Owners Pride, Neighbors Envy – Part 7 free porn video

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Hi many of you have appreciated my last part, and have mailed me your thoughts so thanks a lot for your replies and opinions. Now here is the part 7 of this series. Please keep your comments coming so i can write more and simulate your fantasies. So here we go.

We played with each other’s bodies for a bit and kissed and caressed each other in the bath tub till we felt the water get colder by the minute. The bath tub though sizeable was still uncomfortable for two people, by now anjana had held my chest and was looking away in a world of her own, her hair a mess, her mangalsutra had stains of my cum and her tits mauled and sucked after the crazy session we had in that bathroom. As they say if only the tiles could speak!!!! She was heaving her big heavy tits and was moving her hands from my chest to my abs and was quiet, till our silence was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone.

She looked at me and smiled saying “i guess he has reached London, so he is calling to give me his customary hello” i had closed my eyes to take in the moment and to wonder if we were in deep lust or were we embarking on a journey which would be in more than one ways immoral and forbidden yet sensual and sexy in its own way. I opened my eyes just in time to watch her dry herself in the sexy way that she does and look back at me and smile. She was taunting me by asking me “Tired?” and laughed as she dried her hair in all her naked glory i saw her properly without any sexual dalliances at that time, her tits were round and nipples were perfectly shaped, it was shaking with every forceful shake of her towel to dry her dripping hair.

She was 41 years old without a child, a so called devoted wife who to the world was the perfect definition of a housewife, a homemaker and to her husband she was a devoted and in some ways a doormat and dormant wife whom he treated with absolute disdain. He did not care for her and she had told me on many occasions that he rarely complimented or lovingly coupled with her. He did it more out of frustration and turned to sleep, which bought out her new side for which we both were bought together by fate. She was talking to her husband when i got off the tub and dried myself as i wore just my shorts. I went out and saw the time it was close to 4 o clock and i felt as if i had been there the entire day.

I went and checked my phone there were two calls which i had missed one from office and the other from my father. She had finished her phone call and was wearing my shirt and nothing underneath. She walked to me like a sexy cat and said to me whispering in my eyes “ lover can your 15 day wife make you some tea” i was famished and parched my approval was met with a smile and off she went on her way to the kitchen.

I took this opportunity to tip toe to my bag, and procure a small packet. That i had bought as a part of the surprise, i heard her call me out slowly to get some cups from the cabinet and bring it to the kitchen. I slowly took two cups and saucers and placed the tea cup holders on the glass table, she told me in a sweet and caring way, “now that am going to be alone for 15 days we can alternate lunch dinner and after food snacks at each other places and winked at me” and when she turned i said in my own affable way as i was on my knees “turnaround sweetheart” when she did i took her right leg in my hands and asked her to close her eyes, as she did that i slowly slid a golden anklet slowly on to her leg and then hooked it, it was a flimsy anklet with an small alphabet A on.

I told her to open her eyes, and when she did she saw the anklet which she could have guessed, but when she saw that i sucked on her toe and blew some tender kisses on her ankles and said “ A little something for a extraordinary beautiful wine like woman” may be it was the gift may be the words but i saw some beads of water under her eyes as she pulled me up and embraced me like a child who had got her favourite Christmas present. She pulled me close and kissed me and there we were again kissing and embracing each other like a couple or rather lawfully wedded husband and wife.

We parted our lips and i helped her get the tea ready and she poured it on the two cups and sat beside me enjoying the tea the mood and setting was surprisingly very quiet you could almost feel the heart beat in the room and we were sipping tea and eye each other as if two opponents on a war field till she cut the silence when she said “Till now i felt that you and me were only about sex and hardcore fucking but what you did for me today especially this (indicating to the anklet) i was surprised in a pleasant way and i did not expect it” she continued “my husband and i are married for 9 years, he was my boss and i was his secretary, he had left his first wife because he felt i was more what he says according to him, his kind of woman, but its the opposite his first wife was independent and a modern thinking woman while i was a typical old fashioned wife material girl.

He has a very low sex drive due to his drinking habits and being a chain smoker, while i still want to conceive but i find it difficult now, i had resigned to my fate of being ignored and being and living like this till you came to stay here, first for me you were just an another young man who viewed and saw me and my body, but over our interactions and the sex sessions we had i not only found you to be loving and caring which obviously my husband is not but you also seem to know my inner needs of a woman” she spoke all this looking at me as if she had been thinking about our relationship like i was earlier in the day. She was finished though “ you have changed my world for the better, while i do take you to be my lover but after today, you are more than what my husband is for me, its not about the gift but the intention behind it that made me really happy, and for 15 days i want to forget the world, the society, the boundaries and importantly my marriage and the person whom i share the marital bed with and just be yours , your fucktoy, your target of lust and concubine” she got up took my cup and was going to the kitchen when she turned around and said “i want to cuckold that bastard lover, when he licked the cum of yours that night off my pussy, it gave me a vivid thrill and a unspoken power trip to silently tell him where he belongs and yet be your lover” i was dumbstruck and felt my sexuality hit a 360 and feeling like a alpha male. I would have gone to war that moment if she wanted.

