Il Paradiso Terrestre l Eden
- 3 years ago
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If someone had told Lia the state that she would have found herself in a week down the line she would never have believed it. Even if photographic evidence had been presented, she would have dismissed it as some clever and slanderous photoshopping. And yet sometimes our physical desire is stronger than any logical reasoning.
She was just a regular housewife. I say "just" because it fitted in with how she believed that she had come to be seen. A mother, a wife, a homemaker. Such roles as are vital for a healthy society are somehow sadly swept under the carpet in terms of appreciation, as are those behind them. The trouble with this was that under this particular clichéd vision of societal perfection, lay a woman, a "regular" woman, with regular needs.
She was expected to behave like a maid but without any of the stereotypical, frilly, sexy outfits that had a tendency to flutter through her mind when she bent down low in front of a mirror, and caught a glimpse of her ample breasts spilling out of her top. These visions regularly invaded her thoughts as she mechanically performed her daily tasks. Her husband was oblivious to anything that she thought or felt and only witnessed what his eyes wanted to bear witness to. This fell perfectly in line with his favourite motto "labor omnia vincit" or "work conquers all".
Lia still wanted to feel desired though. She craved passion, fun and spontaneity. And as she rhythmically rammed her big, black dildo up inside of her, she thought of how she'd really like to be fucked hard, up against the wall and cry out in reckless abandon. She wanted to be removed from this Madonna role and be a dirty slut for a while. She didn't want to have to think about responsibilities, about how people would frown on the behaviour of her. "You know she has two young kids, don't you Sally," those perfect women who didn't have this yearning between their legs would gossip in front of the school. She just wanted to be in the moment, to feel again, to really fuck, to really feel some intensity in her life.
Oh God, it felt good to have her pussy filled up right now. She closed her eyes and let her second hand drift down to her clit. She hadn't realised quite how much she needed this orgasm, but as it built up inside of her it started to become all-encompassing. She wanted to start moaning out loud but despite this small respite, this brief moment of abandon, she subconsciously held back.
She had been in contact with a guy on the internet for a while, that had spiced up her life a little. They contacted each other over a chat app and exchanged photos and videos for their mutual pleasure. As her breathing became short and laboured, as her cheeks flushed and her body begged to be pushed over the line, she closed her eyes and thought of him. She imagined that it was his hard cock that was penetrating her right now, as he gripped her ass cheeks and treated her like a slut. She couldn't help but let out a quiet low moan as she reached her climax and her body shuddered.
She kept her eyes closed and smiled to herself as she appreciated the post-coital calm, moving her rubber sex toy in and out of her gently, for a few last languid strokes, as her breathing slowly calmed.
The angry banging on the bathroom door abruptly shattered her reverie and dragged her back to reality.
"Come on Lia, you're not the only one in this household you know and the kids aren't going to clear that mess on their own!"
She whisked the dildo out from between her legs in a panic and cursed as the juices spilt out of her, quickly wiping them away.
"Yeah Mike, give me a second will you," she spat out venomously as she cleaned the tiled floor and agilely jumped under the cascading water of the shower, that had been her subterfuge.
She hurriedly soaped herself down. What the fuck; even her stolen moments were stolen from her! She stepped out of her express wash, wrapped her towel around herself and stormed past her husband.
He turned his head, as she careened passed him and his words limply followed her down the hall.
"I've been calling you for ten minutes Lia! Do your ears fill up with water and make you deaf to the world or something?"
If only, she thought to herself.
Jack was happily married; he was genuinely happy in his relationship and loved his wife. They had grown up together as best friends. His sexual desires were a great deal more experimental than those of his wife, but they had never seen this as a barrier. Indeed, they believed that love was a much rarer commodity than sex; so they married. His wife was level-headed enough to know that other solutions were available to quench one's physical desires and had let him be the judge of that. After all, at the end of any escapade, he would be coming back to her.
To start with, porn had often offered him a little spice in his life but he had found it to become a little like IKEA furniture; easily accessible and practical, but ultimately a little disappointing in the long term. Jack fancied a bit of furniture from a tree that's leaves changed colour and fell away to leave it naked and exposed in the autumn and had hard buds that protruded in early spring, before morphing back to their predominant colouration. Something living.
Well, spring was now on its way thanks to an ongoing online meeting. He presently found himself standing in the hallway in possession of a new source of excitement, in the shape of a small, brown parcel with a slightly faded, red maple leaf in the top corner. He smiled and let his nail slide up between the narrow gap, forcing the opening. He had made a request of her and now her acquiescence was only a few centimetres from his fingers. His tongue unconsciously ran along his lower lip as his index discovered the delicate dentelle within.
Jack had a long-standing love affair with documentaries, especially about the natural world. He always quickly identified with parallels drawn with wild animals. He especially considered the olfactory system to be hors pair, and despite evolution's best efforts to do away with a sense no longer deemed necessary to human survival, he was regularly able to be transported away in a sensory wave of nostalgia with a simple whiff of perfume.
Perfume, of course, evokes a poetic, easily palatable sensory ideal but Jack was adamant that attraction went beyond humanly contrived perceptions of a perfect scent in a classy bottle. As he held her panties up to his nose and inhaled deeply, he drowned in her smell and his base instincts were called to the fore.
The next step of his plan would now take shape. He had a business trip to Rome, leaving on Thursday and with meetings all day Friday. The weekend was free however, and he wanted Lia to join him there. It was slightly crazy even for him, to suggest a transatlantic flight, for a twenty-four hour stopover but he had it all worked out. He just needed Lia to go for it.
"Jack, honey, you won't forget to post that parcel today, will you?"
As the voice echoed down from upstairs he slipped the brown paper and panties discreetly down the front of his jeans, scooped up his keys and left the house mumbling back a few words in the affirmative. He completely forgot the parcel that his wife was talking about, being wholly preoccupied by Lia's, suddenly aware of, and very pleased about, how it was now in such close proximity with his hard cock.
