Kelly Girl 22: Andie's Halloween free porn video

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Kelly Girl 22: Andie's Halloween By Wanda Cunningham The cabbie, Elise Fremont, looked in her mirror at Andie Mann in the back seat. Such a pretty girl, she thought, why did she mess up her looks with all those tattoos and piercings? Aloud she said, "I ain't never had anybody ask me to follow a cop car before." "Yeah? Well, it won't be hard will it, all that noise and light? I wonder where they're going?" "We'll find out. What's this all about, anyway?" "Um," Andie debated what to tell the cabbie. "It's my niece," Kelly's almost my niece, she told herself. "She was kidnapped in my car." "Holy crud!" said Elise. "How old is she?" "Twelve but she looks younger, tiny blonde with pixie curls." Andie bit her lip, chewing carefully around the piercing there; she had curled and dyed Kelly's hair herself only hours ago. "She's just the cutest thing." Elise made a clucking noise. "If anything happens to her..." Andie trailed off. Tears leaked out of her eyes when she closed them for a moment. She wiped them off her cheeks with the back of her hand and sighed. "Please, Kelly, be okay," she said. Elise stopped the cab at the red light on Harbor Boulevard that the cops had all gone through using their lights and sirens. "I'm not going to jump this light; some fool might broadside us 'cause he'd be mad he had to wait on a green light for the cops to pass." "All right," agreed Andie. Costa Mesa wasn't that big of a town, anyway, six or seven police cars with sirens and lights wouldn't be that hard to find. "Helicopters," said Elise. Andie nodded, they could always just see where the helicopters started circling. Police and news helicopters always made it obvious when something big was going on. Silently, they watched the police cars speed away then slow to negotiate a left turn on a red light further on. Elise got the green and resumed the pursuit. "They're heading north on Fairview," she said. Andie didn't answer; she was lost in her own thoughts. Would any of this have happened but for her pushing the masquerade on Kelly? He was a beautiful little boy and she felt after knowing him for more than a year that he was like she had been: a girl in the body of a boy. But how did that give her the right to push him into pretending to be a girl? He'd been terrified. Apparently, the thought had never occurred to him to wear girl's clothes out in public, even though she knew about his earlier experiments in crossdressing at home. And even that tied into what had happened; if Kelly had never crossdressed before and if Andie hadn't gotten him all dolled up like a miniature version of his mother, would Amanda, Kelly's grandmother, have gone so ballistic when she saw him? And without Amanda as a distraction, Andie doubted that Phil Constable could have taken her car from her with Kelly inside. She was six or seven inches taller than the little man and despite a rather sedentary occupation, still managed to work out two or three times a week. With her choice in boyfriends, she reflected, she'd better. Tony "the Tiger" Almontes had muscles on his muscles and expected his girlfriend to be able to keep up. That thought made her grin a bit and the grin widened a little as she thought again about Amanda's reaction to Kelly's dress-up. Served the old barfly right for being such a twitch about Kelly growing up to be a man. Like Amanda had done such a good job with Barbie; pregnant before she was out of junior high. Andie sighed. Her own childhood had been far from ideal; besides dealing with her internal gender struggles, her father had moved the family every two or three years, following his work as a hydraulic engineer, building and repairing dams and hydroelectric plants all across the West. But she guessed she had lived in paradise compared to what Barbie had gone through; an alcoholic and abusive mother and an alcoholic step-father who had ended up getting her pregnant. "At least my parents didn't drink," murmured Andie aloud. "Mine sure did," said Elise. "Boy, howdy. What brought that up? The kid's parents lushes?" "Not her mother, well not for a long time but her father and grandmother..." Andie let it trail off; she didn't need to explain Kelly's history to the cab lady. "Yeah, can be rough when your folks drink," said Elise. "I remember one year, my ol' dad was potted from Memorial Day to Halloween. That's when they buried him, from potted to planted. Tried to pass a lumber truck on a curve." She barked a laugh without humor. Halloween, thought Andie, now there's the time for masquerade. She hadn't been much older than Kelly, the first time she went out in public wearing girl's clothes. It had been Halloween in some small