Mile High Club free porn video

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For about the twentieth time, I looked down the aisle to see why we were not departing. To my surprise, coming down the aisle towards me, was an attractive dark haired woman. Behind her I noticed the hostess closing the front door. I though she looked Brazilian; dark hair, olive complexion and wearing a dark blue dress that was buttoned right down the front. The dress was fitting at the top, where it was stitched in patterns with light blue cotton; highlighting her breasts, and then flaring out over her hips, down to her ankles.

I had just spent a few days in Milan on company business, and had boarded a British Airways flight for London, departing Milan at 7:50 p.m. The flight was not that full, so I asked for a row of seats to myself, as it had been a tough set of meetings and I wanted to catch some sleep, even though the flight was not all that long.

Because I was rather late to the check-in, I was informed that the only free row was down near the back. As I walked down the aisle, I noted that the rows towards the back of the plane all only had one or two persons in them, so plenty of people had the same idea as I did. When I got to my seat, I found that I was in the second to last row – the row behind me was empty, I guessed it had been left free for the stewardesses to place their bags.

My seat was the aisle seat (I always ask for that) and I sat myself down, expecting to move over and spread out once the plane was in the air. I was one of the last to board, so I glanced down the aisle, watching the final passengers for anyone that may have been placed in my row.

When there had been no passengers boarding for ten minutes or more, I started wondering what the delay was. That is until I saw Miss Brazil hit the aisle. As she walked towards me I couldn’t help but wish I had not asked for a row to myself, as she really was a very attractive lady. Then she came right down to the back, right beside me, looked at her ticket and exclaimed that she was sitting in the window seat of my row. I did not complain, but leapt up, helped her get her travel bag into the overhead locker and ushered her past me.

Once she was seated and had her handbag under the seat in front, I leaned across and spoke.

“You only just made the flight.”

“Yes, the bus from Verona to the airport was held up. It was a long ride getting here,” she answered.

I thought she sounded very nervous and thought to myself, that she looked a bit stressed out.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I’m going home to visit my family in Argentina,” she replied.

Ah! I thought, not Miss Brazil after all, she must have been Miss Argentina.

I would have left her alone then, as I find most passengers just want to have their own space when flying. But she struck up a conversation and although nervous, seemed to want my companionship. In the next five minutes I found out that her name was Senalda, but that her friends called her “Sena”. She was thirty two and she was married to an Italian guy in Verona, she had lived there for five years and been back home for monthly visits twice in those five years. This time she was going back for two months. I also found out she absolutely hated flying, in her words - it terrified her. She spoke English really well, with the sexiest accent, as you can imagine with that Latin blood.

In response to her questions, I told her that I was from New Zealand, had spent a few days in Milan on business and was visiting friends in London before travelling back home. I also mentioned to her that I was at least twenty years older than her, which she wouldn’t believe. No one ever picks my age, but it is always nice when people argue that you must be much younger.

As the engines started up, Sena leaned over and asked if I would sit by her, as she was scared. So I lifted the arm rest, undid my belt and slid across into the centre seat. I was expecting the air hostess sat in the rear galley to jump up and tell me off, they usually do, but they were already all buckled in somewhere behind in the galley and could not see me. I looked to see what the guy in the row opposite ours was thinking, but noted he was a very large man and already had his eyes closed, with his head on a pillow up against his window.

Sena seemed very keen to keep talking; I expect that her fear was driving her to be so talkative. It certainly was not upsetting me; I am always keen to entertain a pretty woman. I proceeded to tell Sena that I had been an aircraft engineer and had my private pilot’s license and there was absolutely nothing to be afraid of. However I quickly noted by the panic stricken look on her face, that whatever I said, I was not going to alleviate her fear by telling her it was OK. I was at a bit of a loss as to what to do to help her. So I told her a couple of funny jokes and had her laughing, albeit nervous laughter.

Then the aircraft bumped back, as the Tug moved the plane from the gate.

“Will you hold my hand?” she exclaimed.

Before I could even move to comply, she reached over and wrenched my hand over her side of the armrest and gripped it in her lap with both hands. I swivelled around to look at her, and found myself looking into the eyes of one very frightened lady. I shifted my right hand onto her leg, with absolutely no intention other than to comfort her and let her know I was calm and everything was going to be alright.

But her reaction was quite the opposite of what I expected. Her legs parted slightly and she looked pleadingly into my eyes.

That slight of movement from Sena, the slightest opening movement of her legs, was enough. It told me that even though she was terrified, or probably because of it, she needed comforting. Just to be sure, I leant over and whispered in her ear, “Would you like me to take your mind off everything?”

I think she was too scared to talk, she just nodded at me. I moved my hand a little higher, pushed down, taking the dress in between her legs and stroked the material up and down just above the knee. I felt my fingers on the buttons, so slipped them through the buttons and stroked the bare flesh of her inner thigh.

I don’t think Sena had really comprehended what my idea of comforting was, She nervously looked around to see who was watching. I could not believe she was going along with this. I guessed she was just wanting comfort and not really thinking too far ahead, about where things may lead to. About this time they dimmed the lights for take-off, with an announcement that you could turn your reading light on if you wanted to read.

I leaned over to her again. “The hostesses are all buckled in and won’t get up until we are airborne. And the guy opposite seems to be fast asleep, so relax and I will watch to see no one is looking.”

