- 3 years ago
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"You were there the entire time and you didn't mention your past once?" Krissi smiled. "I think that's marvelous." It was three days after Devlin had returned from Florida. They were in downtown Bloomington walking toward campus. The wind was blowing, snow was falling, and they were both bundled up against the cold.
"There never seemed to be that right moment for it," Devlin said. She stopped in the lee of a building and took a breath. "Bad one out today."
"It's supposed to get worse," Krissi said. "There was a Winter Storm Warning on the radio this morning. You could come over and spend it with me. It's been a while."
"I'd love to," Devlin said with a sigh. "But I didn't do any studying when I was gone. I've got two papers and a ton of homework to get through."
"Damn it, you're setting a good example again," Krissi laughed, her breath puffing out before whipping around her face and vanishing. "I have a ton of work to get through, too. I have galley proofs to finish revising, and I'm nearly done with a chapter in my latest."
"We could get together next weekend," Devlin said. "Emma's not hosting a party."
"I know. She wants to make sure the New Years Dance is on a party weekend." Krissi nodded. "Let's do that. Like I said, it's been a while."
"We'll have to schedule the whole day," Devlin said. "How are you getting home? It's nearly a mile, and I think the busses have stopped running."
"I'll just have to walk," Krissi said.
Devlin looked up at the clouds. Was it her imagination, or was the snow coming down even harder? "No, don't. You could stay at the Athletic Club."
Krissi shook her head. "I'm not a member."
Devlin shifted her book bag so it was more comfortable. "I was going to go back to the dorms. I've got two papers due on Monday, but I've also have to get my monthly inventory done. We can stay at the Athletic Club."
"No," Krissi said, "we both have things to do, and..."
"Do you have your laptop in your bag?"
"Of course, but..."
Devlin linked her arm through her friend's and headed for the Athletic Club. "We'll get a room. I'm a member, after all, and you can write while I'll be doing my inventory. Afterwards I can go on back to the dorm. I'll tell them you're my guest so they won't throw you out."
Krissi looked dubious. "All right," she said, but only after a gust made her flinch. "It's too cold out here to argue with you. I won't be interrupted, will I? You know, like almost happened to you and Danny."
"No, you won't. They've assured me of that, and I'm inclined to believe them."
Devlin got her friend checked into a room, ironically the one she and Danny had used so many times, and then went downstairs. Two hours later, her inventory complete, she was headed for the front door when the porter stopped her.
"Don't go out there, Ms. McCabe," he said. "It's turned into a blizzard, and the police are telling people to stay indoors."
Devlin glanced out the front door. She couldn't even see the cars parked in front of the building, just vague hints of white mounds. A couple of people pushed through the revolving door, stamping snow off their boots. A wave of cold air swept across the floor, making her shiver.
"Not even back to the dorms?" she asked the porter.
He shook his head. "They don't want anybody out there, ma'am. And quite frankly, I can see their point. Reminds me of when I was in the Air Force and was stationed in Alaska. We had storms like that up there and if it wasn't for the ropes they tied in place you could get lost just walking between two buildings."
Devlin slumped a little. "I suppose they're right."
"Yes, ma'am. In this case I think they are."
When she got back to the room Krissi was staring at her laptop, typing away, oblivious to the world. She'd peeled down to her jeans and a heavy sweater, though she still had her boots on. She'd seen Krissi like this before, and it would take a major earthquake to break her concentration.
Devlin gave her a smile and called the dorm on her cell phone. "Sarah? It's Devlin."
"Where are you? I was starting to worry."
"I'm at the Athletic Club. I was about to head back, but the police are telling everyone to stay indoors."
"Yeah, classes have been cancelled for the day, and very likely for tomorrow, too. Some of the girls are talking about having a party here on the floor, a blizzard party or something. We can still get to Linkins, so a couple of gals have gone off to get some stuff to eat."
"I'm sorry I'll miss it. Look, I'll be all right here. I'll get back when I can."
"Take care and talk to you later."
Devlin hung up, staring at the world outside the window. The room was warm, but the closer she got to the windows the colder she felt. She tried to decide what to do. She could do her paper on the computer downstairs off the Women's Locker Room, though she wasn't sure where she could print it. She closed the curtains, turned up the heat, and settled in to the chair with a textbook.
