How I Became A Slave To Black Cock free porn video

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Introduction: Warning: This story contains extreme racial themes and dialog. Please avoid if you are sensitive or easily offended. If you have any constructive or detailed comments, please message me. XOXO Kim F I am a first year teacher at a poor urban school. The administration is unsupportive, the kids are delinquents, their parents dont care, and Im started to get burned out with teaching. Despite the insanity of working at this school, nothing has surprised me more than my white, middle class coworkers. While maintaining the external appearance of sweet, church-going women, they are secretly slutty, cheating, uncontrollably horny nymphomaniacs. This is my story of how I became subsumed in their underground culture of sex and perversion:

My first few weeks at the school were fairly normal (crazy and hectic). The other teachers, mostly attractive white women from their late 20s to mid 40s, treated me with respect. It was a feeling out period on a number of different levels. They wanted to see how I taught, how I could control the kids, and surreptitiously whether or not I would fit into their environment sexually. Questions I found a little weird became much more obvious after my introduction.

So&hellip,youre married, huh?

Yes, for six years.

Hows your sex life?

I laughed uncomfortably, pretty good, I guess.

Just pretty good? Theres always room for improvement&hellip,


So&hellip,do you like to party?

Yeah. My husband and I got a little crazy sometimes in college.

Ever party without him?

Not really, unless its just hanging out with my girlfriends.

We always have a lot of fun when we leave our hubbies at home&hellip,

After a month, they started inviting me out for drinks at the bar or dancing at the club. They liked to get a lot wilder than I expected. Drinking and dancing was never really my scene, but it was nice to have friends at work so I always went along. My husband was a little jealous of all the time I spent away from home, but he understood my need for girl time.

My colleagues slowly began exerting peer pressure during out clubbing adventures. It came mostly from my grade-level team teachers, with whom I had grown most close in my month at the school. Fiona was a very straightforward, fiery little redhead, Kristen was a long, tall blonde with the features of a model. Fiona took me aside on our second trip to the club.

Ya know, you dress so professionally at the school&hellip,

Thank you, I interrupted.

Yeah&hellip, But were not at the school anymore. This isnt a PTA meeting, its supposed to be fun!

I should lose the sweater?

You look like my grandmother! Lose the sweater, lose the slacks, and put on something short and tight.

But its not like Im trying to hook up with someone&hellip,

Its for you, not some guy. When you look good, you feel good.

I could see the logic behind it. Why dress like Im 80 when I have the body of a 22 year old?

Thanks, Fiona.

The next weekend I went shopping with my husband. Now that I was earning a nice paycheck, I didnt mind blowing a little on new clothes.

Isnt that skirt a little shorter than you normally like? And thats a really tight shirt.

Blouse, I corrected.

Tight blouse, whatever, my husband responded.

I dont know&hellip,I just like how it looks on me. (I wanted to fit in with the girls, who dress this way outside of school.)

Alright, I just want you to wear what makes you happy. And you look pretty damn sexy.

Thanks, babe.

It went on like that every weekend. It seemed like nothing I bought was sexy enough to match what the other teachers wore. I would come to the bar in a pair of nice shorts with a six inch inseam and a tight top, they would be wearing skirts that showed their asses and blouses with plunging necklines. I was at the mall twice a week picking out more daring outfits. By the end of the semester, I had a brand-new wardrobe.

After I started dressing correctly, the problem became how I acted. Kristen said I was way too reserved. All the other girls agreed. They danced with guys. They flirted. They flashed various body parts at the bouncer to get out of waiting in line outside the club. Why couldnt I?

My response was obvious. Because Im married.

So are we, they sang in unison.

My husband doesnt mind me having a little fun, Fiona explained. In fact, he likes when I make him jealous.



Mine too, chimed Kristen. When I tell him how hard the guys at the bar tried to get me in bed, it makes him crazy.

It was almost unsettling how easily they dismissed my arguments and how quickly I accepted their view. Maybe I should act a little crazier. Alright, Ill give it a try.

You should try it with the guy who has been checking you out all night, said Fiona, pointing to a hot guy across the bar. He gave me a beautiful smile. It had been a long time, but I was up for a challenge. I smiled back and then looked down at my lap shyly, forcing myself to blush a little.

The man got up and walked towards our group. I still had the old magic.

Im Ted, you want to come over and have a drink with me?

Fiona and Kristen giggled.

Sure. He took my hand and led me back to his table. We laughed and flirted for hours, until Fiona gave me the sign. My ride is about to leave.

I can be your ride tonight.

You know Im married, right?

Im not worried about it if you arent.

I didnt know what to do. Hold on one sec.

I ran over to Fiona. Ready to go?

He wants to fuck me.

She laughed. So go for it.

Should I?

Of course you should. When was the last time you felt the intensity of being with someone new?

Many years ago.

See. Just go for it.

I was so nervous. Hold on.

I ran back over to Ted, almost tripping in my high heels. Checking my watch, it was just past midnight. Can you get me home before two?

No problem.

I gave Fiona the thumbs up and turned back to Ted. Lets get out of here.

The ride to his apartment was a blur of touching and kissing. Besides my husband, this was the first man I had done anything with in years. It was incredibly strange and exciting. We stumbled up the stairs and through the door, kissing and groping each other. Shedding our clothes, he led me to the bedroom and we fell together in a tangled mass of flesh. He drunkenly stimulated my clit and fingered me too hard, but I didnt care. It felt so new. I grabbed at his cock and tugged until he was hard. It was smaller than my husbands but hooked upwards instead of straight. The sensation as he parted my legs and entered me was indescribable. He thrust into my hole, hard and fast, for no more than five minutes before he pulled out and squirted my boobs with his cum. The sex itself wasnt incredible, but the experience was. I had crossed a line.

My husband was already asleep when I got home. On the ride, I decided that I wasnt going to live my life in fear of being discovered. I would be honest and accept whatever happened. I hoped that Fiona and Kristen were right about their husbands liking jealousy.

The passion of taking a new lover had exhilarated me. I was so horny that I needed it again that night. I undressed and gently woke my husband. I had sex with another man tonight.

Huh? He was still half asleep.

Whispering in his ear, I said&hellip,I let another man fuck me tonight.

What? More awake.

A total stranger put his cock in my pussy until he came on me.


Because I was horny and I wanted it.

How was it?


We looked at each other in the dim light and began making out. He fucked me more passionately than he had in years. His dick was the hardest I had ever felt. He didnt mention it, but the next morning we are at it again. The girls were right.

That is how I spent every Friday and Saturday night for the rest of the semester. I would go out with the girls, find a guy to fuck, and then go home to my husband and tell him what happened. Even when I was on my period I would suck dick in a bathroom and then meet my husband in the shower when I got home. It was more fun than I had ever had, but eventually the novelty began to wear off. One day after school went into Fionas classroom to talk.

Im not having as much fun going out as I used to.

Youre bored.

Yeah, thats the problem. Lowering my voice, I continued, Cheating was so much fun before. What happened?

I guess it just got old.

Does that ever happen with you?

Towards the end of the semester I get tired of it. Cant you tell when we go out the rest of the girls arent as crazy as they used to be?

Yeah. I see a lot less flirting and flashing. What do we do?

Most of the girls need a break and theyll be back into it by January. Theyll go a little stir crazy at home over Christmas and itll be exciting again.

I guess that will have to work for me.

Well&hellip, she looked around and came a little closer. Can you keep a secret?

Of course.

Kristen and I do a little something special to celebrate the end of each semester. Its a sort of hotel party every December and June that keeps everything fresh. Do you want in?

Yeah, that sounds great. What goes on at these parties?

Fiona laughed. That is top secret information. The only rules are that you have to stay the entire night and you have to be very open minded.

I can do that.

Good. Just get used to saying yes. Your reward is that you probably wont be able to walk for a few days afterwards.

The night was coming closer and I had no idea what to expect. Were they going to force me to do something I wasnt comfortable with? Would that be a bad thing? I had no clue, but I couldnt wait to find out. The last day of school Fiona handed me an envelope before she left for the summer. It contained what looked like a legal contract with a sticky note attached. The note read:

The party is at the Best Western downtown. Meet us in the parking lot at 8:00pm tomorrow night. We will provide all the needed accessories, but you need to wear a pair of white thigh-high stockings, black high heels, a matching white thong and garter belt, and a black corset. Wear your coat and some comfortable pants over the outfit. I hope youre not camera shy!

