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"I step off the train. I'm walkin' down your street again and past your door but you don't live there anymore." "It's years since you've been there. And now you've disappeared somewhere." "Like outer space you've found some better place."

"And I miss you. Like the deserts miss the rain."

God, I hate that fucking song but it won't stop playing through my mind over and over again. Maybe it's because it's the theme song to my life. It tells in minute detail how I screwed up what could have been perfect. And the sadness of the music behind it describes, in a way, my regret. Yeah sure, that peppy little dance track behind the vocals and guitar does sound kind of happy, but you have to really listen to understand just how fucking hopeless the whole thing is.

My name is Jenna Sampson. I'm tall and slender. I have the kind of figure that looks good in a bikini. I have long thin legs and long fluffy blond hair. I'm a waitress at a midscale restaurant downtown. I also live downtown so I'm close to the job.

I have to take two subway trains to get here. This used to be the area where I went to college a few years ago so I know it well. It's changed lately though. More and more of these old houses are being bought by YUPPIES and restored. Some of them are beautiful, and even better than they were before. Others, I could do without.

There's one house in particular that I make the long trip out here to see. I once spent a lot of time there. So far it hasn't been redone and I'm kind of hoping it won't be. Seeing that house redone by some upwardly mobile couple would break the links to the most wonderful time in my memory.

It was five years ago. I was only twenty years old and in my second year of college. I was still in that awkward, gawky stage. I was taller than most of the men and boys in most of my classes and that intimidated a lot of them. I had huge glasses and long lifeless hair. I still hadn't shed the braces over my teeth yet either. And I dressed like a cross between a Goth and the carefree Bohemians of the seventies. In other words, even the guys in prison wouldn't screw me.

College is different from high school, but only on the surface. There are still cliques of popular kids and outsiders. I was definitely on the outside. I was that nerdy looking girl who walked quickly from one class to the next with her head down and her arms full of books.

Along came Daniel Benson and my life changed forever. Meeting Dan was like getting struck by lightning. I was heading for my dorm after leaving the library and I guess neither one of us was paying attention to where we were going. We crashed into each other and my term paper went flying all over everywhere.

He helped me gather the pages that I'd so carefully hand written and get them back into order but they were all wet and ruined. I almost started crying. He was very apologetic even though, technically, we were both at fault. He invited me over to his house to redo the paper. He had a nice computer and a printer and told me we could have the paper redone in a couple of hours.

"We could also do it tomorrow, if you have a date or something," he said.

"Tonight is okay," I said. We bonded over doing my paper and I had my first ever beer. As we'd read through the paper and started to re-type it, Danny pointed out lots of things that were wrong with my paper. He improved my sentence structure, my use of punctuation and my word choices. He also pointed out several flawed or downright incorrect conclusions. In short, he made my paper much better than it had been.

That night was only the first of many we would spend together. When the school year ended, I decided to stay in town and I spent a lot of that time in Danny's townhouse. The house he lived in had belonged to a maternal aunt of his. Part of the reason he'd picked our university was the fact the aunt had left him the house when she died and living there would cut his expenses.

Over the course of a year or so, Danny and I fell in love. I never actually moved in with him. Technically and for my parent's sake, I still lived in the dorms, but I spent the majority of my time including most of the nights in Danny's townhouse. I loved him so much that I wanted to do anything I could to please him. And Danny was the first man to ever tell me that he loved me.

The first time he said it, my smile lasted for days. I just knew we'd be together forever. My introduction to the ways of the flesh was an event. Even after I told him I was ready, Danny took his time. He asked me several times if I was sure. He told me that it was a very special gift and it was one that I could only give once.

Even when I assured him that he WAS the one, he planned it out. We went out to see a show that I'd been dying to see and then had dinner in a restaurant that neither of us could afford. When we got home or back to his house, he fumbled getting the door open. His key wouldn't fit. He left me standing there on the long veranda porch that we'd spent so many nights on and he went around the back. I never did figure out until years later that he hadn't actually fumbled at all. I heard someone running around in the house and a few moments later Danny came back to me. He pushed his key smoothly into the lock and the door opened like it was new.

