Taking My Spring Break In New England - Part OneChapter 6: Risking It All free porn video

Jessie ushered my sister through the door, and carefully locked it all up again, including the anti-intruder bolt. They hugged.
“Have we got a treat in store for you, roomie!”
I stepped forward.
Back to the Noo York accent, Mike.
“Hi, Laura, it’s really great to see you again!”
“And you, Michael!”
Sis was carrying an overnight bag, which I quickly took from her and put down next to Jessie’s on the 2-seater couch by the window, before returning to them.
She kissed me hello, embraced her roomie again, took the offered Cialis like a trooper, and started stripping off for action. She made no comment about me wearing a mask. I noticed that she had driven over pretty much commando; no bra under her baggy sweatshirt, loose leggings (although she was wearing panties), and no socks in her trainers. It didn’t take her very long at all to get naked, and then she grabbed the clothes to pile them on the couch, walking away from us.
Sweet Jesus! Her hips and thighs were covered in bruises! Reds, yellows and blacks! Two weeks gone and they’re fading, but still visible! Shit, that must have hurt.
That sight made me pause for a moment. A certain piece of shit was going to pay for doing that to my sister. Pay as dearly as I could make it.
Then I remembered what we were here for, and what I’d just promised Jessie about NOT mentioning the bruises. I forced a welcoming smile onto my masked face as she returned to us.
“Ready for some fun, Laura?”
“You bet!”
Jessie explained that we were going to blindfold her so she wouldn’t know whose lips or hands were touching her, and she smiled.
“Oh yeah! I like that game!”
She sat down in the middle of the bed, and made no complaint as Jessie wound the silky material around her eyes, and fixed it there with the leopard-skin print eye mask that I had just taken off.
“Can you see anything, roomie?”
“Not a thing!”
Jessie mouthed “follow my lead” to me, and tilted Laura back so she was laying flat.
“Make like a starfish, roomie!”
I grinned as Jessie moved to one of Laura’s outstretched hands and started nibbling the skin, gesturing to me to take the other one. I had an idea that she knew very well exactly which buttons to press to get her roomie revved up, so I was more than happy to copy what she was doing. Laura let out a gasp as we kissed the insides of her wrists, and by the time I’d got to her elbow, she was mewing with pleasure. As I ran my tongue under her armpit (no deodorant and just a hint of salty sweat), she shuddered. Boy, was this fascinating! I clearly still had a lot to learn about the female body!
Jessie and I met up in the middle with a nipple in each of our mouths; we gently suckled until they were stiffly erect, and then we exchanged a passionate kiss. Jessie’s own nipples were also at full alert, and she hissed as I caressed them with my fingers. The two girls then went into an enthusiastic upper torso clinch; I headed downwards.
Jessie had indeed made an excellent job of shaving her roomie; my sister’s pussy was like a newly-opened flower with the dew on the outer leaves, and I spent a moment just admiring it before I gently licked the outer lips to pick up a little of the nectar. Sis’s hips bucked as I did so, so I kissed her emerging clit and then slid down the bed to suck on her toes. Yeah, she really liked that a lot too!
Jessie joined me and we worked our way back up a leg each, finishing with us both kissing the little butterfly tattoo at the top. Jessie signaled to me to go and work on Laura’s face and neck, and she ran her tongue over the juicy pussy in front of her. I quickly discovered that Laura had a particularly sensitive spot under each ear, and with her roomie munching away below, Sis was soon crying out her first orgasm. It wasn’t lonely for long; Jessie and I swapped places, and Sis pretty quickly got another.
We didn’t deliberately torture Laura, but by the time I finally did respond to her increasingly frantic pleas and slid my cock into her pussy, there was already an impressive wet patch on the sheet from her copious juices. I reckoned that she’d maybe cum four or five times just from the oral and digital stimulation we’d subjected her to.
I didn’t last very long after that; the excitement had gotten to me. I’m not sure whether it was Sis’s pussy going wild around my dick, or the sight of Jessie sitting against the pillowsham frigging herself, that pushed me over the edge, but suddenly the liquid in my balls boiled over and my hips thrust my dick even further into Laura, which made her go over the edge one last time.