Three hours later, and more than a little bored, she began rubbing her arms. Krissi was still concentrating on her story, but the typing seemed to be slowing. The room was warm, but the cold air seemed to be seeping around the drapes. Devlin took a look outside--nothing but white--and then pulled a blanket out of the closet and bundled herself even tighter in it. That didn't seem to help.
"Cold?" she asked Krissi.
"Not really," Krissi replied. "I'm just out-running my notes. The rest of them are in my apartment." She leaned back and stretched. "I could probably use a break."
"I was going to go down to the Reading Room. They have a fireplace down there, so it should be a lot warmer."
"Works for me." Krissi rummaged around in her bag, finally pulling out a thick stack of bound pages. "Let's go. I have galley proofs to review."
The Reading Room was actually a wood-paneled library. There were several over-stuffed or leather chairs arranged in a circle around the fireplace. Devlin picked a chair moderately close to the fire and resumed reading. The heat from the fire warmed her entire body; the only thing missing was a hot cup of cocoa stuffed with marshmallows. Krissi across from her, took out her pen, and started reading the galley proofs she'd brought.
The outside world was beginning to darken when Devlin finished all of her reading. She was hungry, but it was too soon for dinner. It wasn't too soon to use some of the other amenities, though.
"I know a way to warm up," she said when Krissi looked up from her proofs.
"You're cold? I think it's rather warm in here."
"Florida must have spoiled me. They have a sauna here, a pool, and almost unlimited hot water."
"A sauna?" Krissi marked her place. "You talked me into it. You just appealed to my Scandinavian blood."
Krissi settled in the sauna with a happy sigh. "This will keep me warm. There's no way the cold could get in here."
"I figure a nice swim will just about round out the day," Devlin said after a bit.
"Dinner first," Krissi said. "I haven't eaten yet today, and I'm starving."
"Sometimes I think it's a wonder you don't starve to death."
"Yeah, well, all of the girls in my family can pack on the pounds if we don't watch it."
Devlin sighed. "I'd really love a swim, but I feel an obligation to make sure you're fed."
"I'm not stopping you from a swim."
"Food," Devlin said with a shake of her head. After a while longer she got up and headed for the door. "But at least I'll get a hot shower."
She didn't get the swim, and they only took sandwiches from the food line. And as she'd half-expected, they found something to do that was a lot more interesting than studying or watching TV. Krissi was hot, and her fingers were magical, and both of them were soon lost in a world of almost perpetual pleasure.
She watched sleepily the next morning as Krissi padded over to the window and threw back the curtains.
"Take it all in, Bloomington," her blonde friend called out, spreading her arms. "Here I am in all my naked glory!"
"Nobody'll see you through all the snow," Devlin said.
"I may be a bit of an exhibitionist," Krissi said, closing the curtains, "but I'm not a stupid exhibitionist." She crawled back under the covers.
"Um, your skin is all goose-bumps," Devlin said, brushing her lips along Krissi's body.
"Those aren't my goose-bumps you're kissing," Krissi murmured. She put her hand against the back of Devlin's head to hold her against her breast.
"They're just as bumpy." She teased Krissi's nipples until they were hard. "Maybe even bumpier."
Krissi ran her fingers over Devlin's skin. "I hope you don't mind, but I left a wake-up call at the front desk."
"Oh?" Devlin kissed the valley between her friend's breasts, and then slowly worked her way up to Krissi's lips. "Why?"
"Because as wonderful as this is," Krissi murmured around Devlin's lips, "we have to do something today besides make love."
"If you say so."
"If nothing else we need to recover our strength."
"Okay." Devlin brushed her tongue against Krissi's lips before slipping between them.
Krissi molded her body to Devlin's, slipping her leg between Devlin's, smiling as she felt Devlin do the same to her. The two began moving against each other. One thing led to another, one urgent need was satisfied, only to rise up again and demand more attention. Finally they drifted to sleep, arms and legs entwined, breath warm on each other's skin.
The telephone brought Devlin awake. It was the Front Desk reminding them that it was 8:30 a.m., their requested wake-up time.
"Are you still serving breakfast?" Devlin asked. She pushed at her hair. Her whole body felt heavy, and she could use a hot shower.
"Until 10:30 this morning, ma'am."
"Oh, I'll be down long before then. Thanks."
She got out of bed, tucking the covers up under Krissi's chin. She didn't feel like throwing open the curtains like Krissi had. Instead she dressed enough to be semi-presentable and went downstairs for a swim.
