Peaks free porn video

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"I'm not lost," I said, rudely.  I was alone, of course, and talking to myself.  

I'd graduated a semester early, so there was no family party, no supermarket sheet cake, no local bar buy-your-drinks from friends celebration.  When I walked in the door my mother called, "Heads Up!" forcing me to drop everything to catch a … backpack?  "You deserve it," she said. 

"Made in Germany" was embossed on a label of the flap, with leather straps, and hidden pockets.  I tried to figure out the message she was sending me with this 'gift'.   

"Pizza tonight", she said, lifting the phone.  Wow, I thought, we're even getting delivery.  "Do you want mushrooms on top?" Toppings even.  Either she had good news or bad news.  I couldn't tell which.  

After dinner, I unpacked in my bedroom and began to prowl through my new backpack.  Hidden inside was a Delta Airlines gift card.  "Whoop!" I yelled, running into to my mother's room.  

"You deserve it.  I took the college savings and put a little aside," she said through my hug.  "Go see the world before you start a full-time job."  What a gift.  

"When can you start?"

The voice sounded tinny over the landline.  

I held the receiver in one hand, a Swedish travel pamphlet in the other, chewing my lip.  It was my new boss.  I looked at the foreign blue sky, the mountain tops, the snow, crisp, clean, the total opposite of my grimy Bronx.    

"When can you start?” he asked again, his voice carrying a little edge of impatience now.     

I stared at Sweden.  Away.  

My college years had been a 24X7 affair, working on campus, crash summer semesters, a ramen noodles with no rest marathon.  I’d always been a good daughter so my 'don't make the mistakes I did' mother didn't need to worry.  I was that girl everyone admired, and hated, at the same time.  

My nickname was ‘Double D’ in high school.  Not for my breasts, at that point anyway, but for Designated Driver; straight A's, home on time, no car dings during her junior license.  

‘You deserve it,’ my mother had said.  The old kitchen wall clock ticked the seconds by.  

"I can start in three weeks.  I have some… business to attend to," I replied.  


Now I was here, somewhere, in a town whose streets doubled back on themselves, many with not even a street name, somewhere in the middle of Sweden.   

I saw a street that rose up to an overlook.  Realizing I could get my bearings from there I marched up.  Well, my start was brisk, but then I started slowing down; slowing down, but determined. 

Finally, I reached the top.  My calves were complaining, and my breath had a healthy pant to it.  There was a low stone wall, partially covered with snow at this pinnacle.  Looking out I could see the whole city beneath me.  I pulled out my map and found the museum, the river, and tucked in a corner, my hotel.  

I looked around me.  No one was about.  I brushed some snow off the wall, leaned over and yelled "Hello!" 

"Hello!" "Hello!"  "Hello!" came back to me fainter, fainter and fainter.  Like a skipping stone, but with my voice.  

"My name is Rachel!"  I called.  

"Hi! I'm Rudolf!" came the reply. 

Startled I looked around me, then peeked over the low wall.  A young man was looking up at me, grinning.    

He had his long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail.  His face crinkled with a smile, small lines creasing out from his eyes already, from seasons of squinting against reflected snow.   

I pulled myself back. 

"Now don't be ...shy is it?" he said in a slight accent.  I couldn’t help but smile.  I leaned over again.  

"Hello," I said, a little timidly.  

"You are American, yes?" 

"How do you know?"  I mean plenty of people spoke English, and I had a German backpack, and a hand-knit Swedish cap I'd bought in the airport.    

"You had to test the echo of our mountains.  That's not the … proper way in Europe," he replied.  

He disappeared, but I could hear his boots as they headed my way.  Coming around the side, he pulled himself around the low wall.  

He reached out a gloved hand to me, and I put out my mittened one.  

Looking down at the mitten he said, "Acch!  Those will never keep you warm here.  Your fingers will fall off!"  

"Come," he said, walking away from me, "We will get you a pair of warm gloves for those hands."  

I didn't move, watching him.  "I really can't -" 

"Come on, come on, there's a group of us right down the hill here-" he said.  Still, I hesitated. 

"Boy and girls, or I should say mans and womans, yes?" he smiled.  

I paused and then asked, "Far?" 

He shook his head.  "No, right around the corner."  

I followed after him at a distance, quiet; cautious.  

He turned back, smiling encouragement, and in a moment we were in front of a large two-story chalet.  The lower floor was enclosed with wood paneling, no windows.  A deck surrounded by an ornate carved and painted balustrade ran around the perimeter of the upper floor.  The entire second floor was glass, peaking up in the triangle of the gable.  People were hanging out on the deck, and seeing Rudolf, one of them raised a hand in greeting.  I relaxed and picked up speed to join him. 

The inside layout of the second floor was an enormous great room.  People swam in and out of the open kitchen, through to the balcony, or in the many modular seating areas.  There was a wall to wall shag rug of brilliant turquoise and green shag.  Quiet music was playing in the background.  Two uniformed staff walked about, picking up empty glasses, handing out food on simple white trays.  Rudolf immediately took off his hiking boots and put on a pair of sockmocs lined up near the door.  He smiled at me, frowned down at my feet, then tossed me a pair that looked like they'd fit.  