After tea i went to my own place carefully kept my bag had a shower, two of our neighbours had gone away for some festivities and i called her on her phone and i said “ are you serious about whatever you told me in the afternoon?” she replied “hmmm do you doubt it” i had a evil plan ..well then come to my place in 10 minutes just wearing some bangles and your mangalsutra and naked, you can bring your clothes but walk across naked to my house” she was shocked and tried to wriggle out of this demand when i said “remember whatever you said” i thought she would snap and get angry but she laughed and said “as always you win motherfucker” and hanged up the phone, I had was watching what she would do via the peephole. She made her way out of her home locked and carefully checked if the there was someone.

My house was diagonal and close to the stair case going to the upper level while her’s was near the lift and since it was close to 8 o clock there would be lots of movements people going and coming to and fro. As soon as she locked her door she double checked for the stairs and the lift and ran the 10 paces to my place as i saw her mangalsutra move opposite to the swaying of her tits, and the anklets making noise and the clanking of her bangles against one another. She rang my bell i made her wait as i saw her face she was getting impatient and scared by the minute i could hear some one talk in the stairs a floor below us, i opened the door and as soon as she came in she gave me a dirty look, just as i closed the door i heard someone come to my neighbors place and ring their bell.

As soon as i turned she gave me a playful punch on my abs, i hugged her close to me and bit the top of her ear lobe and let her away from my grip. She sat down and was heaving a sigh of relief “you almost got me killed, don’t play such games the next time” i gave her some wine and poured some whiskey for myself making her comfortable because she had no idea what i had in mind for that matter neither did I.

As were drinking i dimmed the lights and put on some slow music and low lights. My naked beautiful married angel was inches close to me as we were downing our drinks the mood became even more free, the hot month of May was adding to mystic and the sexiness of the situation that we found ourselves in at the moment. Like i said earlier she was in her full naked glory while i was in my boxers and the alcohol and the nakedness of such a sexy specimen was adding more spice, she came closer to my lips and dropped a few drops of wine on the side of my lips, as i felt the wine run of to my cheeks and my neck, she bent down just in time to suck of the falling and running droplets to her heart’s content, next she dropped few more on my chest and nipples and let it run till my navel i lay down and was enjoying every bit of this sexual teasing that she was dishing out to me. Just as the wine was about to reach my navel she licked from top of my chest all the way to my navel encircling that are and keeping her tongue there briefly then licking me again.

The hot summer night with a steady breeze was now turned into a hotter night with a slimy satin laced tongue licking my upper body, once she ran out of wine she then started to lick my sweat which was forming beads on my forehead and my cheeks and she was running her fingers along my thigh, i closed my eyes and just took in the feeling and the sexiness of a woman who was expressing herself sexually to a guy nearly a dozen years younger to her. She had worn lots of bangles because she knew that i loved to hear the clanking of bangles on a woman when i fucked her because it added more to the aura of a woman in heat getting fucked. I could hear her bangles make a soft tingling noise as and when she took her hands on my thighs, her fingers slowly snaked to my boxers and she whispered “You deserve to be freed” talking to my dick, she then licked the underside of my balls and slowly sucked them softly one by one alternating between the two and one occasions chewing them and nibbling on them with her red lips, i felt the coldness of her saliva and wine and the shiver that was causing me was something that can never be explained.

I opened my eyes just in time to see her bend down and untie her hair from the hair band and proceed to suck the top of my dick head which was now looking like a rock hard statue and she was licking the veins of my dick from top to bottom and bottom to top, she was licking and spitting her saliva on the head and then licking till the base like she was enjoying her favourite cone ice cream. She made me get up and i was standing there wondering what new ideas she had in mind, till now i was the one who was taking the initiative to do such kinky things with her, but i guess the conversation that she had with me in the afternoon was a slight hint of her liberating herself sexually with me. What she did next was beyond kinky, she asked me to pour some more wine for her and instructed me not to pour more than half a glass, when i did as she told me, she took hold of my dick and dipped it into the glass of wine and started to stir it, imagine the situation, it was both kinky and sexually more arousing if there was ever a time where the phrase “rock hard to break a stone” was holding true it was now. She then removed my dick from the glass which she was using as a spoon and gulped the wine down to till last few drops remained.

She then looked up at me smiled and winked and then said i love to be “spoon fed” i did not grasp what she meant but soon i understood when she took my dick and held it in her palm and dropped the last few drops of wine on the top of my shaft and then started to drink the wine as if she is drinking a tonic from spoon. I was then ready to burst my cum. She was teasing me and tearing the depths of my patience till i could take no more and i held her hair in a bunch as she was doing her “wine tasting”.

