Genmanipulation Teil 1
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...
Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...
Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...
So liebe Freunde. Neugierig geworden wie es mit Kristina weitergeht?Viel Spaß beim Lesen.Spielschulden Teil 2Kristina erwachte erst am frühen Nachmittag. Sofort war sie mit Ihren Gedanken wieder beim gestrigen Abend. Sie verstand immer noch nicht, wie ihre Vergewaltigung, denn etwas anderes war es ja eigentlich nicht, sie so geil machen konnte. Immer wieder musste sie an den Chef der Bande, Peter Wegner, denken. Von Beginn an hatte er eine fesselnde Einwirkung auf sie gehabt. Die Art, wie er...
Eine Weile schaute ich dem Boot noch nach, bis es mit meiner Starndschönheit hinter einer Landzunge verschwand. Die Aussicht auf ein Frühstück trieb mich zurück auf den Zeltplatz. Auf dem Heimweg mußte ich schmunzeln. All das, was ich bisher erlebt hatte, erlaubte es mir, mich viel gelassener auf dem FKK-Platz zu bewegen. Wenn ich noch vor Wochen, nach dem Zusammentreffen mit ein paar Mädels auf dem Zeltplatzweg, meine Erektion mit Handtuch und schnellem Laufen verbergen mußte, so konnte ich...
Der unerwartete Besuch entpuppte sich als Freunde aus den Niederlanden, die sie schon lange kannten, aber nicht erwartet hatten. Es gab ein großes Hallo mit vielen Küssen und Umarmungen. Dies gab mir die Gelegenheit die Gäste genauer zu betrachten. John, der Vater, war ein richtiger Hüne. Er überragte sogar Onkel Willi um eine Kopflänge. Sein Körper war von einem sanften Braunton und ließ einen ehemaligen Athleten erkennen. Das Lachen und seine einnehmende Art machten ihn sogleich sympathisch....
Ich bin der Phillip, bin 18 Jahre und gehe noch zur Schule. Wohne also noch bei meinen Eltern. Bislang hatte ich mit dem anderen Geschlecht noch keine Erfahrungen gemacht gehabt, bis sich folgendes letzten Herbst ereignete:Wie so oft war ich bei meinem Besten Kumpel bis spät abends um an der PS4 zu zocken. Irgendwann drückte aber doch die Blase und ging auf's Klo. Mein Kumpel war noch mitten drin am Zocken, während mein Char im Kugelhagel abgeknallt worden war. Während ich mich erleichterte...
Hallo ich heiße Kevin bin 28 und möchte euch das geilste was ich in dem letzten Jahr erlebt habe gern erzählen. Es ist nix erfunden oder so sondern eine wahre Geschichte.Es geht um meine Frau Natalie(27) die war zu dem Zeitpunkt im 6monat Schwanger. Und meine beste Freundin Nadine (26)die ich seit der Grundschule kenn.Dass ihr von den zwei ein Bild habt beschreib ich sie euch kurz. Also meine Frau ist 1.60m groß hatte zu dem Zeitpunkt wegen der Schwangerschaft 78kg.Aber davor und auch jetzt...
Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteielt.Es war schon Abend und Männe immer noch nicht zu Hause, ein kurzes Telefonat bestättigte meine Vermutung das er mal wieder in der Eckkneipe sahs und Karten spielte.Nur mit Turnschuhen, Leggins und T-Shirt bekleidet ging ich schnell rüber um Ihn zu holen.Er sahs mit 2 Typen am Ecktisch spielte 17+4 und auf dem Tisch lag eine ziemliche Menge Geld.Er fragte mich nur ob ich etwas Geld dabei hätte,da er den Einsatz nicht mehr bringen könnte, aber gerne weiterspielen...
Dies ist meine erste geschichte überhaupt. Ich hoffe sie gefällt euch. Ich heiße mike und meine freundin heißt lucy. Wir sind seit 10 Jahren zusammen und haben 2 kinder zusammen. Lucy ist eine sehr schöne frau 35 jahre wie ich Schwarze haare und ist klein. So ca 1,55. Sie ist sehr schlank 46 kg kleine Brüste kleiner arsch. Ich bin 1,78 und nomale statur. Mit meinem 17cm schwanz bin ich Mittelmaß und die Breite so um die 4,5 cm. Wir sind zwar mitte 30 aber sehen beide ziemlich Jung aus. Lucy ist...
VORSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCH der perversen ART! Teil02mit Samra - Babysitterin, 18J. jung.… mein Schwanz ist aber so was von hart, der muss weg —— ich rufe aus dem Fenster runter: „hi Samra, bin in 5min unten!“ Sie: „OK“ Ich entschliesse mich kurzer Hand mich um zu ziehen um meine Schwanz-Beule zu "zähmen". also ziehe ich statt der weiten Boxershort eine enge an,mit Schlitz und 2 Knöpfen vorne dran und wieder die Baggy darüber. Oh mann bin ich vielleicht aufgeregt und geil, dass ich es kaum aushalte …...
To The MaxCopyright by OctiliPersonen: (genauer in der Vorgeschichte)Ich selbst: 43, geschieden, sportliche Figur, Bi, freiberuflicher ProgrammiererMischa: 42, geschieden, androgyner Typ, Doktor der Medizin und Chemie, freiberuflich tätig.Jean-Paul: 35, homosexuell, Modedesigner und SchneiderHeike: 36, nicht gebunden, bi, Angestellte von J-PMischa hatte seine Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der hormonellen Geschlechtsangleichung in den letzten Monaten immer wieder verfeinert. Er war mittlerweile in...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Ich wachte spät am anderen Morgen auf. Der Himmel war regenverhangen und alles sah grauin grau aus als ich meine Augen öffnete und durch das Fenster hinaus schaute. Was war gesternalles geschehen? Ich musste erst mal meine Gedanken sammeln. Als erstes viel mir meinleicht schmerzendes Poloch auf. Trotzdem war der Abend wunderbar gewesen, zumal ja dochSachen passiert waren, an die ich im Traum vorher nicht gedacht hatte. Ich stand auf um mirzu erst mal ein gutes...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]In der Wohnung lehnte ich mich zuerst mal mit dem Rücken an die Tür, als hätte ich Angstjemand könnte mir gefolgt sein. Mir schossen tausend Gedanken durch den Kopf. Einerseitswar mir die Aktion total peinlich, andererseits fühlte ich mich hoch befriedigt. Aber wie würdees jetzt weiter gehen? Schließlich war offensichtlich, dass ich meinen Mann mit unseremSchwager betrogen hatte. Genauso offensichtlich war, dass Sven seine Frau betrogen hatte,die uns bei unserem...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Es war ein verregneter Montag im November und man hatte den Eindruck als würde es überhauptnicht hell werden. Ich war früh aufgestanden, bereits kurz nachdem mein Mann zurArbeit gegangen war. Ich hatte in der letzten Nacht nicht viel geschlafen, da mein Mann undich uns am Tag zuvor heftig gestritten hatten. So war ich aufgestanden und wischte mir dieletzten Tränen aus den Augen um mich in die Küche zu begeben und zu Frühstücken. Ich warenorm wütend auf Roland,...
Hiii friends mor naa butu. Mu issra regular reader. Aji mu mo nijara sata story apana manaka sa share karibaku jauchi. Ye story mu au mo piusi jhia bhauni mealy ra. Mealy mo tharu 3 yr sana. Ame sabu bhai bhauni bahut misu sanga pari. Mealy dekhibaku bahut sundar 5’5″ ht medium health sete mealy ra fig 30.28.30. Ebe kintu 34 32 34 heigalani. Yee kahani 18 yr burbara jetebele mealy matric exam dei ama gharaku bulibaku asithila. Mu b inter exam pare ghare rahuthae. Mo 2 bhauni hostelre rahi...
Meanwhile, before the alarm was sounded, Charles and Steph had stripped Helen and Steph had fucked her in the doggy position, filling her cunt with lovely hot cum. At the same time Charles was fucking Steph up "her" ass. Steph came first and withdrew from Helen so Charles pulled out of Steph and replaced Steph's prick in Helen's cunt. He came quickly as Steph had brought him almost to the point of no return. So Helen now has two full loads inside her lovely cunt. Also prior to the alarm...
