Hooked At The Company Halloween Themed Costume Party
- 4 years ago
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So come to me darlin' hold me tight.
Let your honey keep you warm.
It's been so long since anyone touched me,
That I almost forgot what love is for.
--Trouble (Lindsey Buckingham)
On Monday, Sherry made it a point to be with me before History class.
"I had a great time at Vaughn's. Your girlfriend is a really nice person."
I smiled at Sherry's noticeable change in attitude about Kristen, since it wasn't that long ago that she had hated Kristen with a passion.
"Yeah. There's a lot to love about her," I agreed.
"The cheerleaders posted the winners today. I was on top, just as they told me. There was also a junior and two seniors."
I smiled at Sherry. "I guess it's an honor to be picked."
"I didn't think so a few weeks ago," Sherry admitted, "Cammy and Lynette aren't your typical dumb blondes, though. They're both deadly serious about cheering, and I've heard people say that they are both A students."
"I know for a fact that Camille makes herself look a lot less serious than she really is."
Sherry agreed, "Yeah. I got that feeling, too."
The class bell rang and we got into our seats.
At lunchtime, I was looking forward to spending the period once again with my lovely blonde Goddess. However, when I looked at our usual table, she wasn't there. Patty was, though.
I put my tray on the table and asked Patty, "You see Kristen?"
Patty nodded, and indicated toward the back of the cafeteria. "She's over there."
I looked for a moment, and finally saw Kristen's lovely blonde tresses. "Oh, yeah."
She was talking to some other student--nobody that I knew--so I went on the lunch line to get my daily ration of swill.
When I returned from the lunch line, I was a bit surprised to see Sherry as well as Kristen sitting at our table. Sherry was talking animatedly with both of my friends.
"Hi, Sherry!" I said, as I put my tray at my place.
"Hey, Jim!" Sherry answered. "Kris just introduced me to Patty."
"Price of fame," I said, grinning. "You're a cheerleader. Now all the best people want to know you!"
Most people around the table laughed at my comment.
"Better not let Camille hear you say something like that," Patty said.
"Oh, I think Camille has a sense of humor. She looks at me as a friend, doesn't she?"
Kristen was one person that didn't like hearing my self-deprecating sense of humor. She responded by simply kissing me on the lips. It wasn't a sensual kiss; she just wanted me to shut up.
I watched Sherry interact with all my friends. She was truly a nice girl and it was difficult not to like her. I wondered why I hadn't noticed her interest in me a year or so earlier.
The week passed swiftly, and Amy showed up for jazz band rehearsal on Thursday. When Kristen entered the room that afternoon, she greeted me with "Hi, Oogie!"
I could feel the entire band heave a sigh of relief--I think they considered Kristen to be my muse, and the fact that we weren't fighting anymore seemed to make the entire band feel better.
After rehearsal, I asked Amy and Kristen to stay a few extra minutes. Both girls looked surprised, and Amy looked at Kristen for support.
Kristen just shrugged at Amy, and looked at me. I saw her eyes grow wide as I opened up my attach case--I think she thought I was going to pull out my roll of tickets.
Instead of my tickets, I pulled out a present for Amy. "Here, Amy. You'll probably recognize the tune."
Amy took the sheet music that I had taken a few days to copy by long hand and she looked at it curiously. "Linus and Lucy?" I saw her squint, and she added, "From the comic strip?"
I nodded. "Yes. Try to play it."
The student opened the sheet music and put it on the stand on the piano. The first few bars were just bass notes, and she fumbled with the first bar until she recognized the tune. She looked up at me.
"It's from the Peanuts Christmas special," I said. "It's a good number to practice for getting the feel of the genre."
Amy was silent, and simply looked down at her hands. Finally, she asked, "By myself?"
"No," I promised. "The original score is a trio. I believe it was a string bass, piano, and drums. Let me have Sam and Derek work with you. The song is more closely associated with Peanuts than Christmas, so it might not be a good number for the Christmas concert. We could add other instruments, though, but the song really focuses on the piano."
