Fallen Kingdom 4 free porn video

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The town of Bheketha lay in tatters. A trail of ransacked villas and more modest homes littered the town while the occasional fire burned unquenched and unattended. The gladiator-slave revolt of Prythia had reached a fever-pitch. All across southern Prythia slave and gladiator alike had risen up against the Imperium upper caste. Now, Anaria Kaelon, daughter of one of the wealthiest Imperium families in Bheketha, found herself at the mercy of one of the rebel leaders. Gorlann had his hand clasped around hers, pulling her down the marble staircase which led from the second to the main floor of her family’s once immaculate villa. In his other fist he held a draw-string pouch containing all of Anaria’s mother’s jewelry and precious gemstones. Anaria had agreed to show Gorlann where her mother hid her valuables in hopes that her cooperation would ensure that her parents’ lives would at least be spared.

“Hurry, Imperium cunt, the sun wanes and dusk approaches,” the gladiator said brusquely.

As they neared the bottom of the steps, which widened into the villa’s banquet hall, both Anaria and the grizzled gladiator heard the sounds of grunts and moaning. Anaria’s gaze darted in the direction of her father’s study. Even now she knew that her father was still tied up in front of the villa to one of the trees in the manicured parkway, naked and helpless. The male grunts coming from her father’s study, whoever they belonged to, were not his.

Equally as curious as she, Gorlann pulled her along toward the study. They walked in to find a gladiator hard at work. He stood naked, his most arresting feature being a vicious, angry-looking scar that sliced from his left bicep all the way down to his forearm. He had a naked girl bent over Lord Kaelon’s marble-top desk. The serving girl had golden pigtails which streamed down both sides of her back. The gladiator had bound the girl’s wrists behind her back with a length of torn drapery. Judging from the golden braids and pale skin, the serving girl hailed from the northern kingdom of Tercania. The Tercanians were a dutiful, submissive people, often shipped from the outlying provinces to Prythian markets to serve as household staff to the Imperium well-to-do. But this Tercanian serving girl was no mere foreigner to Anaria, and she abruptly found herself recognizing that face.

The girl’s name was Latya. She served the house of Berlune. The Berlune family owned the villa just north of the Kaelon estate. The two families were rivals, competitors, and so Anaria only remembered a few brief visitations between the two families. She remembered, only vaguely, a few times when Latya had served her picturesquely arranged rows of delectable meats, cheeses, and figs on a silver platter amid evening candlelight and murmured conversation. How quaint and far off that world now seemed in this new and savage reality.

“Uhhh!!!! Ahhhh!!” Latya’s moans carried through the villa like a song.

Meanwhile, Anaria winced as she saw Latya’s breasts pressed against the cold, hard marble countertop of the desk. The nameless gladiator had one hand pressed to the side of the girl’s face, pressing her cheek roughly against that same hard marble surface as he fucked her roughly from behind. His deep thrusts created a tiny echo each time his body smacked into hers. The girl’s eyes were closed, her body rocking to the force of his ruthless fucks. How unreal it seemed to Anaria, seeing a girl being raped over the very same desk she was used to seeing her father sit at while poring over his scrolls and documents; it seemed almost impossible to reconcile the two images, one mundane, one horrific, now imprinted on her mind like opposite sides of the same coin. The nameless gladiator looked up with surprise at Gorlann and his girl-companion, though he did not for a moment slow down the pace of his rape.

“UH!!! UH! General, look at this dainty treat I found hiding next door. She has a fine pussy. It’s a ball-milking paradise.” Saying this, the man – Anaria had already named him ‘Scar-Arm’ in her head – continued to pummel the poor serving girl, thrusting so deep until only his swinging testicles showed where his body joined with his victim’s.

“AHH!!! Please! Slower! Ahhhh!” the girl squeaked, but Scar-Arm ignored her. With a loud SMACK, he swatted each of her ass cheeks in turn, continuing to rail her slender body with his savage fucks. It was no wonder that the blonde captive’s butt cheeks already sported bright red handprints. Meanwhile, Scar-Arm growled at her, “Keep moaning, bitch. I know you like taking cock. Be content with what I give you. Or do you want me to gut you like your former owners?”