I managed to drop down onto my elbows rather than squash Sis, and, between pants for breath, we kissed each other in gratitude. Jessie pushed in from the side, and the two girls swapped tongues for a while.
“Shit, that was SO fucking good! Roomie, I owe you!”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet!”
We both lifted off of Laura, and Jessie silently pointed me towards the pussy I’d just hosed down. I grinned and moved into position to start licking.
“Oh yeah, roomie, lick that pussy clean!”
“It’s not me, sweetie, it’s Michael!”
There was a shriek of surprise, coupled with a chuckle.
“Oh, Michael, that’s so fucking good I thought it was Jessie!”
I breathed a short prayer of thanks to the high school girls who’d come up to my room those Junior Year Friday nights when Sis was out dating and Mom and Dad were guests at yet another dinner party; not only had they been more than happy to teach me the best pussy-eating techniques, but some of them must have passed the word around, because after that, I rarely got turned down by a girl when I asked for a date. I don’t think I’d ever fucked a girl in my bedroom without licking her pussy first.
I kept going; the girls traded spit, so passionately that it only took a couple of minutes before a gush of Laura’s juices into my waiting mouth completed the clean up job.
I sat up and grinned at Jessie. She held up her hand for a high five. Laura had a smile on her face a mile wide.
“Wow, that was just amazing. SO good! And you going down on me afterwards, Michael, no guy has ever done that for me!”
“And there’s only one other girl I’ve ever wanted to do that for before you, and that was about an hour ago! You two are so incredible!”
Jessie looked at me questioningly. I gave her the ‘OK’ sign, and held my breath.
“Yeah, Laura, it’s something real special, isn’t it. And I’ve got some even better news for you, roomie. Your brother Mike loves you and has forgiven you for holding out on him about the parties.”
Sis screeched like she’d been goosed with red-hot pincers, and sat bolt upright.
“What did you say?”
I spoke up, in my usual voice. It was a relief to be able to discard the fake New York accent at last.
“Laura Abigail Noble, I still love you, Sis, and I know that it wasn’t your fault that Mom and Dad wouldn’t let you tell me about the parties. Jessie has told me that you’ve been feeling real guilty, and you needn’t, ‘cos I forgive you.”
Sis frantically pushed up her blindfold so that she could see. Her eyes opened wide; she blinked with the sudden light, and then she let out a shocked gasp.
“Oh my fucking god. It IS you! Mike! How the heck did this happen?”
She started crying, so I instinctively hugged her. Jessie joined in, removing the blindfold and stroking her hair to calm her. She clung to both of us, her chest now heaving with sobs.
Turned out that she needed a real good weep; she’d been bottling up her emotions for too long, and a whole lot of stuff came out with the tears. Some of her speech was hard to understand because of her emotion, but I pretty much got most of it first time.
Like she’d hated having to lie to me, she’d almost not come home at Easter because she didn’t want to have to face me in person, and that the Friday night when I’d frozen her out, she’d cried into her pillow with the thought that I didn’t love her any more. That call after the last party, she’d been so pleased when I told her that I did still love her, she’d burst into tears as soon as she’d hung up.
I came clean in return, told her that I hadn’t liked her very much at the time I’d found out, hadn’t liked being lied to, but that I had always loved her, and I’d forgiven her for having to go along with what Mom and Dad had required her to do.
I also told her how I’d arrived at that first party, that I’d made love to her and Jessie at both the March and April parties; she’d pretty much worked that out already, but I wanted her to be crystal clear on that point.
I didn’t tell her that at Easter I’d considered forcing myself on her; that had been a moment of jealous madness that I wasn’t at all proud of, and it was best buried and forgotten.
She had finally stopped crying; Jessie took her into the bathroom to wash her face, and she came out a few minutes later, looking much better.
There was now a cheeky grin on her face, which made me feel much happier about her mental state. The outpouring of grief had been therapeutic and cleansing.
“By the way, Mike, what happened to the beard you were wearing at Easter?”
“It actually went the day I dumped Amy in February, so I didn’t have it for the Spring Break party, but I grew it back for Easter, so you didn’t know that I was now going clean-shaven again.”
She giggled.
“You do look a lot better without it!”
