Oathtaker free porn video

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The midday sun blazed hot down on the pair of horses riding the path between the high pinewood of northern Ghant. North of the two horses and their passengers the southern reaches of the Westron Range slowly marched, blue with distance and haze. It was nearing the harvest season, and summer was giving the people a last taste of intense heat to keep them mindful of the soothing cool days that fall would offer. The tall trees on either side of the road were very old and somewhat wild, though the road was generally considered a safe one.

The lead horse was ridden by a tall, skinny man. The sun shone off the finery her wore, from tailor-made clothes to gleaming jewelry of gold and silver. His face was unlined, and he was perhaps thirty. He had a rather thin face, and a nose that would be called aquiline by the well-spoken, or simply a 'beak' by the crude. His eyes were alert and shined despite their almost black coloration. His brown hair was cropped close to his skull and laid in oiled down ringlets. He was obviously a man of means. He resembled nothing else so much as a strutting peacock.

The second horse, following the first, was ridden by a girl, or a young woman, looking to be about twenty years of age. She had a reasonably pretty face, if somewhat large-featured, and large expressive blue eyes. Her hair was golden blonde on the surface with a layer of darker almost brown underneath. It was worn loose, and flowed to just past her shoulders. Her body was fairly long, and not lightly built, though far from heavy. She was fit, and trim in her fashion, she was simply not petite. She had reasonably sized breasts, that filled her peasant's blouse out well enough, and what could be seen of her legs from beneath her knee-length skirt were agreeably shapely. As his garb was expensive, hers was obviously home-made. Even her shoes consisted of leather rectangles with cloth sewn to the upper surface. Her skin was bright pink from the scrubbing she had been given that morning with lye soap and a hard brush.

They had wanted her very clean for the landlord. He was Lord Darvid Vichenso the Third, and he owned her family's farm and the lands they tilled. The last three years had been unkind to them, and they had several crops fail them, rather oddly, too, as the weather had been good, and few other farmers nearby had suffered such losses. But they were a good, solid family, and kept their business. When Lord Vichenso came to them demanding his rent and the back rent, they had nothing to give. He then said. "I will take your daughter's service in my home, then. As payment for current rents due, and you will only have to come up with the back rent by next year." He sneered at the poor family. "If Sylva will grant her promise to serve me well."

Sylva had done so. "I will serve you, then, to save my family from eviction. I will do as you ask. I swear it." She had said.

Now it had come to this. She was riding behind him. No sooner had they left the farmstead and begun the half day journey to his country estates, than he had informed her that her duties, per her promise would include rather personal services to him. "You have sworn to serve me as I ask, and I will hold you to that. Your family will have a place to live, so long as I am pleased with the services you provide in the home, and in my bedroom."

She had cringed at that, she was a maiden, and had never known even the touch of a man's hands. She did not relish the idea of giving this greasy little man her maidenhood, but had no choice. If her family was evicted, they could well starve, or fall victim to some of the truly horrid fates that befell the homeless, like being rounded up by slavers or simply slain for their meager possessions. She had sworn her oath, knowing full well what it might entail. Her mother had told her that much. Her mother was not pleased at the idea, nor was her father, but they had little choice, they did have four other children to protect, and being the kept woman of a noble was not bound to be quite so terrible.

She watched the rump of his horse bob gently as she swayed in her sidesaddle position on the horse he had brought for her. Her expressive eyes were wet with unshed tears and she knew that in a few hours, that scrawny man would be on top of her, deflowering her in a few moments, then spending himself and then falling asleep. She cringed again. Then she sat upright. Her oath bound her, and she would never break it.

He looked back and winked at her, smiling. She forced a smile onto her face, and returned the wink. She thought that this fool actually believed she was enjoying this. As soon as he turned back around, she stuck out her tongue at him.

"We will be at my manor ere nightfall." He said over his shoulder. "Your household duties will begin on the morrow." Then he leered back at her. "Your other duties will begin a hour or two after we arrive." He winked again. By the One, she wanted to just leap on him and claw his eyes out. But no, she would not do that.

"I look forward to learning my duties." She said, hating each word she uttered and piling all the syrup she could muster into them to make them stick.

He chuckled at that, as he had made a clever witticism. Then clucked to his horse to pick up the pace a bit. Her own horse, being normally a pack horse, followed the lead horse obediently. Just like herself, she thought, follow obediently.

As they rode near a particularly dense clump of small pines, she thought she saw something move in the trees. "Sir." She said. "There is somethin..." Her words were cut off by a shape emerging from the foliage. It was nine feet tall, and looked as a man, but more crudely chiseled. It leapt from the trees and hurled a stone at the lead horse. The stone struck the horse's head and it collapsed as its brains coated the man's fine jacket. He screamed like a woman as the horse collapsed under him, and it rolled to its side, pinning his puny leg beneath its body.

Sylva's horse whinnied but did not quite run, it simply shied away from the looming form that approached them. She dismounted in an ungainly fashion, being unpracticed with horses, and moved back from the humanoid. It regarded her and the man.

"Dear Lord." Darvid said, still squealing in a high-pitched voice. "Please, stop him." He said.

Who stop what? Sylva thought. Then she thought quickly. "Release me and call my family's debts void." She said picking up a large stick off the ground.

The big humanoid loomed over his fallen horse and it reached down toward the man. "It is done, I release you and your debts are voided, now kill it!" He screamed.

She charged at the creature with her makeshift club, as she neared it, she cocked back the heavy wooden pole and swung with all her might. The creature simply reached out a hand and caught it in one massive palm. The shock of its sudden stop almost threw her to the ground. She looked up, standing only about two feet from it and figured that it was time for her to die. It turned to face her, it's huge head swinging toward her. It's eyes were massive and brown.

It stood back up, yanking the stick from her grip and hurling it off into the trees, where it made a terrific racket. It regarded her some more, punctuated by the yammering of Darvid.

"You try hit me." It said, in understandable, if debased, Ghantian. It cocked back one of it's great fists and prepared to drive her into the ground like a blonde headed fence post.

