- 4 years ago
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The decrepit old house stood alone high on the hill outside of town. Known as the Connelly mansion, it had become the stuff of many rumors, scary tales, and legends.
Some said the place was the scene of a gruesome family murder. Some said it was cursed. And many in town wouldn't set foot on the property if you paid them...
At one time it had been a real showplace; a shining example of wealth and extravagance. A palatial home for the rich and famous. But now it was run down, forgotten, and neglected.
There had been many people over the years that had bought the old house, hoping to restore it to its former glory. But no one ever stayed there for long.
Some left town never to return. Some left without even saying goodbye. And some... well no one really knows what happened to them!
Timothy Wilson was a slight man. He stood only five-feet-six-inches and weighed all of one-hundred-and -twenty pounds. An ordinary-looking fellow, he wasn't very handsome. In fact, he got lost in just about any crowd he was in. But he did know a good investment property when he saw it.
You see that's how Timothy made his living. He was what's known as a "house flipper".
He bought houses that needed some renovation or that were in his view good deals and did what was necessary to get them ready to be sold again–at a substantial profit. He could see beyond the weathering and neglect and estimate the true value of a property.
Timothy had seen the house on the Internet and thought he would check it out. He had never been to that part of the country and this looked like a good reason to visit. He came to town and looked up who the current realty company that owned the property was.
He got in touch with Margaret Simmons, the realtor in charge of the house.
"Hello, My name is Timothy Wilson and I am interested in your listing at 1300 Raven's Landing Road," he said when he called Margaret.
She seemed very nervous talking about the property but she was a realtor and it was her job to try to sell it if she could.
"Yes, Mr. Wilson. Right now I'm not able to get away from the office but there is a key under the mat at the front door. Just let yourself in and have a look around and let me know what you think," she said.
That was rather odd. he thought, but he just wrote it off as the way they did things down here and paid no more attention to it. That afternoon he decided to drive out and take a look around. So he rented a car and drove to the address.
The house was even worse than the pictures on the Net had depicted it. There was a brick wall surrounding three sides of the property with the back a steep rocky cliff overlooking the valley below.
There was a rusted old iron gate chained shut at the front of the property but the gate was open just enough that if the chain was held up, a person could squeeze through.
Apparently kids, on a dare from their friends most likely, had done so in the past because he could see marks where the chain had scraped some rust off.
He squeezed through easily being not much bigger than the kids before and walked up the overgrown stone driveway to the front of the house. It's going to take some work just to get the trucks up here to start working on the house, he thought.
He stopped as he got closer to the house and made mental notes of the condition. The house was an expansive two-story Victorian-style with a shingled roof, many of which were missing, he saw.
There were shutters missing or barely hanging on some of the windows and one window on the upper floor was broken out. the steps to the covered front porch were in bad need of repair and he didn't know how trustworthy the porch itself was.
The grass in the front yard looked like it hadn't seen a mower in years and the shrubs around the perimeter were overgrown and haphazard as well.
He found the key under the old doormat like Margaret has said and he unlocked the door with a loud creak.
The inside of the Connelly mansion wasn't much better than the outside. It was plain to see it had been used as a kids' party house and/or vagrants' flophouse as there were beer bottles and trash strewn about and some of the walls had graffiti spray-painted on them.
Timothy sighed. This was going to take some work to be sure, but as he started looking around, he took some solace in the fact the house was structurally sound if not aesthetically pleasing.
He climbed the stairs, going room to room and making notes on his clipboard of the things that would need work. He was happy to see the electrical and plumbing were in surprisingly good shape and that there were no mold or mildew problems.
The hardwood floors seem to be in good shape although they could use a good cleaning and polishing. And the woodwork like kitchen cabinets and stair railings seem to be in good order as well.
"Well, so far it seems to be mostly cosmetic repairs that need to be done," he said aloud to himself. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. It would take some time and some work, but it could be done.
And once the place looked presentable, it should bring in a tidy sum!
All that was left was to go to the basement and check out the furnace and heating system. This may be the "Deep South", but it was still known to get chilly at night in the wintertime!
As he went down the less than rock-solid stairs to the basement he smelled something very peculiar. He couldn't place the smell, but he knew it didn't belong there.
"Whew! This place needs a good airing out!" he said. He began to look around to hopefully find the source of the stench and that's when he saw it.
