KellyChapter 33B free porn video

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Vanetta sat in the Jacuzzi, letting the jets massage her body. Though there wasn't much of interest on TV on a Sunday afternoon, she had it turned on anyway just for the novelty of it.

KGO was running some old movie, which had the effect of making Vanetta feel at home. There's nothing like something familiar to calm the nerves, and the movie was doing just that. In fact, Vanetta was starting to feel so comfortable that she started to doze off, and when the timer on the Jacuzzi ended its cycle, the buoyancy created by the bubbling waters stopped, and Vanetta felt herself slipping underwater. "Not the most illustrious way to end a promising career," she scolded herself, and stepped from the tub right into the large glass-enclosed shower where she blasted away any remaining drowsiness with a thorough rinse under icy-cold water. Teeth chattering and nipples puckered to the point where they were almost painful, Vanetta endured it as long as she could until she was positive she was now fully awake!

Instead of drying off, Vanetta slipped into one of the big fluffy robes provided by the hotel and wrapped a towel around her hair. Munching on a pear, she picked up the phone and called Lisa. Considering the treatment she was getting from the publisher, it was only fair that she let her host know she had arrived safe and sound.

The phone was answered on the first ring, and the bubbly voice of Lisa Greenwood sparkled over the phone. Vanetta smiled as she exchanged pleasantries with her host. When Lisa asked what Vanetta was planning on doing and then hearing that Vanetta was thinking of ordering room service, Lisa gasped.

"Vanetta," she exclaimed, "you're in the same building that houses two of the finest restaurants in the city! The Tonga and the Laurel Court, so please do not ruin your appetite for this evening. All of my senior staff are looking forward to dining with you this evening. I know we should have asked first, but by the time they brought it up, it was really too late to call, and then since you said you were coming in solo, I wanted to take you out and show you our city. I have an idea," Lisa continued. "Why not go to the Roof Garden and order a drink? I can be there in twenty minutes, and we'll have a nice light snack together?"

Vanetta laughed, amused by Lisa's bubbly personality, and said she still had to unpack but that wouldn't take her very long. If she could find this Roof Garden, she would be there, as long as it wasn't on top of the tower!

Lisa assured her that the Roof Garden was a place for executives to unwind and that it was on top of the older Fairmont section and that it had a great view of the city.

Promising to meet in about 30 minutes, Vanetta unpacked her bags and hung her clothes in the closet and put her toiletries in the master bath. Looking at her collection of clothes, she picked out a rather conservative Dior, and what Kelly would call "sensible shoes."

A quick touch of makeup and brushing of her hair, and she was soon back in the glass elevator headed to the main lobby where she got directions to the Roof Garden. Lisa had been right - the view was spectacular, though the breeze was a bit chilly. Vanetta chose a table that gave her a view of the Bay, and not wanting any more alcohol at this time, she ordered a Perrier with a twist of lime. She wondered why Todd had never bothered to come here given there was so much Star Trek history in the area, but then as she noticed the smog, she knew why. Todd, the dreamer of a universe where people were fair and equal, could never bring himself to see the reality of modern day pollution.

Vanetta's reflection on Todd was suddenly interrupted by a now-familiar effervescent voice. "Vanetta? I'm Lisa," said the tall, thin blonde who held out her hand in greeting. She had a good solid handshake, and Vanetta was relieved this was not one of those Hollywood air kissing greetings. You could tell a lot from a handshake, and this woman, bubbly voice aside, was a serious player. A firm grip, dry and not exerting too much pressure. Vanetta felt better already as she looked at Lisa with an appraising eye.

Perhaps five foot ten in stocking feet, 130 pounds soaking wet, Lisa Greenwood had naturally curly hair which clung to her shoulders. And Vanetta knew natural curl and color. Lisa didn't color her hair, and the few strands of silver in with the blonde helped determine her age, as did the laugh lines around her eyes.

Lisa Greenwood was in fact 39. Old enough and experienced enough to handle the magazine she published to the satisfaction of the owners, ambitious and open-minded enough to make the magazine pay well, and with the desire to see it grow.

As they exchanged more pleasantries, Vanetta paused to wonder how Lisa had known her, then realized that her limo driver had probably filled Lisa in on all the details of their ride. Gambling on her intuition, Vanetta asked if Ted had described her accurately, which caused Lisa to laugh. "Actually, he said I should just look for brightest and prettiest smile. He was quite smitten with you and said he wished all his passengers were as pleasant and interesting."

