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I’ve been here dozens of times, but the door’s always been closed. I often wondered what it looked like inside, and today—on a whim—I see. The room is small, maybe eight by twelve, and most of it is occupied by the padded table in its center. A few shelves mounted high on the walls hold towels, oils, candles, a CD player, and a small collection of discs—classical music and nature sounds, although none are currently playing. On the ledge beneath the table are stacks of clean sheets, neatly folded. A wicker basket in the far corner contains the used linens. The walls are a soft shade of taupe with a hint of russet blush to warm them, and a mud brown area rug stretches virtually wall-to-wall, covering the bare linoleum tile. One large window, on the only outside wall, is covered by bamboo blinds, closed to the day’s bright sunlight. A torchiere lamp tucked into one corner provides the only unnatural light, and its bulb is shaded with a pale peach scarf. The wall fountain gurgles lightly as water trickles over its rocks. In all, the room has a very earthy—almost primeval—feel. It is an atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

I stand in the doorway and watch her quickly strip the linens from the table and replace them with fresh, her movements fluid from years of repetition. When she finishes, she immediately turns to me, arm extended, and I hand her the clipboard, with its completed client information sheet. She tucks it under her arm and grins, putting me at ease. Her features are elfin—delicate with an underlying strength, confident and devastatingly feminine. I feel a hint of something that I’d rather not feel in this environment—with this person. I’m here on business, after all—even though that business is pleasure. Health, too. And vitality. Vigor. Peace. All those things. All those things wrapped up in touch—in skin. My throat is suddenly dry.

‘First time?’

‘No,’ I manage to croak.

‘Then you know the drill. Undress to your comfort level,’ she continues in a soft voice, handing me a pale green flannel sheet which feels as if it’s just been taken from a dryer, ‘and lie on the table on your back. I’ll be back in just a moment.’

I can’t look her in the eyes. In a few minutes, she’ll be running her hands over my skin, and it’s too much—too close for comfort—to also let her capture my gaze. I feel the need to hold that part of me in reserve, so I busy myself untying my sneakers and just say, ‘Okay. Thanks.’

The door closes with a soft snick, and she’s gone. Exhaling, I peel off my socks and stuff them into my sneakers. ‘Steady now,’ I mutter as I disrobe, hanging my jeans, sweatshirt, and underclothes on the hooks on the back of the door. No mirror, I note. That fact would have comforted me at one time, but now it’s merely an observation. I used to dislike being naked, even when alone. Doesn’t bother me any more. I’ve worked hard to regain my health, and in the process, I’ve become more comfortable in my own skin than at any other time in my life. I still expect, though, to feel at least a little self-conscious being naked in an unfamiliar place and—very soon—with an unfamiliar person. However, I don’t today and that surprises me a little. It makes me wonder if I am somehow familiar with the situation in ways of which I am not conscious, or if I’ve really changed so significantly in the past few years. I hope the latter.

It’s not at all chilly in the room, but I don’t want to be standing there in my birthday suit when the door opens again. It’s a busy place, after all, and I really don’t want to flash the other customers. So, I quickly mount the table and cover myself with the sheet. It’s warm! No, not the sheet. Well, the sheet’s warm, too, but I’m referring to the table itself. It must be heated, although I noticed no cords or controls. Damn, it feels wonderful.

I lay back and stretch the sheet from toes to shoulders. It’s light weight and clings to my curves, making me feel somewhat like a topographic map. I notice the ceiling for the first time. Just the standard drop tile, but someone’s painted it a deep blue and sprinkled tiny yellowish-white stars across it. I’m thinking they probably glow in the dark when there’s a soft knock on the door.

‘Ready?’ she asks, opening the door a crack.

I experience a moment of apprehension—a miniature panic attack at the looming intimacy—but swallow it with a gulp. ‘Yeah.’

She slips into the room, closes the door, then remembers something. She reopens the door, and I know without looking that she’s putting the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the knob. I hear a beep as she turns off her cell phone and places it on a shelf.

A hand prompts me to lift my knees. First contact. When I do, a semi-cylindrical bolster slides beneath them.

