Oathtaker free porn video

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The midday sun blazed hot down on the pair of horses riding the path between the high pinewood of northern Ghant. North of the two horses and their passengers the southern reaches of the Westron Range slowly marched, blue with distance and haze. It was nearing the harvest season, and summer was giving the people a last taste of intense heat to keep them mindful of the soothing cool days that fall would offer. The tall trees on either side of the road were very old and somewhat wild, though the road was generally considered a safe one.

The lead horse was ridden by a tall, skinny man. The sun shone off the finery her wore, from tailor-made clothes to gleaming jewelry of gold and silver. His face was unlined, and he was perhaps thirty. He had a rather thin face, and a nose that would be called aquiline by the well-spoken, or simply a 'beak' by the crude. His eyes were alert and shined despite their almost black coloration. His brown hair was cropped close to his skull and laid in oiled down ringlets. He was obviously a man of means. He resembled nothing else so much as a strutting peacock.

The second horse, following the first, was ridden by a girl, or a young woman, looking to be about twenty years of age. She had a reasonably pretty face, if somewhat large-featured, and large expressive blue eyes. Her hair was golden blonde on the surface with a layer of darker almost brown underneath. It was worn loose, and flowed to just past her shoulders. Her body was fairly long, and not lightly built, though far from heavy. She was fit, and trim in her fashion, she was simply not petite. She had reasonably sized breasts, that filled her peasant's blouse out well enough, and what could be seen of her legs from beneath her knee-length skirt were agreeably shapely. As his garb was expensive, hers was obviously home-made. Even her shoes consisted of leather rectangles with cloth sewn to the upper surface. Her skin was bright pink from the scrubbing she had been given that morning with lye soap and a hard brush.

They had wanted her very clean for the landlord. He was Lord Darvid Vichenso the Third, and he owned her family's farm and the lands they tilled. The last three years had been unkind to them, and they had several crops fail them, rather oddly, too, as the weather had been good, and few other farmers nearby had suffered such losses. But they were a good, solid family, and kept their business. When Lord Vichenso came to them demanding his rent and the back rent, they had nothing to give. He then said. "I will take your daughter's service in my home, then. As payment for current rents due, and you will only have to come up with the back rent by next year." He sneered at the poor family. "If Sylva will grant her promise to serve me well."

Sylva had done so. "I will serve you, then, to save my family from eviction. I will do as you ask. I swear it." She had said.

Now it had come to this. She was riding behind him. No sooner had they left the farmstead and begun the half day journey to his country estates, than he had informed her that her duties, per her promise would include rather personal services to him. "You have sworn to serve me as I ask, and I will hold you to that. Your family will have a place to live, so long as I am pleased with the services you provide in the home, and in my bedroom."

She had cringed at that, she was a maiden, and had never known even the touch of a man's hands. She did not relish the idea of giving this greasy little man her maidenhood, but had no choice. If her family was evicted, they could well starve, or fall victim to some of the truly horrid fates that befell the homeless, like being rounded up by slavers or simply slain for their meager possessions. She had sworn her oath, knowing full well what it might entail. Her mother had told her that much. Her mother was not pleased at the idea, nor was her father, but they had little choice, they did have four other children to protect, and being the kept woman of a noble was not bound to be quite so terrible.

She watched the rump of his horse bob gently as she swayed in her sidesaddle position on the horse he had brought for her. Her expressive eyes were wet with unshed tears and she knew that in a few hours, that scrawny man would be on top of her, deflowering her in a few moments, then spending himself and then falling asleep. She cringed again. Then she sat upright. Her oath bound her, and she would never break it.

He looked back and winked at her, smiling. She forced a smile onto her face, and returned the wink. She thought that this fool actually believed she was enjoying this. As soon as he turned back around, she stuck out her tongue at him.

"We will be at my manor ere nightfall." He said over his shoulder. "Your household duties will begin on the morrow." Then he leered back at her. "Your other duties will begin a hour or two after we arrive." He winked again. By the One, she wanted to just leap on him and claw his eyes out. But no, she would not do that.

"I look forward to learning my duties." She said, hating each word she uttered and piling all the syrup she could muster into them to make them stick.

He chuckled at that, as he had made a clever witticism. Then clucked to his horse to pick up the pace a bit. Her own horse, being normally a pack horse, followed the lead horse obediently. Just like herself, she thought, follow obediently.

As they rode near a particularly dense clump of small pines, she thought she saw something move in the trees. "Sir." She said. "There is somethin..." Her words were cut off by a shape emerging from the foliage. It was nine feet tall, and looked as a man, but more crudely chiseled. It leapt from the trees and hurled a stone at the lead horse. The stone struck the horse's head and it collapsed as its brains coated the man's fine jacket. He screamed like a woman as the horse collapsed under him, and it rolled to its side, pinning his puny leg beneath its body.

Sylva's horse whinnied but did not quite run, it simply shied away from the looming form that approached them. She dismounted in an ungainly fashion, being unpracticed with horses, and moved back from the humanoid. It regarded her and the man.

"Dear Lord." Darvid said, still squealing in a high-pitched voice. "Please, stop him." He said.

Who stop what? Sylva thought. Then she thought quickly. "Release me and call my family's debts void." She said picking up a large stick off the ground.

The big humanoid loomed over his fallen horse and it reached down toward the man. "It is done, I release you and your debts are voided, now kill it!" He screamed.

She charged at the creature with her makeshift club, as she neared it, she cocked back the heavy wooden pole and swung with all her might. The creature simply reached out a hand and caught it in one massive palm. The shock of its sudden stop almost threw her to the ground. She looked up, standing only about two feet from it and figured that it was time for her to die. It turned to face her, it's huge head swinging toward her. It's eyes were massive and brown.

It stood back up, yanking the stick from her grip and hurling it off into the trees, where it made a terrific racket. It regarded her some more, punctuated by the yammering of Darvid.