“I know! Amy liked it for the ‘bad boy’ look, but I was sure glad to get rid of it!”
She took my hand and looked me in the eyes.
“Now, little brother, your big sister is going to knowingly fuck your socks off for the first time, so you’d better be up for it.”
I was.
She made me lie back while she straddled me, put a bit of her saliva on her pussy, and in one swift movement sat her labia on my balls. Jeez!
Then, lowering her head so her eyes were inches from mine, she started rocking on my cock. I cradled her face between my hands and returned the stare. I hoped she could read love, lust, affection and undying friendship in my eyes, because that was the message I was receiving from her and trying to send back.
I’ve no idea how long she rocked for; it could have been five minutes or two hours. It was a melding of souls, and by the time my seed rushed up to meet her orgasmic contractions, I knew that my sister and I were good again, in fact better than we’d ever been. We clung together for some minutes afterwards, our eyes still locked. Eventually, we remembered Jessie, and turned so that she could slide in against us. The three of us traded kisses.
My dick had softened slightly, and when I pulled out our juices began to flow from her pussy. Jessie moved down the bed.
“May I?”
“Be my guest!”
Laura rolled over onto her back, and Jessie knelt down between her legs, head down and butt up. The position brought back a memory and I laughed.
“Hey, Sis, you were eating pussy just like Jessie is the first time I fucked you!”
She looked confused.
“That first party I attended, the Friday of Spring Break, you were up in your room with three other women and one guy, and I came up behind you and just slotted in. I had no idea it was you at the time, but I saw you were number 7, and of course I found out it was you later on, when the two of you were in the basement with the double dong.”
There was now a smile on her face.
“Oh yeah! I remember now. That was a real good one, I enjoyed it!.”
I kissed her on the forehead.
“So did I! And as you were busy at the time, I thought it was pretty impressive!”
That earned me another brilliant smile. It was interrupted by a bit of gasping as Jessie cleaned out the last traces of me from her pussy.
“Now I think you should do the same with Jessie!”
I motioned to my still enlarged but distinctly floppy dick. She grinned wickedly.
“That’s not a problem; I broke it, so I’ll fix it!”
Fix it she did. With a few laps of her tongue over the frenulum and a bit of swirling the tip inside the opening of my urethra, plus some cradling of my balls and her taking most of my length into her mouth, I was stiff faster than I ever believed possible. You know what? Based on a sample of one of each, I reckoned Laura gave an even more hellacious blow-job than Jessie did.
“Jesus, Sis, where did you learn to do that?”
I instantly regretted asking that question, but it was too late, I’d said it. The wrong answer could have soured the atmosphere, but luckily Sis decided to park it for later. She smiled, a little sadly.
“How about I tell you in a while, once you’ve made Jessie squeal for us?”
Jessie repeated what Laura had just done; rode me with an intensity and a direct connection between our eyes that made our coupling mean something real special. This time she got there ahead of me, but still smiled with triumph as I hosed her insides a few moments later. Laura cleaned us both up, and the two girls went to the bathroom to piss before coming back to the bed. They were a few minutes, so I guessed they were talking again.
We settled down with me on my back and a girl on each shoulder. Laura pulled the sheet over the three of us, and we got comfortable with the pillows.
“So, Mike, apart from everything, what do you want to know first?”
“Sis, how about you start out by explaining you and Jessie? I’d not have asked her out if she’d described you as her girlfriend rather than just her roomie, but from what she’s told me tonight, and what I’m feeling now, the two of you are far closer than just roomies.”
She looked over at her roomie, who nodded.
“We’re roomies, we’re best friends, we’re lovers. We both like cock, but only on our terms – most of the time we don’t like the male attached to the cock, present company excepted. We’ve both been with some real losers, and, like Jessie said, we’ve kind of lost faith in the male of the species. I’ve certainly never been with anyone who I’d say had the potential to be my Mr. Right, but Jessie could well be Ms. Right. I don’t yet know.”
“What she said. I accepted a date with you because you were a gentleman and treated me right, but I’m still not sure which way I’m going to go. I’m certainly bisexual; I’m not yet sure I’m a lesbian. Laura’s such a great friend that I’d like her to always be in my life, but hey, we’ve got two years of college still to go. I can see us going round as a lesbian couple to stop us being hit on so often, but with our study load, we don’t do a lot of going out.”
