Homeless Pt. 03 free porn video

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Part 3—my life changes dramatically. Wow, does it ever!


Jennie and I had been together for five months. It was now May, one of the most beautiful months in the Carolinas with the temperature in the mid-eighties and none of the stifling humidity I knew would appear once summer had arrived.

Jennie and I felt like a married couple, but in all this time I had never once told her that I loved her—that I was in madly love with her. Why? I was afraid—terrified actually–that she would reject me, afraid that she would laugh, and afraid that, as a result of my stupidity, she would leave me.

Things came to a head a week before Memorial Day. Jennie walked into my office where I was ‘working.’ ‘Doug, I need to talk to you. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I think I’m taking too much from you. Perhaps I should leave.’

My heart was in my throat. This was the moment I had dreaded for months. I had to convince her to stay. I just had to. I was sure that my face had turned ghostly white when I turned in my chair to face her. ‘Oh God…now you’re going to see what a pathetic loser I can be.’ I hung my head and spoke just above a whisper, ‘I don’t want you to go, Jennie—not now, not ever. I want you. I love you. I’m in love with you. I want to marr…’ I never finished that sentence. Jennie was all over me, hugging and kissing me—pushing her tongue into my throat as her glorious breasts pressed into my chest.

Her fingers caressed my face as she whispered, ‘I’m so sorry I had to do that to you, Doug. I was afraid you’d never get around to telling me. I’ve known that you loved me for months and—for the record—I’ve been in love with you since our first week together. I’ve never met a kinder, more considerate, and—yes—a more loving man than you. Since you can be a little dense sometimes I’ll spell it out for you—YES! OUI! JA! SI! Y…E…S. Now I’m going to shut up so I can kiss you then I’m taking you to bed where we’ll start our celebration because I have something else to show and tell you.’ She extended her hand and I followed her, still in a daze, to the bedroom.

She dropped her clothes into a pile on the floor then began on mine. Holding my head between her hands she whispered, ‘Have you noticed that I’ve put on a few extra pounds lately?’ She took my hand and placed it on her tummy. ‘Please don’t be angry with me, but I never started those birth control pills. I was afraid you might send me away and I couldn’t go without… I know it sounds stupid, but you never told me that you loved me. If I had to leave I was going to take some small part of you with me.’

I was confused. What was she talking about? ‘I don’t understand, Jennie. What are you telling me?’

‘For a genius you can be so oblivious. I’m pregnant. I’m going to have your baby. You’re going to be a father.’ I was dumbstruck. I stood there in total shock until she gripped my head with one hand and my cock with the other then gave me the best kiss I’d ever experienced. She pulled me to the bed and we celebrated all afternoon. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for my love and—yes—I did tell her over and over how much I loved her.

Only when we were both too exhausted to even move did Jennie speak again. ‘Doug, didn’t you listen to me when I told you about making love to you? Do you remember what I said to you?’

‘Something about only lying still when other men fucked you.’

‘Yes, and do you know why I was such an active participant with you and only with you, darling?’

‘I think I do now. You did it because you were in love with me?’

‘Of course, and I’m going to do it with just as much energy and just as much love for the rest of our lives.’

‘I can’t believe it. I’ve been so afraid of telling you how much I love you. I was afraid you’d think I was crazy and you’d run away. I was terrified when you asked if I thought you should leave.’ Then my face brightened and I smiled. ‘This is the best day of my life.’

Jennie moved up to kiss me. Then she whispered, ‘Mine, too!’ Then she kissed me again. We pulled ourselves into the shower and rejuvenated under the hot spray. We dressed hurriedly and Jennie drove me all the way down to Myrtle Beach where we turned onto 28th Avenue North, stopping at New York Prime, certainly one of the best restaurants in the area and definitely the most expensive. Dinner for two—shrimp cocktail for me and shellfish bisque for Jennie, a split house salad, and porterhouse for two came to just under $300 with drinks and tip. It was worth every penny. It wasn’t every day that I became engaged.

We were back in the car and on the way home when it hit me. ‘Did you say you were…?’

‘Boy, you sure are out of it today. Is this what you’re going to be like when we’re actually married?’

‘I hope so. I’ve never been so happy.’