A waiter interrupted them, and Lisa asked Vanetta if she liked salmon as the Roof Garden had a delicious salmon soufflé that melted in your mouth. When Vanetta agreed, Lisa ordered for them, obviously from memory, and asked if Vanetta would like another drink. Vanetta declined graciously, saying she would reserve the drinking for later in the evening and just asked for another Perrier. Lisa asked for a glass of house white, and turned her attention back to Vanetta.

"I can't stress enough in telling you how happy I am that you didn't just hang up the phone when you first called," said Lisa. "Your proposal sounded so outlandish to our sales department, but they know better than to turn down anything of potential interest without clearing it with me first. And my having heard of both the photographer and the model, the proposal piqued my interest."

"Quite honestly, Lisa, I was tempted to hang up. I'd had a rough morning of it already with some less open-minded magazines, and Kelly simply refuses to put her name or face next to a product she doesn't use or believe in."

"That was another interesting thing that I discovered after we talked," said Lisa. "Some of these companies taking out ads aren't even distributing their products on the West Coast yet. Some of them don't even distribute to the North American market! Can you imagine the surprise in the sales conference later that day?"

Vanetta knew all too well and remembered talking to the various suppliers of products that Kelly used. Based solely on the strength of the photos and knowing Todd, quite a few had decided to start the process of setting up distribution chains in the US and Canada. It was a chance to expand their markets and the perfect vehicle via which to launch their products. All this, Vanetta explained to Lisa as they dined on a light lunch that was every bit as good as Lisa had promised.

Lisa nodded, took a sip of her wine, and mentioned the jeweler. "I had no idea of how big they were until I researched them. People think of diamonds and they think of DeBeers," she said. "They simply don't realize that these companies only supply rings to jewelry stores."

"Speaking of jewelry," said Vanetta, "I don't see a wedding band on your hand. Is it possible to be the publisher of a pregnancy fitness magazine without a family?"

Lisa paused for just a moment before answering. "I don't have a husband, never have," she said, "but I have been pregnant, and I have a son who is in college now. Or at least he will be in September."

"I'm sorry," said Vanetta, "I didn't mean to pry into your personal life."

Lisa shook her head and rummaged through her bag until she brought out a small framed photo of a good looking young man. "This is Matthew, my son. His father was a professor of marketing and very much married at the time. Still is on both counts last time I heard from him. He tries to see Matthew a few times a year, and I encourage it. A son should know his father."

Vanetta remain silent, neither judging nor looking for reasons, leaving it up to Lisa to continue or drop the subject.

"I had to make a decision," Lisa finally continued. "I could have my baby or not. Obviously, I decided to keep the life inside of me. Then I had to decide whether to finish my education or go to work. I ended up doing both. I wrote ad copy at home at night while nursing Matthew and continued with my schooling. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I am very good at what I do, and promotions came to me quickly. I earned great commissions and paid off all my tuition fees and bought a small house. I took home as much work as I did in the office, so I could spend more time with my son, and then about 10 years ago, I landed the job at Fit. I started out in sales and got promoted to the head of the department in two years. Three years later, I was asked if I would be interested in the publisher's job. The magazine has continued to grow with me as publisher and in a market where most magazines are losing readers, we are growing." Then Lisa smiled a huge smile. "And then one day, one of my sales people tells me they have a crazy woman on the line who wants us to add eight pages a month for a year and a half. I probably would have waved it off if the request had been for four or five pages, but only those in the business really know about the rule of eight, and here we are!"

Vanetta laughed with Lisa. "Personally I don't believe in fate," said Vanetta. "I like to think our destinies are more or less pre-ordained. Maybe some time I'll tell you about how I met Kelly and Todd."

The women had a light dessert, then Lisa took Vanetta by the arm and gave her the quick tour of the Fairmont, showing her where they would all meet for dinner later in the evening. It was coming up on six o'clock when Vanetta and Lisa parted company, promising to meet at nine, and Vanetta had convinced Lisa to bring her son along.

As she sorted through her clothes, picking out something nice for the evening meal, Vanetta realized that life in Charlotte was winding down for the night. She wondered where Bobby was spending the night.

