Genmanipulation Teil 5 free porn video

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Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit einiger Zeit wird in wissenschaftlichen Kreisen die Genforschung hochgejubelt. Es wird mit den Genen von Pflanzen und Tieren verst?rkt experimentiert. Auch die menschlichen Gene sind Experimentierfeld der Forscher. Mal angenommen, dass die Forschung in der Lage ist, die Gene eines lebenden, voll ausgewachsenen Menschen zu ver?ndern und diese programmierte Ver?nderungen zu aktivieren. Die Forscher spielen Gott und greifen in die nat?rliche Entwicklung ein. Der Mensch wird umgez?chtet zu........ was(?)........ Genmanipulation Geschrieben von Drachenwind Teil 5 Die vergangene Fortsetzung endete wie folgt: ............ Ahhh, frische Luft! Der neue Eingang ist gut versteckt. Zwei, drei Steine in den neuen Eingang legen und er ist nicht mehr zu sehen. Du meine G?te, sehe ich mistig aus, mein Fell ist voller Staub. Mal sehen! ............ Keiner mehr da. Der Bach am alten H?hleneingang staut sich auf, da entsteht ein See. Die Sprengung hat hier draussen etliche Bergrutsche ausgel?st. Diese Anf?nger! Nur gut, dass ich mir meine Ohren zugehalten habe, sonst w?rden sie mehr klingeln als jetzt, hoffentlich vergeht es bald. Wenigsten kann ich noch h?ren. ............ Das Wasser vom neuen See ist ganz sch?n kalt............. und nass! Aber jetzt muss ich rein um sauber zu werden, mit der Zunge alleine geht es schlecht. ............ Brrrr! Igitt! Ist das nass .............. und kalt! ............ So, das reicht, nur nicht ?bertreiben. Ich bin wieder sauber. Schnell wieder raus. Zuviel Wasser ist f?r eine Katze ungesund. ............ Das meiste Wasser ist nun rausgesch?ttelt. So sch?tteln sich auch Katzen. Immer noch feucht, jetzt muss ich warten bis es trocken ist. ............ Bin ich nun mehr Katze als Mensch? ?usserlich bin ich wenig Mensch. Oder .............nnnnnicht? Haben Menschen ein Fell? Nein, nur auf dem Kopfe und zwischen den Beinen............. ein bisschen! Und innerlich? ............ Na los Sonne, brenne mir auf meinen Pelz damit er trocken wird. Da ist eine sch?ne sonnige Kuhle. Der richtige Platz zum Trocknen. ............ Das Klingeln in den Ohren ist weg und ich kann die Meute noch durch den Wald trampeln h?ren. Sie entfernen sich. Diese Narren! Mit euch werde ich heute Nacht auch mal ein bisschen spielen. ............ Mir ist schon wieder so schl?frig zu mute. Ein kleines Nickerchen kann nicht schaden............ Uuuaaaaaa!................. ............ ............ ............ Na K?tzchen ausgeschlafen? Schlafen Katzen eigentlich immer so viel? Wenn sie Langeweile haben, immer. ............ Es d?mmert langsam. Heute Nacht wird die Nacht der Spiele. Ich freue mich schon darauf, Spielen macht doch Spass und vertreibt die Langeweile. Was ?rgert diese Bauernt?lpel am meisten? Mmmmmmm............. Mal ?berlegen. ............ Die m?ssen sich aber alle richtig ?rgern. Ob ich so eben mal ihr Vieh t?te, pro Stall so ein, zwei St?ck? T?ten? Ohne Hunger, ohne zu jagen? Einfach so? ............ Ohne Not einfach t?ten? ............ Warum? Nur um die zu ?rgern? ............ Was unterscheidet mich dann von Menschen? Es ist doch ihre Eigenart, ohne Grund zu t?ten, sogar gegeneinander sich selber. Ich bin jetzt kein Mensch .............. mehr! Ich bin eine Katze und ich t?te nur, wenn ich jage oder in Gefahr bin. Sonnst nicht! ............ Also doch keine Nacht der Spiele! Aber einen kleinen Snack k?nnte ich mir doch g?nnen, so eine frisches Rinderkeulchen vielleicht? Mmmmm, lecker! Mir l?uft dabei regelrecht das Wasser im Mund zusammen. ............ Na los K?tzchen, auf, auf zur Jagd. Am besten zeige ich den Typen der meinen Pelz als Bettvorleger haben will, dass es mein Recht ist, zu jagen. Das letzte Rind war lecker und er ?rgerte sich so sch?n. Ich werde mal die Weide von der letzten Jagd kontrollieren. Na dann mal los! ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ So ein lockerer Lauf ist doch immer wieder angenehm. Ich sp?re jetzt Muskeln, die ich als Mensch nie benutzt habe. Hi, hi, hi............. War eben ein Bewegungsmuffel. Das lockere Laufen macht mir Spass. Ich staune nur, so wenig kann mir jetzt Freude bereiten. Komisch, immer wieder fallen mir kleine Begebenheiten aus meinem fr?heren Leben ein, nie mein komplettes fr?heres Leben. Aber es fehlt so vieles vom meinem alten Leben. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Das bedeutet vielleicht, dass es im Gehirn Unterschiede bei der Speicherung des Wissens gibt. Wie kann das aussehen? Ein Bereich speichert grunds?tzlich alles Pers?nliche, stellt also die Identit?t zur Verf?gung. Ein anderer Bereich das nackte Wissen. Emotion und Logik. Zwei Seiten vom Sein! ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Also gibt es wahrscheinlich einen Unterschied zwischen emotionaler und logischer Speicherung von Wissen. Und die Tropfen des Professors zerst?rte nur den emotionalen Bereich, l?schen damit die komplette Pers?nlichkeit. Der logische Bereich kann aber bestimmt nicht ohne Pers?nlichkeit existieren. In dem Masse, in dem ich durch meine Erlebnisse eine neue Pers?nlichkeit generierte, begann der logische Bereich zu arbeiten und gab mir schrittweise das Wissen zur?ck. Und weil ich Erwachsen war, ging diese Entwicklung so schnell. Eine interessante Theorie! ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Ich entwickle mich wohl langsam zum Philosoph. Was kommt denn noch alles? Mensch, Katze und jetzt auch noch Philosoph. Sokrates, der olle Grieche, hatte seine Tonne und ich die H?hle. Egal, ich lebe jetzt, hier und heute. Lass die Vergangenheit endlich los, Katze. Du weisst, sie kommt nie wieder zur?ck und als Mensch kannst du so wie so nicht mehr leben. Ich bin und bleibe jetzt eine Katze. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Aber wichtiger ist, wie sieht meine Zukunft aus? Laufen, jagen und schlafen kann nicht alles sein. Das eignet sich nur f?r normale Katzen, ich denke daf?r zu viel. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Und die Menschen werden mit ihrer Dummheit nicht aufh?ren, mich zu jagen. Ich m?chte nie erfahren, was mit mir passiert, wenn sie mich fangen w?rden. Die Dummheit der Menschen kennt eben keine Grenzen. Menschen sind eine Fehlentwicklung der Evolution. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Merkw?rdig, dass ich ausgerechnet immer beim Laufen so rumgr?ble. Kein Wunder, wenn ich irgendwo faul rum liege, werde ich immer m?de und penne einfach. Ein leichter Lauf pustet eben das Gehirn durch. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Oh Mann, man hat?s nicht leicht, aber leicht hat?s einen. Bl?der Spruch! ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Katze lass den Quatsch und denke lieber ?ber deine Zukunft nach. Bescheuert! Ich f?hre schon wieder Selbstgespr?che. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Ich k?nnte doch meine H?hle weiter erforschen und die vielen Ausg?nge auf der anderen Seite suchen. Dabei kann ich mir auch mal die benachbarten T?ler ansehen. Wer weiss, wozu das mal gut sein k?nnte, wenn ich meine Umgebung besser kenne. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Da, die Weide! Der Wald ist schon wieder zu Ende. Ging das schnell. Mmmmm, lecker, sch?ne fette Rinder. Laufendes Fleisch! Die Menschen haben nur ihre K?hlschr?nke, ich die Weiden. Welches nehme ich denn? Wie immer, wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual! Katzen haben es eben nicht leicht. ............ Halt, was war das? Da liegen doch ein Paar Typen auf der Lauer. Also haben die sich heute doch m?chtig ge?rgert, dass sie mich nicht gefunden haben. Typisch Menschen, ihre Schiesspr?gel haben sie auch dabei. Nutzt ihnen aber nix! Aber nur, wenn ich nicht zu ?berheblich werde. ............ So was nennen sie aufpassen. Die pennen ja fast schon. Ob die sich ?rgern, wenn ich mir hier ein Snack einverleibe? Bestimmt! Ich werde mal um die Weide schleichen. Sch?n leise, Katze! Lass einen grossen Abstand, vielleicht gibt es noch mehr Wachen! Bleib immer im Dunklen. Oh Mann, ich k?nnte beinahe ein Lehrbuch ?ber die Jagd f?r Katzen schreiben. ............ Die Weide ist ja ganz sch?n gross. Beim letzten Mal waren aber nicht so viele Rinder auf der Weide und K?lber schon gar nicht. Die haben wohl ihr Vieh zusammen gew?rfelt. Da habe ich aber eine grosse Auswahl. Ich werde mir nur einen kleinen Snack nehmen und mir ein Kalb g?nnen. Lecker! So eine Kalbskeule ist besonders zart. Das wird heute Nacht mein Snack sein. ............ Sind die dumm, auf dieser Seite haben sie keine Wache. Welches K?lbchen kann es den sein? Mmmm, ich nehme dieses dort. Und jetzt sch?n leise! ............ Na komm her du dummes Rindvieh, du darfst heute mein Snack sein. ............ ............ Das war?s und kaum L?rm. ............ Frisches Fleisch!.............. Lecker! Und so zart.............. "Miau" ?Schnurrrrrr......." ............ ............ ............ Mmmmm, das war lecker. Ich hab mich wieder so voll gefressen. Viel ist ja nicht ?brig geblieben. Kein Wunder, wenn ich mir so meinen Bauch betrachte. K?tzchen, du bist ein Vielfrass. Der Rest bleibt liegen, dann wissen sie sofort, dass ich hier war. Die dummen Gesichter m?chte ich sehen. ............ Es wird Zeit mich leise zu verkr?meln. ............ Verdammt, da kommen zwei Wachen, die laufen wohl Streife. Doch nicht ganz so verschlafen. Schnell hinter den Busch! Gut, dass es Nacht ist. ............ Die trampeln wie die Elefanten durch die Gegend. Sie sind vorbei, aber jetzt schnell leise zur?ck in den Wald. ............ Geschafft, der Waldrand. ............ Machen die Schlafm?tzen einen L?rm. Hi, hi, hi, die haben die Reste von meinem Snack gefunden. Eben f?r sie dumm gelaufen. Da kommen die Anderen angerannt. Sind die sauer! Selber Schuld! Und jetzt zur?ck zur H?hle und ein kleines Verdauungsschl?fchen machen. Schon wieder pennen? F?llt mir nichts Anderes ein. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Die machen da hinten immer noch ein L?rm! Kann ich auch! "RRROOOOWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!" ?tsch, ich bin lauter. ............ Die spinnen wirklich, jetzt gehen sie mit Taschenlampen auf die Jagd. Die Nacht ist noch lang. Eigentlich doch eine Gelegenheit zum Spielen. ............ Mal sehen, was sie machen. Aha! Die bilden eine Kette. ............ Pssst! Leise weiter! ............ Ha! Die Abst?nde zwischen den Typen werden gr?sser. Das ist die Gelegenheit mir den ?usseren zu schnappen und mit ihm ein wenig spielen. ............ Den kenne ich doch! Diese Type wollte mich zum Bettvorleger machen. Na warte! Den schnapp ich mir. Leise! Eine Tatze auf dem Mund und mit der Anderen werde ich ihn kurz festhalten. Jetzt! Hat geklappt. Der zappelt aber rum. "Hallo, Schnuckelchen! Suchst du noch immer einen Bettvorleger?" ...... "Mmpfff, mupff......." Ups, was war denn das? Der stinkt vor Angst. "Pfui, du stinkst! Du hast dir in die Hosen gemacht! Gehe nach Hause und lass dich von Mami windeln!" ...... " HIL..., HIL..., H I L F E !!!!! SIE IST HIER !!!!" "RRROOOOWWW !!!!!!" ...... " H I L F E !!!!!" Schnell weg hier. Kann der Typ mit seinen vollen Hosen rennen. Macht richtig Spass. ............ Da kommen die Anderen. Ich gehe den Typen leise hinter her. Der rennt immer noch. Ein bisschen Antreiben kann nicht schaden! ............ "RRROOOOWWW!!!!!" ... ...... "Da hinten ist das Vieh! Los schneller sonst entwischt es uns." ... Huiiii! Da rennt er. Schnell weg, die Anderen kommen. ............ Diese blinden H?hner. Da stehe ich fast neben ihnen hinter einem Baum, und die sehen mich nicht. Menschen eben. Dummk?pfe! Die rennen dem Typen hinter her. Das macht aber Spass. Ich habe Lust noch weiter zu spielen. Ich schnappe mir wieder den Letzten. ............ Ich habe ihn! "Na du b?ser, b?ser Bubi, mich einfach jagen! Sch?m dich!" ...... " Aaahh....... HIII........ HILFEEEEEE!" "RRROOOOWWW!!!!!" Der kann aber auch rennen. Ich weiss nicht, was die haben. Ich bin doch ein liebes K?tzchen! ............ "RRROOOOWWW!!!!!" ............ Nanu, der Rest rennt hinterher. Und mit wem kann ich nun spielen? Aber Jungs, das k?nnt ihr doch nicht machen, ich will mit euch doch nur noch ein bisschen weiter spielen. Die haben Angst! Feiglinge! ............ "RRROOOOWWW!!!!!" ............ Das hatte ich doch schon einmal. Na gut, jetzt sind es f?nf Feiglinge die da rennen. Mal noch etwas antreiben. ............ "RRROOOOWWW!!!!!" ............ Und weg sind sie. ............ Ich habe das Spielchen gewonnen. Wird langsam langweilig, wenn sie immer alle weg rennen! ............ "RRROOOOWWW!!!!!" ............ Ich bin sauer! Das Spielchen war viel zu kurz. Aber jetzt zur?ck zur H?hle. Was anderes bleibt mir nicht ?brig. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Nun hatte ich doch noch meine Spielnacht. Leider nur ganz kurz. H?tte noch gerne diese Typen l?nger ge?rgert. Warum haben die Menschen so eine Angst vor mir? ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Hi, hi, hi, ??! Ein einfaches buh, buh gen?gt und schon rennen sie schneller als die Hasen weg. ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Ich kann es nur immer wieder sagen. Ich bin doch eigentlich ein liebes K?tzchen. Jetzt bei denen zu Hause M?uschen spielen, wenn die ihre vollen Hosen wechseln m?ssen. Hat aber ganz sch?n gestunken, was der wohl gegessen hat? Aber das mit der Maus geht nicht, ich bin eben eine Katze! Ich gr?ble mir wieder mal was zusammen! Na und? Ich habe wenigstens Phantasie, basta! ............ Tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp......, tapp...... ............ Da, meine H?hle, der Wald ist zu Ende. Wenn man rumgr?belt, merkt man nicht wie lang der Weg ist. Mist, der See ist gr?sser geworden. Wie komme ich jetzt zum neuen Eingang? ............ Ich glaube K?tzchen, du musst an einer seichten Stelle durch das Wasser. Iiiiiii!!!! Schon wieder nass! Ich bin doch keine Wasserkatze. ............ So, das war?s, da ist der Eingang. Rein in die H?hle und noch ein Paar Steine sicherheitshalber vor dem Eingang. Die werden bestimmt morgen am Tag wieder auf Jagd gehen. Am Tag sind die Menschen mutig. Ist schon merkw?rdig, die versuchen mich am Tag zu jagen und ich jage sie nachts. Das k?nnte ein interessantes Spiel werden, aber auch schnell daneben gehen! Ich darf es nicht ?bertreiben. ?berheblich darf ich auch nicht werden, sie sind ?usserst hinterlistig Was mache ich zum Beispiel, wenn sie sich Nachtsichtger?te besorgen? In diesem Fall habe ich dann keinen Vorteil mehr. Dar?ber muss ich noch mal intensiv nachdenken ............ So, noch ein Schl?ckchen trinken und dann kommt mein Verdauungsschlaf? Schon wieder Wasser! Brrrr!!! Warum braucht man das bloss? ............ Der Boden ist noch immer hart. Mist! Wohl oder ?bel werde ich doch noch etwas dagegen tun m?ssen. Ahhh, eine wohlige M?digkeit kommt auf. Das kleine Schl?fchen wird mir gut tun. Wenigsten gr?ble ich dann nicht Uuhhaaa.... viel. ............ ............ ............ Fortsetzung folgt!

