Team Photos 7: Caitlyn free porn video

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Introduction: Caitlyn has a surprise AUTHORS NOTE:
Thanks for all the great feedback so far, Im not sure how long this story will run for as it has changed quite a bit from my initial plans. Well just have to see what happens.

Part 7: Caitlyn

After school I went to my gymnastics class, I really enjoyed it but I was having a hard time concentrating. I couldnt get what Lauren had done for me at lunch out of my head. The way she had slapped that bitch, made her cry and then forced her to apologize to me. I had gotten so wet watching her and then the kiss wed shared afterwards. I just couldnt wait to get her alone tonight, I had special plans for her.

Once we had finished I met up with my best friend Sara in the locker room. We were undressing, getting ready to shower. I didnt usually pay much attention to the other girls, I was always lusting after Lauren with no room in my mind for any other girls. But today was different, after finally getting a taste of some sweet girl love my outlook towards other girls had definitely changed.

I couldnt help but admire Saras bubble butt and C-cup breasts as she removed her leotard, pulling the strap out from between her butt cheeks. I shook my head, trying to get my focus back, I needed to ask her for a favor, not jump her bones right now.

Sara, can you do me a really big favor?
Sure Cat, whatcha need? she always called me cat, I wouldnt let anyone else get away with it, but she got special treatment.

I didnt quite know how to ask as it was kind of a weird request, but Sara knew all my secrets so I just blurted it out.

Can I borrow some of your toys? I could feel myself blushing, but hoped no one else could notice, since I was still hot and sweaty after the hard work wed just done.

Sara sat down, pulling her tights and panties off her feet, just wearing a sports bra now, You want to borrow my toys? Since when did you use dildos? I thought you preferred your fingers to hard rubber.

Sara and I had spent many a sleepover talking about the boys and girls she liked and my lust for Lauren. Sara had shown me how to get myself off properly, sometimes wed have little masturbation sessions and she showed me her sex toy collection. Her mother kept buying her toys, I thought it was kind of weird, and she didnt have a dad but I liked her mum anyway.

Well&hellip,..things have changed recently, I started pulling off my own tights, glad to finally get those tight clothes off, a bit of cool air on my hot skin.

Sara looked at me quizzically for a second, then a huge smile broke out across her face. You did it didnt you!?! You fucked Lauren!

Shhhhhh! Dont be so loud! I looked around, but no one seemed to be paying attention to us, there was just the usual level of chatter and laughter of 20 teenage girls in a locker room.

Yeah we did, twice last night I could feel my nipples tingling and getting hard just thinking about it again. I dont think I was ever going to be able to stop thinking about it.

Well come on, tell me about it! Sara grabbed her towel, shampoo etc. and headed for the showers. I quickly grabbed my gear and followed her, my gaze was drawn again to the flexing mounds of her buttocks and her long black hair that almost reached her ass.

We dont have enough time to tell you all the details, but it was awesome, better than I ever could have dreamed. And I want to give her a special treat tonight and I thought about using something of yours

Sara turned on a shower and stepped under the spray, running her hands thru her hair, I couldnt help myself, I kept staring at her as I started my own shower. Sara had such large breasts, it was almost funny sometimes watching her at gymnastics, and they would shake and lurch all over the place as she would tumble, flip and move around. She would complain about them, but I know she loved them and the attention they got her. I just wished she went to my school so I could spend more time with her.

Sorry Cat, I cant get you anything tonight, Mum just got a promotion so were going out for dinner tonight. We could try and meet tomorrow afternoon or something if you want?

Damn, I thought, what to do now I wondered? Sara, didnt live very close and she was home schooled so we didnt get to see each other as often as I would have liked. One of us would usually spend Saturday night at the others place every weekend, otherwise it was just Monday nights at gymnastics right now.

How about I come over on Friday and spend the weekend, I could show you how to use them properly, Sara had a look in her eye that Id never seen before. Did she want to get a piece of Lauren too?

When Sara and I played at our sleepovers we didnt usually get each other off, just lying side by side, legs and arms touching, as we brought ourselves off. Sara loved her toys, but I preferred to use my fingers on myself.

Do you think youll be able to spend the whole weekend? Its Easter and mum and dad will be gone the whole time for their wedding anniversary Just the thought of spending that much time alone with Lauren and Sara had my clit tingling, my pussy was getting wet and it wasnt the shower causing it.

Of course she will, you know mum lets me do anything I want, Sara was soaping her pussy now, or at least thats how it looked, but I knew her and from the way her voice quavered I could tell she was really just rubbing her clit. Sara loved to get herself off sneakily in the showers, surrounded by all these hot girls who had no idea what she was doing.