The contract was pretty short. By signing, I agreed to obey all commands no matter how humiliating. I agreed to have everything put on film and accepted that the film would be put online. I agreed to use my body to make up for past injustice, whatever that meant. I also agreed to not take any birth control the morning of the party. That was strange but I didnt think too much about it. I had always used condoms or a diaphragm and wasnt on oral birth control anyway, so it wasnt a problem. I signed the paper and put it in my purse.

I was pretty nervous and thinking about backing out until I showed everything to my husband. He got horny and insisted I go through with it. I was pretty submissive and liked the idea of spending an entire night getting dominated. He even insisted he come along to the sex shop/lingerie store that night to help me pick out my outfit.

The next day I was getting increasingly nervous. Who was going to be there? Did I want to be on camera? I was too excited not to find out. That night my husband sat on our bed watching me put on makeup and dressing in my new outfit.

You look amazing.

Thanks. Its too bad I have to cover up with these goofy pants and jacket.

I wish I could see it happen.

Im sure youll see it eventually.

I got to the hotel at 7:50. Fiona and Kristen pulled in behind me. I felt so suspicious walking in with them. Why would three grown women in high heels and athletic pants want to get a hotel room tonight? After providing our names and credit card information, the lone receptionist handed us our key cards to room 419 and a large plastic garbage bag. Everything is ready for you up there.

Walking away, I asked Fiona, how did she know?

We find out who is going to be working tonight and slip her a hundred bucks to make sure nobody is staying near our room. Last year we had the entire floor to ourselves.

Why the bag? I questioned as we entered the elevator.

Without responding, she pressed the button for the fourth floor. Her and Kristen began stripping off their pants and coats. It was an awkward chore without removing my heels, but it was done before the door opened. Facing the deserted corridor, Fiona took a deep breath and grabbed my hand.

No matter what happens tonight, it is supposed to be fun, even if it doesnt feel that way at the time. Just accept everything you receive. We stepped out of the elevator in our matching outfits and walked to our room. It felt strange and exhilarating being dressed like that in public, which only added to my excitement. Fiona passed the card through the reader. The light turned green, she turned the handle, and we crossed the threshold.

Moving from the hallway into the room, the scene hit me all at once. Two queen sized bed stripped of everything except the white sheet. Bondage toys: ball gags, handcuffs, collars and leashes, whips, and a few things I didnt recognize were scattered across the nearest bed. Three cameras positioned around the room would record everything that happened. Someone had leaned a portable chalkboard against the television with three columns: one for Fiona, one for Kristen, and one for me. Most shocking, five black men sat comfortably chatting in the seating area.

Good evening, ladies. Do you have your contracts signed?

Of course, master, Fiona giggled. We fished our purses out of the garbage bag and handed him the letters.

Good. The man approached me. He was huge and towered over my 58 frame. Reaching out a large hand, he said, Nice to meet you Caitlin.

Nice to meet you. The mans big black paw took my delicate white hand in an overly firm grip. I was immediately self-conscious of how I looked, what I was wearing, and what I was doing in this hotel room with five black men. I felt much less sexy and much more vulnerable.

Turning to Fiona, he asked, Have you explained to your friend what is going on here tonight?

Not yet.

I think its time. Talk to her on the open bed while we get ready.

I crawled on the middle of the furthest bed, sitting against the headboard. Fiona sat beside me and Kristen curled up on the foot of the bed.

A few years ago, Kristen and I were in the same position you are now. Fresh out of college, married, and incredibly horny. We went out partying, fucking guys at clubs, doing crazy stuff, but it got old after a while.

Kristen ran her hand through her long blonde hair, spreading it out over the bed. Then we went to a professional development conference on white privilege in America and the lingering effects of slavery. We thought, what if we can do something to improve race relations, make up for the mistakes of the past, and get a little excitement in return? That is when we started organizing this little affair.

It was a surreal conversation. As Fiona and Kristen spoke, the men around us were preparing the toys, setting up the cameras, and undressing. I could barely concentrate on my friends.

So we put the word out, Fiona continued, that we were a couple of young white girls looking to use our bodies to apologize for racism. If you were a handsome, clean, well-spoken, well-endowed black man, you had an entire night to take out all of your frustrations against white people on our milky tits, cute asses, and small pink holes.

Kristen added, It took us months to find these guys, but theyve been with us since the beginning. Trust me, you are about to experience the biggest cocks in the entire state.

I can promise you that it will hurt, you will be sore tomorrow in all different places, and you might not be able to sit for a few days, but bruises heal. The experience is totally worth it. Are you in?

I looked around at the nude black men who were now watching us. The pieces of meat hanging between their legs were undeniably gargantuan. My vagina was trained to take six inch white dicks, not these monsters. I knew it was going to hurt, Fiona and Kristen knew it was going to hurt, and these men certainly were looking forward to punishing a little white girl. Even though it was going to be painful, the idea of being a slave to black cock overcame any rational thought in my mind.

Im in.

Good, the black man said, sliding some pillows behind me. I want all of you sitting at the head of the bed. Its picture time.

Fiona slid up on my left while Kristen crawled on my right side. The men surrounded us on the bed with their cell phones. Big smiles, girls. Look sexy. I was still pretty nervous, but I did my best to give a cute, pouty look. Fiona and Kristen started grouping me, running their hands up and down my lacy corset, so I put my arms around their shoulders to bring them in closer. I had never done anything sexual with another woman before, but I was up for anything tonight.

Come on bitches, get nasty.

Fiona rolled over on top of me, straddling my hips between her legs. She kissed me while I ground my mound into her crotch. Kristen sat up and started rubbing Fionas ass, giving it little playful smacks.

I wanna see three bare white asses stuck in the air, lets go! We obediently bent over, smiling over our shoulders. We posed for the cameras in all different positions as the men called them out: Fiona straddling both of us, a triple kiss, me standing with one foot on Kristen. Despite the craziness of the situation, I felt most strange wearing my heels in bed. I should have known that rubbing our dirty shoes would be the least messy thing that happened on those beds.

After the men got their fill of pictures, one called Fiona into the bathroom. She strutted in and he followed with a camera. I could hear a conversation and occasional outbursts of laughter, but had no clue what was going on. After a few minutes I heard someone turn on the shower. While Fiona was gone, Kristen introduced me to remaining men. They were all normal guys from around the area who just happened to be incredibly well-proportioned and interested in using their girth to ream white cunts.

Fiona came back fifteen minutes later and the man called Kristen into the back. So, she asked, have you ever touched a black dick before?

Well&hellip, I said, slightly shy, not yet.

The men laughed. You will tonight. A very dark-skinned muscular man sat down beside me on the bed. Try it.

Nervously, I reached out a trembling hand and set it down gently on his semi-flaccid rod. It wasnt hard and I still couldnt even wrap my hand all the way around it. The contrast between my lilywhite hand and his dark meat was exhilarating. I like how this looks.

Youre going to get all you deserve tonight and more. Fiona and I both laughed.

I turned to her. What does it feel like?

Well, she responded, unless youre a hallway its going to hurt going in. Theres no way around that. We laughed, me less readily than the men. You are going to be sore tomorrow. Honestly&hellip, my first time with these guys was second only to childbirth.

Kristen shouted, Oh shit! from the bathroom

Now I was more nervous. What if I get dry halfway through?

Trust me, no woman alive can keep up with these boys. Thats what the lube is for. She pointed to a large tube of KY on the other bed, under a whip. I think it was last time that we used up the entire thing.

Yep, the men concurred.

Kristen walked out of the bathroom, followed by the now grinning man. Youre gonna pay for that, girl.

I know, she smiled coyly.

He looked at me. Last one, get over here.

I meekly headed into the restroom.

Ok baby, sit on the counter. I complied while he positioned the camera in the narrow bathroom. I was trying my best to look sexy but was shaking from nerves, especially when he started recording. This is white slut number three. Introduce yourself.

Hi, I waved awkwardly, Im Caitlin.

How old are you, Caitlin?

Im 22.

How many guys have you fucked in your life?

Um&hellip, at least twenty?

What a fucking skank…

Yeah, I forced a laugh.

So, of these twenty guys, how many were black dudes?


For real?

Yeah. I knew my answers were pretty terse, but I was just starting to warm up to the environment and my interviewer.

So how do you feel about your introduction to black cock being the five biggest niggas in the city?

I dont know&hellip, I looked between him and the camera. Im excited I guess. I was just talking to them and they seem pretty nice.

He let out a little hoot. Theyre nice because they dont wanna to scare you away. Just wait till things get going.

