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I was Sidhe but unlike many of my people I did not think less of other races. For many millennium I have traveled to other realms. Unlike my people I never forgot how to open the realm gates or where they went. I have been called many things, Dream Walker, Lost Child, Ghost and ... well many names.

My first is lost to time but I remember worlds of war and constant strife and the name I earn there. Much of it was from our own vanity or our arrogance. I remember when man was created from beasts. When orcs were made the same way by those that chose a dark path. I remember the gods bringing dwarves out of the earth and giants from the sky.

I remember the first meeting of the mages who were almost as arrogant as we were. Long I have lived and yet I was still young. Many times I have regretted the parting and leaving with the others. Those we began to call the Wild stayed in the forests while we reached for greatness only to let it fall and decay.

When I heard they had gone home I had searched for the way. I had not been born when we left home and it was lost except for the tales. Now I walked the human or alien worlds that they had not altered. Sometimes it was hard to believe they had not been altered when I found things belonging to other realms.

I learned and became many things to earn my way and now I was a hunter once more. I looked at the young Sidhe girl, well young to me. She was in her fourth century and bored. I was the only Sidhe that wished to come to this wild world I had not been to. I had read the many descriptions and carried a single large pack and made her do the same.

I wore a new Wild twelve millimeter pistol and carried a bow. I had a capture wand and pouches and ... everything they said a tree hugger needed. I glanced at Anita as I walked through the shuttle gate and into the starport lounge. I slowed when I saw the dragon and reached out to catch her. It was signing to a man wearing a uniform.

It stopped and tilted its head and turned to look straight at me. Anita shifted, “it is one of their dragons.”

Memories shifted and swirled in my mind and I began to move, “no youngling.”

The dragon turned and spread its feet and seemed to widen as it crouched and growled. I smiled slightly and brushed its seeking thoughts aside, “that is not polite drake.”

It looked around as if for a way to escape and I stopped, “enough. Face me and tell me how you got here.”

It growled and the human moved, “I do not know what you are or think you...”

I looked at him as my eyes turned grey, “my name human, is Shadow Blade. This creature is called a drake and from my homeworld.”

I looked at the drake, “speak creature.”

It shifted to lunge and I reached up to touch the sword over my shoulder, “there is a peace bond here creature but if you wish to break it...”

It froze and slowly one clawed foot came up and signed, “this is our world now bright one.”

I blinked, “now?”

I looked at the human and then back, “what are you not saying drake?”

It shifted and seemed to hesitate as its thoughts once more sought mine and slipped away. It shook its head and signed, “you do not know?”

I moved closer and it backed up and then stopped before turning. I heard its thoughts as it spun and strode away, “I must tell the others!”

I watched it and then looked back, “come youngling, we have someplace to be.”

The human moved in front of me, “you can not threaten a dragon here.”

I pushed him aside, “drake, human. You have no wish to meet a real dragon.”

When we walked outside it was like I had walked into the distant past and on a world far away. The few trees I saw rose into the sky and spread out to cover the earth. I knew those trees even if it had been many millennium since I saw one. I took a deep breath and looked at Anita, “I think you are in for more than you dreamed.”

She snorted, “I doubt it elder.”

I waved down a public hack and we took it to the port city. At first Anita had wanted to see Settlement but then she wanted something more ... remote. So I had looked and made reservations at a distant lodge at Sextus. With the recent plague the two oldest colony settlements were almost empty. At least the world and system was recovering.

We were in the southern colony which did not have the huge markets like in the north. We checked into the hostel and left the packs and weapons in the room. I took Anita out to eat and to a holo vid of the forest. That had me sitting up and staring with wide eyes in shock. This was our home! I looked at the girl but she had no idea.

When it ended she stretched, “well that was different.”

I led her back to the hostel to see a dozen drakes in the lobby. They spread out and crouched as if ready to attack but I had been thinking. One did not crouch and it was much older and slowly moved to me. It signed, “why are you here bright one?”

I was still reeling from the knowledge that this was home, “searching for what was lost.”