"You try hit me." It said, in understandable, if debased, Ghantian. It cocked back one of it's great fists and prepared to drive her into the ground like a blonde headed fence post.

She held up her hands and screamed. "Wait!"

It stopped a moment. It had never been asked to 'wait' before, so it was curious what it was to wait for. He looked at her with those big dumb eyes. "What me wait for?" He said, his head tilting.

"I will make you a deal." She said. Trying to think quickly.

"No deal!" It said. "Humans lie Tok, humans hurt Tok!" He said, pointing at large scars on his ribs.

She said. "I'm not like them, I keep my word." She said, and pointed to the fallen nobleman. "Ask him."

The great head rotated around and over Darvid and looked down. "She keep word?" He asked.

"Y... yes... yes, she keep word." Darvid stammered out in a voice both quavery and squeaky. Tok turned back to face her. "O K. You keep word, what deal?" He asked, eyeing her dubiously.

"If you don't kill me, and let that man go," She pointed at Darvid, "I will stay with you."

Tok looked askance at her. "You be wife?" He asked. "Good wife?"

She nodded. "Yes, I will be a good wife. If you will be a good husband." She looked at Darvid, and launched a quick imploring look at him. He nodded minutely in return.

He held out his hand, as if to shake hers. "Swear it." He said.

She winced and took his massive hand. He smelled of old sweat, and grease, and outhouse stench. "I swear it." She said, trying to force a smile.

Tok looked down and said. "Deal, then." He then turned to his right and spit a huge wad of fleghm onto the ground. Sylva tried to copy him, but achieved only marginal success. She was scared and repulsed, and worried.

The ogre looked down at Darvid, and reached toward him. The nobleman squealed again, and cringed back. But Tok simply lifted the horse off of him and hefted it like a large sack of potatoes in both arms. "Me keep horse meat." He said. Then chuckled. "No good to you now, anyway." His chuckle was like the sound of two large stones being ground against each other.

He turned toward the wood. "Go first... wife." He said nodding toward the treeline. She cast another look over her shoulder toward Darvid and he caught her eye, and nodded again, then mouthed 'Two days.' She minutely nodded and then proceeded Tok into the woods.

As they walked Tok said. "You very pretty girl."

She looked back and again forced a smile at him. "Thank you, you're very strong." She said, truthfully.

"Yeah, me strongest ogre in wood." He said proudly. "Me wife die last winter, want new one, now have new one, and she pretty."

She walked onward, with him giving her directions on when to turn and how much. Finally, they came to a cave mouth. "Me house." He said, chuckling. "Best cave in wood." He pointed out.

She proceeded him again, and recoiled at the stench within. He dropped the horse carcass on the ground and uncovered a small fire under a leather hood. He then lit a torch with it and set it into a wall sconce. The cave was maybe thirty feet deep and the same wide, almost round. It was just one large room, with a crude hole bashed into the roof to let light in and smoke out.

She looked at the room, it was furnished mainly with a huge pile of half-cured pelts and some rather tatty-looking blankets. As she looked, the saddle blanket from the riding horse was added to the pile. Most of the smell came from that particular pile. There were several barrels against the far wall, and she would find out later what they contained, if anything. There was also a crudely built table and chairs, quite large.

"Me house." He said, his chest again filling with pride.

She looked around appraisingly, then said. "It's very nice. But needs cleaning."

Tok regarded her. "You wife, clean you job." He chuckled. She shrugged, she had planned on cleaning in her other job, too, at least Tok's house was not quite so large as Darvid's manor.

She began to do just that. She pulled each pelt out of the 'house' and laid it out on the ground outside the cave. She asked Tok if he had a knife.

"What want knife for?" He asked suspiciously.

She said. "To scrape those pelts, you didn't do a very good job of it and they stink mightily."

He nodded slowly, but kept an eye on her after he handed her a small fighting blade. It would serve, though a good skinning knife would have been better.

She set to it, scraping the skins one by one. As the light failed, she had finished almost half of them, and moved them back into the cave. She heaped them in a pile. The reek in the cave was almost halved now. She could at least breath deeply without being on the verge of throwing up.

Tok stood from his chair, and took the knife, placing it on a high shelf, far from her reach. He turned back to her. "We fuck now." He said, reaching for his loincloth. She panicked and said the only thing that came to mind. "WE WHAT!!!" She screamed, as if she were deeply offended. Her face reddened with rage.

The ogre stepped back, looking confused and afraid for a moment. "Me want fuck wife." He said.

She railed on him. "A good husband does NOT FUCK his wife, he MAKES LOVE to her!" She hollered at the top of her lungs. Tok gave back again. "You will NOT FUCK me this night, as you are obviously a very BAD HUSBAND!" The nine foot tall, six hundred pound humanoid was backed to the wall, by the five-foot eight, hundred and forty pound girl. "You will apologize to me and you will go to bed and I will sleep over here, by the table."

Tok stood for a long moment, his face a total blank. Then shuffled to his pile of furs and blankets, then laid down, looking at her. She huffed at him with totally manufactured hostility and went over near him and dragged one blanket, the horse blanket from today out of the pile. She laid it under the table, she then covered the little fire and went to her bed.

In the morning Tok was up and awake before her, he was sitting at the cave entrance, scraping the skins that were still outside the cave with the fighting knife. He was not doing a half bad job of it.

As she approached him, he looked over at her. Sitting, he was almost the same height. He held up the newly scraped skin, smiling broadly with his crooked teeth. "Me fix skins, want you lie in bed tonight, so me make it not stink." She looked on as he continued. She followed behind him with a second knife after he fetched it down for her, and finished each skin to her satisfaction. Between them, the skins were done in a couple of hours. She then stood and massaged the small of her back.

She walked to the back of the cave. The barrels, she found, were full of brandy. She figured they might be useful, it was potent enough to be flammable. She might be able to burn this brute out and escape. The idea of trying terrified her though. He was so damn powerful, he might kill her with a single swat. She had thought of trying to slip off last night, but whenever she moved, he seemed to come awake. His senses were fantastic, she decided, or he slept incredibly lightly. She had little doubt that those five foot legs could outrun her handily, as well. So, she bided her time. Darvid had said 'two days.' So she would hold out until tomorrow, or the next morning.