In fact, Bobby was wondering the same thing. He had laughed and eaten with Todd and Kelly and Laura and the girls, accepting the praise for his barbecuing skills, and he'd even shared some good weed with Todd while the girls cleaned up the dishes even though he had protested that he was more than willing to help with the mess. Ami and Cara had insisted, and there had been some mention of Kelly getting her nightly lotion massage, then Todd mysteriously pulled a joint out of nowhere. They had lit it and shared it as the two of them scrubbed the grill down. When the grill was spotless and they had relaxed in two chairs, Ami had brought out two fresh beers.

"Am I getting paranoid because of what we smoked," Bobby asked Todd, "or is everything just a bit too coincidental around here?"

Todd raised his eyes and smiled. "You mean about beer appearing just after we finish some smoke? Nope. It's not paranoia. I'd love to play you on this and say all the women around here are psychic, but the truth, Bobby, is that we don't have any secrets. Ami knew what we were doing, as the other girls did. It's her nature to want to nurture, and that's why she brought us out something to drink. I'd bet she knows exactly how much I've had to drink today and over how many hours. If any of them thought I was exceeding my limits, we would be drinking mineral water right now, which is probably what will come later after Kelly has been taken care of."

Bobby of course was not feeling any of his normal shyness and asked what Todd meant by "Kelly being taken care of."

Todd spent a bit of time explaining how Cara, who would probably turn into a professional physical therapist or masseuse, was oiling Kelly with the special lotion to prevent stretch marks, and how Laura would be right by her side either helping or just chatting. Normally, Ami would either be in helping as well, or asking questions about photography and such, but on a night like this, Ami would be working on a special dessert, another one of her passions.

"Okay," said Bobby, which after a minute caused both men to start laughing.

"I will have to call a cab to take me back to the studio afterwards though," mused Bobby. "I'm in no condition to be driving."

"Hell, why not just sleep on the sofa tonight," said Todd. "We're all going to the same place in the morning anyway."

Bobby seemed to think about it for a few minutes and then said, "Okay," which started both of them on a laughing fit again.

Kelly looked at Laura and smiled. "I'm glad there's none of that alpha male crap going on."

Laura laughed and said, "From the sounds of it, neither is interested in those games. I think it's good for Todd to have another male around to talk to occasionally. Helps to balance out the female presence in his life."

"I think you're right, Sweetheart," Kelly said, "though I haven't heard him complain yet!"

Across town, over a second bottle of red wine at a quaint little Italian restaurant, Annie put down her fork and pushed the last of her dessert away, swearing if she ate one more bite, her dress would split at the seams.

Dave smiled at the thought, and the memory of Annie's naked body. Annie noticed the smile and tried to hide her own. It didn't work, and Dave slid her dessert back to her. "Go on, Annie. I can see you like it, and I'm sure your dress will hold up."

Annie laughed, causing a few stares from the other patrons. "Yes, Captain Walker, I can see where you're hoping that it doesn't. We don't need to ruin a dress for what you have on your mind."

Dave was uncertain how to respond. He had promised to behave like a gentleman, but it had been so long since he had been with a woman, and never one like Annie Prince. She was smart, much smarter than she let on, and was a great conversation partner. Passionately opinionated on some matters, open minded on others, and she didn't babble on, but rather answered or made a statement with a minimum of words - just enough to make her point clearly without expounding or expanding to explain the obvious. Having to speak publicly on a regular basis, Dave hated people who talked too much and said too little. Annie had a way of getting her point across in precise, thought-out words which had made the evening even more interesting. But, he didn't want this to be a single date, and he hesitated on how to answer her statement. It was true that he wanted to ravage her and make wild passionate love to this incredibly exciting woman. Though they were on their second bottle of wine, it had barely been touched, and they had split the first bottle over the course of several hours. Yet, he had to respond.

"Annie, I promised you I would treat you like a lady and that I would behave like a gentleman, and I will hold up to my end of the agreement unless you decide differently. I don't want this to be a one night stand; I've never met anyone as beautiful and exciting and as much fun to be around as you when you let yourself be free. With your permission I will be calling on you as often as I can with the hopes of many more evenings of your company."

