BethChapter 151 free porn video

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February 22, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

We had canceled the pitch workout today in order to go steal Char from GV, arriving in front of the Sanderson house before 4:30. Greeting kisses took place in the Sprinter, as we had to hurry home for the Thursday get-together, arriving at the W right at 6. All the invitees were already present, and we sat to a wonderful dinner of fajitas (steak, chicken, pork, and shrimp) almost immediately. There were 22 of us crammed into the two large picnic tables on the deck. With so many people, there were multiple conversations going on at most times, with individuals joining and leaving conversations at their pleasure. While we ate dessert (mango ice cream), Carol initiated a discussion about the hot tub and whether the group would be interested in using that on future Thursday nights.

Steph replied, “We love hot tubs, but we’ve never been able to convince ourselves to pull the trigger on buying one.”

“There’s an awful lot of us. Is there enough room in even that monstrous hot tub to fit us all?”

Inez looked at Jeff, answering, “Yes, although we’d be pushing against the limit.”

The back-and-forth continued, with a consensus developing that we would try it next week and consider then whether to usually do it, do it occasionally, or discontinue the effort. With that, we called it an evening.

Brett went upstairs to shower while we girls showered together. We ganged up on Char, sending her to two quick orgasms.

After she came down from on high, Char said, “Let me help get one of you off.”

“No, that was a freebie,” I responded. “You have to sleep with only yourself, so we wanted to give you something to remember us by this weekend alone in your room.”

February 23, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

As Seamus Thompson nodded at a place at the tables, Meka queried, “Yes, you’re welcome here, but why’d it take you nearly two weeks to visit us?”

As he sat, he replied, “You ... girls are a bit intimidating, but I convinced myself this morning that I’d come to no harm ... at least the first time.”

There was much chuckling.

I responded, “You’re welcome here. So long as you remain respectful, we won’t carve you up and eat you.”

“Well, we won’t carve you up, anyway.”

As one, the rest of us turned to look at a grinning Heather, who responded, “Oh, go ahead. Try to tell me he’s not ... delectable.”

I quickly looked at Seamus, noting his bright pink face, and said, “Ah. There is that.”

“Indeed.” She looked at Seamus, then added, “You don’t have to worry about any... one of us. It’s the whole group that should concern you.”

He grinned and replied, “It’s the whole group that does concern me. You’re very scary as a group. At least Civia’s still in middle school, making the group here... slightly less scary.”

“Yes,” Gracey answered, “She read you the riot act.”

“And I deserved it. While you girls are all impressive on the pitch, given Civia’s age, she’s even more so. I understand that you probably see her as a fun friend, but I met her as this incredible soccer player who can run rings around most of us and shoot like she’s already a pro.” He glanced around the tables quickly, then added, “What decided me to visit today was that I wanted to ask if ... I could help in teaching her. I’m not sure I know anything she doesn’t, but I’d like to help ... if I can. Yes, you’re all quite good, but I think she’s the most likely of you to have a pro career ... with Meka close behind ... if she can learn a lot more and keep from being injured badly.”

He looked around the tables again as most of us stared at him in surprise, then finished with, “I’ve never known a professional athlete, and certainly have never known one at just 12.”

Kim asked, “Are you interested in ... helping because she’s ... so attractive? Be very careful in how you reply, as we’re very protective of her.”

He held up both hands and responded, “I admit that she’s quite pretty, even beautiful, but ... I don’t know. I just want to help her get where she wants to go, where she could probably be good enough to go. I’ve not really been able to ... explain to myself why I want to be involved, although some of it is certainly because I want to be a coach.”

Brett said, “Why don’t you volunteer to help with the two teams, then?”

“I thought about that last fall but figured I’d be labeled a pervert. At least until I began seeing you on the sidelines as an assistant for the school team, but you didn’t become that until ... halfway through the season.”

“Seamus,” Liya said, “you’re hired. I’m the organizer for Coach, and I’d really like to have an assistant that knows the game better than most of us assistants do.”

He looked at her for a bit, glanced around the tables, then asked, “You can ... just do that? Hire an assistant?”