‘I’m glad, Dad. It’s been a perfect day for me, too.’ She held her hand out to me and I took it gladly, holding it to my lips as she drove away.

Once we were home I put Lady out and prepared her dinner. After filling her bowl with Dog Chow I covered the pile of kibble with diced scraps of steak fat from our dinner. After kissing Jennie I walked to my office before pulling up several airline sites for reservations for three to LaGuardia in New York City. Unfortunately, there were no direct flights and I sure as hell didn’t want to sit in either Charlotte or Atlanta for two hours to make a flight that was less than two hours long. Instead, I joined Jennie in bed.

‘I’ve been thinking. When do you want to get married and what kind of wedding would you like?’

‘I’m sure you know that I have no close friends other than Amber, the one I phone back home now and then, but if I invited her my step-father would be one step behind her.’

‘You are an adult now. What could he do?’

‘You don’t know him. He’d make up some phony charges just to get me back to Iowa. Then he’d chain me to a post and either beat me or fuck me every day. It’s better for me if Amber stays where she is. As for when: as soon as humanly possible. That okay with you?’ I didn’t answer. I didn’t have to. My kiss spoke volumes. We were in bed, naked as always, and fell sound asleep seconds later. I had a lot to do tomorrow morning.

I was online first thing the following morning checking the state’s requirements for a marriage license when Jennie staggered into the office. ‘Morning, sweetheart, what are you doing?’

‘Just checking on what’s required to get a license and if there’s a waiting period.’


‘We can do both today, but not until I make a few calls.’ I rose and pulled my still naked wife-to-be into my arms. We moved together, full of love for each other. Jennie melted in my arms as we kissed. My hands roamed her body—her skin as soft and smooth as silk—until she broke it.

‘You’d better make your calls if we’re going to get married today. I’ll get breakfast started.’ One more quick kiss and she went on her way.

I phoned Executive Jet and chartered a round trip for three. Yes, I was taking Lady with us.

Next I was on the phone to the Plaza—reservations for two plus my service dog. Trainer John had given me a dog vest that said, ‘Service Dog’ with a small oxygen tank and breathing mask. It was aluminum, an exact replica of the real thing except smaller and lighter so it wouldn’t interfere with Lady’s real function. ‘These will enable you to take her everywhere you go. Tell people you’re susceptible to seizures or something. Nowadays service dogs are as common as fleas.’

Jennie poked her head in to ask what I was doing. ‘I think we need to go to New York to do some shopping. You need an engagement ring and we should get some wedding rings, maybe a diamond bracelet or two, a necklace, some earrings…whatever we want. I also have a business meeting I have to attend.’
‘What are we going to do with Lady?’

‘She’ll be coming with us, probably in the seat next to you. I’ll arrange a line of credit with one of my brokers right after we eat.’ That’s exactly what I did, calling my personal representative at Vanguard where I had more than two hundred million invested. We worked out the particulars of the transfer to Harry Winston’s account, including several code words for identification purposes. Jennie and I left for the County Courthouse about forty minutes north on the County Administrative Campus in Bolivia. I wore a grey silk suit, Jennie wore a pearl-colored top with sleeves to her elbows and a pair of black Capri’s along with black two-inch heels. She wore no jewelry other than the ratty studs she’d had when we met. I was sure she’d replace them tomorrow when we set the record for money spent at Harry Winston’s Fifth Avenue shop just down the block from the Plaza Hotel.

We walked hand-in-hand into the courthouse lobby, stopping at the information desk for directions. Up to the second floor in the elevator we almost ran down the wide hallway. There was a short line, but we spent the time completing the form. When one of the couples ahead of us was ten dollars short I gladly paid the difference.

We showed our ID and I laid three twenties on the counter. Then I asked the clerk where we could go to get married. ‘Right down the hall in 214. There’s a justice of the peace there all the time. You might have to wait a bit. Good luck.’