She didn’t relax, but she didn’t stop me moving my hand higher either. I couldn’t believe my luck, and thought, What the fuck – I may as well go for the sky. So I slipped my hand out from between her legs and opened the two buttons in her lap. She gave me a bit of a worried look (that is on top of the look of terror that was still deeply set in her eyes), so I gave her my best smile and told her it would be OK and I would keep a lookout.

Sena leant forward and grabbed the blanket from the floor and pulled it up onto her knees. I knew then for certain that I could do almost whatever I liked, so I flicked the rest of the buttons open right down to her knees and opened the blanket up for her a bit so she could cover herself if needed.

The blanket seemed to give her some security, and she opened her legs a bit more. I spread her dress apart and took in the view of her beautiful tanned legs all the way up to a pair of white lace knickers. Her seat belt actually helped to keep the dress apart at her waist and I undid two more of the lower buttons and slipped the dress outside her knees. Moving my hand back between her legs, I massaged from her knees right up to those lacy almost transparent knickers.

All this time we had been running down the taxiway, but suddenly we stopped. Sena jerked her legs together, covered herself and looked to see what was happening. I calmly leaned over to her ear and explained we were just in the queue waiting for permission to take off. I pushed the blanket to the side, applied slight pressure and she opened her legs again.

Again I proceeded to stroke may hand from knee to crotch, lingering around her mound each time I reached the top of her legs and giving it nudges with my knuckles. This seemed to be having the desired affect and calming her a little, so at the end of one stroke, I cupped her mound and pushed a finger against her slit. Keeping a little pressure on, my finger worked her knickers into the warm confines between her pussy lips.

Suddenly there was an announcement from the captain. Sena grabbed the blanket back into her lap, but I didn’t remove my hand.

“This is the captain speaking. We are behind three other aircraft waiting for clearance to take off. There is going to be a slight delay of maybe ten minutes or so. Please stay in your seats and relax, we will be on our way soon.”

Wow, this was getting better and better, there was going to be at least fifteen minutes before we were likely to have anyone moving about the aisle. I glanced across at the guy next door; he was still fast asleep, so if the captain’s message had not woken him, I was pretty certain he was going to stay out to it. I just kept moving my hand slowly up and then down in between her legs, all the time feeling her panties getting wet around my finger.

Moving my hand away from her panties, I stroked down inside one leg and up the other leg. Now that there was more time, I did not want to move too quickly. But every time my hand reached the top of her legs, I made sure it brushed across her mound and down the other leg again. Her knickers now had a dark wet stain on them and that had made them almost transparent; I could see a narrow landing strip of black pubic hairs pointing down to the wet patch that now revealed the glistening, pouting lips of her pussy.

I got a desperate urge to see more, so I took her hand that was holding the blanket and moved it up to her left hip and hooked her fingers under the thin strip of lace on that side of her briefs, then took the band the was on her right hip in my hand and started to pull her briefs down.

Again, amazingly, she didn’t hesitate and lifted up a bit and helped me pull them down to just above her knees. This was too easy; I kept pulling them past her knees, deciding I wanted a souvenir. Sena put up the first real resistance when I pulled her panties over her knees and down to her feet.

“Relax; it is going to feel really sexy and erotic without them on.” I breathed in her ear.

She gave up reluctantly and lifted each foot to let me take them off. I placed her panties down between my legs, and then returned to stroking her legs and running my fingers up around her mound. Looking into her eyes, I could see she was still really terrified.

I felt the plane move forward and knew we were that much closer to the runway. I only had one hand to work with still; as Sena still had a very firm grip on my left hand which she was holding against her stomach. The next time I dragged my fingers up her legs I moved them up through her slit around her clit, close but not touching it and tried to lift her hand away from mine.

But she was having none of it, she just gripped it tighter. So I returned down, cupped her mound and slid my fingers in between her lips. It was like playing a flute, every finger had a part to play, I sorted out all the most sensitive spots and moved her juices around so every finger was picking up juice from her vaginal opening and spreading it over the lips, clit and down onto her butt hole.

Sena’s legs spread as wide as the armrests would allow, she was becoming aroused. I re-arranged my fingers so that two of them were pushing against her opening, while the others were still working each side of her clit and opening her up like a flower, so I could watch what was happening. She was moving her hips slightly now, the movements were an attempt to get my fingers up inside her, but I kept them just at the entrance and didn’t let them slip in more the a few millimetres.

The plane moved forward again – another plane taken off.

This time she didn’t give a startled jerk, but I think she realised that time was running out, as she let go of the blanket moved her hand between her legs and tried to push my fingers into herself. I let them slip in a small amount and then held them there, bending the tips up onto the roof of her vagina and continued to work on her clit with my thumb and first finger.

She was definitely working at getting herself of now, so I helped out by moving my left hand down to her mound and rolling it over so that her own fingers on the hand still gripping mine, rested up against her clitoris. I then indicated that she should work at it herself. She pulled her fingers away, looked at me and mouthed “No,” so I mouthed back “Yes,” pulled my fingers out of her and with my left hand rolled hers back against her clit again. As she touched it I pushed my fingers in again, but again she tried to move them away, so I pulled my fingers all the way out of her this time.

Sena, finally started to work out that I really wanted to see her play with herself, and she tentatively put her fingers back on her clit, to which I slipped two fingers back into her and as deep as I could get them this time. She arched her back and tried to slip down the seat a little more, so I eased the seat belt open giving her some freedom.

The plane now swung around in an arc, and I knew they were lining up ready for the take-off. The sound of the engines increased and I felt the brakes release.

