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My name is George Starsky and just over six weeks ago I was handed a death sentence. No, you're not going to hear about my last meal consisting of rare baby seal pate, forty seven White Castle Sliders and salad dressed in the pussy juice of a virgin. I don't know what my last meal will be or when it will be. Truth is it will likely be bland and shitty, as I seem to have problems holding solid food down.

Every last one of us begins dying as the sperm cell meets our mother's egg. Some of us just do it sooner. I don't know the exact moment, because if I did I'd pick an amusing place to die. Unfortunately I don't know exactly when, but I know my time is soon. I have known long enough to have made peace with it. As a matter of fact I welcome death. Maybe I'll get some of those pesky fucking questions answered, like, "Why do I never get the hot teller at the bank?", or Why do the birds shit more when I have washed my car?" or "Why are hemorrhoids called hemorrhoids and asteroids called asteroids? Shouldn't that be the other way around?" Most of all I want to know why it is that when I am running late the slowest assholes in town are in front of me on the roads.

So what, you might ask, is a guy so close to death doing on a boat in the Gulf of Mexico just south of Pensacola Florida? Keeping a friend alive. My friend Martin Fischer is an under water welder. I am in charge of monitoring his breathing air supply while he dives to weld repair patches on a boat. I have only known Marty for three weeks, but we became fast friends since we have things in common. We both love to dive, even though I can't anymore and have sold my gear because of my illness, and we were both married to faithless cunts who stomped on our hearts after ripping them out of our chests Terminator style.

I see by the welding gauges that he isn't welding any more. I start taking in the slack from all of the various lines running to him. Finally he breaches the surface and I help him board the boat. We secure the gear and then have a beer and a sandwich.

As we are eating, he tells me his tell of woe. He tells me about his ex wife; Josie, and how she had started sleeping with a guy she went to college with. She chose to go with the guy instead of Marty on several occasions, always lying to Marty about where she was going or lying to make Marty not go. On his final night in Santa Fe, she went to her company's Christmas party with the dick. When she left Marty packed his shit and left.

"I used a disposable cell phone to contact my attorney after I left. I had thrown my cell over the first bridge I crossed that had water under it. He told me that on the evening that I left, the boyfriend was killed by a drive by shooter. No one saw the shooter and all efforts to locate the car were fruitless. I sat down with cops in Tennessee to answer questions from the New Mexico police. When they asked me where I was at the time he was shot, I told them I was half way across Texas. I drove all night, so I really didn't have an alibi, but I had several gas receipts from my credit cards form locations far away from Santa Fe, including one five minutes before he was shot for gas in Dalhart Texas."

. He had told me bits about this before today. He knew most of my story as well. As a matter of fact he's one of few that know I am doomed. He took a pull from his beer and sighed. "I heard that when Josie got home and saw my note and evidence of her whoring on the table, she lost it. My brother said an EMT pal of his had to sedate her.

For the months following my exit from Santa Fe, my ex tried to track me down. My attorney told me that she had hired a PI to find me. How she afforded a PI I don't know; her boss was so pissed that she had used his business as a cover to cheat that he fired her. He couldn't have it on his conscience I guess. I even quit contacting members of my family for a while because she was getting them to try to talk me back there. I left her everything, and only took a few things with me."

He looked off into the distance and took a deep breath. "I thought she and I were forever. Now she seems to think we still can be, but when I gave her the chance, she chose him. I just hope she never finds out I am down here. I like it here and don't want to leave. I still get questions about the shooting every now and again. I drop hints to those that I still speak to back there, that I might be Canadian now." We laughed at that. "Fuck her! I don't have time in my life for an unfaithful cunt who won't choose her own husband over some random swinging dick." I know exactly what he meant.

Finally I had to ask. "Did you shoot him?"

"The truth? George I'm not sure you really want to know. I will tell you that if it wasn't for a few brothers' help, I wouldn't have an almost airtight alibi. I had a couple dudes riding this way with my credit card to buy gas along the way so I would have time stamped receipts. But the kicker is that if I did theoretically shoot him, it wasn't because of her.

My uncle was an early member of the Sons of Silence. I still have his 1% patch. I don't know if the whore knew it or not, but when they were at Stanford her slime ball boy toy got caught peddling horse at school. When he was arrested he turned state's evidence. He implicated several Sons and one whole chapter went to prison. My uncle died in prison because of that smarmy cock sucker.

Maybe when my brothers found out who my ex was banging, I was given an opportunity to endear myself to them and gain their gratitude for life. Maybe that's what happened is all I'm sayin'."

He looked at me as if he wanted to reassure me, "I regret not handling her differently. I should have tossed her whore ass out as soon as I had evidence. Some guys might think I'm a pussy, but I wanted to make it work with her. That is until she chose him over me at important times." We finished our sandwiches and stowed the diving gear and turned for port. Even though he didn't really confess to me, I added two and two and came up with one dead jerk off. I didn't think any less of Marty. I know there are a couple of people out there that I would love to whack. My own mother among them.

Forty five minutes later we are pulling into his slip at the marina. We secure the boat and walk up the pier. He waves at Tiffany. He is close to my age I think; she is no where near either of our ages. He says she's 23, but if I was a bartender I'd doubt her ID if it said she was 21. She looks 18 and has the perkiest set of tits this side of the equator.

She is obviously very pregnant. I am glad because Marty has told me many times of his ex's miscarriage and the hell that put him through. At least he'll know a joy that I never will. My legacy dies with me.

