Spartacus Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter One

Capua, Italy
73 B.C.

They were finally free. No longer would they be forced to fight and fuck for the amusement of the Romans. Yet, their journey had only just begun and the worst of the hardships still lay ahead. Only 73 Gladiators managed to escape Battiatus’ Ludus, as well as several female slaves and the Ludus’ medico, out of the 200 men who fought under Quintus Battiatus’ ownership. Most of the men had fallen to arrows from the guards on the balconies as the gladiators had used a long wooden bench to lever open to gate that separated their quarters from the training yard and the rest of the ludus, protected only by the overturned wooden tables that they had hoisted up as a screen. Their situation was made more difficult by the fact that all the men came from extremely varied backgrounds and spoke a variety of different languages, though most had learned some level of basic Latin. There were men from Numidia, Spain, Gaul, Germania, Thrace, Syria, Sarmatia and Egypt, many of whom were warriors captured in battle against Roman armies.

Though Scythian by birth, Spartacus had been sent to live in the Thracian Odrysian Kingdom as a royal hostage as a teenager for the alliance between his father, the Scythian King Aetas, and the Thracian king Seuthes. Unfortunately for him, there had been a coup and the usurping king broke his alliance with the Scythian horse lords of the steppe to the northeast, instead seeking an alliance with the Scythian’s more numerous Sarmatian cousins to the northwest. Instead of death, Spartacus had been sold as a slave to Rome after the usurper claimed he had attempted to foment rebellion against Rome. It didn’t matter that he had voluntarily fought in the Roman auxiliaries to help fulfill the obligation set upon his adopted people by Rome.

Ariadne, Spartacus’ wife and a Priestess of Dionysus, had willingly followed him into slavery along with her two apprentices, Cottya and Helena, who escorted her everywhere to provide comfort and protection to their mistress, and Spartacus’ pet wolverine, Max. Often acting as the High Priestess’ body doubles, the apprentices were highly trained in an ancient martial art that allowed them to kill with or without weapons.

Ariadne was everything a man could ever want in a wife, and then some. Long raven hair that grew in loose natural curls framed a stoic but kind face, pale ivory skin and ocean blue eyes completing the beautiful picture. A slim, firm body served to accentuate the soft flare of her hips, the roundness of her tight ass as well as the very large breasts that seemed out of place on her slim form. Looking at her, a modern viewer would likely swear under oath that she was a fashion model if it wasn’t for her huge breasts, her stern but statuesque face reminiscent of a modern eastern European fashion model. Her unmarred beauty of her porcelain skin was interrupted only by the religious tattoos that adorned her upper arms in mosaic of highly detailed arcane runes, zigzags and mythical beasts in deep black ink Ariadne was a Priestess of the Cult of Dionysus, more than that, she was a Maenad. A Dionysian witch who dedicated herself to the mysterious god through arcane worship, ancient ritual and strange nocturnal practice of ecstatic ceremonies.

Shortly after their escape from the Ludus and flight from Capua, their group had stumbled upon a caravan transporting new gladiatorial arms and armor to the city. The fortunate find had added to the bows, arrows and spears that they had liberated from the guard’s armor in their escape, having used cleavers, knives and spits to kill the surprisingly tenacious guards that fought to keep them in the Ludus of Battiatus. Fully armed, it had been simple to set an ambush and wait for the Campanian patrol that had been sent after them, thinking they had only to round up a few errant slaves. The resulting slaughter had been savage but brief and they had gained the weapons, shields and armor of the guardsmen. There had been a two more attempts by forces of city guards augmented with angry townspeople to attack the gladiators but both met with resounding defeat, adding to their weapons and loot.

Now, they sat on top of Mount Vesuvius, overlooking the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii below across the bay. After defeating the city watch sent after them and ravaging the countryside, Spartacus knew the Romans would send a force of actual soldiers to put them down. Not a single caravan had been able to pass through the surrounding area and the former slaves had acquired a decent amount of food, wine, supplies and loot. They currently had more weapons, both Roman and Gladiator types, than they had men to use them. Still, Spartacus had ordered the men to round up wood and anything useful from the area around the base of the mountain.