It was a pine box about seven feet long, two feet wide, and two feet tall. It had four hinges on one side and no handles. The box was closed at the time and Timothy approached it cautiously to investigate it.
As he stood there he got a deep sense of foreboding and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. But his curiosity and inquisitive nature won out of his common sense and he slowly opened the box.
The mysterious box had only opened a crack when there was a tremendous blast of red smoke and the lid flew completely open. Timothy jumped back startled and was just about to run up the stairs when a voice called out to him.
"STOP!" It was a female voice.
Timothy found himself unable to move–like he was suddenly and inexplicably glued to the cement floor. He heard her heels clicking on the floor as she approached him from behind, but then she walked around him until she was directly in front of him.
"Mmm... what have we here?" she purred seductively, "And what might your name be, my handsome hero?"
"T-Timothy... Timothy Wilson," he stammered. The woman standing in front of him was breathtakingly beautiful, standing around the same five-foot-six as he was but she wore six-inch stiletto heels making her taller.
She had long straight jet black hair down to the small of her back, an amazing body that was surprisingly voluptuous and appealing, and an outfit cut in just the right places to show it off.
But what caught, and held, his attention most was her piercing eyes. Ice blue, they seem to be able to peer right into his soul. He could not look away. It was like he was entranced by those eyes.
"Well, Mr. Timothy Wilson, it is nice to meet you. My name is Vanessa. I don't get many visitors here my home... what is your business here, handsome?" she said. Her words and her voice were like velvet and he couldn't resist their hypnotic sound.
"Your home? I was under the impression no one owned this house... that it was for sale," he said.
"Oh my no! There must be some mistake. I have been here for over three hundred years now!" she said.
"Huh? I don't understand."
She giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. "Let me explain. You see I am a vampiress, a female vampire. I was the original owner of this house... me and my husband, Stephan. We came to America back in 1710 and finally moved down here and built this house.
"But my family back in Racovita got into some trouble with some gypsies and were cursed. They cursed my whole family which included me and I became a vampire.
"My poor husband died a couple of years later from an illness and I have lived here alone ever since. I don't know what happened to my family or if any of them are still alive–vampires and vampiresses are not very popular in Romania!" she said.
"Y-You are a... vampire?" he stammered, terrified now.
"Not a vampire, my dear, a vampiress. And do not worry, I do not suck the blood of the living like you think. That is the men's job–the vampires. No, vampiresses like me go for more substantial meals than just blood."
"W-what do you...?" he asked, not sure that he wanted to know the answer.
"What do we eat?" she asked. She walked up to him and put her hand on his crotch. "We eat cum. Hot sweet man cum, and I can tell by the way you feel you have a lot of it in there. Do you mind, Timothy?" she purred.
Vanessa knelt down in front of the frozen Timothy and using two red-tipped fingers she seductively pulled down his pants zipper.
She reached in his fly and fished out his cock. With a few practiced strokes, she had him hard as a railroad spike and ready for her mouth.
"Mmm... I am so going to enjoy this–it has been ages since I last got fed a man's hot cum!"
She wrapped her soft red lips around his cock and began sucking.
Timothy hadn't had a woman in longer than he cared to remember. He wasn't exactly the kind to tear up the dating circuit and his job as a house flipper wasn't the type that drew the ladies in.
While he made a comfortable living, he was by no means rich. And he didn't have the movie star looks going for him either. So to have this hot sexy woman on her knees in front of him sucking on him like he was a straw in a very thick milkshake was not something he was used to.
"Oh God Vanessa, that feels incredible..." he moaned almost as soon as she began.
She looked up at him and smiled around his cock. Then she returned to her work. Her head bobbed up and down his hard shaft as her lips sealed around the meaty pole.
Inside her warm mouth, her tongue was busily caressing the underside of his cock coaxing it to release its precious load.
Vanessa's hand moved to cup his heavy cum-laden balls lightly massaging them and scratching his scrotum playfully, heating his man-cream to the boiling point as she lavished his cock.
Timothy reached down and held her head with his hands, guiding her in the speed and rhythm that would have him cumming in moments.
Never had he felt anything like this before. He was no expert in judging fellatio by any means, but what this woman was doing to him was... unearthly!
Far sooner than he would have liked, his time had come and he was ready to erupt. Vanessa's expert cockwork and his lack of experience and lack of activity lately all combined to make short work of this wonderful experience.
