- 3 years ago
- 22
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A gentle and cool early spring breeze swept through the trees lining the main walkway of River’s End University. Second semester was in full swing, but the weather, having finally broken, invited earnest youthful students setting up booths along the walkway trying to enlist other equally earnest and youthful students for their respective causes. A chestnut haired student, with darker brown roots beginning to show, was gently antagonizing a student, a year younger than her, at booth. The chestnut haired woman had no interest in the particular cause but enjoyed asking antagonistic questions to the man-bun wearing student at the booth.
After a few short minutes of antagonism, a junior with short brown hair and wire frame glasses snuck up on the antagonistic woman.
“Jess! I was looking for you. I thought we were going to meet at entrance to Westing Hall?” Jess, the antagonistic woman was startled, but the student hissed into her ear, “You’re about twenty seconds from a concussion when he decks you, play along.”
Jess gave a barely perceptible nod, “Sorry I got distracted, my bad. These people are raising awareness for such an important cause.”
“Oh yeah, I understand,” the brown haired and bespectacled student turned to the student with the man-bun, “you guys are doing such great work, so important, Jess here was just giving you a hard time. Good luck with the awareness thing.”
Jess and Mark, the student just speaking walked swiftly away.
“So what? You’re my white knight or something? Hoping I’ll give you a blowjob or something from saving me from a guy who looks like he couldn’t knock over a lamp?”
“No, though my reasoning was entirely selfish. See, if you were concussed, that would make Professor Coleman’s class less interesting. The ratio of pompous morons to people who are actually creative in that class is dangerously low, and I fear if it got any lower, I would take an icepick to my skull.”
“Oh! I thought I recognized you. Mark, right?”
“Yup, though if you feel like providing me with some sort of reward for my generous humanitarian work of saving you from the terrifying man-bun douche, I’ll settle for coffee. By that I mean, buy me a coffee, you ungrateful gadfly.” Mark’s tone was infused heavily with a level of deadpan sarcasm.
“Well, I suppose a coffee is the least I can do for my knight in shining armor.” Jess’ tone was equally sarcastic, but with exaggerated emotion compared to Mark’s deadpan.
Together, they walked to the on-campus café, and got in the line for ordering.
“I’ll have a chai-mocha-latte with almond milk, and a hint of mint,” Jess said with an air of superiority about her.
Mark, as again deadpan said, “Coffee, black and bitter, but with ground pepper sprinkled in, large.”
The barista looked at him, with eyes heavily scrutinizing him. “We don’t have black pepper.”
Mark groaned, “Yes you do, it’s in one of the sandwiches you make on premises, I will pay for the black pepper inclusion if it is necessary.” A second barista tapped the first one on the shoulder, explained that it was fine, no extra charge.
Jess turned to Mark, “The fuck?”
“It’s just what I like.”
Jess paid and as they were about to split up, a girl from their writing class, with short dyed black hair, snuck up on them, “Whoa, are you two an item? I did not expect that.”
“Marie, what can I do for you this lovely afternoon?” Mark asked, deadpan sarcasm in his voice.
“Nothing, just surprised to see you two together. You never talk in class.” Marie was in their writing course as well. “What do you say we grab a seat and I can play third wheel, I’m in the mood for some gossip.”
“We’re not dating.” Jess said with finality. “However, I am open to socialization. It’s Friday, I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the day.”
The three of them sat at the table. Mark set his coffee down first, which Marie swooped up and took a sip of, which she immediately regretted. “Jesus Mark! What the fuck is that! It’s like coffee but spicy? I don’t have the words.”
“I assume it’s so no one will steal his drink or food, so he loads it with spicy or other conflicting flavors,” Jess postulated.
“Eh, not quite,” Mark said. “I can’t taste anything but spicy and bitter. Sweet, salty, savory, whatever the other ones are I get nothing out of. Makes spicy coffee pretty much the most indulgent of flavors I can experience. To me this is a carefully curated and balance for the perfect dish from a culinary master. I get all the flavors.”
“That’s… weird,” Marie hesitated, “I don’t think I’ve met anyone with that problem in the past.”
“It’s not really a problem, just a fact of life for me,” Mark shrugged it off.
“With that, I’m going to grab something, be back in a sec,” Marie said cheerfully.
Within a few moments she returned with a vegetarian sandwich on focaccia bread. “So what’s the latest? Jess, what is your next opus going to be about? Mark, are you still harboring that grudge against Brendon for the mathematical and logistical errors in his work? You know its creative writing right? You don’t need to nitpick the fuckups of the minute detail."
“Yes. Yes I am, on all accounts. His work is riddled with inconsistences that range from using incorrect numbers; to having characters change key factors about themselves every few sentences. Also, his attempts at writing action sequences have roughly the same outcome as the mutant hybrid spawn of a sloth and a manatee doing gymnastics. It caused me physical pain. I will continue to fight this one man war for verisimilitude until my dying day, or class ends, whichever comes first, really.”
The two girls laughed at how enthusiastic he became about his petty one-sided hate boner for a fellow classmate.
“I’ll concede that Brendon’s work is shit. But you’re not going to change anything like that,” Jess said almost reluctantly. “As for my next opus, well, you’ll just have to wait, but I’ll let you know it does in no way include the mutant hybrid spawn of a sloth and a manatee, in any form; let alone doing gymnastics.
“Is it a satirical horror story about a washer/dryer combo that steals women’s underwear?” Marie asked.
“Okay, good, I didn’t want someone else to have that idea,” Marie breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief.
“Wait, why does it only steal women’s underwear? Is it some kind of pervert? Is it the washer or the dryer stealing it? If it’s the washer, wouldn’t the excess water result in molding? If it’s the dryer couldn’t that start a fire due to the lint buildup and heat?” Mark’s mind raced with the complicated logistics of a washer/dryer stealing underwear.
“I think you’re thinking too much into it, Mark. But now I do need to change it, since it was going to be a perverted demon washer/dryer. Now maybe it’ll be haunted by a girl who could never find underwear that fits properly, so her spirit haunts the washer/dryer searching for that perfect bra,” Marie guessed.
“I’ll similarly concede the point that it can be a bitch to find a bra that fits perfectly. Finding the measurements is weird.” Jess said.