It did not try to send its thoughts into my mind but I could feel it speaking with the others. It shifted, “we are not the same as we once were.”

I snorted, “after this many millennium? None are what they once were. I have seen the animals on these two continents and most were not here before.”

I shook my head, “my people do not even remember this world. They have claimed another and have no desire to return.”

It tilted its head, “your people are not here?”

I blinked, “not that I know...”

I remembered the Wild going home and straightened, “why do you ask?”

It slowly relaxed and the others looked at each other, “there are ancient relics to control the weather and ... and humans have made a type of contact.”

I glanced at the young sidhe woman, “go to the room Anita. I need words with these ... beings.”

I looked back to see a dozen constables and smiled as I looked at the old drake, “and you thought it was us?”

He signed no and one of the others moved up and signed, “we thought it was one of us but still ... unchanged.”

I snorted, “wild.”

It nodded, “we searched but found nothing. Only the stories we have, told of your people and how they could shift our thoughts away.”

I rubbed my chin as I thought, “that is or was once taught to all of my people.”

Another growled as it sent thoughts, “your people hunted and killed us.”

I snorted, “and drakes hunted my people to feast on them. Perhaps you were not as you are now because we were there.”

I looked at the old one, “I must see one of these ancient relics.”

It looked passed me and signed and two constables strode in. They did not look happy as one signed and then answered the old drake. He pulled a comp and pulled up a vid and turned it. I bent my head to look and saw something I had not seen since I was young, “it does not control the weather.”

The human shifted, “our best scientist believe it does.”

I snorted, “once before your race was created there was another. They could change their bodies into whatever they wished. They to used machines but far more advanced than anything you have yet to dream. They made things like this and taught us how to use our magic to make it work.”

I looked at the drakes as my mind went back to a time when my people were young and plentiful, “these are rainmakers. The ones the builders made were smaller and made of an ebony metal that shone dark even in the sun.”

I touched the comp screen, “this is Admantum or something like it. Only in the heart of a sun could this be made, or so I was told.”

I looked at the old drake, “the contact was at Sextus?”

It nodded and I looked out at the night, “I think I know who they are.”

I turned and headed for the stairs, “we leave for Sextus tomorrow.”

I did not sleep as my thought turned to the distant past and those that had chosen the other path. Some had been friends and one even more but I had not acted in time and lost them. Even after their choice I had stayed apart to wander the realms. Of the great Sidhe lords none remained or they had faded a great deal over time.

The many tales of our world told of plains and new creatures in the seas. Now the seas and inland waters held those monsters and the world was completely covered by the great trees. Thousands of new animals filled the forests and those lost were using ancient machines. Even our gods did not answer and had faded into stories told to the young.

When the morning storm began I rose and walked to the window. I could see and feel the magic and the forces it moved to bring the rain. I turned and went to wash and dress. I woke Anita and sent her to get ready. When we walked out of the lift the drakes were back with several humans from their federation. I ignored them to check out and then headed for the door.

One of the humans grumbled as they followed, “arrogant sidhe.”

I smiled as I looked at the waiting vehicle, “think on this human. How do your elders act? Are they not grumpy and arrogant?”

He looked at me as we began to get into the vehicle and grinned, “so it is not because you are sidhe, it is because you are old.”

An hour later we boarded one of the new suborbital shuttles. It was only partially full and took off as soon as we were in and seated. I looked out when we dropped below the top of the trees while slowing. The shuttle sped past trees and then slowed and came to a stop. Looking at the forest this close sent thrills and a welcome feeling into me.

The shuttle moved to the side and shut down and I stood and looked at Anita. I led her to the open door and ignored those waiting for the drakes. I caught my pack and swung it to my shoulder and led the way down a set of stairs. The smells of the forest were a lot different than the ancient trees we had taken to other worlds.

I shifted the pack and removed and strung the bow. I took the cover off the quiver and attached it to my belt. I started walking and crossed the landing platform, “the lodge is ten kilometers to the north.”

I slowed as a large spotted cat walked onto a parking pad and a human followed. He smiled, “Anita Bright and Eric Blade?”