In the meantime, she meant to make the best of her 'home.' She had Tok carry all the blankets to the nearest water, and he guided her to a stream. "Why wash blanket?" He asked her.

"Because," She said patiently. "Good husbands don't let their wives sleep in filthy blankets and skins." She showed him her arm. "We are delicate, and if we get too much dirt on us, it hurts."

Tok nodded, and sat on the shore with her and they pounded and wrung the blankets all out, they were fairly clean when they were done. She stretched, it was a little after noon. He helped her hang the blankets on tree branches to dry and they went back to the cave. She had him beat out the skins against the wall of the cliff next to the cave mouth, and he did so, whistling as he did it. The cave now smelled pretty decently. She crafted herself a twig broom, and swept out the detritus from the cave. "Me no want dig hole." He complained. "Why want?" "We need a place for trash, and to go to the toilet." She said, looking at him. "A good husband does not pee on the wall of the cave, there will be no more of that." She said, shaking a finger at him. "And I found turds on the floor. No more of that either."

He flinched when she said 'turds, ' and silently went to work with a old shovel head, digging a hole.

She swept the pile of stuff into the hole and then said. "Now you poop and pee in this hole, you hear?"

"Me hear." He said, sullenly. The sky was growing dark, and she knew what would be coming next.

After they ate a horse-meat stew she cooked and he butchered the remaining horse meat. She washed out the bowls in a small tub. He watched her with interest. "You clean bowl too?" He said. "You very clean." He smiled. "Me like."

She finished and turned to face him. "I'm glad you like it." She said.

He stood up and pointed at their newly cleaned and dusted bed. "We go f... make love now?" He asked. His face hopeful.

"No." She said. Crossing her arms.

He said. "Why no make love?" His eyes imploring now.

"You are filthy." She said. "A good husband cleans himself before coming to his wife to make love." She added. "And I washed only yesterday morning. When was your last bath?"

Tok's expression got angry. "Me do things you want, me being good husband, me want make love now!"

"No." She said sternly. "You will clean yourself tomorrow morning, then tomorrow night, we will make love." She saw the look of belligerence in his sallow face. "Do not say anything." She said. "I promised to be a good wife to a good husband." She said. "I will, too, but you will be a good husband first." She looked at him. "You stink of piss and shit, and you have dirt everywhere." She made a sour face. "If you want to make love to me, you will clean up so I can hold you and touch you and kiss you."

His face slowly changed to one of resignation and he crept over to the bed. He asked. "You sleep in bed, then?"

She nodded. She had to give him something. "I will sleep in the bed." She crawled onto the huge pile of skins and blankets, and pulled one over herself. He did stink, but not horribly so. Or maybe her nose was becoming adjusted to the smell. She was tired from a long day of work, and she fell asleep quickly.

When she awoke, she saw Tok sitting in the doorway, looking glumly at the outside.

"What's wrong, Tok?" She asked him.

He looked up at her. "You want me take bath." He said. "Me not know how." He looked down morosely. "Never take bath before."

She smiled at the pained expression on his face. She had to confess, this brute was trying very hard.

"I will show you how." She said, smiling at him. "Do you have soap?"

He shook his head. "No know what soap is." He said.

She looked around then found a hard bristle brush among the piles of implements and items in the back area. She said "We will make do without it then."

The two walked down to the stream, and she made him sit in it, then she had him remove his loincloth. She took off her dress, wearing now only a body stocking of loose cotton. She splashed water on him and then began to scrub with the brush. It took both hands to finally break the dirt loose and begin to find tanned pink skin beneath. As she scrubbed his back, he said "That feel good. Me like bath." She worked on his huge arms, and even his pits which took quite a lot of work. Then she started cleaning his chest and belly, as her ministrations got to the lover portion of his huge, muscular torso, she noticed something poking out of the water. She looked down and realized it was his manhood, she gasped, and stepped back.

"What wrong?" He said, looking around in the water for a snake or other creature that would frighten her.

She regained her composure and went back to work, now on his feet. "It was nothing, I thought I saw something, but was wrong."

He seemed satisfied and just sat there and enjoyed the scrubbing. When she got to the top of his thighs, she realized she would have to soon face it anyway. She swallowed hard and reached down into the water, her hand found his organ and she grabbed it. Even with her largish hands she could not quite get her fingers around the huge thing. She scrubbed it gently with the brush in the other hand. Finally pronouncing it clean after he had achieved quite a impressive erection and was smiling like an idiot. She ordered him to flip over and he did so, holding his head out of the water with his hands as she scrubbed the backs of his legs then his massive buttocks. She rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth and told him to spread his cheeks, then scrubbed out that unmentionable place, too, finally, when the water stopped changing colors, she saw nothing but the tanned pink of his flesh in the water, and figured it would have to do.

She bade him put his cloth back on after washing it out herself. He stood up, and his massive rod was standing there right before her. Her eyes could not help but follow its progress as he stood, and it stood there, massive and proud, curving upward to where the head was right before her eyes. It was about three and half hands long, she thought. If he 'makes love' to her, she would surely be killed.

He stopped her as she got ready to leave the water. "You not take bath." He said. "You need bath too, make clean for love tonight."

She smiled at that, sounded like he had the idea. "Okay." She said. Unbuttoning her cotton body suit. But I will bathe myself, you would probably hurt me with that brush.

He nodded and sat on the bank as she disrobed and went into the water. She scrubbed herself well as she could and that seemed to satisfy him. She noted that he had another erection now, and why not, she had just been nude before him.

She got dressed and they went to the cave. As they approached she saw an arrow stuck in a tree near its mouth. Tok seemed to not notice it. She stopped behind him and pulled it out of the tree and shoved it under her dress.