She held up her hands and screamed. "Wait!"

It stopped a moment. It had never been asked to 'wait' before, so it was curious what it was to wait for. He looked at her with those big dumb eyes. "What me wait for?" He said, his head tilting.

"I will make you a deal." She said. Trying to think quickly.

"No deal!" It said. "Humans lie Tok, humans hurt Tok!" He said, pointing at large scars on his ribs.

She said. "I'm not like them, I keep my word." She said, and pointed to the fallen nobleman. "Ask him."

The great head rotated around and over Darvid and looked down. "She keep word?" He asked.

"Y... yes... yes, she keep word." Darvid stammered out in a voice both quavery and squeaky. Tok turned back to face her. "O K. You keep word, what deal?" He asked, eyeing her dubiously.

"If you don't kill me, and let that man go," She pointed at Darvid, "I will stay with you."

Tok looked askance at her. "You be wife?" He asked. "Good wife?"

She nodded. "Yes, I will be a good wife. If you will be a good husband." She looked at Darvid, and launched a quick imploring look at him. He nodded minutely in return.

He held out his hand, as if to shake hers. "Swear it." He said.

She winced and took his massive hand. He smelled of old sweat, and grease, and outhouse stench. "I swear it." She said, trying to force a smile.

Tok looked down and said. "Deal, then." He then turned to his right and spit a huge wad of fleghm onto the ground. Sylva tried to copy him, but achieved only marginal success. She was scared and repulsed, and worried.

The ogre looked down at Darvid, and reached toward him. The nobleman squealed again, and cringed back. But Tok simply lifted the horse off of him and hefted it like a large sack of potatoes in both arms. "Me keep horse meat." He said. Then chuckled. "No good to you now, anyway." His chuckle was like the sound of two large stones being ground against each other.

He turned toward the wood. "Go first... wife." He said nodding toward the treeline. She cast another look over her shoulder toward Darvid and he caught her eye, and nodded again, then mouthed 'Two days.' She minutely nodded and then proceeded Tok into the woods.

As they walked Tok said. "You very pretty girl."

She looked back and again forced a smile at him. "Thank you, you're very strong." She said, truthfully.

"Yeah, me strongest ogre in wood." He said proudly. "Me wife die last winter, want new one, now have new one, and she pretty."

She walked onward, with him giving her directions on when to turn and how much. Finally, they came to a cave mouth. "Me house." He said, chuckling. "Best cave in wood." He pointed out.

She proceeded him again, and recoiled at the stench within. He dropped the horse carcass on the ground and uncovered a small fire under a leather hood. He then lit a torch with it and set it into a wall sconce. The cave was maybe thirty feet deep and the same wide, almost round. It was just one large room, with a crude hole bashed into the roof to let light in and smoke out.

She looked at the room, it was furnished mainly with a huge pile of half-cured pelts and some rather tatty-looking blankets. As she looked, the saddle blanket from the riding horse was added to the pile. Most of the smell came from that particular pile. There were several barrels against the far wall, and she would find out later what they contained, if anything. There was also a crudely built table and chairs, quite large.

"Me house." He said, his chest again filling with pride.

She looked around appraisingly, then said. "It's very nice. But needs cleaning."

Tok regarded her. "You wife, clean you job." He chuckled. She shrugged, she had planned on cleaning in her other job, too, at least Tok's house was not quite so large as Darvid's manor.

She began to do just that. She pulled each pelt out of the 'house' and laid it out on the ground outside the cave. She asked Tok if he had a knife.

"What want knife for?" He asked suspiciously.

She said. "To scrape those pelts, you didn't do a very good job of it and they stink mightily."

He nodded slowly, but kept an eye on her after he handed her a small fighting blade. It would serve, though a good skinning knife would have been better.

She set to it, scraping the skins one by one. As the light failed, she had finished almost half of them, and moved them back into the cave. She heaped them in a pile. The reek in the cave was almost halved now. She could at least breath deeply without being on the verge of throwing up.

Tok stood from his chair, and took the knife, placing it on a high shelf, far from her reach. He turned back to her. "We fuck now." He said, reaching for his loincloth. She panicked and said the only thing that came to mind. "WE WHAT!!!" She screamed, as if she were deeply offended. Her face reddened with rage.

The ogre stepped back, looking confused and afraid for a moment. "Me want fuck wife." He said.

She railed on him. "A good husband does NOT FUCK his wife, he MAKES LOVE to her!" She hollered at the top of her lungs. Tok gave back again. "You will NOT FUCK me this night, as you are obviously a very BAD HUSBAND!" The nine foot tall, six hundred pound humanoid was backed to the wall, by the five-foot eight, hundred and forty pound girl. "You will apologize to me and you will go to bed and I will sleep over here, by the table."

Tok stood for a long moment, his face a total blank. Then shuffled to his pile of furs and blankets, then laid down, looking at her. She huffed at him with totally manufactured hostility and went over near him and dragged one blanket, the horse blanket from today out of the pile. She laid it under the table, she then covered the little fire and went to her bed.

In the morning Tok was up and awake before her, he was sitting at the cave entrance, scraping the skins that were still outside the cave with the fighting knife. He was not doing a half bad job of it.

As she approached him, he looked over at her. Sitting, he was almost the same height. He held up the newly scraped skin, smiling broadly with his crooked teeth. "Me fix skins, want you lie in bed tonight, so me make it not stink." She looked on as he continued. She followed behind him with a second knife after he fetched it down for her, and finished each skin to her satisfaction. Between them, the skins were done in a couple of hours. She then stood and massaged the small of her back.

She walked to the back of the cave. The barrels, she found, were full of brandy. She figured they might be useful, it was potent enough to be flammable. She might be able to burn this brute out and escape. The idea of trying terrified her though. He was so damn powerful, he might kill her with a single swat. She had thought of trying to slip off last night, but whenever she moved, he seemed to come awake. His senses were fantastic, she decided, or he slept incredibly lightly. She had little doubt that those five foot legs could outrun her handily, as well. So, she bided her time. Darvid had said 'two days.' So she would hold out until tomorrow, or the next morning.