town up in central California, she no longer remembered the name of the place. She and her mom, as usual, had gotten an apartment in some small town near where her dad was working. More times than not, Benjamin Mann would sleep in a trailer on site, they would seldom see him. *** Margaret Mann, called Peggy, pretty much had to raise Harold and Andrew alone. Andy was in junior high that year, the seventh grade, Harry had left for college the year before. In less than seven more months, pretty Peggy and Big Benjy would be dead; killed when Benjy chose to ram a bridge abutment rather than head-on a busload of farm workers. But that Halloween, they were new arrivals in the little town somewhere between Salinas and San Jose. Andy always felt awkward in a new school. With his height, it was often assumed that he would be athletic and enjoy the games and roughhousing of the boys. But Andy had a secret he had told almost no one. Privately, inside his innermost imaginings, Andy considered himself to be a girl. This made things at a new school even more difficult. At five-feet-three inches and only twelve years old, Andy towered over most of his classmates; only a few of the girls were nearly as tall because at that age many girls had already hit their growth spurts, a year or two before the boys would. And this seemed to complicate things even more; boys are supposed to be taller than girls but at age twelve that relationship was often reversed. "You're going to be as tall as your brother," Big Benjy would say with pride and ruffle Andy's hair. Harry stood six feet five in his stocking feet, two inches taller than his dad. "Maybe taller. You ought to try going out for basketball maybe." Andy did not want to be so tall, though. Being tall was almost like a curse for someone with his inner feelings. In an effort to try to stunt his own growth, Andy had curbed his appetite almost to the point of anorexia. At 5'3" he weighed only 93 lbs. His face had interesting shadows under the cheekbones; his blue eyes seemed over bright and his tousled sandy-blond hair overlong. All the girls in the new school thought he was gorgeous. Some of them even thought his slight speech impediment was cute. This was not an entirely new experience for Andy; he'd suffered under the crushes of his classmates before. But now, crushes meant something, twelve-year-olds could actually have mildly romantic encounters, pseudo-dates. Like going to Halloween parties together. Deirdre Halloway had long brown hair down to where she had to move it aside to sit. And long brown eyelashes that framed eyes so green they made one think of Oz. She wore a real bra, not a trainer and her hips were wider than her shoulders. "Are you going to the Halloween party, next week," Dee had asked. Typically, Andy had become close enough friends; in only five weeks, Deirdre was Dee and not Deedee, a nickname she hated. "Sure I guessh," said Andy. Being near Dee sometimes confused him. He knew she liked him and guessed that there was an element of romance in the liking. He just didn't know what to do about it because he genuinely liked Dee and didn't want to hurt her feelings. "We could go together," suggested Dee, batting her long eyelashes and smiling to show her dimples. She was almost as tall as Andy, in fact, he was the only boy in the seventh grade that was taller than her. She wouldn't have believed it if someone had told her that Andy's sometimes obvious admiration of her precocious curves was based on envy and not a more manly lust. She had a crush on him and she knew he liked her but Andy could be the class clown one moment and painfully shy the next. She knew she had to ask him instead of waiting for him to ask her. "Okay," Andy agreed. "That would be fun. Who else is going?" "Practically everyone," Dee said artfully careless. "Well, everyone who isn't trying to be a jaydee or a punk, I guess?" Andy laughed. He'd had a run-in or two with the rougher crowd at school. But the family athleticism had blessed him with the ability to outrun anyone who didn't laugh at his jokes. Most of the boys called him queer or fag or worse names, this happens quickly in the seventh grade, but so far, none of the bullies had managed to corner him. "Yeah, okay. Is everyone going to be in coshtume?" "Uh huh, well, yeah?" Dee smiled. "It is Halloween? That's part of the fun of it?" Something clicked over in Andy's brain. He hadn't really grasped the fact that Dee was asking him out on a date, or the 12-year-old equivalent of a date, but dressing up in a costume for Halloween suddenly seemed like an opportunity. "Sho, what are you going to wear? Have anything planned yet?" Dee shrugged. "I dunno? Last year I went as a ballerina but I think I'd look silly in that costume this year?" She