Shopping is boring. That's why I shop so infrequently. At a grocery, I buy large volumes of things that would keep in the freezer: frozen burritos, frozen 'man-sized' meals, frozen everything. Well, not everything, I didn't like frozen vegetables much. That way, I wouldn't have to go again for a long time. It was even worse shopping for items I'd need on the mission. In the unit, we just got stuff. We requisitioned it, or just went to the supply room, and picked out what size would...
My transformation. Part 1. By Aubrey W. Norton. I slammed the laptop shut. "ARE YOU LOOKING AT SISSY PORN AGAIN ON IMAGEBOARDS?!?" I winced! My wife had caught me again. Shit!!! "I'm afraid I'll punish you," she said giggling. "BY TURNING YOU INTO A GIRL!!!" as she pulled out her frilliest satin panies and forced me into a sheer, clingy, one-piece dress. "I'll bet you wanted to be caught," she said as I minced around the room like a prissy brat caught with her tiny sissy hand in...
I took a deep breath and started slowly down the stairs. I actually expected to be more nervous than I was, but having watched Simone talk to the staff, I found them to be a nice group, and their loyalty to Simone was a good sign. Even though my heels were only two inches high, I was a bit wobbly on the stairs. When I was about halfway down Simone reached up and took my hand, steadying me for the rest of the way down. I could feel all of the women's eyes on me, though Penny's jaw...
“Leonius … Leonius” … his name rolls so easily off my tongue but even now, I dare not speak it. Instead, when my lips form the words, all that comes forth is “Master”. I’ve spent the last two years trying to drive the haunting, yet comforting image of him from my mind and heart and thought I was doing pretty well. In the few times I have been at his feet since his return, I have been painfully reminded that I have failed in this endeavor. His existence as the driving force in my life still...
Hello everyone! I’m Bourne! (Name changed) I live in Bangalore. I’m 19 years old. I’m currently doing my 2nd year of college. The story I’m about to you tell you happened 3 months ago. This is a real story; you’ll believe it once I start explaining. You can mail me at Let me explain about myself first. I’m 6′ feet tall, slim, have broad shoulders and 6 inch rock hard cock. This incident happened between my elder sister and me. She is 6 years older than me. Let me explain about her. She is very...
IncestRichard was properly awed. He was sitting as unobtrusively as possible at a table opposite his grandfather. His father on his right side was talking tariffs and sugar prices with one of the wealthiest men in the realm. Sir Robert Norton was a legend, a commercial genius whose net worth was rumoured to exceed three million pounds. Richard knew that his father held substantial interest in shipping and foreign trade, but he had never known him to be so well connected. Richard followed the sound...
There was an uncomfortable silence in the booth, as they waited for the waitress to come and take their drink order. Once she was gone, Lacey looked at him, obviously waiting for him to speak. "It's like this," said Bob, starting in on a speech he'd given countless times, to countless women like this one. Well ... not quite like this one. This one was a lady. She had class. He rarely dealt with women of her class. But all he had was the speech, and some facts and figures, and that...
Justice by I.R. Nixon April 1997 For Judy Pollux the Delta Delta Chi's spring party was the highlight of an already great day. She had enjoyed bicycling with her two best friends Mary and Louise in the morning. In the afternoon she went shopping at the Mall and then her and Louise treated themselves to a fine dinner at Edwardo's Resturant before going to the party. With her first year of college nearly over she was now in a party mode. Roger Turner brought her a mug of...
Joshua Lewis is so over his stepsister Sage Fox and her friend Britt Blair sneaking around the house. Dressed in short miniskirts and tiny tops, the two girls are on the prowl for Christmas presents. Joshua doesn’t want them to ruin their first holiday as a blended family, so he finally announces he’s going to fuck them if they don’t quit it. When Joshua walks into his bedroom, he finds Sage and Britt on their knees sans panties looking under his bed. True to his word, he...
xmoviesforyouIt's a Friday night and I'm late home after working away up north for the week. The traffic had been terrible and it was late and dark on this January evening. I park up outside my fiancée's house and walk down her driveway to the front door. I'm so glad she managed to get the k**s looked after this weekend leaving us some privacy after being apart for 5 days. Before I had left on Sunday evening she had fitted our new 'item' to me, a chrome chastity device that we'd talked about getting for...