The closer we get to her the more stunning she appears. Hell, I'd kill for twenty minutes with her. I could never do that to Marty so I am friendly with out being too friendly with her. Besides, I don't trust any female farther than I could throw her.

We say our good byes and they get in his new ZR1 Corvette. I climb into my trusty Chevy Tahoe and head for my apartment. As I drive I think back over the years. One cunt in particular has caused me more heartache and stress than I would wish on Hitler.

My tale actually starts 22 years ago at the ripe old age of 7. I lived with my mom and dad in Jacksonville. My dad was a cop and my mother was a stay at home mom at that time. My mom's best friend from high school Tammy moved in up the street from us that year. Tammy Lloyd had a daughter Linda. With Tammy and my mom being close friends I saw Linda just about every day, and soon we were inseparable.

When I was 10 years old, my mom hot a job at the bank. Tammy would watch me after school, which was fine because Linda was my best friend. We did everything together. We would go for hours long walks around the neighborhood everyday. Even at the age of 10, I couldn't picture my life without Linda.

When we were both 12, a new family moved onto our block. They had a son who was our age. So before long Linda and I had an inseparable third. Randy Meisner was a tall athletic boy where I seemed to be stockier and more able to figure things out. At first Linda wasn't too keen on our new neighbor. She thought he was too much of a jock, and didn't think he'd find most of what we did fun.

It didn't take long before all three of us were together all of the time. Whether we were swimming, reading or just walking around town we were together. Linda still seemed to favor my company; she'd often sneak over to my house after Randy's mom called him in at night.

Randy was a month older than Linda and three months older than I, so he was the first to get a driver's license. Once he had that little piece of freedom we rarely walked anywhere.

Shortly after Linda got her driver's license, Randy began dating Vicki Peterson. Mostly Linda and I would cruise around, never parking out where lovers seemed to go, but we were still often linked in people's talk.

I did once ask Linda to go with me to Homecoming. I was just 16 and had my first car. It was a 68 Camaro RS/SS that my uncle had owned for years but couldn't take with him to Alaska. Shortly after I asked Linda to the dance, she called me to come to her house. When I got there and Randy was there. Randy didn't have a date for the dance because Vicki had to leave town that weekend for a wedding so Linda didn't feel right going with me. We decided for all three of us to go and share the evening. I was pissed that instead of going and finding another date, Randy had whined until Linda changed our plan.

Linda had agreed with both Randy and myself that there would never be any romance between any of us so that our friendships would never suffer. Of course they didn't know this but I was suffering. From about the time I had my first wet dream, I realized that I was in love with Linda. I couldn't tell anyone, which made it worse for me.

On February 13th of the year that I would turn 17, my father was called to a robbery at a mom and pop jewelers downtown. He was shot four times for his efforts and died that evening. My world was thrown into a tailspin, and even the fact that my friends were there for me didn't help. Aside from the pain I felt in missing my father, all I could think about was how much I loved Linda and could do nothing about it.

Randy took me out one March night and we got shit faced. His older brother had bought us a couple of cases of Bud Light and we finished it all in one night. During my drunken stupor, between bouts of crying over my father, and swearing revenge on the bastards that hot him, I professed to him my love for Linda.

As we talked we figured out that since he was taking Vicki to the prom, I should ask Linda. We had just over two weeks, but I figured I could get things lined up in time.

When I got to school that Monday the first thing I saw was Vicki Peterson walking out of the building pissed off at the world. She shot eye daggers at me when I said "Hi" to her.

As I got inside, Jerry Whitehorse pulled me aside and told me what was going on. It seemed that Vicki had walked into homeroom and caught Randy making out with Joan Black. Joan had been dating Tommy Perry but they'd been on the outs for a couple of weeks.

Randy was kind of fucked up about his fight with Vicki, but I figured he'd ask Joan to the prom now. I forgot all about asking Linda until after lunch. As I was walking to my last period class, I saw Linda and Randy talking by her locker. They both saw me coming and headed for their classes. I thought maybe Randy had been priming her for me.

That day after school, Linda called and asked if I could come and talk to her. She acted kind of funny but I said I could. When I got to her house she came out to meet me.

"You knew that Randy and Vicki broke up didn't you?" she asked.

"Yeah, she caught him and Joan macking on each other in homeroom."

"Yeah, but then it turned out that Joan was just making Tommy jealous. So they got back together and Randy was left out in the cold for prom. He told me that you and he had discussed it at lunch, and that you were totally cool with him asking me. So he did, and I said yes. We are looking for..."

I didn't hear another word she said. I felt like I had been punched in the gut by Mike Tyson with an iron glove. I don't remember crossing the street back to my house, nor do I remember getting in my Camaro. I don't even know how I ended up twenty miles out of town sitting on a little finger of dirt at the edge of a lake. The sun had gone down and I had no memory of getting there. I realized it was where that traitorous cock monger Randy had brought me that night the week before to get drunk.

I thought over what recourse I might have. He was larger and stronger, so kicking his ass was out of the question. Plus I am a peaceful man at heart, so evil intent was not in me. I decided that I was definitely not talking to either one of them again for as long as I was drawing breath. They could both fall off a cliff as far as I was concerned.

I asked my self, "Why are you mad at Linda? She didn't know you were planning on asking her." But as I followed that train of thought, I remembered that it was her idea to not have any romance between any of the three of us, because of Randy's fucking whining. I guess that rule went out the window for poor heart broken Randy. Well fuck him, fuck her and fuck everybody.

