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GILLIAN By Lorna E. Black Chapter 1 - REDUNDANCY It had now been a year since I was made redundant from my job along with many others were forced to go our separate ways at that time. What had become of my former colleagues, I didn't know, and for that matter, I didn't really want to know because these days, I had made a new life for myself. For my part, I had decided on a complete career change, using my hobby to make a living and with some successes in the past, I could now make a fairly good living as a freelance writer, writing short stories and articles. Over that year, other things had changed as well as my career. My marriage had collapsed and I was now in the process of divorce, which actually suited me. The one other big change that had happened to me is that my appearance had also changed considerably over the period. So, all in all, many changes had just occurred in my life. Perhaps being made redundant from my job gave me the impetus to allow these changes to happen. With these changes, to be honest, I had now become a bit of a recluse. There was no great need to go out since most of my days were spent in front of the word processor, which had become the mainstay of my new career. However, the time had come when I needed to go outside and rejoin the real world. Because I had not really left my flat for quite some time, I was beginning to get fed up with my own company. When I first started living on my own, after my wife and I separated, I used to go out quite regularly, but this was mainly for shopping for essentials and things to get my new life up and running. Now, the only times I seem to venture out are for my appointments to see my doctor. I don't even need to go out to the supermarket; I can do all my shopping on line. The thought did cross my mind, if I went out, what would be the likelihood of bumping into any of my old work colleagues? This is something that, frankly, I dreaded but decided the chances of this sort of meeting would be fairly remote, and anyway even if I did happen to see someone I knew from the past, it would be highly unlikely that they would recognise me. I had to put these thoughts behind me because it was time to face the world and anyway I had just received a cheque from my publisher for my latest submission so, I felt the need to celebrate a little and indulge in some retail therapy. It was around nine o'clock in the morning, I left my flat, with a degree of apprehension, and got into my car to drive the short distance to a city centre multi-storey car-park to which I often went in my previous life, while I was still at my last job. The car park was fairly quiet when I arrived; even so, I was still nervous when I got out of the car. Taking a few deep breaths, I got out of the car, locked the car and slowly made my way to the shops, stopping only to buy a newspaper at a kiosk on the way. In the past, I used to do a similar thing and often go into one particular department store, which had a coffee shop and have breakfast. These feelings of nostalgia came back to me and I thought, 'Why not, it's been a long time since I did something like this. It's definitely time that I got back to normal.' Into the store I went and made my way straight to the coffee shop, the coffee shop I had been in many times in the past. It was the manageress who served me, a person I had also seen many times behind that counter. We were never on anything more than a nodding acquaintance and as this was the first time I had been here in nearly a year. I think she possibly recognised me, but not so much as a, 'Hello, nice to see you,' sort of thing, but more of a double take. However she served me with my food and coffee, took my money but I could sense she was staring, still not believing what she was seeing. I suppose I would have to get used to people that I was acquainted with, staring at me. The only other remedy to stop this was to move to another town, but for many reasons, this was not an option. To carry on with my story, I took my tray to a vacant table, sat down opened my newspaper and started on my breakfast. This certainly took me back to that time when I used to come into this store. Being completely absorbed in a world of me own, I didn't see anyone approach me but, I suddenly became aware of someone standing in front of my table, I looked up and immediately recognised the person standing there. It was Gillian, a woman I used to work with. We were both made redundant about the same time. Chapter 2 - REMINISCENCES Now Gillian is someone, I suppose, I always had affection for, actually a bit more than that. We actually had a short fling just before we went our separate ways. However in those days, although she was single, I was married. There is also a reasonable age gap between us, some fifteen years. She is tall, around five feet ten inches and very slim. I could say it was actually a case of her seducing me, but when lust takes over from logic, who can say who is really responsible. She would come down from her office with paperwork I needed and always stood as close that physical contact took place. On one occasion I was standing by my desk with my hands gripping the edge of the desk when Gillian came up to me so that her legs came in contact with the back of my hand. Yes, I could feel suspenders rubbing against my hand through the material of her skirt. She sensed this and moved so that my hand rubbed up and down on her suspenders. Actually I never really took her to be a stockings and suspenders type of woman; she always