She called Krissi and got her to come down for breakfast. "You're going to need the calories," she said when Krissi joined her. "Especially after last night."
Krissi eyed the food Devlin was stacking on her plate. "You're not planning on eating all of that, are you?"
"Unlike you I've already been up and done my morning work-out."
"Yeah, well, sometimes sleep is more important than exercise." She piled her plate up with fruit and followed Devlin to a corner table. "Is there any place here to do laundry?"
"It's coin-operated." She looked around, but except for a couple across the room, and the woman at the cash register, they were alone. "Don't tell me you actually wore underwear. I didn't think you did."
"I do on cold days or when I wear jeans."
Devlin nodded. "I have spare clothes here, but most of them wouldn't fit you."
"I'll take my chances with the washer and dryer." Krissi looked at a businessman who came in, unshaven and rumpled. "At least jeans and underwear don't need ironing."
"I have an aunt who irons everything, including her bras."
"What on earth for?"
"She said she feels better wearing ironed clothes."
"It takes all kinds. Did you ever get snowed in like this?"
"Once, and I wasn't really snowed in. The school was closed because the heating plant had failed, and the highway south of town was blocked off by the State Patrol for some reason. That aunt I'd mentioned had come down from the northern part of the state for a visit, and she and my Mom went shopping. They wanted to take me, but I persuaded them that they really wanted time alone."
"Let me guess. That was so you could go over to Danny's."
Devlin nodded. "I wanted to see if Sue needed help with anything. It turned out she and the kids were visiting her folks, leaving Danny at home without much to do."
"But the two of you managed to correct that."
Devlin smiled. "We certainly did, and it sort of started like last night. I went upstairs, shedding my clothes. Danny was sitting at his desk reading, and...
She crept up behind him and rubbed her breasts across his back.
"Hi, there," Danny said. He had a smile on his face and turned to kiss her breasts. "I thought you had relatives visiting."
"My aunt and Mom went shopping, leaving me at home."
"And you came over here to see if you could find something to do."
"Oh, I can think of plenty to do," she replied. "The only question is if you are interested." She felt down between his legs. He was already getting hard.
"I think I could be persuaded," he said. She promptly pushed her nipple into his mouth. "All right," he laughed around her soft female flesh, "you talked me into it."
He kissed and sucked her breasts while undressing. As much as she wanted him to continue, she decided to suck him to completion first. After he came he ate her into a writhing climax that left her dazed and gasping for breath.
"How adventurous do you feel?" he asked as he settled in beside her, his hands caressing her body.
"Adventurous?" She felt absolutely marvelous and was having a hard time thinking.
"We don't have to stay in the bedroom."
"You mean... ?"
He took her downstairs. In the next two hours they had sex in the kitchen, the dining room, on the stairs, and finally in the living room with her kneeling on the couch and looking out the window at kids playing in the street while he put it to her from behind. She fantasized about their reactions if they could see in the darkened house. Eventually they returned to the bedroom where he took her to one last throbbing climax that left her throat raw from her passionate cries.
Later, after they'd cuddled in bed, she fixed them a late lunch. She felt absolutely wanton, so wicked and slutty; she was naked as she served the lunch, enjoying every moment of it. There was something about the feel of her body that was a different turn-on than any she'd had before. She was absolutely free, a completely sexual animal, totally desired by this man.
They ended up in the bedroom with the lights off and the covers pulled up. There they shared slow gentle sex until he was too tired to move. They cuddled again, just the two of them away from the rest of the world.
Dusk was washing the sky when they finally stirred. She forced herself out of the bed, knowing her mother was due back soon. She showered so she wouldn't smell like sex, and dressed quietly. Danny was still asleep, so she dropped a kiss on his cheek and then trudged through the snow, the wind wiping out the footprints behind her.
About an hour later her mother and aunt came home. Devlin was sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and watching a movie on television.
"Quiet day?" her mother asked. She still had on her coat and seemed in no hurry to hang it up.
"It was a day of hot throbbing passion and lust run amok," Devlin replied, smiling, her eyes still on the TV screen. She didn't feel like moving. She was enjoying that luscious tiredness that came from being thoroughly and completely laid.
"How about some dinner?" her aunt asked, eyeing the television. It was clear she thought Devlin's reference was to the movie, where a fully-clothed couple grappled in a passionate kiss. "It's got to be better than that popcorn."
"Sure," Devlin said, getting off the couch. "This movie is pretty lame. Let me get my shoes. Do I have to change or anything?"