‘How’s that?’


She hears something insincere in my voice and studies my face for a moment. I smile and assure her that I’m very, very comfortable—physically. She catches my drift. She knows I’m pushing myself. She also knows I need this.

In an effort to ease my unease, I ask what type of oil or lotion she uses. I’m kind of a snob about the stuff, which is rather weird seeing as how I’m far from a ‘high maintenance’ kind of woman. But, this is skin we’re talkin’ about! I’m serious about my skin. I’m rather surprised that she can’t rattle off the contents of the jar in her hands, but she does the next best thing and reads it to me.

Funny how the label reading calms me, but it does. There are no complex chemical-sounding names and, more importantly to me, no mineral oil or petroleum compounds. Just nut oils and other organics. Good. They can actually nourish the skin, whereas the others just lay on top of it. I’m ready now—or as ready as I’m gonna get—and she senses that.

Standing at the head of the table, she starts with my face. Damn! It’s not easy to let someone touch your face, and I feel the muscles in my brow twitch—itching to form that little crease between my eyes. Even a lover’s caress is typically brief, moving quickly away from the intimate and toward to the erogenous. Big difference, I realize. Huge.

She feels my reticence and backs off just a bit. She lifts the back of my head into her palms and allows the fingers of each hand to stroke the long, tight muscles along the back of my neck, pulling slightly upward and turning my head gently from side to side as if to ease it from my body like a cork from a bottle. I make an involuntary guttural sound, which she interprets as appreciation. It is.

Just a little bit of scalp massage. It feels good, but I don’t think I hold much—if any—tension in my scalp. I’m thinking that I’d rather she focus on the trouble spots when it hits me that she’s back on my face. Sneaky!

This time, she works my jaw. It’s not as unsettling as having the central part of my face touched.

‘TMJ problems?’

‘No,’ I murmur. ‘Why?’

‘You’re tight here.’

I just grunt something monosyllabic and non-committal because she’s moving back toward my eyes and my forehead. It doesn’t faze me now, though. A barrier has been overcome. Oh, it’s not as if I would’ve stopped her earlier, but the objective here is to lessen tension—not heighten it. She understands this very well. Very well indeed.

Her fingers lightly cover every millimeter of my face. No deep pressure, just feather strokes and tapping. My lips, conditioned to respond to touch, want to capture the fingers between them—to return the caress in an equally pleasurable fashion. I remind myself to be still. Accept. Take, for a change. I’m not very good at being passive.

Arms are next. As she works, I recall how I once hated my upper arms, how I wouldn’t wear sleeveless tops even on sweltering summer days. She somehow senses this and asks, ‘Did I trigger a memory?’

‘Baggage,’ I admit. ‘Good riddance.’

‘Gotcha. This isn’t easy for you. I can tell.’

Is it that obvious? I don’t
know how to respond, so I do what I typically do in those situations: I retreat. I tiptoe away, leaving my body to enjoy her touch without the interference of my mind. Alone in my little emotional cave, safe and dark, I wonder why I invest so much energy into hiding my insecurities. In so doing, what do I achieve? More importantly, perhaps, what do I lose? The deepest, most fulfilling relationships I’ve ever known are those in which I bare those insecurities—or, at the very least, am willing to do so. Is there any love deeper than the absence of fear?

‘You’re doing great, though.’ Her voice follows me into my mind cavern. My body is sinking into the warm table, muscles—even the ones she’s not yet touched—are beginning to let go of stored frustrations. I drift. It’s quite pleasant, ethereal.

She hums softly—or, maybe it’s me. There’s a blending, it seems, of our selves. Her confidence, her competence, infuses me with a peaceful energy. Then, with a hand resting on each bare shoulder, she whacks me with an emotional 2×4:

‘May I massage your tummy?’

My tummy. Oh, fuck! The core of all my body angst. I remind myself that even when it was firm and flat, I believed it unattractive. Now it’s round and there’s ample cushioning over the muscles. And scars, too. Those striped mementos of three big babies and over a decade of neglect. Can’t forget the scars.