We rushed down the hallway, almost passing right by the room. Luckily, a bridal party walked out just as we approached. We walked in and took a number, handing our license to another clerk. ‘It should be about twenty minutes. Do you have any witnesses or other people in your party?’ He told us to have a seat when we indicated we were alone. Another couple slid down the bench with a slight smile as they made room for us to sit. It was actually thirty minutes later when we were called into the other room. I handed the justice a hundred dollar bill and provided a twenty to each of the witnesses. Even the lack of rings didn’t hold us back. We held hands throughout the ceremony, pledging ourselves to each other before sharing our first kiss as husband and wife. We shook hands and left floating on air. I couldn’t believe I was actually married to Jennie. We drove home, stopping halfway for a light lunch before going home to celebrate again.

We were in bed early and had fallen asleep almost immediately so we were almost awake when the alarm went off at six. ‘Tell me, husband, why we’re getting up so early.’

‘We have a ten o’clock appointment at the Wilmington airport.’

‘They’re going to let Lady on the plane with us?’

‘Sure, dogs fly all the time, even flying commercial. But, as you know, I’ve arranged for a charter.’

‘A charter?’

‘Yeah…you, me, and Lady with the flight crew and a steward. I have to find that vest that John gave us.’

‘Look in the hall closet. Should I get a suitcase? How many nights should I pack for? What kind of clothes will I need? Oh—I’m so excited!’

‘There are two 24-inch cases in the closet in the blue room—one for each of us. I think we should take a carry-on for toiletries, shaving—you know…whatever. I’ll put Lady out and come right back to help you.’ I kissed her quickly and led Lady down the hall.

Jennie had the bed made and the open suitcases on it when we returned. ‘We have reservations for five nights so I’m taking two suits and maybe four shirts. I’d take that coral dress you look so good in and some good casual clothes. Leave room in your suitcase so we can do some serious shopping for you. If necessary we can always get another bag or two. Would you like to meet my mother?’

‘Of course, you’ve never mentioned your parents or anything about growing up other than studying at MIT.’

‘We can talk at length on the plane. We’ll fly into LaGuardia and take a limo into Manhattan. It’s not that far, but we could spend close to an hour because of the traffic. Well, you’ll see for yourself once we get there.’ We spent almost a half hour packing before taking a quick shower. Jennie was right. The vest was in the hall closet. Lady stood perfectly still while I fitted it around her shoulders. It looked to be comfortable and didn’t restrict her movements at all.

I locked up and we were on the road heading north by eight. Wilmington was almost an hour away and we needed breakfast before boarding the plane. We could eat on board, but I hated eating in the air. Truth be told, I occasionally suffered from motion sickness. I’d been sick several times on ocean cruises, but never on either of my small boats. I found that difficult to explain and even harder to understand.

We stopped at Golden Corral in Shallotte for their weekend buffet and ate heartily. I had no trouble bringing Lady into the restaurant. She stayed at heel whenever Jennie or I went to the buffet, but sat quietly at our feet, even when I slipped her a piece of bacon. We left at nine sharp and I pulled into the general aviation lot at the airport at 9:40. I removed the cases from the trunk while Jennie held Lady on her leash. We met the pilot inside the building and he helped with our bags. They even had a special harness to secure Lady in the seat. They’d covered the seat with a soft terry-cloth slip cover, both for Lady’s comfort and to protect the leather seat from Lady’s claws.

Jennie had Lady lie across the seat with her head across Jennie’s thigh. I clipped the short harness into the seat belt buckle. The steward explained that this was just for takeoff and landing when the inertial stresses were greatest. There I go again with nerd speak. It’s inertia that seems to push you back into the seat when the pilot rams the throttle forward. It’s kind of complicated physics so –please-just take my word for it.

We had just taken off when Jennie released Lady. She curled up at Jennie’s feet. Jennie looked across the aisle with a smile and asked me about my parents. ‘I grew up in East Setauket. That’s a community on the north shore of Suffolk County in Long Island. My father is a professor of chemistry at Stony Brook State University about two miles from our home. He must have done pretty well because Mom was the only stay-at-home mother in our neighborhood.

‘I attended the public schools there in what’s known as the Three Village School District. The schools there have an excellent reputation. I’d guess that more than ninety percent of the graduates go on to some form of higher education. Anyway, like most kids I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license. I was so proud the day I did I drove Mom’s car to the university to show it to him. Instead, I opened the door to his laboratory to find some fat bitch lying across the lab table with my dear old dad behind her, his pants pooled up around his ankles.’