Once they were inside, she managed to get the arrow out while fiddling with the items in the back of the cave and there was a bit of paper tied to it. Sylva could read some, and slowly she read the tiny script:

It is taking longer to find the assistance to rescue you that I need. Please wait another few days. Help is coming. -Darvid.

She crumpled the paper up and cursed quietly. Damn him, the arrogant prig was afraid to try to rescue her without a whole damn army behind him, no doubt. She sighed and turned toward Tok.

He stood up and smiled, admiring his clean skin. "Me like soft skin." He said, touching his arm with his other hand. "You good wife." He smiled.

She smiled back, not even noticing that it was not all that forced. She sighed again and walked to him. "You are becoming a good husband, too." She said to him, and patted his hand.

He virtually vibrated at that touch. She started supper, as bathing him had taken most of the morning and it was now well past noon. Another day for horse stew. She set him to smoking the remaining horse meat, to preserve it. "Make meat last longer time without taste bad?" He said, and shrugged. He took her word for it. "You know lots things." He commented while he smoked the meat over the small fire.

They puttered around the cave the remaining evening. As she washed the dishes she realized that she had nothing left to hold him off with. She got the last of them done and with a lump in her throat, turned to face the room.

Tok was sitting in his favorite chair. There was no stink in the cave now, just the smell of earth and smoke. He looked over at her. "We make love now?" He asked. "Or you still not want me?"

She swallowed hard, unable to think of anything other than. Your too damn big and you'll kill me. She nodded slowly. "Yes. We will make love now." She said, and looked down.

He stood up and walked to her. "What wrong wife?" He asked. "Me still not good husband."

She shook her head. "No, you've been a good husband." She said. "I'm afraid. I am a maiden."

He looked shocked. "You maiden?" He said, his eyes wide. "Me be extra careful. No hurt you."

She smiled weakly. "You will hurt me, believe me."

"Me no want hurt you." He said. "Me good husband."

"If we make love, it will hurt me, husband." She said.

Tok could not figure a way around that one. He scratched his bald head. "Even make love gentle?" He asked.

"Even if." She said. Then she said. "I have an idea." She went to the brandy barrel and got a bowl full of the stuff. She swilled down a large gulp, then coughed. She force down some more, then another swallow. She said "Wait a minute, I can try to make it not hurt bad." After another half hour she was slurring her speech a bit. And then it truly sank in, she was drunk. She stood up unsteadily. "Okay." She said. "I shink I can do it noooow." She started taking off her dress and walking toward the bed. By the time she got there, she had started unbuttoning her body suit. She shrugged out of it, and sat down with a thump, then giggled. "I am drunksh, my hushbend." And smiled at Tok.

Tok stood from his chair and regarded her a moment, then unfastened his belt holding up his loincloth. It fell to the floor, revealing his massive organ. Sylva's eyes grew large and she said "Wow." And she goggled at it.

He came up to her and sat beside her. She looked up at him and smiled. "It schuden hurt too mush now." She said. Tok winced a little at her ripe breath.

"Good." He said. "Not want hurt good wife." He added. He reached toward her and touched a breast, his large hand enfolded it easily, even though she was far from small. He squeezed it gently, and she moaned a little at the touch, her nipple hardening. She put her hand over his and pressed it harder to her skin. He reached with the other hand and grabbed the other breast. She walked around and stood between his legs right in front of him. He touched and squeezed her breasts and she touched his face. He leaned forward with his large lips puckered. She let him kiss her, and felt the softness of his lips with surprise. She let her tongue run over them and then felt his tongue come out and enter her mouth, filling it, she nibbled on it and he liked that.

She felt his manhood brush her leg as it hardened. And finally taking the plunge, reached down for it. She knelt in front of it and wrapped both hands around the three inch wide shaft. She stroked it gently up and down, as she had to do on the farm when a stallion was hesitant to mount a mare, or a bull a cow. Tok moaned loudly and his face became vacuous bliss. She could not help but to smile a little at this, then stuff started to flow out of the end. It was semen. Had he come already? That would be a blessing. "You are finished?" She asked him. He looked down at her. "No finished." He said. "Why? You tired?"

She shook her head and watched as more of the fluid flowed out, coating his shaft and her hands. It was thick and white and smelled slightly salty. And, by the One, there was a lot of it. He looked down at her, his smile as wide as his face. "You use mouth?"

She looked at the massive leaking organ and cringed. "I don't know how." She ventured.

He looked at her again. "Just try? Please?" He said, and he was very hopeful-looking. She lowered her eyes, and thought that if she could finish him with her mouth, she might escape with her virginity intact. She knelt down and opened her mouth wide, the smell wasn't at all bad from the semen, and she lowered her head over him. As she put her lips around it, the flow increased as he moaned again. She started swallowing, as not doing so would have been harder, so full was her mouth and tight the fit to her lips. She continued to stroke the shaft and he kept moaning from time to time. She felt she must have drunk half a gallon of the stuff already. It did not taste too bad, and she found it not quite as odious as she had at first thought. Then she heard him grunt. And his hips bucked. Suddenly, her mouth was flooded with the stuff, filling quickly, no matter how fast she swallowed, it backed up and into her nose and dribbled out. Then it finally slackened and stopped. When she let it go and gasped for air and blew her nose clear of the slick stuff, she looked up at him and he was out cold, snoring softly and still smiling.

She crawled up onto the bed proper and laid beside him, and soon went to sleep as well.

The next morning, she awoke to see Tok was missing from the cave. She rose and walked to the mouth. Her head ached, and then she remembered drinking the brandy last night. She supposed she might have overdone it. Looking out into the small clearing, she still did not see him. She went back inside and grabbed some smoked meat to eat. Thoughts of running went through her mind, but she feared he would catch her and then simply smash her flat for her treachery. She swept out the cave, and set some more stew to cooking.

A little while later, Tok came back into the cave, humming happily to himself. "You waked." He said, and walked up to her. He bent low and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

She gave him a morning smile and said. "Where'd you go?"

