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Dreams By J. John Seaver "I'm lying on my back in an empty room. There aren't any doors or windows, and the ceiling is so high up that I can't see it. All of the walls and floor are white, and it's bright enough to see, but the light doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere. I can't see where the floor ends and the walls begin. "I realize that I'm naked, but it doesn't bother me. I'm kind of seeing everything from outside my body, but that doesn't bother me either. I look down and see that it's me before I... before I got sick. At first, I think I'm alone, but then I see that there's a woman there with me. She's naked too, and she's unbelievable, with big, firm tits, long blonde hair, and a perfect ass. I can't quite make out her face, but I know it's beautiful. "I get a hard-on just looking at her, and she seems to like that, because she grabs hold of my unit and slides it inside her. I sit up, and suddenly there's another girl behind me, pushing her tits into my back, running her hands through my chest hair, and biting on my ear. Then another one crawls up, grabs my face, and sticks her tongue in my mouth. "Soon there's more and more of them, making their way in from the sides, or dropping from holes in the walls that I can't see, all crawling all over me and each other. It's like the snake pit in Raiders Of The Lost Ark, only with naked women, and they're all gorgeous. "I'm enjoying it, but then I realize that I can't see myself any more. Somehow, the part of me that's watching from outside is able to push the girls aside, but they're piled up something like thirty feet high, and I can't find myself in the pile. I'm starting to panic, and that's when I hear a door open. "A man walks through the door. He looks like me, but I just know he isn't. Everything stops. He looks at all the women, and licks his lips, and all the women smile, and I know I'm in that pile somewhere, smiling..." --Patient #14, Derek Adelman, 31, a construction worker from South Boston. (Midway between Government Center and Haymarket, the subway car stopped. This wasn't totally unusual; MBTA cars often paused between stations, waiting for the car at the next stop to reload and unload. What was unusual was the smoke that suddenly started pouring from the woman's backpack...) "I wake up in this bed, just as I am. The room is silent; not even the monitors are making any noise. The TV is on, but there's just static, without any sound. "I press the button to call for the nurse, but nobody answers. I know I'm not supposed to, but I get up and walk to the door. There are people in the hallway, but there's still no sound. It doesn't occur to me to try and speak myself, though. "I start walking, hoping to find the cafeteria - even in my dreams, it seems I'm always hungry now - when I hear some sort of noise. I'm not sure what it is yet. "I must walk through miles of hallways, but I never touch anybody, or vice versa. No matter which way I go, the sound always seems to be getting closer, but it still always feels like I've got further to go. I pass people I recognize, but no one ever seems to take any notice of me. "As I get closer to the sound, there are fewer people. The hallways are almost empty when I finally reach the end, where there are no more branches, just a door. I can't read what's on the door, but the sound is on the other side, so I open it. "The room is filled with newborn babies, and the sound I heard was one of them crying. I work my way across the room until I find which one was making the noise. "Somehow, I immediately know that this is my baby, not like my sons were my babies, but a baby I will give birth to. I pick her up, and as I do, she stops crying, and starts making these little gurgling noises. I sense she's hungry, and I unbutton my robe so that I can feed her, but I don't really have breasts yet, so she starts crying again, and I start crying too, and I tell her it's okay, that mommy won't let her down." --Patient #8, Richard Hastings, 38, a lawyer from Somerville (The smoke thins out, becoming a peppermint-scented mist as it expands to fill the car. The mist is a powerful tranquilizer, and most of the car's passengers along with its driver are soon unconscious. Nose plugs already in, the women wait for the smoke to dissipate, then open the backpacks' other compartments...) "I wake up, but I don't remember anything that has happened to me. I feel a little woozy, but I just assume that I had too much to drink at the party last night. I try to go back to sleep, but it's not happening "I turn on the computer to check my email, but none of the words are clear. I think that I must be really hung over, so I throw on a robe and head down to the kitchen to see if there's any coffee on. Everybody in the house is looking at me real funny, but they don't say anything. "There's a some coffee in the pot, but the cup I pour doesn't have any taste. I dump it out and put a new pot on, then decide to go take a shower while I wait for