Anaximander's Fragment free porn video

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Anaximander's Fragment By Jacquie Windsor SEP 2002. A One-Act Play Cast: MARTIN HEIDEGGER: A German Philosopher PRINCESS DOUHET : A Bourbon Princess MARKUS : A Burgher From Geneva THE CHORUS : An Assembly In Calvin's Square, Geneva (The Scene opens on a balcony overlooking the square. THE CHORUS is assembled in the square below. MARKUS stands in a tricolour cap on the fringe of THE CHORUS. MARTIN HEIDEGGER, dressed in a black cape over a fancy nineteenth- century suit of clothes, stands on the balcony, exhorting the crowd. The time is late afternoon.) HEIDEGGER: I, Martin Heidegger, call out to all the good citizens of this place, to prepare a trove in your heart, right next the mementoes of your mother and the family dog, for our stunning new heiress. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, directly from the stages of Lyon and the boardwalks of Toulouse, and related no less to the finest aristocrats of Savoy and Helveticus Major, the Princess Douhet. Come on out to the balcony with me, Princess Douhet. (The PRINCESS DOUHET enters. She is radiant in a fine sequinned gown and generous hair, and carrying a fatal pulchritude unknown in the Genevan countryside.) PRINCESS: Good afternoon Martin. (She waves.) I bring to all of you the genuine lineage of a family that is no stranger to the struggles of Geneva to maintain her innocence among the villainy of our neighbours. HEIDEGGER: As I gaze out upon the assembled, I detect the sturdy scepticism of the Swiss folk. Otherwise you'd all be raving out of control. Perhaps the stunning beauty of the Princess Douhet has your hands collapsed beneath your skirts and trousers. (THE CHORUS starts to applaud, tepidly.) HEIDEGGER: Well that's a start. The Princess has availed herself to become your ruler by dint of a fragment I unearthed while studying the pre-Socratic philosophers during my time in Nantes. Now what's a fragment of ancient Greek have to do with asking you to relinquish unheard generations of nit-picking republicanism in return for a more monarchical style of government? CHORUS: Yes, Heidegger. Please tell us why. HEIDEGGER: I am happy you asked. Install a monarch in your city-state and your bleak Protestant garb may immediately be switched to gay raiment available in shops in Milan, which is situated just down the mountain road leading south. The inexorable burden of government shall be lifted as the valley fogs are burnt away each day by the sun. CHORUS: We have a choice? HEIDEGGER: Oh indeed you do! When Zwingli took your hands and knotted them together within the grim veil, you abjured happiness. Why you may as well live in Rotterdam or Antwerp for all that matters! CHORUS: Oh no! Not the Dutch! HEIDEGGER: Yes, as the Dutch or her tainted colonials. Now, the Princess Douhet comes complete with a sunny disposition apart from the dismal garb you wear each day as you toil among jurists, thieves, populists and anarchists. She can breathe the life of a complete being into your drab and mechanical existence. MARKUS: Oh sir! You intrusive Teuton! Can you not see that you are driving us from the Sublime Garden with your pedagogy and rhetoric? We fought for these drab colours! What use have we of some powdered tart presuming to become our queen? (THE CHORUS gasps. From then on, their gaze shuffles uniformly from the balcony to the burgher MARKUS, attentive to the philosophical conflict as it unfolds.) HEIDEGGER: Aha! An anarchist, as I thought, in your midst. For what would be an assembly in the shadow of the Alps without the presence of a gad-fly? My Princess candidate shall answer you with a smile and a perfect wave of her hand. Good people of Geneva, which do you prefer? This? (HEIDEGGER gestures towards the PRINCESS DOUHET, who is smiling and waving to THE CHORUS. They cheer.) HEIDEGGER: Or that? (THE CHORUS stops cheering and gazes reluctantly upon the truculent form of MARKUS.) MARKUS: Not so fast! Dupes of Geneva! After all, I wear the jaunty republican cap of the revolution! All the heiress delivers is a mouth full of white teeth and a gown revealing far too much cleavage. Is this what our pike-carrying forefathers lusted after? Never! They knew a good dose of the Good Book and a translation in the vernacular would save them from a boiling hell curiously similar to the triptych I painted and sold to the Chapel last year. HEIDEGGER: Ah! The famous triptych "Out Of Recklessness I Shall Abjure Sin And Not Become A Daemon-Boy". I saw that. It was pretty good, actually. But I give you the shops of Milan, ladies and gentlemen. I give you the mysteries of the Orient, collected by our friends in Genoa and Venice, carted to the cutting-houses of the fashionable and the wise. (MARKUS spits and grinds his boot into the ground. MARKUS reaches beneath the skirt of one of THE CHORUS and retrieves a carbine. He holds it loosely in the direction of the balcony.) HIEDEGGER: Members of the assembly! Look out! Your hero Markus has taken the form of a sniper! MARKUS: Not at all, Teutonic Serpent! I have taken the form of a super- man. Your old acquaintance Mr. Nietzsche ought to have warned you. And my fellow republicans, you ought to know something further about this ersatz princess that is all waving and smiling, just as the boatman on the Lethe provided for our comic hero centuries before us. (MARKUS waves the carbine up to the balcony.) MARKUS: Come on, Princess Douhet. Reveal to us your true nature. That doorway from which you arrived upon the stage is the doorway of levity and sin, not of truth and wise government. We are the purveyors of that latter fine feast. The emergence! Yes! Mr. Heidegger, I too have read the fragment, as the translation of the arcane to the vernacular comes with it a wisdom that no end of smiling and waving could overwhelm. PRINCESS: Oh Martin, ought I disobey? He has a gun! HEIDEGGER: Why not? The show itself shall corrupt the assembly and make them no good for this peasant demagogue. The revulsion shall hypnotise them against him. Damn my own soul for learning ancient pre-Socratic Greek. And damn it twice for translating the awful thing! (PRINCESS DOUHET begins to disrobe. THE CHORUS is transfixed.) MARKUS: Ah, burghers of the town. Now you can see. Fine supple breasts, and long sensuous curves, and then? Oh yes, fine citizens. Gaze as the Medusa upon the silvered shield of Perseus! For as she removes the sequins of perfidy and the tiara of mayhem, you can see as I do. The Princess Douhet is a man! THE CHORUS: The Princess Douhet is a man? MARKUS: God forbid! HEIDEGGER: Not so fast, you anarchist! Have two odd among your group disrobe as one. Pick each a man and a woman and you may learn a subtle truth about the fragment. (MARKUS selects two drab figures and motions them to disrobe. They do so in silence.) HEIDEGGER: Oh, pale republican. What sends your lower jaw spinning to the floor and bouncing twice before shattering? It is this simple truth, isn't it? For the man you chose is really a woman, and the woman you picked is quite prodigious in her masculinity! (MARKUS drops the carbine in a noisy clatter.) HEIDEGGER: So again I ask you, fine merchants of Geneva. Shall it be the repression of the Faith you choose? Or, a trading embassy to the Lombard markets with a thousand thalers for each? In the company of our Princess Douhet? THE CHORUS: Long live Princess Douhet! HEIDEGGER: Put your clothes back on, Princess Douhet! We're going shopping! (All Exit.) [email protected] autobiography on file!