"To shaman, got something for you." He said, smiling widely as he held out a small package made from flexible leaves, wrapped about with bark-twine. "She say this make you like fire drink, but not make you act funny."

She took the package. It contained some sort of ground powder. "What do you mean?" She asked, looking up at him.

"It make body softer, and make making love easier for you." He smiled gently. "Me no want hurt you." He pointed at the little package she held. "You put in water tonight, and drink with stew."

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Hi main hu seema .Aur main apke liye ek sacchi kahani lekar aayi hu ki kaise mera devar mujhe roj chodta h main ek married bhabhi hu .Aur meri chuchi .Aur gand ke dewaane to bahut h meri figure h 38 32 40 .Aur meri figure ko dekh kar ladko ka to lund khada hota hi h sath me mujhe budhe log bhi line marte h main apko bata du kaise main apne devar se kyu chudwati hu mere pati hamesha apne kaam me busy me rahte h .Aur mujhe thik se nahi chodte h . Aur main apne devar se khub chudwati hu main apne...

3 years ago
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Where did summer go

Where did the summer go? It was an unusual summer here in Ohio, not so blistering hot most of the time this year and here we are already labor day weekend. What a holiday weekend it has turned out to be, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the experience and the sheer raw sexuality the has happened right here at my house!To start the story off right though none of this would have happened if we hadn't put in our pool this year. I had a previous first time experience with our...

4 years ago
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Going to a sex bar

One year ago Ana and I had attended a sex bar in a nearer town.In that ocassion, I felt things had been awesome for my sensual slut wife; but not for me.at all…My sweet babe had always loved big cocks, especially big black cocks. But she never could get enough.On that especial evening Ana had sex with three black men. But I shared just sucking a dick with my wife and received a gay blow job while my wife was being fucked wildly right next to me. That was the only reason my sexy wife wanted to...

2 years ago
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the gift

This is a story I wrote, after an amazing forced orgasm scene I did for the site tickletouch.com.*********I am bound to a table, my arms over my head, my feet tied by the ankles, about to shoot a forced orgasm scene. The photographer is a nice, friendly bear of a guy. Somewhat quiet. But..when he picks up the hitachi, the quiet bear is replaced by a very stern DOM.He’s already discerned that I am sassy. He teases me about being a switch..he warns me that this day, he is going to tame me into a...

2 years ago
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Surviving The Big C

Many people in all age groups today refer to it as the big "C" rather than utter the scary of scaries: Cancer! My husband was a decent provider, nothing super successful. We had a son within the first year of marriage and then William lost that magic inner drive (libido) that makes so many men pliable to their women. The only time (after the first year) that I was able to get William to have a protracted sexual session was when I finally agreed to fellate him! I never found the idea of...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend Stole My Husband

My name is Jenna, I’m your typical 24 year old red headed wife, not quite as hot as I was when I was 18 but not bad, with 34C’s and a dissent body. My hubby Dave was a hunk with an 8” thick cock and 6 pack abs from working at the gym, every morning. Sadly as big a hunk as he was he was dumb as a stump. Ok so he was a musclebound jock, but he was mine we loved each other deeply and played and partied hard with each other. We had been married six years, we owned a real-estate settlement company...

3 years ago
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Pool Balls

***Standard Prerequisite Boilerplate*** Two things before you get started: First-The following story may contain stuff that while it is perfectly legal, isn't exactly suitable for Family Web Night. If your easily offended, too young to vote, a religious fanatic (you know who you are), or just like suing people, hold down the "Alt" button ("Apple key" for MAC Users) and press the left arrow key now. That being said, those who are not singled out as a part of the aforementioned...

4 years ago
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Basic Training

It was a quarter till nine in the morning and I was running late. Well, not really. I was just in a hurry to get to the health club. I'd volunteered to be an instructor in 'free weight training' a couple of months ago, and I'd found it was something I never regretted. This morning for example, I had an appointment with a new chick that had just joined a couple of days ago. Her name was Lisa, and from what I'd seen of her the other day is what put me in such a rush this morning. She was a...

2 years ago
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Why Not To Tell Her Miguels Story

"My breasts are probably bigger than hers." "No, Susan!" I replied automatically. "This is the last time," Susan whined. "I promise." "It was the last time with Michelle! It was the last time, the last dozen times. I should never have told you about the Institute test!" "I can't believe I've been wrong every time," she complained. "It's so unfair!" "Look at who you keep comparing yourself to," I said. "Which one is it this time?" "Her," Susan said...

3 years ago
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Vickies Turning Point II

They had met that Saturday morning and the scout master had made sure that all the boys were carrying even loads in their packs. Each boy had a blanket, sleeping bag, mess kit, canteen with water, and half a pup tent, and some food stuffs. The younger boys were paired with a more experienced scout. Richard had been paired with John. Richard was happy that it was with him and not Tommy. John was supportive and always demonstrating the right way to do things. Tommy was the biggest kid in the...

4 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 11 Conrad Leah Myrtle Beach Oct 82

Conrad and Leah knew one another better now at this, their fourth get together. They were in Leah's motel room and, after several drinks and a satisfying sample of cocaine, they got down to business. Monkey business, that is. "Mmmm, have I told you that you've got a nice juicy ass," Conrad chuckled softly, in the pretty blonde hooker's ear. "I like rear ending. Do you, baby?" Still smoldering from the effects of having a smattering of the white powder licked from her cunt, Leah...

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my first gangbang

I wanted to tell this story for a while. I'm a dancer in Las Vegas at one of the larger strip clubs and although I've had some really wild nights, this one was the craziest. I was working a Tuesday night and the club wasn't too crowded, I was making good money though and the guys were going crazy over my big bits and juicy ass as usual. I have hooked up with guys that have come in before but this night was different. There were six guys in a group, all very good looking, two black and four...