Mmm, I bit my lip and shifted my hips on the uncomfortable counter.

Stand up girl and lets see what you have to work with. I slid off the counter and he removed the camera from the stand. He brought it close to my chest. How big are those tits?


Damn! No wonder youre popping out of that top. Lemme see dat ass. I turned around and stuck out my butt. Oh fuck yeah, he said as he panned the camera up and down my backside. Sit on the toilet with your heels on the opposite wall. I sat down with my legs wide open, the man with the camera between them. Show me that tight little white cunt.

I moved my thong aside and opened my pussy lips for the camera. Do you like that?

Did you go through the trouble of shaving just for us?

Yeah. He stuck a finger inside me.

Youre tighter than shit, he zoomed in with the camera. Youre gonna have a hard time tonight girl. I started rubbing my clit and running my fingers up and down my slit.

I think you underestimate the power a white girl has between her legs. Maybe those boys are going to be begging me for mercy.

Youre almost as feisty as yo girl Fiona. Im gonna ask you if you remember saying that in a couple hours.

Ok, master, I replied, grinning broadly.

Now look into the camera and tell me what you want in that hole.

I gave the camera my most seductive look. I want a big, thick, veiny, throbbing black cock to fuck my pussy.


I thought for a second. Whats the point of a white cunt except to milk semen out of black cock?

Good girl. He put the camera back on the stand and told me to get up. Get naked.


Fuck yeah, bitch. Strip!

I untied my corset, peeled off my socks and shoes, and then slipped out of my garter belt and panties.

You ever get shit on, girl?

I offered a look of sincere concern. &hellip,no.

Well, neither have I until Kristen came in here. Get on the floor. I laid on the floor and he took a full enema bag and tube from under the counter. You know what this is?


Ever get one before?


You mind that this has been up Fiona and Kristens assholes?


Doesnt matter, bitch. He lifted my legs and instructed me to hold them with my hands behind my knees. He then inserted the tube into my ass and allowed the water to drain freely. I did not see this coming. Tell me when youre full.

The water flowing into my colon was one of the strangest sensations I had ever experienced. I felt my stomach bulge and a little cramping. It was like a period, just in the wrong place. Im good.

Alright, now shift to your left side. I rolled over with my face on the cold tile floor. Give it a minute and tell me when you feel it coming.

Oh shit! I jumped up and sat on the toilet. A flood of liquid and unmentionable material came flowing out of my second hole. It was so embarrassing to do this in front of a stranger&hellip,and on camera! I think Im done.

Yeah, thats what Kristen said. Give it a few. Sure enough, a minute later I felt a little more cramping and another flood of water came streaming out. You all clean girl?

I think so?

Good. Get dressed and back with your little friends. Were gonna have some fun. A minute later we were all on the bed together in our matching outfits. The enema man brought his camera back into the bedroom and set it up with a clear view of the second bed. Everybody ready?

Fiona, Kristen and I giggled together, Of course!

Fuck yeah, the guys responded.

Alright, lets start.

(Authors note: The following depiction of that night comes from a combination of my recollection and watching the video with my husband. There were times when a freight train could have passed through the room and I would have had no idea. Once or twice it felt as if a freight train was passing through me! By combining what I saw on the video with my memory, I can give a pretty good account of exactly what happened without leaving anything or anyone out.)

Fiona, Kristen, and I lay together on the queen-sized bed, limbs overlapping so we would fit. We were all nervous, me more than the other two girls. Alright bitches, everybody up! We stood at the foot of the bed with the men standing around us. We decided on a couple of changes for tonight that will avoid the confusion of previous encounters. First, we all put our most desired foreplay activity on a piece of paper and threw it in this jar. Five guys, five activities. Ill draw them in random order to see what we do when. That way everybody is on the same page. Second, we decided to start a little competition. I dont know about Caitlin, but Fiona and Kristen are big-time cummers. Were gonna have five, twenty-minute foreplay sessions. Whoever has the most orgasms on the board at the end wins a prize.

I had kept it a secret from everyone but my husband: I have been the squirting queen since I was 13 years old. In high school, I had exactly one hour and twenty minutes before my mom got home from work. Every day after school I would come home, eat a snack for ten minutes, and then get naked with a towel on the bed. Normally I would just have two or three mild orgasms, but if I was really in the mood I could spray down the wall five feet away at least a dozen times. There was no way I was going to lose.

The man retrieved the bowl and began rummaging through the strips of paper inside. Remember girls, he said looking at me, youre here with your contracts signed. You had a chance to get out and you stayed anyway. That means you stay all night. He pulled out a small piece from the bowl, unfolded it, and read it to himself. What the fuck is this? Who put this shit in here?

The men gathered around and laughed, rolling their eyes. The largest man in the room, weighing at least 250 pounds, defended himself in a brassy baritone. You said we put in what we want to do. Thats what I want.

The girls and I were confused. What are we doing?

Shut up, bitch. He turned to the big man. Marcus, bro, were supposed to be really fucking these bitches up. This is what you want?

I told you, yeah. Its what I like.

Fuckin shit, fine. The first event is kissing and cuddling. Five guys and three sluts isnt gonna work, so Ill just take care of the cameras. Who else is out?

A short man with dredlocks stepped forward. I dont want nothin to do with this shit. Ill be in the shitter.

Alright, weve got twenty minutes on the clock. Go!

I was overcome by two emotions. First, I thought it was super cute that when deciding on activities for a racially-charged sex party, Marcus thought first of kissing and cuddling. Second, I wanted to prove that I was a strong, sexually empowered woman. I was starting to realize that the point of this night was to put white girls in their place, which might not be a bad thing, but I wanted to try something different. I put my hair up in a ponytail, took two steps forward, and jumped on Marcus. It took him by surprise, but I wrapped my long legs around his torso and he caught me by the ass just before I slid down his body. Feeling his powerful hands supporting my cheeks really got me going. He brought me close and kissed me passionately. It was intense.
The two other men participating took their cues from Marcus and I. One threw Kristen on the bed and mounted her, kissing and holding her long body. The second sat on the floor with Fiona, kissing her gently and running his hands through her long red hair.

Marcus sat on the couch with me still straddling him. His pole began to grow as I ground my crotch into its mass. Standing up, I dropped my panties and got back on top, letting my natural juices flow onto him.

Our lips locked, he pulled me to his left side and worked his thick fingers down my pretty corset and straight to my pleasure hole. My clitoris is sensitive depending on my environment, it was set to max that night. His firm, steady rotations made me go crazy. I tried to make a show of playing with his cock but after a few minutes of his touch I gave up and held on to his chest while my thighs and hips and ass shook with increasing urgency. I faintly whispered into his ear, Please let me finish.

Yeah, alright. With his permission, I again straddled him.

Hold me close&hellip,dont let me go. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist. Tongue down his throat, hard cock against my ass, I worked my clit at a swift pace. The pleasure became too much and I finally just rested my face against his chest. Ohhhhh fuck, I moaned, my body shuddering in ecstasy. I reached the peak and lost any sort of control over my body. My mouth was humming a tune I had never heard before, something like, Uhhhhh, uhhhhh, uh&hellip,uhh&hellip,.uhh&hellip,uh, ohhhhhh&hellip,.please&hellip,. I was shaking like a madwoman, bucking my hips into him. Finally I gave in to the feeling and released five strong gushes of my sweet liquid onto Marcuss lap. I collapsed into him and curled into a ball on his chest. After a couple of seconds to get my bearings, I was kissing him again. The man behind the camera put the first tally on the board.

We had a few minutes left, so Marcus carried me over to the bed with the toys on it and cleared them off to the floor. He laid me down gently and spread out beside me, we kissed while he ran his fingers around my thighs and mound. Please, I need more, I told him. Teasingly, he made his way between my legs and into my hole. He slipped one and then two fingers inside me, working them in a slow in-and-out rhythm. I loudly moaned my assent, especially when he began kissing down my neck.

Suddenly, a strange noise distracted us: Ah&hellip,ahh&hellip,ahhhhh&hellip,ahhhhhhhh! It sounded like a dying bird had gotten in the room. I looked at the floor to see Fionas hairy red mound sitting on the guys upturned fingers while she violently ground her hips into the floor. It looked like she was trying to break through to the room below. At the same time, she was strumming hard on her pleasure knob. Fucking shit! she screamed, fucking shit fucking shit&hellip,yesssssss&hellip,fucking shit&hellip,.yessss! She released all over her lovers hand and the floor. Fuck yes, thank you, she cried in relief.

