Making Love Under The Rainbow
- 4 years ago
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"It ain't over, 'til it's over." Yogi had it right, at least when it came to Angela and me. She introduced herself in my office while I was fixing a bug in our new operating system. I was in the IT department at the Indemnity Assurance Company and deep in thought when she said, "Hi, I'm Angie." I gave her a fake smile and went back to my problem-solving mission.
I wasn't trying to be rude, but that's how she saw it. Being sociable at that moment would simply be an unacceptable disruption, even though Angie was a very attractive girl. Cute described her best because Angie looked like one of our high school interns. It turned out she had been hired as our AI or artificial intelligence expert. Who would have guessed she was a computer expert? Angela was assigned the office adjacent to mine. That became a welcome diversion.
I tried to make amends. Angela wasn't going to forgive me for being uncivil. It took a week before she would even talk to me. I profusely apologized and said, "Let's bury the hatchet. Let me take you out for a drink."
She said NO. I tried humor, "Moses had the first tablet that could connect to the cloud." Ha ha ha. She called me a jerk. I tried again. "How about this one?" I asked. "I love pressing F5. It's so refreshing." Her eyes rolled.
Okay, you can't win 'em all but like I said, it wasn't over.
I tried the after work drink idea again with the same result. When her birthday came up on the company mail system, I sent her flowers. She said she didn't like dandelions. They were yellow daisies. My masculinity was being challenged, so I kept trying.
There was a breakthrough at an office party. It was an after-work affair at a local club for drinks and hors d'oeuvres. The booze was flowing and everyone was in high spirits, including Angie. It was a tough situation watching the male staff buzzing around her like drones on their queen. I was the drone that wasn't included.
Fortified with three martinis, I gathered up the courage to ask Angie for a date. She said, "Sure," like when you agree only to get someone to leave you alone.
At work, I asked Angie when she was free. "Free for what?" she asked.
"Our date. You agreed to have a date with me."
"I did? I must have been drunk."
"Drunk or not, when are you free?"
We negotiated and settled on having lunch together. It didn't happen.
The weeks went by without much contact with Angie. Ricky, a colleague of mine, who had taken her out a couple of times made only one comment, "Christ she's hot!" Soon after that, I heard through the grapevine that she was dating the boss.
The rumor was that the boss had taken her to Kentucky for a business meeting. The truth was that they went there for the Derby. Then there were trips to the Super Bowl and the World Series. It's impossible to compete with that kind of influence. It's good to be the boss.
Angie married Mark, our boss, a year later. She left the firm to care for her first born. A second baby arrived two years later. The staff gave him a surprise party each time. The boss passed out cigars on both occasions. My heart wasn't in it.
I kept in contact with Angie over the years since she became an outside consultant. Most of it was by e-mail or phone calls, and we became friends. On a wintry afternoon, she called my office to wish me a Merry Christmas.
"Hey, how's it goin', Angie?"
"Could be better," she replied. "The kids are all excited about Santa, and I don't know what to get Mark. What do you get a man that has everything?"
"Do you know the song, 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus'? Every guy likes to be romanced, if you know what I mean. It's a gift that keeps on giving. It never gets old."
"Well, Bernie, that's the problem. You know Mark used to be so affectionate in bed but in the past several months, the magic we had is gone. I found out why last month. I read a text on his cell from that big tit bimbo in Receivables. My husband has been cheating on me, Bernie. I don't know what to do."
I said, "Look, let's meet for lunch next week and talk about it."
"Sure, why not. It's got to be after the first of the year. I've got decorating for the holidays, presents to buy for the kids, and contact my lawyer."
After all those years, Angie finally went to lunch with me. It was a cold and snowy January day when we met at Olive Garden. When Angie arrived, she looked tired and drawn. Even her electric smile was missing. She wasn't the woman I remembered from the last year's office party when she wore a Santa outfit. Angie looked so cute and sexy that night. It brought back the feelings I had for her from the past.
I helped her off with her coat, then she sat opposite me. "Bernie, it's good to see you again. My god, it's cold out there."
"Yeah, glad we finally could have lunch together like you promised."
"Like I promised? What do you mean?"