took a deep breath and fluttered her eyelashes at Andy which again, merely confused him. "Do you have any ideas?" "I think I might, but I have to check to see what might be available at home?" he said. "Well, what do you think I should wear?" asked Dee. "It would be fun to co-ordinate our outfits?" "Huh?" "You know, like if you went as Batman I could go as Catgirl?" "Oh." The idea of dressing up as Catgirl appealed to Andy, dressing as Batman would be a no-show. "I think I would make a pretty terrible Batman..." Dee giggled, admitting to herself that yeah, Andy as Batman didn't "There are going to be prizes for the best costume, the most original costume and like that? I think there is a prize for best couple?" "Huh?" It hadn't occurred to Andy that he and Dee would attend as a couple. "Well, it'sh a couple weeks off, we can think about it?" "Sure." Dee was happy, Andy would be going to the party with her, the costumes they would wear didn't really matter. But for Andy, the chance to go to a party in a costume had taken on a whole new significance. This was a chance to do something he had always wanted to do. It might be weird for a boy to dress as a girl for a costume party but it did happen, it would be considered silly and people might laugh at him but it had the plausible veneer of acceptability on it. Andy had recently discovered that his mother's clothes, at least some of them, would almost fit him. Peggy wasn't short, at 5'7" she looked petite beside Big Benjy and she liked that, but she wasn't really small. During their last move, from Summerton in the Arizona desert to the little town in the hills of the California Middle Coast, Andy had managed to--steal a few of his mother's things. Mostly older clothes that Peggy would probably have discarded rather than transported; she was an old hand at paring down her wardrobe after one-two-three- four...nine moves in twenty-two years of marriage. Andy's stash of clothing and his occasional raids on her makeup table were a secret only in the sense that Andy wasn't sure that his mother knew. And she wasn't sure that he knew that she knew. But both were pretty certain that it was better that Big Benjy didn't know, at least for a while longer. Peggy cherished both of her sons and if it turned out that Andy was gay, then that was no more of a tragedy than that Harry was going to be a doctor some day if he didn't get killed playing football. She had an inkling that being gay wasn't exactly Andy's problem but she had no real idea of what to do about it one way or another. She wanted her delicate son to know that she loved him just as he was, whatever he wanted to be, but she wasn't sure how to broach the subject. A sort of passive complicity in his experimenting with her clothing had grown over the years in Arizona and she had deliberately given him the opportunity to acquire some of her things during the last move. He had taken it, she knew; she'd found where he had hid the clothing: a pair of peach-colored Capri pants, a blue skirt, several tops, some underwear, including a bra, a pair of flats and another of her sneaks. One item she knew he had had his eye on had eluded his grasp. Her old high school cheerleader costumes. She couldn't let him have them to play with even if she wasn't sure why she had kept them so long. Both were finely made, one of burgundy wool and creamy satin with golden braid and trim, the other gold satin and burgundy-and-cream wool with burgundy trim; they certainly no longer fit her. But she had loved being in the cheering squad back when it was more of a social club than an athletic pursuit. And she had seen Andy looking at the uniforms in the plastic suit hanger when he hadn't been aware of her watching. Privately, she thought he would look adorable in one of them. And that thought appalled her a little. But Big Benjy had had Harry; Headline Harry they had called him in his high school days not so long ago. Harry had relived Benjy's own football hero days with him. They had never had a daughter; Andy, in fact, had been something of an accident. The doctors had warned them that any children after Harry would be a risk because of their bloodtype mismatch. Harry and Benjy were A- positive; but fortunately, Andy had matched Peggy, O-negative, rather than run up against her activated antibodies against another Rh- positive invader in her body. Peggy sometimes felt a little guilty to think that perhaps her feelings for her two children were a little asymmetrical but Harry had never obviously needed her as much as Andy did. Andy was sweet and gentle; though tough enough to get by at school, Peggy worried about him. Harry was Benjy's son; Andy was...Peggy's substitute for a daughter? And that made her feel guilty too, had she somehow