- 3 years ago
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"I step off the train. I'm walkin' down your street again and past your door but you don't live there anymore." "It's years since you've been there. And now you've disappeared somewhere." "Like outer space you've found some better place."
"And I miss you. Like the deserts miss the rain."
God, I hate that fucking song but it won't stop playing through my mind over and over again. Maybe it's because it's the theme song to my life. It tells in minute detail how I screwed up what could have been perfect. And the sadness of the music behind it describes, in a way, my regret. Yeah sure, that peppy little dance track behind the vocals and guitar does sound kind of happy, but you have to really listen to understand just how fucking hopeless the whole thing is.
My name is Jenna Sampson. I'm tall and slender. I have the kind of figure that looks good in a bikini. I have long thin legs and long fluffy blond hair. I'm a waitress at a midscale restaurant downtown. I also live downtown so I'm close to the job.
I have to take two subway trains to get here. This used to be the area where I went to college a few years ago so I know it well. It's changed lately though. More and more of these old houses are being bought by YUPPIES and restored. Some of them are beautiful, and even better than they were before. Others, I could do without.
There's one house in particular that I make the long trip out here to see. I once spent a lot of time there. So far it hasn't been redone and I'm kind of hoping it won't be. Seeing that house redone by some upwardly mobile couple would break the links to the most wonderful time in my memory.
It was five years ago. I was only twenty years old and in my second year of college. I was still in that awkward, gawky stage. I was taller than most of the men and boys in most of my classes and that intimidated a lot of them. I had huge glasses and long lifeless hair. I still hadn't shed the braces over my teeth yet either. And I dressed like a cross between a Goth and the carefree Bohemians of the seventies. In other words, even the guys in prison wouldn't screw me.
College is different from high school, but only on the surface. There are still cliques of popular kids and outsiders. I was definitely on the outside. I was that nerdy looking girl who walked quickly from one class to the next with her head down and her arms full of books.
Along came Daniel Benson and my life changed forever. Meeting Dan was like getting struck by lightning. I was heading for my dorm after leaving the library and I guess neither one of us was paying attention to where we were going. We crashed into each other and my term paper went flying all over everywhere.
He helped me gather the pages that I'd so carefully hand written and get them back into order but they were all wet and ruined. I almost started crying. He was very apologetic even though, technically, we were both at fault. He invited me over to his house to redo the paper. He had a nice computer and a printer and told me we could have the paper redone in a couple of hours.
"We could also do it tomorrow, if you have a date or something," he said.
"Tonight is okay," I said. We bonded over doing my paper and I had my first ever beer. As we'd read through the paper and started to re-type it, Danny pointed out lots of things that were wrong with my paper. He improved my sentence structure, my use of punctuation and my word choices. He also pointed out several flawed or downright incorrect conclusions. In short, he made my paper much better than it had been.
That night was only the first of many we would spend together. When the school year ended, I decided to stay in town and I spent a lot of that time in Danny's townhouse. The house he lived in had belonged to a maternal aunt of his. Part of the reason he'd picked our university was the fact the aunt had left him the house when she died and living there would cut his expenses.
Over the course of a year or so, Danny and I fell in love. I never actually moved in with him. Technically and for my parent's sake, I still lived in the dorms, but I spent the majority of my time including most of the nights in Danny's townhouse. I loved him so much that I wanted to do anything I could to please him. And Danny was the first man to ever tell me that he loved me.
The first time he said it, my smile lasted for days. I just knew we'd be together forever. My introduction to the ways of the flesh was an event. Even after I told him I was ready, Danny took his time. He asked me several times if I was sure. He told me that it was a very special gift and it was one that I could only give once.
Even when I assured him that he WAS the one, he planned it out. We went out to see a show that I'd been dying to see and then had dinner in a restaurant that neither of us could afford. When we got home or back to his house, he fumbled getting the door open. His key wouldn't fit. He left me standing there on the long veranda porch that we'd spent so many nights on and he went around the back. I never did figure out until years later that he hadn't actually fumbled at all. I heard someone running around in the house and a few moments later Danny came back to me. He pushed his key smoothly into the lock and the door opened like it was new.