That seemed to dissolve whatever protests remained as the girl simply whimpered.

“No, Sir, please fuck me. I’ll behave.” Her moans resumed, and his thrusts picked up tempo, though that was barely possible.

At the same time, Anaria noticed with interest how Gorlann didn’t seem offended by Scar-Arm’s overly familiar attitude. As leader of a war-band, Gorlann was unlike any man she had read about in the annals of Imperium war-tales or heard about in the battle-songs. Whereas the Imperium valued hierarchy, order, and formal obedience above all else, these gladiators were an egalitarian lot at ease with chaos; even Gorlann, Anaria marveled, acted like just one warrior among many, spoken to as casually as one brother might address another. Despite loathing the sight of the rape before her, she couldn’t help but be fascinated by the gladiators’ unusual ways – like night to the Imperium’s day.

In some ways, she realized, these unheralded brutes of Prythian society, these inimitable gladiators who until now had fought to satisfy the Imperium’s lust for spectacle and violence at a safely prescribed distance, were complete foreigners to her. She found them both savage and yet mesmerizing in their own perverse way. Given her sheltered upbringing, they might as well have come from another planet.

Gorlann, meanwhile, now grinned at his fellow gladiator. “Vercingador, I am happy for you, but time slips through our fingers. Finish up with this Tercanian cunt and be quick about it, then meet up with the others at Eagle’s Hill.” Gorlann paused, seemed thoughtful for a moment, and then motioned at Anaria.

“You will assist him while I take one last look around your family’s villa.”

Anaria froze. Understanding eluded her.

“Assist him? Master?” What could he mean?

Gorlann cupped her ass and shoved her forward into her father’s study. “You heard me, slut. Obey him. Help enhance his pleasure as he finishes taking his sport with the blonde cunt. If you cannot even follow simple instructions, bitch, then you’re no good to him or to me. Do you understand?”

Anaria froze in shock. Moments earlier, upstairs in her parents’ bedroom, Gorlann had shown a trace of tenderness with her. He had even placed a gorgeous amber necklace on her and complimented her beauty. Now he had abruptly changed tone altogether, treating her like a common whore, forcing her into this demeaning act helping one of his own men rape another helpless victim. How could this Gorlann almost seem like a man one second and then revert into a total beast the next? Anaria’s head spun, but she did her best to obey.

She turned meekly toward Scar-Arm – the one Gorlann had called Vercingador.

Not wasting time, the gladiator motioned behind him. “Kneel behind me, girl. You can flick your tongue against my balls while I fuck this pussy. Hurry!” Gorlann had already stepped away for his final walkthrough of the villa.

Meanwhile, feeling degraded beyond belief, Anaria knelt. The naked Imperium girl now had a perfect view of Scar-Arm’s clenched buttocks and testicles jostling as he fucked his tied-up, bent-over victim. Latya’s moans continued in time to the rhythm of the gladiator’s thrusts. Anaria could see that cock lance Latya’s pussy each time, sliding effortlessly into her welcoming wetness. Anaria had to be careful. It was no easy feat keeping her mouth close enough so that she could lick the gladiator’s balls while not being so close that each time he pulled backward for another thrust she did not get smacked in the face with his swinging testicles. For the next several minutes Anaria just knelt there, feeling less than human, her tongue gently flicking against his swinging balls each time they flew back toward her face. It seemed to take forever, but finally the man mounted the precipice toward a furious climax.

“UHHHH!!!! Tercanian slut, get ready to take my load deep in your womb. AHHH!”

Latya’s moans and panting spiked in tempo. Vercingador’s forceful fucks became even more frantic before a plaintive groan tore through his lips. She squealed the moment the brawny gladiator seized up, his body stiffening as he shot wave after wave of jism, his thick ropes of cum blasting through her pussy with their life-giving sperm. Though neither the girl nor her rapist could know it at the time, Vercingador’s virility had succeeded in impregnating his victim.