encouraged Andy to be a sissy. Children should come with a manual on raising them, she decided, not for the first time. But when Andy came in and asked about a Halloween costume, the first thing she thought of was her old cheerleading outfit. "What kind of costume?" she asked. "Well, you know," said Andy. "Shomething that might win a prize but that doesn't look like a costume like you buy at a store?" His heart had started beating faster. "Uh huh," said Peggy. Should she suggest it? Or would he? "Whose party is it now?" "Uh, it's kind of a school party, at the school, you know...there'll be parents there and teachers and Mr. Woolery, the principal, is going to come as Ahnold the Librarian." Andy giggled nervously. Peggy laughed. It did sound like fun, "And this girl asked you to go?" "Yeah, well, it's not like a date or anything...." Andy trailed off, it occurred to him for the first time that maybe Dee did think it was a date. Before he could worry about that, his mother asked, "So, did you have something in mind?" Andy took a deep breath. "Promish not to get mad?" "What? No, I won't promise but I can't imagine what you might suggest that would make me mad?" "I wash...was thinking maybe that old cheering costume you've got? Uh...." Andy blushed clear down to his toes. Peggy looked at him and Andy grinned bravely. Peggy grinned back. "You're kinda skinny?" she said, "and you're not quite as tall as I was then?" "We can pad it out?" suggested Andy. He couldn't believe it, his mother was going to go along with it? He made a motion in front of his chest then cupped his hands around imaginary breasts. Peggy burst out laughing. They got Dee in on the plan. She would wear one of the uniforms and Andy the other. They both tried both of them on but the waist of the burgundy and cream skirt was too loose on Andy. "That's the Varsity uniform," Peggy had said. "The other is the JayVee one from my Sophomore year." "You've got a smaller waist than I do?" complained Dee to Andy. He shrugged and grinned and tossed his head as if unconcerned, his hair was almost too short to pull off such a gesture. "Some of us aren't having extra milk with our lunches," he said in his best Valley Girl drawl. Dee giggled. "It's uncanny how good you are at that," she said. "Maybe you could be an actor?" "Actressh," said Andy haughtily. Benjy looked disconcerted on the night of the party when Andy and Dee came out of his bedroom, both dressed as cheerleaders. Peggy took pictures. Dee squealed with laughter. Andy glowed with happiness. Even Benjy grinned. He might be a shovelhead, he thought privately, but he wasn't an idiot. He had known for some time that Andy was unlikely to follow big brother Harry into such masculine pursuits as football. Seeing his gawky but graceful son in a burgundy skirt with little pompoms on his shoes made him cringe but he was damned if he was going to criticize. The kid was obviously happy and wasn't that what mattered? Dee Halloway and Andy Mann went to the Halloween party as the cheering squad from Peggy's old High School. Andy got scared but Dee wouldn't let him back out at the last minute, they made a grand entrance shouting, "Ess Cee Aitch Ess!". Or in Andy's case, "Esh Shee..." Peggy had taught them some cheers. They pranced and yelled on the junior high cafeteria "dance floor" and Ahnold the Librarian led a round of applause for their performance. No one hassled Andy, perhaps because the rough crowd was at their own party somewhere else, perhaps because a lot of the partyers didn't know Andy and thought that both cheerleaders were girls. They missed getting best couple because no one had thought to enter them in that category. They shared the prize for most authentic costumes. Andy gave Dee a big kiss and she returned the favor but for both of them it was like kissing a sister. Seven months later, Andy rode up to Berkely with Harry in Harry's klunky old Montego at the end of Spring Break. Peggy and Benjy rode in the family sedan following them about half an hour back. The brothers were back at Harry's college dorm waiting for hours before they learned what had happened on the highway. Harry held Andy while they both cried for Peggy and Benjy. That was the worst memory of that year and the Halloween party had been the best. *** "We're here," said Elise. "Huh," said Andie. "South Coast Plaza." Elise gestured. "The place is crawling with cops." Andie got out of the cab and paid Elise the fare plus the hundred dollar tip she had promised. It wasn't dark yet, the summer sun wouldn't be going down till almost nine. It wasn't cold, because it was August after all. But Andie shivered as she watched the police work the crowds leaving the mall. It was almost as if some Halloween goblin had touched her heart.

