TotemChapter 18
- 3 years ago
- 22
- 0
Ed and John sat by the stream watching the surface as it broke over rocks, creating chaotic patterns and swirls. This summer was hot and humid, draining the energy out of Ed in a way he had never before experienced. After years of moving around in the hot sun of Arizona, Ed couldn’t believe how hot he felt. His shirt stuck to him, his pants felt damp, and sweat dripped from his nose.
Looking over at John, he said, “I hate it here.”
It was tempting to argue that things weren’t bad here, but John knew that Ed was forced to tell the truth at all times. If Ed was saying that he hated it there, he was telling the truth. Sighing, John knew that Ed wouldn’t be able to stay in North Carolina much longer.
“I’ll arrange for a new instructor to take over for you, next quarter. Can you hang on here long enough for that?”
“I’m all torn up inside. I want to be here for my family, and I can’t take being here.”
“If it harm none, then do it,” replied John.
Knowing exactly what John meant, Ed answered, “I can teach one quarter here, and travel between the home sites.”
“I think that would be best,” replied John with a sadness that almost broke Ed’s heart. “I’m going to miss having you around all of the time.”
Standing up, Ed stripped off his clothes and hung them on a branch in the slim hope that they would dry. He knew they wouldn’t dry, but he couldn’t help but hold forth a little hope. Entering the water, he lay down so that only his head was above the surface. The swift moving water helped him cool off. With a sigh of relief, he said, “I’m going to miss you, too. I’m afraid that I’ll be alone most of the time.”
“Linda will be at the home most of the time now. The rest of us will stop by on occasion so I don’t expect that you’ll be too lonely.”
Floating in the water, Ed shut his eyes and imagined a sky above him that went from horizon to horizon. Coming out of his reverie, Ed said, “It’s not that I have anything against the people here, or even the countryside. North Carolina is pretty in many ways. The problem is that I can’t see much more than a hundred feet, and that doesn’t seem right to me.”
John didn’t say a word. It was necessary for Ed to let out his frustration at the moment. Eyes closed, Ed continued his monologue. “What I can see is too soft. Nothing seems to have sharp well-defined edges. That lack of sharpness just strikes me wrong. It doesn’t matter that I know that it’s the humidity that blurs all the edges out here, I just don’t like it.”
John understood what Ed was saying about the area being soft. The low rolling hills that led to the mountains would blend and fade together as the sun set. Ed laughed as he said, “Even the sunsets are soft here. In the desert, you can see a clear boundary between land and sky. Here, the land seems to reach up into the sky when the sun sets. It makes me feel like the land misses the sky as much as I do.”
Shaking his head, John listened as Ed discussed sunsets. John loved the contrast between the sunsets of the desert and the sunsets in the mountains here. Each had its own special flavor that had to be enjoyed in its own right.
He asked, “What kind of soup is better? Clam Chowder, Wisconsin Beer Cheese, or French Onion?”
Opening his eyes, Ed asked, “That’s not a fair question. They are each so different that you can’t compare them. You have to enjoy each kind of soup for what it is.”
John smiled and said, “That’s the same about sunrises and sunsets. They are each so different that you have to appreciate them for what they are.”
Lying back in the water, Ed closed his eyes as the water rushed over his body. He said, “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind the softness of the features here. It’s just that I can’t take it all of the time.”
“You dislike the humidity.”
“True. There’s just too much water in the air. When it’s hot, the water just clings to you, making you hotter. I leave a puddle of water behind every time that I drink iced tea. I have to dry my hands after I set the glass down. There’s condensation on everything.” Ed fell silent having nothing more to say.
John leaned back against the tree, enjoying the feel of the rough bark against his back. His eyes watched the stream while his ears picked up the sounds of birds singing, leaves rustling, and the water splashing. He appreciated Ed’s idea to spend the day on his place without the rest of the family. It was very seldom that the two men got to spend any time together.
Sighing, John said, “Life seems to have gotten very complicated lately. What happened?”
“I don’t know. If I did, I’d know how to simplify it.”
The two men were silent, lost in their thoughts. The time passed slowly, each man comfortable in the oquiet companionship of the other. After a while, Ed said, “I’m going to go rock hunting with Nora again.”