She then let my dick and made me sit on the couch and she herself made her way onto my lap and started to caress my cheeks saying “starting today please take me to paradise that i have never seen or felt” by now i was sucking the nipples of those massive boobs and was enjoying myself she was also giving slight moans and signs of pleasure of the ravaging her tits were facing, mauling is a understatement as i was sucking, licking and pulling the nipples with my lips and tongue. She was pinching my hair, running her hands on my head and throwing her head back, needless to say we did not need another invitation to start our first session of many for the fortnight.

I made her lay on the couch and then started to tongue her pussy again, this time without much of a fear, the lights were dim, we were the only two houses on the floor with occupancy, but my house had me and my sexy neighbour and i was doing the perfect neighbours duty of loving thy neighbour by sucking her clit and making her moan and utter guttural language. She came with such a violent force that it was what one calls a Earth shattering orgasm, the entire pussy sucking lasted for more than a entirety. She was still shaking and quaking in the couch and we kissed each other with her tasting herself in my mouth. She was panting hard as she told me “fuck this married pussy and damage it beyond repair” i picked her up and took her to the bedroom, i switched on the AC and let her down on the bed, on her insistence i made another glass of wine for her and took this opportunity to make another glass of whiskey for myself.

When i made my way back to the bedroom with two glasses in a tray and her cell phone which had forgotten in the main room i saw her eyes closed heaving and breathing heavily, i gave her the glass of wine which she gulped down like a hungry tigress and then we resumed a deep passionate kiss like we had been away from each other for years. She broke the kiss and said to me with pleading eyes “fuck me like i never have been and like there’s no tomorrow”. When she said that it was like throwing a rag doll in front of a hungry dog, i made her lay down on the bed and licked her pussy once again, she was already wet and her wetness was oozing so much that the whites of the bed sheet was resembling a wet patch of rain puddle water. I wanted her to be at her wettest best and i sucked her clit and licked some more, till i was sure that she was now ready for a lengthy fuck session, when i felt that she was ready i positioned myself between her legs and she was looking at me excitedly and expectantly, i slowly moved my dick and placed it at the entrance of her cunt. She then let out a small moan and a little gasp.

I just kept the head of my dick near her entrance she tried catching it and pushing it into her with her hands but i was having fun teasing her till she lost cool and said “will you fuck me or do i find some other dick to do the honours? I wasn’t expecting this call me jealous or my ego hurt i kind of rammed the entire length of my dick into her pussy and she flew back with her head hitting the headrest of the bed and she shrieked “don’t fucking stab me with that i can die of shock” i laughed hearing this and then started the rhythmic thrust of my dick and her pussy, the holy union was now starting, with no fear, no limit and no interference.

I started to give her slow strokes and then saw her face, her hair was getting dishelved with every poke of mine, her face was having a thousand emotions and she was biting her own lips and was moaning with a passion and delight that only a woman in heat can understand. She now said “please… please … oh fuck please increase the pace and bang me like the bitch i’m and the slut that i want to be” i did as the lady wanted and said to her “your wish is my command lady” and started to increase my pace.

She kept her legs on my chest and arched herself to get more contact with my dick, while she did this i sucked on her toes and was eating her legs, with every thrust she was moaning and making noises like a purring cat. I slowly put two pillows underneath her ass and got her to scissor my waist with her shapely legs and i entered her again, this time starting with a medium tempo till i furiously started to fuck her pussy. My balls were hitting against her ass, her hands filled with bangles were making noises which was dreaming me crazy.

The anklet which had been put on her leg was making noises with the alphabet A had a small bell attached to it. The ting ting noise of the bell was making the entire situation even more sexually arousing and gratifying, the “Thap Thap” of my balls smacking her ass and the “Puch Puch” of my dick entering and destroying her wet pussy was adding the final ingredient, in the meanwhile she was scratching and clawing my chest and nipples like a sexy horny cat that she was and was throwing her head from one side to another.

She broke the silence of the situation when she gasped and said “Oh fuck me lover, take me this is the best fucking i am getting, oh yeah do me good make my pussy crave for you every time and make yours, i want to smack that little dicked bastard who calls himself my husband to see what a real man is.. no sorry what a real man’s cock is” she continued “oh lover i am so happy that i got you to light up my life and enlighten and sparkle my pussy with this woman pleaser … oh yeah fuck me harder go in deeper please” she need not have said that because that is what i was going to do in any case, i took out my dick and had a sip of whiskey to cool myself down, if i hadn’t i would have cum bad with the sexiness of the woman the language that she was speaking that had me going over the edge.

