Journey to Complete Submission
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Isabel had been my babysitter when I was younger, but I had not seen her for a number of years until I ran into her shortly after my sixteenth birthday. I was at a ski resort with a number of friends over the winter school break and saw her at the lodge after a day of skiing. Memories of her came flooding back.
"Ellen! Look at you all grown up. How old are you now?"
"I just turned sixteen last month."
"Hmm, sixteen, huh?"
"Yep, got my driver's license and everything."
"What are you doing here? Are you here with your parents?"
"No. a bunch of kids came here with one of the parents over the winter school holiday. Well for a week anyway; then we are heading back home. I would love to stay longer because next week there will be some Olympic tryouts going on. What about you?"
"Well, I have a cabin nearby, or my parents do anyway. But they hardly use it anymore, so I come up here whenever I can. I am here with some friends this time. Speaking of which, I do have to go meet up with them, but I would love to catch up with you before you leave. Are you free for lunch tomorrow?
"I think I can get away for a while. We are planning an afternoon of skiing, but if we meet for an early lunch; that should give us some time to talk."
"OK, shall we say about eleven at the small café in the lodge?"
"Now, don't you be late."
We parted ways and as I watched her walk away, feelings I did not quite understand crept up inside me. I almost felt like a child again, waiting for her to tell me what to do, and feeling just a little jealous that she had other friends taking up her time, but I would get to see her tomorrow and have her all to myself. I might even try and make up some excuse to not meet my friends for the afternoon skiing so I could spend all afternoon with her.
The next day, I sort of started sniffling around my friends in the morning. Several of us had planned a shopping trip to the small village not far from the resort where we were staying, but I begged off. I did not mention the lunch with my old babysitter but said if I did not feel better by the time they got back, I might skip the afternoon too. We had only been there a few days, so still had a week before we headed home.
After they all left for the village, I spent a good hour figuring out what to wear and then getting myself ready. I could barely contain myself and finally headed down to the café about fifteen minutes early. I sat out I the lounge area waiting and watching for Isabel to show up. About seven or eight minutes later, I spotted her walking through the main doors.
Isabel walked over and gave me a big hug, then we walked to the café, where she said something to the maitre d' who then seated us in a very quiet corner booth. I slid in and rather than sitting across from me, Isabel slid in next to me so close our thighs were touching. Several times while sitting there, Isabel touched my arm or rubbed her leg up against my thigh. One time she wrapped her arm around me and pulled me close.
"So tell me everything you have been up to since I last saw you. Do you have a boyfriend, or maybe a girlfriend yet? How are you doing in school?"
"Well, I have male and female friends, but have not dated anyone exclusively. My parents said I had to wait until I was sixteen to date and at least eighteen before I get serious with anyone. And I am doing well in school. I am taking mostly AP classes and have a 5.0 grade average."
"You always were quite the obedient little thing. So no sex yet?"
I blushed a deep red at her question.
"Uhm… well, no, not yet."
Isabel laughed which made me blush even more.
"Why are you blushing? Sex is quite a normal thing. Have you at least made out with someone?"
"Uhm, no… I know all about sex and I watched you make out sometimes. I didn't understand back then when you made out with girls. The word lesbian was not in my vocabulary. But you also made out with guys, so that had me somewhat confused."
Now it was Isabel's turn to blush a bit.
"You saw me doing that? I always waited until you were asleep, or at least I thought you were. Sneaky little thing. You apparently never mentioned it to your folks."
"No, I was afraid I would have gotten in trouble for some reason. You had already stopped sitting before I realized you would have been the one who would have gotten in trouble, and by then it was too late to say anything."
After the waitress came around for the third time, we finally ordered some food. We talked more about what each of us had been up to the last five years. Some of her questions were a bit cryptic, and it was not until later that I would understand what she had been talking about.
"What time are your friends going skiing?"
"They actually should be back from shopping anytime now."
I have an idea. Why don't you see if your friends might like to come to my cabin on Friday? I have some snowmobiles and there are tons of trails to ride them. There are also cross-country ski trails, and I live right on the lake, so if anyone would like to do some ice skating or even ice fishing, I am sure I can accommodate them. You can stay for dinner, then after, there is a Festival of Lights on the lake we can all watch."
"That does sound awesome, but we would have to clear it with Melissa and Jake's parents."
"Well, why don't you see if they are interested first, then I would be glad to talk to the parents and convince them I am not a serial killer. Here is my mobile number. Call me if they are interested and I will come over and talk to them."
"That sounds like a plan. I better get going and get suited up for skiing. I will call you one way or another."
Before I left, Isabel kissed me on the lips… not that big a deal, but I thought she lingered just a bit longer than normal. I hurried up to our room, and the other three girls were already there changing.
"Hey everyone… how was the shopping?"
"It was great! You missed a lot of fun. Though, not sure the guys would agree. They just took off somewhere once we got to the village. And just what have you been up to? We thought you weren't feeling well."
"I ran into an old babysitter of mine when I went to the gift shop for some cough drops, and we had some lunch. She has a cabin somewhere on the lake and invited all of us out there on Friday. She has all sorts of things for us to do, including some snowmobiles we can ride. If the guys are interested, I can call her and let her know, then she will come over and talk to your parents, Melissa."
"Ohh, I can almost guarantee they would love that, but we can ask them when we meet up downstairs. So hurry up and get dressed."
As soon as I finished dressing, we all went downstairs and met up with Tom and Jake and explained the situation to them. I mentioned everything Isabel had told me about, and they were all in agreement that it sounded like fun, at least the snowmobiling part for the guys. I gave Isabel a quick call and said it was a go as far as all of us were concerned; she just had to convince the old folks. We set up a time later that evening for her to meet them and sell them on the plan.
We headed for the slopes and skied all afternoon, hitting each of the runs a couple of times. It was already dark by the time we decided to call it a day and called Melissa's parents to let them know we were heading back to the lodge and would meet them for dinner in about forty-five minutes. After getting back to our rooms and changing, we headed down to the restaurant. I had told Isabel to be there about 7:30, which should be just about the time we would all be done with dinner. I would tell them of the offer, and a bit about Isabel, then introduce her when she showed up.
Right on time, Isabel walked into the restaurant. I made the intros, then we decided to go sit in the lobby, where it was more comfortable. Isabel started the conversation.