‘Oh no, Doug, how terrible for you!’

‘He was so occupied that he never even noticed I was there. I walked up almost within arm’s length before speaking. ‘I thought it was dangerous to sit or lie on a lab table, Dad—something about acid on the surface. Good to see you’re following good safe lab procedure. Don’t ever speak to me again. You’re dead as far as I’m concerned.’ I turned on my heels and left, but not before seeing that he never missed a beat.

‘I drove home in a fog and it’s a miracle that I didn’t kill someone on the way. Mom knew the instant I walked into the house from the expression on my face exactly what had happened. ‘Dear God,’ she told me. ‘You caught him, didn’t you?’ It turned out that she had caught him on three separate occasions. I thought that I loved my dad before that day. After, I couldn’t have hated him more. I’ve never spoken to him since…not even a single word. There wasn’t much he could have done about it. I was much bigger and stronger than he was. I was about a month from graduation so I left home in September and I’ve never gone back
while he was there. I’ve seen my mother quite a few times, but never him.’

‘I feel so badly for you, Doug. That’s as bad as my story.’

‘No…not even close, I never had to suffer physically the way you did and when I left home I went to college for six years. You had to worry about your very survival every single day, but no more…never again.’ I rose from my seat and walked to Jennie. Our kiss would have lasted longer were it not for the steward who asked us if we wanted a drink. We declined. It was too early for alcohol and the flight was only two hours long. I kissed Jennie quickly and returned to my seat.

Using the in-plane phone I placed an important call. I had just ended it when we were told to prepare for landing. Jennie called Lady up to her position on the seat and fifteen minutes later we were on the approach path, flying low over Flushing Bay to the runway that extended almost all the way to Riker’s Island. Ten minutes after touchdown we pulled into the General Aviation area and stopped. The door was opened and I walked out, turning to help Jennie and Lady down the steep steps. Our stretch limo awaited us just outside the fence.

We left the airport at 12:43 and pulled up in front of the Plaza fifty-one minutes later. The bell staff couldn’t get to our bags fast enough. Ten minutes later we had registered and were shown into our suite. It was exactly as requested—more than nine floors above the street with views of Central Park just across the street. I locked our few valuables in the safe and we removed our clothes to the dresser and closet.

Once that was done we went down in the elevator so we could get Lady into the park. I had brought a garden trowel and a supply of plastic bags to dispose of her wastes. Her bowls and a ten pound bag of Dog Chow would do for the next five days. We crossed at the light and stepped into the park.

‘So this is Central Park. It’s beautiful and so big.’

‘It really is great, Jennie, but it’s a good place to stay away from after dark. It can be dangerous, with groups of street punks looking for an easy mark.’

‘Is that why we brought Lady?’

‘It’s part of the reason. I’ll buy you more than a hundred thousand dollars in jewelry. That alone is reason to be careful. Of course, if we get robbed, just hand over the cash and the jewels. They can be replaced, you can’t.’ Lady had sniffed around a few trees before squatting to do her business. I was right behind her to clean up her mess which was fortunate because a city cop was only twenty feet away on the footpath. I knew the law in New York City was often ignored, but not by me. I dropped the bag in a trash receptacle and we crossed the street to the Plaza then turned left, walking about a block and a half to Luke’s Lobster for their lobster roll and Cokes.

After lunch we went back toward Fifth Avenue and turned south. A block later we entered Harry Winston’s. The service here has always been, well, let’s just call it ‘attentive.’ A fortyish woman greeted us. ‘I was told to ask for Martin,’ I said as I handed her one of my business cards from when I was CEO of Software for Idiots, Inc. She retreated to the rear of the store, returning less than two minutes later with the manager. My contact at Vanguard had phoned him to discuss the transfer of funds. He was told it had been done probably dozens of times and was one of their preferred means of payment. There were no credit card charges and payment was immediate. I asked to see an assortment of engagement rings.

Jennie was offered a seat at a low glass counter as Martin first measured her finger while an assistant brought out four trays, each of which had at least twenty rings of various sizes and designs. She looked at me then told me, ‘I don’t want to spend too much.’