When we got inside, he asked me if I was ready. I was about to burst from lust for him and just a little afraid, but I nodded my head. I wanted him badly and I knew that he'd never hurt me.
We went into the bedroom and I almost cried. There were flower petals all over the floor and a path made of them that led to the bed. There were hundreds of lit scented candles all over the room.
It was the most romantic thing I'd ever seen and I have still never seen anything to equal it, to this day. He spent a lot of time and imagination trying to make my first time special and it really was. Sex between Danny and I was always wonderful. It was never hurried and he always spent a lot of time making sure that I enjoyed it. I just couldn't believe that he saw something that special in me. No one else seemed to.
When my braces came off, he praised my smile. That made me want to impress him even more with the way I looked.
Danny was the first man to ever say anything positive about the way I looked. He thought I was beautiful and told me often. My giant glasses gave way to contacts. A friend took me to a salon to get my hair done for the first time in my adult life and suddenly I was pretty.
I had lots of guys take notice of me that whole summer which built up my confidence. When we returned to classes in the fall, I dressed better and I guess I acted differently. I went from geek to chic over the course of a summer. Suddenly, everyone wanted to invite me to go to parties and everywhere else.
I guess I let the sudden rush of popularity go to my head. I started spending less and less time with Danny. Those wonderful days of fun filled frolics on the beach gave way to nights in clubs with the popular girls and boys. Danny couldn't make time for things like that because he had to study. And he probably wouldn't have fit in anyway. Most of my new friends were wealthy or at least their parents were.
The girls dressed in clothing I could never afford. The guys always acted like everything they saw should belong to them. There were a few who wanted to spend time away from the crowd with me and I did a few times. I figured that it couldn't hurt anything. It wasn't like I was dating someone else, we were just hanging out. Everyone in the school knew that Danny and I were an item. Danny would be glad for me to be happy even if he was busy studying or working.
As time went on, I did more and more of those little get-togethers and spent even more time away from Danny. I'd also started drinking more. After one of those parties, I woke up in someone else's bed with a headache that wouldn't quit. I could tell that someone had sex with me but I didn't remember it.
After that, things changed. The stories went around throughout my new friends that I was available. The next time that I had sex with one of them, I remembered it well. It was awful. Not only did I feel guilty because I'd betrayed Danny but because the guy, Chris Menzies, treated me like a whore. He just pushed me down on the bed, pulled up my skirt and fucked me. He wouldn't take no for an answer and when I told him to stop, he just laughed.
"I'm bored," he said. "I have to do something to amuse myself. So I'll fuck the poor girl. Besides you've already done it before. After the party last week, at least three of us fucked you while you were drunk. You wouldn't want that boyfriend of yours to find out would you? Now shut up and bend over."
"You wouldn't do that would you?" I asked. "We're friends."
"Honey, I'd do it for shits and giggles," he said. "Just seeing the misery it would put you through would be funny as hell and give me something to do. Please don't tell me you're stupid enough to believe all of this bullshit."
"What bullshit?" I asked.
"Every year the girls pick some charity case to hang out with. It improves our image and makes the rest of the campus think that we're not spoiled little rich kids. Last year it was that boy from Somalia. He was a good one because not only did he let everyone know that we aren't snobs, it made them think that we're not racists either. Some of the girls we hang out with really liked fucking him. I think a big part of it for them was that their parents would probably disown them if they ever found out. Unfortunately, he was killed when he went home, so we need another poor person to hang out with."
"That's fucking sick," I said. "You guys picked some poor exchange student to secretly humiliate."
"Not always," he smirked. "This year we got you. And I'm starting to get bored with you already. I have no idea how it's possible but you fuck better passed out drunk than you do when you're awake." He started slamming his dick into me so hard that it hurt, while I just lay there with tears running down my cheeks.
"God damn it," he hissed. "Stop that fucking whining and move. Say something for Christ's sake. After the party, you were begging every guy that stuck his dick into you to fuck you. Of course, you kept calling all of them Danny, but it was good. If you don't get better in the next few minutes, I'll have to go and find Danny and tell him." I started moving my hips hoping it would satisfy him and get it over with faster.