"Vanessa... I'm going... to cum," he said, panting for breath to make the words.
Vanessa responded by sucking harder and bobbing her head up and down faster, determined to get him to give up her reward. She felt his cock swell and got ready.
Seconds later with a groan Timothy shot the first jet of warm creamy goo into Vanessa's hungry mouth. She swallowed it down as fast as he could fill her mouth back up. He gave her four or five mouthfuls of sweet cum before he was depleted.
She licked her lips and used a finger to scoop up the single drop she let slip from her mouth. Then she stood up and taking Timothy by the hand she led him upstairs to the bedroom he had just been inspecting a few minutes ago.
"What are you doing Vanessa?" he asked.
"Well, you were kind enough to give me what I wanted so now what can this body do for you, my sweet?" she said seductively.
"Are you serious?" he asked incredulously. Was this stunning, spectacular creature actually offering herself to him?
She smiled at him and slipped out of her skintight clothes letting them fall behind her. She crawled onto the bed and laid on her back looking at him. "I'm all yours, lover... anything you want, any way you want it. Just come and take it."
Timothy lost the ability to think rationally at that point. He shed his clothes like they were on fire and jumped into bed next to his beautiful bedmate.
Vanessa giggled at his bumbling enthusiasm, but he didn't care. He crawled on top of her between her long wide-spread legs. Face to face now with Vanessa's full and firm 34D tits, he immediately fastened his mouth to one and used his hand to entertain the other.
"Oooh baby, that feels nice," she cooed. Vanessa's nipples agreed, becoming hard enough to cut glass in his mouth. At first, she held her tits up, offering them to his hot, eager mouth.
But when she realized that he could suckle her with her help, she moved her hands down to stroke his cock back to life. She seemed to have a magic touch too–he had just dumped his entire load into her mouth only a few moments before.
Normally it took him at least twenty to thirty minutes to recover, but here it was less than five minutes later and he was already getting hard again!
"Okay lover now show me what you can do with this big ol' cock. Shove this thing deep into my lonely pussy and let kitty have some fun too," she said.
Timothy raised his hips up high enough for Vanessa to move his cock into position at her wet slippery hole. Then he slipped slowly into her as Vanessa moaned her exquisite pleasure in being filled again after so very long.
While Timothy wasn't very big as cock size goes, Vanessa's pussy hadn't seen anything bigger than her finger in hundreds of years and she was almost as tight as a virgin. Timothy's cock was more than adequate for her.
Timothy may have been small in size, but he made up for it in enthusiasm and effort. He pounded into Vanessa like he was late for an appointment! And she loved every hard, deep thrust he gave her too.
"That's it baby, fuck me hard with that beautiful cock. Give me all that fat meatstick," she coached. He fully intended to do that very thing and he continued pummeling her with his cock.
After several minutes of hard fast fucking, Timothy was once again at his crest. "I'm going to cum again Vanessa," he warned.
"Yes, lover, cum in my pussy. Fill my hungry kitty with your sweet cum! Give it to me..." she said.
And a moment or two later he did. As the first spurt of his seed hit her pussy walls, Vanessa joined in, cumming along with him.
She raked her long fingernails across his back leaving deep scratches, but he didn't pay them any mind... his focus was on his exploding cock and sending his cum as deep into her as he could.
They lay back both panting like spent dogs. Vanessa, being nonhuman, recovered first. "Timothy, my dear, I hate to end this so soon but it's going to be getting dark before long. You probably should be heading back to town."
"Will I see you again? I mean I am going to buy this house, will you still be here?" he asked.
"My darling, there's something I need to tell you. You see you have already cum in me twice now. Once you fed me your cum and just now you came inside me.
"If you and I have sex and you cum in me once more, even by accident, you will become a vampire, like me. It's part of the curse.
"So I don't think we should see each other again–the temptation would be too great. If you wish to buy this house, then I will have to find another," Vanessa said
Timothy left the Connelly mansion completely dejected. Here he finally found the woman of his dreams... a woman that could stand toe to toe with any Playboy Playmate in a beauty contest.
One who was a wild sexual animal in bed, and one that wanted him as much as he wanted her. But because of circumstances beyond either of their control, they couldn't be together.
Timothy returned to his hotel room broken-spirited. He lay in bed all that night thinking about his life to this point and the sad reality that he would have to return to it, knowing what he had today.
