Twelve Lays Of Xmas Ch. 05 free porn video

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Five Gold Rings

A day later. I lay in the bath, soaking my body in hot water and some orange and saffron-scented bath oil Jessica had found on her shopping trip with Orla. It was early evening. Some of the girls were coming over to dinner, and I was recouping my strength, remembering at the same time just what an amazing few days had passed already.

Jessica came in to the bathroom, in a loose robe, bringing cold white wine in tall glasses. She sat down on the edge of the bath, stroked her fingers through my hair. I rubbed my fingers along her upper thigh.

‘How’s Christmas working out for you?’ she purred. I laughed, and admitted I had never had a better one. Jessica leaned over, kissed my mouth and we drank wine together. Dinner was an hour away, we had time to relax.

‘I called Cat,’ Jessica told me. ‘She had to cry off work today. Slept until midday, apparently.’

‘She was a busy girl yesterday,’ I commented. I smiled to myself, remembering the look on her face when she was finally untied and had the blindfold removed. Seeing the faces of familiar friends and new lovers, she had cried for a little while and then hugged every one of us.

‘I was so scared at first, after you left me for so long, I just couldn’t cum! I really didn’t know who was here at first! But then, there were hands all over me, tongues… your cock inside me, Paul – it was you, right? God, I felt so shameless, knowing it could have been anyone.’

‘I want to try that!’ Orla had giggled, and then flushed bright red as we all teased her simultaneously about how she really wanted to be fucked by a stranger, and she denied it in a voice that grew higher and higher until we were all roaring with laughter.

‘So, what’s on the menu for tonight,’ I asked my lover. Jessica kissed me again, slow and deep, and toyed with my cock under the warm water. She didn’t answer, of course, not even about what was for dinner.

‘I thought you were my sub,’ I protested. ‘Aren’t you supposed to be more obedient?’

‘I let you think that for a while when we first met,’ Jessica laughed, and I grabbed her and slid her into the bath with me, her robe tangled around her body until we dragged it off, and we kissed and stroked each other in the water, laughing and splashing. I stroked her clit with my fingers until she came, and she lay her head on my shoulder.

‘I do belong to you, totally,’ she sighed, and we kissed and teased and played a little more until we were in danger of guests arriving before we had even started to get dressed.


Dinner was perfect. I’d mixed up some herbs and spices, and Jessica had created a series of light dishes – chicken, fish and lamb – served with lemon rice and spring vegetables. For dessert, there was a chocolate mousse so light it was like tasting cocoa on the air. Minx patrolled the kitchen looking for scraps.

It was bitterly cold out, and the snow was heavy on the ground, but the apartment was warm and lit with the candles on the table and a few of the side lamps along the walls. I’d made some mulled wine for when people first arrived, to take away the chill of the evening. It vanished so fast, I made another batch quickly, not quite as good as the one I had been warming all afternoon, but no-one was complaining.

We drank some Australian Shiraz, some Sancerre and a really sharp Bordeaux. The room became warmer, and everyone relaxed. The minutes ticked away.

Jessica looked so beautiful that night. Even though our fumble in the bath hadn’t allowed a lot of time, still she appeared from the bedroom looking like a million dollars. Her short red hair was clean, fragrant and glowing. She had made up her face lightly, accenting her eyes and rich, full mouth. Gold earrings with drop pearls hung at her ears. She had a solitary ring on her finger, the gold ring set with amber I had bought her for the Christmas before.

She wore a gold-coloured blouse, remarkably plain in cut, that hugged her beautiful full breasts and trim waist. It was open at the neck, but not too far down, though a couple of buttons more and life would become interesting. She wore tight black pants underneath, and I was pretty sure they only needed a couple of buttons undoing as well.

Gold was the theme of the night. All our guests were dressed – to a greater or lesser degree – in gold. Lisa conformed the least, a white linen shirt with gold thread, over faded blue jeans. Lisa wore slinky dresses and high heels every night at the club, it was her unwritten rule that when she was with friends her dressing up was to dress down. The real Lisa, the one Jess alone knew best, was all about simplicity. She left her complications at the door.