“You still haven’t given up on her?”
Laughing at the suggestion that he would give up on her, Ed answered, “I’ve got a thing for damsels in distress.”
The comment brought a chuckle to John as he recalled all of the women that Ed had rescued in the past. Since coming to the Druid College, it seemed that neither one of them had done much rescuing of damsels or anything else. Ed had solved a murder, occasionally interrogated terrorists, and brought a number of tax cheats to justice. He missed standing side to side with Ed facing down monsters.
Ed lay in the water thinking about the last rock hunting expedition with Nora Turner. Although she had talked about getting out of the film business, she had remained in it and still commanded big money with top billing. The problem was that it was eating her up from the inside out. She had been drinking more and her lifestyle was getting more erratic.
Camping with such a physically attractive woman was almost painful. Until she learned how to love, he wasn’t going to make love to her. It seemed to him that she was never going to learn that lesson. Men, powerful men in particular, were to be manipulated for her career. Beautiful women were competition to be ground under her heal. Charity was a means to get publicity and a tax- break. The only time that she relaxed was when she was alone with rocks.
Inside that hard exterior, a real person still survived. It wasn’t going to be long before that person died and Nora would be making the news as her life spun out of control. The last two times they had gone rock hunting was here, and Ed was unable to help her as much as he had wanted. The area seemed to suck the strength from him. He said, “I’m going to take her out into the desert.”
Looking at his husband resting comfortably in the stream, John replied, “You’ll be able to help her there.”
“I hope so. The nice person inside her is about to die,” replied Ed.
“That’s a rather harsh assessment.” That Ed would make such a comment signified that he was very concerned about her. He wondered what had happened the last time they had been out in the field. It couldn’t have been good since Ed had never discussed that trip with anyone. “The last trip must have been pretty bad for you to say something like that.”
“We fought over the fact that she’s become a user of other people,” answered Ed as he opened his eyes and looked over at John.
The news stunned John. Users violated both rules by which they lived and that Nora was becoming a user was very bad news. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Yeah. Me, too.”
John stood up and undressed to join his husband in the water. Easing his way into the water, he lay down feeling the coolness seep into his body. For several minutes, he relaxed with his eyes closed. He broke the silence when he said, “There are only four more weeks to this quarter. Are you going to survive them?”
“Yeah,” replied Ed with less enthusiasm than John had expected. “I just need to see a real sky for a change.”
“It’s a shame that you get seasick,” said John knowing that Ed needed to see some sky, but unable to suggest a solution. The first time that they had tried to see sky by going out in the ocean, Ed had spent the entire trip throwing up over the side of the boat.
“Don’t remind me about that,” groaned Ed. Just remembering the time spent on the boat made his stomach queasy. The idea of sailing had been brilliant. For about the first thirty minutes, Ed had felt better under the open sky. It was transitory. Before long, he was bent over the side of the boat retching. He lost all the food in his stomach and ended up dry heaving. It never stopped. At the end of an hour, he was begging to be brought back to shore. Even reaching shore didn’t stop his dry heaves.
A noise from the woods disturbed their thoughts. Both men sat up at the same time to search for the source of the noise. A familiar shape shook the shrubs that grew along the shore, but the leaves were too dense for them to see what was moving around. John spotted the source of the noise first and whispered, “Bear.”
Staring at the bushes, Ed wondered how long it would be before the bear noticed them. They had talked softly while discussing the identity of the bear. Rather than surprise the bear, Ed decided that it would be better to talk in a normal tone of voice. “It’s probably a black bear and I don’t think it would be wise to surprise it.”
Smiling at Ed, John said, “Right. Any speculation on what it’s doing here?”
“None,” replied Ed.
The bear lumbered out of the brush and paused at the edge of the water looking over at Ed and John in the water. With a low rumbling sound, the bear entered the water and sat down in it. After sitting there for a minute, he rolled onto its back and turned from side to side cooling off in the water. The two men watched the bear for a minute before John asked, “What do we do now?”
“Why are you asking me? I don’t know much about bears, they don’t come out in the desert.”
“There are bears around the White Mountains.”