I then placed my dick between her legs again and gave a big final push into her cunt and if you ever heard the term eye balls bulging out i was seeing it because she not only had her eyes bulge out but also shook the damn building with a shriek that resonated the whole apartment complex. Though i was scared of the repercussions i stopped worrying for the want of not wanting to spoil the moment. My dick was no turning back or stopping me now. I was giving her full long and hard strokes she was pulled her up and both of us were sitting and she was nearly on my lap and i was straddling her on my lap and both of us were fucking in the sitting position, she threw her head back and was clawing my back and shoulders with her nails, as she dug her nails more into me the hurt was driving me more towards sexual pleasure and more towards attacking and destroying her married tight cunt with my hard long dick.

I saw her throw her head back and a pool of saliva form a puddle on her neck, she was now going down on my dick herself as i started to lick and drink the sweet nectar of her sweat of her neck and the nape of her neck. Her mangalsutra was hanging and heaving left to right and her bangles were making noises which was hard for me to ignore and hard for me to control. I got up and picked her up and made her hold me like a baby, as she did that i stood up walked a few paces to where my dressing table was and near that was a full length mirror. I then started to piston my dick in and out of her pussy with a frenzy like never before and she was seeing herself getting fucked, her white tight married pussy was being intruded and ploughed by a big dark and bulbous dick.

She saw herself in the mirror as the guy (me) who was dozen years younger was now ravaging and destroying her married pussy. She saw herself in the mirror that how from a once polite and loyal housewife she was now a wanton married slut and she was debasing herself to commit debauchery with a guy who was two decades younger than her husband. She saw her symbol of marriage her mangalsutra was now flying in the air as her pussy which was once only her husband’s was now open to someone else. She saw in the mirror how decked up she was with bangles and anklets and the noises each made for a guy she did not knew exist till one year ago.

She saw in the mirror how the guy with a slight build but beautiful chest and strong abs was holding her in the air and was fucking her and ravaging her like a weightless doll, she rolled her eyes and these thoughts drove her even more mad with delight and she was now delirious that she was finally receiving the fuck of a lifetime, that she only knew existed but never dared to experience. She felt my mouth on her nipples and my continuous pounding of her pussy and she drew herself back to the real world and finally realized that this is really happening. I had gotten tired holding her like that she seemed to have read my mind when she said “put me down i can see you are hurting” i let her down gently.

We both sat down on the arm chair and caught our breath as i felt her orgasm which had hit earlier, caused her cum to cause a trail from my thighs to my calf, down to the floor, the whole room smelled of passionate and raw and animalistic sex and pure lust. The bedroom windows had formed a mist with the AC on. She was breathing with her eyes closed and sitting on my lap and playing with my chest hair. She broke the silence and said “you did not cum lover?” when i nodded to say no she just smiled and kissed my lips for a minute and said “thanks a lot baby, you made a woman today for real” it was my turn to surprise her when i said “baby who told you that the fucking is over? You come to my den with your consent but you are allowed to go out at my will” as soon as i said this we both laughed. I picked her up and took her near the bedroom window which had now become misty.

I told her to bend holding the panes with her palm, i positioned myself behind her and drove again this time there was no slowness, no niceties and certainly no respect and consideration for her pussy, this time i was selfish because i wanted to cum and i wanted to cum bad, i started to pound and grind her pussy with a speed and timing of a stallion horse. Her heaving heavy tits and noises of her bangles was already driving me crazy, she was furiously rubbing her clit and trying to simulate herself more as i was pounding her pussy as if there was no tomorrow and was showing no remorse and lack of understanding to her pain it was like i was in oblivion of our sexual paradise where the journey was just beginning and she was also enjoying now playing the second fiddle as she started to moan and told me to fuck her senseless.

This was all going for god knows how long because none of us kept track of time but i am sure it would have gone on for a awfully long time because we both were startled when her phone rang and from the ring we both knew who it was. She turned to me and said “who asked you to stop? Remember when i blew your dick while speaking to my hubby? Well i want you to fuck his wife when i speak to him” i was enjoying this, she said “it’s his fault, to have such a small dick and such a hot wife obviously a alpha male is going to steal her from such a small dicked man” she picked the call and started to speak and i started to ram her pussy without any mercy she put the phone on speaker i could hear her husband clearly, but if he could have heard the “Thap Thap “ sounds he would have either died of heart attack or would have cried like a dickless wimp that he was , but he was alert enough to ask his wife “why are you gasping so much? To which she replied “honey am running the treadmill, i have had such a ‘long’day behind me and i want to put it all behind me”

He then asked her whats for food, she said am making hara bhara kebabs, and some tandoori chicken, i have already kept the oven ready and the grill is hot too and you know much i love juicy hot tandooris” he said “why do you have tandooris when i am not home, have it when am there” to which she said “honey if i show you much tandooris i like to have you would have an heart attack and moreover you like to have the little nuggets and never ever let me enjoy my favorite dishes” he said something which i could not grasp to which she said ohhhhhhh.. nothing the treadmill walking and running has made me tired i am going to have some vanilla slurpee… see you honey take care i will call later” saying that she hanged up the phone and looked at me smiling and said “what a slut i have turned into” i held her hips and started to bang her harder when i grunted and said am close baby. She said keep fucking me but fuck me while i walk over to the red wine glass.