Annie's façade dropped for a moment. She had felt a yearning for this man from the time he had proven he was honest and then by taking her to a family run restaurant where they obviously knew him as a regular. A few pointed remarks by the waiters and waitresses and then even the owner and his wife convinced Annie that this was a first for Dave, bringing a woman in. She had watched in amusement as he squirmed through the good-natured ribbing, and then he had finally introduced her as one of the best cooks in Charlotte, adding that they had better serve their best for his date.

And the best it was! Annie allowed the owner to select for them both at Dave's suggestion, and after an appetizer of a light chilled pasta with fresh shrimp, the main course of home made spaghetti appeared at their table on heaping plates. Annie let the delicate mix of seasonings dwell on her tongue and then tried the meatballs, marveling at the taste and wondering what secret ingredients made them so good. Dave had watched her and smiled. The wine was a special blend bottled specifically for the restaurant by a cousin who had a vineyard in California. Not sweet or too dry. The meal took longer than normal as the couple bantered back and forth on subjects that interested them both. Books and the decline of decent television with its rash of 'reality shows.' Neither of them talked business, preferring to discover the personality of each other through shared interests.

Much to Annie's surprise, Dave was a dog lover, though he didn't have one of his own. He was rarely home and felt it wouldn't be fair to leave a dog alone for long periods of time. "When I get a hankering to be around dogs," Dave said, I'll either spend an afternoon at the animal shelter, or if I have time, I'll take a trip up to Raleigh to see my friend, Bob Haines. He's a member of the Triangle Beagle Rescue, which was started a few years ago to find permanent homes for abandoned beagles. Bob's a great guy, and I admire his work. I've walked a few walk-a-thons with him while a beagle pulled me along," Dave laughed at the memories. "Anyway, Bob's been trying to get me set up with a beagle for the longest time, but a beagle is a family dog. Leaving it alone, cooped up in a house all day and a lot of evenings just wouldn't be fair. Bob has this saying he uses for his email tag line. Let me see if I've got it memorized right."

Dave thought for a minute then recited:

"Your dog is your friend, your partner, your defender.

You are his life, his love, his leader.

He will be yours to the last beat of his heart.

You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion."

Dave shook his head clearing his own emotions, and with a voice that cracked just a bit, he suggested that Annie could check to see if he got it right by going to the website.

Annie got a bit misty eyed herself. The sentiment expressed exactly how she felt about Bubba. She took a sip of wine to distract her emotions. She had shown him a few too many tonight already.

Dave had been curious about her accent, and Annie swore that she had been born and raised in Tennessee, but as a teen with dreams, had headed off to California to find herself. She had wandered around, following some of the new upcoming bands and lived in a commune for a while, which is where she learned her love of cooking. She had worked in both logging and mining camps for a few years as a cook before the call of social life had returned her to 'normal' people. It had been there that she had met Allen and settled into the life of a business woman. Cooking took a back seat to her business and she rarely got a chance to indulge her passion. But that's where the mixed accent came from, and she was happy to be living her dream.

It was three hours after they arrived that Annie had pushed her dessert away, and now she was openly flirting with Dave, glad that she had listened to Laura about the dress.

Dave signaled for the bill and left a generous tip for the wait staff. Annie understood this. Good service deserved to be rewarded, and the custom of tipping generously had been dwindling in the last decade. She had seen it too often when she catered a meal that required her to hire a few of her old waitresses back for service.

The owner and his wife made a final appearance at their table as they got ready to leave, and the owner was quite anxious to hear Annie's opinion of the meal. Feeling playful, she mentioned the painted golf balls that had been dropped in the Campbell's tomato soup by accident could have been a little more tender, but then added that the store-bought spaghetti noodles were better than she thought they'd be.

The owner's wife laughed as her husband's expression went from astonishment to a lower lip tremble. She said to Annie, "I'm so sorry that the dessert was not to your liking. We try to save a few dollars and we buy day-old pastry from 'A Woman's Place, ' perhaps you have heard of it."

Annie laughed so hard and loud that everyone turned to look at her. Dave was out of his league and knew better than to say anything.

"Mama Rossini," Annie said, "men simply don't understand, but we women do. The meal was delicious, and if I ever figure out what the special ingredient is that you used in the meatballs, I'm going to copy it and use it myself! The pasta was extraordinary and made fresh today. I could tell by the texture and the taste. The meal was exquisite."