Spartacus had known what to expect yet he was still shocked when 3,000 Roman soldiers led by a Praetor arrived to besiege the mountain. With less than eighty fighting men, it seemed that there was no way to prevent their extermination. Even worse, the Romans weren’t going to try to charge up the single narrow path that led to the mountain top that they had inhabited, seeming perfect content to wait until the slaves began to starve before marching up and putting them all back in chains. A gloomy resignation seemed to fall over their group, extinguishing the small amount of hope that had begun to form in their hearts.

However, when he looked down the cliff face on the opposite side of the mountain from the Roman camp, he laughed in realization as an idea formed in his mind.


As the Champion of Capua, Spartacus had been the most senior gladiator in the city, let alone Battiatus’ ludus. As such, he was the group’s natural leader, however it helped a great deal that he was more familiar with the Roman army and it’s workings than most Romans were, hacking fought alongside the legions in a campaign against Mithridates of Pontus. Spartacus had been trained in Scythian mounted combat, Thracian warfare, Roman tactics and Gladiatorial fighting, giving him an unusually educated perspective and wide range of skills. Still, the men were looking at him like he was crazy when he presented his idea.

‘Vines? What the hell are you talking about Spartacus?’ Crixus grumbled.

Oenamaeus and Castus gestured for him to continue while Gannicus began to form a smile as he intuited Spartacus’ idea. Spartacus continued, ‘the slopes are covered in these wild grape vines. Hades, it’s the only thing up here at all aside from the damned rocks. If we weave them together thickly, we can make ropes that would support the weight of a man.’

‘So? What good will that do us? Are we to strangle 3,000 roman soldiers?’ Crixus asked, seemingly interested now.

‘No, the ropes aren’t weapons, they’re ropes. We can use them to rappel down the cliff around back of the mountain. The Praetor, Glaber, didn’t send out scouts and only posted lookouts at the foot of the trail leading down from the mountain.’

‘There are still three thousand Romans’, Castus pointed out.

‘True. But they aren’t legionaries, just Roman militia. To make sure we are unobserved, we will have to descend at night. That means that we can attack the camp while they sleep.’

‘There are less than 100 of us! Even if you include the few shepherds that have joined us!’

‘If we stay here, we die. A few of us might be unlucky enough to be cast back into slavery, no doubt sent to die in the mines, but for the rest of us it’ll be starvation or a sword in the guts after you’re too weak to lift a sword’, Spartacus pointed out. ‘At least this way we can die in battle if we fail. However, I think if done right, we might even have a small chance of succeeding.’

‘Alright, what are you thinking?’ Castus sighed.


A sprained wrist was the only injury suffered in the night time descent down the cliff face around the mountain’s back side. The men now crou
ched in a stand of trees just beyond the perimeter to the roman camp. In his arrogance, Praetor Glaber hadn’t dug a trench or constructed ramparts or a wall, simply posting a couple sentry on each side of the camp. In truth, nobody could really blame him. Who would expect a hundred slaves to attack a roman force of three thousand?

The men, their faces and bodies darkened with charcoal, fingered their weapons as they waited impatiently for the sentries to be eliminated by the small groups that had stealthily crawled forward with daggers clenched in their teeth. The Gladiators had all armed themselves in the same fashion that they had when they were in the arena, Murmillo gladiators modeled after the arms of a Legionary with large Scutum shield and Gladius short sword, Thraex fighters meant to resemble the Thracians armed with the Sica sword with its curved, scythe shaped blade and smaller Parma shield and even Retiari with their trident and net as well as a sling with a pouch of lead bullets. Spartacus had fought as a Dimachaeri, a lightly armored gladiator with only greaves, leg wrappings and a manica on each arm for defense, who fought with a sword in each hand, using speed and skill to avoid damage. He had also armed himself with a surprisingly nice composite recurve bow and a stuffed quiver of arrows that one of the local slave hunters had carried. He had made sure that each man who was skilled with bow or sling armed themselves from the missile weapons that the group had captured while the rest carried at least one javelin.