There was another long pause. "Can I practice it over the weekend?"
I smiled. This was the most that Amy had said to me at one time, ever. "Take until next Thursday. You may be able to find the song at the record store if you need to hear the original. If you need help, please let me know--or Kristen."
Amy looked from me to Kristen and then back down at her hands. After yet another pause, she said, "Thank you."
Kristen offered Amy a ride home, but Amy lived close enough to the school that her walk was only a couple of minutes.
"That was very thoughtful of you, Jim," Kristen said.
"Thank you, Kristen," I said. "I've been meaning to ask you how you manage to get Amy to speak to you when she very rarely says anything to anybody."
"You've found the secret, Jim," Kristen answered. "You just need to talk to her."
I nodded. It sounded so simple and obvious hearing Kristen's explanation. Seeing Amy's face light up in recognition of the tune reminded of the reason that I loved performing myself. I loved seeing how I was able to make people happy just by playing instruments or leading a band.
The next weekend, Kristen and I decided to spend two days in Madison. Although Madison was an hour further away from where we lived than Chicago was, it was smaller and seemed a bit more friendly to us. It was also much more scenic. I had gone there a couple of times with my parents, but after last weekend's overnight trip, Kristen and I were starting to think of Madison as our own special spot.
Kristen and I arrived quite late Friday night, and we had McDonald's on the road for dinner. We found a cute little lodge just outside the city where we crashed for the night.
We didn't have much time the previous week to really check out the city, and we had never gotten around to visiting the Madison Art Center, which is where Kristen really wanted to go, so that was our destination on Saturday. I wasn't as fascinated by the exhibits as Kristen was, but the two of us still had a great time together, and I found Kristen to be quite knowledgeable about certain of the artists currently featured at the museum. I actually managed to learn a few things about Kristen's favorite artistic style, called impressionism.
After the Art Center, the two of us had wine, ginger ale, and cheese at a little pub that had a fire burning in its fireplace. Later on, we had some excellent schnitzel and potato pancakes at a place called Wein und Kse that, unfortunately, is no longer in business today.
Saturday night, we made love like infatuated bunnies back at that lodge outside of town. We spent Sunday morning at a park near one of the lakes, and drove home Sunday afternoon.
Our lives proceeded quite nicely into October.
Neither I nor Merry wanted to go trick or treating this year, since we figured it was for younger kids. Kristen solved our problem by deciding to have a costume party at her house and invited all of our friends, including Merry. Kristen also decided that costumes had to be of famous people throughout history, so the Incredible Hulk and Frankenstein would not be included.
On the Monday before the party, Camille approached me.
"Hey, Jim! I haven't seen you around for weeks! What have you been doing with yourself?"
"I've been doing fine. You are coming to the party on Friday, right?"
"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world!"
"Cool!" I exclaimed. "By the way, have you heard from Wendy lately?"
Camille nodded. "Yeah. We have a couple of classes together. I guess you haven't seen her much, have you?"
"No. Kristen takes up most of my free time."
"Don't I know it?" Camille pointed out. "I'm glad the two of you got over your bump in the road."
I wasn't going to pass over this opportunity to thank Camille once more. "Cammy, if it wasn't for you, Kris and I would probably have been past history. I didn't realize how I was acting, until you put an ugly mirror to my face."
Camille smiled, and said, "I'm glad you guys were smart enough to be able to deal with it. You two are so much in love, and I know that you're a good person, Jim. You may not be perfect, but then I don't think anybody would be able to stand somebody who was."
I nodded. "So, what's up?"
"The football team has a bye the day after Halloween. We're going to initiate the rookie cheerleaders that afternoon."
I had no idea what happened during those initiations. My mind started thinking about the reports of fraternity hazing that happens at colleges. "Sherry won't get hurt, will she?"
Camille laughed. "No pain involved, Jim. I promise! The juniors and sophs will have a separate initiation from the seniors, which is a bit more rowdy."