She was sitting at the kitchen bar and nearly spat out her coffee, when she glanced at the contents of the mail. It was early and her calm time before the morning rush. The sun was barely a slither on the horizon. She was still slightly flushed after her early morning workout, despite having showered. Her long, straight, dark hair was still a little damp and a single drop fell right in the centre of the screen, blurring the mail. She shook the phone, wiped it and stamped her foot down in the hubbub that this simple drop of water had caused in her present context. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and counted to ten. She opened them slowly and looked back at her mail. This time she carefully checked that what she thought she had read, she actually had. There was no mistake, it was a plane ticket to Rome and it left in thirty-six hours.
She immediately opened up her messenger app.
Lia: What the fuck Jack?!?!
She had to wait forty-five long minutes to get a response and wasn't able to discreetly consult it until a further hour later. It was succinct.
Jack: :-)
She cried out in frustration at how lightly he was taking this crazy shot out of the blue.
Lia: Seriously Jack. You expect me to fly half way across the world at the drop of a hat just because you send me a flight ticket?!?!
She stared at the screen, willing a response.
Jack: Yes. You said that you 'adooored' Italy!
Lia: Not this again. You can't be serious?
Jack: I just spent over one thousand pounds to fly you 'half way across the world'. I'm serious.
Lia: Not that. Italy!
Jack: I think it's time you explained yourself there.
Lia: OK. The dildo that I happened to be impaling myself upon, at the time of that particular conversation was 'Made in Italy' that's all!!!!
Jack: All that secrecy for that :-) Get your husband to open the mail when he gets in from work. Then you prepare a small overnight case. Tomorrow you're going shopping for lingerie, before you leave. Later on today, a small parcel will arrive through the post. You will insert its contents into your pussy and leave it there (except for obvious moments when you have no choice) until you get to me. Speak later x
Lia: You're crazy!!! I can't!!!
Her messages went undelivered. He had obviously signed out of his app to cut the communication, which only added to her angst; not being able to reason it through with anyone. She spent the morning in a blur, just barely aware of the real world around her.
As Jack had described, a parcel did come through the post later that day. She signed for it and went to sit down to open it. She unfastened the white silk ribbon that decorated the sleek black box and opened it up. Sitting inside it was a note.
Download the app, sync the beads with your phone, get yourself ready and slip them in. You can have a little play with the 'vibrate' function but just a play. Before you lose yourself in the moment, you click 'confer control to partnered user'. From this point on, you can no longer control the beads; only I can.
She knew it was totally insane and while she didn't ever imagine that she would ever see it through she nevertheless went to the bedroom and started to put a few things together. It was just like an extension of their online fantasies; a moments respite from reality, in her sexual dreamworld. She ended up emptying her entire wardrobe in her careful selection process. An hour later after having vastly reduced the choice she still wasn't sure but both her mental and physical attention had switched irreversibly to the contents of the black box sitting on the bed.
She opened it and removed the anthracite beads. The light reflected off them and into the full length mirror on the wall in front of her. She looked at herself in the reflective glass. She was closing in on forty but still had a great figure. She kept looking at her reflection as she stripped her clothes off, until she was standing naked, with just a dainty gold chain around her neck and the beads in her hand. Her full breasts sat up beautifully on her chest; she cupped them, pushed them up a little higher, silently wishing them to defy the gravity of time. Her stomach and hips had a little more form than they had when she was younger but Jack had said that he liked something to hold onto. Her pubic hair was reduced to a delicate strip above her labia, as Jack preferred.
She noticed that her pussy was moist and brought the beads down to rub them between her legs. The fact that they had come from him, that he had dared to send them through the post to her made their relationship irresistibly real. She hoped that her panties had had a similar effect on him. The coldness of the beads on her moist lips sent a shiver down her spine. She smiled at herself in the mirror. It was crazy but it was like a miracle cure that made her feel like a teenager again. She pushed the beads slowly up inside of her, enjoying the feeling of her opening being filled and then contracting, bead by bead, until they were all in.
She reached down, scooped up her phone, installed the app, synched and hit the vibration button to low. The beads purred away deliciously inside of her. She got dressed again and went back to her chores, leaving the beads buzzing between her legs. After a while she had to stop it as the urge to cum became her overriding priority in life and she was unable to concentrate on anything else. Reluctantly she hit the switch that passed the control over to him.
Lia looked on from the kitchen, through the gap in the door hinge as her husband opened the letter. He frowned as he read. When he had finished he carefully scanned around him for a sign of life. Not seeing anything, he slipped the letter inside his fishing magazine and went up the stairs.
She immediately went over to the magazine and checked its contents. There was a letter from her psychology magazine, addressed to her husband (since he had signed up to it as a birthday gift) announcing that she had won a long weekend at a health spa, which would include psychology presentations and discussions. It looked totally legitimate. Why had he hidden it?
When they sat down to eat that night, she questioned him.
"Checked out your new fishing magazine yet?"
His nostrils flared. "I don't have time at the moment. You know I'm busy," he replied, as if swatting away an annoying insect.
Knowing the truth, she boiled inside. Her face hardened and she sat motionless, staring at him across the table. The silence was palatable. Eventually, he looked up.
"You tell me?"
She held his gaze and he quickly broke away.
"Why the sudden interest in fishing?" he managed to mumble out.
She kept staring him down and didn't say a word, leaving him a last opening in which to explain himself.
"If you've got something to say, say it. Don't just sit there staring at me!"
"I won a trip away," she said slowly. "I've never won a trip away, let alone had one."
He still couldn't meet her eyes.
"If you knew all along, why all the play acting? It's probably those bloody psychology magazines putting clever ideas into your head. I knew it was a bad idea. Shot myself in the foot there it seems!"
Lia got up from the table, her mind was now firmly made up. She would be going away for a long weekend, but not to the health spa. She was going to get fucked like she so desperately needed.
He got up and started following her out of the kitchen.
"You don't expect me to look after the kids all weekend, all on my own, after the week I've just had do you? I'm the one who needs a spa break here! And I was planning to go fishing…"
His voice became a distant echo that couldn't penetrate her bubble. His little, irritating insect had taken flight.
