Gillian free porn video

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I’ve spent the majority of my life as a “good girl”, I’ve never lied, cheated or stole…well unless you count the time I stole gum from the supermarket…I was seven at the time.

I just turned twenty-seven and I’ve only been with three men. I got married when I was twenty-four, we divorced after only a year. I’ve dated a little since the divorce but nothing very serious.

As good as people think I am, I do have a bad side that no one knows about. It’s something that if anyone knew I thought about they’d probably be shocked. I’m sure it’s something that a lot of women have fantasized about and some lucky women have had the opportunity to fulfill it. After years of thinking and dreaming about it I decided that this year would be the year I made my fantasy a reality!

When I was nineteen I had a boyfriend named William, we had a best friend named Ryan. I’d had a crush on Ryan since I was in grade school but he never seemed to be interested in me “that way”.

I’ve known both Ryan and Will since kindergarten, we grew up together and we were all friends. Once we hit high school Will and I began to date. Will was my first boyfriend and the first man I’d had sex with. He was very conservative and we never experimented.

What got me thinking about this particular fantasy was something that Will said after our freshman year in college. One night while we were on summer break Will and I were hanging out at Ryan’s place (like we did most nights). We were drinking and for some reason Will made a joke about Ryan sleeping in the same bed we were going to be in.

We all laughed and passed out a short time later. Even though it was said in passing, it got me thinking, what if Ryan was in our bed, what would happen? I was very young and naïve about sex, I didn’t know people actually had “threesomes”, I had never heard of such things.

The seed was planted but it didn’t really sink in until Will and I broke up the following year. I was a sophomore in college at the time and my roommate, Julie, was telling me about the time she and her best friend got drunk with her boyfriend and the three of them had sex. I was shocked! I didn’t get into details with her because the thought of having sex with a woman (much less her) wasn’t appealing to me.

I thought back to Ryan and Will and wondered what could have happened if we did share a bed with Ryan. That night I had a dream, I think they are called “wet dreams” all I know is that I’ve thought about it every night since then.

In my dream, I went to visit Ryan to hang out. After a few minutes of small talk one thing lead to another (as they often do) and we were making out in his bedroom. I had never kissed Ryan in real life but in my dream he was a really good kisser! We were kissing and letting our hands roam over each other, I remember he was hard and I had just started to unzip his pants when William walked in.

Ryan and I both jumped up and tried to play it off but the dream Will said, “Keep going, I don’t mind!”

So we started kissing again like it was totally normal. Things were advancing quickly and pretty soon we were undressing each other. My eyes were closed as he removed my bra and panties and he began to massage my breasts.

We lay on the bed and I could feel him kissing my neck and pinching my left nipple. Next thing I felt was him sucking my right nipple, wait a minute…he’s kissing my neck!!!

I opened my eyes and there was Will next to the bed sucking my nipple while Ryan kissed my neck and pinched the other nipple. In my dream I didn’t know how to react so I just relaxed and enjoyed every minute of the two of them touching and kissing me.

I looked down at Will and he looked up at me, he came up and started kissing me and Ryan began kissing his way down to my breasts. Will kissed me more passionately than he ever had in real life while Ryan sucked and bit my nipple. I was so turned on.

Ryan began kissing his way down my belly, he spread my legs and climbed between them while Will continued to kiss me. I felt Ryan begin to touch my pussy with his fingers as he lightly flicked my clitoris with his tongue.

I moaned and Will stopped kissing me, he looked down at Ryan licking my pussy and stood up. I watched as he began to undress, he had a hard-on. He climbed on the bed and straddled my chest. He pressed his cock to my lips and I opened them, he slid his cock in my mouth and I began to suck him. He began to slowly slide his cock in and out of my mouth while Ryan began to slide his tongue in and out of my pussy.

It was only a dream but the feeling of having a man fuck my mouth while another one licked my pussy was so erotic. I felt an orgasm building as Will began to slide his dick in and out of my mouth faster. I was moaning as I began to cum and felt Will begin to cum in my mouth.

Just as my orgasm hit my alarm went off and I woke up shaking with an orgasm. My panties were soaked as I climbed out of bed to get ready for my classes. I was so disappointed that I had to wake up. I would have given anything to be able to have that dream continue.