it to finish. "Everyone's still looking at me funny. I stop by my room to grab the shower stuff - soap, shampoo, towel - and then head to the bathroom. I get the sense that people are following me, but don't do anything about it. "I don't notice anything unusual while I'm in the shower; my body seems to be just as I remember it. I sort of rush through it, because someone's banging on the door. I tell them to hold their horses, wrap the towel around my waist, and sort of grumble about how there are two other bathrooms in the house and they can't all be occupied. The pounding gets louder and I yell again, that I'll be done in a minute. "Suddenly the door flies open, and five or six guys come through. They push me up against the sink, and then one of them tears the towel off, and throws it up in the air. As it falls down, it hits the medicine cabinet, and sort of wipes it off because it had gotten all fogged up. Two of the guys are holding me down, but I look up into the mirror, to try and see who's behind me. "But I'm not in the mirror. Instead, where I should be, there's this girl - you know, the one who claims she was raped at a party in my house a year ago. Now, you've gotta understand, I wasn't there, and I'm yelling that they're making a mistake, but they cover my mouth and I hear someone unzipping their fly, and then they grab my legs and spread them and that's when I wake up screaming." --Patient #21, Kyle Alsopp, 19, student at Boston University (The women worked quickly and efficiently. Starting at the front of the car, each taking a side, they worked their way toward the back. They ignored the unconscious women, as well as children and any men who looked to be over 45. With methodical precision borne of experience, they rolled up sleeves, inserted catheters, injected various solutions, and moved on to the next man.) "I'm floating in some kind of pink liquid, but I'm not having any trouble breathing. Of course, I may not be breathing, but anyway, I find that I can move around, sort of swimming. "The landscape is incredible; I'm in a sort of cave, traveling through an underground river. The cave is made up of large boulders, but they looks somehow soft. A group of red platters floats by, shepherding air bubbles past, and I realize that I'm not in a cave, but inside my own bloodstream, and that the boulders are cells, and the fissures between them are capillaries. "As I'm watching, some new fish swim through. They're not really fish, and don't really look like them, but that's how they move in my dream. They're traveling in schools, synchronized together. And there are so many different varieties! I remember the doctors saying that they probably wouldn't ever be able to reverse what had happened to me, because they'd found at least twenty-seven different types of retroviri, artificial hormones, bacteria, and even crude nano-devices in my bloodstream. There seems to be that many and more! "I know that I should be trying to stop them, but it's so fascinating to watch. One group, clearly some sort of retrovirus, stops at every cell, drills in, and sends one of its number through the hole. I stick my head through just as it's closing up and watch in fascination as the virus homes in a chromosome pair, pulls it apart, shreds the Y-chromosome and then carefully pulls an X out of itself, carefully wraps it around the unpaired chromosome, and quietly dies. "I follow another school which doesn't stop until it arrives at its destination. They find what they are looking for, so tiny and vestigial that I would have swam right past it, and attach themselves. Nothing happens for a while, and then the little cell divides. And then the two cells divide again. And again. And on until I look down and see my chest starting to swell. "I could have stayed to watch, but I felt a tug in my groin and headed off to see what was happening down there. It was incredible - several different kinds of these things, working together, re-arranging my body like they were remodeling a house. "There was a horrible beauty to it. I can't help but admire the sheer ingenuity that went into creating these beasties, the incredible complexity of their tasks, and how they're going about it without interfering with each other. But at the same time, I'm angry - they're doing it to my body, without my permission, and once they're done, I can't imagine what would happen to me if I should ever go home again. Facing my father alone..." --Patient #3, Yousef Mohammed, 25, graduate student at MIT (They had nearly reached the end when alarms started coming off. Attempts had been made to communicate with the car by radio, and they ignored them. By then, there were two or three other cars pulled up behind, but not getting too close - one of the women had stepped outside and placed a smoke bomb underneath the car. When the other cars started pulling back, and a voice on the intercom spoke of sending a repair/rescue vehicle, they calmly replaced their belongings, went into the cab to pull the "medical emergency - send help" lever, and