She waits. While she doesn’t speak, I can hear her saying, ‘Trust me.’ What’s the worst that could happen? I ask myself. What’s the best?

‘Sure.’ My own voice surprises me.

Without opening my eyes, I can feel her smile. She takes my consent as a compliment, which, in a way, it is. ‘Thanks.’

‘Here,’ she continues, forcing me to open my eyes. She lays a folded sheet across my breasts. ‘Pinch the corners of this for just a sec.’

I do, and she carefully tugs the cover sheet from beneath it, pulling it down and exposing my abdomen. I try not to think about what she may be thinking. She’s a professional, I remind myself. Not that it helps. Professionals can be nit-picky critics, too. But, really, what does it matter if she finds my tummy repulsive? How can I expect her opinion to differ from my own?

The worst, of course, doesn’t happen. She doesn’t gasp or exclaim, ‘Ew, gross!’ I knew she wouldn’t, really, but fear is not rational. A goal I’ve long sought teases my consciousness. I think I see a way to reach it, or at least a way to continue the journey.

As my mind wanders, she’s doing things to the muscles on either side of my navel: pressing deeply, having me inhale, bend my knee, and then exhale as I slowly lower it. There are audible popping sounds in my back as I comply. I am amused. She seems pleased with what she’s accomplishing—on more than one level, I suspect.

‘Does this hurt?’ she asks as she circles the table to repeat the process on my right side.

‘No. Should it?’

‘As hard as I worked it? Yes, definitely. But, you’ll notice a big difference in your lower back when you stand. Those muscles connect to your spine. They initiate walking, which is why they often knot.’

She pulls the sheet over my tummy when she’s finished there. I’m so proud of myself. I conquered a fear. Hooray for me! I drift into self-congratulatory musings as she moves on to my legs. After a few minutes, I realize that I completely forgot to worry about her impression of my thighs.

By the time she instructs me to flip over, I’m just floating. My body is so relaxed that I’m loath to engage the muscles required to turn. But, turn I must if this incredible experience is to continue.

She lifts the sheet like a privacy screen, turning her head. It’s unnecessary at this point, because I’ve no modesty remaining. I roll onto my stomach, and she blankets me again. The heated table feels divine against my chest. She fiddles with something under the head of the table, and pieces shift such that my arms comfortably dangle and my face rests in a doughnut-shaped pillow. I can see the floor.

When she stands at the head of the table, I can see her feet. She’s not wearing shoes. Just those thick socks—the kind the crunchies wore with their Birkenstocks back in my undergrad days. There’s a small hole in one of them. The left one.

The sheet settles over a new topography. I’m much more confident in this position. Ass up. My better side, I believe. I’m long in the torso, which gives my back a fluid grace I don’t find in other parts of my body. Oh, occasionally I’ll glimpse it in the line of cheekbone or jaw, but it’s seldom and, I suspect, more a flattering play of light and shadow than anything else.

She starts with my feet, which I absolutely love. I’m not the least bit ticklish—at least, not on my feet—probably because I spend as much time as possible barefoot. Moving on, she uncovers one leg at a time and works each muscle group, all the way up to, and including, my ass. It’s extremely sensual, but not the least bit sexual. Again, I drift. My thoughts are of warm waters and gentle breezes and the kind of silent camaraderie that takes my breath away.

Resting a haunch on the table at my waist, she carefully lifts my arm and drapes it over her thigh. The added contact makes me instantly aware of her body, her femininity, her sex. She’s very appealing, and the competence and joy with which she practices her craft make her even more so. Under different circumstances, I could easily take her right there on the table. Not today. That’s not the kind of taking on today’s agenda.

In the course of her ministrations, she presses on a couple of spots above my elbow, and I feel a shift in my shoulder. ‘Yes! Got that sucker,’ she whispers, more to herself than to me. After she repeats the entire process on my other arm, she trails her fingertips down my forearm—elbow to hand.