struck me the type who dressed fairly plainly including underwear and always wore tights. But there it was, Gillian was wearing stockings and suspenders and she made sure I knew it. Whether she had put them on for my benefit, I never knew then. We looked at each other and we both knew exactly what we were both wanting. I said to her, "I need to go up stairs to the stock room to get something." She replied, "I'll help you, if you like?" "Thank you, that would be nice." So I took the keys I needed from my desk and we both went up in the lift to the appropriate place. I unlocked and opened the door. Gillian went in ahead of me and said, "Lock the door will you." I turned, put the key in the lock and locked the door, then turned again to face Gillian to see that she had taken off her skirt. She was in the process of taking off her blouse to leave herself standing there in a lacy bra, French knickers, suspender belt and lace topped stockings all in black. I was in no position to resist. I went over to her; she took hold of the belt of my trousers, unfastened it, undid the top button of my trousers, pulled down the zipper and let them fall to my ankles. I was now in that awkward state, trying to be cool, but desperate to take her, but my trousers were round my ankles made me look and feel slightly ridiculous. I managed to slip off my shoes and get my trousers off, by hopping from foot to foot but before I knew it her hand was inside my underpants. In a flash they were down at my ankles as well, Gillian was on her knees and my cock was in her mouth. This was bliss. She sucked and as soon as she sensed I was about to come, she stopped, stood up and said, "Not yet." Not yet indeed, she had other plans. Now it was my turn to go on my knees as instructed by Gillian pulling down her panties on my way down. I was greeted with the wonderful sight of her fanny surrounded by a luxuriant bush of blonde hair. She opened her legs slightly and said in a soft tone, "You know what to do." Let me put it this way, we were in that stock room for about an hour and I, for one, received an education that day. Chapter 3 - TO THE PRESENT Well that was then, but now we were back in the present. She spoke, "It is you isn't it?" Well, the last thing I wanted at this time was to meet up with old work colleagues, let alone former lovers, so I thought if I could give the impression that I did not recognise her, then she might realise it was a case of mistaken identity. So I replied, "Do I know you?" "Of course you do. We used to work together." "Did we?" "Oh yes, and a bit more. I recognised you and anyway, as soon as you opened your mouth, just then, that really confirmed it." "I think you must be mistaking me for someone else?" "I don't think so." Gillian had recognised me and it seemed she was not going to take no for an answer, however I thought I would persist. "How can you be so sure?" "I'm sure." "Are you sure you don't have me mixed up with someone else?" "I don't think so. May I sit down?" "If you like." Gillian went on, "It is really nice to see you again and I like the way you've changed, it really suits you. Honestly, I would never have thought you would have turned out the way you are, but I suppose thinking back, perhaps the signs were there." It now appeared that there was no way that I could put Gillian off, as she seemed to have no intentions of going. I thought I'm going to have to admit that I knew her. So I said, "What do you mean the way I've changed?" Gillian replied, "Put it this way what do call yourself these days. I'm sure it's not Lawrence?" "Correct." "Is It Laura or Lauren perhaps?" "No, actually it's Alison." "That's nice." "Is it?" "Yes it is, and it suits you." Of course, what Gillian was seeing was not the man in his forties, she once knew and seduced but a woman of about the same age. Yes, the way I was now presenting myself to the world was indeed female. Instead of shirts and trousers, these days it was dresses, skirts and blouses and today, and on this day in particular, I was wearing a red business suit with a straight skirt coming to just above the knee. Under my jacket, I wore a fairly plain white silk blouse and under my skirt, a full white slip, white bra, white French knickers with matching suspender belt and black lace top stockings. The shoes I wore were black court shoes with a two-inch heel. As far as my head was concerned, I wore an auburn wig and my face was fully made up finished off with drop pearl earrings in my pierced ears. My final accessories were a black leather shoulder bag and some very expensive perfume. Gillian continued, "Look, can we talk? But not here." "Why?" "Well, for one thing I'm fascinated and for another, when we worked together we did have something together." "Yes we did. I'm sure you wouldn't want to have anything to do with me now?" Gillian didn't answer this question, instead she said, "Why don't we go to my flat, where we can be comfortable?" "What, now?" "No, not just at this moment. I actually came to do some shopping, what about you?" "Yes, I did as well." "So, what do you say, shall we go together?" "If you like." Believe it or not, at this moment, I felt relieved, I actually felt reasonably happy and for some peculiar reason, secure. Perhaps it was the fact, because I was with another woman, I had this reassurance of strength in numbers. For the first time since I had started my new life, it would seem that I had found someone who didn't want to condemn. We left that coffee shop together, I noticed the manageress giving me one of those funny looks again. I just