In the meantime, she meant to make the best of her 'home.' She had Tok carry all the blankets to the nearest water, and he guided her to a stream. "Why wash blanket?" He asked her.

"Because," She said patiently. "Good husbands don't let their wives sleep in filthy blankets and skins." She showed him her arm. "We are delicate, and if we get too much dirt on us, it hurts."

Tok nodded, and sat on the shore with her and they pounded and wrung the blankets all out, they were fairly clean when they were done. She stretched, it was a little after noon. He helped her hang the blankets on tree branches to dry and they went back to the cave. She had him beat out the skins against the wall of the cliff next to the cave mouth, and he did so, whistling as he did it. The cave now smelled pretty decently. She crafted herself a twig broom, and swept out the detritus from the cave. "Me no want dig hole." He complained. "Why want?" "We need a place for trash, and to go to the toilet." She said, looking at him. "A good husband does not pee on the wall of the cave, there will be no more of that." She said, shaking a finger at him. "And I found turds on the floor. No more of that either."

He flinched when she said 'turds, ' and silently went to work with a old shovel head, digging a hole.

She swept the pile of stuff into the hole and then said. "Now you poop and pee in this hole, you hear?"

"Me hear." He said, sullenly. The sky was growing dark, and she knew what would be coming next.

After they ate a horse-meat stew she cooked and he butchered the remaining horse meat. She washed out the bowls in a small tub. He watched her with interest. "You clean bowl too?" He said. "You very clean." He smiled. "Me like."

She finished and turned to face him. "I'm glad you like it." She said.

He stood up and pointed at their newly cleaned and dusted bed. "We go f... make love now?" He asked. His face hopeful.

"No." She said. Crossing her arms.

He said. "Why no make love?" His eyes imploring now.

"You are filthy." She said. "A good husband cleans himself before coming to his wife to make love." She added. "And I washed only yesterday morning. When was your last bath?"

Tok's expression got angry. "Me do things you want, me being good husband, me want make love now!"

"No." She said sternly. "You will clean yourself tomorrow morning, then tomorrow night, we will make love." She saw the look of belligerence in his sallow face. "Do not say anything." She said. "I promised to be a good wife to a good husband." She said. "I will, too, but you will be a good husband first." She looked at him. "You stink of piss and shit, and you have dirt everywhere." She made a sour face. "If you want to make love to me, you will clean up so I can hold you and touch you and kiss you."

His face slowly changed to one of resignation and he crept over to the bed. He asked. "You sleep in bed, then?"

She nodded. She had to give him something. "I will sleep in the bed." She crawled onto the huge pile of skins and blankets, and pulled one over herself. He did stink, but not horribly so. Or maybe her nose was becoming adjusted to the smell. She was tired from a long day of work, and she fell asleep quickly.

When she awoke, she saw Tok sitting in the doorway, looking glumly at the outside.

"What's wrong, Tok?" She asked him.

He looked up at her. "You want me take bath." He said. "Me not know how." He looked down morosely. "Never take bath before."

She smiled at the pained expression on his face. She had to confess, this brute was trying very hard.

"I will show you how." She said, smiling at him. "Do you have soap?"

He shook his head. "No know what soap is." He said.

She looked around then found a hard bristle brush among the piles of implements and items in the back area. She said "We will make do without it then."

The two walked down to the stream, and she made him sit in it, then she had him remove his loincloth. She took off her dress, wearing now only a body stocking of loose cotton. She splashed water on him and then began to scrub with the brush. It took both hands to finally break the dirt loose and begin to find tanned pink skin beneath. As she scrubbed his back, he said "That feel good. Me like bath." She worked on his huge arms, and even his pits which took quite a lot of work. Then she started cleaning his chest and belly, as her ministrations got to the lover portion of his huge, muscular torso, she noticed something poking out of the water. She looked down and realized it was his manhood, she gasped, and stepped back.

"What wrong?" He said, looking around in the water for a snake or other creature that would frighten her.

She regained her composure and went back to work, now on his feet. "It was nothing, I thought I saw something, but was wrong."

He seemed satisfied and just sat there and enjoyed the scrubbing. When she got to the top of his thighs, she realized she would have to soon face it anyway. She swallowed hard and reached down into the water, her hand found his organ and she grabbed it. Even with her largish hands she could not quite get her fingers around the huge thing. She scrubbed it gently with the brush in the other hand. Finally pronouncing it clean after he had achieved quite a impressive erection and was smiling like an idiot. She ordered him to flip over and he did so, holding his head out of the water with his hands as she scrubbed the backs of his legs then his massive buttocks. She rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth and told him to spread his cheeks, then scrubbed out that unmentionable place, too, finally, when the water stopped changing colors, she saw nothing but the tanned pink of his flesh in the water, and figured it would have to do.

She bade him put his cloth back on after washing it out herself. He stood up, and his massive rod was standing there right before her. Her eyes could not help but follow its progress as he stood, and it stood there, massive and proud, curving upward to where the head was right before her eyes. It was about three and half hands long, she thought. If he 'makes love' to her, she would surely be killed.

He stopped her as she got ready to leave the water. "You not take bath." He said. "You need bath too, make clean for love tonight."

She smiled at that, sounded like he had the idea. "Okay." She said. Unbuttoning her cotton body suit. But I will bathe myself, you would probably hurt me with that brush.

He nodded and sat on the bank as she disrobed and went into the water. She scrubbed herself well as she could and that seemed to satisfy him. She noted that he had another erection now, and why not, she had just been nude before him.

She got dressed and they went to the cave. As they approached she saw an arrow stuck in a tree near its mouth. Tok seemed to not notice it. She stopped behind him and pulled it out of the tree and shoved it under her dress.