Ill get mum to call your parents, Ill make her come up with something to convince them to let me stay Sara could always get her mum to do whatever she wanted, I wished I could.

Sara froze for a second, biting her lower lip, her eyes half closed, obviously cumming and trying hard not to show it. I just watched as I continued to shower in a more normal manner.

After a few seconds her eyes opened and she grinned at me, Mmmm I needed that, you should try it sometime, its so intense trying not to let anyone else know.

I always know you little tramp! I laughed at her as I began rinsing off.

Yeah you know, but youre my special little Cat! Sara let out her funny little purr that she would use when trying to con me into doing something stupid. Lets get finished, we cant spend all afternoon in the shower together, then she leant toward me whispering, not today anyway.

My heart gave a little lurch at the thought, what was going through Saras mind right now?

We finished showering, dried off and went to get dressed as we made plans for the weekend. Mum and dad were already waiting in the parking lot for me, so I jumped in the car and immediately apologized for being so late, I needed to be a good girl if I wanted Sara to stay over.

They continued on with their usual babble, hardly paying any attention to me on the drive home. We stopped at a pizza place and Dad went inside to pick up some dinner for us.

Mum turned to me and asked, Hows Sara today sweety?
Shes good mum, she said to say hello
Im sorry you wont be able to go to her place this weekend, but with us going away I dont want to leave Lauren alone with Alex, theyd probably destroy the house fighting without you there to keep the peace she laughed.

I couldnt believe mum had given me such an easy opportunity to bring up the subject, way to go mum I thought.

How about she come over to our place this time? Please mum, it would be great to have her keep us company and she gets on really well with Lauren and well be really good. Alex will probably be out with his friends anyway I was starting to babble so I stopped talking.

I dont know honey, the four of you in the house, you wouldnt be planning on having a party or something?

Of course not mum, you know I dont have enough friends to have parties, I put a little quiver in my voice, putting my head down and letting my hair fall down around my face. I didnt have many friends and mum was always on at me to get out more often, but I liked the small circle I had and preferred to keep it that way. But mum was a sucker for the guild trip so I went with it.

Oh Im sorry honey, I didnt mean it like that, I know I can trust you, its just that your only 15 and its a big responsibility leaving the three of you alone for 4 days.

Well it would be four of us and Sara is 16 so its even safer. Im not sure if my argument actually made sense but it seemed to work.

OK, Ill talk to your father about it

Thanks mum, it really means a lot to me that you trust me, I wont let you down, I promise! YES, I thought, done deal.

Dad finally came out with the pizza and we headed home. We pulled into the driveway and I jumped out, eager to see Lauren.

Dont forget your bag Caitlyn Dad reminded me, I doubled back and grabbed it, so mum bet me to the door, opening it and calling out, Lauren, were home!

Mum headed for the bathroom and I walked into the kitchen, dropping my bag by the stairs. To say I was shocked by what I saw would be an understatement.

Lauren was running across the lawn, holding a shirt in one hand and wearing a tiny skirt that was hiked up around her waist, grass stains on her legs and back and Dusty jumping at her heels.

What the hell had she been doing? She dove headlong into the pool just before Dad walked into the kitchen.

What is that girl doing now? Swimming at this time of day, go tell her to get cleaned up, its time for dinner Dad sounded like he was half annoyed and half trying not to laugh. I guess he hadnt actually seen her half naked body, hed just heard the splash.

I quickly ran and grabbed a towel before heading outside. Lauren was holding onto the near side of the pool, so all you could see was her head and Dusty had wandered off down the yard, sniffing and licking at a spot on the ground.

Caitlyn, oh my god am I glad to see you, youve got to help me, she sounded close to panic.

What on earth were you doing? Dad almost saw you, but he sent me out here to get you out of the pool. As I got to the edge of the pool, I could see that she still didnt have her shirt on.

She looked embarrassed, I was playing with Dusty but Alex came home and caught me, he made me do things with him and then he ran off and left me when he heard the car in the driveway.

I was stunned, What did that bastard do to you?

Later, just get me out of here, please! she looked close to tears now.

Come down to the other end, I led her to the other end of the pool, where we couldnt be seen from the kitchen and held up the towel for her.

Lauren climbed out, clothes dripping wet and stepped into my arms. I wrapped the towel around her, rubbing her back briskly, I could feel her shivering.

Take off that skirt, and wrap the towel around yourself, Dad wont be able to tell youre naked under it. I kept hold of the towel, shielding her from any possible view from inside the house as she stepped back before slipping the skirt down her thighs and dropping the shirt as well.

She was covered in goose bumps, and her nipples were sticking out at least a centimeter. I quickly wrapped the towel back around her, before bending down and grabbing her clothes, no panties as usual I thought. I didnt want to walk inside carrying her wet clothes, which might raise some questions, so I carried them around the corner and stashed them under some bushes.