smiled back. Gillian asked, "Where do you want to go shopping?" I replied that I had just been paid and I needed some new clothes. The first place we went was, never actually getting out the department store we were in, was the lingerie department where I had said to Gillian that I had needed a few things. She was really fascinated by this, wondering what sort of things I liked to wear. She noticed, of course, that my preference was for frilly, lacy underwear and seeing this said, "Is this the sort of things you really like to wear?" "Yes, all the time." "Lacy, frilly things?" "Yes." "And, let me guess, I suppose you wear stockings and suspenders as well?" "All the time, well most of the time." "Why?" "Because I like to." "Did you wear things like this when you were a man?" "When I could." "Why?" "It's a long story. Can I tell you later?" "Yes, I would like that." "But you also wear things like me because I've seen you. What about the time in the stock room?" "That wasn't for my benefit, that was for your benefit. I like my underwear to be plain and simple. I would also wear trousers all the time as outerwear, but I can't in my present job." "So, apart from dressing for my benefit, you never wear things like this?" "No, never. Actually I tell a lie, because at one time, a few years ago, and although I never actually bought things like that, my mother used to, thinking I needed things like these to try to get a man. I only ever wore one or two items once. In fact I think I still have all that stuff in a box somewhere." "You really don't know what you're missing." "Don't I? I think it's all a matter of preference." "If you say so. I like to wear this sort of stuff. Oh, and as a matter of interest, did you ever get that man, apart from me?" "No, but that's another story. I may tell you later. Anyway thinking back, when you saw me dressed like that, were you thinking instead of just stripping me of these things, you really would have liked to wear them yourself. Am I right?" I chose to ignore that particular question as we continued our shopping. Gillian said she would like to purchase some other things, from another counter, so I made my choices, took them to the till and paid for them just as Gillian returned. We spent the rest of that morning in various shops, looking, browsing and occasionally buying. I felt better and better as the day progressed. With our shopping over, we both walked back to the car park to get my car, it was now early afternoon and as Gillian had come into the town centre by bus; we set off for Gillian's flat in my car. She gave directions and we arrived after about fifteen minutes. Getting out of the car, laden with our purchases, Gillian said, as she unlocked her front door, "Welcome to my humble abode." Chapter 4 - QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS Gillian beckoned me to sit down as she sat down opposite me. She certainly did not beat about the bush when it came to asking about myself. It was straight in with, "Are you going through a sex change or are you just dressing as a woman?" "I'm going through a sex change." "Why?" "It's something I have needed to do for a very long time." "How long?" "Since I was very small." "So what's been going through your mind?" "I felt that I should have been born a girl." "And did you try to do anything about it?" "Well, yes, I used to dress in some of my sister's clothes whenever I could. To me, it actually felt normal. This went on for quite some time, that was, until I was caught." "So what happened then?" "I got the hiding of my life from my father. From that day on, I was told never even to think that way again. I never really got on with my father after that." "What about your mother?" "I got the impression that she really couldn't care less about it. She never actually said anything much about the whole thing, and she never once said I was wrong. She did say, though, if I had been born a girl then I would have been called Alison Elizabeth, thus my name now." "I see. I was wondering why you were now calling yourself Alison. So I take it from all that, you were really confused about your parent's attitude?" "I certainly was." "And did you manage to dress in girl's clothes again?" "Oh yes, I had to. I became much more secretive and even managed to get my own set of girl's clothes and could dress in other places apart from home. As time went on, these clothes changed to women's clothes." "Did you do anything else?" "I always remember going to bed and praying to wake up as a girl the next morning." "You said earlier that you wore female things even up to a year ago?" "I've worn female clothes whenever I could for as long as I can remember." "How did your wife take it?" "She never knew until fairly recently. That's why we are getting divorced." "I'm sorry." "I'm not." "So I take it, your wife could never come to terms with your secret longings?" "Exactly." "Tell me more." "About what?" "Well about your wife finding out?" "Why?" "Well I would like to try to understand what she thought?" "Again, why?" "For a start, I know how I feel seeing you as you are now. I was just interested how your wife felt." "How do you feel then?" "I think it's nice. I think it's nice because, you've at last found, your true self and it shows." "Do you?" "Absolutely. So are you going to tell me how your wife felt?" "All right then." "Go on." "It all happened one Saturday when she had decided to visit some of her relatives. She knew that I would likely be bored and suggested she go on her own. This of course suited me down to the ground, because as soon