3-2-1 Ambition free porn video

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A gentle and cool early spring breeze swept through the trees lining the main walkway of River’s End University. Second semester was in full swing, but the weather, having finally broken, invited earnest youthful students setting up booths along the walkway trying to enlist other equally earnest and youthful students for their respective causes. A chestnut haired student, with darker brown roots beginning to show, was gently antagonizing a student, a year younger than her, at booth. The chestnut haired woman had no interest in the particular cause but enjoyed asking antagonistic questions to the man-bun wearing student at the booth.

After a few short minutes of antagonism, a junior with short brown hair and wire frame glasses snuck up on the antagonistic woman.

“Jess! I was looking for you. I thought we were going to meet at entrance to Westing Hall?” Jess, the antagonistic woman was startled, but the student hissed into her ear, “You’re about twenty seconds from a concussion when he decks you, play along.”

Jess gave a barely perceptible nod, “Sorry I got distracted, my bad. These people are raising awareness for such an important cause.”

“Oh yeah, I understand,” the brown haired and bespectacled student turned to the student with the man-bun, “you guys are doing such great work, so important, Jess here was just giving you a hard time. Good luck with the awareness thing.”

Jess and Mark, the student just speaking walked swiftly away.

“So what? You’re my white knight or something? Hoping I’ll give you a blowjob or something from saving me from a guy who looks like he couldn’t knock over a lamp?”

“No, though my reasoning was entirely selfish. See, if you were concussed, that would make Professor Coleman’s class less interesting. The ratio of pompous morons to people who are actually creative in that class is dangerously low, and I fear if it got any lower, I would take an icepick to my skull.”

“Oh! I thought I recognized you. Mark, right?”

“Yup, though if you feel like providing me with some sort of reward for my generous humanitarian work of saving you from the terrifying man-bun douche, I’ll settle for coffee. By that I mean, buy me a coffee, you ungrateful gadfly.” Mark’s tone was infused heavily with a level of deadpan sarcasm.

“Well, I suppose a coffee is the least I can do for my knight in shining armor.” Jess’ tone was equally sarcastic, but with exaggerated emotion compared to Mark’s deadpan.

Together, they walked to the on-campus café, and got in the line for ordering.

“I’ll have a chai-mocha-latte with almond milk, and a hint of mint,” Jess said with an air of superiority about her.

Mark, as again deadpan said, “Coffee, black and bitter, but with ground pepper sprinkled in, large.”

The barista looked at him, with eyes heavily scrutinizing him. “We don’t have black pepper.”

Mark groaned, “Yes you do, it’s in one of the sandwiches you make on premises, I will pay for the black pepper inclusion if it is necessary.” A second barista tapped the first one on the shoulder, explained that it was fine, no extra charge.

Jess turned to Mark, “The fuck?”

“It’s just what I like.”

Jess paid and as they were about to split up, a girl from their writing class, with short dyed black hair, snuck up on them, “Whoa, are you two an item? I did not expect that.”

“Marie, what can I do for you this lovely afternoon?” Mark asked, deadpan sarcasm in his voice.

“Nothing, just surprised to see you two together. You never talk in class.” Marie was in their writing course as well. “What do you say we grab a seat and I can play third wheel, I’m in the mood for some gossip.”

“We’re not dating.” Jess said with finality. “However, I am open to socialization. It’s Friday, I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the day.”

The three of them sat at the table. Mark set his coffee down first, which Marie swooped up and took a sip of, which she immediately regretted. “Jesus Mark! What the fuck is that! It’s like coffee but spicy? I don’t have the words.”

“I assume it’s so no one will steal his drink or food, so he loads it with spicy or other conflicting flavors,” Jess postulated.

“Eh, not quite,” Mark said. “I can’t taste anything but spicy and bitter. Sweet, salty, savory, whatever the other ones are I get nothing out of. Makes spicy coffee pretty much the most indulgent of flavors I can experience. To me this is a carefully curated and balance for the perfect dish from a culinary master. I get all the flavors.”

“That’s… weird,” Marie hesitated, “I don’t think I’ve met anyone with that problem in the past.”

“It’s not really a problem, just a fact of life for me,” Mark shrugged it off.

“With that, I’m going to grab something, be back in a sec,” Marie said cheerfully.

Within a few moments she returned with a vegetarian sandwich on focaccia bread. “So what’s the latest? Jess, what is your next opus going to be about? Mark, are you still harboring that grudge against Brendon for the mathematical and logistical errors in his work? You know its creative writing right? You don’t need to nitpick the fuckups of the minute detail."

“Yes. Yes I am, on all accounts. His work is riddled with inconsistences that range from using incorrect numbers; to having characters change key factors about themselves every few sentences. Also, his attempts at writing action sequences have roughly the same outcome as the mutant hybrid spawn of a sloth and a manatee doing gymnastics. It caused me physical pain. I will continue to fight this one man war for verisimilitude until my dying day, or class ends, whichever comes first, really.”

The two girls laughed at how enthusiastic he became about his petty one-sided hate boner for a fellow classmate.

“I’ll concede that Brendon’s work is shit. But you’re not going to change anything like that,” Jess said almost reluctantly. “As for my next opus, well, you’ll just have to wait, but I’ll let you know it does in no way include the mutant hybrid spawn of a sloth and a manatee, in any form; let alone doing gymnastics.

“Is it a satirical horror story about a washer/dryer combo that steals women’s underwear?” Marie asked.


“Okay, good, I didn’t want someone else to have that idea,” Marie breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief.

“Wait, why does it only steal women’s underwear? Is it some kind of pervert? Is it the washer or the dryer stealing it? If it’s the washer, wouldn’t the excess water result in molding? If it’s the dryer couldn’t that start a fire due to the lint buildup and heat?” Mark’s mind raced with the complicated logistics of a washer/dryer stealing underwear.

“I think you’re thinking too much into it, Mark. But now I do need to change it, since it was going to be a perverted demon washer/dryer. Now maybe it’ll be haunted by a girl who could never find underwear that fits properly, so her spirit haunts the washer/dryer searching for that perfect bra,” Marie guessed.

“I’ll similarly concede the point that it can be a bitch to find a bra that fits perfectly. Finding the measurements is weird.” Jess said.

“What if you combined the two? A girl went around stealing bras from others searching for the perfect one along with an illicit sexual thrill, when she was murdered for stealing underwear by being drowned or suffocated in the washer or dryer respectively. Now her spirit haunts them, searching for the right bra while gaining a thrill from them. Oh wow, this is brilliant; I’m on a roll here…” Mark said before he was cut off by Marie.