I had never sucked William’s prick before, in my dream it seemed totally natural to have him in my mouth fucking it with more enthusiasm than he had ever fucked my pussy in real life.

I’ve had the dream several times, if I had a boyfriend the dream would have Ryan and the guy I was dating (even if we weren’t having sex). Ryan has been in all my sexual dreams, even the ones with just one guy. I guess because he’s the one guy I always liked and never went out with.

Ryan, Will and I are still friends, we grew up together and have been there for each other even though Will and I no longer dated. Will is married now and has two great kids, his wife is a sweet girl and we all get along.

Ryan and I are still single, he’s had his share of girlfriends but never stays with them very long. I get a tinge of jealousy when he has a new girlfriend, they are always tall, beautiful, and they look like super models. I on the other hand am short and look nothing like a model, super or otherwise.

I’ve never seen Ryan naked in real life but in my dreams he has a huge dick and I find myself wondering if he does in real life as well. Some times when we are alone my mind drifts to my dreams and I catch myself staring at his crotch hoping to catch a glimpse of his package.

During college Ryan joined the military and moved to Germany, that’s when I met Raymond. Ryan had gotten engaged to a German girl and I thought for sure he’d come back with a pregnant wife.

Raymond was the type of guy a lot of girls were fond of, unfortunately for me he was fond of them as well. He had a hard time with willpower and I found him with other women one too many times. We split up after only a year of marriage.

I spoke to Ryan often while he was in Germany, he never talked about his fiancé and I never asked. We talked about Ray and his exploits and he’d tell me how I should leave him. He was happy for me when I finally moved out and filed for divorce.

Ryan came back from Germany a few months later and he wasn’t with anyone, it turns out his little fiancé had a thing for GI’s and slept with most of the men in his barracks! I have to say I was pretty happy that he was still single being that I was as well.

I don’t know why I want Ryan to stay single, it’s not like we’ve ever fooled around and he’s never given any indication that he likes me as anything but a friend. I still fantasize about him, since I have no boyfriend at the moment Ryan is my only sexual outlet and he’s always in my dreams.


I vowed that this year would be the year that my fantasy came true, the only problem was I had no idea how to make it come about. I began to go online and read erotica, the problem was that most of the
stories involved two women and one man and I wanted mine to be two men and me!

I finally realized it didn’t matter what the male/female equation was, it was a matter of how it happened. Well to be honest most of the stories were so far fetched I couldn’t imagine any of them actually happening to me. I came to the conclusion I’d have to be the master of my own destiny, I would have to figure it out on my own.

About three weeks later Ryan and I had gone out to dinner and a movie, as friends of course. We went to my place afterwards and shared a bottle of wine while we talked. We began reminiscing about our childhood and the goofy things we did. The more we talked the more we drank, pretty soon we were on our second bottle of wine.

I was feeling pretty good at that point and decided I would approach the subject of the night that started this whole fantasy of mine.

“Do you remember our first summer after college?”

“Well we drank a lot that summer, it’s hard to remember much.”

I was deflated, I didn’t want to continue the conversation.

“I do remember one thing, it’s pretty much burned in my memory.” He laughed.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?” I asked with renewed courage.

“I don’t know…it’s kind of stupid. I shouldn’t say anything about it, especially since we’re drinking.”

“No, it’s fine, really.”

“Why are you asking me this anyway? Is there something on your mind Gillian?”

“Yeah, but it’s…well…I mean…”

“Okay, forget it, I’ll tell you!”

I was so relieved!

“It was that one night, I doubt you remember because we were pretty drunk, Will made some lame comment about us sleeping together.”

OH MY GOSH!!! He remembered!!!! I was thrilled!!!!

“Yeah, I remember that too, that’s why I was asking.”


“Yes! It was over eight years ago but it was something that got me thinking.”

“About what?”

“About what? About that!” I was on a roll, “About you, me and Will sleeping together, you know having sex!”

“You thought about that? No way! You’re so…conservative!”

“I am? Since when?”

“Well Will always talked about how…shit, I shouldn’t say anything more!”

“Will talked about our sex life with you?”