By morning's light, he had made his decision. He didn't even wait for breakfast. He knew he had to act fast if he was to make this work so he drove back up to Connelly mansion and ran inside.
Straight to the basement he went, all the while praying he wasn't too late. As he hit the floor of the basement he turned and there it was, the pine box!
Timothy opened it hoping against hope she was in it and sure enough, as the top creaked open her pink smoke appeared.
"Timothy! What are you doing here? I thought I told you that we couldn't..." she said.
"That's what I came here to tell you. I don't care about any of that. Vanessa, I don't want you to go. I want you to stay here... with me. I want to be your lover forever, if you'll have me.
"I want to cum the third time and I want to be with you forever. I can't go back to what I called life before I met you. I couldn't. I have had you–twice now. And anything other than that is just settling. I don't want to settle. I want you."
"Oh Timothy, my darling, I want that too. I was not looking forward to leaving this house. It holds far too many memories good and bad.
"This was the house Stephan and I built, the house I have lived in ever since. The house we met in. I didn't want to leave. And now I don't. How wonderful!
"But this has to be your decision, my sweet. You have to enter into this of your own free will and understanding that it can never be reversed. You understand that?" she asked.
"Yes I understand and I do want this. I can't live without you Vanessa, no matter the cost. I have no one who will miss me. I have no family, no real friends, no life without you. So how does this work? I mean how do I..." Timothy said awkwardly.
"Well, you have already cum in me twice so there's only one more time for you to become a vampire, like me. And since you came in my mouth and fed me, then fed kitty, you can have either of those again, or..." and she looked behind her with a naughty grin.
This time Timothy took her hand and led her upstairs to the bedroom. "On your hands and knees my naughty vamp!" he said.
She smiled and got on the bed in the proper position. He licked her ass and spit on the puckered hole to lube it up some then pointed his willing cock at the tight brown hole and pushed into her.
"Ohhh, Timm..." she moaned as he sank deep into her bowels.
He began fucking her slowly increasing in speed as she adjusted to him. He reached around under her and began playing with her pussy further arousing her.
Vanessa began fucking back at him, wanting his cock deeper in her, relishing the feelings his cock and his fingers were giving her.
"Fuck your ass is tight, Vanessa... it feels like I have my cock in a warm vise!"
"Yes but it feels sooo good!" she added.
Because Vanessa's asshole was so tight, Timothy couldn't cum at first even though he should have. Her ass muscles prevented him from cumming until he had built up so much pressure that he overcame her sphincter.
"Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" Timothy cried.
And sure enough, he blasted her rectum with a double load of white-hot cum. But the force of his enormous orgasm caused him to pass out and he fell to the bed, his cock still leaking a bit of his cum.
He didn't know how long he lay there on the bed but when he came to Vanessa was gone. Timothy stood up and felt odd. Not hurting, just not himself.
The floor looked further away than he remembered it. And even though he hadn't slept or eaten since the day before he wasn't tired or hungry. He stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the bathroom light.
"What the fuck?" he cried out. Who was that in the mirror? Just then Vanessa appeared behind him. "What happened to me?" he asked.
"Well, one of the benefits of being a vampire is that we can read minds. I saw how you always wished you could be bigger stronger and better looking. I saw in your head what you wish you looked like. How did I do?" she said.
Timothy looked back into the mirror. He was a hunk! His whole body had grown and developed He looked like he belonged on Venice Beach with the other bodybuilders! And his face was unrecognizable, too–he was handsome... really handsome!
Then an idea hit him and he pulled his shorts out. "Yes, I did a little work down there as well! If I'm going to make you my hunk then..." Vanessa giggled.
His cock had grown nearly twice its former size in both length and girth!
"Now come sit down, there are some things we need to talk about now that you are a vampire," she said. They went and sat down on the bed.
"First off, you will live forever just as I do, but you can never again go outside in the daylight. The sunshine will kill you. We do have electricity and we do have lights here in the house but because they are artificial, they do not hurt us.
"Secondly, you and I will be lovers from now on. There aren't many of us and none anywhere around us that I know of so it's just you and I.
"If either of us tries to interact with humans we are bound to have heartbreak. We would continue to live while we watched our loved ones wither away and die. That's why it is good you have no family or friends–it is simply too painful, trust me on this," she said.