My mind reeled with thoughts of a rowdy initiation for the seniors.
"It's easy to read your mind, Jim," Camille laughed. "It's not that bad!"
I laughed. "So, isn't the initiation supposed to be secret?"
"It usually is, but I think I can trust you."
Those words touched me for some reason. "Thank you. Would you mind if I told Kristen? We don't have too many secrets from each other."
"Sure," Camille smiled. "I trust her as well. Besides, Sherry will probably tell her all about it on Monday."
I sighed. "I'm glad you'll be at the party. Kristen and I both owe you big time."
Camille moved over and kissed me. It wasn't an innocent kiss, nor was it quite a romantic kiss. I found myself enjoying every second of it. In my mind, I flashed back to an image of Camille completely nude at my birthday party. I found myself getting excited, but managed to hide my reaction.
After Camille pulled away, she smiled and said, "I'll see you on Friday night."
I watched Camille walk away afterward, and thought about Wendy. I realized that I might want to start paying more attention to my friends, rather than spending all my free time exclusively with Kristen.
A few days later, a dark haired and dark complexioned girl approached me.
"Jim Crittenhouse?"
"Yes?" I answered. The girl looked a bit familiar, but I couldn't place her name at all. I only knew that she was a junior.
"I'm Jackie Lombardi," the girl said.
Lombardi. Isn't that Camille's last name? It was! "Are you Camille's cousin?"
"That's me!" Jackie answered, flashing me a radiant smile that made me stare at her face a few seconds.
"So, what's up, Jackie?" I finally asked.
"I just wanted to thank you and Kristen for inviting us to the party on Friday."
I was confused. "Us? Do you mean you and Camille?"
"Yeah. As well as the rest of the cheerleaders. It sounds like a killer party."
Were all the cheerleaders going to be attending the party? This was news to me.
"Um, you're welcome. I think you want to thank Kristen. I didn't know that you were a cheerleader."
"I just got in during the last tryouts."
"Oh. Sherry told me that a junior made it."
Jackie shook her head. "Yeah. I got a nine. Did you know that Sherry got a perfect score?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Sherry was so proud she was bursting when she found out."
Jackie giggled. "She is, like, fantastic. She does those running aerials perfectly. She's a gymnast."
"I know," I said, smiling, not knowing exactly what an "aerial" was, but thinking it must be something great. "Camille figured that she'd be perfect for the team."
There was a bit of an awkward silence. "Jim, the reason I'm here is that I wanted you to thank Kristen for me."
"Kristen? She'll be around any minute. I'm getting a ride home with her."
"I figured that. However, she may not want to talk with me. She hasn't since the beginning of the school year."
I suddenly remembered that Jackie was a former member of Kristen's old circle of friends. I shrugged my shoulders and said, "You should try to talk to her at the party on Friday. She has changed, but she's a wonderful person."
Jackie cast her eyes downward. "Yeah. We all were a bit stuck up."
"You know that Patrice is coming, right?"
Jackie looked surprised. "She is? I didn't know she was invited."
"Well, Patrice is a friend of mine from way back, and she's still friends with Kristen. Her brother Jack is also going to be there. I don't think Kristen is avoiding her old friends, Jackie; she's just avoiding her old attitudes. Try talking to her at the party."
Jackie thought this over and said, "Maybe. I guess it can't hurt."
I watched the cheerleader walk away. She was a cute girl, a bit smaller in stature than Camille was. Jackie's face looked a lot like Camille's; I imagine she's what Camille would look like with darker hair.
On Friday, the day of the party, I noticed that Sherry seemed a bit nervous about something.
"Hi, Sherry," I said, smiling at her. "What's up?"
"Um... can we talk in private during lunch?"
"Sure," I said. "What's up?"
"I'll tell you then."
The class bell rang and History class started. I found my seat and forgot about Sherry as I concentrated on the Holy Roman Empire.
