Genmanipulation Teil 1
- 3 years ago
- 21
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Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...
Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...
Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Sie darf weder komplett noch in Teilen ohne ausdr?ckliche Genehmigung durch den Autor weder in schriftlicher, gedruckter noch elektronischer Form weiter ver?ffentlicht werden. F?r Personen unter 18 Jahre ist diese Geschichte nicht geeignet? Drachenwind Seit e...
So liebe Freunde. Neugierig geworden wie es mit Kristina weitergeht?Viel Spaß beim Lesen.Spielschulden Teil 2Kristina erwachte erst am frühen Nachmittag. Sofort war sie mit Ihren Gedanken wieder beim gestrigen Abend. Sie verstand immer noch nicht, wie ihre Vergewaltigung, denn etwas anderes war es ja eigentlich nicht, sie so geil machen konnte. Immer wieder musste sie an den Chef der Bande, Peter Wegner, denken. Von Beginn an hatte er eine fesselnde Einwirkung auf sie gehabt. Die Art, wie er...
Eine Weile schaute ich dem Boot noch nach, bis es mit meiner Starndschönheit hinter einer Landzunge verschwand. Die Aussicht auf ein Frühstück trieb mich zurück auf den Zeltplatz. Auf dem Heimweg mußte ich schmunzeln. All das, was ich bisher erlebt hatte, erlaubte es mir, mich viel gelassener auf dem FKK-Platz zu bewegen. Wenn ich noch vor Wochen, nach dem Zusammentreffen mit ein paar Mädels auf dem Zeltplatzweg, meine Erektion mit Handtuch und schnellem Laufen verbergen mußte, so konnte ich...
Der unerwartete Besuch entpuppte sich als Freunde aus den Niederlanden, die sie schon lange kannten, aber nicht erwartet hatten. Es gab ein großes Hallo mit vielen Küssen und Umarmungen. Dies gab mir die Gelegenheit die Gäste genauer zu betrachten. John, der Vater, war ein richtiger Hüne. Er überragte sogar Onkel Willi um eine Kopflänge. Sein Körper war von einem sanften Braunton und ließ einen ehemaligen Athleten erkennen. Das Lachen und seine einnehmende Art machten ihn sogleich sympathisch....
Ich bin der Phillip, bin 18 Jahre und gehe noch zur Schule. Wohne also noch bei meinen Eltern. Bislang hatte ich mit dem anderen Geschlecht noch keine Erfahrungen gemacht gehabt, bis sich folgendes letzten Herbst ereignete:Wie so oft war ich bei meinem Besten Kumpel bis spät abends um an der PS4 zu zocken. Irgendwann drückte aber doch die Blase und ging auf's Klo. Mein Kumpel war noch mitten drin am Zocken, während mein Char im Kugelhagel abgeknallt worden war. Während ich mich erleichterte...
Hallo ich heiße Kevin bin 28 und möchte euch das geilste was ich in dem letzten Jahr erlebt habe gern erzählen. Es ist nix erfunden oder so sondern eine wahre Geschichte.Es geht um meine Frau Natalie(27) die war zu dem Zeitpunkt im 6monat Schwanger. Und meine beste Freundin Nadine (26)die ich seit der Grundschule kenn.Dass ihr von den zwei ein Bild habt beschreib ich sie euch kurz. Also meine Frau ist 1.60m groß hatte zu dem Zeitpunkt wegen der Schwangerschaft 78kg.Aber davor und auch jetzt...
Meinem Mann eine Lehre erteielt.Es war schon Abend und Männe immer noch nicht zu Hause, ein kurzes Telefonat bestättigte meine Vermutung das er mal wieder in der Eckkneipe sahs und Karten spielte.Nur mit Turnschuhen, Leggins und T-Shirt bekleidet ging ich schnell rüber um Ihn zu holen.Er sahs mit 2 Typen am Ecktisch spielte 17+4 und auf dem Tisch lag eine ziemliche Menge Geld.Er fragte mich nur ob ich etwas Geld dabei hätte,da er den Einsatz nicht mehr bringen könnte, aber gerne weiterspielen...
