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I’ve been here dozens of times, but the door’s always been closed. I often wondered what it looked like inside, and today—on a whim—I see. The room is small, maybe eight by twelve, and most of it is occupied by the padded table in its center. A few shelves mounted high on the walls hold towels, oils, candles, a CD player, and a small collection of discs—classical music and nature sounds, although none are currently playing. On the ledge beneath the table are stacks of clean sheets, neatly folded. A wicker basket in the far corner contains the used linens. The walls are a soft shade of taupe with a hint of russet blush to warm them, and a mud brown area rug stretches virtually wall-to-wall, covering the bare linoleum tile. One large window, on the only outside wall, is covered by bamboo blinds, closed to the day’s bright sunlight. A torchiere lamp tucked into one corner provides the only unnatural light, and its bulb is shaded with a pale peach scarf. The wall fountain gurgles lightly as water trickles over its rocks. In all, the room has a very earthy—almost primeval—feel. It is an atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

I stand in the doorway and watch her quickly strip the linens from the table and replace them with fresh, her movements fluid from years of repetition. When she finishes, she immediately turns to me, arm extended, and I hand her the clipboard, with its completed client information sheet. She tucks it under her arm and grins, putting me at ease. Her features are elfin—delicate with an underlying strength, confident and devastatingly feminine. I feel a hint of something that I’d rather not feel in this environment—with this person. I’m here on business, after all—even though that business is pleasure. Health, too. And vitality. Vigor. Peace. All those things. All those things wrapped up in touch—in skin. My throat is suddenly dry.

‘First time?’

‘No,’ I manage to croak.

‘Then you know the drill. Undress to your comfort level,’ she continues in a soft voice, handing me a pale green flannel sheet which feels as if it’s just been taken from a dryer, ‘and lie on the table on your back. I’ll be back in just a moment.’

I can’t look her in the eyes. In a few minutes, she’ll be running her hands over my skin, and it’s too much—too close for comfort—to also let her capture my gaze. I feel the need to hold that part of me in reserve, so I busy myself untying my sneakers and just say, ‘Okay. Thanks.’

The door closes with a soft snick, and she’s gone. Exhaling, I peel off my socks and stuff them into my sneakers. ‘Steady now,’ I mutter as I disrobe, hanging my jeans, sweatshirt, and underclothes on the hooks on the back of the door. No mirror, I note. That fact would have comforted me at one time, but now it’s merely an observation. I used to dislike being naked, even when alone. Doesn’t bother me any more. I’ve worked hard to regain my health, and in the process, I’ve become more comfortable in my own skin than at any other time in my life. I still expect, though, to feel at least a little self-conscious being naked in an unfamiliar place and—very soon—with an unfamiliar person. However, I don’t today and that surprises me a little. It makes me wonder if I am somehow familiar with the situation in ways of which I am not conscious, or if I’ve really changed so significantly in the past few years. I hope the latter.

It’s not at all chilly in the room, but I don’t want to be standing there in my birthday suit when the door opens again. It’s a busy place, after all, and I really don’t want to flash the other customers. So, I quickly mount the table and cover myself with the sheet. It’s warm! No, not the sheet. Well, the sheet’s warm, too, but I’m referring to the table itself. It must be heated, although I noticed no cords or controls. Damn, it feels wonderful.

I lay back and stretch the sheet from toes to shoulders. It’s light weight and clings to my curves, making me feel somewhat like a topographic map. I notice the ceiling for the first time. Just the standard drop tile, but someone’s painted it a deep blue and sprinkled tiny yellowish-white stars across it. I’m thinking they probably glow in the dark when there’s a soft knock on the door.

‘Ready?’ she asks, opening the door a crack.

I experience a moment of apprehension—a miniature panic attack at the looming intimacy—but swallow it with a gulp. ‘Yeah.’

She slips into the room, closes the door, then remembers something. She reopens the door, and I know without looking that she’s putting the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the knob. I hear a beep as she turns off her cell phone and places it on a shelf.

A hand prompts me to lift my knees. First contact. When I do, a semi-cylindrical bolster slides beneath them.

