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Xmas Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I opened the first package and found a bra, I was shocked, and with fear on my face, I looked at mom, who just sat there calmly watching, all while pointing at the next package. Panties. Then a pink robe, followed by a padded pantybrief, a skirt, blouse, heels, and white pantyhose! A makeup case full of cosmetics, three pairs of shoes, and lastly, some hair care items! Everything I needed to become a girl was there, spread out in front of me, but I had no idea why! "I want you to go in and try them all on, then come out here so I can see how they fit." "But why!? Why girls clothes?!" "Because I think it's time we face, together, your fascination with dressing up! That's why!" "Huh?" "Just two months ago you got all dolled up and went to that party, which, by the way, is exactly the same thing you've done every year since you were ten! Always a girl, always all dolled up. Now I want to see you all fixed up, and not as a costume! That's why the clothes and stuff! Now go! Do what I told you!" I really wanted to race into my bedroom and get changed, I really did, but male pride is usually strong, especially when it's threatened, and mom had just pushed that button really hard. My first reaction was to deny, stall, or delay putting on those clothes; there was no way that I could relinquish my pride that easily. "Don't say that it isn't true," mom said calmly, "I'm not going to hear any of that nonsense! Just get in there and change... right now!" "But that was just for a party! This is.... I don't think..." "Enough of that!" mom almost shouted, sounding like she was on the verge of being angry. "Do what I told you! Go get changed! Now!" That bit left no doubt what I was going to do. She demanded, and I was not in any position to say no, so I dragged all that stuff to my room. Slowly, with unrelenting pressure building in my mind, I went in my closet to retrieve my homemade breast forms. It was a sensuous thrill to get dressed, just like it always was, but it took me less than an hour to get completely ready. When I thought that I looked my very best I turned the door knob slowly then yanked it open in a fit of daring, if not unwilling bravado, and stepped out. My mom was sitting there knitting as I walked up behind her, then around the front of her chair. Looking up... "Isn't that better? Having clothes that actually fit you; and you look lovely! You need just a bit of help with your hair and a touch on your makeup, but you look very nice dear!" "Gee... thanks mom." "None of that now, this is what you wanted and we both know it!" "Can I go change now?" "Yes, of course, but I want you to put this on." Mom handed me one more box. I opened it right there, and inside I found a very nice dress; it was the typical Christmas dress. Red and green checked, with black velvet trim, it also had a sewn in petticoat! "It's your Christmas dress! And those new shoes will go with it! Just go put it on, then I'll come help you with your hair and show you a few tricks with makeup." "Christmas dress? Why do I need a Christmas dress?" "Because I think that you'll want to look your best when we go to mass later, and that's a very nice dress!" "What!? I'm not going to church wearing a dress!" "Of course you will! You know that you will, so lets not fight about it shall we? Lets get you all fixed up before you say no; but I'll bet you won't be able to say that!" "But everyone we know will be there! They'll laugh; I won't be able to put my head outside the door ever again! I'll be ruined!" "Then we'll just go to another church! That way nobody will know you, and you'll be able to enjoy your outing!" "Do I have to? I mean... look at me!" "Yes, dear, you have to, and you look just darling! Lets go and fix your hair and makeup, then we'll have something to eat before we leave." "No. I'm not going out like this!" "Tell me why not?" mom asked, a bit of sarcasm tingeing her voice. "After all, we both know that you like dressing up, you're quite pretty when you're all fixed up, and I'm willing to let you do it! So... tell me why not, and make me believe it this time, but first, I want you to go stand in front of the mirror and tell me that you look anything like... you! Then I want you to tell me why you shouldn't go!" I already knew how I looked, which was great. The dress fit me perfectly, and of course the shoes and everything else did too, which not only made everything more comfortable, it gave me the look of a well dressed young lady. But, I did what she told me, standing in front of the mirror long enough to drink in the image of the girl I knew I should have been. I could do what she wanted, or, if I refused, most likely become a recluse, dressing only when it was very safe, and probably never very well. I could actually feel my stout manly pride withering under the glare of my desires, which were compounded by the seemingly total lack of deception on my mothers part. Still, even if I did agree to go, she must have had a good reason for doing this, and I wanted to know what it was, so I asked. "Yes, I do have a good reason! Come and sit next to me.," When I did... "I know this seems strange to you, your mother wanting, no, demanding that you dress as a girl, but I haven't done this on a whim honey, I've given this a lot of thought. I've watched you get better and better at this, and over the years I came to realize that you really didn't have any choice. It was the one time in the year that you could safely get all dolled up and go out, but this year, well, you got ready without any help from me, and you looked so much like a real girl that I knew that you must have been practicing, which is when I also knew that what you needed, more than anything else I could give you, was the chance to do this, not only tonight, but more often as well. However, if you decline my offer, then I will expect this to come to an end. No more dressing up in secret, no more going out to parties this way, nothing. It will end, and I promise, nothing more will be said about it ever again." There it was. The promise of being able to get dressed up more often, and the certainty that it would end if I said no. She and I both knew that I couldn't stop, making my only choice a preordained fact. I searched her face for any sign of deception and found none, leaving me only to say the