"There's a bathroom downstairs if you need one," a young woman said.  She wore tight black ski pants, a bright red sweater, and I realized, perhaps looking at her chest a fraction too long, perhaps no bra.  Must be cold, I thought to myself as I headed downstairs.  

I found the bathroom, then felt for the switch.   When I flipped it on the light revealed a huge space with three spacious shower stalls, a large Jacuzzi, a separate bathroom area with two bidets and two toilets.  After washing my hands and checking my face in the mirror I noticed reflected behind me curious devices that looked like water jets that you use on your teeth.  Weirdly, they were closer to the shower than the sinks.  They had small steel pistol grips so I tested one and the water squirted across the room.  Quickly I took the hand towel off the rack and wiped it up, laughing.  

When I came back up, a glass of raspberry wine was put in my hand, and I was invited to sit down with a group.  

"I'd gone off to walk around and sort of lost my way trying to get back to my hotel," I said.  
"Where are you staying?" one of them asked. 

"The Swedish Americana," I replied.  

The woman with the red sweater laughed.  "They always book that for the tourists."  

"She can stay here," Rudolf said, as he walked by me. 

Red Sweater looked at me, letting her eyes travel from my blond braids, down my chest, my lap.  I felt like curling into myself, like I was naked.  

"She'll do-" Red Sweater replied.  "Inga!" she yelled then.  "Inga, we need a bed for  ..." and she turned to me.  

"Rachel.  No, I can't intrude.  You don't even know me,"  I said, standing up, getting ready to go.  

The woman gripped my wrist then, and firm-gently brought me down near her face, her eyes. "Elsa, Rachel.  My name is Elsa." I watched as Elsa's hair glinted long and twisted about her shoulders, she leaned in and said again, softer, "Elsa." 

"You'll save hundreds of Euro, or dollars a night." Rudolf had come back, topping off my wine glass.  "We have food, and friends, and a Jacuzzi." 

"I'm supposed to be touring, to be seeing the world," I said, the wine beginning to really relax me.  

"Oh, you're going to see the world," smiled Elsa.  

It was decided Elsa who didn't drink would drive me down the Swedish Americana in her zippy red car.  The Double D, I thought to myself; not me this time!  The concierge seemed offended, but Elsa appeared equally breezy and so polite it came across as haughty and rude. I giggled in my hand.  We headed back up the hill to their chalet.  

When we returned to the chalet we found the long pine trestle table laid out with bowls of apples, trays of roasted winter vegetables, platters of salmon, and a basket of rye crackers and cheeses.  No one ate or drank to an extreme, leaving everyone satiated, yet alive.  Awake.  The food sobered me up.  

"To adventure!" shouted Rudolf! 

"To adventure!" called everyone back to him.  

Elsa clapped her hands, and the group fell silent.  

"Now let's get ready for ....bed," she said, grinning.   

This seemed to be a signal.  Everyone dispersed to their rooms, peeling off outer clothes on their way.  I seemed to be slow on the uptake, as they disrobed, their doors open.  Some were tidy, carefully folding their shirts and pants, others just threw everything on to their beds.  It seemed only a moment and everyone was naked, except for me.  Elsa, walked up to me her breasts at my eye level as I sat on the couch, and said, “It’s time.  C’mon,” and walked her glorious behind away.  

I knew things were, well, more liberal in Sweden, not like America.  The U.S. was founded by religious fanatics, and to say they were prudes was an understatement.  As for being naked in front of others, I’d tossed off my clothes in girl's locker rooms and the open showers and bedrooms of our dorms, but I never flaunted it.  

I had a feeling I was the ‘new one’, the one they hadn’t seen.  Truly seen.  They were all watching me, trying not to be obvious about it.  I looked around the room, and then slowly began disrobing.  

“Hans,” Elsa shouted out loud, causing me to cover myself.  They all laughed.  “Turn up the heat!”  

I heard then felt the heat coming out of the floor, warming me, warming the room, still I hesitating.   Then I decided, well, fuck it.  I felt like the odd person out with all my clothes on.  I disrobed, casually, as I did it every day.  People didn’t look at me, but they did through the corner of their eyes.  I folded my clothes: I wasn't ready to toss about.  I didn't know these people.  

My body had some scars and nicks from sports and living, but on whole, it wasn’t bad.  Looking around the room at everyone else’s body, well, I’d give myself maybe a B or B plus if we were grading.  Elsa, I’d give an A, A plus.  Rudolf, well Rudolf was like a god, a Swedish god.  His arms, and I was definitely an 'arms and chest' woman, well they looked like they could carry me up a mountain without pausing.  All that climbing and fresh air, I smiled to myself.  

“Come, we wash!”  I thought we’d take turns in that odd shower room, but people were running out the back door, outside.  Outside!  In the freezing cold!  I followed, thinking, how stupid am I to get into this, and then everyone ran down the stairs and jumped into the snow yelping, the men’s penises shriveling up to tiny thumbs, the women’s breasts shrinking, hardening.  The air crisp.  I was alive, that’s for sure.  

“Together!” shouted Elsa, and everyone pulled together in a huddle, our bodies shivering and we inched toward the lower door, laughing hysterically to a back door that led to the showers.  

“Youch!” I exclaimed once we got in.  “That was horrible!” 

“Your skin is burning, yes?” Rudolf asked, rubbing my arms hard.  