‘How’s that?’


She hears something insincere in my voice and studies my face for a moment. I smile and assure her that I’m very, very comfortable—physically. She catches my drift. She knows I’m pushing myself. She also knows I need this.

In an effort to ease my unease, I ask what type of oil or lotion she uses. I’m kind of a snob about the stuff, which is rather weird seeing as how I’m far from a ‘high maintenance’ kind of woman. But, this is skin we’re talkin’ about! I’m serious about my skin. I’m rather surprised that she can’t rattle off the contents of the jar in her hands, but she does the next best thing and reads it to me.

Funny how the label reading calms me, but it does. There are no complex chemical-sounding names and, more importantly to me, no mineral oil or petroleum compounds. Just nut oils and other organics. Good. They can actually nourish the skin, whereas the others just lay on top of it. I’m ready now—or as ready as I’m gonna get—and she senses that.

Standing at the head of the table, she starts with my face. Damn! It’s not easy to let someone touch your face, and I feel the muscles in my brow twitch—itching to form that little crease between my eyes. Even a lover’s caress is typically brief, moving quickly away from the intimate and toward to the erogenous. Big difference, I realize. Huge.

She feels my reticence and backs off just a bit. She lifts the back of my head into her palms and allows the fingers of each hand to stroke the long, tight muscles along the back of my neck, pulling slightly upward and turning my head gently from side to side as if to ease it from my body like a cork from a bottle. I make an involuntary guttural sound, which she interprets as appreciation. It is.

Just a little bit of scalp massage. It feels good, but I don’t think I hold much—if any—tension in my scalp. I’m thinking that I’d rather she focus on the trouble spots when it hits me that she’s back on my face. Sneaky!

This time, she works my jaw. It’s not as unsettling as having the central part of my face touched.

‘TMJ problems?’

‘No,’ I murmur. ‘Why?’

‘You’re tight here.’

I just grunt something monosyllabic and non-committal because she’s moving back toward my eyes and my forehead. It doesn’t faze me now, though. A barrier has been overcome. Oh, it’s not as if I would’ve stopped her earlier, but the objective here is to lessen tension—not heighten it. She understands this very well. Very well indeed.

Her fingers lightly cover every millimeter of my face. No deep pressure, just feather strokes and tapping. My lips, conditioned to respond to touch, want to capture the fingers between them—to return the caress in an equally pleasurable fashion. I remind myself to be still. Accept. Take, for a change. I’m not very good at being passive.

Arms are next. As she works, I recall how I once hated my upper arms, how I wouldn’t wear sleeveless tops even on sweltering summer days. She somehow senses this and asks, ‘Did I trigger a memory?’

‘Baggage,’ I admit. ‘Good riddance.’

‘Gotcha. This isn’t easy for you. I can tell.’

Is it that obvious? I don’t
know how to respond, so I do what I typically do in those situations: I retreat. I tiptoe away, leaving my body to enjoy her touch without the interference of my mind. Alone in my little emotional cave, safe and dark, I wonder why I invest so much energy into hiding my insecurities. In so doing, what do I achieve? More importantly, perhaps, what do I lose? The deepest, most fulfilling relationships I’ve ever known are those in which I bare those insecurities—or, at the very least, am willing to do so. Is there any love deeper than the absence of fear?

‘You’re doing great, though.’ Her voice follows me into my mind cavern. My body is sinking into the warm table, muscles—even the ones she’s not yet touched—are beginning to let go of stored frustrations. I drift. It’s quite pleasant, ethereal.

She hums softly—or, maybe it’s me. There’s a blending, it seems, of our selves. Her confidence, her competence, infuses me with a peaceful energy. Then, with a hand resting on each bare shoulder, she whacks me with an emotional 2×4:

‘May I massage your tummy?’

My tummy. Oh, fuck! The core of all my body angst. I remind myself that even when it was firm and flat, I believed it unattractive. Now it’s round and there’s ample cushioning over the muscles. And scars, too. Those striped mementos of three big babies and over a decade of neglect. Can’t forget the scars.