“That’s enough! Stop giving me suggestions; let me figure it out on my own!” Marie exclaimed, practically out of breath.

Jess sighed, “Okay kids, this has been fun but people are starting to look at us like we’re insane and while you two may not take any issue with it, I kind of do. See ya around.”

“Hold on a sec,” Marie took hold of Jess’ arm. “I propose we meet up in my room later tonight, get drunk and continue this line of conversation. This is far more enjoyable than I anticipated.”

Mark shrugged, “Sounds like a good time to me. All I planned to do today was sit in my dorm room and try to figure out how to not be bored. Though I’ll assume each of us will need to bring our own booze as our tastes will most likely not overlap. Jess I assume you enjoy wine, probably rosé, most likely sparkling given the pretentiousness of your coffee order. Marie, you take me as a...” he paused a moment, “some kind of fruity bullshit or a vodka laced with a fruity infusion.”

“What gave you that idea, Mark?” Marie inquired. “Actually, I’m much more of a red wine girl.”

“And I pretty much only get hard cider,” Jess said.

“I was close.” The two girls looked at him like he was mental, “All four are things that taste like either piss or nothing to me, and they all contain fruit. In case you were wondering, I’ll be procuring a six-er of beer brewed locally, mostly because they are the only ones who make an IPA with hot spices in it.”

“What kind of brewery would make such a thing?” Marie asked.

“The kind that is owned by a family friend and made specifically for me, however it is popular in Japan. You know how they are with their fermented beans and tentacles and eating poisonous blowfish.” Mark spaced out for a moment, “Where was I? Oh yes, when do you want to meet and where, as this sounds like as good a use of a Friday night as any that I don’t need to do homework or study.”

“Guess I’m in as well,” Jess sighed.

“Epic,” said Marie. “I’ll text you two a time and my dorm address.” She did and the three went their separate ways, each to a different location for the procurement of liquor (although Mark had to go to the source for his, due to its specialist nature.)

A few hours passed before the agreed upon meeting time. Jess was their first, but within five minutes of her arrival, Mark arrived, the bottles of beer clanking in his backpack.

“Welcome to my humble domicile, Mark if you spill your spicy bitter beer in here you will be cleaning the entire floor with your tongue until every trace of it is gone.”

“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, Marie.”

They brought out their respective drinks, each with a carefully designed label. Jess’ hard cider had stylized images of apple trees and birds adorning the label. Marie’s red wine had a more elegant design, deep brown, slightly raised silver lettering and an image of a swan about to take flight from water, also in the slightly raised silver. Mark’s beer however was the standout. It featured an elderly Asian man, bald with a long white beard and a face full of rage, brandishing a cane as though to hit someone with it. On the reverse, the name of the beer ‘Infinite Hatred IPA’ with the word 'infinite' being stylized as a lemniscate.

“That is one provocative looking beer. Like it wants to fight me to the death in a cage. Like throwing the bottle at someone would hurt extra,” Marie rambled.

“It probably would, the capsaicin might have a degree of residue on the bottle, and if that comes into contact with the blood drawn it could be quite hellish,” Mark guessed.

“It kind of suits you,” Jess said, not sure if it was a question or a statement. “Like with your writing, there’s so much vitriol and absurdity that an elderly Asian man hitting someone with a cane while screaming profanities is a perfect visualization. Angry elderly and Asian isn’t a visual that goes along with the dignity and honor we associate with the Far East.”

The alcohol was cracked open, and they spent a fair amount of time collectively bashing the majority of their classmates in the writing class. Whether it was Brendon’s sheer incompetence (Mark’s words), or Sheila’s attempt at being the ‘voice of a generation’ but with work that came out like an angst ridden teenager thinking she’s deep (Jess’ words), or Claire’s ‘sheer lack of joy’ (Marie’s words.) Naturally, good natured barbs were hurled at each other, in particular Mark’s reliance on angry satire over plot (something both Marie and Jess agreed on), which he defended as it being ‘picaresque’ or Marie’s tendency towards sympathetic, yet ultimately bitchy (Jess’ words) characters, which Mark also agreed, issuing grievances, in that the characters were largely engaging in reprehensible actions, and that giving them sympathy or justification was a weak crutch. The insults at Marie’s work (agreed upon by Mark and Jess, though they were Mark’s words) were geared towards having characters that merely ‘existed’ as opposed to be being actors within the story, and her attempts at writing a socially awkward character came across as more endearing than actually awkward.

The room was filled with laughter; each of them ultimately had to agree with the criticisms levied at them. Eventually, Marie had a suggestion, “Okay, we’re tipsy, I propose an on-the-fly narrative. We each have to kind of stream of consciousness tells a story, we have the same rough outline, and we see where we go from there.”

“Sounds fun,” said Jess. “I propose the narrative is that two people meet up somewhere, and then sex happens between the two of them. Mark you go first.”

“Why do I have to go first?” Mark said, “Seduction and romance is out of my wheelhouse. If you went first I’d at least have a jumping off point.”

“Your believed incompetence is why you have to go first. So we feel better about what we do.” Who said that doesn’t matter, the sentiment was echoed between the two girls.

“Fine,” groaned Mark.

The bar was near empty that night, a Sunday in football (American) season in a bar with no televisions had a tendency to do that. Jazz radio filled the room, broken up by the cracking of billiards balls connecting with one another. A man sat alone at the bar, in a slight daze. Laid off that Friday, he had decided to drink his woes away, and figure out what the hell he was going to do starting on Tuesday. Monday he would be nursing the wicked hangover he knew he would be getting from drinking so much that night. Yeah, it would be hellish but there were worse ideas, not that he could think of any his mind clouded by the copious alcohol he consumed…

“Halt!” Interjected Marie, “You are spending way too much time on the setting and main character. This is short fiction so get to the banging. You haven’t introduced the person he’s going to fuck. Keep it quick, this isn’t supposed to be one of your fifteen page minimal-dialogue exercises in indulgence. Get to the fucking and seduction and shit already!”

“I told you I was incompetent at this,” spat Mark. “I was going stream of unconscious for that, while I figured out the rest. Buy time by building setting and atmosphere so I could figure the rest out. Not like I could go back and retract stuff, you know.”

“Wait,” Jess said, slightly confused, “you weren’t thinking about that? You split your focus into figuring the rest out while just rambling. That was surprisingly coherent for something like that.”

“As penance for your incompetence and wasting our time, you must take off your pants,” insisted Marie.

“That makes no fucking sense,” Mark complained.

“I’m drunk enough that I agree with Marie. Take off your pants, you are outvoted.”