I am stunned at the intimacy. My hands! Oh, stop. It’s too much. I’m whimpering inside, maybe outside, too. She makes tiny circles in my palms. Her fingers stroke mine, one at a time—base to tip—pulling me away from my self. Stop! No. No, don’t. Don’t stop—ever. I’ve never been touched in this way. I’m exposed. It’s frightening—and liberating.

I ache when I think of all the beauty I’ve allowed to pass me by. A single tear drips onto the floor, and with it goes my fear. All the resistance, all the insecurities, all the worries suddenly seem such a phenomenal waste of time and energy.

She finally pulls the sheet from my back, rolling it upon itself until it rests on the crest of my ass. This is why I’m here. ‘Neck and shoulders,’ I’d written on the info sheet as my problem areas. Seems like eons ago, but it couldn’t be more than thirty minutes—maybe forty. Moving to the head of the table, she places both of her hands on my back. ‘Your skin,’ she begins, but doesn’t complete the sentence.

I give myself to the touch, and she delivers. With each stroke, I get lighter. The Unbearable Lightness of Being—I get it now. She’s in my head and under my skin, and I can feel our energies merging. I surrender completely, yet I’ve never been so powerful.

I’m sure time is passing, but I’m oblivious to it ’cause I’m traveling at the speed of thought. That smart guy with the funny hair said it was all relative, and I think he was right.

There’s a soft tap on the door. Another, a bit louder.

‘Wow,’ she breathes. ‘Are you okay?’

I can’t yet speak, so I just nod.

‘Steph,’ a voice calls. ‘Your two o’clock’s here.’

Turning her head toward the door, she responds, ‘Sorry. Just a sec.’

To me, she continues, ‘You went so deep, and I got pulled into you. It was like a trance. That’s never happened to me before.’ She pauses for a moment and then repeats, ‘Wow.’

She starts to say something else and instead shrugs and slips out the door.

I dress quickly and step into the reception area. She’s telling the proprietor about me—how she was blown away by the experience. On and
on. She’s as bubbly and energized and enthusiastic as I am reflective and empowered.

‘Thank you so, so, so much!’ She smiles and extends her arm to shake hands in parting. I freeze. For a split second, I’m afraid to touch it—afraid the force of that intimacy will return. I’m standing up, after all, and it might knock me off my feet. Then, I mentally slap myself. How easy it is to backslide.

I return her smile as I grasp her hand. It’s just a hand, of course, but I am again changed. I am—now and forever—open to the infinite, and I am—now and forever—beautiful.

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Carrie's wrist was getting tired hammering the dildo in and out of her sloshing pussy. There was a puddle of cum and pussy juice on her sheets, leaving a big dark stain. Each plunge the dildo made inside of her squeezed and purged more juice out of her. Her clear, shiny nectar had been transformed into a frothy, white cream.She pulled the dildo out with a sloppy pop, pulling thick sticky ropes of cum with it. Her lips wrapped around the dildo and she hungrily slurped the cum off of it. The...

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Change of plan part 2

Hello, Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it. Please leave feedback as it does make writing stories more rewarding when you know that people are actually reading what you write. If you have any suggestions for the plot that you'd like to see in the story please send me an email at [email protected]. Please also take some time to visit my blog that I have started all over again at Thank you Change Of Plans - part 1 We...

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Masturbation Obsession in High School Recurs Later in Life

My name is David, and I was a geeky boy who didn’t learn to fully grasp to the joys of masturbation until the summer before my junior year in high school.  That might sound strange, but I was backward and mostly unaware until then.  I went on a camping trip with my classmates, James and Michael, just before school started, as a kind of celebration since we had all turned sixteen.James got a car that summer, which gave us some new-found freedom, and we packed our gear and food for a three-day,...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 190 In The Middle of The Night

Sweet Sammy Brown left in a black Cadalac Escalade just after midnight. The timing seemed appropriate for the job at hand. Sweet Sammy was about to disappear as drug dealers and pimps often did. He would be missed only by his junkie customers and his girls, none of whom would be calling the police. In a few days, after some medical care, he would suddenly reappear to be handed over to the DEA, or the CIA, depending on to whom the admiral sold his sorry ass. Soon he would no longer be a...