Dies ist meine erste geschichte überhaupt. Ich hoffe sie gefällt euch. Ich heiße mike und meine freundin heißt lucy. Wir sind seit 10 Jahren zusammen und haben 2 kinder zusammen. Lucy ist eine sehr schöne frau 35 jahre wie ich Schwarze haare und ist klein. So ca 1,55. Sie ist sehr schlank 46 kg kleine Brüste kleiner arsch. Ich bin 1,78 und nomale statur. Mit meinem 17cm schwanz bin ich Mittelmaß und die Breite so um die 4,5 cm. Wir sind zwar mitte 30 aber sehen beide ziemlich Jung aus. Lucy ist...
VORSTELLUNGSGESPRÄCH der perversen ART! Teil02mit Samra - Babysitterin, 18J. jung.… mein Schwanz ist aber so was von hart, der muss weg —— ich rufe aus dem Fenster runter: „hi Samra, bin in 5min unten!“ Sie: „OK“ Ich entschliesse mich kurzer Hand mich um zu ziehen um meine Schwanz-Beule zu "zähmen". also ziehe ich statt der weiten Boxershort eine enge an,mit Schlitz und 2 Knöpfen vorne dran und wieder die Baggy darüber. Oh mann bin ich vielleicht aufgeregt und geil, dass ich es kaum aushalte …...
To The MaxCopyright by OctiliPersonen: (genauer in der Vorgeschichte)Ich selbst: 43, geschieden, sportliche Figur, Bi, freiberuflicher ProgrammiererMischa: 42, geschieden, androgyner Typ, Doktor der Medizin und Chemie, freiberuflich tätig.Jean-Paul: 35, homosexuell, Modedesigner und SchneiderHeike: 36, nicht gebunden, bi, Angestellte von J-PMischa hatte seine Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der hormonellen Geschlechtsangleichung in den letzten Monaten immer wieder verfeinert. Er war mittlerweile in...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Ich wachte spät am anderen Morgen auf. Der Himmel war regenverhangen und alles sah grauin grau aus als ich meine Augen öffnete und durch das Fenster hinaus schaute. Was war gesternalles geschehen? Ich musste erst mal meine Gedanken sammeln. Als erstes viel mir meinleicht schmerzendes Poloch auf. Trotzdem war der Abend wunderbar gewesen, zumal ja dochSachen passiert waren, an die ich im Traum vorher nicht gedacht hatte. Ich stand auf um mirzu erst mal ein gutes...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]In der Wohnung lehnte ich mich zuerst mal mit dem Rücken an die Tür, als hätte ich Angstjemand könnte mir gefolgt sein. Mir schossen tausend Gedanken durch den Kopf. Einerseitswar mir die Aktion total peinlich, andererseits fühlte ich mich hoch befriedigt. Aber wie würdees jetzt weiter gehen? Schließlich war offensichtlich, dass ich meinen Mann mit unseremSchwager betrogen hatte. Genauso offensichtlich war, dass Sven seine Frau betrogen hatte,die uns bei unserem...
[Netzfund Autorin: Anke Hahn]Es war ein verregneter Montag im November und man hatte den Eindruck als würde es überhauptnicht hell werden. Ich war früh aufgestanden, bereits kurz nachdem mein Mann zurArbeit gegangen war. Ich hatte in der letzten Nacht nicht viel geschlafen, da mein Mann undich uns am Tag zuvor heftig gestritten hatten. So war ich aufgestanden und wischte mir dieletzten Tränen aus den Augen um mich in die Küche zu begeben und zu Frühstücken. Ich warenorm wütend auf Roland,...
Hiii friends mor naa butu. Mu issra regular reader. Aji mu mo nijara sata story apana manaka sa share karibaku jauchi. Ye story mu au mo piusi jhia bhauni mealy ra. Mealy mo tharu 3 yr sana. Ame sabu bhai bhauni bahut misu sanga pari. Mealy dekhibaku bahut sundar 5’5″ ht medium health sete mealy ra fig 30.28.30. Ebe kintu 34 32 34 heigalani. Yee kahani 18 yr burbara jetebele mealy matric exam dei ama gharaku bulibaku asithila. Mu b inter exam pare ghare rahuthae. Mo 2 bhauni hostelre rahi...