1 year ago
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What a vacation Part 2

The next day Sue and I went hiking in the mountains. We saw a couple deer, some turkeys and even a fox. We saw a waterfall that fell from about 100 feet. It landed in a pool of water that was crystal clear. Sue said, let's go for a swim. We took our clothes off and jumped in the water. It was cold, but we soon got accustomed to it, and it was just fine. We floated around for awhile enjoying nature. Sue was floating on her back and I could see her almost hairless pussy glistening in the sun. My...

Group Sex
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 2

At the time of my accident in 1959, I was close to penniless. Hospital and doctor bills put me deeply in debt. I believe the hospital expected me to declare bankruptcy to avoid paying, but I fooled them. As soon as I was released from the hospital, I rolled my wheelchair into the Silver Slipper and up to a poker table. My winnings that day allowed me to rent a room in the Desert Inn, and the next morning, and every morning for the next four months I sat at one poker table or another on the...

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The Hart LandChapter 6

“Don’t look so shocked, Jody. Dad wants to know all the details, he wants to know that you did a good job and that he’ll be a Daddy again,” Ingrid said and I eased up a bit. When we got back to the hay field, Ms. Judith got in the tractor cab with Mr. Joran and Ingrid and I drove the hay loader trucks. She showed me how to drive right beside the rows of the square bales that came out the back of the baler and flipped over on the side so the loader could grab them, the loader would pick them...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Harlow West Gaping Anal Newbie

Buxom, young blonde Harlow West wants to satisfy her anal cravings, but she needs more experience, so she turns to pro stud Mark Wood. To warm up, she spreads her thick legs and buzzes her clit with a vibe. Harlow slobbers on Mark’s big cock. She masturbates as his meat strokes inside her cunt. Next, excited Harlow squeals as he stuffs his dick into her tight butthole. She must be a natural — Mark’s meat porks her to an intense anal orgasm! The buttfucking makes her tight...

4 years ago
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A Show Of Exposure

Gazing into the distance as I ploughed south down the M11 towards London, I was barely aware of the constant splatter of raindrops and spray on the windscreen. The passing junctions blurred into one another as I ate up the miles between the flat I shared in Cambridge with my girlfriend, Sara and my secret destination, the Radisson Blu Hotel next to Stansted Airport, some thirty miles further down the motorway.Hard as I tried to concentrate on the road and the perils of navigating roads as slick...

3 years ago
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Weekend at GrandmasChapter 4

I was a little nervous, despite everything, as we finished cleaning up. Oh, the sex sounded fun, but with older people? And I'd see my Mom and Dad naked, too. What about Grandma? Women that age should remain covered for very good reasons. Mother Nature isn't kind to you as you age, and it's really not polite to show that. First, the practical details. Everyone used the bathroom to clean up. It really isn't cool, and kind of distracting, to be in the middle of doing it with someone and...

2 years ago
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I’ve been here dozens of times, but the door’s always been closed. I often wondered what it looked like inside, and today—on a whim—I see. The room is small, maybe eight by twelve, and most of it is occupied by the padded table in its center. A few shelves mounted high on the walls hold towels, oils, candles, a CD player, and a small collection of discs—classical music and nature sounds, although none are currently playing. On the ledge beneath the table are stacks of clean sheets, neatly...

4 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

Summer holidays! Usually the time around which I wake up is 12 in the noon but I woke up to an alarm I’ve set the last night at 7 am. I almost forgot why would I set up an alarm at 7 am in the morning where I was supposes to be snoring to glory and all of a sudden I remembered, the days are special indeed very special. It was the day a year back which changed the whole moment of my life and before I say, let me introduce myself and my family. I am Royden 20 years, an engineering first year...

3 years ago
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Lost with Cousin

Hi all, this is avinash here from bangalore, writing this true incident happened years back, not the matter of 1-2 years back, story starts when i was a kid of 12-14 years. Sounds strange right? Yes i have been through iss from long back, tried to write my exp lots of time but could not complete most of the time (lazy in wrinting so long), sad. Now come to the point, it’s a story with my cousin sister (my mom’s known brother’s daughter) called amrita (obviously name changed), she was also in...

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Raped on set

" See you guys tommorow," Dove Cameron say to the crew of Liv & Maddie as she heads back to her dressing room after another day of taping. After about 2 hours of relaxing she removes her clothes and heads to her shower. By this time everybody but one guard had left. His name is Joe and unbenownst to Dove he has entered her dressing roo with the intention to rape her. Joe is 25 yrs old 5' 10" tall and 250 pounds but is not muscular. He also brought a bag of toys to use on Dove most of which will...

3 years ago
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Birthday Party

The card was simple... "Happy Birthday Kate. We're having a party and you're the guest of honor. Come to the Marriot Hotel, Suite 23 at 6:30 pm. Dress comfortably."..."P.S. On your birthday... of course." You laughed as you read it. "Will there be cake and a clown?" you asked when you called to thank me for the invitation. "Yeah, I will be there and I will get a cake. Do you want Barbie decorations?" "Smart ass" you laughed. You weren't sure what to expect when you dressed to...

3 years ago
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How I Lost My Cherry to an Actor

Summary A young fan gets to meet her favorite actor, they develop a friendship and then it turns sexual... Notes I had this story in my head for years and after telling someone about it, I finally typed it up. This is not based on a true story. This is a total work of fiction. Please read this and let me know your feelings about it, good or bad. This is the story of how I gave my heart, soul and cherry to an actor I loved. When I was 15 my father was watching a movie. The name...

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The Magic of BellsChapter 4

The rain had slowed to a faint drizzle. Kik sat himself on the "fairy perch", as the humans called it. They probably saw some humor in the name, something not quite demeaning, yet mocking, a bit, of he and his wife. He didn't mind. After all, they did the same with the humans, laughed at their actions and follies. There was respect, though. On both sides. Lil fluttered down next to him. "Nothing moving out there, at least that the silly giants have to worry about." Well, HE had...

