CousinChapter 11 free porn video

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As Lisa made the six hour drive down to the university town where she was to meet Diana, she thought about all that had happened. A week ago she had planned to stop and see her aunt and uncle for two or three days, then go camping in one of the state parks for a few days and finally meet Diana for a short trip before Diana went back to the west coast. But finding Dan, object of a hundred different fantasies over the last eight or nine years, instead of her aunt and uncle had changed everything. And the first realized fantasy right after she arrived had changed her life, she was certain. Before, she had mostly imagined the type of sex games they had played, but now she found the reality was even better than her imagination. As she had told Dan she had had more sex in the last week than in the previous year. What had started as a bet or a dare had become an incredible adventure. And the discovery of Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom's secret dungeon had introduced her to an unbelievable world of excitement. She still couldn't imagine that type of BDSM games with anyone besides Dan, but she knew she could never forget the kind of excitement and release they provided. In short, she was hooked.

The other thing which had her really mixed up was the idea that kept slipping around in the back of her head that she might like sex games with another woman. She had never been attracted to other women - she liked men too much, she thought. But some of the scenes in those videos, she had to admit, had really turned her on. And she kept seeing scenes of herself and another naked, bound captive being used by Dan. But, she kept telling herself, she wasn't even sure the red marks she had seen on Diana were from BDSM play. And even if they were, Diana might be repulsed by the idea of the two of them together. Still, she couldn't get the idea out of her head.

She made a little better time than she had expected and about four thirty pulled up at Diana's dorm. She called from the lobby and then went up to her room on the fourth floor. Diana opened the door and the two hugged and squealed excitedly. They had been roommates the past year and got along awfully well together.

After they had calmed down a little, Diana said, "Well, what do you want to do tonight? I've already sent all of my stuff back west, so all I've got are the things we're taking with us. I'm really looking forward to seeing Niagara before I go back out there. We could go ahead and stay here tonight and start early tomorrow. Maybe go over to the gym for a workout or a swim first. What would you like?"

Normally Lisa would have liked the idea of a swim, but as she opened her mouth she remembered the red stripes she must still have that would show even with a bathing suit. So instead of agreeing she said, "I don't really feel like the gym tonight. If it's all right with you and there's no reason to stay tonight, why don't we go ahead and start now. We could probably get a hundred miles or so and have a big jump on tomorrow."

Diana looked a little surprised, but said, "Sure. I just thought you might be tired from driving all day. But I can check out of here in ten minutes and we can get going. I've been looking forward to this trip and actually it'll be pretty good to be on the way. We can just drive until we feel like stopping and then find a motel."

"Sound fine to me. Let's take your stuff down and I'll get it in the car while you turn in your keys."

Twenty minutes later the two girls were leaving the town and the university behind and heading north along a state highway. Diana said, "I know you'll be back here in another few weeks, but it seems a little strange to me that I'll be going elsewhere this year. I'm going to miss having you for a roommate."

"Yeah, me too. I plan on living in an apartment this year. I found an efficiency that's not too bad. It's a little high, but I'll have it to myself. After you I'm sure I wouldn't find any roommate I'd like as well."

They decided to just stop at a drive-in and get hamburgers for supper. "We can spend more time on dinner some other day. Now I just want to get in a little distance and still be able to stop before it gets too late," Lisa said. After about a hundred and fifty miles, Diana suddenly said, "Hey. Did you see the sign. There's a motel coming up in a couple of miles that looks like one of the old one's from the fifties and sixties. The billboard showed little separate cabins. Let's stop there instead of one of the chains. OK?"

"That sounds like fun. I remember staying in some of those when I was a little kid and my family took trips. I think we've lost something with all the new cookie cutter, super modern places."

In a few minutes they saw the place. It was exactly as the picture had shown it. About ten separate little cabins set off the road in a wooded area. There was a neon sign, a couple of yellowish lights in the parking lot, and a lighted office. It looked like only a couple of the cabins were occupied. They pulled up to the office and went inside. A woman who looked to be in her late fifties was behind the counter and Lisa thought she saw a man about the same age in the back. It was a true Mom and Pop operation. Lisa asked about a cabin for the night. "We've got two set up as doubles that you can have for twenty-five fifty plus tax. Shower bath. There's no air conditioning but you wouldn't want that tonight anyway."

