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My regiment had fought and died those days in early July, 1944. Yet when we finally entered Caen, tired half-starved people began to cheer. Not only that, a few brazen and obviously relieved civilians ventured forth and embraced and gave us hastily picked flowers. Many civilians were weeping, more were dazed from the fury of the fighting. I felt very inadequate, most of the rubble that was left of the city, had been massed bombed only the night before by the Allied airforce. The few men under my command gave their share of cigarettes and rations of food to the happy people. One young lad even handed me the head off a home made doll, I hadn't the heart to return it.
Our orders had come early that morning of the 9th, the Maquis, the French Resistance were leading us to the objective. The city offices. It was called "Operation Goodwood", or by us Canadians, "Operation Atlantic". The "Operation" seemed a very fancy word, in my little corner of the battle, I was given objectives. And every one I fought very hard for, we took. Yet as I walked through the rubble of the streets, looking upon the thousands of refugees and huddled persons in dark corners and under debris. My heart went out to them, was all this destruction worth the lives that was taken. Sure the allies had dropped leaflets to warn the city that it was about to be bombed, but even as I walk down the streets and across mounds that were once buildings, I often saw ugly grey bloated bodies. Once we passed an emergency hospital, set up in a monks' refectory, bodies were pilled outside it with little dignity, inside the dim and chaotic interior could just be made out. I was in hell!
Thankfully, the distance took little time. I stood behind a corner of a windowless building and followed the pointing finger of the Maquis guide. High in up in the building could just be seen the shadow of crouched figure, a barrel sticking out the door. A sniper! And no doubt, not alone. Unfortunately, most of the Division was sent to the suburbs were large pockets of German resistance held on. The average, sane infantryman hated door-to-door fighting. It was a dangerous, hellious type of fighting. So many obstacles, and around every corner could be a sniper or a company of men just waiting to kill. Damn I wished we had the armour that was promised us by the Brigade Commander.
I had five men left in my section, and sent two around to the right flank. I ordered two to wait and give cover fire as needed, along with our resistance friend who was more than happy with the prospect of killing Germans with his beat up Sten gun. Myself and Corporal Dickson would enter the building.
As soon as the two of us began to dart across the clearing I knew it was a mistake. I felt then heard the shots only when we were half way through the yard. I was grazed by two bullets, yet finally shot through the front door with barely a scratch. Looking behind me, I saw Corporal Dickson laying upon the cobblestones, dead. My men were returning fire, yet I held little faith in that .
I was alone, with an objective ahead of me. Yet a large part of me wanted to curl up into a ball and hide away. Thankfully my duty and the job held my sanity together. Through several messy rooms did I go. Moving double time, I quickly found a stair going up. That was when I got lost! The rooms became darker, the rooms tidier, yet still unclean. My body was exhausted, with my kit strapped to my back and the cumbersome rifle in my hands I soon had too stop to catch my breath. Somewhere above me someone was still firing. I had to get the sniper, it was either him or me.
As I stood catching my breath, I suddenly heard a couple of voices, speaking German, I caught only a word here and their, "mischbrot", "wurstchen", "kase". If I remember correctly, they were talking about food. Yet footsteps were coming closer. Frantically, I quickly ran into the suite of rooms I was standing next to. I found a locked door and effortlessly smashed through it. I stood facing the door I just came through, the broken lock hanging limply. I followed the sound of the voices as they went passed the place I had been standing. I heard them going up, their jack boots making harsh noises against the tile and wooden floors.
Taking a breath I was about to continue with my assignment. Then I heard something, more of a whimper. I spun around, my rife pointing towards the sound. I saw nothing but a large desk and several chairs and bookcases. But something had to be there!
Slowly with soft step, I came around the edge of the desk. My rifle pointing towards the hole under and behind the desk, the only logical place for a person to be. I hoped it was just a dog, or perhaps another type of animal that had crawled into that small hole. Yet I saw it! A shape! A huddled, dirty woman lay in the fetal position, her face hidden from me. What the hell was I to do? I bent down my face coming closer to the desk opening. She was shivering, perhaps in the damp morning air, or from fear. The woman only wore a thin summer dress and heels. What was she doing here?
With a gentle hand I placed my palm upon her arm hoping I could calm her. Here was a human being, someone that had been tormented by the German occupation and by the Allied air strikes, how did I imagine I could calm her. I was cover in combat gear, not a very calming sight I'm sure. I felt her warm soft skin and she stopped shivering.
"Mlle, are you all right?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. I felt sick, I did not want to be there in that dirty room, with enemies only a few feet away, while I tried to comfort a young lady.
She spoke one word before looking up, "ministre?" I saw her face slowly look out from behind the crock of her arm. I saw her pretty round face, large scared eyes, full lips, small nose. She was very pretty. The woman asked me a question, and I could not understand a word. So I improvised, and told her my name, Caesar, or rather my nickname. She told me hers, yet I could not pronounce the French version so I shortened it to Sam.
Sam took her hands and arms from her face, sitting up as much as that large desk allowed. Then she smiled at me! So you may ask? Well, after the deaths of friends and the agony of victory, it was almost too much. I saw her looking at my trouble faced, and she began to cry. No I didn't cry, but I still felt the tears running down my cheeks. One of her hands reached out daintily and wiped the tear from my face.
I sat upon the floor next to the opening of the desk, she knelt next to me. With a motherly compassion, she bent forward and kissed my wet cheek, her other hand holding my face steady. God, I was confused, was I not supposed to be the victor, the knight in shining armour? Yet here was this tiny attractive woman who was stronger than I, comforting me. Upon the rest of my emotions I felt shame.