I upped the tempo, thrusting two fingers firmly as deep as I could get them and started sliding a third finger through her juices, in anticipation of trying to insert that as well. Sena was now working hard at getting herself of; her fingers were moving erratically over her clit or down to feel my own fingers slipping into her. Watching this had me almost coming, my prick was jerking and hurting it was so hard.

With my left hand now free, I moved it up and massage her breasts, through the material of her dress. While I slipped the third finger in and pushed into her hard with little jerks to try and get the three fingers in deeper still. She was so close, I leaned in and licked and nibbled at her ear. I don’t know if that tipped her over the edge but she came hard. Thank god the engines were roaring, as she let out a long moan of ecstasy and I could hear it even though she had her mouth closed tight.

Sena’s legs had closed around my hand, so I couldn’t have pulled my fingers out even if I had wanted to. She did pull the blanket up and covered herself and coyly hid her face in my neck as she slowly came down from her orgasm. The she whispered in my ear that she wanted to go to the toilet.

I looked around; we were still all alone, although I could hear the hostesses moving about in the rear galley, as we were climbing away from the runway now. I noted that the seat belt lights were still on.

“We can’t get up yet, the seatbelt lights are on. Can you hold on for a few minutes?”

“Yes! But shift your hand out gently, I need to button my dress up,” said Sena.

“I’ll have to come with you, I need relief; look what you have done to me,” I said, pulling her hand into my lap and placing it on my very hard cock.

As Sena started buttoning up her dress, I lifted the blanket onto both our laps, but held it up a few inches to give her some privacy. Just as well, as one of the hostesses strode off down the cabin and looked in at us as she passed. Within seconds the other hostess also took off to the front of the aircraft. I saw our opportunity to move, even though the seatbelts were still lit up.

“Come on, there is no one back here now let’s go.”

“I haven’t got all my buttons done up yet.”

“Doesn’t matter, if we move quick there is no one to see us. Come on,” I said.

As I had stood up, I noticed Sena’s panties were on my seat; I grabbed these and slipped them into my pocket, then held her arm and helped her get out into the isle.

We clumsily manoeuvred ourselves out between the seats and the two or three steps across the aisle, with Sena clutching the bottom half of her dress closed. I opened one of the toilets and guided Sena in, then followed her in as well. She balked a bit at this and said I should use the one opposite. But I was having none of that and squeezed in then shut the door.

There wasn’t a lot of room, but there was more than I had expected. I could see that Sena was reluctant to go to the toilet in front of me, so I reached around her and lifted her dress up past her waist, then pushed her down onto the toilet seat. Then I released my uncomfortably hard prick from my trousers and gave it a few strokes to relieve the pressure.

Amazingly, Sena leaned forward pushed my hands out of the way and took me in her mouth.

“What a beautiful big cock…” Sena declared softly, peering around the side of it.

I heard her pee hitting the toilet base and bent down; spread her legs so I could watch and stood there in ecstasy as she worked on giving me some relief. Problem was, I was not going to last more than seconds if she kept this up and I now really wanted to fuck her. I suddenly realised that my dream of joining the mile high club, was for the first time in my life, a distinct possibility.

Her pee slowed down and then there were just a couple of drips, so I lifted her under her arms and stood her up against the hand basin. Reaching down with my left hand I held her under her knee and lifted her leg up onto the toilet seat. Then bending my knees, I used the same hand to rub the head of my cock up and down her slit.

I don’t know why but I expected some resistance. But there was none, Sena was into this as much as I was now. She lifted up on her toes and moved forward until her mound was against my stomach; then reached around behind herself, between her legs and pulled me into her. I leaned back and undid all the buttons she had just re-done. But kept going until I had her Bra exposed and this I lifted up above her breasts and bent to work on her nipples with my lips.

“Oh yes, I like that, the other one too,” she exclaimed.

I leaned back and took in the view. This I had to burn into my memory, it was unlikely to ever happen again. Sena was a very attractive lady, she had her eyes clenched firmly shut and was now thrusting her hips against me. I had to clench my butt cheeks together and think of non-sexual activities to stop from coming, I really wanted this to last.

I had to close my eyes, as looking at her working at getting another orgasm, was going to bring me off just as quickly as fucking her. I gripped her butt hard to stop her movements, and quietly whispered in her ear, for her to give me a minute. Slowly the urge to cum subsided.

I opened my eyes again, to see that she was now watching me.

“You are very beautiful and I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.”

Still looking into my eyes, she replied, “You are very beautiful as well.”

Not sure if I was OK about being called beautiful, but you had to forgive her when she used that sexy Latin accent.

I started moving into her again, then eased her leg to one side and lowered the toilet seat. Reached up and removed her dress from her shoulders, sort of folded it up and dropped it over the toilet. What the hell! I undid her bra and placed that on top of her dress. She was now totally nude apart from her shoes, and offered no resistance, just started moving her hips in to meet my thrusts.

Sena was no longer seated on the basin; she had lifted herself off by clasping her hands behind my neck. One hand I slipped behind her arse and used it to pull her against me, the other I massaged her breasts and pulled on her nipples. They were hard and very dark against the light olive complexion of her breasts.

In no time I was ready to come again.

“Shit hold still, I don’t want to come yet.”

“I think we need to be quick, before someone comes,” said Sena.

“The first person to come is going to be me. Fuck them they can just wait.”

This time I just held still and clenched down hard to let the building tension ease away. But it was not going away, so I pulled out of her and sank down onto my knees. On the way down I pulled and rolled each of her nipples between my lips, then ran my tongue over her stomach and through her bush. I took both her arse cheeks in my hands and pulled her onto me. I savoured the aroma and buried my tongue as deep as I could; I was rewarded with a flow of sweet nectar. Sena made little circular motions, rubbing her clit onto my front teeth and upper lip.