Once they were inside, she managed to get the arrow out while fiddling with the items in the back of the cave and there was a bit of paper tied to it. Sylva could read some, and slowly she read the tiny script:

It is taking longer to find the assistance to rescue you that I need. Please wait another few days. Help is coming. -Darvid.

She crumpled the paper up and cursed quietly. Damn him, the arrogant prig was afraid to try to rescue her without a whole damn army behind him, no doubt. She sighed and turned toward Tok.

He stood up and smiled, admiring his clean skin. "Me like soft skin." He said, touching his arm with his other hand. "You good wife." He smiled.

She smiled back, not even noticing that it was not all that forced. She sighed again and walked to him. "You are becoming a good husband, too." She said to him, and patted his hand.

He virtually vibrated at that touch. She started supper, as bathing him had taken most of the morning and it was now well past noon. Another day for horse stew. She set him to smoking the remaining horse meat, to preserve it. "Make meat last longer time without taste bad?" He said, and shrugged. He took her word for it. "You know lots things." He commented while he smoked the meat over the small fire.

They puttered around the cave the remaining evening. As she washed the dishes she realized that she had nothing left to hold him off with. She got the last of them done and with a lump in her throat, turned to face the room.

Tok was sitting in his favorite chair. There was no stink in the cave now, just the smell of earth and smoke. He looked over at her. "We make love now?" He asked. "Or you still not want me?"

She swallowed hard, unable to think of anything other than. Your too damn big and you'll kill me. She nodded slowly. "Yes. We will make love now." She said, and looked down.

He stood up and walked to her. "What wrong wife?" He asked. "Me still not good husband."

She shook her head. "No, you've been a good husband." She said. "I'm afraid. I am a maiden."

He looked shocked. "You maiden?" He said, his eyes wide. "Me be extra careful. No hurt you."

She smiled weakly. "You will hurt me, believe me."

"Me no want hurt you." He said. "Me good husband."

"If we make love, it will hurt me, husband." She said.

Tok could not figure a way around that one. He scratched his bald head. "Even make love gentle?" He asked.

"Even if." She said. Then she said. "I have an idea." She went to the brandy barrel and got a bowl full of the stuff. She swilled down a large gulp, then coughed. She force down some more, then another swallow. She said "Wait a minute, I can try to make it not hurt bad." After another half hour she was slurring her speech a bit. And then it truly sank in, she was drunk. She stood up unsteadily. "Okay." She said. "I shink I can do it noooow." She started taking off her dress and walking toward the bed. By the time she got there, she had started unbuttoning her body suit. She shrugged out of it, and sat down with a thump, then giggled. "I am drunksh, my hushbend." And smiled at Tok.

Tok stood from his chair and regarded her a moment, then unfastened his belt holding up his loincloth. It fell to the floor, revealing his massive organ. Sylva's eyes grew large and she said "Wow." And she goggled at it.

He came up to her and sat beside her. She looked up at him and smiled. "It schuden hurt too mush now." She said. Tok winced a little at her ripe breath.

"Good." He said. "Not want hurt good wife." He added. He reached toward her and touched a breast, his large hand enfolded it easily, even though she was far from small. He squeezed it gently, and she moaned a little at the touch, her nipple hardening. She put her hand over his and pressed it harder to her skin. He reached with the other hand and grabbed the other breast. She walked around and stood between his legs right in front of him. He touched and squeezed her breasts and she touched his face. He leaned forward with his large lips puckered. She let him kiss her, and felt the softness of his lips with surprise. She let her tongue run over them and then felt his tongue come out and enter her mouth, filling it, she nibbled on it and he liked that.

She felt his manhood brush her leg as it hardened. And finally taking the plunge, reached down for it. She knelt in front of it and wrapped both hands around the three inch wide shaft. She stroked it gently up and down, as she had to do on the farm when a stallion was hesitant to mount a mare, or a bull a cow. Tok moaned loudly and his face became vacuous bliss. She could not help but to smile a little at this, then stuff started to flow out of the end. It was semen. Had he come already? That would be a blessing. "You are finished?" She asked him. He looked down at her. "No finished." He said. "Why? You tired?"

She shook her head and watched as more of the fluid flowed out, coating his shaft and her hands. It was thick and white and smelled slightly salty. And, by the One, there was a lot of it. He looked down at her, his smile as wide as his face. "You use mouth?"

She looked at the massive leaking organ and cringed. "I don't know how." She ventured.

He looked at her again. "Just try? Please?" He said, and he was very hopeful-looking. She lowered her eyes, and thought that if she could finish him with her mouth, she might escape with her virginity intact. She knelt down and opened her mouth wide, the smell wasn't at all bad from the semen, and she lowered her head over him. As she put her lips around it, the flow increased as he moaned again. She started swallowing, as not doing so would have been harder, so full was her mouth and tight the fit to her lips. She continued to stroke the shaft and he kept moaning from time to time. She felt she must have drunk half a gallon of the stuff already. It did not taste too bad, and she found it not quite as odious as she had at first thought. Then she heard him grunt. And his hips bucked. Suddenly, her mouth was flooded with the stuff, filling quickly, no matter how fast she swallowed, it backed up and into her nose and dribbled out. Then it finally slackened and stopped. When she let it go and gasped for air and blew her nose clear of the slick stuff, she looked up at him and he was out cold, snoring softly and still smiling.

She crawled up onto the bed proper and laid beside him, and soon went to sleep as well.

The next morning, she awoke to see Tok was missing from the cave. She rose and walked to the mouth. Her head ached, and then she remembered drinking the brandy last night. She supposed she might have overdone it. Looking out into the small clearing, she still did not see him. She went back inside and grabbed some smoked meat to eat. Thoughts of running went through her mind, but she feared he would catch her and then simply smash her flat for her treachery. She swept out the cave, and set some more stew to cooking.

A little while later, Tok came back into the cave, humming happily to himself. "You waked." He said, and walked up to her. He bent low and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

She gave him a morning smile and said. "Where'd you go?"