Sam placed her cheek next to mine, holding me. When I finally got hold of myself, I realized she held me in a death grip. She was not going to let go. I turned my face towards her, our eyes only six inches apart. "Please Mlle, I have to go. You must understand, people are depending on me!" She closed her eyes and kissed me. This time upon the lips, very softly and with great amount of emotion. It was too much upon my trouble soul, and I returned the unknown woman's kiss. Sam was patient with my hungry sadness. I forced her lips open with my own. My tongue sliding into her mouth, finally coming in contact with hers. My hand grasped her flimsy dress and I tore the remaining buttons off the front, exposing her undergarments. I was hungry for passion, for love. Yet for several years all I had known was pain and death. The softness of a woman was almost forgotten upon me, certainly how to touch a lady was alien was.
I stopped, thankfully before I had begun to rape her, my mind finally taking control of my emotions. Sam surprised me, she looked me straight in the eye with even more emotion and compassion. She took her hands off me and began to disrobe. Off came the ripped dress, her shoulders exposed. It hung about its cord around her waist. Then she reached behind her and undid the clasp for her bra, the undergarment fell to the floor next to both of us.
Sam knelt, her back straight, looking right at me. I unashamed, looked at her exposed skin. I fell for that unknown French woman, I could see the imperfections of her flesh, but desired all. She was a beautiful woman who had lived through years of hell, why did she offer me this gift? I have never known.
Slowly she grasped my free hand and brought it to her chest, my large palm cupping the firm roundness of her breast. Her nipple began to harden under my rough hand, reminding me of the of love I had lost because of this war. I was almost ran out of their at that moment, yet only her eyes held me in place. She withdrew her hand from mine, and I felt her fumble with the front of my clothing. My webbing was undone, then the buttons of my trousers and lower jacket. I was conscious of my unwashed body, and almost began to laugh. To be worried about such a thing sitting here in this ransacked building with Germans a floor above me, and both of our bodies had not seen a bath for many a week. I realized, finally, that the simple pleasures of the flesh was not the reason that Sam was doing this. Perhaps, like me, she needed to feel the closeness of another human, even with the stench of war covering us.
A warm small hand held my hardness, forced it passed my boxer shorts to point up out of my dishevelled clothing. I don't remember a moment when I had been more excited, or felt closer to any person in my life. With anxious and deliberate movements she knelt up then swung a knee and leg over my lap. Sam moved her hanging skirt from between her legs and reached up with one hand to move her undergarments aside. Her other hand held my shoulder steadying herself, while her eyes never left mine.
During that time, I had placed both hands upon her full breasts. I marvelled in the warm softness of woman, and wanted more. Yet this time I was patient.
Sam sighed very loudly, just as I felt her warm wetness envelope me. She sat upon my lap, locked together by more than sex. She cupped her breasts in her hands, pointing that perfect areola towards my salivating lips. I tasted her skin, reviling in the hardness beneath my tongue. I alternated between the globes, almost not noticing her slow movements up and down upon my shaft.
Time went slowly, our movements more urgent. My lips had left her breasts and found her hungry mouth. Our tongues danced to the beat of our joining. I marvelled at her wetness, wanted to see it, yet her skirt hid everything. The moisture contained their was making erotic wet noises. She began to moan deep down in her throat and I forced my tongue into her mouth to silence her in the most polite way I knew how. She accepted my gift.
Before I realized what was going on, Sam froze, with only the unknown joined portions quivering and spasming delightfully upon me. I spent a great tribute to this unknown woman, flooding her with my seed. She squealed with pleasure, feeling the warm liquid hit deep inside her, filling her up. Her hips wiggled wonderfully, bringing a groan from my lips.
It was over.
Sam lay over me, spent as I. Slowly the sounds that surrounded us began to reach me. I could hear the sounds of treads, the tanks that had been promised to my section. I had to leave this woman, yet that was the hardest thing I had yet to do in my short years. I gently moved her off me, and told her to stay under the desk. When it was over I would return, what then, I don't know?
I stood ready, my soul finally cured of its afflictions. Yet again, it almost broke. The look in her eyes as I was only steps away from the door to this room was enough to fill my heart with foreboding. I must do my duty, if not for my commanders then for her. I would return!
Swiftly without looking back I left her, soon finding the stairs going up. Silently I reached the top, through the rubble I saw five Germans smoking and laughing. One was on watch looking out the large window. I could not understand what they said, yet I didn't care. I blamed them for causing Sam her pain, I wanted to hurt them. Taking careful aim, I shot two before the others even reacted. My position upon the stair, looking over the edge of the floor, gave me good cover. And I was able to wound another soldier. Then the wall behind the remaining Germans blew wards, killing them instantly and showering me with debris. One hit me very hard and I as knocked senseless.
Confusion was what I awoke to, around me a sea of brown and green uniforms. A doctor knelt next to my prone body, examining my head wound. "A scratch really, though head wounds do bleed a lot." He quickly left me to attend another fallen comrade. In only hours I was again with my section, as they sat with the tank crew in front of that building I knew so well. With barely a glance at my men I entered the cleared building, finding nothing.
Sam was gone!
Dream #2I do have limits! I mean I am a crook, sure, but that does not mean I would do many other illegal activities. Even thieves have a code of honour, if you will. What am I talking about?