My dick was now buried to the hilt and she was walking with my dick pistoning in and out of her pussy, she asked me was i close when i said yes she removed my dick and gave me a handjob and placed my dick near the glass and once i started to let go of my cum spurt after spurt she gathered it in the glass and carefully took the last drops of cum and removed my dick from the glass and said “watch this to know what you mean to me” i saw in disbelief as she started drinking the half glass filled with cum without breaking eye contact with me. There were a few drops which had fallen and escaped to her cheeks and side of her lips. She scooped it up on her fingers and had it as i sat there smiling with disbelief on how sexy this woman was.

This concludes part 7 of this series, hope you all have enjoyed and have been thrilled to your hearts content. As usual please drop in your comments suggestions and queries to Ladies single or married can get in touch with me if they are looking for some spice in discreet.

Till the next time this is yours


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My Wife Me And Our Neighbors 8211 Part 2 FatherSon Duo

We had convinced Reshma, Amrita’s mother-in-law, to have sex with us. We agreed to call our other neighbors as well. Reshma made a phone call and within two minutes those two guys were in my house. Vishal (son) and Kumar(dad). Both of them knew what was happening here and sat next to Reshma, trying to seduce her by placing their hands on her thighs and massaging her but they were eyeing my wife Renu. Vishal: Renu you look beautiful. I’ve got gifts for both you ladies. Renu: Oh no you didn’t...

4 years ago
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Neighbors Delight 8211 A Fuck Buddy

Hi everyone. It’s a pleasure writing in iss. This time the story is not mine but of a horny matured lady who I was having a conversation with. I have just copy pasted the story for you all. She didn’t post it because she was shy. So coming to the story… ””Hi, my name is akansha (name changed). I am 43 years old and I live in delhi. My husband died after one year of our marriage and we didn’t have a baby. I had become desperate for sex. I worked in a office with many co-workers but I don’t have...

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Hot Wife Selena Becomes A Hooker For Neighbors 8211 Part 10

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation to the next part where I became a hooker.  I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. So let’s continue from where I left. So I wrapped myself in a towel and peeped outside from the bathroom door. I could only see Moin’s back. He must be talking to someone. I could hear 2 more guys talking to him. I came out and was in for a shock. It was Ali and Javed, my neighbors. They saw me in...

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Long sex story 8211 I Was A Reluctant Shemale

Marilee’s fists tightened in despair as she sat at her secretarial desk and listened to the muffled moans emanating from the office of her boss, JC Wyatt. JC was one of the youngest and most famous casting agents in Hollywood and was the most blatant offender of the “casting couch” which degraded women. The young actress, a stunning blonde who couldn’t have been more than sixteen years old, had looked so hopeful when she had entered that office only twenty...

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A married couple are interviewed for a very exclusive club 8211 one where the wives fuck around and the husbands sit back and watch

“So tell me, why do you want your wife to fuck other men?” Julie and Juan looked at me expectantly. My wife Sheila were sitting in their living room, all four of us relaxing with drinks in hand, while their kids slumbered upstairs. It was a suburban evening like any other, apart from the topic of conversation. I swallowed hard and said, “I have a small cock. I love my wife, and I realized that I can’t satisfy her by fucking her. I also realized that watching her have...

1 year ago
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A female receptionist gets to play nurse on a patient 8211 part 1

My desk is layered with paper. Unopened mail forms a mountain in one corner. Rejected insurance claims forms a smaller mountain – more like a hill – in the opposite corner. Between is a low valley of checks and billing statements. For the last two hours I’ve been trying to finish entering the week’s payments into the computer, but I keep getting interrupted by nurses, patients, and phone calls. It looks like it is going to be one of those late nights again. I figure I...

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SRU The Envy Charm

SRU: The Envy Charm By Morpheus Sean watched the gorgeous redhead in the cheerleader uniform intently. Heather Hodson, one of the prettiest, and most popular girls in school, was the center of his attention, and at the moment, his daydreams. Sean licked his lips, barely able to take his eyes off of her. She was a frequent guest in his wet dreams, as well as in nearly every other male's in that college. Forcing himself to take a deep breath, Sean stood up, carefully tossing...

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Priscilla 8211 my love

The woman ignored the ringing phone as her fingers moved furiously on the keyboard. On the third ring, she grabbed an open cigarette pack and expertly shook one cigarette free from the pack, with one hand as the other hand picked up the phone. Still staring at the PC’s display monitor, she answered “Washington Post. You’ve got the City Desk, Hampton.” The caller’s soft reply startled the reporter “Hi Trish. Got time to spend a few minutes with an old...