words. Swallowing hard... "I need a purse," I said. The correct purse, a shiny black one magically appeared in her hand, and as she handed it to me, she smiled and gripped my hand firmly. "Wallet, lipstick, tissue, and a small brush... just what do we call my new daughter?" "Megan," I told her." "That's nice... Megan, shall we go?" True to her word, after she helped me with my hair and makeup, we went to a different church, and nobody seemed to realize that I was really a boy. In a way I was able to relax a bit, especially during the liturgy of the mass, which I always enjoyed. After the mass was over, everyone was invited to a coffee and cake reception, and mom urged me to follow her. As we walked into the hall I saw her. Jennifer. She went to my school, and was one of the most popular girls there! She glanced my way, then turned away. I quickly joined mom at a small table with two other people. I just sat there listening, but my mind was stuck on the fact that Jennifer was there. All it would take was for her to think she recognized me, and it was over. I would be dead meat. In order to remain unobtrusive, I sat with my knees locked together, my hands in my lap, and a smile etched on my face. Then I heard the voice. Mrs. Stickney! How are you!" "Oh! Hello Jennifer! Nice to see you! You look very nice today!" "Who's this?" Jennifer asked in a bright voice. "I'm sorry, this is Megan." "Hi Megan, I'm Jennifer!" There is no way to describe the tension I was under. Fear was bubbling up, ready to burst out in a frenzied wail. I had no choice but to look at Jennifer and acknowledge her presence. "I'm glad," Jennifer said, "that you're here, because otherwise I'd be the only girl here over ten and under.... 40! Come on, I'll show you around!" I looked to my mother to save me, but she was talking to the lady next to her, and simply waved her hand, leaving me to decide on my own whether to go or not. I wanted to stay, but couldn't. Jennifer would certainly not like that, and she might just look closer, so, I stood up, and with my purse in hand, joined Jennifer as she walked out of the hall. Once we were clear of the throng of people.... "You look better than ever Megan! I had no idea you could look so good!" "Huh?" "Listen dummy," she said quickly, "I've seen you dress up like a girl every year for the last ten years! Of course I know who you are, but today, well, you look better than ever! What? Do you save the best for when you go out with your mom?" She knew! What the hell was I going to say? "Look, everybody knows that you like to dress up, how could we miss? I mean, every year? Almost forever? Nobody really cares I guess, but why should they? You always looked real nice, never flaunted yourself, and some of the guys even think you're cute! So, tell me, since you're at church, dressed this way, maybe you're up to a little after Christmas shopping? My mom always goes because of the sales; maybe you're mom would like to come too?" Your.... what about Jason? Will he.... he'll know!" "He's one of the guys that think you're hot Megan! Seems that nobody told him who you really are, and besides, he's a dweeb anyway. He wouldn't go shopping unless he had to! It'll be just us girls!" There it was. All laid out nice and neat. Jennifer knew who I was, and I guess I should have known she would when I first saw her. Her offer of shopping scared the hell out of me, and it must have shown on my face, because she grabbed my hand and dragged be back to the table. "I asked Megan if maybe you two would like to come with me and mom shopping! She always hits the after holiday sales! Not tomorrow, but the next day; we're going to my nana's tomorrow." "Megan and I will talk about it Jennifer, then we'll call and let you know. Is that okay?" "Sure!" By the time we were at home my mind was racing with the possibilities, both the good ones, like more clothes, and the bad ones, like being discovered. In a word, I was a wreck. Jennifer said her brother thought I was hot? That was new; but like she said, he was a dweeb, but a very smart dweeb. Jason always had his head into a computer, and was the acknowledged go to guy when you had a problem. Hell, even the teachers went to him for solutions! Because of that I guess I could understand his total lack of skills around girls, and his inability to figure out who I was. "If you want to go with Jennifer," mom said, "we can go. If not, I'll call and make an excuse; but if we do go, maybe we can find you a few more outfits. One dress, especially that one, just won't do! Just let me know." When your desires finally overcome your guilt and shame, you are left with nothing to hang on to. No lifeline to yank you back with a jerk, only that bit of tenuous caution we all have and rely on for our own safety. I desperately wanted to go, to quit hiding who I knew I was. Jennifer had offered me the chance to do just that, but from past experience I knew the stores would be jammed with other shoppers looking for the right sale. But how could I tell my mother that without sounding like a sissy? I would try a new tact. "Mom, if we went, I don't have a thing to wear!" After she stopped giggling... "Well then! I'll just have to fix that won't I?" Then I told her what Jennifer told me, that most of the kids already knew that I liked to dress up, and that some of the guys, her brother included, thought I was hot! That bit of news merely confirmed what she had already told me. I went in my room to change. The next morning mom told me she would be gone for an hour or so, and I sat down to play on the computer. When she returned... "The Bargain Mart is open 24/7, so I stopped by and picked up a few things for you. This way you'll have something to wear shopping with Jennifer and her mother!" There was a skirt. It was checkered in red and white, with two inch pleats, white gym shoes, a white blouse with small flowers on the collar, and a thin red sweater. Also in the bag was a package of panties, a bra, another padded pantybrief, and some nude pantyhose! "That'll be enough for now Megan, we'll wait until we get to the mall. The quality of the skirt isn't that good, but it'll do. Okay? In the morning I want you to get dressed, but I'll do your hair. Just wear light makeup, some foundation, eyeliner and some lipstick. Wear the pantyhose too. It'll be easier when you try on shoes." Like I said, it's a terrible thing to be captured by your