When I was sixteen I loved nothing more than going out at the weekend drinking with my friends after a hard week at school. On one such weekend I had been out with two of my girlfriends, Emily and Megan, and we had a fair bit to drink. We were having a good laugh and had met up with a few other people between the park and the side of the allotments where we had been drinking. Everyone was having a good time and there was a fair bit of drink going around! I had on a nice little white vest and a...
Quickie SexIn a sudden delusion caused by two simultaneous synapses crossing each other, I thought, "Gee, wouldn't it be keen to tell the story of how I, Harvey Marcus, got started with all of this screwing around. I mean, it didn't just happen out of nothing. Everything has a cause, a spark, an ignition. So, here's my first Official Retrospective. Appropriately, it is my Origin Episode, how I involuntarily got sucked into a campaign of accidental sex with all of the world's eighteen-year and older...
After I had caught my sexy sister in-law having sex with her own brother and then when it came out that my brother is a lousing lover and I confided to Tina that my wife is nothing more then a ice berg, and with us finding love in each others arms. We just couldn't stay away from each other. I got one of those prepaid cell phones for Tina so she could call and if my wife happened to answer she could pretend to be someone else. I think Tina and me have been with each other 2 to 3 times a week...
Carol dressed in a somewhat numbed state, slipping on a white skirt and pullover, still refusing to believe that it had happened the way it had! She brushed her long ash-blonde tresses more than usual, studying her own face in the vanity mirror as if trying to detect some hidden demon. Sultan had trotted off after his obscene seduction, then returned to sit beside her as devotedly as ever. She petted him, but didn't speak. God, how could she? The precious darling... and he'd been so...
Part Six. We went off, John, Carol, Sally and myself, to what was fast becoming our favourite restaurant for dinner that evening. It was in a small village, one main street, on the old road between Mazarron and the city of Murcia. Here, you could, if you wished, see your steak, or chicken, being cooked over a real charcoal fire before being served up just as you ordered. Again, it was a lovely meal and we didn’t mind that the journey time was just over twenty minutes away from home. Even...
BisexualAs the song concluded, Bryan was sure his ears were ringing. Midway through their encore he lost an earplug and continued on as if he didn’t. It was the last date of their tour so it mattered to him as well as the group that they gave their fans a worthwhile performance. He gently nudged Jamie and pointed to his ear with a frown. She packed her guitar and followed him out to the bus. Their crew would break down their kits and load their respective instruments into their cases. Both of them...
Doctor Robert Ruark peeled off his surgical gloves. The operation had been a difficult one, but after seven hours of grueling work he had succeeded in repairing the damaged heart valve. His brow was deeply furrowed as the tall, lean black man allowed thoughts of Alice to enter his mind for the first time since entering the operating room. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' He wondered. There was no denying he was profoundly in love with Alice. Of that he was sure. 'But why can't I perform...
Richard was spell-bound. The woman who had offered him sex in a cold, functional way had gone. Sharon let the shower soak her, moving sinuously in its spray. Then she turned it off and soaped herself as if it were one long caress. Then she washed herself. She turned her neck voluptuously as she washed it and her upper chest. She massaged her breasts and then paid a great deal of attention to her nipples causing her hips to gyrate and buck. She turned round to wash her back and Richard was...
Hello ISS readers, I am bringing you another story with emotional pain as well as pleasure. Many have gone through such trauma and started accepting this. A lot of people will relate to this story and I might get many offers after this! One day, I got a text from my husband, “Hey, can you make Maggi? I am very hungry.” It was a Saturday and my hubby goes to play cricket with his friends. I said, “No, I am working on my presentations.” I knew he might have got furious, but we were married for...
The countryside looked its best in early May. The fresh green of trees and shrubs was a feast for the eyes, especially eyes that had become accustomed to the soot of the large City. Although Ellen felt a little guilty about it, she could not help feeling true happiness. She sat snuggled against Richard in the open carriage, the spring sun warming them nicely, and the fresh air feeling like champagne to her lungs. Now they passed through the village of Matcham, the people on the streets...
Skyler Peterson has just turned 18 today. His mother Diana Peterson had something very special in store for him this day, a birthday she was sure he'd never forget. Even though she was 36, her body was quite firm and toned due to yoga and other physical activities keeping her lovely ass taut and even more gorgeous rack which was an amazing 40 Double D quite perky, her height was about 6 inches below his own putting her at just the perfect hugging height for him. She stood 5 ft 6 inches. Skyler...