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Thrasher Girls 3 8211 Geeks

It was a Wednesday afternoon a few weeks ago, and it was fucking cold. I was in my leather with a sweater on and about three tee-shirts underneath, and I was still freezing my tits off. Nikki, tams and I were sitting in Magic Beans at a back table after school. As always, we were discussing what we were going to do that weekend. We knew it would have to involve some serious partying and fucking, but we weren’t quite sure of the details yet. For the last month or so, we’d been...

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Farmhouse Fun 8211 submissive bisexual experience

My car ran out of gas 10 km from the nearest gas station. Cursing my luck (and overconfidence), I coasted to a stop in front of a farm house. I decided to let the owner of the house know I was planning on returning to my car soon or to see if he could possibly help me out. I walked up to the house and was about to knock on the door when I saw the owner outside, working on something. I called out to him to draw his attention and he came over. I introduced myself and explained my predicament....

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Pink Envy

Pink Envy [Warning R18 content: contains minor incest] While some boys might complain that girls get Penis envy, Gilbert Bromley had a very different kind of envy in his life. To explain Gilbert's special type of envy we have to go back to the very early days of his childhood. Where we find Gilbert age 6 playing dress ups with his 10-year-old sister Phoebe. Phoebe was defiantly not a tomboy at all, but she certainly was the one in charge of this little game. They where...

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Sleeping Booty 8211 A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...

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The Envy Skull Part III

The Envy Skull Part 3 Michael was going over the day's events thinking that it was an uneventful day. Incapable of remembering Jenny Hastings' encounter with him in the boy's bathroom at lunch, nothing seemed to have happened to him. No one else would have witnessed it, due to her use of the skull. Therefore, no one could warn him or Candice of what was in store for them. Jenny had begun to implement her deviously twisted schemes. She had already planted some...

1 year ago
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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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An arrogant lady gets humiliated by the use of an enema 8211 and discovers she enjoys it

Melanie was a really attractive woman. In her early thirties, about five and a half feet tall. She was not slim, but very shapely with a very full ass, beautifully rounded, soft, shown off wonderfully in the tight skirts she loved to wear. Melanie had been part of our group for some time now, and Judy, my wife, and I had both enjoyed some pretty vigorous love-making with her at different times. She was one hot woman. There was just one problem – if you can call it a problem – she...

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8220Kumkum8221 8211 Pride And Honour

This story is about Kumkum living in Mumbai with her husband Sumit Singh and five years young girl Arshi. Kumkum is 26 years, 5″5 long with fair looks and have exquisite features, sensual curves, black hair, blue eyes, round face and a great body to die for. April 1, 2013 Monday 1:45:00 Police ki 6 gadiyan badi hi teji se aakar Sumit ke ghar ke bahar rukin aur utni hi furti ke sath 20-25 police wale un gadiyon se utar kar Sumit ke ghar main dakhil hue.Ghar ke bahar khadi police ki gadiyan apne...

2 years ago
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Friendship To Lust 8211 The Journey Of Two Neighbors

Hi guys this is Raj here, well I am back with where I stopped, In case if any girls or women in having some fun or making new friends, Pls do get in touch to and other readers pls give your feedbacks as they are quite valuable. Now let’s get started. Well I just pushed Nithya back, she at the moment did not understand and then just looked at me and ran down, I followed her and she allowed me in as soon as I came she shut the door and as her mother had gone out of Chennai so we were safe as no...

4 years ago
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How I Seduced My Neighbors Maid 8211 Part I

Hi readers, I am a new author. My name is Yash. I am six feet height and have a bulgy body with a 7 inch cock which can make any women go mad. I am from Chennai. I am fat but girls do like me because of my attitude and my dressing sense. So this is the first time I am writing a story so if there is any mistakes please pardon me. Let’s come to the story now. It was a summer time and I have a habit of flashing my dick to strangers; girls or aunt where I find privacy and think they would like it....

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Kolkata 8211 In Quarantine With MILF Neighbor 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is Nikhil, and this time I’ve come with the continuation of my last story as you guys have been demanding for a long time. Sorry for taking so long. I have been busy making new, sexy experiences to share with you through these stories. This quarantine has given me lots of experiences which I will soon write about. As my neighbor’s husband was stuck in Mumbai due to the lockdown, we fucked a lot and enjoyed the lockdown to the fullest. She liked fucking me so much that she wanted...

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Auntie Betty 8211 The Next week

Following my exciting encounter with Auntie Betty and knowing I was invited back the following Saturday, you can imagine my week was feverish to say the least. I seemed to spend the week stroking my cock; in serious danger of a sprained right wrist by the Friday! My mum was pleased that her sister and I had got along so well – if only she knew how well!! So at 10.00 on the following Saturday morning, I was ringing Auntie Betty’s door bell with a pounding heart and an erection you could...

4 years ago
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Panty Pride

Panty Pride By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Mutual interest All your life, people tell you that you need to find others who share your interests. Common ground. Birds of a feather. Flocking together. Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? It is. Unless you're so ashamed of your "interest" that the mere act of looking for someone who is like you foreshadows a pit of potentially abject humiliation. Sure, it's no problem if you like to collect Crimean War hand weapons or...