While Liya nodded, Meka answered, “She can. Coach trusts her implicitly. You should help out on the premier team this spring. I’ll be helping, too, but I’ll be on the university team in the fall, so won’t have time to help with the Central team.”

He looked slowly around the tables, then asked Liya, “You really want me to help?”

We went straight home after school. The number of butterflies cavorting in my stomach had been building all day. While I was a bit surprised by my nervousness, I was far from shocked.

I quietly asked Rhee in the seat next to me, “Are you nervous?”

She looked at me, grimaced slightly – if that’s a possibility, and nodded.

“I’m sort of glad, but why are we nervous? I sort of get it, but sort of don’t.”

Quietly she answered, “I’ve been trying to figure that out, myself. I don’t remember what we did in History because of this.”

“Hopefully, at least one of us can get her act together for this afternoon, else it could be ... less than great.”

She nodded emphatically.

In the garage, hopefully surreptitiously, I cornered Meka, saying, “Rhee and I are both really nervous. I’m hoping you aren’t.”

She shrugged and answered, “A little. I’ve thought about suggesting a deferral, but we probably can’t get Char here next Friday, so we’d have to defer for quite a while. Were you hoping I could ... run things?” When I nodded at her, she smiled, then said, “You know, that makes you ... more ... human ... more ... attractive. You’ve usually got it so together.”

When she opened her arms, I quickly and fervently stepped into her embrace, folding myself into her.

“I can run the show, in which case we’re going to have a quick Las Amadas ... snack. Hopefully, that will help with everyone’s butterflies.”

I was surprised, pleasantly so, by Meka’s “snack.”

When Celeste walked in the door, she said, “Andy is taking a pass, thinking she wasn’t a member of Las Amadas. I couldn’t convince her otherwise since we’ve not had a formal induction of her.”

“Oh, fuck,” I exclaimed. “I’m sorry, Celeste, for dropping the ball on that.”

“It’s not your fault. I think it’s no one’s, but if it’s anyone’s, it’s mine, as I’ve pondered that situation a few times of late, and I won’t hear further self-recrimination in that vein from you. Understood?” I meekly nodded, which caused her to grin and reply, “Good. Meka, it looked like you were going to say something as I was walking in.”

“Yes. A ... few of us seem to be suffering from a case of nerves, so we’re going to have what I’m calling a Las Amadas snack. I know you’ve gotten your greeting kisses in, but, Brett, please walk around the room and give each of your girlfriends another nice greeting kiss. Take your time; get into it.”

“Oh, I like that kind of snack,” Lana exclaimed.

“Then I’ll start with you, very most favorite cousin.”

When Brett gave Lana a five-second kiss, Meka remonstrated with him, saying, “No, Brett. I said to ‘get into it’ and I meant that to include your whole body. So long as your hands stay on the outside of clothes, just this time, you can set them free on our playgrounds.”

Lana responded, “Oh, Goddess! Yes!”

Brett wrapped her in his arms again and began kissing her, his hands running around her back. However, Meka noted that he was keeping most of his body from contacting Lana’s, so she stepped to them, placed one of her hands on each of their asses, and shoved their pelvises together.

“Your whole body, Brett.”

Lana moaned, moved her hands down his back and onto his ass, and pulled him tightly into her. Meka let them go for about a half-minute, then had the two release each other, and pushed Brett to the next closest girl, Kim. Our Kim copied Lana’s move and pulled Brett into her by his ass. He groaned when their pelvises met and ran his hands around her back then down onto her ass. When he squeezed her cheeks, she moaned into his mouth and used her hands on his ass to rotate him a little, and moaned in his mouth again at the result of that rotation.

Meka announced, “Whatever you do, all of you, do NOT make him cum in his pants,” after which she pulled Brett out of Kim’s arms and pushed him to Liya.

Liya had no hesitation in pulling Brett into her by his ass as she attacked his mouth with hers. Meka kept Brett moving about every half-minute and I’m sure that any nervousness most of us had when we started this was subsumed by desire, hot and immediate desire. He had had to pull away from Heather where he panted, his eyes on Heather’s, as he relaxed from nearly orgasming.