The next day was spent buying lingerie. The thought of who she was buying it for, as well as the beads still in place drove her wild. Jack hadn't made contact at all since his last message and she was starting to get a little worried; she decided to catch his attention. In one of the changing rooms she took a selfie and sent it off to him. The photo pictured her sitting on the bench in dark blue underwear, with a hole in the gusset of her panties. The stem of the beads was visible through the opening. A few moments later as she was pulling her jeans back on she felt vibrations from inside her. She gasped out loud as her beads buzzed frenetically on the highest setting. She sat back down on the bench. Her phone vibrated about a new message.
Jack: You look fucking amazing Lia. Can't wait to see you!
Lia: You're such a tease Jack. I want you inside of me, right now!!!
Jack: Not too long to wait now baby. You're going to need a good rest in the plane. Try some sleeping pills maybe, to be sure.
She smiled and tried to gather her composure as the beads kept on. She really couldn't wait.
Lia gazed out across the skyline as the city lights of this hitherto unknown, ancient city seemed to leap out of the night sky; promising her so much. As the aeroplane touched down she took a deep breath; she still couldn't really believe that she was here. She deactivated aeroplane mode on her phone and a new message flashed up on the screen.
Jack: Once you get through customs there'll be a driver waiting for you; his name's Max. He'll be holding up a card with your name on it. On the way, he'll pass you a washbag, so you can go and freshen up. You'll change into a sophisticated dress and put the beads back in (there's some lube in the washbag).
This really was insane, but there was no turning back now. She met Max, as explained and freshened up, before climbing into the back of the sleek car. As they cruised along the scenic Via Portuense she looked out through the tinted windows of the car at the ancient River Tiber. Her heart was pounding and wasn't helped by the vibrations that had suddenly started again between her legs. She sat there and tried to take in what she could of the outskirts of this ancient, unknown city. The vibrations stopped, as suddenly as they had begun. She loved the fact that Jack had such an intimate control of her, as if he were with her already. Her phone vibrated.
Jack: Next stop is "Il Paradiso Terrestre, l'Eden". When you arrive at the door, ring. Tonight's code is 'piacere' (pleasure).
The car slowed in front of a revamped old warehouse. The strong, black metal bars criss crossed their way in a lattice pattern along the length of the wall, contrasting with the raw wood underneath. She knocked, provided the code and proceeded into an entrance hall alive with erotic photography. Involuntarily, she brought her hand up to her mouth, staring at the images. What was this place?
"Prima volta qui?" came the voice from behind her.
She turned, startled. "I'm sorry, I don't speak Italian."
"First time, yes?"
She nodded her head absently, as she took in the muscular form of the man in front of her. He was wearing a very short, leather skirt and had no top.
"You like, I think. Bella regazza. Lots of fun." He smiled kindly and went on his way.
She spent a while just standing there, drawn to the decadent images, feeling the dampened bass thrumb through the walls and tried to work up the courage to keep going, into the actual club. She felt her pussy well up at the prospect of what she might find there. Finally, she walked on, head held high, promising herself to just behave normally. Keeping her promise was immediately put to the test, as she stepped out from behind a large mirror and stepped into the main room.
A brilliant glass ceiling surmounted the large open space on the ground floor and entirely dominated the area. While innovative and providing a very sleek, modern feel, on its own this detail would not be especially significant. However, in this case, it provided a window into a new world above; a world inhabited by exhibitionists. Those underneath became de facto voyeurs up into a hedonistic heaven above. Mixed into the music, that somehow felt perfectly in sync with the atmosphere, there was intermittent moaning.
Lia was entranced by the decadent sprawl of depravity that met her eyes. She was directly under a woman at the bar and had an unencumbered view straight up between her suspendered legs and up to a pair of crotchless panties. As she delicately held a cocktail glass to her lips, her free hand was absently caressing the impressive erection of her neighbour. To the side, on an ultra modern divan one woman was prostrate, her legs spread eagled, as another woman lapped at her labia and two men masturbated over the decadent display.
However, the majority of the attention was drawn to the other side of the room. The room was a clinical glass cube, shut off from the rest of the floor. Inside it were three naked forms, suspended by a variety of elaborate knots and ropes. The conductor of this orchestra was a lean, muscular man, wearing a simple pair of tight white trousers, no shoes, no top. His movements were calm and calculated, like a scientist in a lab. He passed from one subject to the other and administered their particular perversion. In front of the first he oiled up his hands and smeared it around the man's asshole, working the oil into the skin, massaging his way into the passage. He proceeded to reach behind himself and picked up an anal plug from the glass counter.
As he gently introduced the foreign object into his rear, the man's moan blended into the music. As people's gaze turned up to see what had caused this particular addition, they witnessed his eyes closed tightly, and his mouth open. When it was fully inside, he smiled a smile that was neither relief nor pleasure, but some emotion that transcended the two. The sexual scientist caressed the man's engorged length; one, two, three full tugs and then nothing. He continued around the suspended figure, stroked his desperate, contorted face as a nurse to a suffering patient and then abandoned him, shifting his attention to the adjacent woman.
Lia screeched as she felt the vibrations between her legs and nearly jumped out of her skin when two hands wrapped themselves around her.
"You look exquisite, Lia," he whispered in her ear.
"Oh my God. Jack. It's you!"
"Who were you expecting, baby? You didn't think that I'd leave you here alone, exposed to the wolves did you?"
She smiled and melted back into his embrace, still not turning to look at him. She had seen him, intimately, but never in the flesh and somehow that made her nervous. Whereas before he had been a mere image on a screen, here she felt a real person, strong arms wrapped around here, the comfortable bubble wrapped fantasy was being punctured and reality was flooding out. She trembled.
He took her earlobe between his lips and sucked on it, as one hand cupped her breast; somehow, in this place, it didn't seem out of place.
"Lia, I want to hear you say, 'I'm your slut, Jack.'"
As she felt his touch and listened to his voice, so she heard the moans of the woman above, woven in her web of ties. She felt her damp gusset clinging to the smooth lips of her labia. After all the wait, all the build-up, all of this subtle and overt hedonistic depravity, she suddenly felt a desperate need to have him inside of her.