"Let me tell you a bit about myself. I have a Masters in Business Administration, and I am twenty-five years old. My dad owns his own business but has been having some health issues, so I have been running the business for the past year. I moved into an apartment above my parents' garage so that I can be close by if my mom needs any help with my dad. They own the cabin but rarely use it in the winter anymore, so I get up here whenever I can."
"When I ran into Ellen and suggested she and her friends might enjoy some of the amenities I have available, she agreed. But I wanted to meet you to assure you I am a responsible person. I will send a car to pick them up late morning. They can spend the day riding the snowmobiles, cross-country skiing, or ice skating. Then they can stay for dinner and we can watch the light show and fireworks on the lake. I will make sure they are back by eleven."
After a bit more discussion, Jake and Melissa's parents agreed it was okay for all of us to go. Isabel told us that a car would pick us up about eleven am. And to bring bathing suits as she also had a hot tub. I could hardly wait til Friday. Before she left, Isabel took me aside and said she had another idea. Since I wanted to stay and see the Olympic trials next week, she suggested calling my parents and seeing if I could stay with her after everyone else left; that is if I was interested.
I jumped at the chance, though it meant missing Christmas at home. I just hoped she could convince them to let me stay. When she called the next day and told me she had gotten the ok for me to stay, I almost jumped up and down. Even counting how much I really wanted to watch some of the trials, I was equally excited that I would be spending time with Isabel. I was not exactly sure why that thought excited me though.
Friday finally arrived, and since everyone was leaving on Saturday, it was agreed I would pack up my stuff and just stay at the cabin starting Friday night. Right on time, a minivan showed up. We all stowed our gear in the back and my skis on the roof rack. After about half an hour, we arrived at the ‘cabin'. I had been expecting a small log cabin, but this place was huge. Inside, Isabel introduced us to her two friends, Joy and Kris.
When we got the tour, we found out the house had four bedrooms, three and a half baths, living room, dining room, family room with a huge TV on one wall, and a fireplace between the living and family rooms. There was also a very large, professional looking eat-in kitchen, and a large deck off the family room, where the hot tub was located inside an enclosed gazebo. Isabel explained that in the summer, the windows could all be removed to make the hot tub an open-air tub.
The guys were anxious to get out on the snowmobiles. Jake and Tom each got on one of them, with their respective girlfriends, Allison and Penny. Melissa and I took the third snowmobile, and we headed out with a map of the trails. After a couple of hours, Melissa and I decided to call it quits, so we headed back to the cabin while the others kept going.
When we got back, Isabel asked if either of us wanted to go skating or skiing cross country. Melissa said she would love to go ice skating, but did not have any skates. Isabel said that wasn't a problem as she had several pairs in different sizes. Joy said she would go with her, and they set off down to the lake.
I had no idea where Kris had disappeared to, but Isabel asked if I would like to try my hand at some ice fishing. When I said yes, she made a call, then went upstairs to change into some warm clothes. We walked down to the lake and I saw several small huts out on the ice. We headed toward one of them and went inside. I had never been in one of these, let alone gone ice fishing, but my family were all outdoorsy people, so I had been fishing many times.
I was surprised to find it was warm inside the hut, being heated by a small propane heater. Several fishing lines were inside, as well as a container of bait, and a large thermos of hot chocolate. Two holes had been drilled through the ice which was nearly a foot thick. After baiting a couple of lines, we dropped them into the water, and I bobbed it up and down as Isabel instructed. I got a couple of nibbles and was finally able to set the hook on one and pull in a nice smallmouth bass. I dropped it into a bucket and baited my line again. Over the next hour, Isabel and I pulled in several more bass and a number of crappie and sunfish.
Isabel said the bass would make a good first course for dinner and the rest would not go to waste. She shut off the heater, grabbed the bucket with the fish and we headed back up the hill to the cabin. On the way, she dropped the bucket of fish off at a neighbor's, and I recognized him as the driver that had picked us up at the lodge.
When we got to the house, Isabel suggested we get warmed up in the hot tub while we waited for the others to get back. There were several times when Isabel's hand brushed up against my breasts, and it did not seem accidental. While sitting opposite me, her foot slipped between my legs. Though she claimed it was just the water jets causing her legs to float up, I suspected otherwise.
A short time later, Melissa and Joy came back from skating, followed closely by the other four. They joined us in the hot tub while we waited for dinner to be prepared. After a while, Kris came out and said dinner would be ready in about half an hour. We all got out of the tub and hurried across the deck into the house. Joy escorted us up to several of the bedrooms where our clothing had been deposited. Everyone took turns rinsing off in one of the showers and dressing, then headed downstairs.
The dining room table was set for nine people, and we were all told where to sit. Kris and Joy sat nearest the kitchen, and served each course, starting with small portions of the bass Isabel and I had caught. Next was a scrumptious potato leek soup, followed by chicken kiev, served with rice pilaf and asparagus spears. For dessert, we had warm bread pudding with a chocolate sauce, topped with a dollop of whipped cream. Although we offered to clean up, Isabel refused saying Kris and Joy would take care of it.
It was already dark out and Isabel said the light show would start soon. We donned our hats and coats and went out on the balcony deck off the master bedroom. We watched while the skaters moved around the ice in choreographed patterns with colored lights for nearly an hour, followed by a fifteen minute fireworks display. By the time it was over, it was after 10 pm. The other five kids gathered their belongings and went outside to where the van was waiting for them. We all kissed and hugged and said our goodbyes, then they left.
"So, alone at last. Now we can finish catching up."
"What about Kris and Joy?"
"They won't be bothering us tonight. Would you like a small glass of wine, or haven't you let any liquor cross your lips yet either?"
"My folks let us have a little wine from time to time."
"What will it be then? Red or white, dry or sweet?"
"I like chardonnay."
Isabel got up and left the room, returning a few minutes later with a bottle in an ice bucket and two glasses. She poured some of the wine in each of the glasses and clinked her glass against mine.
"So, tell me more about what you saw and thought when you spied on me?"
"I really wasn't spying on you. I just heard voices one night and snuck part way down the stairs. The first time you were with a guy and you were kissing. I really couldn't see too much since I did not want you to see me, though you were probably too occupied to notice. I really did not quite understand at the time that what was going on."