“Yes,” I agreed as he passed me a towel off a long heated pole that ran the length of the room.  

I could smell the cedar from the wood, and lemons from the soap I was guessing.  I heard the showers being turned on and saw to my surprise people using the water pic spigots to clean, well, various parts, some of the men and women using them as almost squirt guns, but definitely, definitely getting clean.  Some lingered at the spigot heads, finding pleasure I was thinking.  

I hit the bathroom one last time because the cold just made me pee, then headed back to the showers, and it was mostly emptied out, people wrapping the warm thick towels around them and walking upstairs.  I look around me.  No one was there - I tried one of the water spigots on my, well, 'Vitality'.  

My mother wanted me to know the facts of life, and know them well, so I wouldn't 'make the mistake blah, blah, blah'  I'd heard a million times.  She called a woman's vagina her vitality, and explained about puberty and desire, and that women deserved satisfaction as much as a man, regardless of what I heard or saw on TV.   She wanted me to love my Vitality, which made me giggle like a young girl.  I tested the different jets, testing them, and found one that was wonderfully perfect.  I was able to place it in its cradle, lock it in, and maneuver my body to use it to massage my Vital Core, leaning in and around.  

“Save that for us, Rachel,” Elsa leaned into the door.  I froze, totally ashamed.  She laughed.  “What a foolish country you live in my dear.  We’re waiting for you.  Up in the living room.”

I gathered myself, dried my hair off a bit and rebraided it to make it behave, and headed up.  I realized my clothes were on the far side of the great room.  

As I walked through the living room, there was a silence.  Then Rudolf pulled at my towel, and it fell.  I heard the quiet music with a beat, a steady kind of insinuating drum sound.  

“Ah,” said Elsa. Calling. She came off the couch, her hands and knees on the carpet. 

“Ah,” they all replied.  Except me, because I didn't know. 

She crawled toward me on all fours. 

“Ah," she called again. 

"Ah," they replied.  I looked into her eyes, tried to walk away.  She grabbed my ankle.  I didn't feel danger: I felt excitement and wonder. 

She gently bit that ankle, licking it, pulling my toe into her mouth and sucking on it.  She rolled over on her back. Her breasts gently tilted on either side of her chest.  Her Vitality was a gorgeous color and it called to me, her breasts called to me.   

“Ah,” she said, looking at me. Reaching up, she took my left hand and pulled it slowly, tugged it slowly down.   She brought my head, my lips to hers and slowly kissed me. 

"Ah," I heard behind me, around me.  

A man crawled over near us.  He was slowly stroking his penis, holding it between his thumb on one side, his index and third finger stroking himself, but very slowly, nothing urgent.  

Then he said, 'Ah...', and Elsa, pulling her lips away from me waved him toward us.  He knee-walked a bit closer, so close I could see his dick right near my face, but my mouth was too busy.  I wanted to close my eyes.  

Elsa lifted her lips, and the man, it must have been the man who had been stroking himself, began to kiss me.  I opened my eyes in surprise and saw that Elsa was stroking his dick for him, reaching down and kissing it, licking it, and then stroking again.  I reached out to her, wanting her, wanting to touch.  

The lips left my mouth and Elsa let go of the man and pulled me to her kneeling lap.  She cradled me in her arms, my back leaning against her knees, against her breasts, I turned to try to suckle, to lick.   

She pried open my legs but didn’t touch me There.  No one touched me There.  

The man who began stroking himself, was gently rubbing one of my breasts, touching his dick, massaging his dick around one of my breasts, saying, 'Ah.'

Everyone responded, 'Ahhhhh.'  

"Ahhh," I said.  I couldn’t ... I wasn’t ... myself anymore. 

He took his rubbed stroking dick and rubbed it now around both my breasts.  Then I watched as he arched his back and another person, my eyes kept closing and opening, I think it was a man came up behind him, and had his hand on the dick stroker's back, running a finger down his spine, then put his finger in his mouth and began running it under where I could not see.  

The Stroker picked up his pace.  'Ah-ah-ah,' he said.  

'Ah,' we replied. 

The man behind him took his own cock and started rubbing it around the man’s asshole but I couldn’t see much I could only know.  Imagine inside my closed eyelids. I was limited in my view.  I couldn't see enough.  I wanted to see. 

"Pause," called Elsa, pulling me up from her lap, giving me a gentle bite on my neck.  

"Hans!" she called, loud.  Then she said something in Swedish and I heard behind me the clearing of the trestle table and a fluffing sound, like a bed being made.  

"Carry," said Elsa.  Five men, their dicks in stages of hardness, and length tilted one way or another, gently lifted me up and carried me to the dining table.  It was covered with the thick towels now.  They tucked a rolled towel under my head.  I could see various couples or throuples now, seeing them, watching them.   

I felt a dick probing my armpit that that made me want to laugh but I didn’t, I just considered the feeling.  Another was pressing his dick in between my toes, one set at a time.  But I was waiting for Elsa, and she didn’t fail me.  I thought I'd want Rudolf, I wanted Rudolf, but Elsa was leading me.  I wanted to be led by a woman so I felt safe.  