Diana looked at Lisa. Twenty-five fifty? Had she heard right. This definitely beat staying at one of the chains. She nodded and Lisa said, "We'll take it." She filled out the registration card and started to dig out her wallet.

The woman handed over a key. "Number 4. You can wait and pay in the morning if you want."

This was like stepping back thirty years in time. Maybe only honest people stopped here. Lisa said, "I might as well pay now. Then if we decide to leave early, we won't have to bother you." She handed over a twenty and a ten.

"Either is fine. If you do leave early, just leave the key in the room. Have a good night."

Lisa and Diana pulled the car around by Number 4. It was in a second row on one end. They took their backpacks and started towards the door. "We probably don't even need to lock the car here," Lisa said. Then she added, "But I'm not that trusting yet," and pushed the lock down before closing the door.

The cabin had a small wooden porch with a rocking chair resting on it. There was a yellow bulb burning beside the door. As she unlocked the latch, Diana said, "I still can't believe this place. It's right out of a black and white movie." She opened the door and flipped on the light. The cabin wasn't large, but it wasn't tiny either. There was a small table and a couple of chairs on one side and a double bed on the other. A door just behind the table led off to the bath. Diana looked at the bed. "I didn't even think to ask about that. Do you mind sharing a bed? If so they might have one with twins."

Lisa hesitated only a fraction of a second. "Not if you don't. We've lived together for a year. I don't think sharing a bed will make any difference, do you?"

"In that case I'll take the right side," she said as she dropped her pack next to the bed and flopped down.

Lisa laughed. "OK. I'm not particular. I want to take a shower and wash off some of this road dust. Since you got the choice of sides, I'll get the shower first." Still laughing she started towards the bath with her pack."

"I saw a machine back by the office," Diana said. I'm going to go get a drink. Want something?"

"Yeah. A diet something. Coke, if they have it." Lisa then disappeared into the bathroom as Diana got up and started for the door.

A few minutes later Diana came back in carrying two cokes and a plastic bucket of ice. She set the ice and one of the cokes on the table then carried the other over to the bathroom. The two of them had been very casual while they lived together, often not bothering to close the bathroom door if only the other one was around. So Diana didn't think anything about opening the door and setting the coke on the counter. Lisa was just turning off the shower and grabbing a towel when Diana said, "Here's your drink. I'll take a shower as soon as you finish drying." Then she went back out and closed the door.

Lisa had been startled when Diana came in, but she was pretty sure the towel had covered the marks on her ass. If Diana had seen anything, she didn't act like it. Now Lisa dug into her pack and pulled out a long night shirt that came about half way down her thighs. In the dorm they often slept in just panties, but sometimes during the winter they wore nightshirts. It was cool tonight and Diana wouldn't think anything odd about the shirt.

In another minute or so Lisa came out of the bathroom still brushing her hair. "It's yours. I think I even left you some hot water."

"You better have." Diana picked up her pack and headed into the bath. Lisa sat drinking her coke and in a few minutes she heard the shower stop. A minute later Diana emerged dressed in a similar shirt and Lisa breathed a little easier.

The girls finished their drinks and decided to go ahead and get to bed so they could get an early start. They climbed into bed and turned off the light, but both soon realized they were still too wound up to sleep. They began talking. "So how were your aunt and uncle?" Diana asked.

"Well, actually they weren't there," Lisa replied. "They had gone on a long trip and my cousin Dan was taking care of their place."

"Dan. Isn't he the cousin you told me about. They one you planned to marry when you were ten or so and the one you said you had all the hot fantasies about? Is he still as hot as you imagined?"

Lisa was glad of the darkness as she felt her face turn hot and red. "Yeah, he's the one, but he really isn't my cousin. His father is the brother of my aunt. And, yes, he's even sexier than I remembered. But he didn't even remember me at first."

"But he did sometime? Say, wait a minute. How long were you there anyhow? Did you spend the whole week up there with just him?"

Lisa was getting in deeper than she wanted, but couldn't think of any way out. "Yeah, OK, I was there all week and yes, just Dan was there."

"Well, no wonder you seem so alive tonight," Diana teased. I'll bet you got laid at least a couple of times, didn't you?"