"Were you jealous of that?"
"Not really, more curious I guess."
"What else did you see. You said you saw me with girls too."
"Yes, I remember one night where you were kissing a girl, but again, it was just more confusing than anything. Then I went back to my room. I snuck down one more time when you were with another guy, but I saw him look towards the stairs and quickly returned to my room."
"It was all quite confusing at the time, and I am still not sure about some of it. I get now that you must be attracted to both males and females, but I still don't quite get the other stuff."
"Which made you more curious… me being with a guy or a girl?"
"I really don't know."
"Even back then I was telling them what to do. I am glad you didn't see any of it though. You were too young for that."
"You were rather bossy to me too but you were my sitter, so I did as I was told."
"If I told you to do something now, would you?"
"I… I don't know. I suppose it might depend on what it was."
"Do you know what a submissive is?"
"Well, I know what the word means."
"There are people who have very submissive personalities and others that are dominant. People that are submissive don't always like to make decisions for themselves; rather they prefer others to tell them what to do. I have known since I was a teen that I had a strong personality and liked to control others behavior. Take Kris and Joy… they are both my subs. Also, the neighbor that picked you kids up at the lodge is a sub. They do whatever I tell them to do. You will see this for yourself during this next week. And I always thought you were quite the obedient child, but it was too easy back then to boss you around."
"Men are subs too? What types of things do you do with subs? I noticed Kris and Joy appeared to do the cooking and cleaning. Are they like your servants?"
"Hahaha. In some respects, they might be considered servants, but it goes much further than that. You will see for yourself over the next week. I do hope you won't be too shocked by what you might see. If you are, you can just walk away and we can chalk it up as a learning experience. On the other hand, if you want to learn more, we can figure out some way to make that happen, if you are agreeable to that."
"Well, now I don't know whether to be scared or intrigued."
"All I ask is that you keep an open mind and give it the full week unless you really get freaked out. then ask me to stop, and we will just go watch the Olympic trials and have some other fun. Okay?
"Yes, okay.'
We finished the bottle of wine (with Isabel drinking the majority), then she showed me to one of the bedrooms where my bags had been brought. Since I had only packed for a week, she told me to bring anything that needed washing down in the morning, and Kris would make sure it was taken care of. I settled into the bed and was asleep in minutes. When I woke up, the sun was shining brightly. I threw on a robe I found hanging on my door, then sorted through my clothes and headed downstairs.
As I entered the kitchen, I was a bit taken aback as Kris was totally naked except for a collar around her neck. She had ample breasts and large nipples that were pierced by what looked like a small barbell. Her pubic area was smooth and hairless. I almost turned around and walk out of the kitchen, but then I remembered that Isabel had warned me I would see some things that might shock me.
"What would you like for breakfast, Miss? I can make just about anything you like. And are those the items that need to be washed?"
"Yes, these are my dirty clothes, but if you just show me where the washing machine is, I can do them. As far as breakfast, has Isabel eaten yet?"
"Mistress Isabel has gone out for her morning run but should be back soon. And she would be quite upset if I let you do your own laundry."
"Then I will just wait for her, and have whatever she is having. I will go get dressed while I am waiting. Do I have time for a quick shower?"
"Yes Miss, plenty of time."
I returned to my room, where the bed had been made, the rest of my belongings had been unpacked, and the bags stored in the closet. I showered and dressed, then headed back downstairs. Kris was in the process of squeezing some fresh orange juice, and tending to something cooking on the stove.
"Something sure smells good."
"It is the quiche that is baking for Mistress Isabel. But if you prefer something else, all you need to do is ask. Mistress Isabel is showering and should be down in just a couple of minutes. Would you like some coffee, or an espresso? Or anything else to drink?"
"Coffee would be great."
"Yes, Miss. How do you take it? We have several different flavorings available, as well as milk or cream. We also have different sweeteners."
"Do you have French Vanilla cream?"
"Yes, Miss."
Just then, Isabel walked into the kitchen and gave me a kiss.
"Hello sleepy head. How are you today? How did you sleep?"
"I'm good, and I slept very well thank you."
We sat down at the kitchen table where Kris had put my coffee at one of the place settings. A small teapot was at the other place setting, with a teabag steeping in it. Isabel poured out a cup and added a squeeze of lemon. Kris took the quiche from the oven and put it on the table, along with a plate of sausages and ham. Another plate with biscuits was next, along with the pitcher of orange juice and a small thermal pot of coffee. After serving the breakfast, Kris quietly disappeared from the kitchen, leaving us to eat in privacy.
"So, does Kris's nudity disturb you? I can have them wear clothing if it does."
"Well, you did warn me I would see some things that might shock me, so it was not totally unexpected. And you also asked me to keep an open mind, so I will. Doesn't it bother her and Joy to be naked in front of strangers?"
"They do as they are told, and I enjoy the beauty of a naked body. And that is not the only thing I enjoy watching."
"Do they live with you all the time?"
"No. they each have their own place back home. And they have jobs and their own lives and friends. But when I call, they come. And if I disapprove of a friend or something they do, they cease to see the person or do the activity. It is a big responsibility to be responsible for another person, but one I take seriously as a Mistress. When I come here for longer than just the weekend, I bring them both. Otherwise, I just bring one of them. And when I go on other vacations, sometimes I bring them, and sometimes I don't."
"Are they your, uhm… girlfriends?
"Hahaha. Do you mean do I have sex with them?
I blushed deeply.
"Well, the answer to your question is no, they are not girlfriends in the sense you are thinking. But yes, we do engage in sexual activities. And as I mentioned, I do like to watch. I like to watch them with each other, and with others as well. You will get a chance to take part in that if you are willing. But you will have to set aside any modesty you have and to do some things you likely haven't yet done. I understand you have never had sex, and I promise I won't take your cherry."
"So what happens now?"
"Well, let's start by seeing how obedient you can be. Take off your top."
I hesitated a few seconds, then pulled the top off.
"Mmmm, good girl. Now remove your bra."
Again, I hesitated just a bit longer, then reached behind me and unclasped my bra. I held it to my chest for about ten seconds while Isabel just sat there and waited, then finally let it fall to the ground. I could feel myself blushing all the way down my chest.