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Mein Schwager Teil1

[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Es war ein verregneter Montag im November und man hatte den Eindruck als würde es überhauptnicht hell werden. Ich war früh aufgestanden, bereits kurz nachdem mein Mann zurArbeit gegangen war. Ich hatte in der letzten Nacht nicht viel geschlafen, da mein Mann undich uns am Tag zuvor heftig gestritten hatten. So war ich aufgestanden und wischte mir dieletzten Tränen aus den Augen um mich in die Küche zu begeben und zu Frühstücken. Ich warenorm wütend auf Roland,...

1 year ago
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Piusinka Jhiara Seal Phateili

Hiii friends mor naa butu. Mu issra regular reader. Aji mu mo nijara sata story apana manaka sa share karibaku jauchi. Ye story mu au mo piusi jhia bhauni mealy ra. Mealy mo tharu 3 yr sana. Ame sabu bhai bhauni bahut misu sanga pari. Mealy dekhibaku bahut sundar 5’5″ ht medium health sete mealy ra fig 30.28.30. Ebe kintu 34 32 34 heigalani. Yee kahani 18 yr burbara jetebele mealy matric exam dei ama gharaku bulibaku asithila. Mu b inter exam pare ghare rahuthae. Mo 2 bhauni hostelre rahi...

4 years ago
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Power Tool Original versionChapter 02

At 5:45 a.m. John is alerted to Wendy entering his room. She climbs on the bed, slips under the covers, and sucks his dick. She’s soon mumbling under her breath since his dick is still limp. John giggles as he pulls the covers back, “Thanks for the compliment, but nothing will make that stiff except an electrical signal initiated by me. You forget it’s mechanical.” Looking up she blushes, “I did forget, it feels so real and you’re so human I have trouble accepting you’re not flesh and blood...