Meka said, “Despite that she’s the least endowed of all of us, Heather may well be the sexiest of us. I understand that even Charlie can have trouble controlling his response to her. I know that I couldn’t get enough in my first time with her.

“Now that everyone’s more excited than nervous, it’s time we got down to business. I’m not sure how 12 girls can share taking Brett’s few items of clothing off him, but I’ll start things off by taking his shirt off him, along with however many of you want to help. Once we get that done, someone else can volunteer to organize the trickier task of getting his pants off him, and then so on.”

I interjected, “I suggest that Char, Cera, Brit, and Lana be the ones that remove his underwear.”

My suggestion was greeted with a number of emphatic head nods. Celeste and I joined Meka in pulling Brett’s T off. After that, Kim organized Rhee and Gracey in getting his pants off, and Liya and Heather each removed a sock while looking up at the obvious bulge in his navy-blue undies.

As she stood, Liya said, “When you four remove his undies, you must be mindful of his cock. You need to pull the waistband out so it doesn’t catch on his erection.”

The undies crew showed a combination of nerves and excitement as they stepped up to complete their task. Char and Brit were on his right side, Brit was in front, as was Cera on his left side. Brett whimper-moaned as his cock came into view, while we girls groaned in want.

Heather said, “Oh, Brett. I’m very much looking forward to that moving inside me.”

“Me, too,” Liya agreed.

Meka stated, “Brett, don’t get very physical, but go around the room and give each of us a quick greeting kiss. I’d prefer that you do that after you get us naked, but that seems contra-indicated to me as just too fucking exciting.”

He nodded, although whether at the original command or at Meka’s concern about completely naked hugs all around, I did not know. By the time he had given us each a kiss, he was panting and his cockhead was a vivid purple-red. The undies crew could not take their eyes off his cock except during the kiss each got. Actually, I think no one could.

Meka pulled us out of the group stupor by saying, “Brett, please remove the clothes from each of us by age in descending order and note that Kim is older than I am. However, the foursome on ... Oh, hell. You’re one of the girls. Would you take it poorly if I said you wear a panty rather than underwear?”

“Umm ... no. At least, not in private or in the compound.”

“Thanks, Brett. You really are like no guy I’ve ever known. Most would react poorly to the request I made of you. Anyway, regardless of age, you will undress the four future wives that removed your panty last. You may disrobe them in order, so long as you leave Lana for last.”

When Lana squeaked, Meka gave her the hairy eyeball, and she subsided. Brett began his oh-so-onerous task of stripping 12 girls, beginning with Celeste.

When he had her naked, he stared at her for a while, then said, “You are absolutely gorgeous. It’s hard to believe that a real beauty like you would want me.”

“Brett, you’re gorgeous. More importantly, you’re kind and loving. You could be plain-looking, but with those other attributes, I’d still be interested in you. The only experience I have with guys as nice as you are is with Charlie. I know you find it difficult to believe, but I’m here, now, because this is where I most want to be. I want to be one of your wives and I want to be one of Charlie’s lovers. Hell, having just one of you two would make me ecstatic. Having both of you would be otherworldly. God, I want you, Brett. You’re a delight to the senses; every part, every facet.”

He stared at her for a while, again, then responded, “It’s hard to really take in, but I’ll certainly be ecstatic to have you for a wife.”

“Go on. Go strip your future wife, Kim, before I jump your bones right here.”

When he had removed Kim’s clothes, he stared at her, then said, “Goddess, you’re lovely.”

I was surprised when Kim blushed, but she kept her head up and responded, “In the nearly two years I was with my recent ex, he never made me feel as beautiful as you did by what you just said and how you looked at me. Oh, I got looks from him, but they were ... leering. You ... Your look felt ... loving, appreciative. Thanks, Brett.”

He traversed the circle of us in the prescribed order, looking at each of us in turn after removing the girl’s clothing, providing each with a vocal indication of how wonderful he considered his life with us in it in this fashion.

Once he had stripped Rhee and given her a loving look and comment, he stepped to Char and said, “You’re the one that’s possibly least interested in me. I know, you told me that you would be my wife and lover, but of the girls, you’re probably the farthest toward ... the lesbian end of the spectrum. I’ll give you the choice of when your turn is.”