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Ghost story for halloween

I_'_m _ n_o_t _ a _ v_i_r_u_s_. _ I_'_m _ a _ g_h_o_s_t_. L_o_o_k _ a_t _ t_h_e _ k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d_. _ _ T_h_e _ k_e_y_s _ a_r_e _ m_o_v_i_n_g_. C_o_u_l_d _ a _ c_o_m_p_u_t_e_r _ v_i_r_u_s _ m_o_v_e _ t_h_e _ k_e_y_s _ o_n _ y_o_u_r _ k_e_y_b_o_a_r_d_?_" Good, you believe me. That makes things a lot easier. And, no, you don't have to type, I can hear your thoughts. That would be a dog. As I said, I am a ghost. I know that, for the past several weeks, you have been trying to...

5 years ago
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An Eventful Halloween

"An Eventful Halloween" I looked at the calendar and noticed it would soon be Halloween once again. I took a deep breath and decided that this year I would have a little fun and go to the party as my alter ego. It was that part of my personality I always kept to myself but over the years when Halloween time neared I always got to thinking about what it would really be like to venture out into the world dressed from head to toe and from the skin out as a woman! This year I started...

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Kelly schoolgirl pocket money Chapter 6

All of that was in the past, however, leading up, if you remember, to the Thursday evening before Kelly was due to make her first paid visit to Jim's house. Jim was up in his bedroom with his collection of dirty magazines and videos, and his collection of panties. He was anxiously waiting for Friday to come, and had been saving himself for her, but couldn’t wait any longer. That was why he'd come upstairs to his secret collection, and why he had videos, magazines and panties spread...

2 years ago
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Kelly Story A Whateley Tale Part 6

Chapter 40 "Mom?" Kelly was startled to find Marie sitting on Kelly's bed as Kelly entered back into her bedroom from the bathroom she shared with her sister. "What are... is something wrong?" "No honey, nothing is wrong." Marie smiled over at the girl wrapped in the towel. Holding out a shopping bag toward Kelly. "I just wanted to give you this before you got dressed for school." "What's this?" Kelly looked at the shopping bag in Marie's hands. "New bras honey." "But, I...

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Kelly Story A Whateley Tale Part 4

Chapter 24 Ed and Sabella had sat to watch the evening news before going off to bed so they could get back to their daughter Helen, who was still in intensive care at the hospital. The doctors had told them that they should amputate the leg, but Sabella refused to listen. This was her daughter, her own flesh and blood they wanted to do that to. Her husband had been more practical telling the doctors to do what they must to save her life before dragging his wife out of the room. To...

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Kelly Lingerie

Kelly Lingerie I had just split up with a few of the boys I hang out with after school at the burger shop. They made their way down Main Street while I took a route to the more elaborate store fronts of the city. After walking 6 blocks I made my way down Rainbow Avenue and I could see the bright street light illuminating the storefront windows of Kelly Lingerie. This was the highlight of my week because I got to see all kinds of womanly items I would never see anywhere else except in...