I was still really close to cumming, but just managed to ward it off. However, I was enjoying the pleasure I was obviously giving Sena, and so I stayed on my knees and worked my tongue around the folds of her pussy, making sure my upper lip was constantly in contact with her now very erect clit.

Sena had sat back onto the basin, she dropped her hands to my head and was guiding me into the places that needed attention. She was pushing onto me with little gyrations of her hips. I could see she was going to cum again, so I slipped a finger into her arse and wrapped my lips around her engorged clit and sucked hard. Sena let out a load moan, clamped her legs together around my head and her body spasmed and jerked as she reached another mind blowing orgasm.

I started to panic, I couldn’t move it was so cramped and I seriously started to worry about the lack of air. Just as I was thinking about how to get her off me, she reached down and pulled me to my feet. She opened her legs, lifted one onto the toilet seat again and pulled me against her. I wasn’t going to fuck about any more, I just grabbed my prick and pushed it between her legs, rubbed it around in her juices and then slid straight back into her.

Sena arched her back and pushed down to meet my thrusts and we quickly fell into a rhythm together. The funny thing was that I didn’t even feel the urge to cum now. I pumped away until I felt her getting quite urgent again. She had her head nuzzled into my neck and I watched her in the mirror, as she started to shudder and buck against me again.

Finally as she was settling down, I felt my own orgasm building. So I upped the tempo and pumped away until I shot about five days of cum into her. She just clung to me, as I slowly stroked away as my erection faded. We kissed for a minute, then I helped her get her bra and dress back on.

Pulling my trousers up, I told her I would leave first and let her dress and tidy herself up. I cracked the door very carefully, noted there was no one waiting and slipped out the door. Both hostesses were back preparing the drinks and food trolleys. One of them gave me a very knowing look, but I ignored her and took the couple of steps back to my seat.

As I gripped the seat back to slide into our row, the woman in front of us looked up at me, smiled and gave me a wink. I turned red with embarrassment, she obviously was very aware of all that had happened. I’m not one to get embarrassed very easily; I think it was more for Sena than myself really.

Sena came back to her seat a few minutes later; I gave her arse a nice squeeze as she slid past me into her seat.

“I need my panties back; I have none to put on before I get to Argentina.”

“No, I am keeping them to remember you by.”

“But I am going to leak all over my dress.”

“I’ll get you some towels.” I realised I needed to pee really badly. And so hopped up and headed back to the toilet.

Again the hostess gave me a strange look as I opened the toilet door. I hope she didn’t think I was going back in there to masturbate! The toilet smelled of sex, mixed with the deodoriser smells they use.

After peeing and slipping about four of the cotton hand towels into my pocket, I let myself out of the toilet. There were a couple of people waiting to use it now. Again I felt a deep embarrassing red creep over me, as it came to me that the woman waiting to go in there was going to think I had masturbated in there, the smell of sex was so obvious to me.

Back at the seat, I handed Sena the hand towels and watched as she slid a couple of them between her legs and around under her. I found this very sexy, and felt I could probably have another session and get off again. But it was not possible there were now a steady stream of people coming back to use the toilets. Life can be very tough sometimes!

We talked for the next hour and had a light snack that the hostesses brought around. Sena blushed as he told me that I had taken her mind of her fear of flying. But it hadn’t removed her fear totally; she was still a bit nervous. She said she couldn’t believe what we had done; she had been brought up with chaperones until she was twenty and reckoned she had only ever slept with her husband before.

I couldn’t get my mind of the fact that I was sitting next to a very attractive lady, who had nothing on under her dress. And so jokingly placed my hand above her knee again and said I had better remove some more of her fear.

Sena gasped and said, “No, look at all the people around now.”

She was right, but I left my hand on her knee and whenever the coast was clear, would move my hand up to the top of her thighs and brush my fingers against her mound. She would half-heartedly try to hold my hand away, but really didn’t put up much of a fight.

About half an hour out from landing in London, the captain came over the intercom again and gave us our estimated time for arriving outside the terminal and informed the hostesses to start preparing the cabin for landing. Sena grabbed my hand again, and when I glanced into her eyes, I saw that the fear was back again.

So I reached over and lifted the blanket back onto her knees, then slipped a couple of fingers between the buttons again and let them brush against the lips where I guessed her clit to be. Again she was gripping my hand so hard, it was close to being painful, but she didn’t try to stop those fingers moving around. So I pressed a little harder, so that her lips parted and the fingers slipped in between the lips and into the warm, drenched slit that contained her little nub of pleasure.

Sena gave a little mew of pleasure; she opened her legs slightly and pulled my fingers hard against herself. I wanted to start frigging her off, but noticed the hostess coming towards us down the aisle, checking seat-belts. I had to remove my hand and shift the blanket down, so that the fastened seat-belt was visible, and then got Sena to release my hand, so I could fasten my own. As soon as the hostess had passed and it looked like they were getting strapped in themselves. Sena grabbed my hand back again and thrust in down between her legs.

I half turned towards her and used my right hand to open a couple of buttons, then slipped two fingers back into her velvety smoothness , the lips parted around my fingers and I settled one on each side of her clit. Moving the fingers in little short strokes got some rapturous squeaks and moans from Sena. I guess she knew the drill with the hostesses now and was showing no signs of worry about their catching us.