If only she knew! "Oh, come on, Diana. I don't jump into bed with every man I'm around, you know."

"Not even one you've been thinking about raping for years? You can't fool me that easily. Come on and come clean now. You slept with him, didn't you?"

Lisa gave in. "Well, I'm not sure slept is the right word."

Diana laughed loudly. "Ah. Now I see how things went. You needed to take a week off to recover, eh?"

Lisa decided Diana was getting entirely too close to the truth, so she changed the subject. "What about you. Have you been seeing anyone since Brad graduated?"

"Oh, I've been seeing a lot of men. With the hunks walking around campus this summer, I couldn't help but see. Sometimes with my tongue hanging out. But I'm afraid see is all I've done. Oh, I've been out a few times, but no one serious enough to sleep with. It's just been me and my vibrator."

Lisa laughed. "That must be quite a change for you. I seem to remember that you and Brad spent a lot of time together and I'm pretty sure most of it was horizontal."

"Well, I'll admit we did enjoy certain prurient activities."

"That's one way to put it." Lisa stopped for a second. "Tell me, Diana. Did you and Brad ever get into any kinky games?" She held her breath waiting for Diana's answer.

Diana slowly said, "Just what do you mean by kinky?"

Lisa tried to answer casually. "Oh, stuff like bondage or maybe spanking. Stuff like that."

"What makes you think so? Did I talk in my sleep or something?"

"Well, no, I was just wondering. Actually once or twice I thought you came back with welts on you bottom."

Diana slowly said, "You mean welts like you've got now?"

The silence hung for a minute while Lisa absorbed the fact that Diana had seen her in the bathroom. But Diana broke it before Lisa said anything. "OK. Don't worry about it. Yes, we did play some games and, yes, sometimes they did leave a few marks. I like to try things, don't you? It looked like you did."

Lisa let out her breath. "All right, yes. I tried a few. Tell me. Did you like the games you played? Tell me about them."

Diana hesitated a little. "I don't want you thinking I'm nuts or perverted or anything. But I guess if you've tried some, you probably won't think that, will you? All right, Brad and I did play some bondage and spanking games. I've even tried them before."

Lisa broke in. "Oh, Diana, you know I don't think you're nuts. Look, I've tried spankings once before, but Dan and I got into some pretty heavy games last week. You tell me about your experience and I'll tell you some of mine. OK?"

"OK," Diana said. "Well, I said Brad wasn't the first. Back when I was a senior in high school there were four of us who hung out together a lot. Two couples. I was going with Jim, and John with Julie. We were all a little older than most of our classmates and we became good friends. We'd spend most Friday and Saturday nights together. We were in a small town without much to do, and besides none of us had much money, so most of the time we went over to someone's house and played cards or a board game or sometimes watched a movie. Well, anyway, one of these times we were at John's house. He had this nice rec room in the basement and that weekend his parents were out of town, so we had the place to ourselves. We were playing cards and after a while - you know how it goes - well, someone suggested strip poker. Now Jim and I had been to bed and I knew John and Julie had too. We'd even all four gone skinny dipping once. But this was different. We were all sitting a foot or so apart, not out in some swimming hole. Well, to make it a little shorter, what happened was that Julie was down to her panties, I had my panties and bra, and both guys were down to their underpants when Julie won a hand. I had to take off my bra and both of the guys had to strip completely. All of us were, not surprisingly, getting kind of turned on. In the case of the two guys it was obvious, so to speak... Anyway, they wanted to keep on playing. They didn't have anything else to lose so a discussion started on what they could bet. Dares and so on were suggested until Julie suggested a spanking. If they lost they would get twenty swats. They agreed and we played another hand. Julie won again and we decided each of us would spank one of the men. So in a minute Jim was lying across my bare legs and I was giving him twenty swats with my hand while Julie did the same to John. The guys still wanted to play so we agreed if they lost they would get twenty more swats from each of us this time and if we lost we had to loose our panties and get twenty swats from one of them. I was dealt a full house and thought we had it made right then, but John ended up with four kings. I was soon naked lying across Jim's naked legs, his hardon pushing into my stomach, while he laid twenty really hard spanks on my ass. By the time he finished I was bawling, but I was also hotter that I thought possible. We ended up fucking right there on the floor while John and Julie did the same a few feet away."