“While the other girls might be more interested in being with you than I am, I do want to be with you. I want the whole thing with you. I’d like to be next to last ... if that’s okay.”

He nodded, then stepped over to Brit and said, “The time has come for me to see you naked, rather than just imagining it. I still feel amazed that you wanted to be naked in the changing booth with me and impressed that you could get over your ... body concerns to make that happen.” After he pulled her panty off her feet, he stood looking at her for a few moments, then said, “You were pretty when I first met you, and you’re still pretty, but you’re now even sexier than you were when I met you. I’m so much looking forward to an intimate relationship with you.”

Brit initiated the movement that would have her wrapped around him, but stopped it before she had even touched him, then said, “I love you, Brett. We’re going to have a wonderful life together.”

When he had Cera naked, he looked lovingly at her, then said, “I find it hard to believe the diversity of lovely girls that want to be with me. I’m finding it very difficult to keep my hands and mouth off you right now.”

With her eyes on his cock, she replied, “The same goes for me with you. I’m greatly looking forward to making love with you, my husband.”

Char moaned as Brett slipped her panty down her legs and off her feet.

As he stood, before he began looking at her, Char said, “I may be mostly lesbian, but I want you. God, it felt so good having you take my clothes off me. I’m both nervous and excited standing before you naked, with you naked in front of me.”

“That’s precisely how I feel, both of us looking at each other without clothing. I’m glad you could be here for this. It wouldn’t have been right had you not been here.”

Brett then stepped up to Lana and said, “I’ve been in love with you for a couple of years. I’ve so much wanted to give in to the things you wanted to do, but could not imagine how that would be good for us. Apparently, you were right.”

Same as Beth
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Tiffany Watson has been hearing rumors about her stepbrother’s dick at school. When she gets the opportunity to ask Peter Skeeter to see his hardon, Tiffany takes the opportunity. Cornering him in the laundry room, she demands to see the goods. When Peter says no, she whips out her landing strip pussy to try to entice him. When Peter’s dad John Strong walks by and sees his stepdaughter pawing at his son, he separates the two kids. John knows he has to discipline his stepdaughter. He...

2 years ago
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Lost in Paradise

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Europeans used technological developments to expand their influence and power beyond their shores. For the first time, they were able to extract resources from distant lands and send out their own waves of migration. These developments were rarely welcomed by the indiginous peoples, who lost control of their own lands, culture and sometimes lives. This story deals with one example of the enterprising Europeans venturing into the tropical regions of the world to...

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My Very First Toy

After reading the reviews online about the Power Bullet Remote Control, I decide that I could not wait for it to be delivered in the mail. I make a call to the local sex shop and discover they have it in stock. Deciding to forgo the bra and panty, I slip on my very short gray pleated skirt, followed by white knee high stockings. I chose a white polo shirt and my white saddle shoes with black trim. I pull my shoulder length blond hair into a ponytail.Checking my slim eighteen year old body in...

4 years ago
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Ultra Sound

I'm writing this in the early hours of Saturday 5th, September 2015. I want to make sure I capture every detail before the memory fades. I attend our local hospital for an appointment to have an ultrasound scan carried out. I've been having problems with my kidneys and bladder, which requires further investigation. I am shown into a dimly lit room by a nurse in her thirties. In the room is a man in his fifties, sat beside an examination table. "Hello Sarah, I'm Fiona, and this is John. We'll be...

3 years ago
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sissy for mum pt3

It had been a week since the shop a very busy and exciting week but also a week that was starting to make me nervous about going back. It started as soon as we got back from the shop mum had been telling me how cute i looked an how Jane (the shop owner) told her to be a bit stricter an to use me properly .as soon as we got in the door mum took me upstairs to her bed room, sat on the edge of the bed , " kneel in front of me " she said.i knelt, my head level with her knees . she opened her legs...