"To shaman, got something for you." He said, smiling widely as he held out a small package made from flexible leaves, wrapped about with bark-twine. "She say this make you like fire drink, but not make you act funny."

She took the package. It contained some sort of ground powder. "What do you mean?" She asked, looking up at him.

"It make body softer, and make making love easier for you." He smiled gently. "Me no want hurt you." He pointed at the little package she held. "You put in water tonight, and drink with stew."

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I got a message from our cousins in Canada about a boy they were worried about. Apparently, his mother couldn’t sexually take care of both the boy and his dad. The dad was a herd spirit and couldn’t keep the wolf spirit teenager in line. The boy was getting aggressive with his sisters, and the mom was a Beta, so even though she was a wolf, she couldn’t enforce discipline on a male with Alpha potential. Mattie and I drove up to the village in Canada and met with the elders and the parents. It...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Sexy MotherInLaw

It is about my mother in law named mala, aged about 50 yrs. She is slightly bulky , but her boobs & ass are very sexy. From the day of my marriage ,I was in the dream to fuck her ass & cum in her mouth, but could not get the chance. One day chance came. My wife went to home for 3 months for exam preparation. I used to go to my in laws in every Sunday. One day when I reached my in laws in morning 10 am , my father in law is out of station for two days & my wife went to some friends home for...

2 years ago
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The Sacrifice of Victoria

"It's time, Vicky," informed Michelle enthusiastically as she dangled two short chains in her hand. She knew I hated being called that. She must have been in a playful mood again. I stifled a groan. I hadn't realised it was noon already, and had only just finished breakfast. Sunday was the only day I could actually lie in. Trying not to show how tired I was, I followed Michelle into our bedroom. After rummaging around in my underwear drawer, Michelle pulled out a bright pink bikini top...

3 years ago
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The Loyalty GeneChapter 17

With Jason and Stephanie on the road and safe for the moment, Alfred checked his message queue. The Charlie avatar stationed at the Grainer mansion had posted an update. Representatives of the Saudi Arabian prince were due to arrive today. Alfred did not want to miss watching Grainer admit he no longer had Miss Stephanie. If things went well, the prince might have Grainer murdered, and that would be lovely. With a flick of concentration, Alfred spawned an avatar to keep an eye on his...

4 years ago
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Shaadishuda Behan Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, hope you guys are doing well. Mera naam hai Akash, aur meri age hai 19 saal. Meri family mein 4 log hai, main, meri badi Behan, papa aur maa. Meri badi behan ka naam hai Sumi. Aur wo mujhse 4 saal badi hai. 1 saal pehle uski shaadi hui thi. Didi ki age 22 saal hai aur jija ji 30 saal ke hai. Aur unke pita ji ki age 56 saal hai. Ye desi sex kahani hai kuch din pehle ki, jab maine apna new college join kiya tha. Hum gaon mein rehte the, aur mere jija ji aur didi shehar mein rehte...

2 years ago
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the adventures of a bi sexual nudist prt 2

I a woke early the next day,it took me a few seconds to realise I was laying naked in the bed of the caravan.My mind went back to yesterdays sexual antics on the beach and my cock twitched.I got up out of the bed letting the sheets fall away from my naked body,the cool air of the caravan felt great on my nipples.I walk out of the bedroom and out into the kitchenand living area.Coffee was on my mind as I stood by the sink filling up the kettle.I stood and stretchedas I waited for the kettle to...

4 years ago
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Gloryhole with Jo

Gloryhole with JoOne Saturday afternoon at a loose end with the k**s at their grandparents and Paul at the football with his mates, and not knowing how to fill my spare time….. then I remembered Jo had said she was coming to John’s this weekend and I had some holiday stuff she wanted to borrow. I thought I can walk the dog round to John’s house, take the stuff with me, kill two birds with one stone and have a natter with Jo. So grabbed everything and set off Twenty minutes later I was at John’s...

2 years ago
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A Trip Into Herstory Part I

A trip into Herstory Part I Things were not going well. Oh, they have gone worse, my life is filled with fultility and disappointment. At least I had a date. And she was cute. She was even wearing the outfit she knew would make me the happiest, a snug fitting woman's version of a Red Sox jersey, and some stretchy red shorts. Wahoo. But we had hit a snag. Or the pizza box hit a snag. We were cuddled up on the couch with some old movie on the computer (I rent movies...

3 years ago
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Visit to a Gloryhole with my Fuck Buddy part 2

After our first visit to the gloryhole in Miami my fuck buddy, V, and I discussed it over the following days. V said it had turned her on but was not sure that she had the nerve to go back. Well, a few nights later we were out drinking at a local bar and it was amazing the change that came over her after a few drinks. She became quite flirtatious and suggested that she needed some fun. On Washington Avenue is an erotic museum, containing many images and art work depicting sex through the ages....

1 year ago
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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 3 Murder in Cairo

Patty ran the wet sponge down over Jane's breasts and belly before moving it back to the basin and soaking it in the soapy water again. She retrieved her lady's comb and stepped so close her erect fairer rosy nipples pressed against Jane's darker and longer nipples. Jane had already soaked her hair and Patty let the comb glide through Jane's long wet hair, finding few tangles to unsnarl. "All clean then," said Patty, looking on her mistress with approval. "Thank you Patty," said...

1 year ago
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Human ManChapter 16

Scott put the transmission in park and got out of the SUV. The private entrance to the old Lewis Sportsman Ranch brought back memories. Twin stone columns of native rock supported a steel sign curving overhead. He'd seen it when the sign was new. Since then, the sign had served as a target. Bullet holes and pellet marks decorated the rusting sign. The 'Lewis' name had borne the brunt of the damage. If the locals couldn't take their ire out on the man, they could vent their anger against...

3 years ago
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The Alpha bet Ch 05

Authors note: This chapter was easier to write than the previous one, ’cause the stage was already set. So the story flowed like a river, and almost wrote it self. Enjoy it. ********** Part One (The threat) He was on cloud nine, and could stay there for ever, but reality came knocking. ‘PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!’ he threw her a white cotton bathrobe. While he regained his breath, he heard someone shouting, looked up, and saw the casino’s big boss, and the two big goons. ‘What’s going...