She turned on him rapidly and drew him into her mouth, pulling his body towards her desperately. As she devoured him, her hand went down and unzipped his flies in one swift movement. Her fingers were straight inside and wrapped themselves urgently around the warmth of his hard cock. He took her firmly by the wrist and removed her hand, breaking away from their embrace. Her cheeks were flushed, she was breathing hard and felt suddenly disoriented as she looked up into his eyes, searching understanding. He smiled back at her. "So?"
"Oh my God, I'm your slut Jack," she beamed.
"I want you too, Lia, but we can't do this here, only up there." His eyes motioned up to the glass ceiling. "This is simply the spectator's gallery. You often spoke to me of your exhibitionist tendencies," he raised his eyebrow questioningly, then fixed them back on hers.
She hesitated. Her heart thumped like a hammer in her chest. She felt light headed. She had essentially been on the point of doing what he had just described anyway, but by stopping, explaining it and giving her a choice it made it much harder. She couldn't just follow her body's signals, she had to make a conscious decision. All of her senses were consumed in sexual desire though and the pull was too strong; her body was crying out to her, as her mind was left suspended in a mesmeric orgy. She reached out for his hand and took a step towards the glass elevator.
Reality was reflected back at them via a mirror on the far wall and Lia watched what seemed to be a film pass before her eyes. The actor stepping into the elevator was a tall, elegant man, his calm exterior betrayed only by the hunger in his eyes and the bulge in his crotch. The actress next to him was shorter by a head and shapelier, the curves highlighted to perfection in the teasing semi-transparency of black dentelle that enshrined her. Her long, dark hair fell over her shoulders, the Asian slant of her eyes only partially concealing the burning at which mystics proclaimed to be the gateway to one's soul. The actor pushed the up button and the elevator jolted into life.
The elevator doors opened and they stepped out.
"Shall we get a drink, Lia?"
Her eyes were everywhere and nowhere. He took her by the hand and led her forwards.
Sat upon the barstool, she took a deep swig of her drink. He had known to order her a glass of red wine without asking.
Over on the divan, two men had their women bent over the backrest and were taking them hard from behind. A man approached from the other side and unzipped; he started masturbating in front of the foursome. After a few minutes, he had edged closer, hence presenting himself in front of one of those bent over. She took the hint and wrapped her lips around him.
"I'd like you to do that to my cock, Lia."
"What? Here?" She looked up her dark eyes meeting his, searchingly.
His lips curled up into a smile. "I've never done anything like this either you know," he continued, although she wasn't sure that she believed him.
"Let's start with you though," he continued. He reached into his pocket and flicked the switch. She was so aroused already that she had to stifle her moan. "I think we can turn it off now." He was enjoying teasing her. "I'm going to take the beads out too."
He went down onto his haunches in front of her and, after overpowering the reflex resistance, spread her legs. The couple next to them looked on. He approached his head, pushing his nose up against her panties and felt the dampness, which immediately caused his cock to twitch. He inhaled deeply what had only been in his imagination over their video chats. He pulled the damp gusset to one side and took in the sweet lips, the moisture glimmering in the lights. He let his tongue run up excruciatingly slowly, from the very base of her lips, up through the middle, his tongue pushing up inside along the way and continuing right up to her clit.
He pulled away and angled his head to look at the result. She looked back down at him, willing him to continue as her hands ran through his hair. He licked his lips unconsciously as he gradually removed the beads, watching as her labia parted and recontracted as each sphere popped out, one by one. He looked back up into her dark eyes as he sucked on the beads. The couple next to them had started touching each other, as they openly watched on. His hand was up her top and her hand arched behind her back and down the front of his jeans.
Despite having spoken of it often with Jack, Lia had never actually exposed herself publicly. While she felt extremely self-conscious, the natural fear was transcended by a sudden and overwhelming feeling of desperation; to cum. She pulled Jack's head to her pussy urgently and moaned out. As she did so, a tall woman, with long dark hair and electric blue eyes invited herself into the mêlée. She stroked Lia's face with her palm. Lia arched her head back, looked at the stunning woman, just inches from her face and communicated her willingness. The woman wasted no time in locking lips and put her hand straight on Lia's ample breast.
In parallel, Jack feasted on her soaking cunt, slurping and sucking, like a man possessed, her writhing only encouraging him further. He sucked on her clit as his tongue circled it. At the same time, he started fucking her with two fingers.
Here she was, in an erotic club in a far-off European city, her legs spread for all to see, Jack on the point of sending her over the edge, her breasts hanging out over her sophisticated dentelle dress, kissing a woman as the couple next to them were getting off on the scene, not to mention others who were simply out of her field of vision. It was insane and intense and she was already set to squirt all over Jack. With one hand she gripped the back of her new female partner's hair and pushed her down to service her nipples, with the other she gripped Jack's head, as if willing it to actually enter inside her body.
Through her squinted eyes she looked onto the people on the divan. One of the men was now positioning himself to enter his woman anally, as the other had pulled out of his partner completely and was at that moment shooting streams of cum all over her ass. Between the physical sensations, the visual stimulation and the unbelievable situation in which she found herself, Lia let go, her body trembled and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut as a wonderful wave of wellbeing swept through her.
She opened her eyes again and gazed upon this surreal, sexual playground that she found herself in. The couple next to them met her gaze and smiled encouragingly, like supporters of a sporting match having born witness to a special moment. She smiled back.
Their female companion had broken away from Lia's breast. Jack got to his feet, his mouth gleaming in sex and kissed Lia intensely, letting her taste her own sweetness. The woman with the blue eyes swept around, behind Jack, wrapped her arms around him, and between the couple, and unzipped his flies.
She released his length from its confines and immediately started to stroke up and down his swollen member. Jack and Lia broke away from their embrace.
"Mi chiamo Emanuela," she smiled conspiratorially at Lia, from over Jack's shoulder. "You me help," she continued in her heavy Italian accent, as she maintained the rhythmic movements of her hand up and down his length.
"He dirty. You clean?"
Lia reflexively covered her breasts again with her dress
"No, don't. I want to see them, baby," Jack intervened, "as I'm sure many others here do too!"
She pulled her breasts back out over her dress and gave them a playful squeeze, casting a coquettish glimpse over Jack before getting down on her knees in front of him - and incidentally, the other witnesses to the spectacle. As Emanuela continued wanking his cock, Lia wrapped her mouth around the head and sucked on it enthusiastically.