"Oh, never mind. It was long ago."
"Bernie, I've only got an hour. So let's order."
I signaled the waiter. We ordered two martinis and a light lunch.
At first, it was a little awkward. "We missed you at this year's office party," I stammered.
"Yeah, one of my kids was sick. Anyway, I didn't feel up to it this year."
"What's goin' on?"
She sipped her martini, then looked for an answer in the bottom of the glass. "I don't know, Bernie. I've decided to get a divorce. My whole life has fallen through the roof. I never expected this to happen. Mark and I were going to be the perfect couple living in the perfect house with a perfect yard and a picket fence. We were going to have six perfect kids."
"Well, you got the house, yard, and fence along with two beautiful kids."
"Yeah, and a husband that can't keep his hands off the hired help."
"There was more than just Millie in Receivables?"
"Do you want a list, Bernie? By last count, it was five girls, all younger than me. One is the college daughter of my best friend. She worked for him as an intern."
"You're still beautiful, Angie, and if you don't mind me being presumptuous, sexy."
"Thanks, Bernie. I needed someone to say that. I mean I knew Mark liked the ladies when I met him. When I worked at Indemnity, the secretaries warned me about Mark. I didn't condemn the man because he was a womanizer. It wouldn't be fair. I had my own college experiences as well.
"Mark took me everywhere. He was so exciting to be with and we both loved sex. We couldn't get enough of each other, so I shacked up with him for most of the year before I married him. Did you know I was pregnant before Mark and I were married? Hey, you might have seen me as a prude when we first met, but I have my own stories."
"You want to tell me about it?"
"Not now, maybe later. Let's say I liked boys and Mark likes girls. We were a match made in heaven. I hope that doesn't shock you."
"Not at all. This isn't nineteen-fifty when your parents were young."
She agreed, saying, "Yeah, I guess so."
We finished our lunch. As she left, I asked her to dinner. She said, "I'll let you know. I'm still a married woman," and gave me a warm kiss.
I didn't hear from her for several weeks, then she sent me a text asking about a Saturday night dinner engagement. "Mark is taking the kids to the Bucks' game. Will that night work for you?"
At six-thirty, I picked her up and drove to a fondue restaurant. That seemed like an interesting way to share a dinner and a few stories. We enjoyed a bottle of wine and a very nice meal while talking about everything from the kids, her divorce, and sex.
Angie and Mark were in the process of finalizing their divorce. Mark had moved out. She would get the kids except on weekends. Angie would also stay in the house titled in her name. She felt it was a fair settlement.
I told her a joke about a couple getting a divorce. "They were in the lawyer's office," I said, "when the wife says, 'I wish you had tried to screw me this much while we were married'."
She giggled and said, "That says it all, Bernie, but that's not the worst of it. Divorce is painful."
"So tell me about your stories."
"What stories?"
"You said you had interesting college experiences."
"Oh, that. Well, it really started in high school. You know how it was, Bernie, teenagers trying to learn about sex. So much were just rumors or just plain wrong. Anyway, I was in my dad's workshop looking for a hacksaw for my junior project and stumbled on a box labeled 'Navy'. He was an Ensign in the Navy."
She continues, "Along with some Navy memorabilia, there was a stack of porn magazines. One was called Screw and there were others. I learned a lot from those magazines. That's when I found out that girls can have sexual pleasures too. I'd sneak a magazine up to my room and masturbate like crazy."
"Were you a virgin?" I asked.
"At first, but later that spring, I was wearing my cheerleader's skirt when my boyfriend pulled down my panties and, well, you know, we had sex."
"Was it good?" I inquired.
"I don't remember that it was good, but it was exciting. It got better and better my senior year, especially when I got a new boyfriend, a college guy."
"Then you went away to college and the extracurricular activities continued?"
"Yes and no. I really don't want to get into that tonight."
It was nine o'clock when we left the restaurant. She invited me in for coffee. The coffee never got brewed. Both of us knew where we were headed, and it was straight to the bedroom.
There she was, naked and beautiful like I had imagined. I deep throated her mouth with my tongue, then she took my quivering cock down hers. Hell, I was steely hard and oozing precum the second she started sucking my dick.