Her mother shook her head. "We were thinking of going to go to that Mexican restaurant in Varna. No need to dress up for that. With weather like this we figured there wouldn't be many people out tonight."
"Sort of like today," Krissi said, nodding as Devlin completed her story. "I can't believe you didn't get caught."
"We never did. Last summer Danny and I hooked up in Atlanta and did pretty much the same thing the day before we both had to leave. We were both on the same flight out of there, which was kind of funny, though we were in different sections. I don't know about Danny, but I slept most of the way back to Chicago."
"I did something like that on my last book tour," Krissi said, smiling. "Steve met me and we holed up in a hotel room in Denver. I think he had to crawl to the elevator the next day. I know I was so sore I could barely pee."
"Sounds like me a couple of times at Emma's."
"Yeah, well you tend to get wild at Emma's."
"And you don't?"
"Point taken." Krissi nibbled at her sausage. "The couch in the living room?"
"We started out with me on my back, but it was more fun for him to do me from behind. He was gripping my hips, and my boobs were banging away against the couch. It was kind of funny, you know, watching the people walking by outside while we were doing it."
"If they could only see what was going on. It was good that they couldn't."
"Yeah, I can see that. It sounds fun."
"Reminded me of one of the times at Emma's. This guy and I were in the backyard, and just a few feet away, on the other side of the hedge, there were these two guys talking over a grill. I think that's the closest I've ever come to getting caught while doing it in public."
"That isn't exactly in public."
"You know what I mean. I can be a little vocal..."
"A little?" Krissi snorted with laughter. "A little?"
"Well... let's just say I like to give voice to my appreciation when things are going well. Anyway, that time in the backyard at Emma's it was everything I could do to keep from moaning, especially when I came."
"That's a real tough problem to have," Krissi said. She glanced at her watch. "I should get back to the salt mines. I want to finish that chapter today, and I need to get those galley proofs in the mail by the end of the week."
"I should probably stay away from you, then," Devlin said. "We get... distracted."
Krissi laughed. "That's one word for it." She pushed herself away from the table. "I'll see you in a couple of hours."
"I've got a paper to write," Devlin said. "If you need me, I'll be in that little room off of the Women's Locker Room. The door will be closed to hold down the humidity, so you'll have to knock."
A few hours later, with her paper completed and saved, she returned to the room. It was still nothing but white outside. Krissi was staring at the screen in front of her, nibbling on her lip. Curious, Devlin stood behind her friend to see what she was working on.
"Just another of my 'Rose' stories," Krissi said when she was aware of Devlin. "It's nothing to get excited about."
"I thought you'd be working on one of your Young Adult stories."
"I was, but I hit a stopping point. My notes are back home, so I decided to see what Rose was doing."
Devlin settled back on the bed. "And what is your favorite slut up to?"
Krissi paged back. "Let's see. Do you want the purple prose? Or the rewrite?"
"Give me the purple prose. I'm curious what that is."
"Don't say I didn't warn you." Krissi cleared her throat. "Okay, here goes."
"Rose moaned as she felt Brad's fleshy love missile slide into her love sheath. He was the new boy in school, and she wanted him before any other girl set her sights on his rugged body. He was tall and broad across the shoulders, with narrow hips. She had seen him coming out of the Councilor's Office and practically dragged him into the first vacant classroom.
"'You've got to fuck me with that thing, ' she whispered when she first saw his rigid member. It was nearly a foot long, and thicker than her wrist. She sucked it, tracing her tongue over every purple vein, lapping repeatedly at the helmet-shaped head until it was slick with her saliva.
"Brad had stripped her clothes away, gripping her pale body with his strong hands. He'd worked her flesh, touching here, touching there, rousing her with his sureness. His fingers had probed her nether lips, opening them, spreading her hot juices, finally pausing to lick her dew from his fingers.
"He bent her back over the teacher's desk, wrapping her legs around his waist, and then sliding his man meat into her with one unstoppable thrust.
"'God, that feels so good, ' she gasped as he scraped every secret nerve inside her. 'Fuck me with that lovely monster.'
"He grinned, backed off, and thrust again. He held her hips in his strong hands, his fingers massaging the white globes of her bottom. Time after time he withdrew, only to plunge back into her fiery furnace, shaking her body each time.