"Blushing… so cute. But you have quite lovely breasts, Ellen. Certainly nothing to be ashamed of. And such lovely nipples! I would love to see a nice pair of nipple rings piercing them; perhaps connected by a chain or with some small weights on them."
With that, she reached out and gave both my nipples a tug. I jumped back in surprise, and that only stretched them out further, causing a bit of pain.
"Sorry, just could not resist seeing how you would react to that. And besides, I have been wanting to touch them since I ran into you. Does that bother you?"
"Well, no. or maybe just a little. But mostly you just caught me off guard. To be honest, since we ran into each other, I have been thinking about what I saw as a kid, and…"
"And I guess kind of wondering how it would feel if I had been older and it was me with you."
"Excellent answer! Why don't we go into the other room and try out a few things?"
"Okay. What about Kris and Joy?"
"Do you want them there with us? Or would you prefer to start out a bit slower with just the two of us?"
"Slow, I think."
"Slow it is then."
We went into another room where Isabel sat down in a side chair. She indicated a spot in front of the chair and instructed me to kneel down.
"Touch your breasts."
I touched them.
"Now squeeze them."
I squeezed them.
"Pinch your nipples."
I pinched them.
I pinched them harder.
"Now roll them between your finger and thumb."
Again, I did as I was told. Isabel sat there and watched, not saying anything. I kept rolling them, then tugged on them a bit. Isabel smiled, but still said nothing, so I just kept playing with them. I wrapped my hands around my breasts and squeezed them while still pinching and playing with my nipples. My breathing began to increase and I felt the feeling I got the few times I had masturbated. Still, Isabel said nothing, just sat there and watched. I started squeezing and pinching a bit harder and heard myself moaning.
"Very good, Ellen. You may stop now. I think you will do quite well this week. Right now though, I have gotten tickets to go see the skiers on the giant slalom. So why don't you go get dressed and we will head over to the resort?"
I got dressed and grabbed my snowsuit, hat, and gloves. Isabel was waiting for me when I got downstairs. Her car was already running and warmed up, so we piled in and headed to the resort. She left the car for the valet to park and we headed to the observation area to watch the skiers. We had an excellent spot to watch and spent a couple of hours there. Isabel had brought a large thermos of hot chocolate to warm us up which we finished. Finally, Isabel suggested we go have a light lunch before heading over to another event. After spending several more hours there, we went back to the lodge and waited for the car to be returned to the front. We got in and drove back home.
"So, did you enjoy yourself?"
"Yes, very much. It was fun watching the trials, especially since the odds of my ever getting in to see the actual Olympics are pretty slim."
"Good. I have tickets for a number of other events over the next week, and we can always watch some of them on the TV. And of course, we can go snowmobiling or skating, as well as fit in some indoor fun."
"Yes, that all sounds like fun."
When we arrived back at the cabin, we got out of our snowsuits and hung them up. Isabel told me to get topless again. Then she took a collar out of a drawer and told me to put it on. I did as I was told, then stood there waiting for instructions.
"Put your hands behind your back, and keep them there."
Just then, Kris and Joy came into the room. Both were naked except for collars. Joy's nipples were smaller than Kris's but were also pierced. Her pubic area was also bare save for a small thin patch of hair just above her clit. As they passed by me, I noticed a jewel showing between each of their cheeks. They walked over to the chair that Isabel had sat in earlier, one on either side, put their hands behind their backs and stood there. Isabel walked over and sat down in the chair.
"What do you think, ladies… is our guest overdressed?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Joy, go remove her jeans."
"Yes, Mistress."
Joy came over and removed my shoes, then unzipped the zipper on my jeans. She then lowered them to the floor and pulled them out of the way as I stepped out of them. She laid them over a chair and returned to her spot next to Isabel. She signaled to Kris who walked over to me and pulled down my panties. Placing them on the chair with my jeans, she then returned to her spot next to Isabel.
Though I was a bit embarrassed, and sure I was blushing, I stood where I was. Something was keeping me from grabbing my clothes and running to my room, but I was not sure exactly what that was. Then Kris reached to a table behind the chair and handed a riding crop to Isabel. She then moved to a spot in front of Isabel and knelt down. Joy moved over next to her but remained standing, spreading her legs apart a bit. Both girls had their hands behind their backs.
Isabel proceeded to use the crop on Kris's tits and between Joy's legs. It seemed like she began with softer strokes, then gained in intensity as she continued. Neither girl made a peep or appeared to wince in pain. Then Isabel pointed to a spot next to Joy for me to move to.
"Tits or pussy?"
I looked at her for a few seconds until it dawned on me what she was asking me.
"Uhm, tits I guess."
‘Don't guess. TIts or pussy?"
"Tits then."
Isabel began using the crop on my tits, slapping the crop around my breast. She was not hitting me very hard, but I could see red marks forming. She had not yet hit my nipples, but I was already feeling some twitching in my pussy. Suddenly, the crop began moving back and forth rapidly from nipple to nipple. Isabel was very skillful in just barely brushing the tip of my nipples which were stinging from the slaps. Just when I was about to lean back to avoid the next stroke, she stopped.
"You did quite well, and I am very pleased. Stand up."
I stood up, keeping my hands behind my back. I had very light pubic hair and not much of it. Isabel leaned forward in her chair and rubbed it.
"Very nice. I will have to decide if I like it like that, or if I would like to see you smooth."
Isabel then dismissed Kris and Joy who headed for the kitchen. She then said we would continue the lessons after dinner, but that I was really doing quite well, even better than she thought I would with the crop. And she was proud of me for sticking with it even when Kris and Joy joined us. She said many people in my position would have already walked away.
"I feel I was right in thinking you have a submissive personality. Either that or just a very curious one interested in expanding their experiences. Whichever it is, I am happy to be your guide to figuring it out. For the remainder of the week, when we are in the house, you will be naked except for the collar, just like Kris and Joy, unless I instruct you otherwise. Understood?"
"Yes, understood."
"And remember, if it ever gets too much for you, just tell me and we will stop. I will give you a ‘safe word' to use. If you just wish me to slow down, say yellow; and if you wish me to stop, say red. We will discuss what is going on, and as I said before, if you wish to stop entirely, we will do so. I have no desire to hurt you or scare you or make you do something you really don't want to do."