Right, lets get you inside and warmed up I grabbed Lauren by the arm and led her inside. Dad was at the counter, getting some plates of a cupboard.

What on earth were you doing Lauren, you knew that it would be time for tea, not time for you go to off all hare brained and swimming, its too damn cold for that then he glanced up and looked at her.

One look and you could tell that something wasnt right, she was shaking and a little too pale. Lauren, are you alright? he asked, concern obvious in his voice.

Its okay dad, Dusty and I were playing and he knocked me into the pool and I swallowed some water. I didnt plan on going swimming today.

I kept us moving towards the stairs, eager to get away before more questions could be asked.

Dont worry dad, Ill take care of her, get her into the shower and warmed up

He was still frowning, but seemed to believe Laurens story, alright, Ill put some pizza in the oven for you, keep it warm

I pushed Lauren up the stairs and into our room, I leaned back against the door, phew! Wed gotten away clean. There might be more questions later, but we had time to think and I could find out the whole story now.

Lauren was just sitting on her bed, shed let go of the towel so now it was just covering her lap, her hard nipples pointing at me. I didnt quite know what to do, what had happened with Alex? Had he raped her or was it something else?

I went and sat down next to her, putting my arms around her, I hugged her to me. Lauren, are you ok? What happened?

I need a shower, Im all sticky she didnt look at me, she just got up and walked into the bathroom. I wasnt sure what was going on, but I didnt want to give Alex anything else to see, so I grabbed a chair from my desk and followed Lauren into the bathroom, then wedging the chair under the other door so it couldnt be opened.

Lauren? Talk to me, tell me what happened? I was getting quite concerned now, was she in shock or something?

She turned on the shower, before turning to me and pulling me into another hug.

Im fan-fucking-tastic! Just damn cold! she whispered into my ear as she grabbed my t-shirt and pulling it up and over my head.

Her fingers started tracing along the edges of my bra, teasing me with her delicate touch as they lightly ran along the edges of my boobs. My back arched and I let out an involuntary gasp as she squeezed both of my breasts, rubbing her thumbs across my nipples.

Lauren bent down, kissing my neck, her hands running behind me, unclasping my bra and dragging the straps down my arms. My bra fell to the ground between us and Lauren continued kissing down from my neck, across my collar bone, and onto my left boob, before licking at my nipple.

She looked up into my eyes, just the tip of her tongue flicking my nipple as her hands ran down my back before cupping my ass and squeezing me.

I moaned and grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her up until I could kiss her, our lips mashing against each other. My tongue slipped between her lips, eagerly searching for hers, I tasted the inside of her mouth, and teasing her I pulled back as I felt her tongue pushing at me. I eagerly sucked her tongue into my mouth as I ran my hands through her hair and she continued to squeeze and knead the cheeks of my butt.

One of her hands moved between us, rubbing at the seam of my jeans, pushing hard against my pussy. I ground my pussy into her hand, trying to direct the pressure towards my clit. Lauren pushed me back up against the sink, her beautiful blue eyes staring into mine as she undid the buttons on my jeans and started tugging the tight material down over my hips.

I wiggled my butt, helping her to slide them down, Lauren knelt down and grasped one calf and raised my foot, sliding my jeans off before repeating the process on the other leg. Keeping hold of my leg she raised my foot to her mouth, placing a light kiss on the top of my foot.

Your feet stink! she giggled.
They do not! I cried in indignation. She just laughed again, her breath warm on my toes as she again kissed my foot. A delicious shiver ran up my spine as she began sucking on my big toe, this was a new thing for me but I could feel myself getting wetter and warmth spreading out from my center.

My toe slipped from Laurens mouth with a wet pop she began to lick and kiss her way up my calf, nibbling at the back of my knee, where she knew I had a sensitive spot. With both hands now grasping my thighs, she pushed me up until I was sitting on the bench.

mmmmm, you smell so good and look at the mess youve made of your panties! Theyre all wet and you didnt even go swimming!

Her eyes were half closed as she looked up at me, a small smile playing on her face, her nose just inches away from my light pink panties, which I have to admit did have a very noticeable wet spot on them.

Well at least Im wearing some was my witty comeback.
Youll regret it soon was her unusual reply.

Her tongue snaked out again, running along the wet spot before she pushed her mouth against me. I could feel her breath against my pussy lips as she sucked on my panties, trying to get a better taste of me.

Take them off I moaned in an urgent husky voice.

Lauren just shook her head, continuing to nuzzle at my pussy through my panties which were now wet with her saliva and my juices.

I reached down and grabbed my panties myself, I tried to wriggle them out from under my ass, but Lauren grabbed my hands, Not yet she whispered, then she slid my hands underneath my ass so I was sitting on them, before she returned her attention to my eager pussy.