At lunch, I saw Kristen and after we kissed, she said, "Sherry wants to talk to you, alone. I know what it's about, and I have no problem with it."
"You have no problem with what?" I asked.
"I'll let Sherry tell you. But just remember what I said."
I was confused. Kristen hadn't said much of anything. I spied Sherry as she entered the lunchroom, and Kristen told me to go over to her.
"Hi, Sherry. What's up?"
"Can we go, like, to the music room?" Sherry asked, nervously.
"I guess so," I said. I was a little apprehensive, since I usually associated lunchtime music sessions with other people to have a more romantic theme, but since Kristen told me she had no problem with whatever Sherry wanted, I decided it would probably be safe. If not, I had a good explanation if I had guessed wrong.
Neither one of us said anything as we walked to the music room. A hall monitor spotted us, and I pulled out my Music Room pass, and told the monitor that Sherry and I were going to the room to practice. I figured that the monitor wouldn't know whether or not Sherry was in the band.
The monitor gave a quick glance at my pass and let us continue.
After we got out of earshot of the monitor, I giggled to Sherry. "Probably anything typewritten on something that looks like a pass would be accepted, but I never had the nerve to try that."
Sherry gave a nervous giggle in response.
I wondered why Sherry was so nervous. Was there something happening with Dale?
We got to the music room, and I let Sherry in.
I was somewhat anxious to find out why she was so nervous. "So, what's up? You've been acting very jittery today."
"I found Kristen yesterday before your band practice, and talked with her while my bus left. She then offered to drive me home, and we finished talking."
I nodded, getting a bit impatient. "What were the two of you talking about?"
Sherry hemmed and hawed, and then finally said, "I need to invite a boyfriend to a thing with the cheerleaders tomorrow."
It suddenly dawned on me that tomorrow was Saturday; the day that Camille had told me was the cheerleaders' initiation. "Um, I'm not really your boyfriend, Sherry."
"I know. Camille suggested that you were pretty trustworthy."
So, both Camille and Kristen knew about this. "What do you need a boyfriend for?"
"They won't tell us, not even Camille. She said it's a tradition. Jim, can you keep a secret?"
"I try to."
Sherry sighed and said, "It's an initiation for the rookie cheerleaders. The juniors and the sophomores have theirs in the morning here at the school. I'm not supposed to tell you any more than that, but I couldn't even if I wanted since I haven't been told anything more, either."
This sort of fit in with what Camille told me, and pretty much explained why Camille had told me about the initiation. She was preparing me for Sherry asking me to be there with her. I wondered what Camille and the other cheerleaders were planning.
I also now understood why Kristen had said that she had no problem with it. If she hadn't told me that, I would have declined Sherry's invitation, since I knew that Kristen had a terrible jealous streak.
I mulled these things in my mind for a few moments, and came to a decision. "I'll go with you."
Sherry looked relieved. "Camille is giving me a ride, tomorrow. She said she could pick you up as well."
This confirmed to me that Camille definitely had something in mind. I figured that I'd have a talk with her at the party tonight.
I nodded to Sherry, and she looked at me uncertainly. I moved over to her and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Thanks for thinking of me," I quietly said.
Sherry reddened just a bit and nodded.
I said, "Let's go back to the lunchroom. I'll let Kristen know about it later."
"Before we leave, could you do me a favor?" Sherry asked.
"What, Sherry?"
"I love hearing you play. The practice rooms are empty. Could you play me a song?"
"Which one?" I asked.
"Can you play Harmony from Goodbye Yellow Brick Road?"
I actually knew that song. Thinking about it, I realized it was a wonderful song for a single piano. "Sure."
I sat down at the piano and played the first C-major seventh chord.
Hello, baby hello.
Haven't seen your face for a while.
Have you quit doing time for me?
Or are you still the same spoiled child?
Sherry watched me play the song, and I saw an expression of amazement on her face.
The only place where the song seemed lacking to me was near the end, where I couldn't duplicate the vocal harmonies from the record.
