name is Mindy, I would like to tell you about my adventure during a flight to my husband and I's honeymoon. First of all im 39 years old, 5'5 with long blonde hair. I usually wear high heels with a nice summer dress.Anyways, my husband and I had boarded our flight for our honeymoon. He of course got the window seat, because he loves to look out when we are landing or taken off. So it was about 3 hours into the flight when I noticed a handsome young black man sitting across from me. He was...
Useful Definations: Cosplay - dressing up in costumes not on Halloween. Frequently associated with the Anime/Manga world. Bishonen - "beautiful boy" and reference to male characters who are as pretty as girls and often mistaken for them Bishie - slang for Bishonen Maid Cafe - Japanese cafe where the waitresses dress as french maids It was a cool night but most of the girls in line were still wearing mini skirts and micro tops. Most of the guys were the stylish kind and wore tight...
I recently learned that more than a few ladies are curious about the Mysterious Mile High Club. As a self-employed charter pilot, I usually spend a lot of time at the airport restaurant between flights, catching up on my paperwork. I must keep the FAA happy as they closely monitor commercial pilots to ensure we are safe pilots, our airplanes are legal and safe, and that we do not violate any of the Federal Rules regarding charter pilots. Ralph, a fellow Pilot, came in and sat down at my...
OccupationsIntroduction: The families that play together get layed a lot The Dallas Fathers Club There are fathers clubs all over the United States, probably all over the world, dedicated to the proposition that sex between parents and their children is a good thing. Of course you will not find them listed in the yellow pages or advertised on billboards, at least not in this country. However they do exist and they all seem to have many members. In fact I was surprised a secret of this sort could be so...
Best read in sequence with part 1. The airport at Dubai was modern and clean, and the luxury associated with the premier Arabian destination sparkled in every little corner. I was finally back in my clothes, and Tamara guided me to a VIP lounge and told me to take whatever snacks and drinks I wanted before giving me a quick kiss and heading off to join the rest of the crew for their transfer to their hotel. There were only two other people in the lounge. He was a young guy with a cute, blonde...
HardcoreMile High Club in a Balloon The morning air was cool but not cold. The summer heat would come later today, but for now it was just right. Just a touch of dew sparkled on the grassy in the park and there was a slight haze in the air. To the east the rocky crest of the Sandia Mountains was just getting touched by the first rays of sunrise. The sunrays streamed between the peaks like a Japanese fan. The moment was picture perfect. Then the sound of the gas engine of the inflation fan...
Group SexA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Naughty Daughter Joins the Club By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller, a young man barely in his twenties, worked fast in the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Orders had to be process, but all he could think about was the coming 10 AM break. The other men working in shipping moved fast, too. He'd never seen packages readied so fast. They were sending out...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
My girlfriend and I had to get up early to get to the launch site before sunrise. Don, the pilot, had told us that we have to start early because that is when the winds are calmer and the cooler air makes the balloon fly better. We hadn’t gotten much sleep at the hotel the night before. In anticipation of our great adventure, we had a long night of lovemaking. So, bleary-eyed and still a little fuzzy in the head, we headed out in the dark morning to have our first hot air balloon ride. A...
Mark There is some kind of mystique about the Mile High Club. To become an ‘official’ member, you need to fuck somebody in an airplane. I was a member. Elsa, Cindy, Sheila, and Melanie were members. The rest of the vacationers riding home on my custom 737 from Puerto Vallarta were not members when they got on the plane. Carter started things once we at altitude by raising the subject with KC – who also was not a member. The two of them decided that would be a fun thing to do. My large...
P.S. Any resemblance between the sexual personalities of the Jayney and Jack of this tale and the Jayney(Redd) and Jack(assTales) of XNXX are purely intentional! Miss Jayney’s Mile High Boy Toy If I had my way I believe I would ask pants designers to invent a way for teenager boys like me to hide their hard horny dicks so female personages could not become aware of them. I often wonder if those people even know the fact that guys who are sixteen like me can develop a hardon at the...
293 Mile high with SarahSarah was at this time a fairly flat chested youngster of shall we say just under 20, she`s never got much bigger than 32b even now, so no hourglass figure, not catwalk materiel, or a bra advertisement but a bright good looking lass, who like other collage age k**s was up for most things, and there are few on here that would turn her from his bed, me especially! she`s got something that attracts us men, don’t ask me what specifically, but, well… there is something and...