She waits. While she doesn’t speak, I can hear her saying, ‘Trust me.’ What’s the worst that could happen? I ask myself. What’s the best?

‘Sure.’ My own voice surprises me.

Without opening my eyes, I can feel her smile. She takes my consent as a compliment, which, in a way, it is. ‘Thanks.’

‘Here,’ she continues, forcing me to open my eyes. She lays a folded sheet across my breasts. ‘Pinch the corners of this for just a sec.’

I do, and she carefully tugs the cover sheet from beneath it, pulling it down and exposing my abdomen. I try not to think about what she may be thinking. She’s a professional, I remind myself. Not that it helps. Professionals can be nit-picky critics, too. But, really, what does it matter if she finds my tummy repulsive? How can I expect her opinion to differ from my own?

The worst, of course, doesn’t happen. She doesn’t gasp or exclaim, ‘Ew, gross!’ I knew she wouldn’t, really, but fear is not rational. A goal I’ve long sought teases my consciousness. I think I see a way to reach it, or at least a way to continue the journey.

As my mind wanders, she’s doing things to the muscles on either side of my navel: pressing deeply, having me inhale, bend my knee, and then exhale as I slowly lower it. There are audible popping sounds in my back as I comply. I am amused. She seems pleased with what she’s accomplishing—on more than one level, I suspect.

‘Does this hurt?’ she asks as she circles the table to repeat the process on my right side.

‘No. Should it?’

‘As hard as I worked it? Yes, definitely. But, you’ll notice a big difference in your lower back when you stand. Those muscles connect to your spine. They initiate walking, which is why they often knot.’

She pulls the sheet over my tummy when she’s finished there. I’m so proud of myself. I conquered a fear. Hooray for me! I drift into self-congratulatory musings as she moves on to my legs. After a few minutes, I realize that I completely forgot to worry about her impression of my thighs.

By the time she instructs me to flip over, I’m just floating. My body is so relaxed that I’m loath to engage the muscles required to turn. But, turn I must if this incredible experience is to continue.

She lifts the sheet like a privacy screen, turning her head. It’s unnecessary at this point, because I’ve no modesty remaining. I roll onto my stomach, and she blankets me again. The heated table feels divine against my chest. She fiddles with something under the head of the table, and pieces shift such that my arms comfortably dangle and my face rests in a doughnut-shaped pillow. I can see the floor.

When she stands at the head of the table, I can see her feet. She’s not wearing shoes. Just those thick socks—the kind the crunchies wore with their Birkenstocks back in my undergrad days. There’s a small hole in one of them. The left one.

The sheet settles over a new topography. I’m much more confident in this position. Ass up. My better side, I believe. I’m long in the torso, which gives my back a fluid grace I don’t find in other parts of my body. Oh, occasionally I’ll glimpse it in the line of cheekbone or jaw, but it’s seldom and, I suspect, more a flattering play of light and shadow than anything else.

She starts with my feet, which I absolutely love. I’m not the least bit ticklish—at least, not on my feet—probably because I spend as much time as possible barefoot. Moving on, she uncovers one leg at a time and works each muscle group, all the way up to, and including, my ass. It’s extremely sensual, but not the least bit sexual. Again, I drift. My thoughts are of warm waters and gentle breezes and the kind of silent camaraderie that takes my breath away.

Resting a haunch on the table at my waist, she carefully lifts my arm and drapes it over her thigh. The added contact makes me instantly aware of her body, her femininity, her sex. She’s very appealing, and the competence and joy with which she practices her craft make her even more so. Under different circumstances, I could easily take her right there on the table. Not today. That’s not the kind of taking on today’s agenda.

In the course of her ministrations, she presses on a couple of spots above my elbow, and I feel a shift in my shoulder. ‘Yes! Got that sucker,’ she whispers, more to herself than to me. After she repeats the entire process on my other arm, she trails her fingertips down my forearm—elbow to hand.