It was past midnight when I arrived home. I could see Linda's bedroom light was on, as was Randy's. I hurried into my house before either one of the fuckers could come out and call out to me. I went straight up to my bedroom and undressed without turning on the light. Five minutes later my mom opened my door and came in.

"Randy has been trying to find you all evening. So has Linda."

"Fuck those two!"

"George! What have I told you about that language?"

"Sorry ma, but those two back stabbing fucks can go choke on each other as far as I'm concerned. They're dead to me."

"Now I know I have told you over and over that I wouldn't get involved in your troubles unless you wanted me to, but you three, especially you and Linda have been friends far too long to fall out over something trivial."

"Trivial? I planned on asking her to prom, and since he couldn't keep his dick in his pants, he had to stab me in the back and ask Linda. So no, there will be no getting past this. If I have to move to Alaska with Uncle Cyrus to avoid those pukes I will."

"Now Georgie," she knew I fucking hated it when she called me Georgie, "You can't go around avoiding those two. Sooner or later, you'll have to be the bigger man and forgive."

"Not bloody likely. He's lucky that I aint a fighting man. He'd be a blood smear on a sidewalk somewhere."

"Now go to sleep dear. I'm sure it'll all be better in the morning."

I awoke to a ringing phone Tuesday morning. As my mom was answering it I was getting in the shower. She came into the bath with the phone in her hand.

"Linda's on the phone for you babe."

'Fuck her!" I yelled as I turned on the shower.

"He'll have to call you back dear." She said as she hung up. "She might have heard you son. You need to be more polite to your friends."

"I hope she did hear me. You want to be polite to shit like her? Feel free. I'm going to try for a turd free lifestyle."

Mom muttered something as she left the bathroom. I silently reminded myself to start locking the damn door. I could hear the phone ringing again as I finished drying off and was getting dressed. I locked the door as soon as I heard my mom answer it. A moment later, she was at the door. "Randy wants to know if you want to ride with him to school today."

"Not if I had two broken legs and arms."

As soon as I was dressed I went to the kitchen and grabbed some toast. Mom was getting ready to cook breakfast. "I'm out of here mom. I wanna get an early start."

"Don't you want breakfast?"

"Nope. I aint hungry anyway, and I want to be gone before those assholes can try to pen me in here."

"Aren't you being a bit melodramatic son? You act like there's a conspiracy to make you see them."

"Conspiracy or no conspiracy, I plan on avoiding those two like the plague. See you tonight mom."

I went out and got in my car. As I started it I saw Linda's curtains move. I quickly backed out of my driveway and sped off down the street leaving two long black streaks that I'd get bitched at for later.

When I got to school I parked in the south parking lot, the parking lot furthest away from their last class. We'd always parked in the east lot since it was nearest to the front door and most convenient when school let out.

I was glad that my locker wasn't near theirs. I wouldn't have to work too hard to avoid them all day. I only had home room and one other class with Randy, and I only had three classes before lunch with Linda.

I got to homeroom twenty minutes before the bell rang and found a seat near Chris Nicholson. Randy hated Chris with a passion and Chris didn't have two good words to say about Randy. Chris was the long haired, head banging pot smoking sort. So naturally everybody's all American Randy didn't like him On the other hand Chris and I had several classes together and we got along just fine. In truth, I had more in common with Chris than I did with Randy.

Chris and I were sitting there discussing the new bands that were coming out, he turned me on to an album I wasn't aware of, when Randy walked in to class. He looked at my usual seat and then looked around the room. His gaze faltered when he saw me. He almost started towards me and then seemed to rethink. Chris made a comment about the possibility of Randy and his buddies being closet queers, I laughed and silently wished that were the case.

At the end of homeroom period, Randy waited in the hall for me. I walked out with Chris and we bullshitted all the way to our lockers. I knew Randy was walking just behind us, waiting for Chris to break off and go his own way. I got my books for second period and headed that way with Chris. We stopped at Chris' locker and he got his books. We shot the shit for another minute or two, meanwhile Randy, in danger of being late for P.E. had to quit tailing me and head his own way.

Linda was sitting in her usual spot when I got to second period. I looked around the room and found an empty seat near the back. Linda looked around and was about to move closer when Mr. Ashby came in and admonished her to sit.

Luckily for me, Linda's locker was no where near mine, so she didn't have the luxury of tailing me. All morning I was able to avoid being near her. At lunch I left campus and smoked some weed with Chris.

When I got back from lunch, Linda was waiting for me by my locker. I walked up like she wasn't even there and got my books. "Come on George, you can't keep me out in the cold all day. I'm sorry I said yes. But Ran..." I cut her off at that point.

"I really don't give a shit what you have to say. He knows how I feel about you and he stabbed me in the back. You didn't think twice, you just went along with it. When that whiny cunt didn't have a date for Homecoming, you dropped our plans to make room for him. Fuck both of you. I hope you have a wonderful time at prom, but I don't want to know you any more. Now please go find your boyfriend and leave me the fuck alone."

I thought I saw tears in her eyes as I walked away, but I didn't care. If I never heard from her again it would be too soon. Randy must have talked to her before our sixth period class because he didn't look my way once. I saw them together in the hall before my last period class, he seemed to be trying to hold her hand, but she shook him off when she saw me. He threw a glare my way but I ignored him.