Tasha had gone to the other extreme. She was wearing an amazing gold dress, edged with a black and white border. It was a kind of wrap, draped around her body, fastened at one shoulder, showing off daring amounts of thigh on one side, falling to the floor at the other. Against her dusky colouring, it was the most dramatic statement. She had tight golden bracelets on her upper arm, and a golden dragon in body paint on her exposed thigh. She called it her Nubian Queen look.

On her shopping trip with Jessica, Orla had found an equally stunning dress. It was tight, ankle length, a single sheath of lycra falling from the halter collar at her throat to her high heeled shoes. It was backless, cut up to her thigh on one side, fitting every curve of her body like a second skin. She wore her hair high, pined with two plain spikes at the back, and long diamond and gold earrings framing her face. She told us all that the gold-rose lipstick she had found had cost almost as much as the dress, but it was worth it.

Our other guest was someone I didn’t know at all, though I learned as the evening went on that her name was Diane, that she knew Jessica through Tasha, that she lived across town, and that she was a workaholic who desperately needed a long Xmas break and lots of sex. OK, I was guessing about the last part, but given the situation and the company, it was the right guess.

She wore a simple, but very attractive dress, quite short, black and accented with gold straps. She had a tight necklace about her throat with a black opal set in gold, which really stood out against her pink skin. She wore thin-framed glasses, but seemed self-conscious in them at times, and left them on the table. Her hair was the colour of honey, worn high.

I tried to imagine how the evening must appear to Diane’s eyes. Five women, one man, at a slow, intimate dinner. Gentle conversation, interspersed with laughter and innuendo. Tasha made reference to the Xmas list, Diana didn’t look at all surprised. Was she here as part of that? I wasn’t sure… but it seemed likely. Five gold rings. Five stunning women.

I played some Miles Davis over dinner, but then Jessica took over the CD player after dessert, and we had a diet of modern heavy metal, which she and Lisa danced along to, grinding against each other like they were dancers at a club. I made a mental note to have one of those shiny metal poles installed.

Orla bawled at them to strip, howling with laughter, her earrings flashing in the light as she rocked in her seat. Tasha and Diane sat curled around each other on the couch, talking in slow whispers, Tasha played with the locks of Diane’s hair where they tumbled from the clasp at the back of her head. I sat on the arm of Orla’s chair and watched my lover and her lover dancing sinuously around each other, foreheads pressed together, eyes locked, bodies brushing and caressing against each other.

Orla leaned across, crossed her arms and laid them on my legs, and looked up at me with her roguish, wicked eyes. ‘So, handsome,’ she said. ‘Day Five almost done, and you haven’t had your present yet.’ I grinned in reply. She wriggled her shoulders, rubbing her breasts on my leg, then turned to Jessica. ‘Darlin’, when does the damn man get his Xmas present?’

‘As soon as you get your panties off.’ Jessica replied, without looking away from Lisa at all.

‘Jesus, woman,’ Orla muttered, her Dublin brogue even stronger than normal after several glasses of Sancerre. ‘Do you think I could wear panties under this thing?’

‘Don’t ask me,’ purred Jessica, brushing her mouth over Lisa’s. ‘I never wear them at all.’

Orla laughed, and lifted up against me, brushing my flank with lycra-clad warm skin. My jacket was over the back of the dining chair, her fingers quickly worked down my shirt buttons.

‘You are a very, very lucky man, Paul,’ she told me, in a strong, certain voice that was almost scolding. I grinned, Orla delivered this lecture regularly. She kissed my stomach and chest as she peeled my shirt back, licking at my nipples. I felt my cock harden rapidly, just looking around the room, being touched, being undressed, warm air and warm breath on my skin, the wine making my body hum.

‘So, what’s the theme for tonight?’ I asked. ‘Or do I have to work it out afterwards?’