“Other women?”
“Only at the parties, only for the sex. For the love and friendship, I come back to Laura.”
“Other men?”
“Same again, only at the parties, only for the sex. However, tonight kinda changes that, in several ways. We’ve both had a great time, and if the decision was mine alone, I’d love a friends-with-benefits relationship with you in between the parties.”
“Me too, Mike. You’re no threat to Jessie and me because you can’t run off with me, and I’m 99% certain that you aren’t the type to run off with Jessie and leave me adrift. I’d love for us to do this again, soon and often, but maybe not in a hotel that charges eighteen bucks a night for car parking!”
I kissed them both.
“Okay, I think I get that. You’re saying that you two might well have a genuine long-term relationship going, but you need time to work it out. I wish you both all the luck in the world; I think you’re great together. If I can help you out now and then, it will always be my pleasure. Now, Sis, how about telling me how you found out about the parties in the first place?”
“Yeah, you’ve never told me that bit, roomie.”
Laura giggled.
“Just like when you came home unexpectedly at Spring Break and walked in on a party in progress, Mom and Dad had a bit of bad luck that night as well. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, as far as they were concerned. It was just over two years ago, about three months before I turned 18. I’d been out on a date, and when I got back, I fetched myself some milk out of the fridge and a plate of Oreos, and sat on the bench in the dark to eat them. I’d only just sat down when I heard the garage door going, and a couple of minutes later Mom and Dad walked in to the kitchen. Dad was asking if Mom wanted a nightcap, and she said that she needed a shower first because someone had cum in her hair. Dad laughed and asked if it was some young stud with a hair trigger, and I dropped my plate. Mom screamed, Dad turned on the lights, and cussed when he saw it was me. They were dressed in jogging stuff, not in the clothes they had set out in, and Mom was right, there was a mess of jizz in her hair. They were both pretty mussed up.”
Laura fidgeted and settled herself more comfortably on a pillow.
“I said the first thing that came into my head, like ‘You aren’t going to get divorced, are you?’, because one of my besties parents were splitting up after her Mom cheated on her Dad, and I started crying. Mom hugged me and took me upstairs to their bathroom, telling me not to worry and she’d explain everything. She stripped off to shower; she wasn’t wearing a bra, and when she stepped out of her panties, there was a pool of cum where her pussy had been. She saw me staring at it, and said to give her a minute, and then she showered and douched. She pulled on a bathrobe, and then hugged me. I was still real upset, so she gave me a couple of Tylenol and stroked my hair like she used to when I was small. When I stopped crying, she promised that she’d tell me all about it in the morning, but please not to discuss it with you until she and Dad had explained. I went to bed, and cried myself to sleep, and Mom woke me in the morning with a tray of breakfast. Dad had taken you out somewhere, and we sat on my bed while she talked.”
“God, Sis, that must have been awful for you, thinking they were cheating!”
“Wasn’t the greatest end to the evening, nor the best night’s sleep. There were a couple of times during the night when I thought about crawling into your bed so you could hold me tight and tell me that it would all work out. Anyway, Mom explained that they were part of a group of swingers, married couples who met up for sex parties, but were otherwise happily married. She emphasized that there was nothing wrong with their marriage and they were very proud of us kids, and no way were they going to split up. I asked how she could stand Dad cheating on her, and she laughed and said that it wasn’t cheating because they were both at the party having fun. They never go on their own, you know, if one of them is out of town, the other stays home. She convinced me that it was nothing to worry about, and that they were just enjoying a healthy sex life. Then she started asking about my experience, and I said that it was okay. She giggled and told me that when I was older and discovered that sex could be great, I’d be much more enthusiastic about it.”
“Did she mention me at all?”
“Yeah, she made me swear never to breathe a word to you. You were what, sixteen, and she said that you were still way too young to be able to make an informed decision, and that it was too risky. She was real worried that you might tell your friends, and then it would get out, and a lot of people would get into trouble. She made a good case for me keeping quiet; she said that if it was discovered we’d probably have to move house again, and I didn’t want to have to go through another change of school and having to make new friends, so of course I promised that I wouldn’t tell a soul.”