"Please don't tell Danny about the party or this," I whined. "I'll do anything you want. Just don't..."
"He already knows," said Danny from the doorway. Chris and I both turned at the same time. Chris didn't even stop fucking me. I tried to get away but he held me down. Danny just turned and walked away. By the time I got away from Chris, he was gone. I'd run out into the hallway of my dorm room naked and a lot of people were looking at me and whistling.
Danny was already out of the building. As I went back to my room, I found a huge bouquet of flowers and a card that he must have dropped. "Sorry I've been spending so much time studying. I've got a great job lined up. We're probably going to be rich. I love you."
It was signed "Danny."
Chris snatched the card out of my hand and read it and burst out laughing. He dressed and left still laughing, while I sat on my bed and bawled my eyes out.
I tried calling Danny all night. He wouldn't pick up the phone. I tried his cell phone as well. I left him literally hundreds of messages. The next morning I skipped class and went over to his house. His car was in the driveway but no one answered the door.
The lady across the street from him told me that he'd gone to class. He'd ridden his bike, he ... we did that sometimes. I told her I'd wait for him. While she was talking to me, a police car pulled up. The officers told me that someone had called to complain about me loitering on the property. I explained the situation to the officers and they told me that I'd have to come back later. I couldn't just hang around Danny's house. If I had a key I could go inside and wait for him but loitering would get me a fine.
I tried the key Danny had given me and it didn't work. The lady from across the street told me that he'd had a locksmith out to change the locks the previous evening.
Over the next few days I tried constantly to catch Danny, to no avail. I couldn't catch him at home although I was sure that several of the times that I visited him he was home. He wouldn't accept my phone calls or texts. And I also couldn't catch him at class. It was as if anytime I went to one of his classes, he'd either not show up or slip out of the room before I could catch him. Once I did catch him and he stayed after class to speak to his professor.
I waited knowing that as soon as he was done with his questions I'd catch him. Danny ended up leaving the class with the professor and going to the prof's office with him. The professor was allowed to use the staff elevator and he took Danny on the elevator with him. I had to take the stairs. I'd gone up to the office and parked myself on a bench outside of the room, I was sure that this time I'd caught him. I waited outside of that office for an hour and a half only to find out that the professor came out alone. Danny had asked his supposed question on the elevator and taken the back stairs out of the building while I was running up the stairs to the office.
That went on for a few weeks. Over that time, it actually got out what had happened. A lot of the students and staff at the college seemed to enjoy helping Danny avoid me. All of my new friends wanted to avoid me too. They treated me like I was carrying the plague. Because of me, it got out that they really were assholes and no one wanted to have anything to do with them. It's really tough to be popular when everyone hates your guts.
People all over campus went out of their way to help Danny avoid me. I think a lot of them thought that I wanted to hurt him more by rubbing what I did in his face, but that wasn't it at all. What I really wanted was for him to forgive me and take me back.
The longer I stayed separated from Danny, the worse it got. My symptoms actually started to manifest themselves in physical way, or so I thought. Besides the depression and the realization that I had FUBARed my life, I started running a slight fever and I was sick most mornings. I went to the doctor and discovered that it wasn't the separation from Danny, I was pregnant. When my doctor and I went over my time line I realized in horror that the baby wasn't Danny's and my life went into a toilet.
It was very difficult for me to contact Chris because he didn't want to have anything to do with me. I had to speak to my parent's and get a lawyer from the legal aid association to contact Chris and force him to give up the names of the other men at the party that I'd had sex with. Chris was all too willing to rat out his friends in the desperate hope that one of them was the father of my child. All of the men lawyered up and refused to offer me any type of aid or help until the baby was born and a DNA test proved their responsibility.
I clung wildly to one hope, even though the math wasn't with me. I got a phone call late one evening from Danny. And it started my heart to fluttering.
"Is there the possibility that I might be the father?" he asked. It was weird. There was no preamble. He just got right to the point.