I was shocked! We were all friends but I assumed our sex life was not a topic of discussion.

“I better go, I’ve had too much wine and I’m sticking my foot in my mouth.”

“No, don’t go! Please, tell me what he said.”

“It’s not important Gillian, you guys aren’t together anymore. Please, just drop it.”

I was getting heated by now, the wine was wearing off the angrier I got. Why was he keeping it from me? How bad could it have been?

“What was it that he said to make you afraid to tell me?”

“You want to know? You really want to know?! FINE! He said you were a great girlfriend but you were a cold fish in bed. He always said you never wanted to try anything new in bed.”

“What a jerk!”

“See, I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. Can we please move on now?”

“No! It’s not true Ryan! I’d always wanted to try new things, all he ever wanted was the same thing. That was why we broke up, he said he didn’t know me, I was too aggressive for him because I wanted to try something my friends had talked about.”

I could feel my cheeks flushing.

“Oh man! I’m sorry Gillian, I didn’t mean for you to get upset.”

“I’m surprised Will talked about our sex life with you at all, why would he even bring it up?”

“It was actually my fault.”


“He’d made the comment about us all sleeping together and I brought it up, about how weird that would be, me and him with you. He said there was no way you’d do anything like that because you’re not adventurous in bed.”

I laughed, I mean I really laughed, here I was dreaming about that scenario for years because Will made that comment and he said I wasn’t adventurous.

“Are you okay Gillian?”

I managed to answer him between laughs.

“Yeah, I’m just great!” I broke into laughter again.

“What’s so funny?”

I managed to compose myself so I could tell him.

“If he only knew! He made that comment so many years ago, I’ve thought about it every night since then!”


“Yes, me! Boring Gillian thought of a threesome! Can you believe it?”

“I didn’t mean you were boring! I’m just surprised you’d think of something like that. Hell, I can count the number of men you’ve slept with on one hand!”

“Why does it surprise you? I realize I may not be your type but I’m sure I could find two men willing to fuck me!”

“Whoa, what’s with the language? I didn’t mean that! I have no doubt you could find two men willing to sleep with you. Wait a minute, who said you weren’t my type?”

“We’ve known each other since we were kids and you never once looked at me as anything other than your friend.”

“That’s called respect you dork! You were my female friend, it’s not right to drool all over you and make rude comments the way Will used to. That’s not me!”

I didn’t know what to say, I felt really stupid for even bringing up the entire subject now. I wished I could erase the last 20 minutes.

“You knew I had a crush on you since the fifth grade.”

“No I didn’t! You never said anything about it.”

“Yes I did, Will knew! He used to tease me about it all the time.”

“You told Will?”

“I didn’t have to tell him, he figured it out.”

“He couldn’t have known Ryan, he knew I liked you when we were kids. He told me not to bother because you didn’t like me. We were kids, I believed him.”

“What an asshole!” He was laughing, “He told me you only liked me as a friend, he said you didn’t want to hurt my feelings by rejecting me so I shouldn’t bother asking you to be my girlfriend.”

“He is an asshole!” I was laughing now.

“I was so embarrassed when he made the comment about us all sleeping together, he knew I still liked you.”

“All that time?! I can’t believe it! I only went out with Will because I figured I’d never be with you. Damn it! I gave it up to him!”

“I was devastated when you two slept together the first time. He came over the next morning and was gloating, telling me that he had popped your cherry. I almost decked him.”

“He said that?”

“Yeah, he always made crude comments about you, I never told you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. I usually ignored him, I didn’t want to hear about it.”

“I wasn’t his first, was I? He said I was but I never believed him.”

“You guys were out of high school when you had sex, of course you weren’t his first!”

“What a jerk! I think I need more wine, how about you?”


We opened another bottle and poured two very full glasses.

“Who was your first Ryan?”

“Do we have to discuss this?”

“No, I’m just curious.”

“It was Lacy, the girl I dated my sophomore year.”

“That was when we were in college!”

“I know! I was holding out.”

“Holding out for what?”

“For you.”

I almost spit out my wine!

“For me? Why?”

“I don’t know, I guess I never gave up hope that we’d be together. I gave in to Lacy about a month before you and Will broke up, talk about timing.” He chuckled.

