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She’d been someone else, once.

Once upon a time she’d been a daughter, a granddaughter.  A student, a friend, an effervescent teenager with girlish dreams and schoolgirl crushes, with plans of having a career one day, a family.

Now, she was just his.

       In dreams, sometimes, she’d catch little flashes of the life she’d had before him.  A pale green bedspread and soft cotton sheets, a closet of clothes and a drawer of tangled jewelry.  A bathroom with the counter littered with makeup and brushes and bottles, pretty suncatchers in the window.

Every now and then, in the hazy world between sleep and wakefulness, she remembered the scent she used to spray on.  Light and flowery, flirty and fruity. Youthful and carefree, as she’d once been.  On rare occasions, deep in sleep, she’d catch a glimpse of faces that, if she let herself recognize them, she would know as the faces of her former family. 

She didn’t remember much about that anymore.

He, and the life he gave her, was all she knew.

She was just his.

Her eyes lifted from the floor to his face, briefly, and her lips curved quietly in a smile.  She shifted against the floor, pressing her cheek against the outside of his knee and let her eyes drift closed.

Blake glanced down at her, noted the smile.  He responded in kind, though she wouldn’t see, and his fingers absently drifted through the mane of her hair.  She was going to need another haircut, he noted.  It had been a while, and the ends were looking straggly.  He would see that it was taken care of next week.

Absently his hand drifted down the nape of her neck and over her shoulder to her upper arm, where a bruise rode her bicep.  Ugly and mottled, faded to a sickly yellow and green with the faintest trace of purple, he pressed his fingertips against it and watched her reaction, pleased when she didn’t wince.  She’d toughened, his good little fucktoy, from the untested thing she’d been at age sixteen.  She was still soft and malleable now, seven years later, retaining some of the innocence she’d had when he’d first acquired her, though she was a good student, and learned quickly.  He enjoyed that about her, just as he enjoyed the way she’d been molded and shaped by his lessons, by his hands.   Some toys, he knew, would shatter when broken.  Only the best would heal and grow in a new direction.

She hadn't broken; he'd been right about that.  As she'd grown, she'd been a delight to him, every step of the way. 

He’d known from the beginning that she would be worth the time, his time, and had been willing to invest in it.  He had been patient as he’d watched her, following her day in and day out until he knew her routines, her habits, her patterns,  patiently tracking her for weeks.  He’d  known her life, the ins and outs of it.  He knew the days she’d stayed after school, the friends she’d hung out with. The volatile fights with her grandmother, the selfish, self-centered actions of her parents. He’d bided his time, he'd waited, he'd bypassed more than one opportunity where the timing hadn’t been exactly perfect.  Instead he’d strategized, he’d prepared.

He’d wanted younger, originally.  He’d craved the barely-blooming femininity, the first hint of curves, the faintest puffy, budding of breasts.   He hadn’t anticipated the subtle little zip along his skin when he’d first seen her, his Elizabeth, hadn't expected the interest that had piqued when she’d noticed the book in his hands, had commented on it.  Faintly surprised that she’d read it, that she could speak so confident and knowledgeably about it when he'd pressed with questions, asked her impressions, he'd nodded, thanked her with his mind a jumble and electricity zipping under his skin.  Had watched the sway of her hips under her jacket as she rejoined her friends.  Had noted the name of her school and it’s mascot emblazoned across the back, had eased his way towards her friends at the front of the bookstore, enough to catch her first name. And had spent the next week unable to shake her from his mind, until he’d found himself first on the internet for the first leg of his research.  Handy thing, technology.  After the initial information hunt, he'd spent countless hours following, observing, recording, gathering anything and everything he could about Elizabeth MacBride.  It had taken innumerable hours to plan, and to prepare, and to watch, and to bide his time.

He’d waited, and now she was his.

He knew she wouldn’t think of the day he’d taken her.  Not now, with so many years gone by.  But he did, often.  The open friendliness on her face when he’d first approached, the breezy little way she’d tossed her hair back when he’d flirted, mildly.  The pleasure had shone in her eyes, then, naive and young and ripe with excitement at the male attention.  God, the way she’d flirted right back.  It still made him hard thinking about it.  She’d leaned over, just slightly, the innocent youth mimicking a siren’s knowing moves, inviting his glance down her shirt at the rounded little mounds of her breasts.  Her hip had cocked to the side, her knee turning out, one hand lifting to toy with her earring.  Her pink tongue had slid out to moisten the curves of her lips, and the knowing that he was about to claim her, to finally make her his had set his heart racing madly, had a hut surge of adrenaline, slicked with icy fear, churning through his blood.