Ulrich Geller, a young man barely in his twenties, worked fast in the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Orders had to be process, but all he could think about was the coming 10 AM break. The other men working in shipping moved fast, too. He’d never seen packages readied so fast. They were sending out the various electronic components the Institute produced to pay the bills and support the creation of the Halos. At 10 AM, the shipping department would enjoy another round of...
I had thirty days left to find a way to make it to the Maldives, where I had promised to meet up with John, chat partner, cyber lover and, from the pictures he had sent me and which had me spend hours upon hours with my fingers between my thighs, stud extraordinaire. But how do you get halfway across the world when all you have left on your bank account are one-hundred and twenty-three dollars and eighteen cent? That was the question that I had been wracking my brain about for the last four...
Hardcore"Goodbye you two, don't get into any trouble while we're gone, no house parties," Billy Ray, our father said as he and my mother were exiting our home. "We won't, don't worry," Miley said sarcastically. With one last wave our parents had left the house and my incestuous adventures with Miley would soon begin. Me and Miley were sitting in the living room watching TV when I heard my stomach start to growl. "Hungry?", I asked Miley, "I can put a pizza into the oven. ...
There are fathers’ clubs all over the United States, probably all over the world, dedicated to the proposition that sex between parents and their children is a good thing. Of course you will not find them listed in the yellow pages or advertised on billboards, at least not in this country. However they do exist and they all seem to have many members. In fact I was surprised a secret of this sort could be so well kept. As a rule it is necessary to be an incestuous parent in order to find one...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
Incest"Wake up, sleepy head," he heard as he felt the light jab on his shoulder. He rolled over and looked for the alarm clock. 6 a.m.? He wondered what was up. He rolled back over and tried to focus on her shape in the dim light from the closet. She was dressed in her jeans and a white cotton t-shirt. The bed moved as she sat and began pulling on her socks and shoes. "What's up?" he asked groggily. "Come on, Darren. Mom'll be here to pick up the kids in a few minutes." "What's the...
Recently I had taken a trip to Dallas, Texas for business related manners. I've never flown before so I figured this would be an interesting experience. My flight was scheduled to leave the airport at 8 A.M. Meaning I had to be there at least an hour prior to take off to make it through security in time. I was nervous about the security procedure, not know what was gonna happen. I get through security and proceed to board the plane. As I'm walking into the entrance of the plane, I couldn't help...
Straight SexAs I stood in line waiting to board the plane, a blonde caught my attention through the bobbing heads of passengers waiting in line before me. I leaned to the left and right trying to get a better look but with no luck.As the line inched along and I got closer to boarding the plane, I got a better look at her. She was about five foot, seven inches with a killer body. I was hoping she would be serving me drinks on the plane in that tight pencil skirt. As I boarded, I noticed she had wings on...
Quickie SexAs I stood in line waiting to board the plane, a blonde caught my attention through the bobbing heads of passengers waiting in line before me. I leaned to the left and right trying to get a better look but with no luck.As the line inched along and I got closer to boarding the plane, I got a better look at her. She was about five foot, seven inches with a killer body. I was hoping she would be serving me drinks on the plane in that tight pencil skirt. As I boarded, I noticed she had wings on...
Quickie SexMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Michael looked in the bathroom mirror. He had just turned thirty-two in January, but due to a hectic work schedule of sixty plus hours a week, he felt twice as old. Although it was Saturday, he felt compelled to go into work, at least for two or three hours as he knew that his best friend, college buddy and partner, Jim Hutchinson would be there, as he was every day. Washing his face, Michael felt his chin. He hadn’t shaved in two days but, he detected only a hint of stubble and the fact that...
Mile High Greetings! This story idea came to me when I bumped into an excellent amid short piece of manga art on pixiv. I've already shared this little 'Escape' spinoff with a couple of friends and thought I'd share it with FM readers as well. Don't worry, I'm still working on the third chapter of Side Effects but hopefully you'll enjoy this short story while waiting for it. Let me know in the feedback what you think. Cheers! ***** Eric Roberts was reading a magazine while sitting...