“What if you combined the two? A girl went around stealing bras from others searching for the perfect one along with an illicit sexual thrill, when she was murdered for stealing underwear by being drowned or suffocated in the washer or dryer respectively. Now her spirit haunts them, searching for the right bra while gaining a thrill from them. Oh wow, this is brilliant; I’m on a roll here…” Mark said before he was cut off by Marie.
“That’s enough! Stop giving me suggestions; let me figure it out on my own!” Marie exclaimed, practically out of breath.
Jess sighed, “Okay kids, this has been fun but people are starting to look at us like we’re insane and while you two may not take any issue with it, I kind of do. See ya around.”
“Hold on a sec,” Marie took hold of Jess’ arm. “I propose we meet up in my room later tonight, get drunk and continue this line of conversation. This is far more enjoyable than I anticipated.”
Mark shrugged, “Sounds like a good time to me. All I planned to do today was sit in my dorm room and try to figure out how to not be bored. Though I’ll assume each of us will need to bring our own booze as our tastes will most likely not overlap. Jess I assume you enjoy wine, probably rosé, most likely sparkling given the pretentiousness of your coffee order. Marie, you take me as a...” he paused a moment, “some kind of fruity bullshit or a vodka laced with a fruity infusion.”
“What gave you that idea, Mark?” Marie inquired. “Actually, I’m much more of a red wine girl.”
“And I pretty much only get hard cider,” Jess said.
“I was close.” The two girls looked at him like he was mental, “All four are things that taste like either piss or nothing to me, and they all contain fruit. In case you were wondering, I’ll be procuring a six-er of beer brewed locally, mostly because they are the only ones who make an IPA with hot spices in it.”
“What kind of brewery would make such a thing?” Marie asked.
“The kind that is owned by a family friend and made specifically for me, however it is popular in Japan. You know how they are with their fermented beans and tentacles and eating poisonous blowfish.” Mark spaced out for a moment, “Where was I? Oh yes, when do you want to meet and where, as this sounds like as good a use of a Friday night as any that I don’t need to do homework or study.”
“Guess I’m in as well,” Jess sighed.
“Epic,” said Marie. “I’ll text you two a time and my dorm address.” She did and the three went their separate ways, each to a different location for the procurement of liquor (although Mark had to go to the source for his, due to its specialist nature.)
A few hours passed before the agreed upon meeting time. Jess was their first, but within five minutes of her arrival, Mark arrived, the bottles of beer clanking in his backpack.
“Welcome to my humble domicile, Mark if you spill your spicy bitter beer in here you will be cleaning the entire floor with your tongue until every trace of it is gone.”
“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it, Marie.”
They brought out their respective drinks, each with a carefully designed label. Jess’ hard cider had stylized images of apple trees and birds adorning the label. Marie’s red wine had a more elegant design, deep brown, slightly raised silver lettering and an image of a swan about to take flight from water, also in the slightly raised silver. Mark’s beer however was the standout. It featured an elderly Asian man, bald with a long white beard and a face full of rage, brandishing a cane as though to hit someone with it. On the reverse, the name of the beer ‘Infinite Hatred IPA’ with the word 'infinite' being stylized as a lemniscate.
“That is one provocative looking beer. Like it wants to fight me to the death in a cage. Like throwing the bottle at someone would hurt extra,” Marie rambled.
“It probably would, the capsaicin might have a degree of residue on the bottle, and if that comes into contact with the blood drawn it could be quite hellish,” Mark guessed.
“It kind of suits you,” Jess said, not sure if it was a question or a statement. “Like with your writing, there’s so much vitriol and absurdity that an elderly Asian man hitting someone with a cane while screaming profanities is a perfect visualization. Angry elderly and Asian isn’t a visual that goes along with the dignity and honor we associate with the Far East.”
The alcohol was cracked open, and they spent a fair amount of time collectively bashing the majority of their classmates in the writing class. Whether it was Brendon’s sheer incompetence (Mark’s words), or Sheila’s attempt at being the ‘voice of a generation’ but with work that came out like an angst ridden teenager thinking she’s deep (Jess’ words), or Claire’s ‘sheer lack of joy’ (Marie’s words.) Naturally, good natured barbs were hurled at each other, in particular Mark’s reliance on angry satire over plot (something both Marie and Jess agreed on), which he defended as it being ‘picaresque’ or Marie’s tendency towards sympathetic, yet ultimately bitchy (Jess’ words) characters, which Mark also agreed, issuing grievances, in that the characters were largely engaging in reprehensible actions, and that giving them sympathy or justification was a weak crutch. The insults at Marie’s work (agreed upon by Mark and Jess, though they were Mark’s words) were geared towards having characters that merely ‘existed’ as opposed to be being actors within the story, and her attempts at writing a socially awkward character came across as more endearing than actually awkward.
The room was filled with laughter; each of them ultimately had to agree with the criticisms levied at them. Eventually, Marie had a suggestion, “Okay, we’re tipsy, I propose an on-the-fly narrative. We each have to kind of stream of consciousness tells a story, we have the same rough outline, and we see where we go from there.”
“Sounds fun,” said Jess. “I propose the narrative is that two people meet up somewhere, and then sex happens between the two of them. Mark you go first.”
“Why do I have to go first?” Mark said, “Seduction and romance is out of my wheelhouse. If you went first I’d at least have a jumping off point.”
“Your believed incompetence is why you have to go first. So we feel better about what we do.” Who said that doesn’t matter, the sentiment was echoed between the two girls.
“Fine,” groaned Mark.
The bar was near empty that night, a Sunday in football (American) season in a bar with no televisions had a tendency to do that. Jazz radio filled the room, broken up by the cracking of billiards balls connecting with one another. A man sat alone at the bar, in a slight daze. Laid off that Friday, he had decided to drink his woes away, and figure out what the hell he was going to do starting on Tuesday. Monday he would be nursing the wicked hangover he knew he would be getting from drinking so much that night. Yeah, it would be hellish but there were worse ideas, not that he could think of any his mind clouded by the copious alcohol he consumed…
“Halt!” Interjected Marie, “You are spending way too much time on the setting and main character. This is short fiction so get to the banging. You haven’t introduced the person he’s going to fuck. Keep it quick, this isn’t supposed to be one of your fifteen page minimal-dialogue exercises in indulgence. Get to the fucking and seduction and shit already!”