I am stunned at the intimacy. My hands! Oh, stop. It’s too much. I’m whimpering inside, maybe outside, too. She makes tiny circles in my palms. Her fingers stroke mine, one at a time—base to tip—pulling me away from my self. Stop! No. No, don’t. Don’t stop—ever. I’ve never been touched in this way. I’m exposed. It’s frightening—and liberating.

I ache when I think of all the beauty I’ve allowed to pass me by. A single tear drips onto the floor, and with it goes my fear. All the resistance, all the insecurities, all the worries suddenly seem such a phenomenal waste of time and energy.

She finally pulls the sheet from my back, rolling it upon itself until it rests on the crest of my ass. This is why I’m here. ‘Neck and shoulders,’ I’d written on the info sheet as my problem areas. Seems like eons ago, but it couldn’t be more than thirty minutes—maybe forty. Moving to the head of the table, she places both of her hands on my back. ‘Your skin,’ she begins, but doesn’t complete the sentence.

I give myself to the touch, and she delivers. With each stroke, I get lighter. The Unbearable Lightness of Being—I get it now. She’s in my head and under my skin, and I can feel our energies merging. I surrender completely, yet I’ve never been so powerful.

I’m sure time is passing, but I’m oblivious to it ’cause I’m traveling at the speed of thought. That smart guy with the funny hair said it was all relative, and I think he was right.

There’s a soft tap on the door. Another, a bit louder.

‘Wow,’ she breathes. ‘Are you okay?’

I can’t yet speak, so I just nod.

‘Steph,’ a voice calls. ‘Your two o’clock’s here.’

Turning her head toward the door, she responds, ‘Sorry. Just a sec.’

To me, she continues, ‘You went so deep, and I got pulled into you. It was like a trance. That’s never happened to me before.’ She pauses for a moment and then repeats, ‘Wow.’

She starts to say something else and instead shrugs and slips out the door.

I dress quickly and step into the reception area. She’s telling the proprietor about me—how she was blown away by the experience. On and
on. She’s as bubbly and energized and enthusiastic as I am reflective and empowered.

‘Thank you so, so, so much!’ She smiles and extends her arm to shake hands in parting. I freeze. For a split second, I’m afraid to touch it—afraid the force of that intimacy will return. I’m standing up, after all, and it might knock me off my feet. Then, I mentally slap myself. How easy it is to backslide.

I return her smile as I grasp her hand. It’s just a hand, of course, but I am again changed. I am—now and forever—open to the infinite, and I am—now and forever—beautiful.

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Hi to ISS readers I am bit late for my story as I was out of city. Sorry for that For new one I am Sarapa i am 39 years old very white as snow round face long neck big eyes and nice lips I have 38.28.38 and very beautiful feet now goes straight to story as I told to Ramu that maids will not come for next 3 days he became very happy and hold me in his arms and kissed me on my lips I pushed him away and said Ramu sabar karoo bohat time hay abhi jaao bath loo or bahar say pizza lay aao main bhi...

2 years ago
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Resurrection Ch 01

Resurrection! Ch. 01 Getting another bite of the Apple. * ‘Not to know what happened before you were born, is to remain forever a child.’ (Cicero, 46 B.C.E.) Part 01: Michael’s Story. I met Claire purely by accident. God, what was that, about four years ago? Yeah, something like that! It was as if it happened yesterday to me. My eyes were on her face as she approached. She was a blonde with clear blue eyes, tall and slender with nice breasts that fit her form well. Okay, her face wasn’t...

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Main Meri Biwi Aur Mera Dost 8211 Part 2

Ekdin main office se aaya, tab Rahul bahar gaya tha kisi kam se. Maine socha aaj sahi mauka hai ye janne ka, ki Rahul kya sachmuch koi problem mein hai? Isliye main Rahul ke room mein jaa ke search karne laga toh mujhe woh papers mile. Maine woh papers par ke ekadam se tang rahe gaya! Woh medical papers tha jahan pe bohut spasht roop se likha tha ki Rahul ko cancer hua hai! Main wahi pe rone laga. Mujhe dekh kar Manali turant mere pass aake poochne lage kya hua hai? Maine ye sab kahan toh usse...