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Mia and the French Father

It’s mid-summer, and I’ve taken the some time out before final year to earn a bit of money as a nanny in France. It’s incredible how much parents will pay for you to look after their children. I’ve landed a fantastic deal, a young couple and their adorable children in the south of France, complete with my own top floor suite. Late one evening I had decided to take a bath, it was warm enough to keep the long french doors wide open in both my bedroom and bathroom, and with the moon streaming in...

1 year ago
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Discipline on The Croft Part 2

The MacDonald croft was on the edge of the village in a spectacular elevated spot, set back from the road and looking out to sea. I had just started walking up the long track leading up to the croft as a Land Rover appeared from one of the fields and turned towards me. Iain MacDonald leant on the door and smiled a greeting to me. “Young Angus! Fine day it is! You’re up and about early for being on your holidays, are you not? I thought young lads didn’t see much before early afternoon surely?”...

2 years ago
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Dragons KnowledgeChapter 6

Dracon and Karen returned to the cave just as the sun finished going down. Beth was mad as hell at both her kids but put that aside when she saw that Karen was safe. Dracon placed her right at the table then shifted to his human form. "Karen, how are you doing?" he asked looking concerned. "I'm hungry. Starved in fact but I just don't have the energy to cook." She replied. "Don't worry about that. I have bread and cheese here." Said Beth and she placed them on the table in front...

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Krystall had been in contact with Me for a while chatting about fantasy's & experience, which I'd used as inspiration for short stories & photo sets, which I sent you & we had built up a great deal of trust even though we'd never met. When you admitted to your darkest fantasy, things had taken an interesting turn though.You'd always wanted to be taken by force by an unknown assailant who would use you as he wished with you having no safe word, no way out. It had shocked you when I'd...

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Fulfilled Dreams Part One

I must introduce myself better. My name is Chris, and I am an 18 year old student. I live in a small town in England, and live the simple life. All I want in life is to have money and to be happy. I never do anything wrong, and have been on the straight and narrow all my life. However, sometimes I do feel like I want to break free of this reputation and let my hair down a bit. When I was at Knappers last year for the summer holidays I had had a girlfriend. We had never done much, we stayed...

1 year ago
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Muleskinner BluesChapter 25

We pulled out of New London at noon with Tonya driving the big coach. Tonya steered the big machine effortlessly, and for the first time since I met her, she did not try to scare me to death. She stuck her tongue out at me when I commented on how responsibly she was driving for a change. I had Tonya stop the coach about five miles outside of New London so that I could test fire my new weapons. Even though the ammunition had been stored in ideal conditions, I was not sure if it would still...

4 years ago
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Can This Be Happening Ch 01

As far as days go, this one started out normal. Ashley and Megan were sitting back talking with the TV setting a dull soundtrack to the evening. Ashley, statuesque and 115 pounds with long brown hair and green eyes, was lounging in a pair of shorts and a tank top. Megan, however, was her polar opposite. She was all of 5 feet tall and 160 pounds with short blonde hair and brown eyes. She was sitting back in a pair of track pants and an Old Navy T-shirt, trying and failing to twirl her hair...

2 years ago
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A Weed in the GardenChapter 13

I had the butterflies in my tummy again as we few those final miles into my former hometown of Islamabad with the garbage strewn streets and the messy rooftops. I all honesty, I was overjoyed at still being alive and breathing, knowing it was the will of Allah to keep me alive for his devoted duty. All those years in England wining and dining in the lap of luxury had totally ruined me as dedicated “True Believer” and I was corrupted with the Western ways that I professed to hate with every...

1 year ago
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Seducing my Bosss Daughter Part 1

When Jim, my boss asked me to keep an eye on his daughter for a weekend, I thought ‘me a baby sitter?’ Then he said she was 18! Introducing Ashlie Jim brought his daughter to work on Friday with the idea that she"d come home with me, while he had a nice weekend in France with his new girlfriend. What can I say? Ashlie was hot. She was a real cutie, with the best brown eyes and a turned up nose. She had the tightest body I’ve seen in a long time. She turned up in spray on jeans and a white top....