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Voyeurs and Vanities Part 2 Halloween

Voyeurs Part 2 Things were quiet for the few months to follow. All of the boys remembered the horrible awkward period following their humiliation - as they removed the clothes and makeup, hardly looking at each other, their minds flooded with the thought that those pictures might get out. But come the next Monday morning, nothing had happened yet and it fortunately looked like they were in the clear. The girls, who they supposed had the power to ruin them, chose not to, which was a...

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Kelly Ripa Wants To Be On Top

Kelly Ripa is really pissed off. She has been co-host of the ABC morning show, “Live with Regis and Kelly”, for ten years now. She has poured her heart and soul into this television program. She has done everything she can think of to make the show a success and to make sure that Regis Philbin looks good on camera. And after all this, what does she have to show for all her efforts? She has nothing to show but heartache. Regis Philbin has recently announced, during one of the...

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Kelly Woods The Young Secretary

Kelly Woods needed this job desperately. Her husband, Todd, becameanother victim of the worst economy since the Great Depression. With onlyher income now, the newly married couple barely made their rent and carpayments. If she lost her job too, eviction from their apartment andrepossession of their car threatened to leave them destitute. Fortunately,John Simpson, the owner of Franks and Simpson Marketing where she worked,was a kindly old gentleman who liked her. Although others...

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Kelly's Unclebykinkyangel©Kelly wrapped the robe around her body and then turned to give herself a thorough investigation on the full length mirror. The robe was made of a gauzy, almost see- through fabric and it contrasted wonderfully with her pale skin. Which made the robe even more special, was the deep V that dipped between her full, firm breasts and the hem, which hit her way above her mid-thigh, barely covering her round butt cheeks.Leaning forward, Kelly studied the way her breasts...

2 years ago
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Kelly and Katie

Kelly and Katieby Denise CThere were two very different ideas of Kelly. To her friends and family, she just about perfect. Kelly was possibly the most beautiful girl on the entire campus of 20,000 students. Thick black hair flowed to her shoulders. Her body was perfect with not a bit of excess fat, a perfect ass, and B/C tits that seemed to defy gravity. Slightly olive skin gave her the appearance of being something exotic. Kelly had just finished her freshman year having rushed the most...

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KELLY GARRETT The Summer of 78

The Summer of 78 1978 was going to be a hot summer for me not for the summer heat but a vacation trip to hawaii was going to one.That summer Kelly decided to take a vacation trip to Hawaii little to hold while getting off the plane Kelly had a Chance Encounter with a photographer at Honolulu International Airport.The man introduce himself as Mark Gallagher.Mark: Hi i am Mark Gallagher Kelly : Hello Mark i am Kelly GarrettMark : Nice to meet you Kelly At the Airport Mark and Kelly begin to...

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Kelly Bundys Sex Mutant Pesticide

********************************************************** When I saw the episode of Married With Children where Kelly's pesticides made Bud mutate and grow breasts, I knew that there was potential. But the episode dropped the ball. So I decided to continue the feminizing mutations of poor Bud. And of course, Marcy sees this as another way to torture pool Al... I appreciate any and all comments, good, bad, or...

2 years ago
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Kelly Bundys Saturday Morning Surprise Part

Saturday morning came early for the younger Bundy f****y members, Buck as usual was humping Marcy’s poodle, Bud had just screwed Amber and she was staggering back to her aunt’s house butt naked and tired, Bud has now crawled back into bed to cuddle up with his other warm piece of ass for the morning, he had started out fucking her, but duties called for him to service Amber and to keep her pussy happy. Kelly sl**ps soundly as usual as she normally gets back home around 2am from one of her boy...

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Kelly Bundys Saturday Morning Surprise Part

Saturday morning came early for the younger Bundy family members; Buck asusual was humping Marcy's poodle; Bud had just screwed Amber and she wasstaggering back to her aunt's house butt naked and tired; Bud has nowcrawledback into bed to cuddle up with his other warm piece of ass for themorning,he had started out fucking her, but duties called for him to service Amberand to keep her pussy happy.Kelly sleeps soundly as usual as she normally gets back home around 2amfromone of her boy friends,...