The women hugged, and then Annie shook the owner's hand. Momma Rossini stage whispered to Dave, "This lady, she's one of a kind. Just what you need. You let her slip out of your fingers, David, and I will take a wooden spoon to your behind!"

Dave chuckled but realized that Mamma Rossini was right. Annie was one of a kind, and he'd be crazy to let her go.

Vanetta had spent a little time shopping in the hotel tourist shop, picking out a nice black satin windbreaker with the back silk screened "Property of Alcatraz" and a knitted sweater jacket from one of the boutique stores. She wouldn't be cold tonight as she was staying indoors, but tomorrow was bound to be a different story. Knowing she still had over an hour to wait before she met the staff from Fit, she had returned to her room for a nap and left a wake up call with the front desk.

Same as Kelly
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BangBrosClips Val Steele Squirt Wars

Val Steele had some plumbing issues and when the plumber showed up, he wanted to charge her one thousand dollars to fix a leaky pipe. After she found out that he was trying to rip her off, she snuck behind her and started masturbating until she squirted all over him. The plumber kept thinking that it was just the pipes leaking. So he continued working. Later, once he had moved to the bathroom, it was her time to surprise him again. She peeked from behind the shower curtains and started spraying...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 204

She faced the Deshona Reed problem, as usual, by lying. And it was hard. Deshona, who had formerly been an icicle of formidable frigidity, was now a love-slave of Laura's. Phone conversations with her were lengthy and full of sweet innuendo. She was seriously pining away over Laura and dying to see her. She mentioned 'unmentionable' and deliciously exciting things they would do together. Laura stewed in the rancid juices of her deep guilt. On top of that, at work she noticed a new young...

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How My soninlaw fucked me by mistake

She lay on the sofa in the dark basement of her daughters’ house drifting in and out of conciseness as the sleeping pills she had taken started to take affect on her tired restless body. Her dreams began to take control of her mind in the form of a memory of the few disappointing times she had fucked one of the so-called neighborhood studs. Since her divorce just over a year ago, the lost of in-house dick, and after numerous disappointing encounters with different guys that bought her to the...

3 years ago
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a friend in need

My best friend Shane had dated my wife, Peg, before I started to take her out, and although he had tried, he had never got her to have sex with him. He had felt her tits and ass a little but that was as far as it had gotten. As it was, Peg was a virgin when we got together. Life went on and I married Peg when she graduated school, and Shane found another lady Helen, and married her. Shane and his wife came to visit often, and we visited them. We were a very close group of friends, but...

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MommysGirl Cory Chase Kiara Cole Still Mommy8217s Little Girl

Kiara Cole is busy working a babysitting gig and losing her mind! Everything is going wrong — the baby won’t stop crying, she burned a casserole, AND she knocked over the baby bottle… It’s all falling apart around her and she’s literally crying over spilled milk! Desperate for backup, she calls her step-mom, Cory Chase. When Cory arrives, she calmly restores order while Kiara has a bit of a meltdown. Kiara thought she was grown-up enough to handle all this...

1 year ago
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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 22

"As I was saying earlier, I modified your parents memory a wee bit." "How much?" "I erased the 'We are committed to be with each other no matter who we have to kill." statements. They will remember the evening but will be fuzzy on some parts. They were in shock. You acted so out of character that they were discussing having you committed." TreFual gave me the hairy eye. "You created a lot of work for me with your little display." His hand shot out and grabbed my throat. His eyes...

4 years ago
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Azalea Ch 03

I apologise for some of the errors in the previous submission – sometimes it hard to edit when you know what’s coming next. I was hoping to get out at least a chapter a week but you know, Murphy’s Law. (It’s also going a little slow for my liking.) All characters are entirely fictional and any likeness or similarities to any persons are purely coincidental. Thanks for dropping by. — Azalea counted fifteen paces each side of the cell. Three sides were walled by metal bars. She quietly tugged...

4 years ago
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Token Honeymoon episode 6

"When did Craig say they were leaving?""What day is it now?""Friday."Dan's absent minded stare at the steam on his coffee was interrupted."I think they said they were leaving Sunday. Did you want another session with them?""No, it might be fun but I still haven't got into doing repeats. There's no sense in going back to the clubs until there's a whole new class of people. We could try something new, be different people. No one knows us.""More surprises for me?" he said, putting his cup...