She stood at the back of the trestle, behind my head.  She rubbed my scalp, undid my braid and kissed my forehead.  She kissed my head my nose my mouth.  Then she dangled each breast, one at a time, into my mouth.  I reached up and felt them, felt their cold-warmness, touched her nipples and brought one to my mouth, sucking. Then I took the other, sucking.  I was soaked.  Soaked.  

“I’m going to finger you, Elsa,” said a man's voice that came from behind Elsa. 

“Ah," she replied.  

"Ah," the group replied.  So I knew she was being fingered while she put her breasts in my mouth.  My eyes closed, but then I forced them open.  This moment would never come again, I was certain.  I looked around me.  I saw a man dropping his dick in another man's mouth while a woman stroked his balls.  I saw a woman leaning over a chair being fucked from behind in a slow pulling out then diving in, prolonging the pleasure for both.  I saw a woman prodding a man's asshole with a dildo and he was forcing himself back into it, pounding it himself.    

"Let us suck her front and, and back,” Elsa called.  Some of the people rose off the rug and came toward me.  

Elsa leaned into me, "Close your eyes now.  Close your eyes," and she kissed my eyes shut. 

I felt, then, tongues and lips, on my ankles, on the side of my thighs.  I was turned over, pulled up so I was on my knees, head down, my ass up, and someone spread my cheeks.  I was shaking.  
Elsa leaned over me.  "Too much?" she said softly.  

I was only able to nod.  I was too aware of the people around me too aware of too much.  

She bent down and kissed me, then lifted her head up and called, "Rudy, Rudy, she needs you.  This is going to take time."  

In my past, there had been boy-men, prodding men, quick men, grabby men.  They never waited for me.  I never faked it.  I just kept waiting for someone to figure it out.  They never did.  That's why, maybe, I was a straight A student, I smirked to myself.  

I looked down the table and Rudy stood there, between my legs looking at me, rubbing my left thigh.  He took his right index and middle finger, licked them and gently, gently placed them inside me. 

Elsa waved the others back.  They were a rubbing mass, a happy mass of people, a blur sort of.  Elsa came over to Rudolf, well Rudy, and stood by him.  

"Suck her until she comes," Elsa said. He turned his head one way, and the other, frowning.  

"You're too high up for me to work," he said analytically like I was a car engine.  

He pointed to the couch where a couple was copulating while a man jerked off, watching beside them.  

Elsa went over to the couch and gently moved everyone onto the shag rug.  

Some people came toward me, ready to carry me again.  I put my hand up, and got up and walked to the couch myself.  

Rudy pulled a pillow down to the floor.  "This may take time," he said and smiled up at me.  

Men never wait, was what I was thinking, then not thinking because my Vitality was being stroked by Rudy, stroked and then fingered, and then his mouth.  He studied my Vitality with his tongue and lips, finding my clitoris, knowing it was sensitive, using two fingers to press upon it and then lifting his head up, and when he stopped I looked down at him.

"Ah?" he asked. 

And using my hands about his head I placed him about me, placed him and moved him and fucked his mouth with my pussy, using his face.  There were those around him, but he was concentrating, he was working, I was his project.  I felt myself lift toward him and a sudden cool gush of an orgasm caused my body to pull up and up and up involuntarily and to sing.  I sang.  

"Ah," some of the others said, involved in their own orgasms, somewhere in their times of peak.  

Elsa was striding about calling, encouraging, sucking, rubbing others, then she called out.  "Hans! Washcloths please!" in a loud voice.  

Hans appeared with a basket, came forward with warm wet washcloths. Some took and some were far gone and didn't take, and I was still alive, still ready.  

"She has many more in her Rudy," Elsa said, inspecting me, touching my breast, sucking on it.  

"Would you like penetration?" she looked at me, then waited.  I looked at Rudy whose hard-on practically tapped his belly button.  I just nodded.  Elsa handed him a condom package which he expertly ripped off the wrapper and peeled on the condom and then... 

"Wait," said Elsa.  "Wait," she said again, looking me in the eyes.  She took her right hand and ran it down my pussy, from the top to the very wet hole, and stuck her fingers in, then out, then in again, then using her wet fingers probed near my netherworlds, which caused me to arch up, to groan.  Then she pulled her hand away, my pussy begging for her fingers again, and spanked Ruby on the ass.  

"She is ready," Elsa said, and stood there, watching me.  

Rudy was gentle, yet he was groaning as well.  There was semi-clear ooze coming out of the top of his dick, which caused me to get wetter.  He played a bit at the entrance of my pussy and then went in, then pulled out for a few seconds, and then entered again, doing this several times, me on the couch, he on his knees on the pillow on the floor.  I held on to the back of the couch and pushed forward, wanting every thrust.  

He was over quickly, with a groan bursting out of his mouth. 

"Ah," many of the crowd replied.  

I had 18 orgasms that night.  Eighteen.  Eighteen. 

Sitting next to me was a man about my age.  He'd aged well, greyed well.  He smiled at me in a frowning "don't I know you" smile.  

"I'm Rachel Downing, CEO of Downing GPS Satellites, you are-" 

"Rudolf, Rudolf Swenson. Sales for Swedish Tech," he said, still frowning a bit, reaching back into his memory.  "Have we met before, do I know you?" 

We were sitting on two small chairs in a huge conference room, our knees almost touching, but not quite.  

"I was… lost in Sweden once.  Back in the day when we relied on maps.  You helped me get unlost," I smiled, widely.  