The hoot of an Owl call signaled success removing the sentries on duty. Slowly, the gladiators crept forward like predators stalking their next meal. Spartacus had given his orders, being as specific as he thought the gladiators’ limited discipline could handle but knowing that once the fight started, things would follow their own course. The slaves formed into groups of three and fanned out silently through the camp, taking up their positions and waiting for the fight to start. The group’s of men armed with bows and slings interspersed themselves throughout the groups of sword armed men, ready to pick off any roman in sight. The groups had spread out to appear more numerous but also do that they could attack the tents from two sides.

With a hand signal down the line, Spartacus signaled the start of the attack. Instead of entering the tents of the sleeping legionaries, the men simply hacked through the tent’s ropes so that they collapsed on those inside. After that, it was quite easy to stab a javelin or chop down with a sword through the canvas on the squirming figures. Spartacus himself approached the nearest tent and slashed through the ropes before using both swords to cut and slash at different angles causing the men inside to scream in agony at missing limbs or eviscerated torsos caused by the twin Sicas that he bore in each hand. The cries of pain and fear echoed through the camp and soon the camp began to stir in response.

As Spartacus brought his left hand Sica down in a backhanded diagonal downward swing, the beak-like tip of the curved sword struck the face of a waking soldier. The forward curving edge passed through the tent’s canvas siding and cleaved off the unfortunate victim’s jaw, causing the man’s resulting scream to manifest as a sickening gurgle emerging from the ruined flesh of what used to be his face. As he paused and looked around, Spartacus saw that most of the shepherds lurked right at the edge of the light cast by the legionary’s campfires, slinging stones and shooting arrows at any Romans who managed to successfully exit their tents. However there was around a dozen shepherds who had slipped ahead of the wave of panic slave’s advance carrying writhing canvas sacks. Upon reaching their targets, one man per tent, the shepherds untied the rawhide strips holding the sacks closed. As one, the all softly placed the bags inside the tents’ openings and then quickly cut the supporting ropes with daggers.

The Romans inside those particular tents, some of the smarter ones deciding to put on their armor and grab their swords before checking to see if a few scattered screams inside the enormous camp constituted an emergency. The rest of the men were groggily being woken up but, for either group, it was too late. When the tents collapsed in on themselves there was a flurry of movement accompanied by unearthly screams and screeches in several of the unfortunate tents cursed with a wriggling canvas sack. The remaining few tents had only terrifying hissing to interrupt the screams of men with occasional choking sounds as the men found themselves helplessly blinded and entangled under the falling canvas without weapon or armor. The sacks had contained badgers, foxes, even two lynxes, adders and vipers that had been corralled and captured in the surrounding woods. The animals, finding themselves intimately entangled with humans, went berserk and attacked anything in sight in their overwhelming fear. The dog sized Lynxs tore into the men in a fury, the badgers were perhaps the worst in their savage violence and the vipers delivered venomous injections that were only occasionally lethal in themselves yet the screaming men and the sounds of raging animals spread panic more intensely than the fires that were now spreading in other parts of the camp. The distinct advantage supplied by having men blind and caught up in the canvas and ropes of their collapsed tents allowed the animals to inflict much more damage than would’ve been possible with an unencumbered, sighted, armored, armed and prepared group of soldiers.

More concerned with spreading panic than achieving the unrealistic goal of killing every man of the Roman militia, Spartacus moved quickly between tents, simply hacking down into the writhing clothe covered mounds with his twin swords a dozen times before moving on. Legionaries were beginning to exit their tents before the slaves could reach them and Spartacus knew that if they got a chance to form up properly, he and his men were dead. Following his instructions, the archers and slingers, who had been picking off soldiers without discrimination, began to focus their fire on anyone trying to rally the enemy. Right on cue, a centurion a few rows down calling men to form up on him was silenced mid-call as a lead sling bullet penetrated his forehead.