Sena was very wet, I pushed further down and felt around her opening, she slid down on the seat, opened her legs and tried to pull my fingers into herself. The angle was all wrong for me with that hand, so I fought against her and slid my fingers back up to her nub of pleasure. Now with my right hand, I probed around her entrance then inserted two fingers, bending them up at the ends and rubbing the tips against her “G” Spot.

This certainly had the effect I was hoping for. Sena gyrated her hips around my hand and her juices flowed freely. I upped the tempo and was rewarded with Sena having another explosive orgasm. I left my hands where they were and let her slowly come down. A few minutes later the plane touched down at Heathrow. She cleaned herself with the handtowels and buttoned up; all her inhibitions around me had disappeared. She did ask me again for her knickers, but I was adamant they were now mine.

As the plane was taxiing to the terminal, I glanced over at the big guy in the opposite row. He was staring over at us, and I have no idea when he had woken up, but I was pretty certain by the look on his face, he had seen some of what had happened before we landed. He looked away a bit embarrassed, but had a faint smile on his face.

I didn’t mention anything to Sena, I’m certain she would have been mortified. We dis-embarked together, and walked as far as the transit lounge entry. I gave her a kiss goodbye, and parted with reluctance.

So I had finally managed to join the mile high club, albeit around twenty or thirty years later than I ever expected to.

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The Mile High Club

I always hated flying. It's not that it scared me or made me sick, it's just that I thought it was a terrible waste of good working time. That time spent in the air and on layovers could be put to so much better use than just sitting there. I didn't mind trains, because you could actually get some work done on them - providing they weren't too crowded. Unfortunately, trains don't cross oceans very well and since most of my business travel was overseas, that posed a problem. But my views on air...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Mile High Club

For about the twentieth time, I looked down the aisle to see why we were not departing. To my surprise, coming down the aisle towards me, was an attractive dark haired woman. Behind her I noticed the hostess closing the front door. I though she looked Brazilian, dark hair, olive complexion and wearing a dark blue dress that was buttoned right down the front. The dress was fitting at the top, where it was stitched in patterns with light blue cotton, highlighting her breasts, and then flaring out...

1 year ago
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Mile High Club

Recently I had taken a trip to Dallas, Texas for business related manners. I’ve never flown before so I figured this would be an interesting experience. My flight was scheduled to leave the airport at 8 A.M. Meaning I had to be there at least an hour prior to take off to make it through security in time. I was nervous about the security procedure, not know what was gonna happen. I get through security and proceed to board the plane. As I’m walking into the entrance of the plane, I couldn’t help...

2 years ago
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Mile High Club

*This is a work of fiction. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. In January 2010, I had decided to go backpacking with my friends to West Bengal, to the Sunderbans (A royal Bengal Tiger Reserve) and surrounding areas. Due to certain scheduling problems, all my friends had left before me by train, while I had to catch a flight to meet up with them in Kolkata. Unfortunately, being on a shoestring budget, the only flight I could afford was this horrid thing, at 2 am in the morning, when no...

1 year ago
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Mile high club

Trent Boyd hefted his small attache' case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Trent's sixth visit to the Crescent City and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the food,...

2 years ago
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Mile High Fuckation

I was waiting for Mary at the gate where her flight from O'Hare was scheduled to arrive. Fortunately it was a few minutes early, so I watched as the plane emptied out into Denver International Airport. I had arrived a couple of hours earlier from Love Field in Dallas, so I used the interval to rent a car. My phone pinged an incoming message - "Getting off now" I replied "What, you're having an orgasm on the plane already?" "LOL" she answered back.Then she appeared at the gate. I recognized...

2 years ago
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Mile High Slut

Shelly clicked her ruby red heels through the International Terminal, her tight pinstripe mini skirt accentuating a firm, rounded ass. The blue, curve-hugging cashmere sweater with plunging neckline displayed her ample assets. Meticulously manicured nails were lacquered in red, and her honey blonde hair curled over straight shoulders. Rounded, innocent looking eyes looked out of a beautiful face. The thin, black, leather choker with the gleaming silver wings was slightly out of character. She...

3 years ago
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Mile High caught in panties and pegged at 30000

Mile High (caught in panties and pegged at thirty thousand feet)By Mikaho, Edited by g1dnshwrgr1I boarded the plan and was taking my seat when I noticed the most mature of the three stewardesses.  She was beautiful with a classic flair; her pencil skirt perfectly presented an hourglass waist, defined hips, and a round butt.The image of her shapely form flitted around the edge of my thoughts as I started answering email on my phone and quickly drifted into a hyper-focused state;  oblivious to...

3 years ago
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High School Flasher Club

High School Flasher Club I wanted to start a photography club in my high school but no one wanted to join. I was always considered a nerd and photography just wasn’t cool. Their loss. I got my sister to help me out. Natalie was a year younger than I was but she was certainly no nerd. In fact Natalie was part of the cool group. She was very pretty, well built, and quite popular too. At fifteen and in the ninth grade Natalie was always good to me. I was sixteen, in the tenth...

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As the boy puts his hands under her ass and slides his tongue along her wet lips I commence licking and sucking her nipples. I have a full-on, thick, nine-inch erection as my lady soaks up sexual pleasure from two males. I can’t see our toy boy’s cock, but I know from seeing him in the gym he is almost as big as me. I also know he is bisexual. A week ago, when I first told Sarah about him she was determined to have him. She has a thing about younger bisexual men. “Make it happen, soon,”...