"Ah," he said, still not remembering I was sure. 

"Ah," I replied a large grin on my face.  


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Mera nam rahul hai . Mai 2nd year undergraduate student hu .Mai apne bare me apko bta du .Mera height 6’feet hai aur mera lund ka size 8’inch lamba aur 3’inch mota hai. Ab mai apko apni padosh wali babita ke bare me btaya hu. Babita ko mai aunty kehta tha.Uske gand bahut bda hai.Uska chuchi bhi bahut bda hai ap dono hath se nahi pakad paoge uska ek beti bhi hai jiska nam kavita hai aur wo bhi bahut sexy hai. Ab mai story pe aata hu winter ka season tha aur mai apne terish pe padh rha tha.Us...

1 year ago
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Culture Shock 1923

Climbing the stairs to her apartment, Elaine was tired but in a good mood. Snippets of her conversations with Leah and Gary had kept her smiling all day. It wasn't until she'd arrived on the landing outside her front door that she was jolted by the memory of her roommate's kiss. What was that about? Elaine wasn't sure, but she thought Kendra had kissed her because of 'stress' and 'high emotion'. Then again, maybe Kendra had always been attracted to Elaine, and her teasing sarcastic manner was a...

2 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 29 Leaving an Impression

Charlie POV: Our whole Family, including my Dad and our neighbors, was now on this yacht that we ‘liberated’ from the mercenaries who’d hijacked it from Matt and Ralph’s Family. Were we too severe in the way we dealt with Rafael’s Nicaraguan Outpost? Every time I think we were, the memory of seeing how brutally nonchalant those mercs were about shooting Matt and Ralph tells me no. We could’ve, should’ve been worse. In some ways we were merciful. This was the first time Dad had been with...

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Darren closed his eyes and rested his head in his hands for the umpteenth time that day. How could he have been so stupid? He’d always been the careful one out of every crowd he’d been involved with. Coming from a dirt poor background, he knew the smallest thing would mar his reputation and he would be screwed for the rest of his life. His whole life, he had been a straight A student. Before graduating high school a month ago, his scholarship at Princeton had already been confirmed. One night...

Gay Male
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Sweet Agony

I bit my lip and whimpered as I waited for the sting. I loved the anticipation. I wanted the sting and the pain. I wanted to feel the burn before the pleasure. He eased himself in slowly. His cock tip stretched me. His hands pulled my ass cheeks apart. He was prepping my hole for his presence. He entered me and I whimpered loudly. I tensed up. I knew that it would be harder if I did, but my body acted in reflex. The pain ripped though me. ‘Shhhhhh.’ he whispered quietly as he rubbed my ass.

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Moving Violation

"Step out of the car please sir" you say in a commanding voice. You are the most beautiful cop I have ever seen. "What's the problem, Officer?" I say as I step out of the car. "Turn around and face the car". I comply and you handcuff me like a real criminal. "Get in the back of my vehicle" you command and I obey again, but now I'm really getting nervous. You get in the front seat and start driving. "What's the charge" I ask, panic in my voice. "Driving while hot" you answer in a cold voice....

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In Love With A 45 Year Old Milf

Hello everyone, so I am Mayank writing another story! Thanks, everyone for your comments and personal emails and chats on hangout! Well, you all know about me. I am a 26 years old married guy from Gurgaon. It has been 2 years of my marriage. Though I have been physically involved with many women, I never developed a single feeling for anyone. This story is about that one time when lust led to falling in love. I have been active on many social sites, and on one such site. I started chatting with...

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En France AnnePierre Chloe or Elodie

I should have kept it to myself.Walking on fallen blossom leaves, the tree-lined boulevard carried the scent of hope. In a brief interlude of sunlight, we basked in the first warmth of spring. Fingers entwined, her expression pensive and doleful, we stopped for a moment under a weathered statue; it must have looked glorious once.I used to enjoy the silences, now it felt awkward. Tugging my hand, she embraced me, her head against my chest. The citrus tone of her perfume evoked last summer, that...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader at the mall pt2

Oh yeah. Look at her, she wants a good fucking,’ the guard said. Tati squirmed under the guard as her body was overwhelmed by the sensations it felt. She had never had sex before — contrary to the talk at school — she was a virgin. She had masturbated many times and had even made herself cum, but nothing as intense as she was feeling now. The sight of what was going on was intensely erotic. The slender, pretty girl, rapidly becoming filthy from the dirty floor, being pumped by the older,...

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Married Woman Being Keep Of Village Sarpanch

My name is Neha, I lost my mother when I was 16 years old and my father married me off when I turned 18 years, so that he could get rid of me and have a step mom to satisfy his gestures; who was a widow. I was married to a farmer who was 10 years old to me. Initially we had a happy married life and this made me forget my loss of my mother. Since I moved out after my wedding my father bought the widow and continued their relationship. All was going well, I thought I had bliss in my life. My...