Orla checked with Jessica, a rapid glance. These women said more with their eyes than most could say in a thousand words.

‘I think you have to know this one in advance, darlin’,’ she whispered, and she slid down my zipper as she did so. ‘Tonight, you can have any of us… all of us… when you choose… here in public or privately in bed…’ She slid her hand around my hard cock, and her voice trembled just a little as she felt it grow and come to life in her hand.

‘There’s just one restriction…’

‘My present comes with a caveat?’ I said, voice low.

Orla’s mouth was hovering over my cock, so close, I could feel moist breath on the glans, and my cock stiffened even more, stretching, searching for her mouth.

‘Oh God,’ she whispered, and it sounded almost plaintive. She continued to speak and blow air over my cock, her voice low. The music faded, vanished. I knew everyone was watching.

‘Just one restriction,’ she repeated, a little catch in her voice. ‘You can fuck us, darlin’, but only in the arse.’

The way she said it, the emphasis on that last word, spoken tremblingly, with her accent and – of course – calling it ‘arse’, not ‘ass’, well, I don’t know… it sounded intimate and emotional and real in the most amazing way. And when I looked around the room, at my lover, whose idea this must have been, at Tasha and Lisa, who would have been in on the plan from the beginning, at Diane, a stranger before tonight, when I looked around the room I understood the power in that suggestion. and I swallowed hard as my mouth dried.

Orla lifted her mouth away from my cock, and slid out of the seat to stand with Jessica and Lisa, the three of them dancing slowly in the middle of the floor. Five pairs of eyes looked across at me, challenging, daring.

I don’t know who laughed first, but soon we all were, and I had to go get more wine for us all, as the mood relaxed… even though it was hard to be really relaxed with my cock so stiff (and women giggling when you are walking around the room half naked and erect is not a good thing…).

Lisa, Orla and Jessica were still swaying in a little huddle in the middle of the floor, pecking at each other’s lips, smiling, whispering. Hands moved lightly over clothing. As I suspected, it didn’t take long for my baby to become naked. A button here, a button there, and cloth slithered over soft skin, to leave Jess free to step from her pants bare and glowing. She turned, and walked over to me, drawing her hands up over her breasts, high-stepping towards me, one foot placed in front of the other, sinuous and seductive.

She slid slowly onto my lap, kissing my mouth. I ran my hand up the back of her neck, under the line of her hair, stroking at her skin. There was a light sheen on her, light, fragrant. As her legs settled against mine, I felt it even more. I slide my hand up over her ribs, and cupped her breasts, and then I knew for sure – Jessica was oiled from head to toe. I felt her shiver under my palms, from the sensual contact and the awareness that I had discovered that the only underclothing she wore was a light application of light massage oil.

We kissed, lingering, tasting. She knelt astride me, and rubbed her breasts on my chest so I could feel the ungent on her skin. I lifted one breast to my mouth, and sucked slowly at her nipple, as my hands ran up and down her back. She sighed, and lay against me, urging me to devour her body with my mouth. I kissed and licked at her breasts, feasting on her. She cupped her breasts, squeezed them, feeding her nipples into my mouth. I heard her murmur something softly, but the words were lost as she pressed her mouth into my unkempt grey hair.

My hands trailed down into the small of her back, and then over the soft curves of her rear. I felt more oil, and moaned. She was soaking wet back there, in the cleft. My fingers skated over her skin and I felt her shiver and press back, searching for my fingers. I nipped her breasts lightly between my teeth and slid a finger over her anal opening, finding it slick and soft and wet.

‘Yes, baby,’ she whispered. ‘For you… all for you.’

She wriggled a little further forward, her wet pussy brushing against my belly. She rubbed herself against me slowly, spreading her legs wider, then reached behind to take my cock in her hand. She rubbed it up and down, her fingers pulling at my shaft, and guided me back to where I was teasing at her tiny hole. She shuffled a little closer, and pressed my penis against her body. I moaned against her breasts and felt her ass open slowly. Jessica let a little cry, an exhalation of tension, escape her mouth, and then the head of my cock popped inside her. She was so wet, so slick. We rocked and ground our bodies a little tighter and I slowly filled my lover’s body with my still-hardening cock.