When we got inside, he asked me if I was ready. I was about to burst from lust for him and just a little afraid, but I nodded my head. I wanted him badly and I knew that he'd never hurt me.

We went into the bedroom and I almost cried. There were flower petals all over the floor and a path made of them that led to the bed. There were hundreds of lit scented candles all over the room.

It was the most romantic thing I'd ever seen and I have still never seen anything to equal it, to this day. He spent a lot of time and imagination trying to make my first time special and it really was. Sex between Danny and I was always wonderful. It was never hurried and he always spent a lot of time making sure that I enjoyed it. I just couldn't believe that he saw something that special in me. No one else seemed to.

When my braces came off, he praised my smile. That made me want to impress him even more with the way I looked.

Danny was the first man to ever say anything positive about the way I looked. He thought I was beautiful and told me often. My giant glasses gave way to contacts. A friend took me to a salon to get my hair done for the first time in my adult life and suddenly I was pretty.

I had lots of guys take notice of me that whole summer which built up my confidence. When we returned to classes in the fall, I dressed better and I guess I acted differently. I went from geek to chic over the course of a summer. Suddenly, everyone wanted to invite me to go to parties and everywhere else.

I guess I let the sudden rush of popularity go to my head. I started spending less and less time with Danny. Those wonderful days of fun filled frolics on the beach gave way to nights in clubs with the popular girls and boys. Danny couldn't make time for things like that because he had to study. And he probably wouldn't have fit in anyway. Most of my new friends were wealthy or at least their parents were.

The girls dressed in clothing I could never afford. The guys always acted like everything they saw should belong to them. There were a few who wanted to spend time away from the crowd with me and I did a few times. I figured that it couldn't hurt anything. It wasn't like I was dating someone else, we were just hanging out. Everyone in the school knew that Danny and I were an item. Danny would be glad for me to be happy even if he was busy studying or working.

As time went on, I did more and more of those little get-togethers and spent even more time away from Danny. I'd also started drinking more. After one of those parties, I woke up in someone else's bed with a headache that wouldn't quit. I could tell that someone had sex with me but I didn't remember it.

After that, things changed. The stories went around throughout my new friends that I was available. The next time that I had sex with one of them, I remembered it well. It was awful. Not only did I feel guilty because I'd betrayed Danny but because the guy, Chris Menzies, treated me like a whore. He just pushed me down on the bed, pulled up my skirt and fucked me. He wouldn't take no for an answer and when I told him to stop, he just laughed.

"I'm bored," he said. "I have to do something to amuse myself. So I'll fuck the poor girl. Besides you've already done it before. After the party last week, at least three of us fucked you while you were drunk. You wouldn't want that boyfriend of yours to find out would you? Now shut up and bend over."

"You wouldn't do that would you?" I asked. "We're friends."

"Honey, I'd do it for shits and giggles," he said. "Just seeing the misery it would put you through would be funny as hell and give me something to do. Please don't tell me you're stupid enough to believe all of this bullshit."

"What bullshit?" I asked.

"Every year the girls pick some charity case to hang out with. It improves our image and makes the rest of the campus think that we're not spoiled little rich kids. Last year it was that boy from Somalia. He was a good one because not only did he let everyone know that we aren't snobs, it made them think that we're not racists either. Some of the girls we hang out with really liked fucking him. I think a big part of it for them was that their parents would probably disown them if they ever found out. Unfortunately, he was killed when he went home, so we need another poor person to hang out with."

"That's fucking sick," I said. "You guys picked some poor exchange student to secretly humiliate."

"Not always," he smirked. "This year we got you. And I'm starting to get bored with you already. I have no idea how it's possible but you fuck better passed out drunk than you do when you're awake." He started slamming his dick into me so hard that it hurt, while I just lay there with tears running down my cheeks.