Love Stories
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 12

"Wow, Chad, you sure do look angry. Are you angry, Chad?" Pete spoke flippantly despite the concerns of his family and friends. "Grrrrrrr..." Was the best Chad could come up with. Pete began his mental manipulations as he continued. "I can't say that I blame you, really. I mean, the idea that anyone would want to hurt me makes me mad too. And those damned Sonarians don't want to just hurt me, they want to kill me!" He removed the restrictions on Chad's movement. "Don't worry,...

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Dilemma Continued Ch 02

These stories will not stand alone, the reader should read both Dilemma and particularly Dilemma – Lorelei’s Story by Joesephus first as this chapter hinges on that story but I don’t want to bore the reader by repeating it. Some of Lorelei’s story as written by Joesephus is included for continuity Time for a decision No matter how I tossed and turned, I could not find sleep that night. At about three in the morning I gave up and threw on a robe and went downstairs. At the kitchen table I...

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NFBusty Mona Azar Natasha Nice Crystal Clear

Natasha Nice is a tutor who enjoys teaching her students about more than just schoolwork; she also gives lessons on the birds and the bees. She has a brand new glass dildo, but before Natasha has a chance to test her toy out, Mona Azar walks into her home. The girls embrace, but Natasha asks Mona why she’s early for their meetup. Mona tells Natasha that she was supposed to have a tutoring session, but her student bailed on her. Natasha knows the student her friend is talking about. They...

3 years ago
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First Cross Dressing Experience

Let me start the story and sorry if I make any mistake because I am excited to share my fun time with you people so I am an engineering student from Mumbai 20 years old. My name is raj (name changed) and used to have a big fantasy of dressing like a girl and wearing all those ladies cloths. I would like to make it clear that I am not a gay but when I dress like a girl. I feel like a girl and make me comfortable with a guy; at that time I get a girlish feeling which makes me horny and takes me...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 22 It Sounds Like World War III

October 27, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Do you feel better, Babe?” I asked as Jessica, Kara, and I cuddled in the whirlpool tub. “A bit. I probably shouldn’t have drunk a whole bottle of Cabernet.” “Probably not. But that was better than a bottle of Absolut or Jack Daniels!” “Yuck. I still can’t understand how you drink whisky!” “It’s the water of life, Babe!” I said. “From uisge-beatha in Gaelic!” “Some MAN made that up to justify drinking that stuff!” she teased. “Yes, because it was...

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Nanbanin Akka Udan Nadantha Kama Kathai 8211 Part 2

Indru kathaiyil en nanbanin akkavai eppadi sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungalida pagirugiren. Muthal pagathai padika vilai endraal padithu vitu intha kathaiyai padiyungal appozhuthu thaan neengal muzhumaiyaaga thirupthi adaiveergal. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, akkavum naanum kai kazhuva kai kazhuvum araiku sendrom. Antha araikul irunthaal veliyil irupavargal ulle ena nadakirathu endru theriyaathu, naan akkavin soothai paarthu konde sendren. Aval soothu suma sola kudathu avalavu...

3 years ago
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The HypnotistChapter Two

The Theater, as it turns out, was a dark cavernous rooms with no windows. It was a strange room that gave Alice a sense of vertigo when she first walked into it with Robert, Grace, and Daniel. It was taller than it was wide, and the black walls and extra high ceiling made her feel as if she was standing in a silo. It was very, very warm inside, and Alice was already beginning to sweat from the heat. Robert smiled at her, and asked, "So, what do you think? Do you like it?" Alice paused before...

2 years ago
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Down in the Dunes

Robbie laid on his beach towel and watched with interest as two young girls stopped less than 20 yards away. Carefully, he positioned the camera under his shirt, which had been placed in a heap in front of him, and got ready to shoot. He had been on the beach for around thirty minutes already, but had yet to shoot a single frame. It was only 10 o'clock, and he knew it would be another couple of hours before the early June sunshine tempted out the tourists in greater numbers. But now, he...

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          Terry           Chapter 1            by roccodadom44           [email protected]     " Jesus I really despise him," Terry thought as she watched her husband ineptly trying to fix her car. She knew he was totally lost and was just pretending that he had any man skills. Terry felt pity for him and this in turned fueled her hate for him, she really felt like going outside, where Dan was trying to get her tire changed, kicking his stupid ass. While she continued to think bad...