I watched the leopard, “yes.”

He grinned, “Katie will not hurt you.”

He looked passed me to the drakes and constables as they followed, “um ... you brought others. I am not sure how many the lodge can take.”

I pet the large leopard and began to walk, “that is their problem.”

When I reached the limbs I jumped to a branch. I stretched and looked at Anita, “follow and watch around us.”

She nodded and I strode down the branch and out a secondary one before I jumped and swung around a vine and landed on another. I kept going to the large branch and the human caught up, “you have been here before?”

I started around the trunk, “no.”

I did not tell him I had been in these types of trees many times but that was a very long time ago. I could feel the others following us and the drakes moving through the upper branches. It did not take long to reach the lodge and I followed the human in. A human female was waiting and smiled, “welcome.”

I smiled and turned to take the pack from Anita, “thank you.”

She turned and led us down to a room and gestured to the window, “there are fruit lover nests if you like watching them.”

I set our packs down, “how far to the couple that have made contact with the native species?”

She looked at us carefully, “we do not encourage people to look for those that want to be left alone.”

I nudged Anita, “I have need to see them.”

She looked at me and frowned, “why?”

The human snorted and opened her mouth and I opened my pack and removed my weapon belt and the twelve millimeter plasma pistol, “because they are sidhe.”

The human froze with a look of surprise and Anita snorted, “you do not know...”

I glanced at her, “youngling, I am older than these trees. This was once our home though it was not covered by trees then. The dragons as they name them were once called drakes. They were blood thirsty animals that hunted and ate our people. The large cats you see were only one type of predator common to the world.”

I looked at the human, “we sailed the seas and there were no monsters in them. Here in this part of the world there were long wormlike monsters they now call a blended multi ped, only they had no fur. The lizard monsters they call king lizards were not always on that continent. They were on what they call the eighth but so were many of the flying lizards.”

I fixed the belt and checked the pistol before I looked at Anita again, “the great hawks and falcons you see were called eagles and they hunted the plains and were a people. The elephant wolf was not always a predator, in fact it was a omnivore that roamed the plains in great packs.”

I turned for the door and grabbed the bow and quiver, “come youngling.”

Anita chuckled as she followed, “yes elder.”

The drakes and humans were crowded in the common room and turned to look at us. I pushed the seeking thoughts away, “do not follow drakes. We will seek those that live here and speak with them.”

The old one moved forward, “is it your people bright one?”

I looked it over before I nodded, “many many millennium ago our people split. This was before it happened a second time and those you know as the dark emerged. The first group wanted to return to the forests and finally returned through a gate to our home. That way was closed and forgotten and almost lost.”

It looked at the others and I smiled, “they have not killed your kind drake. They live in peace with the forest unless forced to act. I will find them and speak with their clan leader and then return.”

It looked at me for a long moment before it bowed its head, “your kind has changed.”

I headed for the door, “change is life.”

Out on the porch I moved to the side and followed a branch as Anita walked behind me. I leaped for a vines and started down. Three levels and I dropped onto a branch and waited for her. She landed beside me and I ignored the trunk as I walked to the end of the branch until it began to bend. I leaped and caught another vine but this time I slid down and kept going.

The vine grew larger and thicker until it was like a normal tree. I stopped and reached for a secondary branch and swung off the vine and to another. I waited and watched Anita and then started down again. Finally I dropped to the ground and moved aside and looked around. When Anita landed beside me I started walking, “now we may hunt.”

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Owner Ki Ladki Ko Choda Or 2nd Wish Mangi

Hello dosto mera naam Sam he or me Bangalore me padta hu, muje aap logo k bahut se email mile aur mujse or kahaniya likhne ki guzarish ki he, par jaise ki aapko pata he meri saari kahaniya sachchi ghatnao par hoti he isiliye me jyada kahani nai likh pata hu. Meri iss kahani par b hamesha ki tarah muje email kare or comments bheje. Aaj me apni 1 or kahani aap logo k 7 share karna chahunga. Ye story mere 2nd wish k bare me he jo mene apni owner ki ladki se ki thi. Meri purani kahaniya padhne k...