IncestZane Hawthorne is an average 18-year-old young man, recently graduated from high school, dark hair, light skin, a bit nerdy, quiet. Zane wasn't the most popular in school, he kept to himself and was afraid to come out of the closet. You see, Zane is gay, his search history will tell you that. One day Zane gets a visit from a lawyer telling him that his distant uncle Jack passed away recently and left everything to Zane. He had heard of his uncle Jack in passing, apparently, the man was a...
GayI grew up a child of the sixties; it was perhaps the best time for a child to grow up, well from a child's point of view anyway. We were more or less free to wander, to play, there were no video games so we made our own entertainment and got into various scrapes, bumps and knocks, but nothing major. We were innocents too, none of the sexualisation and fears of sexualisation that happened to a later generation. Oh sure we were curious about the opposite sex, even played the equivalent of...
More Than Just A Womanless Pageant (Chapter 6) by: crossvestite Players: Daddy-Steve Daughter-Amy Son-Andy Amy's Boyfriend-Lucas So far: Amy knows about her dad's crossdressing hobby and has found ways to find out everything she needs to know in order to put her plans into effect. And her plan includes not only Lucas, but also her dad and her twin brother. In the last chapter she used her mesmerizing charms to lure daddy into admitting that he wants to be under her control. But...
The Dei-Xhan removed his mask and looked down upon the giant of a Gnathar child, disbelieving. The same spell that had incinerated the Gnath had not only been cleaved in half by the child's weapon to explode harmlessly down slope, but neither axe nor Gnathar were damaged in any visible way. "Boy, where did you acquire that weapon?" the sorceror inquired in an almost haughtily cultured manner. Jonar gazed implacably up at the sorceror and shrugged. "Not that it will matter to you, but...
Our friend came over again the other night. We hadn't seen him in a couple of weeks and were so ready for some fun! He and I were texting and he asked if she was going to be tied up and ready when he got here. I told him yes and she would also be blindfolded and working her pussy with one of her favorite toys until he showed up. The straps were a bit short for our kin sized bed, so we skipped that. She was blindfolded and toying herself though when he arrived. He came in and we went to the...
There was no answer to my knocking, and as always before, I let myself in, thinking she must be asleep still. I walked quietly through the house, glancing around, but went straight to Kristy’s bedroom. I expected to see her buried under the covers, sleeping soundly, but she wasn't there. The sound of water came to my ears from another room. It shut off suddenly, and I was struck with anxiety. I heard her footsteps as she padded down the hall. I turned and slipped into the closet, sliding...
The Goddess of FertilityI used to work with a guy called Melvin. He was a lovely, happily married man with oneproblem in his life. His beloved wife and he were finding it difficult to conceive.I was I think 25, he'd have been about 40. They began a programme of IVF at a private BUPA hospital not far from our workplace.Each of them had to go on there from time to time, for the removal of her eggs, and of course, for him to provide his "sample" for the procedure. He used to tell me this in a very...
I decided to head to town while Joe was away and happened to bump into a man while shopping. He looked really great and he smiled at me as I slowly walked around him. I decided to take a chance and see if he might be interested in some afternoon delight. "Hi' I said softly "My names Carmen" I added "Calvin's mine" he replied "You're looking mighty good to me" I then told him. "You're not so bad yourself" he answered back. I was dressed in a short black dress with black hose and ankle strap...
Ben and Julie fall for each other in pub.It was late December, Christmas was close, and Ben was in the partying spirit. Every given opportunity Ben was down the pub getting absolutely leg-less. All of Ben’s mates went down the pub, including all the various girl friends he had accumulated over the years, except that is for Sophie. Since that night when Ben took her innocence, Sophie had turned into a bit of rebel. She and Ben continued to have sex every so often (whenever her parents went to...
This story happened 25 yrs ago when the business that I was working at closed and had to find a new career . I began working for a freight company as an over the road driver,the pay was good but the time on the road was not. I was in a 10 year on and off relationship with my girlfriend and it didn’t get any better when I started my new job. I had heard she had been seeing other guys and now spending 4 days on the road made it easier for her to step out. Sharon was a pretty 30 yr...