1 year ago
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Breaking Drake Ch 12

Raell looked down at her slave. ‘Are you special? I’m sorry, did you not learn from many a previous experience that you are NOT special?’ Drake trembled, remembering the first time his ass had been plugged. ‘Yes, Mistress! I am sorry, Mistress. It’s just that Aubrey acted like it. He kept giving me cold looks and acted really stuffy.’ ‘You are the newest house slave, and because of this you will be spending lots of time with me, learning new skills. He and others are just jealous of that...

3 years ago
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Fucked And Married My Hungry Mom 1

My mom’s name is Lakshmi she is a hot chick but she herself doesn’t know this she is 35 of age.She got married with my father when she is 14. She gives birth to me when she is only 16. We are the respectful family in our village. I’m studying my B.Com in hostel in Chennai.My mom loves me so much. My father is the one of the heads in our village. He is always busy with his village works. His age is 50. I usually stayed in hostel. I’ll come in holidays to our village. In our hostel we always talk...

2 years ago
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The Flight of the Ugly Swan Chapter 6

"Ummmm, your turn?" I couldn't believe that I was asking my sister if she would like me to lick her pussy, but the best guess I have is that the events of the day triggered something in me. For maybe the first time in my life, I felt completely accepted for who I was and for that I was grateful. But my offer wasn't strictly from gratitude.Other than myself, I had never seen naked women except in movies. Their bodies always affected me much the same as male bodies did. They aroused me. I think...

3 years ago
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Masters Cumslut Takes Anal

Master is pleased that His slut has been blogging and posting comments but He thinks that perhaps the post have been a little too tame. Master says that from what he sees alot of the people on xhamster are freaky perverts and if this blog is to gain a readership it’s going to have to be dirtier. So here goes. Blog posting day 5 on xhamster, wherein the slut does anal. When the relationship first moved from normal lovers to Master and sub, the whole topic was thoroughly discussed and the rules...

1 year ago
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Lousiana LessonsPart 5 Lee Anne

100% fiction! After the morning coffee room service start of my day at Plantation House, late breakfast downstairs was a bit of a sombre/hung-over affair with lots of coffee being consumed. After breakfast, pushing back from the table Lee Anne said “It’s a glorious sunny day and Gary and I are planning to spend time at the waterhole in the river swimming and tanning. Charlie would you like to join us?” “Won’t three be a bit of a crowd for you and Gary?” I asked knowing full well that they would...

4 years ago
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Brian and I had a supposedly secret relationship early on in our lives. He treated me as if I was “the one”. He would occasionally bring me flowers just because and show up almost everywhere I was just to hang out with me. One afternoon he showed up at my door. The doorbell sounded as if it were in pleasure by the way he shoved his finger onto the smooth button. I walked to the door to see Brian standing there with his fresh cut as if he just had it done by steady-handed barbers on the plane....

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Rosie lured me in with offers of her sister

Rosie is a nineteen year old work colleague of my wife, she is gorgeous and has a great body. Recently I was asked by my wife to teach Rosie how to give a blow job in her presence. I accepted the offer and it went well. A few days later I met Rosie again and this time we were alone and had a great evening of sex. Rosie has since that day been pestering my wife for further lessons, albeit she knows nothing of the second meeting. My wife has so far been reluctant to share my cock again with this...

1 year ago
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Young and Foolish Part Two

This is the second part of a Trilogy about my childhood I suppose you could say this story is as much about my sister as it is me. We were both very involved in this part of my younger days. My sister, we’ll call her Penny was to say the very least a promiscuous child. One time I had seen three or four boys lining up to touch her on a park bench in broad daylight. She was only nine, but knew how to get anything she wanted from a guy. I’d also heard she was no stranger to her own sex. But...

2 years ago
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College Matron Educates Young Men

Kathleen had been the matron for 4 years now at a private 13 to 18 boy’s school. The majority of the students were residential and it for her duty to supervise the dormitories each weekend. Unfortunately the school was in a remote part of Scotland and her isolation had virtually finished her social life.At 38 it had been some years since she last had a sex life other than with her own hands or with items she could find to push inside her pussy. She had a comfortable figure, Kathleen had...