Sheathing his swords and drawing his bow, Spartacus began to put arrows into any men who were turning to engage the gladiators, though many simply fled. He hadn’t considered the effect that the soot darkened bodies of his men in the night would further terrify the Romans. One legionary shrieked that demons were attacking the camp and from then the panic spread rapidly with many of the soldiers, being low quality, fleeing before even laying eyes on the intruders. His men ran around, skin blackened and covered with blood, gleefully slaughtering their former overlords and laughing like maniacs. No wonder the bad yards were so terrified. In melee combat, there wasn’t anyone on earth better than a gladiator and the Roman’s were used to fighting in formation, with the support of their comrades-it was what made them so formidable, but if the formation broke then they were screwed.

In the dark, it was hard to tell how many of the fiercely savage enemies were attacking them with unbelievable skill yet the senior centurion managed to form up a good number of troops near the Praetor’s command tent. This group alone outnumbered the slaves and Spartacus knew that they could easily defeat his men if they were given half a chance. Calling men back from chasing the survivors, they formed loosely in a circle around center of the camp, ringing the hundred or so legionaries who hadn’t fled the camp in terror.

On his orders, the men stayed low, ducking between tents to prevent the Romans from seeing how few they were. At his command, the men all stood up and loosed their javelins, arrows, sling stones and lead bullets into the group from all angles. Without time to raise their shields,
the Romans were shredded by the missiles, losing more than half of their number in the volley. Ever professional, the centurion consolidated his troops and ordered them to form a tetsudo so that the large shields formed four walls and a roof that protected the legionaries but left them no room to maneuver our fight. Knowing that the gladiators would suffer heavy casualties in a direct assault, Spartacus ordered the just the slingers to target the exposed feet and lower legs of the Romans but not fire yet while the rest guarded against possible groups of reformed soldiers and he looked around in a search for an alternative.

Finding the barrels of olive oil, Spartacus ordered his men to quickly move a few barrels to all four sides. Once in position, the barrel tops were broken open and tipped over, the oil splashing and rolling down the wet grass to form a shallow puddle under the feet of the Romans causing several of them to slip and fall after trying to move a foot. The men that fell created gaps in the shield wall and his men’s arrows zipped through the gaps without Spartacus even having to tell them to take advantage of the opportunity. At his hand signal, the slingers loosed their stones at under the bottom rim of the Roman shields, shattering bones and tearing flesh as they brought down a dozen men. Though a two dozen arrows and half as many javelins passed through the gaps in the tetsudo, the injured men were pulled back up and into formation, their saturated clothing and scooping shields splashing olive oil all over their comrades in the process. Quietly, Spartacus whispered a prayer to the Divine Rider, as the war deity of the Scythians the god was only rivaled in worship by the goddess of nature and the earth itself, which said something about them as a people. Sadly, Spartacus simply tossed a torch forward and watched as the legionaries were consumed by fire from the feet up, those who had fallen in the oil pooled at their feet were the first to go as their soaked clothes immediately burst into flames. A nasty way to go but the Romans would’ve done worse had they caught the slaves.

Out of the corner of his eye, Spartacus saw a growing group of unarmored and shieldless, but sword bearing Romans stopping and forming into a group as they looked back at the slaves after the screams of their fellows caught their attention, who were now illuminated by the large conflagration. At a harsh order, all of the men with bows and javelins stepped up and dipped the tips of their missiles into the edge of the burning pool of oil, many others joining in with Roman pilum javelins that they had picked up off the surrounding ground. At another barked command, the men all turned and loosed their missiles at the group that had been watching them. At only thirty yards and without shields, the Romans were cut down by the concentrated barrage of nearly one hundred flaming projectiles as well as invisible stones moving faster than an arrow. Several of their men actually caught on fire as the flaming tips ignited their wool tunic in the process of entering their bodies, who then proceeded to spread the flames amongst their comrades as they thrashed madly and flailed their limbs to all sides. The few survivors were finished as their skulls were destroyed with a few slung stones.

His men cheered, chanting his name in the euphoria of their monumental victory. Even the usually dour and occasionally brutish Crixus seemed excited and took up the chant. Their leader had done the impossible and they had participated in the destruction of a roman force numbering 3,000 while only suffering a dozen casualties and three dead.