“This is insane,” Mark sighed as he began taking off his shoes to more easily remove his pants; the alcohol preventing him from putting up a sufficient fight. “Marie, you go now. Can I at least decide that?”

“I take no issue, I planned on going second,” Marie took a swig from her bottle.


Casey could hear her heart pumping over the loud music, and felt her palms sweating, a slight tremor in her movements as she mustered the courage to talk to the woman she had been eying for the night. The way she moved on the dance floor, flowing like water in excellent rhythm to the music on the floor. Casey had consumed enough liquid courage to actually approach her, but not enough to completely stay her nerves.

“Uhm, Hi, c-can I buy you a drink?” Casey asked the woman on the dance floor between songs. The woman she asked smiled and nodded as they walked towards the bar. “My name’s Casey,” Casey said extending a hand.

“Claire, charmed to meet you, I was wondering how long you were going to be staring at me and when you would finally start talking.”

“You-you saw that?” Casey swallowed hard.

“Don’t worry about it!” Claire said brightly. The two women ordered drinks (Casey paid) and they moved to the couches in the club.

“Y-you’re really pretty,” Casey said after an uncomfortable silence.

Claire picked up on Casey’s nervousness quickly and give her a friendly peck on the cheek, “Thanks, but you don’t need to be so nervous, relax. But I think I know what might help things.”

Casey gave a curious look, as Claire leaned in and kissed her passionately on the mouth. Confused at first, Casey quickly reciprocated, feeling moisture develop between her legs.

Claire broke the kiss, surprised Casey but leaned in and whispered “There’s a hotel nearby, my treat.” Casey nodded furiously as Claire took her by the hand and led her out the door. Within three minutes they were at the hotel, barely able to control themselves.

Once inside their room, they threw themselves at each other, tearing clothes off and kissing passionately. Claire took the lead and threw Casey onto the bed when only underwear was left…


“JESUS, MARK!” Jess shouted. “Do you have a hard on?”

“What?” Mark said, having forgotten that he was A) not wearing pants; B) getting turned on by Marie’s story. He glanced down, “Shit! Involuntary reaction! Cannot control blood flow, impossible, wishing had consumed enough alcohol such that blood had thinned such that erection impossible.” His embarrassment was rising quickly, dropping words, face turning bright red.

“Cut him some slack, Jess,” Marie said. “His gender can’t withhold that information as easily as us. And in the interest of fairness, I was kind of turning myself on with that.”

“Holy shit!” Mark shouted, startling the girls who then nearly simultaneously asked him what, though each using a different choice of words that provided the same effect, “I figured out where my story was going. It was going to involve rule 63, multiverse surrealism, self-love, and a turkey leg.”

“What the fuck? Where did that come from, summarize now, but you lost your right to tell the story in your manner,” Marie insisted.

“Okay, so the bartender was going to make a drink and give it to the guy; let’s call him Sam because I can’t think of a more interesting name. But the bartender is secretly like a demon or something, and it transports Sam to a rule 63 dimension, exactly like his one but the genders are flipped. This means female Sam (let’s call her Sammy) drank the same drink and was in his dimension creating this weird inter-dimensional rift thing, right? They have sex because they are lonely, depressed and drunk but since they are so perfectly matched, like the penis fits perfectly in the vagina, and so much chemistry, that their simultaneous orgasm is so intense and powerful that it destroys the multiverse, leaving only a single turkey leg remaining.” He held up one finger for emphasis.

“That’s uhm, what?” Jess said, struggling to find the words. “I mean, it’s something that I think only your mind would do, but at the same time, that’s weird even for you. “

“It’s not weirder than his other work,” Marie argued, “remember that time he had his protagonist go to a white supremacist meeting because there was going to be free pizza, and the white supremacists plotted to break into a pharmacy to steal cyanide that they would take to make themselves whiter? Or the time his protagonist entered a surrealist dream-world but that turned out to be the real world and he was in the real surrealist world?”

“Point taken,” Jess said, “Well, unless you want to continue, Marie, guess it’s my turn?”

“Nah, I’m good,” Marie said.


“Well it’s not like I like you or anything!” Madison exclaimed, turning bright red. “I just had a bad break-up and want post break up sex and you’re here and…”

Clark held up a hand silencing her, “I’m not one to look a gift sexual encounter with a hot girl in the mouth. Or maybe I am, but the lower mouth, you get what I’m saying. Where?”

“My room,” Madison quickly said.

Clark, not wondering how he got so lucky followed Madison to her dorm room.

“No kissing,” Madison insisted, “kissing is for romance, this is for pure pleasure and helping me forget my ex.”

“No complaints,” Clark said unbuckling his belt and taking off his shirt. Madison did similar as she dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth. Clarke groaned in pleasure and closed his eyes. Madison licked up and down the length of his cock, paying close attention along the main vein before going back to the head, swirling her tongue around.

After a minute or so of the blowjob, Madison removed the cock from her lips with an audible pop, stood up and lowered her panties and sat on her bed with her legs on the side. Clark needed no instruction before he dropped to his knees, on hand gently stroking his cock to maintain the erection as he dove his tongue into her honey pot. He licked the length of it, alternating in an impossible pattern between slow and quick, sucking gently on her clit. Unable to wait any longer, Clark looked up at Madison from between her legs. Madison smiled, and reached under her pillow for a condom, handing it to Clark (the best sex is safe sex kids) Clark stood up and rolled the condom over his shaft before gently inserting his member into her pussy.

Madison sighed audibly. Between her own frustration and Clark’s tongue, she was wet enough that Clark encountered no resistance as he entered her. He began moving his hips, paying close attention to his rhythm, keeping it inconsistent, and occasionally removing himself entirely to tease her with his tip. When he did this, Madison shook her head and gave a pleading look, but it only served to increase their mutual arousal.

Whether it was Clark’s skill, or her own arousal, Madison came quickly, panting and sweat growing on her sheets.

“Oh god, I’m coming,” Clarke groaned.

“Wait! In my mouth” Madison panted. Clark obliged removing himself and the condom. Madison glided to her knees ant took him back into her mouth, pleased that she couldn’t taste herself on him. With incredible skill she brought him climax, drinking the entirety of his load with a satisfied gulp and smile before leaning back and basking in the afterglow.

Clark struggled to catch his breath after the intensity of the orgasm, “If you ever need my help again, don’t hesitate, to let me know,” he joked.


Marie gave a golf clap, “Didn’t expect you to do that, and Mark is excited again it looks like.” Mark grumbled and cursed himself. “Also, in the interest of fairness, that got me going, too. I’m particularly fond that you jumped right into the banging, instead of going slow and building to it. I hate it when porn stories take a long time to get to the good stuff. I mean, I’m here to get off, just get to the sex, am I right?”