I went down on her sweet pussy, doing some sucking and licking of my own until she whispered, "Fuck me, Bernie. I'm ready for you now."
She was wet when I slipped in. Angie was active, bucking her hips to mine, making me go deep with each thrust. I just wanted this to last forever but that isn't what happened. Time and time again I plunged into her until I couldn't hold it any longer. While I shot load after load into her, she shouted, "More, Bernie, more. Shoot me full of your hot cum."
Wow, it never occurred to me she would be that hot.
Both of us had worked up a considerable sweat by the time we had finished. She took me in the shower, gave me a blow job, then said I had to leave. "Mark and the kids will be home before midnight. Thanks for a nice evening."
I drove away just as Mark was pulling into their driveway.
The next time I saw Angie was on Mark's birthday. Their divorce was nearing a settlement, and Angie said she wouldn't feel comfortable at the party. The kids were picked up at two, the party was at two-thirty. I arrived at her house at three. She was ready to play, meshed stockings, a garter belt, and not much else.
Angie had me on my knees while she sat on the bedside with her legs spread, pushing my head between her thighs. My god, what a pussy. She was shaved except for a tuft of hair above her slit. Her pussy was perfect. Everything was in its place, no extra protrusions, just pouty and swollen pussy lips. She was so wet it wasn't long before she came on my tongue.
I fingered her slowly at first, then finger fucked her faster and faster into another orgasm until she pulled me on the bed giving my cock and balls the attention they demanded. She was an expert cock sucker.
Angie rolled me on my back and mounted me seconds later. Her breathing was rapid as she pumped my cock like an oil rig. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," she hollered. "Ooogh, wait, wait, Bernie, I'm almost there." Of course, my own self-control was about to expire. "I'm cumming, oh fuck, I'm cumming," she yelled. At that moment, I erupted inside her with a half dozen gushing spurts.
I continued to see her on the weekends when the kids were with Mark. We called them fuck parties. Sometimes I would stay the night, Most of the time I went home, but not before she had several orgasms and a couple of mine, as well.
Angie said that on the afternoon of Mark's birthday party, she decided to make a short appearance. There was something awesome about Angie attending her husband's party with my cum coating her tight cunny hole. Nothing could have made me happier.
Angie's college stories were wonderful as well. She was very open about college sex.
"My roommate, Ginger, and I went to bars to pick up guys. We would play pool, and watch how the guys slid the cue between their fingers. Ginger liked the guys who moved quickly. I liked the slow methodical boys. It was a pretty good indication of how we were going to fuck each night."
Angie continued with another story about Ginger and her double-dating and screwing guys in their dorm at opposite sides of the room.
"Did you swap partners?"
"No, we never did that, probably because the guys couldn't get it up a second time."
"Have you had two guys double team you?"
"No, but I dated two guys on the same day. I watched a football game at a friend's apartment. He was a guy I had met in class. We had sex at halftime. I had to leave as soon as the game ended to meet my date. He was a really handsome black dude who was married. He said they had a trial separation. He fucked me once in my pussy and once in my ass. I never wanted anal again after that."
Angie and I kept our weekend parties regularly. She told me more about herself, and I never tired of eating her lovely pussy. She responded with a pussy so wet and slippery, orgasms came easily for her.
Angie had a technique after I had cum that was so sensuous that it almost equaled fucking her. She would softly stroke my back, giving me incredible sensations. It was as if my skin had acquired a new set of erotic nerves after ejaculating.
I asked her if she had been with a girl. Angie said, no, but she had thought about it.
I changed the subject. "Look," I said, "I have a pal who has a timeshare in Cabo San Lucas. He told me I could join him if I could get away."
"Where is Cabo San Lucas?"
"It's at the southern tip of Baja California."
"Oh, California. I've never been there."
"No, actually it's part of Mexico."
"When are you leaving?"
"Next month, the week before my birthday. I thought you'd like to go with me, and we could celebrate together."
"Oh, Bernie, I can't. You know with the kids and everything since my divorce, I can't leave home. I'll make it up to you," and she did.