Cabin One Michael had not been to Sleepy Creek Cabins since his honeymoon five years earlier. Sleepy Creek, a bed and breakfast that featured four cabins tucked into the Virginia mountains provided the perfect level of comfort and isolation for a week of pure enjoyment for Michael and his new bride. They had stayed in Cabin One, which featured a full kitchen, covered back porch, king bed and full size Jacuzzi that had a view of the entire grounds. From the back porch, and the Jacuzzi, Michael...
“I’m sorry, Charlie…” I whispered, appalled to have my little brother discover me jerking off. “Don’t tell Mom, please!” “I won’t, Cavan,” he replied quietly. “Just tell me what you’re doing.” “You mean you don’t know what masturbating is?” “No…” His brow furrowed in confusion. “What is it?” “It’s-” I stopped. “It’s nothing. You’ll learn when you’re older.” “C’mon, Cavan!” he exclaimed, balling his fists at his side angrily. “Just tell me what you’re...
Author’s Note: Well, dear friends, here is the penultimate chapter of this story for you all to enjoy. So sit back and get settled in because there is a lot going on in this chapter! We finally find out the truth about Clive, which rocks Lindi’s world to its foundations, and Peter makes an unusual discovery that changes his life forever. And as for our friends’ relationship with each other, well, read on and find out! Enjoy! Two Thousand and Ten Chapter Five – September and October ...
100% fictional! My name is Mike. This all started last summer when I had just finished high school. I just turned 18 and was soon going to college. The place my aunt lived was somewhat rural, but it was a large neighborhood. This neighborhood was a lot closer to the college I was going to, for it was only a half an hour away from the college. My mom suggested that I go live with her to save money on gas. My aunt was 41yrs old and was still pretty hot for that age; at 5'6" she had slightly wavy...
IncestHello everyone I’m Dhruva. I am happy to pen down my first experience. Of course the names are changed. I am an undergraduate pursuing medicine at one of the top government medical colleges in south India. I am 5’7″ tall with average musculature and quite charming from what I have heard. Bless me for that. This lovable accident took place when I was in my second year vacation. Going to the story proper, I came close to one of my classmates in the second year. Her name is Abhirupa. She wasn’t...
Ann's home was exactly as I expected. It was comfortable, bright colours with some rather nice framed prints on the wall. She told me to take a seat and went off to make coffee. Then this black cat came in and looked at me suspiciously. Presumable deciding that I was not a threat it tested the water, by jumping up on the chair and walking all over my lap. Not round and round as cats do when they will settle down, but from one side to the other, across my lap, up on the arm, then back. I...
We sat at the kitchen table, having a quick breakfast before we left for our respective jobs. Patti was checking her make-up and I was trying to finish my coffee, as well as the sports section, before I hit the road. "How long is your cock, Matt?" she asked. I avoided the spray of coffee all over the table like you see in the slapstick comedies, but some caffeine did dribble out my nose as I tried to stifle my reaction. I cleaned my upper lip with a napkin and stared at my wife. "What the...
Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr and Wunderboi******Chapter 36******Janice tied the dressing gown around her waist before taking a final tour of the dinner table checking that every last detail had been attended to before her guests arrived. Herb faithfully followed her like a puppy dog ready to react and 'put right' or adjust anything that might catch her eye with disapproval."That looks fine", she said giving the flower arrangement in the...
"Hi Alex, this is Sean" Timidly, "Hi Sean." "Logan's parents agreed to a meeting tonight." "OK." "You really don't wanna do this, do you." "I do, but, well you know." "There's one stipulation." "What do you mean?" "They don't want any touching between you and Logan, not even a handshake." "Sounds good." "Oh? OK, enough said." ... Everyone feels uncomfortable with the meeting, yet each realize how important it is. When Alex and Sean...
This is the continuation of my first story, Sumit And Riya Honeymoon Gone Wrong which is published here – He pulled her legs up on his shoulder and bent forward to thrust his cock in and out of her. He maintained the pace quite easily which made her squeal like a dog as she had orgasm many times. He would bent forward to rub her face following to her breasts pinching the nipples and rub back to the...
When she looked around the cave, she saw the man-beast lying next to her. She watched him sleeping, “Oh god,” she uttered, as she looked at his body half man, half beast with fur. As she gazed lower, she saw his cock, half hidden in a sheath. It must be Hugh as all she could see was the large mushroom head and about four inches of it thick girth. She licked her lips ran her fingers across her swollen tender nipple and felt an electrical charge went straight to her clit. The events of...