Well, I had a job to do. My business partner would case out a place, usually posing as a salesman or a meter reader, and it was my job to go in and empty the joint. Easy! And it usually is, except for this one time. Now I don't carry a gun, but just a knife for cutting away cords, or jimmying stuck cabinets. So I always try to B&E while the occupants are not home. I was already in the house, a normal middle-class dwelling which was chosen for my exploits because of the amount of toys. Electronic toys. Excellent turn-over value. This job would bring me personally over a thousand bucks!
Yet this job was not so easy!
There was someone in the house. A temptation that would perhaps have beguiled a less ethical man. A totally unforeseen disaster could happen if I didn't get out very quick. I was upstairs going through the main bedrooms drawers and closets and had already collected several pieces of jewelry. The sound from downstairs was unmistaken, a woman was crying! I almost shit my drawers, my partner had assured me the place was empty, the family had left for the evening. I suddenly pictured myself cuffed in the back seat of a police cruiser, not a vision I wanted fulfilled.
To get out of the house, I had to go back downstairs. I may be a thief but that doesn't mean I can climb! Nor did I bring rope. Damn, damn, damn, damn!
Moving as fast as I could while still stepping softly I crept downstairs. I saw a flickering light that was not there when I entered the house. It was the fireplace in the large living room that was giving that eerie red glow. It certainly was not there when I had left, perhaps someone returned home without my hearing. Doubtful but possible.
I still stood on the stairs but could see into the large immaculate living room. A person lay upon the floor, the sound of her crying louder. She was not crying loudly, but weeping to herself, yet in this quiet house the sound was very deafening. My muscles shook with fear, my hands were sweaty and my teeth ground together.
Finally I reached the bottom of the stairs and snuck another peek at the woman before I would exit from the front door and run like hell. I saw an attractive small woman, dressed very nicely, laying upon the floor facing the fire. From my angle I could see the tears upon her cheeks, and her sad round face. My heart went out to her, but what could I do? If she saw me, off to the big house for sure! I creeped to the door of the living room and watched her for a bit more. If she was OK, then I would leave. In that light I could see everything, though with a reddish glow, even the wine glass half-filled sitting next to her. I studied the profile of the lady. And that was what she was - a lady; older perhaps early thirties, she had that cuddly appearance that attracted me, she wore professional conservative clothing yet still very feminine, short blond hair that radiated the irregular light.
It was time to leave. I'm not sure how long I stood there, but it had to be about ten minutes. Karma I expect. When I was about to turn and go, I realized she was looking right at me!
Her eyes wide in surprise, I didn't see fear, she stared directly into mine. I realized I should have put on a mask or bellacaluva when I heard someone in the house. "I..I won't hurt you." I realized I must look fearful, black pants and shirt, black leather gloves and runners, and a duffle bag under an arm. One of her dainty hands came up and wiped a cheek dry. "I'm sorry for everything...I will leave now..."
I stepped back one pace then froze upon hearing her voice. "Don't go!" A voice filled with desperation and surprise. Yet surprisingly still no fear. I would have still turned tail and run if not for those two words. Why would she ask me to stay? Were the police on their way already? Perhaps she had a gun trained upon me? I froze in fear and astonishment.
I turned back in time to see her wipe the other cheek dry. She mumbled, "I'm sorry..." She surprised me again? Was I not the intruder, the crook, the thief? It was obvious she did not fear me. "My name is Samantha," she stood awkwardly since her skirt hindered the movement, "please come in and sit down." She motioned towards a large comfortable couch. I was struck silent, but followed mutely her commands. I sat looking into her pretty face, and saw her smile. A happy, honest and earnest smile, filled with trust and something else? From my seat I could smell her perfume, I know not the name but it filled my head and caused my heart to flutter.
Samantha took a seat next to me, about a foot distant, easily within arms distance. Her soft eyes met mine and I melted in her look. Perhaps she was stalling for the cops, yet something in the ladies manner suggested I was wrong. She asked quietly, politely, "What is your name?"
I didn't want to tell her the truth, it could be used against me in a court of law. So I gave her my nickname, the one used by my business acquaintances, "Caesar." She reached out and took my hand held it firmly in her warm grasp. I of course let her, yet knew at any moment I could overpower this small woman and leave. But who was in power here? At that moment I contemplated forcing myself upon her. And I quickly discarded the notion, the lady was above that, even above me. And as I have said, I do have limits. One of those is that I will steal, but never hurt a person intentionally or otherwise. "I should go!" Indeed I should!
She held me more firmly, "No please stay!" I knew she would let go if I insisted. I didn't. Samantha hung her head, looking down at her lap, almost in shame. To my distress her smile was gone. "I want you to make love to me." So quiet I'm sure I must have mistaken her words. After several seconds of silence, she looked up into my eyes, her look hard. "Here on the floor, make love to me here." I looked down at the large fur rug, perhaps a polar bear. Then let my eyes wander over the older woman's form, she lifted her chin and waited for my inspection to end.
Of course I wanted her, I was a young male after all. But I was crude, used to the streets, the women of he gutter. What did I know about "making love", in my world we called it sex or just f%$*ing!
Yet in the end I pulled my hand from hers and placed it upon her right bosom. Was their any doubt reader? Samantha closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Soon both hands were gently caressing and fondling the round soft breasts. She wore a silk pearl colored blouse, loose, and a brassier underneath. And yet her nipples were very visible, they also poked into my palm exciting me beyond her earlier words. Both hands trembled when I placed them upon her lap, and began to worm then up her taunt skirt. Though my gaze was fixed to the placement of my hands, I saw out the corner of my eye as she began to slowly unbutton her blouse.