Before I left for Cabo, Angie took me out for dinner at a very exclusive hotel restaurant and booked a room in the Honeymoon Suite. We never had a chance to sleep. There wasn't a position in Kama Sutra that we didn't try and some we invented. It was an unforgettable night of pleasure and the most romantic night of my life. I had fallen hopelessly in love with Angie and hated to leave on my vacation. I wanted her with me. I wanted her as my life's partner.
Cabo was spectacular. The weather was warm and sunny. The ocean was perfect. My pal was a gracious host sharing his beautiful copper-skinned Mexican girlfriend with me. The young girl was an exotic dancer with breathtaking tits. She was moonlighting as a hooker. Her name was Maria who didn't want to do DP until we offered her a sizeable incentive, in dollars. She was willing and able to satisfy us both, but Angie was on my mind 24/7. I kept thinking how much greater my vacation would have been if she was in Cabo San Lucas with me.
I sent her a few text messages and several pictures. She didn't respond. Every day I sent her a picture and a note saying, "Wish you were here." I received nothing from her until the last day. It only said, "We need to talk." My heart dropped. I knew it wasn't going to be a good thing.
When I got back home, it didn't go well. She said she had been seeing someone.
"How long, Angie?"
"Two months."
It dawned on me that she had been fucking the "someone" and me for that long. "Do I know him?"
"Probably. He works at Indemnity."
What's his name?"
"Holy shit. Ricky Morgan, the actuarial?" She nodded, yes. I couldn't believe it. "So what, he has a bigger cock than mine?"
"That's not it Bernie. I like your cock. I love the way you give me oral. No one does it better. Here's the deal. I want another kid. You don't want to be a father. Sure, you love sex, but you don't want what comes with it. Ricky loves kids. He wants to be a dad. So there it is. He wants to marry me and yes, he does have a bigger dick in case you need to know."
I was devastated. I tried to collect my wits. I looked at her adorable face with moisture building in my eyes. I left with as much dignity as possible. What can you say when the party's over?
We still keep in touch during birthdays and holidays, but I'll never forget her beauty, her smile, and the way she loved sex. I still have wet dreams, hallucinating about her lovely pussy.
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It was too dark outside to see anything. All you could do was hear. The footsteps, the heavy breathing, the panic as the duo ran for their lives. Darkness was preferred – light meant flashlights, and that meant that the very people they were running from were catching up to them. They knew not where they were running to, just who and what they were running from. After too long a time spent making their lungs bleed and legs beg for death, the pair saw no flashlight and heard no voice. Without a...
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Your constructive comments, emails, and critiques are welcome and appreciated. ********************** The note taped to the bathroom mirror read: Johnny, I’ve got nothing more to say to you, I can’t see things your way and you refuse to see things my way, so I’ve gone to stay with my sister in California. Please don’t try to contact me, I don’t want to see you again. Alyssa Now I was worried. I’d tried to call my wife Ally, short for Alyssa, at lunch time. We’d had a spat that morning...
Dating each other didn’t work out so well. All we really did was fuck each’s brains out other then go on really lousy. And when her brother saw us fucking once when we were at her house we knew we had to stop before it got in a real big mess. No way in hell was I getting coped by the feds for this shit. Her brother, Ryan, was in my graduation class and just didn’t seem to know that his baby sister was a lesbian slut magnet. I didn’t think he ever saw Megan as anything but a perfect little...
Dating didn’t work out. All we really did was fuck each other then go on dates. And when her brother saw us fucking once we knew we had to stop. Her brother was in my graduation class and just didn’t seem to know that his baby sister was a lesbian slut magnet. I didn’t think he ever saw Megan as anything but an angel. So when he happened to walk in on us fucking each other he flipped out and took her away. Now, with the school year starting to come to an end all I wanted for my spring break...
I’m nearing the end of Cal’s story, I just wanted to thank everyone who’s read the stories I have posted and to thank you all for your comments and criticism. Claire looked up as Cal walked into her office and gave him a bright smile. ‘Back to work already?’ Cal asked. ‘Without a full time doctor, this facility is practically useless,’ Claire told him. ‘Are you sure you’re up to working?’ Cal asked. ‘I’m fine Cal,’ Claire assured him. ‘And how is miss Kira?’ Cal asked, peeking in the...