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Grandma8217s Story 8211 Wild party

Jeff, arriving home from school, found Isabel napping on the couch in the Family Room. Without waking her, he sat down to open the mail in the large over-stuffed chair nearby, affording him a view of his Grandmother’s thighs and the entrapped panties in the narrow crease between the opulent twin mounds of her bottom. She was facing the back of the couch with one leg pulled up and her short skirt hiked up over her hips. The position enhanced the beautiful curve of her hips so golden...

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Family stud 8211 A son steps up to the plate when his mother needs him

It was one of the worst snowstorms ever to hit Augusta Maine. The snow was up to the window sills and all the roads were closed so I could not possibly make it to my classes at high school. When Dad divorced Mom, he received the family residence, and Mom took two small rental houses. She rented one out, while she and I lived in the other. Our house had all electric heat and no facility for burning wood. With the electric power off because of the snowstorm, the house temperature went down to...

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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Ki Sex Story 8211 Part 10 Final Part

In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...

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Penis Envy 1 The Mother of Invention

Christie was young when she first learned about penises. She was immediately fascinated by the seemingly handy appendage her younger brother had that she did not. It fascinated her and she wanted it. Her mother kept having to remind her not to stare at it or try to play with it. As she said, “It belongs to your brother. Leave it alone.” This didn't sway young Christie and she grew up wanting one of her own. Badly. Early in life Christie learned to hide her fascination. That energy was...

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My envy for you Confidences of a man has a wom

" My pleasure it is my desire "When I think of you or look at you, my desire approaches, light, between my head and my sex. Nothing still moves, or inflates(swells), otherwise maybe of a cheerful promise. I like feeling on the alert. My pleasure it is my desire. I skip with you and put me, just before affecting(touching) you. Delicious approach, same still chaste. With my fingers on you, everything becomes true. Where to put them? On your stomach? In the hollow of your just size in the birth of...

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Envy Skull

This story may be posted on any free site. The Envy Skull By Allison Voorhees [email protected] She found the skull pendant at an antique store, and gave it to me. I normally dress rather Goth, with a classy twist, so the simple pendant was just discreet enough to suit me perfectly. "This is cool!" I told her. It was a simple skull, about 2 inches wide and a quarter- inch thick, with green gems inlaid into the eye sockets. "Yeah," she replied. "Let's go get a...

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The Envy Skull Part 2

The Envy Skull?Part 2 Continuing the story and idea of Allison Voorhees, the use of the Envy Skull takes on new and unforeseen twists. Michael and his girlfriend Candice become targets of a vengeful cheerleader. You MUST read the original story to understand this story. It is the original genius of Allison Voorhees that brought us such a fresh idea. This attempt is to continue that story, and generate some excitement about this forgotten storyline. Please feel free to comment...

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Marathi 8211 Neighbor Kaku 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, me ahe raj and gheun aloy tumchyasati next part of my marathi story marathi – neighbor kaku – part 1. Jar tumhi adhichi story vachli nasel tar please do read it first (link above) So , ata tumcha jast vel and gheta maja anubhav sangayla suruwat karto. Stranger banun maja ani anita kakucha roj ratri chat chalat ase.Ekmekana nude pics send karne, jamel tevda awaj change karun kakushi phone sex karne yat maja yet hoti. Tya divashi kaka sutti sati yenar hote so kakune mala 3-4 days...

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Pride and Prejudice the Down Under Edition

The Deadly Sin of Sloth“For Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do”   - Isaac WattsMiss Elizabeth Bennet was excessively diverted; after all, nails just don’t paint themselves. This rare display of diligence had been motivated by her choice of polish. After all, she was so into the very expensive Azature Black Diamond, it was just the perfect look.Her nail focus didn’t waver as the year twelve English class gathered for Thursday’s double period. Not even when Dr Charlotte Lucas...

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Neighbors Ball Team Party

I could hardly believe my ears as I sat there.I was sitting beside the pool in Tim Wilson’s backyard, chit chatting with Tim, our neighbor that lived about six houses down the street. Tim was quite a bit younger than I was, having just turned forty I was 9 years older than the 31 year old Tim. Although we weren’t close friends, we would have the odd pint together and just shoot the shit a bit . . . the age difference never seemed to matter. On this particular day we had been talking about the...

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Unexpected Restroom Lust 8211 Part 2 8211 The Fuck Part

Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...

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Marathi 8211 Neighbor Kaku 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone , basically i am from maharashtra so for more natural touch i am writing this story in marathi . Hi gosht me raj ani majya shejaril kaku anita yanchi ahe…Me raj a gud looking guy with gud physic.Punyat btech karat hoto teva majasobat he sarv ghadlela. Btech karat astana college la jane timepass karne n gym la jaun exercise karne evdech kam, so i blessed with gud body. Anita kaku age 35 nice good looking lady a perfect marathi housewife. Tya amchya shejari aslyamule amche tyanchya...