Lauren was such a tease and it was driving me nuts, I wanted to give her something special tonight and here she was going down on me again! I couldnt complain though as I let out another moan when she pulled the crotch aside, baring my bald pussy to her gaze. My small lips were glistening with moisture and my clit stood out, craving her touch.

She slipped a finger inside me, my tight pussy slowly giving way to the insistent pressure. She soon reached my hymen, looking up at me she said, Were going to have to get rid of that soon.

Not tonight, I want that to be something special for us later

I badly wanted Lauren to take my virginity but now wasnt the time, now I just wanted her to make me cum.

Okay, but since I cant go any deeper in here, Lauren pumped her finger in and out my pussy a few times before pulling out. Then I guess Im going to have to put my finger somewhere else!

Lauren had an evil glint in her eye as her finger, now coated in my pussy juice slid down from my pussy to my little rosebud. She flicked her tongue across my clit, causing my hips to buck forward and her finger to push at my asshole.

Oh so you want my finger in your ass? she flicked my clit again. I groaned again in mix of pleasure and frustration as my hips involuntarily thrust forward again, this time Lauren pushed with her finger sending the tip into my ass. Damn my little sister, it had only been one day and already she could play me like a fiddle.

I knew thats what you wanted, since youre saving your pussy it must be your ass that you want to give me. Lauren pushed her finger steadily into my ass, I could feel each knuckle as it slid past my sphincter.

Lauren began wiggling her finger inside my butt, I could feel it moving around inside me as she again licked my clit, sending another shudder through my body and I clenched down on her finger.

Your ass is so tight, I bet if you tried what I did today, you wouldnt be able to sit down for a week!

I was suddenly reminded of the state I had found her in, what did she do today? What happened to your ass? In any other situation a question like that would seem very weird I thought, but such ideas were quickly driven from my mind as Lauren sucked hard at my clit and began pumping her finger in and out of my ass.

mmmph, later, mmmm she gave out a muffled response as she licked, sucked and nibbled at my clit and pussy. Running her tongue up and down my lips, she would then suck my clit into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it before licking back down my lips and repeating the process.

I couldnt take it anymore and pulled my hands out from underneath me, they were kind of numb but I grabbed my tits anyway, pulling at nipples so my boobs extended out into cones before letting them go. I loved being rough with my nipples but tender with my pussy and Lauren had me so close to the edge, I was almost ready to come.

Hey, I didnt say you could use your hands! Lauren sat back, looking at me as I pulled hard on my nipples and letting out another groan of frustration.

Lauren! my voice echoed around the room, shocking us both. I slapped a hand across my mouth, shit! If Alex is in his room he must have heard me and I didnt want that creep knowing what was going on in here.

We both stared at his door for several moments before looking at each other. Sorry I whispered.

Since you like to shout my name all the time, Im going to have to give your mouth something to keep it quiet, hmmm, I liked the sound of that idea.

I jumped down off the bench thinking I was going to get a chance to taste her sweet self again, when Lauren held up a hand, placing it on my stomach, Dont move she said.

She then grabbed my panties and slowly slid them down my legs, I could feel her gaze on my hot pussy, my juices dribbling from between my lips.

Lie down she ordered me. I lay down on the cold floor, quivering in anticipation of Laurens pussy in my mouth again. She leaned down, licking my lips before kissing me on the nose. I giggled at the weirdness of it, before Lauren muffled my giggles by stuffing my panties into my mouth.

Lauren started laughing quietly at the look on my face, Told you youd regret wearing them, or maybe you dont, you do taste really good

I had to agree, I could taste myself on the cotton material and I could smell my own pussy as well. Why had I never thought of doing this myself?

With another kiss on the nose, Lauren pushed my panties completely into my mouth before she went back down between my legs. Pulling them apart and raising them up she exposed my nether regions to her lustful gaze. It wasnt long before I felt her tongue digging sliding between my lips, trying to force it into my pussy.

I went back to playing with my nipples, sucking on my panties as Lauren quickly got me back to the brink of orgasm. I could feel her fingers pushing at my butthole again, this girl really did have a fascination with trying to finger my ass, but I loved her and I was getting to like the ass fingering as well. I tried to relax my sphincter so she could push in more easily, I opened up and she pushed into me, oh wow, her finger felt much bigger this time.

Damn Caitlyn, youve got two of my fingers in your ass now! Lauren slowly started to pump them in and out as she continued to tongue fuck my pussy.

I began to feel it rising like a tidal wave, my toes curled and my stomach clenched. I tried to cry out, but my cries were muffled by my own cum drenched panties, still stuffed in my mouth.