He had been thinking of little else for the past few weeks, as he planned and thought out all the finer details and even his normally very healthy libido had achieved new peaks of intensity. Jack caressed her hair, closed his eyes and smiled in satisfaction at how his crazy idea had come to fruition. As the two women worked in tandem and picked up the pace he grabbed Lia's hair more forcefully and pulled her into him, fucking her willing mouth. She gagged, tears welled reactively in her eyes but she stuck to her task religiously, determined to feel his cum dribble down her throat.
The blue-eyed woman then cut short the moment, pulling his trousers completely off. He instinctively opened his eyes and was surprised by the little crowd that had formed itself around them.
"Manu, help the man out," a voice encouraged - it seemed that she was a regular here.
Jack felt a soft hand slip up between his legs. They gently caressed his balls, before giving them a short yank.
A strangled "Aaahh," escaped his lips.
A finger slipped between his tight cheeks and started to massage his bud. His leaking length twitched in response and Lia sucked down harder, letting her tongue roll circles over the back of his sensitive head. He was amazed he had held out so long and in a sudden desperation to let it all out, he pushed back onto Emanuela's finger, encouraging her to do what she inevitably did.
"Oh fuck," he cried out, as his back arched, his head looked up at the ceiling and stream after stream of his milky fluid emptied itself onto Lia's face, in her hair, down onto her ample breasts and down her sublime new dress.
He smiled to himself. "Fuck me, I haven't cum like that in forever!"
Lia was fully immersed in the moment; she rubbed his cum all over her breasts and only when she looked up did she remember where she was.
If someone had told Lia the state that she had found herself in a week ago, she would never have believed it. Even if photographic evidence had been presented, she would have dismissed it as some clever and slanderous photoshopping. And yet sometimes our physical desire is simply stronger than any logical reasoning.
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OK this is the second part of my true story. I was going to leave it at two parts, but I think there's enough to make it three parts, now!I think I'd best point out that beyond the (I'm told) common early sexual experiences most straight men have as youngsters, with other men of their age, I'd not had any experience of men. You won't, of course, get many straight men who admit to this. But I'm not like most men.However, this early experience was enough to leave me curious as to what it would...
It has been 3 weeks since I turned 18 and only 1 since I finished my course on how to be a PA (personal assistant) I’ve been to a few interviews since then but haven’t really liked any of them, except the one I went to this morning. A fairly small law firm, the owner Charles interviewed me and seemed like a really nice guy. I woke early this morning excited for the interview. After my shower I stood in my room looking into the mirror trying to decide wat to wear. Stating from the bottom I...
It was late into the semester and the college announced that there would special classes for certain Students. For all did I know that these classes would turn out to be really “special” for me. IAM a 20 year old, good looking, (and since this page is about sex), I do have a medium sized penis but I can fuck like the animal she wants me to be. Coming back to the story. I attended classes only for this sexed out and curvy professor in my college.. beaula.. shes 5’4 in height big titties a bubble...
"Did you want to grab something to eat this afternoon? My treat?" I said, eagerly awaiting Sar's response. "Sure thing, Bianca! I have a lunch break at one. Wanna meet up?" "There's a great Italian place not far from your office. Paradise Restaurant I think it's called. I've been thinking of trying it for a while." I lied. I had been there before, but I wanted her to feel like we were experiencing something new together. "I think I know the place. I'll see you there soon." ...
WOW, so it has finally happened!i have fantasised about this moment many nights, stroking my hard cock over a friend of my mothers that i once caught a glimpse of drying in the shower when i was a teen... seeing her body was amazing i remember how tiny and petite (5'1) she was with a really cute bum, she had nice little b cup breasts and big pink nipples that i immediately wanted to suck on, but the best of all was this wild untamed bush that i got stuck staring at when she finally noticed me,...
The rest of the winter was uneventful. That warm springlike day didn't last and all too quickly the reality of winter was back with a vengence. I tried to have another encounter with my new friend, hoping things would go futher but I never ran into him again.Once winter was over and spring had settled, I had that stirring in my panties yet again and longed for someone to find me and make me his. As the days warmed I found myself getting more and more daring in my quest to be made someone's...
I can’t believe you’re still asleep. You usually get up way before I do. I guess last night wore you out. You look so sweet laying there on your side. I run my hand across the side of your face and over your ear. You don’t move, you must really be out of it. I run my hand down your arm, across your side down to your butt. I position myself closer to you, so I can reach around and caress your butt. I slide down, kissing your chest and belly as I go. I get where I can feel your...
When, I was 18 I got extremely interested in piano lessons. Well luck have it just across from my house was a piano teacher MS. Clapton and she was married to a man named Roger. I just called him Mr. Clapton out respect and I called Heather Ms. Clapton. MS. Clapton was a beautiful young woman in her 30’s nice brunette hair that fell to her shoulders, and she had very beautiful brown eyes. Ms. Clapton was 5’6 and was around 110-120 lbs she’s was absolutely stunning. I knew I had to get lessons...
You are Ian Buckley, a shy 18 yo virgin boy. You live with your parents Mike Buckley and Karen Buckley. Your mother in particular is a beautiful woman in her 40s that you have often found yourself lusting over. __ Make sure to change the names before starting! __ All characters are over 18 years old. You lay in your bed, feet crossed, amused by the swirling smoke rising in your bedroom. You've actually only just started this joint, and can't wait to enjoy your well-deserved buzz. It's actually...
IncestShe’d been someone else, once. Once upon a time she’d been a daughter, a granddaughter. A student, a friend, an effervescent teenager with girlish dreams and schoolgirl crushes, with plans of having a career one day, a family. Now, she was just his. In dreams, sometimes, she’d catch little flashes of the life she’d had before him. A pale green bedspread and soft cotton sheets, a closet of clothes and a drawer of tangled jewelry. A bathroom with the counter littered with makeup and...
Nervously I wrote down the directions he gave me. Hanging up, I sat for a few minutes thinking about what I should do. Wanting to feel his hands and mouth again won out. Taking my shower I fought the urge to Jack off. Dressing I thought it would be easier for him not to put underwear on. My pants felt funny and as I walked around my dick stiffened from them rubbing it. Leaving a note saying I'll be back later, I took the directions and headed to his house. After a couple of hours I made it to...