made their way into the tunnels, disappearing without a trace.) "It's just a month ago; my wife and I are making love. The twins are off to their grandmother's house, and the lights are dimmed. The whole world just seems to consist of me, and Janelle, and the bed. We're as calm and carefree as we've ever been since the children were born, and Janelle looks like an angel. "Then, time seems to jump, and it's a month from now. I've finished changing, and we're in the bed again, only we're both wearing silk nighties. I put my arms around Janelle, and tell her that no matter what happens, I still love her, and she says she still loves me. I kiss her, but we pull our bodies together, I find myself paralyzed, unable to do anything. She says it happens to everyone sometimes, but I realize that it's worse that that, because it's not just that I'm not responding, but because I don't have any idea how. "Then time shifts again, and it's afternoon. I'm at the day care center to pick the twins up, and nobody there will meet my eyes. When I walk into the room, the twins start screaming. 'You're not daddy!', 'Don't let her take us!', 'We want our daddy!' All that. I don't know what to do; if I try to get closer, they just get more scared, but how can I move away? "Before I can decide, the world jumps again, and I'm back in the T, driving a different train. I can't remember what sex I am in this part of the dream, but when I look in the mirror, the one that lets me see what's going on in the car, I see Janelle. I sort of wonder why she didn't say hello, but then I see that there's this guy with her, a real Denzel-looking sunofabitch, and they're flirting and laughing. "Then Janelle and I are in a lawyer's office, signing some sort of papers. I think we're getting divorced. "And then I'm at a funeral. I must be a woman now, because I'm having trouble walking in my heels, as I head toward the front of the crowd to offer my condolences. When I get to the front, I see Janelle standing by the grave, with little Tisha and Lawrence on either side of her. I look down, and I can somehow see through the top of the casket, and it's me in there, the real me, not the half-and-half monster I am now or the woman that the doctors say I'll become. I try to say I'm sorry to Janelle, but she only meets my eyes for a second, with a look of hate so strong that... I mean, she hated me! She seemed to think it was my fault! "But it's just a dream, right, doc? None of that's actually going to happen?" --Patient #1, Mike Carter, 29, subway car driver from Jamaica Plain (All Green Line cars north of Park Street were stopped as rescue workers went underground to see what was happening. It was sort of anticlimactic when they found a letter pasted to the door, stating in bland terms that the catheterized men would soon be needing a great deal of intravenous fluids and nutrients, since the transformative agents that they had been injected with required a great deal of energy, and that everyone in the car would be waking up in approximately four hours. After checking the car for any other hidden devices, they gave the okay for the car to be brought to the station nearest the Harvard Research Hospital.) "I feel like I should be describing a nightmare. Instead, though, I'm looking in the mirror at a beautiful woman, getting ready to make the scene. "Whatever's changing me has finished, eating away most of my flab, except for my breasts, but those aren't really flab, are they? My hair is long and silky-smooth, and I can barely see the old me in my face. My teeth are straight, I've got dimples, and my skin is clear. I've got long, sexy legs, a perfect figure, and what little make-up I use makes me look incredible. "I don't know how I can afford the outfit a wriggle into, but I do. Stunning, just stunning! I pucker up and put a lipstick kiss on the mirror. It shimmers, and the old me appears there. 'It's a lie,' he says, 'you may fool everybody else, but you can't fool me.' "I ignore him. Why not? Everyone else always did. "I walk out the door and the lobby of my apartment building is filled with people. Photographers, using so many flashbulbs it's a wonder I can see at all. Reporters, from national television to my old student newspaper. They want to know what it's like being the world's most beautiful woman, whether it's true that I've signed a contract with Revlon, and could I confirm or deny that Ryan Philippe is leaving Reese Witherspoon for me? Men are yelling marriage proposals. Designers are trying to give me clothes, since anything I wear is sure to be a smash hit. "When I get to the club, the bouncer slips me a hundred before waving me in. The music actually stops when I enter, and then starts up again, and I shake my thing while men buy me drinks. Some women try to buy me drinks, too, but I've done that scene and no thanks. I'm not a freak any more, and even though they say they know just what a girl likes, I'm not buying. "I'm having so much fun. It's so much better than trying to convince yourself that ten percent