Gene woke in the middle of the night after an intense dream. The details were fuzzy, but he was trying to rescue his family from a someone. Or something. He wasn't sure. Whatever it was, he couldn't go back to sleep. He rose and stretched, decided to walk the hallways a bit, see if anyone was up. He passed the computer room, saw one or two people staring blankly into monitors, wondered how such a small crew managed to maintain 24-hour duty. He made coffee in the crew kitchen, figured he...
I was 16 me and my GF were bringing two guys to my house to fuck them.Word got around and next thing we knew we had ten guys in the house.My GF and I decided to take them on one at a time.We flipped a coin,I won so I go first while she was look out for my parents.I went up to my room,got naked and sat on my bed.My GF made sure they all had a condom or they couldn't fuck us.The first guy drops his pants and was already hard.I layed down and spread my legs.He slipped on the condom,got on top of...
Leah was unusually nervous as she finished getting ready. She wasn’t sure how she should dress for an occasion like this. She had been planning it for weeks, and now that the event was only a few hours away, she was in a horny panic. Her hand shook as she attempted to put on the finishing touches of her mascara, missing and leaving a black smudge on the corner of her eye. ‘Shit’ she muttered to herself, grabbing a piece of toilet paper, and wiping the mark off her face. Exiting the bathroom,...
I'm asked how I got 'into' dogs, or they 'into' me, so here it all is, why they still excite me. Despite it now being years since I had full sex with a dog I do still dream about it regularly. I've been divorced for several years now but in my marriage in the eighties and early nineties my husband and I were then active swingers. We experimented with all kinds of kinky sex. I was bisexual, liked threesomes and eventually our sex games led on to me letting a dog fuck me too. I was only...
Dutch felt it would be a mistake, but Rosa had insisted he bring her mother dinner since she was trying to clean her house and run her bar simultaneously. Rosa couldn't manage it since she had to meet a client and show a house to him and his wife. They were in town for one day and she didn't dare lose them to another agent. He parked his Volvo, kicked the passenger door and delivered Mom's meal. "How much time do we have?" she'd asked as he set foot inside her beach house. Not...
She woke to a beam of sunlight tickling her nose. She was warm and comfortable and she moved just enough to get away from that nagging beam. She felt his arm come around her waist, pull her back into his body, and smiled. What a way to wake up. She kept her breathing even, wanting to savor this feeling. She felt safe and loved, needed. Wanted. His hand moved up her stomach and cupped one of her breasts, just stayed there, not moving. "Hmmm, you feel good." His voice was husky and gravelly...
I am at my friend Andy's house and we are working out on a weight bench in his garage. We have been best friends forever and brothers-in-law for years. I am on the weight bench lifting and Andy is standing on the side watching me. I notice that he is looking up my shorts at my bald cock & balls, so I make a small adjustment. As I am lifting I cannot help but expose a little of myself. Andy and I have shared sex stories all our lives first about our girlfriends then our wives’. Now it is his...
BisexualMorning, sleepyhead. You came to bed so late last night, there was no time to play. What say I pull this sheet down, huh? Let's see what we have. Mmm, that looks tasty. I'll rest my head on your thigh and take a closer look, shall I? I like the way it twitches, just by me looking at it. I bet if I took you in my hand, you'd soon be rock hard. Maybe I will, soon. For now, I'll just stay here, my mouth close to your cock, my eyes occasionally glancing up to watch you watching me. Does my warm...
Quickie SexI was at least five years older than either of them. I most likely had more experience in the field as the two of them together. They might just be a simple reception team, but I didn't think so. It was 10:30 on Friday night after all. Once we were in the van I removed the headscarf and large dark glasses I wore for the CCTV cameras. "Who else is on the team?" I asked. "The team leader is code named Shemp," the woman said. "So I guess that makes you Moe," I said to the man driving...
This true event follows right after my story “My First Threesome.” That last great summer semester of college messing around with Sean and Roger was over and I had received my degree followed by several job interviews all over southern Louisiana. Before long, I secured a slot in a management training program with a chain retail clothing store which catered to women from teens to thirty. I spent one week at a regional training program and then couldn’t believe my luck when they sent me to New...