I grinned as I replied, ‘For you there’s no such thing as too much. Find the one you love and ignore the price. We’re here to spend money and I have more than enough to buy out the entire store.’ I leaned down to kiss her. I could see her shock in her eyes. She knew I was rich, but I was much richer than she thought. I’d explain everything to her tonight.

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It was late on Saturday night when Jess decided to get the train home after a long day at work rather than have to take the never ending bus journey home. It was cheaper but it took longer to get home, normally it would take her an hour but with the train it took her two. She had never been on a train before until she moved to the city but it wasn’t that exciting compared to what everyone used to always talk about. Waiting for the train took forever, she couldn’t help but notice how half the...

4 years ago
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Samantha goes from innocent high school girl to movie star

When she turned 18, Samantha went to her parents and said she wanted her drivers license. After the required instruction from her father and time behind the wheel, she went for her road test and was issued a license. With her new found freedom, Samantha was on cloud nine and had no idea it would lead her to a situation she could never have imagined. If her father had ever known what would happen to her, he would have never let her get her license or drive alone. Unknown to her, Samantha...

1 year ago
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Crazy Summer Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter One - There Goes the Summer I could not believe my bad luck. Not only had my girlfriend dumped me right before my summer holidays, my mother had just informed me that I had to go up north for the whole summer to stay with my aunt. What a complete fuck up. I hadn't been that upset when Marcy told me that she didn't want to see me anymore. She was fun to be with but wouldn't let me do more than cop a feel of her small breasts. I got over it...

3 years ago
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Kellys ConversionChapter 3

As her younger brother began to rub her breasts, groping her, Kelly tried to protest, but her protests were muffled by her gag, as she tried to move away from him. Her struggles were further weakened by the drugs, and so it seemed to be her reaction to his groping. "Look, the Bitch is getting turned on already!" John said, mistaking her movements for those of true arousal. As the brothers, unknowingly, continued groping their own sister, I turned on the lights on the other side of the...

4 years ago
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Your new mistress

You where a highly paid producer, just a while ago but your last project didn't hit the goal quote and you soon found yourself unemployed. It's also hard to find a new project with all the competition these days, so you decide to take some time off. You were always into bdsm, and fetishizes, but you never got to live them out. You are also not really in need of money, since you used to be quite successful before. While looking at some stuff online, you get the idea that you could afford a...

2 years ago
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Online Friend Ch 01

*My 1st Literotica Story * * Alana was an internet tease. You know what I’m talking about, that girl who goes into the chat rooms and makes false promises of coming to see random guys but never has the intention to do so. After a stressful week at work, Alana came home and undressed down to almost nothing. She had straight, long, silky hair, rather small 36 B breasts, curved hips and a Brazilian waxed pussy. Tonight she only wore a red nightshirt. She got on her laptop and she logged on to...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 22

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! “Jaed - if that is his picture - is not in the immigration system anywhere. The only place we found a likeness is in the secret file that Mossad gave us months ago. He was suspected of being a spy and operative for Iran in Syria,” Robert said. “Why am I not surprised?” I said. “There is one thing that may interest you that was posted today for about four minutes. We did a screen copy before it was taken down,” Robert said. I looked at the document and realized what it...

2 years ago
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Bonded and BredChapter 23

Bill Frawnings and his son left soon afterwards, as soon after his angry declaration as he could in fact, and following their departure, the people in the room, were silent for a moment. Then James's father came and sat down next to Iris, and took her hand gently. "So you are the young woman who has claimed my son?" he asked with a rueful little smile. Iris smiled back and then shrugged apologetically. "I fell in love with him," she said softly. "And I could not help myself; I could...

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ProfNigma Stories 2 iCarlyVictorious 8

iCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 8For Sam, getting back to Spencer's camper was taking absolutely forever. Probably because she was in a dress, and if there was one thing that Sam hated being in, a dress ranked pretty high up there. They slipped away from dance without anyone taking notice, and neither really talked much on the way.Finally reaching the vehicle, Sam vaulted in as soon as the door opened. Spencer was right behind, being careful not to push Sam in her...