"Wow, hello, Jenna. How are you? It's been a long time since we've spoken. I've missed you. We really should get together," I said.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"Those are all of the things you should have said before just asking me if it was you who got me pregnant," I said.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because that would be the polite thing to do," I said. "I haven't seen you in nearly two months. You don't call. You don't write. Whatever happened to Jenna, I love you?"
"That was all erased when I caught you screwing that guy and heard about the others," he said tersely.
"Danny that was all a mistake. You need to let me explain what was going on. They just used me," I said.
"Jenna, you don't need to explain anything. You're a full grown woman. You can make your own choices. I didn't own you. I loved you. I just wanted to find out if it was possible that I was the father of your child. If I am, I'll do the right thing," he said.
"Danny, what is the right thing?" I asked.
"Help take care of you during your pregnancy. Help you out financially and be in my child's life," he said.
"Danny, a child needs to have a good home life. One parent living with it and another absentee parent isn't the best possible situation," I told him.
"Then, I'll marry you," he said. I started crying right then and there. It was what I wanted more than anything. It was what was supposed to happen.
"Danny, it can't possibly be your baby. You and I hadn't had sex in over three weeks when I supposedly conceived. It has to be either Chris or one of the guys at the party. I love you too much to lie to you. If we're going to be together, I want us to be honest with each other. We love each other and I know that we can get past..."
"Have a nice life, Jenna," he said interrupting my flow. Then all I heard was the dial tone. A small part of my heart died that day. I have never seen or heard from Danny since then. I've spent many a restless night wondering about him and where he was or what he was doing.
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Chapter One Capua, Italy 73 B.C. They were finally free. No longer would they be forced to fight and fuck for the amusement of the Romans. Yet, their journey had only just begun and the worst of the hardships still lay ahead. Only 73 Gladiators managed to escape Battiatus’ Ludus, as well as several female slaves and the Ludus’ medico, out of the 200 men who fought under Quintus Battiatus’ ownership. Most of the men had fallen to arrows from the guards on the balconies as the gladiators had...
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It’s true, I’m a fucking genius. I have literally gotten away with murder, several killings if the truth is told. I enjoy ending lives, especially the lives of beautiful girls. You know the girls I mean, the ones that are so beautiful that men are afraid to approach them. The ones that look down their noses at everyone I find the most fun ... the most enjoyable to rape and kill that is. Admit it friend, you’ve thought about it. Choking the life out of some snobby, stuck up whore that thinks...
Haven't met my woman for the past month. Been extremely busy with my niece's apartment. As I undressed myself, I could feel her arms wrapping me in. "You smell so good!" I just lay my head back on her shoulder. She trailed her fingers to my boobs, my nipples getting erected. We faced each other she just gently placed a kiss on my lips. I kissed her back, I kissed her on neck with fingers run down to her boobs. She letout a soft moan. As I lay on top of her on bed, I unbuttoned her shirt....
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IncestHi, my name is Shri..Now my current age is 23 .. 5.5 height..Handsome and very attractive..I am from Bagalkot, state Karnataka.. I don’t know English well..Pease forgive for my mistakes…. This sex story is about me and my aunt . Let explain about her. She is 26 years old.. Her name is Mrunali (name has been changed)… She has big boobs 32d size.. She looking very beautiful and hot.. She is little bit belly fat. She and my uncle lives left side of our home. Mai roz uski ghar jata tha aur uski...
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I was 19 when this happened, and have never told anyone about it, but it always plays on my mind when i was 18 my aunt went away and she asked me to look after her dog whilst she was gone, i agreed and went round there twice a day to feed and walk the dog. My aunt was in her early 40's both her boys and left home and she was divorced, she had short blonde hair about average height , about a size 12 with small b cup boobs, i had fancied her since i was 13 had often masturbated whilst thinking of...
Hi Friends. I am Vaishnavi from Hyderabad. I am 23 years old and the incident I am going to recount took place just a few months ago in April 2009. I have always been quit conservative and have never had a boyfriend though I am pretty, good looking and have a decent figure. That is 32, 30 and 32. I have a cousin, Rahul, who lives in Mumbai. He is 22 years old. We have always been quite close to each other. We share almost everything with each other. Recently, he, my aunt and my uncle came to...