"Well, I certainly don't mind being your lover for all eternity! I just hope you don't get tired of me!" he quipped.
"Not much chance of that darling," she said smiling broadly. "I have been so terribly lonely since Stephan died that I couldn't go on without him. But being a vampiress, I am cursed to live forever and I couldn't even kill myself."
"Well, hopefully, you won't have to be lonely anymore my love. You are more than I could have ever dreamed of having, and now knowing that I will have you forever, I can't imagine being any happier," he said.
"Lastly, because you are a vampire now, you are the 'man of the house'. Vampiresses always are submissive to the vampire and so you are the boss. I will help you get adjusted to this new world, but you are in charge. That's the way things are even in the undead," she smiled.
And so Timothy found his queen and Vanessa her king. The two remained in Connelly mansion and it continued to be on the market.
From time to time someone would come by to look at the place, but it never got sold. The local townspeople figured Timothy was just another visitor to the Connelly mansion that disappeared under strange circumstances. The rental company came to get their car after a couple of days and the whole incident was forgotten to history.
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Deep Space – The Alien Ship The Second Officer turned to his superior. “Sir, you do not need to be part of this. You are too important to risk.” A frown crossed the First’s face. “I appreciate the compliment and your concern, but I will be part of it. If things go badly, I want to be there. My weapon might be needed. Besides, I think the Commander is going to be too busy to pay much attention to his flight deck – if things go as planned.” Turning back to his Science Officer, “This all...
The sun was beginning to set and cast bright brilliantly colored streaks of light through the front windows of Frills and Thrills. Carrie was behind the circular cash wrap desk which was situated fifteen feet back from the front door, giving everyone who worked there an instant view of whoever walked in. She idly stared out the windows at the infrequent people who walked by. The store had been closed for almost an hour but she had stayed behind to finish some paperwork and to take a few...
One Thursday, as I was returning to my home city after a brief holiday, I saw a sign signalling that there was a nursery up ahead. I had been looking for white bougainvillea for ages and wanted a strong healthy plant. All the specimens that had seen up until then were puny and I wasn’t prepared to buy a plant, which would take several months to reach its potential. I had bought twelve of the most beautiful square pots for my terrace, and so far had acquired eleven colours of the bougainvillea...
Gay MaleI didn’t tell people about my past. I was a decent looking guy, skinny, but compared to the other guys around I would say I was above average. My estimation had to have been somewhat correct, because on the first night in the dorms, I met Angela. We hit it off right away, kind of. We started talking because during one of the “reveals” she told the group that she was an orphan. I didn’t share my past with the group, but after it broke up, I went up to her, the first time I had ever done that,...
"Fuck!" you curse silently looking at the mail from your physics teacher. As he promised he sent the results of a final test, the one which will decide what grade you will receive in the final year of high school. You got (in your school they are using 1-5 scale, where 5 is the best grade) 2. So you passed...but barely. Considering your other grades you know that you needed to get at least 4 to had a chance to get into the college without entrance exam (and with a scholarship). For a moment you...
Teen"Are you ok in there?" her mother’s voice echoed from behind the bathroom door, along with two loud knocks that she played over and over in her head. "Y-Yes. I'm fine mommy..." The girl said. Her mother sighed, but after a few minutes the girl could hear her mother walk away. Rubbing her eyes furiously, she stood up, grabbing onto the wall. She looked at herself in the mirror. Messy, dark hair. Blood-shot, brown eyes. Pale...pale skin. She leaned against the sink. Why her? Why did...
It was probably the best food I ever ate, and I had no idea what it was. Some kind of a meat and sauce was the star, then of course there were vegetable that were delicious. Then for desert there was a humble sweet potato pie elevated to a masterpiece of flavor. There were also several types of wine, which I did not recognize. Of course there was a fancy set up of silver and china. Fancy enough that I had no idea what fork was meant for what bit of food. To make matters worse for me, they...
GOD’S GREAT PLAN By Al Steiner My best friend when I was growing up was a k** named Mike Tilden.Though he was considered to be a geek by practically everyone else, Mike wasan intelligent k** who read everything he could get his hands on. The termfor him these days would be ‘nerd’. Mike's family was a little on the weird side, at least that is myimpression of them today. They were nice people, don't get me wrong, butthey were religious fanatics. His Dad, a bearded, hip-talking leftover...