Blake slid his palm back up to cup her cheek, cradling her face against his leg gently.  She’d fought him, his little Elizabeth, and fought him hard.  He’d underestimated her in the soft, plump innocence of youth; she’d very nearly unmanned him with a knee to the groin, and if he hadn’t read the intention under the terror in her eyes a split second beforehand she likely would have left him gasping in pain with empty hands.  They’d grappled, fought for long, sweaty moments in the dark hot of the summer night, and she'd given him quite a challenge to keep her from being able to alert someone before he’d gotten her secured in his car.  She’d screamed, God, had she ever screamed around the gag, endlessly.  End over end, gasping in great sobbing breaths, with terror rattling in her lungs, only to start anew.  His body already pumping with adrenaline, he'd jerked to the side of the road, tumbled out and scrambled on the soft shoulder to get to her when she’d choked and gurgled alarmingly, then started hollering again around the cloth in her mouth.  The sour smell of her vomit, coupled with the way she was throwing herself around in the backseat against the safety restraints had made his lips twist in a smile as he'd merged back onto the road.  She was a fighter.

The first week, after he’d taken her had been the most rawly, horrifically thrilling.  Chained in the windowless room, blindfolded, she had screamed until she was hoarse, clawed her hands emptily at the air, jerked against her bonds and the posts until her flesh was worn raw.  Tears and mucus had stained her face; her legs, skirt, panties were stained and crusted from the urine and feces she’d been unable to hold.  Her hair had gone matted and greasy, her skin holding a light sheen of sweat and oil under a layer of grime.  He'd spent most of every waking moment, and more than a few in sleep terrified of...anything.  Of someone hearing her, despite all his precautions.  Of someone having seen..something that linked him to the sensational case of the missing Elizabeth MacBride.  Three times a day he'd watched the news, scoured the papers and magazines, followed the case on the internet.  He made phone calls, carefully rehearsed ones.  He'd kept his finger on the pulse of the investigation in every way he could, for exactly one hour three times a day.  Then, with great care, he'd fold the magazines for the recycling, he'd flip off the television, clear his browser history, and he would go to her.

He was a creature of routine.  She would hear his footsteps first; he'd make sure of it, purposely changing into a pair of heavy boots that would echo down the hall. The click of the lock, the slight squeak of the hinges as the door would open, the quiet click of it closing.  He wouldn't said a word, never needed to.  The sounds of his approach said it all.   He would stand out of view, waiting silently as she fought and strained and shouted and pleaded and broke down crying, slumping against the bonds in desperation and heartbreak, begging for him to let her go.

Sometimes he masturbated, watching her as she wept.

       Five times a day he followed his routine and entered the room to feed her, shoving the food in her mouth when she’d started refusing to eat it, forcing the water down her throat before and after.  He allowed himself two additional visits, at night and first thing in the morning for water and adjust the restraints so she could lie down on the pallet he’d provided.  By the end of the sixth day, when he’d nearly lost his stomach at the stench before he’d even opened the door, he had broken the pattern and dragged the hose in and had washed the bare floors, then scrubbed them down with industrial strength cleaner and a scrubbing broom, and replaced her pallet.

He hadn’t touched her, hadn't spoken, in all those days.  He wouldn't, though he longed to speak to her, to touch her.  His prize.

It had taken longer than he’d expected, over a week before she’s stopped the screaming and crying and pleading when he entered.  As a reward, he’d cut away her clothes, leaving her bare to his gaze and frantically crying and pleading again at the ignominy.  He'd had to endure the stench of her unwashed body for almost another full week before she’d settled again and stopped her fits every time he entered the room.

He liked a girl with spirit; Elizabeth had it in spades.

The first time he’d spoken to her after bringing her home, she had jerked and recoiled as though he'd branded her as he informed her, conversationally, that he would be washing her, tending her wounds.

She’d trembled; he'd throbbed.

       Carefully leading her, mindful of her shaky legs to the large shower stall in the room, he re-secured her to the safety rails, then set about washing her, cleaning her gently, thoroughly with the soap and hair care items he’d carefully selected.   He’d used a soft, clean toilet mop to wash her, careful not to touch her with his own hands, aching to have that skin on skin contact, to feel the dewy softness of her, just once.  She’d cried, softly, tears mingling with the water dripping over her head as he’d repeated the washing, the shampooing three separate times to get her clean.  He’d dried her with a towel briskly, worked a comb through her the wild tangles of her hair, then led her back to the posts, this time adjusting the cuffs around her upper arms and thighs and her waist, carefully tending the raw wounds of her wrists and ankles.  He’d taken off her blindfold in the shower for the first time; as he tended her abraded skin he watched her as she took in her surroundings, saw her bewildered face crumple with dismay when she looked around for the first time.  The walls, painted a soft shade of grey, were to his mind almost pretty, and trimmed with crisp white molding.  The floor was concrete, stained in the current trend to produce an  intriguing artistic effect, all dark and light patterns that shifted and swirled across the smooth surface. He’d known it would be a sharper slap to the senses to have the soft and faintly elegant here.  A cage, no matter how pretty, was still a cage...and the prettier the cage, the more shocking to the senses the things that transpired within. 

       The shower and toilet stood against one wall, the door that led to the rest of the house on another, her chains coiled around the posts in the center of the room and nearby lay a clean pallet on the floor.  She’d looked at him then; he knew he would never forget the punch of her gray-blue gaze as her eyes met his for the first time, then filled and spilled over with tears.  Her body had slumped against the chains as she’d wept.