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Tammy Tammy was delirious with climaxing release. Her voice was now a series of hoarse grunts as the spasms began to swell together in a final, exhausting explosion of pleasure. Her cunt was now overflowing with hot, frothy sperm, squirting out of her pussy lips with each of his thrusts. She felt the sticky fluid ooze down, warming up her asshole and thighs. When he gave a last, grinding pump, she felt her guts press into her lungs, causing her to lose her breath.After a few moments, he pulled...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 8

Introduction: Selena faces new threats and revelations A/N My dear readers! Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me and this story for so long. I sincerely apologise for the wait between this chapter and the previous one, I really have been writing whenever I am able. I doubt any single chapter would be worth a whole year of waiting, but as with everything I write I have poured my soul into Part 8 and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it. As always PLEASE rate, comment and email me! I love...

3 years ago
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A Road Trip With Sheila

Sitting there in the conference room, bored by another mid-level manager trying to impress everyone with his thinly veiled, self-aggrandizing remarks, my mind drifted back to this past weekend. Sheila, my 37 year-old girlfriend, had called me from her office early Friday morning suggesting that we make a long weekend of it. She suggested that we cut out from work early and drive down to Biloxi for a long, fun-filled weekend, calling in sick on Monday. Being newly divorced and having an acute...

4 years ago
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Retro Rookie CopsChapter 8

We couldn't jump into the base at our convenience because of the enormous shield they had in place. They never lowered the transporter shield which covered the whole base, including the manufacturing plant, the living quarters, and the loading docks. The only way in or out was the old fashioned way: by physical movement through a mechanical doorway, or, in this case, an airlock. Our most obvious route into the base was by means of one of the criminal spaceships as it was returning from a...

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Robledo MountainChapter 6

The mules didn’t seem to be laboring with the load, so I figured to make good time going back to the cave. By this time, I didn’t feel threatened between Las Cruces and the cave, but I stopped just out of sight of Las Cruces. I pulled my rifle out of the panier and put it in the seat box with me, just in case. I also made sure I could get to the pistol at my waist easily, before driving on. The trip was a little longer with the mule pulling the wagon but not overly so. As I drove and watched...

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Babysitters Club The Rape Of Mary Ann

The Babysitters Club – The Rape Of Mary AnnBy: The Collector If you have any comments or suggestions about this story, please email me [email protected]    Mary Ann was going through her note book scheduling the other girls to babysit.  A guy called in asking for a babysitter for his baby daughter.   They scheduled Dawn, but the guy asked ?Any way possible I can get Mary Ann? I heard that she is the best out of your group.?   Mary Ann shrugged her shoulders sand said sure.  The next...

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Walk like a Girl

Walk like a Girl By Kathy Smith Steven Stein is an engineer. He works in a huge company building refineries and nuclear power plants. He just got married 9 months ago to Juliette Horowitz. He is very tall, 6'4" but his face was so ugly that even the cats ran away. He is very skinny (he weighs 140 lbs.), his eyes are blue and curly light browns. Juliette is a beauty! She is hot. She have blonde hair (which was about to her breasts) and blue eyes too. She has a gorgeous...

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Crotch Rocket Competition

Al and Stephanie looked like they belonged at the bike week celebration. Both were wearing tank tops; Al's showed off a powerful set of arms and a barrel chest. There was nothing barrel like about Stephanie's chest. She was blessed with an immensely huge set of knockers. Stephanie was a natural blonde wearing sunglasses. Al's arm was thrown around her shoulder. Like many of the men present at bike week, his head was shaved and he had a goatee. He also had an iron cross tattooed on one arm....

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Cathy and Rachel

We notice her right away, as she walks into the bar. She’s tall and voluptuous, all of the curves in the right places. She’s dressed in a business suit, with jacket opened to a lacy camisole. Cleavage to die for. Heels. Brunette, with brown eyes and long lashes. The line was simple, honest. I smile, and said, ‘Hi, would you like to join us?’ We both flirt with her shamelessly. I ask her to dance, and hold her hand as we walk to the dance floor. While dancing close, I make it obvious how...

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My first time gay anal

Note: ——I am NOT the author!I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereGay StoryIt was thursday Night and I got off of work at 6pm, I was not ready to go home just yet. I was In NewYork that day We had to go to this long boring seminar, My job makes us go every year.So I was in NewYork city that day and was off work and going to a bar. I walked in to this bar it was nice. I asked the bartender for a beer and took a seatI was just done with my forth...

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I see thats not all that improved as her hand goes down my boxers and to my surprise my cock stands at nine and a half inches (i measured later) mom giggles and walks away. Next step is to find a mate wait what you heard me me and your mom have been together far longer than i like to admit and we met at a party right after our risin so go have fun. But know this the spells at the party are designed to pull people together who have traits that work well together. Just know if u feel a...

2 years ago
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Bill Slut2

I was just thinking of the time my wife and i were at Brighton for a holiday,we went out to a local pub, the twist is she had me dressed in black stockings, suspender belt and g string under my jeans, she did not let me wear socks and had me wearing a hint of mascara.When we went into the pub i was told to sit on a barstool at the bar with her, this of course raised my jeans up so that anyone looking could see i was wearing stockings, we had a few drinks but the pub was quite empty apart from a...

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Cock on the Train

Cock on the TrainI took a train to work all the time, every day. I loved riding the train. It was inexpensive, not nearly as bad as driving to work and fighting traffic and the wear and what have you on your nerves, the car, and all that.I also discovered a few things about the people who took the train. I also discovered the best way to flash people on the train.I had to drive to work on weekends, but, I got up every Monday and Tuesday, my days off, just to ride the train around to town and...