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You notice me across the bar, you smile, I smile back and I ask the bartender to send you a drink over with  a key card to room 6969 with a note saying get your sexy kinky ass outside   that room in 15 minutes. You wink at me & I smile back. I wisper to the bartender to give you bottle of champagne in 15 minutes. As I move from the bar to go to the room I walk over to you put my finger to your lips for you not to speak I kiss you passionately & stroke your fish nets all the way up to your...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Kyler Quinn Desert Fox

Kyler Quinn is as horny as she is sexy. She loves the warmer weather when she can wear loose tops and short shorts, anything to show off her sumptuous body. Later, when she is home by the pool, she peels off her clothes and basks in the warm sun. Then she grabs a glass dildo and presses it to her meaty twat, where it easily slides all the way inside her greedy snatch. A magic wand vibrator pressed to her clit really finishes her off. Kyler may have had one climax, but she’s still feeling...

3 years ago
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Bitten off more than I could chew

Some good friends of ours their son’s friend wanted to come down and rifle through my CD collection, so this particular day, a Friday afternoon, whilst the wife was at work, he came down. Darren or Daz as he liked to be called, knocked on my door. He came in and sat down in the lounge, I’d already got most of the discs out ready for him and he began looking through them.He was a good looking lad, 5’9” and he had an innocent look about him even though he was 22 years old he looked a lot younger....

2 years ago
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The Belly Riders Part 2

When Lorena had been about eighteen months old, her mother had insisted that she be taught to ride a horse. At that age she had not had to do very much except to sit on the horse’s back and be led around. To begin with there had always been somebody in the saddle to hold her but as she grew and got stronger the other person had been displaced and would walk beside her to stop her from falling. By the time she was three Lorena had become quite a little horsewoman, able to ride and control...