The adjusted cuffs gave her a little more freedom of movement, allowed her to squat to use the bucket he placed between her spread legs.  After another few days, he’d lengthened the chain to allow her to move to the pallet on her own whenever she wished.  And he’d waited; he was very, very good at waiting. Had it been three days?  Four?  She’d looked up at him, her eyes dry and pleading, and she’d asked, her voice rusty and polite, if she could speak.  There had been fire in her then, Blake thought now with a reminiscent smile.  Burning, banked.  Nerves and confusion had poured off of her, hatred and fear had still pumped off of her in waves.  Even then, Blake had known her better than she'd known herself, had anticipated her words.  He hadn’t expected them to be so eloquent, so rational and controlled.  Powerful, really, for one so young.  He hadn’t touched her, hadn’t made skin to skin contact with her since he’d dragged her into the house that very first night, after he’d secured the shackles, but when she’d made her argument for her release, he’d cupped her cheek, ignoring the way she’d flinched, and he smiled with regret.  And informed her that she was not going anywhere, ever.

She’d raged.  Lunged, kicked, lashed out.  She’d screamed, spit, knocked the makeshift toilet over.  She’d rattled the posts, the chains clanking against them as she strained and snapped.  He’d simply moved behind her and tightened the chains again, locked them down so she lost her freedom and movement, and had stood behind her, and stroked his cock to the glory of her shrieks, her begging, her body jiggling and rolling and jerking fiercely.   At long last, the storm of emotion subsided and when she was spent and sobbing quietly, he moved back around to her, studied her with cool eyes, purposely looking at the tears dripping off her chin and breasts, the mucus tracking out of her nostrils, the swollen eyes and red nose.  He gauged the look in her eyes, and knew they had long roads ahead of them both.  And he'd relished the journey.

Now, unseeingly, Blake stared down at his fingers tangled in the shining red gold curls as he threaded them back from her face, lost in the memories.  It had taken almost two years to fully break her.  He’d watched her, day after day, watched the fight leave her, the acceptance swim in.  Slowly, slowly, the hope died away.  In those two years he never clothed her, he hardly spoke to her, and never her name.  He bathed her daily, shaved her legs, armpits, and pussy every other day.  The fact that even after seven years with him she still blushed hotly when he decided to take the task over now and then made him chuckle. 

He’d seen the signs of change after the first full year; the slow metamorphosis.  The melancholy and despair in her eyes had come and gone.  The vacant, blank withdrawal that had lasted for months had been slowly replaced with a cautious watchfulness.  She’d jumped, lightly, the first time his finger had slid along her skin, testing, as he’d adjusted her cuffs after being bathed. Her eyes had met his, briefly, with no trace of fear, and his cock had throbbed, hard and insistent when she hadn’t recoiled, hadn’t flinched.  He’d wanted, right then and there, to take her.  Shove her to her knees, toss her to her back, fill her mouth, her body with him and pound out his desire for her, spill inside of her instead of in his own hand.  Sweating, fumbling, he’d finally gotten her secured and had nearly run form the room.  He’d leaned against her closed door, yanked his pants down and in a handful of quick jerks had splattered his climax on the opposite wall of the hallway, groaning in sharp pleasure. 

       His training of her had taken a new turn; starting with brief touches, he’d begun connecting himself to pleasure. Little by little, associating the simple pleasure of human contact in her mind with him, he allowed himself more time to touch her, to test them both.  He had ached to grab, to fill his hands with her.  His palms had tingled with the need to slap against her skin, his fingers had cramped with the desperate want to dig into her soft, full flesh, but he held himself back, keeping his control tightly leashed.  Her every response was closely measured.  The beading of her nipples when he stepped close and his body heat registered on her skin, the trembling of her thighs when he drew the razor over her tender, intimate flesh.  The flare of her nostrils when she caught his scent, the catch of her breath when his hand stroked over her the water-soft skin of her breasts, the taut curve of her ass.  Time after  time, day after day, week after week, month after month.  Little touches, little pleasures, for both of them.  His off-again, on-again girlfriend had complained, more than once, about his violent fucks and vicious orgasms, his rough and tumble use of her body; he’d had his little redheaded slave in his head, anticipation of using her churning in his gut.  The month before Elizabeth's birthday, his plan fully developed, he’d called it off with the girlfriend for good, and had ruthlessly refused to jack off to beat back the growling need that ripped at him. 
       It was all for her.

She’d been given more freedoms.  He had increased the amount of room she had to move around, so she could freely move between the bucket-toilet and her pallet.  He’d reduced the number of restraints until just an arm or leg was cuffed.  Those first days when he'd removed them, she’d stared at the cuffs lying on the floor with a blank expression; he’d been enormously pleased to find she had slipped them back on her own body sometime during the night to be able to sleep.