2 years ago
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My Lady revised

My name is Jason Edwards and I would like to tell of the story that changed my life. I can still remember the first night I met her: my Alina. It was a cold night as I passed her. She wore a black dress as she stood in front of the club. I remember feeling drawn to her. A beautiful voluptuous woman with long dark hair, she stood out in the crowd of women that were far too skinny. I had never liked the really skinny ones so she was a welcome change. I approached her gathering my courage as I...

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The Journey to Superstardom

Local Boy John Doe moves to HollyWood. After making it big with his success on his previous work John Doe has decided to move to HollyWood. The 19 year old local boy will have the support of his hometown as he makes the move to the southwest in hopes of becoming a superstar. You were beginning to read the article that you picked up on the way to the airport from your local town of Dwight. While the support of your hometown was comforting, it also put a lot of pressure on your back as you were...

4 years ago
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One Afternoon

Introduction: Just a little fantasy I had and would like to share Its a lazy afternoon, and Im dressed in your (and mine) favorite outfit, little black boy cut panties, a tight corset, black stockings and black pumps, and of course my black leather collar around my neck. Today you also have my balls in their ball stretcher, so they look like they have a little leather corset pushing them down, away from my cock. Youve had me cleaning the house, dusting, vacuuming and some sweeping, all the...

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The Arrangement Ch 05

Daniel raced along the beach, the surf crashing about his boots, sucking them and him deeper into the soft sand. Neither the wet, squishing inside them or the ninety pound pack on his back registered. He was a man driven. Driven by demons that had haunted his dreams for over two weeks. Dreams of soft, welcoming flesh that turned suddenly still and icy cold. The dreams had even begun to invade the waking hours. And for a man whose job could cost him or his friends their lives, it was something...

2 years ago
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The GoatherdChapter 5

I shouldn’t have been, but I was surprised in the morning when my wives wanted to ride with Father and me. I started by showing him the tassimin patch. He laughed seeing that the goats had grazed the ground bare all around the patch, but left everything in the middle of the patch untouched. Not a single tassimin leaf had been touched. Even leaf-eating insects leave it alone. Our next stop was the east valley. Aside from riding the rim looking for another access route and seeing the poppies...

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I got to have my friend8217s fat mom

It was 2 in the morning when my phone rang, I was not in bed but was due to go any minute. Through the noise I made out a woman’s voice over the street noise around her. After two minutes I finally understood that it was Mary the mother of a friend of mine. I had dinner with her son recently and he had given her my number in case she needed help next time she was in my town. She was now in town and was too drunk to drive so she was wondering if I could come get her and take her back...

4 years ago
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The day after

The following day after my first time as I was walking to school my teacher picked me up. In the car he asked if I was alright with what happened the day before. I looked up and started to cry telling him I felt so much like a girl and I was so happy being his girlfriend. He put his arm around me and told me saying he was happy to be my boyfriend. We continued our relationship all that school year and the following summer. He bought me many many girls’ outfits which he kept at his house (he was...

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A Lesbian Love Storyof Sorts Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7: CUPID’S QUEST-THE TRUTH REVEALED Friday February 14 thThat day, I sent no note.When I saw her at school, I was happy to notice she was wearing the perfume I had bought her yesterday. I looked at her in her conservative black skirt and simple white blouse and my cunt got wet.I said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, gorgeous.”“You too,” she replied.I handed her a Mickey Mouse Valentine’s Card that said, “I heart you.” I signed it saying ‘I hope all your romantic dreams come true.’She read it...

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Danas Story Part 4

Dana's Story, Part 4 Dana and Kathy are settling in to married life, and opportunities abound for Dana's CD. Coffee Club Wives The impending birth of our daughter also brought another significant change. We decided to buy a fairly big colonial home with a built-in pool in a nice school district. It was at the end of a cul de sac in a nice western suburb close to the airport and two major malls. Our neighbors were typical traditional nuclear families. It was comfortable for us...

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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 15

I drove her home. It was awkward in the car, but not impossible. She asked questions about the new case with Wally. When we got to her house, she sat for a moment and then looked at me. "Are you coming in?" I was honest with her. "I would, but I have some things I need to get done, and I don't want our first chance to talk about things to be rushed. Can I come back later tonight?" "Yes." "I won't try to stay too late," I said, worried that she might suspect my motives for...

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a perfect afternoon

She told him to get on the bed on all fours facing away from her. His grin told her he was ready to comply. She began by slipping under him so she could suck and taste the wonderful cock above her head. She used her tongue to lick the length of him and then used a gentle suck on the head of his cock. Her tongue began to circle under the head of his cock, making him groan and begin humping. While she paid exquisite attention with her mouth on his cock, her fingers started exploring his...

2 years ago
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The Work Place Naughty

Without repeating, Judy and I met at a national training session and something sexually appeared to come in almost every private conversation we had. The meeting ended and she went back to Ohio and me 900 miles east not knowing when we would see each other again. As luck would have it I was given an assignment to do more training all over the Northeast – yes!! This now gave me an opportunity to see Judy. The manager in the area scheduled the meeting in a ski resort in western...

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Helping My Professor Go Black

This is my story of the time I helped my psych professor realize her craving for black men. I was in an introductory psych class with Ms K(I don't want to use her name and get her in trouble). Ms K was in her first year as a professor. She was really young and she looked younger than she was. She probably looking like she was 24-25. She always dressed to show off her assets.So one week we were covering human sexuality and in general sex. Ms K wanted us write a essay about our sexual experience....

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Claudia 3

Vorwort Dieser Teil hat etwas auf sich warten lassen. Es waren schon ?ber 80kB geschrieben, da ging es auf einmal nicht mehr weiter. Ich dachte mir, warte ein wenig, dir wird schon eine Idee kommen. So verging schnell viel Zeit, und die Geschichte kam durch andere Ereignisse in den Hintergrund. Aber einige nette Leser lie?en nicht locker. Nichtsdestotrotz fand ich immer noch keine Fortsetzung. Dann habe ich alles weggeworfen und von vorne angefangen. Wegen des schlechten Wetters ...

