The Good Guy free porn video

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I grew up a pretty typical 16 year old guy living in suburbia in the mid eighties. I went to school, hung out with my friends and did odd jobs for spending money. One of the odd jobs I would do on occasion was babysitting; pretty easy cash for not much work. So it wasn’t much of a deal when my mom asked me to baby-sit for her friend Kim.

Kim was one of mom’s best friends, though she was several years younger than mom. She was also one of the few divorced people I knew in our neighborhood. She had been divorced a couple years and had a three year old son named Jake. Kim was going on one of her first post divorce dates. A date with a guy mom had proudly set her up with.

So on one warm Friday evening I gathered up my book bag, got on my bike and rode the few blocks to Kim’s house. I walked up to the door, knocked and announced myself. A voice in the back of the house told me to come on in. Kim was one of those old fashioned trusting souls that rarely locked the front door.

I made my way into the house, past the living room and into the kitchen. I put my book bag on the kitchen table and looked into the family room. There was Jake in a corner of the room playing with his wooden train set; which is all he ever seemed to do. I went over and said “Hi” to Jake, then returned to the kitchen table and grabbed a seat. A few minutes later Kim came scurrying out from the back bedroom.

I had never really thought much of Kim. She was a grown-up, my mom’s friend; just another adult in the neighborhood. Years later I can tell you she was a beautiful woman, average height with beautiful short brown hair. She had a beautiful face and beautiful blue eyes. She had large firm breasts sitting atop a slender waist and a beautiful shapely ass and legs. But to a sixteen year old kid, she was just another adult.

She padded into the kitchen in her stocking feet wearing a black halter-dress. The dress wasn’t too short or sexy, coming down a couple inches above her knee. The skirt was connected to a halter top that was tied in a bow in the back; the ends of the bow brushing her shoulder blades.

Kim proceeded to give me the obligatory pre-departure safety speech as she cruised around the kitchen tending to last minute details. I pretended to pay attention, putting my legs up on the rungs of the chair next to me. Suddenly Kim gasped as a car pulled into the driveway. “He’s here!” she exclaimed as she retreated to her bedroom. A minute later there was a knock on the door. Kim yelled, “I’ll be right there!” from the back room.

A minute later she reemerged from her room now with a pair of black heels on her stocking feet and a black purse in her hand. She continued her safety lecture to me as she scurried back out into the kitchen. As she walked into the kitchen she glanced into a mirror and gasped. “Shit!” she said and wheeled around towards the dining room table. She then did something that changed my life forever.

She took the purse in her hand and banged it onto the chair that my feet were under and started digging around in it. To do this she had bent at the waist in order to see inside the purse. This action caused the top of her halter dress to open wide and I could see all the way down her top. I could see everything. I could see the gentle folds of her stomach; I could even see the tops of her panty hose. But most of all, I could see her breasts. I couldn’t quite see her nipples, but I could watch the gentle motion of her breasts as she dug around in her purse.

I just stared at those beautiful mounds of flesh a mere three feet in front of me. I was mesmerized. Sure, I had seen others girls breasts before; I had been to third base with one of the girls in my school. But there was something strangely erotic about gazing at these mature, forbidden fruits especially since she was totally unaware that she was giving me this magnificent view.

Eventually, she whipped out a container from her purse, looked back into the mirror and applied some very red lipstick to her mouth. She then snapped the purse closed and exclaimed, “I gotta run!” She dashed into the family room and gave Jake a quick kiss and then scurried out the door to join her date.

I must have sat at that table for a half an hour reliving what I had just seen. My cock became hard as a rock each time I thought back to what I had seen. Then, Jake started to fuss and I broke out of my pleasant stupor to get back to work. I eventually fed Jake and put him to bed. I believe I even got my homework done. But when all was finished my mind went back to Kim’s beautiful, soft, full breasts. I went to the living room and lay down on the couch. It was time to relieve the pressure building up in my balls.

As I started to stroke myself it occurred to me - she is coming back tonight. She is coming back; I have to get another look. I have to get Kim to bend over like that again. I decided to save my load until she got home and I could get a repeat performance. But the trick was figuring out a way to make sure she would bend over again.