CHAPTER THREE ‘Claire, what’s wrong?’ Cal asked, leaning down next to Claire. ‘I’m fine,’ Claire said, pulling her knees to her chest and trying to hide her tears. ‘Bull shit. What’s wrong?’ Cal wanted to know. ‘Are you okay? Is something wrong with the baby?’ Cal asked. ‘The baby and I are fine. I just got a call from my ex husband if you must know,’ Claire said. ‘What did he want?’ Cal asked, feeling possessive. ‘To meet me for lunch,’ Claire answered. ‘Hell no!’ Cal exclaimed. ‘It...
CHAPTER SEVEN ‘Hey Jess.’ Jessica turned around and grinned when she saw Claire standing in the doorway. ‘Welcome back!’ Jessica exclaimed. ‘Thanks. How are the kids?’ Claire wanted to know, resting her hands on her belly. ‘Growing like weeds. We’re working on the ABCs with Will already,’ Jessica answered, mixing the rest of the ingredients into her waffle batter. ‘You’re up way too early,’ Danny grumbled, walking into the kitchen. ‘I know, but Jake called while you were checking on the...
‘Jessica!’ Jake shouted as he ran towards her. Jessica allowed Jake to give her a hug. ‘How is he?’ Jake wanted to know. ‘Pretty bad,’ Jessica admitted. ‘Claire actually threw up when she saw him.’ Jake’s eyes widened. ‘Of course, that could have something to do with her being pregnant,’ Jessica added. Jake chuckled. ‘When will we know anything?’ Jake asked. ‘I don’t know, but I hope soon,’ Jessica whispered. ‘Who’s with Will and Kylie?’ Jessica wanted to know. ‘Craig and Caitlin,’ Jake...
CHAPTER FIVE ‘What is going on here?’ Danny wanted to know. ‘Cal is being a pig headed jack ass!’ Claire shouted. ‘And Claire is acting like being pregnant doesn’t change anything!’ Cal exclaimed, the vein in his shoulder pulsing, his anger coursing through him. ‘Of course it changes things, but I can still have a career!’ Claire said, her voice shrill. ‘You should be resting and taking care of yourself!’ Cal said. ‘This is insane! Jessica worked for YOU during the majority of all of...
‘Cal has been tipped off about me. He is taking away all cell phones. I had to pull the fire alarm just to contact you. All outgoing calls must be routed through the switchboard. I will hide this cell phone where Cal and his men cannot find it. You cannot call me, I must call you,’ he said quietly into his cellular phone. ‘I’ll be in touch,’ he added before hanging up the phone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘Is everyone okay?’ Cal asked as his men and women fanned out outside the compound. ...
‘Matt, why are you doing this?’ Claire wanted to know as Matt looked for the keys to his jeep. ‘Because you know too much and I can’t risk you exposing anything else,’ Matt answered. ‘All I know is that you have a cell phone,’ Claire protested ‘And you told Cal. He’ll have people swarming the infirmary,’ Matt said, finding the keys and pushing Claire into the car. Matt got into the driver’s seat and sped from the compound. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘Claire isn’t in the infirmary,’ Jake said into his...
‘There’s nothing to talk about,’ Claire said, not looking up from her charts. ‘What do you mean there’s nothing to talk about? You’re pregnant with my baby. We have to talk about this,’ Cal growled. ‘No Cal, we don’t. I don’t expect anything from you,’ Claire said, closing the last chart. ‘Damn it Claire!’ Cal shouted, slamming his hands on the desk. Claire looked up, surprised at his out burst. ‘I won’t leave you to go through this alone,’ Cal said, his voice softer. ‘I don’t need help...
CHAPTER SIX ‘Happy Birthday Danny!’ Jessica exclaimed as Jake led Danny into the mess hall. Danny grinned as he saw the feast in front of him. ‘How long have you been working on this?’ Danny asked in awe. ‘The party, three months, the food, two days,’ Jessica answered laughing at his reaction. Danny kissed her in front of everyone causing some of the newer men to let out cat calls and whistles. ‘What, haven’t you ever seen a man kiss his wife before?’ Jake asked, laughing loudly as Danny...