QUERESH 17th of Sha’baan 1417 (December 28, 1996) Queresh agreed with himself that consuming alcohol on a regular basis did not constitute a moral failure. He had been introduced to alcohol several years ago, as some of his closest associates in the garment industry drank at every conceivable opportunity. He liked drinking. He admitted that one or two drinks after work with his American friends did not break any moral code. He would casually sit at the bar and order a light beer. The beer...
As we walked, we talked about the days we’d had at our school, and, as is the norm, the conversation turned to sex. She talked at length about her old boyfriend, a boy of the sixth form, with whom she had had a long and troubled relationship, punctuated by many break ups, rebounds and the like. She described in detail her various sexual encounters with the boy, she had very little in the way of sexual inhibitions, and I think it probable that she didn’t see me as a sexual being… at least, not...
Introduction: Chelsea gets ready for her date with Mandi just to find out its a flop. It was Saturday. Finally I could see Mandi and her gorgeous body, oh those tits. I bit my lip as Ithought about her. Oh shit, what was I going to wear? I jumped up and looked in my closet, nothing but T-shirts and jeans. None of this was appropriate for a date. I snuck out of my room and went to my moms room. Thankfully she was gone. I opened her closet slowly and it was the first thing I had seen. It was...
In the dining room, Jenny watched the laptop feed intently, waiting for the action to start up again. She did not have to wait long as the redhead returned to the main basement room, carrying a blindfold. “Here, put this on,” Sharon told Enis. “What are we doing with this?” Enis asked. Standing there in gray sweatpants that clung to his muscles and a white tee, Jenny thought he looked good enough to eat. “Please tell me that we are not going to replay what happened at your house a few months...
Group SexWelcome to the 10th instalment. Please start reading this series from the first chapter. To date: John Smith had an injection of contaminated testosterone, causing major changes to his reproductive system. He now needs frequent sex to survive and long term female friends Sophia, Janet and Adriana jump in to help him. John has an unexpected re-occurrence of his blackout and is rushed to hospital for a second time. While there Linda arranges for the nursing staff to help with his treatments....
Today begins my third week as an assistant in a semi-busy real estate office, and things are no more organized than they were when I started. Of course, I do my job and keep the office in top shape, but thanks to my realtor, they never stay that way for long. Despite his incredible good looks and mesmerizing charm, he needs constant reminders to keep up with his daily tasks and appointments. “Hong, Mrs. Smith called. She’s been trying to reach you for a week now!” I yell from my small office...
Dark-haired, all-natural slattern Kacie Castle teases us outdoors, dolled up in neon-colored slutwear and spreading her oiled-up buns to reveal her hungry asshole. Indoors, she masturbates for young stud Chris Strokes, who rims her anus and shoves his enormous cock inside Kacie’s juicy cunt. The brunette babe gags on his meat in a nasty throat-fuck. Next, she takes an anal ride that makes her sphincter gape. Ass-to-mouth cocksucking leaves hot cum and the taste of her own rectum on her...
xmoviesforyou„Sie müssen mir das nochmal erklären, bevor wir das Haus besichtigen“, sagt Frank Scheibner, „wenn ich Sie richtig verstanden habe, dann soll ich mich an einer Immobilie beteiligen, die nichts als Verluste macht?“ „Genau das“, antwortet Hubert Meller und lacht, als er kurz zu Scheibner hinüber sieht und dessen skeptischen Blick bemerkt. Er hat seinen Geschäftsfreund zu diesem Termin eingeladen und steuert jetzt sein offenes Cabrio durch den dichten Stadtverkehr. „Ich habe gleich an Sie gedacht,...
TeenShe looks distracted. Fuck, who am I kidding – she looks scared. My arms are on both sides of her shoulders and as I look down at her she is looking everywhere but directly at me. I whisper her name as quietly as I can and she makes eye contact…. Tonight has been an experience already. We’ve been kicking this happening around for more than a year now and we’re both expecting it. I wouldn’t use the word ‘planned’ but the doubt has faded away through hours of conversation and occasional...