1 year ago
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Owner8217s Envy Tenant8217s Pride

Hi All, This is Akshay Ganna again. I am 36 years old and have a very nice 6 feet tall athletic body. I hope you have enjoyed my previous stories. This particular story is a real life incidence which took about 10 years back. I was then 26 years old and had been working in an IT firm in Pune. I was deputed to Hyderabad for a period of 6 months on a project delivery. In about a week I managed to have 1BHK house on the 3rd floor. It was on the top of the building with a big open terrace. The...

3 years ago
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Owner Chaya Mulisobat First Time

Namskar mitrano aani maitrini…. Me yethil sex stories cha khup motha fan aahe jase tumhi sarv aahat … Tumhi jase stories vachun svatala satisfied karta tasech mi hi hoto… Mazi hi story vachun tumhi hi satisfy hotal ashi hope karto… Internet var pushkal english and hindi stories aahe… Special marathi madhe story lihit aahe… Maze naav aditya ahe..Pune la family sobat rahto… Mi 23 years cha ahe and eka mnc company madhe job la aahe..Hi fantasy story aahe…Hope tumhala avdel. Nuktech mothya bhavache...

1 year ago
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Owner Aunty Seducing When Husband Is Away

Hi friends! Hope you all enjoying life to the fullest. Let me describe about myself. I am Manmadh (mail me at ), age 22 from Hyderabad. This story is about my first romantic hardcore experience with owner aunty (Radha). Few months ago when I was in 4th year of engineering, this wonderful thing happened. Exams were nearing and I was studying on terrace of our three floor building. From terrace we used to have a nice view of the corridor of owner’s house. I was little engrossed in my books when...

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Owner8217s Daughterinlaw Fucked

Hey guys, I’m Vivek. Back with a bang this time. Just banged my owner’s daughter very hard last Friday. Always wanted to write a personal encounter and here’s my first one. This was started way back a year, when I moved to Bangalore and rent a home as a bachelor in the city. I was always fond of sex. And I always fascinate about married women and their sex life. Because for me they look hotter than usual girls do. I was always looking for an opportunity to bang women if I could find anyone...

4 years ago
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Owner8217s Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 8

Hello everybody hope you have enjoyed the previous part, and as usual I would like to thank you all for your comments and encouragements that have you have given me . I also would like to request you all to give feedbacks of yours on the story and your take on it. With that being said, I would like to continue to part 8 of erotic series that you all have been reading. After the nonstop fucking and the kink of banging a married woman’s pussy from behind while her husband was on a call was done,...

3 years ago
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Owner8217s son and myself

I am Amritavalli from Madurai. My email ID: I am from Madurai and I am a Tamil lady and craze-for-sex lady. I am a dark skin lady with slim body with big breasts. I have my broad buttex also. My husband is a signals man in south central railways. We are transferred from cuddapah to Tenali in Andhra. Tenelai has many rich Komati and kamma men and women always in riches. We are poor and living only on the salary we earn. I am a lady maid servant in one of the kamma rich land-lord worth more than...

2 years ago
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The Tunnel Part 2

She emerged from the terminal and into the streets of New York City, right in front of Madison Square Garden. Unsure of what exactly to look for, she stood frozen in front of the door as throngs of people passed by without notice. She took a deep breath and analyzed her situation. She was once a he, now standing in a skirt in a once familiar city that now seemed huge and menacing. The discomfort she felt in her new body warped the sites and scenery into an imposing force, a world that was...

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Sex With Brother In Law

I have a younger brother-in-law[my wife’s younger brother] aged 19 yrs who got admission in engineering college of my city. My father-in-law dropped him in my house as he could not get accomodation in a hostel. His name is krishna. He is young fair & handsome.First day I took him to his college on my bike. The college was around 15 kms from my house. As I was driving and he sat behind me he casually placed his hands on my thighs. Whenever a speed breaker or a bump came on the way his hands are...