as she was out the house, I was up into the loft to fetch my suitcase full of women's clothes. I stripped myself completely naked, not looking at myself in the mirror until I had a bra, panties and my wig on. This was my ritual of making the change from man to woman. Anyway, I was completely dressed and was just applying some finishing touches to my make- up when, in she walked saying that the particular relative was not at home. This was all before she saw me." "Then what?" "Well, as soon as I heard my wife returning, it was a case of trying to hide and get the clothes off at the same time which turned out to be impossible, of course. She caught me in the act." "And?" "When she saw me she looked absolutely horrified, ran into the lounge and burst into tears. What could I do? All I could think of at that moment was to get out of these female clothes and back into my male clothes and try and talk to her. Well this, of course, proved extremely difficult. When, eventually, she calmed a little, the only sort of reply I managed to get from her, was, 'Why?' and 'You're a queer aren't you?' and things like that." "Well, are you?" "Am I what?" "Queer, homosexual, call it what ever you like?" "Certainly not." "So you're not interested in men, then?" "No, I never have been." "So why are you going through a sex change then?" "Like I said, because I have to." "Then, if you decided to form a relationship in the future, a sexual relationship say, then it would likely be with a woman and not a man?" "I never really thought about it until now, so in a word, I suppose yes. Why are you so interested?" "Put it this way, do you see evidence of any man around here?" "No. Are you saying you don't have a man friend, at the moment?" "That's right, actually I never have. In fact I'm not in any kind of relationship at the moment" "You wouldn't be trying to tell me that you prefer women to men?" "I am." "So, are you a lesbian then?" "Yes, just like yourself." "I suppose I must be." "But what about the time you seduced me?" "I don't know, perhaps I was looking for something in my own sexuality or maybe I was seeing something in you I needed." Chapter 5 - DEEPER AND DEEPER "So how far have you got with your sex change? Are you a complete woman yet?" "What do you mean, complete?" "You know, down below?" "Not quite yet. I still have to have the surgery." "So how far have you got?" "I'm on hormone treatment at the moment and my breasts are growing?" "May I see?" "Pardon." "May I see your breasts?" "You're being a bit forward, aren't you?" "Come on, we've been friends a long time." "Yes, but not like this." "I know, but there's nothing like renewing old friendships." "Do you want to renew our friendship, then?" "Yes." "I would have thought you might have regarded me as a bit of a freak." "Certainly not." "Then you want us to be friends?" "Yes." "Why?" "Put it this way, I think you need a friend and I need a friend as well." "True, I do need a friend. But what about yourself, I would have thought you would have plenty of friends of your own?" "Not the kind I'm really looking for." "What do you mean?" "Let's wait and see, shall we." "You intrigue me." "So, are you going to let me see your breasts or not?" What could I do, this was an invitation I felt I just could not turn down so I unbuttoned my jacket and took it off. My blouse followed this and I was left standing there in my slip and skirt. Gillian suggested that I take off my skirt, to make things easier. This I did, so now I was left standing there in my slip. Gillian eased the straps of my slip off my shoulders and it fell to the floor to leave me now standing there in just my bra, French knickers, suspender belt and stockings. She could now see the extent to which I had become a woman, because apart from my breasts filling the bra I was wearing, my waist measurements had slimmed, giving me what I had always wanted, a female figure. Gillian looked at me intently, in particular, my breasts. She walked round looking at what seemed to be every inch of my body. "May I touch them?" Gillian asked. "If you like." And that's just what she did, rather gingerly at first, until she actually cupped them with her hands. "Can I take your bra off, please?" "If you like." "Before I knew it, my bra had been unclipped and she was easing it off down my arms. I now stood there even more naked, because all I was now wearing was my French knickers, suspender belt and stockings. This certainly had been a strange day, from me venturing out into the world again, thinking I would meet no one and probably return home feeling dejected, to actually meeting an old friend who on the face of it was willing to accept me for what I was. Even more, it looked like there might even be something more developing with this friendship. My new and beloved breasts were now free and Gillian was the first person to see them apart from my doctor. She looked and she touched very carefully. Bending over, thinking that she was wanting a better view. She kissed each one in turn. This took me by surprise and I said, "What are you doing?" Gillian straightened herself and instead of replying, she put her arms around me and gave me a kiss on the mouth. But this was no ordinary kiss, this was deep and passionate. I found that I was in no position to resist. What was happening to me? Had I just landed into a relationship with a woman, a woman I had affection for in the past? It was certainly beginning to look that way. When we broke from our kiss, Gillian gave me a deep hug and said, "Welcome. Welcome to the world of womanhood.' The End