Introduction: I apologize if you thought it was boring and i find it funny that someone mentioned there not being a plot, I hadnt realized there was one plot in one chapter instead of the whole story building and developing. What type of books do you read? Are you fucking kidding me? Dove you know Im allergic to cats. Dove held the cat protectively against her chest. You know Im allergic to cats, Carter pointed at Hunter, who shrugged and looked amused. You arent even here most of the time,...
Anna heard the sirens in the distance, their warning wail muted by blocks and blocks of wood framed houses. Automatically she listened for the nuances in tone and pitch that would tell her if they were drawing closer or would pass by into another part of the city. The sound grew louder, overshadowing the muted TV and its unfunny sitcom. They had turned off Geary, she decided, down Fillmore, or probably closer, Steiner or even Scott. She strained to hear. It was Steiner, the sound would have...
I drove my rented car down the long drive that was flanked on either side by perfectly manicured lawns and perfectly groomed trees. Although it was autumn, I can’t bring myself to call it fall, there was not one golden leaf lying at rest on the green grass. My mind imagined a Head Gardener seated in a watchtower with powerful binoculars held to his unblinking eyes as he scanned the grounds, ready to order an under-gardener into action, ‘Ramirez, a leaf has fallen in your sector, remove it...
Lacy trailed behind somewhat as she and Freja walked back to the white beach house with blue shutters which was their home. She was still wearing Gabriel’s cum on her face for Freja had forbidden her to wash it off in the warm ocean water, but she really wasn’t thinking about her messy face. Instead she was deep in thought about the unexpected things Freja had done before they parted company with Gabriel. For Freja to put a man’s cock in her mouth especially when it had semen on it seemed...
When the harsh morning light woke Lacy was surprised to see the chain holding her to the headboard was gone and her hands had been released from her cuffs. Clearly someone had been there during the night, but a quick glance around the bedroom and bath rendered no Freja, nor was there any indication her Mistress had slept beside her. Immediately Lacy felt an urgent desire to find her Mistress, but a hasty search of the upstairs yielded no sign of Freja. This surprised Lacy and instantly she...
Introduction: So after rereading the old version I also felt it was a little…lacking so I went back and fixed it. I hope its just as good as the first two or maybe even better! College was hard to deal with since the one person that I wanted to most was still in high school and in classes while I had nothing for the day. All through my math class I kept thinking of how her breasts looked so fuckable in the baby-top tops that she would wear when I was around her. Or how I just wanted her to fuck...
Introduction: I havent posted anything on here in a while so go easy on me. Prologue and Chapter one. Prologue Is hunter coming over? Is he, is he, is he? Dove followed her brother around the house. All she heard was Hunter. Yeah hes coming over but you arent hanging with us, her brother glared at her. But why? She wanted to play with them, she wanted to see Hunter. Mom! Dove wont leave me alone! Dove stood there, her eyes watering. Youra liar! she screamed. Dove saw her mama walk into...
How do you tell someone you want to be fucked within an inch of your life without sounding like a total whore? This was my dilemma with Matt. We met my first day at Channel Five where I’m a technical advisor and Matt is the hot smarty-pants who does complicated shit that makes my head spin. If I’m to be judged cruelly, I should mention that this was my first position after leaving university. Before then my resume sparkled with puffed up work experience from Hot Dog on a Stick, Go-Go Service...
Lacy awkwardly followed along behind her Mistress as Freja sauntered along the beach with the warm waves of the Pacific Ocean lapping at her feet as the setting sun dappled its fading light over both women’s nude bodies. As it was a private beach for the seven homeowners located on the three mile stretch of northern California coastline the two uninhibited lesbian lovers often walked naked displaying their lovely, lush bodies to whomever was walking the beach. However today it was impossible...
There’s a new girl I’ve seen around college, a striking redhead that I sometimes pass in the corridors between classes. She’s not taking any of my three subjects, so I’ve not had the chance yet to find out her name. I’ve noticed her a few times now, she’s a redheaded version of me in many ways, she’s small and petite and keeps herself to herself just like I do. The first time I saw the new girl I had to turn to take a second look at her and her wonderful long hair, take a few moments to admire...