Hello friends my name is Sneha I am 30 years old woman with fair color and sexy figure. I have 6 year old son. I am basically from haryana now settled in Delhi after marriage yeh meri real story. Yeh sachi kahni aur mei first time likh rhi hu so muje itna experience nhi h kuch glti ho toh maaf krna. My husband is working in mnc at big post and I am housewife. Shaadi k baad hmari sex life bahut achi rhi humne full enjoy kiya. My husband is a good person and very open minded unhone muje b open...
I took a long cool shower and put on a clean pair of silky shorts and had a quick clean up before my masseuse arrived. I sat out on the patio having a smoke which probably wasn’t the best idea as it made me horny and this was definitely a NON-SEXUAL service but hey-ho I am sure she has seen an erection before in a non-sexual way, I am sure everything will be alright.It was 10 minutes to 7 when the phone rang and Jilly (my masseuse) was outside and just confirming, I told her I would open the...
“Did you not hear my words, Mr. Jones?” “I did, Jeeves, but I could not make sense of them.” “It was a conversation performed using a social code, Mr. Jones; a pattern of words where nothing is said outright, merely assumed.” “How do you mean?” “We agreed that should the teenage thugs get up to more trouble, their details would get to me and I will deal with them clandestinely.” “Clandestinely?” “Secretly, in such a way as to their attacker being unrecognised.” “Oh, I see. You would...
SLEEPOVERS SEAN WAS SECRETLY THRILLED with the developments next door.As he changed out of his uniform, his mind was racing. Obviously the thought of watching his neighbors have public sex was a turn-on. Like most men, Sean was a visual creature, and the sight of a naked woman, with all her curves and sensuality, could cause his pulse to race. The thought of that same woman being brought to climax before his very eyes was almost more than he could bear.But there was more than that, too.Sean had...
Stacey Dixon, Rita Meckler, and Carol Davidson formed a writhing heap of warm, naked flesh on the king-sized bed in the bedroom of a mountain cabin Carol owned in a rural area of James county. All three of them squirmed as hands, lips, and tongues slid over warm flesh and bodies rubbed against one another. It was dizzying, delightful, and erotic, each person kissing another, their hands caressing, seeking. Passion built in the lusting trio as they excited each other beyond belief. ‘Ohhhhh!!!’...
It had been a crazy weekend, and frankly I wasn't completely upset to be hitting the road again. In the space of a few weeks, I'd gone from definitely straight to definitely lesbian to, well, bi-confused. I needed time away from Stacey and Michael to work it all out in my head. On the surface, things were pretty good. Stacey had moved into my old bedroom; it was much more spacious than her old apartment and I was only there on weekends. I was more than happy to share the bed, if you know...
Around 2001 I met this 40 something white mature beauty (now 53)on AOL chat. We chatted one evening and we opted to me each other the next evening at her house. I went to her house and the pussy was good as all hell. After our first encounter we met up for the next 7 years at her house maybe 2-3 times a month normally on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday Night around 12:00am to have great sex. We never talked too much on the phone or anything like that, but the sex was very meditative. For most of...
Stella took a deep breath and poured herself a generous glass of white wine. She had done her duty, talked to most of the people at the party, and now had a moment to herself. Roland was off in the other room, probably still getting his ear talked off by that guy who owned a sailboat. She thought about going in there and throw him a lifeline but she didn’t bother. Her husband was a big boy. He could take care of himself. Stella was more concerned about Alan. Their son never did well at...
Before I start this, the final chapter of Knox County, I’d like to make a few comments. First, my most sincere apologies for taking so long to get this out. Yep, six months is inexcusable, but funny how life gets in the way sometimes. Second, thanks to all who have read and commented, both good and bad. Hey, even bad criticism is better than none at all. Third, this is a first for me. I have tried to tackle some tough subjects and do so in a compelling, believable manner. To do so, I have had...
As I stepped outside the Uber my 6-inch heels clicked against the pavement making a loud noise and attracting the attention of a few guys loitering outside of the house. I could tell they were staring at me, as I stood up, my long slender legs protruding through my tiny tight leather mini skirt.Underneath my skirt, I was wearing a sexy black lingerie set, complete with stockings that made me feel super slutty. I also wore a flattering silky crop top that wrapped tight around my skinny chest and...