Weve got three minutes left in this round, said the man behind the camera.

With each stroke of Marcuss fingers, I felt the pressure building inside me. Eat me out, I pleaded. He chuckled and moved down my body, placing himself between my high-socked legs. He dove in like a pro, massaging my clit with his tongue in patterns I had never before felt. I held my thighs close against his face and placed my hand against the back of his head to pull him closer into me. Oh yeah, I moaned, youre so amazing at this. As his tongue worked its magic, my moans turned into a pleading hum. I needed it harder, faster.

Please&hellip,.please&hellip,please hurry. A nibble on my fleshy mass made me scream in pleasure, squirting all over his face. To his credit, Marcus kept going despite the deluge from my hole, finishing me off just as time ran out. With his consent, I pulled him up to eye level and licked some of my juices off his lips. Thank you so much. He responded with a peck on my cheek.

The tally on the board was as follows:
Fiona: 1
Kristen: 0
Caitlin: 2

Alright, that was certainly interesting. Lets keep moving. The man drew another strip of paper from the bowl. Now this is more like it! Racist White Bitches.

The short man with dredlocks stood up from the chair and began to explain. We all know that yall are racist white bitches. Dont deny it, you know its true. Therefore, we are going to give you the chance to put your real thoughts out in the open. You need to put back on whatever you took off during the last round, sit on the bed together like three gossiping sorority sisters, and talk about how much you hate black people.

What the fuck? I thought to myself. Why? We are obviously not racist. I mean&hellip,were fucking yall arent we?

I know youre not explicitly racist, he said in a serious voice, but you are still white. I want you to represent all the hatred my people have faced in this country for the past 400 years.


We got up, got dressed, and sat cross-legged on one of the beds together. Kristen started surprisingly quickly. So&hellip, I was at the mall the other day and this dirty fucking nigger came up to me and asked me if I wanted to catch a movie real quick. What a freak!

Ewww, Fiona responded, that is so gross. I hate how we live around so many black people.

They are so gross, right?

Yeah, I interjected, glancing up at the black men who were smirking around us. They never have jobs, they just hangout doing drugs and looking for pussy.

And theyre pretty much all criminals, stated Fiona.

Oh yeah, Kristen agreed.

Wouldnt it be better if we could just put them back in slavery? At least then we could force them to do some work.

My daddy always said, Fiona continued, that Abe Lincoln was the biggest criminal in the history of this country. Freeing the slaves was the biggest mistake anyone ever made.

You know, I said, my family owned slaves since they moved out here from Virginia in the 1820s. Great great granddaddy got a few niggers to work his farm and he was livin the life. I was starting to have fun play-acting being a racist. It was so different than my normally politically correct liberal attitude.

Too bad we cant do that anymore.

Now they just exist to leach off welfare.

Alright! the man with dredlocks shouted. You represent racism, you now use your body to apologize for racism. Get up!

The men started picking the bondage gear off the floor. I was scared but excited to make up for past injustice. They put ball-gags around our mouths and blindfolds on our eyes. They forced us on our hands and knees onto the bed and used handcuffs to secure our wrists to the bars of the headboard. I was between Fiona and Kristen, our three white asses stuck out with just a piece of floss between each set of cheeks.

I couldnt see anything that was going on, which made me so horny. I heard, This is what racist white bitches deserve, followed by a loud smack. To my left, the ball gag muffled Fionas scream of pain. *Smack!* *smack!* *smack!* Between each blow Fiona let out a pained grunt.

You sorry about slavery now?


Fuck right you are. *Smack!* I was shaking from the anticipation of my turn. I knew it was going to be a brutal 15 minutes. Alright white bitch, the man said, placing his hand on my ass. you said your family owned slaves, huh?

Oh shit. I wanted to explain that I was just joking around, doing what he asked, but it was a little difficult with the ball gag in my mouth. The best I could do was, Muhh unhhh, shaking my head back and forth. He didnt give me much of a chance. The man delivered at least a dozen powerful open-handed blows to backside. I hadnt been spanked since I was little, I forgot that it hurts like hell!

Fucking white trash ho. Ill be back to you later. He moved on to Kristen and I enjoyed my minute reprieve. Her groans made me really appreciate it. The spanking stung, but as the pain cleared I realized that was I was doing was a good thing. I was literally using my bare white ass to make up for past wrongs.

From watching the video later, the short man stood behind us, allowing the camera to get a good view of our bottoms. He took turns degrading and spanking us, making us feel like absolute garbage. Rummaging through the pile of toys on the floor, he selected a thin, flexible piece of bamboo. I was shocked when I discovered later he could do so much damage with that little two foot rod. At the time, though, I was terrified and a little excited to find out what would come next.

You got ten more minutes, make these bitches suffer.

Alright, this looks good. *Woosh* Even without seeing it I knew we were in trouble. You fucking racist cunts have been PROGRAMED to hate black people. I am going to make it my mission to break you of that programming and teach you the truth. Do you understand?

Mmmmhmmm, we all nodded.

Good. At the end of our time, the one who convinces me that she has made the most progress can masturbate herself to an orgasm. Now, I know Fiona is the feistiest out of all yall, so Im gonna start with her. He leaned forward and pulled her head back by her hair. Bitch, you are a piece of white trash. You are where you belong, bowing before a strong black man. Do you understand?


I dont think you do. *Woosh&hellip,crack!* She screamed into the gag. *Woosh&hellip,crack!* *Woosh&hellip,crack!* The man repeated the torment over and over until Fiona was sobbing hysterically. He untied the ball gag and let Fiona admit a few desperate breaths.

Please stop&hellip,please&hellip,It hurts so&hellip,

Shut the fuck up, bitch. You earned this. Youre a white trash whore, right?

Yes. *Crack!*

Say it.

Im a white trash whore. *Crack!*


Im a white trash whore! *Crack!* Ahhhhh fucking shit&hellip,please no more. *Crack!*

Who do you think is superior, a black man or a white man?

A black man! *Crack!* Please! A blac&hellip, *Crack!* Ple&hellip, *Crack!*

What is the job of a white trash ho like yourself?

To serve black men. *Crack!* Uhhh&hellip,

Thats right, bitch. Next&hellip,. Fiona stretched out her right hand and just made contact with my left. I grabbed on in fear and anticipation. New girl who never fucked black dick before: you having fun yet?

Mmmhmm, I nodded.

Good. *Crack!* *Crack!* *Crack!* The beating was severe and intense. It was no longer than a minute, but it felt like an eternity. Each whack with the rod was total agony. I could feel a welt forming after every hit. I bit down hard on the ball gag and let out repeated muffled screams. I know the man was shouting degradations at me, but I couldnt hear them over the screaming in my head. At last he untied my gag and let me breathe.

Shaking in pain, with tears welling in my eyes, I gained the clarity to remember that I was in a competition and wanted to win. Master? I called out in a hoarse voice.

*Crack!* What? You wanna beg for your ass?

No&hellip, I cleared my throat. I want to thank you for teaching me this lesson. Thank you for forcing me to confront racism and thank you for punishing me for it.

There was laughter from around the room. No shit&hellip, So you like getting hit?

No, it hurts so damn bad I cant take anymore. I just understand the need for you to hit me. I am a white piece of trash and deserve to be abused by a black man. Its my job.

I think this bitch gets it. *Crack!* *Crack!* *Crack!*

Thank you, master, for turning my white ass red. *Crack!* *Crack!* Thank you for teaching me how black men are superior. You deserve&hellip, *Crack!* Ahh&hellip,you deserve a position of dominance over white women.

He patted my unbelievably sore ass. I knew I liked this bitch.

Kristens beating was merciless. When he untied her gag she attempted to thank him, but she couldnt stop crying. It cost her another minute of strike after strike until her ass burned bright red. Even after he was done she couldnt control her sobbing.

The man uncuffed me from the bed and removed my blindfold. Flip over and claim your prize. The camera zoomed in on me in the center of the bed, surrounded on both sides by Fiona and Kristens red bottoms. Sitting on my ass was surprisingly painful, but it felt good to win. I spread my legs and ran my fingers up and down along the folds of my pussy. I was really wound up from the beating and my submission and needed some relief. Talk dirty to the camera.

My hips rose and fell slowly as I considered what to say. I am a dumb white slut and I live to serve black cock. As I said it, my clitoris drew my fingers magnetically. Mmmm&hellip,

What else, girl?