I put my cock back in my pants and went around the house trying to find a way to ensure Kim would expose her breasts to me again. I figured she would go into Jake's room to give him a good night kiss, but she would be facing the wrong way for me to get a look when she did. I agonized about this for quite a while. Then I got an idea. Jake's collapsible stroller was sitting in the living room next to the couch. I went into the garage and got a pair of pliers and tightened down one of the nuts that allowed the stroller to fold. The nut was so tight that you couldn’t fold the stroller. My plan would be to show Kim the malfunctioning stroller. The nut was near the wheels and she would have to bend over in order to investigate the problem. And I would be able to take in all of Kim’s glory as she investigated the problem. Sweet.

My plan was set. Now all I had to do was wait; and oh man, that was hard. Time went by at an agonizingly slow pace. I got up and peered out the window each time a car cruised down the street. Finally, at just after midnight, a car came down the street and pulled into the driveway. Kim was home. My heart was THUDDING in my chest; my mouth was bone dry; I was so excited. It was an eternity until I heard a noise at the door. I heard a thump and keys jangling. I continued to hear keys jangling and jangling but no key entering the lock. Finally, I could wait no longer. I made my way to the front door and opened it.

There at the door was Kim. She was leaning against the door jamb; purse in one hand, keys in the other. As I turned on the porch light, the car in the driveway backed into the street and turned away. Kim slowly realized her date was leaving and turned to wave goodbye. She then stumbled into me and into the house. It was then that I smelled it; alcohol. She reeked of booze and other assorted smells. She slurred something that I am certain was some sort of greeting as she stumbled down the hall holding one arm out straight against the wall in order to maintain balance.

As she walked away from me I noticed she looked different. She had no panty hose on. I could see her smooth tanned legs stretching out beneath the hem of her skirt. I also noticed that the bow in her halter top was gone; the top loosely tied with the ends of the fabric now draped down to the small of her back. I stared slack-jawed as Kim made her way towards the kitchen. I had never seen anyone drunk before, especially this drunk. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t expecting this.

She was so drunk I could hardly make out a word she was saying. She made her way into the kitchen and propped herself up against one of the chairs. She was wobbling as she stood there; she could hardly stand upright in her heels. She mumbled something, though the only thing I could make out was Jake. I explained to her that Jake was fine and was fast asleep. As she stood there wobbling I didn’t know what to do. The good guy in me thought I should grab my book bag and head on home; call it a night. But then the horny guy in me stepped up and reminded me about my plan. I had to execute my plan!

I told Kim that I had tidied up the house but, for some reason, I couldn’t get the stroller to fold up. Something was wrong with it. At first, through a deeply slurred voice she dismissed the problem and told me to forget about it. But I wasn’t going to take that for an answer. I insisted that she come take a look and I started making my way to the living room hoping she would follow. She did. She let go of the chair and wobbled her way to my well rehearsed position near the stroller. She barely made it to the living room; failing to properly negotiate the corner and thumping into the wall.

She walked up to the opposite side of the stroller from where I standing. I bent at the waist to show her the malfunctioning part hoping she would follow my lead. And, once again, she did. However, when she bent at the waist, she didn’t stop. She continued right on over and made a face-plant right on the carpet.

I watched her go over and was only able to grab her arm on her way down. I didn’t do much good; she hit with a thud! I ran behind her holding her arm and tried to turn her over. As I rolled her off her face and onto her side, the ties of her halter top let go and her left breast spilled out onto the carpet. This time it wasn’t just the side of her breast I was looking at, but the whole breast with her dark areola and erect nipple! The nipple was about a half inch long and nestled in the soft shag.

Kim was making some sort of unintelligible sounds and her eyes were swimming around in her head. So I continued to try to roll her onto her back. As I did this the other side of Kim’s halter top came down and her right breast was exposed. In addition, as she rolled onto her back her right knee came over, but her left leg stayed flat. Her raised right knee caused the hem of her skirt to rise up and as Kim rolled onto her back her legs ended up splayed wide apart and her skirt bunched up around her waist. Kim not only no longer had panty hose on, she did not have panties on either. Kim laid there on her back with her legs spread wide and her pussy fully exposed to me. My cock instantly got rock hard. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe my good fortune!

I stared at her close cropped brown muff as I tried to figure what to do with Kim’s limp body. The hair of her pussy came to a point right at the top of her vaginal lips. The lips of her pussy were puffy; puffier than I had ever seen before. Clearly her date had recently visited her loins. I broke my staring eyes away from Kim’s mound to look at her face. Her eyes were still swimming in their sockets and her head was lolling from side to side. She again tried to say something to me, but made no sense. Her head then lolled down and I think she realized that her breasts were exposed because she mumbled something and tried to reach for the strings of her opened blouse but her hands lacked the proper coordination.