She was given small tasks and concessions when he was with her, and had extended the amount of time he was with her at each visit.  She had become very skilled at crawling across the floor with the handle of her bucket in her mouth to the small toilet near the shower, emptying it and bringing it back, the chains restricting her a foot away from being able to actually use the toilet in the room, leaving her with just the humiliation of her bucket routine.  He’d given her toilet paper sometime in the first months, and for all other cleaning in between the showers he granted her daily she was able to reach a washcloth and bowl near the shower, so that she could clean herself when necessary.  She had the privilege of combing her own hair, of brushing her own teeth.  He’d placed a small table and chair near the door, where he often sat and ate his meals.  She was allowed to sit at his feet and ate as he did, unless he was feeding her by hand.  He found that he enjoyed doing so. 

He’d also found, to his surprise, that he liked when they conversed.  He’d given her books, and she could discuss them with intelligence.  Over the years he'd taken it upon himself to introduce her to classic literature, open her to new thoughts and ideas with tomes on science and philosophy, to keep her mind sharp with studies of mathematics, with logic puzzles. He encouraged her to discuss her thoughts, to voice her opinions.   The first time she’d raised her voice in argument, she’d been as surprised as he, and moreso when he'd laughed, loudly.  He knew some would discourage allowing their slave to talk out of turn, much less argue and debate with enthusiasm.  He, however, enjoyed her spirit, enjoyed watching her come out of the shell she had retracted into.  She was passionate and she was feisty, and he nurtured that in her.  As she had progressed, the more she'd tested and pushed, the more he'd enjoyed it.  It had made her punishments and training that much more delicious.

He’d given her a mattress and box spring around the dawning of the eighteenth month after he'd taken her.

For her eighteenth birthday, he raped her. 

He’d ached for her before then.  He’d thought she was ready, that they both were ready, but he’d found, somehow, that the waiting was imperative.  There would be others that would be younger, and he would have them another time.  For her, with her, it had been an imperative that they wait.  Shifting in the chair now, Blake cupped a hand under her chin and lifted her face to his, stroking a thumb across her lips, feeling his cock stir against his fly as he remembered.  She’d been broken, and she’d been mending.  And the time had been right. 

By that point, just a few months shy of two years with him, she was sexually responsive to him, almost instantly so.  More often than not, when his hands had slipped over her wet and soapy body, the scent of her would rise with the steam and he could hear her quiet catch of breath.  When he'd rubbed her down after a shower, his knuckles dragging against her slit as he toweled off her thighs, they would come away with a fragrant wetness that drove him insane.  Her nipples would contract so tightly he could literally see them throb, her skin would erupt in goosebumps, her pale skin would flush pink with heat and she would strain towards him if he lingered.  More than once, he'd almost broken down and sucked his knuckles clean; more than once, he'd almost tossed it all aside and taken her where she stood.  She would smile in greeting when he opened the door, she would frown, slightly, and sometimes pout when he took his leave.  She'd made feeding her a near-erotic experience, her tongue flicking the bits of food from his fingers.  When she sucked them lightly, with that expression that let him know she was exploring his reaction, he had to fight to keep from ramming his fingers down her throat to test her gag reflex. 

On that particular day, with the disquieting gray and blue of her gaze studying him, shining with the tinges of pleasure at his arrival, he'd stood, watching her, until the smile had slipped off her face, until she'd shifted on her knees on the hard floor and the faintest edge of confusion had shown.  And he'd unleashed the control he'd held tightly to for so long. 

There was a growl, animal-like and feral, that he didn't recognize as his own.  In three long strides her was on her, his belt whipped out of its loops and snapping around her neck.  He didn't miss the surprise in her eyes, the flicker of fear- it only spurred him on.  The belt fastened around her neck, he flipped her with a hard shove, tumbling her backwards on the mattress, on her before she'd even bounced on the springs. His hands gripped her wrists, yanking the roughly above her head without finesse, his hips lifting to wrestle his cock free.  She writhed, squirmed, twisted.  She panted, staring up at him, grunting as she tried to squirm free, her eyes wide with alarm and darkening with a heat that drove him higher. Her mouth moved in words he couldn't hear over the rush of blood in his head.  Mindless, beyond thought,  he slapped a hand over her mouth, reared back and drove into her.   

       She shrieked against his hand, her eyes wheeling and shocky with the lance of pain, arching up and away, yanking on her wrists.  He pushed through the barrier of her innocence in a heartbeat, groaning as he speared into her body and forced her to open.  He didn't wait, he couldn't wait.  His hips jerked back and plunged again, and again, and again.  His mouth was on her breasts, biting, suckling, tasting the salt of her struggle and the sweet of her skin. Her scent filled his head, youthful and wild, hinting of musk and panic.  He gasped it in, grunted it out, and exploded his climax inside her with an intensity that had his eyes rolling back in his head and his body convulsing on hers for long moments as he poured into her, jet after jet of it flooding her, filling her.

       Blake looked at her now, the light streaming through the window as she sat at his feet, her cheek rubbing absently against his thigh just above his knee as she watched him.  Her hand crept up along the inside of his leg, fingertips dancing against the fabric as she inched them higher.  Her eyes had darkened, he could feel the anticipation simmering between them.  She picked up on him so easily, was so attuned to him.        