“Was that the reason Will made the comment about us sleeping together? Because you were a virgin?”

Yup, he could be a real jerk sometimes.”

“Tell me about it!”

We laughed and drank the rest of our wine.

“Can I tell you something Ryan?”

“Depends, is it gonna piss me off?” He smirked.

“I hope not.”

“Go ahead, I guess after everything we’ve discussed tonight it couldn’t hurt, right?”

I smiled, “Well, I still like you, I’ve always liked you and I still want to sleep with you.”

I thought he was going to fall off the sofa!


“Oh God! Is it too late to take that back?” I was so embarrassed!

“You still like me? You’re not just drunk, right?”

“I’m not that drunk! I know what I’ve felt for the past twenty years, alcohol can’t change that.”

“I think my head is spinning.”

“There’s something else.”

“There’s more?” He looked startled.

“I want to have a threesome, with you…and well, whoever else we can get.”

“What? Like a girl or a guy?”

“A guy of course!”

“Gillian, you’ve got to be drunk!”

“I’m not! Okay I am but I’m not so drunk that I don’t know what I’m saying.”

“Why me?”

“Because it’s always been you.”

He looked at me and smiled.

“What if I told you I liked you and wanted to be with you, what would you say?”

I blinked several times hoping the saliva would return to my dry mouth before I had to answer.

“You want to be with me?”

“What if I told you I’d love to sleep with you but not be a part of a threesome?”

“I’d be disappointed but I think I’d recover.”

“Would you still want to have a threesome?”

“I think so.”

He poured another glass of wine before he spoke again.

“Well, I’ll make you a deal. Tell me what think, okay?”


“I can’t be a part of a threesome, I couldn’t share you with some other guy much less watch! I do know two guys that would be more than happy to participate.”

“What about…”

“What about us?”


“What about us, we’re not a couple, you can do whatever you want before we get together.”

“Before we get together?”

“Yeah! You think I’m going to let my woman fuck two other guys?”

I didn’t know if he was serious so I didn’t say anything.

“Gillian, I want to be with you but I also want you to have what you want and I can’t be a part of it.”

“You’ve always been a part of it.”


“In my dreams, you’ve always been the constant factor.”


“Because I’ve always wanted to be with you I guess.”

“Okay, so you’ll have me…will you still want to have a threesome?”

“I don’t know! I’ve fantasized about it since that night but you’ve always been a part of it!”

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“I don’t want our first time together to have some other guy there!”

“So why do we have to make that our first time?”

“Because when we do sleep together the first time I know I won’t want you to be with anyone else after.”

I wanted him so much! I’d been in love with him since we were kids, I didn’t want to blow my chance to finally be with him!

“I don’t need it, I’d rather have you!”

“I’ll be right back!”

He got up and went into the kitchen. I heard him talking, I assumed he was on his cell phone.

He came in the living room.

“You know my friend Jacob?”


“You’ve met his roommate Brian, right?”


“What do you think of them?”


“Well, they think you’re hot, what do you think of them?”

“They’re okay I guess.”

“You guess?”

“Well Brian is really cute and Jacob is the football player, right?”


“He’s good looking, nice body.”

“Great! They’ll be here in about thirty minutes.”


“Get ready baby, they’ll be here in half an hour!”

“For what?”

“What do you think?!”

“You’re not serious!”

“The hell I’m not! They’re on their way so get ready. I’m leaving and I’ll see you tomorrow! We’re going to lunch.”

“I can’t, I’m not ready!” I sobered up real quick.

“You will be!”

“But what about us??”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be okay with it. Have fun, I’ll call you tomorrow so we can go to lunch. Okay?”

“I don’t know about this, I’m starting to freak out!”

“Just relax, they’ll be good to you, I promise. If they hurt you I’ll kill them.”

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

“Have a great night Gillian, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

That was it, he grabbed his jacket and left!


I locked the door after him and ran upstairs to shower. I didn’t know what to wear. I selected a comfortable short cotton dress with short sleeves. I put on a pair of black lace thong panties and a black lace bra. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up with a clip.