"Rose was lost in the moment. She came once in a writhing, moaning orgasm, and then began to build toward another one. She could feel his balls slapping against her bottom. His face was a mask of lust, his eyes devouring her pale white breasts, her flat tummy, and the flare of her hips.
"He began to speed up, making her body quake. She arched up into him, transported into realms of pure delight. And then, as she peaked, as her whole world shrank to the throbbing heat of her climax, she felt his jets of love cream fill her, spurt after spurt flooding her."
"Love-missile?" Devlin asked. "Love cream? Isn't that a bit much?"
Krissi shrugged. "I didn't say it was good, and I did tell warn you that it was a bit purple."
"You mean you're going to tone that down?"
"Only a bit. I'll stick in some euphemisms, but not many. Remember, this is porn, not erotica."
"What's the difference?"
"Lighting, staging, plot, and word choice." She leaned back, stretching. "Most of the Rose stories, and a lot of pornography, are like this. They see each other, and within a page he's putting it to her. There's an old joke in writing circles that a porn story that started 'Fuck my brains out, ' the woman cried as she walked into the whorehouse while unbuttoning her blouse' was rejected because it 'started slow'."
"Started slow?" Devlin laughed. "That was slow?"
"She still had her clothes on," Krissi said, "and so did he."
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xmoviesforyou"It infuriates me to have to win my troops' loyalty through such a childish macho display," Igwanda grumbled to Meiersdottir. "And to have let that young trooper goad me into it ... But I saw no other route. Miller fairly obviously disparaged me extensively to them, seeking to aggrandize himself at my expense, and I had to overcome that quickly." His wife simply giggled. "I'd love to have seen it, dear. And their faces when you showed him. Let me know next time you're going to play...
“I feel guilty,” I said. Benito smiled at me and nodded. “What’s making you feel guilty?” We were sitting on Dr Puretti’s couch in his office. He’d asked for an appointment, so I’d taken off from work early. My boss knew about Estelle being in hospital, so she’s given me a bit of slack this week. “I let Jennifer do that to me last night,” I said. “Isn’t that enough?” “What aspect of that is making you feel guilty?” asked Benito. “Um ... My wife is in hospital, recovering from surgery and...
When I was younger I had a pretty wild sex life and met a few women along the way to join in on the fun. In my mid 30's I was dating this woman, Bernie. She was a few years older than me, a single mom, rubenesque, 40D's long blonde hair and quiet the appetite for sex. Bernie and I had a few 3ways, couple swap and went to an orgy. Other wise we kept it one on one.One weekend Bernie and I went to a BBQ a friend of hers was having. As the night set in and my buzz kicked in. I noticed this woman...
Julie was asked to call a maintenance man because a fan in her boss's office wasn't working. She tried calling twice, then decided to go to the maintenance office on the way to lunch delivering the problem in person. She had been working at the job for less than two months but quickly found out that her boss wasn't a very nice person when things went wrong. When she told him that there wasn't an answer when she called maintenance, he gave her a look of annoyance and continued reading papers...
PART 2 Josh just graduated from high school. He wanted to travel the country before deciding what to do with his life. His family wished him farewell as he grabbed his backpack and headed off down the road. Where was he going? No one knew, not even Josh, but it was sure to be quite the adventure. 2 months went by without a hitch. Josh covered 5 states, mostly on foot, and met friendly people. On an August evening in Tennessee (where Dr. Small's compound was in the Appalachians), a...
Hello all friends. Main iss ka regular reader hu. Aap sab ki stories read krke mera bhi mann hua k main bhi aapko apni life ki ek sachi ghatna btau.Ye ek sachi kahaani hai.. Let me introduce myself. My name is bunty aged 24 from punjab.. Meri id hai. Jyada bore na krte hue story pe aata hu.. Baat un dino ki hai jab main 18 saal ka tha.. Aur garmio ki chuttiyo mein main apne chacha k yaha gya hua tha.. Mera chacha ki shaadi hue 5 saal ho gye aur unke ek 3 saal ki beti aur ek 1 saal ka beta...
NO SERVICE AT ALL By Geneva A women's group uses an ancient magic book to remove a sexist boss. Their actions do not have quiet the consequences they expect. START The twelve women pulled their chairs under them and sat round the table. Vera, as founder, and also as the most senior member, chaired the meeting and brought it to order. It was not that Vera was old: she was only in her early forties, with her face unlined, her hair still dark and glossy and her figure still showed...