       He slid his hand to the back of her head and grabbed a handful of her hair, jerking her head back with a light yank that pleased them both, waiting until the light and heat flashed in her eyes.  "To your room, slut." 

       Satisfied, he watched as she turned on her knees, her body moving fluidly as she pushed to standing and strode across the room without a backward glance, her hair streaming past her shoulders, her hips swaying as she moved.  His cock gave a twitch and throbbed again, and he pulled himself out of the chair and followed her.


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Chapter Two Growing up, Darlene Simons realized she wasn't like all the rest of the girls in her class. She never found herself swooning over the boys sitting next to her like the other girls did. All the lunchroom conversation was about boys. For some unknown reasons, boys did not excite her. They did nothing for her. She liked puppies and unicorns better than boys. Darlene thought boys seemed coarse and crude. At times, she found them unbearably stupid and clumsy. She had no...

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I maried her twice

My first wife Cheryl.We met at an early age, she was 22 I was 24. both of us were not virgins but I was totally unaware of her sexual history.we met at a neighborhood bar, she had just turned 21 a cute red head....no she wasn't drop dead hot or anything just an attractivefun person, at 5'3'' 110 # 34 b I found her sexy as hell and we chatted all night. I asked her for a date that night for the next weekend and she agreed, I was excited and could not think of anything else and went to work as...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions La Sirena 02092020

Lasirena69 loves dick. She’ll take any color, but her favorite? The one her boyfriend can’t give her of course. A big, thick juicy black dick. She loves the contrast against her pale skin and the sensation of her holes being stretched beyond their limit. She especially loves fucking her boyfriend after she’s taken a good black pounding because she usually can’t feel him at all. After their party, when just one guest is left, Lasirena69 enters the room with no top on and crawls across her...

3 years ago
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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 5 Like Strippers Giving Back Your Money

I opened my eyes, seeing a white ceiling did not make me happy. "Fuck me!" "Miguel." Ashley and Jewel knelt down at my side. "Are you okay?" "I'm not dead," I said. "What?" Ashley asked. Her eyes were confused. "I'm not dead." "No," Ashley said. "Drink some water." Jewel slipped a hand under my head and put a cup to my mouth. My tongue felt like someone scraped it clean with sandpaper. I drank some before pulling away from Jewel's hand. I wasn't fucking dead....

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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 2

“Hey you, watch where you’re going now!” I heard behind me. A group of men with staves or clubs, wearing what appeared to be hair shirts or some kind of monkish robes, stormed past me, about ready to hassle a merchant at a nearby stall. He had no wares except figurines, what appeared to be small statues of various gods, but that was evidently bad enough for them. They began confronting him, shaking their clubs or cudgels in his face, and threatening him. His patrons fled in terror. That was...

1 year ago
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It8217s My Family Bang Bang Part 8211 1

So meri aunt (mere dad ki sister/ buwa) uska nam sujata tha aur age 40 thi par wo abhi bhi 30 sal ki kisi sexy bhabhi jaisi thi. Uske boobs bahot bade the aur gaand perfect size me thi. Wo saries chudidar kurti dress aur kabhi kabhi jeans pehanti thi. Mere 11th standard complete hone ke bad mere vacation classes the.12 std me mere ghar me padhai karna dif ficult tha kyo ki mere ghar ke pas railway staion he aur bahot shor hota tha esliye me aunti ke pas rehane gaya tha. Aunti ke pati yani mere...

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Winter Solstice

He opened what he thought was left of one eye but still couldn't see much. Everything was a blurr. His head hurt and it was cold and damp....he fought the urge to vomit..... at least he was alive. It wasn't until after a few moments that he realized that if he rolled over, he still had sight in his other eye. His hand went instinctively to the dysfunctional eye. It was practically swollen shut. He vaguely recalled pieces of the battle he had just survived. It had been months that he had been...

3 years ago
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The Long Wait

Greg looked at his watch as he pulled into the drive-way. It was 15 minutes past 11. After nearly 3 weeks, he was finally home back from his extended business trip. He knew that Ashley might be asleep. He got out of the car and carried the luggage to the front door. He turned the key and opened the door. Moving the luggage into the living room, he closed the door soundlessly, not willing to wake her up. Greg shrugged out of his jacket and removed his shoes as he proceeded towards the bedroom. ...

1 year ago
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One Lucky GuyChapter 31

Mom pulled Ms. Mavis around to face her. “Mavis, I’m Rita Borelli and I’m so happy to meet you. That was so brave of you to let Guy fuck you on the elevator, but I want you to know, I would love to be one of your best friends, since you’re more than likely pregnant with my grandchild. I almost said, first grandchild, but Guy has already fucked four or five of our best friends without a condom.” Mom was reaching for her with her arms open for a hug, as she spoke to her. “Thank you, Rita. You...

4 years ago
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How I Met My Wife and Her MomChapter 2

I woke up to the smell of strong coffee and the sound of female voices. I cracked an eye and immediately shut against the brutal sunlight streaming into the room. I heard Cheri and her mom in the hall, their chatter broken up by giggles and snorts of laughter. I sat up and looked around for my clothes. After a minute, I realized they were not in the room. I spotted the sarong Cheri had given me last night. Chin and I had nothing to hide from each other, and I’d seen a good amount of Flower...