3 years ago
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Does The Joy Beats the Shame

Yesterday eveningMany will say why make the fuzz, but I'm not experienced with these kind of things.Ok, I am married, relatively happy, I do have a decent job, earn a good living, maybe I am somewhat boring. Yes, I got drunk a few times a year, I smoke some, watch some porn, I even subscribed to a porn site. Nothing irregular so far, oh, perhaps this one, a few years ago I was in Antwerp, and I got a little drunk and I went to the red light district. And yes, I payed for sex, and it was not a...

2 years ago
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Threesomes are Delicious

At one point my lover said “what do you think about threesomes? Does that tickle your fancy?”I had to think for a moment and to be honest, I had thought of it before but not for a long time. I tried it once but was in my early 20’s and I was far from that age at this point. But still………………how would it feel Bringing another person into the bedroom just for fun. I thought to myself……………..”as long as it isn’t every night maybe it would be titillating”The next weekend I scheduled our friend Tom to...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Melody Parker Fuck Me Wanna Know If I Can Take It

After her ballet rehearsal, Melody and her friend decided to go eat, while they were leaving, Melody could not resist seeing Vlad, he had a huge bulge under his pants, the girls could not believe her eyes, nobody can have a dick that big, they were making fun of it, Melody felt the need to know for sure if that huge giant dick was real, Vlad overheard them and challenge Melody to check for herself and clear any doubts, Melody was fascinated but her friend got embarrassed and left them alone, so...

3 years ago
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The Reset ManifestoChapter 17

The time had come for the funeral service. The family gathered together and got in line, with Rebecca leading the way on Donald’s arm. Patricia was followed by George. George’s wife hadn’t been able to come under the excuse of having another pressing engagement (actually she was agoraphobic). The funeral director led them to the room where the service was now being held. Knowing that more than a thousand people were present, and being prepared for it are two different things. The whole party...

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Shower time is MY TIME

The feeling of hot water running down my body gave me the chills. I knew upon entering the shower that I wanted to have a quick cum before I got out. The constant thought of it made my pussy throb. It had been months since I had sex, and I needed a release. I washed my body gently with soap, paying special attention to my breast, pussy, and ass. I pinched and rubbed my nipples. That immediately sent a wave of shock through my body, and down between my legs. I sat down on the floor of the tub...

2 years ago
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Son of SleepChapter 4

Hypnos, Ancient Greek god of sleep and trance, sat on a barstool at the kitchen island and drummed his fingers on the marble countertop. What is this? He wondered, focusing on the unsettling sensation that bubbled in his stomach beneath his rock-hard abs. He ran his fingers through his wavy brown hair and sighed. Is this what the mortals call anxiety? Or is it nervousness, perhaps? With a soft growl, he stood up and brought a fist down on the stone. “No more!” he declared to the empty...

4 years ago
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A sexy night with my cousin

one day i visited my cousin sisters house. my cousin sister was three years older then me. all the people in her house went out for a tour. it was 10.00pm. myself and my cousin were alone and we were in one room.my cousin went to change her night dress in bathroom. she came out she was too sexy.her boobs were so tight in the dress. her ass was so sexy.i became so horny.she bent down to take something down i saw her cleavage and i became so horny.we started talking.i thought of touching her...

4 years ago
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While We Were Away Chpt 2

The continuing story of a man who got more than he bargained for ...This is my first attempt at writing erotica. If you like the story, please take a moment to vote for it or leave a comment, so I can get a sense of whether I should continue it or not. Thanks for reading.For two days after the wife had walked in on Tanya pulling her strap-on out my ass and me with my jizz all over my face, it had been absolute silence in our house – a cold front of epic proportion. I buried myself in my work,...

2 years ago
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Peg Ray and Pegging Chapter 3

Peg Ray and PeggingChapter 3I made it back to the hotel before the Sun rose and quickly took my shower to wash off the smell of the fantastic sex Ray, Peg and I had shared before dressing in a jockstrap, black silk running shorts and a white dry weave running shirt. I had my wallet and personal items in a small waist pack and my Bluetooth mp3 player and earbuds. The group of friends I was to meet was already at the seawall starting to warm up, The group was not as experienced as I was so I...