Back at their camp on top of Vesuvius, the returning men were greeted as heroes by the women, who had sat anxiously awaiting their painful return to slavery. Ariadne and her apprentices had kept the women busy, teaching them how to knap arrowheads, spearheads and knives out of the obsidian that was greatly abundant in the area. They also dried, shaped, carved and heated wooden staves into spears and arrows, allowing for the wooden tips to harden as the pitch in the wood carbonized on it’s surface and joined with powdered stone, providing a strength superior to copper.

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Julies New JobChapter 3 Jon has a plan

I knew Julie had been through more than I could imagine, even with her telling me what she had. I also knew that somehow Joan had, for lack of a better word, processed her into being a slut. Whatever I was going to do to get Julie back to some semblance of what we had before was going to require time and solitude. Just the two of us. I had begun to formulate a plan and needed to start to make it come together. Part of the plan was getting out and away from Joan and company. I called up a...

1 year ago
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Sorry High School Sweet Heart I love BBC

I am finally 18! I acutally turned 18, over a week ago, but celebrated a few days after my bday. I went to a club to celebrate and party it up with my classmates and my boyfriend Nate. It was great as great as great can be! It was a Saturday and I was with all of my best friends & high school love. He had already turned 18 2 months before me. When the party was finished we all went back to my house and had a sleep over. My parents were out of the country so I planned to spend a whole night...

3 years ago
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Josekis Journeys Sword Brother Ch 05

‘What just happened?’ Raphen demanded. ‘He shot Ima?’ I spoke without thinking and it sounded more like a question. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Tanthor stood and just looked on in shock for a second before rushing to Imanja’s side. ‘Hou Raphaen.’ Red Hawk spoke, his voice as calm now as if he was discussing the weather. ‘What happened, Red Hawk?’ Raphen demanded. ‘I told two girls of My camp to come home.’ Red Hawk stated. ‘Imanja tried to stop me. I acted as any Gorean Man...

1 year ago
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Wild in the CountryChapter 22

"Let's not be late, Desirée," Mark said dryly as he tied his tie before the bedroom mirror. "Sid Buchanan is the last obstacle to my nomination and I don't want anything to go wrong with this deal. He's got to be satisfied that I'm the man he wants in the legislature. From there, I've got all the funding I need and then the sky's the limit." "Marvelous," Desirée said softly but without enthusiasm. Mark was still cold toward her and avoided looking directly at her....

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The swimming hole

Tommy grew up on 160 acres in rural Oklahoma. His family owned the land since the Oklahoma land run. Growing up on a farm had lots of perks. He was free to roam all over and his parents never worried. One of his favorite places to go was the swimming hole in a creek about a mile away in the middle of the mile section. It was a small creek most spots were a mere inches deep, but there was one spot right after a bend that washed out to 10 ft deep. The ridge above the spot was 15 ft above the...

4 years ago
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Revenge Inc Danny Jenkins

Revenge, Inc. Danny Jenkins. a loving wife can be a goose to be plucked By H20wader * * * * * the ravings of a lunatic. Copyright by h20wader my editor is out of town so I to blame for all errors. * * * * * Harold Stasson was always the first in the office. He placed the bagels he had pick up on his way to the office. He liked the calm and the quiet. He had just made the morning coffee when he heard the buzzer from the front door. Probably Judith, she would want coffee too. The button was...

2 years ago
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School Timestop

Today is Sunday and your 18th birthday. You have never had sex or seen a naked girl in real life. When the day is over, you fall asleep and start dreaming. It is pitch dark and you cannot feel your body. You hear a voice start talking. You cannot discern any qualities about it, even its volume. "I have given you the abillity to stop time. You can now stop time whenever you want by wishing it. When you stop time, people will do everything you tell them to. In addition, people's bodies will...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Eva Yi Wasabi Little Me

Eva Yi is a tiny wisp of an Asian girl with perky little tits. Shes hanging out on the deck, enjoying the sunshine in her sheer white bathing suit. Our stud gets there and shes happy to see them. He takes her back to his bedroom to have his way with her. He handles her roughly, wrapping his hand around her throat and playfully choking her. He pounds her tight Asian pussy hard and makes her moan loudly in ecstasy. After he blows his heavy load all over her face, she keeps sucking on it,...