"I've always loved that song," Sherry said. "I've never heard you play that song before. I had hoped you knew the song."
"Actually, I know the song, but I never played it before," I admitted.
"That was your first time playing it?" Sherry asked me, now shocked. "It sounded like you've been playing it for years!"
I shrugged. "I picked out the first chord, and it sounded right. The other chords just followed. There are only two verses to the song and the chorus, and I have sung along with the record a few times."
I got up from the piano and started to walk back to the lunchroom.
"Wow," was all Sherry could manage. She followed me to the lunchroom. About halfway there, Sherry remarked, "I'm glad the song was in your range."
I laughed. "As I said, I sometimes sing along with the album. The words to that entire album are on the cover of the record, so it's easy to sing along. Two years ago, Roy Fennel, the guy from the chorus, taught me how to add falsetto to my range without making it sound like I'm trying to sound like a cartoon. I notice that a lot of British singers like Paul McCartney and Elton John use that technique all the time."
"How did you know the first chord?" Sherry asked.
I shrugged. "Beats the hell out of me," I finally admitted. "The start of that song was just a chord. I just knew instinctively that it was a C-major seventh. I know that sort of the same way you can tell that the color of your shirt is pink."
Sherry corrected me. "It's mauve."
I stopped in the hallway and stared at Sherry. She looked at me confused, and then she suddenly understood what I was talking about. We both laughed for about a minute. Luckily, we were just outside the lunchroom.
There wasn't anybody in the food service line, so we managed to get our food. I just got a juice and a small bag of chips. Sherry got a slice of pizza.
Kristen looked at the two of us and smiled. "I take it everything went all right."
Sherry blushed and said, "Yes."
"So, what gossip did I miss?" I asked, changing the subject.
Kristen picked Merry and me up for the party at five. We were going to be part of Kristen's party set-up crew.
Merry had a curfew of ten o'clock, but I told my mother that Patty had to be home by eleven and, since I had to stay at Kristen's until the party officially ended at midnight, Patty had offered to drop Merry off.
"There won't be any alcohol, will there?" Mom asked.
"I told you before. No. Just cider and soda," I assured my mother yet again.
"You didn't mention cider before!"
"Kristen got a few gallons at a farm stand. I don't think it's going to be anything harder than you get at the grocery."
My mother considered this and finally relented. "All right. Just make sure that you watch out for your little sister."
"All the boys there will have dates. Merry will be fine."
"All right."
The doorbell rang, and the conversation ended. It was Kristen. She had a lovely "Horn o' Plenty" filled with fruits and nuts, which was wrapped in yellow cellophane.
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Gina Matthews was a pretty ordinary girl with a pretty ordinary life. She was eighteen years old, a freshmen at Westhaven University, and a server at a fast food restaurant that wasn't well known or very successful. However, her ordinary life would completely change when she was invited to a party by a cute guy named Josh Kelman. Gina was walking through a campus hallway one evening when Josh approached her. He held out a black and orange card to her. "Hey, Gina, I'm having a Halloween Party...
College SexMatt is invited to what is guaranteed to be the best Halloween party of his life. His friend has promised that this will be his last night as a virgin. But there’s a catch. In this case the Devil is truly in the details. *Matthew Walker stood in the doorway and slowly looked around the room at the costumed party goers. Much to his surprise, this was looking like it could turn out to be an excellent Halloween party.Except for the fact that she was nearly six feet tall, the girl in the fairy...
SupernaturalAt the time of this story, I was the sales director for a specialty-chemical manufacturing company located in Houston, Texas. That is a customer-focused business, and we were competing with six other companies that provided similar products and services. So, we often sponsored parties for our current and prospective customers. It was approaching the end of October, and my boss, Max Jensen, had planned a large Halloween costume party that would be held at his country club on Halloween night.Max...
Mind ControlAll of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...