1 year ago
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As the boy puts his hands under her ass and slides his tongue along her wet lips I commence licking and sucking her nipples. I have a full-on, thick, nine-inch erection as my lady soaks up sexual pleasure from two males. I can’t see our toy boy’s cock, but I know from seeing him in the gym he is almost as big as me. I also know he is bisexual. A week ago, when I first told Sarah about him she was determined to have him. She has a thing about younger bisexual men. “Make it happen, soon,”...

2 years ago
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Mile High Ch2

Mile High Ch.2 Greetings readers! I'm happy to share with you the second chapter of this AER spin-off. Thanks for all the feedbacks for 'Side Effects Ch.4' and I'm glad that it was rather well received. I really like the ideas some of you have shared as well. Hopefully, you'll like this one as much. Please do drop in a feedback or two to let me know. Thanks and enjoy! I would like to reiterate that all characters in this story are at least eighteen during their involvement in any...

2 years ago
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Helen joins the mile high club

Once in the air she whispered to me “Fred, have you ever joined the mile-high club.” “Yes. Sure. Why?” “Because I haven't and I want to.” I beckoned the hostess, slipped her $100 and asked “Can we use your galley area for 10 minutes.” “Sure. Do you want me to keep watch for you?” “Yes please.” We slipped unobtrusively into the galley area and the hostess pulled the curtain to give us privacy. Helen hitched her skirt up around her waist and I undid my zip and slid into her pussy. I reached...

1 year ago
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Milena My Wife and Her Uncle

-------------- I froze. My lips were dry, again. My hands kept trying to open the lid of the water bottle, but they were sweating, I was always sweating here. What is happening? I thought. I remembered my step-father, commenting what had become my new personal mantra: ‘You can’t escape the sun there’. I didn’t remember his exact words but I knew that’s what he’d meant. The plastic crumpled as I forced it with more violence than I’d meant to use. The water here had a faint metallic taste....

1 year ago
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The Mile High Club

The Mile High ClubBy Desired Pleasures ©2018Tiffany came to Las Vegas to tie up some affairs. She had left the k**s with her sister down in Hawaii. She was sitting all alone at the airport. As she looked around she caught a guy looking at her and she quickly turned away smiling. Tiffany comes from a small country town in on the Big Island of Hawaii so needless to say she was very shy. The announcement called for the boarding of her plane. As they boarded the plane, she noticed he was sitting...

4 years ago
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Mile high shemale

“Curious? Bi?” Well, yes, but only with a shemale. Beyond that I’m a firmly planted heterosexual.For many years I longed to have sex with a shemale but never did anything about it. (I’m not much of an initiator).The community I live in has lots of shemale beauts; maybe that started my interest. One such ravishing creature has a gallery close to my office, and I fantasize every time I see her in the coffee shop. She also has an eye popping diamond on her ring finger.Once in a while I’d visit...

3 years ago
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Mileys Harem Ch 01

The room was lavishly decorated with beautiful furniture, a large mirror and dressing area, and the bed's satin sheets were lusciously smooth against her skin. As Taylor looked around, she noticed a large closet full of clothing and a luxurious bathroom complete with a large shower and hot tub. As Taylor was trying to figure out where she was, the others were waking up in their respective rooms. Unbeknownst to Taylor, Anna Kendrick, Demi Lovato, and her friend Selena Gomez were all...

1 year ago
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The Mile High Club

Author's note: Hank and William's fourth case. Sorry this one took so long. Things have gotten a bit crazy since the new years. I might disappear again for a month or so after this one. Don't worry though, I don't intend to give up writing anytime soon. The Mile High Club by Hazel M "Ooh!" Mickey grunted, "Yeah baby, that's it." "Uhh, ooh, mmm," moaned the girl as his penis thrust into her vagina. She was on all fours. She was the best Mickey had ever had....

3 years ago
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Milena need for seed

After milena posted a request on a cumslut adding site, in order to quench her thirst of cum, she didn't expect any answer so fast.A sex shop owner organize a cumparty for her. During the walk from her condo, she can't stop thinking about semen, thick veiny dick swollen with cum,spurting theirs man juice on her face, in her mouth.When she arrived at the backdoor of the sexshop, it was opened with a banner where it's wroten "Enter here, ye who is cum thirsthy"As milena was aroused by the banner...

4 years ago
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The High Mile Club

I was returning from Europe from a short vacation away from reality. God know I needed it so much. I guess I went a little wild while I was there, maybe you could call it the forties crisis. I even had a tattoo made. Me, the person always saying tattoos were too permanent for me. But, yes, I had a tattoo, just in my left inner wrist of the BDSM symbol. I’ve wanted to do it ever since I recognized my submissive nature and so I finally did it. Anyway, my watch will cover it most of the times....

Quickie Sex
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Mile High Quickie

Mile High Quickie Don Abdul ©2009 ‘Excuse me ma’am, may I sit next to you. My seat is so far away from everyone else and I have such a craving for human proximity’, the strange man joked casually. Without even looking up at him, she shrugged her shoulders as if to say ‘suit yourself’. He clearly was the convivial type, and she was already bracing herself for a long and boring flight made even worse by sitting next to a chatterbox. This was a rather different turn of events for her though, as...

3 years ago
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Mile High Club in a Balloon

Mile High Club in a Balloon The morning air was cool but not cold.  The summer heat would come later today, but for now it was just right.  Just a touch of dew sparkled on the grassy in the park and there was a slight haze in the air.  To the east the rocky crest of the Sandia Mountains was just getting touched by the first rays of sunrise.  The sunrays streamed between the peaks like a Japanese fan. The moment was picture perfect. Then the sound of the gas engine of the inflation fan broke...