Zoe's brother was being weird. His pigtails were swinging slightly, framing his lightly made-up face. The glitter on his lavender, heart-adorned top and ruffled skirt was glistening in the morning sun, only hidden by his pretty pink backpack, and the bells on his socks were lightly jingling while the lights were flashing on his two-inch heeled sneakers as he skipped along like an adorable little first-grade sweetheart out with her big sister. None of that, of course, was the weird...
The small stretch of the school year between the Thanksgiving holiday and the Christmas break was not one of my favorite times. People just tried to pack too much into it, and I was too used to the much more laid back Arborian idea of how to conduct a holiday. There were pageants and plays and dances and committees and every sort of time-waster. I blew off the pageants and plays as I had in previous years. I was polite but firm in my rejection of any and all requests to be on a committee, to...
I only met Aaron once before today. A mutual friend of ours wanted to hang out- the three of us, but she ended up bailing. So now Aaron is at my house just the two of us and I barely know her. I must admit though, she’s quite sexy. Her firm,toned arms exposed in a black tank top. I could see the shape of her breast and figured she wasn’t wearing a bra. The outline of her nipples poked throughthe front. She had on a black pair of jogging pants that gripped her tight ass. When she leaned...
Maddy has been alone for four months now since her husband went on deployment. It will be another six months till he is home and this girl is hankering for some cock. So when she finds out an old friend of theirs is in town she immediately invites him over for a visit. Little does Jax know this girl has nothing but a booty call on her mind. Her asshole needs a good fucking as nothing makes this girl cum like an anal orgasm. It’s the rush that gets her tweenie shaking and her spokewheel...
xmoviesforyouI ordered a pizza and the app said it would be about 25 minutes. I ran to the bathroom to grab a quick shower before it arrived. I stripped out of my work clothes, leaving them on the floor where the fell. The water felt nice against my skin. Cool, but not cold. I lathered up the lufa and began washing the day off. The soap felt good sliding across my body. I hung the lufa on it’s hook and finished lathering up by hand. The feel of my breasts, heavy in my hands. My palms sliding across my...
I was out for the day dressed in a frilly skirt, white stockings with garter belt and black high heels, (only my best fem clothing.) I stopped by my friends Dr’s office and had a seat waiting for my friend to end her shift. A nurse comes out and says “we have a room ready for you.” I thought they were playing a joke on me so I just agreed, hopped on to my heels and walked in to an exam room that was held open for me. The nurse left the room and I sat alone staring at all of the charts and...
With my wife out of town for the week at a professional conference, I was on my own for the evening's entertainment. Not being a particularly outgoing sort, I stopped by the local video store to grab a couple of what passed for x-rated movies in our small town. I figured I'd spend the evening getting off alongside a pepperoni pizza and a couple of beers. I made my way out of the adult aisle trying to be inconspicuous, yet nonchalant, when I bumped into Chimdi, a friend and co-worker. I tried to...
“Let’s get this show on the road,” I said. Naomi pointed to the bed. “Hospital rules, you sit until the wheelchair gets here.” She said it firmly but kindly. I had come to think of Naomi as my nurse in the last week. She was a thick woman, late-20s with a slight Creole accent, and had described herself as mulatto, which I thought was a pejorative but she said it with pride. She and Melissa had hit it off. I found out that Naomi had been responsible for the second bed in the room. And it had...
Day Thirty-two - Thursday - Day one of our new life The phone was ringing. I didn't even realize we had hooked it up. The phone was still ringing. I slipped out of bed looking at the clock, five-thirty. "Hello." "Steve, I'm glad you're up. This is Gene and I really need your help. I heard you were not going on a honeymoon, so I knew you were going to be in town." "Gene, it's five thirty in the morning. Couldn't this wait till, oh, I don't know, maybe seven?" "No, no, it...
Let me tell about the teacher. She is 26 and 5’6 in height and very beautiful she had a sexy figure of 36-28-34(which she told later) she used to teach me and we were very good friends as i used to talk to her freely. I am a guy of height 5’9 with a regular fit body but was chubby and a little chubby brownish color skin. I didn’t have any GF’s as i thought it was a waste of time. I used to call her didi as she was only 6 yrs. elder to me and didn’t have any intention but 1 fine day. It was a...