3 years ago
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Enjoyed My Hot Bangalore Neighbor

Hey guys. Happy new year. Hope everyone is doing well. My name is Rocky (ofcourse I Rock) from bangalore. I am 24 years old. I am 6ft 80kgs and muscular. This is a story about my neighbor and me finally hitting the sack. This happened 2 months back. Let me start with the story. I was absolutely nuts and crazy about my neighbor Shweta. She was a lady of about forty years old, married but her husband was an absolute jerk. He worked for an international airlines as a pilot and never spent time...

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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 7 Gilligan Triumphant

Gilligan had been watching the events below with much interest. He became a little worried when he saw Ginger and the Skipper tie up Mary Ann. They couldn't be working for the pirates, could they? But when he saw Mary Ann give the Skipper a blow job he relaxed. They were just going to have fun. Gilligan had blown the Skipper many times, and he watched Mary Ann with a critical eye. Gilligan was sure that he was better. Still, Gilligan had never had any sexual encounter with a woman until he...

4 years ago
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Love Tap

‘That was stupid.’ I said, dragging my feet angrily across the concrete as we left the plaza, heading into the orange-tinted street, lampposts guiding us back to the station. ‘Can’t handle the heat, stay outta the kitchen!’ Dan responded, flicking an eyebrow at me as he patted me on the back hard. He couldn’t believe he’d won, either. That was a bullshit Strike Spree at the end and we both knew it, but he knew it’d piss me off to gloat about it, so gloating about it was the only thing he did....

Mind Control
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43 Years in HidingChapter 4

My issues of the previous 43 years have caught up to me at different times of my life. I knew I wasn't taking care of my health. I wasn't taking care of my job. I certainly wasn't taking care of my husbandly role. My doctor, family doctor for 20 years, left me a message on the weekend I was contemplating an end to it all. He said that he really wished to keep seeing me but that, after a year of not heeding his reminder calls, he felt that if I did not want to continue in his care, he...

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Chucks Wife

Susie was very troubled. After serving four years in prison her husband, Chuck, had returned home and behaved abnormally. The first night she had seen him suck the breasts of their 16 year-old daughter, Cindy. The second night she had seen him finger fuck their daughter. Moreover he had made Cindy wank his cock until they both had climaxed. He had shot his juice all over Cindy's face. Susie restrained from attacking her husband. She wanted to avoid the rash action of four years ago when...

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Mature Office

As a manager in a business you need a good support around you to get things done and in this particular case the recruitment lady was more than just a support.I had often thought about her with her long blonde hair, short skirts, low cut tops and tanned legs up on heels but it had never hit me that it was all for me. I was a youthful 20 something and this fox was in her late 30s at the time.We flirted outrageously looking back and she made it very obvious from the outset but I just enjoyed her...

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Sailors in Silk Chapter 11B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 11 B ? By: Bevetly Taff List of Characters. Myself: Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth: My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure: Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina: Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia: Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga: An African Princess, freed from...

3 years ago
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On the Night Watch

I knelt at my master's feet. He had just finished listening to the first part of my story which I'd called To Go, Softly, As a Mouse. "This is wonderful," he said as he caressed my cheek. I gushed. That is the only way to describe it. It wasn't quite an orgasm but I was as wet and lubricated as I'd ever been. "How does this make you feel?" he asked as he indicated the print version of the story that was displayed on the wall. "Empty," I said simply. "Can you explain why that is,...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 24

Teresa's arrival as Scott's fiancée changed the plans for the Friday night before the wedding. Raul was to have taken the kids out to dinner and a movie, to give Barbara and Scott some time alone to catch up with each other. Instead, Raul and Barbara had a barbeque for their kids and Scott and Teresa. They thought about inviting others, but kept it small; the larger rehearsal dinner, with the wedding party and selected guests, would be Saturday night. As Bobby and Sammy had already been...