The comment reminded Ed about his trips into the White Mountains. Thinking back to those times, he remembered that he had taken precautions to keep bears out of his food. It had been such a long time ago that he had basically forgotten that Arizona had bears. He grunted, “Okay. You’re right. Still you hike more places with bears than I do.”
“We could just stay here for a while and wait for the bear to leave.”
More noises originating from the bushes attracted their attention. Both men stared as a bear emerged from the brush and headed into the water. The bear positioned itself between the first bear and the two men. Ed examined the bear and smiled as he recognized it. “Hi Fluffy!”
Sid called out, “You boys having bear problems?”
“Boys?” asked John incredulous at the characterization.
Ed called out, “Come on in. The water’s cool.”
Sid stripped and waded out into the water. Sitting down, he said, “Fluffy smelled another bear in the area and I thought I ought to check it out.”
There was a tinge of lie in the answer, but Ed let it slide. Lying back down in the water, he asked, “So what were we supposed to do when a bear joins you in the water?”
“Well, the last thing you want to do is surprise it. Talking like you were, I’d say you took care of that little problem. Usually, I tell people to avoid bears.” Sid sighed as the water flowing over his body cooled him. There wasn’t much of a breeze in the woods so the heat and humidity had a very negative effect on the body.
The men stayed in the water keeping an eye on the bears and thinking their own thoughts. Breaking the silence, Ed asked, “So other than Fluffy smelling another bear, what was the real reason that brought you here?”
Sid looked over at Ed with a grin and said, “Can’t hide anything from you.”
Interested in the exchange, John sat up and said, “You’re ducking the question.”
“A call came into the college after you two had left this morning. It appears that Devin Renzy escaped from the psychiatric facility in which he was being treated,” replied Sid.
The news sent a chill through Ed as he recalled the man who had tried to burn out an entire community as part of a real estate scheme. The man was a sociopath and very dangerous. He was disgusted at the idea that a judge would think that an individual who had no respect for any life but his own could be reformed. The only thing that would stop a person like Devin Renzy was death or an infirmity that rendered him unable to move. Shaking his head, Ed said, “Let me guess, he was helped by someone on the outside.”
“Right. It appears that a small group of individuals that you helped capture have gotten together with the purpose of taking you down,” replied Sid as he watched Fluffy rolling around in the water.
It wasn’t necessary to ask why they would target him since the trial had shown that Ed was the one that had led the others in capturing Devin. Touching the medallion on his chest, Ed wasn’t surprised that it was warm. Sighing, he said, “I guess it’s time to go monster hunting.”
John who had been thinking that it had been a long time since he had gone monster hunting with Ed shook his head at the co- incidence. Smiling, he said, “Time for us to start planning our next action.”
“You’re going to get involved?”
“Someone wants to kill my husband! You bet I’m going to get involved,” replied John with more passion than he had intended.
The men, ignoring the wild bear downstream, spent an hour in the stream creating a plan designed to pull Devin to an area of their choice under controlled conditions. Sid’s role was to inform the world where Ed would be over the news services as part of an unrelated story. The last remaining question was to select a place and time to trap Devin.
The men climbed out of the stream, skin wrinkled from having spent too much time in the water, and sat on their shirts to air dry. The humidity in the air made that a slow process. As they sat on the bank watching the bears in the stream, the day passed. The wild bear stood and wandered off downstream, ignoring the three men on the bank. Fluffy stood and joined Sid on the bank for a moment before going off in search of food.
Ed watched the bear walk off into the woods, sniffing around fallen trees in search of grubs or other edible snacks. For the first time in a long time, he felt good knowing that his stay at the college was coming to an end and that he was going to have a project to work upon for the next few weeks to help the time pass. Turning to Sid with a smile, he asked, “So is it true that a bear shits in the woods?”
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This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. I Absolutely love reading the reviews that you wonderful readers have been leaving, please, please, please continue to write and post...
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When the squadron moved to Texas in October, Lydia, the kids, and I moved to The Dallas-Ft Worth area where I was to enter an 18 month masters program in January at one of the universities in the DFW metropolitan area. We found a place to live and used the three months before the new semester began to become acquainted with the area. We were moving on and looked forward to new adventures and challenges. In December I mailed the sex tapes to Norm as a Christmas gift and didn't even try and...