4 years ago
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Mistress and Boi Anniversary Night

Note This is not my normal style, but a dear reader wanted something sweet and romantic just this once. Mistress and Boi – Anniversary Night. I fidgeted in great anticipation, waiting for my Mistress to get ready. Tonight we would celebrate ten wonderful years together, and I was so excited. Tonight I was to take the lead, and I would woo my Mistress as a lover would. To any eye that dared to see, we would simply be two lovers out on the town celebrating an anniversary, not knowing that I...

2 years ago
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Our first leading to many adventures 1

I have been an avid reader of this site for many a year and although many stories are made up, you can tell the ones that are by the way the story fades away half way through. We have noticed there are a few who give a running commentary with their escapades and I/ we have decided to do the same, this will be the longest one to set the scene to why we started and continued after our first experience.So here is my true story.My Husband & I (Dave and Sue) are aged 51 and 47 respectively, we...

2 years ago
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Online Christmas Wishes

The tree was glittering with lights. Her stocking was hung on the mantle. A crackling fire danced in the fireplace. A CD full of Christmas tunes filled the room with holiday cheer. To anyone looking in the window, it would’ve appeared as if the occupant was in a festive mood. That is, unless they knew the occupant. Tess sat in front of her computer, alone again on Christmas Eve and talking to others who were suffering from the same problem. Far away from family and few friends aside from...

1 year ago
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Toms Personal SEXetaryChapter 3

That afternoon, Tom had returned from a quick trip to another part of town, and he'd left Samantha and the other members of the office staff to do their normal work. He'd always given Sam more than enough to keep her busy, but he always made sure she knew that "the task at hand" had priority if that task involved sexual play with him. Tom knew that he'd give Samantha more and more guidance on what her job as his SEXetary entailed but he was already amazed at what an eager worker she was...

2 years ago
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My best friends mom needs a massage

My best friend Tony and I grew up next door. We have been best friends since the first grade. Tony and I are both 19 now. My mom and dad divorced when I was very young and I lived with my dad. Growing up without a mom was hard. Tony’s mom, Mrs. C. always insisted I call her mom, I think she felt sorry for me and tried to be the surrogate mom that I didn’t have since my own mom remarried and moved out of the country. I was over Tony’s house every day since my dad worked long hours. Mrs. C....

3 years ago
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Overslept by Erin Tyler Becca walked up to her roommate's bedroom door while adjusting the sleeves on her dress suit. She pushed her big round glasses up her nose and called out, through the door, "Kaylee! C'mon, we've got to go! We've only got fifteen minutes to get to work!" She heard a sudden shuffle in the room, then a bump. "Kaylee? Are you all right in there?" She carefully knocked on the door. She heard someone grunting and rapidly shuffling around the room, then more...

2 years ago
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Late Class

On the day after my roommate, Tonia and I watched each other masturbate, I went for a very long swim in the campus pool. Swimming was my usual form of exercise and relaxation. That morning, I swam the most laps that I had done since I stopped training for competition.When I emerged from the pool, exhausted but relaxed, I sat on the edge for a while catching my breath. The swim had calmed me, but thoughts of the previous evening still lurked. I was still not sure what this erotic encounter in an...

College Sex
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Being watched

Last night was our first ever dogging session. It took both of us ages to build up the confidence worrying more about being caught by someone we knew or the authorities.Anyway after parking up behind a local pub where we knew the fields attracted people we put the light on and started kissing. I wasnt sure how popular it would be as we didnt see anyone when we pulled in but after only a few seconds we had a couple of watchers. My wife loves showing off so I knew that would be a problem and it...

2 years ago
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Mommy Mounds

"Huh?" I gasp as I wake up to the sound of car tires going off the side of the road. "Where are we?" "Near Tuscaloosa baby. I was hoping I could make it home before I started leaking but I really need to pump. I know it'll be awkward for you but will it bother you if I pump while you drive for a bit?" My mom replies as I begin to notice the wet spots on her shirt. "Oh yeah sure I'll be fine." I say very groggily. This is weird I've never seen my mom's tits before. I'd be lying if I said I...

3 years ago
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Jills Day OutChapter 2

The Instructions. Now, sitting alone in the café, she fought to remain calm. The note was typewritten; the previous ones had been scrawled, almost illegible. The instructions were clear; she must wear a dress, no bra. Suspenders and stockings, but not panties. High heel shoes with ankle straps. Jill was surprised by the "no panties" rule; he had seemed to like tugging them down her legs, then ordering her to step from them. Perhaps he just wanted some variety this time. She found herself...