"And just to get you fully in the spirit, when we are in the house, you will address me as Mistress or Mistress Isabel, unless I tell you not to. When we are out in public, you can just call me Isabel and act normally."
"Yes, Mistress."
Kris came into the room and announced dinner would be ready shortly, but the salads were on the table now. She asked me how I liked my steak, then went back into the kitchen. Isabel got up and headed to the kitchen and I followed her. We sat at the same table that we had used at breakfast, but this time, it was set for four people. There was a salad at each place and several bottles of dressings. Kris and Joy ate their salads in silence until Isabel gave them a nod. Then Kris spoke up.
"So, Mistress Isabel has told us she used to babysit for you when you were younger."
"Yes, she was our sitter for almost five years."
"Are you an only child?"
"No, I have a younger brother and sister."
"And she was a sitter for all of you?"
"And now she is bossing you around again."
"Well, this is quite different from when she babysat for us."
"Yes, I imagine that it is. Mistress has told us you are a virgin and have not even dated anyone. Do you know yet if you prefer men or women?"
"I've never really given it much thought until now. I really don't know, since my parents told me I could not date til I was sixteen, and that just happened last month. So, right now, there isn't anyone that stands out."
We finished the salads, and while Joy cleared the table, Kris threw the steaks on the stove, which had a grill on the center burner. While they were cooking, it was Joy's turn to ask me questions.
"Have you ever masturbated?"
I blushed again.
"Yes, but I share a room with my little sister, so only a few times."
"Have you had an orgasm?"
"I don't think so."
"Have you just played with your clit, or have you put your finger inside yourself?"
"Just played with my clit."
"Have you ever watched porn?"
"Ever talked about sex with your girlfriends?"
"Not really."
I was relieved when Kris walked over with a plate of baked potatoes, and a bowl of green beans. Then she went and got the steaks off the grill. Two of the steaks had a red toothpick in them to indicate they were rare. The other two were medium rare, and I took one of those, as well as a baked potato. I added some vegetables to my plate, then put some butter and sour cream on the potato. We all proceeded to eat our food, and I was grateful for the temporary reprieve from the questions. I was getting used to being naked and not nearly as self-conscious as I had been several hours earlier.
When we were done with dinner, Kris cleared the table while Joy loaded the dishes in the dishwasher. Isabel said that we would have some dessert and coffee in a bit, but that in the meantime, we could go watch a few of the other events that took place today. All four of us went into the large family room and she turned on the TV. Kris and Joy sat on one love seat, while Isabel indicated for me to sit next to her on the other.
It became clear to me right away that Kris and Joy must have some sort of a sexual relationship, as they snuggled up together on the sofa, or perhaps they were just doing it to please their Mistress. Isabel had said she liked watching. Kris was in the back, and had one arm over Joy's shoulder, playing with the nipple ring, and the other in her lap, rubbing Joy's clit. Although the events playing on the TV were something I was quite interested in, I could not stop glancing over at the other couch and watch what was going on there.
At one point, Joy shifted her position, making it easier for Kris to get her hand between Joy's legs. Kris moved her other arm under Joy's and began squeezing her tit in earnest. She inserted two fingers inside Joy's pussy, while still rubbing her clit with her thumb. After a while, I could hear Joy quietly moaning. They both looked over to Isabel.
"Please Mistress, may I cum?"
"Not just yet. Let our guest watch for just a bit longer. Ellen, why don't you play with your clit while you watch?"
"Yes, Mistress. I will wait."
"Yes, Mistress."
As I watched the two of them, I put my hand between my legs and started rubbing my clit. My pussy soon started twitching. I felt Isabel's hand slip under my ass, and a finger find its way between my cheeks. She must have had some sort of lube on it, because I felt the tip of her finger rubbing around my hole, then push in slightly. When I did not say anything, she pushed her finger in a bit further while I kept rubbing my clit and watching Joy and Kris.
Every now and then, they would look over at Isabel, then continue what they were doing. I shifted my weight forward slightly, giving Isabel a bit more access to my ass. She responded by pushing her finger in even further, then began moving it in and out. This was having quite an effect on me, unlike anything I had ever felt before. I felt my body began to tense, and heard Isabel say "Now!". I watched as Joy tensed up, then her whole body began jerking. I suddenly realized I was doing the same thing. I continued rubbing my clit until my body felt like a ragdoll.
Isabel still had a finger partway up my hole and was still moving it in and out. Finally, she pulled it out. Kris and Joy got up and headed toward the kitchen to get the dessert and something to drink.
"Well now. I think you have had your first orgasm. Did you enjoy it?"
"Very much Mistress."
"That is very good indeed. This is going to be a very good week."
The girls came back a few minutes later carrying a tray with plates for each of us with warm homemade cherry pie topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. They also had a bottle of wine and four glasses. Kris poured each of us a glass of wine, and we all sat down and had our dessert. Isabel suggested we watch a movie and let me select it. Kris and Joy snuggled up together again, and Isabel pulled me close to her. When the movie ended, the girls cleared the plates and glasses and disappeared.
Isabel said it had been quite a long day, and that the event we were going to see started early, so we should head to bed. I went to my room, and could see lights on in the other two guest bedrooms, and figured that was where Kris and Joy were. When I got to my room, I found that my laundry had been put way in a drawer and hung in the closet. I went in to take a shower, where there were clean towels, and my items on the sink were all straightened out. I took my shower, brushed my teeth and went to bed. Next thing I knew, someone was knocking on my door, waking me up.
"Time to get up Miss. Mistress Isabel just got back from her run and breakfast will be ready in about twenty minutes. Then you will be leaving for the resort."
"Thank you. I will be down shortly."
I dressed in the clothes I had selected last night and ran a comb through my hair. Then I went down to the kitchen where Kris was just setting the table for Isabel and me. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, she started a cup of coffee for me and put half a grapefruit in front of me. It had been sectioned and cut already, and just needed some sugar. Isabel arrived just then, and Kris put the other half of the grapefruit in front of her.
We finished that up, and Kris put a plate of French Toast on the table, as well as a plate of bacon. There were three different types of syrup, and Kris said if I preferred jam instead, they had raspberry, strawberry, and blackberry. I said the syrup would be just fine. As soon as we were done eating, Isabel went back upstairs to finish drying her hair, and I went and brushed my teeth. Then we left for the resort, and like the day before, she had the car valet parked and we had excellent seats in the viewing area.