4 years ago
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Hot And Steamy Sex With My Neighbor Alisha 8211 The Real Encounter 8211 Pt 2

Thank you guys for your feedback and sorry for the delay of this sequel as I was trying to narrate this as sophisticated as possible which will make you more horny than the earlier part. I hope this part will let you cum inside your pants. Enjoy :) ;) The day to fuck her is not far, I thought. I would make a move now, I decided. I started talking to her more, and use to chat on WhatsApp. One day, I sent her a non veg joke(by mistakenly). It was about 7:45pm. She replied it with smileys, and...

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Hot And Steamy Sex With My Neighbor Alisha 8211 Initial Encounters 8211 Pt 1

Hi guys this is Vinayak from Pune. I am 21 years old, 5’9″, with masculine body. This is my first story as an author here on Indian Sex Stories about how I fucked my sexy and gorgeous neighbor ALISHA . It was my first sex experience. I will submit this whole set of incidents in some parts. Hope you enjoy it, :) waiting for your response, on my email – So here it goes: Me and family stay in Pune in a flat system society. Two flats on a floor, and adjacent to our flat lived this fucking awesome...

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Dipakl8217s 8211 My Sexy Neighbor 8211 Part III

I am Dipak now settled in Mumbai narrating the story how I introduced to adultery and sexual intercourse. I was brought up in dharwar, near hubli. Mine was a middle class family which encouraged me to work in neighborhood family. My neighbor family consist of husband , wife and a daughters and a son. I use tp call the lady aunty and her hubby uncle. I was 18 and feeling the sexually turn in my life chupke chipke mai auntyka sexual body ka observation karata tha aur raatame mai muth marata tha....

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New neighbors

About 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us...

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New Neighbors

Another favorite!-----------------------------------------by watchdwagAbout 18 months ago, the Campbell's, our neighbors since we moved to the neighborhood three years ago, put their house up for sale. My wife Brooke and I were anxious about who might move in as the new next door neighbors. Sam and his wife Donna were a little older than us and both of their k**s had left the home.Donna had wanted to downsize now that the k**s were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had...

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Juhi Part 3 8211 Our Sexapartment

Hi Friends, My name is Juhi. I’ve published two stories earlier. Every story I narrate re-ignites the hunger in me to re-live that moment again. This story particularly is the continuation of my previous Story ‘Juhi 2- Sex with Male flatmate’. Well, back then my stats were 34C-28-36 and I was staying with a guy Neil and a girl Shreo (36dd – 30 – 34) in central London in Neils 3 bedroom apartment, which he had offered us as we were practically homeless. Now, in my previous story, I’d narrated...

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Hello readers Again Sonia is here with a new story sent by Jehha ajay and i am writing story in her own words ,With out wasting ur time straight away to story I am Jehha Ajay(Ajay my husband) i am 35 married lady with one baby girl of 11 .i am 5.6 milkey white ,round face,cute juicy lips and good cute hands and feet my figure is 36.24.38 i got a bid round ass when walking in choureedar ,every body looks at my ass moments am married by 13 years my hubby is in garmnet busniss so many times on...

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How I met my Nympho Online 8211 Part3

Hola chicos, this is Rahul welcoming you all back to my story. I request you all to go through my previous stories before reading this further. Sorry for making you wait for this long. Thank you for supporting me and showing love towards my previous stories. I didn’t expect I would get such huge support and love for my very first story. It’s all because of your support and love that encouraged me to write this erotic story. Let me jump directly into the story. I am going to continue narrating...

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Good Neighbors Chapter 5

Todd walked out to get his mail and happened to meet Zach, who was walking up and down his sidewalk without the aid of a cane or crutches. Todd walked over to him, greeted him and walked along with him as they caught up with each other. Todd knew that Zach was making steady progress, but didn't realize that he was now getting around without assistance."Life is getting better every day, every week," Zach said, sounding encouraged. "I gave up the crutches and cane about two weeks ago and today is...

4 years ago
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On Taking Pride

I’m having sex like a heterosexual...I suppose from the outside that makes sense, since I’m heterosexually married, but my wife and I are bisexual. And for the most part, we won’t shut up about it. To answer the follow-up question, we are polyamorous, and yes, some bisexuals are capable of monogamy.We just don’t consider ourselves in that category.What I mean to say with some amount of pride is that since my wife caught the coronavirus, we have made due better than most monogamous heterosexuals...

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Neighbors Daughter

Another boring day at my home office working with clients and spreadsheets. It was nice outside and as I looked out my window, there she was again, my neighbors 18 year old daughter. In their backyard, wearing those black short shorts again cavorting with a couple of her friends. As they continued to talk, chat and fool around I kept watching. Sometimes they would wrestle a little and my neighbors daughter continued to show flashes of her hot thighs. I started to get hard in my pants as I...

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