The rest of the week went pretty much the same. I avoided any contact with them and I felt just fine about it. They even quit calling my house. Mom got kind of moody on me, but she could stew too for all I cared.

Saturday morning I was outside washing my car. I had seen Linda out front of her house from time to time out of the corner of my eye, but I never looked straight over there or acknowledged her at all. The way I had my car in my driveway made it impossible to see Randy's house.

Around noon, I saw Tammy and Linda heading towards my house. I pretended not to see them and went into the garage and slipped out the door into the back yard. I could hear them inside talking to my mom. I couldn't tell what was being said, nor did I care. I went back into the garage and finished waxing my car. I was trying to finish quickly so that I could just split.

As I was putting my waxing stuff away, mom came into the garage and asked me to please come inside. I told her that I really didn't care to hear what they had to say, at which point she sighed exasperatedly.

"Georgie, I know you're hurt. I know you're not fully over dad's death. Linda and Tammy both care a lot for you and we have a proposition we'd like you to hear. Please come in and hear it out."

I reluctantly followed mom inside. Tammy and Linda were sitting on the loveseat. Linda smiled up at me when I walked in, but I barely looked her way. My mom sat in her chair and I sat on the chair closest to the door.

"OK Linda. He'll hear you out." Mom said.

She seemed to be gathering her thoughts, and she looked at the floor. Tammy gave her knee a reassuring squeeze and then looked at me as Linda started.

"Randy admitted to me that you didn't give your blessing to our prom date. He told me this yesterday as we were picking out our colors for my dress and his tux. Since he rented a Corvette for prom night, we'd like for you to rent a tux, with lavender in the color scheme, and follow us to prom. We could be a three person date like at Homecoming."

All three looked at me expectantly. Feigning interest I asked, "It took a whole week to come up with this plan?" She nodded. "Randy admitted he lied, and your idea was for me to be a third wheel at prom?" Then she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, but I had already told him yes. I didn't want to hurt him by breaking our date off."

"You had no fucking qualms about breaking our date off when he didn't have a date for Homecoming. You had told me yes weeks before he whined. So here's my thought for prom. You and he can go fuck yourselves, and you can forget you even knew me. This is the most insulting line of bullshit anyone has ever tried to feed me." They all looked at me with stunned expressions on their faces.

"But we just thought..."

"Think again bitch! You want him, you got him. I am out of the equation. The only question remaining for me to have answered is; are you assholes going to forget I exist or do I have to move to Alaska with my uncle for the future? And to think that I thought I was head over heels in love with you Linda. Stupid fuckin me!" She looked stunned at my revelation.

I got up and walked out of the house. I saw Randy walking up the sidewalk towards my house as I got in my car. I backed out of the driveway and sped off up the street.

Prom came and went. I didn't go. To be constantly reminded of being thrown over for that asshole was just too much to bear. So I spent prom night getting stoned with Chris and his buddies.

One morning in homeroom Chris and I were sitting there deciding who to buy our next bags from when Randy walked into the classroom. A few of the girls started laughing and I saw Randy turn red. I tapped the girl in front of me on the shoulder and asked her what the humor was.

"Well I heard that Randy guy and one of them poetry girls went to prom. Well one thing lead to another and they ended up out in the toolies somewhere doing the nasty." I cringed at the thought of that asshole defiling Linda.

"Well he was bragging about it to some of the guys and she found out. So she told a few folks that God's gift to women over there is hung like a field mouse." If I hadn't been bothered by them fucking, I would have laughed. I knew Randy was hung up on his cock size, I just never knew why.

I spent a lot of time smoking weed with Chris and before I knew it, my college acceptance letters had arrived. When we were all friends, Randy, Linda and I had all put in for the same schools. We stuck to schools Randy might get athletic scholarships to. We all three applied to all of the Florida schools and Georgia and Georgia Tech. LSU had never expressed any interest in Randy so we didn't apply there.

Due to a misunderstanding, I had applied to Auburn and Alabama as well. I had thought that both schools had offered Randy scholarships, when they had never even looked at him. My test scores and 3.8 GPA earned me acceptance letters to every school I applied to. As an unintentional added revenge bonus, since I was no longer aiding him with his studies, Randy didn't meet academic requirements to accept any of either of the scholarships he'd been offered. Northern Louisiana and South Florida were the only ones who offered him anything.

I enrolled at Auburn and opted to begin with classes that started just two weeks after graduation. I heard through the grapevine, that Linda enrolled at a community college in town while Randy opted for the Marine Corps. Both were a long way from Auburn.

I worked my ass off that first summer. I had a part time job as well as a fairly full class load. When school started in the fall I took on another task. I became a statistician and information associate for the football team. This kept my Saturdays pretty full plus I got to travel a bit and see some other places.

During that first year I got to the point where I was only calling my mom every couple of weeks. She was always asking things about my personal life. I figured she was feeding info to Linda and Randy, so I padded my stats a bit, so to speak. I told her I was always busy; not a lie by any stretch of the imagination, but I alluded to my dating countless women. Why else would every Saturday be so busy for me?

The next summer, I worked more hours at my job; I worked for an auto dealer doing detailing. In order to do that I cut my summer class load back. There was one girl who seemed to be vying for my attention as well. Never having dealt with someone chasing me, I wasn't sure how to play the game.