With a rush I began cumming, spraying my pussy juice on Laurens face as my cunt and ass spasmed on her fingers and tongue. She pulled her fingers from my ass and lightly licked my pussy lips as I shook and moaned. The waves of bliss seemed to go on and on, every time I thought I was coming back down, Lauren would suck on my clit and jam a finger back in my ass.

I dont know if I just had one massive long orgasm or lots of smaller ones, but eventually Lauren relented and let me come down completely. I just lay there on the floor, basking in the afterglow as she got up and began showering.

After a couple of minutes, Lauren got out and began toweling herself off, Are you just going to lie there, sucking on your panties or are you going to get up so we can get something to eat?

I pulled the panties from my mouth, I thought you did just eat? I was proud of myself for that one.

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Halloween Photos

Ricky: Halloween was fast approaching. My dad is a scrooge. I know, I know, that is a Christmas thing and this is Halloween but Dad hated all holidays that involved him doing something more than watching TV and drinking beer. High on his dislikes list were Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving except for football and especially Halloween. Mum was the exact opposite. She liked to make every holiday or special day into something wonderful for everyone to look back at in the future with...

4 years ago
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First Photos A True Story

First PhotosI am a lucky, lucky man. I met Brenda when she was just a young woman. I really didn't pay any attention because I thought she was really a couple years younger than she looked. I thought she was still too young, but that soon changed.Brenda had just starting dating a friend of mine, a guy on my softball team. We kind have run the same social circles. I was just one of the older members of the group and she was one of the younger. As time past, she and my friend had some bumps in...

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The 3000 Nude Photos

To my knowledge, I'm the only millionaire who always stays at cheap motels. The more run down it is, the sleazier it is, the better it serves my purposes. You find a different class of prey at motels. These are people who are travelling for their own reasons, yet lack the resources to travel well. Truck drivers, college k**s on vacation, salesmen down on their luck; all of which are desperate enough and poor enough to accept whatever jaded offer I make them. These were my kind of people.My...

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Britney And The Photos

After a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same - a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...

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A weekend, mid-spring, many years ago. My wife and I were reorganizing the garage. Cleaning it out. We were pulling everything out from where we’d stuffed it over the years and were sorting through it all methodically, making piles - stuff to keep, stuff to donate, stuff to throw-out, stuff to sell, stuff to destroy, etc.It was early in the afternoon and unusually warm. We were both sweaty, dirty and more than a little grumpy. My wife was particularly fussy - pulling out all our dusty old stuff...

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My Wild Vacation Photos

[This is a National Nude Day 2017 entry which was inspired by a post on a TruthOrDare site. A woman sent in a photo of her, naked in a Vegas window facing the town. That didn’t do it. Her story of oral sex both ways on the hotel elevator fired up images and stories about exhibiting and sex.] Mario and Maria invited perv... uhm, unsuspecting prospects to a ‘quiet’ weekend brunch at our place. Jewel and Jack were exceedingly curious why we insisted on a recent, clean blood panel. Mario told them...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 1 Daya Ke Photos

Hello guys my name is Rahul and I am 18 years old studying in college. Please puri story padiye jise ek acha sa mahol banee aur imagine karte jayie jis characters ki baat hoti hai jisse jyada maja ayega. ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THE STORY ARE 18+ ADULTS. Iss serial ko introduction ki koi jarurat nahi hai yeh meri aapki aur sabki favourite serials mein se ek hai ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.’ Toh iss story ki characters toh aapko pata hee hai toh sidha story pe aata hun! Toh start karte hai...

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Alessandra Autobiography 4 All Alone Photos

Alessandra, all alone, masturbates more and moreAlessandra, is she attractive in your eyes? She is super critical about her bodily beauties. See her three photos.Alessandra's social situation gets another big blow, while she desperately tries to stabilize. As an autistic teen, she has to attend weekly meetings with a psychologist in a group of other younger people suffering similar setbacks. Lovely looking Linda Love is her only close friend from their youngest years in the same nice new...

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My First photos I took of a naked woman

I recently was digitising a load of old negatives and discovered one of an ex-girlfriend flashing her tit and this bought back some good memories. I was a teenager in the 1980s and therefore well before the internet. My main outlet for masturbation was porn magazines, some of which I purchased from a nearby newsagents and some I found in the local park. I met my first girlfriend, Di, when I was working overseas and we had a wonderful sex life. We went out for just about 12 months and about...

1 year ago
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Britney and The Photos

After a long and tiring show, Britney Spears was ready to collapse on the couch in her dressing room. Making her way to the back of the amphitheater, the screams of the crowd still echoing in the halls, Britney quickly snuck inside her dressing room and plopped down in a chair. Britney scanned the room. All of these dressing rooms had started looking the same - a bathroom/shower off to the side, a big couch in the center of the room, a table covered with all sorts of food and drinks. It was...