Group SexI couldn’t but soon entered into the bed sheet and Kalpana aunty hugged me with her body. Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many...
The Royals is a series that follows the lives and stories of 6 families in a hunt for one throne- the kingdom of Mantrapura. According to an age-old prophecy, the kingdom that rules over Mantrapura for 25 years continuously shall get the power to rule the world. The prophecy is scripted on the gigantic walls of Mantrapura. Mantrapura is an island in the Indian Ocean that no country has claimed. Surrounded on the outside by a thick jungle, this sprawling kingdom hosts around eleven thousand...
If you haven't read part 1, I recommend that you read it before you read part 2. That made us both wide awake. We both scrambled up at the same time but that only got us tangled up in each other and we wound up falling off the bed, creating a bang that a deaf person could have heard. We stayed silent for a few seconds before we heard Mom say, "Are you guys alright up there?" That was when we heard the footsteps coming at a pretty fast pace up the stairs... "Shit shit shit!" I tried to...
IncestHello All, This is a real life story and something which really happened in my life. I never used to wear underwear. In my school I had to wear shorts and shirt. I did realize till later that I used to flash my tool often since the shots were short and wide. Right from teacher to my class mates have seen my tool at some point. I did not know this then. Thinking about it now, I feel glad. How many people could have shown their tool to many. Coming back to story, In my apartments there were there...
IncestThe University Center was a sprawling building that acted as the center for meetings, recreation, entertainment, and dining. With fifteen minutes to spare before the orientation started, I grabbed a bite to eat in the cafeteria. The food wasn’t as bad as Chad had implied. It didn’t take long to find the room where the orientation was being held. It was big enough to hold nearly a hundred people, and more than half of the seats were filled. I felt a little overdressed though, because it...
BrandyI got off the snowmobile almost losing my balance in the deep snow. I hiked my backpack on my shoulder and made the short walk past my dad’s snowmobile and up the steps to the entrance door. After stomping off the snow from my heavy boots and brushing the flakes the best I could off my overalls I walked inside.It was warm, and I could hear the crackle of the fire in the living room. The smell of roasted chicken lingered in the air mixed with my dad’s aftershave.I hung up my overall on one...
IncestTold in Ron’s Point Of View: I was a few months away from turning nineteen when my parents decided I was old enough to be on my own. They raised me up to that point, showing love in a limited way while enforcing discipline with a firm paddle over my butt. From the time I was old enough to go to school until the day my parents left, I was subject to spankings from any adult or older teen relatives. Now, with my parent divorcing they decided it was time I make my own way in life. I had taken...
Hai 2 all readers of ISS .yeh meri pehli story hai. Pehle main app ko apne bare mein bata deta hoon..mera name SHERA (The Lion)hai.meri umar 23 years main 5.11″ gora chita good looking hoon.aur punjab se hoon aap to jante hi hai k punjabi guys kaise hote hai …muscular…..To main app ko story batata hoon. Bat kuch hi din pehle ki hai …waise to meri girl friends b kafi hai par patta nahi mujhe tan bi Fudi ki talash lagi rehti hai.main hafte mein 3-4 baar sex kar leta hoon ..magar pata nahi muj...
It was during one of these intense interludes when I noticed my step-daughter standing in a shadow just on the edge of the camera’s view. She was concealed by the dark but I could make out her profile against the wall she was standing by as she looked across the room, over her mother’s back at the monitor that had my image. Sherry was so busy with her fingers between her legs she didn't notice her girl behind her but I knew what JoAnne was seeing; a close up of my hand slow stroking my...
Good Morning Dear, Guess what I've turned you into today? Somehow I should have known there would be problems with a wife who earned advanced degrees in both human sexuality and occult studies. It was a common misconception that Gwen's degree was in practicing the occult, whereas if you let her explain it was studying the history of occult and pagan religions. It helped that she didn't project an air of strangeness, she seemed as any academic woman with just a touch of an elitist...