I shrugged. That sounded reasonable. It was the last year that I was especially pissed about, when I had been eighteen myself, and they still hadn’t told me. There was no point in me taking out my frustration on my sister; she hadn’t been the one making that decision.
“Okay, I can see that two years ago I was still a teenager. Mom was probably being fair saying that I might not understand. I HAD already learned that boys who bragged tended not to get any more, but I can accept that at seventeen this might have been too good a secret not to share. Right, Sis, go on.”
“You and Dad got back for lunch; I suppose I was a bit quiet but you didn’t seem to notice. Mom and Dad had a quick word while you were washing up, and then things just went like normal, as if Mom and I hadn’t had that discussion.”
She brushed her hair back from her face.
“I pretty quickly worked out the next couple of months exactly when they were attending these parties, rather than just going out for drinks or dinner. They always seemed real happy after attending one, very touchy-feely. I even told them to get a room one Saturday lunchtime when I walked in on them canoodling in the kitchen! I went through a bad spell of dating about that time, a couple of real loser footballers from the High School who just stuck it in and grunted, and I was whining to Mom about it, when she asked if I might be interested in attending the parties once I was 18. I admitted that I had been real curious about what went on there, as it seemed to do them so much good, and she promised to talk to Dad about me joining the group.”
“Once school was out for the summer, and I’d had my 18th birthday party, she said that they’d take me to the next party as long as I could test clear of STI’s. So I went along to Dr Carol, and she did an internal and all that, and put me on an implant. The next night you were out with friends, Mom and I had a real long talk with Dad. It was kinda embarrassing to tell your Dad how much sex you’d had, and it got even worse when he asked if I’d ever had sex with a girl. I hadn’t, well, no more than a bit of show and tell, and a little bit of fingering and kissing at sleepovers, but I agreed that the idea didn’t totally squick me out.”
“They took me along to a party that Friday, but told me to keep my panties on so that no-one would come on to me, because we hadn’t gotten all my test results back yet. We didn’t stay very long; Mom and I watched Dad fuck someone, and then he and I watched while she rode a guy. We went round the rooms, and they found a couple just about to start, so they swapped around a bit while I watched. Mom got the guy’s cum, and Dad shot off in the woman, and then Mom and the woman did a 69 to clean each other up a bit. Dad asked if I had seen enough, and I had, so we came home. We all went up to their bathroom, I think you were still out on a date, and they showered. We shared a bottle of wine sitting on their bed, and Mom asked if I had anything I wanted them to explain. I had so many questions that we got onto a second bottle, and when they finally asked if I was interested in going to the parties, I said yes.”
“So when did you and Dad first do it?”
My sister giggled.
“Actually, it was Mom who nailed me first! It was the next Saturday. You and Dad had gone over to help Gramps get his dock into the water, and we were chatting while we cleaned up the kitchen, and I remembered the 69 and asked her if she’d ever cum by having her pussy eaten. She looked horrified, and asked if that meant that I hadn’t. I told her that none of the few boys willing to do it had got me there, and she dragged me straight upstairs to their room, told me to strip naked, and gave me the best pussy eating I’d ever had. I must have cum three straight times, and I thought I was gonna die for sure. She went and made us both a coffee and brought it back up to me, and then she talked all about how a woman had a right to a great sex life, probably more than a man because she had to do the childbearing as well, and that I must never settle for less than I wanted. Then we went through her toy draw; she’s got quite a collection.”
“Does she need it, with Dad around?”
“She said that she really misses him whenever he’s away overnight on business, and they help her survive until he gets back. She gave me a small vibrator when I turned 17, but she’s got some weapons-grade stuff herself. You saw me and Jessie with the double-ended dildo, didn’t you? Well, that’s Mom’s, and when she first showed it to me, I just HAD to try it out.”
“With Mom on the other end?”
“Of course! We were so worked up by then that we had to have something in our pussies, and that worked out just fine. After lunch she taught me how to eat her pussy, and then she pulled out the strap-on.”
“Oh god, that’s almost too much information, Sis!”