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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 13

Doc Baker simply lay low for a few months to be sure there were no eyes on him. During that time, summer came, school let out, and vacations started. Melody and Mitch left on their vacation first with Lisa and I taking turns working at C and C and at CIC. Lisa was definitely pregnant. She would be due in the fall with our daughter who was talking to us and to Frankie all the time. She talked to Pam and Frank and to her grandparents a lot. The girls in the Sunday school class had never seen a...

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A Night of Firsts

Anita lay naked on the bed, her body trembling with anticipation. Her small breasts heaved against her chest as she looked at him. Her eyes focused on his finger tips as they reached into the waistband of his black boxer briefs. A fairly significant bulge stuck out. She knew it was going to hurt. But she didn't care. She wanted to feel a cock inside her for the very first time. It was Alicia who suggested Bobby.Bobby and Anita had known each other for about a year, they met through Alicia. She...

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Louise IIChapter 8 Problems

Eric We sat on an old bench near the main drive and were finishing our lunch when Ernie turned up in a police car. "We've got problems," he announced, "I took May to the hospital in Shrewsbury this morning. Her face was swelling like a balloon and she was running a fever and she hardly knew me. I got her into the car and radioed control and went with sirens and blue lights on. Don't often get to do that these days. The doctors took her into the operating theatre and drained off a lot of...

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Life Death and LifeChapter 8

We stopped again in Evansville, Indiana for gas, potty, and snacks. After all was taken care of, Anne became our driver, with my brother the navigator, while the rest of us stayed put. “Faith,” I said, “I got you some beef jerky, remembering how much you liked it.” “Thank you,” she said, “You are a good almost brother-in-law, Richard!” “Yeah,” Claire said, “So is Flynn. How long before you guys will be getting married, anyhow?” “We need to have a permanent address in our new town of...

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Felicity Ch 52

I had just turned into my driveway and saw what appeared to be a package by my front door. It was Halloween so I assumed whatever trick it was would be ruined, it was raining hard and water was blowing into the porch. As I ran to the door I noted it was not a package, it was a person, a small woman. Lacey? A wet and shivering woman lifted her head and began to cry. ‘I’m sorry. I could not think of where else to go.’ I took her bags and rushed us inside. She looked like hell. Her eyes...

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summer at home pt3

What's it look like we did Bethany K asked sarcasticly! Are you upset I got a peace of your man? No mom but your married to his father that's cheating. Oh come on Beth it can be are little secret right Dallas! Yes K, right Bethany Okay fine. What is smell mom oh shit I bet the dinner is burnt better go check I told her. So she got up and ran to the kitchen, Dallas what are where you think Beth said as she walked over to me. Look I know it's kinda wrong but two sexy women wanting me in this...

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The Player PlayedChapter 6

For the next week I was rushed off my feet, out most of the time trying to tie up the loose ends of our previous existence. We had moved all our clothing and had gone through all the paperwork and personal effects, and then moved a lot of the furniture and things like that into an empty barn. There was a hell of a lot of it and I had had a couple of men to help me. I had moved my computer and stuff at the beginning and got it set up in the small room I now used as a study. A lot of stuff...

5 years ago
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The Sex Moment With My Girlfriend Part 3 Final

Ok So Here we Are on The Bed in The 69 Position. She is Moaning While i Eat Her Pussy. She Sucks My Cock Greatly While i Lick Her clit. She Seems to Enjoy it Alot. After A while i Stand up and She Goes To Suck My Cock. She Licks The Tip Slowly. Then She picks up Tne Pace and She Sucks it Alot Faster. She Goes Deepthroat while She sucks The Precum. Then She Decides to Go Faster and Faster Every Second. I put one Hand on Her Head and I push head towards My cock. I say "Aw man im Gonna Cum" Cum...

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Daddys Little Sluts

I had fucked my girlfriend rough doggy style until I filled her pussy with my seed. She had been insatiable within minutes she had given me head to get me hard again and mounted me reverse cowgirl and bounced up and down on my shaft until I filled her cunt again. After a few minutes I rolled over and drifted off to sleep. I was facing the wall when I woke up. I heard voices I didn't role over because I thought I was dreaming. "Katy likes licking her son's come out of Jill's pussy!" I could hear...