MONTANA MAN by pamela ONE It was only men in Charley's in those days, no females allowed, but for the one exception. No women's lib then to make Charley let them in, not in Montana anyway. Not out there in that godforsaken Divot country. So Charley's was just men, and not too many of them, either. Especially in the daytime, though there was more and more coming in in the afternoons once the plant...
My trip to New York was ace. The city is frantic, the shopping was fantastic and the food was brilliant. I even managed to get in a couple of discrete fucks while I was there. It was most unexpected, but incredibly sexy to say the least. A nice set of genuine intercontinental one night stands. I was fucked by total strangers on another continent. How it all came about was I met this guy from England in the apartment Kitchens. The kitchens were communal and I was making some coffee as mum was...
I was very excited because I was going to get my very first tattoo. I waited until I was twenty four before I decided to get inked for the first time. Mainly because I was a daughter of a minister and had a job as a professional swimsuit model and both of them frowned on tattoos. But I had reached a point in life where I wasn't going to be ruled by others and a tattoo is something I had always wanted.It was late as I walked into the tattoo parlor in the center of town, away from my suburban...
I escaped my fucked-up life into late-night erotic fantasies for years as waves crashed onto the sand beneath my balcony. I frequented my favorite site and started writing stories after becoming enamored with an author. Her stories had dirty, rough stuff I loved but also sensual and tender in a way I tried to emulate but couldn't master. I fantasized she spent hours getting aroused reading my words as I did hers. When she joined a new site, I quickly followed, seizing an opportunity to become...
Straight SexHi to all. I Bhavna is back with further sex incidents of my varun asked me to come to go to theatre with him. i was in a little doubt about how he knew that my husband is not home anymore but then i thought he must have asked it from watchman. i mean its not too tricky to get information about someone. he messaged me the dress in which he wanted to see me. he asked for a tight t-shirt and skirt showing my thighs. he even warned me not to wear any bra or panty or he will make me nude...
Here I am Raj, aged 22 [definitely not my full name], now a professional photographer narrating about the real wonderful and terrific lovemaking session I had with Pooja Bedi, previous sex bomb of Bollywood [daughter of Kabir Bedi and Protima] that happened in 2000 November. She came to film world when she was 14 and at that time itself and she had a very sexy body. She had no objection to show that beautiful body in advertisements and in two three films. To certain extent she was an...
The long anticipated day of moving had finally arrived, the new school was finished and the staff at Cherry Creek School were making the move to their freshly completed classrooms. Excitement permeated every corner of the two buildings, old and new, as students, parents, teachers and movers gathered, carried and deposited the teaching materials into their new home. Kayla Larimer, one of the middle school teachers, was enjoying every minute of this day. In her eleventh year of teaching, Kayla...
Richard's football squad thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They were cheerful and talkative but no trouble to anyone. Two of the boys who remembered Jenny from her time at the Queen's Arms talked to her enthusiastically about Richard. Not only had he started the football team but he had also helped another lad get a job as an apprentice mechanic which he had always wanted to do. One of the boys laughed. "Told 'im to get 'is 'air cut, get rid of 'is piercings an' 'ave a bath, 'e did....
Ladies and Gentlemen... Especially LADIESThe following is an introduction to a young woman's seduction into the Life of BDSM. Ladies, do you approve? Would you kill to have a guy try this with you?Guys, would you have the patience to build a woman this way??Please Let me know what you think at the end of the story!!Thanks, and happy (wet) reading!!!***************************************“What the hell?” I thought as I walked over to the young woman holding the book on bondage. She looked so...
Linda cuddled up against her husband, they were in bed and she suspected that Steve would want sex. Before she let him have her, she needed him to know about what had happened earlier that day. “I met one of those men in the shopping mall this afternoon.” “You mean one of the men that raped you last week? Oh, my god, what did he say?” “Started very casually, just said Hi Mrs Haydon, how are you, I said I was okay, but made it clear I didn’t want to talk with him. He came close and whispered...
Sir Walter Scott. _______________________________________________________________________________________ With Brad and Alyssa's parents home, from their long weekend away. They cant express the passionate feelings for each other, they've kept hidden with petty stepsibling squabbling for the passed two years, since Alyssa's mother married Brad's father. Its night time now, just a few hours since Jack and Grace came home. Now both stepsiblings lay awake in their own beds. They lay...
Trent got up, cleaned the cum stains from his sheet and quickly pulled on a t-shirt and sweat pants before quietly sneaking towards his sister's door. Once arriving at the door he stealthily opened the door an inch or so before listening to the words exchanged. "Wow, it really was big, and did you see him cum, he was like a fountain?" Elizabeth said with a lustfull smile. "Yeah, just thinking about it makes my pussy wet!" Mandy said obviously oblivious to the fact that...
They were a normal couple by all appearances. Melissa was 5'5" and gorgeous - beautiful face, fabulous curves, ample chest - just a knockout from head to toe. Tim was a decent looking guy but he'd obviously married up. Only 5'5" himself, he was still pretty much your average dude by all appearances...regular "guy look", nothing spectacular. He had two issues that would cause him problems though. Poor circulation in his legs and he wasn't very well endowed at all. They'd been married...
Valerie, Jay, Sylvia and I went to the next LGBT dance together. Since there were few dances, everybody attended the LGBT ones, straight, gay or in between. Remembering the last one, I vowed to keep Sylvia close to me. I also wore clothes I didn’t mind losing. The dance was already underway when we got there. I noticed Seth near the front of the stage. He was shirtless and some guy was behind him with his hands on Seth’s chest. I figured it was his roommate as Seth had said they would be...
I said I would tell you about the small gathering of Ladies who like me were selected for a BBC sex party, part for breeding and part for our multi orgasm pleasure with these a****l monsters.The 2 rooms were one for breeding Ladies and the other for us to have our pussies filled and filed over and over again.One of the Ladies who loved to breed with African BBC men was Sue. Sue is a blonde Lady of 35 yo and about 5' 3" tall. She has a big ass and titties with huge brown nipples. Her belly is...