desires, especially after along hard fight with yourself you always knew that you would lose. The sad fact is that my male side completely lost the battle. After seeing myself in that Christmas dress, and with help from my mother, there was no way that I was going to say no to the chance to go out, and with my mother right there with me, I knew I would be safe. I took the clothes to my room to try them on. The skirt was shorter than I first thought, it came to about mid thigh on me, which meant that I would be exposing a lot more leg than I ever had! I showed mom how I looked, then went back into my room. My adventure was about to start, and my guide into girlhood was my friend Jennifer. The next morning I got up real early, filled the tub and sank into the hot water, a razor in my hand. At my age, 14, I wasn't very hairy, but I wasn't about to take any chances, so I shaved every bit of skin that I could reach before I got out, dried off, and went to get dressed. The panties were snug, and after I fixed myself I looked just like a girl, especially after I pulled on the padded pantybrief. The pantyhose felt great as always, sliding over my freshly shaved skin in a whisper of delight that I was so excited by and familiar with. Then came the bra, the new one. It fastened in the front and had firm yet smooth cups. I added the birdseed breast forms I had made, the small knot pointing out for a nipple, then slipped on the blouse followed by the skirt. Once I had my shoes on, I went back in the bath to do my makeup. I was very careful to not overdo it, and when I was done I went to find mom. She sat me at her vanity and promptly went to work with a curling iron, some rollers, and a brush. When she was done, she cemented it all in place with a heavy dose of hairspray, then added just a touch of blusher to my cheeks. She told me to put on some lipstick and handed me a small bottle of perfume. I added it the way she told me to, then watched as she did her own makeup and hair. Opening her jewelry box, she gave me a pair of clip on earrings. They were red and white enamel, along with a small gold bracelet. "I think you're ready now, the only question is are you ready for this? You don't have to do this you know." "If I don't, I'll never know will I? I mean.... " "I know what you mean honey. You have to know if you can actually go somewhere and not have anyone decide that you're a boy, right?" I nodded my head yes. "Well they won't, unless you do something stupid. Just walk with me, or maybe Jennifer, and use your hands like we do and you'll be fine." I sat next to mom on the drive to Jennifer's house, expecting her mother to recognize me right away, but hoped she wouldn't. Jennifer was jumping up and down when she saw me, then dragged me into her bedroom. "God! You're so damned cute!" "Yeah, thanks. Where's Jason?" "He's in his room... I think he's getting all cleaned up so he can talk to you. He looked a little love sick this morning, after I told him you were coming over, but don't worry Megan, he doesn't have a clue!" "Girls!" It was her mom calling us. As we walked out, I saw Jason standing there, his eyes wide, a smile on his face. "Beat it runt," Jennifer said. "Hi," he said to me... "You're Megan?" "Hi Jason." "Going shopping huh?" "Yeah," Jennifer quickly said, it's a girls day out." "That's girlie stuff! I wouldn't go anyway!" "Good! See ya!" Jennifer and I walked in the mall together, following our mothers. Because I had no clue about the way women shop, you could say that I was surprised at the way they reviewed everything before making a purchase, including Jennifer. Me? I always found what I wanted, paid for it and left. No shopping around. The four of us wandered around, in and out of shops, until mom touched my arm, and whispered in my ear. "How would you like to have some really good breast forms rather than those birdseed ones?" "Sure, but they're real expensive mom!" "Let me worry about that. Lets you and I go in here and see what they have." Then mom told Jennifer and her mom that we would meet them later, at the food court. They named a time, and we parted, mom and I going into the shop. It did not take long for me to be in a booth, with both mom and the lady that ran the place, waiting for me to undress and try on the new forms. It took three tries before the two of them nodded in agreement. Mom told me keep them in the bra and get dressed. They were heavier than my old ones, but they looked better, with more roundness, they were also softer, and had just the right amount of bounce so to speak. All mom did was grin at me when she saw me smiling. For the first time that day, I felt as if I might just fit in. After a quick bite to eat, the four of us were off again. We toured every department in every store; I don't think they missed even one! Jennifer bought a few skirts, while mom and I also added a few skirts, two dresses, and a flurry of underwear. Then shoes, and finally I had my ears pierced, which wasn't a big deal since so many guys were doing it. I would fit in no matter what I had on! By the time we left, I'm positive that we walked at least ten miles, and I was beat! Doing a marathon inside a mall dressed like a girl was tiring, both physically and mentally. By the time mom and I got home, there was no doubt in my mind that on a good day, I could go out as Megan and get away with it. "Now, wasn't that fun?" "Did we miss any stores mom? I think I went to parts of the mall I didn't even know existed!" "That's what girls do when they shop! They find all the best buys, and the only way to do that is to shop around! Now then, did you have a good time? I know that nobody thought you were a boy!" "Why all the new clothes though? I thought you were only going to let me do this once in a while! I mean, the new semester starts in ten days, and I have to go back as me!" "We can take them back if you like..." "NO! No, what I mean is, when could I wear all this stuff?" "Well, you'll have every weekend, right? And if you need to get dressed up during the week, I might allow that once in a while, but in any case, you can't wear the same thing over and over, that's why the new clothes!" It sounded plausible, and I accepted her reasoning without question. Before I put away my clothes, I tried on everything once again, and reveled in the mere fact that I had them. That night I wore a nightgown of my own to bed for the first time. The next