She smirked at me.
“I think Jessie and I ought to give you a practical demonstration sometime real soon! Anyway, she also showed me how she could deep-throat the strap-on dildo, which was eight inches long. She told me that Dad just loves being blown.”
I interrupted her. Guess that answered my question about who’d taught her that amazing BJ technique.
“Yeah, I know. That first party, I found Dad with two women licking him.”
She grinned.
“Yeah, he does like that! Do you?”
“Never tried it!”
She smirked at her roomie.
“Never too late to find out!”
So I experienced having two girls licking my cock at the same time.
Did it matter to me that they had undoubtedly learned their skills on my Dad’s cock, with my Mom tutoring them?
Yeah, for a nanosecond or two, and then the sensations hit me. I reckoned I could get to like it; I could almost immediately understand why my Dad enjoyed it so much. One tongue each side, with each thigh being brushed by one pair of boobs and one set of soft hair.
Then they stopped.
“Is that it?”
“No, judging by the hardness of your cock, I think that we’ve got you just about right where we want you. Whose turn is it to go next, roomie?”
As I’d fucked Jessie last, it was Laura’s pussy that got plundered first.
Well, to be more precise, I was behind her in doggie position, slowly stroking in and out, but the real passion was going on at the other end, as the two girls kissed and caressed each other. Jessie was laid on her back at an angle, with Sis lying face down on her upper body, their hands and mouths busily engaged.
There seemed to be some serious titty action going on as well, and it wasn’t long before Sis was writhing about. As soon as she’d gotten her second cum, she generously offered her roomie a go, and they swapped over.
Jessie had been enjoying the kissing so much that it didn’t take at all long for her first cum, and then I thrust much harder and more rapidly into her from behind, until she had a huge orgasm which caused my cock to erupt and bathe her cervix in my semen. She collapsed onto Laura; I fell to one side so that I could be close as they kissed each other. There’s something really erotic about watching two gorgeous girls frenching, and even more so when you’ve just fucked both of them.
We lay in a happy heap for a while, and then stirred and looked at the clock radio on the bedside. Jeez, it was gone one in the morning! Four energetic hours since Jessie and I had last eaten, and I’d cum five times. I realized that I was starving. Some food would be good.
“Anyone else hungry? Shall we call room service for a snack?”
“Great idea!”
I fetched the menu off of the bureau, and we studied it.
There was quite a selection, but some of the stuff was too weird – none of us fancied a bowl of broccoli with superfood grains at this time of the morning. We settled for a platter of six mixed club sandwiches and a jug of cranberry juice. I called in the order, specifying that it was for three of us, and the lady said that it would be about fifteen minutes.
We talked some more while we waited. We’d pulled on those Westin monogrammed bathrobes that they also sell at the gift shop on the mezzanine, and were sitting on the bed waiting for our food to arrive. Laura put her head on my shoulder. It felt real good there.
“Mike, you’ve no idea how much better I feel being able to share and offload with you. I hadn’t noticed what a weight it was on my soul until it had gone.”
“I think I have, Sis, I’m just so relieved to have you back. I thought I’d lost you forever. You’ve been distant for a couple of years, and six weeks ago I thought you were deliberately shutting me out. Just now we’ve got closer than we have been since you started growing tits and got all shy.”
She sighed.
“We’ve still got a whole lot of rebuilding to do, haven’t we? I’ve really hurt you by siding with Mom and Dad for so long. Jeez, I’m so sorry, Bro.”
“Yeah, you did hurt me, but I don’t think you had any choice in the matter. Anyway, now we’ve made a real good start on us getting back to how we used to be. You owe Jessie quite a lot too; she made me realize that it wasn’t your fault.”
“Yeah, you sure did the right thing there. I’d have freaked out if you’d confronted me at home or on the phone, but with Jessie here I felt I could handle it. Jeez, Mike, I feel such a bitch not fighting your corner more.”
“Like I said, Sis, you had to either keep the secret or upset Mom and Dad, one or the other; you were in an impossible position. I’m not happy that they put you there. Oh, and I’m real sorry for being mean to you at Easter. I just wanted to lash out at you all; and I know that I hurt you then by blanking you out.”

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