I had just finished my hair when the doorbell rang. Oh no, they were here! Was this really happening to me? I was terrified, I didn’t want to open the door. Don’t get me wrong, both of these guys are really good looking and the thought of being with them was arousing but I was still scared to death.

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Fucking Leah

We had been talking for a while over text and on facebook, but we had only met one time. I felt so close to her even tho we had only met once at my baptism, I wanted to meet her again. The fair was coming up so we decided to meet at the fair. The day of the Fair was so hot that my whole body was sweating and my clothes were soaked, it was one of those balls stick to your leg kind of days. I payed for my stamp and went inside. I couldnt find leah so i decided to call her. "ring" "ring"....

1 year ago
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My First Passionate Love

she opens her shirt, drops her slip down and removes her Bra. And there it goes she takes my palm and places it on her beautiful 34 inch boobs and I am like on 7 heavens. So I happen to fall in love with this amazing girl friend, when I am 21 and she is 19. It was love at the first sight and didn't really expect that she would propose me before I could. Love at first sight is exciting and certainly one of the best things we have in life, from romancing to our first kiss, and slowly being so...

2 years ago
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Our Adventure She Takes Control

I wonder if she actually realises that I'm still watching her? Hmm, I don't think she does, but I'm still watching. Waiting. Getting some wicked ideas. Watching as she strips her top off. Watching as she watches herself in the mirror. She looks happy, though very horny. Is she going to masturbate? I really want to be inside her again. There go her shorts. I don't blame her, it's frigging hot! As is she. She stands there, just posing. I wish she'd get on with it. Now she's... Oh crap, better...

3 years ago
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Naughty Adventures With Kelly1

I had been fucking Kelly for a while now and we sat talking one day about the sex we had enjoyed.She told me that she was having the best sex she had had in ages but she wanted to be naughty.I said to her,'What.Having sex with another man in your bed at home wasn't naughty'.She said it was but she wanted to be even more naughty.I asked her what she had in mind and she said she would show me.She took my hand and placed it between her legs revealing that she had no panties on.I slipped a finger...

2 years ago
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Steamy 3sum

Angel & Melanie were best friends growing up. They did everythingtogether. That's what she told him. He had been dating Angel for a fewmonths now, and they were getting pretty serious. When she said thatshe wanted him to meet her friend Melanie, he was looking forward toit. He had heard all sorts of stories about the two of them. Gradeschool antics, dance recitals, junior high, cheerleading, gymnastics,High school, they even applied and attended the same college. Angelatold him that they...

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A King and His QueenChapter 29 Ravens First

After the evening meal, Andrew walked into the sex room expecting to find Cat waiting for him. Instead, he found Raven kneeling at the doorway. She was looking down at the floor in a very submissive posture. He could see that she was trembling out of nervousness and fear. Raven was naked. For the first time since she had arrived, Andrew was able to see her whole body. He'd seen her in a modest swimsuit in Hawaii. Despite the minimal material, it had still covered the important bits. Now she...

1 year ago
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Elsies letting go

“But am I still sexy?” she murmurs. As if to research the answer to that question, he breaks her gaze and scans her body from head to toe. Matted black hair, questioning blue eyes, parted full lips, long sinewy neck, velvet shoulders, sloping breasts, ridged ribs, pulsing tummy, … “My, my, my,” he murmurs, transfixed at first good sight of the blackest, widest and deepest patch of pubic hair he’s ever seen. “Oh my god,” he exclaims. She gasps, self conscious now, and moves her hand to barely...

1 year ago
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Teen Son Sex With His Strong Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi, my name is Aryakhan. This is a story about how l had sex with my mother who was physically stronger than me. I was studying in college at that time and was staying at the hostel. My dad works abroad and my mom is a police officer. She used to maintain her body well by going to the gym regularly. She is a very strong woman. Every weekend, I used to visit my mom. Let me tell you more about my mom. She is 6 ft tall, weighs nearly 88 to 90 kg and her figure is 45-38-48. She is a super busty...

2 years ago
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Dress up

Dress up I put it to you that it's just as sexy to watch a woman dress as it is to watch her undress. At least it's true for me, when it comes to watching my wife, Anne. Of course, being a smart woman, she sometimes teases me by making it a bit of a production. She'll come out of the bathroom in just a bra and panties, and take her time putting on stockings before slipping on her blouse and wiggling into her skirt. Then she'll come over to the bed and give me a long kiss...