morning I showed up in my new denim skirt and a pink top. No makeup, and my hair was still a bit messy. I needed food first! After breakfast I finished getting dressed including makeup, then I told mom that I was walking over to Jennifer's house. After our shopping trip I knew that I could go anywhere, and felt really safe as I walked to Jennifer's house. Her mother let me inside with a smile. "You look wonderful Megan, and you are always welcome here. Let me get Jennifer." Of course she and were like two girls anywhere, and after some prodding, I found myself admitting that yes, I did think that one guy, Stan, was kind of, maybe, cute. Jennifer of course was all over me about that revelation, but I did not press it and she finally let it go. Then she wanted to go back to the mall and just walk around, which is all we could do since we didn't have any money. When we asked her mom, she said it was okay as soon as my mom said I could go. I called him and mom agreed, and so we set off for the mall. As we were walking around we saw him. Stan, the guy that I had said I thought was hot, was walking right at us, his buddy Chris beside him. Jennifer simply could not resist. "Hi Stan! This is Megan! She lives over by me!" He looked at me with a smile on his face, then he took my hand in his and asked me if I wanted a soda. I was shocked, so Jennifer told him we would be delighted. Still holding my hand, we walked to the cafe area and grabbed a table. Stan got my soda, then sat very close to me. We just talked about school, and family, then, when it was time to go, he asked if he could walk me home. I could not find a reason to say no, so still holding my hand, he walked me home. At the door, he spun me around and kissed me! Shocked and excited I ran in the house, panting hard. Stan had kissed me! "A new boyfriend?" "Huh? No!" "Well I saw you two kissing, so..." "He just did it mom! I'm not... I mean he's...." "He is quite cute Megan, and there is no reason to be ashamed that you have a boy attracted to you. You're really very cute and you know it!" "But I'm a boy!" "Well, yes, that's true, but only on the outside I think. What I mean is, you really want to be a girl, right?" My mother knew she was right so I did not say anything, but I will admit that I was grinning when I went to my room. Stan wanted to kiss me, and did! I was both thrilled and scared at the same time. I wanted to be a girl, and I wanted to kiss Stan without worrying about it. I suddenly realized that I wanted him to touch me, love me, and hold me. Because I am a boy and not a girl, having him love me like a girl was a very remote possibility, yet I'm 14 years old, and I certainly know what girls can do for their guys, I only had to be more of a girl. Meaning full time, every day, in every situation. I could only tell Jennifer what I was thinking because she would understand. I did not think my mom would get it. I mean, she's old! I told Jennifer how I felt, and she said she knew how I felt! She liked Chris, and was hoping that he liked her as much. That afternoon, when I got home, mom was waiting for me. "This boy Stan. He thinks that you're a girl. Right?" "Well, yeah, we met at the mall. Just how could I say that I was a boy!?" "I suppose not, but what do we do now? I mean, after walking you home he knows where you live, right? So just how can you disappear? Where did you go? You did call me mom when he was here, so he certainly knows where to find you! So, tell me. What do we do now?" "Can I be a girl all the time? I mean, I'll be a real girl someday anyway, so why not?" "That's probably true honey, but I have no idea if that is even possible! I mean, just how do I get you registered at school, and what about the gym classes you have to take? You have no boobs, you have a boys body, and how do we get past that? I would have to see if it was at all possible!" And that is exactly what happened. With a few changes. First, mom found a shop that turned me into what looks just like any girl my age, complete with my own kitty as mom called it, and modestly sized boobs. You could say that I was totally shocked when the lady was done fitting me, but there was no doubt. I look just like Jennifer! It took me about two minutes to get to her house when we got home and I could show her the new me. Squealing in joy she and I hugged, then went back to my house. "Jennifer", mom said, "this is just between us. Understand? Megan can get hurt really bad if anyone suspects that she is not a girl, okay?" "You bet! Now I' not the only girl here!" "I'll call your mother and let her know that Megan is now a girl and it's safe for you two to be in your bedroom alone." I'll tell her, but she'll probably call you anyway." To this day I do not know how she managed it, but I started school as a girl! My first day of school was tense as some of the kids recognized me from my dressing up for parties, but when Jennifer let it be known that I was really a girl that noise sort of quit. Then Stan began to walk to class with me and it somehow became known that we were a couple! The questions about me being a boy absolutely quit when I had to shower after gym class and the other girls could see for themselves that I am a girl. After that it was all good. Then Stan asked me to the dance that Saturday night. I was thrilled since it would be my first real date with a boy, but mom told me that I had to wear a panty girdle. It was tight, but she said it would deter any awkward moments brought on by an overeager teenage boy that was caught up in lust. All that meant was that she did not want me to fall victim to own lust and my brand new options. Nothing happened of course, but Stan set me on fire when he kissed me, not just once, but several times. Then he gave me a ring! I knew what that meant, and when I went in the house I had it gripped tightly in my hand. The next morning I put the ring on a chain and wore it around my neck, a clear sign that I was his girl. But mom once again threw water on my glee when she pointed out that as a boy I'll start growing a beard, get bigger and more husky unless we do something. That something was a trip to the doctors office. He gave me a shot then some pills to take. After that I was just a normal teenage girl in every way, but I always loved our Christmas celebrations. They always reminded me of my journey. © 2020 The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.