I placed my hands behind my knees and pulled them up to my shoulders, giving the camera a good shot of my wide-open cunt. You see this hole? I worked my arms around the back of my legs and spread my lips with both hands. You see this tight pink hole?


This hole, and every other hole on this little white girl, is built to serve black men. It is owned by black men, for the exclusive use of black men.


Legs still in the air, I began masturbating furiously. Each stroke of my pearl brought me one step closer to satisfaction. I ground hard and fast into my clit until I felt the pressure build and finally explode in a long squirt of liquid that caught the camera.

Fiona: 1
Kristen: 0
Caitlin: 3

Im ready to bust, exclaimed the short man. Lets skip the rest of this shit and get down to business.

Yeah&hellip, the rest murmured in agreement. I was briefly relaxing after my orgasm and didnt care much about anything.

Alright, said the cameraman, well do it after my event. They grumbled but finally assented. Its time for a head to head pussy showdown, he continued, untying Fiona and Kristen. We know that all yall love to squirt, but can you do it under the pressure of a race? Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kristen running her hand along her welted cheeks. The first competition is between Fiona and Kristen. First one to get an orgasm wins. Second is Kristen and Caitlin. Then Fiona and Caitlin. Got it?

So&hellip,were just seeing who can cum first?

Yeah, you ready?

We all nodded.

Caitlin, get off the bed. Fiona and Kristen, I want you on your asses facing each other real close together. I complied and stood off to the side by Marcus. He ran his hand along my sore ass and I cuddled into him. Fiona and Kristen intertwined their legs and went cunt to cunt for the cumming competition.

Wait&hellip,you want them naked for this?

Yeah, the cameraman responded. Take it all off!

We stripped off the flimsy outfits. I had never seen Fiona and Kristen naked before and was surprised how much bigger my boobs were. I guess padded bras really work for them

Damn! Caitlin got some tits. They stepped over to me and I pushed out my chest to give each a good feel. Huge, firm, little bounce. These are fucking great.

Back to business. When I say go, you can start. He moved the angle of the camera. Alright, go! They both took a moment and started strumming hard on their clits. Kristen worked in a tight circular motion while Fiona pinched and squeezed. I could tell that Fiona was having a much better time than Kristen. She was moaning and bucking while Kristen just grunted in frustration.

After a few minutes Fiona started stammering to herself, oh fuck&hellip,oh fuck&hellip,fucking shit yes, louder and louder until she let out a loud yelp and squirted on Kristens stomach.

Winner! Fiona received another check next to her name. Caitlin, you and Kristen up next.

Thats not fair, I protested.

Why not?

Shes almost there. I still need to get going.

The guy running everything rolled his eyes. Fine&hellip,Kristen, get up. She stood and he dragged her into the bathroom. I heard a crash of water on skin and a shout of surprise.

What the fuck?

Caitlins right, its only fair.

Kristen came out toweling the cold water off her body. She gave me a dirty look. Can we do this now?

When I say go. We crawled on the bed and forced our bodies together, pussies only inches apart. Ready?



Kristen was determined, but I was way too worked up to lose. Feeling her legs rub against mine, seeing her face clenched in frustration as she alternated between working her clit and delving her fingers into the honey pot, it was all too much. After a little over a minute, I came all over her chest and stomach. Damnit! she complained.

Well, that puts Kristen out of the running. This is the final showdown. Caitlin, Fiona, put those cunts together!

Fiona swooped in and got much closer than she had to Kristen. She whispered in my ear, Youre good, sweetie, but youre going down.

I laughed, Well see.


We started hard and fast, each rubbing our increasingly raw clits. My chest heaved, she put her hand on my thigh. Ohhh yessss, Fiona began to murmur, oh fuckkkk&hellip, Her grip tightened. I knew I had to do something quick before I lost.

I love you! I shouted, closing my eyes and going in for a long kiss. My strange declaration and the tongue action jarred her enough that I could overcome the resistance and release all over her hairy red cunt. Fuck yeah.

Fiona: 2
Kristen: 0
Caitlin: 5

Looks like Caitlin is the big winner. I smiled and waved to the camera. Is everybody ready for business?

Wait&hellip,what do I win?

Youll find out later, girl. Dont worry. Now, is everyone ready?

Hell yes, the men responded, slowly massaging their massive, swollen flesh.

Great. He motioned to the two men who didnt get their events picked. Yall can have the first picks.

I got a thing for blondes, one replied.

You and every other nigga in this country. Motioning to the other man, who you want?

Fiona the little redhead slut. Im gonna put that bitch in her place.

Alright&hellip,who wants the new girl?

Actually, I piped in, looking up from my seat on the bed, I want my first black experience to be with Marcus.

The guys all laughed. I glanced at Marcus but he looked away. Thats not how it works, dumb slut.

The short man with dredlocks moved forward. Let me handle this.

Alright, lets get everything going.

The short man was surprisingly strong. He pulled me up to the head of the bed and cuffed me to a bar on the headboard. I like to make sure my bitches stay where I leave them. Fiona was uncuffed next to me, while Kristen was on the other bed. Spread those legs, white girl.
I had been enjoying everything about this experience so far, even the beating, but things quickly became a little too real. Staring at the man, I realized that his big black meat was in no way going to fit in my little white cunt. It just wasnt going to work. I knew he was going to try, though, and I knew it wasnt going to be pleasant for me.

Come on, girl, do it now! He poured a generous amount of lube between my legs, allowing some to pool under my ass. Dont worry, weve got plenty more if we run out. It felt so good to feel his meaty finger probing inside me. One, then two, and then three going in and out and a slow pace.

Mmmmm, I moaned.

You like this, girl?

Yeah, I said biting my lip in pleasure.

You think Im doing this because I like you? He said, inserting another digit.

I winced in discomfort. I dont know&hellip, *heavy breathing* &hellip,are you?

Fuck no, bitch. I just dont want to rip your cunt open and get blood all over my dick. Fucks sakes&hellip, He sat on my hips, resting his balls just below my bellybutton. He took his hard rod in his hand and smacked it down on my breasts. This is ten inches of pain, baby. Now tell me how bad you want it.

I knew it was going to be tight, but I wanted it bad. Smack me again. He brought the big piece of meat down hard on my left nipple. Now make me hurt.

White bitch is crazy&hellip, He mounted me in the missionary position, my legs wrapped around his slim body. I was so focused on what was about to happen to my vagina that I jumped when Fiona screamed in pain a few inches away from me.

Shit thats big! Her face was contorted in pain. My mount and I paused briefly to enjoy the show. Sonofabitch! Fuckkkkk&hellip, Her lover worked his way in and out in short thrusts while Fiona screamed in agony. She was holding on tight to his back while he penetrated her. Fucking shit! Youre a fucking horse!

You ready for that?

Hell yes.

Alright girl&hellip, He grabbed hold of his cock and maneuvered it to the font of our mutual pleasure. A short thrust and the tip split my lips open and jammed inside. It hurt like hell.

Damn, was all I could manage to squeak before the pain became too much and I was reduced to a steady whimper. He bore down hard and continuously, forcing his monster dong inside my tight pussy. In retrospect, I can reason that this was simply not normal sex, where the penis rubs against the walls of my vagina. Instead, with each thrust he turned my sweet little thing into a gaping hole for black cock. At the time, all I could think was ow&hellip,ow&hellip,ow. The pain was blinding. I shifted my body back and forth trying to make it stop, which was impossible. On the video afterwards I watched myself beg him to stop, which I dont remember. It was insane.
The worst moment of all came about seven inches in, when he hit my cervix and kept going. I let out a piercing scream of horror as it felt like my insides were being completely rearranged. Without mercy, he kept going. I had no idea the female body was built to accommodate such a massive intrusion, but after a few minutes of struggle on his part and agony on mine, I had successfully fit his entire length and girth in my birth canal.

He held his pubic hair against my shaved mound for some time, both of us appreciating our combined accomplishment. I knew I could do it, he told the cameraman.

Fuck that, I said into the camera, I just gave birth! The men laughed at what I did not consider a joke. The pain ebbed as my vagina became accustomed to its new architecture. My hips gradually began to work in a back and forth motion, hoping to stimulate some action on behalf of my new lover.

Hold on, bitch, Im getting myself ready. He pulled all the way out and began fucking me in a slow rhythm. After a while the pain was completely gone and I could feel was absolute pleasure. He filled me up like I had never felt before. I moaned and grabbed onto the headboard to accept his advances more readily.