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A Photographer8217s Unpredictable Job 8211 Part 3 Fantastic Photos

I was feeling ashamed because I still was without a shirt. Komal and Rohit were laughing and cheering over there. They kissed each other and Rohit played with Komal’s breasts many times Komal grabbed Rohit’s penis over the jeans many times. This all seemed exciting but I was not that time. Sapna came back after a few minutes. She went directly to the shelf and picked some clothes from there. Now she came to the table where drinks and some food was and took a drink. She removed her t-shirt and...

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Alessandra Autobiography 5 Always Hot Photos

Alessandra is, as all autistic tasty teens, always horny and longing to fulfill her hot fantasiesAlessandra is all alone since she stopped to attend school. At home, she can't help feeling horny all the time. Making herself come satisfies her only for the moment. She longs to share her feelings with a lover. Best a lesbian like her, but a bit elder, with erotic experience and bigger breasts than her tiny teen tits.Alessandra can't stand mirrors. As an autist, she sees mainly her lack of beauty....

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Pool Party Photos

Wrote this as a chain story chapter on another site.Monday evening. James staggered out of the taxi, the long flight taking it`s toll on him. He looks around with bleary tired eyes at the new neighbourhood his family had just moved into over the previous weekend while he was away working. The glow from the nearby street light seemingly casting more shadows than illumination, some of the shadows looked like tendrils reaching for the nearby homes but he just puts it down to his own tired...

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Our Uncle took photos of us

I got into it more out of curiosity and like other the other women got a feel for it as it answered a lot of niggling question with brilliant results.We had been married eighteen months when our sex life nose-dived. Deep down I knew it was not me because I looked after myself kept in shape and still had a part time modeling career.Bit by bit the truth was beginning to dawn on me as when on the few occasions we actually did something physical he wanted me to talk about sex with other men I had...

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I Saw Your Photos Mrs C

Prologue"GOD DAMN IT!" my husband screamed at his PC."What now?" I asked."I just got another one of those fucking black screens of death. Third time today, and I'm leaving for Chicago in the morning for a week. I'm going to need this piece of crap when I get home to do my trip report. Can you call Jason tomorrow and have him fix this piece of shit for me, baby?" Tom asked."Yeah sure," I grinned, amused at how much he and I are alike when it comes to our lack of patience with things...

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Team Photos 12 Lauren

Enjoy PART 12: LAUREN We all just lay there, slowly coming back to our senses after our first little group session. I was desperate to orgasm myself but I figured I could wait for now, I was sure it wouldn’t be long before I got some attention as well. I was so proud of Caitlyn; she seemed to finally be getting over her hang ups about boys and cocks. After a couple of minutes of silence, Caitlyn reached out and lightly touched Alex’s cock, still sticky and shiny from the blowjob...

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Team Photos 10 Lauren

This chapter worked out differently than intended, it was going to be the whole weekend, instead this is just Friday night. I'll continue working on it this week and will hopefully have some more out soon. Part 10: Laurens Present The rest of the week passed in a blur, things felt pretty weird and I felt like I was being pulled in every direction at once. Caitlyn and I developed a little routine, each morning I would watch her get dressed and it would get me so hot I would just...

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Team Photos 11 Caitlyn1

I awoke the next morning to find Lauren staring at me and lightly stroking my hair. “Good morning beautiful, it’s about time you woke up.” She smiled at me as I stretched, raising my arms above my head and luxuriating in the feeling and knowledge that I was no longer a virgin and the woman I loved lying beside me. “Morning to you to,” I replied. “I could get used to waking up like this every day.” “So could I,” we both just stared into each others eyes for a few moments before Lauren...

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Team Photos 10 Lauren

Introduction: Laurens Present Introduction: Sorry for the wait, but life has been intruding and i couldnt get as much writing down as i wanted to. This chapter worked out differently than intended, it was going to be the whole weekend, instead this is just Friday night. Ill continue working on it this week and will hopefully have some more out soon. Part 10: Laurens Present The rest of the week passed in a blur, things felt pretty weird and I felt like I was being pulled in every direction at...

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Glamour Photos Lead to Latex Sex

They had met in a hotel bar and she knew immediately she wanted to fuck him. He had her so wet just by looking at her, that when he told her he was a glamour photographer who had just finished a shoot up in his room with a local girl, she almost came there and then. Controlled by the pulsing in her damp pussy, she found herself telling this stranger that she had always wanted to be a glamour model and did he think she had what it took ? Would he take the bait ? He smiled and said the best way...