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Savagely Sexed in School3

After almost thirty minutes of him pounding my butt, Bruce rammed as far into me as he could and grind deep into my butt. I felt his cock harden and twitch and erupt a stream of fluid that struck the walls of my rectum. His stream of baby making juices was powerful and strong and caused my bowels to spasm around his cock head. Bruce exclaimed 'I'm coming and this bitch is coming too, damn it's good'. Bruce grind deep into me for another five minutes before he finally pulled from my butt. I...

3 years ago
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A Pleasant End While Driving To Work

It had become my custom to stop at a particular burger place in the morning to pick up pancakes to eat when I got to work. Usually, as I drove to and from work, I would open my belt, undo my pants and pull the waistband of my shorts down under my balls. This freed my cock up so that I could stroke it as I drove. Every morning, as I pulled into the lane to place my order, I would put a handkerchief over my hard-on. It never bothered me if a lady saw my dick while I was driving. In fact, it was...

1 year ago
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Agnethas Story

Neta as her friends called her was a 26 year old young mum with two kids, a four and a half year old boy and a 10 month baby girl. Harry her husband was 36 and had been engaged to her sister until she was lost in a tragic car accident the week before the wedding. Neta wanted to be a dancer she is tall and very beautiful and her parents said that "showbiz is not for our girl" and she was forced into a junior managerial roll in the family business. Harry carried on visiting the family and would...

2 years ago
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Used Wife II

A follow on from my wife’s filthy encounter in a public toilet where she was used by several strangers.Last month I attended a conference which was boring but the upside was that partners and wives could stay too. The company had provided the hotel accommodation and a party on the last evening with a meal and free bar. The wife dressed to impress in a short black cocktail dress, black bra, black seamed pantyhose and black high heeled shoes. Her dress was too snug for stockings or for her to...

4 years ago
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My Way Chapter 3

The next day Moose seemed happier again, but I wondered what he would want to discuss. So far I didn't really have any dates when he did anything. I knew it began when he returned to the states and ended two years ago when Marsha shot him, but that was all. The first two men he killed were the State Representative and Jerry Stinner, the man who broke up his marriage. And John Baker was the last one. "Joe, I have a question for you. I told you I had fucked four of my wife's best friends....

3 years ago
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The Lonely Salesman ndash Ch 3 Holidays are for hear

My alarm went off at 7 AM. I reached up to hit the snooze button and felt her warmth beside me. Connie’s sleepy eyes opened and she half grinned, I wrapped my arm around her soft shoulder and pulled her tighter to me. Connie sighed and just snuggled in closer. Neither of us wanted to get up, both of us wanted the warm comfortable feeling of waking up in your lover’s arms to last forever. A new day had dawned, and with it a new feeling was growing in my heart. Connie had opened her heart to me...

1 year ago
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Me Bird Luvs Watchin Cock Action Wiv Me amp

© Robbie Webb 2012Me, my bird Karina, and my gay mate Gavin, we have a fantastic time when we get together. We get together and once we’ve had a few beers we chill out. I’ve known Gavin for years. Knew him long before I met my bird.When my mate found out I met Karina he was really upset inside. I could tell. He didn’t show it though. Said he was made up for me. Thing is, Gavin had always had this thing about me. He’d fancied me for years. He’d never actually said it, never actually said the...

3 years ago
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Ninja VigilanteChapter 3

‘Oh my god,’ Alexis thought as she awake with a start. ‘What have I done?’ She managed to refrain from leaning over and pressing “play” on the small tape recorder she’d taken with her the previous night. When she’d gotten home, she’d been so turned on that she’d been unable to resist the temptation of turning the tape on, listening to the sound of her own submission, and getting herself off at the memories... Her attempt to confront Joe had gone as badly as a confrontation could possibly...

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Wife mother We enjoyed

I Friends this is Raju from Hyderabad.I am Born and brought up in Hyderabad.I am working in a BPO company in hyderabad. I am in love with a girl who is my colleague We both loved each other and I managed and convinced their parents for marriage. And we are happy couples in sex and in all means. Now we are six months old couples. Actual story starts now… I am working as Team lead and my wife is working as Associates in same company. She is working for 24/7 and she has night shifts for every...

3 years ago
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A Jedis Training Ch 15

Author’s Note: I noticed from the public comments to my last chapter, posted many months ago, that an RPG has been started in the forums picking up where Ch. 14 left off. By all means, don’t let this latest posting interfere with wherever your RPG has gone. It was never my intention to leave everyone hanging for so long, but a variety of factors in life (moving across country, starting law school, etc.) conspired to keep me from continuing as quickly as I would’ve liked. It is still my...

1 year ago
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Uncle Dave returns

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been four months since Dave Rogers visited his sister and niece Anita. Dave has been very busy in his job as photojournalists, but the memory of his homecoming still lingered. As he sat on a plane on his way home from Africa, his eyes closed his mind seemed to be wrapped up in the lovely time he and his sweet eighteen-year-old niece had that first day by the pool. The thought of Anita’s young tender body hunted him. Her long red hair and soft...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Anastasia Rose G174

Now the moment this little lady has been waiting for. She’s about to get gangbanged for the first time! The guys are around her like ravenous sharks and they get her out of that dress as fast as they can. They feel her up a bit and get some dicks in her mouth and hand as she gets a little oral action herself. Eddie goes right in and starts filling her up with hard dick. The guys rotate around practically fighting over who’s gonna get the pussy next… calm down boys...

3 years ago
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The New OwnerChapter 6

My phone alarm rang at 0630 the following morning. We were still where we fell asleep. Jill was on one side of Clair and I was on the other. My alarm also woke them from their slumber. Jill said, “good morning my lovers, sleep well?” Clair laughed and answered, “I feel like you two put me in a coma and I just came out of it. When the two of you set out to create an atmosphere for the ultimate orgasm again, I want to be at the front of the line. When will your new house be built, I am ready...