Jenny Fields was always asking me to help her with one thing or another from class. I got the feeling that she really knew the material, but was trying to get closer to me. Shortly before school started up that fall, I found Jenny waiting for me by my car in the parking lot.

"Why don't you like me George?"

I was dumbfounded. I had no idea how to answer that. "Who says I don't like you Jenny? I know I have never said anything to that effect."

"You don't have to say it. I have been practically throwing myself at you all summer and you have never even asked me out for coffee or anything."

"I'm sorry I gave you that impression. It's just, well; I really don't have that much experience playing the dating game."

"So you already have a girlfriend?"

"No I don't have a girlfriend."

"So you're gay?"

"Oh hell no I aint gay! It's just my best friend in high school was a girl. I never really dated anyone because they all thought I was dating her."

"Where is this friend now?"

"Who knows? Who cares? I could care less."

"Wow! I take it she burned you somehow."

I could feel my face turning red. "Who says she burned me?"

"It's written on your face George. Your mouth said 'Who Cares, ' but you looked lost saying it. Look, why don't you and I go over to Sherman's and get some lunch. My treat. You can tell me all about it."

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A Means to an End “I don’t know, Bobby… are you sure I’ll like this?” “Come on, Jaime. Don’t leave me hangin’ girl…” “But, I’m not sure what to do?” “It’s easy, babe. Just pretend it’s a big lollipop.” “Okay…” Ever so slowly, Jaime began to stroke the massive cock in front of her. Her grasp was tentative and her hands trembled. She had never done anything like this before. As she began to lick the tip, a million questions and worries entered her mind. What if she...

4 years ago
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The Knock

It was all she could do not to watch the clock. She paced back and forth through the house, a not-so-easy feat due to the black leather heels he had told her to wear. They went well with the lace lingerie he provided but they were foreign to her. Not anything like she was used to. Allyson was more of a casual girl and it was Max’s laid-back spirit that attracted her to him. He was easy to talk to and kept her laughing. Everything about them was easy and natural which is what had Allyson so...

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My pathetic life

I look out the window at the dark grey sky passing by, clouds overlapping the tips of evergreens fading into dusk. I am wrapped by white walls and digital dreams, the tv, the plush couch in which I eternally lie, masturbating furiously in the spit of noon washing against the windows. Mom comes home. I pretend to play video games while searching for bizaar pornographic content on the incalculable internet, that stream of consciousness permeating the folds of the cerebral destiny, flick-flashing...

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Fucking My Dream Aunty

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers! I am a follower and a big fan of this website. After reading so many stories/encounters or experiences of people, I felt like it is my turn to share my encounters with women.I am going to share some real life incidents. This is not a story. I have not added any artificial masala and all. But I have changed the names of the women and my name. This is a real incident with this hot aunty. First, let me tell you about me. I am the only son of my parents. My...

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TeamSkeetXEvilAngel Adriana Chechik Gaping Anal With Adriana

Sexy superstar Adriana Chechik licks a pool stick and exposes her plump ass. Stud/director Jessy Jones whips out his thick cock and teases her juicy pussy. She stuffs anal beads into her tight butthole, and Jessy fucks her cunt. Adriana shoves a cue ball up her ass and shoots it onto the pool table! She gives him a messy blowjob; he fucks her face while she masturbates. Jessy porks Adriana’s butthole, and she squirts girl juice on his stiff cock. See a drooling, ass-to-mouth blowjob and...

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fill the need in me by jayded lustAnother conference, another hotel, another spot on the map. On this night, Glen decided to skip out on dinner and drinks with his colleagues in search of the soul of the city. He could only socialize with the other conference participants for so long before he went crazy wanting real human interaction. There was only so much academic pretension that he could take. He walked the crowded downtown streets in the warehouse district where all of the city's nightlife...

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Can You Help Me Please

Can you help me please? Can you help me please? I really need help. You see my brother is missing. I can't find him anywhere. The police want to find him too, but I think they just want to put him in jail. It's really a mystery. The only thing I have to go on is this Asian girl that doesn't speak any English and a cheap medallion. The medallion was in an envelope tucked in my brother's boots. That's the only reason I think it might be important Maybe I better start from the...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 27 Katiersquos Torment

“Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!” the hot wife panted, “Fuck me!” Katie moaned, “Harder!” Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large diamond on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a steady pace inside her moist slit. The hot wife regretted what...

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Lightning in the Night

The tall, pretty brunette walked, full of confidence, into the office waiting room. It was a confidence that faded just a bit as she saw the long line of equally beautiful young women that had gotten there ahead of her. Walking up to the receptionist’s desk, the twenty-five year old started to introduce herself to the older woman but was cut off as the seated blond handed her a small handful of forms. “Put your name on the waiting list, then have a seat and fill these out,” she said, not even...

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Life Under Cam! Voyeurism is a fetish old as time. For as long as people have been fucking, there has been some sad, lonely guy who has wanted to watch those people fucking. I guarantee you that, even in the days when Neanderthals ruled the earth, there was a cave woman getting fucked monkey style by her mate and some other cave man was watching, unbeknownst to the couple, jacking his dick out of sight. It’s just human nature to be curious; it’s just human nature to want to see other people...