As Prince and Jax’s European adventures march on, we find our studs at one of the top modeling agencies in Budapest! They’re there to book sluts, and office girl Gina Gerson has had them waiting far too long for the agent. It doesn’t take long for Prince and Jax to grow frustrated…and Gina knows exactly how to handle frustrated men! At first, it’s a simple tease, but that’s not going to really alleviate their stress! So Gina uses her sweet, little mouth to...
xmoviesforyouChrissy and Sean hadn't seen each other for a long time. Chrissy was still in school and she was busy with all her classes and playing tennis at for her high school. But they didn't forget about each other. Every second of every day they dreamed about the next time they would be together. At school, things were different for Chrissy, she didn't feel like she fit in anymore after she had been with an older man. Sean didn't know what to think, he was starting to fall in love with this young...
Mrs. Andrews was the wife of a real obnoxious jerk that Kyle and I worked with. We'd met her different times at company functions and wondered how her and her husband ever ended up together. We were all getting into our 40's now, but he had really gone soft, while she still looked sexy even if she had a few more curves to her.Kyle and I were constantly talking about what we'd like to do to her but didn't know how she'd react if we tried to do something. One day, after her husband Bill had...
“Erin, there’s nothing wrong with meeting females on the party-line. In fact, that’s how most of the lesbians here in Philly stay connected. Look, I’ll call and you can just listen.” “Aight B, but I can’t guarantee a damn thang.”… Before Erin knew it she had been on the party-line for two whole hours, holding serious conversation with at least ten different girls. It was amusing to her that the girls could create so many different names like ‘Hot Tamali, Sexxxy Tail, and Peanut...
Who are we? I don't know, who are you? We are you. Oh? And who am I? You are us... And we are you... Very helpful... Why am I so cold? Probably because we passed out in this blizzard... Well, that'd do it... And why did I pass out in this blizzard? We don't remember? Yes, of course, I remember, that's why I am asking the voice inside my head. We have been in this blizzard for as long as we can remember. We remember nothing but this blizzard. Do you remember nothing? Wait... I don't remember...
FantasyThe first step of treading the new post-fucking-Sara-with-my-wife-watching world was to find out how Chelsea felt about what happened. I could have called on the way home to find out, but I was too nervous. It probably would have saved me some time if she wanted me out of the house as work was closer to hotels than we were in the suburbs, but it was too late now. I was home and walking into the unknown. I unlocked the front door and walked in. “Chelsea?” I called before closing the door. I...
Oral SexWe start this week’s show, as we start every show, with a shot of the UK of Zoo map of the British Isles with all its sparkling little lights ... And then a new light – brighter and larger, indicating this week’s location – down south, way south - to the south-east of London, sharpening down to a point over (as the caption tells us) - “MAIDSTONE”. Then we dive into the map and cut through to an establishing shot of a boring housing estate. Low green hedgerows, little green lawns, grey brick...
I knew nothing could ever happen between my coworker Jasmine and I, but that sure didn't stop me and many other guys from checking out her sexy body whenever we could. You see, Jasmine is Indian, and because of her strict upbringing, she would not get involved with any guys that weren't also Indian. What a shame because the body on this girl was amazing. Standing at only 5'1'', weighing probably less than 100 pounds, her tiny frame featured large firm tits and a curvy little butt. Her ample...
Introduction: For a friend, you know who you are Troy and the boys got back from their camping and fishing trip with a cooler full of fish they had caught, already cleaned and on ice. The boys went out to play in the yard while Zoe and Kristi began to get the fish ready for the fish fry they had planned, and Troy went out on the patio to get the propane deep fryer ready. Zoe brought the first pan of fish out to Troy, battered and ready to fry up, and told him they needed to talk. Kristi was...
// The expectations are always at its peak and beyond any film limits whenever a Rajinikanth movie is released. Superstar and crowd-puller Rajinikanth’s Kabali is the latest one hitting the theaters worldwide today. The movie is definitely a treat for Rajinikanth fans and every single one of them can surely say that their film was worth their money and time. The film is also worthy of watching for even those of the superstar’s criticizers who wants to make fun of the aged superstar going...
This is a story of titillation, of a young girl, just married and seduced in the course of an evening, a girl experiencing physical sex and the consequences of her adulterous liaison with her new husbands friend, on the night of her honeymoon, read on and enjoy how a girl surrendered more than her womanhood on that sacred night, but the womanhood of their illicitly conceived daughter, on the night of her eighteenth birthday.Here is my side of the story, and I know once you avid readers digest...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 48 Friday proved to be a day for Paula to put aside her success in the go- karting and look to two weeks without Kelly. For Kelly was going away with her parents the next day and when they came back the following Saturday, Paula and her family would be going away. So, for now, Kelly's now routine visit had an extra bit of importance to it. It was just well that Kelly had got over her period and was feeling much more in the mood for kissing. "Two...