Next, Anaria could only watch in disgust as Vercingador finally pulled out of Latya’s snatch. She was about to feel relief that at least it was now over, but before she could move away the gladiator’s hand was already cupping the back of her head, bunching up in her raven-black tresses, and now he forced her face toward the blonde’s exposed pussy.

“Clean her up, Imperium brat. Lick PUSSY. What are you waiting for?”

“No! Wait!” But Anaria’s protests were muffled by the flavors of cunt juice mingling with jism as Vercingador thrust her face into Latya’s ravaged hole. Anaria tried to overcome her disgust as the gladiator’s flavorful, salty spunk leaked from between Latya’s swollen labia, trailing down her tongue to fill her palate. Anaria’s nostrils flared as she took in Latya’s pungent scent of arousal, her fluids shining on Anaria’s nose as the girl unwillingly lapped at her fellow captive’s pussy. It felt so revolting and demeaning that words could hardly convey the despair Anaria felt. And yet… some truths, shameful as they could be, were undeniable. The way Latya responded to the caresses of Anaria’s tongue, the way Latya shivered and trembled as Anaria nibbled tenderly on the girl’s clitoris, surrendering to the moment, that managed to send a thrill through the 18-year-old girl. Anaria couldn’t have articulated it, but the feeling of power, of eliciting such intense responses, even from a fellow woman though Anaria had no attraction to women, that had a profound appeal in the deepest, most primal corners of her mind.

“Mmmm!!!” Anaria’s quiet but fervent licking and slurping progressed steadily. Distantly, Anaria became aware of Latya’s gentle coos, the girl’s body shivering with delight as Anaria continued to lave, caress, and suck on her most intimate folds. Anaria gasped then, startled as Latya began to not-so-subtly grind her pussy backward against Anaria’s striving tongue. Quite abruptly, though, a hand now jerked her back by the hair so hard that she let out a yelp. A calloused palm then lashed her across the cheek. The slap disoriented her, and the naked girl fell backward to the floor, stunned, looking up at the gladiator’s swaying cock looming like a god above her.

“I said CLEAN her pussy, not give her pleasure, bitch. You should be smart enough to know the difference. Clearly the General hasn’t had much time to train you yet, but don’t worry, you’ll learn soon enough if you value your life.” The gladiator pulled her back up to her knees and proceeded to wipe his sated cock along her forehead and cheeks, smearing the fluids from Latya’s raped pussy and his own leftover seed all over her face. Satisfied with this brutal ‘makeover,’ he then ordered Anaria to open her mouth and thrust his semi-firm shaft roughly down her throat. Eyes watering, Anaria desperately clenched her hands along his ass cheeks, squeezing her tiny fists the closer she came to blacking out due to lack of air. Finally, when it seemed her lungs might explode, the ruthless gladiator pulled out his now re-hardened erection. A string of cum hung from Anaria’s bottom lip to the tip of Vercingador’s cock.

“Not bad for an inexperienced teenage pussy. The General will have you sucking us all off around the campfire each night. Your body will do wonders to keep us warm under the frost-rimed trees and the chill eye of the moon. But you will have to be useful in ANY way we see fit. Hmmm, which reminds me, I need to take a piss. Open your mouth, whore, and prepare to swallow.”

Anaria’s eyes widened. She forgot the fresh cum dribbling down her bottom lip and chin as the horror of what he was implying cut to her very core. Did he really want to piss in her mouth? What kind of sick, twisted brutes were these gladiators? They seemed even lower than animals. Just when she was about to balk and turn her head away, she heard Gorlann’s footsteps. With purposeful strides he interrupted the rape-in-progress.

“That’s enough. You had your time to play, not to mention my own cunt lent to maximize your pleasure.” He reached a hand out toward Anaria. She breathed a sigh of fervent relief. “Stand up, pussy. Come.” Anaria gladly let the rebel leader help her to her feet. She looked over her shoulder at a more than slightly sullen Vercingador. He looked like a boy who had just had his toy taken from him. Scar-Arm now angrily yanked Latya upright from the desk, her back flush against his torso. His hands slid upward, roughly groping the girl’s tits, even pinching her nipples, as the Tercanian serving girl groaned and squirmed.