I was too young to understand what sexual pleasure was when I first saw girls and adult women naked, yet what I witnessed would end up paving the way for my sexual fantasies and masturbation habits well into my adult life, to this present day.It's a memory that is almost still as clear as ever, even though it's about 25 years since it last happened. I was aged between 3 and 5 years old and learning to swim. Being too young to dry myself off and get dressed on my own, my mother would take me...
In 1965 I was in a quandary having just returned from that vacation hot spot in Southeast Asia called South Vietnam, trouble is the locals did not like our interfering and were doing their best to send us home in coffins!. Enough said about the mess in Vietnam. Any way thirty days of leave was supposed to help me forget what happened. My first few experiences back in. My home town were quiet spent mostly sat in my local bar and grill in the company of s few old friends, but of course the...
Rebecca Colman was the bright and shining star of our college class; forever out of reach of mere mortals. She was the "impossible dream" written about in the song. She was a person that you looked at and just knew that cruel fate was telling you "eat your heart out, boy", because you can't have her. At least that's the way it looked and felt to a "working class" guy like me. She had the classic good looks of the stereotypical California hard body beach bunny; except we were in the...
Dad's story: No sooner had I finally drifted off to sleep after an hour of restless tossing and turning than the back door slammed, bringing me upright in my bed. "Shit!" I muttered as I got up to investigate. I heard my son tromping up the stairs followed by his bedroom door slamming. He was clearly not a happy lad. I crossed the hall and knocked on his door. "Jesse, what the hell's going on? What's all the noise about?" "Just leave me alone! It's all your fault anyhow!" Well, I...
The morning started out great the curvy babe named Lexi I picked up in the hotel bar the night before woke me up with a great hummer form which she swallowed as a thank you for a great round of sex last night.We got dressed and rode down in the elevator together and she gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving by the service exit.I turned to see my three friends looking at me as I slapped her ass when she walked away. They cheered and applauded as I walked to them.The breakfast was filled...
The room was a torture chamber. Bare light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Large white metal cabinets with glass doors lined the walls. I could see instruments used to torture and punish men and women inside these cabinets. I looked in fear as I saw electrodes, large straps, electro-type anal plugs, and numerous clamps probably used on the nipples, cock, testicles and other body parts. There were bottles of pills, catheters, long thin rubber like tubes and wires that are obviously used to...
I slept fitfully; in the back of my mind, there was some sort of conversation with my daughter Becky that I couldn't quite remember. I had a vague picture of finding her in bed"you know what I mean"with her friend Fran Ellis, but the exhaustion from pulling a double shift in the ER made it difficult to think clearly. I rolled over in bed and stretched my arm out toward my husband, but he wasn't there. Oh, now I remembered; he was in New York. Did he have a lover there? How many times had...
Jarvis had s;ow fucked me twice after we got to our motel room, we were laying in each others arms Jarvis spoke 'we should get up and get something to eat'. I slid my hand down his body and gripped his semi erect cock and said 'this is enough for me now'. Jarvis smiled, removed my hand, and rolled off the bed 'get dressed, when we get back we will have all night', Jarvis commanded. I went into the toilet and started the shower expecting Jarvis to come in I stepped into the shower. After I...
I obeyed Lynn s command and licked Sofia's anusShe was giggled this is so funny I pushed my tongue as deep as I could get into SofiaWould you like to fuck her Lynn asked I noddedLynn laughed you know that's not going to happen you pathetic little manSofia lowered her hips my tongue slipped out of her bum she pulled The quilt up laughingLynn told Sofia about me licking her knickers , as a reward for when I'm a good sissySofia asked how long I had been dressing up , before I could answer Lynn...
"He can't have babies? Why not?" It was the Saturday morning two days later and I'd just told my girlfriend Adam's news. We'd spent the previous night in my bed. She'd been angling for months to get invited to move in but I'd been delaying, mainly because I knew that I was about to move. "They're not sure, they're still testing." "I'm not marrying you if we can't have babies," Vanessa said, surprising me completely. It had never crossed my mind that she'd immediately see it...
Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work A BRIEF STORY ABOUT THE END OF THE WORLD By Wyrdey "Do you think there's anyone else left?" asked Doug for the tenth time that day. "Don't be silly, of course there is," Mark said, adding his part to their now familiar conversation. "They're just all holed up somewhere, like us". Doug looked unconvinced. As usual. He lay back down under the tarpaulin sheet that they were...