“I told you I was incompetent at this,” spat Mark. “I was going stream of unconscious for that, while I figured out the rest. Buy time by building setting and atmosphere so I could figure the rest out. Not like I could go back and retract stuff, you know.”
“Wait,” Jess said, slightly confused, “you weren’t thinking about that? You split your focus into figuring the rest out while just rambling. That was surprisingly coherent for something like that.”
“As penance for your incompetence and wasting our time, you must take off your pants,” insisted Marie.
“That makes no fucking sense,” Mark complained.
“I’m drunk enough that I agree with Marie. Take off your pants, you are outvoted.”
“This is insane,” Mark sighed as he began taking off his shoes to more easily remove his pants; the alcohol preventing him from putting up a sufficient fight. “Marie, you go now. Can I at least decide that?”
“I take no issue, I planned on going second,” Marie took a swig from her bottle.
Casey could hear her heart pumping over the loud music, and felt her palms sweating, a slight tremor in her movements as she mustered the courage to talk to the woman she had been eying for the night. The way she moved on the dance floor, flowing like water in excellent rhythm to the music on the floor. Casey had consumed enough liquid courage to actually approach her, but not enough to completely stay her nerves.
“Uhm, Hi, c-can I buy you a drink?” Casey asked the woman on the dance floor between songs. The woman she asked smiled and nodded as they walked towards the bar. “My name’s Casey,” Casey said extending a hand.
“Claire, charmed to meet you, I was wondering how long you were going to be staring at me and when you would finally start talking.”
“You-you saw that?” Casey swallowed hard.
“Don’t worry about it!” Claire said brightly. The two women ordered drinks (Casey paid) and they moved to the couches in the club.
“Y-you’re really pretty,” Casey said after an uncomfortable silence.
Claire picked up on Casey’s nervousness quickly and give her a friendly peck on the cheek, “Thanks, but you don’t need to be so nervous, relax. But I think I know what might help things.”
Casey gave a curious look, as Claire leaned in and kissed her passionately on the mouth. Confused at first, Casey quickly reciprocated, feeling moisture develop between her legs.
Claire broke the kiss, surprised Casey but leaned in and whispered “There’s a hotel nearby, my treat.” Casey nodded furiously as Claire took her by the hand and led her out the door. Within three minutes they were at the hotel, barely able to control themselves.
Once inside their room, they threw themselves at each other, tearing clothes off and kissing passionately. Claire took the lead and threw Casey onto the bed when only underwear was left…
“JESUS, MARK!” Jess shouted. “Do you have a hard on?”
“What?” Mark said, having forgotten that he was A) not wearing pants; B) getting turned on by Marie’s story. He glanced down, “Shit! Involuntary reaction! Cannot control blood flow, impossible, wishing had consumed enough alcohol such that blood had thinned such that erection impossible.” His embarrassment was rising quickly, dropping words, face turning bright red.
“Cut him some slack, Jess,” Marie said. “His gender can’t withhold that information as easily as us. And in the interest of fairness, I was kind of turning myself on with that.”
“Holy shit!” Mark shouted, startling the girls who then nearly simultaneously asked him what, though each using a different choice of words that provided the same effect, “I figured out where my story was going. It was going to involve rule 63, multiverse surrealism, self-love, and a turkey leg.”
“What the fuck? Where did that come from, summarize now, but you lost your right to tell the story in your manner,” Marie insisted.
“Okay, so the bartender was going to make a drink and give it to the guy; let’s call him Sam because I can’t think of a more interesting name. But the bartender is secretly like a demon or something, and it transports Sam to a rule 63 dimension, exactly like his one but the genders are flipped. This means female Sam (let’s call her Sammy) drank the same drink and was in his dimension creating this weird inter-dimensional rift thing, right? They have sex because they are lonely, depressed and drunk but since they are so perfectly matched, like the penis fits perfectly in the vagina, and so much chemistry, that their simultaneous orgasm is so intense and powerful that it destroys the multiverse, leaving only a single turkey leg remaining.” He held up one finger for emphasis.
“That’s uhm, what?” Jess said, struggling to find the words. “I mean, it’s something that I think only your mind would do, but at the same time, that’s weird even for you. “
“It’s not weirder than his other work,” Marie argued, “remember that time he had his protagonist go to a white supremacist meeting because there was going to be free pizza, and the white supremacists plotted to break into a pharmacy to steal cyanide that they would take to make themselves whiter? Or the time his protagonist entered a surrealist dream-world but that turned out to be the real world and he was in the real surrealist world?”
“Point taken,” Jess said, “Well, unless you want to continue, Marie, guess it’s my turn?”
“Nah, I’m good,” Marie said.
“Well it’s not like I like you or anything!” Madison exclaimed, turning bright red. “I just had a bad break-up and want post break up sex and you’re here and…”
Clark held up a hand silencing her, “I’m not one to look a gift sexual encounter with a hot girl in the mouth. Or maybe I am, but the lower mouth, you get what I’m saying. Where?”
“My room,” Madison quickly said.
Clark, not wondering how he got so lucky followed Madison to her dorm room.
“No kissing,” Madison insisted, “kissing is for romance, this is for pure pleasure and helping me forget my ex.”
“No complaints,” Clark said unbuckling his belt and taking off his shirt. Madison did similar as she dropped to her knees and took him into her mouth. Clarke groaned in pleasure and closed his eyes. Madison licked up and down the length of his cock, paying close attention along the main vein before going back to the head, swirling her tongue around.
After a minute or so of the blowjob, Madison removed the cock from her lips with an audible pop, stood up and lowered her panties and sat on her bed with her legs on the side. Clark needed no instruction before he dropped to his knees, on hand gently stroking his cock to maintain the erection as he dove his tongue into her honey pot. He licked the length of it, alternating in an impossible pattern between slow and quick, sucking gently on her clit. Unable to wait any longer, Clark looked up at Madison from between her legs. Madison smiled, and reached under her pillow for a condom, handing it to Clark (the best sex is safe sex kids) Clark stood up and rolled the condom over his shaft before gently inserting his member into her pussy.