4 years ago
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My secret fantasy

Okay so after I tell this short story my fantasy will no longer be a secret, but it's all good, it's exciting knowing that other peeps know my deepest darkest secrets. So this is a fantasy in progress, it hasn't happened yet, but the plan has be well thought out and I plan on making it happen next week.I've always enjoyed guys gazing at my body, my boobs, ass, and legs get lots of attention, and when other girls are irritated when guys ogle their body, I'm pleased and turned on by it. Getting...

2 years ago
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Gathering Storm Chapter 4

I woke to the sound of several things going on all at once. Even before my eyes completely opened I could hear the sound of the rain beating against the windows. It was constant, not as bad a downpour as I'd heard before, but certainly continuous. But it was again a reminder of the severe storm heading our way. Secondly, as my eyes did open, I could also hear the sound of the shower telling me in an instant that Cynthia was already up and getting ready to head into the city. Something I...

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The Binding of Isabelle Ch 01

This is the beginning of my own version of a story line about the Carpathian Men and the women they mate with. I have always been fascinated by vampires and had my own take on them fantasy-wise. When I began reading novels about the Carpathians they seemed like exactly the image I had of what vampires would be like if I were to write them. This is the first chapter in that effort. Enjoy! ***** How had Isabella gotten herself into this situation? She had been innocently typing a new story on...

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The game begins

"Ohhh baby, baby, baby, , , harder baby yes FUCK!"wait what? "FUCK"This word from my wife rang some bells that got rust all over them in past eight years of relationship I had with my wife.Yes I come from a conservative society where husband and wife are to be formal with each other. In past eight years I never heard my wife say Fuck while we were making love. It was always silent or only moans. I have to admit that my wife moans real good and at times only her moans can get me to spray it...

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Sissy Rights

I enjoy writing stories for my own pleasure. This is the first one I have put on the site and I will write more of different genres. The BBC political reporter stood on College Green opposite the Houses of Parliament. She was live.“Today has been a momentous day for sissies all over the country. They have been properly recognised for their important role in society. The Home Secretary has announced a series of measures which will make it easier for sissies to go about their daily lives,...

2 years ago
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Teasing Pleasing FamilyChapter 5

They'd been watching their swapping parents' nonstop sucking and fucking without exchanging a word the whole time. Then, finally, Christy broke the silence. "Well, I've seen enough," she whispered to her cousin, David, pulling him away from the door. "Let's split." "What for?" a puzzled David muttered. "They're still going strong." "Then we've got a lot of catching up to do," Christy said. "H-huh?" "Doing it yourself's even more of a turn-on than watching. Especially...

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mad and horny

Hi, this is Vikram Singh from hyderabad. I am an 18 year old boy and all my teenage I have been interested in sex. I always wanted to have sex with an experienced woman, and my dream came into reality one year ago. Believe me it is a true story. My aunt used to stay in Hyderabad and sometimes, during vacation she and her son used to visit us. Her son is just 8 years old. I had always fantasized of having sex with her because she had a gorgeous figure. She had heavy boobs which used to hang in...

3 years ago
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John and Joan

1. In the writers forum of Literotica, there was at least one complaint that no one ever wrote a story about ordinary people. Here is my attempt. All persons, usernames, and internet sites in ‘John and Joan’ are completely fictional and any similarities to any persons or sites living or dead is completely coincidental. *** John arrived home from the office at six-thirty, his usual time. He had left that morning at the usual time. As a double entry accountant for a fast food organization, he...

4 years ago
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The Living Doll

I wanted nothing more than to go straight to bed, so that’s what I did. Shutting my bedroom door, I slipped into some loose shorts, climbed under the covers and fell sound asleep. It must have been the middle of the night when I woke up because it was still dark outside my curtains. Funny, my alarm was what woke me up most days at it was set to 9:00Am. Before I could think on that I realized with a start that there was someone else in my room. It took my eyes a moment to adjust but...

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