4 years ago
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Seduced into First Anal

I was feeling horny which means I wanted to suck a nice juicy cock. I posted an add on Craigslist and after a few emails I was on my way to Bob"s apartment. When he opened the door I realized I hit the jack pot. Bob was a good looking man and like me, was divorced. He was in a Tshirt and shirts and from the looks of things not much more. He led me into the bedroom where we got naked really fast. He approved of my hairy body and as he walked over to me I could feel my heart race. He...

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First love

I met Denise during my first year of college at the Homecoming dance. She is a junior who is on the swim team and editor of the school paper. She wore a gray plaid skirt, white long sleeve shirt with a burgundy bow. At five feet four inches tall with shoulder length blond hair, she looked stunning. I walked over, introduced myself and asked her if she would like to dance. Taking my hand, she led me onto the dance floor as the music switched to a slow number. Pressing herself tightly against me,...

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Joys of AccountingChapter 21

When a woman answered, she almost hung up. "Uh h, Is Paul there?" "Who's calling please?" "Ah, I'm Nancy, Paul and I met last week." Then the standard off phone noises, "Paul telephone!"pause..."someone called Nancy" "Thank's mom" { ... mom ... cradle robber ... oh Jesus ... well I'm not dating her... } "Hi, Nancy, took me a minute, how you doing?" "Fine, I just called to say hello, see how you were." "I don't know who gave you my number, but that' OK. What can I...

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RebelChapter 81 Three Sisters

The wagon came into camp with a slight, blonde girl driving and a tall, lean man sitting beside her. They found a level place and stretched out an awning from the side of their rig. A small pianoforte appeared along with two more young women, one seemingly a good bit older than the other. The man announced himself as a preacher, said we were in for a revival and invited one and all to attend the afternoon session. Since most of us had little to do and any entertainment or distraction is...

4 years ago
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Lashes Chapter 18

Chapter eighteen I've been asked to attend the Golden Globes but not as someone's date. I guess I'm no longer considered arm candy, so Sofia would be my escort. Poor girl wasn't happy when I explained that she would have to wear a designer dress, heels and have a makeover. Yup, she wasn't happy camper. "How can you ask me to do something so against my beliefs," she whined. "Sofia, it's fun and you're going to look so pretty, and I have to go, and you're my bodyguard, so you might...

2 years ago
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Couple Ke Sath Masti Indore To Chandigarh By Flight 8211 Part 2

Hello friends again mai ronit sharma indore se bahut maine pahali story mai bataya tha aapko kaise chandigarh k eek cpl ke sath threesome ki. Usne mera pura lund chat chat kar saaf kar diya aur mughe chum kar boli tks ronit aaj bahut maja aaya tumari chudai mai aur ham thodi der ese hi pade rahe wo pade pade mere lund se khel rahi thi tab hi thodi der mai mera lund fir khada ho gaya to uska husband bola wow ronit fir tyar ho gaya tumara to aab kya karne ka irada hai to maine kaha irada to ab ek...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Slut Couple George and ShawnaChapter 3

That night he had dinner at Carol's and then they rolled around on her bed until it was time for him to leave. Carol was an insatiable little slut and she kept getting him up to go one more time. She loved it all. She especially loved oral and she told him that she even liked anal but that would have to wait until another night because she was all out of Astroglide. Over dinner he had told her about his schedule and she asked if he planned on spending those days with her and he told her...

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Taking the Class Part 4Chapter 15 Monday Morning 614AM

Alaina felt relaxed. She floated on an ocean of serenity, holding onto a soft, warm raft made of pure contentment. A calm smile was already on her face, and her eyes were closed for the moment. A fluffy cloud brushed against her, and she snuggled against it, feeling even more comfortable. She sighed happily. Then the beeping started. She grumbled sleepily, trying to reach for the alarm clock on the nightstand next to her bed, but her hands were pressed up against a soft, warm patch of...

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HY ARE MUST WRITE YOUR STEP FATHER Look at you now!An emasculated, sissy faggot locked in pantyhose everyday and night, made up like a pretty girl, dressed in black seamed stockings,and spiked high heels, laying prostrate and helpless before one of your friends, your wife’s lover, as he pumps your mouth full of his residual cum after he has fucked her to delirium!You thought, when you tried on your first pair of stockings and pantyhose, that it was just an innocent curiosity. You kept doing it,...

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Home Helping Hands

“Hey Andy, what about this one!” John threw the paper to Andy who was slumped on the sofa watching daytime TV. “What am I looking at?” “The wanted ads – somebody wants a home help” Andy sighed. “Oh great – basically a cleaner. That’s not gonna go far to getting a deposit for my own place, is it?” “No – look at the ad. It says the job is 7 days a week, so there is live-in accommodation. You get a job, money and a roof over your head. Perfect!” “I don’t know. Sounds kind of weird. I mean, who...

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Jeremy saw himself as the personification of elegance. He was always attired in a monochromatic fashion, sticking mainly to black and shades of grey with the odd touch of white, here and there. He was slim, very slim, and watched his weight meticulously. Standing five feet eight inches tall, he weighed one hundred and thirty pounds. He wasn’t exactly skeletal, but his weight was twenty pounds under what it should have been. Jeremy was a pretty boy and could afford to be picky, and ‘picky’ he...