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The Muffn Man

I woke up in the middle of the night, laughing. I had been dreaming about starting an on-line personal services business under the name Muff’n Man. This was a play on words, meaning either a seller of muffins or a specialist in Muff Diving. For some reason, this just cracked me up. I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided to turn on the computer and write it down. Here it is, for better or worse.   GRAND OPENING and LIMITED TIME OFFER The Muff’n Man is pleased to announce his engagement book...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 353 Sunday After the Resurrection

Sunday, June 3, 2007 Our astronomer couldn't do nighttime photography of the UAV because it moved too fast for the long exposure times the ordinary camera required, but nighttime was good in one respect, because our radar tracked the UAV breaking off its orbits to head almost straight south (slightly east of south; at about 170 degrees), returning about four hours later. We didn't actually know that it'd "returned" four hours later, but it was a good guess. Once it'd left, the best our...

3 years ago
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Caught in the act

The other day it was unseasonably warm, so I had the doors and windows open to take full advantage of the fresh air. My wife was at work, and having the house to myself I did what I often do - logged into xHamster and began enjoying myself.About half way through my session, I heard the doorbell ring. With a sudden chill down my spine, I realized that the front door was open with just the screen door locked, and the way I was sitting I had my back to the door. Whoever was there might well...

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Halloween Part 4

Halloween Part 4: Chapter Five: Sharp Dressed Man I hesitated. You see I wouldn't exactly describe myself as religious but I would go to church fairly regularly. I was sort of isolated in church which consisted largely of older men and of women of the same age or in some cases women of my age. We had nothing in common and In short there was no-one I really identified with. I tended to fall asleep, out of boredom, during the sermons. So, perhaps you will understand with...

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Trish and Cyn 2

We were probably both sound asleep, but Cynthia and I both woke up and glanced at each other from across the bedroom when we heard mom stumble in on her high heels at around 4AM. Love mom, but she had a habit of doing that on Friday or Saturday night and being miserable the next morning. I dreaded that my sister would insist I deal with her first in the morning ... Sure enough. "Good Morning, Patty! Coffee's on." Which I could already smell. "You can bring it to mom when it's ready." I...

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Thanksgiving Day

After getting the sheets changed on my bed, I took a shower got my makeup on and my hair pulled up in a ponytail. In my dresser I pull out a black corset with no bra covering, just the wires to hold me up and my nipples to be erect all day. The corset laced up the front and had a few snaps in the crotch. I then put on my black leather minis skirt and my black sheer button down shirt. I found my black heels by the steps, but not until I found my thigh hi hose with the seam down the back. ...

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Jessicas Fantasy Roast Part 1 of 4

Introduction: Jessica meets a cannibal over the internet who agrees to take her fantasy to new levels. Jessicas Fantasy Roast Story: #26 Copyright 2005 Written: February 22 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 1 – The Meeting Jessica was not sure what to make of her encounter with the strange old woman during her jungle vacation, Jessica...

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Civil Unrest

Jacob Jones seemingly knew everythong about everybody, he knew everyone and it would never surprise anyone if a complete stranger, someone no one had seen before, walked in and Jacob knew them. Except for you, you opened the door to his pub and limped in. You had been travelling for days, from the ruins of towns and cities to this small village in the middle of a large forest. The trees stretched for miles, one could easilt get lost in them and the village lacked a large presence of the...

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HotwifeXXX Aften Opal Watching Aften Meat A Stranger

Aften has been gifted again with a strangers cock from her man. As she eagerly anticipates the meating, Aften begins to masturbate on the chair while her hubby awaits Van’s arrival. Van enters the room finding Aften spread wide and dripping wet for his big cock as she begins to suck on his hard meat. Aften generously bends over on the chair showing off her sweet ass as Van slides right on in pounding her hot tight pussy while her man watches every move until Van explodes a hot thick cream...

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Home alone

It felt like a normal day. I went to work, the day moved by in centimeters, and I longed to come home to my husband. I couldn’t stand being away from him for more than a minute. I was so passionately in love with him, that even after 3 years of dating and marriage for 4, I still get the butterflies. Yes, even when he calls me. As plain as it is, we are young and in love.But on this particular day I wanted to hurry home before he did. It was his 26th birthday. He loved when I threw him parties...

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Ashley III Carry and ChrisChapter 3

Carry's Narrative: The following new characters appear in the next few chapters: Marge Agent Trainee, 5'- 6'' tall, 140 pounds, 36C-25-36, 21 years old, brown hair cut short, blue eyes. Carol Agent Trainee, 5'- 4'' tall, 130 pounds, 34C-24-34, 20 years old, blond hair, blue eyes Those of us going to Field Agent training boarded a bus very early on the morning of Monday, the 9th of October following our graduation at the Training Facility on Friday, the 6th. The "we" consisted...