Live Voyeur Cams
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Chanel And EugeneAnd AaliyahAnd Dylan 15

“We’re going to be remodeling soon,” is the third thing out of my boss’s mouth when I get to work. “Remodeling? When?” I ask a little surprised. When does that ever happen? “In a few of weeks. We’re re-doing the main floor, so we’ll be closed for a few days. It’ll bring in more business when it’s done,” Angela says with coffee in her hand. “So, I won’t be working?” I ask, hanging my jacket on the coat rack. “Nope. But you’ll be paid anyways, it’s a non contracted upgrade." She smiles at me...

Group Sex
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me n my young niece

this is a true story when i was 11 years old i started to fuck my niece who was 9 at the time.it started one morning when my brother came down to see my dad n mam. my brother came with is daughter ellie.on the night my dad ask me to look after ellie when ever go out for a bit so i said yh ok then.when ever left me n my niece was on the bed watchin tv n she asked me about sex i was so shocked n i asked her how does she know this n she said i saw my mummy n daddy have sex. i didt no wot to do or...

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Turned Out Another Girl Lesbian

Miranda walked from the restroom hallway back into the noisy, smoke filled dance club. As she turned the corner she glanced to her left and came to a sudden stop, eyes wide. The table in the corner, where all the rich girls from the college had been sitting was now nearly empty. She recognized the only girl remaining, a tall, stunning blonde in a revealing black & silver outfit, as Pam, one of the schools leading upper class party girls. But what made Miranda stop so suddenly was Pam's...

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GirlsWay Bella Rolland Alexis Tae Sex Appeal

Bella Rolland, a business owner, is having a first meeting with a branding consultant, Alexis Tae. Bella’s business is fast growing and she wants to send out the right messages to consumers with new branding. As they settle in, Alexis asks some questions about the business, though nothing stands out in Bella’s responses — it’s nothing that Alexis hasn’t already heard a million times before, so she wants to dig deeper. Alexis then asks if she can find out more about...

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The Shaws

The Family Shaw.This wicked tale is set mostly in the North-West of England and starts in January 1820. This was not a good time to be poor in England, and a great, great many people were poor. Mad King George 111 died on the 29th of the month and his son became George 1V. The extent of civil unrest in the, newly, United Kingdom at that time was very much greater than is commonly realised and in the 12 months either side of January 1820 a total well in excess of 100 citizens would die and many...

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Samantha8217s Dream Come True

Hi Friends, its wasim again leke aaya hu apne ek aur sex experience ko share karne. Apne bare main batadu main Mumbai se hu aur ek private tour firm main acche post pe hu with good physics ;) so jo koi lady ya girl mujh se baat enjoy karna chahe let me know. Mera mail ID hai And yes aap mere saath bilkul safe ho kyunki main pyar se pyar karta hu… meri pichali stories se mujhe kafi acche response mile aise hi acche response mujhe inspire karte hai so main unko yaha share karta hu…. Meri pichali...

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Rough and Ready

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance Parkour - An activity with the aim of moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as possible. It had been a long year for Tracey McMann. Up until twelve months ago, everything had been fine. Then she turned thirty, and the responsibilities of life began to overwhelm her. She missed her life as a professional student. She missed Grant's Pass and she hated San Francisco. That was almost an oxymoron; nobody hated San...

2 years ago
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First Experience After Divorce

Hi, i have been quite an avid reader of stories published in db for last 2-3 years. Hence i decided to tell my own experience, but after changing the names for obvious reasons. I am Sweta, 42 years old divorced lady staying with my parents now in Mumbai. I have been divorced since 2008 at the age of 36 because of husband’s attitude and brutal nature. I had married him on the words of my parents. He was a douche bag from the start. He always used to enjoy himself and never bother about my...

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Teachers Pet Ch 9

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

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TightsChapter 2

It was the smell of bacon that woke me the second time. I think. I opened my eyes and then blinked them a few times just to check that I was really awake. Zoe was standing in my kitchen. That's not far from the bed. It's not much of an apartment. She was wearing a pair of old-school headphones. Mine. The headphone cord swung crazily as she danced almost silently. The lower end of it was plugged into what must have been my iPod. The iPod was tucked up against Zoe's hip. Tucked inside her...

3 years ago
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My Loving Rose

Introduction: Tender love is always beautiful even in times long past (A piece of historical fiction) France, 1626 His brown eyes watched her as she walked, her steps heavy yet graceful. He let his eyes rove up and down her frame as she confidently marched ahead of him along the busy cobblestone Paris street, the swinging of her hips causing his fingers to itch with the urge to hold them. She stopped and looked back at him curiously when she felt him dropping behind her, her water blue eyes...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 33 Extra StoryYahikos Fight the End

At the home of the owner of the Akabeko (Mikio and his men are gathered outside, hooded and masked.) Mikio: All right... let's go! Fighter: Are... are we really going to do this, Mr. Mikio? Mikio: What? You're not getting scared now. I told you already, the merchant's money was once the money of the samurai families. If it's not going back in exactly the right direction, who cares. There's no way we can fail. Since the stupid girl gave us the molds for the keys-- (the keys disappear...

4 years ago
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Ainsely 17

Ainsely had been busy these past two weeks, finishing up the courses she'd been taking at Louisville, taking exams, turning in papers, and spending every spare minute with Javon. I stayed pretty busy myself at work and doing my best to get in any time with her I could... that is when she wasn't “otherwise occupied with Javon.” She rarely had time to cook anything so I either fixed myself a sack lunch or caught something to eat out.As usual, I wound up one afternoon sitting across from Bob at...