"God damn it," he hissed. "Stop that fucking whining and move. Say something for Christ's sake. After the party, you were begging every guy that stuck his dick into you to fuck you. Of course, you kept calling all of them Danny, but it was good. If you don't get better in the next few minutes, I'll have to go and find Danny and tell him." I started moving my hips hoping it would satisfy him and get it over with faster.

"Please don't tell Danny about the party or this," I whined. "I'll do anything you want. Just don't..."

"He already knows," said Danny from the doorway. Chris and I both turned at the same time. Chris didn't even stop fucking me. I tried to get away but he held me down. Danny just turned and walked away. By the time I got away from Chris, he was gone. I'd run out into the hallway of my dorm room naked and a lot of people were looking at me and whistling.

Danny was already out of the building. As I went back to my room, I found a huge bouquet of flowers and a card that he must have dropped. "Sorry I've been spending so much time studying. I've got a great job lined up. We're probably going to be rich. I love you."

It was signed "Danny."

Chris snatched the card out of my hand and read it and burst out laughing. He dressed and left still laughing, while I sat on my bed and bawled my eyes out.

I tried calling Danny all night. He wouldn't pick up the phone. I tried his cell phone as well. I left him literally hundreds of messages. The next morning I skipped class and went over to his house. His car was in the driveway but no one answered the door.

The lady across the street from him told me that he'd gone to class. He'd ridden his bike, he ... we did that sometimes. I told her I'd wait for him. While she was talking to me, a police car pulled up. The officers told me that someone had called to complain about me loitering on the property. I explained the situation to the officers and they told me that I'd have to come back later. I couldn't just hang around Danny's house. If I had a key I could go inside and wait for him but loitering would get me a fine.

I tried the key Danny had given me and it didn't work. The lady from across the street told me that he'd had a locksmith out to change the locks the previous evening.

Over the next few days I tried constantly to catch Danny, to no avail. I couldn't catch him at home although I was sure that several of the times that I visited him he was home. He wouldn't accept my phone calls or texts. And I also couldn't catch him at class. It was as if anytime I went to one of his classes, he'd either not show up or slip out of the room before I could catch him. Once I did catch him and he stayed after class to speak to his professor.

I waited knowing that as soon as he was done with his questions I'd catch him. Danny ended up leaving the class with the professor and going to the prof's office with him. The professor was allowed to use the staff elevator and he took Danny on the elevator with him. I had to take the stairs. I'd gone up to the office and parked myself on a bench outside of the room, I was sure that this time I'd caught him. I waited outside of that office for an hour and a half only to find out that the professor came out alone. Danny had asked his supposed question on the elevator and taken the back stairs out of the building while I was running up the stairs to the office.

That went on for a few weeks. Over that time, it actually got out what had happened. A lot of the students and staff at the college seemed to enjoy helping Danny avoid me. All of my new friends wanted to avoid me too. They treated me like I was carrying the plague. Because of me, it got out that they really were assholes and no one wanted to have anything to do with them. It's really tough to be popular when everyone hates your guts.

People all over campus went out of their way to help Danny avoid me. I think a lot of them thought that I wanted to hurt him more by rubbing what I did in his face, but that wasn't it at all. What I really wanted was for him to forgive me and take me back.

The longer I stayed separated from Danny, the worse it got. My symptoms actually started to manifest themselves in physical way, or so I thought. Besides the depression and the realization that I had FUBARed my life, I started running a slight fever and I was sick most mornings. I went to the doctor and discovered that it wasn't the separation from Danny, I was pregnant. When my doctor and I went over my time line I realized in horror that the baby wasn't Danny's and my life went into a toilet.

It was very difficult for me to contact Chris because he didn't want to have anything to do with me. I had to speak to my parent's and get a lawyer from the legal aid association to contact Chris and force him to give up the names of the other men at the party that I'd had sex with. Chris was all too willing to rat out his friends in the desperate hope that one of them was the father of my child. All of the men lawyered up and refused to offer me any type of aid or help until the baby was born and a DNA test proved their responsibility.