“As you command, General, but I’m keeping this piece of ass for myself.”

“Do as you will,” Gorlann said darkly, “kill her later once you tire of her if you must, but hurry, damn you. You’ve emptied your balls. Now it is time to think with the head that matters most,” he added pointedly, tapping his temple with a finger for emphasis. “Come. The others will be waiting for us. The Imperium relief forces won’t be more than a few days away. We must make ready. You’ve slaked your thirst for pussy, but we have a more important thirst to slake, and only the blood of our enemies can satisfy it. Bring your prize, your pair of tits and a pussy, if you have to, but focus on the task at hand. Our very survival depends on it.”

Vercingador pulled his dazed captive with him, her breasts jiggling wildly as he shoved the naked girl none too gently through the doorway. Latya’s eyes shone with fear as they met Anaria’s.

“You heard the man. Move!”




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Fallen Here I was in this dirty dingy bathroom in an equally dirty dingy run down rat trap of a motel fixing my makeup and making sure my lingerie looked good for my "date". I couldn't help but think just how far I had fallen in my life. Only a few months ago, I was a successful attorney in a large law firm getting ready to become a full partner. Then my world came crashing down around me. Back then I liked to stop off on my way home and pick up young, big titted street whores...

1 year ago
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Fallen Doll

Could you imagine being one of those pathetic cucks that still faps to shitty games that don’t even have HDR? Cringe. If you’re going to jerk your dick to animated waifus getting fucked by monsters, then you should at least go all-in and do it right. I wanted to find the best of the best in terms of hot, monster-filled porn games. I didn’t want any 2D bullshit that looks like it was drawn by a horny high schooler during homeroom. And, well, I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t find the...

Free Sex Games
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Fallen Seraph

The world past is shrouded in a fine mist, obscuring the history and concealing the lies of which it beholds. It was a time of which we chose to forget about, whether it was intentional or a natural as the passing of time that wears away even the mightiest of structures. Many things have been lost, covered with the aging of time, secrets to the world that we can only guess. How had it come that a time of such life and beauty is lost and forgotten to the world, only remembered by those nameless...

1 year ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 10 The Second Encounter with Evan

Chapter 10: The Second Encounter with Evan The five spent the day training, and indeed, by the time the sun set, everyone was immensely tired and ready for sleep. Yawning luxuriously, Althea and Miranda sat in the back of Cal's jeep while they let Jeri sit up front with Cal. "So, whatcha thinking about?" Jeri asked Cal tenderly as he expertly steered the jeep past the large sinkhole in the middle of the dirt road. "You've been awfully quiet, lately... Something on your mind?" Cal...

4 years ago
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Fallen From Grace

Fallen from Grace Synopsis ? Left in charge of the mansion, the young daughter and her friend delight in severely punishing the servants. When his Lordship returns unexpectedly, they have to pay an unwelcome price for their misdeeds. ? ? Fallen from Grace ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is...

1 year ago
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Fallen Kingdom 2

Phaeka would do anything to save her daughter. That urgent motherly instinct surged in her despite the nightmare unfolding. The petite noblewoman had endured the worst of the rape already – or so she hoped. Now it was just one man fucking her, lying on top of her, pinning her to the patio table. He was a muscular specimen – brutish but not unhandsome. The whipcord muscles in his arms bulged as he tensed his body and kept thrusting. The Prythian noblewoman felt his cock plunge deep inside her...

2 years ago
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Fallen AngelsChapter 2

As I moved from my rack and got showered all I could think of was the beauty and how one kiss had changed me. Brovo knocked and entered my room and informed me that we were on deck at 13:00 hours. I normally, before the Innocent Beauty entered my life would have snapped to, ready to slay the next evil, rise to the challenge of the operation handed to me. But all I could think of was her, I had to call her, to let her know. I knew it was against protocol to even mention being called to action,...