When I entered college, I was a virgin. Not to say it was particularly unusual; I was a quiet, nerdy kid. I wasn’t ugly by any stretch of the imagination, but a little short, not very masculine, a little self-conscious and not hugely used to interacting with girls.I was eager to change this fact, but I felt like something of a romantic; I didn’t want a random hook-up, and besides, I wasn’t sure I had the confidence or know how to make anything happen that way.What I was sure of, was that there...
CrossdressingMy name is Thomas. I've always been on the relatively big side until this last summer. I grew tired of being the fat guy, and went on a diet, and an aggressive workout regimen I lost 50 lbs over the summer because of this. I'm 5 ' 11 and 220lbs. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I've always been a bit of an outsider. I play Baseball, but I'm not a star. I get decent grades, but I'm no honor roll student. High school went by like a blur. Birthdays, Christmases, New Years Days. Nothing really...
It's quite possibly the most populated high school within the Los Angeles area. With nearly 4500 students enrolled, the establishment is impressively large. Buildings are separated from one another to facilitate the task of going to class to class. There's the main building, where one would go for the basic courses; English, French, Spanish, Geography, etc. Then there's the Arts building, with music and all things related to art. And then the science building, for math and obviously science...
It was a hectic day at Tommy’s Roadside bar. Leah was the only waitress working that day, causing her to be a little late in serving her customers. Tommy, Leah’s boss, who is known to be an asshole to the waitresses, was especially hard on Leah. He yelled at her and threatened to fire her despite her pleas and explanations that it wasn't her fault she was late. And really it wasn't - she didn't have a car of her own so she rode the bus to and from work. And today the bus decided it was going to...
Straight SexWhen the harsh morning light woke Lacy was surprised to see the chain holding her to the headboard was gone and her hands had been released from her cuffs. Clearly someone had been there during the night, but a quick glance around the bedroom and bath rendered no Freja, nor was there any indication her Mistress had slept beside her. Immediately Lacy felt an urgent desire to find her Mistress, but a hasty search of the upstairs yielded no sign of Freja. This surprised Lacy and instantly she...
BDSMLacy trailed behind somewhat as she and Freja walked back to the white beach house with blue shutters which was their home. She was still wearing Gabriel’s cum on her face for Freja had forbidden her to wash it off in the warm ocean water, but she really wasn’t thinking about her messy face. Instead she was deep in thought about the unexpected things Freja had done before they parted company with Gabriel. For Freja to put a man’s cock in her mouth especially when it had semen on it seemed...
BDSMLacy awkwardly followed along behind her Mistress as Freja sauntered along the beach with the warm waves of the Pacific Ocean lapping at her feet as the setting sun dappled its fading light over both women’s nude bodies. As it was a private beach for the seven homeowners located on the three mile stretch of northern California coastline the two uninhibited lesbian lovers often walked naked displaying their lovely, lush bodies to whomever was walking the beach. However today it was impossible...
BDSMHello ISS readers, I am back after some time. Sorry for the delay in writing the concluding part of my last story about uptight Pallavi and how her employer appointed me as her manager on the mission to fucked her. If you have not read that, please read the first part first. Now, without wasting time, let’s dive into the story. The next day after our fucking session, I observed Pallavi was all bubbly and lively. She got what she was missing now – a good nice fuck by a man, unlike her husband...
Hello ISS readers, I am back with another experience of mine to share with you. By the way, thanks for liking my previous 2 stories. This happened a few years back. My friend, Sharat (all names changed as always), owns three dress showrooms in Hyderabad. He is completely professional when it comes to business, never mixing business with pleasure. That’s why he is so successful in his business. Though he fucks a lot of girls and aunties, he never touches any of his sales girls. But this girl,...
Growing up mom and dad never bothered with hiding their naked bodies from me or my younger sister. We were used to seeing everyone naked including grandma and grandpa and being a k** I never too much about that. But once I got close to puberty, things changed. Mom and granny started to cover up, and at first I thought nothing about it. But once puberty did hit, I wanted to what a woman looked like naked and that is when I noticed things had changed. I would do things like walk in mom's room...