“Well, okay, I kind of turned myself on with that too,” Jess confessed.

“I vote sex now, three-way, it’s on my ‘before I graduate’ bucket list,'” Marie said. “Also, I assume every straight guy wants to have a threesome with two hot chicks, right Mark? I mean, we’re all turned on, right?”

Mark mumbled something to himself wondering what the fuck was going on now.

“Okay,” Jess said, “I mean, it makes sense to me, sufficient drunk all horny. Two conditions though, Mark wears a condom and no strings attached. This is purely physical release.”

“I take no issue with this,” Mark said.

Marie laughed, “Of course you don’t Mark. Bottom drawer Mark, in the box labeled ‘before the box’. “

Mark began to reach for the drawer, but Jess interrupted him, “Wait, I hate the taste of latex, and like giving blowjobs, but I only give them if I’m reciprocating.”

Mark shrugged, “Okay, I’ll warn you though, last time I went down on someone, I was described as ‘borderline incompetent’.”

“Oh how can you be shitty and licking pussy? You’re clean shaved so no pricklies, and just y’know, spell alphabet a couple times with your tongue,” Marie rolled her eyes, “and because I can see the wheels turning in your neurotic head, lowercase, and when doing loops such as with ‘o’ or ‘b’ center of the loop around the clit. I mean, at least that’s what I do and it seems to work.”

“Fine,” Mark said as Jess was already stripping off her pants, panties coming along. She was cleanly shaved, leaving only a small landing strip of pubic hair above her womanhood. Mark shrugged and went to his knees.

Following Marie's advice, his mind drifted to whether or not his inability to taste was proving detrimental or beneficial to his cunnilingus skills. Jess’ moans and occasional mumbled phrases such as ‘that’s it’ told him that Marie’s advice proved sound. He occasionally had to focus back on the task at hand as his mind drifted, but Jess seemed to enjoy the shakes of his head as he refocused himself. Jess' moans grew louder.

Behind him, Marie was taking off her clothes, being the first fully naked and pulled a pillow off her bed and set it on the floor behind Mark. Reaching around and inside his underwear, she wrapped her small hand around his shaft, slowly and with great care not to get him too excited. She nodded at the length and girth, as she gently stroked the length of him.

After a few minutes of intense pussy licking, Jess announced that she was ready and instructed Mark to stand up. She shifted herself, rolled her shoulders and took off her shirt, revealing small, but nicely rounded b-cup breasts. Getting onto her knees in front of Mark, she took him into her mouth. Mark groaned as Marie also stood up, this time behind Jess, one hand in and began licking the sides of Mark’s mouth, she wanted to taste Jess on him, and found the slightly fruity taste mixed with Mark’s saliva highly appealing.

Jess bobbed her head back and forth on Mark’s shaft, occasionally humming, sending a thrilling buzzing sensation into Mark. He groaned and occasionally struggled to breathe as waves of pleasure shot through him. It didn’t take long before he announced he was about to, at which point Jess abruptly stopped, leaving him just before the point of no return, and had a wicked smile on her lips.

“Not just yet, Mark,” she teased.

“Okay, I want somebody in my mouth, and somebody’s mouth on me,” Marie said, “You two don’t get to have all the fun. I’m going lie down. Jess, I want your pussy straddling my face. Mark, I want you between my legs.”

“I live to serve,” Mark said, frustration and sarcasm at the denial of climax evident on his voice.

“Whatever you want,” Jess purred, as Marie settled herself on the bed.

Jess stood up and then straddled Marie’s face, her knees to the sides of her head and pussy right above her. Marie then wrapped her arms around Jess’ waist and grabbed hold of her ass. “Damn girl! You got a great ass!” she announced before diving into Jess’ honey pot.

Whether Marie was more skilled at cunnilingus, or that Jess was already warmed up was unclear, but Jess’ moaned loudly and quickly, gently rocking her hips back and forth, fucking herself on Marie’s tongue as she stared down, one hand under Marie’s head looking down at her and between moans whispering things such as ‘that’s it baby’ or ‘oh yeah that’s good.’

Mark had his arms wrapped around Marie’s waist as he flicked his tongue around her pussy, swirling around the clit. This time he didn’t need to even refocus, but feeling blood surging into his cock, well aware that this was a once in a lifetime event and not bothering to even think about how he got so lucky.

Marie and Jess orgasmed almost simultaneously as Jess collapsed forward, bracing herself on the bedframe.

“I don’t think I can hold back anymore,” Mark said, raising his head from between Marie’s legs. “Can I put on that condom, you two have each came at least once and I’m stuck holding back.”

“That’s because when a guy comes, sex is over, so you had to wait, but you’ve been a good boy, which of us do you want first?” Marie teased.

“That’s only if the refractory period is too long. If oral is initiated between and you have a reasonable refractory period, it can keep going,” Mark said, mildly annoyed.

“Okay, positioning,” Marie said, “Mark, you lie down where I was, since you decided to be a dick instead of just going along with it, you lost the privilege of picking who you go in first. Jess goes first, I’m going to sit on your face, Jess, while you ride him, reach around and play with my tits or something and keep me going.”

Mark lay down on the bed, thankful that Marie had implied she would sit facing him as opposed to facing backwards. He did not like the idea of his tongue or nose being anywhere near a butthole.

Jess sighed as she lowered herself onto him, albeit with Marie’s help. Marie gave Jess a quick peck on the cheek before moving over and straddling Mark’s face. Mark wrapped his arms around Marie, in a facsimile of the way Marie had done so for Jess, grabbing hold of her cheeks. From above him, he could see hands playing with Marie’s breast, occasionally pinching the nipples and groping them.

Jess found that grabbing hold of Marie’s tits helped her stay steady, after somewhere around two or three (she had forgotten how many) orgasms, staying upright became challenging, but Marie seemed to have no trouble. Mark’s cock filled her nicely as she rocked her hips, raising and lowering, mostly slowly as her energy was draining from the orgasms and sex. She leaned forward and began licking Marie’s neck, which Marie encouraged eagerly.

Mark had never experienced pleasure like this. Whether it was in part from how long it felt like he had been denied, or the visuals of a beautiful woman rocking on his face, while another beautiful woman riding him, but he did not care. Focusing on Marie’s pussy, flicking and swirling his tongue, and occasionally thrusting it as deep as he could into her, Marie’s moans spurred him on.

Exclamations of pleasure resonated through the dorm room as the wild threesome continued. Eventually, the rhythmic motions of Jess sent Mark over the limit; he groaned and e filled the condom with his spunk. Noticing it, Jess crawled off him, and Marie did likewise as Mark turned over, struggling to catch his breath.