Mmmm&hellip,this is so incredible&hellip,fuckkkk.

He gave a little smirk, yep.

I love how you fuck me.

He continued on his gradual pace, uh huh.

It almost seemed like he wasnt into it, which was taking me out of it despite the situation. Then I realized, this is the guy who loves dirty-talk and race-play. You like fucking a little white girl?

He gave a broad smile and quickened his thrusts, mmm yeah girl.

Rubbing the cuffs against the wooden bed frame, you like having your own personal white slave?

Fuck yeah, he pushed harder inside of me.

Ohh, I gasped between each long stroke. You&hellip,you made me&hellip,realize something&hellip,tonight, I said, panting and groaning like an animal. You&hellip,made me realize the correct&hellip,position for white women in our society.

His big cock now throbbing inside me, he demanded, Tell me.

Well&hellip, I was starting to lose control. That night had turned me from a pretty average white woman into a black cock-obsessed whore. Now, with each powerful thrust, I was changing from a whore into an animal. I had to get it out before I lost the ability to speak. Well&hellip, I tried again, I think&hellip,the only time a white girl is fulfilling her duty is when shes being used by a black cock. White women are built for black men.

OH FUCK! He went wild on my pussy, pounding me with an unbelievable fury. My only possible response was screaming and grunting. I felt the pressure build and tried in vain to get my hands free to work my clitoris.

Please&hellip,please&hellip,please&hellip, Too late. I experienced the first vaginal orgasm of my life. It was unbelievable and I needed more. Harder&hellip,fuck me harder. My logical brain ceased to function, replaced by a thinking center that served only one purpose: to get bred. Even without doing the math on my cycle, I knew I was extremely fertile.

Cum inside me&hellip,get me pregnant&hellip,I want your baby!

The cameraman laughed, which I barely registered. Thats your prize, girl! We worked to a crescendo, crashing our hips together until I could feel the man coating my birth canal with his black seed. I wept with joy.

Thank you&hellip,thank you so much. I kissed him on the cheek. Thank you&hellip,.

I need it more than she does! Fiona shouted next to me. Cmon you fucking nigger, just do it!

Sorry bitch, he responded, you lost.

Noooo&hellip,fuck this!

My lover dismounted and the man climbed off Fiona and onto me. She lay their dejected as he slid his massive organ into my slimy hole. More&hellip,more, I begged, I need more cum. He had been close for a while and was able to fulfill my needs more quickly than I expected. I could feel jets of his semen shooting inside. Yes&hellip,.thank you.

Kristens lover was already standing by the bed waiting to deliver my prize. I was briefly worried, but he didnt mind sticking his big rod into my well-serviced hole. Like the first man, he almost immediately squirted his load inside. This is the best night of my life, I said to no one in particular, chained to a bed and filled with black semen.

It aint over yet, girl, said the cameraman. He walked over and uncuffed me from the bed. See&hellip,that cumhole of yours isnt the only thing a brother likes to expand. We own ALL your holes.

My training had been successful. I positioned myself on my knees, red bottom in the air, and pled, Fuck me in the ass.

Good girl. He drained a large amount of lube over my cheeks and down my crack, working his fingers inside me. I was used to taking it in the ass, but only from my husband, not from men of this size. With three fingers inside me, he declared, Youre ready. The man kneeled on the bed behind me and ran his long cock between my cheeks, popping the head inside.

The pain wasnt as intense as it was when my pussy got fucked, but it was real. Gradually it subsided and I just felt like I was taking the biggest shit of my life. The man fucked me hard from behind while I worked my clit, face smashed against the headboard. Punish my tits, I demanded.

The short man rummaged through a small bag, coming to my bedside with two clothespins. He clamped them down hard on my nipples. Ohhh fuck yeah. The mix of pain and pleasure brought me to the edge and I masturbated to orgasm.

You ready for the grand finale?

Huh? I questioned. He flipped me over, cock inside my ass. Marcus walked towards the bed, his hard cock begging for relief. Oh fuck yes&hellip, I spread my legs and allowed Marcus inside my raw cunt. The feeling of two big cocks grinding together inside me was too much. The pleasure was debilitating. I again lost control of my body, shaking and squirming to a massive orgasm. They gave me no time to recover, pounding my ass and pussy without mercy. Fuck yesss&hellip,. I moaned. Yesssss&hellip,yessss&hellip,yesssss&hellip, With my pale white body sandwiched between two massive black men, I felt like the cream filling to an oreo. It was amazing.
I looked Marcus straight in the eye, Give me your baby. I want to have&hellip,

Uhhhhhhh&hellip, He exploded inside me, sending his seed deep into my womb.

My turn! The cameraman shot his cum into my asshole.

Oh fuck&hellip, It was incredible, definitely one of the best nights of my life, but I was sore and exhausted. I&hellip,I cant keep going, I mumbled, slipping into sleep.

The last thing I heard before passing out was whos ready for round two?

Here, its for the swelling. I felt something cold against my leg. Fiona had brought me an icepack.

Thanks. I opened my legs and put it directly on my vagina. Are you as sore as I am?

Girl, fun has its price, she responded, adjusting her pack.

Suddenly, I felt awkward being nude in a hotel room with two of my colleagues, semen flowing from both holes. How was I last night?

You were amazing.

On the ride home, a microscopic genetic vessel wiggled through the protective barrier of my egg and successful fertilized it. When I woke, I thought my crazy adventure was over. I realized that last night was just the beginning.

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How I Became Big Sisters Sex Slave

This all started the summer I turned 18. My older sister, Karen, was home from college for the summer. Karen was 20 and had been away at school for awhile, so at first it seemed weird to be living with her again. Karen and I had always gotten along alright, typical brother and sister stuff, but we were totally different types of people. I'm a tall, skinny k**, kinda quiet and shy. I have a few close friends at school, and I've even had a couple of girlfriends, but definitely no major...

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My New Life As A Sex Slave to black Masters Chapter Three

My Erotic Breakfast. Chapter Three Diana The next morning I woke in Becka's bed, and was quite refreshed from a most wonderful and well needed sleep, I could still smell and feel the comfortable warmth of her, and our previous nights sex! Sitting on the bed still naked, was trying to wake up and get my thoughts together. There was a steaming hot cup of Cappuccino on the night stand, and a love note that said Diana take a long shower and be ready for a wonderful breakfast, as we have...

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Family EnslavedChapter 4 SlaveParents

"Undress me, Slave-Daddy," I told my father. "Yes, Mistress," he replied and there was eagerness in his voice, as well there should be, considering I'd been the distant object of his incestuous desires for almost ten years. My mother was recovered from her orgasm, which was something akin to spontaneous human combustion, I thought with a smile. It had happened suddenly and without any real physical stimulation of her sex, but she might have cheated. My attention had been focused on my...

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Mr Black No 1 Mr Blacks Dinner Party

As they lay naked in their bed, the sun slowly rising and sending yellow-orange rays through the curtains, wakefulness ever-so-slowly creeping through their bodies, Jack slowly dragged his fingertips along Steph’s thigh. Jack drew his lips to Steph’s ear and whispered, “I had an interesting dream.”Steph mumbled in response, unsure of whether she wanted to allow herself to cross over into wakefulness. She was warm and cozy under the covers and sleeping felt pretty damned good.“I was sitting at a...

Wife Lovers
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How I became a Slave to a Shemale

Hey readers, This is Karan, back with another . I am sure that you guys will love it. I lost my asshole virginity to a shemale I met at a massage parlour. She took me to her place and fucked the wits out of me. So let me give you my brief intro again. I am 5 foot 10 inches tall, have a fluffy personality, and have a dark complexion, but attractive. I have a tool of 6 inches, and I am a pansexual from Hyderabad. I am shemale lover and would have sex with shemales only. I am flexible with both...

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How I Became Big Sisters Sex Slave part 2

It was a particularly busy day a work, and by the time I pulled into the driveway that afternoon I had more or less forgotten the whole incident, having made up my mind to simply act as if nothing had happened. I walked in the front door, tossed my keys on the kitchen table and then stopped dead in my tracks. Karen stood in the middle of the living room with that arrogant yet sexy smirk on her face. She wore a jet-black tank top that showed off her toned stomach and bellybutton ring...

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Family EnslavedChapter 2 SlaveMommy

"It's so nice having lunch together, just the two of us again," my mother smiled at me. "Yeah," I smiled back. "I was gone too long, Mom. I'm sorry about that." We were downtown, in a nice little restaurant after doing some shopping together. It had been a long time since my mother and I had done this sort of thing, and we were both enjoying it. I was surprised that I felt no guilt over what I'd done with my dad the previous night and I wondered if he'd followed my instructions...