2 years ago
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Better Off BredChapter 8

In my defence I want to state that I don’t drink a lot, either in quantity or frequency. Also it was Laura’s fault, if it wasn’t, then as I’m in America, I plead the 5th... !! The months since Thief and Lady had arrived had alternately sped and crawled by. The crawl part was waiting for Lady to foal, the rest was speeding past. Deke had settled into our family and ran the stables without any noticeable effort, stuff just got done, the paddocks received the minor attention they needed, the...

3 years ago
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Dimitra and Arista

The moist summer heat in Athens beckoned its residents to seek more comfortable shelter. Dimitri was among the sun kissed men that afternoon. His curly dark hair glistened with perspiration. He wiped his brow and headed toward his father’s grand estate for wine and cheese. Dimitri was a man of passion, intrigue, and prestige. He pressed his full sensuous lips together when he thought about what his father might have in mind today. The old man always had plans up his flowing toga. What Dimitri...

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Cindy This is a story in continuation of the My first camping trip series. it features the same main character, Cindy, but takes place a few years later. Cindy was 14 now, a freshman in high school. 3 years had gone by since that first trip into her sexual life at this point, and physically, she had grown a bit. She was still fairly short and petite, skinny, 53, had long straight blond hair. She still wore glasses, now a style resembling that of Ashliegh Banfield from the news, black rimmed...

4 years ago
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Our Long Journey Into The Lifestyle Part Two

Now I knew that there was this seed that had been planted -- and I certainly didn't know back then if it was a seed I wanted, or a seed she wanted, or we were just playing around, or maybe all three. I just knew that watching her cum while thinking about taking two guys at once was fucking hot, and that it was something I wanted to bring up again. Things went a slightly different direction first, though. Over the next few weeks, I don't think either of us brought it up. We just continued on...

2 years ago
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The Summer Ill Never Forget 45 The Auction Fin

The music started and Matt opened up his leather vest to show his bare chest. Steph didn’t realize that Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt under his leather vest. She thought she would recognize that little tidbit but with the alcohol was really beginning to kick her ass and her continuing raising pressure hiding under her panties demanding a cock inside of it now she could understand missing the little tidbit of not realizing Matt wasn’t wearing a shirt. As soon as he threw his vest off stage into...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Kimberly Rey Goal

When the crew picks up Kimberly Rey while she plays a little futbol on the side of the road, they can tell they’re in for a good time. The beautiful and athletic Latina babe rocks some skin-tight spandex and is adorable in braces. They bring her back to the house and put her fitness to the test – our stud shoves his thick boner inside her tight teen pussy, and her face contorts in pleasure. Then, she mounts him and rides his cock until she cums hard. Kimberly begs for his leche, and he...

1 year ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 28 Out with the Old In with the New

Darren paused as he poured himself another glass of punch. He needed to find Stephanie. It was nearly midnight. Scanning the crowd, he finally spotted her, standing by the fireplace with Cassie, Christy, and Christy's new fiancé, Tim Harris. It was his home they were all in, celebrating the coming New Year. Cassie and Stephanie both looked bored. Tim must be regaling them with his latest accomplishments. Darren smiled. If that guy's ego were any bigger, half this crowd wouldn't fit...

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Thinking a moment more Alan was really at a loss as to who was killing these mages; it wasn't the others, they might be bad, but they were fiercely loyal to each other and the council. There were only two white mages on the planet, and as far as he knew Merlin was still low level or was he? There really was something odd about the man and Alan needed to get answers before this went any further. Appearing back at the sanctuary Alan decided that NOW was the time to talk to Merlin. Walking...

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The English School 1 Caught Sneaking Out

Hot-C asked for a spanking story. This one's for her. Introduction Recognizing the reality of increased sexual precociousness among youth, Parliament lowered the age of consent to 16. The law forbidding corporal punishment was nearly repealed; schools could reinstitute corporal punishment, but parental permission must be obtained. Frightened by an uptick in school violence and of incorrigibility among teens, many parents sent their children to schools practicing traditional discipline. It was...

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Jennifer Submitted II

The morning sun coming through the balcony doors woke me earlier than I wanted to wake. There beside me was my beautiful little slave girl Jennifer. I thought back to what had happened the night before, she had flashed someone, walked naked in front of others, and let me fuck her in the ass in front of those same people. She had come a far way from just being my office assistant. As I lay there watching her sleep, her 34D breast rising and following with each breath she took. Her blonde hair...

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First Blog The MILF at Trader Joes

I arrived at the Trader Joe's in Salt Lake City after a 4-hour drive. It felt good to get out of my vehicle and stretch my legs. I approached the store with nothing more than an innocuous desire to pick up some of my favorite things while in the Big City. As soon as I stepped through the sliding doors, I spotted her...Her darker blonde hair was what initially caught my attention. She was by the fruit display, facing me, and a look at her face revealed a good-looking woman, 40ish or so, wearing...

2 years ago
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The RiflemanChapter 14 Reunification

Sandi Hearing a noise, I turned as the door was opened. I saw one of the aliens standing there with a strange weapon in his hands. He was pointing it at us, and I saw him pull the trigger. Hearing a pair of thuds behind me, I looked over my shoulder and saw Jonas and James lying on the floor. Turning back to the alien, I started to say something. However, a strange feeling came over me, and I felt my legs give out on me. Valin I looked at the two women, and then turned to the men. The...