Nirvana, the lady wore stockings! The type with garters and all the fixings. I felt the heat of her bare upper thigh as the tips of my fingers reached skin. Now I knew even if the police were outside, I would not care. For this moment was foremost in my mind. Nothing else mattered.
I pulled my hands out from the tight confines of her skirt and began to help her with the blouse. Soon it was off, thrown upon the floor behind the couch. Her bra was unclasped from the front, and her breasts moved with delight to be unconfined. My mouth watered! She stood up before me, her hands reaching behind her to undo the white skirt, it fell to the floor very quickly. Her hands reached for her garter belt but I intercepted her and nodded no. I wanted her to keep the white stockings on, they pleasured my visual senses immensely. Samantha smiled knowingly and hooked a thumb under the corners of her panties. Again I stopped her.
She looked down at me in surprise as I bent forward and planted a kiss upon her white silk undergarment. I could taste her moist pleasure soaking the silk, the smell intoxicating, the heat overpowering. My head swam. She groaned as my lips touched her, almost begging with that one sound for another. Again my lips touch the fine fabric, and this time I noticed the discoloration from it being wet. Samantha's small hands intertwined in my hair and held my head, she wanted more. Yet so did I.
Using my teeth, I pulled the left side of the panty down to mid- hip. I immediately moved to the other side, and pulled it down. Moving to the center, my nose already within a bush so fine and thick that I am amazed I found the strength to continue. My teeth pulled her panties to her lower thighs, where they fell promptly to her knees. I had noticed a length of her excitement trail behind the panties which finally broke after a length. This lady did indeed want a lowly man like myself! She now stood clothed the way I most desired her, she was beautiful!
"Lay upon your carpet Samantha." An order, yet it brought a huge smile to her face and prompt response. She lay upon her back, her legs slightly spread, her knees bent, her hands running up and down her thighs and across her stomach. Her eyes followed me intently, waiting!
I stood over her, my hands quickly undoing my shirt, then my shoes and my pants. I saw one of her hands cup a breast and I slowed down forcing her to wait. As I inched my pants down my long legs, bending over so she had not seem my sex yet, I also watched her. The lady was wiggling her bottom in her impatience, her hand upon her breast was molding it to her desires, the other was scratching with nails upon those warm soft thighs and stockings. I stood straight!
Of course the preceding events had excited me and my pole was at its height. Her gasp of thankful pleasure very loud, as I took two steps and stood over her prone body, my legs straddling her waist. Samantha looked straight up into my charms, then quickly stole a glance at my face, and back down. I stoked my throbbing member gently, mostly for effect. She lifted her back off the rug and rolled to either side, hungry for what was next. The reddish glow illuminated us devilishly. I thought the she looked positively delightful and very yummy. Yet I held off for perhaps a moment, teasing both of us.
Taking my time I slowly ended up kneeling between her thighs which she had spread to accommodate me. Soon I was on all fours, my hands to either side of her chest. With minute precision my object of desire engulfed my raging stallion within its wet folds. I sank to the hilt, gasping in the initial pleasure. Samantha's hand came up, one to hold the back of my neck, the other to grasp my tight buttock. She set the rhythm for our coupling.
I know not if I was making love, but I tried, both for her sake and mine. It was the most intense and pleasurable experience in my twenty years. For this I would go to jail for an uncountable period.
The speed of our love was slow, our sex joining softly, the tip of my pole exiting her confines before again entering. Again and again. In all truthfulness I know not how long we continued in this fashion, nor did I care. At one point, I arched my back and tasted upon the hard little buds of her nipples. The taste intoxicating, and very stimulating. There would not be much longer for my explosion, I was amazed that I lasted this long with the fine lady. When she lifted her stocking covered legs and wrapped them around my waist, that was too much! Both her arms encircled my head and neck, then she began to move below me. Faster with every thrust, we accelerated desperately, with almost magic. I believe I held her body completely as she lifted herself off the ground and moved in time to me.
I was the first to finish. My orgasm shot through me like a bolt of energy that drained me very quickly. I barely even noticed that she had screamed out and began to thrash and buckle beneath me. Samantha clung to me in passion while both of our bodies went through a simultaneous passion release. Both of our muscles quivered in delight and exhaustion as we fell to the ground, neither of us with a reserve of energy left.
The fire crackled and snapped lazily, inciting me to fall asleep within my new lovers arms, both still locked by our tired organs. I held her body completely as she lifted herself off the ground and moved in time to me.
I was the first to finish. My orgasm shot through me like a bolt of energy that drained me very quickly. I barely even noticed that she had almost screamed out and began to thrash and buckle beneath me. Samantha clung to me in passion while both of our bodies went through a simultaneous passion release. Our muscles quivered in delight and exhaustion as we fell to the ground, neither of us with a reserve of energy left.
The fire crackled and snapped lazily, inciting me to fall asleep within my new lovers arms, both still locked by our tired bodies. The remaining narrative of this story is not very interesting - I left the lady sleeping beautifully upon that large white fur rug, her body still glistening by the flickering of the dying firelight. I stole away and never saw her again. But I still wonder?!
Dream #3My desires do run a little different than what some consider "normal". Yet I'm not alone, a large underground full of people are into my own kink. Normal, everyday people. With middle-class families and kids, yet their desires do also run very slanted.