of the population's gay, and that you've got options. Fat chance, if you'll pardon the pun. "It's not long before I run into Todd. Rugged, handsome Todd Delaney. God, I had such a crush on him in high school. He's all apologetic about the times he beat me up, but I tell him it's all in the past, that it was a million years and two hundred pounds ago. "We dance all night, and on the ride to his house, he tells me how stupid he was, that none of the bitches he went out with could ever talk about sports or cars worth a damn, and they always wanted to see some lame romantic comedy when they went out to rent a movie, but now we could have the best of both worlds, if I could forgive him. "The sex is fantastic! He's an animal, and my only regret after he's through is that I can't return the favor, and let him know what it's like to be filled like that. I really want to do that. "But that'll pass, right? I hope so. I never wanted to be a woman, but now I can't wait until all my guy parts are gone, so that I can just be normal." --Patient #17, Richard Irvine, 25, a computer programmer from Cambridge (None of the victims initially believe what the police tell them. They do become concerned when their appetites increase fivefold, but they find themselves losing weight no matter how much they eat. They get scared when their body hair begins falling out. And when the other, more noticeable physiological changes start, panic begins. Afraid to sedate the patients for fear of a reaction with what's in their systems, the hospital does the best it can by making sure that they have round-the-clock psychiatric help available.) "It seems like just another day. I'm in my bedroom, getting dressed for work. I'm not normally so meticulous, but it's my first day back from my trip and I feel I should put my best foot forward. I'm straightening my tie when I hear the kids in the kitchen, fighting over some toy, I imagine. "I walk through the door intending to scold them, but as soon as I do, I find that I've changed. My body has changed, and I'm wearing an apron, and the kids are screaming and pointing at the stove. I wonder where my wife is, since I really don't have time for this, but there seems to be some water boiling over so I try and handle it. I scald myself when my youngest shrieks, and rush to the bathroom to put some lotion on my leg. "But when I open the door, I find it opens into my office, and I'm myself again. Soon, my receptionist calls to remind me of a meeting in the boardroom. "The door out of my office seems to connect directly the meeting room, but that doesn't seem strange. I don't notice anything strange until I notice that nobody really seems to be listening when I speak, and I think I even seem some of the other men at the meeting whispering something about me. That's when I notice that I've changed again. I endure the rest of the meeting and hope that I retain some dignity when I exit. "The door opens into the reception area, but instead of continuing through to my office, I take the seat behind the receptionist's desk. I think I'm myself again, but now I'm not sure. "The work is menial, simple... What's the word? Boring. The person in the office behind me seems to be inconstant somehow, different every time I talk to him. Sometimes as he passes me on the way to and from meetings, he ignores me; other times he's patronizing, and once I think he even leers at me while talking to another man. "When the end of the day comes, I'm only too happy to leave. Again, the office door seems to lead directly into a subway car. It's crowded, as always, but it suddenly seems unsafe. Not just because of my ordeal here, but because there are so many people touching me. I don't like it, and I try to push my way out, but I'm too small and weak, and it takes me until the next station. "As I fall out the door, I find myself pushing a carriage in a supermarket. Again, I'm not sure what sex I am at this point. All the women there are giving me strange looks, as if I don't belong. Maybe that means I'm like I am now, but I have this intense feeling of not belonging. Soon, it becomes overpowering, and I abandon my cart and run for the door... "Then I'm in a bar, with my friends from work, but it all seems wrong somehow. I stare very hard at my hand holding my beer, but it seems to change every time I blink or look away. I feel sick, and take my leave. "Finally, I arrive home. I'm certain that right now I'm a woman, and I feel that I should do something, but my wife has already done the chores for the night - fixing dinner, putting the kids to bed, and folding the laundry. She's asleep as I join her in the bed. "I don't remember falling asleep or waking up, but I eventually recognize that I'm not at home, but in this hospital. Eventually, I called you. Maybe you can tell me what it means, or at least help me with the questions that kept me awake within my dream - who am I now? And what is my place in the world?" --Patient #19, Ishii Kitaro, 34, of Tokyo, Japan (in Boston on business), via a translator