Madison sighed audibly. Between her own frustration and Clark’s tongue, she was wet enough that Clark encountered no resistance as he entered her. He began moving his hips, paying close attention to his rhythm, keeping it inconsistent, and occasionally removing himself entirely to tease her with his tip. When he did this, Madison shook her head and gave a pleading look, but it only served to increase their mutual arousal.
Whether it was Clark’s skill, or her own arousal, Madison came quickly, panting and sweat growing on her sheets.
“Oh god, I’m coming,” Clarke groaned.
“Wait! In my mouth” Madison panted. Clark obliged removing himself and the condom. Madison glided to her knees ant took him back into her mouth, pleased that she couldn’t taste herself on him. With incredible skill she brought him climax, drinking the entirety of his load with a satisfied gulp and smile before leaning back and basking in the afterglow.
Clark struggled to catch his breath after the intensity of the orgasm, “If you ever need my help again, don’t hesitate, to let me know,” he joked.
Marie gave a golf clap, “Didn’t expect you to do that, and Mark is excited again it looks like.” Mark grumbled and cursed himself. “Also, in the interest of fairness, that got me going, too. I’m particularly fond that you jumped right into the banging, instead of going slow and building to it. I hate it when porn stories take a long time to get to the good stuff. I mean, I’m here to get off, just get to the sex, am I right?”
“Well, okay, I kind of turned myself on with that too,” Jess confessed.
“I vote sex now, three-way, it’s on my ‘before I graduate’ bucket list,'” Marie said. “Also, I assume every straight guy wants to have a threesome with two hot chicks, right Mark? I mean, we’re all turned on, right?”
Mark mumbled something to himself wondering what the fuck was going on now.
“Okay,” Jess said, “I mean, it makes sense to me, sufficient drunk all horny. Two conditions though, Mark wears a condom and no strings attached. This is purely physical release.”
“I take no issue with this,” Mark said.
Marie laughed, “Of course you don’t Mark. Bottom drawer Mark, in the box labeled ‘before the box’. “
Mark began to reach for the drawer, but Jess interrupted him, “Wait, I hate the taste of latex, and like giving blowjobs, but I only give them if I’m reciprocating.”
Mark shrugged, “Okay, I’ll warn you though, last time I went down on someone, I was described as ‘borderline incompetent’.”
“Oh how can you be shitty and licking pussy? You’re clean shaved so no pricklies, and just y’know, spell alphabet a couple times with your tongue,” Marie rolled her eyes, “and because I can see the wheels turning in your neurotic head, lowercase, and when doing loops such as with ‘o’ or ‘b’ center of the loop around the clit. I mean, at least that’s what I do and it seems to work.”
“Fine,” Mark said as Jess was already stripping off her pants, panties coming along. She was cleanly shaved, leaving only a small landing strip of pubic hair above her womanhood. Mark shrugged and went to his knees.
Following Marie's advice, his mind drifted to whether or not his inability to taste was proving detrimental or beneficial to his cunnilingus skills. Jess’ moans and occasional mumbled phrases such as ‘that’s it’ told him that Marie’s advice proved sound. He occasionally had to focus back on the task at hand as his mind drifted, but Jess seemed to enjoy the shakes of his head as he refocused himself. Jess' moans grew louder.
Behind him, Marie was taking off her clothes, being the first fully naked and pulled a pillow off her bed and set it on the floor behind Mark. Reaching around and inside his underwear, she wrapped her small hand around his shaft, slowly and with great care not to get him too excited. She nodded at the length and girth, as she gently stroked the length of him.
After a few minutes of intense pussy licking, Jess announced that she was ready and instructed Mark to stand up. She shifted herself, rolled her shoulders and took off her shirt, revealing small, but nicely rounded b-cup breasts. Getting onto her knees in front of Mark, she took him into her mouth. Mark groaned as Marie also stood up, this time behind Jess, one hand in and began licking the sides of Mark’s mouth, she wanted to taste Jess on him, and found the slightly fruity taste mixed with Mark’s saliva highly appealing.
Jess bobbed her head back and forth on Mark’s shaft, occasionally humming, sending a thrilling buzzing sensation into Mark. He groaned and occasionally struggled to breathe as waves of pleasure shot through him. It didn’t take long before he announced he was about to, at which point Jess abruptly stopped, leaving him just before the point of no return, and had a wicked smile on her lips.
“Not just yet, Mark,” she teased.
“Okay, I want somebody in my mouth, and somebody’s mouth on me,” Marie said, “You two don’t get to have all the fun. I’m going lie down. Jess, I want your pussy straddling my face. Mark, I want you between my legs.”
“I live to serve,” Mark said, frustration and sarcasm at the denial of climax evident on his voice.
“Whatever you want,” Jess purred, as Marie settled herself on the bed.
Jess stood up and then straddled Marie’s face, her knees to the sides of her head and pussy right above her. Marie then wrapped her arms around Jess’ waist and grabbed hold of her ass. “Damn girl! You got a great ass!” she announced before diving into Jess’ honey pot.
Whether Marie was more skilled at cunnilingus, or that Jess was already warmed up was unclear, but Jess’ moaned loudly and quickly, gently rocking her hips back and forth, fucking herself on Marie’s tongue as she stared down, one hand under Marie’s head looking down at her and between moans whispering things such as ‘that’s it baby’ or ‘oh yeah that’s good.’
Mark had his arms wrapped around Marie’s waist as he flicked his tongue around her pussy, swirling around the clit. This time he didn’t need to even refocus, but feeling blood surging into his cock, well aware that this was a once in a lifetime event and not bothering to even think about how he got so lucky.
Marie and Jess orgasmed almost simultaneously as Jess collapsed forward, bracing herself on the bedframe.
“I don’t think I can hold back anymore,” Mark said, raising his head from between Marie’s legs. “Can I put on that condom, you two have each came at least once and I’m stuck holding back.”
“That’s because when a guy comes, sex is over, so you had to wait, but you’ve been a good boy, which of us do you want first?” Marie teased.
“That’s only if the refractory period is too long. If oral is initiated between and you have a reasonable refractory period, it can keep going,” Mark said, mildly annoyed.