3 years ago
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Strange LandsChapter 17

Two days later the six relaxed. Valerie ran out of nutrional and thirst pills. That meant Jackson, Ura, and Herb had to hunt down any animal worth eating. Atlanta, Anna, and Valerie forage for plant life as they took their time going back down the mountain. It was getting warmer as they descended closer to the village they burned down. Sometimes Jackson and Ura would double back to make sure no one was following them even though they were sure that there was no threat of an attack. The...

3 years ago
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Shopping With My Cyber Neighbor

I’ve been chatting online with Lana for weeks.  Her husband was gone for weeks at a time and she is horny all the time.  My wife is with me most of the time and very rarely horny, so my libido is in overdrive.  I’ve had lots of cybersex with Lana over the past few months.After one hot morning of cybersex with one another, I went outside to do some yard work. I noticed my flirty, hot  MILF neighbor outside too.  She was sunbathing.  After about half an hour of checking her out in between my...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and SashaPart 2

The telegram from Jeri unnerved me a little. I'm sure that she and Brenda meant well, and a night in bed with the two of them would be perfect here in Paris under ordinary circumstances, but these were no ordinary times. I have fallen in love with Sasha, and I had to let them know that sex was out of the question. The band had a three-night engagement in Paris, so I could have passes held at the door for them. I quickly composed a reply to give them this information. Jeri, thanks for the offer,...

Love Stories
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The Traps of Desire

The Method Of DesireChapter 1I started getting wet as soon as he walked in. I was shocked at my own reaction. I had been at my desk for a few minutes when he came in, I heard the door open and I looked up. There he was. He spoke to a few people as he passed them, and I caught his eye and smiled at him."Morning Liz." His greeting was pleasant, a wave and a smile. Normally it would have not moved me at all, but this morning was different.I had dreamed about him the night before you see. In the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 21 Wrath

-The Lab- While Harvy and Skay busied themselves with the now unconscious Galtin on an operating table, James went to check on their new residents. He had intended for the two of them to come train with them today, but circumstances prevented him from properly inducting Fatty and figuring out what his deal was. Exsue, of course, had still been unconscious. To his surprise, they both appeared to be awake and were pacing around inside their rooms. The moment he opened the door to Fatty’s...

1 year ago
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A Perfect Roleplay

Driving home, I thought about the ‘surprise’ my wife would have in store for me. It was my 40th birthday, so maybe an expensive gift along with the well-known ‘surprise’ cake, or some roleplay, perhaps. Then I got a tell-tale text message from the sweet wife, “Jaanu, come soon. We’ll have dinner together.” I smiled to myself. The SMS could mean that she probably ordered food and invited some friends. I parked and wiped my face with a wet tissue. Then I braced myself for ‘Happy birthday’ shouts...

2 years ago
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GayEpilogue 1

Jo stopped her little jeep and scrutinised the badly rutted track I had indicated she should turn up. “Are you going to be okay?” she asked. “I don’t mind walking.” Although there was no evidence of any lasting problems, to be on the safe side Dr Silverman had prescribed for me a regimen appropriate to someone who had suffered a very serious concussion. Because it was considered impact exercise, I wasn’t even allowed to resume running until after an all-clear at a six-month check-up. Dr...

2 years ago
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Awkward Cant unsee or undo

I'll admit I was stressed out when my daughter came out of the closet when she was 19, but it relieved me of the stress of having to deal with any more boyfriends. She had one guy, for about 9 months, but they were so awkward together, and when they ended, we were all releived. A few months later, she came out. When she started bringing around girlfriends, we were cool, and fuck!, my daughter has good taste in women. Her current love, Trissa, and her have been dating for a year and a half,...