2 years ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 5

"I spy with my little eye, something devoid of all light, sound, and life." Jackson's joke wasn't all that funny, but Julia and her squaddies all chuckled nervously. As if the vast expanse of space in front of them could be ignored, when in only a few minutes they would all be careening out into it on the most dangerous flight of their lives. Julia was shaking her leg up and down, venting nervous energy while her fingers drummed across the armrest of her cruiser. The hangar was filled...

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Brandy the Girl Next Door

I was working from home one day, in my small two-bedroom apartment, trying to get caught up on some pressing work. I wanted to be anywhere but sitting in front of a computer. I gazed out the window of the spare bedroom, which doubled as an office.I saw the shapely silhouetted figure of a young lady, bouncing down the stairs in the breezeway across the parking lot from the building where my apartment was located. Her hair was pinned up in a pony-tail and I could see she was wearing shorts and a...

3 years ago
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Polo and Whiskey

October 31st , otherwise known as Halloween. The one day out of the year you can be whoever or whatever you want to be, I want to be anyone but me. My name is Mari. I’m twenty-four years old and I hate my life. I graduated college last spring and since then I have been working as an intern at a local radio station. Normally this would be a great thing, except that my ex-boyfriend Mark also works there. We dated for 3 years. We met in college and we were inseparable. Then about two weeks ago he...

1 year ago
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First One Then The Other

When this happened, it was the summer after my graduation from high school.I'm an only c***d and live with my mom and dad. My dad is a Vice President at a local bank and my mom teaches elementary school. She has a sister, my Aunt Tina, who also lives near us and also teaches in the same elementary school as my mom.It was the school I first went to and it was weird having them both there, they're identical twins and really do look quite alike. But, now I would be going away to college though I...

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The First Time for a Pair of First Time Lovers

“And Luke you will be paired up with, J.C.” Mrs. Bellows said as she checked off the names from her list of Honors English students. I looked over at J.C. at her desk next to mine, smiled, and said “Alright, high five!” as we high-fived each other. I was in tenth grade at the time, 15 and feeling good about it. I was tall, about 6’1” with an athletic build because I was running on the cross-country team. I was also a little bit nerdy which is why I think I was attracted to J.C. She...

1 year ago
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Bottom Feeders Part 1 of 2

“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked.Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own.“No plans yet,”...

1 year ago
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A Lunch Hour to Remember

At 16 years old, I had completed high school and was now ready to set foot on my journey into the adult world. I chose not to attend college as I knew people from school who I hated would be there, so I decided just to try finding some work. I applied at local businesses and shops, even a café or two. I was certain that I would get a job in the café as they were run by two middle aged women who weren’t really eye candy, for the regulars. They were only oldish men who went in, and we all know...

2 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 5

Tim had just finished making love to his horny mother Sue while his father, Chuck, had been off in the master bedroom of the house fucking his young wife, Cindy. Tim had been completely caught unaware that his own mother had the hots for him as her lover but when she'd convinced him that she just wanted to suck his cock and then let him decide if he wanted to pursue their newfound relationship further, he relented and let Sue take his large aroused cock from his pants and suck him to...

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STILL ON HOLIDAYWell were two days on from fucking each other and having the pool girl join us "never got her name " and wow what an afternoon that was [read part 3].Its 1am we have been out for dinner all four of us, and i am in bed with my wife listening to Clare fucking our son "so lying there thinking about those boobs bouncing up and down with each stroke gets me hard " my dear wife touches my cock and starts to wank it slowly while licking the end "she is calling me a dirty old man for...

4 years ago
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When the lights went off

It’s only when you get past your youth that you can see what your elders were thinking. Not just the wise things they were thinking, but the involuntary human emotions and urges. Like you might find yourself fancying one of your parents’ friends, but you don’t seriously think she’s feeling the same way.Joan and John and their kids were one of a group of five or six families we used to see on the beach at the weekend. The eldest child, Michelle, was pretty in a smiley little-girl way, which...