2 years ago
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Mile high triple blow job and fuck

Theresa and Sheryl hadn’t had a weekend off in weeks. Their busy schedule, recording their latest albums had taken priority. That was out of the way though and now they could spend some girl time together. Their widely publicised lesbian affair had caused one of the biggest nights in Twitter history but had done their album sales no harm. Now the girls were waiting in the first class lounge at Shagwick airport. They were both in dark glasses hoping to avoid any would-be celebrity spotters. As...

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Mile High Club Associate Members The Handjob Series

Handjobs, what is there to say about handjobs? Does anyone look at them as any sort of sexual highlight? After maturing beyond spin the bottle, hand jobs are often the first progression to something more exciting than just kissing. By the time a guy first gets jerked off, it could still potentially be years before he gets much more.Those years can seem like a tough wait. Instead of enjoying a hand job for what it is, half your wits are spent trying to negotiate for something more. Fool...

2 years ago
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Mile High By Giorgio Canoli

MILE HIGH by Giorgio CanoliAs Tammy was putting her carry on in the over head compartment she struggled and fumbled. From the corner of her eye came two olive skinned and chiseled forearms. As her eyes followed his arms up to the head she ogled his features as he successfully fit the bag into the compartment. "Thank you very much. That was sweet of you" she said with imaginary hearts floating above her. The good looking stranger replied "No problem at all. That's my superhero power, I help...

1 year ago
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Mile high triple blow job and fuck

Theresa and Sheryl hadn’t had a weekend off in weeks. Their busy schedule, recording their latest albums had taken priority. That was out of the way though and now they could spend some girl time together. Their widely publicised lesbian affair had caused one of the biggest nights in Twitter history but had done their album sales no harm. Now the girls were waiting in the first class lounge at Shagwick airport. They were both in dark glasses hoping to avoid any would-be celebrity spotters. As...

Group Sex
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Joining The MileHigh Club

I was onboard flight United Air 678 from Sydney to Los Angeles. I was sitting in the economy class cabin. The flight was full; there was no room to breathe, let alone move. My seat was at the rear end of the plane at a window of a three-seat section. I felt claustrophobic and was not looking forward to the fourteen-hour nonstop flight. I always requested the aisle seat but this flight was so overbooked I had to take what I was given.Sitting two seats from me on the aisle was Jenny, a girl I...

First Time
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One For Her Virgin on the mile high club

Virgin on the mile high club! I cleared passport control and went through the slow process of having my hand luggage checked before walking into the hustle and bustle of the Heathrow airport departure lounge. I stood there for a second, looking around at the multitude of shops and rest aurant' s through the swarm of busy people as they passed the time while waiting for there flights to be called. Not one for shopping, and not at all hungry, the obvious choice for me was the nearest bar! I saw a...

Quickie Sex
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The Girls Only Club

The Girls Only Club by Pamela ([email protected]) Chapter 1 At lunchtime recess one day in late spring, Blake casually strolled to a large garden of rose bushes planted on the far side of the school yard. The other eighth grade boys normally never went there since they preferred to hang out near the school building playing ball games or huddling together in noisy groups teasing each other and roughhousing as boys are wont to do. Normally Blake would be with them, but this...

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The Club

This story was especially written for me by Darlene Le Queen and to my knowledge has not been published before and now Darlene has very sadly passed away. It does require serious editing but as its Darlene's thoughts its best to leave alone/ The Club How long would I be in for it this time, I asked myself? We were at The Club where my wife Barbara is an active senior member. Club stands for "Civilized Living under Glamorous feminine Beauty." Its motto is "Better Living...

1 year ago
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The Friday Night Card Club

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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The Friday Night Card Club

The Friday Night Card Club has been a staple of life at the Westhill Country Club for over seventy years. The criteria for membership are simple. You have to be a member of the country club. You have to be invited to join. You have to be a woman. And, most importantly, you have to be willing to abide by all of the rules of the Card Club.The first rule of Card Club is: NOBODY talks about Card Club.The Friday Night Card Club meets at the old clubhouse located at what is now the back of the golf...

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The Black Breeders Club

Black Breeders Club - a cuckold story if only was true and not fantasy Story about a cuckold wimp husband who has his parents introduce his new wife to a club where their wives are black man fucked and the husbands have to eat the cum from their cunts. It was my dad who first told me about the club. I was 22 at the time, fresh out of college, and had just married my sweetheart of six years, Trish. I fell in love with her the very first time I saw her, and that was of course when she and her...

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The Club

Prologue Codes: m/f, m+/f+, f/m, f+/m+, transgender, chastity belt, latex, bondage, mc, nc, modification, Torture, cbt, lactation, snuff, extreme, watersports, femdom, enema, slavery, ponygirl Story Description There exists in this wide and wonderful world a wide diversity of people. This is a story of a group of men and women who take great delight and sexual pleasure in the ownership, abuse, and humiliation of others. Their organization is known simply as The Club.  The Club is...

4 years ago
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A white couple decide to join a hardcore interracial club

I’m Tom and my lovely wife Silvie and I have been married for eleven years now. We live in suburban Detroit where I’ve worked for one of the auto manufacturing companies for the past fourteen years. We live in this tiny little house in a suburban city just south of Detroit. It’s predominantly a blue collar neighborhood. It’s a nice town and nothing exciting never really happens here. The local newspaper headlines are usually packed full of stories about the high school...