2 years ago
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She'd been there for hours, it seemed. Lying on her back, spread-eagled, wrists and ankles secured to bed posts, blindfolded and isolated.She could hear him rustling around - initially, she'd though he had tied her up and left, but he was there, he would never put her in danger that way.She could smell the musty odor of him - aftershave splashed on hurriedly before the sun crawled above the horizon, the sweat and must of a day spent pent up in an office, a faint hint of expensive Scotch. She...

4 years ago
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The Day I Lost My Virginity With My Girlfriend

Hello ISS family. I am witting a story for the first time so please forgive if I make some mistakes. Please like the story if liked it. The cast of the story:- My friends – Ravi and Soun. My girlfriend – Riya. And I Rahul. So this happened when we were in 12th std we were studying in Mumbai, Maharashtra. So let me start from the beginning. I and Riya were best friends. I was basically friendly with everybody at our school. I had many crushes on girls but I was not having confidences to...

4 years ago
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Aging Well 2 the SequelChapter 23

[Jack writes] It's Sunday and time for a double wedding! We went to our Sunday school class since I was teaching! We had all almost forgotten. I didn't have to teach much since Chastity and David were with us along with Clarence and Joyce. Stella was surprised because she thought Gretchen was getting married and I had to explain that it was going to be a double wedding. Most in the class and many from the church were planning on attending anyway so attendance wouldn't be affected. We...

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Brotherly Love For His Married Elder Sister

Hi, this is a story about me and my elder sister which happened in May, 2014. This fascination for me regarding her started when I was very young. My elder sister is 7 years elder to me, and I am currently 24. She is my chacha’s daughter and one of the hottest girls I have seen. She is 5.4, white in complexion, dark long hairs, perky breasts and around 55 kgs in weight.. For an Indian society anything like this is considered to be something that is very incest, so getting her to allow me to do...

4 years ago
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MMF threesome

I arrange to meet a guy i know for dinner. I was having a pre-dinner drink with him then my ex walked in and sat down at our table.I thought he would be annoyedI think most men fantasise about two men/one womanBut he had it planned they hatched a plot between themMy ex is older than me other guy a bit younger than me, 35Well we had dinner and then back to my placeMy ex knew I enjoyed a threesome Back to my place, another drink and chat then to my bedroom. They just wanted me naked apart from my...

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Taking advatage

Well, this a story of mine which happened around June last year. I am a student of class 12th i.e I have just appeared for my boards last month.Anyways, the story which I’m going to narrate happened to me when we went for an excursion during our summer vacations. 15 of the students (all boys, as I study in a boys-only school) and 3 teachers had gone on a field trip for 4 days. 2 of the teachers were men and 1 was a woman i.e our school principal. This story is about how I took advantage of my...

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Workers Playtime

Maybe sometimes life isn’t fair, and you can feel like you’re emptying a swimming pool with a spoon. However for every grey day there has to be a dazzling sunny one, this is a sunny day story.Sitting outside a pavement café one warm morning in July, just watching the world drift past me, sipping coffee and enjoying the leisurely pace of the day, nothing particularly on my mind, nothing pressing to attend to.“Hey Dan, how’s tricks?” a voice comes out of the blue and breaks my daze, it’s a face...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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He hated I was a Lesbian

I told Darrell I was a lesbian the first day I met him on the subway. I was playing with my cellphone playing a game when this guy started talking to me about the train and meaningless things. I didn't want to be rude so I smiled and kept my head down. He told me how him and his girlfriend would fight then make love. I was tired of hearing this crazy conversation. I got up smiled and got off the next stop just so he could leave me alone. The next day he was on the train again. This time...

4 years ago
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Thought I Would Become Dancer But Became Stripper

Hi everyone. I am Phani. This is my first story which really happened in my life a year ago. I am not going to mention the place where this incident occurred for security purposes. I didn’t add any stuff other than which had happened so it might be little boring. But try to read and comment to the mail id given at the end. So here is my story about how I became a stripper. I was a college student and still am, who was filled with adductive of sex, always wanted to fuck moms all around,...

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Still Luv Cock

Now in high school I started dating girls fell in love a couple times got dumped several times. Graduated high school got a job met a girl I deeply fell in love with but when she dumped me brokenhearted I moved to Las Vegas dated some women but they didn't have what I loved cock,so I started to go to adult bookstores and discovered gloryholes. Cocksucking plain and simple use to go on my nights off work. Learned to love it when a man whose face I couln't see would stick his cock thru the...

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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 6 The Old Mans Story

Varna sat in her hotel room, feet on the desk, letting her mind drift. She had over the years grown comfortable with the connection she felt with whatever was shut in the coffin shaped object at the back of her ship's hold. She had asked several of the other captains, in as offhand a way as possible when they happened to meet in a bar on the frontier planets they would visit for supplies, or when they were collecting bounty payments for hunting down humans, if they had ever found anything...

1 year ago
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Ryan Part Two

You can read part one of the story here.After they finished their drinks, they left to go to a club I presumed. This was a relief to me, as I had once again gone into my fantasy mind and had him naked in my arms. I finished up my drink and headed for the doorway, grabbing my coat from the back of my stool. That's when I saw Ryan walking out of the washroom. He hadn't gone with the rest of his friends. I blushed again...

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Grease Job

I don't know if I should tell you this, about Gail and Tom. Well, it has been a long time, and I'll try to avoid last names. I guess it's OK. It all had to do with Uncle Ted's garage, and I'll have to explain that. Stanford's one of those crossroads towns. In this case, it's state route 92, where it crosses Blue Jacket Creek, and county road 23, which runs more or less along the creek, but on the higher ground. The respectable part of town runs from the bridge, Miss Tina's Tea Shoppe,...