3 years ago
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Kelly and Beckys weekend Part 3

Kelly and Becky were both wearing the babydolls they bought earlier. Edward and Marcus started to remove Kellys and Norris and I started removing Beckys. Once both were undressed, Edward looked at Kellys bare cunt and then at Beckys bare cunt and remarked “Holy shit! Nothing to catch the jizz as it leaks out! You are going to let me fill that sweet pussy aren’t you?” Little did he know that Kelly wouldn’t need hair to catch anything and Becky was just a small dribbler! (at least so far) Kelly...

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KellyChapter 6

Kelly woke first in the morning and found she had moved through the night ending on her back with Laura's arm draped across her. Finding her resolve, she kissed the beautiful girl quietly sleeping beside her. "Good morning sleepy head," Kelly said. "Time for us to get up and go see if Todd is hard at work yet." Laura smiled at Kelly before reaching up to give her a tender kiss. "My god," Laura said suddenly, "It's Monday already. I have to go to work this afternoon." "No...

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KellyChapter 9

The ringing of the phone did not wake Kelly up Thursday morning. The poking in her ribs by someone in bed with her did. "Are you going to answer that fucking thing?" Laura asked. "My head is going to explode." Glancing down at their nude bodies, seeing the partial glass of wine on the nightstand, and feeling the dried remains of last night's multiple orgasms brought back a rush of memories. Kelly blushed slightly and peeled her sticky body off the bed, untangled herself from Laura and...

4 years ago
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  Kelly walked seductively out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her gorgeous buxom body. Her strawberry blonde hair was still damp from the shower. She walked slowly over to the mirror allowing the towel to drop freely to the floor and starred to admire her gorgeous figure in the mirror.  At thirty four, she was just as attractive as she was in her early twenties if not more. Some men would consider her body as thick. She didn’t have the least bit of fat on her anywhere. She was just...

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KellyChapter 8

After their shower, an attendant showed them to the mud bath. Entering a room with a number of narrow acrylic beds, they were directed to leave their robes and escorted to two beds side by side. The beds were more like shallow baths, complete with a drain on one end and raised edges as well as a built in head rest. Before they lay down, a layer of warm mud was poured on each bed and the girls were capped with plastic hoods to protect their hair. Sliding into a comfortable position,...

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KellyChapter 17

For the first fifteen minutes, Doctor Myers performed the basic tests on Kelly. Sinuses, ears, eyes, throat, and nose were all clear, her heartbeat, and blood pressure textbook perfect. Kelly peeled off her T-shirt but kept hold of Laura's hand the entire time. MaryAnn warmed up her stethoscope and listened to Kelly's breathing and her lungs. "I see you're still smoking, Kelly." Kelly looked up with fear. "You can tell that from listening to my chest?" MaryAnn laughed. "No, I can...

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KellyChapter 15

Kelly watched Laura drive out of sight before she turned and entered her house. It felt a bit strange being alone for the first time after all these weeks. She let out a sigh and put on the kettle to make a cup of tea. Soon the kettle was singing as she stood leaning against the counter with a cigarette in hand, staring out over the lush back garden. The sound of the back door opening stirred her from her reverie and she smiled as she took Gloria's coffee mug from the cupboard. "Hi, G!...

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Kelly Chapter 10

Trade Show Day 1Living relatively close to Las Vegas, attending the annual trade show there is a simple drive across the desert. We wanted some time for ourselves, so we went a day early. Even Sundays in January, on the Las Vegas Strip, are crowded and packed with people from all around the world. Through our MyVegas points - you can online slots where you can earn “gold” coins that can be used at MGM properties - we had a reservation for a room at the Bellagio. I had made the reservation...