4 years ago
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Divorce A Daddy Daughter Story

Rylee lay in bed, softly touching herself as she cried. She missed her dad so much. Her only solace came in the brief moments of pleasure she could give herself before falling asleep. It all started when she was 13... Her ear up to the door, she listened as her mom and dad argued, yet again. She heard a door slam and footsteps. Rylee ran back to her bed and feigned sleep as her father came in. He leaned over and kissed her forehead and whispered he was sorry, but he had to leave. Hesitating...

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Lyndia Explores Her Submissive Side

Things changed for Lyndia and me after that night at the bowling alley. She was still the beautiful, elegant woman that I had married and I still love her. I think I love her more now, if that's possible. I started to assert my control over Lyndia immediately. That very morning I told her that she couldn't put out for anybody, at least not any more, without my permission. I sat on the couch in our living room while Lyndia knelt on the floor in front of me with her head down. "I want to...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 36

“I love you too,” Jane said, embracing Lech in front of the ticket counter. They’d been together every night since their first time together, always at Eddie’s studio since she’d work with Eddie in the morning. Lech was amazed and thoroughly impressed by Eddie’s set up. Eddie showed him how to work it, including things new to Lech. Eddie let him record the rehearsal, the first song Jane had been involved with and a couple of new ones. Eddie was impressed. Enough to hire him to work the board...

2 years ago
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My first gloryhole and BBC experience

A few months ago I decided to go to a sex shop in South Jersey that was 30 minutes from my beach house. I was driving by when I saw it and, intrigued, decided to stop and have a look around. As I looked at all of the movies and toys they had, I noticed a small corridor to the back of the shop. My curiosity killing me, I decided to walk back there, noticing a bunch of booths lined up next to each other, with a few playing naughty sounds that I guessed were porn videos that other men were...

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Shrapnel Splinters

Even naked, at Tanner Stage Two, she is old Enough for a nude man To turn her head; Maybe Freud was right, And we're mindful of sex From our earliest Prepubescent days. A group of nude girls Is always cause of outrage Or excitement; male, Female, or shemale, we look, Wanting that which is denied Us, except as a discovery, An epiphany, a revelation Of pure and naked grace. The cornstalks had the courtesy To form a husky wall Around their frolicking nudity; In the sandy...

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Sexting A couple of quickies

This is a quick series of texts I received from my wife TODAY:Wife: hi babe. How is your day going?Me: pretty good. Better since I got your text.Wife: you're so sweet. Hey, Malcolm wants to stop by at lunch time. The class after his lunch period got cancelled.Me: Mmmm. Remind me about Malcolm?Wife: classical tall, dark and handsome.Me: from the bar a couple weeks ago.Wife: yep. From the bar and our couch and our bed, and our shower....and a quick blow job at the front door before he left!Me: oh...

4 years ago
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From the Ashes CATU Book 6 Ch 08

ITALIAN PRESIDENT AMATO LUDOVICO STEPS OUT of his home and gives his wife a kiss before walking down to the waiting car in the driveway. He waves to the driver and walks down to the car and gets in. ‘Good morning Marco,’ he says. ‘Yes it is sir,’ the driver replies. ”You’re not Marco, my regular driver,’ the President says. The man turns around, the doors locking as he does so. ‘Unfortunately for you, no I’m not.’ The car explodes a moment later. * SPAIN’S PRIME MINISTER JOSÉ LUIS REYES...

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The Generals Wife is a Porn Star

Marine Cadet Daniel Baker was in his second year at the US Naval Academy. He was attending the International Ball and was introduced to Tina Marie Johnson; it was love at first for both of them. They were exclusive for the next two years and right after graduation they were married in a beautiful ceremony in the Academy chapel. Dan was 6’2” with very broad sholders, very handsome, a tight ass and was nicely hung. He was top in his class in tactics and with the problems in the middle East there...

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DevilsFilm Chloe Temple Lily Larimar It8217s Okay We8217re Just STEPSisters

Lily is really put on the spot when her stepsister Chloe the musician shows up at the coffee house/club she works at and asks to get a slot again performing her songs at the club. Last time Chloe did that she got the entire club singing about burning it down and how Lily’s boss was an asshole. Lily cannot have that happen again. Chloe promises she will tone down her performance and play it safe She also explains to Lily how hot she has always though her stepsister was. Maybe it was the...

3 years ago
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Torturing the Girls Next Door

Chapter One: Michelle?No, no, no! Please, no, no! Please, please! Not with that! Please, Master, I beg you!?One of the two middle-aged women bound in my dungeon pleaded with me as I approached her helpless body with my electric baton humming in my hand. Her nude, sweating body trembled with trepidation as I took slow, threatening steps towards her. She wrenched her handcuffed wrists and tugged at the chain fixed to the ceiling that stretched her arms tightly above her head. She tried to take...

2 years ago
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Sleepy hamlets T fun

About ten years ago Hannah and I stayed in lovely little cottage in the Lake District, basically a chance to savour some quality time in a lovely setting. We were looking after the place while my friend went to work in Dubai for a year. I was able to work from there too.About a quarter of a mile away there was a pleasant couple in an equally charming cottage, David and Amelia and their somewhat effeminate son Charlie who attended University. They were pleasant in that way I wish I knew if they...