4 years ago
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Lost The Love Of My Life

‘Party of one?’ the host asked. ‘No’ I said to him. ‘Table for two’ ‘This way please’, the host led me to my table. ‘I’ll let you know when your guest arrives. There would be a waiter out to take your drink order.’ It was about 30 minutes later the waiter had brought my drink and Aaron had not arrived yet. I was so glad I had run into him after all these years. Aaron and I had been friend since high school. We grow up in Cincinnati, we lived in all black neighborhood. It was a good...

1 year ago
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The Story Of Me And My Aunt Part II

By : Binson.Out This is in continuation of the story published earlier titled ‘The Story of Me and My Aunt. My aunt kissed me as I left for school. I was very happy, it was going perfectly as I had wanted. I was eagerly waiting for the school to get over so that I could rush back to home and make love to Aunt again. In the afternoon, I reached back to home after school. I rang the door bell, aunt opened the gate for me. As I got in, She shut the door, took me in her arms and kissed me on lips....

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 8

Well, I was finally meeting one of her daughters... Finally? I've only known this lady for two days! I know I move fast but this is getting a little strange. I don't know if it's because I've been lonely or because I was finally comfortable with my new lifestyle. I'd heard of many situations where someone won a lottery and went off the deep end. I made the reservations for dinner and then called Steve. "Hey, John, I don't know what strings you pulled but I picked up Jerry a few...

1 year ago
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Gay Sex In A Sleeper Bus

Hello, friends, my name is Tintin, I am from new Delhi. I live in Dwarka and I am a chubby built bisexual, so any men, women or tranny looking for casual sex around can leave a mail At This story is fiction and name of my character are Kunal. It was a mid october night, I was standing on the red fort bus stop waiting for my private sleeper bus to arrive. It had rained all the day, wet roads clearly showed that. I could smell the nice aroma of wet mud along with little cold winds blowing on my...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Craigslist BBC for Nikki and John

I set it up just right. It was two days before her period was supposed to start. I unplugged the oven/stove in the middle of the night so Nikki would wake up thinking it had broken. I placed a call to a "repair man" -- but it was really Marcus, the guy who I had selected to give my wife her very first black cock. And what a truly big one it was!With Marcus scheduled to arrive at 4:30, I started warming Nikki up at 1 with some alcohol. By 3 we were on the couch, feeling tipsy, smoking a blunt...

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Suzys Daydream

After months of involuntary abstinence from the joy of being Suzy, I finally managed to get a Friday afternoon off, giving me enough time to transform. With lots of time to prepare, I forced myself to go slowly, carefully shaving as closely as I could, trimming my eyebrows as much as I dared (knowing that I still needed to be able to resume my masculine identity once the adventure was over), and meticulously applying my makeup. I’ve actually gotten pretty good at the makeup, and was pretty...

3 years ago
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Dost Ke Janmdin Par Uski Maa Ki Chut Ka Gift

Dosto chodu raja ka aap sabhi ko pyar bhara namaskar meri pichli kahani “aunty ki chut ka bhosada banaya” padi aur uske mujhe bahut reply aye main apka sukragujar hu ki apne meri kahani ko pasand kiya jin readers ne nahi padhi wo bhi meri pahli kahani padh sakte hai… Ab jyada time na lete huye main kahani par chalta hu …. Is kahani ke patro se apka parichay karwa du… Ajay mera bahut purana dost mera humunra jiske sath main apni har bat share karta hu aur mauj masti karta hu ajay 22 sal ka ek...

1 year ago
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Making New Friends pt1

Meeting a stranger for a casual encounter was unchartered territory for me. After a few weeks of chatting, we were finally meeting Matt IRL. I was nervous and closed. I can remember only flashes of him from that first time we took him home. The smell of his cock. His strong hands around my neck. His blue eyes looking down on me as I sucked on him. His gaze told me I wasn’t as much a women as I was a sex object. The look of pleasure on his face was a look of sternness. Ready to punish me for...

3 years ago
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Searching Part three of the Brandt Family seriesChapter 4

The entry gate sentry for the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station was naturally a Marine. Katie exited the taxi after paying the fare and watched it drive away before approaching the sentry station. She already saw her next ride on the other side of the gate. “Good afternoon Corporal. My name is Katie Brandt, and I believe you have a pass for me.” The Marine Corporal didn’t salute her, but his demeanor noticeably stiffened as he said, “Yes Ma’am. If you can show me some ID I will get your...

1 year ago
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Pinay Flix VIP! Those Pinay pussy videos won’t watch themselves! Is that a line your mother uses when she wants you to jack off to Filipino beauties showing off their perfect bodies? Really? She says that shit!Then do not disappoint her! Visit Pinay Flix VIP and let mother know that you found a tube site with all kinds of sexy, amateur Pinay videos! The content that will get you off is all here for your viewing pleasure, so what in the fuck are you waiting for bitch?See what Pinay Flix VIP has...