This is a fictional story.My cell rang with a familiar melody, I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was my friend Edith. I answer it and her voice on the other end said, "do yo want pizza and a fuck?"I just giggle, "damn woman...." Then she interrupted me... "what don't you like pizza???" She cracked up... "Hey I am in the neighborhood, mind if I stop by?" Edith said."No worries, bring some beer, real beer, no Coronas." "Ok, will be there in a few."This woman has been my friend...
Ring, Ring “Hello Scott, I just got in an accident with my mother’s car. Can you come down to Oak Street and get me? I’m right near Toby’s Bar and Grill. Please don’t tell my mother.” “I’ll come and get you. We can take the car over to the mechanics and tell your mother it needed service or something like that. You’re totally going to owe me.” “Okay, whatever you want! I just don’t want my mom to know.” Scott had been my step father for the past four years. He’s an amazing father figure,...
TabooIt was midnight when she started screaming. Ellen groaned. Stephen sat up but she grabbed his arm. ‘No!’ she said. ‘We agreed.’ ‘Honey, for God’s sake listen to her. She’s terrified!’ Ellen turned on the beside lamp. ‘I don’t care. She has to learn. If you go in there it’ll be like every other night. You’ll look under the bed and in the closet and tell her nothing is there and then in two hours she’ll start again.’ Sarah’s screams became higher and more frantic Stephen threw up his hands....
Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2012 Thank you for reading. A special thanks to Bill, Michael, Lewis, Cassandra and Elliot for editing, reading and commenting to make this tale that much better. Chapter 26: A minor inconvenience Three weeks after Solvang… Diego Gonzalez casually strolled down the hallway, a bag of chips in one hand and a soda in the other, slowly twisting his head to watch the three cheerleaders sway by. Although he had only three minutes left to get to...
As Always: Thanks to ‘Alpineskier’ for editing. Thanks to ‘Doc’ for story ideas. Bradley’s story: Have you ever had your heart broken into a million pieces? No, let me correct that. Have you ever had your soul ripped from your body and watch it evaporate as the wind blows by? That is me at this very moment. My problem is I brought a knife to a gun fight. My wife, I mean ex-wife, Janine, brought the Death Star. How could she afford an attorney of that caliber is beyond. Did you know I,...
Voluptuous CiciCici thought of herself as fat. However, anyone who had ever seen her thought differently. Even strangers thought of her as beautiful, voluptuous, and sexy. Yes, she was heavy… but her face was incredible: peaches and cream complexion, wide bright blue eyes, thick heavy lashes, perfect little nose, high cheek bones. She had a wonderful smile with full pouty lips, thick golden hair with natural curls, and breasts that were large, high, and perky. Her ass was big and perfectly...
I knew, as soon as I saw him I knew he was the one but I never thought it would actually happen. My name is Lisa, I’m 22, big blue eyes, brown hair, 5’5 and about 200lbs. The guy I was talking about is Jeremy Livingston, and at the time I laid eyes on him he was the lead vocalist for a small band called The Living at a small pub on the outskirts of Melbourne. He was gorgeous standing at 6’1 about 210lbs of pure muscle, deep brown eyes and dark brown hair. The pub was my usual haunt, the girls...
Another contest entry, as you can tell the theme was betrayal Betrayal, a word you never think of ‘til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery. Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ‘til it happens to you. Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing...
© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Caught in A Good Romance, 1 of 10 By Leslie Lowe Prologue Elliott and Samantha were reading in bed. "Is something bothering you, honey?" Samantha asked. "Yeah, it's that new client, the big auto parts magnate, Lance Trotter." Samantha nodded. "I'm not surprised. He seems a bit rough around the edges." "Worse than that. He spent a few years in prison." "For what?" "Drugs," Elliott said...
Copyright© 2003, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Just the thought of spending a Saturday at Fantasy Island has me in a foul mood. My wife Jane and daughter Celeste haven't given me a moment's peace since the ads for the concert started appearing in our local paper. Being the typical male, I do my best to ignore their rants. However, one of the feature writers starts a daily series, extolling the virtues of the group. Each morning at breakfast there is a continuous drone of babble about why...