2 years ago
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How I Became A Witches Foot Slave

How I Became A Witches Foot SlaveI was short $300 on rent and the ladies who lived next door had to move. They offered me $300 to help them move, so naturally I accepted.I woke up at 6 am and had their truck loaded by noon. It was a six hour drive, but I needed to be back before the end of the weekend so I proceeded to unload everything as soon as we got to their new home. It was a secluded old house far up in the mountains, so when I was done I decided to stay the night and wake up the next...

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African Slave Queen enslaved media babe

The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter. His orchestrated news conference was turning sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage to impress to show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. ?I?ll repeat my question,?came the annoying voice of the young...

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My Wife and How She Became a Hot Milf Sex Slave SlutChapter 7

Sunday As promised Mike and Barbara walked into Dave and Dianka's house at 10AM Sunday morning with Joan and the only occupant of the kitchen was Naomi, with a well fucked and contented look on her face. She immediately jumped up from the table where she was sitting and went to her Master and fell to her knees before him. Taking his hand she kissed it and then moved to Barbara and kissed her hand and then looked up at them with tears in her eyes. "Thank you Master and Mistress," she...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 11 My day with the kitchen slaves

Three days later I thought I was up to working as a household slave provided they realised I could not do heavy work and would not be subjected to further punishment. Consequently at 5 a.m. the following morning a eunuch came and took me to meet Georgina in the main kitchen. She was a large, stern looking woman possibly of Turkish origin. She looked at me with some disdain but she'd obviously been told I was no longer a slave and now had access to the king so she tried to hide it. As usual I...

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How I became my wifes SLAVE

Last Friday night my wife Rachel sent me a text that she was coming over to my apartment.“I’m on my way over. I hope you don’t have any plans for tonight.”My wife and I separated over a year ago, and since then she has become my dominatrix. I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but that’s how it is now. When we first got married we played a few BDSM games, but it’s nothing like it is now. Ever since we separated, or perhaps because we are separated, she has this unbelievable passion to dominate...

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A mother gets blackmailed into being a sex slave for her son and his friends

Well to be honest it has been at least ten years since I talked with anyone directly involved with it all, and now it has been more than forty years since it all happened. Yet there are some defining moments in your life that you never forget. True, details become blurred with time and perhaps some details that still exist may have come from second hand accounts or perhaps even from an over active imagination; the realities of the moments are still there. It all started the summer of 1952 in...

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wife blackmailed and turned into slave

y.Valerie lay soaking up the last of the sun's rays. Her nipples were trying to poke out of her bikini top, and her fingers were deep inside her cunt why you may ask. It was due to the fact she was dreaming about the gorgeous black cock, 13 inch of pure joy that had fucked her two days previous, you see Valerie was a black cock whore and was proud to be.Quite a few blacks called her filthy names such as, white trash, cum slut whore, Nigger bitch, black owned fuck toy. Some even wrote things on...

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Slave to a Black Teen Athlete

Slave to a Black Teen AthleteKen Bailey was a typical, middle-aged, white male. Paunchy, two days’ stubble on his face and a life’s worth of might-have-beens weighing him down. It hadn’t always been this way. Thirty years ago Ken was a promising 400 metre runner. He had been selected to represent England on three occasions, but to his lasting regret he never made the break-through to the big time. Not for him the glory of the Olympic Games.These days Ken spent his spare time coaching young...

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Became Slave To A Unknown Lady

Hello frnz…This is vaibhav from pune again with a new story…Thanks all for your responses for the previous stories…Write to me on today I am going to tell you how I became slave to a unknown lady.   This happened last year…As I was reading and watching femdom stories I used to fantasize my self being a slave to someone.One day I was coming to home from college in a public bus. The bus was crowded but somehow I managed to get a seat and sat. I was listening to songs and after two three bus...

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slaver or collecter Anna becomes a slave

A few weeks go by, we are all packed and headed for the airport. Omar's private jet taxis over to us, the door opens and the ladder comes down,we go inside. Anna is wondering who we know who has their own jet. Hours and hours later we are landing in Dubai. The limo picks us up then a hour later we are at Omar’s palace. Omar comes out and escorts us into his living room, there sits Sasha and Jane in their burkas. Omar introduces everyone, then says Anna it is so nice to meet you, I...

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PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE BLACK CAT ? NELSON?S SLAVE  ?? By Sonya Esperanto?? [email protected]  This is a non-profit story. Also anyone below 18 should not be reading this.  Black Cat is a property of Mr X. Nelson is the guy who bullies Bart Simpson in The Simpsons.  Synopsis: Black Cat, a crime fighter, is being blackmailed by the kid who bullies Bart Simpson, into becoming his slave ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? STORY Black Cat was patrolling...

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KARMA OR KISMET How I Became A slave Owner Again

KARMA OR KISMET?How I Became A slave Owner AgainBy: Charles E. Campbell   It was really just a pretty typical day, really, thinking back on it now from the comfortable perspective of eighteen months. What happened that day happened every day, on many a street, in many a town and city everywhere, actually. Mundane. Nothing innately unique or even noteworthy. At least, not right away.    I was in my driveway replacing the radiator on a mid-sixties Plymouth Valiant. A buddy of mine had owned one...

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Slave Of Blacks 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, This story is continuation to part 1 After I was done with the call, Alex came near me put his hands on my ass cheeks and kissed me on lips. Alex : shall we baby (saying this he spread ass cheeks) Me : yes master. Alex took me to the bedroom and threw me on the bed. My back was facing him. He spread ass cheeks and slowly inserted his dick in me. It pained like hell. Me : slowly slowly aaaaahh He started fucking ass harder after 5 mins and going deep inside. He started slapping my...

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How I Became A Slut 8211 Pt 4 About Being A Sex Slave

I went to Victor’s room. He lifted me and kissed my lips. I hugged him tightly. To be honest, after I join the club I’m gonna miss Victor more than my husband. I didn’t wanna let go of him. I kept hugging him and kissing him. After 3 minutes we broke the kiss. “I am so sorry, dear,” he said as he put me down “No need for sorry. It was my mistake too. We should have never done that in the office. Nothing is gonna happen. Don’t worry,” I said. Victor’s office phone rang. After speaking he was so...

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How I Became a Submissive Bisexual Love SlaveChapter 2

As soon as the door was closed, we were naked and in each other's arms, kissing, rubbing each others cunnies, and were soon in bed, Lucy over me, my legs wide apart, her on top, humping me, our clits and pussies rubbing in our wetness. "What are we going to do tonight, Lucy? I can't wait," I asked. "Oh, you'll love it. I've got some cording and a blindfold. I'm going to tie you to the bed and blindfold you and you'll be my sex slave." "Really? Your sex slave? I have to do...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 3 The Slavers Career

Here I will lay out how I, William Steelforth, progressed from the unqualified slavery enthusiast I was in high school to the qualified slavery advocate I had become as managing partner of the agency which bore my name. After high school, the next opportunity to have an animated exchange about my ideas with a teacher came in a discussion with Professor Petersen, my philosophy teacher, in my sophomore year of college. Unlike my high school civics teacher, he was actually a proponent of...

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Black Master White Slave

You are my black master and I am your white sex slave. To try to makeup for my people's abuse of you in the past, I must worship your big black cock, balls and asshole. You make me undress you nightly and I have to give you a long deep full body massage. You make me join you in the bathroom so I can hold and aim your penis when you take a piss. I either shake your dick to remove any piss dripping, but sometimes you make me lick it to remove any lingering piss. You have me wash your body in...

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How You Became My Slave

You are alone in a room, dressed in a short white flowing dress; it has a tight bodice and a fuller skirt made of soft chiffon, which stops just below your thighs. You are a slave girl, waiting to see if you are to be bought today. A virgin, you are nervous, you don't know what to expect. The door opens, and I walk in. You look to the ground, avoiding eye contact. I amble over to you, gazing intently at your body. I walk slowly around you, my gaze never falters. I am deciding whether to buy. I...

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Ive Become A Slave to The Cock

Becoming a Cock Slave Part 1: The Roadside Blowjob I was driving down a deserted country road after a two-day business trip. My job on this trip was to drive around the region and make presentations, so this wasn't unusual. I usually get the weekends off to spend with my wife so it's not a bad thing to be gone a couple days at a time. It was a Friday and I was half an hour from home so I was starting to feel the anticipation of seeing my wife again. There is road in front of me and fields...