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Thus the slaves of Locust Street were established, all trading one form of slavery for another. Damius had little choice but to allow them to use his house every Friday. He would spend the night at a hotel while the five masters took turns using his bedrooms and dungeon for their own amusements. Derek was now using Christine Matthews to entertain his friends. On his Friday he would invite some classmates both male and female and start off the evening by having them watch as he instructed his...

3 years ago
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Scandalous StewardessChapter 9

"That was fantastic, Peter, just fantastic. I don't know when I've been fucked quite so breathless," the exhausted blonde said sincerely. But her mind was filled with dark thoughts of revenge em the virile resort owner for the way he had treated her--like a filthy whore! It wasn't enough him to give her a savage ass fucking; he made her lick his cock clean right afterwards, then suck his huge cock off while he kneeled over her with his big hands knotted in her hair. He almost pulled it...

2 years ago
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In the presence of strangers

Little, warm bulbs line the floor downstage of the performers and parcans shine on their prize. Beneath them, Elijah ambles into view. Until now Neesha has been wooing the crowd alone. She, with her dark eyes and her naked honesty, her hot gaze flitting around the room. Whether or not she has been able to make out their faces is anyone’s guess, the lights are bright. Her practiced expression is frank, faintly smug and unquestionably engaging. In joining her, Elijah comes to rest behind her....

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The Dare

The letter came in the mail, a small, neatly hand-addressed envelope, almost hidden amongst the junk mail and bills that make up ninety-five percent of what I get.  There was no return address but the postmark was local.  I get so few real letters now, what with Facebook and emails, that it was the first piece I opened.  How many people can identify the instant their life took a new trajectory?  I can.  It was the moment I opened that letter. “Dear Claudia:While we’ve met, you don’t know me. ...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 26

After spending the night at Kat’s, Lexi woke up feeling dehydrated and disoriented. She was not accustomed to drinking, and not only had she shared a bottle of wine with Kat, but they had capped off the night with some brandy after arriving back at the house slightly chilled.Kat was still sleeping peacefully, looking like an angel in the soft morning light. Without really thinking about where she was or what she was doing, Lexi made her way quietly to the kitchen, dressed in only panties and a...

1 year ago
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Please Kiss Me

In upper state Maine, there is a small village not very far from Bangor. It is a very picturesque little community, hidden back in the mountains, where the residents pass their peaceful and happy lives, lights years away from the maddening rush of the big cities. Here the winters are bitterly cold with relentless snow storms and biting north winds, in which one must dress accordingly to protect themselves against frost bite when venturing out, but in the late spring, the warm winds melt the...

4 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 11 Filles du Roi

Optio Samantha Redburn sat in the Officers' Club, having lunch with Lieutenant Carruthers, the engineer who was in charge of all facilities on Thule. "So what's this big problem you've got?" he asked, as the scantily clad concubine waitress left with their order. "Well, I'm supposed to be running a whorehouse," Samantha began. The Lieutenant, looking far younger than his 36 years, snorted into his Manhattan. "I bet your mother's proud of that!" "Like you wouldn't believe,"...

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Collateral Damage Book II the SacrificeChapter 5

The common breakfast was a strange event. The good thing about it was I got confirmation of the number of the people who formed ‘The Group’ and lived on this ranch. There were about ten men present, which equaled a total of twelve. All of them were in their mid-thirties or older, and they all seemed to be in good physical shape. What surprised me was the number of women. There were more than twenty women; the youngest of them were barely in their teens, and even the oldest were probably under...

2 years ago
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 7 Earth 2078

-- Earth time: 2078-- “Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!” I cussed. As soon as I felt that weird feeling, I knew the damn book had sent me home. Daniel looked at me in surprise. He frowned at me. I sighed and sat up. I then picked him up, and balanced my son on my hip I walked over the Lectern. “Send me back immediately,” I demanded. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. I’ve lost contact with the portal you originated from. You look familiar. Let me see. Oh! This is very strange. According to my records,...