“Oh god, I feel like I just emptied a week’s worth into that, and I really doubt I’ll be able to get it up again this month.” Mark groaned, “Is there a trashcan?”

Marie pointed at a small trashcan, and Mark rolled the condom off into the bin. The three of them sat naked for a long moment, struggling to breathe and looking at each other’s faces, red and drained. The musky odor of sex permeated through the room, prompting Marie to open a window and put a fan into it, trying to assist in air circulation. Her knees wobbled and she nearly collapsed against the wall after getting the fan in the window.

Marie inhaled deeply, “Same time next week? Jess, you can share the bed with me, and Mark, you can sleep on the floor tonight if you’re too drained to make it back to your room, or you feel awkward coming back in so late.”

“Water-“ Jess gasped. Marie reached into her mini-fridge and tossed both Mark and Jess bottles of water and grabbed one herself.

“I appreciate it, yeah,” Mark said, gulping down water.

“Neither of you answered my question,” Marie complained.

“I’ll answer in the morning,” Mark said, and Jess nodded in agreement.

Jess and Marie kept each other warm in the bed, as Mark wrapped a blanket around himself, keeping himself warm and his naked body away from the cold tiled floor.

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I stared at the ceiling thinking about the last two days. Linda was snuggled to my chest, sleeping with a slight smile on her face. When I saw it I couldn't help but smile, too. But then my eyes were pulled back up to the ceiling as I wondered again about what had happened to me, and whether it was a good thing or not. The memory of two nights ago still had me shaking my head. I was stunned when Linda told me that each of the previous five women who had stood in for Hildie had come away...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends and IChapter 1

I'll be the first to admit I am definitely a freak at 7'6. Not only am I very tall but I am very wide, and everything else is to proportion. It is that part if nothing else that has made certain women hesitant to have sex with me. The thing is it not like my body doesn't provide enough lube. When it comes to the more intimate body fluids, my problem is not a lack of them. In fact one could say quite the opposite. With short black hair and tan skin I am handsome, but I wouldn't say I was...

1 year ago
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Her First Threesome

My wife Linda was going south to visit family so I had Kevin, a friend of ours, pick her up at the DFW airport. She was to stay at his house until Joseph, her brother, came to pick her up later in the day. Murphy’s Law, something went wrong and she couldn’t get picked up that day so Linda decided to stay over for a few days. Understand, Linda is a Dolly Parton-looking blonde that turns heads wherever she goes. She stands about five-foot six, azure eyes, firm round butt and firm, 35C breasts....

Group Sex
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Spanking Parties part 2

A gooey loud fart escaped my ass hole when Peter had removed his rod from my body. I could feel his cum oozing out of me. I moved as gingerly as I could to get up and walked briskly to the dormitory bathroom. I held my ass cheeks together with my hands as fluids were running down my legs. I tippy-toed in the hallway naked. I plunged down and excavated the remnants with thundering fart sounds. I wiped the back of my legs while I relieved myself. I felt tired and weak. One of my legs shook...

3 years ago
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Forced to be Used Part 2

'What the fuck?' She blurted out, as her hands were snagged down, unable to be shifted. Suddenly her grogginess was gone, as she strained her neck trying to see what was happening. This room wasn't hers. It was large and dimly lit, a small old fluorescent bulb flickering in the corner. No windows, but a set of stairs to the far right leading up. The room was mostly bare, other than some basic tools, a cupboard, desk and chair. And the bed she was on. Not just on, but tied down to. 'What...

2 years ago
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Nudist fun

A few years ago when visiting a nudist " Resort" in the East of England I was walking round their wooded area looking for any couples playing I spotted a couple with a curvy lady with large breasts exploring the area. They were clearly nervous and guessing it was their first time in the woods I hung back but there were plenty of men watching and closely following them. She was wearing a bikini bottom with her lovely big boobs bouncing as she walked. Unfortunately they were not comfortable and...

4 years ago
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Bholy and I made plan to take mom to Delhi for some fun. We did not tell mom what we are going to do. We told her that we can see temple there and do some shopping.We 3 of us reached Delhi about 2pm. Our friend Shanta was home alone. Her husband was at work. We told her what was our plan before we left village. We had tea and some snack. Then bit later Shanta started teasing Bholy. Bholy was also touching Shanta and grabing her boobs soon had them out n she was sucking Shanta’s boobs. Mom was...

3 years ago
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1Anm Yeni Hayat

Bu sabah kalktığımda herşey bambaşka görünmeye başladı gözüme. Artık yurt dışındaydım ve ailemden uzak kalmış olan genç bir kızdım. Ve garip olanı bu durumuma alışmaya başlamıştım daha ilk anlarda. Ailemin beni apar topar yurt dışına gönderme nedenini şimdi hemen söylemiyeceğim ama bu ufak ingiltere kasabasında sanırsam yeni bir hayat kurmaya başlıyacağım. Apar topar kiraladığım bu kasaba evimi dün gece taşındığımda tam olarak inceliyememiştim. Ve incelemekte istiyorum, ama karnım...

1 year ago
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The Super System

A billion years ago, a benevolent alien race started seeding solar systems that had the potential for sentient life. They had seen tens of thousands of species fail to reach the stars due to various reasons, mainly internal politics or outside interference from hostile aliens, that would trigger species extinction. They placed asteroid belts that were made up of several hundred million invisible and intangible intelligent artificial asteroids. These asteroids were self perpetuating and linked...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend

I hadn't seen my best friend, Carol for ten years. We had kept in contact through phone calls, letters, emails, and the ocassional on-line chat. We had once been roommates, but had moved away from each other when we both got married. When we lived together, I was always curious about what it would be like to make love to her. I had always had fantasies about making love to another woman, but I was afraid to act on it. Carol told me that she thought two having sex was gross, so I figured my...

1 year ago
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Meeting with Master

What was I doing? Was this really what I wanted? Geez, it's all so easy when you're all horny, but what about now? Well, anyway, it looks like choices are removed from me for now, anyway. So I guess I'll just have to accept the situation. Ha!So, what situation is that exactly? Well, I had corresponded with Master for some time. We'd swapped some pics and some ideas. He seemed reasonable, knowledgeable about d/s matters, quite some experience. In many ways he was pretty much what I was looking...

1 year ago
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JPG4 AV4us

There are hundreds of good porn sites and tubes whether premium or free with loads of good porn. However, none of them is self-sufficient; am talking about the fact that others only feature a few niches of porn while there are dozens of them, erotic images only, videos only and some a mixture of both but not anywhere near good enough. I know some porn enthusiasts who wouldn’t miss a latest release as well trending erotic photos and videos even on, and that’s why I've taken it upon myself to...