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Kelly A favour for a friend

“Peter, I need a favour,” I looked up from my work at the sound of my office door opening, smiling when I saw it was Kelly closing the door behind her.My smile was a natural reaction, the sort any red-blooded male had whenever a beautiful woman entered the room, but with Kelly it was a little broader because I’d known her for years and we’d been close friends since day-one.Kelly was a beautiful woman, but we’d never dated, nor even shared a drunken kiss for that matter, due to the fact she’d...

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Kelly and Jason Part 6

They laid there for several minutes. Jason then asked if he should go home and Kelly said "Why? Are we done already? I don't know about you, but I'm just taking a break!" Jason said he would stay as long as it was okay. Kelly said "Then I want you to stay!" Kelly suggested that we go downstairs and grab something to drink and relax for a little bit and then come back upstairs. When Kelly climbed off the bed and stood up, just a little bit of cum leaked out. Instead of asking for a...

2 years ago
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Kelly Chapter 8

It had been required of me to go out of town for my work for quite some time. I had rather constantly complained about this as I would get behind on my home upkeep. It would also take me away from my other online business. It’s somewhat difficult to ship a sold item from two or three hundred miles away.At this point in my relationship with Kelly, my little red-haired beauty, I was allowing myself some fun distractions. Since her neglectful husband was also out of town most weeks and I drove to...

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Kellys Massage

Most recent adventure with another of my wife's best friends. I have changed names to protect everyone. Enjoy the story and let me know what you think. Happy reading.My wife and I have married for almost 7 years, and although we married in our late 20's, we're still sexually active, and as far as I know, we've both been faithful to each other. On our honeymoon, we tried a couples massage and loved it. Over the next few years, we would trade off giving massages to each other, and would get...

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KellyChapter 10

Todd woke up to the feeling of a warm mouth gently sucking on his very erect cock. He had been dreaming, or so he thought, a very erotic dream filled with vivid sensual imagery of a sexual night spent with Kelly. As his eyes slowly took in the sight of Kelly's head bobbing up and down on his shaft, he realized it had not been a dream. It had finally happened. He and Kelly had totally consummated their relationship. "Good morning, beautiful," he said. Kelly stopped only long enough to...

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Kellys Birthday Surprise

Kelly?s 18th Birthday Kelly?s Birthday Surprise By themaneloco There they go again with their perfect faces, perfect hair, perfect bodies and perfect lives I guess.? It really makes my heart ache when I see them sauntering around without a care in the world to worry their pretty little heads.? If you?re wondering who I am talking about, then let me explain.? Everyone knows how it works in high school; the various little groups that people often get split up into, whether you really want...

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Kelly and the Cop

The plan was actually Lena’s, and Kelly, when she first heard of it was shocked, to say the least. But Lena was enthusiastic. They sat over coffee and Lena gave Kelly lurid details about her connection ‘on line’ with Emilio. ‘But what about Frank?’ Kelly interposed. ‘To hell with Frank,’ Lena said, ‘Frank is old and uninterested, and Emilio sounds hot and eager.’ ‘So, when was the last time that you talked to him?’ Kelly wanted to know. ‘Last night!’ Lena said, ‘Frank was at his lodge...

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KellyChapter 16

Kelly woke, completely and instantly, totally unlike her usual return from the land of Nod. She lay quietly for a while, reveling in her lovers' touch. She knew that Todd's hand was on her ass, that she held Laura's panty clad cheek. She could feel how their legs tangled, and Laura's warm breath on her breast. Feeling mischievous, she slid a finger under the elastic and stretched it out... "Do that and I'll bite!" said a quiet voice from under her chin, and sharp teeth closed around...

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KellyChapter 18

Todd eased the Hummer onto I-77 heading south towards Columbia. Cara and Ami, having claimed the rear seat for smooching and snoozing, started to sing, "Hit The Road Jack," and Laura and Kelly playfully joined in. Todd just shook his head. The ride was smooth and traffic was light. Kelly and Laura, not being able to decide who would ride solo on the middle bench, had squeezed in together on the wide 'shotgun' seat up front. As they left North Carolina, Laura had said, "Here I go...

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