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Its mostly self insert fantasy stories. A little bit of isekai and sex. I will seperate each story and it will be shown from various perspectives. All fantasy worlds.

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It was a brilliant Plan! It was a brilliantly conceived Plan to manipulate my young and na?ve Bride in the most devious yet subtle manner! But, in order for the Plan to succeed, Sally had to be convinced it was all HER idea! All I had to do to put my Plan into action was tell her about the 'Dream' I had last night! This was gonna be a cinch! Right? Dream By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved "It's just so bizarre, Theresa! At first I thought I hadn't heard h...

4 years ago
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Dreaming by Vickie Tern Oh, God, it felt so good! "Push that thing in deeper!" I seemed to cry out. "Deeper! All the way into me!" Again the same dream, sort of. The fourth or fifth night in a row. Again I'm in bed with a gorgeous hunk of man who's pressing his groin against me from behind, his firm stomach slapping repeatedly against my soft, round buttocks as his thick meat slides into me and bottoms out deep inside, stretching my hole...

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That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copper blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...

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Hi Dear hope u are fine, well i guess i brought this on myself and all i can say is that i must now tell u about my dream,i shouldnt have told u about it in the first place , but it had to do with a conversation we had earlier or better it was my subconcious interpretation of what i said. let me start from the end, how i woke up with a very big erection and my underpants had a very suspecious wetness to them, i knew why i can still remember the dream perfectly, i sat there in my bed smoking my...

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That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that's why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copperblond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...

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Hello to you all. I have finally submitted my second story. This story is based on a dream that I had a long time ago. It was my first real dream about being a woman. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. The Dream By Allissa The room was dark. I tried to focus on something but there was very little light. I rolled to my side and sat up. The nightmare that I had woken me from my deep sleep had been the same one that was reoccurring almost every week. I would try to run from...

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I had no idea it was a dream. It was so real that I was sure it was happening. Let me tell you about it... I was running through a sort of desert land. I had on a black tank top and jeans shorts with ripped tights under. It was right before the sun set so the sky was a mix of orange, pink and purple. I was running towards something, I'm not sure what though. Maybe shelter? I was sweating and there was blood on my shirt. I heard people chasing me but I was too focussed on what was in front...

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00053db5 707f 097e 1f9c 02c042093f8b 60SEXUAL a*****IONNote | 1 Loves It | over 6 years agoI Imagine you seducing me, if you will, the feel of leather/latex/silk against my skin, the double headed rubber ball filling my mouth as you sit on my face and fuck yourself. I am unable to speak, unable to admonish, unable to protest. As my delicate flesh is ravished, I feel my body betray me, yearning for the touch, the caress of so many forbidden implements. Will I be allowed to reach the pleasure I...

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 “This is the dream I’ve had about you since the day we split. It’s one I still have and, to be honest, I want to act it out with you sometime.”“Mmmm…sounds kinky sweet man. What kind of girl do you think I am MK?”“I don’t quite know yet but after finding my white dick in your benevolent pink pussy outdoors, in a public place, with your beautiful brown ass in a tree, I think you might like what I’m about to tell you.”“You have my undivided attention, My’Kuyah, lay some of your salacious...

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This was a dream I had some time ago, and thought I would relate it to you as best I can remember. It occurred during a time when I had been without a partner for quite some time, and can still create that instant flash of arousal when I recall the feelings generated. This was the one and only time I can remember being awakened by an orgasm. I have, of course, fleshed it out somewhat to make it readable, but the basic images were part of my dream and I've tried to relate it truthfully. It was...

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That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copper blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her...

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My friend Amy and I were at lunch one day chatting about our lives and relationship with our spouses. We both have been with our significant other for a very long time. We got on the subject of sex and ways we could spice it up. several ideas passed through our minds until we finally picked this one. We decided we were going to have a evening out together with our guys. We are starting off the evening by going to a comedy club about an hour away from home and then hit some night clubs and we...

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I have this immense crush on this man I work with, but being as I have a boyfriend I can't do anything further. One day while I was talking with him outside on a smoke break I think he was fishing for a way to come over and hang out, which would have been great! Somehow I let it slip that I was in a relationship and it didn't happen :( Well I had a dream about him the other night, which isn't unusual for me; I have some pretty vivid dreams! I thought I might like to share it!I was taking...