I'm not saying I COULD NOT have come up with a better plan. I'm saying--given the Zombie-Apocalypse and some piss-on-yourself howls, someone might think it a good idea to stay put. That maybe, I wasn't the only one waiting for a government guy to get on TV and tell us they had A PLAN. For a sixteen year old, killing Zombie-Rob and Zombie-Sow is in the realm of overachievement! It wasn't bashing their brains in with a baseball bat, but I deserved style points for the cleaver. AND, after...
Hello guys, I’m new here. This is my first story here and it’s True. This happened to me about a year back. I’m a 23 year old guy from Mumbai. I used to work at a CAs office due to which I would go to different places for Audit. Most of them were in the Suburbs of Mumbai. This incident took place during one such audit routine. I was asked to go alone and audit a company and its subsidiaries. There were around 4 companies which I had to Audit. The office was in the suburbs in a 12 storey...
When I returned to my Aunt’s duplex for lunch, I was still high on what fun we had. I knocked on the door because I didn’t think it was okay for me just to walk inside. My Aunt came to the door and said I could come in without knocking, even though Buddy and Lewis always did. They were standing next to me when I knocked. “Thank you, Ma’am,” I said as I started to undress at the door. “So about this little game you played,” My Aunt picked up the pom-poms in the box I had been carrying and...
She was now the captain of the 39 foot sailboat named “Crossbones” on Lake Erie. For years she and her husband had raced the boat in the many regattas that were held there. He’d had the boat when they married and their honeymoon was a 10 day voyage to Lake Huron. They’d sailed naked and screwed out in the middle of the lake as well as every other chance they got. But cancer got him and she was now left with the memories and the boat. To play along with the boat name, her husband had gotten...
Stacy got so excited when she got the invitation to the reunion for her High School Swim Team. Amanda had invited everyone and Lynn, Becky, Kelly, Samantha, Diane, and Tamara all responded. At 22 and 23 years of age, they all wanted to catch up on lost time. Red headed, Stacy, 23, 5-8, 135, walked up the drive at Amanda's. The Ben Wah balls she had inserted before the drive down had been rocking gently as she cruised the freeway in her new Super Beetle. The drive from Napa had been a pleasant...
LesbianCadence Lux and Zoey Monroe are enjoying some quality time together on an outdoor balcony, playfully chasing each other and stealing kisses. They don’t hesitate to grope each other’s butts, the heat between them building as they make their way to the front door of the home. Cadence and Zoey are clearly aching for each other, their impatience showing through as hurried words and butt smacks as they fumble with a key to let themselves inside. As soon as they burst through the door,...
xmoviesforyouTwo coworkers, Spencer Bradley and Victoria Voxxx, are busy gossiping about their new boss, Kenzie Taylor. They’ve heard GREAT things about her from past employees, who all swear that working under Kenzie has been unlike anything else they’ve experienced. Spencer and Victoria just can’t WAIT to get to know her better and see what all the hype is about. But later that day, their hopes are dashed as they realize that Kenzie is NOTHING like what they were led to believe....
xmoviesforyouINTRODUCTION My wife and I had taken a vacation of 7 to 9 days at a lake cabin for the last 20 years. After last year’s vacation we discovered my wife had advanced cancer. She dies a couple of months later. A few days before she died, she made me promise I would go at least one last time without her. I had arrived on Saturday. Sunday I had sex with Sarah, one of the young housekeeping staff, who wanted to thank me for helping her with her basketball skills the last five years. Monday I had...
Many years ago when we were18, my friends, Lynn, Becky and I took part-time jobs in a local supermarket. I was assigned to work on the fruit and veg. Department with a woman called Eve. Eve was in her forties and was completely different from my mother. She wore short skirts, too much make-up and she swore like a trooper! I thought that she was wonderful. Eve was the crudest person that I have ever known, she would tell me every intimate detail of her sex life, with her husband and boyfriends....
First TimeDet Sergeant Susan Miller was in a lot of trouble. Her assignment was to infiltrate a child pornography ring, and take them down. "Stupid, stupid STOOpid!" she thought to herself for the 100th time. The Captain had not approved an undercover strategy, back up, etc. The Purple Dinosaurs were, smart, experienced evil Mother Fuckers and a mistake could prove costly. But Susan had been in tight spots before, faced down truly wicked men and won. She figured she could handle this--and mayb look...
I was very embarrassed as I sat down I had never been treated like this before in my life Leon seemed to get enjoyment out of showing me off and bragging about what he was doing and as far as Al I wasnt sure about him, he didnt seem to smart but he was definately enjoying what Leon was doing.As we sat there Leon said yeah shes shy but she sure is a hot little bitch once you get her going. Al said she sure is the prettiest girl ive ever seen. Leon leaned over and whispered in my ear, Big Al has...