Wife Lovers
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Fallen Here I was in this dirty dingy bathroom in an equally dirty dingy run down rat trap of a motel fixing my makeup and making sure my lingerie looked good for my "date". I couldn't help but think just how far I had fallen in my life. Only a few months ago, I was a successful attorney in a large law firm getting ready to become a full partner. Then my world came crashing down around me. Back then I liked to stop off on my way home and pick up young, big titted street whores...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 20 Memories of Sainte Jacqueline

I have successfully passed all the phases of my purification and slave training. As promised, my Master has accepted me back as soon as I was released from the prison beneath the Eglise Sainte Jacqueline. My life is back to normal - as far as a relationship consisting of a Master, a Mistress and a slave can be called normal. It is normal in the sense that my Master has returned to using all three of my orifices and my Mistress allows me to pleasure her with my tongue. How long was I held...

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The Good YearsChapter 56

Mama spun a circumstantial evidence argument in order to make her case about Maravelle and Kyle being lovers. It mostly came down to looks that they'd been observed exchanging, and this one time that Mama had seen Kyle lightly run the back of his hand across a seated Maravelle's neck. I hadn't seen any of what she described. I knew I didn't pay as much attention to those kinds of things as I used to, but still, I thought I would have noticed something if it had all been like what Mama...

2 years ago
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Caravan Adventure Pt 1

About a month after I’d been to the cinema I decided to ring the number given to me, it rand a couple of times and then this voice answered “Hello” “Hi I was the one in the cinema” “Oh I wondered if you’d ring you want to meet up?” “Maybe”, he said “I’ll meet you at the park entrance on Thursday 2pm” “Ok”.I was parked outside the entrance when this little car drew up behind me, he got out and opened my passenger door and there was the blond lad from the cinema, the one I’d been watching and who...

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Sluts Training Day The Beginning

Hi, this is my first story so please leave a comment or a score and feel free to embellish or add to it. She was cold, shivering and every part of her body ached from the restraints that were holding her spread eagled and suspended mid air. Every muscle in her body was being stretched to its absolute limit. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks as she wondered how she got here. She had gone for an interview as a Personal Assistant and that’s the last thing she can remember. She heard footsteps...

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Femdom In A Small City Part 1

Hello, this is raj from india. Jab me bcom part 3 me tha tab mujhe femdom ka chaska lag gaya, samay ke saath wo badta gaya. Ghar me mast sister thi jiski shaadi ho gai thi. Gradution ke baad mene job start ki. Meri job basicly office job thi. So I was happy with my job. Office me meri TL ek smart girl Tanya thi. Abhi meri job ki starting thi to mujhe kafi kuch sikhna tha. Meri tl bahut coprative thi khas kar ke mere saath. Jab kabhi mujhe koi bhi problem hoti me direct uski kabin me jakar...

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Esta soy Yo This is Me

A/N: I’ve been inspired to write this when I was listening to the song ‘Esta soy yo’ by ‘El sueño de morfeo’, one of my all-time favourites… I just wanted to portray a different perspective on the glamour life that many people crave for. But remember, any of the characters and events herein are entirely fictional. * They said I needed to laugh a little more. Whenever my face was tightened, they told me to open up and show my pearly whites. ‘You need to make a pouty mouth, with just this...

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The Cabin

We drove up from the city for the weekend. No words were spoken but fervent glances and shy smiles were all that was needed to know what was on the others mind. I was still dressed in my teaching attire, you in a dark suit. We had been seeing each other off and on for a long time, but this was the first time we had gotten to get away for the weekend. It was quiet and dark when we arrived at the cabin. The caretaker, having followed directions left the door unlocked. You took my hand as we...

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OpportunitiesChapter 13

Breakfast was loud and rowdy. It was only Tuesday but felt like Friday, time to party. Reality sunk in, and everyone settled down to eat breakfast before going to classes. I needed to hustle through the day, including lunch, as I needed to be at the baseball field early to warm up in case I was called on to play. Shouldn’t have bothered. I did pinch hit in bottom of ninth. I got a decent single, but it didn’t help, as no one drove me in. We lost 7 to 2, bummer. Supper and library were...

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EvilAngel Kendra Cole SquirtSoaked Anal And A2M

Kendra Cole — a skinny li’l squirt that squirts — wears skimpy lingerie, ready for a serious backdoor slam-fuck. A teasing strip-and-masturbation show results in an intense, gash-gushing orgasm. Alpha stud Zac Wild fingers the young redhead’s cunt till it spews ejaculations of girl juice. Drool flows from choking Kendra’s tiny mouth as she gives a blowjob, and then Zac tosses her on the couch for a hard pussy fuck. That warms Kendra up, so Zac ups the ante with...

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Divine Pleasure

I had come home from a long day, one of those days that never seemed like it could end. Thankfully it did. I ran home as fast as I could, but not speeding the car too fast as to avoid a ticket. It was already dark outside, a little cool for an October night. Closing the car door with my hip and locking the door. Fumbling through my purse for the keys to the door, but pushing it open before I could even turn the handle. Someone was in there. Turning on the hallway light and looking around my...

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Ascendance A Romance Part 4

Ascendance, A Romance (Part 4) [This completes the story of Ishmael’s journey of self-discovery. It will make more sense if you read parts 1 and 2.] I got home shortly after noon. Snapshots of all the things that happened last night kept flashing through my brain like a high-speed slideshow, with a still image of Julie’s face staring down at me with a mixture of triumph and contempt popping up every few seconds like a refrain. My head was spinning so badly I had to lie down on the couch....