Usually I love summer. An enthusiastic sun-worshipper, I am also addicted to being the object of admiration under any circumstances, and my body in a bikini is certain to attract attention from any red-blooded male within view. As a result, I like to spend my summers in tropical locales where I can live in a permanent state of near-nudity. The logical choice would have been to spend my summer in Florida where Kyle is training for the pro tennis tour, but I just couldn’t prolong the inevitable...
TabooDot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
".....we'll be cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet with and air speed of 480 knots, the weather is clear and we should reach Houston right on time, and thank you for flying World Air!!!" After Emma Burton had stared out the window at the fading lights of Seattle's skyline, she ordered a Bloody Mary from the hostess and buried her nose in the new novel she had purchased at the airport news stand, and while she was just about getting into the plot when she was interrupted by her young seat...
EroticTugging on my hand Joe pulled me into the small bathroom cubicle. “Joe..the family, they're right out there!” I whisper as he pulled me.“Chill babe, they're asleep, and god..I need you,” he whispered back huskily. Pushing the door open with one hand, he connected our lips together in a needy kiss. Releasing my lips he kissed a trail down my neck, sucking lightly at the hollow of my neck before moving further down, coming to kneel in front of me. He lifted my right leg, kissing the inside of my...
Quickie SexIt had been a spectacularly successful trip to the States. The Americans he had negotiated with had displayed the warmth and generosity the nation was renowned for. Not that they been pushovers. Behind the geniality was the hard-nosed business acumen necessary to get to the top in this most competitive of democracies - and stay there. His ideas for selling their products in "darkest Africa" were imaginative and sound. He was an entrepreneur with a great track record and they were keen to...
Tugging on my hand Joe pulled me into the small bathroom cubicle. “Joe..the family, they’re right out there!” I whisper as he pulled me. “Chill babe, they’re asleep, and god..I need you,” he whispered back huskily. Pushing the door open with one hand, he connected our lips together in a needy kiss. Releasing my lips he kissed a trail down my neck, sucking lightly at the hollow of my neck before moving further down, coming to kneel in front of me. He lifted my right leg, kissing the inside of...
For about the twentieth time, I looked down the aisle to see why we were not departing. To my surprise, coming down the aisle towards me, was an attractive dark haired woman. Behind her I noticed the hostess closing the front door. I though she looked Brazilian, dark hair, olive complexion and wearing a dark blue dress that was buttoned right down the front. The dress was fitting at the top, where it was stitched in patterns with light blue cotton, highlighting her breasts, and then flaring out...
Recently I had taken a trip to Dallas, Texas for business related manners. I’ve never flown before so I figured this would be an interesting experience. My flight was scheduled to leave the airport at 8 A.M. Meaning I had to be there at least an hour prior to take off to make it through security in time. I was nervous about the security procedure, not know what was gonna happen. I get through security and proceed to board the plane. As I’m walking into the entrance of the plane, I couldn’t help...
*This is a work of fiction. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. In January 2010, I had decided to go backpacking with my friends to West Bengal, to the Sunderbans (A royal Bengal Tiger Reserve) and surrounding areas. Due to certain scheduling problems, all my friends had left before me by train, while I had to catch a flight to meet up with them in Kolkata. Unfortunately, being on a shoestring budget, the only flight I could afford was this horrid thing, at 2 am in the morning, when no...
You have to hit rock bottom before you see the light. That's what went through Chase's mind as he awoke the next morning. Last night had definitely been rock bottom for him. But despite the crashing headache, and the mild ache in his balls, Chase had definitely awoken with a new outlook on life. Not surprisingly, Mindy was nowhere to be seen. But what did surprise Chase was the pretty young woman bent over going through the room's dresser. It appeared that she was packing their bags....
Trent Boyd hefted his small attache' case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Trent's sixth visit to the Crescent City and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the food,...
EroticOur Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Missy Drinks CumThe Phish Shows were over and the next thing Missy knew, she was on a plane to Tampa Bay. The last few days had been a whirlwind for her, since she had to quit her job, sub-let her apartment, and went on tour where she had met Johnny. Johnny and her had struck a deal.Johnny had offered to pay her to be his cock sucking cum slut for the 2 day Tahoe shows this past summer. Missy turned out to be what she projected and more. She was an insatiable semen slurper. Johnny was in love,...