I pressed her breasts together and sucked greedily, biting around her nipples, drawing them into my mouth. She rode slowly up and down on my cock, her oiled ass massaging every inch of my hard shaft, her muscles toying with me, massaging me, stroking me inside her. Her body slithered up and down against mine, I could feel her breath and her fingers in my hair. She slammed down harder on my cock, and filled herself as far as I could reach, lifted and drove down again. I heard her song, her cries of pleasure.

‘Oh God… oh God… oh God… oh baby… cum in me… Paul… oh Paul!’

I felt the first spasm rise in me like an irresistible force, like gravity, I fell against her and filled her deeply, my cock jetting semen into the wetness of her ass, pumping and jumping inside her. I cried out her name and gripped her tight. feeling her wrap her arms around the back of my head and neck, crushing me to her breasts as I came in her rear.

We lay like that for a while, locked and wrapped in each other’s arms. My head lay back against the back of the chair, my eyes closed, my breath deep. Jessica lay over me like a blanket, warming me body and soul. I toyed with her hair. It seemed like an age passed before she slipped off my cock and half-turned so that she was curled up in my lap, wrapped up in my arms, her feet on my thighs. I looked into her eyes, and then around the room…

Oh yes! We had guests. I’d almost forgotten.

Diane and Tasha were where we had left them, close and intimate on the sofa, sharing a conversation of considerable depth, private and quiet. Had they looked at all while I made love to Jess? It was impossible to tell.

Orla and Lisa were back at the dining table, feeding each other mousse off their fingers, purring at each other. Orla’s hair had tumbled down around her neck in a way that suggested they had been kissing hungrily while they watched Jess and I. Lisa slid her hand up inside the tight skirt of Orla’s dress through the slit at the side, I could see the outline of her arm and hand moving over Orla’s ass. Orla gave a little shriek as she felt fi
ngers stroking at her, then wriggled her ass back against Lisa’s hand.

‘Oh my God? Is that mousse?’

‘Whipped cream, actually, but the mousse would be a good idea too.’

Orla giggled loudly, and wiggled more and more. A soft sigh broke through her lips, and her eyes closed. ‘Oh God, Lisa… yes… go deeper…’

Jessica kissed the side of my neck as we watched across the room. Her hand closed around my wet cock and stroked slowly up and down, stretching my shaft, her thumb moving over the head. I cuddled her against my body and felt her wetness on my legs. Or was that my wetness from her? It hardly mattered.

Orla leaned forward over the table, bracing her hands flat on the surface, scattering cutlery. She straightened her legs, pushed her ass back, offered to Lisa’s fingers. Though her hand was hidden under the lycra dress, we could see every moment Lisa made, the flexing of her fingers, the way she was stroking Orla in the crease between her cheeks. The lycra wrapped itself over them both as Orla lifted her ass higher.

‘Christ yes… your thumb… oh God…. be gentle Lisa… but put it in…’

The muscles in her legs tensed as she rose up on her toes, leaning over the table, her forearms down now, her head resting on them. Lisa, standing partly to the side, making sure the view was not obscured by anything more that that amazing dress, worked her hand against Orla’s cheeks, and her fingers were slipping up and down in between. Orla gasped and moaned louder, her soft lilting Irish accent rolling across the room as she begged Lisa for more.

Jessica’s fingers were skipping lightly over my cock, up and down, circular patterns around the head, and then pumping from the base to the glans. I was still – or was that again? – erect.

‘Go and fuck her, baby,’ she whispered.

‘Is that a bit unfair to Lisa?’ I smiled. It was clear from her expression that our blonde neighbour and lover was very aroused as she fingered Orla.

‘Leave Lisa to me.’