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Blonde in the orient

Hillary Bond looked out the window as the 747 went into a slow bank lining itself up with the runway. It was 9:00PM in Tokyo and the lights of the world's largest city shown like a million diamonds, rubies, and sapphires in the clear night sky. This was her first trip to the Far East, and she felt the excitement building as the big jet settled down and taxied over to the terminal. Disembarking the plane, Hillary scanned the hundreds of Asian faces to see if anyone of them recognized her while...

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Lucky me

I thought Lucy didn't miss me but that wasn't true. At least that's what she said when she called me and asked where I had been for so long and why I hadn't even called or anything, and I was stupid and acted like a woman scorned and said “No, you didn't call me. I figured you were too busy with your boyfriend” and she said “Oh” and then after a few seconds of silence she said “I'm sorry” and I felt like a jerk and was about to apologize for it when I realized this time she hadn't objected when...

3 years ago
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My House My RulesChapter 27

The Pixies gripped 'em and clipped 'em. Pete personally checked each and every nipple to be sure the jewelry was well placed and firmly attached. The titties passed inspection. He urged them on their way, stopping by the office to get a small package. The baker's dozen made it to the appointment with Amy barely on time. Not that she would complain, but promptness is always appreciated. Pete lined the Pixies up in a semicircle facing the black box. He was positioned at one end. "Amy,...

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CuckoldSession Aubree Valentine 02122023

Princess Aubree and her little cucky bucky just took delivery of their first real cage for cucky to stay in. She has never let cucky watch her fuck her Bulls before but now that he can be locked behind steel bars she feels maybe it’s time to show him just how pathetic he really is and what kind of Men she needs to satisfy her. She even bought cucky a gift of a cock pump so he could maybe get big enough to fuck his latex toy girlfriend. Just as Cucky is starting to whine like a girl in...

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StepSiblings Jenna Foxx Loni Legend The Old Switcheroo

Jenna Foxx is getting herself all dolled up for a blind date when her stepsis, Loni Legend, comes around asking all types of questions. Jenna is no fool, though. She asks Loni to get the hell out of here since she is always stealing Jennas guys. Well, Jenna, you were right to try to get Loni away from your mans because she is a guy thief for sure. While Jenna is at the office taking care of business before her blind date, Loni takes advantage of the momentary absence. She puts on the clothes...

2 years ago
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ValerieChapter 2

My chance with Gemma came sooner than I expected. I needed to pop round their house to pick up a number of tools that Ted had 'borrowed' over the last month or so. So, the following day after I'd enjoyed Valerie's charms I found myself ringing Ted and Gemma's to arrange to get them back. As it was I got lucky, Ted's a civil servant and works Monday to Friday somewhere in Westminster, London so I knew he wouldn't be in. However Gemma is a nurse at our local hospital and works shifts, if...

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Hannahs hotel tryst

I watched her when she checked into the hotel. Her long brown hair was pulled up into a bun, a few loose strands curling and cascading to her bare shoulders. Her polka dot dress was low cut, exposing the tops of her gorgeous breasts.Hannah and I were in town on a business trip. We wrapped up our meetings and were settling in for the night at a hotel near the airport. I smiled as my eyes looked up from her high heeled feet, following the curve of her amazing legs up to the bottom of the skirt. I...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 28 The Avenging Stranger

Tanelickt and Danka departed from the Great Temple before sunrise on August 6, only four days after Danka first entered the city. The two penitents had very little time to spare if they were going to cross the entire western valley, go into the mountains, cross the pass near Novo Sumy Ris, and navigate the hilly country along the road that lead to their destination in Novo Sokukt Tok before the weather became too cold to travel. The real problem was the pass dividing the western valley from...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 21

When Sandra walked out of the classroom, and into the hallway, she saw how the other students were looking at her and how they smiled. Her classmates, probably Melinda and her friends, already had told them what had happened in the classroom just now. And then she heard a girl say, "Look at her buttocks, they are completely wet! That must have been a very special orgasm." And then the group around the girl started to laugh in the direction of Sandra. And this time, Sandra didn't feel...

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Wife fuck Morning glory

I used to work nights (every fortnight) and when I got home I was usually tense as I was in a very responsible position and the fact that some of my colleagues were female and in their prime didn't help because, as those who have read my other stories know, I'm basically a randy bugger!I knew that when I got home, Mrs Tabbycat would be snuggled up; all warm and cuddly and totally as nature intended; and that she was fully aware that I'd be getting undressed soon and that when I took off my...

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I got Raju

I’m Rahul, married and living in Mumbai. Though 48 yrs, I look like in my very early forties, fairly nice looking, athletic and averagely hairy. I have this secret irresistible thing about male hair. A tuft of hair peeping out of a man’s shirt a pair of hairy forearms or light stubble on a well-set jaw can drive me crazy. This brings me to my story a few months ago I was alone at home (family gone to pune) and my bathroom overhead loft tank sprang a leak. I phoned a friend and he put me on to...

Gay Male
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Mrs Braithwaite Part IV

Mrs. Braithwaite, Part IV. By Geneva START The business all began for me one summer afternoon. I had been with my two friends and fellow coven members, Scillia and Liriope, at a monthly meeting of our coven the previous evening. The meeting finished, we were on our way back home. Feeling like a bit of sightseeing on the way, and maybe to take our minds off some of the events at the coven, we spent an afternoon on a tour at an old mansion that had been used in a recent popular TV...

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Cool Big bo

I had gone to bed early on a Saturday night cause I had just got back from a Boy Scout hike and I was tired. At about eleven p.m. I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. After I peed, I heard noises in my b*****r’s room and the door was open a crack so I looked in. He was fucking his girlfriend on his bed. I had never seen his girlfriend, or any girl for that matter, naked before and she looked hot. Big tits, cute ass and smooth white skin. My b*****r lucky guy. They were both into it big time...

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Creamy seconds

Creamy Seconds First off this story is fictional and I apologise for any spelling or bad grammar, im better at maths and science then English. I hope you enjoy the story. Me and my girl friend had been going out for 3 years, and are still very happy together, however the spark of the relationship (the sex life) is not as good as it use to be, I know most relationships when they start out, your having sex as much as possible and experimenting, finding out about each other, what turns them on. I...