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My sexual past with Margret chapter 3

I left work yesterday and before going to Margret's house I stopped and bought her an engagement ring. I was hoping to surprise her and ask her to marry me, not because she was pregnant but because I loved her.. They had just finished supper when I went in being welcomed by her parents. Her mom got me a plate of food and a cup of coffee then sat down. "Margret will be down in a few minutes"her mom said ,then her dad chuckled "yea right , she will be there longer than a few minutes"....

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Jasons Secrets Exposed Part 5

The following Saturday, as Jason was doing my toenails, the kitchen phone began ringing and Jason brought it to me and resumed his position on his knees. It was Anne, and she was irate. I have always loved Jason's mother, and we have never had an argument, so I guessed that perhaps Marilyn had shared something indiscreet with her mother. That wasn't it, but it was close."Alexis, how dare you teach my daughter to smoke! And cigars--you know how much I hate those vile things. Who the hell do you...

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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 3

PETTICOATING ENCOURAGED LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK THREE BY JENNIFER SUE Saturday evening Helga Halteman paced back and forth as she surveyed the hard faces of her nephews as they sat in the living room. Her lover and co-worker Margo Spayd sat in her recliner, watching expectantly. Seated in a comfortable chair was the eldest, fourteen year old Eric. Beside him upon the sofa sat his thirteen year old cousin Marc, his twelve year old brother Wendal, and Marc's eleven...

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Pitch black

I shouldn't have started, i thought i could always ....go backlooking at my txt , they are all coming tonightall free from their wives and i had to do it again...looking at my sissy kit i ordered on the web , weeks ago, finally meeting someone and that someone wouldnt let me goHe wanted a regular sissy and was txting me daily until i tried to ....ghost himand on a friday night he txted me a picture of all 3 daddy cock out, bbc coming for me''get that living room pitch black and on your knees''a...

2 years ago
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The Perfect MILF Tutor For the Perfect STUDent

It has been apparent through all my schooling life that English was not my strongest subject. Growing up, teachers were very hesitant to give me high marks and I always tried my best without getting high results. I sought help from friends which was useless. I went to the teacher like a teacher’s pet to try and demonstrate that I was really trying to get a higher score but still nothing. I found myself really struggling during my primary school years and I thought that maybe it would just go...

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A happy ending

It was the second time I had seen this client. I was a little apprehensive because of my last experience with him. Not that he wasn't a gentleman or anything, but he made me think things that were not very professional… Anyway, I was running late that day, which almost never happens to me, I always arrive 30 min prior to the booked appointment to prepare the room (ie turn on the music and water feature and warm the massage table). But, of course, on that day there was construction and traffic...

2 years ago
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Hair By Doreen It was going to be one of my better days. I had an appointment with Denise for a cut and highlighting and I always felt good about the pampering that I received during one of those sessions. There was a feminine feel to having my hair wrapped in foil and spending time under the hair drier as other women would look at me and wonder. The color Denise used in the highlight would be a light blondish brown which was close to what my hair would do on its own when I got a...

1 year ago
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Katie Kush 70 126000

The first time I saw Katie Kush was getting her ass stuffed by a huge BBC about three years ago. After coming across her slutty Twitter profile, I can assure you nothing has changed. This was one of my favorite anal sluts from back in the day, so I guess it was a coincidence when I realized she was coming up soon for a review. Since her cum-filled holes were still fresh on my mind, I figured, why not knock out my review early and start the day with a hot-ass bitch like Katie Kush? This was the...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Loving Lilly

I was thankful that it was dark in the theatre; in broad daylight my nervousness would have been so much more apparent. At least in the back of the large dark room no one would be looking at me, except perhaps the girl sitting next to me. I had only known her a month, yet I felt like I had spent my entire life getting to know her. She was the picture of beauty in my eyes: long light brown hair, hazel eyes, and thin pink lips painted with clear shiny lip gloss positioned perfectly on her pale...

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My first ever masturbation experience using a pair

I'll tell you story were it all started. My first ever masturbation experience using a pair of knickers. My neighbours knickers. It all started, with my new neighbour, she'd moved in next door a divorced mother with three k**s. I wouldn't say that she was stunning or what they call a MILF nothing of the sort. She was around 5'7 strong jawline a long bubble nose with straight dark brown shoulder length hair bangs/fringe covering entire forehead so hair hung just over her eyebrows, hazel green...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 58

Fred sat outside the RV in the near darkness, the closest streetlight a block away. The folding chair creaked as he crossed his legs and swapped the cell phone to his other ear, holding the instrument in position with his shoulder as he retied a shoelace and talked to Jeff. "Buddy," Jeff said from one of the small sitting rooms in his mountain home, "I can call Madison and he'll bust his ass to have that plane here as fast as he can. I'm not familiar with the airports in Florida where...

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Micheles pleasure

Michele and I were very good friends for quite a while. We have been a couple for about a week now, and we couldn't be happier. She has beautiful brown hair and amber brown eyes that glisten with the sunlight. She has a Nordic look about her: which I find fucking sexy...One thing we like to do is take strolls in the park: Hand-in-hand. The subject of sex has only come up once in our blooming of a relationship. I asked if we would and she responded that it would be a "Maybe". I completely...

1 year ago
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What are Pro Thots, you ask? Well, thanks to advances in gender equality, women have more career opportunities than ever before. They dominate the fields of preschool and kindergarten teaching, dental hygiene and speech-language pathology. Nobody does administrative assisting or medical information like a broad, and they also make the best dieticians, cosmetologists and medical assistants. Oh, and they also make really good Internet whores.ProThots.com is dedicated to showcasing exactly those...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
3 years ago
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My first time a couple of years ago

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Before starting, I always like to tell the stories with the help of images, since it is very boring to have only text ....0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Literally this seems like a cartoon, I was a little younger and a girl in love with dreams and illusions of love and sexual fantasies.I saw myself as the most special girl in the world, the...

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