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Black Stable Club

  I’m Tom and my lovely wife Erin and I have been married for eleven years now. We live in suburban Detroit where I’ve worked for one of the auto manufacturing company’s for the past fourteen years. We live in this tiny little house in a suburban city just south of Detroit. It’s predominantly a blue collar neighborhood. It’s a nice town and nothing exciting never really happens here. The local newspaper headlines are usually packed full of stories about the high school football team. Now the...

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Allys Club

Oh a missed call from my Doc's office. I wonder what that is about, my next appointment is not for 3 months. So I called them back."Yes Sir, we would like you to come in and get a lab sheet, then we will arrange an appointment to discuss the results.""Is this a follow up to my physical?""Yes you could say that.""OK I will pick up the sheet today. Is tomorrow earlier enough for the lab test?""Yes that would be good. Can we make the consult on the results for 4 pm next Thursday?""Yes that will...

3 years ago
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Axis of Evil 4 The Pink Pussycat Club

The Pink Pussycat Club Adam Keynes had been in his gilded prison for some three weeks now with his two fellow inmates. He had been given a choice of prison or working for the Government. It had not been a difficult decision to choose the latter option, but now that he was here he was expected to work as part of a team and to achieve results. The problem was that he really did not get on with the other members of his team. The nerd Liam Quayles spent most of his time on the computer...

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Tonya Starts Work At The Club

Desperate timesTonya was a junior in college when she lost her scholarship foolishly. They didn’t kick her out altogether, but the steps they did take took away her ability to pay for school. The student disciplinary committee pulled her scholarships, withdrew all grant money, made getting a student loan impossible and to finish the final hit on her financially, made it impossible to be employed by any business associated with the school. She walked from the administration building in tears....

Oral Sex
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Kitten Club

My name is Frank and my girlfriend is Joanne. I'd never even heard ofthe place, but it was her birthday, so her choice. When I found outwhat went on there, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it for a verygood reason I'll tell you about in a minute.You wouldn't have even known the club was there. It was down this darkalley, lit by a weak streetlight, and just a green door with "TheKitten Club" above in a faulty old neon light. A couple of bouncerslooked twice at us but let us in.Once we were...

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The Black Cock Club

The Black Cock ClubbyTomWard©Chapter One: The Grand TourLucy assured me she'd look after me as we headed down the long driveway of the country house that now served as the black cock club resort. She had started coming here once a week the previous month but this was to be my first visit. As we parked the car and headed up the steps towards the front door there was nothing about the building to give away its unusual purpose. There was, however a completely naked brunette waiting by the...

3 years ago
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A Night at the Club

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

1 year ago
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A Night At The Club

When six college girls room together, certain personality types become apparent. There is always the alpha female– or at least one girl who thinks she needs to be in charge of the rest. Dianne is the one whose name is primary on the lease. Everyone else is a flatmate. In addition, she has everyone’s classes and activities on her calendar. And she keeps adding group activities for all six of us... or at least for the five of them.She is assisted in planning everyone’s life by Shelly, the...

2 years ago
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STARS The Ultimate Strip Club

NOTE TO ALL! This is a re-submission of an older story. The original story CANNOT be edited, therefore, I ask 2 things. READERS AND WRITERS: Please IGNORE the original story and add any new threads to this version. CHYOO ADMINISTRATORS: Please DELETE the original story of the same title! THANK YOU... Retroguy You're an up and coming executive. Under 30 and already being considered for a partnership in a major financial firm. You're already making a 7 figure salary and have everything going for...

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Black Cock Club

Lucy assured me she'd look after me as we headed down the long driveway of the country house that now served as the black cock club resort. She had started coming here once a week the previous month but this was to be my first visit. As we parked the car and headed up the steps towards the front door there was nothing about the building to give away its unusual purpose. There was, however a completely naked brunette waiting by the door!Lucy had briefed me about the many strict rules of the...

3 years ago
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Black Cock Club

Lucy assured me she'd look after me as we headed down the long driveway of the country house that now served as the black cock club resort. She had started coming here once a week the previous month but this was to be my first visit. As we parked the car and headed up the steps towards the front door there was nothing about the building to give away its unusual purpose. There was, however a completely naked brunette waiting by the door!Lucy had briefed me about the many strict rules of the...

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Breas First Time At The Club

BreaBrea was roaming around the house by herself. Her husband was gone on a business trip or, if truth be known, he was probably out screwing some young thing somewhere exotic around the globe. Brea had only been married to him for a few years before she found out he wasn’t interested in being faithful. She was fifty-eight-years-old, but you would never know it. She worked out regularly to maintain a shapely figure. Most men assumed she was in her thirties.Her skin was a that of a soft tanned...

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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

Introduction: Mark founds the Naked Jogging Club to make jogging fun. And he has a lot of fun. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would,...

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Apartment Complex Video Club

Mike and Cindy had been living in the Broadway Apartments for about a year. In the 1940's the buildings in the complex had been a hotel. With three buildings, each with three floors, and a beautiful courtyard in the middle of the U-shaped layout of the buildings, the complex was unique when compared to the cookie-cutter complexes of today. Mike and Cindy are an attractive couple in their early thirties, both with light brown hair. Cindy had a tight little body that accentuated her 34C breasts....

3 years ago
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The Club

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feedback, critiques and comments are always welcome! Just drop me an email at [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I had finally found one I liked. After six stores and countless hours, I had finally found one I liked. It was snug and gave me just the right amount of support. The color was amazing too. A bright orangish yellow that really popped. I...

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