The “good guy” in me took advantage of this momentary distraction and I decided I should quit while I was ahead. I had already seen much more than I had hoped. Better stop before I get in trouble. I decided I would move Kim to the couch, cover her up and leave. So, while still holding the Kim’s one arm I straddled her body and reached around her back try to lift her.

As I did that my forearm brushed against her soft, warm breast; and I stopped. I couldn’t help it, I had to feel her tit; it was right there, so soft and tempting. I let go of the other arm and started to caress her breast. Kim let out an unintelligible gasp as I started to knead her tit. I gently and firmly moved my fingers around her breast circling my way past her areola to her nipple.

As I stroked her nipple, it got larger, firmer, plumper. As I continued to caress her nipple, Kim started to squirm. I unconsciously lowered my body onto Kim’s as I attempted to get a closer look at her nipple. As our bodies met I felt Kim’s body thrust up to meet mine. If my cock was hard before; it was turgid now!

As I felt Kim’s body respond to my touch I started kneading both her tits with increased firmness. As I did this I saw what looked like a ball of white begin to grow on the top of her erect nipples. I wasn’t sure of what I was seeing, but as I reached down and squeezed her breasts again, the ball of white exploded in a spray of liquid. Her breasts were milking and the spray hit me in the face, and on my lips. I licked my lips and squeezed her breasts again; another spray. This was amazing. I massaged her breasts, her nipples sprayed and her body began to thrust under mine. This was turning out to be the most amazing night of my life!

Finally I raised myself up, I had to relieve the pressure that was building up in my pants. I watched Kim’s subconscious thrusting as I undid my pants. Her pussy lips were still very swollen but now I could see moisture glistening between the lips of her vagina. After I slid my pants down below my knees I raised my hand up and felt her pussy. Kim let out a deep long sigh as my fingers slid easily between her pussy lips.

Her pussy felt warm, soft and very wet as my fingers slid through to the bump of her engorged clitoris. As I stroked her clit, Kim let out a deep throated, drunken moan and her body gave a huge involuntary thrust. As her body thrust up, my finger accidentally slipped deep into her wet pussy. Oh my god. I can still remember the sound of her wetness slopping around as I probed deep inside her.

Right about then I believe a bit of reason found its way through Kim’s alcohol clouded mind for she began to try to get up. Her arms flailed for support as she started to lift her body out from under mine. She mumbled that she shouldn’t be doing this as she raised herself onto one arm.

Once again, the “good guy” in me came back and I pulled my fingers out from her sopping pussy. I moved forward to try and help her up, and to tell her I was sorry. Christ, Kim is my mom’s best friend! What had I done? As I moved forward to try to help Kim, her arm gave way and she fell back onto the carpet. Because of my new position, as she fell back I fell too. My head fell on top of hers, my chest fell on top of her bare breasts, and my cock fell right on top of her inflamed pussy. I had already decided I was going to get off of her so I immediately raised my pelvis in order to back away. But clearly the horny guy in me had other ideas. I had to get one more feel of her beautiful soft breasts.

So, as I raised my pelvis up to get off her, my right hand once again grabbed her soft breast and kneaded the nipple. Milk dribbled out of her nipple and Kim gave out a low moan. At the same time her pelvis gave an involuntary thrust and the apex of her thrust touched the tip of my dangling erect cock.

I felt her pussy on the tip of my cock; and I couldn’t help myself. I pulled my pelvis back an additional inch, lowered myself slightly and thrust forward with great urgency. Her pelvis crashed back to the floor with the full length of my cock buried deep inside her. My cock slid into her hot, wet pussy with ease.

Once I was inside, Kim’s body went crazy. She bucked, thrusted and flailed with me inside. Her hands reached around my back and her nails dug deep into my body. She let out deep guttural moans of pleasure as she fucked, and fucked and fucked me. My entire body remained rigid as she bucked underneath. I could feel the wetness of her pussy coating my inner thighs. In a matter of minutes I came deep inside her. My body went limp as she continued to thrust and squirm against me.

I laid on top of her until my spent, flaccid cock slipped out from between her lips. I continued to lie there, not quite sure what to do. Eventually, Kim started muttering some unintelligible words. I raised my head to look at her. Her head lolled a little bit as she gave me a small kiss. Then she hiccupped and her head fell to the side. She was out.

I softly called her name and gently shook her head. No response. I got up, put my well-spent cock back into my pants and looked down at my mom’s best friend. Her brown hair disheveled, her makeup smeared and drool pooling at her mouth. Her dress bunched up around her waist. Her beautiful full breasts wet and exposed, her legs slightly spread and her pussy, pouting and vulnerable. What a sight.