+++++ Fourth Of July Party My wife and I decided to host a family “Forth of July” party on our farm. We have several hundred acres of land and can do just about anything that we want to do. It was planned several months in advance so that I had plenty of time to prepare a field up in the back forty to hold the party. Since the forth was on a Wednesday this year we invited everyone that we knew to spend the entire week and both weekends too. People could bring their tents or...
Alyssa puts her blonde hair back in a ponytail and takes a deep breath while smiling. A random chain of events to be certain but Alyssa doesn’t care, all she can think about is when the next opportunity to get some black cock will be! Alyssa wakes up as the car continues to zoom down the dark highway. She kinda wipes her face a bit as she pulls her phone out to see thats it three in the morning. She looksup at the front of the car where her dad is driving and her mom is sleeping. Hey dad...
The Avenger known as Hawkeye executed a double somersault with a half twist, firing twice, vaulting from the wreckage of what had been a spinning flail arm and landing lightly on the balls of his feet, rolling sideways as the electrical pulse bolts from a wall gun-mount seared the space where he had landed. As he regained his feet, he spun, looking for the next threat as his hearing registered the two impacts of the explosive arrows he'd launched.Nothing. Had he finished the training...
and was tired of being in a solitary world. "Why can't I just get a cute guy for once?", Alexa thought to herself. This had been an ongoing cycle for the past 6 months since Drew had hit the high-road. Groaning aloud Alexa finally made a vow to herself, "I'm getting back in the loop somehow, to hell with this misery". After all, she was absolutely stunning. Gorgeous shinning light-green eyes, mid-length, soft brunette locks, and a beautiful figure. Why couldn't she have it...
My name is Sid and I live at E-City Bangalore. I had a splendid sexperience a few years back with my Cousin Divya – 32 yrs old Married with a 5yr Old Kid. She is a housewife and her husband is more interested in making money than spending time with my sister.She has a perfect figure, lovely lips, sexy structure and long hairs and overall round boobs which still makes me more passionate about making love with her. So once her husband had to go to Calcutta regarding his office work. And I was...
IncestWhilemy husband was at work and I had my day off, I figured I’d have a romantic evening. I thought, to myself the possibilities, to make tonight romantic. I looked through my closet where I kept all my lingerie. I wanted something that said sexy, yet not slutty, sweet but not too innocent. I decided on my light blue silk lingerie with pink accent bows to make it sweet. I had matching garters and white thigh highs. I decided not to wear any panties to surprise him. I looked in the mirror...
Hi I am Abhay Mittal and after various response to my previous interaction I am here with new story. I am 22 and from Delhi. I am 6 feet tall and have a 6 inch dick. Body structure is average and I love sucking and eating girls pussy. I also like to fuck the sexy bubble butts. Any women interested to have a steamy sexual affair mail me or Kik Me at mittalabby …. This story is real and occurred just few days ago. Ashima Sharma is one of my neighbor and is a horny girl, I saw her many times...
The BBC that changed my lifeby kerriluvscumI walked into the video room of the sex club hoping to find some cock. It was early but so far i hadn’t seen many guys cruising the play areas. As i got to the top of the stairs i saw a few guys hanging around the door to the video room looking in. As I got closer I realized there were a lot of guys crowded around. They were looking in. some were playing with themselves thru their pants, some were full on naked and stroking their cocks. Still others...
"When you recover, go shower, and then meet me in the living room," he instructed as he walked towards the house and left me laying in a puddle on the yard.I laid in the grass, recovering both my energy and my senses, for a few minutes. I was basking in the afterglow of what was truly an amazing and crazy experience. It dawned on me as I laid there that, it was only the beginning of what would surely be an amazing and crazy weekend. It was after all only eleven o'clock in the morning on the...
In some ways, the foreplay had gone on for ages: flirty glances, dirty text messages, suggestive photos. And then today… an ‘innocent’ drink. Touching at every available opportunity, kissing, hand’s sliding up my legs and the moan as you realize I’ve removed my panties… It’s getting late and we should be going our separate ways but the kissing and the flirting has got us both hot and horny, the apprehension is too much. We walk hurriedly as you lead me to a secluded place you know. A park...
Anybody that's read anything that I have posted knows that I have a baby sister that is roughly 4 years older than my oldest daughter who is 19. and she has a little baby face perfect tits perfect everything. I love nothing more than stretching out a girl's asshole with my cock. There's something that's just taboo and kinky nasty filthy just fucking dirty about it. I love it. I don't care how nasty and messy it gets or if it doesn't get that way at all. Something about having a cuties shit ring...
“Royalty, Lord, it looked good on me. Buried in silk in the royal boudoir, or going nuclear free. Or playing Crokinole with the Princess of Monaco. Telling my jokes to the OPEC leaders, getting it all on video.” -Moxy Früvous, “King of Spain“ Generalissimo Hernando Ramirez received his call ten minutes before the end of the meeting. An empty office was found nearby for him to take it. Thankfully, the office had a convenient ash tray. He hung his jacket on the back of the chair, took out a...
Friday night, my mother was once again driving me to a girl's house, but this time it was Gemma's. As we got closer, my mother glanced over at me and asked, "Are you nervous?" "I guess I am," I replied. "Despite all the practice that you got with Cat?" she asked. "Yes, because that was a safe situation. This is different. I have to see Gemma every day!" "Just be yourself, and have a good time," Mom suggested. "OK," I said, and then we were at Gemma's house. I got out of...
My door opened and Kira followed my son into the room. He wore only his boxers, already tenting. Kira was clothed in a nightshirt, her swollen breasts pushing out the fabric, her nipples visible beneath. I nodded towards the bed, and they sat next to me. I stood and faced them. "So ... I take it you two are eager to get started." The looks and nods confirmed my thoughts. "I want to introduce you to each other's bodies. You should get to know each other, first with your fingers and your...
by CB Achtland This is a work of fiction. I think of myself as resolutely straight. I look at a lot of porn although I have plenty of girls to fuck. Steven, an old college buddy, dropped by and proposed that we go to a shemale bar that night. I was shocked and refused. But Steven retorted that if I was sure about my sexuality, I should have no problems being there. I could just have a few drinks, take in the scenery, and after we left we could pick up a couple of hookers for a blow job or...