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This is the work of fiction.So the other night i finally crawl in to bed next to my sexy little sister but she was a dead loss, I spent the evening sat in my office watching little miss peachy getting slammed up the ass by some black dude, then some lesbian chicks in school uniforms fist each other until they had a fake orgasm, seeing all this left me with a nice thick cock standing to attention. When i snuggled up to my sister she was out cold in the land of nod and no how much I tried she...

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i had a dream that was so hot i have to share it with you..i was woke by this hot blonde lady.. 36 c, nice curves and a great ass.. so was in my house since for some odd reason my lady turn it into a sex house.. she was like you want a blow job.. i told her i didnt know if i should.. she told me she wouldnt tell so i said sureso crawled to me on her hands and knees.. shacking her ass than got to me.. i spread my legs open to show my hard 8" cock ready for her.. she started out slow.. sucking...

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got up with pussy on my mindcame on here and saw some really hot chicks.my pussy is so wet that is starts to wet the chair.i need to fix this.i put my finger on my clit and move it in circles. i look around for something to put in or even rub on it (my fav anything that vibrates).i cant find anything.i stick one finger in my ass and one in my cut.totally open my legs and start to fuck myself.my juicy pussy starts to make noise cause i am so wet!i think about the wet pussies and i feel myself...

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Hello to all ISS readers. This is your JJ as stated already time constraint is a factor that is keeping me on my toes, yet I have decided to give you all a mid week quickie. No introductions and no description we go straight into a hot sizzling lesbian dream which is hidden secretly in the minds of modern Indian women. The best way enjoy the story is that you need to imagine yourself in anyone character & I am sure if you have the right kind of environment around you it will make you orgasm...

3 years ago
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OMG, with all the chat we had last night, you were stuck in my head. I had the hottest dream about u.We started off in your room kissing. It was very nice, soft tender, nibbling, licking, sucking each other’s lips and neck and ears.  My hands were in your hair pulling you down to me, then all over your chest and arms and back, just running my fingertips lightly all over.. making you shiver and moan.  Your big hands were all over my back and ass, pressing me tight against you.Your teeth on my...

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I dreamt of Mary last night. It felt so real, like a recent memory, rather than a dream. It had that feeling of fondness, two souls brushing up against each other like feathers; a gentle caress that leaves a lingering feeling of closeness and intimacy. My wife Carol and I were there with Mary and her husband Daryl. Mary was sitting up on the bed with her back to the headboard. My head was resting on her lap, her hands idly running through my hair. She was looking toward the end of the bed....

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“Yes, we’ll have a slice of your Key Lime cheesecake to go.” “Excellent choice Sir, I’ll be right back with your order and your check.” Our stares let us both know we were still in that unique and exceptional place. We were still in that exotic zone where we had emerged only to feed our physical need for nourishment. But, being so close to her and talking football managed to make my manhood fill with desire. My thoughts began to revel in the hot and sweaty exercise session we had earlier....

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i have a lot of fantasies,i am a man that allways think dirty.i love going to the common gsrden and take off the nieburs sexy panties and what a smell.

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Mike and I were enjoying a quiet evening at home, with no kids and no work. We were trying to figure out what to do as it had been months since we were home alone. We decided to have a romantic dinner and watch a movie. Mike picks a movie that has a lot of sex scenes and, of course, it makes me want sex bad. Mike, on the other hand, said he wants to stay up and watch some more TV.I was upset and just about to go to bed when he came in. He told me to put on my sexiest nighty, he had some...

Group Sex
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You were at home sleeping and I got back to the house with a few friends that were from the office where I was a math guy doing stuff. You came out to say hello to me and you were wearing your black lacy lingerie that you wore for our repairman fantasy. You were surprised to see my friends there but you came out anyways with a smirk on your face. We were kind of drunk and the other guys were staring at your obviously hard nipples that were poking out and at your creamy legs. You were wearing...