2 years ago
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Helping My Sick Girlfriend Pt 01

She was short, maybe 5’2” tall with huge 42DDD’s. Her breasts were splendid and I played with them constantly. She adored the attention. She was chubby; but looked great. Crystal had thick, curly shoulder length brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. We sat on the couch and watched TV and I lazily flipped around. She said her stomach had been upset all day and she felt began to get very nauseous. I felt bad for her because she was not one to complain. Crystal had already changed from her...

3 years ago
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Marions Story Chapter Fifteen

I must acknowledge and offer a huge debt of gratitude to my dear friend Marina Kelly who helped and guided me through this story, and of course supplied the wonderful editing. Life goes on and the road isn't always smooth. Back in LA following moms wedding, I got a couple of lucky breaks. The first was meeting Adam. He was the sound engineer at one of the gigs I played. As well as being a great sound tech he was a really nice guy even if he did hit on me. When I explained I was a...

4 years ago
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A Christmas Surprise

As the 24th of December came about like it does every year, the gifts under the tree began to pile up. There was just my girlfriend and I, but the amount of presents under the tree this year was unbelievable. Although I'm not one to shake and guess what they were, the excitement was really getting to me. I was like a kid again, hardly able to contain my excitement and urge to just rip apart the wrapping. Although Trish had been acting a little strange up until that point I just thought...

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The First Ride is always Free Sybian

-----"I can't do this." Nicki stopped short as Tasha opened the door. "I can't... just forget it...""Yes," Tasha insisted, coming up behind her friend and steering her toward the now open door. "You can. There's no one here but us, and aside from showing you the video, I can leave the room entirely if you want."Nicki frowned, staring at the dark saddle-shaped thing in the middle of what looked like a doctor's examining table. "That's it?"Tasha smiled, shutting the door and picking up a remote....

4 years ago
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El PasoChapter 39

Posted: August 29, 2007 - 03:48:51 pm I guess disposing of George Howard could be considered the climax to my life as Ty Ringo McGuinn. After all, I had righted time by turning aside the Salt War, while still dispatching George and Charles Howard on the road to hell. Yet, if those were my only purposes for being here, why wasn’t I dead too? The only thing I could figure out was that Ty Ringo was alive when he shouldn’t be because Chet Benton was dead when he wasn’t supposed to be. Cosmic...

2 years ago
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Unexpectedly shared wife on vacation

This happened while we were on Vacation and I was kind of having troubles getting a grip on my emotions. I was just looking to chat with people about it since this is not something I can really bring up to my friends. I did not want to post the whole story for fear of someone recognizing us but this is a throwaway and I figured why not. I typed this all out for a guy yesterday and just copied and pasted it here, if you have any comments or advice please let me know. We have been talking more...

2 years ago
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Our Time Together Chapter 2

Chapter Two Sunday started like every other, I woke to an empty bed and a nice morning wood. I normally go straight to the shower when I wake but the dry feeling in my mouth from the well anticipated sex the night before needed quenched. I slid my underwear from the day before over my throbbing cock and headed to the kitchen and poured me some soda, with soda in hand I was on my way back to my bedroom when it occurred to me that Anna wasnt up yet and hopes of catching her sleeping with out her...

3 years ago
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Shortlived SM escort career

Short-lived S&M escort careerThe cupboard the client had brought from his kitchen revealed an enormous black rubber thing, some 12 inches long, that was a perfect copy of a horse's cock. Slave Sven was ordered to squat above the fake horse cock and the client shoved the thicker top end of it into Sven's somewhat prolapsing pussy. Again, there were no major entrance problems, much to the client's surprise, or astonishment. But the sheer length of the dildo began to pose some problems for...

4 years ago
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Some People Collect Stamps The Pas

Having a glory hole in your own home doesn't mean that your going to be sucking dick every day of the week (though in a perfect world, that would be really great). Sometimes, for whatever reason, I won't have a single visitor for whole week, and sometimes even longer than that. So, you just get on with the rest of your life, and patiently (and sometimes not so patiently!) wait for a text message from a potential contact!Following my last glory hole patron experience, a long, long dry spell...