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I Wasnt Gay Yet

The building that I work in has a gym that's available to use. So in an effort to get in better shape I had decided rather than sitting down at my desk for lunch I would hit the gym. It's not like I'm in terrible shape, I just needed to lose a few pounds off my 5'10, 175lb body.The great thing about this gym was that it was hardly ever used by anyone. I could go at lunch and there was usually only one other guy Chris that was there at the same time so I never had to wait for a piece of...

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EvilAngel Crystal Rush Orgasmic Anal MILF

Fit, flexible, pretty MILF Crystal Rush shows off her petite body in high black stilettos and a red leather collar. She spreads her legs and flaunts the rose-shaped butt plug lodged in her rectum. Hung, bald stud Zac Wild offers his meaty boner and plunges it into Crystal’s dripping pussy. He fucks her hard, till Crystal kneels to slobber on his throbbing rod in a sloppy blowjob. Zac pulls the butt plug out and replaces it with his big cock. He thrusts inside her eager bunghole, plowing...

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The Firm

The Firm Belladonna I was once a young attorney on the track to becoming a partner at my mid-sized law firm. I had a promising future with the firm, and I had the respect of all of my peers, bosses and the firm's support staff. I am not nor have I ever been a particularly stunning male specimen. I am only 5'8" and I've been thin my whole life. I've always been rather unremarkable when it came to strength and size. I reconciled myself with those facts, and it never stopped from...

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A Rash Decision

A Rash Decision By: Cindy Renee' Anderson [email protected] My husband Doug was being an absolute asshole and jerk. I had a special week-end planned for the two of us but instead, at the last minute, he announced that he was going to hunting camp with some of the boys. I was furious and hurt that he was blowing me off yet again. My friend Lisa had invited us to a Halloween party and I was desperately looking forward to having some...

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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 6 A conversation with Sister Emily

“When you are up to it, meet me at the training grounds.” She nodded and I went outside to ask directions. I thought that the grounds might be near the barracks and was proven correct by one of Allard’s men. I had been resting to recover as much of my strength before I started exerting myself again and thought that enough time had passed for me to return to my normal training regimen. I began stretching and continued until I felt comfortable enough to start working hard. Micro-focusing on a...

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Sex With Chemist In The Shop

Hello guys, I’m Mayur, 18-year-old, with a dark and attractive complexion. I live in Mumbai. The story I’m about to tell you happened a few months ago. Its a long story, so if you expect spicy stuff in a few words, this isn’t for you. Anyways, this is my first story, so apologies if I make mistakes! Girls/aunties can mail me on for sexual fun. Moving on towards the story, One of my close friend, who lives in the vicinity once purposely challenged me to buy a condom from the chemist. As I am...

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This is a work of fiction and contains elements of D/S and incest so if you have reservations about that read no further otherwise enjoy. Frank Davis was an ambitious outgoing 22 year old. Graduating at the top of his class and with honors, he had a bright future ahead of him. But despite all this there was a huge hole in his life. He had been orphaned at age two after a terrible car accident to which he had a scar running down the length of his back as a reminder, then raised by his aunt...

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Lady Victoria Part 4 The Servants take their Revenge

Lady Victoria's dramatic fall from Baronet's daughter and high ranking society débutante to lowly scullery maid had been swift and decisive. Mr Tannard, the minion Butler who had once served her without question, was now her master whom she had quickly learned to obey without hesitation. Her transformation from Lady to servant was now complete, with many of her lessons having been educated at her former Butler's knee! She had agreed to accept any punishment he decided to give her and, although...

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LinnetChapter 12

Linnet was extremely quiet – almost withdrawn – on the journey back to Essex and for some time after. It was Erica who made the biggest difference to her; on the journey she spent most of trip curled up on Linnet's lap or snuggling against her, with a sensitivity that might have been remarkable in an adult. Linnet, in response, held her; occasionally stroking her hair or absently kissing her head. It took a couple of weeks but Linnet gradually returned to her 'old' self; not that she...

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Married Blondie satisfied by Horny Indian

Nora my hot neighbor stepped out of her car in the parking lot of our luxury condo community in North Brunswick, NJ. I was picking up my mail from the mailbox near the parking lot. This happened so recently that its still fresh in my memory. First I saw her car door swing open, then her legs came out…they were so clean and silky…she was wearing a short black skirt and a blue top with a thin gold necklace and had her hair tied in a bun and black high heeled shoes. Now Nora is the sexy wife of...

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Feminizing Bobby Pt 2

The morning sun streaming through the kitchen windows beside her rendered the thin, billowy fabric of Linda's yellow, baby doll nightie practically transparent. It was no accident that as she vigorously stirred a bowl of pancake batter, the shape of her huge breasts and rock-hard nipples were clearly visible to her young son, Bobby. The twelve year old sat just a few feet away wearing a pink cotton nightshirt she had bought for him. The nails on his fingers and toes were painted a shade...

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