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The trip started with us spending 3 nights in Florida before flying to the first stopover. We were told that it was better to take US Dollars rather than use the local currency. The flight was a bit scary as it was only a small plane but we finally landed in the Capital. While we were in the line for Passport Control we got chatting to the American couple in front of us. They explained that everything down here works on bribes. They said that we should put some money in our passport before...
Hi I am Aditya from Aurangabad n Pune…. I love to visit ISS but this is my 1st time of submitting my real exprience if u like plz mail me at I am aditya 24 yrs 5’9” well built up with 6 abes…. Atheletic, n too romantic… This is the incident with my college girl frnd her name is simran {name changed)she is 22 her fig 34-25-36 fair n too sexy evry guy wants here in coll but she like me to have her…. We hve to go for party i got ready n took my car on her flat n called her…. As i pulled up at the...
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xmoviesforyouSadie Pop was doing bad in school so they hired Tia Cyrus to tutor her. If only Sadie was actually interested in learning instead of keeping her head in the clouds. After Sadie excused herself for an extra long period of time, Tia began to look for her. She stumbled upon her masturbating and sexting in her bedroom! It‘s hard to study when you are horny, and Tia knew this, so she decided to help get Sadie more in the mood to learn. Instead of teaching her academics, she taught her how to eat...
xmoviesforyouHello, everyone!! This is a true story that happened between me and my grandmother and how I fucked her up anal. I am Dileep and I am 18 years old, and I am pursuing my engineering undergraduate course. Coming back to the storyline, my grand mom is 63 years old and is very beautiful and has a fair complexion. She is very fucking busty and has a beautiful round fat ass. She lived in the US and came back after my granddad died, so she is very open-minded and not a conservative Indian woman. I...
IncestLovely Romy Indy has decided to pose for sexy videos with her beau, Sam Bourne. Sam just loves recording his playful girlfriend in her naughty lingerie. As Romy flirts with both the camera and with Sam, she grows increasingly turned out. Reaching out a foot to rub against Sam’s stiffie, Romy confirms that she’s not alone in her arousal. On her back on the bed, Romy keeps up her laughing act as Sam joins her. Straddling Romy’s legs, Sam puts himself in a position of power. He...
xmoviesforyouThese days were longer than ever before, hands on the clock seemingly welded to the spot rarely moving. The long hours adding up to weeks that seemed without end. It came as a shock when one Sunday Eve gaily announced that on the following Thursday, Mr. Gaunt would apply for the Absolute. We were together at my dad's house. I had been clearing the place of his personal effects, and Eve came to help. She was happy as the apparent long wait was over. I turned to her. "I thought it was...
MotherTell your children not to hold my handTell your children not to understandOh mother FatherDo you wanna bang heads with meDo you wanna feel everythingOh father Not about to see your lightAnd if you wanna find hell with meI can show you what it’s likeTill your bleeding -Danzig ‘Mother’ Everyone believes that fear comes in the night. That midnight is the time to be afraid. It isn’t, fear comes in the dark hours of the morning. The day begins as inevitable as the progression of a...
Linda walked along the street, her high heels clip clopping on the pavement as she walked. She called at number twelve, and collected her book, then walked on. Mr Clark at number fifteen looked up from his gardening and watched her pass. She knew he was watching her, and swung her hips, smiling to herself. It was mid summer, a warm late afternoon. She wore a pair of gladiator sandals, heeled to define her calf’s, which were crisscrossed by the long thongs which reached her knees. She had good...
Hi, everyone. This is my first story in ISS. Although I have been reading iss for 10 years I have never had any story to write till recently. I am not a good story writer nor do I want to satisfy the readers with moaning expressions and last of all please forgive me for the poor language and for the pretty long story. I am a married man with an average body and average 7-inch size penis but I do have a very sexy and dick teasing wife. I have been married for 5 years and prior to that for 7...
IncestChapter Four:The date continues.Before Mike went to his bag, he turned to look at Jackie laying on the bed with her legs spread wide for him to look at her pussy.“Play with yourself, Kitten, but don’t you dare cum yet. I want you wet when I start to do to you what I have planned for tonight,” then he smiled at her as he raised an eyebrow at the same time.Jackie immediately inserted a finger inside herself and pulled on her clit with her other hand. This caused her to moan and wish Mike was...