“Okay, positioning,” Marie said, “Mark, you lie down where I was, since you decided to be a dick instead of just going along with it, you lost the privilege of picking who you go in first. Jess goes first, I’m going to sit on your face, Jess, while you ride him, reach around and play with my tits or something and keep me going.”
Mark lay down on the bed, thankful that Marie had implied she would sit facing him as opposed to facing backwards. He did not like the idea of his tongue or nose being anywhere near a butthole.
Jess sighed as she lowered herself onto him, albeit with Marie’s help. Marie gave Jess a quick peck on the cheek before moving over and straddling Mark’s face. Mark wrapped his arms around Marie, in a facsimile of the way Marie had done so for Jess, grabbing hold of her cheeks. From above him, he could see hands playing with Marie’s breast, occasionally pinching the nipples and groping them.
Jess found that grabbing hold of Marie’s tits helped her stay steady, after somewhere around two or three (she had forgotten how many) orgasms, staying upright became challenging, but Marie seemed to have no trouble. Mark’s cock filled her nicely as she rocked her hips, raising and lowering, mostly slowly as her energy was draining from the orgasms and sex. She leaned forward and began licking Marie’s neck, which Marie encouraged eagerly.
Mark had never experienced pleasure like this. Whether it was in part from how long it felt like he had been denied, or the visuals of a beautiful woman rocking on his face, while another beautiful woman riding him, but he did not care. Focusing on Marie’s pussy, flicking and swirling his tongue, and occasionally thrusting it as deep as he could into her, Marie’s moans spurred him on.
Exclamations of pleasure resonated through the dorm room as the wild threesome continued. Eventually, the rhythmic motions of Jess sent Mark over the limit; he groaned and e filled the condom with his spunk. Noticing it, Jess crawled off him, and Marie did likewise as Mark turned over, struggling to catch his breath.
“Oh god, I feel like I just emptied a week’s worth into that, and I really doubt I’ll be able to get it up again this month.” Mark groaned, “Is there a trashcan?”
Marie pointed at a small trashcan, and Mark rolled the condom off into the bin. The three of them sat naked for a long moment, struggling to breathe and looking at each other’s faces, red and drained. The musky odor of sex permeated through the room, prompting Marie to open a window and put a fan into it, trying to assist in air circulation. Her knees wobbled and she nearly collapsed against the wall after getting the fan in the window.
Marie inhaled deeply, “Same time next week? Jess, you can share the bed with me, and Mark, you can sleep on the floor tonight if you’re too drained to make it back to your room, or you feel awkward coming back in so late.”
“Water-“ Jess gasped. Marie reached into her mini-fridge and tossed both Mark and Jess bottles of water and grabbed one herself.
“I appreciate it, yeah,” Mark said, gulping down water.
“Neither of you answered my question,” Marie complained.
“I’ll answer in the morning,” Mark said, and Jess nodded in agreement.
Jess and Marie kept each other warm in the bed, as Mark wrapped a blanket around himself, keeping himself warm and his naked body away from the cold tiled floor.
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IncestThe Lively Lingerie Timber Grove: Story #6 By Trinity Larry Green was looking through the clothing area of the Timber Grove thrift shop when a man walked up to him. "Hey, Larry, how are you doing today?" It was Levi Schimbare, the owner of the shop and a friend of Larry's. "Oh, hi Levi... I'm alright, I guess..." "Come now, you don't sound alright." Levi looked at Larry like a car salesman would look at a stranger. "Tell Levi what troubles you." "Well, Margie and I have...
After booting up the Internet and logging on to Messenger, Elaine was notified of two new messages in her email box. She knew one was from herself. She’d emailed a whole host of links she’d unearthed after Googling the names ‘Gloria Brame’ and ‘Jay Wiseman’ on the library’s computer earlier in the day. They were the authors that had set Gary on his path. Between classes she’d had a bit of spare time and the library seemed to be the logical and safest place to go. At the time she hadn’t been so...
When the cats’s away, the nanny tries on the pussy’s lingerie! That’s the philosophy of Jessa Rhodes, who doesn’t like to see nice bra-and-panties set go to waste. While stopping by to pick up her payment for watching Ryan’s kids, she learns that his wife is stiffing him again for work when they could have the entire house to themselves for the night! Jessa feels bad … until on the way to the bathroom she sees some purple lingerie on the bed that she knows won’t be worn my the missus! Someone’s...
xmoviesforyouThis was an exciting time for me: it was the first time I'm moving away from home and my parents. I just finished my third year in university and I was finally qualified for an intern job in the field I’m studying. I jumped on the first chance to move away from home. My heart pounded every time I thought of the freedom I will have living by myself. A wide grin spread across my face when I thought about being able to masturbate without having to worry about my parents bursting into my room...
First Time1Three Wishesby The TechnicianFantasy, Transgender Male to Female, D/s (Implied)It was late evening. The sun was setting and a full moon was just beginning to rise. I was walking on the beach, but not to enjoy the breeze or the view. I was debating with myself whether on not to swim out into the ocean until I was too tired to swim anymore and thus end it all. I'm told that if you aren't struggling against it, drowning is a rather quiet and peaceful death, but was death what I was seeking? ...
It was just about a quarter after eleven. 'The regular crowd shuffles in.' For some reason, Detective Sergeant Joe Lanzetta, a seventeen year veteran of the Orlando Police Department, couldn't get that Billy Joel song out of his head. He hummed a snatch of the melody. 'There's an old man at the bar / Making love to his tonic and gin.' Well ... so what if he didn't get all the lyrics exactly right? Well, 'the regular crowd' on a Memorial Day holiday was about a zillion tourists, all...
Statuesque porn MILF Kianna Dior has long hair and massive boobs. Wearing boxing gloves, she slams the heavy bag, and we learn that she likes to challenge herself in all of her physical pursuits. The camera captures sumptuous titty tease. Kianna talks a streak of filth about cocksucking, spit and cum throughout this blowjob scene. She enjoys her favorite post-workout reward, fellatio with face fucking. Kianna practices her deepthroat skills choking on director Jonni Darkko’s dick, with...
xmoviesforyouThe alarm clock beeped insistently, and a small hand wriggled out from beneath the sheets to bat at it. "Shut the fuck upppppp," came the hoarse voice from somewhere in the mess of duvet and blanket. The hand found the snooze button and retracted, an audible sigh of contentment coming from within the den of comfort. The alarm beeped again. Had it really already been fifteen minutes? With a heavy sigh, Maisie Williams tossed the covers off herself and sat up, her hair a mess, and reached for her...