1 year ago
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What Dreams May Come

I'm totally infatuated by a woman who works in the cubicle next to mine here at the office. Just a few seconds ago she and I were talking about some of the other women who work at our company and how attractive they are, or aren't. I wanted to tell her badly how much I love her and how I think about her all the time. I wanted to tell her how pretty she looks today and how great her hair smells and that to make love with her would be so wonderful, how just one kiss from her would be all it...

2 years ago
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Sex on a Saturday

Aaaahhhh! Alas another Saturday. A day of leisure. I don’t have to worry about traffic jams that make me late for work or what my boss, ‘fat ass’ Katie will have to say about it. No customers asking me for absurd requests like a red wedding cake with purple icing or mango chutney when mangos aren’t in season. Just the normality and me. Following my afternoon nap I slip on my soft pink silk robe over my nakedness, walking over to the window I see that now, contrary to this morning that it’s...

1 year ago
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AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER SIX Eddie awoke to the sound of shuffling feet across carpet. It wasn’t the sound itself that startled him…but amount of it. When he opened his eyes and sat up on his bed. What he saw took him by surprise. At the end of his bed stood two women. One was his mother and the other was Miss Hogan from down the street, a woman whom his mother was very good friends with, but her son annoyed the ever-loving shit out of...

2 years ago
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Arab Neighbor Part 4

I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing incessantly.  My parents had already gone to work so I had to answer the door.  I was only wearing a pair of running shorts and was sporting morning wood.  I looked down from my bedroom window and saw that it was Mustafa at the door.  I called down and told him I would be there in a minute.  When I opened the door, he was standing there in a tight black tank top that highlighted his big biceps, pecs and sixpack and a pair of white shorts that...

Gay Male
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The Remodel in the Mountains

A friend of mine had a son who wanted to learn the construction trade and I told them I would have a job coming up. A few weeks later I called him and said I ha a job in the mountains if he wanted to go with me. I told him it would last about a month and he said that was fine. It took about a day to drive up to the cabin. When we got there I told him we had to hook up some utilities but it shouldn't take to long. I took him up to turn on the power to the cabin that you had to use a ladder to...

1 year ago
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Sharing Daddy

Sharing Daddy __As a mom, you want your daughter to look pretty and be well liked. Like all mothers I wished for that. Fate granted my wish, but in the pretty part of my wish&hellip,..pretty kept going into sexy&hellip,then more sexy&hellip,then horny and sexy. I sat in a chair and watched Trish talk on her cell phone. I dont think she could realize just how sexy her body and face had grown into. I secretly wished I looked like her at that age. I had watch her tits grow full, her legs fill...

4 years ago
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One Of My Readers Made Me Her Sex Slave

Hello everyone, Rahul here. It’s my second story here in ISS. Anybody who wants to contact me can contact me on . So let me begin the story. I had submitted my first story here in ISS. A few girls and aunties replied to my story and one of them really wanted to meet me and make me her slave. But before that, she wanted to text and know about me, tell each other’s fantasy etc. And one fine day we finally decided to meet after a lot of texting and being comfortable with each other. Let me tell...

2 years ago
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my ssbbw wifes first time getting shared

This is the first of a few times sharing my ssbbw wife with a friend. I am posting this via my cell phone so please forgive any mistakes that I might make in my gramar.A hot summer day a few years back the in-laws calle us and asked if we wanted to go out with them on their house boat for the day. We had partied the night before and had a friend (chuck) spend the night since he had 1 or 15 too many. He was happy to join us for yet another full day of booze and fun. We started the hour long...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Hot Maid Hard In Rain

Hi my dear old friends. I am Vibhore from a place near to Delhi. I am 38 yrs old married male having great aptitude for sex. Me and my wife have been doing wonderful sex since our marriage. But God has given me or you can say God has cherished me with his fortune that time to time I had been able to fuck many hot females, married and unmarried too. I had many sexual encounters other than my wife and in one or two cases my wife is also a part of it as we both are very open. But pls readers don’t...

1 year ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 37

The helicopter ride seemed to take forever, even thought it was only forty minutes. I called the girls to fill them in and to tell them I would be on the news again. I turned the swivel seat around to face Eric, Ben, Anne and Andrew. “I want every single individual from every department and agency that was on site to be interviewed starting on Friday. This needs to start from the time they turned off the highway on to the lane. I need what they did, what they saw, what orders they were...