Two and a half hours later I was walking in the sand towards the bonfire on the beach. Two little boys met me, each carrying a beer for me and talking a mile a minute. There was a slight nice warm breeze - it was still seventy degrees. The coordinators were getting everyone assigned to their cottages and transportation to get them there before dark. Each building would have one golf cart and one Gator. There was a hotel phone in each cottage to the main building where they could request...
If you've read part one you know that Pat and I took advantage of the absence of our respective mates to finally succumb to the furious fuck we'd both been waiting on for years. While it was an awesome experience, the fact we had to be quick meant we had to skip the enticement of long lingering foreplay and the enjoyment of spending the rest of the day together naked in bed. In case you forget, Pat was one of those women who was both super sexy but also had a look about her that made you just...
EroticHi, Indian sex stories readers, I hope you all guys and girls are doing well professionally as well sexually. My name is Ronnie, from Chembur, Mumbai. A 24 karat pure Mumbai guy. I am 19 years old. I mean young*. Now, talking about my looks- my height is 6 ft, a lean perfect body, and an attractive face, my tool size is 6.8, which can satisfy any girl/lady. Today I am gonna narrate a sex story, which is a true incident which happened a couple of weeks back. If you guys wanna give feedback to my...
"What are we going to do with that girl," a very frustrated Marie Downs asked her husband, "she's eighteen years old and still can't stop touching herself in public!?!" "Don't look at me, dear," Ed Downs replied quickly, "if you wanna say something to her, go ahead, but leave me out of it!!!" "Some help you are," Marie said with exasperation, "your daughter's behaving like a monkey in the zoo and all you can do is say keep me out of it, what kind of father are you anyway!?!" "The kind that...
My feet pounded against the pavement and sweat ran in streams from my temples. My tight fitting t-shirt clung to my body and I was certain that the outline of my sports bra was showing through the thin material, but I could care less. They say that physical activity is a great stress-reliever, but I think that is an understatement. My time running on the track team was just about the only thing that had been able to stop the constant buzz in my head since the last time I was with...
Samantha races through the halls opposite the soldiers, leading them to the stairwell. She doesn’t know exactly what her partner has in store for them, but she knows with Spencer it will work. She rounds the final corner only to find more soldiers pouring out of the stairwell. “Shit...” Turning to see the soldiers that have been chasing her, Sam jumps into an empty room, throwing two grenades that she pulled off one of the dead bad guys, and lobs one in either direction. The hallway...
“Hey, I'm home." That's all she's able to say as she walks into the living room and looks at me and Linda. She gasps. "What the fuck?!?" I'm standing completely naked while Linda holds her panties in her hand. Violet is completely shocked and horrified. Damn....we had some explaining to do. “Uhh...hey Violet. How’d everything go while you were away?” I try to make small-talk with her but I could tell she’s still in shock. “Luke! What the FUCK are you doing?? And LINDA??? WHY...
It was a very hot and humid summer day. I dressed up in one of my sexiest dresses, a flashy emerald green number that clings to my curves and leaves a lot of skin exposed in such a way that it cannot be worn with underwear. I'm not just talking about a bra, wearing even a thong with this dress would look a bit tacky. The shoulders were straps, the fabric was silky and tight, the slits in the sides came up to my hips. I love being a head turner.And I'm sure Cory liked it too. He was handsome,...
(This story is pure fiction. none of it is nor ever will take place) Humm, where to begin. Well I guess I'll start with me. My name is Sean. I'll be 16 in a few weeks. Or at least I hope I will. So long as things go smoothly, my parents won't have killed me beforehand. But that’s getting a little ahead of myself. I live the "average white middle class family living in a average town" life. I play basketball, B-team. Never had the ambition, dedication, or coordination to make the...
I am Aaric Stone, Captain of The Royal Guard. Walking the perimeter of the castle walls is never a particularly enjoyable task, especially for a Vampire of the Second Order. There are four classes of Vampires.The First Order has been gone since Dracula passed. The Second Order includes me and the King and Queen, both of whom I have known since I was turned. The Third Order is made up of Vampires that I was tasked in creating, chosen for their promising talents when they were still human. They...