I came in from work one evening and discovered that my estranged husband and his roadie, Danny were back in town. My husband was a traveling musician and I was never quite sure when he might arrive back from a tour. When I walked through the front door, Danny was passed out on the floor in his boxer shorts with an empty Jack Daniels bottle lying beside him. My husband, Sam were sitting on the floor with a towel wrapped around his waist and appeared to be fresh out of the shower. As he sat...
We both went for a shower and then downstairs for a couple of drinks before Tyler arrived. I was still reeling at what a horny bitch my wife had turned into.Tyler arrived shortly after 9 pm and Katie introduced him to me. He was as attractive as she had described and seemed very confident, he certainly wasn't showing any nerves at meeting the husband of the woman he had fucked the day before. "So what's the plan?" he asked us.Katie answered, "I thought we could have a couple of drinks and then...
Brolly Dolly Part 2 © Elaine 2021 This story was inspired from watching girls on the grids at Motorsports events and who are employed as eye candy in amongst all the high technology and high-octane world. Have you ever noticed that on the motor racing grids, it is usually the men who race and it's the glamorous ladies usually holding up the umbrellas to shield the riders or drivers from the sun or the rain? Just what would it be like for a boy to be suddenly exposed to...
Northern LightsAuthor: MorlockEdited 061712---------------PrologI'm not sure who I am writing this for, but up here, the nights are long and the entertainment is strictly whatever a person can come up with. Like most Sourdoughs, reading is popular to fill up the hours so I am not completely uneducated, although I have to say that my attention span in school was not the best in the class. Of course, the preferred entertainment to fill up leisure hours is to lay on top of the opposite sex,...
Introduction: No introduction needed……… Many things have happened since my initial stories were posted. I just had my 16th birthday at the beginning of April and my dad and I have relocated nearly 200 miles away from where we previously resided. The unfortunate thing is I had had to start all over with making new friends as well as dealing with a new school. My dad and I are still very much into our relationship as it became to exist a little over a year ago through a few friends. Although I...
David I arrived back at the mansion about an hour later. Johnny was talking to Susan and drinking a Dr. Pepper. I said I see you two are getting to know each other. He said yeah, Colonel, little feisty, kept badgering me wanting to know where you were and if you were alright. I told her you can take care of yourself. She gave me a stare that would boil water. Johnny didn’t need to know about our relationship just yet so I debriefed him on what I found out and asked him to locate Rothschild....
One evening, John asked Nancy, "How bad will this get if we go another year here?" "Very bad. We will be weaker. Our bones will no longer be as strong. We'll have eye problems. The list goes on. It won't be pretty. There will be more deaths as our defenses give way to infections or diseases already in our bodies." John said, "Nancy, immediately after the first of May, I think it best we head out. I'm convinced that we can't wait now that we can get around. I think we..." What he...
Dream 2: Out of the Blue by Paul Jutras Part 4 John?s mother leaned against the kitchen counter in a sports bra, denim jeans turned into shorts and white sneakers. She came into the house and went right for a bottle water in the fridge. "I see you?re up dear." She smiled. "Looking forward to slumber party with Amy tonight?" "A dream come true, mom." John said as his sweat glittered off of his skin, green leotard and tan pantyhose. After he had taken his hormone pill, he spent...
The little group was doing its best to find out what had happened on Jeremy and Danni's date. They wouldn't say anything but that they had a good time. They were all sitting at a table in the cafeteria at lunch time. Jeremy had come up to Danni before school with a sheep eating grin on his face. "Did you get into as much trouble as I did last night, man my father read me the riot act when I got home, I'm grounded for a week and what's worse I have to help around the house for a month."...
Steve loved his job as a Paramedic and paramedic instructor. He had been working for 15 years helping people. Very seldom did he get a thank you. But that was ok for him. Steve also enjoyed teaching. Plus the extra money he made allowed him to live a decent life. Steve never had much of a love life. With his work and strange working hours it was hard to find someone to be with. Steve was transporting a man from the nursing home to the hospital. Steve knew his patient from the many times he...
Miss Jones left the headmaster's office with a pussy oozing cum into her panties and the salty taste of Sir's sperm in her mouth. She was his Senior Mistress, eager to learn what benefits accrued from her new responsibilities. First she had to shower and wash so her husband could not smell her reeking of sex. To him, she was just a wife grateful for the meagre boring sex he gave her once a week if she was lucky. Never saying no, always making him cum, never complaining about being...
SeductionMay 5, 1976 Scared of what was happening, Jibat followed the girl in front of him, glancing left and right at the adults who were spaced along the route they were following. He and twenty nine other kids, all around the age of five, were marching in a line across an open space towards an airplane. He had never seen a plane up close like this. His only knowledge of planes was watching them move across the sky high up in the air. He glanced down at his chest. A large oval piece of metal hung...
Numi Zarah was sitting on a wall next to a canal with fancy boats in the background. The bus stopped next to her. The boys offered $100 for an interview. She wanted $200. So they agreed on it. Luckily she thought the interview inside the van, so there wasn’t much suspense if the boys would succeed this time. She was a spoiled girl though. The usual price chart did not work its magic. The boys had to dig a lot deeper into the stash of fake money to make this girl willing. But then she flashed...
xmoviesforyouCleo Vixen is a dumb teen slut who is very gullible. This is perfect for delinquent football players who come by her house looking for their coach. These huge dudes want to get even with their coach, so they decide to try to fuck her when they learn she is also pissed off at him for not buying her concert tickets. They call out to this petite teen daughter and she hears them out about being provided a ticket to this concert she so badly wants to see. She is tiny compared to these tall guys, but...
xmoviesforyouIt was taking Owen Temple forever to cum. Even though the boisterous red-head had given him the best blow job of his life, he couldn't help but wonder where Rita was. The ex-college football player was pretty certain that she was wandering around the house somewhere, looking for a secluded spot where she could sit and sulk. It was beyond Owen's comprehension that his blonde wife could get into anything like the orgy that was taking place in the Reed home. She was so straight that she would...