3 years ago
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Pouting Prudence

Pouting Prudence Carmenica Diaz 'This is nice,' Prudence purred, wriggling against me in the front seat ofthe car. It was very nice indeed. Prudence was delicious and not at all, I found, a prude in any sense. Prudencewas, in the words of the itinerant mail-boy who pushed the trolley betweencorporate floors, a horny little slut who looked like she could suckyour cock through your trousers! It was an accurate description. Dark hair, red lips that always pouted anda slow wriggling walk that...

4 years ago
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The New Playmates Friends

The New Playmate's Friends by MaxSebastian 1 The young schoolboy lay back in the bath, entirely relaxed. The hot, steaming water enveloped his firm, slender yet muscular frame, the white foam making little islands of his knees, his slumbering penis and his head as he lay back, closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Jonathan could still feel a tingling running through his body from the morning’s encounter with Lucy, the daughter of his father’s new fiancée. It was the first day of the Christmas...

2 years ago
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SAMANTHA’S NEW LIFE: CHAPTER FIVE: GUILTY PLEASUREThe next morning started out early. I heard the alarm sound and get smacked quiet almost immediately. I rolled to my right, which should have put me up against Nick, but he wasn’t there. I reached out with my arm thinking I might have wandered further away in the night on the king-sized bed. It was dark in the room and my hand found his bare back as he sat on the edge of the bed. He turned to me, pulled the light covers up to my chin, kissed my...

3 years ago
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Starting point

Years back, a little shady of the details.I was thirteen, going into new school, I could have gotten into an all boys school, but I rejected the offer, my family thought I was crazy, but who cares.Love the idea of orientation, it was just another excuse of a get-together where everybody was bored, plus it was a 3 days stay over at the school. Perfect. I just gotten out of a relationship, really, I was 11 with a girlfriend. Not those puppy love you guys hear about, I only went for this girl...

3 years ago
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Weekend for Four ndash Fantasy Friday

I started awake, looking at the clock for a moment, barely registering that it was nearly six-thirty, and almost bolted out of bed before I remembered I had today off, and then why. Claire and I had fallen asleep almost the moment our heads had hit our pillows, worn out from our four-way games the night before. The blinds were mercifully closed, and I could just make out Claire bundled up in our comforter, facing the other wall. Still bone tired, I closed my eyes and settled back the other...

2 years ago
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Real ex gf making me eat cum

Dana and I had been together for about a month and my sex life had never been better. We were both in college and she was the first girl to really get me to explore my sexuality. She was a beautiful 21 year old blond at the time. She had a fat ass but small waist and really big tits. When we first got together (as seen in my first story) she opened me up to face sitting which is now my ultimate fantasy. We were out at a bar one evening getting absolutely blitzed and dancing. She was very open...

2 years ago
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AllisonChapter 24

Ken glanced at his watch and realized how long he had been talking. He shook his head and said, "Now I want to end this monologue. But before I do I want to tell you how I got my brand-new position with one of the top law firms in Los Angeles." Ken smiled and shook his head, saying, "Ali does enter into this story. You see, I didn't do too well in my first year of law school, and didn't really hit my stride until the second semester of my second year. The result is that I may not make...

2 years ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 8

The drive to the "big city" took about three hours. They talked and easily fell into a personal comfort zone. At one point, Ann Marie reached over and took Jacob's hand. Her grasp was tentative at first, but it felt natural and soon their fingers were intertwined. He found that he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Away from the school, she looked so different. So sexy. His heart raced. He found he liked the electric touch of his beautiful friend. She seemed so different from her teacher...

4 years ago
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I Love to Lick a Womans Big Butthole3b

This is a continuation from part 3a about Lisa the 18-year-old shy girl who became an anal slut and exhibitionist.Lisa and I enjoyed each other the whole weekend and I really got to know her a lot better. She was a very deep person who liked to think about the meaning of things, including life. She read books by Hugh Prather, Richard Bach, Carlos Castenada, and other great books along those lines. She was surprised when I told her I was currently plowing my way through the Casteneda novels and...

1 year ago
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Owned Family CH3 No Turning Back

This is a continuation of a story about a family that submits to their black neighbor. If you do not like stories about gay, interracial, incest, bestiality, or young sex, please move on. If you do like those topics, please enjoy. I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. The next two days were very much alike. I worked at Tys house learning his investments and improving his filing system, if you could call it a system. From what I could tell he came into money left to him by a family member...