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Glamour Photos Lead to Latex Sex

They had met in a hotel bar and she knew immediately she wanted to fuck him. He had her so wet just by looking at her, that when he told her he was a glamour photographer who had just finished a shoot up in his room with a local girl, she almost came there and then. Controlled by the pulsing in her damp pussy, she found herself telling this stranger that she had always wanted to be a glamour model and did he think she had what it took ? Would he take the bait ?He smiled and said the best way to...

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Alessandra Autobiography 3 Awesome Photos

Alessandra is awesome, lovely and lonelyAlessandra sits lonely at home. No more school to suffer. Still she suffers at home, mostly all alone. Only her elder bro Rob shows some understanding and sometimes offers her his helping hand. To avoid a complete scholarly stand still, he borrows her his computer and shows her sites, where she can pick up some useful knowledge for free. Later, he takes her along running a few times a week, to keep her in some shape. Linda is still her only friend in...

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Susanne Submits 2 Solo Sex Photos

Susanne shows us in, after our first fucks in the small hall of her apartment. The double doors to her sunny garden are wide open, so I sit down outside, which is a few steps down from her main room. While she is in the kitchen to fetch us fresh mugs of milk-coffee, I roll a reefer to set her mind further free, into the rich realm of life full of lust as a sex slave for a few weeks. Susanne seems at peace with her new submissive role, although she still hardly knows, what it might imply for...

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Mother in Law photos

This is to save me keep explaining those photos of her that I have posted.She is fun and does let my touch her tits but thats about it. She's just about to have her 70th on the 4th Feb 2012 and when she gets back from her holiday she wants me to take some "Calendar Girl" photos of her. So we'll see what happens.She doesn't know I have these photos of her. The phone ones that came from her mobile phone when she asked me to look at it as it was playing up. Loose sim card. When I saw what was on...

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Improving Our Photos

We had known Bob and Sheila for many years, they were long time friends of the family, we had taken holidays together and our k**s had played and grown up together. Three years ago, sadly, Sheila died in a car accident. She and Bob had both been very accomplished professional photographers, freelancing for various newspapers and journals. We still saw Bob regularly and had helped him through the tragic loss of his wife. One fateful evening Bob was at our house after having joined us for a meal...

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Team Spirit

Team Spirit by Janice Dreamer The crowd was on its feet. This was the final game for the state championship. Madison High was favored by a narrow margin and it looked like they were going to pull it off. Eastern High's only hope was their All State quarterback, Josh Thomas. But even his magnificent passing ability might not get them the yardage they needed to score, especially since the Madison defenders had to know a pass was Eastern's only hope. Josh glanced over at the...

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Team Players Part 1 of Many

Chapter 1 Here I was, 38 years old, rehabilitating an injured leg. Divorced 7 years now, and really nowhere to go. Until 6 months ago, I was an active team member of the Navy Seals. Unfortunately for me and two other team members, our truck hit an IED, Improvised explosive device, or a homemade bomb, near the Pakistan border in Afghanistan. Now if you ever want a hell hole to visit, then just take a plane there. The bomb tore up the truck and my knee and thigh, in the process. One of my team...

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Looking Back Through Old Photos

Looking Back Through Old Photos Copyright 2013 TG Stone Looking back through old photos. We’ve all done it – you’re searching in the attic for something, or clearing out a wardrobe when you’re moving – and you find a box. Sometimes it’s marked PERSONAL! in big letters. For some it’s a mystery as to the contents, you don’t really remember what’s in it, you haven’t looked inside it for years. Of course, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you have to open up the box, and then spend the...

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Boudoir Photos Turn Into Something Extra

My husband and I had already discussed this a few times. My sexy friend Mia wants to take some hot boudoir pictures. She thinks her husband, Joaquin, will get really turned on by looking at some nude photos of her. She’s prepared to get naked for him, but she needs somebody she can really trust to style her, pose her, and take the intimate photos. She has ruled out a professional photographer. She wants a friend to take the pictures.I said I would do it and I’d be discreet. Mia’s so pretty, I’m...

Wife Lovers
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Looking Back Through Old Photos

Looking Back Through Old Photos Copyright 2013 TG Stone Looking back through old photos. We’ve all done it – you’re searching in the attic for something, or clearing out a wardrobe when you’re moving - and you find a box. Sometimes it’s marked PERSONAL! in big letters. For some it’s a mystery as to the contents, you don’t really remember what’s in it, you haven’t looked inside it for years. Of course, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you have to open up the box, and then spend the...

First Time
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Team Spirit

Four eighteen-year-old studs, the Middleton College Sophomore debating team, were gathered in Room 212 waiting for the teacher. They were surprised by who arrived, surprised by the new teacher, slender, hard-bodied, barely older than them, with the voice and face of an angel. "Hello boys. I'm Ellen James, your new team advisor." "Hi, Miss James. My name is Luis, the team captain. This anglo on my right is Scott; that dude there is Carl, and Jeff is the fool coming out of the bathroom."...