My life has always been rather simple; well, as simple as a courier can have it.I've always loved the thrill of speeding through the streets openly vulnerable on my bicycle instead of contained in the confines of a car. Sure, I could've been a mailman. But where's the fun in that? Besides, riding my bike is about all the exercise I can get these days. I enjoy it. And with the right customers, I'm almost always rewarded with a good tip depending on my performance. That's considered my bonus on...
I have had sex with a few guys since my last story but there nothing much worth writing about so I thought I would “go retro” and tell you about a hot experience I had in my senior year of high school. At that time I kept my crossdressing pretty much private and only a handful of people knew about my slutty side as Lisa. Even most of my best friends had no clue. (At least that’s what I thought at the time.) One of my best friends was a good looking guy named Ray. Ray lived...
CrossdressingAfter our little trip up north I could see Anna was getting deeper and deeper into the whole swinging idea. She preferred to meet people for sex rather than go to a club or hotel and pick someone up. I agreed with her and we quickly became frequent visitors of swinging websites. We got chatting to few other couples from various parts of the country and were planning some arrangements to meet up.During this time we were also receiving e-mails from Susan and John about future events at their...
Roger set the mood for the afternoon. I was sitting in my apartment, trying to type out a mid-term paper on Risk Management for Dr. Jacob’s Finance 452 class, only to have the strong voice of Roger and The Who captivate my wandering thoughts. Not only was I listening to Roger and letting the lyrics of You Better You Bet lead me to a daydream of pleasant visions, I was also watching Roger sing. He was just across the room on my television. It was October 1981, and a couple months previously, a...
College SexRenae slammed the bedroom door and kicked her stilettos toward the closet. She ripped at the black lace garter and stockings, tearing them off in frustration and throwing them into the trash. The little black mini dress got balled up and thrown on the floor. She stomped into the bathroom and started the shower. As the steam filled up the master bath, she sat down on the toilet seat and let the tears come. The love of her life, her soul mate and partner simply did not want her, no matter how...
After The Halloween Party My wife and I were invited to my boss’ Halloween party. We were to dress in costume and be prepared to have a great time. There was a lot of drinking and my wife must have gone to the bathroom a dozen times. She became the best of friends with a woman that I work with. Actually Pamela was the only woman that I worked with. I found her very attractive too. Eventually my wife told me that she had drank too much and needed to go home. I could not believe it...
I was looking for an anonymous piece of ass and I was hoping that this was the right place for it. It was a Halloween party. Virtually everyone was in costume. There weren’t a lot of people wearing masks but there were enough to make my own mask unremarkable. I wanted to be as anonymous as my next fuck. The reason is easy to explain. I was going to rape the lady of my choice. I don’t get frequent urges to rape. At least, not yet. I do have a normal side of life. I’m 19 years...
A Halloween Party by Sissie Maid Cuckold "Hi, my name is Rebecca and this is my boyfriend Tyrell and we are giving a big Halloween party. My husband Timmy here has volunteered to be our server at the party and we were looking for the perfect uniform for him". "Ah hi I'm Lisa. Did you say your...boyfriend and your husband or did I hear you wrong?" "Yes that's exactly what I said, this is my boyfriend Tyrell and this is my husband Timmy." "Ah Ok I thought I miss heard you. Ah...
Saturday, October 31st, 1998“So, is it possible to put this stuff on without opening your mouth?” Mitch asked as he delicately attempted to apply mascara to his eyelashes for the first time.“No, it’s not,” Heather answered simply from the bathroom doorway. “Are you about ready?” she questioned. “We’ve been ready for thirty minutes.”“I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m worried I’m going to look totally stupid,” Mitch responded.“Turn around, let me take a look,” Tracy encouraged as...
TrueThe Halloween Party (A Really Scary Event) by debra darling It was supposed to be just a simple costume party. It was scheduled for a Saturday evening, the weekend before All Hallows Eve. Jack and Jean were invited. The invitation had arrived in the mail two week's earlier. The envelope was of very fancy linen and all black and orange with a very decorative border. It was clearly an expensive invitation and implied a very upscale party....