We approached the table together on bare feet, reaching the girls there without making much of a sound. I pushed and tugged Orla’s dress up around her waist, exposing her creamy thighs and rounded ass. She looked back over her shoulder, realising it wasn’t Lisa (which gave me a flashback to Cat,who wouldn’t have had a clue at this point… no wonder people like the blindfold thing), and moaned. Jessica took Lisa’s hand by the wrist and drew her thumb out of Orla’s ass, and I moved closer.

‘Christ yes,’ Orla cried, her voice rising. ‘Fuck my arse, Paul, Fuck it now.’

Her juices were flowing, and Lisa must have used them liberally to make her asshole wet, because Orla opened easily around my cock as I slid it inside her, her cheeks brushing along my shaft as I sank it deep inside her. Her head came up, and then sank back down to her arms. I ran my hands up along her torso, and slide them under her ribs to cup her breasts.

‘Oh God yes, like that Paul… go on, fuck me… Make me your asswhore…’

At her side, Lisa was being pressed forward in identical fashion as Jessica leaned her down, reaching around to unfasten her jeans. She tugged the skin-tight denim off Lisa’s rump, and helped her out of them, tossing them away across the room and laughing. She spanked Lisa’s tight little cheeks and rubbed her pussy lips through her panties. As we turned to look at each other, her eyes met mine with a twinkle of pure lust.

My cock was stretching Orla out with slow, luxuriant strokes. She purred and moaned under me, her warm flesh around my cock, her fingers scratching at the table as she felt me push deep. More crockery and cutlery was scattered as Lisa was pushed forward too, and Jessica slipped two fingers deep in her shaved pussy.

We fucked the girls hard over the table. Orla and Lisa could not have sounded less alike when they spoke, but it was amazing how their voices blended harmoniously as they came together almost to the second. Lisa was dripping wet by the time Jessica got three fingers in her tight pussy, and Jessica used that wetness to lube the girl’s tight little butthole while she was still moaning from her cum.

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Twelve Days of Christmas

Twelve Days of Christmas by BobH (c) 2010 On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me A set of black lingerie. * And it was a big surprise, let me tell you. When she and her twin brother had set off for Europe to visit family in the Balkans for the days leading up to the holidays, Katya had told me at the airport what she had planned. "So that you don't forget me I've arranged for a gift to be delivered to you on each of the eleven days...

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The Malaysia Option

I remember trying to read an endless spreadsheet printout.  The paper roll was draped over my office windows and ran out the door into the hall.  All the office was a buzz, everyone talking about the ‘Malaysia option’. Thank heaven Jackie woke me.  “Wake up sleepyhead, it’s time to get ready for the party.’ I rub my eyes, squinting at the bright lights. Oh yes.  Saturday afternoon.  Tonight is the office Christmas party.  Another office function when I’m not supposed to be at work. When you...

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Twelve Days a Slave 12 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

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I remember shopping for school clothing, we were so excited. We thought that we would be in different classes, but Mom arranged it so we would have the same kindergarten teacher. I don’t remember much of the accident. I remember screaming and pain and blood, blood everywhere, on everything, on me. But none of it was mine. It was all Cheryl’s. They say that she died instantly and didn’t feel anything. At least, that’s what everyone told me. But I remember. I saw her. She turned and looked at me....

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Twelve Days a Slave 13 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

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Twelve Days a Slave 10 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

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Twelve Days a Slave 9 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

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Twelve Days a Slave 7 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

2 years ago
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Twelve Days a Slave 2 of 13

When a very expensive dress she is wearing is ruined at a party, everything unravels. She will be charged for the dress and can in no way afford to pay for it. A young man she recently met gives her a program that will allow her to remove the charges from her account. Unfortunately, that program contains a virus that infects not only computers in the store where she works, but many other businesses as well. This is the story of her conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when she...