Cheating~~Antoinette~~ High within her tower, Antoinette perused the latest information she had acquired through her network of spies. Pictures of Terra Den and its enforcers were cropping up, far more than she wished, as were pictures of the various Xnomina thralls and ghouls, moving against them during daylight. Forever a frustration, that a Kindred’s movements and actions were limited to the night, while their far less capable thralls and ghouls could move about freely whenever they desired....
Slave to Gina Nicky was a small time thief. Primarily his speciality was breaking and entering, and Gina’s house seemed the perfect candidate. He had staked it out for weeks, and it seemed like quite a good setup. Obviously the owner was quite wealthy and the house was huge, over 8000 square feet. No dogs around to cause problems, and, other than Gina (who Nicky thought was quite hot) noone else appeared to live there. From his hiding place in the woods out in the back of the mansion he...
Author’s Note: This is a first person narrative presenting my favorite fictional femdom character (any relation to real persons or events is merely coincidence). This is the first time I used her, although I have published other stories using her character. I hope you enjoy this prequel of sorts. All I could think about, as I waited for Jessica to show up, was her sweet little pussy. She’d been teasing me with it, here, and playing with it, there. My email inbox was full of pictures of my...
LesbianHi to all ISS readers, I am a new comer to iss, happened to see it accidentally. After reading many stories, now I am coming with few incidents in my life which I always like to cherish as sweet memories of my life. I am not adding or taking anything not to disfigure those sweet memories, so you are going to read what exactly happened in all my writings. I am 27yrs now, doing a high class job in our society. This incident happened 4yrs back. As part of my job I had to make frequent train...
My head pulled back, your hand in my hair holding my head stiff.The position designed to create it im possible for me to resist, you want to take me your way and I must obey..I'm bent over with my kness on the bed,my legs parted wide...my hands tied at the wrists between my legs, the long rope trailing down the length of the bed."Uh.....UH.....UH......UH......UH.......UH......UH" All that can be heard from my mouth as you ride me brutally. I feel my body vibrating with the force of the...
Twyla has me come for an overnight babysitting gig but she doesn’t go out. She gives me drinks. Wine drinks with fruit called sangria. She has quite a few herself. We all play dress up, us girls. She puts me in an intimate outfit of hers. It's a white and pink set with bra, high cut panties and a pink garter belt holding up white stockings. The cups of the bra are totally sheer with pink flowers embroidered to match the ones at the tops of the stockings. The panties are sheer all the way...
As I lay eye level with her armpit watching her enjoy her man for the evening, thoughts and emotions rushed through my head. All of my senses are in overdrive. It seems I can see, taste, hear, smell and feel the things going on around me better than ever before, and I’m soaking it all in because I don't want to miss a thing. I want to be able to remember this night for a long time. I'm buzzing from the emotions I’m feeling. The feelings of jealousy, the fears that he is bigger, or better...
CuckoldThe next morning, Clare was up before her alarm, tossing things out of her closet, trying to decide what exactly she should wear to work that morning. She thought of wearing something "conservative", but figured that would be too much. Then, Clare thought maybe she should wear something more "revealing", but she didn't want to seem like she was some sort of whore walking down the street. Compromising, Clare finally decided to take elements of the two, and came up with something that...
When he looked back over the carcass of what he had, wrongly, as it had transpired, presumed was a happy marriage, he realised that the connubial deathwatch beetle that had done for the marriage had its genesis some six months previously when his wife, his ex-wife, as he supposed was the correct way to think of her, had pointed out an article in the English language version of an Italian publication she liked to read called, “Donna Cattiva.” The article was titled “Swinging the 21st Century...
It was 9am on the day of the funeral, George had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart attack. He left behind his wife Janet and 3 young children. George had run a local business home improvement business before his passing. He had done what seemed quite well for himself owning a large house and always driving the newest model car, very few people knew he was leverage to the hilt.. Janet was only 37, she was a stay-at-home mom who had always led the easy life due to George’s...