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD By Trisha SUMMARY: Thomas has everything a man could want. But when he's caught stealing from his employer, he is sentenced to one year in the body of a "bimbo- doll," becoming a beautiful, sexy girl in (almost) every aspect. Will his marriage survive his punishment? Will he keep his identity intact? Or, like other bimbo-dolls, will he succumb completely to his new life? PREFACE I have two caveats to give before you read this story. First,...
I am virtual man ( name changed ) and age 24 living in Hyderabad. I work in software firm. As you now this time period has hit with a dangerous virus ‘The CORONA’which had changed my fate. Since I being a software employee we had wfh option which.was compulsory for 23 of march as you know. Luckily I was out of Hyderabad and reached my native. Here the true story begins of my life. After many days I have been to my native where my grandparents along with my uncle and my aunt lives. Her comes the...
“Sol Syntrivon, of planet Mercury!” I was surprised and somewhat glad to see that I wasn’t the only one unfamiliar with the name, judging by the reactions of the members of the Council. All of their faces suggested that the name meant nothing to them and thus didn’t understand the gravity of Eirini’s words, nor could they fathom the trepidation in his voice. Nova was once again the person to take the lead. He said, “Forgive us, Eirini of clan Henosis, but I am afraid that we aren’t aware of...
I woke up and didnt know what to do with myself. I had a feeling in my gut but it was unfamiliar. I went outside and sat alone. When i came back inside i found my aunt in the kitchen. I always had a huge crush on her. I dont know why. It was probably because she would always grab me up and sit me on her lap and give me kisses. I would get hard, even as a kid. I liked her lips and her tits but she barely showed off her body. She mostly wore long dresses that reached down to her feet. When she...
IncestHer breathing came faster and faster and her body experienced a different kind of heat. Joe's fingers slid into her body, pumping slowly as his big rough thumb rubbed back and forth across her clit. Mandy whined in protest, but held unmoving, her fearful eyes staring up into Joe's hard angry ones. At first, she wasn't even aware of her awakened arousal. For despite her many sexual encounters, Mandy had had an orgasm only once. That was with a woman high school teacher when she was...
My motherinlaw is 50 years old, long black hair, d-cup round breast`s and slim body.She loves to use thongs and other also sexy underwear.One day we were visiting her, an i couldn`t get my eyes of her body and tits. She had tight jeans and a black tank top with very low cut, so her tits were showing nicely.My cock got so hard when she came next to me and bend over the table to get some sugar for her coffee.I quickly drinked my coffee and went to her bathroom to release my cock out and jack...
After the events of the past night. I didn't want to look Tammy in the eyes. I couldn't believe how many times I masturbated to her videos. I think she would see my need to see more of her if she looked in my eyes. The moment I woke up I gathered my clothes and called a taxi.I didn't wait for the taxi to get to the gate. I met the driver of the cab halfway down the street. I paid him in advance if he took the fastest route. Once I got back to my apartment, I fell back onto my bed."Damn," I said...
CheatingIntroduction: Naomis boyfriends attempts to summon a demon work too well Nomi is that you? Naomis boyfriend shouted, from his garage, as she knocked on the front door. He used her families pronunciation of her name, rather than the normal one. Naomi had spent her whole live correcting people when they said her name the usual way, rather than the Nomi of her family. Ian had picked up on the proper way to say it very quickly after they had first met at the school disco. That had been nearly a...
In order to fully appreciate my story, I must first share a little about myself. I am a thirty year old transwomen that didn't come out till I was twenty-five. It wasn't untill that age that I was able to understand and except it. The signs were always there however. Since seven I secretly dressed in my sister's clothing and pretended I was a woman. Later came the sexual acting and masterbation. Although I never understood why I did it, and usually buried it afterwards, I knew it made me feel...
“Calm like a bomb.” By Rage Against the Machine, That’s the first song that popped in my head. I started to sing the song in my head to pass the time. I was kneeling behind a table in a darkened room at the Westin Plaza in downtown Atlanta on the 52nd floor. I didn’t want to be there, but this was a priority one for me. I had been following my wife, Simone, for the better part of 3 months now. I had an idea that she had a lover, but had a really hard time proving it. I’ll admit that our lives...