I clung wildly to one hope, even though the math wasn't with me. I got a phone call late one evening from Danny. And it started my heart to fluttering.

"Is there the possibility that I might be the father?" he asked. It was weird. There was no preamble. He just got right to the point.

"Wow, hello, Jenna. How are you? It's been a long time since we've spoken. I've missed you. We really should get together," I said.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Those are all of the things you should have said before just asking me if it was you who got me pregnant," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because that would be the polite thing to do," I said. "I haven't seen you in nearly two months. You don't call. You don't write. Whatever happened to Jenna, I love you?"

"That was all erased when I caught you screwing that guy and heard about the others," he said tersely.

"Danny that was all a mistake. You need to let me explain what was going on. They just used me," I said.

"Jenna, you don't need to explain anything. You're a full grown woman. You can make your own choices. I didn't own you. I loved you. I just wanted to find out if it was possible that I was the father of your child. If I am, I'll do the right thing," he said.

"Danny, what is the right thing?" I asked.

"Help take care of you during your pregnancy. Help you out financially and be in my child's life," he said.

"Danny, a child needs to have a good home life. One parent living with it and another absentee parent isn't the best possible situation," I told him.

"Then, I'll marry you," he said. I started crying right then and there. It was what I wanted more than anything. It was what was supposed to happen.

"Danny, it can't possibly be your baby. You and I hadn't had sex in over three weeks when I supposedly conceived. It has to be either Chris or one of the guys at the party. I love you too much to lie to you. If we're going to be together, I want us to be honest with each other. We love each other and I know that we can get past..."

"Have a nice life, Jenna," he said interrupting my flow. Then all I heard was the dial tone. A small part of my heart died that day. I have never seen or heard from Danny since then. I've spent many a restless night wondering about him and where he was or what he was doing.

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Things Girls Always Notice on a Date

Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes. And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date! Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what...

3 years ago
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Succulent Desires Chapter 8

When she came back into the bedroom, she found Missa lying on her pillow.   Smiling, Alice reached for the lotion and handed it to Missa.   Now, put lotion everywhere on me first, and then I will put some on you.   Missa obeyed and began rubbing Alice down from neck to toes, front to back with lotion, making sure it absorbed completely.   If she put too much on in one spot, Missa would rub a part of her body against Alice so her skin would absorb the extra lotion.   When this happened, both...

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Avianas Permanent Sex Enslavement

A woman named Aviana is walking home from work, she had to do a late shift and was really happy that she can finally go home. As she was walking, she was thinking about taking a nice hot shower and then just relax afterwards. Just thinking about a hot shower made her walk home faster. She made it to her house in record time. She hastily unlocked her front door, went in, locked it and went straight to her bedroom. She opened her dresser and grabbed her blue lingerie sleep wear and went...

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There is no ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign hanging on the door of your hotel room, so I knock – not too hard – and when you call out ‘Yes?’, I reply ‘It’s the chambermaid’, and you tell me to come in. I am a little tentative about this, because I am still quite new at this job – I am only a couple months over sixteen years of age, working in this smart hotel in my seaside home town as a vacation job in the school summer holidays. The law is you have to be over sixteen for this sort of employment...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 30

Dawn crept in through the curtain, as Marcus watched the winter moon disappear from sight beyond the limited horizon the window offered. The hard surface of the wall against his back kept him in the bed, and the soft surface of Shawna's back pressed against his chest kept him hard. Sleep had been quick to come the previous night but fast to finish, though he didn't feel tired. The sheer wonder of the previous evening fuelled him through the long dark hours of the early morning as he lay,...