4 years ago
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Helen and Herb Like Sissies

I was introduced to sexy lingerie by Frank but this was after I had delved into my mom’s panty drawers and into my sisters drawers but my mom’s were my favorites. I graduated to girdles, stockings, and more with Frank. Being introduced to Herb and Helen was a new twist in my late teen sexual adventures. Herb was a surprise since he was a pleasure to be around and who would suspect that he was such a sissy, but he did have an effeminate nature and was much more gentle appearing than Frank, who...

1 year ago
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Hockey buddy and his wife 3

The next week when I arrived at the locker room at the rink, Pete nodded at me and I knew were on. After our game (we won, both Pete and I scored) I got in my car and went to Pete and Katie's house. When I arrived Katie greeted me at the door in a pink robe. Katie is awesome. She is cute with sparkly eyes and she loves sex. She is open and willing to talk about sex which I love. I gave her a kiss and reached inside the robe and caressed her breast which made her moan. Pete came over to us...

1 year ago
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The Strength of Desire

The Strength of Desire Chapter 1 I met Amy about three months ago in the gym where we both work out. I was half way through a leg routine, when I saw her enter the room. I immediately thought that she was stunning, she had long blonde hair, green eyes and although not the prettiest face, there was something about her manner that I found intriguing. She seemed to be doing a leg routine too, and about ten minutes later she seated herself on the leg press machine, next to the one I was on. As...

4 years ago
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My soulmate came again

It was sunday, I was watching TV in my house with my family members.It was 3pm afternoon.There was a call from out side..Sir...Sir.I went outside and saw Ohh it was Kumar (fake name) with him mum there.Here I need to introduce who was this Kumar.He was studied upto xth class and given up studies due to his family dificulties.I met this boy at a play ground at 5.00pm two years back.He was watching the football game there.He was normal guy aged 18 black in colour.I was oberving him carefully.At...

3 years ago
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Fucking Around With Her

p Rated StoriesMy Favorite Posts & StoriesMobile StoriesPost Story!CategoriesAnalBDSMCelebritiesFetishFirst TimeGay MaleGroup SexHardcoreInterracial SexLesbian SexMasturbationMatureSex HumorShemalesTabooVoyeurStories RankingsTop RatedMost ViewedMost CommentedTop AuthorsScrewing my Step-sisterThe thought of watching his step-sister screw, excited Justin. She was a cute girl, blonde with big blue eyes and a cute smile. She had had sex before, and he always wondered what it would be like...

1 year ago
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Boyfriends Mate

Amy and her new boyfriend were at a bar talking when Toby, a mate of Bens (boyfriend) turned up with a couple of guys and started to play pool. Ben and her went over and said hi and soon all of the lads were caught up in a little tournament. They were all nice guys but Amy couldn't keep her eyes off of Toby, he had a great body and he was one of these tall dark and handsome types. Amy went off to the loo which was round the back and redid her make-up. As she was coming out she wasn't looking...

2 years ago
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Neighbor8217s Delight 8211 Part 1

Hello to guys and girls following ISS. Firstly, I would thank ISS for this wonderful forum which I am following since 2007; I regularly read a lot of stories out here, of which half I genuinely find it true. This gives me confidence in writing a true story which took place in Feb 2015 between my next door neighbor aunt, Seema and me. Please send me your feedback to my mail id: Being my first attempt, apologies for any mistakes. I am Pratik, 25 years of age, standing at 5’11”, having an average...

4 years ago
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Covid Curing Quarantine Ch1

Covid Kills.That was the word out on the street. I wasn’t exactly Out On the Street; I was a sophomore at a reasonably reputable college when this brutally bunk pandemic began.“They’re cancelling NBA basketball? What the fuck, man?”I knew it wouldn’t be long before my mother called me home at that point. All the work I’d put into studies that semester would get shelved and - the world would fall over. Well, I hadn’t quite anticipated the world part but shelving the personal progression I was in...

2 years ago
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Shopping For Fun

I swung my car off Brighton Road and drove down Highwood Street, pulling into the parking lot in front of Kuhn's grocery store. It was eight in the evening and the lot was almost empty. The store closes at nine and I wanted to get my shopping done before it closed. I parked near the back of the lot so there were no cars near me. I wore a pull over top that my tits showed through a little bit, and cut off short shorts which let my ass cheeks hang out enough to attract a lot of guys stares. And...