After watching the events for a few hours, Isabel said we would be heading back. After lunch, we were going to go snowmobiling to somewhere she thought I would really like. We drove back to the cabin, where Joy served us fresh tomato soup and the best grilled cheese sandwich I had ever had. When we finished, we suited up and hopped onto one of the snowmobiles.
We headed across the lake and then up a large hill. At the top, there was an absolutely magnificent view of the valley, and on the other side, the resort. She handed me a pair of binoculars and I could clearly see some of the snowboarders on their runs. We sat for about an hour watching them, then headed back home. As soon as we put the snowmobile back into the shed, and got inside, I stripped down and put the collar on. Isabel suggested getting into the hot tub for a while to warm up. I was only slightly surprised when she stripped down as well.
I noticed that not only were her nipples pierced, but she showed me her clit and belly button, which were also pierced. In the hot tub, she had me play with myself again, directing me what to do, and warning me not to cum unless she gave me permission. Finally, she told me to suck on her tits, then took my hand and placed it on her pussy.
"Put two fingers inside me and fuck my pussy."
I kept sucking on her tits, worried initially that if I sucked too hard, I might hurt her nipples, or pull out one of the rings. She laughed and told me not to worry. She guided my hand in and out for a few minutes until I got the hang of it. After a few minutes, she told me to use a third finger inside her and use my thumb to rub her clit. I could feel her responding to what I was doing as her pussy walls kept tightening and relaxing on my fingers. Every once in a while, she would cover my hand and guide it again, either changing the pace or pushing it in harder.
After doing this for about fifteen minutes, she pushed my hand as deep inside me as it would go, put her other hand on the back of my head forcing my mouth hard against her breast. I felt her tense up, then she screamed out as her body exploded in an orgasm.
When her orgasm subsided, she leaned back and breathed hard for a few minutes.
"That was very well done, Ellen. Especially considering it was your first time. Did you enjoy doing that?"
"Yes, Mistress. It was quite a new experience, but very enjoyable."
"Good. I hope you end up enjoying everything that happens this week."
The next two days we either went skating, fishing or rode the snowmobiles in the morning, then went to watch some event at the resort in the afternoon. In the evenings, there would be more lessons. On the fourth night there, Isabel decided I was ready to watch some porn. She picked out a movie where a number of people were having sex. It was the first time I had seen a penis other than just in a picture. Kris and Joy moved into a 69 position after Isabel nodded at them.
I wasn't sure which was more interesting to watch as my attention was drawn back and forth between the movie and watching them. Isabel once again put her finger up my ass while directing me to play with my tits and my clit. This time, she put her finger in further than the first time. It was quite stimulating, and with everything that was going on, I got quite aroused and soon exploded into my second orgasm.
The next morning, Isabel told me that another person would be joining us that afternoon and that it would be a male. He would not do anything to me, but if I was uncomfortable with being naked in front of a male, I should tell her, and she would call it off. Although I was uncertain how I felt about it, I agreed to give it a try. When her neighbor came in, I was not really surprised it was him. As soon as he came in, he removed all his clothes. He was wearing a collar and I saw that his penis was pierced with a stud,
He had brought a bucket in with him that was filled with a bunch of icicles nestled in ice and snow. I could not imagine what was going to be done with them. Isabel got out the crop again and lined the four of us up in front of her. She had also changed into an outfit consisting of a leather miniskirt and matching bra; a garter belt holding up a pair of silk stockings and stiletto heels. She used the crop on our tits and pussies, and on her neighbor's penis, which oddly seemed to excite him.
Finally, she had Kris take one of the icicles that was rather thick, and as Joy lay down on the floor, fuck her pussy with it. Bill got down on his knees behind Kris after taking another of the icicles and used it on her ass while he fucked her pussy. After a while, he got another icicle as the first one had melted and put it in her ass again, but this time, put his penis in her ass as well. I watched in fascination as all this was going on and did not notice when Isabel grabbed one of the icicles from the bucket.
"Bend over the arm of the sofa. It's a shame that you are still a virgin because I would love to fuck your pussy with this, but I will settle for fucking your ass."
I hesitated a few seconds before doing as I was told. A finger was one thing, but I had my doubts about ice. As I bent over the sofa, I felt the cold tip of the icicle press against my rim, then push inside. I shivered at the coldness, then felt the object moving in and out of me. It was thicker than Isabel's finger and so was stretching me more. The wetness of the ice made it slide in and out easily. Much to my surprise, I was getting aroused.
"Play with your tits."
"Yes, Mistress."
I moved my hands to my breasts and started squeezing my nipples adding to my arousal. The cold water was dripping out of my ass, rolling down my pussy lips and across my clit. It was a whole new sensation of feelings that soon had me in the throes of my third ever orgasm. I heard a lot of moaning coming from the other side of the room and gathered they had all cum as well. Bill got dressed and left. Isabel instructed me to go sit on one of the love seats while she hiked up her skirt and sat down on the other one. She spread her legs apart and Kris crawled over between her legs and began licking her pussy and clit.
Isabel handed her a glass dildo which Kris put in her mouth to wet, then thrust into Isabel's pussy. Joy crawled over to me and pushed my legs apart, then began licking my pussy and clit. She spread my lips apart with her fingers and pushed her tongue into my pussy, then up to my clit. At times, she sucked my clit deep into her mouth and teased it with her tongue. The feeling was quite amazing. When she sensed I was about to cum, she stopped until I relaxed a bit, then started up, bringing me to the edge time and again.
After doing this numerous times, I could not stand it anymore, so the next time she stopped I begged her not to stop. She started up again, and this time did not stop until my hips arched into the air, and I came harder than I had the first three times. When I was done, she licked my pussy clean
"Mistress Isabel was right… it is too bad you are a virgin. I would have loved to have my fingers inside you, feeling your pussy walls squeezing and releasing my fingers, your juices flowing. Perhaps making you squirt your nectar into my mouth."
Joy moved up my body and sucked on my tits, which was another brand new sensation. It was getting me aroused all over again. I looked over and Kris was still working on Isabel and there was a lot of moaning going on, some of which seemed to be coming from my mouth. Joy's hand moved between my legs as she began rubbing my clit. My pussy was aching and I grabbed her hand and pushed it down to where I was aching.