I pulled the straps of her dress up around her neck and lovingly tucked each breast back inside her blouse. I pulled the hem of her dress down and gently picked her up. Kim opened her eyes as I raised her off the floor. She placed an arm around me as I carried her to her bedroom. Again she mumbled some things to me as I carried her to her bed, but I don’t know what she said.

I laid her on top of her bed, took her shoes off and placed them on the floor. I stared at her for a long while. God, I wanted to feel her again, she was so beautiful lying there. But then I started thinking about tomorrow. What was going to happen when she woke up? Oh my god, would she tell my mother? As that fear quelled my lust, I turned out the lights, checked in on Jake one last time and left. I left Kim and the best night of sex I would have for years.

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Prologue I leaned back in my big comfortable easy chair, and looked down at the beautiful redhead who knelt between my legs. She gazed lovingly up at me with her big, emerald green eyes as her full ruby red lips encircled my throbbing erection. I sighed deeply as Missy took the entire length of my cock into her talented mouth. "Oh god baby," I told the pretty 18 year old, "you're a natural born cocksucker. I've known grown women who can't suck cock half as well as you." "Thank you Daddy, you...

3 years ago
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Dr FeelGood Peters and the Art

As a hypnotherapist my practice was doing pretty good. People would come in for all kinds of problems like smoking addictions, food addictions, ritual abuse, compulsive behaviors, and just about everything else. I had seen them all, and I knew how to cure them all. My power as a healer was a godsend. People would pay me eighty to a hundred bucks an hour to put them under hypnosis and help them. I would give them some auto suggestions while in a trance and upon waking their minds would do the...

2 years ago
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Change Can be Good1

“Why would anyone want to go in a cruise where it's as cold year-round as it gets in the winter here?” Violet pondered aloud. Kathleen turned and headed back towards the front door, “I think Jack London went there once or something. You know how dad is about old authors.” Violet rolled her eyes and followed her sister. Their father had a sizeable library at the back of the house, his ‘inspiration' as he liked to call it, since he was a writer for the city newspaper, and was...

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The Dogooder MILF 5 She is mine

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat The Do-gooder MILF -4 BASTARDS Joans head twisted, she could not see when the next blow was coming. He body flinched, quivered AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Another hit with the belt. Every part of her body hurt the way she was tied. Totally exposed to all the men. Pain. Fear, Despair. AHHH. Her head shook. Her head had been slapped. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Another hit with the belt. The hands on her ass. A cock...

2 years ago
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The Dogooder MILF 4 BASTARDS

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat All fucking smiles for the boys. Barry was next. The bitch was shivering, quivering. She realized she was not only being raped, she was going to be gangraped. Fucked one at a time. Slowly. Hard. Brutally. The cunt hung wide open ready for the next cock. Barry had a gruesome mask. A Vampire mask. The face of death. He had a little surprise. A tittie surprise. He grabbed her left breast and tied a...

4 years ago
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The Dogooder MILF 3 MILF Meat

The Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 Her legs were untied. Now what? They left her there a little while. Then hands grabbed her ankles and her legs were lifted up They were spread wide and lifted up and tied next to her wrists with ropes to the top bar. Joan was bent like a pretzl, trussed up. She was wide open. In full panic Joan screamed, begged threatened. You pigs, stop, you will pay for this. What is wrong with you. You can’t do this. She could see the bright lights...

3 years ago
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The Dogooder MILF 2

The Do-gooder MILF Quickly my hand went between her legs. She pulled away but I kept at her. I signaled the boys. Time for them to get in on the action. I stepped back to watch. They were all around her. Three pairs of hands all over. Stroking, petting, grabbing, pinching. The Do-gooder bitch was crying, begging pleading. One was to the front of her, the other to the back. They were rubbing up against her DRY HUMPING the Bitch. They never said a word. I was so hard I had...

1 year ago
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The Dogooder MILF

Do-gooder. She has a hand in everything, teaching the kids, help seniors, fund raising, donuts and coffee and anything else. I am not sure when I started to be interested in her and certainly not sure why. She had that used to be hot look but was really forty and frumpy. But there was that smile and she was hands on. I remember the first time she put her hand on my shoulder, I got that feeling, tingling. Her hair is shoulder length but doesn’t do anything, it either needs to be washed...