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Buying New Windows

I had never thought about buying new windows and having worked in the industry years ago I knew all the tricks but the events of today changed all that.I was alone in the house as Lisa had gone out with friends so I settled down in front of the PC to pay some bills and look at some porn and was losing myself when the doorbell rang, ‘who the fuck was that’ I thought to myself as I wasn’t expecting anyone so I pulled up my shorts and went to answer it totally unaware that I still had a boner.I...

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Blue balls

One evening I was pottering around in my garage, thinking of sanding an old wooden door knob, but not actually doing it. My mind was elsewhere, and every few moments I looked out through the open door across into my neighbor’s yard, hoping she might be heading towards her pool for a late dip, which she sometimes did.I’m talking about Suzanne. She was about 35, recently divorced with shared custody of a young girl. For four days every week she was a good mother, took the child to school, dressed...

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Mommy and David and Dana

"Don't you fucking stop! Don't you fucking stop! Don't you fucking stop!" Debbie was screaming at the top of her lungs while David fucked her from the back. She'd been bent over the dining room table for ten minutes now while he gripped her fleshy hips and slammed his cock deep inside of her. The table shook and sc****d across the floor with each hard thrust of his hips. David finally got tired of her scooting away from him, grabbed the table, and shoved it against the counter, giving him a...

3 years ago
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Celina ki waasna

Quite nasty to write a story abt my Sex experience Which happened on 22nd May’06 Oops I aint said ny thing abt me : well me 23 year Old, graduate n a free-lance into sum management Stuff. Am 6’ tall, fair n a li’ll gud lukin guy. Back to da story it start through sms to phone call to Bed… I met dis lady through another friend of mine @ Prasad’s. Let us name the lady Celina (for security reason’s) Abt her: she’ mst b 5’5, south andhralitte color. Nt Tht gud lukin structure but ok kind of. I...

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George Dickel

George was in deadly peril and had no idea. A cougar had been trailing him and his mule since early that morning. The first shell in his yellow-boy carbine had a dead primer. He walked along oblivious, savoring the day. It was spring of 1873. It was a good time to be alive and out of Ohio. His pop had come back from the war missing something--his sense of humor. It was tough pulling his head in around the old man day after day. He finally let loose and floored the old man with one punch. That...

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Pleasure Cruise part two

I awoke to the sounds of passengers readying themselves for another day of cruising fun. Instantly my mind was filled with memories of Nate and the incredibly hot encounter we had shared the previous night. As I lay there, I allowed myself to relive each touch, taste and sensation we had shared. Almost immediately I felt my body start to respond, the familiar throbbing between my legs and hardening of my nipples. It had in no doubt been one of the hottest nights I'd experienced. It suddenly...

Straight Sex
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The date

I met her online. I have been dating women I've met over the Internet for several years now. The Internet has made a big difference in the way people meet and form relationships. Now you can find out a lot about a person (sometimes in great and intimate detail!) before you actually meet them. A number of women I've dated after meeting online actually seemed like old friends by the time we actually met. This eases the awkward first date and asking her out thing a lot sometimes. Another thing...

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 39

Jake sat in front of the small campfire he’d built while Béla was hunting. He’d had time to get fancy, putting stones all around the parameter and placing sticks in the center so that they leaned on each other, making a teepee effect. Underneath, he pushed several handfuls of dead leaves and tiny sticks then lit it with one of his few remaining matches. The first match took, and soon he had a pleasant, roaring little campfire. After the center of the ‘teepee’ collapsed he added a couple of...

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mommys fat ass

so i slept at my friends condo last weekend up the mountains and he slept upstairs on his bed i slept downstairs in the basement on the couches. there is a lot of room down there, bathrooms and shower and also a laundry room. we got to bed around 2ish and i was waken up by a light being turned on was my friends mom janice. she was doing laundry for some odd reason. so i crept over and looked through the doorway and she was butt naked. her body is great. huge plump ass and nice...