Samantha was such a person. Her life was what I would call "regular", at least the little I knew about it. To tell the truth I'm not even sure if Samantha is her real name? I had only met her upon the busy rush-hour transit an hour ago. And here she was standing in my basement.
With amusement I watched her look around at the toys and articles of my kink. I watched her moist tongue lick along her already moist lips, a very arousing sight. Her hands kept clenching and unclenching her briefcase, which was also crossed before her as a if it was a shield. I enjoyed her nervousness and uncertainty. It was my game. Samantha was dressed very business-like, yet I had no idea what she did, nor did I care. Tonight would be for pleasure not business.
"I don't think I could do this." She said, her eyes unable to come off one wall, which I called the "dungeon" side. I gave no reaction nor did I deny her exit to my hideaway. The ground rules were already set before she had stepped into my house. She could leave any time, and I will not object or stop her. But while she was down in my basement she was mine!
We were strangers, I assumed her desires were stronger than her common sense about strange men on transit trains. Why else would she be here? Many of my new women were exactly like her. Samantha was a lost flower in the wind and I am about to grasp her into my firm grasp.
If you had not guessed it by now, I am a dominate(dom) and Samantha was to be my current submissive(sub). My "slave" if you will!
I gave her time to look around. Knowing, that waiting for my first order to be given was harder than the actual execution. Not for all, of course, but the unknown sub was very nervous. Action may or may not cure that. Did she have a husband at home? Perhaps even waiting for her? I didn't care.
"Take your clothes off Samantha." A simple statement, spoken quietly and an air of non-compromise. The sub took a deep breath then dropped her briefcase to the floor at her feet. She turned around towards me and brought both hands to her throat to unclasp the broach pinned there.
The game was afoot!
I leaned back against a wooden work horse, sanded down for special uses, and openly admired the small woman. The one piece dress took very little time to fall to the floor around her ankles. Her shoes, hose, bra and panties followed. She finally stood straight determined to continue with the game, daring me to look upon her nakedness.
"Let your hair down and take your earrings out." A little surprised she pulled out the gold studs, the hair clasp also was undone very quickly.
*This starter chapter is only for letting the reader know what will be going on in the story no characters will remember this* Aww, but what if I really want to? *No Jacob you cant remember this* Remember what? And what if I want to remeber this? *God fucking dammit. Anyways hi I'm the author the other idiot is Jacob, you have decided for some reason that you want to spend your time following him and his weird fucked up dreams, because we all know with a title like dreams you know they're going...
FantasyTV DREAMS i was deep in sleep, enjoying an erotic dream, when i was rudelyawakened by my head being jerked roughly from the pillow. Looking upthrough my sleep-bleared eyes, i make out standing at the foot of mybed a beautiful, powerful woman , wearing patent black boots with veryhigh heels, black PVC miniskirt, and a shiny black mini PVC coat. Shehas clipped my wrists into a pair of handcuffs, and has fastenedaround my neck a thin silver dog collar, studded with jewels, to whichis attached a...
Dreams By Kathy Smith Ken Klaussner just graduated from Yale University with a doctoral degree in Asian government area. He got a job with a Senator (from his state, which we'll not say which one). He got an apartment in Georgetown with 2 other new Congressmen employees too. His first assignment is to investigate of the government in Thailand because they are using American grants (he speaks perfect Thai language). So, he traveled to Bangkok, he met the American Ambassador on...
average. However, these dreams are not usually the full length movies but the trailers, and most if not all are forgotten upon awaking. They do stay buried deep in the subconscious and occasionally the smallest word, the simplest visual, can bring back a snatch of them... ...The girl stands nude under the evergreen tree. She is very petite, with small, pert breasts. She stands with her arms raised above her head in seeming invitation for something to come from the sky. I notice that...
He walked through the door, one hand rubbing away the tension in the back of his neck. Running a hand through his short, spiky, platinum blonde hair, he unbuttoned the top three buttons of his starched white shirt and tossed his pinstripe tie across the back of a chair. It was then he noticed the coffee table. Twin red candles burned next to an array of dishes–sliced meats, cheeses, bread, ripe plums. Two large cushions had been placed on either side. White petals were scattered around the...
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Premium Teen Porn SitesDreams By J. John Seaver "I'm lying on my back in an empty room. There aren't any doors or windows, and the ceiling is so high up that I can't see it. All of the walls and floor are white, and it's bright enough to see, but the light doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere. I can't see where the floor ends and the walls begin. "I realize that I'm naked, but it doesn't bother me. I'm kind of seeing everything from outside my body, but that doesn't bother me either. I look...
Dreams by Candice Hi! My name is Kathy and I'm writing this to show women everywhere that revenge is possible. I was at the beach and decided that I would go to a bar. I had a few drinks and a man named Gary came up to me and asked me to dance. We talked about the ocean and he asked if we could take a walk on the beach. I replied yes but as soon as we got away from the hotel, he threw me on the sand and raped me. When he was done, he ran away leaving me covered with...
October 31, 2018 – 3:00am CST – New Orleans, Louisiana Dr. Sean Mallory slowly moved his cursor up to the little apple icon in the far left top corner of his massive twenty-seven inch Thunderbolt display. He clicked on it and then hovered over the words ‘shut down’. He paused briefly, and then, with an audible sigh, he confirmed his choice. The computer slowly began to shut down all open programs. The screen went grey, and then black, and the fan that had been cooling his hard drive came to a...