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Ginaacutes Gyno Club part six

Gina´s Gyno Club waited for its first new girl, eager to earn membership by becoming a woman there. Young teen Connie was the first to lose her virginity at the hands and kisses of Gina. Her experience was the reason the Club was founded.Connie became first honorary member at age 15, at the start of Summer. After Summer holiday she would check among her girlfriends ... Tight tall Tina maybe? She felt warm for her class-mate, who shared her skinny long-legged locust´s looks. Before holiday Tina...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Sexual Awakening 2

All constructive comments are welcomed. Enjoy. ________________________________________________________________________ It felt like a short ride from the port to home, then again I slept in the shuttle most of the way. I was completely exhausted from the night before. After cumming in aunt Carol's pussy, we made love two more times that night. After the third time, it was a call from mom that woke us up, informing us that the ship would be docking in 30 minutes. We jumped in and out...

4 years ago
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Sally Company Slut

Sally Company Slut, follows “Sally” Hi I am Rob and I have already told you how Sally, my wife, rose to the occasion at a bank client meeting, greeting clients naked and getting banged by three men for most of the day. She secured lots of new business and not only did she receive a handsome bonus but also her bosses cock up her arse. This situation was the climax of Sally moving from fairly frumpy clothing to outfits that displayed her beautiful body – not in a slutty way but certainly...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Bethany Benz Second Appearance

Bethany Benz owns a women’s boutique, and one of her regular customers, who shops there for his wife, is racing over and will arrive at any moment! Why? Well…the store is super slow on Mondays; so slow, in fact, Bethany knows she can pull off a “quickie” and probably get away with it! Sure enough, with barely a word spoken, her customer walks in, turns the OPEN sign to BE BACK SOON! then locks the door. It’s on! After a quick round of passionate kissing, her...

4 years ago
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Speaking With Your Demons18 Crossing the Line

“Meg, I can’t believe how well you handled that!” Emma raved. “If I knew it was that easy, we wouldn’t have wasted so much time over the past year. We never guessed we could negotiate with demons, and you make it look so simple.” “No, shit!” her brother Ethan added. “I never expected to get my own demon and devil out of the deal either. What’s more, my demon is here to help, not torment me like they did before. It’s the difference between night and day. Now we know how to proceed in the...

3 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 9 Daughterrsquos Naughty Futa Scheme

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I panted, my cock buried in Mrs. Reyes’s pussy. The pantyhose I’d torn through ripped a little farther across her right butt-cheek, exposing more of the golden-brown flesh beneath. It looked so hot peeking through. I grinned at that. She had a great ass. So perky and bubbly. She was perfect for my plans, but I wanted to have more fun with her. I shuddered and pulled my girl-dick out of her. My sixteen-year-old body quivered. It had...

1 year ago
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Caught Belladonna Michael Von Rothe slipped his black, sheer nylon covered feet into his 4 inch heeled white pumps and walked towards the full-length mirror by the door to his hotel room. He smiled at his handiwork while he took in his self-feminized reflection. On his feet was a pair of pumps decorated with crystal embellishments he had purchased specially for the trip. Michael resituated his pantyhose covered legs. The two layers of pantyhose he was wearing concealed the...

2 years ago
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Two MILFs And Their Daughters Chapter 5 All Four Ladies In One Room Together

Both Valerie and Tessa looked at them as they were just in their bras and panties."Why don't you two come in my room and we'll have a little chat?" Valerie asked.No one was in deep shit or anything like that, but the way Valerie said it just made things even hotter. Gina and Julie both put back on their bras and panties and went into Valerie's room with them. Everyone sat down on Valerie's big bed."So you two looked like you were having a good time," Valerie said."You could say that," Gina...

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I have often wondered about my sexual fascination with my parents, aside from the obvious appeal of something taboo and forbidden. As I was growing up I was happily delighted to start growing breasts and pussy hair at a very young age, I was already a full c cup at the age of 14. I am currently 18 and you could portray me as a voluptuous 36dd pear shaped rosy nipples - 30 waist - 40 inch hips, 5 foot 4 with full curly auburn red hair, with an hourglass figure.Following the agreement my mother...