Gay Male
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Two Virgin Sister 8211 Part III

Please read the part I and II first: I have seen the upper body of both and you seem to have boobs that are like mirror images of each other,both of you have lovely pair of boobs, now the only way to decide is to physically check them’ Bhumika: sir then how are we going to do that.Me: I have a fool proof test, if both of you don’t have any problem with that.Bharti : please tell sir we will definitely go for it Me : I will take your boobs in mouth and then use my tongue to judge that whose...

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LightningChapter 9

She went home to call Greg. "I went to the hospital to see Madeline. She was very helpful and she is one of your real fans." She sighed audibly. "I felt much better after talking to her. She is a gold mine of information." "She is a princess. What she says she will do, she does. That's so rare in volunteers. Everyone wants her for committee work. She adopted me when my wife left." Before she thought, she blurted emotionally, "Why did she leave you?" After a long silence on the...

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Ana claiming for some holidays

Ana claiming for some holidaysIn mid September I convinced Ana we could take a free week and go to some nice place in the Caribbean waters. She was delighted, but then she told me that her boss would say NO as usual.Then I told her I could go with her and see whatever we could do. My sweet wife entered her boss office and found him sitting in his desk, another man besides him.Her boss was named James, a bald young man, always seemed disgusted with himself and of course, with everybody around...

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A Trip To The Colonies Chapter 3

Ace drove the SUV to the base and headed straight to the Officer’s Club parking area, fond a place not too distant from the entrance and parked.   He normally would have driven his classic Jaguar XKE, but with Mary joining the group, the ‘two seater’ just wouldn’t do tonight.   Besides, if the club wasn’t active enough, he and Nicole could slip out to the parking lot and fool around, something they both got off on regularly, the thrill of being in public one would guess.   They walked the...

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Lizs introduction to Cheryl Masters way

When Jeff called me and told me him and his wife Cheryl would be in town this evening through Friday because he had business meetings, I insisted they stay with me. I hadn’t seen them in over a year when Jeff’s company transferred him out of the state. After trying to argue, Jeff finally agreed to stay at my house. I was excited to see them and catch up and really wanted them to meet Liz. I knew Cheryl would love her. Cheryl was always the life of the party, flirted heavily but we all knew how...

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Mrs SwansonChapter 5

Tension! She could feel the tension; there were times when she just wasn’t sure that she was going to do this but there was no time, she admitted to herself, when she didn’t want to do this. She was alone and didn’t expect Ned any time soon, maybe hours. She paced as she waited for him. Causing herself problems and asking herself questions. Only now the focus was different; she was hoping that he was pleased, that she did please him. It had changed with her admissions at the theater. The...

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Ding...Dong....Ding...dong.... Freaking shit.... I quickly hid the bottles and smoke and rushed to open the door... OMG......!!!!!!!!! Was it some kind of a miracle....??? Standing in front of me was PRANALI-my mami's((maternal aunt's)) younger sister She was wearing a simple cream colour saree the colour just as same as her skin and a cream-golden coloured semi-half sleeve blouse and just earings as her jewellery... wheatish complextion more on the fair said,her hair where...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 26 The Families Story 09 We Are Family

November – Year 4 “STILL in the hospital? How?” I was stunned. “I’ll tell you when we get home. It is going to upset you and I don’t want you to crash the van. Trust me lover.” Lynn placed her hand on my arm. MY best friend, my best man, the man who helped me be sure that Lynn was safe when she was blackmailed. Bosco was in the hospital. How long? She said ‘still’. I drove safely, but my mind was all over the place. I followed Lynn’s directions and soon realized that I was not driving to...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 5 Earth Changes

Prediction and Concern turns to Reality: It was a comfortable sunny fall day near the beginning of September 2018 around 10:00 AM when the entire west coast of the United States dropped two feet. It was estimated that nearly ten million electrical transformers were no longer attached to power poles. Power west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon and the Sierra Mountain Range in California was almost non-existent. The phone service was spotty at best. The one thing it did trigger was the...

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Bully Love

Bully Love By Cheryl Lynn This story was inspired by the art of Artzboy00 and a work of forced feminization. Her great art may be viewed at This story may be downloaded for personal use and any other use strictly forbidden unless approved by the author. This story contains forced sexual content and rape. You have been warned. Standard disclaimers apply and comments welcome at [email protected]. Bully Love High school is supposed to be the best years...

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Me and my sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! Last night, my 18 yo sister asked me if i wanted to watch a DVD with her in her room. So i went up with her, we both layed on her bed and put the film on. Well, about 40 minutes later, she was asleep and snoring. I carried on watching the film trying not to disturb her. Then i turned the volume on the TV down. I tapped her arm a few times to check she would not wake up, then i gently touched the tip of her tit through her clothes (a low top only...

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GrandmotherInLaw is a real Slut

PART TWOI guess what they say about life being stranger than fiction is true.My wife hung up the telephone and informed me her Grandmother had made arrangements to fly out from the Midwest a few weeks before Thanksgiving. It seems all she could talk about was how much she had enjoyed her last visit and really wanted to see us all again. Gramma also mentioned our weather here would be a nice change from the cold and snow they were having.My wife said "Gramma said she may leave her return date on...

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