1 year ago
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In Private

In PrivateMargaret lived at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. Her life followed the same routine most weeks, 2 mornings helping out in the local charity shop, Wednesdays coffee and cake in town with her friends, and on a Sunday she attended the 9.30am service at Our Lady's. Nothing ever really happened, life just passed by pleasantly. However, recently things had started to change for Margaret. She had been married 31 years, and although comfortable with sex it had always been with her...

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Nymph Fishing

Off the bus, down the metal steps, onto the warm concrete. It was hot, but the wind was cool, coming in waves, ruffling my hair, ruffling my clothes. The heavy smell of petrol hit me heavily as the bus trundled away down the gravel path. The rumbling slowly disappeared behind the trees, leaving me standing in silence in the woods with my hiking bag on my back and my pole and reel hanging off my shoulder. There were trees all around; tall and brown and straight, no leaves near their base, the...

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Shopping for lingerie

This story is inspired by one of you lush ladies ;-) After a few months of talking online we finally decided to go for it and meet IRL at this cute coffee shop for lunch. As we chit chat our eyes shoot hasty looks all over each other’s bodies. By now both of us realize that our online attraction not only translates to real life but in a much higher intensity. Without saying a word we quickly finish our meal and after paying the bill walk into the street where shops are...

Straight Sex
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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 15

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

3 years ago
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Changed My Life

Hi readers this is Sha from Chennai, my id is I recently came across this site and found this interesting. I have gone through most of the stories, its good, sets a good standard so thought to share my story. I  live in Keralite studying in Chennai for my MBA. This is the one a only real sex experience I had still now. I’m reasonably good looking as others say, athletic and fair. I never had the crunch for sex in teen age as my family was so orthodox, my father was so strict. While I was doing...

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GotMylf Kiara Edwards Lingerie

MILF Kiara Edwards has been debating whether her new sexy black piece of lingerie is too risque to share with you. Luckily, she’s decided that she wants to show it all off, so she lets you see every inch of her round, bodacious curves. This MILF has a body to die for, and her legs go on for days. Just watch the way she claps her fat ass and stares with those beautiful blue eyes. She licks a lollipop and then she licks our stud’s big cock, taking it down her throat with ease. And as she gets...

3 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 33

Pat’s naked wet butt slipped across the monitor and she fell right onto the floor. Andrea was the only one of us not laughing, Pat included. Andrea smiled as she helped Pat back to her feet. The Chinese girl gave me an incredulous look. “You both got naked out here.” She shook her head. She reached over and picked a flake off of my shoulder. “Seems you’ll have to stay in the puddle not to get the black stuff all over you. Yes, I know it’s orange, Pat.” “Oh,” Frowned the redhead as she was...

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The Sleepover Pt1

Fuck! I can't believe what I'm seeing in my parents' living room. Three giggling teenage girls, wearing sheer lingerie are sitting on the couch cheering on a fourth girl who is attempting to deep throat a dildo. What the fuck! Fuck! I can't believe what I'm seeing in my parents' living room. Three giggling teenage girls, wearing sheer lingerie are sitting on the couch cheering on a fourth girl who is attempting to deep throat a dildo. What the fuck! The cheers and laughter...

3 years ago
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The Carraway Chronicle Two Mothers

Dear Reader, I am confronted daily by the severity of the changing times. This periodical has long been vocal on the issue of Y chromosome degeneration- a belief that many intellectuals and journalists (including this author) hold- and the dangers of allowing our young men to be scientifically, genetically altered by the misandric agenda. While this belief is still incredibly controversial (many simply refuse to acknowledge obvious evidence), this periodical has found another, possibly greater...

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As soon as he entered the hallway of her home the awkwardness was felt by both of them. He followed her into the kitchen where they exchanged small talk…..the weather, work, all trivial things that neither one of them has any real interest in. She offers him coffee. For a fleeting moment she thought she saw a twinkle in his eye as he accepted her offer, then curses herself for her vivid imagination.   As she turns away from him to turn the kettle on she imagines his warm breath on the back of...

2 years ago
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Ulysses Therapist

IntroductionThe room is dark and hazy. I’m hanging, my wrists tied to a chain of some sort above me. Someone is fucking me. My vision is coming into focus. I see a black man grinning at me. My legs are wrapped around his waist; he’s holding me up by my ass and is making me cum.I don’t remember anything from the last hour. I have no idea how I got here. All I know is my pussy is numb, dripping with juices.The orgasm washes over me and the black man leaves. Another takes his place. He grabs my...