2 years ago
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The Word On JohannaChapter 5

The next morning Kathy smirked while I was peeing in the toilet and she was getting out of the shower. There was a dried crust on my stomach and she knew it meant, so she did a little staring into my eyes and licking her upper lip sexily while slowly rubbing the towel over her tits. I just shook my head and climbed into the shower and pulled the curtain shut. I could hear her chortling as I turned on the faucet. "Make sure you keep notes to compare after school today," she sang out gaily...

3 years ago
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The Strange Case of the Jittery Jury Entwhistle Investigations 3

The Strange Case of the Jittery Jury Angela looked down at the letter again. It just wasn't possible. Another letter with the same header on sat on her desk, but she wasn't so concerned about that letter at the moment. Though it truth she'd probably rail against that one later. She read the crucial part again. Miss Angela Clemence * You have been selected for jury service * Your name has been randomly selected from the electoral register Anthony had not considered this...

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Indian Fiasco

At the age of 16, the world seems to change for us teens, sex and drugs are presented in front of us in means for experimenting. For me "getting high" was sitting next to my best friend, Kerri Kerri and i have been friends since orientation day in grade 8, we get along great. Kerri hails from India but she has an Australian accent which made things cool. There has always been sexual tension between us, but neither one of us has had the guts to admit it. She was smart, mildly...

1 year ago
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Hot day with Aunt

Hi Friends, this is Anirban from Kolkata, I am very much fond of sex. I have been searching for the chance to post my real experience. I am a good looking guy, aged 23,just completed my engineering. I fucked 4-5 girls during my engineering. But this story is about me and my neighbour(aunt) Shila. She is a very beautiful and sexy women, aged 34,Her figure is 36 30 38. I don’t have words to express about her hotness. Only one thing I can say that once u see her, Your Cock will stand straight. So...

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Car Bonnet Fuck

Hi Guys,This true story dates back about 4 1/2 months now, and takes place outdoors, well over a car bonnet to be exact.I had been chatting to this lovely guy called Dave, we had been chatting on a different site and arranged for him to come over from where he lived to where i live in Droitwich. Well I had been getting my self ready most of the evening showering, shaving my self totally smooth including my pussy, made a real effort to look hot with my makup and clothes. The usual things,...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 10 Twos Company Fours Even More Company

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 [[I ended the last chapter with a small digression. Being in the mood for them, I'll add another one, more relevant to my recent merging. Earlier, I calculated the chance of someone merging to be equivalent to 1-in-3E14; 3E14 being 3,000 times the number of people that have ever lived on Earth. There are considerably more than 3,000 w-dimensions, so it's certain that I was not the first person to have merged (this logic is wrong as the dimensions aren't...

2 years ago
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Cock lust

It had been a few weeks since I had had my first man on man, “Gay” experience. It had happened outside a club, in a drunken haze. I had met him there and although there were lots of girls, we had both struck out. On thing lead to another and before to long, I was sucking his cock. It just sort of happened.On thing I knew for sure afterwards though, is I was gay for cock. I mean, cock crazy. I found myself searching out gay porn online and quickly admitted to my self, I was totally into men. I...

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That SummerChapter 25

When Kyle got home from school that Friday afternoon, he received a message that he was to go directly to the airport, instead of to the James' residence. He quickly threw some clothes in his duffle, kissed Emma and Jill goodbye and headed out to pick up Jason. Twenty minutes later, they were at the small airport on the outskirts of town. The only plane anywhere near the building looked like a small regional jet except that it was all white with gold trim and Kyle noticed the image of a...

4 years ago
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Tricking Trixie Chapter Two Losing It

Trixie arrived at the hotel exactly when, where and how she had been instructed. She wore her school uniform — a white button up shirt, a short green and black plaid skirt and no underwear — and wore her hair in pigtails. To get to the hotel, the student got into an Uber that Mr Wright had sent to her house. The Uber took her straight to the motel where her teacher was waiting for her. "Hello, little one!" Her teacher said to her as she got out of the car. Trixie was too shy to say...

3 years ago
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Ameleia gets raped by a dike at her boyfriends

I was supposed to see Paul in the evening, but he phoned just beforehand and said he had a cold and couldn’t see me. So I felt very disappointed, and then I thought ‘Well, I’ll take him some grapes and stuff to cheer him up.’ So I bought a whole picnic of lovely cold food and books and – oh, it makes me bitter when I remember. Anyway, I rang the bell and he came to the door in just trousers and he looked rather annoyed at first, then he smiled in...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Bunny Colby Emily Willis Emma Hix Three Princesses

In this spinoff on a fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella get sick of waiting for a man to find them and decide to take their pleasure into their own hands. Snow White points out that none of them has even kissed a boy yet. Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty suggest that Snow White could practice kissing on a mirror, but Snow White is sick of kissing her own cold reflection. They decide to practice on each other. Once all three girls have experienced kissing, they decide they...

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Wife bbw and a friend use strapon to collect on

Me and my wife made a superbowl bet. Whoever won had 6 days of complete control over the loser. The loser had 1 day tto do what they wanted. Well my team lost and my wife wasted no time.First thing was i had to shave everything of, except the head and my lower arms. She helped me get hard to reach places. While i was showering, she got a tight dress, stockings, garter belt long gloves, and hills laid out. I got out she told me to get dress and i can't change till i was told. So i did as i...

3 years ago
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The Spice of LifeChapter 7

Jack never stopped fantasising about the younger ones, and never did a damn thing about it. He had three women to satisfy – when they wanted heterosexual sex. As time went on, he became grateful that they also had each other. He couldn’t keep up the pace for ever. He joined the three on their feminist rally, and met Claire and Angela on the march. “Oh, hello Mr Johnson, I didn’t expect to see you here.” said Ms Smart. “Feminists make a better class of flapjack. No, really, I’m here with...

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