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Nick Watches Jenny

Since my wife, Jenny, confessed to me about her cravings and the urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have heightened. It is strangely hot to have her retell the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair-skinned 55-year-old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 333

130,140 views all-time plus of course 83027 at sol By the time I set foot inside the Downtown house again, I had been gone two and a half days. It was right after 2PM on a Thursday when I entered my home which I converted from a finance company building. I intentionally left the smarter than smart phone unanswered while I had been gone. Whatever mundane shit awaited me, I decided to let it lay till I got back. I had to be Maxine the super spy for two days. I would just be damned, if I was...

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Forced Group Fuck

Hi friends am Vithu,22yrs,white,slim,slight girlish look I am a fan of ISS and now I decided to share my experience with you. I am from Thiruvalla, Kerala.This occur when am 19.even though I have some little experience in gay sex I don’t experience fucking. I was staying in hostel and as the college was going to close within 1 week I decided to go back to my home on the way I decided to watch a movie so I entered the theater. To my surprise there was only 3 guys that too very old for the que...

Gay Male
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My Dear Rebecca

Rebecca was her name, a very pretty girl. Slim and well fit; perfect curves, tits that really can attract most boys. And the lust in her eyes told me, she wants me. So one day, as a normal day at school came to an end. She brought me back to her house. We jumped off the bus together and made our way. We arrive at her house and She says, "Wait a minute." She opens her front door and enters the house. She comes back and tells me. "All clear." I take her hand while smiling. She...

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Utopia for One Chapter 1

He stood 2metres tall and had an easy smile. He was dressed in a pair of navy shorts that showed off the large but shapely legs of a fit man, a polo shirt that obviously strained to contain a large chest, well worked pecs but was untroubled by a narrow waist where it tucked into the shorts. There was not a hetro or bisexual women or a homo or bisexual man who was not instantly attracted to him. He had charisma to burn. He was blessed with the wisdom of a 60 year old, the body of an...

2 years ago
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aunty ko blackmail kerke chodaaa

Hi friends i m fr SURAT my emaill address is [] ab tak mene kafi story ko read kiya hai & ab me apni sachi kahani batane ja raha hun mene yeh stiry pahle b likhi per sayad kissi ko samaj me naa aaye isliye fir likh rahha hun so frnd read it… Hum apne new ghar per shift hue the ki hamre baju me mere papa k khas dost ka beta & uski family rehti thi. Anup ,anu & uska 1yrs ka child neal. Tha hamri achi jaan pahecha k karan humara realtion kafi accha ho gaya tha me anu ko aunty kehta to wo kehti ki...

1 year ago
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Club Church Chapter 2

I went down the stairs to the bar and had another beer. What a great place this turned out to be and I had only been here about an hour.As I was sitting on the bar stool, I watched as guys went behind this large dark curtain at the end of the room. Some of the guys were at floor level and others went up a short set of steps. My curiosity was piqued and my balls and crotch tingled with excitement.I watched for a while as I finished my beer. Finally, I decided to look behind "Curtain Number 1" to...

3 years ago
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MagnifChapter 6

The most populous races on Magnif, beyond the Earthers, came from a home world that was mostly an arid desert. They were called the Reds mainly because of their reddish skin color. The Reds took no offense to the moniker. The actual name of their race was unpronounceable to Earthers but the first part sounded like "red" so it became their name. Beyond their red skin, they had dark thin hair and dark eyes with a secondary eye lid to block out sun glare. Now after generations of interbreeding...

1 year ago
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My wife her Mum and me 2

So Kath, my wife, was just about to go to her mother's when she turned to me and said,“Are you sure?”I just nodded and told her to just play it softly.(See part 1 for the background)This then is roughly what happened;Kath arrived at her Mum's and they just sat and had coffee and caught up on what was going on. During this time Kath acted troubled and it wasn't long before her Mum asked her if she was okay.Kath told her she was fine but made it obvious she wasn't.“Come on Kath, what is it,...

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Tararsquos Breeding

Tara Bridges opened the door to her new apartment and breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally," she thought, "Time to relax..."The room had the scent of freshness about it, a nice change from the heavier, musty smell of her old apartment. Tara held a cardboard box with all her more intimate belongings – the kinds of things she wouldn't want the movers to find if they 'accidently' took a peek inside the box labeled "PERSONAL" with large black marker."That'd give them too much of a thrill," Tara...