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Phoenix ch 04

“Fasten it!” Frank insisted. Béla stuck her tongue out at him and clipped her seat belt to the console that separated the bucket seats. With a satisfied look on his face, Frank turned and began walking back to the others. Béla turned the ignition key on the steering column. Suddenly she was looking at the inside roof of her car from only an inch away. It was very brightly lit. Then the roof blew off, gyrating away and upward into the darkness. A beautiful fireball rose up over her head,...

2 years ago
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My new toy day 4

This is my first day leaving the house for more than fifteen minutes with a cage on my penis. I am concerned that me and my lock will be in one place and my key holder with my key will be in another. As I step out the door, I feel committed. No turning back now. I drive to work.The farther I get away from my key the hornier I get. It has been ten hours since I've been locked in my cock cage. My desire to fuck my key-holder has never been greater. I let her know in a text, "After being locked up...

1 year ago
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Sue becomes a cum slut

Sue was a good looking woman. in her mid-forties, a wife and mother she had a comfortable life, with a family who cared for her and a husband who still enjoyed fucking her on a regular basis. She had always been hot, with big DD tits with big nipples on a size 8 frame and had had more than her fair share of cocks over the years as someone who enjoyed being fucked.Late one Sunday her sister called her and asked if they could meet up as she had managed to get herself into a situation and didn't...

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Lily woke up in bed with her naked step mom and she had raised her top and had a hand down her panties. Lily said "Please, what are you doing? This is not right." Beth said "Relax. I love the female body and you have such a sexy one. I have been waiting for your dad to be gone so I could ravage and taste your sexy pussy and suck those big full tits. Let me get you naked and show you how good I can make you feel. When I am done you will love the feel of a lady making love to you. Women know how...

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Batrea Part 2

“Fuck!" Trea slid the steam-fogged shower door back and realized she had once again gotten in the shower without remembering to bring a clean towel into the bathroom with her. “Mom!" she shouted, but she knew her mother was probably down in the kitchen, out of earshot. She wrung some of the water from her long, auburn hair and stepped out onto the rug, leaving wet footprints. Rivulets ran down her back and gathered in the crack of her pert bottom, then dripped off the curves of her naked body....

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Why High School English Sucks

The Transformation (Why High School English Sucks) Willy Mays Hayes 7/14/09 "What is this?" I cried out. "What do you think it is, it's payback for all of the suffering you have caused me!" cackled my evil english teacher. "What are you doing to me!" I screamed as I struggled to free myself for the chair I was strapped to. "Let me go, what are you doing!!" "It's simple really, you see you've made a mockery of my class, you and all of the other boys and since your parents...

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Milk And Honey Open For Business

To stay far away from her parents antics, Vicki and Jin agreed on spending their alone time elsewhere. Their luck came in the form of a flyer, advertising a motel from across town, far enough away from her parents doing any spying or filming. Vicki's life had been a living hell since discovering what her parents really were; the thought of it sickened her stomach for days on end.Room ten seemed cozy enough as Vicki wasted no time testing out the bed. Quickly, she started undressing, while Jin...

4 years ago
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bride used

I am Alex,28 years old,in three days i will finally marry Andrea,21.After two years of engagement i can't wait to make love to her.She is a virgin, not pretty but the body is fantastic,long slender legs and incredibly perky tits.She is a teacher from a very conservative background,vegan,shy and prude.My beloved wife keeps fit with daily yoga practice.All things that turn me on,unfortunately she think that sex is exclusively for re procreation,so,no more then twice a month.She only accepted me...

1 year ago
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A Brush With The Law

Maybe I’m a little a taller than average, but that helped me get into the state police force, so that was a good thing, but generally speaking, I don’t think I stand out in a crowd. I joined the force at twenty, practically straight out of high school, and I love my job, but seven years later, I felt like I was in a rut. Not because of the job by any means, but because of the way my personal life was at the time. I had met Stacey at work, when she was involved in a minor fender bender,...

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Orgy after the match

The Ref blew a blast on his whistle to signify the end of the match and Phil, Nicole and the rest of the supporters of the away side, Leeds United, sprang up out of their seats to celebrate victory. It was a well deserved win against a very good side in Chelsea. Phil turned and hugged Nicole, who was wearing one of Phil’s old football shirts. Nicole didn’t support Leeds like Phil, but she was happy that her friend’s team had won. Phil’s friend Tony turned to him and...