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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 11 Preparations and Parchment

Jake woke to a knock at his cabin door. He glanced at the clock and saw it was still early. Though it was later than he normally slept. He pulled on a pair of pants and shirt and pulled the door open as Bowmen was about to knock a second time. He motioned for the man to come in and turned to let the girls out the window. When he turned back Bowmen had a long look on his face. Before Jake could ask he said, “Cloudy’s gone. She left yesterday and never came back.” Jake blinked. He didn’t know...

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Do behano ki choodai

Hello,Everybody My Name is Muna from Orissa .Me Indiansexstories daily pathak hu aur mera bhi maan kiya ki kyon na Me bhi apni Experience apko likh ke Sunaaoo. Mera naam Muna Hai mera Umar 18 saal tha.Me College Me padh Rahi thi.Mere Do Behan hai Ek Naam JHULI Aur Ek Ka naam PUPU Hai dono Mere Se Bade Hai aur Kafi sexy tha.Unki Umar 23 & 15 thi Jo ki Puri Jabani Ki Umar thi.Unki boob Kafi bade thi takriban 36 & 38.Sabse Baa sexy thi Mere Badi Behan Jo Ki Me haar bar Mauka Dhoond Rahta Unse...

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Girlfriends room mate Spontaneous part 2

I walked in from work hearing the moaning. I peeked in the bedroom to find my fiancée eating our new room mate asshole clean. She worked it as if it was her job, rimming the ridges, tracing the puckers with her tongue as she worked a 10 inch black dildo in and out of her pussy. By the sound of this orgasm, with the high shrieks of part pleasure part pain, they have been at this all day. I walked in and stripped down and assumed my position in the chair. When she regained enough strength, or...

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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 11 The Apple Never Falls Far From the Tree

It was over three weeks later, and the Westbrooks had returned from Kitty Hawk. Lucy had boarded a flight to Cleveland after one last night of frantic lovemaking. She would return two weeks later to shoot the next series of commercials for the Two Bucks, but their summer fling was over. They both agreed to keep their relationship non-committed. Both would attend colleges several hundred miles apart. Besides, Lucy was two years older. She would graduate the same two years ahead of Danny, and...

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Meagans Tail ch2 a tail or two

Monday, July 11 2016 6:25AM Palos Verdes, California Doris stripped off her sweater in one long motion while she ran down the few steps to the pool's level and leapt into the pool in a very practiced motion of a swimmer of her skill. Her body flew to the far deep end of the pool and its deep bottom twelve feet down under the surface. There she wrapped both arms around her daughter's still body in a quick motion and kicked off the bottom back towards the surface. Meagan felt as...

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Sexual heaven as she licked her way up my creamy thighs to my clit, while watching her toy boy sucking my man’s cock. I was too embarrassed to tell her, aged in my forties I had never had my cunt licked by a woman before then. But I loved it, a wonderful new sexual experience for me orgasming on a woman’s tongue. That was a defining moment for me, when I decided to extend my sexual fantasies and make them happen. I am Sylvia a forty-five year old widow after my much older husband died...

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My wifes birthday

I am Pradipta again with a new episode of group sex experience. It was not a part of any planning of fucking for that day. It all started with a joke and end with a very hot sensual fucking. It was the birthday of my wife Sarita. We invited some of our very intimate friends for it. Party ended about10 P.M. All of our friends had returned except Bipin and Sobha as they had stayed about 25 KM. Distance from us in another town Cuttack and it was difficult to return by a two wheelers to their town...

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Daddys Poker Chip P2

Everyone nodded along, but it was Terry who spoke.“No one is going think any less of you, honey.  Hell, if anybody is wrong here, it’s us.  Your father and a bunch of dirty old uncles taking advantage of you. You have nothing to feel embarrassed about; we all love you no matter what.” “Then come over here, Uncle Terry, and get your prize. I want it on the table where you won me.”“Okay then,” said Terry. “ But if you need a break or to stop, we stop, no problem.”“C’mere,” I said, sitting in...


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