This is a story about a gorgeous 36-year-old single mom named Cheryl Waskow who has a little too much fun at her 18-year-old son’s Halloween party. Hello my name is Cheryl Waskow I’m 36 years old, 5″8 130 lbs with shoulder length brown hair. My friends tell me I look like Jennifer Aniston but I don’t see it. My husband left me a year ago, leaving me with our 18-year-old son Jake. Being a single mom I don’t have much time to get out and date or socialize, so to...
I had enjoyed my week of sex with Thomas and Lemar but in the end it left me sore and used but not like I was complaining. It was now getting close to Halloween and mom and I were making plans to go to a Halloween party a few city blocks away from us. Yeah, sounds kind of boring I know but it was no ordinary party with costumes and drinking alone. It was an orgy for bisexual people. It was only a few days away and Mom and I decided to go costume shopping both online and in the local stores to...
CrossdressingMy name is Rose, but if you have read Dane and I, Our First Time, then you know who I am. If you have not read about that night then here is a little about Dane and I both. I am 5’9” with wavy red hair that falls nearly to my knees and eyes the color of really good sapphires. I have a lean, lightly muscled body with firm C-cup breasts and a shaved pussy. Dane is 6’ with black hair that falls strait to the middle of his back. He has the body of a Greek God with a beautiful 8-8 ½” cut cock. We...
My name is Rose, but if you have read Dane and I, Our First Time, then you know who I am. If you have not read about that night then here is a little about Dane and I both. I am 5’9” with wavy red hair that falls nearly to my knees and eyes the color of really good sapphires. I have a lean, lightly muscled body with firm C-cup breasts and a shaved pussy. Dane is 6’ with black hair that falls strait to the middle of his back. He has the body of a Greek God with a beautiful...
Straight SexIntroduction: we go to a Halloween party at DeRondas. I also find out why John has been acting like he has. Hi, I last left everyone with John and me getting ready to go to a Halloween Party at DeRondas house. If you do not know who she is, I suggest you read my other stories if you need to catch up. John was dressed as a football player and I was in a cheerleaders outfit. We jumped into the car and off we went. I have to stop and get some gas, John said as he whipped his car into the gas...
After two weeks of begging my step-mom, she had finally allowed me to go to a Halloween party. She was very protective of me and was worried about me getting exposed to drugs and alcohol. An important fact she didn’t know was that it wasn’t a normal Halloween party. At sixteen years old, losing my virginity was all I was trying to do. Everyone would be wearing costumes with masks and it was sure to result in lots of sex.The party would take place in a house with about a dozen rooms and the only...
TabooMy wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making.Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5'6" tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...
CuckoldMy wife Sue has a very high sex drive which I was made aware of when we were dating. Though I satisfy her sexually, she needs more. In other words, she is a nymphomaniac. I was reluctant at first, but over time I understood her need to seek out other partners. She would always come home and give me the details of her encounters, which always lead to long nights of love making. Its Halloween eve, my wife Sue is 5’6′ tall with long black hair reaching down to her shoulders. She is dressed as a...
Sometimes, you just have to suck it up and try and make the best of a situation. Things are what you make of them. I kept telling myself that I needed to make this into a fun evening, even if I didn’t want to go. The ink was still wet on my divorce decree and I really wasn’t up to a search for new romance. I was only going because Mel and Megan had almost demanded it of me. Mel was more than just my boss, he was also my friend and had stuck with me through the emotional turmoil of the ugly...
I love Halloween. My family have always had fun with Halloween since I was a k**.I have recently returned home to my parents after being away at college the last four years. My parents have lived without k**s for the last two years so it has been a transition for them to have me back in the house. My parents have had a great Halloween party for years. People go all out and dress up in costumes. There are so many people that dress up in total disguise so you don't know who is in that costume.So...