3 years ago
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Watching Having Sex While Camping on the Lake

We live in the Southwest and love to take a vacation to Lake Powell (in Page, AZ) at least once a year. This is an opportunity for just Nick and I to go on our boat and enjoy several days camping on the lake and exploring different bays and canyons.If you’ve read either of our stories, you’ll know we love to get naked. So when we find a private area in a cove or bay, which isn’t difficult since the lake is so massive, we strip off our suits, go skinny dipping, sunbathe and spend a lot of time...

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Kanes Cum Bucket Bitch ch5

Connie met me at the sliding glass door. She carried a bowl, now too late to catch Kane's cum from my dribbling hole. "The neighbor saw me!" I cried. I didn't have to suggest that Scranton would call the cops. "Get in here, you stupid, stupid cunt!" Connie grabbed my mussed hair and dragged me to my bedroom. "Where's your longest coat?" "Ow! On the rack by the door." I whined. My eyes were tearing up. My life was going to be ruined! She hauled my naked, cum dripping ass to the...

2 years ago
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The Torment of JAG

Sara ?SaraAll six women cringed as the rusty gate swung open; the blindfolds that covered their eyes prevented them from seeing the man that walked into the room.? Since their capture three days ago; they had been kept blindfolded, gagged with a ball gag with a removable plug in it, all of them wore handcuffs, ankle restraints, and a collar around their necks which were chained to the metal cots on which they either sat or slept on.  Three times a day they were individually released to...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 11

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. Chloe: Rose is a bit shy. Rose: No I’m not. Me: Yes you are! Rose: No I’m not! Chloe: Hahaha! Ok, Rose, let’s get in! They jumped in the lake and started swimming far from the ground. Their asses swaying...

2 years ago
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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 7 Invitations

A brief recap: Fran and I manage what amounts to a lightly used vacation rental. The house belongs to the parents of our shared boyfriend, Rick May, who, alas, is in Chicago at UIC. Fran and I normally stay in our tiny house. Our most recent vacationers, a senior lawyer and his wife, enjoyed four days and three nights at the May’s house. As promised, they called my cell in the morning. “We have to leave at 8:00. We are up and you can come over any time to pick up the key. We knew about the...

3 years ago
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Sex Wit My Neighbour Aunt

Hi all, this is Herusen. This is my first story to be published in this wonderful site. Initially, when I used to visit this site I used to enjoy reading each and every story from different sections. Let me first describe my self for you, I am a 24 year old and about 175cms tall. So let me share with you my experience. I work in Bangalore, but in between I get time to come for holiday at home in Chennai. Like wise when I came back during July I saw we had a new neighbor staying below. Our...

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Doe sat by lamplight in her front room, a chick flick, and drinking a favourite wine of hers, red naturally. She'd already polished off a bottle and opened another, sipping the end of her first glass from it. She liked a good drink now and then, and since she was feeling a bit down she figured why not now. The problem was men, or rather the lack of them. Well…that wasn't strictly true. It was the lack of a specific man, someone who wanted her for who she was, not who they thought she was. She...

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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 22 Condolences and Schemes

I had some strange dreams, probably induced by the anesthesia. I couldn't remember much of it but I remembered one specific segment where various women would crawl naked out of my neck, frightened and bloody. Once free, they'd run away in terror, making way for the next one to crawl out after them. Throughout the whole thing there was this ongoing narration, all in the past tense, as if I'd died. But it was odd in that it was only random phrases with no bearing on what was happening. A...

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A guy housesitting for a friend takes advantage of his friend8217s dog

It all started one Friday when my friend, Kip, who I met a short time ago, asked me to take care of his animals as he was going to be out of town for over a week during Christmas break. Kip left me the key to his house so I could get in and said for me to make myself at home. Well Friday came, so I got all bundled up and went over to make sure everything was in order. There were two dogs, Furface and Nugget, and some tropical fish and a few gerbils. Now when I arrived, Furface started jumping...

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My Closet Slut Wife FANTASY

Me and my wife have always had a decent sex life. nothing more adventurous other than her going out for a night out without underwear on and giving me a little cheeky flash of her pussy or seeing her hard nipples poke through her top though.We have always enjoyed when I told her fantasy stories during sex too, but that's as far as it went.Her best friend though is a complete slut and I've often worked my self to paranoia by thinking my wife was really a closet slut and they where fucking guys...