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25 August 2007Chapter 2

While Dan and Wendy waited, they took in their surroundings. Sitting at their table they noticed it was slightly raised allowing a clear view out the window at the waters cresting over the falls. Potted plants added a tropical feel to their sitting area. “Is this ever beautiful!” She remarked. “Yes, you certainly are!” His eyes marvelled at the beauty married to him. She caught his gaze and smiled, leaning to kiss him. As their lips touched, her hand rested on his crotch, his hand slid...

2 years ago
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Xxxecils NymphaManiacsChapter 4 The Pleasures of the Pussy

Celeste had a plan; it was with confidence that she strode up the cobblestone walkway to the main estate past the main fence. The place seemed to have gone to seed a bit. The normally manicured front lawn was only half-mowed; as if Ol' Tommy had started cutting the grass and trimming the hedges as he'd done for fifteen years, but then suddenly stopped short. Probably didn't matter; Celeste had other matters on her mind. Daddy was finally going to listen to her! All this money, all these...

1 year ago
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My Unbelievable Sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! My is called Jess and is an unbelievably hot blonde 18 years old. Anyway as she approached her 18th birthday she decided to have her friends round our house as a get together. Now I will admit that when she is with her friends she can act as a bit of a slut but i never really noticed it and would always just go to my room and play on my computer or watch TV while these events went on. This night was different. I had been upstairs for quite a while and...

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KPop Fantasies

You are ‘Oppa’. Your girlfriend is the K-pop idol Sunny from Girls' Generation. You've been a couple for a week and have only kissed so far, and not even had an official date. On a Friday, you take Sunny out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. The date goes well and you end up kissing outside your apartment for a few minutes. You have trouble sleeping and end up lying in until noon the next day. There's a text waiting for you on your phone - from Sunny. "I can't wait to see you again soon~," it...

2 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeEpilogue part 1

"Bye, Daddy!" Becky chirped as she kissed me. She briefly ran her hand down my cheek, projecting all her love for me before she left the room. I saw a fleeting image of the sympathy she had for me. Becky understood. Becky was the last of the girls to leave for their marathon shopping trip. I was alone in the house. I reveled in that. I loved my girls, but sometimes I needed time to my self. They always seemed to understand that, and disappeared on cue. I loved them all. In fairness,...

4 years ago
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Yente private keep jessy

Yithu mattoru anubhavam: yithil yente ayalvaasikal aaya 3 Jessymar: + 1 Lissy.… (1) Jessy Joseph (JJ) Josephinte 2amathe mol, oru hundu payanne vivaham kazhichu (love marriage), fail aayi ‘PERAATHA ACHI’ aayi veetil vannu thaamasam; yenne poalullavare akamazhinju sevikkunnu.. (2) Jessy Marcos: (JM), oru private companiyil executive aayi joali cheayunnu, Retired headmaster de 2aamathe mon Marcos nte bhaarya aayi vannu avarude familiyil 4 aanum, 2 pennu, yellavarum vivahithar, 2 penkuttikalkkum 2...

2 years ago
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Caught Parking III

I had returned home about noon Saturday to find the beautiful, 18-year-old, Alex sitting on my living room couch, sobbing. Her cell phone lay in pieces on the floor. To my surprise, after I held her a few moments, she offered her virginity to me right then and there. Alex, still sobbing, had bluntly asked, “Jim, do you want to fuck me? Right now?” I gently turned her down. I just couldn’t take her virginity, given her sad state of mind. I felt losing her cherry should happen at time of...

Love Stories
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Stuart part 9

It's said that every step you take in your life leads up to one moment, one defining point of your life that you can look back on and say 'this is who I am, this is my contribution to the world'. If this is the case... Then it's a very strange set of steps that led me to where I am today. "God, I don't know why I'M so nervous," I mumble as I fidget in my seat. "It's not like I'm going to be the one dancing up there..." "You wouldn't really suit a tutu anyway," Jamie retorts, giggling...

1 year ago
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 8 The Kennet Avon canal

The days rolled by, and the Tuesday ‘nature walk’ with Susannah became the highlight of my week. After that first assignation, I soon introduced her to soixante neuf, and we spent many happy hours entwined, with heads to groins, licking and sucking at the sweet flesh presented to our questing mouths. Summer strayed into October, with unexpected but welcome warmth, and Susannah and I would cavort naked in ‘our’ dell, where I would coat her nude body with my seed. I can vouch for the...

2 years ago
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Carnival EroticaChapter 5

The tent was nearly full for this last performance before the carnival moved on. Nearly two hundred people, a mixture of women and men, sat around the center ring talking and laughing. Kristy noted they were all dressed elegantly and each had paid a handsome fee at the gate. This carnival was obviously only for the well-to-do. Victoria also seemed to know virtually everyone. The brightly lit center ring held an unusually large bed, nothing more. Puzzled, Kristy began trying to find a...

1 year ago
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Halloween Howlers

Halloween is a time where some take to scaring people, others TP, toilet paper the trees in several of their teacher’s yards. And, still there were those, eighteen years-old, adult in age, only more mischief making minions who egged the windows and front doors of yellow yolk and white gooey, messes. But, even more cavalier and rather striking was the farce some of the female ‘click, ‘leaders made a farce of the legal liquor age and brought along the ones who would sniff their butts to be...