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Fallen Fruit Introduction Anton and Jennas Shop of Opportunity

About two years ago, I and a business partner of mine, a tall and leggy woman named Jenna, opened up a re-sale clothing store called Fallen Fruit. We don’t run it for the money, because we don’t actually clear any great profit off the place even though it’s become quite popular with the local youth. And we’re not terribly interested in the merchandise we sell. We just put on the floor whatever our supplier brings us each week, at as low a cost as we think will keep the hipster crowd...

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Fallen Angel Part Two Lovers

Fallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) ‘Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering,’ my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. ‘What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?’ Her voice filled with loving concern. ‘The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul.’  I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. ‘I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my...

4 years ago
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Thousands of years ago, on the small continent of Rexral, a group of twelve mages landed on the shores of the island. The small empire at the time, Raxus, invited the mages into their court and heard their story of escape from a far off land that feared magic and executed any that weld such a power. Raxus, being a much more tolerant people assured these surviving mages that they would never have to fear such actions here and welcomed them to settle into one of the five holds. The mages...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel Part Two Lovers

Fallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) "Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering," my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. "What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?" Her voice filled with loving concern. "The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul."  I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. "I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my heart...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Fallen Snow Angels

It snowed last night. Just a couple inches but it was really beautiful. I’ve always loved snow. I’ve always had a fantasy of sex in the snow. I was outside this morning taking in the sight. It wasn’t too cold, about 33* The snow was still falling pretty hard, very thick flakes. Then my imagination kicked in. You were standing there with me. You were wearing sweat pants and a cute winter jacket. I couldn’t believe I was seeing you there. You smiled, walked toward me and then, with out...

3 years ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 3

Chapter 3: At the Market Place Althea woke up two hours later. Cal was up and about, going through his daily regimen of training in his fighting style of Ninjutsu. Doing an aerial drop-heel that shook the floor itself when his heel connected with the carpet, he looked over at Althea and smiled. "How are you?" he asked in a caring and gentle tone of voice. The digital clock on his dresser read: 1:13 PM. Sweating slightly and still naked, Cal came to sit down next to her to see how she...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 5 The Journal Entries

Chapter 5: The Journal Entries The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the...

3 years ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 8 Vincent Fenway the Amorous Demon Slayer

Chapter 8: Vincent Fenway, the Amorous Demon Slayer The two sat on Cal's bed five minutes later, each very naked. Cal wrapped his arms around Althea as both leaned against the wall for support, the gentle light from his bedside lamp illuminating the room nicely. Althea massaged Cal's right thigh gently, luxuriating in the feeling of Cal's love pulsating through her. "Tell me about the war on the Astral Plane, Calvin of the Divine Soldiers..." she whispered lovingly to him as his...

4 years ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 13 Another Demon Slayer

Chapter 13: Another Demon Slayer?! The end bell rang. "Whew! Glad today's over!" Cal said as he shut off his computer. Althea looked up at him with a helpless look, and Cal sat down beside her. "Okay, to turn off the computer, love," he began, whispering, "first you need to hit that button on the bottom left corner of the screen with the mouse." She did. "Now then, what you gotta do is, click 'shut down', and the computer will do the rest." She did and sighed in relief. Advanced...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 14 The Road through Darkness

Chapter 14: The Road through Darkness Lightning flashed, illuminating the darkened room. Opening one bleary eye, Cal looked over and saw Tawny looking at him lovingly, her arm around his stomach. Althea was still asleep. "How'd you sleep, love?" Cal whispered as he slowly sat up and wiped the sweat off his brow. Tawny moaned and sat up, kissing Cal on the lips. "It was great!" she whispered eagerly, shivering from the chill bedroom air. Seeing the shudder, Cal pulled his blanket up...

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Fallen From Sky 8211 My Very First Encounter

Hello! This is Love. I’m here to narrate my story which is my real experience. It happened a month back, which was unexpected. I never thought I would have that moment like that. Telling about myself:- looking: average, age: 24, height: 5’4”. And Her:- fair complexion, 5’ height, age 21, and … … she was beautiful. I know my narration sucks. But I just wanted to share my story with you. Hope you would like it. Please excuse my mistakes. This all happened out of a marriage ceremony, of a brother...