Rhiannon said, “well Eric now its time that you slid that dick in me and fucked me good, then our two sluts here can clean me out.” She laughed. “Oh I’ll fuck you good alright,” I thought to myself. I decided it was time that Katie, Lauren, and I turned the tables on Rhiannon. Rhiannon got up and began untying Lauren from her binds, as she did I pushed Katie away from my dick and helped her untie Lauren. When Lauren was finally free of her binds, Rhiannon said, “ok lets tie them together...
.based on a true story.i am Clair female30 5’4.. aunt traci and I have always been close. So, I was happy when she came to visit me. We have always been close. But, something felt different. She looked at me with a wicked stare. I saw her throabbing, her breast growing rock hard. As I showered (*she watched me from the crack in the door)* as I rubbed myself, breasts wet and firm .she throabbed,glaring.. at me. I rubbed myself slower, sliding water between my legs. Purring... hearing her moan I...
i'm only writing this because it is a wonderful story and i remain anonymousi am a 33 year old married womannot a cougar, maybe i am a milfi love to dress up because i am blessed with a slim body and large breastsi always wear high heels, and either stockings, pantyhose or leggings without panties to show off my sexy arsethen I usually wear a dress over the top and a see through bra which serves well as an extra little flirty bitmy friends say i am a cock teaser but i just like the feel it...
Tonight is the night. It has to be. Anticipation drew in her soul tight.Celeste stared through the statue’s eyes at the crumbling red brick below. Spanish moss clumped at her cracked toes, early morning fog saturating what she could see of the air in her peripheral vision. Molded in place, she had all her senses and none of her muscularity. It’d been three hundred years. Three hundred years since the night that witch found her in bed with her husband. Paul the stone mason, just another...
HorrorEve Marlowe is simply looking as fine as can be, as she usually does on a hot day in the Sun! Will Pounder is spying on her from afar, fantasizing about her incredible curves as she walks past him. He cannot help but touch his throbbing cock in response. She has no idea! He continues to watch her, after finding her again one day, innocently practicing yoga in her yard. This perv cannot help himself! This girl is too gorgeous for him to stop. This time his van is a little too obvious. This wild...
xmoviesforyouTwo weeks later, I was riding with Al in his big Olds down the Pacific Coast Highway near the Ventura county line. I was snuggled up to him in the front seat. He said he wanted to take me to a motel out there near the beach.First he stopped at a surf shop along there and he bought me a bikini. I changed into it in the car and he got a peek at my boobs and my puss as I was putting, or trying to put it on. I thought about doing him right there in the Surf Shop parking lot, just sliding over in...
First, let me say that you should read my other posts before reading this one. It puts this personal account into perspective. My wife and I are conservative people, really! We've been married for 2 decades, and have a trusting relationship. She is 48 and I'm 44. She's in perfect shape, and I used to model 10 years ago.Again, read the previous personal stories I posted before reading further so you have perspective.We have not really ever talked about inviting a black man into our bed. We have...
"Let's review," shouted the upperclassman with the bullhorn. "The Green Team has won one event and the Gold Team has won one. In higher education we call that a tie. So here's the deal, we will play one more game. Winners will be considered very, very cool... losers... oh my... losers will have to be initiated. I can't tell you too much about the initiation, but just think mud pit... over there... yes, that one. Keep mud pit in mind as you play. Also think indentured servitude. History...
According to my calculations, we had been away for almost twenty-six Earth days, now. I had made myself ready for a long-term absence from Earth, but I did not think my two companions had. We really needed to go back, and make sure everything was ok, and to make sure everything was set for an extended absence by my two friends. I stretched, and winced. Damn! I still had some pain from the knife wound in my back. I knew that I was much further along the healing process than was humanly...
I went to an adult toy store today. I put on my most serious clothes and my most self-assured expression. Thinking of Anna certainly helped in that department. Well, anyway, it went without a problem. You see, Anna had decided that she wanted a vibrating butterfly from her allowance. And naturally she volunteered me to buy the thing. Well, I already had an idea how to use it, so I gave in and went to buy the thing. In case you don’t know, a vibrating butterfly is a small but powerful...