3 years ago
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Neighbour forced sex

I had a situation happen to me recently, that most men would give their left nut to have happen to them! It was without a doubt the most exciting thing to ever happen to me anyway. I am happily married , a gorgeous wife, who loves just about any form of sex; I have a good job, nice home and just about everything a guy could want. Except that is, my neighbor's wife! A few years ago, my wife and I had a nice home built out in the country. We were kind of isolated, until last year when Joe and...

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I decided that tonight was the night I would be a gurl for the evening. I shaved head, face, arms, pits, chest, ass, penis, purse, and legs. Next clean out my pussy. The prep work done, I showered and decided on what to wear.I laid out black thigh high stockings, a pink thong without a pouch for my penis and purse, pink bra, pink lipstick, pink 5” heels, and to top it off a pink wig.I sprayed myself with a perfume and proceeded to put on my bra. My tits are not very big “A” cup but my nipples...

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Jennie Julie Attack of the Giant Women

INTRO "Ring Ring"..."Hello," Jennie Rotman-Ramirez groggily answered the phone in a sleepy stupor. It was 2PM, but Jennie hadn't gotten to bed until the wee hours of the morning due to a hectic photo shoot the night before that lasted some eight hours. "Yup, those are the latest photos on my website. They're current as of yesterday," Jennie assured as she rubbed her eyes and searched for a pad of paper and a pen on her nightstand. "Yes, I could do that. Right now I'm home here in...

1 year ago
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Random Theater Fun

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends mera naam riya arora h. Main rajasthan se hu. Mujhe sex krne ka boht jyada shaunk hai. Shaunk hai ya fir shaunk ho gya . Kuch b keh skte hn . Mera figure b boht accha hai . Bade bade boobs aur badi gaand. Merre boobs ka size 36c h. Jinhe dabwane me mjhe boht maja aata h. Gand p thapad marwane m b boht maja aata h. Main thodi si chhubby hu. 36-32-36 . Mjhe violent sex pasand hai. Baandh ke or thapad maar maar ke karne me boht maja aata h. Mera ek dost h....

4 years ago
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revenge on my cheating wife

I have been married to Susan for nearly twenty years and have been together for nearly twenty five years, I have got too admit that we have always been very happy together, our sex life was ok even though Susan wouldn’t suck my cock.Over the past few years Susan has taken to drinking more and more alcohol when we go out either to a friends house or the local pub. I didn’t really approve of this but as it turned out her drinking has become quite useful.I recently discovered that Susan had been...

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Gangbang Of Slutty Lavanya 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone. I am Rohan, 20M, new here. This is my first story, and the first part. I will soon publish the remaining parts and write kinkier stories on different categories, including personal experiences. I usually write in detail, so let me know if you would want me to change my style. Mail me at for anything ;) Enjoy. Lavanya woke up early that morning. She could not sleep well, knowing well what a fantastic day it was going to be. She searched around for her alarm clock, and saw there...

2 years ago
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Helping Out at the BarChapter 3

Taking the next few days off gave Tina a chance to reflect on what she had done as well as what she was willing to do. Even when she would try and seriously debate this in her mind she would always end up touching herself. She is pleasantly surprised when Tony calls and asks her to come to work for awhile today saying that he has someone who would like to meet her. Tina dresses in her little shorts and tank top and heads to the bar. Tony meets her at the door and introduces the 2-guys that...

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Schoolgirl Thighs My DownfallChapter 2 Invaded

So I was on tenterhooks all morning, waiting to be summoned to the storage area under the gallery. But the text, at lunchtime, was for something else: “Find somewhere comfy tonight pls. After dinner, pick us up from mine 7:30. Oral + fuck x2. B ready :)) M” Did she need to be quite so explicit? My mind swam with the implications. Texts could be traced, couldn’t they? I wasn’t sure but I’d seen news stories about guys being locked up on text evidence they thought they’d got rid of. Now I had...

1 year ago
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Suzannes Return

Suzanne Suzanne?s ReturnPart IBy: R.J. Silverwood([email protected]) I stood in the middle of the small, musty-smelling, motel room towel-drying my hair as I watched Suzanne twist and squirm, lying naked and hog-cuffed on the bed. I?d give anything to have a picture of this, I thought.? Her wrists handcuffed behind her, her ankles cuffed together, pulled back and pad-locked to her wrist cuffs.? The same padlock was also used to lock both sets of cuffs to a small steel ring, which...

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Blowjob in toilet mall

OK let me start with the begining :D I was at work bored a little thinking at cock of course :D so I started to chat with guys on a gay site :D so I was talking and talking and ther was one guy 40 years old married that he said that he loves to do public sex or outdoor so I said shit mee too :D (I have on my profile description that I love gloryhole and sucking outside) thats why we were so in to the talk So we talked how woud it be to meet at the mall toilet ...... he was so excited so we...

3 years ago
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BFF& I FUCKED SILLYMy dad overheard me and my BFF and he fucked our brains out. (part one “fucked silly”)I walked to my dads bedroom telling Tina it started in the bathroom after I showered and how my dad told me he overheard us talking. He came in and ripped my nighty open.Dad picked me up and carried me to his bedroom.He laid me down on the bed and started teasing me, sucking on my thighs, blowing a bit at my clit, licking above my pussy. I moved as much as I could to get my pussy to his...

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