"Are you sure, Miss?"
I nodded my head and she looked over at Isabel. I did not see the signal, but apparently, she gave her the ok. I felt a finger push into me part way and rub just around the inside edge of my pussy. I took her hand and pushed it in further, feeling a little pain as I did. She continued sucking back and forth on my tits as she slowly fucked my pussy with one finger. The pain I felt was quickly replaced with waves of pleasure as I had yet another orgasm.
When I finally opened my eyes and looked over at Isabel and Kris, they were both watching me. They gave me a little clap when they saw me looking over in their direction.
"Very well done, Ellen. I was hoping you would make the decision while you were here and allow me to watch you. But it had to be your decision. Now I think we will let these two young ladies go prepare some dinner for us."
After dinner, we watched another movie. The rest of the week was more of the same, watching more events, more training, and a lot more sex. Finally, it was time for me to go home. I packed my bags and said my goodbyes to Kris and Joy. They loaded my bags and ski gear into Isabel's car for the trip to the airport.
"So, what do you think about being a sub to someone like me?"
"Well, I have to say it certainly was an experience like none I have ever had, but I am not really sure I could be like Kris and Joy all the time."
"OK, that's fair. What about your preference for boys or girls? Have you decided anything on that yet?
"No, but you have given me a lot to think about. I certainly did not dislike what was being done to me and what I was doing to others, but at the same time, when Bill was there, I wondered what it would feel like having a penis inside me. But I don't think I am ready for that yet. I would like to thank you for everything you did for me."
"Believe me, it was my pleasure."
We arrived at the airport and unloaded all my gear, checking in curbside. Before getting back into her car, she hugged and kissed me goodbye, saying maybe we would see each other again back home. Then she handed me a box and said it was something to remember her by, but not to open it until I boarded the plane. She watched me walk into the airport before driving off.
I made my way through security and to my gate. After we boarded, I took out the box and opened it up. Inside was a small choker necklace and a note. It said ‘I know you can't wear the collar I gave you while you were here, but accept this as a substitute. Stay in touch, and if we decide to meet up someday for lunch and you are wearing the necklace, I will know what you decided what you want. Love, Isabel'. I smiled as I put the necklace in my pocket and thought about someday.
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My latest work, and kinda self-inspired! Been working on heaps lately so stay tuned, and please be sure to comment below what you thought, and whether you want to see the next part! ,) ***** He clicked his fingers and she stopped mid-sentence. She had been in the process of sitting up and saying through panted giggles how suddenly aroused she felt. Just as she was starting to say ‘aroused’, his fingers snapped and so did she. She froze, staring straight forward into his eyes. The word died on...
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Hello guys, I am your Anand back with the third part of the story about blissful submission. Thank you, guys, for your support and love. Just like the title suggests, this part is the most erotic of the three parts involving a lot of humiliation, cum, and a lot more submission. Let me give you a quick tip. Guys – a Dom-Sub relationship does not always involve humiliation, badmouthing, etc. It is a special form of lovemaking that requires deep trust in each other. In the story, people relinquish...
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Notes: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Such pride surged through me as Daddy led us out of the massage parlor, his hands clutching our leashes. Every time he tugged on it, my clit flared with pleasurable pain. The black leash clipped onto the thick, gold ring pierced through my bud and nestled between my folds of my snatch. Proof that I was Daddy’s sex slave. I walked between my submissive mother and my half-sister Georgia. All three of us were naked (well, Mom wore her black...
Dominance and SubmissionA young man learns the pleasures of submitting to "Aunt" Shelly."Dominance and Submission"On my 15th birthday I went to live with Shelly. Shelly was a family friend who agreed to adopt me indefinitely. She was a beautiful 28 year old and quite independently wealthy. We got along well - I gave her no cause for complaint and respected her for letting me live with her. I did everything Shelly asked and in return she was like a big sister to me.After I had lived with Shelly...
Sassy's Forced Submission I come by my nick name honestly. My dad nicknamed me Sassy. I grew up with it, even in school it stuck. I was always mouthing off. Seemed to be my nature. Not a smartass just feisty. I loved flirting, and sassing the guys back when...
++++++ I’m Donna, and I guess this is the story of how my life changed big time for the better. I had met my future husband just after he had started his commercial real estate company. He was engaging and funny, but I could tell that he was also driven for success. We were married only a month after I had graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, honeymooning in Maui for two idyllic weeks. I’d had a job lined up, but I never went to work because I was four months...
Hi Dear ISS readers. I thank you a lot for loving my stories and mailing me your feedbacks and being my friends. I really loved when few of you contacted me after reading my stories. You all are welcome to contact me and be friends. We can have a good time together while keeping each other’s privacy protected. Well, I am Akash, sharing another of my sex experiences with you all. You can contact me at You can reach out to my author page and check my other stories too. Now, coming to the...
Hello ISS Lovers! Please mail your comments about the story to Samyukta was to leave to Dubai in the next two days and the house brimmed with obscurity. She knew that life is going to be difficult without her parents and loving siblings, more so in a country about which she knew very little. The last fifteen days have been very memorable with roars of laughter ripping through every now and then. Being a woman with an enviable sense of humor, she had kept her parents, brother and sister in very...
IncestSeason : Rainy Niyol stands for inner energy, passion, fire as told to me by my elders. I am Niyol, a 29 years young, single Indian male who has been brought up in traditional environment until I was 17. Then in a Hostel in my college days, I learnt the competition, the speed, the adulthood of real world. In the quest to know more new things and with the latest fad of Internet, I also learnt the art of chatting, surfing and got introduced to a very sensual different side of the world of kink,...
[b][u]Louise's Lesbian Submission Weekend - a true story related by her husband[/u][/b][b]The Cast[/b][b]Louise [/b]- submissive bisexual wife, in her mid 50's. Huge tits, overweight [b]Mary[/b] - dominant bisexual black woman, mid 30's. Slim build [b]Jane [/b]- dominant lesbian white woman, possibly early 40's.[u]Prelude[/u]Louise has been very submissive since her early teens. She loves being abused by dominant black women. She has hd trysts with Mary before. This weekend tryst was set up...