2 years ago
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Empire of Ice and Fire

The warm sun of the summer islands shone through the stain glass window, illuminating the three bodies, entangled in heated passion. "By the gods" Jon groaned muffled as the hot moisture of his aunt engulfed his massive erection. He has had many many lovers in the three summers his life had seen, but no mouth of a lyseni pillow servant or and braavosi courtesan could ever hope to compare tho wet paradise that was the fucking throat of Daenerys Targaryen. Seemingly without effort the silver...

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How Andrew became Andrea The Conclusion

It was easily one of the best summers of his teenage years. Now along with being allowed to indulge himself in his secret desire, he had sex with the stunning Lacy on a regular basis. She had become a friend, lover, employer and tutor. When school resumed in the fall he was forced to limit his visits as there was homework and studies that needed his attention. However when his parents went on weekend trips he spent the entire time at Lacy's dressed in the lingerie she provided. Halloween was...

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Night of the Rubberdolls

“It’s settled, ladies,” announced Phil ‘Mandi’ Reeves on the three-way call.“I’m so excited,” replied Doug ‘LeeAnn’ French.“Me too,” added Gary ‘Sylvie’ Barber.“Me three,” giggled the fifty-two year-old Mandi.The three ladies were all avid rubber doll crossdressers. They had each been involved separately in the fetish, but made the acquaintance of one another over the course of the past two years. Mandi, who in her male life was a sales manager, was recently divorced and offered up her spot for...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 10

It was after 6 pm when Jared Winslow finally pushed the key to his backdoor into the slot and turned it open. His day started 12 hours ago almost 3 hours away and since he had taken a half of a yellow legal pad in notes and walked the perimeter of Meditek Stadium turf a few dozen times to watch different "skills" being exhibited. The perimeter was so cluttered with sleds, tackle makers, 2 and 5 man wheel trainers, steppers and line chutes that the field resembled some weird torture palace....

3 years ago
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SueChapter 3

Mary had been intrigued by their tale of their adventures with their professor and to reenact the episode on film as part of a montage of stories. A big name porn star was to play the professor and the girls themselves. When the set was ready, they took their places. Sue, once again dressed in white, sat alone on the bed in the opening scene. A flashback set up the scenario. The scene reverted to Sue sitting by herself. Judy entered the picture, again dressed in black. Judy sat next to Sue...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Nikki Sweet Creampied Behind The Scenes

Naughty blonde Nikki Sweet is packing her things after doing a threesome scene. The beautiful ex-Mormon babe shares some things about her life during the post-scene interview. All the talking and sharing made the irresistible slut horny all over again. She takes off her jeans and teases the man behind the camera before sucking his already hard cock. It seems Nikki hasn’t had enough sex for today. She gets on top of the cock and rides it like a real cowgirl. The horny duo switches to...

1 year ago
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Made My Girlfriend A Cock Loving Bitch 8211 Part 6

This is the 2nd part of the fifth installment of my series ‘Made My Girlfriend A Cock Loving Bitch’. For fun and feedback: So, without further ado, let’s get on with it. I recommend you read the previous parts too. All the seduction of Anamika and turning her into Sam’s whore was a plan made by me and Sam together. Sam wanted to fuck her and I wanted to make her the whore of the class. Anamika didn’t know that it was all planned. Our chemistry lab was on the top floor. She hesitantly removed...

2 years ago
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Night Moves

I awaken, it is still night, and shadows dance across the room as the breeze rustles the branches. Her warm face lies upon my chest, her soft breath tickles my chest hairs. My fingers are still wrapped in her hair, her hand cradles my manhood. Still asleep, she moans, then her fingers close around my shaft as her dream reveals itself. Her touch awakens a hunger within me as my pulse reacts to to her grasp. I softly growl as my fingers slide into her luxurious brown mane, pulling she ever...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 27

It was a real bugbear, trying to work out the local rules of acceptable behaviour that contravening would be deemed an arrestable crime that could be sorted out before it went too far. Every time Numa and I thought we had a thing pinned down, we found an excuse to strike it out again because of difficulties in interpretation. Brawling was indefinable in a society where often the simple solution to an argument was a fist fight and then make up afterwards. Child abuse was usually solved in a...