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Hot Female Customer

Hi to all this is Rohan from mumbai and iam a very regular reader of stories and always wanted to share my erotic experiences over here for a long time, and finally i am coming up with my first story. Let me first tell you about myself,iam 5 ft 9 in fair complexion good athletic body and always looked for the best in life even when planned to have sex, I looked for the best female around and this happened like this, I am in to my jewellery business and I have a real exclusive designer...

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Bim Bam Pt 3

This is part 3 of my story about my plan for revenge of sorts. Part 1 showed my plans going awry. Part 2 showed success. After making several recordings I purchased a few wireless cameras to place around the house. I also bought software that would record only when it detected motion. That way I wouldn't have a lot of useless video. I ended up with video of me and Deena fucking in about every room in the house and even in the back yard. I had video of most of our friends...

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Feeding My Devar And His Friend 8211 Pt 4 Fucking Them

Hi, this is Anitha back with the next part of the story. After that day I was feeling a bit off beat. I was really having the thought that I was about to cheat my husband. But things rolled on. On Saturday Chandran came to our house. I was wearing an orange saree that day. We had dinner and had our talks. While we were talking my baby started crying. So I took him to my bedroom and fed him and when I was about to put him to sleep my hubby also came. He too slept along with the baby. I came to...

4 years ago
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My senior

Hello my dear friends . I am sharing my feelings with u . I am from chennai . Pls send me ur reply if u like it really . This incident occured b4 7 year’s when i was studying in college . I had many girl friends some r from my class and some r my seniors i went to get notes often from them during my exam’s. My dream angels name is meena (not real) she will be like tamil actress namitha. But not that much fair average colour girl. Daily she will be coming in my bus by this we both bcome friends...

3 years ago
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Storm 3

The two burly security guards nodded to the tall man in the hat and coat as he approached the entrance to “The Tea Parlour” with his arm around the narrow waist of a beautiful blonde who was blindfolded and secured at her wrists. They gawped at the glimpses of her wonderful breasts, belly and thighs she unwillingly flashed from the open lapels of her coat as she was led along. The guards did not look surprised at the sight. This was just another Saturday night at “The Tea Parlour”, a fetish...

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Blonde Honey

Blonde Honey She had long curly honey blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and long eyelashes. She was thirteen years old, skinny as a rail, and cute as hell. She was the perfect image of what a young woman should look like. I had been jerking off to thoughts of her every night for weeks. I slept with her used panties under my pillow. That is whenever I could find her used panties. I think Dad was beating me to them. Only the three of us lived in the house. At first I thought that maybe...

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Sucking my Boss off

This is a true stories of how me a black crossdresser sucked off my white boss for the first time in his office. I had been working in this office for about six months doing some filing and keeping records nowI'm a crossdresser but most don't know because I keep it on the down low but I don't own any male unerwear only panties so I wear them under my cloths at work, well one day i was bendind over carelessly and I didn't wear a belt and I heard...

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Fantasy Fufilled Me and my Sister

Thanks to 'LadyCibelle' and 'Techsan' for their editing. I guess it's time to come out of the closet. No, I'm not gay. I'm putting a light in the closet so my wife can see better. She was always complaining how dark it was in there and she could never get a good look at her clothes. I finally got it mounted on the inside of the closet so now she might get off my ass. It's always something. Do this, do that, get me this, get me that. As I was leaving the closet I began to think about...

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Lurking in the ShadowsChapter 7

I reworked the two handsets and then had Dane show me how to work the automatic while Fifi worked on the first 'D' chip. The third 'C' chip had been a Powerball Spell, another combat spell just like Cain thought. The weapons turned out to be first class. They were Heckler and Koch HK-227s. The one I kept was a straight 227 with a recoil compensator on it. The one I had given to Cain had a sound suppressor installed. She showed us how to disassemble them and clean them and then how they...

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My Kamala Aunty

Hi friends, Let me introduce my self, my name is Kamesh a final year Degree student, 5’7”, good built. I came to know about this site from one of my friend. Its really great site and I would like to share my experiences with you friends. It’s about Kamala, a sexy lady of my life. Her entry into my life was quiet unexpected. After my +2 I got admitted in one of the prestigious Arts and Science College for B.Sc Mathematics, my favorite. I joined the classes and as usual daily classes, friends and...


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