Porn Aggregators
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Sex with my best friend wifepart 1

My name is Tarzen I am a 40 years old man a divorcee the story below is my personal experience story..On last Wednesday I was at a supermarket where I saw my best friend after a very very long time, he asked to come home for a lunch at his place. So I went for with him and at his home saw his wife Rosy. She was around 39 years old with perfect figure and 5.5 height. We three spoke a lot and I, rosy exchanged our numbers.From the same day we both started to chat I phone for hours. And so after 1...

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I have always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a girl who doesn’t shave in the same places as most woman. I guess you can say it has been a fetish of mine for ten years or more. At twenty four I was beginning to think I would never find out. Where is a guy to find a girl with hairy underarms and a nice crop of hair on her legs? My friend, Gary laughed at me when I told him about my fetish. He thought I was nuts and told me I would never be able to find that kind of girl. After he...

2 years ago
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The Son Who Could

I sat up in my bed rubbing the cobwebs from my eyes. The clock on the nightstand read 12:24 p.m. I took the day off on account of a virulent stomach virus I caught at the office the other day. After a quick shower to wake me up, I went downstairs to make myself a light breakfast. My wife, Dorthea, had already left for work a few hours before, so I had the whole house to myself. As I sat there chewing my toast thinking about what I would do on my day off, the doorbell suddenly rang. I shuffled...

1 year ago
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Slave to My Black NeighborChapter 5

The next morning was Monday and I was thrilled with the idea of Beth and I both going off to work and being far away from Master. I had been going through hell for the past four days and just wanted some time away to clear my head. My god, had it only been four days? That cruel man had enslaved me, cuckolded me, and broken me in only four days? Maybe he was right about me all along. I’m not really a man at all. A real man would never put up with this without fighting back, right? But even the...

2 years ago
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The Love Toys ReprieveChapter 5

Consequence, Conflict and Resolution? "What the..." I yelled. "Take it easy, sir. It was essential to contact the ranking FBI official as this is really their case" said Tom. "Mr. Borden, I presume?" asked Sherman as he addressed me. "Perhaps," I replied somewhat surprised that he knew who I was. "There's no point in subterfuge. We observed your escape on traffic cameras and last night we traced your vehicle to a rental agency. Due to the seriousness of the matter, we...

2 years ago
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Sluts of Mars Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Royal Treatment The evening came and we ate, me and my new queen, at a large stone table in their dining hall. The whole palace was decorated extensively as one would expect, beyond what any one generation of people could accomplish. The jewels and decorative metals of Mars were different, but some were the same, like gold and silver. It was strange to be in a place so similar to Earth, yet with its own unique twist on everything. Traveling to an exotic land was one thing, but...

3 years ago
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The Daughters of COVID20Chapter 6 Bad Moon Rising

While waiting for their physicals, the newcomers were busy. Some were touring the dorm, choosing suitemates, and selecting suites. Two were making lists of clothing and other items needing to be procured, the others were visiting with the original residents. There were more than a few speculative looks in my direction. I was sitting quietly with Chastity and Rachel when my phone sang. “Virgil, may I speak with Rachel or Chastity?” Pete asked. I handed my phone to Rachel thinking, ‘Why...

2 years ago
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Marriages Are Made In Heaven2

Hi this is second part of my story, friends I want to share with you some things friends suppose you are living alone with your lover or to whom you want to make your life partner, lover, wife and sex partner to whom you want to fuck so what you will do. Exactly that thing happened with me and I took full advantage of that opportunity I know friends your getting bore but friends I promise you. Now my story start from here, you all know we shifted to new place where nobody know about us I use...

3 years ago
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When the phone rang, I immediately jumped up to answer. I knew my daughter was out, and as all parents do, I was worried. Abby was a very responsible girl, but you know how teens are. She had just turned 18 and was out celebrating with a few friends. "Hey, Dad, would you come and pick Chelsea and me up? We've had a little too much to drink, and, well you know what you told me..." Of course, I recalled our conversation. I'd told her months before that I would rather her call home than drive...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Vanna Bardot Saving The Parlor

Quinton James, a city councilman, arrives at the massage parlor and tells the owner, Vanna Bardot, that he’s there to shut it down since he’s been getting complaints about unsavory activity there. She offers to give him a massage to prove that her business is legit. He agrees. They proceed to the massage room. She takes off her clothes and his eyes widen at the sight of her naked body. But, pretending not to be interested in her, he shakes his head and looks away. He takes off his...

3 years ago
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In The Neighborhood Part 2

This continues from part 1, please read it first. https://xhamster.com/stories/in-the-neighborhood-695348Mr. V's House was neat and tidy, and despite the fact that his wife had been gone for a few years, it still had that woman's touch to it. He guided me through the living room to the stairwell by the front door. As I started up, he stopped me and spun me into him, giving me a big hug and deep kiss. My hard cock was poking into him and he slid one hand down onto it and stroked me. He then...

1 year ago
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unexpected camping guest

I met my girlfriend, Ashley, a few years ago and instantly hit it off. We had just planned a camping trip to a local lake for the weekend and were very excited to try our new camper. I used a small pop up camper for about 6 years and Ashley and I camped in it last year. We used our new camper one time last fall and was anxious to start camping again in April. Sara, Ashley’s friend who does some babysitting for us also camps with us occasionally. The first weekend we went camping with the...

1 year ago
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First Time With My Story Reader Nagma

Hello friends, first of all, I would like to thank all the ladies, girls, and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an immense response which encouraged me to submit my new story for you all enthusiastic people. So sit back and be ready for another real-life encounter I had with Nagma (name changed due to secrecy reasons).Nagma is one of my regular story readers. I am Alok Saxena, 28 years of age and currently working with a reputed company and residing in Delhi. I am 5’7 inches...

1 year ago
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Getting Nude Pictures Of My Friend8217s Mom

Hello, friends. This is Sandeep. I am really thankful for your nice comments for my sex story “Made my chachi to have sex”. Now coming to another story. I was in college. At that time I was 20 yrs old. Our practical exams were near. My friend raj came to my room. He said, “Yaar practical me answer sheets dikha dena. Is baar meri taiyari ho nahi payi”. I said, “But wo teacher kafi strict hai. Kaise ho payga?”. Raj said, “Risk to hai par agar mere practicals acche nahi gye to meri mom mujhe bahut...