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Maxines New Life Ch 10

Lit 10- Chapter 41 In the parking lot of the Senior Towers Gus said, ‘So you coming up or not?’ ‘Gus, I am flattered, but I just met you,’ I answered. ‘If you can’t trust an old Marine, who can you trust?’ he asked with a charming smile. ‘Okay, but I reserve the right to leave at any time.’ ‘Fair enough. At least you can relax nobody will have any idea where to look for you.’ he said. ‘Well this van stands out like a Siamese cat at a dog show,’ I commented. ‘Ah but there are over two...

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Muslim Slut and her Driving Instructor

Humdia got into the Toyota Corlla, with her head wrap tighlty around her head. Her hair was dishevled as usual, and her pretty face was slightly covered with acne. Her driving Insructor, for 3 weeks now, looked down at his clipboard and filled out the paper work, not looking at the girl. She knew she was safe with him; he would never try anything on her. She was a young Muslim girl in America and her parents signed her up for driving classes with this young american man, but she knew that he...

2 years ago
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A Little Bit of Sweet Danish

“Not me,” said Katie. “I’m up for a bit of cock action with Troy. He’s been as horny as hell lately! I tell you I feel like a fuck toy with my boyfriend, not that I’m complaining, ha ha!” I smiled at Katie’s lack of discretion when it came to her sex life…as per usual for her, I thought. Maria, our beautiful Danish waitress, looked troubled. She was often left alone for weeks at a time while her partner, David, flew for a large commercial airline. “What about you, Maria?” Katie asked....

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The Night Bus Journey With A Horny MILF 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone! This is Neeraj. This story picks up right from where I had left off the previous part. I stay in Bangalore. This is a multi-part story, so stay tuned for the final part. * * * RECAP: I was travelling to Bombay from Bangalore via bus and in the journey, I found Riya, a hot milf. We shared a smoke while the bus had stopped for its dinner stoppage. Things picked up from there and we ended up making out there. Then we went in the bus and as the journey progressed so did our sexual...

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Skin Deep III Chapter 4 The Daughter The Book and The Mother

Chapter 4 The Daughter, The Book And The Mother The Daughter Inside, there had been a brief and tearful reunion between Arron and his parents. After which Randy and Arron had a somewhat lengthy and heated conversation about Arron's siblings and how they had not felt obliged to join the family for Erin's passing but how they had responded to the news their father had proposed the possibility of remaining in The States afterward. For Beth's benefit, this argument took place out...

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sunbathing sex orgy

I remember the time when we are at our home sat outside for sunbathing. I am in sexy attire, very seductive like two piece, you in shorts. At first we talk, laugh and cuddle and then you remember that you have forgotten to shut-off the switch of the television so you ask me to leave for the main time. Then I told you since you go back inside to bring some lotion for us to use for sunbathe because i forgot to bring it.Then you said yes baby don't worry. I stand up from where i sit, feel relax,...

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Turn the Page in the Interest of National Security

In the interest of National Security: conclusion The pre-dawn silence was shattered with the sound of the gigantic warehouse doors opening. Almost before the doors were fully open, the driver piloted his large truck through them. The driver, Corporal Timothy Dennings was just about to shift into a higher gear and floor it, when suddenly a figure appeared before his truck. Dennings rolled down his window as the figure stepped over to the driver's side. "Get your ass out of that...

3 years ago
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iCarly iStartLife chapter 8

"I had to come and see you Carly." Adam told her. "After seeing you on TV last night, I just had to come and see you." He walked in, uninvited."Adam. I have a date tonight and he is going to be here any second. You have to leave.""I came all the way down here to tell you something, so please let me tell you and then I will go." Adam pleaded.Carly crossed her arms against her chest. "Hurry up.""Listen Carly, I am so sorry for breaking up with you. I never should have done it. It's just you were...