I had a friend when I was a little bit younger, I was about 16. We were really close Hannah and I. I used to sleep over at her almost every weekend and she had this hot tub on her back porch. Late at night we would creep down the stairs and out to the hot tub. In the dark we would giggle. After awhile we got a little more adventurous and we would go skinny dipping. It was on one of these nights as we were sitting naked in this hot tub that we started giving each other dares. It started off as...
Episode 2 I awoke alone in the big bed and as the morning light streamed through the windows I thought for a split-second that I had been dreaming. It must have been a dream! Nobody, but nobody, fucks his wife then ass-fucks his mother-in-law and then sticks his filthy cock into his wife’s beautiful face! What sort of an animal was I? And what if Anne had said something? Christ, where was Claire? What if they were downstairs discussing the whole damn thing right now? As the horror of what I’d...
My ex son in law stops by every so often to help with chores, borrow tools, simple hello's etc. Of course by etc I mean sex, oral, anal, pretty much whatever he wants to do to me.I admit I was always a tease, for him anyway. Subtle things like buttoning my blouse as I enter the room to not so subtle such as wearing a tight white tee and rubbing ice on my nipples as he's walking up the walkway. All in good fun and trust me he did the same, I had seen many a raging hard on in his jeans and...
Mike and Gina lived next door to me. The three of us were the only k**s on our block so we had been friends since we were allowed to play outside by ourselves. We spent every summer it seemed in their backyard playing in the pool and turning their small pool house into our unofficial clubhouse for the season. Now that we were in our teens we hung out with different crowds but would still hang out from time and we remained friends. It was 1986 and the first week of summer. I was home alone...
By: AnonymousYes, it can be very addictive.Right around 2008, in the middle of the Financial Crises, I was going to school part-time, and working as a bartender in North Atlanta. I lost my job. The only place that I could find that was hiring was this Drag club in Buckhead. I didn't really want to work there, but I needed a job, and the manager offered me a great salary.I found out later that she assumed I was a cross dresser. This never came up in our interview, but it WAS a Drag club, and I...
The restaurant was busy when Dan arrived. The holiday seasons were just about upon them, and the pace of life was picking up. As he put on his smock, someone ran into him from the side and wrapped their arms around him. It felt to him like he had just been hit by a truck. Surprised, he looked over to see Sue standing there holding him in a bear hug, with tears in her eyes. Concerned, he asked, “Are you okay?” “That was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me,” Sue said, sobbing....
Chapter 13 What you hear is the sound of your own breathing, heavy from having an opponent who pushes your limits, light when confronting someone of less skill, or balanced and steady when evenly matched. Michael was breathing heavily, his total focus on his opponent, his vision both obscured and enhanced by the limited view through the tightly woven mesh. It was in a word, exhilarating. There are few places in life where you feel purely alive. Here, watching his opponent feign left and try...
Faiza was upset. She was going to swimming today but could not do so. Her pubes were showing through her swimming suite and she had no hair removing cream to remove them. Suddenly she thought of using her brother’s razor. Amir was two years her senior, she was 18, and they shared a common bathroom. Each had a door from their room into the bath. She went outside and made sure that he was not home. Relax she went to the bathroom and opened his cabinet. His Gillette razor was lying next to his...
IncestFireeyes – Northeastern Shore, Lake Esh – The Magery of Thosi The crew of the Mermaid's Lover rowed the riverboat to a sandy shore. I stood on the prow, gazing at the peaceful countryside of Esh. The sun set behind us, painting the fields with crimson. When Angela's business in Esh-Esh was concluded, she would head north. Beyond the horizon lay the highway that ran between Esh-Esh and Allenoth. I planned on being on that highway waiting for her. The sailors on the Mermaid's Lover made...
Kara lied casually on the bed, an arm behind her head, her feathered brown hair rubbing against the pillow. Her red blouse was open and she was naked, her legs slightly apart showing her dark black bush. She was smoking in bed with a 1920s cigarette holder. Her body was thin, but her breasts were plush and laid nicely to the side. Her lover, Pete, looking a little younger but strong, with short-cropped dark hair, enjoyed lying with her. He let him make love to her as much as he wanted. She...
Oh it’s my lucky day today everyone! I’m here with super hunk Sam Shock. Sam is gorgeous, has a awesome body & a nice big cock! Sam is a lean, mean fucking machine for sure. Watch & you will see! I have no idea how long his cock is, 10 inches maybe, not sure, but its long & always hard! First we start off by kissing, then lucky me, he has a feast on my pussy! Then it’s Sam’s turn, NP there! As I’m laying down I take his cock in my mouth, then his balls,...
xmoviesforyouChakras Rock by Miss Anonna I got an email from someone who claimed an acquaintance had told him he needed an energy realignment. He mentioned that his friend had recommended that he contact me and make an appointment so I gave him a few little details about this particular massage and my availability. He quickly wrote back and after a couple of notes back and forth an appointment was set. When I arrived at his home he took some time to answer the door but when he opened it, I found myself...
One of the things we had heard and read about our resort was that you could book a special massage. This massage included a three step process, each of which had their own sexual element. The first step was a deep tissue massage complete with happy ending for both man and woman. Next was a bath house style bath complete with washing servants. The final part of the special was an oil full body massage that went wherever the client wanted it to go. Sheri and I had a couples massage scheduled for...
Wife LoversHi friends,yeh kahani do aurtoo ke beech hui baat chit ke baare me hai.baat us samay ki hai jab me gaon(village) me rata tha. Gaon me makan kafi ek dusre se sate hote hai.mere ghar ke thik sate huye ghar me shadi hui thi .aunty sheela sawli lekin khubsurat thi.unki ek nanad beena jo 1 saal se wahi thi.beena bhi sawli thi.uncle ki suhagraat kafi achi hui hogi aisa mera bisvas tha.ab me kahani ki ur le chalta hun.shadi ke 2-3 week baad sheela aur beena bate kar rahe the. Unki baat mere room me se...