This is the continuation of my previous story. Please open the following link for the first part and then continue with this one. Just for reminding, I am giving the characters in this story again. Characters in the story: Geeta – She is a decent looking girl of 5 4″ with curly hair and her stats may be 32 26 34. Swathi – slim and sexy with a height of 5 5″ with stats of 32 24 34. Her ass looks very soft. Madhavi – She has very big and round ass as well as big breasts, very curvy with stats 38...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: April 25, 2011) Chapter 33 - The Songs We Sing Dad awakened me a few hours later to allow me enough time to get ready and eat lunch before we had to go. I was a little tired from the wacky schedule, and wondered if going back...
After all this time he had found the Crystal of Shakaka. An artifact that would give one power over the gods themselves. And it had merged with him just like the book had stated. It didn't tell of the planic shift but then again few had heard of the Crystal. The power to control mind's and body's of all who he come in contact with. The power to manipulate the reality of the world around him both object and creature. For the rest of his life. Alright, for a novice mage. He had followed his...
FantasyIt was 7pm at the Camden household and Simon's girlfriend Dena was just dropped off at their house, to stay the night, since her parents were going out of town. Rev. and Mrs. Camden were very willing to let Dena stay over. They let her stay in Simon's room, while he stayed with Matt. Everyone went to sleep pretty early that night. But around 3am Dena heard a noise, that scared her, so she decided to sneak into Matt's room to see Simon. Both Matt and Simon were sharing a big bed and both guys...
Seth was still not completely back to normal when the semester started. He had already started shifting his class load heavily in the direction of psychology. At night, Seth avoided visiting to a large extent. His experience with Jerome made him leery of getting into anyone else's mind, because he did not know if he could help them at this time, and he wasn't sure if he was at a point where he could take not being able to help. Seth's love life was also reduced. In his first semester, he...
A threesome with my wife and a friend of mine part 2Like, I said in my first part of the story! We had a great night with my friend and my wife. After my wife went to work in the morning, my friend and I slept for a while. When. We woke up, we didn't bother getting dressed, we stayed naked walking around the house just the two of us. We had something to eat and the. We talked again about the fun we had the night before with my wife. He was telling how much, enjoyed my wife sucking his cock and...
Hi readers! First, a little information about myself real quick for reader who are reading my stories for first time: I’m a twenty-seven year old female from Bangladesh . I have been residing in America for few years now. Not married yet, short and chubby with long black hair, full lips and a fair complexion. Other details are my 34d bust, 38 panties size (I love to wear micro thongs and skimpy panties for smaller frontal coverage so my choot is visible) pierced nose, thick puffy slit, and...
Rosemary released Paul's elbows and turned him around in the chair. She pulled out some makeup and lightly did up his face. It didn't take much, just some powder and lipstick. "Now you stay there while I give your old friend a call. He's waiting next door and will come over right away." She chuckled, "You two are going to have so much to catch up on!" Rosemary opened the door and stepped out. "Now or never," Paul muttered, as he lunged for the open door. Unaccustomed to the high...
He finally found a place to sit down. His legs were tired and he could hear the music just as well when not on them. Then he noticed a guy on top of a girl under a blanket right next to him. It was obvious from the movement that his dick was pumping her. She was pretty and her eyes were closed. Big smile on her face as she passively took his thrusts. The guy finished and struggled a bit to get his dick in his pants before emerging from under the blanket. Moments later another guy whispered in...
Hello, friends, hope you all read ‘Sanjana a married whore’. It was my first story.Here is another one. It is all about my friend Soham. We were in an engineering college at that time. He was one of my best friends. He was very much careful about his studies as well as about his physical fitness. He used to go for morning walk outside the campus. One day morning I got a phone call from the local police station and I got the news that my friend was arrested. I was completely shocked. I went to...
The more a woman looks and dresses like a hot slutty streetwalking prostitute the more I am attracted to her because this is my ideal looking and dressing woman and who I am most proud to have at my side whenever and wherever and regardless of what anyone else thinks. A man like me must be very strong and confident to have a slutwhorish looking and dressing woman at his side because society is very cruel! They look at her and I with disgust and hatred, they laugh at her, call her names and...
Glistening sweat sliding down such a gorgeous body. Deep grunts and loud moans echoing across tall walls and through the furiously deepening ecstasy of two bodies moving as one heightening to the climax of, the running back breaking the last tackle before reaching the end zone. Just another practice ending before next weeks football game. Jerry, 20 years old, full collage scholarship for the football team, standing a hair over 5’8” and built a little smaller than most athletes. Like any other...
“Hey, could you help me with something?”My brain went into hyperdrive. Help her… The hottest, youngest piece of ass I’d seen on the golf course the last six months with the shortest skirt, tightest ass, and firmest breasts, in the most form fitting and braless tops EVER in the world! The perfect golf girl! She wanted me to help her with something . Like maybe put my sprung hard cock in her hot, wet, tight pussy! Help her like that?!Luckily what came out of my mouth was, “Uh, sure. How...
"And keep her out of the sun Fahid," Sapphire instructed the man who was to be my boss for the day, "She's got to be back on harem duty the day after tomorrow and they will want to see nice white flesh, not skin blotched with red sunburn. Otherwise you can treat her like your other two girls except she isn't used to hard manual work. She has permission to photograph you and the others at work so allow her to do that." Sapphire went on to explain why I was there while I shivered in the...
Introduction As I start posting I realize there will likely be requests to explain a few things like who we are, where we came from, how we arrived here, and finally why I want to begin telling our story. Those details will gradually be embedded in everything I write while trying to be as close as possible to the actual experiences we've had over the past 24 years. I will be honest, giving you the highs and the lows of our alternative lifestyle. Although I believe we both have few regrets,...
I’m a tall good-looking guy with a muscular swimmer’s body. In the early 1990s I was in my early twenties and living in the UK, and from time to time I hitch-hiking around the place, exploring especially the North and Scotland. I had recently broken up with a girlfriend and although I’d had the odd random, highly exciting play in public toilets, had never really been with a guy. I’d exchanged a few blowjobs and that was it. One day I was hitch-hiking from London up to Scotland and had just been...