3 years ago
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Addicted to giving oral

Author's Note: This story "Giving Carl Oral" was posted but removed for editing, I now have corrected the grammar and spelling. I would like to thank Lisa my editor for proofing this story. Lisa's editorial comments helped me to find the weak spots in the story line helping me to make the necessary. I have made some final changes to the story without Lisa's review so if there are still grammar and spelling issue I take the full responsibility. CindyUSA At the age of forty-three, I had my first...

2 years ago
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After The Train Encounter

It was now eight days since mid-thirties Mark Hogan had had his train encounter with fifty-eight-year-old Marsha. Mark did not know her surname, and Mark was wanting to see her again. Marsha had given Mark her phone number after the pair had fucked, including anal, in her flat, after she had managed to wank him with her arse on an underground train. Mark had twice got close to phoning her, but now he had gone through with calling her number."Hello," said the voice of the West Indian...

3 years ago
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Smooth Tactics

I once worked as a sales representative for a cosmetics company. It was an exciting job showing and selling our newest products to potential cosmetics outlets around the country, which meant I traveled a lot with overnight stays at hotels and dining at fine restaurants.This time, my company sent me to a cosmetic outlet in San Diego. My plane landed at 9:15 that morning, giving me less than two hours to get to my hotel room to freshen up and make it in time for my eleven o’clock appointment with...

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Hes Hiding On The Balcony

Carol hummed as the hot water streamed down from the rain shower. She lathered her slender petite five-foot-three body. The aroused wife adored the richly scented sandalwood body wash the resort provided. She shampooed her shoulder-length dark brunette hair slowly. The shampoo was an intoxicating tropical shampoo. The sexy thirty-eight year old was nervous, but excited. Life was too short to have regrets. If her husband Paul wouldn’t make “it happen” then she would. Her hands carefully scrubbed...

3 years ago
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The BachChapter 6

'Bored, bored, bored, ' thought Aroha as the train seemed to plod along to her stop at Taumaranui at the end of a five hour journey. Whilst a lot of western countries might have been horrified at sending what they would consider a child alone on such a journey, New Zealanders were a bit more laid back about it. As it stood, Aroha had been escorted to the train, put on it, told not to be stupid around strangers and that she'd be collected at the Taumaranui station. Not that her parents had...

2 years ago
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Personal Time

The school year was quickly winding down as the weather started to change over from spring to summer. I needed a break, so I decided to take a couple of personal days. My husband was out of town for a few days, and our daughter had not yet returned from college. I had the house to myself.I had a few errands to run which I got done before lunch. It was a beautiful day, so I decided that I would get some sun by the pool. As I searched through my draw of bikinis, I thought about one of the Wicked...

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Suck Buddies Part 11

After we changed places Jason spread open his ass cheeks like I had done and I started working his bung hole with my tongue. I started jacking his cock as I stuck my tongue as deep as I could in his musky hole. It wasn’t long before he pushed me away and I let him calm down some before I started sucking his balls working my way up to his cock.I sucked him for a short while and then figured this was as good of a time as ever to see if he wanted to do something that I had read about. Our friend...

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Superman HaChapter 3

I took the opportunity to examine the enemy trucks. They bore a close resemblance to the 6x6, 1,000 Kg (2½-ton) truck that the Earth armies have been using for years. The main difference that I could see from a quick glance was that these trucks had a longer body. The bed must have been about 30% longer than the ones that NATO used. I guessed that the load capacity was around 1,200-1,500 Kg. From the smell, they were not powered by gasoline, but I couldn't tell what the fuel actually was. If...

1 year ago
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Moms Unique Punishment Part 19

Writers note...we're coming to the end of the story. I would be interested to know how you would like it to end since it's still a work in progress...Thanks. Sue The Date Begins "Danielle, Kyle is here," my mother shouted up from down stairs. Her voice sounded so calm and yet I was totally nervous and scared. Oh my God. Kyle is really here to take me out on a date. He's standing downstairs now talking to my mother waiting for me. What have I gotten myself into? It was only a...

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