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Twelve Days of Christmas

The advantage of living on the edge of China Town is that no matter what day it is, the stores are always open. The day was sunny and mild with a slight breeze. Jane walked briskly down the sidewalk towards Chan’s Market. She stopped before the window of a dress shop and admired the display. The breeze playfully tugged at the hem of her dress. She heard the audible gasp. Jane checked the reflection in the window. She knew she was being followed. Jane loved the floral sundress she was wearing....

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Banging An Indian Bombshell MILF Malaysia

Hello to all guys and beautiful women. I am Pravin, 21 years old from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I am 6 feet tall, have an athletic body and a cock of 8 inches long and 3 inches in thickness. Well, I have been an avid reader of ISS and have decided to post one of my recent sex experience here. The story may be a little bit longer as I would love to describe everything about my experience in detail. Coming to the story. It all began about one month ago. My dad received a phone call from his friend...

3 years ago
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Malaysia India Student Exchange

I was an exchange student from Malaysia to India at a private college in Bangalore, Karnataka. As I walked through the college entrance, I gasped at the many girls walking around in tight tops, their breasts moving voluptuously, getting me a slight hard-on. Some smiled at me, some frowned at me and some gave me that Ï will eat you up look”. I started sweating and my cock went back to its normal sleeping state. I made my way to the college admissions office. A lady was there in a tight...

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Meri Naughty Family Malaysia Nude Beach Pe 8211 Part I

Hiiiii friends, rohan back, aap logo ne meri pich li 5 stories to padi hogi ye meri agli story hai, pehle mein iss ko thnx karna chahunga ki uski wajah se mujhe 4 nyi gf’s mili or kai aunties ko bhi chodne ko mila or kayi ladkiyo ko bhi or agar aapko bhi thoda sex chahiye to mujhe contact kare. Okie jaise ki mene aapko bataya tha ki hum log malaysia ke liye nikal gaye or jaise hee hum log waha land hue to humne do taxi lee or hotel ke liye chal pade mene beech mein taxi wale se pucha yaha...

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Twelve Days a Slave 6 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

2 years ago
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Twelve Sonnets

I said hello on Tuesday, in a cafe. On Thursday our first date, a single kiss. Took her to a garden the next day— We made out like teenagers, drunk on bliss. It's Sunday morning now, and what a sight! Clothes strewn about, and underneath the cover Of my own bed, bathed in morning light, My smiling, sleeping, joyful, naked lover. My fingers smell of her soft intimate places. My semen's in her now, warmed in her flesh. My muscles ache from passionate embraces. And still she looks so...

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Twelve Maxbridge Street

This is a record of a fantasy, not an attempt to describe a real life dungeon, about which I know almost nothing. Also, the story is heavily influenced by classic French erotica and so does not dwell on the main character's inner thoughts and feelings. It may not be for everyone. THE BEGINNING He looked around his spacious, sparely furnished, perfect office. One of the perfect things was the large picture window...

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Twelve Maxbridge Street A Short Story

This is a record of a fantasy, not an attempt to describe a real life dungeon, about which I know almost nothing. Also, the story is heavily influenced by classic French erotica and so does not dwell on the main character's inner thoughts and feelings. It may not be for everyone. THE BEGINNING He looked around his spacious, sparely furnished, perfect office. One of the perfect things was the large picture window overlooking the park across the street, just now leafing out for...

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Twelve and Fifteen Makes a Pair

When my best friend, Craig, discovered his parent's stash of sex stuff, Playboy and Penthouse magazines, vibrators, and, what we have since learned are called, dildos, he immediately called me and told me all about it. We were both eleven and super-curious about all things sexual. The first chance we got to go through all their stuff was a few days later and we had a Playboy spread out examining the foldout in microscopic detail. "Wow, would you love to be the guy they paid to take the...

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Twelve CondomsCondom 12 Valentina Ruiz Mass Sexual Harassment

Sam hated work. As far as he was concerned it was just time stolen from his day. It didn’t help that his job was intolerably dull. All day long Sam walked up and down the aisles of a nondescript warehouse collecting small machine parts for shipping. The only high point in Sam’s day was when he got to walk past one of his female co-workers. There were several lookers on Sam’s shift, but his favorite piece of eye candy by far was Valentina Ruiz. Sam had a weakness for Latina curves, an...