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After a few drinks out we end up back at your place to smoke a little. It’s gotten late and at this point it almost seems easier to just crash on the couch. You set me up with a few pillows and a blanket and leave it off to the side. As you go to change into pajamas I set up the couch and take my pants off as the jeans are just too uncomfortable at this point. We continue our discussion about life and the current happenings. As you reach over to ash I get a perfect view down your shirt and...

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i have a lot of fantasies,i am a man that allways think dirty.i love going to the common gsrden and take off the nieburs sexy panties and what a smell.

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My cousin and I were born in 68/69 respectively. We started experimenting during the summer of 77. This experimenting led to many firsts for both of us and the ability to please others and know what we wanted sexually for ourselves. It all started out slowly while taking baths and showers together that summer. We started by watching each other masturbate and then eventually joining in with each other for mutual masturbation. I remember the first time my cousins hand rapped around my hard...

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Learning Java Was Never So Much Interesting

Hi! This is my first attempt so forgive me for any mistakes! I wanted to share my story from a long time and finally got the chance. This story is about me and my school teacher babita(name changed). Any Indian female interested can email me at Well coming to the story….. When I was in high school babita used to teach us computers. She has a very fair complexion and a hot figure of 34-28-36. All students had a crush on her and also it was a boys school. She used to wear sarees with transparent...

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The GameChapter 8

Sarah Crenshaw opened her apartment door and wearily removed her gun and badge putting them in a table drawer. It had been another tiring day although they had finally caught up to an armed robber who had taken down two banks and a series of convenience stores. But then had come the paperwork and Frank's endless kidding when she had brought up the missing Cameron woman. Even the LT. was beginning to wonder if she hadn't become obsessed with the beautiful black woman. In the weeks which had...

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MindControlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 4 Blown by His Friends Mom

Chapter Four: Blown by His Friend's Mom A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Rosalita happily fell to her knees before me. The girl voted by the guys in my first class of the day as giving the best head now had the delight of sucking my dick fresh from Mrs. Jun's asshole. The Hispanic girl licked her lips, her brown eyes staring up at me. I grinned as she opened her mouth wide and slid her lips over the tip of...

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Memorial Daze Part Four

“So what the plan Joe?” Keith asks as she secure Sherry in the basement before returning to the kitchen.Going to the fridge opening the door seeing what we have on hand that can feed six strapping men after a marathon of sex with a mute. Finding nothing that would suffice,I turn and start detailing our next few hours! “First I need one or both of you to go shop for food!” The look on their faces as i continue is hysterical “You know burgers, frozen pizzas and what eer else you guys wants...

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MilfBody Cherie Deville Mylf Gets Physical

Cherie Deville is a hot big titty mylf who takes her workouts seriously. She always remembers to stretch every single muscle she can before she starts to get physical. She usually documents her workout on her blog, but today she was lucky enough to have one of her sons hot friends film it for her. They got to filming and all this kid could focus on was Cheries ass and tits. After the shoot they go inside to review the footage, and Cherie is appalled by how preoccupied this young man was with...

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Clockwork Caroline

Steam was King! Steam was clean, the cheap power to the masses. From the end of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century, steam drove everything. And in that time, inventions were all powered by steam.Big and small, steam was there, the driving force of all industry. And along with steam came the fashions of the time, heavy calico shirts, and dresses, corsets, and trusses for the bodies, hobnail boots, and woollen stockings, all were there. And controlling it all was the vast...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 15 Strangers

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place at Dunharrow. Aragorn, who Éowyn has unsuccessfully tried to seduce, and the rest of his Rangers will depart for the Paths of the Dead in the morning.] She remained still. Waiting. Shivering and trembling in fear, yet powerfully turned on by what she’d already done and what was about to happen. For a long while, though, what happened was nothing, and her tension grew. Finally, Dûrthéod spoke. “It might be interesting to let you...

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The Bathub Part 2

part one: http://de.xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/348110.htmlMichael checked the newspaper the next morning, but he found nothing. While he was on the computer, he searched the city database of police reports for last night and today. None of them reported a **** or burglary in the neighborhood. He wasn’t surprised from the way she acted. She came just as he did and she took every drop of his cum in her mouth. He was sure that she swallowed it all.He went out every night to the...

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