They were happily asleep like spoons.He was behind her and she was wrapped in his arms.They were both dreaming.His was a recurring dream that he rarely remembered but always half amused and half worried him when he did.He was fucking Medusa from behind while holding her down with a kind of hockey stick or something to the back of the neck.Her arse looked gorgeous and her cunt felt wonderful but he didn’t want to be dealing with the snake hair and he was already concerned how – post orgasm – he...
The dreams that I had were amazingly great. I average High school girl, going through every emotion know to man-kind in a matter of five minutes or so. I usually slept in just panties and a tank top suitable for the warm summer climate. I woke with a moistness Between my legs and My panties around my ankles. Being startled I sat up and looked around, Nothing Had been misplaced, nothing seemed strange, maybe I was sleep masturbating? This thought entered my mind and exited as fast as it had...
Dreams Sue Rusing After a long day at work, I finally arrived home and got inside my apartment. Exhausted, drained of any semblance of energy and completely enervated, I navigated my way to the bedroom. I shucked my clothes in a pile on the floor, turned on the lamp and set my alarm. Turning on the shower, I entered the steamy chamber and took a hot relaxing shower. The water cascaded on my tired muscles draining the tension from them. I did not tarry or play just the soothing shower and...
DreamsThe house was in darkness as the business man entered, his shoulders taught from stress after a hard day’s work. “Fuck it!” he sighed as he had hoped his girlfriend would be there to meet him. He remembered that Tuesdays were her nights for going to visit her parents, so he could just forget about any fun as she always came home tired and irritable. “I’ll have a nice hot bath,” he thought even though he didn’t need one. Slipping off his jacket, he made his way slowly upstairs.“STOP! Close...
Rules? Pftt... yeah no there actually are rules, the rules of the site that is, but other than that, I guess just no real fucked up shit that is just distasteful I guess. Btw, I'm gonna act like a tyrant, if I do have control over posts in this "story", so if something doesn't fit my narrow point of view of the world, and I actually feel like it, I'm probably gonna try to delete it. Will I? I don't know. Anyways, this will just be the hub page, the seed where all of your daydreams, nightmares,...
Years ago I attended a dinner engagement in DC for work, where I met a striking lady, with whom I became entranced. We chatted the night away, and found we had a lot in common; it seemed as if we enjoyed each other’s company a lot.After dinner we went our separate ways, my workmates and I were on the way back to our hotel with an ex-workmate who now lived just outside the district to catch up and party on. He was quite happy to tell me and our buddies, that she wasn’t really a lady, but a guy...
TransShe lay blindfolded on the examination chair a strap tight across her chest just beneath her breasts. Her arms strapped to the arm rests, her legs were strapped into the stirrups. She was spread wide open exposing herself to the occupants of the room, she felt her juices oozing from her pussy in anticipation. A hand parted her thick labia and teased her clit, she moaned her appreciation, two fingers slid into her wetness and swirled gently in her juices for a moment before a third finger was...
It is Delilah's 18th birthday. She is surround by her friends and family, as they sing happy birthday. Delilah closes her bright blue eyes as she blows out the candles atop her cake, wishing someone would whisk her away on an epic adventure. The crowd around her cheers. The party goes on for another hour before everyone begins to leave. Delilah help her mother clean up the house, and then gets ready for bed. It is a warm night so Delilah decides to sleep in the nude. She unbuttons her jean...
FantasySitting down after a hard day, a cool dink in my left hand, my left side against the arm of the sofa, soft music on the stereo, head back, eyes closed in reverie. This is almost paradise. She comes, scooting backwards to spoon herself against my right side. I put the drink down and encircle her from behind with my arms, one below and one directly on her breasts. The absence of her underclothes is obvious. The action causes her blouse to pull slightly, baring her left shoulder, just inches from...
27 years old and living life like a god what could go wrong. Your body firmly built with 6 packs covering your front. Lean and tall with the blue ocean eyes. Your pompadour haircut brownish black in color. You've been told that your eyes are the most stunning feature but you know better and to add to your gifted features you come from a rich family. A billionaire at 15 and the richest man alive at 21. Education never seemed important to you and neither did life, it all seemed priceless to...
Its mostly self insert fantasy stories. A little bit of isekai and sex. I will seperate each story and it will be shown from various perspectives. All fantasy worlds.
FantasyIt was a brilliant Plan! It was a brilliantly conceived Plan to manipulate my young and na?ve Bride in the most devious yet subtle manner! But, in order for the Plan to succeed, Sally had to be convinced it was all HER idea! All I had to do to put my Plan into action was tell her about the 'Dream' I had last night! This was gonna be a cinch! Right? Dream By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved "It's just so bizarre, Theresa! At first I thought I hadn't heard h...
Dreaming by Vickie Tern Oh, God, it felt so good! "Push that thing in deeper!" I seemed to cry out. "Deeper! All the way into me!" Again the same dream, sort of. The fourth or fifth night in a row. Again I'm in bed with a gorgeous hunk of man who's pressing his groin against me from behind, his firm stomach slapping repeatedly against my soft, round buttocks as his thick meat slides into me and bottoms out deep inside, stretching my hole...
That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copper blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...
SupernaturalHi Dear hope u are fine, well i guess i brought this on myself and all i can say is that i must now tell u about my dream,i shouldnt have told u about it in the first place , but it had to do with a conversation we had earlier or better it was my subconcious interpretation of what i said. let me start from the end, how i woke up with a very big erection and my underpants had a very suspecious wetness to them, i knew why i can still remember the dream perfectly, i sat there in my bed smoking my...