2 years ago
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Bhai Ne Chod Diya

Hello friends, mera naam Sapna hai. Meri height aur body figure bahut accha hai aur main bahut sexy aur fit ladki hu. Main apni friends ke sath gym jaati hu aur kabhi kabhi sham ko park mein badminton bhi khelti hu. Isse meri fitness acchi hai. Mere close mera bada bhai hai jo meri bahut help karta hai. Mujhe ye kabhi nahi pata tha ki main apne bade bhai se chudwa lungi. Mera bade bhai ka naam Suresh hai. Main ek baar apne bhai ke mobile mein net chala rahi thi. Mujhe sex story dikhi jo bhai...

1 year ago
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De leugens voorbij dutch

Het was altijd leuk, samen pinten pakken..nooit vervelend?Dikwijls werden we goed zat, maar nooit werd het vervelend.Als wist ik dat Pieter een doorwinterde homo was?, nooit was dit vreemd. Nooit maakte hij avances.Pieter was het gezapige iets oudere, meegaande en levensgenietende homo type. Met zijn 46 lentes, 1m76 en 88 kilo, was hij niet metten moeders mooiste te noemen, maar dat maakte hij blijkbaar toch op een of ander manier goed, te zien aan de talrijke jonge knappe vriendjes die hij...

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Who Knew

Justin Boyland stood at the counter in the college refectory waiting to be served: he rarely ate in there, but he bought his customary sandwich or filled bread roll, together with a piece of fruit; which he then took away to a quiet place where he could eat and read in peace. Despite his quietness, he was a likable guy and it was commonly acknowledged that he really knew what he was talking about; compared to other students who were more outgoing and could talk a good talk, but who were often...

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Neighbor Hood Problems

Neighbor Hood Problems Chapter 1 The parents Beckys a loser! Shes such a nerd!the bullies yelled at Becky. She was almost in tears, the kids had been making fun of her since she moved there at the start of the year from Montana. She didnt have any friends and no one talked to her unless they were teasing her. This would happen during school all day and while she was walking home. Hi Sweets, how was school? asked Beckys mom Fine. replied Becky Well thats fine! All I said was school was fine!...

2 years ago
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Hello dosto me hu Raja , from Udaipur . aaj me aapko apni sex life ke baare me bata rha hu plz ise maind me rakh kar padhna ki meri jagah par aap he or jindgi ka maza lut rhe he . iski shuruaat hui thi mere gar se . isse pahle me apni ek dost ko chod chuka hu jiska naam tha rekha . but is baar mene gar me maze liye apni bahan ke sath . dosto me 23 saal ka hu or meri bahan 20 saal ki jiska naam simmi he or wo abhi abhi colleage me aai he . mere mom dad aksar gar se bahar rahte he kaam ke...

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Ms Marca Mr Wilson Cant Say No

    Ms Marca     Mr. Wilson Can’t Say No.       I'm Marca and I like sex. I like sex anywhere, anytime with anyone. In short, I'm pretty much the town tramp. Despite this, I'm a really nice girl, with a killer figure but really pretty eyes in a cute, ever-smiling face. So why is it when you're feeling a bit horny you can't find a man? It was after school one day and I just got home knowing my folks would be...

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Man, I do love the beach! So much female-ass just hangin' out for all to see... I fucking love it! Girls go there half-naked just to flaunt their bodies, and flash as much of their pussies, asses and tits to us guys as they can, and good times are had by all.Once I was lying on this beach I like, checking out the crowds of smoking-hot tourist-ladies, all half-naked, many of whom were indubitably cruising for some big hard vacation-cock for the night to satisfy their horny, vacationing pussies....

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Maa Ko Chudwaya 8211 Part 2

My name is Rohan, 22 years old. Meri mom ka nam hai Sakshi aur woh 42 saal ki hai. Maine meri maa ko mere do doston se milwaya, Anish aur Vicky. Ab uske bad kya hua yeh padhiye. Mujhe pakka pata tha ab meri ma mere dosto se chudne wali hai. Lekin mujhe kuch karna hoga.  Same day se hi Anish aur Vicky ne mom ko message karna chalu kardiyata. Aur main agle din subhe uthkar mom ke phone pe message padhta rehta tha chup ke se. Anish ne message bheja tha ki Anish – Mujhe lagta hai apko sirf Vicky se...