3 years ago
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Janice Goodall mind controlled day 3

"The next stage of your education “ said Brian as a man led two border collie dogs in to the stall. “Kneel on all fours with your knees about 12 inches apart” he said “time for you to learn how to have dog. You have a choice if you stay as you are they will enter your arse bend your head down to the floor your bottom goes in the air and they will enter your fanny“ he knelt beside me and put his hand between my legs “you are going to enjoy this” he gloated. I looked back at the dogs and knew...

3 years ago
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Janice Goodall mind controlled day 2

·         I left the house eager to see Brian I naked except for my knickers. ·        I knocked on the door and Brian opened it. ·        As he stepped back to let me in I pushed him back against the hall wall and kissed him I needed sex that was the only thought in my mind. ·        I carried on with the kiss and without breaking the kiss I put my hands down between us and pulled at his belt then as soon as that was unfastened I unzipped and unbuttoned his trousers. ·        I...

2 years ago
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Janice Goodall mind controlled day 1

·        I received the message as soon as David had left the house Brian was coming. ·         I wore a. Fleece, bra, white knickers and jeans I was barefoot as that was what the message ordered. ·         I watched out of the window for him feeling eager I was looking forward to seeing the man I used to hate and hoping he could make me pregnant. ·         He walked down the street carrying a bag. ·        I opened the door stepped out of the house and kissed him. ·        Do...

3 years ago
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Janice Goodall mind controlled part 1

The car took me to the Holiday Inn hotel. My body left the car and walked into reception. Ginger was waiting for me by the reception desk. There was no love lost between the two of us. He indicated with his finger that I should follow him. I did, we entered a room, no ordinary hotel room, it was bigger than normal at one end there was a television with several chairs arranged around it and a small bar fridge, at the other end was a double bed with wrought iron headboard and foot board. Both...

4 years ago
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Mrs Goodytwoshoes

“I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never said.” “Well, we were embarrassed, and we didn’t think that he would...

2 years ago
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Miss Goodsey

Miss Goodsey was the history teacher everyone (or every boy at least) wanted. Slim, 5ft 6in tall, with long blonde hair that looked best done up in a bun, bright, blue eyes and a dazzling smile that made every boy ache with desire. She had a pretty face that melted the heart, and large tits that stiffened many a cock. Not too big, but not too small either: perfect. I would guess her bra size was 34D. At that time, she must have been about 30. To match her brilliant looks, Miss Goodsey had...

1 year ago
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Cherry Goodhead Housewife Ch 03

Chapter 3: Domestic Discipline & Control We sat together for a while, sipped our drinks, and I felt a bit of a buzz. For a while we chatted, me telling her about my day a little, her telling me about the day she’d had here. She was easy to talk to, and curious about most things, as I was at eighteen. There were a few good movies she’d found for us to watch later, and we planned for it. ‘It was really fun going out for dinner the other night,’ she told me hopefully. ‘I’ve never been on a date...

1 year ago
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Cherry Goodhead Housewife Ch 02

Chapter 2: No Man Could Resist A couple weeks later I had a short business trip, for a few days. When I returned I gave my young wife a call while driving. She picked up and was excited to see me, saying that I was going to have a very good night. I asked her what she meant, but she was coy. ‘You’ll see, sir,’ she teased. ‘I have a few ideas I think you’d really enjoy. Did you cum while you were gone?’ I told her no, that I’d saved it for her. ‘Mmm, good. Maybe you can paint my face with it...

3 years ago
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Goodhead Farm Pt 04

Chapter 6: Honeymoon Fun In the morning we woke, snuggling together in bed warmly as we touched each other, her smooth skin and the fresh memories of the night before making me hard. We took a shower together, cleaning ourselves up, and she sucked me a little while we showered. I noticed a bruise forming on her cheek where I’d slapped her a few times, but said nothing except not to cover it, because it turned me on. Her response was a simple, feminine, ‘okay’. Afterward I got dressed, and she...

2 years ago
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Goodhead Farm Pt 02

Chapter 3: The Last Night That night at dinner, her mother dropped a bomb. ‘My daughter seems to like you very much,’ she said with a knowing look. ‘She has visited you many times since you’ve arrived.’ I blushed, looking at Candi for a moment, who blushed too, looking a little sheepish. ‘No, I haven’t…’ Candi started, but was cut off. ‘Don’t worry,’ her mother said with a reassuring tone. ‘I’m not angry. I can’t blame either of you for it. No man can resist the women in my family, we are...