4 years ago
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My mothers sister fucking business

Hi friends i am chandrashekar in Iss i have written story kamasutra with sister i got a nice responses now i wouldlike to share a very nice experience with my moms sister.One day i went to my mothers sister house for the summer holidays to spend i suddenly went to their house my pinni(mother sister ) surprised to see me their and she asked me why did you not make any phone call to me while coming and she put her face upset also i asked why are you going any where then she said no just i asked...

2 years ago
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The Danielle Love Fantasy Part Two

When we woke up from our nap, we were still locked in each other’s arms. The cum had dried and left both of us a sticky mess so we decided to go jump in the shower. Her apartment was small and only had one bathroom so I just made myself at home and followed her in. Besides, her now soft girlcock had me walking of the grand canyon if that’s where she wanted me to go. She asked if I’d like to join her for the shower and of course I said yes. I was instantly horny again, knowing that she’d have me...

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An activity that wasnt planned on our vacation

I hadn't looked forward to a vacation like this in a long time. Yes, I'd gone on vacations with my wife and kids. Yes, I'd had a pretty good time. Yes, I'd been lucky enough to go different places around the country. But this was different.I was excited because I was going to a vacation spot I'd been to a number of times, staying in a cabin in the mountains. Being outside in the beautiful weather in Tennesse. And most importantly, being in the mountains. It was one of my favorite places in the...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Casey Calvert Gaping Casey8217s Rude Asshole Drilled

Adult star Casey Calvert brings natural charms — real breasts, slim physique, snow-white complexion — to horny, hung Mike Adriano because, she says, her butthole has missed his cock. They ease it straight up her ass. Greased anal plowing makes her little anus wink and gape, the pink/purple hole expanding rudely. Lube splashes from her colon. Toys stretch her further, but Casey prefers Mike’s meat. Her ass fills the screen, gaping repeatedly; he tongues the open sphincter....

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What Time Is It

Every part of him hurt, and until he felt his body and checked his hands to see the scratches on them he hadn't even remebered that he had been in an accident of some kind. There was only one thing that he was sure of and that was the badge on his chest saying that he was a Deputy Sherrif. "Now where the hell is my car?" He thought to himself. Not seeing the car anywhere he found a bit of shade to sit in, after all he was in the desert and what he needed was shade and water till help came...

3 years ago
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The Lingerie Shop

The lingerie shop By Krystal Fem I just loved the lingerie shop sales! Being a married closet dresser, I didn't have a lot of spare cash to buy the gorgeous feminine items I so craved, so when they had a sale on I was drawn like a moth to a flame. I spent around 20 minutes browsing and finally settled on a gorgeous pink satin baby doll smothered with frills and black lace. I queued nervously to pay for my secret gift to myself and when I finally got to the front the salesgirl...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 36

GORLOK The rising sun was red over the Highland Rift, casting the silhouettes of trebuchets and ballistae in a bloody hue. The morning was still, interrupted only by the annoyed cawing of a distant crow. To my left, the horde’s line stretched to the northern horizon. To my right, there was no one. The tundra grasslands gave way to pine trees, and the Highland Rift ascended into thousand-foot cliffs all the way to Castle Thorum and the Knife River. I sat atop Ginger, my prize warg, the beast...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2101 Ceacuteleste

"You've collected a lot of data, Brian," Dr. Z said at our meeting on Wednesday. "But I'm not seeing your results. So far, this is a report on what your researcher has done. I'm impressed by that, by the way. She's really very good." "Donna is preparing her dissertation based on the methodology she used for this," I said. "It's unique and her advisors say she has broken new ground." "But what is your conclusion? Your thesis?" Dr. Z persisted. "This might actually be the...

4 years ago
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Tied to a Chair

This is a true story from a couple months ago with my girlfriend at the time. Her name was Linda (named changed to protect the not so innocent) and we had met at a house party in Europe when I was there for an exchange program. We hit it off and continued to see each other long distance over the next year. Eventually she ended up traveling and living with me at my place for a few months. Linda was incredibly sexual, had a petite body with fair skin and was naturally a light redhead. A couple...

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