3 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 3

I awaken very cold. There is someone rubbing the cold on my face, I do not know who. I think it is a woman. Hazily I wonder how a woman? There are no women on the hunt. Then I remember being struck by aurochs, and being thrown to the ground so hard that I lose consciousness. Have I been unconscious so long that Siefert and the others have brought me back to our dwellings? But then why am I not inside when it is cold? I cannot think right. The woman says something I do not understand and...

2 years ago
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One day I was on my computer surfing the internet for porn and whatnot, when I found an interesting site. The first page read: Want every woman you've ever desired, without any fear of their husbands? Want the best sex ever? Want whatever? Then continue on.

Mind Control
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Eye for an Eye Ch 3

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Vote! Comment! Let me know what you think and what direction I should be taking with this story (and all the rest of them!) Thanks again. This work makes no affiliation between Aaron Lewis, Staind, Slipknot, Tool, Korn or any other artist. The references to names are noted as such and all lyrics belong to their rightful owners. Danielle kicked a clump of dirt as she walked out of the door from one of the academic halls. She had just finished her humanities...

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Ты молодой в то время волшебник нежелающий воевать. Ты вообще был достаточно миролюбивым человеком и не принимал войну ни в каком виде. Поэтому когда началась война перехал в соседнюю страну но потом война докатилась и туда и вскоре воевал весь материк. Ты решил бежать и бежал всё дальше и дальше и нигде не мог найти покоя и решил просто переждать. создал для себя саркофаг и уснул на 400 лет, не потому что так захотел а просто так получилось. В чарах длинного сна так просто немного ошибится.

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Horse Sexual Fantasies Motivates Tera

First let me tell you a little about myself. I am 27, long black hair to my ass, hazel eyes, 5 foot 7 inches tall and I weigh right at 135 lbs... My breasts are perfect, or so I’m told anyway, perfect aureoles that I find pleasant to look at. I have a models build and am considered beautiful by most men and quite a few ladies…giggling! I could probably have any man, or woman, I wanted if I played my cards right, but, it wasn't a person I wanted at that stage of my life, it was a horse! This a...

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Sandras Awakening Ch 08

“God, your beautiful Sandy,” Cindy said, unable to hold off making love to her much longer. “So are you Cindy,” Sandra moaned as their clits were touching. They started moving their faces closer and their lips met. “MMMM, your lips are so good, Sandy!” moaned Cindy as she started licking Sandra’s lips. Cindy doing this and their hips grinding, Sandra was getting so hot. They sunk to the carpet as Cindy kissed her long and deep. Laying Sandra back on the carpet, Cindy started kissing her...

2 years ago
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Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chapter 6

Life and Times of a Horny Couple - Chapter 6This is the story of our continuing real life sexual adventures. All of the events described actually occurred. We enjoy reading your comments and hearing from you. It had been a week since our encounter with Kevin and Linda. Erica had connected with Lacey again and arranged to meet them. We were to meet at a local hotel for drinks and some teasing in the bar.We met in the cocktail lounge. As soon as we arrived, Erica and Lacey headed off to the...

Wife Lovers
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GangbangCreampie Lana Smalls G321

Lana is ready to go on the pedestal for her FIRST GANGBANG EVER. She is already getting fucked from every angle, wasting absolutely no time starting her gangbang with a BANG. The Cocksmen are marveling at Lana’s tight athletic body splayed out on the bench. Solo is first in Lana’s pussy this week, still beaming from his GUESS THE V win (a win by default, but a win is a win). All the Cocksmen take their first rounds in Lana, paying special attention to her sensitive clit as they pound deeper and...

2 years ago
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Corrupted lands

Elayerium A world where different races live in harmony. Dwarf, short and stoic, who like to make the underground and mountains their home, preferring their forges and isolation over other races. The tall and graceful elves, living for hundreds of years perfecting everything from music, to art and dance, always seeking peace over conflict, preferring simple dwellings in the vast forests that dot the world. Beastkin, probably the most diverse kind, partially covered in fur and featuring...


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