1 year ago
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Part 3 Country Western FUN in Vegas Friday mor

Billy, me & his manager Roy carried Angel into a shower & held her up while we showered her off & she came to. Then we allowed her to use the toilet before we gave her a good douche & enema for today to clean her out better.During this time Billy had also called down & ordered fried eggs, bacon & pancakes for our breakfast. Angel was just walking out to the main room when room service knocked on the door. Billy told her to answer it & let the waiter in. Even though...

4 years ago
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Consensual Sex With Senior Girl

I’ve spent a large amount of time reading stories on this site, finally thought to put up one of mine too. This would not be your quick story, so read ahead expecting the same, it has the background and the story slowly built up. This being my first story, I would welcome and appreciate all your reviews and advices via email on . The incident in this story is absolutely true and I would withhold names for obvious privacy reasons. I am currently 22 years old and the girl, though my senior is of...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 6

Megan 10:30am I drove to the Stone farm as fast as I could. This morning I didn't care if I got ticketed. Hell, this morning I wouldn't cared if I had to run barefoot over shattered glass with a broken leg. There was just no way I was going to miss this appointment. It just wasn't going to happen. It wasn't every day that people got an invitation to become part of Stone's project. But that was not what had my mother thrilled. I was being given an exclusive. I was to be the first...

3 years ago
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Neighbors and NekojinsChapter 11

Nari starts to keep an eye out for Lars and when he is working out of his house, she always shows up. Even today, when it is raining, she comes over, so using the pool is not an excuse. Lars lets her in and makes a pot of coffee. Then they sit in the sun room, sipping from their cups, chatting and listening to the patter of the rain. “Did you hear about Piper,” Nari asks. “No, what about her?” he replies curiously. “Her father found her fucking two of the contractor in their house. He went...

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The Night Bus

Holly looked over at the bed. Her husband was lying there on his back, his beer belly creating a huge swell under the bedcovers. He sported a three-day beard and he was snoring loudly once again. She wondered what she had seen in him when they first met. It certainly wasn’t what she saw in him today. Ever since they married just over eight years ago, he had let himself go. He no longer bothered to dress smartly or even to brush his hair properly. He never made plans for them to go out at the...

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She is Good With Numbers

My parents own this shopping mall/business center. I grew up here working after school doing odd jobs and cleaning. I got to know the tenants very well and liked most of them. We were like a big family. One lady in particular I really liked, Mrs, Tina Cleary, she was a CPA and her office was in the center and had been for as long as I could remember. She was tall and skinny with wide hips. She always wore these low cut tops with a bra that pushed her boobs up so her tits looked bigger than...

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Writers Block

I came round, groggy and confused. It was pitch dark and cold.The first sensation was the pain in my arms and wrists, which were pointing diagonally upwards, attached to something I could not see. I tried to move to ease the stiffness, but my ankles were similarly spread wide and attached to the floor. Panic followed quickly. I thrashed for a while, breathing quickly as I tugged against the stiff restraints, but it was no use."Hey!" I shouted.The words echoed and as my eyes became used to the...

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Chapter 1 Living with Penny

Chapter one: Living with Penny 1 Brenda's room I was over at my neighbour Brenda's house for the afternoon as I do once a month because I was only nine and Mother preferred I wasn't alone by myself. I didn't mind because Brenda was sort of polite to me even though she was a year older. However she usually preferred us to go our separate ways so she usually played by herself all alone in her room while I ended in a world by myself with a toy train set in the basement. It was just a...

2 years ago
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My Hot NonCousins Grad Party

For some background, I'll tell you how we came to know this other family, the "Fenwick"s we'll call them. My mom used to work for the government, as a computer analyst; basically she would fix computers that other people fucked up. She worked with another lady at the same job, I'll call her Gina Fenwick. Through Gina, my mom met Gina's husband "Richard" Fenwick. My mom introduced both of them to my dad, and instantly they all became friends. Our families did a lot of things...

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