4 years ago
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The Honey Dew ListChapter 12

Everyone in the group was more than a little hungry, between the sex and the weed, so Damien went ahead and ordered some pizza for the whole group, although Maryam insisted on paying for it (she was probably the richest person in the house at the moment). The tribe ranged considerably in their tastes where pizza toppings were concerned, so each pizza had different toppings on one half from the other. Damien went with pineapples and Canadian bacon, for example, while Cassidy opted for black...

3 years ago
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Like It Used To Be

Kayla Braddock stood in line at the store, juggling three gallons of paint. Her dusty blonde hair was pulled back into a low pony tail, and any make up that had been on her face earlier in the day was gone. Her jeans had holes in the knees and at the corners of the pockets. Not to mention paint smeared all over them. Kayla glanced down at her black tank top and grimaced. White paint was speckled over the entire garment, as well as her arms. She even thought there might be a smudge on her face. ...

3 years ago
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Amber in BetweenChapter 2

I was up bright and early and ready to tackle the world. I'm always that way after a night of sex. Guys get tired, girls get energized, and in my case it always carried over to the next day. I didn't linger in bed and reluctantly get up. No, I was out of bed, showered, dressed, and made up, all set for whatever the day would bring. We'd already had an "Incoming Students Orientation", so I knew where my classes were. I was on the college track, and that meant a heavy class load. I...

3 years ago
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Arabian Playthings Chapter 18

For four more weeks, Belle continued to perform her duties ... the most menial, it not the most arduous in the whole retinue. And it would seem she performed them satisfactorily because not once was she summoned to feel Miss Reva’s whip. Indeed, apart from a few stinging slaps from Overseers, Belle was uns**thed as far as punishment was concerned. It was, by far, the longest period since she had become a slave. Throughout all this time, when not on duty, she wore the anal device which was...

2 years ago
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Siblings Make The Best Sex Partners

This is a fictional creation and should be taken as is. Any resemblance of names, places and or acts should be considered incidental. The best sex is between any two consensual partners who love and enjoy sex and know when and how not to hurt each other. Enjoy and as usual, please do not hesitate to comment. Thank you. ************* I Christopher, am not sure but tend to believe that most siblings play with each other as they are growing up playing their share of “doctor” games and examining...

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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 02

The next few days were torture. I knew what was coming, but I had no idea when. And because I wasn't supposed to know, I couldn't ask.Dom probably would, were he in my shoes. He'd be confident that Mom would forgive him for eavesdropping on her and Dad, and he'd almost certainly be right to do so.But then, I wasn't Dom.Part of me wanted to talk to him about it. Ask what Mom was like. But he might have denied it. It would be just like him. You could catch him doing something on tape, and he'd...

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An old tenant comes back to see me

I own an apartment building and every so often in the summer I would have a yard sale. I would mostly sell items that tenants would leave behind . Last weekend while sitting on the porch watching visitors mewing around I saw Casey walk up . Now being a landlord I had to deal with all kinds of people with all kinds of problems . Casey was one of those tenants that I didn’t mind helping. When Casey moved in she was 23 recently married. She was always well dressed and took great care of...

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Hotel Stranger Pt 1

This is another true story from early this year that occurred in Nashville, TN. After this my husband Andreas told me he had set the whole encounter up for me on one of the swinger sites we belong to. When it was happening I had no idea it had been pre-arranged but these are the type of things we do for each other from time to time. So, here is the recount of this hot time. We left Miami on a Friday afternoon and traveled to Nashville, TN to spend a long weekend and checked into a very upscale...

2 years ago
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Long trip

I finally get back into town and once I leave the base I head strait to your house. I call you as I'm on my way and you tell me that the door will be open when I get there so go ahead and come in once I get there. I finally get to your place and walk into your apartment and see you standing there in a little sexy black outfit that I have never seen before. I had already had a raging hard on as I was driving over and didn’t think that is was possible for it to get any harder but you proved me...

1 year ago
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Robbies Revelation part 15

***Authors note, Just wanted to thank those still following my story, and apologize for this chapter taking so long. For one I couldn't find a place to sufficiently break it up, so it took twice as long to finish but the chapter is twice as long as my others almost. Anyway I hope you continue to enjoy and will get the next chapter out as soon as possible.*** The next morning I was in such a good mood I didn't think anything would be able to break it, well when I got to school I...

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WWE Becky Lynchs St Patricks Day Wis

Becky Lynch's night has already gone well. It is the night of another NXT taping and she has just finished competing in a hard-fought battle against Alexa Bliss where she walked away victoriously. With St. Patrick's Day only a day away, the environment in the locker room tonight is unlike most other nights.As the action in the arena comes to a close, several of the women are hanging out in the Diva's locker room - chatting to each other in what could be described as a slumber party-esque...

1 year ago
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Are you a Token Fox? I guess the answer would probably depend on how we define the term, and well, I’m just checking out the site now. I haven’t quite figured out if the titular foxes are the babes exposing their beavers on the platform, or the dudes pumping tokens into the machine as they pump the sperm out of their dicks. Maybe an easier question would take the newfangled terminology out of the equation: do you like beating off to live, sexy camgirls?That’s really a rhetorical question,...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Turning Straight Guys Gay

I think my latest conquest might be my favorite yet. I just can't seem to let go of the straight guys, y'know? It was a revelation when I realized guys kept sneaking glances at me that weren't so innocent. I can't really blame 'em either. Without sounding too narcissistic, I'm pretty as fuck. High cheek bones, thin and well defined lips, bigger eyes and a metabolism that made people hate me. Hell, I barely ever had to shave either, I was virtually hairless, even my eyebrows are just naturally...

2 years ago
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Hot summer sun and hot summer cum

As many will know here in England, we have been going through something of a heatwave, and about time to be honest. Last night I was taking in the early evening heat, with it still in the high-twenties at 6 O’clock, along the East Norfolk coast. The occasional cooling breeze hit me, but they were few and far between. I had enough, and decided that I had better head back to the car, and get some water in me.I scanned the cliffs looking for a path to get up, but as this part of the British...

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one of my first experience

My memories are vague but this is how it went, I grew up as an only lad in the family, so nothing much ever happened in our house, I had lots of friends though and we were all of a similar age, I remember one day I was playing football with Ben & Pete, and Cath (she always enjoyed messing about with us) when Ben suggested we go into Cath’s as it was trying to rain (again) so we all agreed, when inside (she lived with her mum and she was at work) Ben got some cards and we played one of those...

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Jaimes Night Out

Jaime felt her heart rateescalate as she felt two hard fingers push roughly into her dry pussy. "OW! Who the fuck are you? Stop touching me! Please! I'll give you whatever you want!" "You already are. I've waited for this day for a long, long time." He was slowly pushing his fingers in and out of her pussy- stretching her out. "Please," she was crying in earnest now. "I'm a good girl. You're hurting me- I'm still a virgin." "I'm sorry; how remiss of me. We'll have to...