1 year ago
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The other self

Trisha woke up and, like every day, the first thing she did was checking her diary. As always the last entry was detailed. Even small events of the previous day have been written down in a small neat handwriting. If someone would take a look it probably would appear if Trisha has trouble with her memory. As if she couldn't remember the day before. Which, incidentally, wasn't that far off the truth. Having read the last entry she got up to prepare for the day. A shower was first....

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 5 Angelas Gnashes October

THE DEAN AND I "Well, Angela, how are things going?" the Dean of Faculty hails Professor Dawney enthusiastically, as he emerges from a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor and sees her passing the VC's office, on her way to the library. Angela knows that he's not interested in her health and well being. What he wants to know about, is Jennifer McEwan's project. What he really wants is to be reassured of its potential 4 Star rating. Actually what he really, really wants is for Angela to...

3 years ago
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Fitness Fun

Ok this story would have been impossible for me to write if I had not done something wrong from the very beginning, I saved my chat logs from conversations with my sister. My sister and I are both divorced and live near each other. Our boys are the same age and go to the same school. In my defense (which I know is non existent) I saved the chat logs to prove later on that all this was my sisters fault. Every time we got in trouble while growing up my sister always blamed me, and I always knew...

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The Spice of Life Chapter 11

It was one of those rare summer days when the air was cool. It had just rained and, although it had rained quite a bit, there had been no hint of rain in the forecast. It was also a rare day because Jacob had to spend the day at his work office across town. Holly and her mother were somewhat at loose ends, had just engaged in some hot mother-daughter play time and they were trying to figure out where to go dick hunting since Jacob would not be available until evening.Holly had been totally...

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LuciChapter 6

"Close the door please, Gary, and come and have a seat." Patricia was giving me her full attention. I closed the door and sat down in one of my guest chairs. It was odd to be on this side of the desk. "At the risk of sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong," she started, "Luci is in love with you." "I know." "Do you? Does Fay?" "Know that Luci is in love with me? If she doesn't now, she will by the end of the day." "You don't seem concerned by that,...

4 years ago
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Deeper In Deepa 8211 Sex Encounter With Neighbour

Hi friends, I am Alvin from Mumbai. I am 21 years old, studying in engineering college. Please mail me on I would really like to hear from you. Thank you for your responses on previous stories, which encouraged me to write another story. This is my sex third story. Ye story meri aur mere baju wali bhabhi k bich ki hain. Unka naam hain dipti. Log unhe pyaar se deepa bhabhi bulaate the. Unke umar hain 33 saal. Unka rang gora hain and figure 38-34-36 hain. Unke 2 baache hain, fir bhi vo bohot...

1 year ago
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I was walking around the party with my drink in hand. Conversations were happening in small groups all over the place, around the pool. I just stepped out to have a cigarette. Nobody in this town smokes, so I had to go off to a secluded area by the fence. I lit up my cigarette, and looked around at the people gathered at the party. There were actors, musicians, directors, and models everywhere. The party was for a charity of some kind. The actress that I was dating wanted to come, so here we...

3 years ago
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The Woman Next Door Part 2

Meanwhile, Charlotte trembles as she sits in the chair by the door. The past comes flooding back up her. Could it be after all those years, another chance was presented to her? For a while it had been the best time of her life. Happy, deliriously happy, and erotically so very satisfying. And then she screwed it up. She hadn't understood the responsibility and had let the power consume her. She had wanted more and she took it and she wrecked everything she had, everything...

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POV CHOICES David, a twenty year old staying home for the summer to earn money by watching his sister while his mom and his step-father are in Australia. Lori, David's 18 year old sister. Asher, David's life time best friend.

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 438

These are compliments of netmanager99 Have you heard the Lego store is open for the first time since the COVID shutdown? They’re lining up for blocks. (It took me a second to piece that joke together.) My friend claims that he can print a gun using his 3D printer, but I’m not impressed. I have had a Canon printer for years. Are people born with a photographic memory? Or does it take time to develop? What does a condiment wizard perform? Saucery I bought a new pair of...

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