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By the introduction of, I was expecting much more. This is a solid website filled with pornographic videos that I am sure you will enjoy, since why the fuck would I even be suggesting this shit. However, there are some ups and downs you should know about, so keep on reading.First of all, the site introduces itself as ‘the best thing to happen to online porn’ or some shit like that, and honestly dude, who the fuck are you kidding? I mean, sure, the shit that is offered is solid and all,...

Funny Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Working Mom 6

They would be over around 8pm I told them, and my goal was to make them cum early and get them out as soon as possible. So I thought I’d look as slutty as I could, I got a black see through baby doll teddy and some black front see through panty briefs. I put some thigh highs and laid them all down on the bed. I still had plenty of time before they got here and there was some things I wanted to do before hand. First I had to go out and take care of getting some things for when Ryan...

1 year ago
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Celluloid Dreams

Although I always had my magazines, a collection that was to grow to over 10,000 over the years, seeing girls for real was not as easy. Fortunately seeing a sexy-dressed girl walking down the street was enough to give me ecstasy, but whether I was hanging out my window or standing on the corner in my ‘dirty’ mac, it was sometimes a long wait for girls to walk along. In the US mags in my collection, I often saw ads for 8mm movies – ‘Etalie a go-go’, ‘Etalie raised skirt’ and lots of others, so...

4 years ago
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Open For Business

I look at my watch and grumble, “Damn, it’s only 10am.” I have been sitting by the front window of the store where I am working for almost an hour watching cars for go by. Do not get me wrong I love my new job, but there are days like today where things go slow and I am bored. As my mind wanders, I think back over my life and realize my sex life has become virtually nonexistent. It has been ages since I have touched or even had close personal contact with a real woman. When I mention the word...

4 years ago
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Keeping My Promise

Several days later, after the party her parents had thrown for her, I had to tell Emily that I had to go back to Iraq. I would be leaving in the morning. She was crying and holding on to me saying, ‘No . . no . . no. You have to stay with me. I need you. I want you more than anything I have ever wanted in my entire life. I can have daddy fix it so you don’t have to go back.’ ‘Emily,’ I replied. ‘When I entered the Marines I swore an oath . . . a solemn promise to serve and protect my country....

2 years ago
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Fucked sil while my brother played with her

This is a real incident …. Earlier, i posted my story about how my SIL seduced me to have an affair with her. Now this narration takes off from what followed later …. Here we go ….My SIL is a very hot lady and always has sex on top in her mind … At times I got bored about so much of sex … But even then she wouldn’t leave me … It is sex, sex, and sex for her all the time … As you people can understand she soon got bored with just me alone… She wanted to try something new. By nature she is a very...

1 year ago
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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 4 My Best Friend

“Yes... , “ she quieted down a little bit. She seemed nervous and skittish at his reaction. Gary stood up from the bed as he walked up to her. He saw how short she was compared to him, but curiosity was controlling him. It was an honest emotion as he stood next to her and moved his hand. She watched his reactions as he lightly gripped her hand. She felt the soft padding of the bottom of her fingers. Eventually, Gary wrapped his hand around hers and used his thumb to brush the top portion of...

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The Devils Pact Hell Chronicles Chapter 12 The King and Queen of Hell

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Twelve: The King and Queen of Hell Mark Glassner – The Abyss “Chasity, organize the guard and scout the plain,” I commanded, staring out at the distant city of brass across the rocky, blasted lands of hell. The hot wind continued to blow, searing across my skin. It was annoying. The wind stopped as power leaked out of me. I blinked. *Did you just control the wind?* Mary whispered in my mind. *I think I did.* Karen smiled as she...

2 years ago
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Captured by Sir Al Chapter 1: The Beginning I was spending my afternoon quietly, waiting for Hubby. A cold shower mighthave been the best to relax my senses on so hot a day. When you're hot intobondage and discipline, you need your Master's constant presence, don't you?So I was trying to relax and preparing everything for my Master and his night;it will be a night in his ropes, of course, and our lust. My body was gleaming under the shower but then a noise from the lounge drewmy attention....

3 years ago
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Before It Became Fashionable

My first experience with shaving my pubic area was started more out of necessity than for the reasons I do it now. I was twenty years old, my girlfriend Amy and I had just returned from my first nudist experience at “Black’s Beach” near San Diego, and had to wait a couple of hours to shower off the sand and salt. I learned from my neighbor the reason for the wait was due to a water-main break near my house. The build-up of sand/salt in my pubic area was so itchy it was driving me nuts (pun...

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