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Human Mexican Donkey Part1

I went to the Mexico to visit the Mayan ruins for my summer vacation. The Mayan’s Indians are very poor and work very hard for there money. They live in mud huts with dirt floors and thatch roofs. They are very short people who are know for carrying large heavy objects on there heads, and walkingmany miles with there cargo. Because they use there heads to carry heavyobjects, they have a very strong neck and back, to be able to withstand the pressure put on them while walking many hours to...

1 year ago
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ZebraGirls Natasha Nice Ashely Pink Lacey London 06042017

It’s never easy finding a good housekeeper. Just ask Natasha Nice. She’s enjoying a pool day while her much-older hubby is out of town. Her two housekeepers — Lacey London and Ashley Pink — have finished cleaning the place and want to be paid. Herein lies the problem: Natasha forgot to run to the bank and grab some cash, and it’s her pool day. She’s also talking to a friend on the phone. How in the world is she supposed to stop all her important stuff just to...

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Rachels Ravishment Pt II

The day after our first encounter together, Maitena turned up for our tutoring session, took one look at me and acted as if she hadn’t ordered me just twenty- four hours before to hump myself on her leg until I came. She drilled me relentlessly on the law of cosines and I began to wonder if my step – mother had tried to poison me at lunch yesterday, and instead of dying, I’d just experienced some kind of mind – blowingly vivid hallucination triggered by my obsession. For an hour and a half I...

4 years ago
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Mummys true passion part five

We entered a nice and not to big boutique on 5th. It was called “pour madame et monsignores”. It had a sweet glass door and was made up in some certain twenties gold style. Mum and I walked in arm in arm. I expected the owner to be a nice old lady but I became disappointed. She was about thirty years old and her name was- I read it on her logo- Aileen. She didn’t speak with a French accent which I had also expected. She didn’t fake that she was an American. I liked her from the first sight...

1 year ago
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My first girl

I had always had fantasies about being with other girls, but I had never really considered it actually happening. I thought it was something I had to bury, something that was too scandalous to talk about, much less act upon. Then I met Kate. She was tall and gorgeous, with dark hair and green eyes. She was so much fun, so full of life, and every guy wanted her. She was who I wanted to be. We were randomly assigned as roommates, and we were friends right from the start. We wore each other's...

3 years ago
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A Planet Is TornChapter 3

By sheer chance Ben found out about Adam's sudden production of pulse rifles. The discovery of the WS Reaper and his discussions with Sarah raised questions about the potential impact on all of the communities on the planet. He was pondering the idea of trying to contact the other twins to let them know what was happening and to let them consider what their own response would be to the possibility of being 'rescued' by Woden. It made sense to check on things at the caves to see whether...

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Wifes Minor Indiscretions

A few months ago, I found myself in the doghouse when my Wife had busted me for snogging a female Colleague on her Leaving Do. Having been married for 25 years, it wasn’t the first time my halo had slipped but it was the first time I’d been banged to rights!Naturally, she was upset and when she had finished grilling me and I’d re-assured her that I wasn’t having an affair, hadn’t fucked this other Woman, that it meant nothing etc. my Wife started to turn the tables on me and give me some home...

1 year ago
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Vacation Suprises

My wife, Lisa and I had been married for 10 years we were both 21 when we were married. Lisa was an absolute sexy woman at 5'6'' 120 pounds with 34c boobs and long tan legs, men would always check her out. At 31 she hadn't lost any of it, and had only grown sexier. She looked young and even got carded sometimes when we would be out for drinks. Lisa was a virgin when we were married and was very conservative when it came to sex in the beginning due to her strong religious parents. Over time we...

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Son of Chronos Book 1 OriginChapter 5

Matt followed Molly and Ruth to his bedroom and closed the door behind them. “Are either of you on birth control?” Matt asked. “A bit late to be asking now isn’t it?” Molly asked with a giggle. Matt Frowned and Molly cringed when she noticed “That smart alack remark just earned you ten lashes. Neither one of you was asking me to use a condom in the heat of the moment.” “I’m sorry Master. I use an implantable rod.” Molly replied meekly. “I’ve been using the patch but I’ve been considering...

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Aunt Love Towards His Nephew

Hi my name is Rahul (name changed) am 30 now with a normal body I am from Surat. Today am going to explain to you the real incident happened to me. I am a regular visitor of this site and this is where I can share my experience Bindas. This incident happened when I was 19. I was doing my degree at that point in time. I have one of my Uncles staying in Mumbai I normally visit there every year on my vacation. It was a summer vacation of my college I was been there. My uncle got a family of 4...

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My fantastic weekend x

It started on Friday evening my wife had gone out and I was just putting the cars away then I seen my mate Danny walking up the road with a bottle of red wine ! So I shouts do you want a hand to drink the wine lol ok so we sat in the garden drinking that bottle did not last long so I got one of mine opened it still chatting and drinking.Then the conversation changed to sex ! What kind of sex do you like how do you mean I replyed? Dan goes I like all kinds but at the moment I'm looking at girls...

2 years ago
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Meri Aur Kamini Ki Wo Pehli Raat

Hi guys mera name Raj hai meri umer 24 years hai mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hun ye meri pehli story hai aj me apko ek esi chudai ke bare me batane ja raha hu jise pad kar land k rajao ka land ekdam tight or chut ki ranio ki chut gili ho jayegi agar apko story pasand aye to muje mail kijiyega.mera mail id Ab main apni real story pe aata hun ye story 2 years pehle ki hai jab main apni cousin sister ki sadi me gao gaya tha mai waha apni family k sath sadi k 4 din pehle hi pahuch gaya tha. Mai waha...

4 years ago
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My first time

I was attending a well known college in a major Midwestern city. Every day on my way to and from school I would pass a building that had a sign above its door advertising that the building was a men and women's steam bath. For many days I kept telling myself that I would stop and see what a steam bath was all about but I always seemed to chicken out and kept on driving past the building without stoppingThen one, very cold evening I decided to stop. I was very nervous entering the building. Upon...

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Happy Birthday to Me FEMDOM TRAINING

It was the early 90s; I was taking a full load in college and working full time. At nineteen I was making good money, going to school, and just married my high school sweetheart. I know it was too young, but it was 90's and I thought the only way out of my parent's house was to get married. We were married for a year now and, at twenty, we had a nice two bedroom, spacious, corner apartment on the second floor of an apartment duplex. My wife, Carol, was 5'4", 115lbs, short brown hair, blue eyes,...

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