3 years ago
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Fat FarmChapter 20

Day 158 Saturday "Fuck me," Denise shouted. She was on the table with her legs spread wide open. Dale was busy thrusting into her with vigorous driving strokes. Dale would pull back until his cock had almost left her cunt and then drive forward causing Denise to rock back and forth. Although she was still a large woman, she no longer had rolls of fat that moved to and fro. Karen watched the action from the doorway of the dining room with an open mouth. She couldn't believe Denise. For...

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New Boyfriends Girlfriends

After Sue and I broke up, I was quite depressed. Sue is a fantastic woman. She is smart, funny, and beautiful. Also, she is great in bed. She has a model's body--34A-24-34--and she keeps herself in good shape. My cock gets hard just from thinking about her. When we first started going out, she was a little inexperienced. I was the first guy she did it with while the lights were on. I was the first guy to cum in her mouth. Despite this, she surprised me several times, like the time she took...

4 years ago
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The Most Romantic Day Of My Life

Hello readers!!! First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you for all the love you guys shown. Well, it’s been so pleasing to see my mailbox flooding with ya love. There is nothing more pleasing for a writer when his experience is loved to this extent.. Trust me, you are gonna love this experience of mine and all I need is you show some love by reaching me on my email or hangouts on Let me introduce myself for all the new readers of Indian sex stories !! I’m Rohan Sharma, 27...

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Low Budget

Have you ever had that odd thought about what's the worst thing that could happen to you that day? It was a Friday that ';exceeded expectations'. I was at the head of the line at the county reclamation site, dropping off defunct servers and battery backup units. I had a big eighty-pound rack-mount server carcass in my hands and had just bumped the rear door of my jeep closed with my hip. A big, black Ford Explorer roared across the parking lot, clipped my right hip and smashed into my old...

3 years ago
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MagicChapter 40

Friday afternoon, Sean was at his desk writing a report on Napoleon when his mother stuck her head in his room. She said, “Chief Fastman is here to see you.” “I wonder what he wants,” Sean said looking up from his computer. “I don’t know. Maybe you should ask him,” his mother answered. “Do you think he’ll tell me?” Sean asked. His mother answered, “I’m sure that he will. He came all this way just to talk to you.” “If you’re so sure then maybe I should talk to him,” Sean said. He saved...

1 year ago
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Tickling Our Fancies

As I arrived at work on Monday, I found an envelope resting against my computer monitor. April was across from me hard at work, or so it seemed. I opened the envelope to find an invitation to dinner at her place. As I turned I found her looking at me eagerly awaiting an answer. I said, “Of course, wouldn’t miss it.” The dinner was on Thursday evening. I asked if I could bring anything and she assured me that she had everything under control. The week seemed to drag on as if Thursday would never...

2 years ago
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Just Like A Dream

By : Richasricha Hi ISS readers. I’m a regular visitor of this site. I really liked this site. Here I read so many stories, i dont know if they are real or fake. This is my first story. This is my real life experience. If you find any mistakes please forgive me. And an important thing is that the incident i’m going to tell is an accidental one. Firstly about me, i’m Richa studying in one of the professional college in south India. Good looking, fair completioned girl having perfect assets in...

1 year ago
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‘Why ‘Jazzy”? The voice startled her from her reverie. Her eyes refocused from the desirable dress in the shop window to the images reflected in the glass. Vanity dictated that she assessed and approved her own reflection before discovering the source of the voice. The figure-hugging pants accentuated her slim hips and small waist, her breasts were emphasized by a tight ‘Jazzy’ Tee. Involuntarily, her hands tugged, smoothed and preened. From the reflection, the owner of the voice appeared...

3 years ago
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A morning with Betty

After our first encounter, I knew I would be seeing Betty again. We'd left some unfinished business. At first I thought I would call her but, after thinking about it, I figured she would call me.sure enough, a few weeks later the call came! "Jeff! I've got this condo up in Peppertree Court and...and the floor is just horrible! Do you think you can help me out?" It said on my phone machine. Oh, I'll help you out all right. I thought.So I went over on a Saturday morning, not too early...

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