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Family EnslavedChapter 8 SlaveSister

"I just can't believe he cheated on me," Cheryl sighed. "I mean, we just got married, you know?" I nodded sympathetically. We'd spent much of the afternoon talking about BDSM, or I'd talked, I should say. Cheryl had asked a lot of questions and I'd done my best to answer them. But her mind kept wandering back to James and his infidelity. It was going to take some time before she could forgive him We were sitting at a small round table in a hotel bar after our lunch, the same hotel...

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My Wife and How She Became a Hot Milf Sex Slave SlutChapter 6

Day 6 Saturday Night's Meeting and the Aftermath Dave returned from working on his wife's 2nd DVD set at 3 Saturday afternoon as the Master had ordered the night before. He saw the Master and Mistress on her porch, relaxing on the swing that hung from the roof and decided to go over and report to his progress as he exited the car. "Master, I have all of Thursday's footage converted and about half of yesterday's filming. Your slut whore (my wife, he thought to himself) is really looking...

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Showing Off My Slave Hubbys Special Present II

I have a need. A craving for the kind of satisfaction I know I can only get from one certain person. The satisfaction of completely overpowering all the senses of he who I consider my sexy slave. That one man who is the only one able to accept my extreme type of affections and actually revels in being totally absorbed by them while giving himself completely over to my servitude, my Stephen. Now to craft my plan and make all preparations. My wonderful husband Daniel and I had a fantastic...

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How You Became My Slave Part 2

I lay you down on the bed and retrieve a soft plush towel from the bathroom. Starting at your shoulders, I begin to slowly towel off your body, gently wiping the beads of water from your soft skin. Your head is still spinning from your orgasm and you close your eyes to savor the feeling of being pampered. You know that it can’t last, fear that it won’t. This is just a phase, no slave gets treated this well, at least not long term. You have been taught that Masters are very controlling and...

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Client Became Slave To A Male Escort

Hi, all! This is Shankar again. Here I’m with the latest experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me for my previous experiences. I really glad to see such feedback. ISS is a great platform to deliver my experiences. I got a huge response after sharing my experiences here. Myself is Shankar from NCR; age 25, hairy chest with an average body, I live in sector 16, Noida. I’m available to give the utmost pleasure to sexually urged or unsatisfied ladies. Please...

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Slave to My Black NeighborChapter 6

The next two weeks were pure hell for me. Master took full advantage of having me at his disposal all day every day. He made me come to his house every morning as soon as Beth left for work and I immediately got dressed in my sissy outfit. Each day I wore a different pair of panties and nightie along with matching stockings. Master had me go to the lingerie store in the local mall with him to purchase my new clothes. He had the women in the store measure me to find my exact fit and the...

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Friend8217s Hot Sister Became My Sex Slave

My name is Vinod Jha, and a 24-year-old male from a middle-class family. I am studying M.B.B.S in Banglore. This story happened during my 3rd year in medicine when my friend’s sister (a doctor herself) came to Bangalore for a job and started staying with me. That is the time when I knew, what is a friend’s sister for! Coming to the story, I am from Patna, Bihar. There are five members in my family, father, mother, 2 sisters, and I. My elder sister is a nurse, and my younger one is in the 12th...

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I became slave

I think this has happened about 20 years ago, when I was 18 years age. I was watching palnati SIMHAM movie in a theatre. One youth sat beside me. Whenever heroine Sarada appeared on the screen,he was taking out his dick and masturbating. I astonished to see his dick. It was 12 inches. He was murmering “Sarada, what a nose is yours, you are queen of noses, your nose provocating, nose, nose, nose, nose, your nose, your nose, nose, queen of noses” like that. Seeing his dick, my cock also erected....

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How I Became My Watchman8217s Slave

Hi all, I accidentally chanced upon this website, and whoa, what a treasure this is!! And so, here I am, contributing a true life story! I am Arpitha, 21 years old. I reside in Chennai. I have a very fair complexion, height 5’5″, busty and curvy. Vital stats – 36, 30, 36. Am very very very horny and lost my virginity very young. Let me narrate one incident that happened to me. Both my parents are working and I was in college. It was study holidays for me and I was at home, alone, pretty bored....

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Slave Of Blacks 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, This is third and final part of this series. On Friday, I packed all my clothes and started waiting at a place where my masters asked me to wait. Alex and dan cam in the car and asked me to get in. I was expecting one of them in the back seat. But both sat in front seats. Alex : how are you Shruthi. Me : I am doing good master. As always ready for you. When we reached the hotel, all three of us got out of the car. Dan and Alex are not even touching me. I was not sure how to...

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My Wife and How She Became a Hot Milf Sex Slave SlutChapter 8

Sunday Continues Mike and Tony returned to the front of the house and saw the reason for their recall as Brad, Bill, Bob, Naomi, Mary, Roxy and 2 men were crossing the street. Everyone was in the proper uniform and looking at all the women in bras Mike remembered Rich saying his wife and daughter seldom wore them. Tony took his position back in the corner and watched Naomi approach. His cock stirred in his pants as he admired the way her body looked in the white lingerie that contrasted so...

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How I Became a Submissive Bisexual Love SlaveChapter 3

The next thing I knew, Lucy's Mom was still licking me out with her butt up in the air and her dad was crawling up behind her. He looked like he's pushing into her bum. "Easy, Jack, I'm a bit sore from last night, love." "Is it good, Ma? I get Dad tomorrow. I want him to sleep over with Mandi and me tonight. He can fuck me in the morning and Mandi can watch if she wants." "I just love your butthole, Brenda. Wish your pussy was this tight. Little Mandi's butt must be a virgin....

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Diary of How I Became a Gay Sex Slave Chapter 5

“100 loads, very good slut. Did you enjoy taking all these big cocks in your ass.” Darren asks. “yes sir” “Which position was your favorite? In the sling, tied doggystyle?” “I love it all sir, love being fucked by your cocks.” I tell him. “If I had to pick a position, I would say doggystyle.” “Great, what size cocks do you like?” “Sir, if I had a choice, bigger is better.” I eagerly respond. I am definitely getting aroused even more, trying to figure out what he has...

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Reader Became Complete BDSM Slave 8211 Part 2

Hello, this is Vicky again writing the second part of this story of kinky sex things. I had enslaved a sex story reader. I am sure you must have read the earlier part and were eager for the second one. For first-time readers, I am a dominant male who loves to pleasure ladies in many ways. If you haven’t read the first part, please do before reading through this one. Our session had just started. She was standing butt naked in front of me. My milky fair slave. Black hair gliding over her...

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How I Become A Slave Of A Stranger Man 8211 Part 2

Hi all dear reader thanks to u all .For read my last story. In my last story I was share with u that how I become a slave of a stranger man in my honeymoon. Now in this story I will tell u some more real experience. After returning from Goa I was very eager to meet with Mr. Rajesh ji to have some more sex i was really missing him very badly. He was a real sex guru for all women. Now we just chat in phone and in my mail over there I manoj and Rajesh we all used to chat together.1day Rajesh...

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Turned into Black mens sex slave

A few years back I spent time on and off with several shall we say more dominating types of gentlemen. One of them, who for this I shall call Leroy, just loved when we got together to make me totally helpless. It was our 6th or 7th meeting. Leroy and i had been chatting on Yahoo and when he found out i was free that weekend he insisted on coming over later that afternoon. We talked about when and what he wanted me to be wearing when he arrived. We settled on 4:00 and I was to be wearing a red...

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Turned into a sex slave for Black Men

A few years back I spent time on and off with several shall we say more dominating types of gentlemen. One of them, who for this I shall call Leroy, just loved when we got together to make me totally helpless. It was our 6th or 7th meeting. Leroy and i had been chatting on Yahoo and when he found out i was free that weekend he insisted on coming over later that afternoon. We talked about when and what he wanted me to be wearing when he arrived. We settled on 4:00 and I was to be wearing a red...

2 years ago
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Turned into Black mens sex slave

A few years back I spent time on and off with severalshall we say more dominating types of gentlemen. One ofthem, who for this I shall call Leroy, just lovedwhen we got together to make me totally helpless. It was our 6th or 7th meeting. Leroy and i had been chatting on Yahoo and when he found out i was free that weekend he insisted on coming over later that afternoon.We talked about when and what he wanted me to bewearing when he arrived. We settled on 4:00 and I wasto be wearing a red waspie,...

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