My story of domination and submission My story of domination and submission. At 23 years of age I was finally on my way.?? Life to this point had been full of tough choices and anything but easy.? My father was a truck driver who did the best he could raising me as a single parent.? We moved a lot but Dad always found away to keep me in school as well as find good folks to look out for me when he was on the road.? ?That all changed the day before my sixteenth birthday.? ?Dad was in...
This story is dedicated to Lady Orchid, Mystress, the Domme Corps and MystressWorld.comI spent a great deal of time in that strange place between awake and asleep trying to convince myself I was not dreaming. The muscles in my shoulders and legs were clearly suggesting this was reality, I would never dream this kind of discomfort. The worst was I could not move to get comfortable. The little bit of motion I actually had only seemed to make it worse. The piece of fabric in my mouth, now well...
The Note Sophie was intrigued by the note that must have been slipped into her pocket while she was on the tube. She hadn’t noticed anyone put it in, but she was sure it wasn’t there when she left the office just 30 minutes earlier. It must have been someone she knew, the details were too accurate, her name was on the outside of the small envelope, and the accuracy of what the note said meant it was someone who knew more about her than she realised. As she read the note again for the...
His heated body had goose bumps rise as the chill of shock froze up his muscles. He never believed he would give up his dominance for a woman he barely knew. She was something else though, her body so mesmerizing none could stop from staring, and yet her mystique never lost its edge. She had begged him to give up his control for her and he had foolishly agreed; he just couldn't say no to her pouting face.So here he was, bound by warm, rough leather with a cold cylinder gag clamped tightly in...
BDSMMy fascination and addition to bondage, submission, and sex began when I almost 14. It began when my 20 Yr old first cousin from up north came to visit my grandparents for a week. My other first cousins includimg one wild female one all came to see him. They decided they all wanted to go to town and I wanted to go too. They said I was too young and couldn't go.I told them I was going to have grandpa make them take me with them, and they said I wasn't. They grabbed me, holding a hand over my...
“How much more time will this meeting take?” Derek’s voice was bored. “Excuse me?” snapped Kristy Anderson. She spun around to glare. Her legs, heightened by another new pair of designer 4-inch pumps, spread slightly making the slit in her skirt rise up a firm thigh. She did not get to be the head of ForEx Trading by putting up with arrogance such as this. No one had ever taken power from her. “Yes,” he stated. “I need to know much longer you intend drone on about the fate of the dollar.” He...
Straight SexThe Note Sophie was intrigued by the note that must have been slipped into her pocket while she was on the tube. She hadn’t noticed anyone put it in, but she was sure it wasn’t there when she left the office just 30 minutes earlier. It must have been someone she knew, the details were too accurate, her name was on the outside of the small envelope, and the accuracy of what the note said meant it was someone who knew more about her than she realised. As she read the note again for the...
BDSMThe time has finally come and I am throbbing all over with excitement. I am going on holiday with my Master, 9 days and nights with him, alone, vulnerableand submissive. I receive my email on time, the evening before we leave. The instructions areclear... be shaved clean, wear no underwear, wear t-shirt top with a collarand trousers and meet at the money exchange counter at the international terminalat a set time. The mid afternoon time engaged my curiosity as I was aware thatwe were on an 8pm...
Sarah got to school the next morning having no idea what the day would bring. The first couple of classes were uneventful. 3rd period found her back in math class. She laughed at how she used to look forward to math with Mr. Sheahan. Flirting with him seemed like so long ago. Of course, he still looked hot, but she had dealt with so much in just the previous weeks. Her infatuation seemed innocent by comparison. Jenny attacked her right after class. Sarah thought she knew what to...
Hope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...
A loud splash coming from the pool broke my concentration. I looked up from my book, blinking as the bright sunshine fought its way through my sunglasses.I smiled; two teenage boys were skylarking in the clear, warm water, both showing-off, each trying to appear older, stronger and more grown-up than the other. It had been the same the previous day, and the day before that, and the reason was obvious; my lovely wife Alice was sunbathing topless on the patio again.A brief flush of pride passed...
CuckoldCatherine's Black Submission byblackandwhitewriter©Roy drove his huge cock deep into Catherine's sopping wet cunt, her moans filling the air. They'd been at it for almost an hour and she'd had four intense orgasms. Once again, her breathing picked up, longer and faster, as she neared yet another climax. Sure enough, with a few more of Roy's powerful strokes, Catherine exploded for a fifth time, her screams signaling complete satisfaction...and near exhaustion.Roy was a handsome black man and...
11. TOTAL SUBMISSION.A snuff by consent story, reissued by special request in memory of the lady it was built round and who “vanished” just after this was originally issued.Warning if you don’t like terminal BDSM, leave now She had had a rough life really, she had been orphaned in her early teens, distant family didn’t want to know, so she had been in local authority care till she was too old for them but by then she had learnt to use her body for both pleasure and gain. She was no shapely...
While I was still a bit unsure if my new sub/slave was what I am really looking for I will defiantly know by tonight. I have so many wonderful things planned to do with her that if she knew now she may not show up. On Wednesday I challenged her to 15 orgasms for me from me starting at 5am till 830 Pm. Well she started earlier at 330am I believe so there is one I could have taken off. She was well aware of the consequences if she failed. 1 Stroke of my choice on her smooth ass, long story short...
Submission By: Erapuer - [email protected] THE FOLLOWING STORY IS 100% FICTION, IT WAS WRITTEN BY ME AND MEANT TO ONLY BE DISPLAYED ON FICTIONMANIA.TV. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE MY STORY ELSEWHERE PLEASE CONTACT ME AT MY EMAIL ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. I had been married to Candis for approximately 2 ? months and we still had not had sex. To be more accurate, I had still not had any sex. She was free to sleep with whoever she wanted, which meant I was not an option. Our...
Sex and Submission - A Story in Two Vignettes Vignette One - Her It was last Saturday morning, and I was getting ready for Doris' afternoon fetish party when I got an email telling all of us that the affaire was cancelled, sorry, maybe next weekend, yadda, yadda. I had intended to make the "Grand Entrance" in full fetish regalia, and was assembling my outfit; tight leather corset with chrome studs and buckles, lace top sheer nylons held up by a 6 strap garter belt, ?cup bra that...