I needed to gather up some will, and when need courage I sometimes lecture myself. “Girl, you're in London. You're overseas for the first time in your life. You just got divorced and you need to have some fun.” That's what I told myself when I was packing for a three-month stint working in London. I told myself that again as I checked in at my hotel, which turned out to be old and bit run-down. The lower cost had made accounting happy and what in the world could be more important than a happy...
LesbianWhen I was 19, I was hanging out and sleeping over my friend's house fairly often. We were working on computers and trying to write a game and all sorts of other geeky stuff. During that time, I struck up a friendship with his mom as well. She was 43yo at the time, and very hot and young-minded for her age.There was one evening when my friend had left to go hang out with another friend, and I didn't want to go along, so I hung out with his mom and we just watched TV and talked. She asked me if...
Dear Ravneet, I don’t know if this letter will reach you in response to yours. I think that you were aware that if you couldn’t get out, only luck, Providence, or both would enable your admittedly heartbroken and apologetic “Dear John” epistle to reach my desk. Well, it obviously arrived, and if you’re reading this, so did my response by the oddest quirk of Fate or God or whatever. I must confess that this hurts. It hurts a lot, in fact. But you know that. It clearly hurts you as well. I...
Agle din subha, tino hi mujhse pahle uth ke apne kaam mein lag chuki thi. Mujhe college jaana tha aur late ho raha tha. Lund mein bhi jalan si thi. Pahle kabhi sex kiya nahi tha isliye subha himmat nahi thi ki sex karun. Sushila ko sharmate hue se bataya toh muskura di aur boli. Hadbadi karoge toh sahna hi padega. Fir oil le kar aayee aur room band kar ke halke haathon se maalish karne lagi. Lund puri tarah tan gaya aur oil ke karan jalan kam hui. Maine Sushila ke kamar aur pet pe haath ghumana...
It was Friday night about 8pm. My wife Debi and I were settled in. She was wearing a t-shirt and panties. I had on a pair of gray flannel shorts and a baggy tank top. I sat at the end of the sofa, Debi was on the end of the love seat next to me. We were holding hands and watching TV, the Netflix movie was R rated. Debi was bummed that they didn’t show any cock, we would probably watch some XXX porn later. But we both enjoyed watching the tits shake around in the nude scenes. Watching a well...
IntroductionLove and affection come in many forms. I’ve experienced them all, from the playful love through new experiences; the unwavering selfless love of a years-long friendship; and the deep, maturing love of a committed romance.Throughout all these experiences has existed the delicious fire of eroticism. The burning passion of two ships passing in the night, aware of each other for only the briefest of encounters. An understanding gentleness, touched by the sweetness of childhood...
MasturbationGod, every muscle in my body aches. I haven't felt this exhausted and kicked around since I took on those five archmages from the Brotherhood of the Crystal Flame- Wait. That was years ago. What happened to me? More to the point, where the hell am I? And come to think of it, who am I? I took a quick look around. Light forest, with moderate undergrowth. I was lying against the trunk of an oak tree at the edge of a small clearing. Complete with babbling brook running through it. A more...
Chapter 5 Everything carried on just like it had yesterday. Monroe was locked up in chastity, but at night they had the best sex he had ever had in his life. He still didn't like being locked up in chastity, but it was very much worth it for what he got in return. Gone were the thoughts of wanting to get rid of the cage as soon as possible. He didn't want to upset Lena and fuck up this great way in which their relationship seemed to have evolved. After about a week of mind-blowing...
Sarah Jessie’s about to start a new life after her divorce: sell her stuff, sell her house, and move to Hawaii. That’s why her neighbor Ryan is over looking at the grill she’s trying to hawk. He’s in the market for one, and she’s a tattooed vegan with big tits, so they make the perfect yard-sale couple. What else is perfect is that Sarah’s not married anymore, which means she’s single, which means she’s horny for cock, which means it’s Ryan’s lucky fucking day. And when she steps into the house...
xmoviesforyouThe New Neighbor By Christianne Larry met his new neighbor a week after the moving vans left. The new neighbor knocked on Larry's door just before noon on Saturday. Larry was still groggy from sleeping all morning. He had been working like a plantation slave during the preceding week and a half and was trying to catch up on much-needed rest, so he wasn't as cheerful about someone knocking on his door as he might have been. He hadn't shaved yet and was dressed only in a pair of sweat...
Ashley woke up early that June morning. It was her nineteenth birthday, and she and her twin brother Andrew had planned on a pool party for their friends that evening. It was a Saturday, and the weather forecast was for hot, sunny and not too humid – highs in the 80s, but no afternoon thunderstorm to spoil the fun. Yesterday, she had taken – dragged, he would say – her brother out to get new bathing suits. He’d been a really good sport about the whole thing, she had to admit, if only to...
IncestIntroduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach: be my dad, he [b]43 FIRST PLACE GRACE Karim, can I have your permission to have three players coach tonight that are not captains? Sure, Sean. Let me guess whoFred, Michael, and Jeff. Great minds think alike! All three feel honored to be recognized for their leadership. Each does well in their assigned two innings. Tremendous sportsmanship between the two teams continues throughout the evening. Again the Cubs win...
If one more person came in here with a fake cheery smile on their face and asked 'how are we feeling', she might shove an IV stand down their throat. How was she suppose to feel? She'd gotten knocked around by a serial killer, thrown around by a huge black sedan and smashed into by a SUV. She felt like shit. She had bruises on top of bruises. She felt aches in places that she didn't know could ache. And, knowing how bruises and aches went, she didn't doubt that she would feel worse...
Several months ago, my wife and I invited my best friend and his wife to visit and stay the weekend with us. It was Friday and I had to work, but planned on getting off work early to meet them. Well my buddy called when he got into town and my wife was home, but unfortunately I wasn't able to leave my job right away. They arrived at my home and my wife greeted them and made them feel at home. We were planning on barbequeing and swimming later that evening. My wife got them all situated and told...
June 5, 1944 Plymouth, England The rain made rivers down the window as thunder rumbled across the shore. From his vantage point, he could see the boats bobbing in the violent harbor waters. The muscles in his back were tight as he stared across the English Channel, imagining the Germans in their bunkers facing him as they hunkered down through the storm. As he took a long draw from his cigarette, he wondered if they had done everything right. Most of the Americans sleeping in tents on the...