That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that's why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copperblond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...
Hello to you all. I have finally submitted my second story. This story is based on a dream that I had a long time ago. It was my first real dream about being a woman. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. The Dream By Allissa The room was dark. I tried to focus on something but there was very little light. I rolled to my side and sat up. The nightmare that I had woken me from my deep sleep had been the same one that was reoccurring almost every week. I would try to run from...
I had no idea it was a dream. It was so real that I was sure it was happening. Let me tell you about it... I was running through a sort of desert land. I had on a black tank top and jeans shorts with ripped tights under. It was right before the sun set so the sky was a mix of orange, pink and purple. I was running towards something, I'm not sure what though. Maybe shelter? I was sweating and there was blood on my shirt. I heard people chasing me but I was too focussed on what was in front...
00053db5 707f 097e 1f9c 02c042093f8b 60SEXUAL a*****IONNote | 1 Loves It | over 6 years agoI Imagine you seducing me, if you will, the feel of leather/latex/silk against my skin, the double headed rubber ball filling my mouth as you sit on my face and fuck yourself. I am unable to speak, unable to admonish, unable to protest. As my delicate flesh is ravished, I feel my body betray me, yearning for the touch, the caress of so many forbidden implements. Will I be allowed to reach the pleasure I...
“This is the dream I’ve had about you since the day we split. It’s one I still have and, to be honest, I want to act it out with you sometime.”“Mmmm…sounds kinky sweet man. What kind of girl do you think I am MK?”“I don’t quite know yet but after finding my white dick in your benevolent pink pussy outdoors, in a public place, with your beautiful brown ass in a tree, I think you might like what I’m about to tell you.”“You have my undivided attention, My’Kuyah, lay some of your salacious...
This was a dream I had some time ago, and thought I would relate it to you as best I can remember. It occurred during a time when I had been without a partner for quite some time, and can still create that instant flash of arousal when I recall the feelings generated. This was the one and only time I can remember being awakened by an orgasm. I have, of course, fleshed it out somewhat to make it readable, but the basic images were part of my dream and I've tried to relate it truthfully. It was...
That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copper blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her...
My friend Amy and I were at lunch one day chatting about our lives and relationship with our spouses. We both have been with our significant other for a very long time. We got on the subject of sex and ways we could spice it up. several ideas passed through our minds until we finally picked this one. We decided we were going to have a evening out together with our guys. We are starting off the evening by going to a comedy club about an hour away from home and then hit some night clubs and we...
I have this immense crush on this man I work with, but being as I have a boyfriend I can't do anything further. One day while I was talking with him outside on a smoke break I think he was fishing for a way to come over and hang out, which would have been great! Somehow I let it slip that I was in a relationship and it didn't happen :( Well I had a dream about him the other night, which isn't unusual for me; I have some pretty vivid dreams! I thought I might like to share it!I was taking...
This is the work of fiction.So the other night i finally crawl in to bed next to my sexy little sister but she was a dead loss, I spent the evening sat in my office watching little miss peachy getting slammed up the ass by some black dude, then some lesbian chicks in school uniforms fist each other until they had a fake orgasm, seeing all this left me with a nice thick cock standing to attention. When i snuggled up to my sister she was out cold in the land of nod and no how much I tried she...
i had a dream that was so hot i have to share it with you..i was woke by this hot blonde lady.. 36 c, nice curves and a great ass.. so was in my house since for some odd reason my lady turn it into a sex house.. she was like you want a blow job.. i told her i didnt know if i should.. she told me she wouldnt tell so i said sureso crawled to me on her hands and knees.. shacking her ass than got to me.. i spread my legs open to show my hard 8" cock ready for her.. she started out slow.. sucking...
got up with pussy on my mindcame on here and saw some really hot chicks.my pussy is so wet that is starts to wet the chair.i need to fix this.i put my finger on my clit and move it in circles. i look around for something to put in or even rub on it (my fav anything that vibrates).i cant find anything.i stick one finger in my ass and one in my cut.totally open my legs and start to fuck myself.my juicy pussy starts to make noise cause i am so wet!i think about the wet pussies and i feel myself...
Hello to all ISS readers. This is your JJ as stated already time constraint is a factor that is keeping me on my toes, yet I have decided to give you all a mid week quickie. No introductions and no description we go straight into a hot sizzling lesbian dream which is hidden secretly in the minds of modern Indian women. The best way enjoy the story is that you need to imagine yourself in anyone character & I am sure if you have the right kind of environment around you it will make you orgasm...
LesbianOMG, with all the chat we had last night, you were stuck in my head. I had the hottest dream about u.We started off in your room kissing. It was very nice, soft tender, nibbling, licking, sucking each other’s lips and neck and ears. My hands were in your hair pulling you down to me, then all over your chest and arms and back, just running my fingertips lightly all over.. making you shiver and moan. Your big hands were all over my back and ass, pressing me tight against you.Your teeth on my...
I dreamt of Mary last night. It felt so real, like a recent memory, rather than a dream. It had that feeling of fondness, two souls brushing up against each other like feathers; a gentle caress that leaves a lingering feeling of closeness and intimacy. My wife Carol and I were there with Mary and her husband Daryl. Mary was sitting up on the bed with her back to the headboard. My head was resting on her lap, her hands idly running through my hair. She was looking toward the end of the bed....