Walking into a restaurant with my husband, finally having a date night after months of trying. For this day I dressed up, a little black dress showing all my small curves. The hem of the dress barely covering my upper legs. Semi-high heels and stockings, you will notice the stockings when I cross my legs. A little bit of make-up on my face, not too much only highlighting my big blue eyes and lush lips.You are already in the restaurant with some colleagues, they're making a lot of noise and you...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When Marla got back from the bathroom and bandaged the tears in Andrea’s ass, Alexander suddenly entered her. Picking up the vibrator again, he shoved it brutally up Cherry’s butt, making her squeal. While he did this, he stuck two fingers inside Michelle‘s cunt, as if it to say that she wasn’t off the hook yet. “Get out of me!” Marla demanded in her head to the ghost possessing her. “No thanks! I’m having FAR TOO MUCH FUN to do that!” Alexander...
FetishMum woke me early next morning , she was stroking my head saying wake up baby as I opened my eyes . She still had her nightdress on an the silk clung to her firm body, her hand moved over my hair an then she traced a finger over my mouth " I liked last night" she whispered as her finger moved over my lips , it was wet an kind of sticky and smelt like her dirty panties ,”mummy was just thinking how nice you looked in her nylons “she said. I opened my mouth a little and felt the tip of her wet...
Chapter 10 A Dance of the Home Coming Queen Terrence Michales sat in the corner of a small Rouston pub, shadowed in the darkness of the back of the room; hiding from a past, he had all but sealed away in some safe cold place in his mind. He had kept it safely locked away until that God-damned dream. He looked at the glass of vodka on the table before him. He was not a frequent drinker but when it came to hard times, he could hold his own. If he drank much more he was going...
Kate Bloom and her stepbrother Codey Steele came to LA for their Amish rumspringa. During this time of experiences and experimentation, Kate and Codey fell in love. The revealing clothes of the Western world make it easy for them to experience each other’s bodies in a way that they never could have in the Amish community. Kate and Codey’s budding romance isn’t without its setbacks. They are staying with Emma Starletto, a conservative Amish woman who has the worst timing...
xmoviesforyouFinally I felt the dog pull away, his member and sperm leaving my cunt. Our owner just pointed and the dog jumped down. Without a word he left the room, the dog at his side, wagging his long tail. I was alone, the dog's cum dripping from my stretched cunt. Would there be more? Another dog? Would he fuck me? Do other things? It was hard to think clearly as the thoughts raced through my head. So many things I did not understand. The dog was trained. That seemed a fact. The man not showing any...
It was during a break at school, I think it was around valentines day, it was on a Wednesday afternoon. My last class was over and I was headed back to my dorm room, not many of my fellow classmates wanted to be seen with me during daylight. I had entered my room when there was a slight knock at my door, not concerned, I swung the door open and stood there in shock as three of the new freshman class pushed pass me and closed the door. I asked '...what the fu-- are you doing...' the last guy, a...
The ocean is an almost unlimited source of biological miracles if you know where to look for them. A whole new scientific field in biology had developed since pandemics became way too common, shrinking the world’s population to a third of what it had been when the twenty-first century began. Although painful it had greatly helped a number of man-made issues. Populations were overgrown so that strict birth control had been adopted worldwide. Global warming had not been well countered due to the...
Liv Revamped has a new step mother named Jessica Jaymes. Jessica is keeping an eyes on Liv when her father is away for work. There is only one rule ” no boys in the house ” , but Live doesn’t care and immediately gets her new boy toy Jake Adams to come over for a quick fuck when Jessica’s leaves because she has some appointments . All of sudden Miss Jaymes realized that she forgot her phone at home and catch those two young teens in full action. Jessica loves young boys...
xmoviesforyouOne would think, after 2,000 years of rule by Doug, people would get the idea, but some people never learn. Some guy, living in what would have been Poland in Doug's old 21st Century, decided that he could do a better job of running things than could the local bureaucracy. Jagged Quartz managed to find some minions who didn't know when they were well off, and they helped him steal some guns from the local police station. There were 19 men in Jagged Quartz's gang, and they decided to set...