3 years ago
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The Pick UpChapter 4

I must have rolled over in the night. I woke to a hard cock pressed in between my thighs and a hand wrapped around my tit. I stiffened, expecting him to roll me over and fuck me, ready or not. The hand gently squeezed my tit, but he just snuggled behind me and nuzzled my neck. I relaxed as I realised he wasn’t going to force me as Brad had. I wiggled in invitation. The hand tightened and the cock flexed. I giggled and wiggled again. His fingers pinched my nipple for my troubles. Suddenly,...

2 years ago
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At Home

There was only one problem – no man in my life. I’m considered “cute” a sexual death sentence o if I’ve ever heard one. People have daughters that are cute. Sisters are cute. Even puppies and kittens are cute. Cute doesn’t get the kind of sex I wanted. I pondered the problem as I walked home from work. Frustrated, I went through my closet looking for an outfit that would say available and dangerous. What I found were tweeds, sweaters and professional wear. I came to a simple realization – not...

3 years ago
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One day he decided to fix me up with Maryann. She came by the garage where we worked, and she was gorgeous. A perfect 36c-24-34, blonde hair, blue eyes, her tits had a nice bounce when she walked. She was a 30 year old babydoll. She lived at home with her parents so that they could keep an eye on her and her 10 year old son. Maryann had been a wild child. She admitted to being a groupie with a rock n roll band. From the looks of the kid, one of the band members must have been black. ...

2 years ago
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Lori day 3

It had been a long night entertaining his charmed sex slave and her wimpy husband so it was mid‑morning before Ken stirred from his slumber with a raging hard‑on that quickly filled his fist. Ken loved the feel of his cock when it throbbed in his hand and he honestly believed he could convince any woman to love it as much as he did. There was no shortage of male ego in Ken Patterson. Lying in bed stroking himself, Ken daydreamed about Lori and what he had planned to do with Lori today. It was...

1 year ago
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Choto bon chuse dilo

I live in dhaka and we are family of 5 , me ,my 2 sis and my parents. My younger sister Sajia is very friendly and she had lot of girl friends who came over to our house( amar chotobon sajia r onek maye bondhu chilo ).One of her friend liza caught my attention. Liza was short (may be 5 feet 2) but with huge boobs and ass.( choto boner ek bandobi Liza amar nojor a porlo , liza chilo bete khato kintu onek boro dudh chilo ar pasa ta o boro) day by day i fell in love with her. One day i found Liza...

3 years ago
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Me and my friend

Me and my friend by Janet Harris 2011 Someone on Fictionmania said I should use more dialogue, instead of "wall to wall narration" so here goes... "I want you to come on this journey with me, George" "What journey? Where to?" "Well, we're not going to leave this room, in reality, so to speak. It's sort of in a new dimension... You're not going to believe it until it happens, so it's hardly worth trying to explain it first." "Oh, come on, Tom, don't be so mysterious. Out with...

1 year ago
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Inhibitions None

It was late in the morning when Lee sat up and felt the cum drool from his anus. His cock grew hard as his thoughts dwelt on the previous evening. Wow! What a night he thought to himself as he slid over the soft black satin sheets. The large love nest glowed in the warm sunlight that poured into the room through huge patio windows. Lee stood up and let the sunlight warm his body. He stretched and yawned before he walked to the patio door. When he looked through the door the most beautiful scene...

1 year ago
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Doo Wop Music and CockSucking

My girlfriend and I were meeting to go to dinner. We went to our favorite steak place. We loved going there. They did have a decent bar to visit, after you finished with dinner. They had bands there sometimes. Tonight they were having a Doo Wop band. That is way before my time, but it always attracts a lot of fun people.My girlfriend and I were enjoying each other. We hadn't seen each other in a while. It was her turn to be the designated driver. I was cleared to drink that night. Every time we...

3 years ago
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Switching partners between best friends

My name is Steve, and I have a beautiful wife named, Jessica. I say that, because she is truly beautiful. With that said, I've had a thing for another woman. It's my best friend's wife, Rachel. My best friend's name is Pat, and I think he might have a thing for Jessica. All four of us are friends, and we frequently go on double dates. I've caught Rachel undressed a couple times, and I know Jessica went into the shower thinking that I was in there before, when it was actually Pat. So, it's more...

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