Asian Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Dumpster Diver

DUMPSTER DIVERThis is strictly a work of fiction, and the characters within represent no particular living persons. The usual disclaimers apply?blah?blah?.blahKate is employed as a troubleshooter for a medium sized mid-western retail chain. They pay her quite well to spend a few months at a poorer performing store, find the problems, and fix them in her rather unique way. Her latest assignment for Bormans was in a city of about 80,000, just off the major interstate highway. This store was...

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A grandma fetish story for your enjoyment

In all my years, I had never thought of grandma Em in a sexual way until the day I walked into their house, yelled for her and got no answer. I could see that granda Willie was gone. His Chrysler’s absence meant he was either gone to play gin rummy with the guys or he at the golf course. Either way, I figured she was in the garden fooling around with flowers. As I head to the bathroom, I had whipped out my piss hard dick, opened the door prepared to loose my pee, when I get shock...

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Julie and Debra a Bedtime Spanking

n.b. This story is an extract from my three volume saga "Slaves of the Amethyst". I post the story as it makes a fitting accompaniment to my gallery of bedtime spankings. If anybody becomes interested in the larger narrative behind this little extract and would like to read more of "Slaves of the Amethyst" then please be sure to let me know.Michaela Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 19 A Winning Season

Jack managed to finagle a ride home with a couple of cheerleaders who were juniors. I have no idea if he got anything more from them than a lift home, and I didn’t want to know. One of these days my brother’s love life was going to bite him in the ass. Some girl was going to find him with another girl, and there would be hell to pay. Hopefully she wouldn’t be carrying a weapon when that happened. The Sports Section headline Saturday morning was “UNDERDOG PIONEERS CRUSH WARRIORS!” I had no...

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Professor Puma Lesson 2 Face Fucking

The day had come. I was finally going to taste his cum. All week we jokingly flirted back and forth about what we expected to happen on our next Sunday afternoon "sexcapades." It was time for me to finally live up to all the naughty innuendos I implicated. After driving around for what seemed like an eternity we finally found a spot where we thought we wouldn't get caught. I was so nervous. My biggest fear was being caught in salatious acts with someone so much younger than I, and having my...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 25 Sibling Rivalry

MARIA: “It seems that everyone who has touched this place has been blessed,” I said softly. “We’re so glad you’ve finally moved down here to be with us,” Anna said. “It took you so long. Our namesake is twelve years old already. She needs to be near her grandma.” “Anna Marie is the reason we’re here. We just had loose ends to tie up before we could move down here. You know how it goes when you have other children clamoring for attention.” “Oh, don’t I just,” Marilyn laughed. “I thought...

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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 9 Saturday is just another day

Abby was excited to go swimming, and to see Kaylie. Not sure she could explain her new home life activities, she nevertheless was curious to see her friend, and maybe have some more fun ... though simply thinking about that made her feel a bit funny. Maybe she would laugh or not be wanting to, ya know, now that she’d gone on a real date and everything. Lost in her own world, she did not pay much attention to her brother, other than to be aware that he was driving. She’d found her swimsuit...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Gina Gerson Young Lust

Gina Gerson has been waiting for her lover Nick Ross to wake up, but this impatient little hottie can’t wait another moment. Joining Nick in the best, the young beauty uses gentle caresses to wake him. Nick is instantly ready to rumble, pressing Gina onto her back beside him so he can worship her small breasts with his mouth while sliding her sheer panties aside to caress her bare twat with his big hands. Sliding one finger deep into Gina’s horny snatch, Nick waits a moment before...

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neighbour aunty

I was staying by myself and was getting bored as I did not know the local language. After few weeks a couple moved into one of the empty aparment. They had a young c***d. She Radhika (name changed) was around 30, slim, fair good looking. After few days I happened to meet her and she introduced herself and shook my hand. She had a very soft touch and quite warm. Then itself I got attracted and wanted to fuck her.Let me describe myself, I am 5′ 7″ , in early 40s, medium built, fair, good looking...

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Fucking The Sister

I was sixteen when my adopted dad died, it happened so suddenly and our family was never quite the same. My "sister", named Sarah, was fifteen at the time and we had grown close over the 10 years I had been with the Smiths. I don't remember my real parents, I was taken off them when I was young and passed around until I settle with the Smiths. They were awesome. Treated me like there own and loved me. I never held a grudge against them for not being my real parents. After the passing of our dad...

1 year ago
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Broken By The Smoldering Fire In His Soul

Homeless she thought, what do I do? Staying in an apartment with people she didn’t know, she felt uncomfortable when they had to feed her. Where do I go from here? In her short years she had lived a lifetime. One of the girls in the house invited her to a party across the way. It was some place to be so they went. The summer night was warm when they walked to the front door. The house was full but what she saw was men, big men in jeans and biker cut-offs sitting and standing around the front...