1 year ago
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Pouring sperm pt 1 Anna

I’m lying on the bed in the middle of a party, with the ass hanging over my face and the thighs of Anna, a girl I’ve been with for some time, spread wide. I’m busy licking her hairy and virginal pussy, and at the same time she’s working on my stiff prick. I’m lying on the bed in the middle of a party, with the ass hanging over my face and the thighs of Anna, a girl I’ve been with for some time, spread wide. I’m busy licking her hairy and virginal pussy, and at the same time...

4 years ago
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Amala And Patrick Find A Way

Patrick Lawton was downcast because there seemed to be nothing but obstacles between him and being with the woman that he loved, Amala Gupta. The main obstacle was that forty-seven-year-old Amala was the mother of seventeen-year-old Patrick's best friend but as Sunil had been away from home for a few days the age-difference lovers had had some time together.Patrick had only very recently lost his virginity to Amala and he wanted to be with her every minute of every day but with Sunil now back...

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Baby DollChapter 28

“So. You want to write a book about Systemic Hypoplasia, and how it affects our daily lives right?” Tia asked, and Jamie nodded. As she sat behind her desk, Tia crossed one leg over the other, and seemed to loose herself in a bit of thought. “The only thought about that is that there might be a few people that don’t want their story told.” Tia told Jamie, who nodded. “I understand, but I have to try none the less. I would rather some people know about us than think we’re just children trying...

2 years ago
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so my sister in law is getting divorced cause her husband cheats all the timedude is a prick, teri my sister in law is 48 long dirty blonde hair, blue eyesamazing 44DD tits nice curvy ass, just a banging body she wears glasses tooso fucking hot, but she is born again and sex with her would be out of the question, or so i thoughtthe bbq is awesome having a blast drinking it up getting horny as hell but im always so, so on this day my s*s is wearing tight little blue jeans shortsand a tight black...

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As Promised By Aunt Courntey

As promised by my Aunt Courtney, my introduction to sex wasn’t complete. She volunteered to be the “responsible party” on weekend when both of my parents were out of town. As a reminder of the earlier story (Aunt Courtney), was my mom’s younger sister and always commanded the attention of any man in the room. She was about 5’ 7”, 135 pounds, green eyes, long auburn hair, shapely legs, full lips, and tits that I later learned were 34B’s.She was single and often visited with us for extended...

1 year ago
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The Tease Gets Punished

It was just another school year at Chestnut High for me, Chad Calloway. I’m 5’10, 185, and would like to think that I am pretty well built. Now this year is different than past years because I am a senior. Already being accepted into a local college, I had a pretty easy year ahead of me. The first day of school was like any other, you find out your schedule, see who’s in your classes, and find out who you are going to sit with at lunch. Everything was going fine until I had my last class...

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Stella Maris my sexy ballet blonde

To my youngest daughter - let´s call her Amelia, also a student of ballet - I wrote a few messages about my most beautiful steady love ever, Stella Maris. Three of them added up to this story - my first true account here! ;-)PAmelia, I´ll tell about my second steady girlfriend. A ballet dancer like you.When I met and seduced her she was in her first year in university.I met her at her first day there. I lead her freshman first-week dozen newbies.She was my most pretty girl ever. Also her name...

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EvilAngel Harmony Rivers OilStreaming Anal Fun

Lush-lipped Harmony Rivers has long, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and skin glistening with oil. In a tiny bikini, she spreads, twerks and teases. The director drenches her in more oil as she buzzes her clit with a massager. Harmony talks dirty till thickly hung stud Mick Blue’s big cock stuffs her mouth. He fingers her bald cunt to a squirting orgasm! Harmony gives an oil-soaked blowjob, spit and lube streaming from her mouth. Mick nails her cunt hard, drilling her doggie-style as she...

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Cheating Conundrum Part 3 End

I sat at my desk feeling sick. It was not just the lies and cheating, but Kathy was a completely different person than the woman I thought I knew.She would be returning from her run and I couldn't face her. I don't know if I would scream or cry or what, but I couldn't do it. I had to get out.I ended up at a diner, nursing a cup of coffee and my growing anger.  I wanted to hurt her. Maybe she would come home to find all of her things in the front yard. Maybe I would send a screencap from that...


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