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Part 4 Saturday movies

Part 4 Saturday movies. Saturday morning waking up after a good nights sleep, with a throbbing hard morning glory cock as the moment I opened my eyes I was looking forward to spending time with my naughty girlfriend at the mall. Off to the bathroom I went and straight away hopped into the shower. With warm water running over my body I started stroking my hard cock, thinking and imagining it being deep in Candice's wet pussy, fucking her rough and hard as she lay on her back and as I'm about to...

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Neighbors Daughter

Another boring day at my home office working with clients and spreadsheets. It was nice outside and as I looked out my window, there she was again, my neighbors 18 year old daughter. In their backyard, wearing those black short shorts again cavorting with a couple of her friends. As they continued to talk, chat and fool around I kept watching. Sometimes they would wrestle a little and my neighbors daughter continued to show flashes of her hot thighs. I started to get hard in my pants as I...

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A Lusty Bus Journey

By : Sexyboy1989 Hi friends this is sexy boy again here meri pichli story fucking a virgin in haridwar ko bahut accha response mila hai meri id hai aur ab aap mujhe orkut par bhi add kar sakte hai to ab main apni nayi story shuru karta hu. ye baat tab ki hai jab main jaipur apne dosto ke saath ghumne ke liye gaya hua tha hum log mere hometown se jaipur ke liye raat main nikle aur subha ko Jaipur pahunch gaye. Waha par jaakar humne ek hotel main room liya thodi der rest kiya aur ghumne...

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Tim and Abbie 34 The garden

Spring came upon them as a soft, warm breeze.  Offering delights for all.  For some special ones, sexual enchantments also, which they share with ones they love.  Open windows to let the gentle wind in does lead to libidos charging.  Morning moans fill the air in concert with the birds chirping.It is a couple of weeks since the evening visit from Abe.  Abbie and Tim are getting into a nice routine for work and play.  They have kept to themselves a good deal, but that is what happens at the...

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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 5

With Connie standing in front of him and between his legs, Tommy was in the perfect position for her show. At her lusty request, he reached out to pluck the waistband of her tiny lace panties and eased them down over her swaying hips as she danced for him. He moved slowly revealing an inch or two at a time, savoring his treat.Her pussy was soaked and the sopping wet panties clung to her sex for a moment before pulling free and sliding down her long, lean legs. She stepped out of them, hooking...

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KellyChapter 16

As they talked, they heard a helicopter approach and land close by. Ames’ aide got out, followed by Kevin Murphy who was carrying a cardboard box. He ran up and saluted Kelly who then looked at him carefully. His eyes still showed black, but there was now only a Band-Aid across the bridge of his nose. He saluted Ames and said, “General, your lunch, sir!” He opened the box and Kelly started to laugh. In the box were a dozen wrapped hot dogs. She helped herself and passed the box around. Solov...

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Jen Mikey and me

I was in the military and took an assignment overseas and I was somewhat pleased to leave my wife, Jen, and her daughter back in the states. My wife was a domestic terror who kept me under control by using my fear of her anger. My step-daughter was as pleasant as she could be and I missed her company. We probably bonded over our subservience to her mother and our efforts at family life were very much directed at keeping the peace. Jen was in the military also and requested an assignment to my...

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Getting There

Study, come on Nika study, she kept telling herself that, but the information wouldn’t stay in her mine. Her hands were over her face; all she could think about was that she had to pass. It was her last exam and if she got it, she would be able to start working and earn money. To start being independent and not rely on her parents, but why? She asked herself. Why the fuck won't this information just stay in my head.Nika was young, hot and sexy. At 21 years old she was only getting more...

Group Sex
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Stop WatchChapter 4

As I made my way down the street, I did so with an attitude that was completely different than the one I had been in when I had walked it earlier. Instead of being in a daze of confusion and guilt-filled lust, I felt cocky; sure in my mind that I was doing the right thing. So I couldn’t trust myself with Kara - so what? I was sure that anyone would be tempted if were they in the same situation I was in - if they had access to the same power I did. I arrived back at the house and sauntered...

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My friend Lily

I sat with my best friend Lily at lunch time, under the big tree outside the college entrance. It was a warm day so we both wore our favorite short skirts, white singlets and relaxed spread out on the grass, facing each other. She smoked a cigarette while I talked to her about my love life. ‘Men just aren’t satisfying anymore, I need to find a woman-they know how to pleasure another woman properly!’ I said, with a smile. Lily stared at me as I talked, a little startled by how much I was open...

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Landlord part twotoes and feet

They way the rules are is there no locks only the main door has a lock so u have to have a key to the main door only tents and jerry and 5 of his friends have keys . its a everday thing to come home from work and hear moaning and baning are find a old man in bed pounding my young wifes tight pussy. the set up is nice any husband are wife can fuck who they want in the house we understand the rules it go's hubby's ,jerry's friends'jery all the young wifes pussy belong to jerry and jerry pnly....

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 31 Selling the Bedmaid

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Echur Castle, the Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Mmm, you just look scrumptious,” I told my bedmaid Greta outside of Shevoin’s room. “He’s going to eat you up.” “That’s the plan,” Greta said, the sixteen-year-old’s face pink. Her blonde pigtails danced across her shoulders as she trembled. Her blue eyes twinkled. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked her. “My princess, I gave you my cherry,”...

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