1 year ago
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Fallen Kingdom 3

Phaeka watched as the two men circled warily, each clenching their knife. The gladiator named Wulfkar and the unnamed Xokothi slave were locked in a deadly dance. The wife and mother only hoped that the two men could provide a distraction long enough for her to free her husband, find her daughter, and get her family far away from here. The town of Bheketha had fallen, and everywhere the sounds of raping, pillaging, and the ransacking of once dignified family villas echoed in the distance. She...

2 years ago
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Fallen Kingdom 5

The homes of the privileged Imperium – villas mostly – lined a cobblestone street in Bheketha, a town recently conquered by an angry army of gladiators and slaves risen in revolt. Now Shinatri Zaeda, of the proud, mercantilist Zaeda family, had become just another casualty of today’s destruction. The town had held out for as long as possible; Shinatri’s own father had been manning the walls, defending his family and many others with his life. But the town had fallen. The rebels had overrun it...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel

FALLEN ANGEL 1. Aunt Julene woke me up at 6:31 on the dot, sweeping lightly into the bedroom with a breakfast tray between her hands. This was nothing unusual in itself, I'd been subjected to these dawnlight raids for the past couple of couple of years. Her voice sliced through the air like a keen-edged blade. "Rise and shine, sleepy-head," she chimed in bright, tinkling tones that never failed to set my teeth on edge, "Your appointment's at nine, and we can't lie around all...

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Fallen Earth Caught in the Hospital

“That must be it,” Adela murmured as she paused to look at the twisted cross hanging loose from a concrete wall spider-webbed with vine-filled cracks. The young ranger was tall and slender, with an ample chest and long blonde hair that she wore pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a pair of loose-fitting black leather pants designed to survive several days of traveling, and a brief halter that provided just enough modesty in the sweltering southern heat. Her only equipment was the sword slung...

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Fantasy Kingdoms

Chapter 1 “Calling – first MILF victim” Qara Ya'Kin sit on bed with her legs spread. She was 18 year young woman. She had shapely B cup breasts. Her black hair were reaching the end of her neck. She had a slim figure, like every woman she knew.Between her legs knelled Io Reyure. She was 44 year old woman with enormous - but shapely E cup breasts. She had long brown hair. She had given birth to 14 daughters, but one could not see that in her shape. Both women were wearing only boots, stockings...

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Arya Stark Queen of the Seven Kingdoms

The old, disgusting Grandmaester Pycelle examined the tomboy teen, excessively caressing and touching her everywhere with his disgusting and gnarled fingers, confirming that she was a virgin. If she had Needle with her just then, she would have run the old pervert through. Arya Stark thought about running away, but it was pointless. She had no money, no friends, no father, and there wasn’t anywhere the new King or his Master of Whispers Varys couldn’t reach. She knew she was trapped, but she...

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Fallen Angel0

The game apparently ends with Your team winning, which brings a smile to Your face, "At last, that's the first one they've won all season". With that, You pull me into a sitting position and say, "Now, we're going out in a little while. I'm going to be punishing you, you know why, and if you embarrass me at all, in any way, you will regret it? Understand?" "Uh, yeah, sure Sir, whatever You say" I reply, a little unsure of what I'm agreeing to here, "What are You planning on...

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Fallen World The girl in the tunnel

“You can’t be here,” he said sharply as he stepped out into sight. The girl stopped with a small yelp of fear. “Go back, get away from here,” Owl added. “I can’t,” she replied. “There are hunters out, they’ve searched my normal hiding place.” Owl stiffened at the mention of hunters. Half human, half demon monsters that stalked the surface. They could only come out at night but when they were on the prowl every survivor hid and prayed they were not found. The girl caught his...

2 years ago
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I stood there stupidly, looking at Karly’s mother, Marsha. She was standing in the bedroom of my home, looking at me expectantly. She had just informed me that I would be coming come with her and Karly for the holiday… Karly was still wrapped up in my arms, having found her Christmas presents and having said thank you for them in the second nicest way I could think of at the moment, by kissing me passionately. Suddenly she pushed me back, “Outta the way, I’m packing here!” she...

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