(episode 18) This follows College Sexscapades I believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven’t come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.” Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI had always loved dressing up for Halloween as a child and wearing fancy and colorful costumes and pretending to be someone else, even if only for a few hours. I truly looked forward to it all year, and getting to go to school dressed up and show off our costumes. The class parties where the teachers would bring in usually homemade treats, or the male teachers would bring in treats their wives had made and a few of the students mom’s would as well for the class. There was always lots of...
I had always loved dressing up for Halloween as a child and wearing fancy and colorful costumes and pretending to be someone else, even if only for a few hours. I truly looked forward to it all year, and getting to go to school dressed up and show off our costumes. The class parties where the teachers would bring in usually homemade treats, or the male teachers would bring in treats their wives had made and a few of the students mom's would as well for the class. There was always lots of...
MatureHalloween Four, 24/10/2016: Abergale’s PartyPulling up into her driveway Abergale got out of her car and noticing that something had been left for her in the mail box. Opening it she took out a single unstamped envelope addressed to her and shoved the envelope unread into her jean pocket. Walking into her kitchen she threw her bag in the corner and opened the envelope she was dumbfounded to find a party invitation that Rosa had promised her when they met in the car park the day before. ...
Meet Candice, a 35 year old single woman with shoulder length black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her perky breasts are 38C with large nipples and her pussy is always smoothly shaved. She has never had sex with a woman at all as she prefers men with long hard cocks. She had come to the costume shop in search of that perfect Halloween costume. She stood there looking at a variety of costumes; Dancing girls, Witches, Hookers, Policewoman, Queens, Tarzan and Jane matching outfits and...
It was my first college Halloween party, and I was beyond stoked. The party was being held at a local frat off campus, and although I hadn't pledged to any frat I was still known in their circles. I never moved out of my parents house, and while it saved me a bunch of money, it definitely put a damper on my social life. I had procrastinated on my costume, so I found myself scrambling at the last minute to come up with something. Out of ideas, I finally settled on the cheap idea of going as...
Throughout the week preceding the holiday, I had dropped by Miss Laura’s home to help decorate it for her upcoming party. Halloween hit on a Tuesday last year, so her party, something she did every year for select clients and friends, would be held on Saturday. She had told me little about what to expect, but she assured me it would be fun and that my attendance was mandatory. I received a text from her Wednesday morning as I was getting ready for work, telling me that I was to avoid contact...
FemdomChapter 1 October 30 - Approximately 11:30 p.m. Jenny stumbled outside, weaving a little as she walked. Her date, Tim, walked behind her. Jenny laughed drunkenly as she tried to walk through the parking lot. She laughed at some of the costumes she had seen her friends wearing earlier tonight. They were so ridiculous. She would be able to get in some good insults at school tomorrow. She thought her own vampire costume was excellent. She had gone all out on making it. She wore a wig with...
It was October 31. Halloween again. I had to decide on what my costume would be for the annual office party. I didn't want to dress up and go this year, but it was mandatory. My boss Brent Rose was an ass. He ruled the office with an iron fist or so it would seem. I knew if I didn't show up I would most likely get a lecture about setting an example to the other employees. I stopped procrastinating and walked the two short blocks to the local costume shop. I hoped they had something I could...
Straight SexThe evening of my first and only orgy ended about two a.m., more from the fact that Doug and I ran completely out of steam than that any of the women wanted to stop, although most of the women had pretty well exhausted all the sapphic combinations they could think of while the lowly males were recovering. Deb and Doug pushed the beds together in the guest room, filled in the ‘crack’ between them with a blanket, and Marcia and the two of them went to sleep. I ended with Ashley, Christy, and...
Halloween Pool Party, part 8, The Party by Brenda Friday morning cam and I was awakened with an electric shock that ran from my tits to my clit. My eyes flew open to see Miss Maddy and her girlfriend each with one of my nipples in there mouth. Pulling at the rings with there tongue, my high pitched squeal announced I was awake. My clitty tried to get hard but had no place to go. I reached to touch it and could not feel anything through my girdle, well padded with a thick maxi pad. I...