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Honeymoon Cruise

Michael and Aria had just gotten married… Mike had visited her towards the end of the summer and decided to stay with her. They were already really good friends and cared about each other a lot, but as time went on, he couldn’t pretend he didn’t feel the things he felt. He told Aria how much he loved her and the next day he proposed. He had paid for tickets so his family could attend the wedding, and they were amazed by the spectacle… Michael had the arrivals lobby cleared out and covered in...

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Larry looses everything

"Fuck you " snarled Larry."I'm not a bitch" sobbed Rita.Larry felt bad for his angry words and put his arm around his wife. He kissed her and said he was sorry. Rita knew that her husband loved her and it was silly of her to be jealous. So what if his secretary was young and beautiful but when he had to go back to the office to work late that she became suspicious."Will you be back in time for supper?""No, it will take a long time" he sighed."How long?" she ask."Maybe midnight"Larry knocked on...

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Unforgettable Erotic Week With Masseur 8211 Part 2 8211 Sushi Meal And Tantra

Introduction Hi guys and girls. My name is Shahid.I basically from Bangalore recently completed my graduation in health and wellness with specialised in massages which is a science and art. I have learnt the art to relax any girl / women and to give her ultimate pleasure. I also even travel to major cities to give massages to my clients in cities like Pune,delhi,chennai,mumbai and all cities of Karnataka.(subject to conditions) I am a specialised masseur my job is to give the ultimate...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Date Gone Wrong

The leader spook to Daniel "Leave now" as they walked closer to them. Daniel refused, and two guys came up to him, grabbed him and held him near the wall, I knife held to his neck. "DANIEL!!!" Sarah screamed as she ran to help him, but before she could take two steps the leader grabbed her and was holding her tight to his body, also with a knife you her neck. "Be a good girls, and do what you're told, and I wont kill you." the leader whispered into her ear. And he gave a nod...

2 years ago
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Unlimited exposure and delightful experiences8230

Hi. I am Manish from Kholapur and did my Engineering from Pune. I got a placement from a top software company and ironically they placed me at Coimbatore. I came to Coimbatore and rented a house is Peelamedu. The ground floor was occupied by Saikumar and Priya and they had two children and the first floor by me. There was a huge open space in the first floor and also a separate water tank above my house. On the corner of the first floor near my house, they had special facilities to wash the...

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Lucky Alex Ch 01

Chapter 1 Missed Opportunities I met Loraine at my local gym, she joined a few months after me. We got to recognise each other as people do in that situation and would say hello when passing at the gym, or smile and nod if we saw each other in the street but that was it. She was very classy, the kind of woman who drove a late registration Mercedes sports car, wore designer label sports kit and paid for tennis coaching. I wore an old faded T shirt and rugby shorts, ran a company Ford and...

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Hurricane Hot Wax And Thick Globs Of Cum

I’m from the north and had only been living in the south for two weeks when the forecasters put me into a collision course with my first hurricane. I didn’t know what to expect. I planned to run to higher ground until the hot guy I met while walking across campus invited me to a hurricane party at his house.For the record, it wasn’t like I met with him, then two hours later I was going to his house. We hung out a few times, but before that stormy night, we’d never really done anything other...

2 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 48

Stan watched as the two women started away from each other. Anne looked guilty, Denise surprised. "Okay, what are you two hatching?" he asked. Anne recovered first. She looked back to Denise and then returned her gaze back to Stan. "We were talking about love, and commitment. We — well, I, was checking up about property, nearer to the office." "Thinking of moving, Anne?" he asked, then, as the implication hit him, he added, "Moving away from us, Anne?" Anne threw her hands palms...

1 year ago
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Jackson in HRPGWorld 2 Exploding Kiwis in the Nether RegionsChapter 4

"Tubby isn't the problem," OldFart said. "He's big and he's got a lot of hit points, but none of his attacks does much damage. No, the real problem is her ... the succubus." OldFart pointed down to a pathway that ran off to the right of the bridge. It wound between dead trees and under a broken archway. At the end of the path was-- DaBigBoom's mouth dropped open. Wow. That was a hottie. A real, blazing hot, totally fuckable hottie. She looked like a porn star or glamour model in a...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 863

These are compliments of J & B Gandhi ... A lovely little anecdote about one of life’s more interesting characters: When Mahatma Gandhi was studying law at the University College of London, a professor by the name of Peters disliked him intensely and always displayed animosity towards him. And because Gandhi never lowered his head when addressing him, as he expected, there were always “arguments” and confrontations. One day Mr. Peters was having lunch at the University dining room when...

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