“Yes, we’ll have a slice of your Key Lime cheesecake to go.” “Excellent choice Sir, I’ll be right back with your order and your check.” Our stares let us both know we were still in that unique and exceptional place. We were still in that exotic zone where we had emerged only to feed our physical need for nourishment. But, being so close to her and talking football managed to make my manhood fill with desire. My thoughts began to revel in the hot and sweaty exercise session we had earlier....
i have a lot of fantasies,i am a man that allways think dirty.i love going to the common gsrden and take off the nieburs sexy panties and what a smell.
Mike and I were enjoying a quiet evening at home, with no kids and no work. We were trying to figure out what to do as it had been months since we were home alone. We decided to have a romantic dinner and watch a movie. Mike picks a movie that has a lot of sex scenes and, of course, it makes me want sex bad. Mike, on the other hand, said he wants to stay up and watch some more TV.I was upset and just about to go to bed when he came in. He told me to put on my sexiest nighty, he had some...
Group SexYou were at home sleeping and I got back to the house with a few friends that were from the office where I was a math guy doing stuff. You came out to say hello to me and you were wearing your black lacy lingerie that you wore for our repairman fantasy. You were surprised to see my friends there but you came out anyways with a smirk on your face. We were kind of drunk and the other guys were staring at your obviously hard nipples that were poking out and at your creamy legs. You were wearing...
After a few drinks out we end up back at your place to smoke a little. It’s gotten late and at this point it almost seems easier to just crash on the couch. You set me up with a few pillows and a blanket and leave it off to the side. As you go to change into pajamas I set up the couch and take my pants off as the jeans are just too uncomfortable at this point. We continue our discussion about life and the current happenings. As you reach over to ash I get a perfect view down your shirt and...
i have a lot of fantasies,i am a man that allways think dirty.i love going to the common gsrden and take off the nieburs sexy panties and what a smell.
Ms Chua is a teacher in a top girls school in singapore. she was my subordinate when i was the head of department. I have taken good care of her, mentored her, develop her potentials. she became closer to me. we worked closely in some projects. She is a pretty n highly pleasant lady. after i resigned, we continue to keep in touch regularly. One day, she dated me out for dinner. to my surprise, she lamented her marriage problems with her hubbie. he was only interested in travelling and she was...
EroticDid you ever do something on the spur of the moment and have it change your whole life? I did. I have no idea why I did it or what even put the thought into my head. Just one or two seconds is all it took to change my life forever. My wife is what some might call pleasingly plump. At five feet, one hundred and twenty-five pounds (a good bit of it stuffed into her 34C bra) she is a voluptuous bombshell. Add long black hair that hangs down to her ass and legs that just cry out "fuck me" when...
We had a conference as soon as we got home. When I explained my suspicions about Becky it was a done deal as far as the girls were concerned. It wasn't for me though. As far as I was concerned, Amy was not to be included. Not only that, but I was going to have to be sure about Becky before I did anything with her. Eventually, a plan was formed that might work and the plan was put into motion. I called Becky but not to say I'd be over. Instead, I invited them to come over to our place. I'm...
With a huge sigh of pleasure I collapsed to her side. Cassie let herself fall from all fours onto her front. She was killing me. Her appetite for sex was astounding and my willingness to try to keep up with her was utter foolishness. She was multi-orgasmic. I wasn't. God must have had a real old laugh when he made us like that. Waking up to a naked Cassie fondling me and her sparkling pale blue eyes and her smile of mischief and her boobs and pussy and the way she kissed my erection had me...
"Get up... Sleepyhead!" Molly whispered sexily, as she leaned over her sleeping husband, running her soft little fingers through his black hair as she kissed his warm lips. A few minutes later, a sleepy Antonio joined her in their bright kitchen. She had fixed his favorite breakfast of ham and eggs. Once she had served him—Molly couldn't wait to ask. "Honey... , what is this Friday evening thing Janet was talking to us about at the Beach Party yesterday? Is it anything like what went on...
My girlfriend brought our friend Tiffany over after work. She came over to vent about her day not going so well and stayed for dinner. As we all sat around the living room somehow we got on the subject of feet, I'm not quite sure what sparked the topic now that think about it. Tiffany told us the other day Dan was making fun of people with feet fetishes. He joked about what would she do if he had one and how stinky and gross he thinks feet are. I quickly protested of course. Then she told us...
Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B in conjunction with Wunderboi******Chapter 9Clarissa slipped behind the wheel of her pearl white Mercedes. She had insisted on the most expensive paint option and the car glowed in the early morning sunshine. She smiled to herself, remembering her father's advice many years prior, which was to marry a much older very rich white man of the controlling class of Americans so that she would have a full life of ease and importance. She had pleased her...
The Two Queens Chapter 7 A Night with the King In shock, Sir Gray immediately runs to the Knight's chambers. He sees Sir Ben who is helping the wounded. "Sir Ben why are back from the Castle?" Sir Ben replies, "Sir Gray we chased Sir Randall back to the Kingdom. Unfortunately he was a day ahead of us. Somehow he planned for us to chase him so he could attack." "Sir Ben do you know where he went?" "I believe he went to the King's chambers. I will go with you," Sir...
I was laying in my dormroom bed studing for my psyc test on a late sunday afternoon. It was one of those lazy sunday afternoons in my college dorm where nobody was really doing anything. My roommate/boyfriend at the time. Kurt, (see previous story) was away at scoccer practice. At the time a few people knew we were more than just friends, especially our next door neighboors who would hear us getting out of control every now and then. Kurt unlocked the door and walked in from practice. He was...