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Team Pink Take Out Trish and Ashley

Team Pink Take Out Trish And Ashley A young ring hand makes his way into a locker room backstage a few hours before Raw. He found a note telling him to go into this locker room and when he goes in he sees WWE Diva Candice Michelle standing wearing a small blue towel. The towel barely holds her big boobs in and is so small the ring hand can nearly see her pussy. “Hi Keith thanks for coming you see I need your help,” Candice purrs pulling up her towel a bit exposing more...

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Team Spirit

Team Spirit By Ms. Jenny Ann Preface by author: The following story was authored by me, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. A comment was made to stop with my photos, so this story will not have any; however, in order to get the random thoughts to come together in some sort of way, I had to get inspired. I began by slowly transforming myself, stopping along the way to read a few stories. It worked and I now know what I want to add to this story. I did take a picture;...

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Team revenge for losing the meet

It was to be the biggest meet in the season, our track team against our cross town rivals. I was the third leg of the relay team, ready and set to go as my team mate came towards me, we were leading by twenty seconds, the baton was being handed to me as I started to grip the baton I stumbled and went down in a heap. Our team lost by my bungling a temp to get a head start. In the locker room my team mates were furious, they demanded that I be thrown off the squad. Coach tried to qualm them and...

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Team Players Part 2 of Many

As we left the first part I, Dan, a 38 year old Navy Seal, recuperating from an injury sustained in Afghanistan almost a year ago, to my leg and knee. Right now I am on Desk Duty, since I can no longer partake with my Seal Team members. I act as a consultant for them, when they are deployed in some god forsaken area of the world. I live with my sister in law, although I don’t know what she really is called now, since my brothers death, over 5 years ago. He was cheating on her, and leaving a...

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Team Leader Devours Married Virgin Sirisha8217s Tight Pussy

Hi all. I am new here. Welcome me! I am Sirisha, age 29. I am a married woman, working in a software company in Bangalore (even though originally I am from Mumbai). This incident happened a few months back during the IPL season. I was newlywed to Kunal, who was also working in the same company. Coming to the situation, I am a big Mumbai Indians fan. So I told my team lead in a conversation that Mumbai would win this season too. My team lead, Razak (almost 42) laughed and told he would bet 10...

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I would not have believed it possible, but it happened. I have heard it said that more all less any woman will fall for enough flattery and clearly that is what occurred to me. I have actually been quite shy all my life and that is what made it all the more surprising.I was travelling home from work on the train, a bit later than usual. Being a bit later it wasn’t quite so crowded so I had a seat and was enjoying a bit of a read, a nice girly book I had been promising myself as a guilty...

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My sons photos

100% fiction! Our middle-aged neighbors Marie and Tom are sun lovers like me and we are often to be seen sunbathing in our back gardens. Marie and I sometimes go topless but I was not too worried as my son is in his twenties and I thought he wouldn’t take much notice. That was until he was out one day and I decided to clean his room. His camera was connected to his laptop and he had left it switched on so I thought I would sneak a peek at what he had photographed. I moved the mouse and up...

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Team Leader Ne Kiya Taiyari Pooja Ko Chodne Ki

Hello dosto, aapka Dev aapke saamne fir hazir hai, ek nayi kahani leke. Aapne meri pichli kahaniyon ko bohot pasand kiya uske liye bohot-bohot shukriya. Umeed hai aapko meri ye kahani bhi bohot pasand aayegi. Toh joh log mere baare me nahi jaante unhe me bata du, mera naam Dev hai. Mai Mumbai me ek MNC me job karta hu. Mai married hu, aur apni biwi se bohot pyaar karta hu. Humara sex life bhi bohot mast chal rahi hai. Meri height 5’ 6” hai, aur mai ek average banda hu. Mera lund ka size 6.5”...

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Steamer Party in Germany with Indian Bombshell 8211 Part I

A few years back I traveled to Germany very often. My company got a huge software development assignment from a German Software company who got this assignment from a German ship builder. I was given the charge of both supervising the development at home and implementing it at the site in Germany. So I had to visit very frequently two places in Germany, Cologne where the German Software Company was located and Hamburg where the German Ship builder was located. At Cologne, I met a very charming...

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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 1619

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER SIXTEEN I've been here two days, recovering from the "interrogation", as Hanson calls it. There's a meal on the folding table next to the cot but I can't eat. I failed. I failed Bob ... I failed myself. I couldn't hold out any longer. The pain was so bad. I knew I was going to die! After betraying Bob, I think Hanson gave me a shot of something because I don't remember anything until the next morning. She came in and started...

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