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Malaysia Sex Story

1Malaysia is a slogan used but not everyone can accept it. Racism exist within lots of us, whether we are brave to admit it or silently embrace it. As for my wife, she’s the kindest person I’ve ever met, she always wanted to play a role in building a bridge between different races or religion. She is cute with a pretty face, many peoples confused her ethnic Chinese background with Korean. She’s soft spoken but bubbly around people which makes many people fell for her. Walking in the mall, I...

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Sex Pleasure in MalaysiaII

I am back again with new story of my sex pleasure in Malaysia. I am sure you must have read my earlier story of Malaysia encounter and am waiting for the comments. I am back with Linda. This was after two days of my enjoyment we then decided to explore more. We went for a movie and the show was in the evening. She had booked last raw and corner seats. We were seated and the film started it was love film with many nude scenes. The seats next to ours were vacant and we were fortunate that even...

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At my friends playing playstation

My name is Chris, i'm 18. One day, I went over to my friend Alex's place, because his dad was out and he was feeling bored. Alex is a small guy with curly blond hair, and he loves to play playstation more than anything. So I knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Alex. He was standing there in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. "Hey man", "hey Chris" he replied, "come" he beckoned for me to come inside with him, so we went inside and I stood in the middle of his living room while he...

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University of Sexmasters

Das gemütlich und anregend eingerichtete Zimmer ist von vielen Stimmen erfüllt. Einige Personen unterhalten sich gegenseitig, andere betrachten die Bilder mit nackten Körpern und Sexstellungen die an den Wänden hangen. Ein paar wenige studieren die verschiedenen Sexspielzeuge, die auf Regalen nach Art und Grösse geordnet sind. Die Männer und Frauen im Raum sind im Alter zwischen achtzehn und vierzig Jahren. Plötzlich fliegt die Türe auf und ein junger, vielleicht 28 jähriger Mann betritt das...

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The night before XXXmas

I suppose before I go any further I should apologise to Clement Clarke Moore :-)'Twas the night before Christmas when in a house quite,Little Mary and parents settled down for the nightInsuring doors were closed tightly to muffle any soundNaughty thoughts came upon those all aroundIn Mary's room she uncovered a giant hidden toySomething to fill up her pussy with joyIn a room cross the hall mamma pulled on leather and lace,Giving daddy thoughts of where he could bury his face.In less than five...

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merry xxxmas

This is a true story about some wild freaky shit that happened to me last week,this further proves that the world is nothing more than a hot bed of freaks.I met this chick while out xmas shopping a few weeks back,we sat in the mall food court for awhile chit chatting found out we had alotta common interest.She was a fancy chick hair nails and cloths were to a tee.She was very pretty,caramel complexion maybe a 38c cup,flat stomach small wiast that lead to the thickest set of hips and the biggest...

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Caged up by uncle on xmass

I wasnt understanding why i needed to be washed if i wanted to fo in the spabut he insisted he didnt want dirty boy to mess the drain i was alone for xmass with him mommy had drop me this morning and after seeing my uncle spa i wanted to take a dip he let me go in the shower and i started foaming myself with the Nair stuff like he said i should do, not understanding why i had to wait 15 min all foamy before rinsing itafter a while it started warming my skin and it end up like burning , i coudnt...

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Merry XXXmas

From the moment we were born, my sister and I, despite being identical twins, were total opposites for the most part. My 'older' sister, as I often retreat to calling her during arguments, came out head first, while I came out 'breech'. Doctors attributed my breech birth to complications from the twinning; my sister later claimed it was because we were 69ing at the time labor began! She's a pip. I'll give her that. Our childhood was a demonstration of the opposite of most twin...