4 years ago
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Cherry Goodhead Housewife Ch 01

Chapter 1: An Average Day I’d been married to Cherry Goodhead now for about three months, and it was more bliss than I could have ever imagined. She was the most submissive girl I had ever met, giving herself to me completely, letting me be the boss all the time, in every way. She lived to impress me, cooking and cleaning happily in her sexy little outfits, looking her best for me at all times. She prided herself on her ‘manpleasing’ skills, especially the sexual ones, making sure that I was...

1 year ago
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Goodhead Farm Pt 03

We were married a month later, a small ceremony, with an unusual twist. The prenuptual agreement she signed had nothing to do with money, it guaranteed that she could never accuse me of raping her, that she would give in to me at all times, obediently, as a wife should. Tonight was our first night in the honeymoon sweet, she still wore her bridal gown, her tiara, coming straight from the wedding. We entered the honeymoon suite and she kissed me quickly, on the lips, before rushing off to the...

4 years ago
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Goodhead Farm Pt 01

Chapter 0: Introductions Farmwork was always hard, and never harder than at this place. Every day for a week, by evening I was sweating like a horse, hungry, and horny. The woman who employed me here, Mrs. Goodhead, was a widow who lived alone with her 18 year old daughter. The husband had passed away a couple years ago, but they still hired staff to run the place. I fixed things, and when there was nothing to fix, I did farmwork. Every night the woman made me a good meal, and I ate with her,...

3 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 2

The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer’s outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...

2 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 1

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can’t stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn’t all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...

3 years ago
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Tonygoodbody forfeit

Re Tony’s forfeit As Tony had failed to keep up the agreed full hour of mutual sexual gratification without exploding into the very meaty dripping wet pussy of the very hard to fully satisfy Gemma. On saying that you would need to be a very well-endowed and more importantly very hard to keep it in without it dropping out. She can usually go through several explosive orgasm with either someone who is very good or at the same time several mere mortals who are average especially if more than one...

2 years ago
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My First Goodbi

Well, I am kind of at a loss as to how to start this, but my whole world was rocked this weekend. It all started with going to a Halloween Party. I dressed up as a Roman. Just for fun, I thought it would be fun to not wear anything under my costume. I mean who is gonna know? It was great and fun was had. Shots were shot and smoke was smoked. As the party wound down, the hostess and her boyfriend retired to bed. Her cousin and her boyfriend and myself, were the only ones left still smoking and...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 4 Luna Lovegood

Harry was lucky there weren’t any lessons the following day because he didn’t leave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in love with Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Cho had broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was a great friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streaked then the last. Harry read them but couldn’t bring himself to reply. The message was pretty much...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood

Luna took her wizard’s wand in hand and began stroking it firmly while rubbing her palm along the sensitive place just below his piss slit. The blonde had already cast the appropriate charm to ensure his prick would act as if lubricated so she was in no danger of rubbing his skin raw. Harry’s tool hardened approvingly of the blonde’s efforts. The couple were no stranger to each other’s bodies. Indeed the pair had done everything but penetrating intercourse. With a serene smile on her lips...

3 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 2

The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer's outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicion that the farmer or one of his family members may have used it last night. When I got back to the barn Nell was awake, getting dressed and repacking her blankets in her pack. She must have known I was watching her pull her leather shorts up...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Goodgulf the Wizard Ogres and Amazons Part 1

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Salla Sallew (where ther are no troubles, at least very few) minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can't stand it warm) when in walked three ogres. Now we get all sorts of beings in town so three ogres wasn't all that unusual. We have humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, halflings, goblins, trolls, ogres and even a few fairies. Most of the intelligent people get along with each other...

Straight Sex
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Do gooders need fucking too

Being the caring sharing individual that I am, I’d enrolled to volunteer my services to help with the re-painting of the local open air swimming pool. Its ok I’ve not gone soft, I just thought this might be the ideal opportunity to check out some hot half naked guys.I went along to the meeting on the Thursday evening at which we’d be given our assignments to perform for the next three weekends. I turned up at the meeting dressed quite conservatively in a grey coloured business style suit...

2 years ago
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Robin GoodGirl

Here is "Robin Goodgirl". Comments welcome. Archivists may use this version in any free adult archive. This is a rough story with bondage and humiliation and forced cross-dressing, etc. Don't read it if you think you would be offended. I wrote this story for the amusement of adults. -- Elaine B. +++++++++++++++++++ Copyright 1998 by Elaine Blankenship. Permission is granted for free archival on adult based websites and usenet newsgroups. Do not allow access for minors or other...

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