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Best Wife Ever 12 Days of Sexmas

Note 1: A special thanks goes to Estragon for editing this story. My wife is amazing. I have listened to man after man complain about their wives. I have heard that once she says 'I do', she no longer does the dirty nasty shit she did when she was trying to trap you. Well, if that is the case, I guess you married the wrong woman. I, on the other hand, married the perfect woman. A woman whose beauty is second to none; a woman whose smile lights up a room; a woman whose eyes melt me on the...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 4 Repeat Business and Roleplays

When my mom and I had gotten home, I immediately ran into the house to take a shower and change as quick as I could. I re-shaved my entire body and removed my makeup so that I could start from scratch and apply it again. Once I was finished with my makeup, I see a new outfit laid out on my bed. This was a cute nurse outfit with a short tight skirt that barely covered my ass. It was also pink with white stockings and long lace gloves that went up to my shoulders. Finally the top was like satin...

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Malaysian Chinese Cuckolds Vacation in US

The three of them was planning a getaway and it was Ben & Monica honeymoon as they just got married. Nick suggested to go to the states. He say his parents can get free hotel there as they are high roller in Vegas. Ben said they should also do homestay across US and hopefully get to show off their wives a little. They were turn on by the idea and start searching for a place to stay. They posted a group picture of them in a forum asking for people to accommodate them. Their wives wear as...

2 years ago
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Malaysian Masturbation

I opened MSN and was pleasantly suprised to see Matthew logged in. It had been a while since I had had the chance to talk to him, because I had been so busy diving and studying for my dive master course. The time difference between us also made it difficult to find time to chat. I was sitting with my dive instructor and friends who were participating in various levels of courses. We had ordered lunch and were using the time before our next dive to use the internet, as there were very few spots...

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Malaysian Gang Bang

It was the finish of a long rough year and I was really feeling it. Although, I really shouldn’t complain. My husband adores me and I adore him. He's a Fortune 500 VP so I want for nothing. I don’t go looking for affairs. However, when he's out of town I seem to attract the predatory type. I do resist but I don't always seem to resist hard enough. I am NOT making excuses, just stating the facts. I don’t go looking to cheat but I do.We just had a tough year. My mother-in-law had lived with us...

Group Sex
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laylays 1st

**This story is pure Fiction & isn't True!**Baby Sitting!8yr old girl “lay lay” Comes downstairs after putting pj’s on! (shes only wearing her pj top & nickers) as lay lay jump across sofa her skinny legs wide open 4 few secs! “Revealing a hairless pink pussy!” covered only by thin cotton fabric! Sitting next to me on sofa with her legs across mine her smooth legs & cute white ankle socks! As she wriggled around her legs rubbing between mine & my hands resting against her legs...

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Sexy Foreplays At Coaching

Heya, my name is Vishal from Jaipur. I am an average looking guy but girls find me attractive having handsome personality. I will use both Hindi and English words in the story to make it comfortable to read. This story is about three girls and me at a Science Coaching, where we discovered lots of fantasies and had foreplay and then a hardcore sex session. Sexy Bhabhis and Girls can fulfill their desire with me, no love relationship needed. Coming on the story. This happened several years back...

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It8217s Not Just Love Making 8211 The Foremost Foreplays

Hello Everyone This is pradeep back again with the continuation of my first submission(IT’s NOT JUST LOVE MAKING),And people who does not read my first story please I request you to read my previous submission which was the first part,so that you can have a great brief introduction of the my story which im gonna share you all. So to say about me,I am Pradeep (Name Changed),From (Vadapalani) Chennai.Iam 21 years old and i am living in a private home.I am 5.9 with athlete body and average in...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 4 Repeat Business and Roleplays

When my mom and I had gotten home, I immediately ran into the house to take a shower and change as quick as I could. I re-shaved my entire body and removed my makeup so that I could start from scratch and apply it again.Once I was finished with my makeup, I see a new outfit laid out on my bed. This was a cute nurse outfit with a short tight skirt that barely covered my ass. It was also pink with white stockings and long lace gloves that went up to my shoulders. Finally the top was like satin...


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